#and maybe im more in love with the idea of her?
edensxgarden · 1 day
landoscar hires their girl as their personal assistant so she will quit her job and travel with them 🪼🪼🪼
Im sorry but i just COULDN'T help but turn this into dark!landoscar 💔. 
Lando and Oscar who love their girlfriend so, so much. They were so beyond obsessed with her and they would never even dream about doing ANYTHING to ever hurt her. 
Except.. maybe they could and maybe they actually were planning something that would definitely, definitely hurt you but.. in the end it would all be for the better!!! 
It all started when you missed a mclaren 1-2 because you just couldn't miss some important bullshit at work and they had to end the race weekend with their painfully aching cocks thrusting up into their hands instead of into you. 
So they decided on something very evil together on the way home, something they knew they should feel guilty for but they really couldn't bring themselves to care. 
So as soon as they got home they made a note to fill your needy cunt up so many times, your tight hole was literally pushing out their cum as you squeezed around their tongues, whimpering and whining out your little praises and congratulations between desperate pleas of their names. 
And once they were finally done with you, they tucked you in, kissing your forehead and letting you doze off, all innocent smiles and cuddles. 
But once you were finally out, Oscar grabbed your phone from the bedside table, quickly finding the your boss' number and sending the most heinous things he could possibly think of before handing the phone to Lando to do the same. 
So it was more than expected when you got home the next day hours early, sobbing about being fired, how you didn't even understand what you did. 
Good thing they deleted the messages. 
Oscar took you into his big strong arms as lando pressed soft kisses to your neck and shoulders, both of them cooing about how everything will be ok. 
It took a few hours before lando finally slipped the idea into conversation, lightheartedly mentioning how at least now you could come to their races with them. 
You quickly realized, maybe it was all for the better. You could depend on your boyfriends, they had more than enough money to support you. You didn't need to have a job, you could always rely on them. 
You went to bed, tears dried and heart full, so beyond grateful for your sweet boyfriends who were always there for you <3 
And the next time oscar and lando got a 1-2, they had you there cheering them on and giving them something much better to come back to the hotel to. 
Lando gripped your hips from behind, using his bruising hold on you to slam his hips into you, until his dick was so deep inside you, his leaky tip was drooling in your tummy. 
And oscar was so deep in your throat, you were drooling and sputtering as his hands in your hair moved in tandem with landos to push you up and down their fat cocks.
 You were so cockdrunk. Your brain was so hazy and broken and your eyes were so teary, you couldn't even notice the little smirk lando and oscar gave eachother. They both smugly looked at eachother, knowing you would never ever know the way they flipped your entire life upside down. Now, you could forever be their sweet little cockslut, completely and utterly dependent on them forever. <3 
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muffinsin · 1 day
hi hello hola bonjour aloha 😵😵😵😵
OKOKOK SOOOOOOO ........ i know this request is weird BUUUUTTTT could u maybe possibly do the dimitrescus being with someone (as in, having an s/o) thats a humanoid arachnid??? If im spelling that correctly? rahhh idk
like, imagine those spider-people with like, agile spider legs on their back, sharp fangs, multiple, red/purple/gray eyes, dark fluffy hair, red/purple/other markings, etc etc. I think it would be funny since theyre literally flies dating a spider .. which eats flies
u can use doctor octavius as reference for the spider leg placement if u didnt understand, or like, angel dust??? Its up to ur interpertation, really, but id prefer if they did have normal human legs .. and features .. since a giant spider with a human head feels unnatural .. giggle, giggle
AS ALWAYS!!! take care!!!!!! Make sure to take breaks inbetween requests!!!!!
WITH MUCH LOVE AND LESBIANISM 😈😈😈😈 (the gayness directed at the dimitrescus .. not u, becauze .. i dunno u .. and thats weird)
Piece out! (Not peace, i require violence)
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Hell yeah!!🙌 Funnily enough, I think there was once talk of an arachnoid reader on this blog, but the idea got lost somewhere. I’m happy to dive back into it now!👀 Let’s get into it!
What started out as a sudden introduction in the forest, soon became more
Back then already, Bela was- unsurprisingly- intrigued by you
After all, your appearance alone is enough to make most double check whether they saw right
And she was certainly no better
Though, at the very least you did the same then, not quite believing you ran into one of the infamous Dimitrescu daughters
During your first interaction, time almost stood still as the two of you inspected one another-
you, standing in place when you ran just moments ago,
Bela, stilled with her sickle held in her hand, as though frozen like a deer in the headlights upon running across you
- it was a cute moment, even, in itself. Both of you, stunned by each other
Where you saw a pair of strong, piercing golden eyes, she saw multiple pairs of eyes
You watched then as she studied them almost, her own flickering across your face
The two eyes at the center of your face, human-looking in every aspect but their colour
A dark grey, she originally thought
In time, she would find and adore the specks of red and purple in them, only found upon closer inspection. But more of that later
Then, more eyes, stretching across the side of your forehead almost
5 of them, some more slit than others, some smaller, some larger
She shivered at the sight, but even you saw the curiosity shimmer within her back then already
It was clear to both of you that neither was mortal. Not entirely so, at least
Where you saw her regal, almost gothic and Victorian dress and the sickle, she spotted torn clothing
A villager, or at the very least that’s what you used to be
Only was your clothing torn and almost webbed shut again, the strings keeping your cloths together so fine they couldn’t possibly be any fabric or wool
While her fingers held the sickle tight, your long ones moved slightly, as if restless
More things were apparent immediately, such as,
Your long, strong legs allowing you to stand tall, nearly the same as Bela
Something unusual, certainly
And then, of course, the other pair
The strong, somewhat thin pair of arms or legs- Bela could never quite tell- sprouting from your back
The fuzzy, dark hair falling down your shoulders and back, a little too untrimmed, a little too wild for even the villagers’ standards
And the strange marks stretching across your bare arms
Neither of you attacked one another, then
In fact, neither of you moved, until the sounds of the angry mob of villagers faded away
You don’t entirely remember most of what happened after, only remember begging her to take you with her
Despite its reputation, you knew working and living at the castle must be better than starving out at the forest
And, holding the same curiosity in her tone, she agreed and took you in
Only were you no mere staff member, dusting this and that
You were Bela’s favorite
And everyone knew
You worked for her only, didn’t take orders from even the head maiden
The two of you spent more and more time together, chatting and sharing bits and pieces of yourselves
Your- nature- certainly made your work more challenging and fun
As such, at times, you would hold onto the walls with the limbs stemming from your back and climb high to the ceiling to dust even the top of the shelves
Often- surprisingly often given how busy she was- Bela opted to join you
Not in cleaning, of course. You’re sure she thinks it’s below her
Instead, she’d often- and still does- swarm halfway, as if sleeping on an invisible mattress in the air
She’d watch you work, talk occasionally
At other times, she’d trace your limbs gently when no words were exchanged
And, unsurprisingly, the ever growing bond and fondness between the two of you leads to something more
While Bela was the first to initiate things, you proudly claimed the first kiss from her
Upon being in a relationship, she found out more about you still
Like the sharp fangs in your mouth, which she loves to trace and feel dig into her skin
She loves the webs you spin, her fingertips occasionally dragging against the light silk
Sometimes, a fly of hers gets stuck
That, she loves less
And still, you always take care of the little insects, ensuring they won’t be trapped in some of the smaller webs you leave
At times, you quite intentionally web her, your spidery silk-like web trapping her arms above her head, her body fondled by the many limbs you possess….
Alas, we’re trailing off, but of course, your nature, body, and abilities are appreciated in all aspects
The bedroom being one of them, too
Though, Bela loves nothing more than cuddling up together, too
Especially when held in your arms, all of them wrapped tightly around her
It’s perfect to her, and often a blanket or two will be thrown in the mix in winter
Once, you suggested wrapping her up in your webs to keep her warm, which she quickly shut down
You learn, she doesn’t like feeling like prey, dislikes the feeling of being stuck like…well, a fly in a web
Speaking of, insects are strictly off the menu for you
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t encourage you to hunt, though
Often, you spin your webs at the forest surrounding the castle, hoping to bring back a catch that might earn you the favor of her younger sisters and mother
At other times, Bela all but swoons when you trap a particularly delicious maid and deliver her to her as a snack
Still, there is one thing that amuses you to no end…
She loved you, wholeheartedly. And she loved your arachnoid nature, too. She loves every bit of you
So you can’t explain to yourself why your partner is so terribly scared of spiders
The small critters truly do a number on her, prompting screams and shrill squeals, shivers and so on
Always, you ensure there are no spiders in the castle. No webs but your own
…Your lovely girlfriend and her sisters, suffering from arachnophobia
The thought always makes you giggle
Looking back, you can hardly believe your luck
Not only did you survive Mother Miranda’s experimenting, the depths of the village, the infamous basement of castle Dimitrescu and its residents, but also wooed one of them
Having Cassandra sleeping soundly on top of you, your limbs wrapped around her, you allow yourself to think of how you first met
Her eyes, a dark golden light in the dark, piercing you the very same day you were sent to the castle basements
And it seems, you awakened curiosity within the sadist
Of course, a being like you would
Something so rare, someone so unique
While you were originally made to be her newest plaything, a failed experiment handed over, Cassandra had no interest in killing you
Not that this stopped her light torture
Though, looking back, you can’t help but giggle. Even then she showed you affection in her twisted ways
Like when she’d stroke a dagger along your limbs, the touch strong and grounding, her breath fast
She has always been so very curious about you
Your eyes are her favorite part of you
She loves how unsettling they look
Sometimes, she whines; she wants to pluck them from you so very badly, to hold and kiss, to preserve and carry with her always
You have learned to understand and love her twisted affection, her rough words and the gentle, almost romantic meaning behind them
While you could easily get lost in her dark golden eyes, the same goes for her and your eyes
Sometimes, she likes to just stare at them when you cuddle, her eyes desperately trying to meet all of yours
It’s an admittedly adorable sight
And even during your first introduction, when she had grabbed your face harshly, she easily got lost in your eyes
While originally chained to the moldy wall of the basement, you’re upgraded fast
You become her obsession, her pet, her favorite horror in the castle
An honor, really
You know when she calls you her horror, it’s the most romantic thing she can express with words
She loves every part of you, too
Early on already she experiments with you, your cooperative nature catching her slightly by surprise
As such, when she lifted and prodded, cut and sniffed and what not, you always took it as an opportunity to talk to her
Early on, you find out more and more of Cassandra
Later, you learn she often rambles mindlessly when utterly absorbed in her experiments, games, and torture
As such, early on already, you listened as she rambled about her sisters and her hunts
Your presence was always a refreshing one, really
Cassandra is bold
As such, when she noticed just that, and how much she had grown to care for “her experiment”, you were moved from the basement
Quickly, your relationship turned from one of a captive and their tormentor to desire
She clearly desired you, her breaths ragged around you, her heart beating fast, her lip bit, her hands touching up on your limbs eagerly
And you had no reason to hide your attraction, in turn
To this day, you like experimenting with her
In a way, it’s allowing her to get to know you more
Often, her experiments mean working out new techniques to spin webs
At other times, she wants to see how precisely you can control the limbs stemming from your back
With a nice routine of spending nearly every day together, it’s no surprise when you eventually made a move on her
One Cassandra eagerly accepted and returned
She isn’t one for terms, and has never been. You’ve never been her prisoner. Never her friend. Never her partner
Always, you are what she feels
You’re her love, her passion, her horror, her excitement, her desire, her sadism
Due to this, there has hardly been a change after you’ve asked her to be your girlfriend. To her, you’ve always been what you are to her
You’re her partner, despite how she doesn’t like naming what you have
Her favorite couple activity is spending quality time together
She loves to hunt together
Her favorite game?
To chase prey into your web
She laughs loudly when it happens, her pupils wide, her hands twitching
If you ate humans and raw meat as she does, she would grant you the first bite, sometimes
As such, she likes to watch you wrap her prey up and carry it home for her
Her second favorite activity is to experiment with you, and do art together
She likes it particularly much when you spin a web and allow her to direct you, the silky threads assuming a shape to her liking
As it comes to experimenting, she finds it particularly fun when the two of you get to chat, one of your limbs holding onto her or handing her tools
The others are usually made to hold down whatever poor soul has caught her eye and is now to die
But really, her bright smile and manic crackle of laughter seems to make all your remaining morals drip away
Other things she loves is to use your webs to create obstacles when she trains
She knows she can’t achieve Daniela’s speed and precision as it comes to flying and the swarm, but likes to practice either way
And you like to help her by putting webs in her way
Only sometimes does she get stuck, growling and grumbling to you and herself when she’s…well…a fly in the spider’s web
Oddly enough, this doesn’t bother her, yet when even the smallest little spider is near her, she freaks out
Usually, that means you get to flick it away, hunting it down and only granted a rest when you present your love with the creature’s body as proof of its passing
You shake your head, smiling fondly at this, before returning to stroking your long fingers through dark hair. Less thick, more combed and cleaner looking, yet nearly matching yours in color
She hums in her sleep. You know, she will awaken soon, ready to hunt or plead with you to please play with the maids with her
It’s so very fun to see them stumble and cry in the webs, she insists
To say Daniela was intrigued by you at first sight would be a vast understatement
Obsessed, more like it
Having been dragged to a lord’s meeting after countless experiments done by Mother Miranda, it’s the first and ideal opportunity to meet everyone
Including the stunning woman by the tall lady’s side
Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters, you learn
Daniela’s eyes are on you the instant you’re revealed to the lords
Gold with specks of green, piercing and curious, obsessed and eager
They flicker across you, your face and body, until they move back and flicker across your face, seemingly searching for eye contact
Eye contact, which proves difficult with the many sets of eyes you have
Oh, but she immediately gets lost in them
You flinch in surprise when she moves, fast, uncaring of the audience the two of you have
She’s pushed against you in an instant, her hands cupping your cheeks
Her skin is nearly as cold as yours, her palms cool as ice
She studies your eyes intensely
While she finds specks of red and purple, you find light shades of green hidden within the pools of gold of her eyes
Both of you immediately seem to fall in love with the sights presented to you
While you’re introduced as nothing but a failed experiment, Daniela immediately sees more in you
She begs, out loud as though she has no shame-
and maybe she doesn’t
- and she pleads:
“Mother, I must have them, please!”
And, you learn early on, Alcina Dimitrescu seems incapable of denying her youngest any wish she has
And in turn, it seems Mother Miranda has difficulty denying Alcina
As such, you’re handed over promptly, officially made Daniela’s property
She’d scoff at the title. You’re hers, though
You’ll be her best friend! Her love! Her soulmate!
She’s not wrong, at the end
For the first time in your life maybe, you feel free, even as you officially “belong to her”
You receive your own wing, even, though it’s near her own
You’re a little surprised at this, though now know that you’re given the entire wing by Alcina Dimitrescu to ensure no intruders would past the deadly webs and manage to find the precious youngest daughter
You’re quite proud of that, too
You like knowing you’re what stands between Daniela and any potentially dangerous intruders
You like knowing your webs will catch them should they sneak where they shouldn’t be
The only things she asks for are honesty, affection, genuine interest and respect
Things you’re eager to give her
In return, you receive time and space, love and affection, honesty and eagerness, care and happiness
While the two of you seem to start out as friends, more builds up between you fast
Daniela, bold as she is, is the first to initiate things, to steal looks and kisses, lingering touches and more
You eagerly give in, and the two of you become impossibly close
As such, you often sleep with her curled in your arms, your arms and legs wrapped around her, your limbs keeping her pressed close to you
She loves cuddling, loves holding your hands while your other limbs are wrapped around her
At other times, she likes to fight for fun with you
It’s a game to her, to evade your webs and limbs, to tackle them only to be smacked away by one of the long, strong limbs stemming from your back
Sometimes- usually- she wins
At other times, she ends up webbed by you, giggling when you make use of the opportunity to place small kisses all over her face
When she hunts on her own, she often takes you with her
She likes to race you, seemingly ignoring that your strength is not your speed, but the tactics and strategic placement of your webs
In the end, she likes to compare who captured the most prey
Often, it’s you, due to the many small animals getting lost in the webs
Though, she usually claims the larger and faster victims
Afterwards, she likes to indulge in snacks with you, often stroking along one of your limbs absently
When you’re spinning your webs, she likes to stay close and watch, occasionally freaking out when bits of her get stuck
She’s whining and snarling then, unable to free herself until you cut the webs loose and tug them from her
Despite liking your webs and being in your arms, Daniela doesn’t enjoy the feeling of being stuck in your webs
Too often has she lost herself as a fly in some spider’s web…
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I was thinking about this for a little bit but what would happen if Reverse Mabel (especially post-weirdmageddon) meets Anti-Mabel.
Seeing some call Reverse Mabel "evil" I feel this would be a very intresting interaction, Reverse Mabel may see her as someone she could of easily become.
ahh, the "anti" dimension. i ruminated on the concept a LOT back when lost legends first released! i think theres an amateurish fic i wrote somewhere in my files of anti-mabel getting basically-adopted by a one of us au ford BUT I CANT FIND IT.
excuse the opportunity im taking to rant about the idea of anti mabel as a whole lol, but... [continued under cut!]
her dimension is a little confusing to think about sometimes, because the story she comes from, don't dimension it, i think a lot of us can widely agree was almost too much of a "pivot" in a direction we didnt really need to go? it's focusing on addressing mabel's "selfishness", especially in the wake of that flood of mabel hate that started picking up steam, but i feel like the version of mabel that exists in don't dimension it is just... not very true or accurate to the actual character. it feels like a very extended "sorry we had mabel make a rash decision in the heat of the moment that the characters forgave her for because they understand and love her. we will now proceed to have a dimension of all mabels where theyre portrayed as so self-absorbed that theyre all stuck on that dimension with no hope of returning home." excuse my dramatic wording but i swear to god that's what it feels like! and that's what it READS like!
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mabel got "caught up in her own mabelness"? she gets distracted with crafts and cats like a SQUIRREL?? the idea of her neglecting those around her being put directly next to her going "i caused an entire apocalypse just to get one more day of summer?" SHE WAS GOING TO LOSE TOUCH WITH HER BROTHER. SHE WAS GETTING LIED TO AND TRICKED BY A GUY WHO HAS LITERALLY BEEN TRYING TO START THE APOCALYPSE FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS NOW. its really ridiculous and it doesnt play well at ALL. this kind of thing really shows to me how trying to please bad-faith critics will literally only make the end product worse.
"but what does that have to do with anti mabel though?" well, anti-mabel's "evil" kinda gets affected by the moral of this story, don't you think? if they arent getting mabel right, then what is this ultimate "anti-mabel" really going to be? not really a reflection of any mabel i know. that's for sure.
but that aside, looking at everything that we know about anti-mabel, her dimension is kinda... played off as a joke? she feels a lot more like a joke character to me more than anything at this point lol
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not that i really needed that much development from a one-off antagonist from a silly gravity falls comic but like. how is anti-mabel literally SUPERVILLAIN-TIER EVIL? what? where is she getting the resources for this?? and then you have the rest of her family who are all just like, chill? and its like WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON ANYMORE.
anyways. back to trying to answer the question i was literally asked. i think post-weirdmageddon mabel would see anti-mabel in a different light, thats for sure. anti-mabel's family is nothing like her! maybe she's just lonely. rev mabel knows you can't just get away with doing evil stuff, at least she's learning that, but i think some part of her would sympathize with her deep down
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lexithwrites · 2 days
Pls prongsfoot.
I am on my knees. Begging.
im just gonna write basic prongsfoot and not sugar daddy au prongsfoot incase this isnt about that,,,,enjoy!
i love the idea of sirius and james growing up together, like they went to the same preschool and begged their parents to hang out every day and they both cry when they have to go home
they also go to the same primary school and BEG to go to the same secondary school and of course they got their way, their parents weren't about to deal with the fallout of separating them
their school life is similar to hogwarts, they meet remus and peter and they're THE group, like they're nerds and play DND but also play football and are great with the teachers and their grades are good too and they're always up to some shit
but james and sirius have always been a little closer, not to the point of jealousy in the group but just,,,its different
james isn't super sure of his sexuality in secondary school but sirius is like,,handsome and pretty somehow? he likes girls, lily evans is still the hottest girl in school and his first crush, but sirius is,,,there's something about him
sirius knew he was bi since forever lmao he's dated guys and girls but nothing has ever really been 'love' for him, at least not yet
he loves james though, obviously, he's always loved james how could he not? he's handsome and funny and smart and charming and tall and—
they're each others first kiss at a house party in year 10, its awkward and they're drunk and outside in the garden trying cigarettes for the first time and its,,,nice?
james finally dates lily in sixth form and they're the school's it couple for months, they are really cute together and they're affectionate and they're both top of their classes, lily is the school's netball team captain and james is the football captain, its great
and then lily breaks down in their last year crying because she thinks she might be gay and she's been so scared to tell james and hurt him but he's the most supportive guy about it
he cries with her because he feels awful for making her feel bad about it
of course he's upset, he really loved lily and always will, but if it isnt meant to be, it isnt meant to be (he cries to monty and effie for a few weeks before finally coming out of hiding and he and lily stay close, james even helps set her up with girls when she's too nervous)
when sirius finds out he basically runs to james' house, he's so worried about his best friend and his heart is hammering in his chest and when he gets there they talk about everything and james cries a little, lily was his first crush, first love, first girlfriend, he lost his virginity to her, she's a huge part of his life and his story
and sirius feels awful because he's happy james is single...because maybe he has a chance?
sirius kisses him and its bad,,,james reels. back, he's so confused and upset and so is sirius and sirius goes home and they dont talk for like two weeks, its awful
peter and remus are awkwardly talking as the other two are silent until peter breaks and begs them to just stop the petty arguing and talk because they're best friends and this is weird, remus quietly agrees and tells them to grow some balls and talk about their feelings like men
sirius apologises for kissing him, smoking a cigarette outside the bike sheds as james kicks stones around and its awkward for sure but they make up
and james is slowly back to his old self after the break up, he and lily hang out and everything is okay, but sirius is,,,james feels different about him
he's more handsome than ever, more charismatic, he was always like this??
and james realises he fancies him and he whines to remus about it and remus, the very gay man that he is, just tells james to tell him
silly remus
james instead just tries to hang out with sirius like its normal, even after they finish sixth form and look for uni's to apply too together james is looking at sirius' lips, his fingers, his hair, his ass, his chest, everything
he's just,,,,gorgeous
and then their first week of uni happens, freshers is underway and remus is down from edinburgh and peter is back from holiday and they all go out drinking with their new flatmates and classmates and its great,,,then james sees sirius chatting a girl up and his heart breaks
james tries to drink it away but that wont work so he just huffs at sirius and drags him to the toilets to yell at him for flirting with someone and sirius is SO confused because why does james care then it slowly sinks in and as james is yelling and nearly crying, admitting that he wants sirius to flirt with HIM and ONLY him, sirius just grabs him and kisses him, dragging him into a stall and locking it
its so heavy and hot and passionate and everything they wanted and needed and maybe they jerk each other off in the bathroom, whose to say? but they come out red faced and with messy clothes and they're both grinning because god theyre idiots but they're each others idiots
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watchingwisteria · 10 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded mfer happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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harvestmoth · 3 months
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been watching scene 0. i like this thing
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goldensunset · 3 months
the indecision between ‘i love this character and i want them to be happy/i want to see more of them’ and ‘it would be most narratively compelling/intriguing if they died or otherwise were (mysteriously) never seen or heard from again’
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bisexualcherdegre · 4 months
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D:BH Rarepairsweek 7 | @dbhrarepairs
Day 4 - Kara/Luther
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evanescentsun · 7 months
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SSBDAY2 | Time Capsule
During spring cleaning with the Uzumaki, Sarada unexpectedly comes across a picture that Nanadaime took post-mission after seeing how Sasuke n Sakura fell asleep like that<3
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faaun · 9 months
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Jack Marsh (2005), Friendship Otherwise - Toward a Levinasian Description of Personal Friendship
#saw carnation lily lily rose by john singer seargent irl today. it was basically at my doorstep all along idk why i never went to see it#it was placed at a corner in the gallery. me and my friend sat down and sketched the paintings of beautiful naked people quite badly. paper#provided by tate britain. she told me about how she couldnt look her boyfriend in the face after a harrowing film about war. when i say the#interview was informal i mean the person who was supposed to be my boss told me let me get you a cider and then he said after#50 years of life he knows people are inherently good and it only takes a little bit of kindness to save this world. he said he tricked#his wife into keeping the baby and then he said he quit his job at a US bank to help people find meaning and in it#he would have liked to find meaning. instead he started climbing with his friends. he said he chews his cigarettes because its a habit from#when he had to hide things from people. the entire time i felt uncomfortable and incredibly enlightened. this is my friends mentor. she has#his pattern of pauses and expletive and penchant for ends-justify-means attitude. i do think im not very clever#but maybe one day i will love you enough to make up for it. i wrote code i dont understand staring at the final error i thought about how#we both thought of how when we're too old to remember the voices of our friends we would like to stand in the pathway of the LHC beam pipe#cut it open and eat light in the freezing cold vacuum (kills you long before radiation will) the invisible puncture wound unfolding dna#back to the start larger than you ever were. you go to heaven once youve been to hell. my friend is in my bed#practicing calculations of eigenvectors by hand and she is uninterested in a visual proof you are uninterested in incompetence#we catch a train this is your kind of burden you tragic hero wincing at that word you only do this because you have to. im the only one#who can. i am a coward in this for the fucking poetry. the visual proofs. the pretty numbers. an architect who was horrible at maths wanted#to be a philosopher and accidentally ended up neck in deep in 70th Error On Visual Studio Code i want to kiss your eyes before we say#goodbye we both know there is no love in the way there should be. I still have your dress in my wardrobe. i hope you make art.#you think im alright head-wise i think you fucking hate me i think ill never be so clever you want me to tell you my idea?#if you wanted more of this world i would have liked to kiss you harder. we cant both be like this. im sorry i cant be with you the whole wa#the love is gone if you have to ask it. his breath catches his eyes feel stiff it is -1.9 kelvin he is near the beam pipe i miss holding#his hand i miss her singing voice i miss his hair and i found the antonym of pain thank you for carrying me home.
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
The end of Coda is really exciting and Moc Weepe is absolutely stone cold for planning to sell out Saskia & the escapees to the Trust and also a complete idiot for exactly the same reason, because he should know better! Weepe, buddy, your business partner's under the table activities helping people escape the Trust are a literal showcase of how dangerous the Trust is, and meanwhile you're ignoring all that and thinking that you, specifically, are going to not get got by the trap because you KNOW it's a trap and you're going to outsmart the trap and use it to your advantage. Sir you are getting got and Imelda is doing it in 5 minute ad-hoc appointments in between her other busy commitments. Barely even had to bait the fish hook. If you don't start checking your hubris at the coat room you are going to experience Consequences (and in that sense please continue, actually, this is all fascinating)
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whack-patty · 9 months
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Here we go
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Buster Moon meets a socially awkward yet well meaning private eye
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months
i dont usually post random snippets like this but everyone PLS listen to chii she is adorable 🥺🐟
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sieglinde-freud · 7 months
been thinking about the tharjabelle family unit a lot. i think maribelle spent five thousand years scraping through ye olden baby names textbooks in her family’s library and was like “We shall name our daughter Noire! It’s a lovely name, a reference to your love of the dark arts and [wikipedia etymology section] while still being classy. Just gorgeous. Now, what shall we name our son?” and tharja goes “brady.” mari’s like ???? fym brady what the hell is that and tharja goes “oh its traditional plegian” “Oh, really!? 😄” “no”
#ann plays awakening#domestic tharjabelle i am molding you in my mind#i still have no idea why on earth maribelle named her son brady#there’s nothing wrong with that name. bradys one of my favs#but im lookin at maribelle and im thinkin ur kids name should be remington charlesworth von themis the fourth#or some shit#i mean this positively#i love maribelle#but i can only conclude she was NOT the one who named him#she wouldnt…#unless its like a nickname. what could brady be short for#i dunno. bradworth? thats not a name.#maybe its his#WHATEVER anyways tharja named him. in my head <3#also and these tags r j becoming my tharjabella hcs extended edition#but also idk i think maribelle wouldnt actually mind if brady was a plegian name. i think she’d like it actually#in game she seems not all that knowledgeable about plegia and is rather hostile#for obvious reasons. i wouldnt like the ppl that kidnapped me either#but i think taking a plegian wife would let her want to learn more about it and especially since later on chrom starts to bridge the gap#between their nations a bit more and by the end of the game while im sure things arent GREAT theyre probably on the way to gettin better#and i just think she’d want tharja to feel more at home in ylisstol so the whole gesture would j be sweet :)#not sure how much tharja would actually care but she’d probably appreciate the effort#wish i had more info on house themis but whatever. i’ll start makin shit up idgaf#fuck you awakening world building
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jeremiahthefroge · 2 months
Every appearance of the red-haired menace that is early Laurence forces me to sit here and stew upon how I will fix his introduction in the rewrite. As a coping mechanism. Unfortunately since I can't remember the parts where his character isn't just harassment so I can't cook with the themes the way I'd like to. Like the way he calls Aph "my love" after she very explicitly in the text of the game tells him not to do that... bad vibes. I think I could rock with his character if he'd done the same sort of approach in hitting on Aphmau as heavily, but the moment she lays down an actual boundary, he backs way the hell off. I could even fuck with her trying to be subtle about the boundary and him not getting it and continuing to make her uncomfortable before she snaps at him and he apologizes, saying that he truly didn't mean anything by it, and he respects the boundary she lays like his life depends on it from then on out. It would create some immediate complexity in his need for explicit communication, and backs up the sort of deeper character hinting they seem to try to do when he's talking about Castor and Cadenza, this idea that he deeply cares, if being a bit pushy on accident. It would also make a good detail fueling the conflicts later on with the love triangle that can sort of prevent Laurence from looking like TOO much of a dickhead (him being unaware or misinterpreting situations, and the delicate nature of it making him uncomfortable asking questions, is a compelling reason to see somebody hurting his friends' feelings, and makes him significantly more sympathetic, opening him up for feelings of remorse and guilt).
#mcd#minecraft diaries#jeremiahs mcd notes#laurence mcd#i want autisic/adhd king laurence and im not even remotely joking#i think it would add a lot to his character to give him those struggles#if i'm recalling his character right anyways#i am still very early in the series#But i do recall vaguely there being conflicts where I was absolutely not on his side#and i had a very strong sense of justice as a kid so i imagine that i'm not making that up#but also its been 8 years so who knows#but i think he can still very much get off on the wrong foot with aph and it can still be good#i think honestly having him get off on the wrong foot and then work to make it up to her would be good as hell#bc it's a situation in which she sees him be willing to work on himself without much prompting#(aka as soon as he's told there's an issue he starts to work on it and she doesn't have to ask)#and she goes oh actually. you know what. maybe hes not a dick.#and she starts to be more comfortable around him over time#It might create this dynamic where it feels like he's always trying to catch up to her level#Always apologizing always being the wrong one#and then eventually when she does something that he can't just smile and bear#(as all friends hurt each other on accident one time or another#it is unavoidable we are but human and i believe Laurence would let a lot of things slide bc he knows how much she's had to forgive him for#And I can see as well it not going over well bc aphmau is not used to the idea of being the wrong one#and she had a reason for what she did and she gets defensive#Causing an uncomfortable moment of tension#I also think that there could be a good spot where Garroth is being more controlling as to try to protect aph and she is bothered by it#feeling in that moment very robbed of control and like he's not listening to her#and then here's laurence#who is willing to build himself anew brick by brick with her input#Like this is how I would overthink it if I wanted a true love triangle conflict introduced to the plot here
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
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yesterday in vocal synth news
#art#traditional art#fountain pen ink#virvox project#mizusawa takuto#voicevox#ia#cevio#voisona#also miku is there technically kind of. shes down there#sorry im not a piapro or vocaloid user i was more focused on the other things LOL#looks neat tho! im very curious about the kaito and meiko remasters#i was always tempted and curious but im not a huge fan of the weakness of their v3s compared to their v1s#so i hope we get some demo videos or something soon. or if not i hope in a month people post lots of videos LOL#also intrigued by miku nt update and v6 ai. i have no interest personally in using miku but im sure it'll be interesting#gumi and galaco v6 sound pretty good in my humble onion so im very curious#but anyway. back to ME hjkfsjhjrfds im so excited for takutos voice#itll be cute seeing all the little skits the japanese fans make and for me specifically you KNOW im gonna get on that song shit#im gonna make.... the most bizarre boyband on earth. there is some manner of catboy. and a 50 year old man. it'll be great#maybe i'll remake the yume no tobira cover hee hee#and ia.... oh baby ia.... im so happy you have no idea man i have been WAITING FOR THIS. okay please dont kill me for this but like#highkey i dont really care for her original v3 LOL its not bad or anything i just find a lot of v3 fem vocals sound like the same person#and this was painful for me because like im a gigantic lia fan. i dont need it to be a 1 to 1 recreation or anything but like#i was always so bummed out how thin ia's voice sounded. it felt like a bit of a waste how much the v3 noise removed all lia's warmth#and like the depth of her tone. and like it sounds fine. she sounds like a slightly more operatic miku when people tune her high and breath#which is very common and that sounds fine. but like i still felt like auauuuuuuuuhhhhhhh nothing i loved about lia's voice is there#cevio 1.0 was a step up it brought back a LOT of warmth (although you had to really push up the alpha to get the depth)#and while i personally dont hate the cevio 1 noise its nice to have a version that no longer sounds underwater <3#she sounds so rich now.... i still bump up the alpha a bit because i like lia's deeper work a lot LOL but its wonderfullllllllll#so good so so so so good im obsessed. yesterday was truly an Event for vocal synth news
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