#and matthew perry (I’m sorry)
hell0jon · 5 days
TMA: martin falls in love with boss (jon) and ends up with him
TMAGP: alice falls in love with boss (gwen) and ends up with her
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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pinknblueforever · 11 months
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spill-that-anxietea · 11 months
Oh my god Matthew Perry died
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myveryownfanfiction · 11 months
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warnings: none
AN: RIP Matthew Perry. You were one of the first people I fell in love with and wanted to be in love with for the rest of my life. I hope you know how much you were loved.
chandler chuckled as I tried to burrow deeper into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and tightened his grip on me.
“you know I’m solid right?” He laughed. “If you want to get any closer, I’m going to have to eat you.” Chandler brought my hand up to his mouth and gently bit my finger. I laughed as he made a face. “And I’m sorry darling but you just don’t taste that good.”
“I love you.” I said with a smile. “So much.” Chandler beamed at me.
“I love you too.” He said, smiling growing my the second. I gently hit his chest.
“stop it.” I whined. “Makes it feel like a joke. I’m being serious.” Chandler leaned down and kissed me deeply. He rolled onto his back and held me against his chest.
“I know. And I am being serious. I love you too.” I propped my chin on his chest and watched him stare at the ceiling with a grin on his face.
“Sometimes I don’t think you understand how much i love you chandler bing.” I whispered. Chandler looked down at me and shrugged.
“is that a bad thing?” He asked. I shook my head. We laid there for a while before he spoke up again. “What brought this on?” I shrugged and leaned up to kiss him.
“not sure really. Just want you to know how much I love you.” I said with a smile. Chandler nodded and kissed me again.
“you don’t understand how much I love you either. But that’s alright. Because I hope to show you one day.” He whispered when I pulled away. “But just know, I do love you. Very much.” We laid there smiling at each other and occasionally stealing kisses before the alarm went off.
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her-power · 10 months
The End of All Things (e.m. x fem reader)
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C/W: 18++++ MDNI, I'm serious! Sweet! Eddie, smut, fluff, fingering (f receiving) oral (f+m receiving) unprotected p in v (don't be silly, wrap your willy!) making out, swearing, grief, hurt/comfort, parentloss, death, talk of death, best friends in love summary: This takes place 5 years after the events of S4. Midsummer 1991. Eddie & reader are in their mid twenties. Eddie is your best friend and has come to you after an unimaginable loss you just endured. You realize your feelings for him during this time, and sweetness and sexiness ensues. I originally was going for a subtle smutty-ness, but I got carried away, whoooops. (I suck at summaries, I'm so sorry)
A/N: This is based off of a life changing event that happened to me when I was seventeen. A lot of it has actual conversations/reactions from said event. This was insanely therapeutic for me to write, and I thank you all for reading this if you do, this goes out to all the ones who suffered a loss and are still actively healing. I see you, you are a rockstar and keep going <3 I also pay a little homage to Matthew Perry/Chandler Bing. I'm still not over it and Chandler will always be my comfort character like Eddie. This may have multiple parts, I also semi-proofread this, sorry for any mistakes! The title is a Panic! At the Disco song, it's been on repeat for awhile for me and I think it's perfect for this so definitely take a listen to it after you read this.
Word Count: 7.5k
“She’s gone.”
Your breath hitches as you stare at the wide amber eyes of your father from where you sat on the couch. He was clasping your hands tight as you stared at him. Your throat tightens.
“You’re lying.” A smirk tugs at your lips, this was a joke. The second those words left your lips you felt something cold creep up your spine, turning your stomach into knots.
“Honey, I’m not. She’s gone, she—” 
You stand up fast, ripping your hands out of his. Your bottom lip trembles as you feel your tears burn the corners of your eyes. 
“You’re lying!” You yell at him. “Where’s Mom?! Where is she?! You’re lying!”
Your father drops his face into his hands, his shoulders shaking with sobs. You knew he wasn’t lying; you knew it. It didn’t mean you had to believe it.
She wasn’t dead. She wasn’t dead.  Wasn’t. Dead. She’s dead.
Those words swirl in your mind as you quietly groan. Your fingers clench at the hem of your black camisole, pulling and tugging at the thin material, feeling too hot, too tight. 
“N-no…” You whimper, your vision blurring as you stare at your distraught father.
Your very core burns, it stings, and you couldn’t tell if you had a heartbeat. Is that what she felt? You wonder.  Hunching forward, the pain in your chest was building and building as you loudly gasp.
“Nooooooooo!” You wail loudly. You find yourself pumping your legs towards somewhere, anywhere. An escape.
The door.
You swallow back bile as you push your front door open with your shoulder, you awkwardly stumble down the front steps, and the cool midsummer air caresses your face as your feet hit the paved driveway. You gasp again, gripping at your chest, and then you scream.
You didn’t know you could make a sound like that. A sound that was full of pain, full of anger, full of a feeling of invisible hands squeezing your heart until it bursts in your chest. Your scream echoes through the quiet neighborhood; you inhale another shaky breath, nails clawing at your stomach as you wail again. 
A dog barks in the distance, a porch light turns on, then another. You swear you just heard someone say your name. You lift your head to the sky; the stars were so visible and beautiful that night, looking like small freckles kissing the dark sky.  Your legs tremble beneath you, they’re numb, and you feel them start to buckle-
Strong arms grab you from behind, wrapping protectively around your middle; hot breath hits the back of your neck. Cool metal from ringed fingers touches your skin, hugging your arms to your chest as you let out another heartbreaking wail.
“It’s me, it’s me, sweetheart."
Eddie.  Your best friend since you moved to this shitty town ten years ago. Your sweet, chaotic, beautiful Eddie.  Your legs finally give out and he gently cradles your back against his chest, resting his forehead against your bare shoulders, feeling the roughness of hard pavement as your bum hits the ground. Your head leans back against his shoulder, his curly hair tickling your cheek ever so softly.
“H-how…” You try to form words; they were caught in your throat; you weren’t even sure if you had a voice anymore.
You wanted to ask how he got to you so fast, and if he could hear you all the way from his trailer a mile away. You’re practically sitting in his lap; his calloused fingers gently smooth out your mess of waves in your hair. Your vision blurred with hot tears as you could feel the Earth shattering beneath you. His hands find your face, his fingers cup behind your ear as he turns your face to his gently.  Only the soft light from the front porch light illuminated his handsome features.  Eddie. Your Eddie.  His big brown eyes are wide as he stares at you, he looks terrified. He has never seen you this way before. You called him a few hours ago in the afternoon to tell him your mom had to go to the hospital for an emergency surgery, that you had to stay home to wait by the phone for updates from your father and you would promise to call him when you knew more. You were supposed to go to his place to smoke some weed and order pizza, a traditional Thursday night thing for you both. You figured he probably wondered what was taking so long, it had been hours. And for as long as you have known Eddie Munson, he didn’t have much patience; it was hard for him to sit still. Your fingers twirl the ends of his hair as you try to focus on him. 
“Tell me.” He says quietly.
You can already see tears forming in his eyes, and you suddenly realize this is the closest you’ve ever been to him. Your noses were almost touching. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head from side to side, spitting and blubbering out more tears as the pain tightens its grip on your heart once more.
“I can’t.” You manage to gasp out. “Don’t…Eds, don’t make me say it.”
His hand cups over his mouth as he stares at you, realization settling on his face. 
“No…” He inhales sharply. “No, Y/N…there’s no way.” 
A memory flashes in your mind just then, a memory from only a few months ago.
You sat on the counter in the kitchen with your mom and Eddie as she made dinner. She was making his favorite chicken parmesan because it had been the five-year anniversary since he was no longer a suspect of those murders that had occurred that Spring. Your parents never believed he had anything to do with it, and it was your mother standing up for him at the town meeting that really helped his case, partially because the entire town was afraid of a hard-headed strong woman who grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts and also there was no evidence at any of the scenes of his involvement, or that he was a Satan worshipper.  The other kicker was that Jason had disappeared, and everyone just assumed he did it after that. However, it didn’t stop the town from calling the cops every time they saw him walking somewhere or blasting Metallica from his speakers in his trailer. When your mom had her back turned, he attempted to stick his finger in the boiling pot of homemade meat sauce. Your mother wasn’t stupid, you swore she had eyes on the back of her head. She poked him in the side with the ladle handle, causing him to yelp.
“Come on! Just one taste! I promise I won’t ask for anymore until it’s ready. I’m STARVING.” Eddie pleaded, giving her a pathetic puppy dog look. 
“Kid, get out of my kitchen. I’m not falling for that look again, I got stuck with you for ten years!” Your mother chuckles, stirring the sauce. 
“You got stuck with a very handsome, talented, super funny son you always wanted! Did I mention handsome?” He towers over her and had sweetly rested his head on her shoulder, giving her a goofy grin.  Your mother used the palm of her hand to push his face away and laughs.
“It’s my caring daughter’s fault for LITERALLY dragging you out of the mud that summer.” 
Eddie looks at you, his smile reaching his eyes. “Yeah, your daughter is pretty awesome.”
He winks at you, and you roll your eyes, trying to hide the heat rising to your cheeks. 
“Don’t kiss my ass, Munson.” Your mom laughs. “I’m sending you home a plate for your uncle, and you better give it to him this time!"
“He politely declined!”
“No he didn’t, you ate it on the way there!” You banter back at him. He whips his head around to look at you, his face falling in mock betrayal. 
“You are not my best friend anymore!” He wraps an arm around your mom’s shoulders and kisses the top of her head. “She’s my best friend now!”
You roll your eyes and laugh, hopping off the counter and making your way back to your room, but not before hearing your mother say this to Eddie:
"Everyone is out of their damn mind for not getting to know you or love you like we do. Jokes aside, honey, I can never ever replace your own mother, but I will make damn sure that you know that you can always come to me for anything.”
“Awww, Mrs. Y/L/N. Don’t make me blush-ow!” He laughs, you’re guessing she pinched him.
“I’m serious, Munson.” 
“I know, I know.” You can hear the smile in his tone. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.” 
You stare him now; he’s trying so hard not to cry. 
“Fuck.” His voice shakes and he pulls you into his arms for a hug.“Fuck. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” 
Your fingers curl into the fabric of his Motley Crue t-shirt. Your mouth muffled by his shoulder.
“I’m sorry too.” You whimper. He hugs you tighter, and you can’t help but completely melt into his arms. 
Your father had left the house the same night. Your mom’s brother lived an hour away, who was completely beside himself over the loss of his little sister. You could see that your father was exhausted, that he was tired of making fall calls and answering the phone. You could tell he wanted to go see his brother-in-law. He was already talking about arrangements, and you pretty much forced him to go see your uncle, that the arrangements could wait and that everyone needed to clear their head because she had just died. You assured him that Eddie didn’t plan on going anywhere and that she wasn’t going to be alone, that Wayne was aware of what had happened and knew where he was.
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You sat on the floor of your living room an hour after your father had left. The rotary phone was at your hip, the receiver at your ear before you slammed it down and yanked the cord from the wall. You were over the phone calls too. The cops were called, apparently a neighbor had saw Eddie “lurking” around your house and assumed that was the cause of your screaming.  You were too pissed, too grief stricken, too exhausted to bite your tongue. You had snapped at Office Hopper, but as always, he handled your snapping as graciously as he always did.
“Who was it?” You snapped. “Mrs. Hansen, right? That bitch always had a problem with us because my mother was so outspoken. She could never say shit to her face but would say it to our other neighbors. Well, guess what Kathy! SHE’S DEAD NOW!” You scream out your front door, Eddie’s hands were on your shoulders, gently pulling you back in the doorway.
“Easy, easy.” He mutters in your ear. 
“Y/N. There’s no need to yell, I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss, but when we get a call that is concerning like that, we have—"
“Why is he still being targeted as the town freak? He has done nothing wrong, ever! We’re not in school anymore, we’re practically grown-ups. We work, we play nerdy games, and we listen to music. Come on, Hop. You know she didn’t call over concern for me. She hates me.”
Hopper sighs, taking off his hat. “You have to be respectful to your neighbors. You know this. Especially…” He lowers his voice and leans closer to you. “Especially the ones who call when a cat shits on their lawn.” 
A smile tugs at your lips, and your face softens. 
“Get some rest kid. Let us know if you need anything.” He glances at Eddie. “Take care of her, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Eddie nods. “Yeah, I know Hop. Thanks.” He says softly.
You shut the door quietly and lock it. You glance at the clock, not believing it was after midnight. You comb your fingers through your knotted hair.
“I’m going to wash up. I need to scrub this fucking night off me.” 
He nods at you, and you gently squeeze his hand as you walk by him into the bathroom. Eddie watches as you walk away, his breath hitching as soon as you close the bathroom door. He runs his hands through his hair and shudders. Eddie was usually pretty good with his words, most of the time he could never stop talking, but tonight, he had none. He had no idea how to comfort you, he had no idea what to say, or what to do. He loved your mother.  That woman took him in like her own with no questions asked and it got to a point where Wayne would offer her money, which she would always refuse. She was the only one besides Wayne to defend him after the murders and all the bullshit with Hellfire. You had told him that Hopper had to practically restrain her from punching one of the mechanics who wanted to go on a witch hunt to find you; you told him you had never seen Hopper so scared for another human being.  Eddie has tears form in his eyes and he quickly swallows them back, groaning quietly from the stinging and aching in his chest. Your mother treated him like a son, and he knows he would never feel that again and that hurt. It also hurt that Eddie had never told her how he felt about you, how for so many years he would be brave enough to pull her aside and say something but would pussy out last minute. Eddie wanted your mother’s approval. It had been like that for ten years. Yeah, he slept around, wasn’t a virgin by any means, but none of them ever stuck. All those girls, those women, he always wished it was you. He loved you; he loved you so much, but now, he wasn’t sure if he could ever tell you.
You peel off your clothes after you begin filling the bath, you stare at yourself in the mirror. You look like you aged fifteen years in a few hours. Blood shot eyes, hair a wild mess, cheeks crimson from all the screaming and tears. You sigh as you step into the bath, the water hot and you wince as you feel every muscle unclench as you slide into the porcelain, until just your head is exposed above the water. You stare up at the tile on the ceiling, marking each corner that had cobwebs that you made a mental note to clean. You close your eyes, inhaling a breath as you sink your whole face under the water. The sounds are muffled, the sound of the faucet still filling the tub vibrates around you.  You wonder what it felt like, what she felt. Did her heart stop first? Or her brain? Did she know she was going to die? You open your eyes underwater, your chest clenches again and you stop holding your breath. Your mother’s lifeless face flashes in your mind and you gasp in water, quickly lifting yourself up, knocking over the shampoo bottles. You sputter and cough out the water you had just inhaled. Tears spring to your eyes and you begin to sob and suddenly felt so, so alone.
“Eddie.”  You groan out, but your voice felt small. “Eddie!” You call again, the tears still spilling. 
You hear a shuffling of footsteps outside the bathroom door, and a soft knock. “Are you alright in there?”
You had forgotten you were naked and submerged in water as you lean forward to turn the faucet off. You felt insanely vulnerable, but you needed to clean yourself up. You just didn’t want to be alone.  You bring your knees up to your chest, resting your cheek on your knee, doing your best to cover your breasts and torso. The lower half of your body was hidden by the soap bubbles. 
“You can come in.” You tell him meekly, wiping away the hot tears.
You knew he hesitated, it took him a few moments to respond. “Are-are you sure?”
“Yes, I just need…I just need someone in here with me.” 
The latch on the door clicks open, and he slowly pushes it open with his toe. His eyes were already averted to the ceiling as he walked in, trying his best to be respectful. 
“You can look at me, Eddie. It’s okay.” Wow, you thought to yourself, you were feeling brave.
A blush rises to his cheeks, and he meets your eyes, breathing a sigh of relief when he could only see your bare shoulders, legs and back. He sits on the floor next to the bathtub, leaning his back against the wall and looks at the side of your face. 
“Talk to me.” He says sweetly, resting his chin against the lip of the porcelain.
He watches you make the washcloth swim back and forth in front of you, and he gently leans towards your hands, taking the cloth from you. He waits for you to say something, but you don’t. He takes the small bottle of body wash and squirts a glob of it on the cloth, gently massaging it into the fabric. Your heart was racing, and you hear him inhale a shaky breath. He kneels up a little, the warm washcloth hits your skin so gently as he carefully traces circles around your shoulders. You shudder, a warmness settling in your tummy. 
“What am I gonna do?” You say quietly, tears burn your eyes again and you groan, you were tired of the tears.
Eddie swallows hard, gently moving a piece of your hair back to wash your neck. This felt foreign to you, this semi-erotic moment of him touching you like this, so sweetly, so gently. Your Eddie.
“I don’t know.” He says to you. “I wish I did, but I don’t.” 
You lift your head to look at him, seeing a blush creeping up as the hills of your breasts are exposed. You watch him as he concentrates on your back, gently moving the cloth up your neck, your eyes flutter close. He dips the washcloth in the water and squeezes out the excess, pausing before moving his way towards your lower back.
“You know whatever you need, I’m here. Okay?” He tells you and you nod. He gently wipes away an exposed tear from your cheek. “You’re kind of stuck with me at this point.” 
Your face scrunches up in mock annoyance and he laughs, you chuckle. “Yeah, I know. Thank you.” 
He's looking into your eyes now and your eyes dart to his lips, before looking back into his eyes. He quickly glances away to finish washing your back and you turn your body towards him so suddenly, water splashes up and he drops the washcloth. You don’t know where this feeling came from, how you just wanted to continue to be touched by him, be loved by him. Was it the grief? You weren’t sure, but you sure as hell wanted to feel something else besides the fucking horrendous pain. Your hands are on his shoulders, the wetness from you dampened the ends of his hair as he stared at you with wide eyes. 
“What are you doing?” He whispers, his hands reaching up to cup your wrists.
You could tell he didn’t want to overstep, and he kept his eyes just on you, your eyes. He was a gentleman in all the right ways; but he desperately wanted to look at your body. You were fully exposed to him besides your lower half, and he had dreamt of a moment like this. Your hands touch his cheeks, your nose barely grazes his.
“Kiss me, please?” You say quietly, and his breath hitches.
His hand cups the back of your wet hair, pulling you towards him slightly as your breathing picks up. You could feel him tremble as you lean closer, your breasts pressing against the coolness from the porcelain, your nipples hardening at the contact. You push your mouth onto his, his plush lips as soft as you imagined they would be. He uses his other hand to cup your neck, you opened his mouth with yours, feeling his tongue enter your mouth so carefully. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing Eddie. Your Eddie.
You wrap both arms around his shoulders, and his hands wraps around your middle. He was getting comfortable, years and years of his love for you was spilling out in this exact moment. You feel him lift you so easily out of the tub, awkwardly stumbling into the wall. Not realizing how strong he was, he grabs your ass, hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel his clothes soaking from the contact of your wet skin and could feel the wetness that pooled between your legs as he kept kissing you, blindly searching for the handle of the door. The cool air from the living room air conditioner hits your bare skin, causing gooseflesh to prickle all over you. You push your body against his more, deepening the kiss and he groans, bumping into everything you both contacted. Pictures became crooked on the walls, you heard something tip over from a few of the shelves, and you finally make it to your bedroom door. Your back hits it a little roughly, and he pulls away from you to catch his breath before pressing his mouth to yours again and he finds the doorknob with one hand as the other continues to hold you up. You both fall to your bed with an oomph, you start laughing hard because your head had clunked against the headboard, and he looks at you with wide eyes.
“Shit.” He breathes out, pulling away from your lips and laughs. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” 
You smile at him and nod, your lips pulsating from the kissing. He smiles down at you, rubbing your cheek, your hair, his hand gently smooths its way down your bare arms, towards your hips. He’s still looking at you, wanting to make sure it was okay for him to really see you before going further. You rub his cheek, and he leans into it, gently kissing your palm as he hovers above you. He was still trembling, and you take his hand, placing it on your skin below your breast. His calloused fingers squeeze the spot gently, his fingers barely grazing the underside of it as you watch his throat bob. He leans towards you and kisses your lips gently, leaning back on his heels as his eyes dart over your body. You bend your knees ever so slightly; he places his hands on your knees and kneels between your legs. He lets out a sigh and smiles sweetly at you and pulls off his shirt. His fingers trace a soft line over your ribs, he makes circles over your navel, the soft skin at your hips. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers to you, he chuckles awkwardly. “I mean, you’ve always been beautiful to me, not that just your body is beautiful. Your face is beautiful too, and your heart. All of you, everything—”
“Eddie, take a deep breath.” You smile, moving your palm up his torso and cupping his cheek.
He laughs, inhaling deeply, and places both hands on the side of your head as he leans down, your legs wrap around his jeans, feeling his eager bulge through the zipper. He kisses you softly, pulling away to look into your eyes. You could see tears form at the corners of eyes and you hold his face in your hand.
“What? What is it?”
He sighs, leaning up on his elbow. “For so many years, I wanted to tell your mom something that had been eating at me.” He groans, a single tear falls down his cheek and you wipe it away. “I wanted to tell her how insanely in love with you I was…I am.”
Your eyes widen at his confession, your heart does a back flip, and you feel your own tears prickle your eyes. 
“I know it doesn’t mean much now, because she’s gone…fuck.” More tears spill from his eyes, you wipe them away, he holds your hand to his cheek. “I loved her. I loved her so much and she became a mother to me at a time when I really needed her, and she always told me I could tell her anything. I should’ve told her how I felt about you sooner, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
Your heart broke for him. You knew how much he really did love your mom. Their relationship was for sure that of a mother and son. He had called her one night from the Hideout in the middle of the night because he got into a fight with a stupid townie and she’d bring him back to your house, cleaning up his wounds and comforting him. One night he had fallen asleep on your couch from a night of too much drinking, and she tucked him in, placing a large cooking pot next to him in case he had to puke. She would do so many motherly things for him that he wasn’t used to, and once he was finally comfortable enough to accept those gestures, he felt like a little boy again.  You bite your bottom lip to stop it from trembling and you give him a smile.
“I think she knew.” You curl your fingers through his hair.
“How?” He asks you.
“I never really thought much about it at the time, but she would throw subtle ‘son in law’ jokes at me and I would just ignore her. Because you were my best friend, there was no way you’d feel any other way than that. Or so I thought.” 
You trace an outline on his lips with your finger. “You love me?”
He nods, not bothering to wipe another stray tear away. “More than you know.” 
“I love you, too.” You tell him softly and he smiles.
“Yeah? You sure?”
You roll your eyes, tugging a piece of his hair and he yelps. “Don’t make me take it back.”
He laughs, caressing your face with the back of his hand, smoothing out your wet hair. He leans down, kissing you softly. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him onto you, he lets out a hot breath as you push your tongue in his mouth. His hands travel down the dip in your shoulder, down the middle of your chest and stops on the curve of your breast. You feel the coolness of his metal ring against your skin, your nipple hardens, and you gasp in his mouth when you feel his fingers gently pinch the hardened bud. His mouth finds your throat, leaving kissing trails down to your shoulders, still pinching and squeezing your breasts as you squirm beneath him. His mouth takes your nipple in his mouth, and you hear him softly moan as he gently bites down. His tongue swirls around the bud and sucks, and you arch your back. His hand travels down your navel and over your sex. You whimper when you feel his fingers spread your lips apart and he runs a finger over your clit. He pulls away from your breast and kisses you hungrily, his fingers tracing circles around your clit, pushing down and he smirks against your lips when you let out a loud moan. No one has ever taken their time with you; you have only had sex with two men in your life and it was always you finishing them off first and them being “too tired” to return the favor. Eddie knew what he was doing, you knew this wasn’t his first rodeo, and you desperately wanted to know what else he could do. He pulls away from your lips, licking and kissing a trail all the way down to your navel. He leans back on his heels, and your eyes widen at the outline of his hardened cock beneath his jeans. He places his fingers in his mouth, sucking off the taste of you and you squirm at how sexy he looked. You bend your knees and open your legs wider. 
“Damn.” He mutters, scooting back to lay in front of your dripping cunt. He wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer to his face. “You really are beautiful.”
He kisses your clit gently, you arch your back, gripping at the sheets beneath you. His tongue swirls around the sensitive nerves, and he sucks on it, letting out a loud groan. It vibrated your entire body, and you moan. His fingers press into the meat of your thighs as he buries his face closer, his tongue lapping at your hole as you could already feel yourself about to burst. You grip his hair, tugging on it hard, which sends him into a frenzy, and you feel two fingers slide their way into you. 
You moan his name, and he begins to pump those fingers into you, pressing against the sponginess of your g-spot. He continues to devour your clit and you lean up on your elbows to watch him. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you couldn’t believe that your best friend of ten years was doing these things to you.  Your Eddie.  He pulls away from your clit, feeling you clench around his fingers, and he slinks his way back up your body, his chin wet and dripping of you. He kisses you passionately, you moan at the taste of yourself, and he continues pumping his fingers in and out. His thumb finds your clit and rubs circles, you hold onto his shoulders as he kisses you, feeling yourself close to release. He pulls away from your lips for a moment.
“Come on, baby. I know you can cum for me.” His voice was lower, almost deeper.
Those words almost sent you over the edge, words you never in a million years thought would come out of his mouth. He pumps harder and groans as your hand finds his cock through his jeans and you rub your hand over the material. You dig your nails into his shoulders, and he lets out a hot breath against your neck, whimpering at the sheer intensity and passion.
“Fuck, Eddie…”  
You moan out in pleasure and he groans against your neck. You feel the pressure building and building in your lower belly and you cling onto him as your orgasm rips through you and you cry out. He keeps his fingers inside of you, riding the orgasm out with you, the overstimulation was insanely uncomfy but as he kept pumping into you, you eased into another hard orgasm and your body shook beneath him. He slides his fingers out of you, you catch your breath as you continue to cling onto him. His hands grip your hip, and he looks at you, a smile creeping on his lips. You sigh, crashing your lips against his, unbuttoning his jeans hurriedly and sliding them off. His lips graze against your ear lobe and you roll him onto his back with your legs and he giggles. You laugh, kissing his lips, his neck and you lean up on your heels. His hands hold onto your hips.  The length of him was almost intimidating, you bite your bottom lip and take him in your hands, gently moving your fist up and down. He lets out a deep groan and his eyes squeeze shut, arching his back. You rub his precum over his tip and he shivers, you move your head towards his cock and glance up at him. He looks at you with half lidded eyes and you lick a long strip from the base all the way to the tip, taking him into your mouth. 
“Oh…oh my, unghhh—”  
A loud, throaty moan escapes him, surprising you both and you both laugh. He covers his face with both his hands shyly, slightly embarrassed by the sound he just made. You kiss his tip, licking down his shaft and he whimpers. He grips the back of your head as you bob up and down, taking him all in, rubbing his balls to get him to squirm. He let out a low growl, a sound so animalistic and sexy you couldn’t believe you were the cause.  He wanted to feel you, he wanted to be inside you and couldn’t wait any longer. He pulls at your hair, lifting your head up, your lips were swollen and wet with spit. 
“Come here.” He says breathlessly. “Now.”
You crawl up to him, his lips catch yours in a passionate kiss. You were trembling now as you lined yourself up with his length. He cups the back of your head, sweetly pecking your lips as his other hand grips at your hips. You keep your face close to his, your lips barely touching as you lower yourself onto his cock. He squeezes your hips, throwing his head back into the pillow and lets out a throaty groan. You whimper as you take him all in, slowly rocking your hips to get used to the size of him as he stretches you out.
“Are you okay?” He whispers to you, lifting his arm up to cup your cheek. 
You nod, pleasure was building in your belly as you grind against him, your clit rubs generously on his pelvis. You look into his eyes, running your hand up his chest, over his tattoos, tracing his lips with your fingers. You insert two fingers into his mouth, which he takes willingly and sucks. You move your hips up and then down, hard. His moan vibrates on your fingers as you rock faster against him; you remove your fingers and begin playing with yourself with that same hand as he watches you in awe. He arches his hips into you, and you cry out, your head falling back, he caresses and pinches your nipples.  You lean forward, using the headboard as support to continue your movement. His tongue traces circles around your nipple, sucking hard and squeezing both with his hands. He moves onto the next one, you moan louder into his ear, and he grabs your ass, burying his cock deeper into you. 
In one swift motion, he flips you on your back. His eyes stare into your soul, and you kiss him. He kisses you back with the same hungriness from earlier, taking your leg and moving it onto his shoulder as he thrusts into you.  An insanely pornographic sound escapes your lungs, and he smiles against your lips. He leans up slightly to stare at your face, you were biting your bottom lip, and your eyes burn into him, and he could feel his heart growing bigger and bigger for you in that moment. You grab his perfect ass with your legs to push him further into you and he arches back; your lips go to his throat, gently nibbling on it and licking all over. Your orgasm was building in your belly, and by the way he was slowing down and getting a little clumsy, he was close too. 
You pull his face towards you by the back of his head. “Fuck me.” You tell him through gritted teeth.
His beautiful brown eyes dilate, and you see the pure lust take over in his stare. He leans back on his heels, pulling himself out of you and you frown, he pulls you towards him hard by your thighs, his fingers for sure going to leave lovely bruises. But you didn’t care.  Before you could make another comment, he slams his cock into you, and you scream out. He holds onto your hips, rolling his against yours at a hard pace, you swear you could see all the fucking colors of the rainbow. 
“Fuuuuck…”  He moans out. “Oh fuck-I’m gonna—”
“Don’t stop, Eddie.”  You whimper, his cock slamming into your g-spot over and over was making you forget your name. 
You move your hands down and find your clit, rubbing vigorously against it as your cunt clenches against his cock. He watches you rub yourself, a smile toys on his lips as he stares in wonder at you, he felt as if he was fucking a goddess.
“Oh god…”
“Cum with me, baby. I want to feel you.”  
He groans loud, and that was enough to send you screaming, and crying out his name as you came all over his cock. You grip the sheets under you, still cumming hard and he slams faster into you, the bed squeaks and the headboard bangs into the wall and he sputters. 
He slams into you once more, you could feel the warmness settle in your cunt as he came inside you, feeling his cock twitching as he slowed his pace and cried out, collapsing onto your chest. He rolls his hips against you and shudders. The two of you lay there in a pile of limbs, heavy breathing, and sweat. He lifts his head up to look at you, smoothing out your still wet hair, and presses his lips to yours. Your tongue goes into his mouth, and he moans softly, cupping the back of your head, deepening the kiss. He slides out of you gently, and pulls away from you, laying on his back. His hand rested on your thigh, and you could feel him dripping from you; you needed a minute. Or several. 
“Well,” he says breathlessly. “I’ve never done that with you before.” 
You weakly slap his chest and laugh loudly; tears prickle your eyes as you feel another laugh roll out until you’re full-blown cackling. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow and you laugh harder. He shakes his head, laughing with you, turning onto his side to rub your tummy gently. Your laugh was one of the things he loved about you because it was so contagious, and that this was the first time today he could see pure happiness on your face. 
“I’m sorry.” You manage to say, your laugh still rolling out of you. “I don’t know why I’m laughing so hard. Oh wait, I do, you’re a fucking idiot and I love you.” 
He laughs, kissing your cheek. “No going back now.”
“No.” You say, catching your breath, bringing your palm up to his cheek. “Never.” 
He kisses your lips, your cheeks, your neck and leans up on his elbows. “My clothes are soaked.”
“I’ll put them in the wash.” You kiss his nose, slowly sitting up in bed, you could already feel the soreness between your legs. “I’m pretty sure my mom folded a bunch of your clothes you left here the other day.” You pause and turn to look at him. 
“Of course she did.” He says with a sweet smile, tracing your spine with the tip of his finger. “Do you want me to go get them?”
You knew he only asked because the washer and dryer were in her little den with her vanity mirror. 
“Uh, no. It’s okay.” You give him a smile. You go into your dresser, pulling out underwear and your oversized Queen tour t-shirt you got in 1987. Your mom had bought the tickets for you and Eddie; Eddie was indeed a total metal head, but he had a soft spot for Queen, probably because you loved them so much. You throw on the clothes and turn when you feel his eyes on you.
“What?” You ask, a blush creeping up on your cheeks as you stare at his naked body.
His right arm, which was covered in a full tattoo sleeve, was bent behind his head as he looks at you. 
“Nothing.” He smiles sweetly. “I’m just trying to wrap my head around this. Around us.”
You lean over to him to kiss him, he holds your head,, leaving lots of pecks around your cheeks and lips, causing you to giggle. You pull away, turning around to grab his mess of clothes on the floor, throwing his dry boxers to him. He takes this opportunity to smack your ass and you yelp. You narrow your eyes at him, and pull out his chain wallet, snapping it open, pulling out some cash, you could only make out a few ten-and one-dollar bills. 
“I’m taking this.” You tell him, shoving the bills into your underwear. 
“Pretty cheap date, don’t ya think?” He laughs, pulling his boxers over his hips as your face falls into mock shock, you pull out the cash and throw it at his face, causing him to laugh harder.
You shake your head, leaving the room, heading towards your mother’s den. You slow your walking down as you meet the closed door. The grief starts to creep up again, your hand trembles as you reach for the doorknob. You twist the knob and push it open. An aroma of peach, rose and slight Sandalwood hit your nostrils and you have to hold onto the wall for support, blindly finding the light switch. The light is bright, and you squint, your eyes already filling with tears as the scent of your mother was everywhere in this room. Her vanity sat perched against the wall, the wood was a soft amber color. She had rebuilt this vanity after getting it from a garage sale a few years ago. You gently run your hand over the fabric of her sweater that hung behind the chair she always sat at; whether to do her make up, or randomly sketch some drawings in her sketch book. You pull your hand away as if burned, and you quickly go to the washing machine, tossing Eddie’s clothes in as well as some dirty ones that were in the basket.  You see his folded clothes on top of the dryer, your heart hurt with how right you were and how she would never fold his clothes again.  You groan, looking over the clothes, sniffling. You take out his Metallica tour t-shirt, and his black jeans. You exit her room after shutting off the light and quietly shut the door.  Eddie was strumming at your acoustic as you walk back in, smiling at you at you hand him the clothes. He sees the tears in your eyes and immediately puts the guitar back on the stand.
He takes your hand, “What happened?”
You shake your head, trying to smile. “Nothing…it’s nothing. I’m okay. Can we go to bed?” 
He looks you over once with concern and nods, gently kissing the top of your hand. You crawl into bed, leaning over him to turn off the light on your nightstand. You curl up next to him, burying your face in his chest. He wraps his arms around you, pulling the blanket over the both of you. You feel his lips kiss your hair and you sigh. All the sadness, all the grief had fallen away as he held you and you wished you could stay like that forever.
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As if the universe was working against you, you woke up screaming. You were covered in sweat and tears pooled from your eyes as a panic attack settled deep in your chest. You sat up, leaning against the headboard, bringing your knees up to your chest as you scream out a sob. Eddie had woken up immediately, feeling you thrash around before you woke up. Dawn was approaching, and he flicks the light on. He kneels in front of you, placing both of his hands on the side of your head.
“Hey, hey, look at me, I’m right here.”
The dream you had replays over and over in your head like a broken record. You let out a painful groan, holding onto your stomach as you to try to speak and to calm your breathing before you hyperventilated. 
“She…she was right there. Right in front me.” You tell him, your voice choking with sobs. “Right there! She was so close to me and I tried to reach for her hand but she kept moving away from me, and I ran to her. I ran so fast, but she just kept going further and further away until I couldn’t see her. And then she was gone. She was gone.”
You cry, hard, and he takes you in his arms, hugging you as you wept. You wail and he tightens his hold on you, gently rocking you as you gripped onto his arms.
“I’m not ready for this.” 
“I know.” His voice trembles, smoothing out your hair. “You don’t have to be ready for something like this.”
“Why did she leave me?” You whimper, your entire body shakes.
“Why was she taken away from us!? Oh god…” 
He kisses your head, your cheek, finds your lips and kisses them softly. 
“Please don’t leave me.” You choke out. “Please.”
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise you.”
“Don’t leave me.” You cry, holding onto him for dear life. He rocks you and you cry. You weren’t ready for the coming days, you weren’t ready to keep feeling this sorrow phone call after phone call, hug after hug, tear after tear. You weren’t ready for today. You weren’t ready for tomorrow. You weren’t ready. You weren't ready.
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starsandhughes · 10 months
things that happened in the nhl today (that i’m aware of) (tuesday, november 28)
1. racist rapist team (bl*ckhawks) are covering up yet another scandal over corey perry. he's on waivers with the purpose of contract termination. the gm said it didn't involve anything with players/their families. reporters are more mad about this than they've ever been on much more pressing issues (team canada, sa coverups, etc)
2. anthony beauvillier traded to the racist rapists in exchange for a fifth round pick in the 2024 draft. the girlies are not taking this well.
3. p*trick k*ne signed with the red wings, which elated everyone (i don't follow any red wings fans so i didn't see any of their reactions) (sorry about y'all's lives)
4. mitch marner got hit in the face with a puck and played the rest of the game with a cage
5. sam bennet and max domi threw hands, bennet destroyed domi, domi shook his hair with his hands probably to make fun of bennet for being bald
6. tz and dixie breakup rumors on the same day that alex killorn confirmed that they were dating on spittin chiclets on their new episode
7. john marino cut his hair and i’m pretty sure dawson mercer did too
8. zack macewen on the senators got fined $2,018.23, the max allowed by the cba for unsportsmanlike misconduct against matthew tkachuk last night (utter bullshit imo. he literally attacked him)
9. lian bichel (texas stars player, ahl affiliate of the dallas stars) decided to exercise his right to return to sweeden
10. radko gudas day-to-day with a lower-body injury (this is not good for the ducks)
11. devils made a sick third period comeback from being down 4-2. brenden smith threw hands with anders lee. lee left bloody. then with 22.1 seconds left in the fourth, curtis lazar scored and they won 5-4
12. the leafs and the panthers went into a shootout. three rounds wasn't enough, so they went into a fifth. the panthers' evan rodrigues scored, so the panthers went off to the locker room. upon review, the goal was waved off because it was a rebound goal and players are not allowed to double tap during a shootout. the panthers had to be called back out for a sixth round and the leafs' noah gregor won the game
13. oilers and vgk also went into a shootout. oilers won it in three. the oilers played against vgk in round two of the playoffs last season, and the leafs played against the panthers in round two of the playoffs. this means that both teams that got eliminated in round two won in a shootout tonight against the team that knocked them out
and the night isn't over!
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domifucker · 9 months
Hi! My friend and I are getting into hockey and we’re kind of wondering what the vibe on Max Domi is?? I’m kind of seeing mixed messages about him so we were wondering why you like him so we can figure out what his deal is and if we should try to pay attention to him more on the leafs. Thanks!
hi anon!! just wanna say before i get going that i’m in love with this ask and you by extension for asking, and i’m sorry this took me so long!
now on to the propaganda (this is long i’m not sorry)
i’m obligated to preface this by saying i’m hugely biased as a Leafs fan who grew up in Southern Ontario. my dad has always been a pretty big Tie Domi fan, so liking Max just seemed like a natural continuation of that.
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baby Max with Mats Sundin, then-captain of the Leafs. he’s just a little guy,,
born March 2nd, 1995, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, one month before Tie was traded (back) to the Leafs, Max spent his childhood in Mississauga, Ontario, roughly half an hour west of Toronto. at the age of 12, following some health complications at a hockey tournament in Detroit, blood work revealed that Max had type 1 diabetes and celiac disease. 
not the end of the world, clearly, but a pretty significant shock for a kid with aspirations of greatness. of course, he was able to manage it, with time, and when i finally read his book i’ll tell y’all more about it i promise.
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these pictures make me emotional,, a couple of Domis, a couple of decades apart,,, except Max looks about 200% cuntier
scored a hatty in his OHL debut (slay). won consecutive OHL championships with the London Knights in 2012 and 2013 (double slay). selected 12th overall by the Phoenix (now Arizona) Coyotes, and signed a three year ELC (!). won gold with Team Canada at the 2015 WJC, and was named the tournament’s best forward (huge W). traded to the Montréal Canadiens in 2018, to the Columbus Blue Jackets in 2020, to the Carolina Hurricanes (via the Florida Panthers) at the trade deadline of March 31st 2022, to the Chicago Blackhawks in July of 2022, to the Dallas Stars in March 2023, and finally signed as a free agent to our beloved Toronto Maple Leafs on July 2nd 2023. he’s been on seven different NHL teams since he was drafted. 
sadly, as i’ve only been a hockey fan for one calendar year, i cannot provide much insight into his time with NHL teams other than the Leafs. i have ordered and am waiting for his book to come in so i can better rotate him in my mind, but i encourage anyone who knows more about his other teams’ lore to add to this post or send me what you know, so i can share it with the world. (pls i wanna know everything about him ever)
what i can say is that him and Mitch Marner were teammates on the London Knights for two seasons, (13-14 and 14-15), the second of which saw Max as captain and Mitch as an alternate captain. the season after, Mitch was named captain in Max’s stead. seeing them back together on the Leafs brings joy to my little London Knights heart.
now back to him as a Leaf. 
the current Leafs points leaders, as of December 30th, are as follows:
William Nylander - 48P (17G 31A)
Auston Matthews - 44P (29G 15A)
Mitch Marner - 38P (14G 24A)
John Tavares - 31P (11G 20A)
Morgan Rielly - 27P (4G 23A) 
Max Domi - 21P (3G 18A)
the first five of these are pretty much to be expected, but there’s my close good friend Max Domi right there too :) he’s doing his part, and even if he’s not the biggest scorer, assists are just as important and valuable :) if i have to kill y’all with positivity for this i will :) i love him dearly :)
also, he currently sits at 389 career points, and he’s nowhere near done, while Tie Domi earned 245 points in his entire career of 1020 games. nobody can say shit to me about him not living up to his dad’s legacy (Note: Tie also sits at third in NHL history for penalty minutes with 3515, but that’s a stat nobody will ever surpass. ever. the current PIM leader in the NHL is Corey Perry, and he only has 1392.)
and now i’m not about to sit here and pretend i know how to quantify the skills of an NHL player, let alone describe them in great detail. i do not. however, what i do know is that i love watching him play and make plays. in my eyes, he is a good player, and this is the Max Domi Propaganda Blog so if you want something less biased i can’t help you, sorry :’)
this love began in a preseason game against the Habs, on Oct 2nd. his first game as a Leaf in Toronto, he scores a tip-in against his former team, and he shrugs it off like NBD. for those of you who were following me at the time, you know i was not normal about it then and i am not normal about it now. i think about that celly every goddamn day. 
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much to my great sorrow, they Leafed this game up and lost in OT 5-4. but either way, this was the moment that definitively kicked off the Rick eastoncowan Domishka era. 
and the only time Max ever seems to get a scoring chance, it’s either on a breakaway or from a spot that would have been absolutely NASTY if it went in. my mans only wants sexy goals, which is a stance i respect immensely. 
his first regular season goal… didn’t give him any points. it was beautiful, and a game winner, but since it happened in a shootout, it didn’t count towards his points totals. personally, i think this is bullshit, but now is neither the time nor the place for me to get into my issues with some of the NHL’s rules. (Nov 10, 2023, Flames @ Leafs)
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Domishka bardownski SO winner,,, you were so beautiful and so unappreciated but i will never forget you </3
Max’s first real goal as a Leaf.
for those of you who followed me at the time, you may recall this post:
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a post that the Hockey Gods took to heart
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and obviously i followed through. what do you think i am, some kind of quitter?
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and, again, unfortunately, we Leafed that one up, too. we lost it in OT again, so still no Domi belt pic for Rick :(
now i’m not going to go back and gif all 18 of his assists, because i don’t think y’all care quite that much about Visual Proof of all of them. for your convenience, though, i did go back and track down whose goals he had assisted on, and the results aren’t super surprising IMO
Calle Järnkrok, Nick Robertson (assisted on 5 each)
Matthew Knies (assisted on 4)
William Nylander, Morgan Rielly, Mitch Marner, Timothy Liljegren (assisted on 1 each)
anyway, now for what is quite possibly my favourite game that i didn’t actually get to watch live.
December 16, 2023, Penguins @ Leafs, a decisive 7-0 victory.
it was also a 3 point night for Max, two of which helped to complete Matthew Knies’ Gordie Howe hat trick, the first since Daniel Winnik in 2015. but a goal and an assist are only two parts of it, the third being a fight. a fight which Knies initiated against John Ludvig after he knocked out yet another of Max’s front teeth with his stick. a fight which was Knies’ first ever. i’m still mad i didn’t see this happen live, but i’ve rewatched the game in its entirety twice, and the highlights too many times to count. this game sparked my undying love for the 23-11-16 line, which is a line i still pray keefe will bring back.
and so, we have a goal and a fight, and we have an assist to finish off the hat trick, and none of it would have happened without Max :)
and speaking of fights, Max has had a couple of em himself in his time as a Leaf so far. granted, if you ask hockeyfights dot com, he didn’t win either of them, but that’s not what matters. what matters is that he looked beautiful doing it, whether it was against Ian Cole (VAN) or Sam Bennett (FLA), especially with the fun added bonus of him flexing his full head of hair at Bennett’s bald dome. as an aside, i fucking hate Sam Bennett, so Max trying to fight him was… well it made me feel things. all i’m gonna say.
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max’s third goal was also gorgeous. stunning. amazing. another beautiful bardown, the sound of which lives on in my dreams.
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this is getting far longer than it really needs to be, so i’ll take a step back and give you my true, honest thoughts.
Max Domi has been a very helpful player for the Leafs since he got here. he obviously has the drive to play here and to play well here, and 21 points is nothing to be ashamed of. you know who else has 21 points as of me writing this? Alex Ovechkin. and now i’m not saying they are players of the same caliber, but Max is 6th on the Leafs in points, and Ovi is tied for first on the Caps. 21 points is still 21 points, no matter where in the standings someone is. Max was born to be a Leaf, and nothing makes me happier than to see him here and thriving on the team he’s loved since he was a kid. he takes shots, blocks shots, defends his boys and is defended right back in turn. 
and i would not be Rick eastoncowan if i didn’t mention that i think he is hot. like stupid hot. especially without his teeth. fuck, the heart wants what the heart wants, and damn if my heart doesn’t want this tiny toothless idiot. 
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heart4reigns · 1 year
OPERATION: TOGETHER, roman reigns and cody rhodes (v).
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warnings: curse words, fighting 24/7, gaslighting (typical roman behavior), cigarettes
tags: still making (y/n) as unlikable as usual <333, original characters to fill the plot
EVER since your friendship bloomed with cody–you had something (or someone) to look forward to every time you went to work. it took a while for you to adjust to his always positive attitude. he was truly the top face of the company. “good morning, ms. (l/n).” the staffs greeted you. it was a regular talent meeting and you were leading the meeting. “good morning everyone. we’ll wait for the talents to come and we can start with the analytics.” they nodded in unison.
you looked at your phone, furrowing your brows at your new texts.
cody: sorry can’t attend the meeting
cody: pharaoh swallowed his chew toy
cody: going to the er now
(y/n): god hope he’s okay
(y/n): i’ll fill u in
cody: thanks bro send me your address i'll go there
“rhodes cannot come to this meeting, due to several circumstances.” you announced to the board. once again, they all nodded in unison. you were still focusing on the report to notice that your ex boyfriend and his entire faction walked inside the room. always early, you thought. the twins and their younger brother waved at you, earning a nod in response. roman smiled at you, only for you to look away. soon, the room was filled with the talents and you were ready to start the meeting.
everyone’s attention was on you. like usual, you didn’t feel intimidated–you were very good at your job. “good morning talents, staffs, and board members. my name is (y/n) (l/n), co-creative director. i will be leading the meeting today.” you introduced yourself to the room. you received several nods as an answer to continue your presentation. “without taking up your time, after we review your performances, you can leave the meeting to prepare for tonight’s event.”
“starting off with the new talents, several college athletes are on their way to the next tryouts, 6 of them are advancing in the tryouts; elliot roberts, kwon iseul, mohammed yazid, and twins kayla and matthew wilson.” you clicked next on the presentation, showing their profiles. “talent management will be supervising their performances.” you continued. “on to the next point of the meeting, analytics.”
you knew it was the boring part of the meeting as you heard several people sighing. “if this meeting is boring to you, please leave mr. perry.” the man quickly fixed his posture. “i’m sorry, ms. (l/n). please continue.” if looks could kill, everyone in this room would be dead, especially roman reigns. “the first analytics report, bianca belair." the meeting continued.
the reports were never-ending, it was indeed a long meeting. soon, the talents left one-by-one, not wanting to miss out their schedules–leaving you with the main event crew; the bloodline. you tried your best to shrug off the look roman kept giving you. “last analytics report for today goes to the bloodline.” you said. “starting off with the usos, still holding the tag-team championships… last year’s backlash did a good job for you, your ratings are up, everyone’s tuning in every time you’re on screen.” after you finished your sentence, jimmy gave a high-five to his twin. “solo, everyone’s interested in your upcoming events, twitter, especially. your feud with riddle earned views, keep it up.” the man nodded.
“as for reigns,” you paused a second, staring into his eyes–unfazed as usual. “your feud with cody has to be one of the most anticipated feuds ever. if we’re able to maintain this energy till wrestlemania, i’ll give props to the entire bloodline." he nodded at your sentence. “now cody isn’t here for his analytics, here are your prints. you’re free to go.” you said, not wanting to spend another second with your ex-boyfriend in the same room as you. the twins and solo sat up, patting roman’s back. “let’s go, uce.” he shook his head. “give me a minute.”
of course they listened to him, you thought. “what do you want, reigns? the meeting is over.” you asked. “what’s up with you and cody?” that question irked you. “again, none of your fucking business.” you replied, giving him the cold shoulder. “i need to know.” he stated. “and why do you need to know?” you barked at him. “because we all know this ‘bitch from upstairs’ doesn’t hang out with people and all the sudden you have him as a dog following you around.” you clenched your jaw at his comment. “first of all, you don’t know anything about me. second of all, cody isn’t my fucking dog. he’s a friend.” roman sarcastically laughed at your sentence.
“a friend? that’s new. also, that’s when you are wrong, (y/n). i know everything about you and this ‘bitch from upstairs’ thing? it’s not gonna work on me… you’re not like that, what happened to the (y/n) we used to love?” that was your last straw. you had to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. “roman.” you turned around and faced him. “please leave.” you gave him a fake corporate smile. he shook his head once again. “i’m not gonna leave until we clear this out.”
oh, you had enough of him. “you wanna know why i changed? there’s a huge mirror behind you, reigns. take a good look at yourself. i think you know the answer but you’re still in denial that you’re a huge asshole when it comes to loving someone.” you gritted your teeth in annoyance. “it’s pretty clear that you,” you pointed your finger at him, slightly holding back your tone. “fucking did this to me, reigns. now go fuck off and defend your title for all i care, just don’t talk to me unless it’s for work purposes.”
“can’t we at least be friends again… forget about everything that has happened between us?” you were boiling with rage. “roman, get it through your thick skull. we can never be friends. and forget about everything? so i’m disposable to you?” the two of you were on each other’s nerves. “it’s not like that.” he defended himself. “then what is going on, roman? jesus, i have a new friend and suddenly you’re back in my life?” you asked him, still not breaking eye-contact. “i’m just saying if you can be friends with him, you can be friends with me too.” you held back your laughter. “fuck off, i don’t want you anymore.”
that wasn’t a lie, that wasn't the truth either. maybe, maybe you didn’t want him anymore. or maybe you were so blinded by your own hatred to acknowledge your own feelings.
the elevator ride was silent. everyone heard you and roman arguing earlier. “so, where are you going after this, (y/n)?” jimmy asked, breaking the silence in the elevator. “i’m going home.” you replied, still feeling the tension in the air. “cool, i was wondering if you want to grab drinks?” jey continued. “thank you, but i’m going to be with rhodes. i’m gonna fill him with the analytics.” jimmy made eye-contact with his twin. roman slightly clenched his fist, still confused with the thought of you and cody. “this is my floor, i’ll be leaving. see you on friday.” you stepped out of the elevator.
to say the least, roman was happy? that you were getting out of your shell, but at the same time, he envied what you had with cody. roman knew that it was all because of his doings, but he didn't want to admit it. roman reigns was trying to make amends with you and he was failing. "get over it, man." jimmy advised. "bro, you really need a reality check, honestly. you said there's nothing you can do, now you're all back in her life? no wonder she hates you." jimmy's last sentence took a toll on him.
she hates me, he thought. "fuck, what the hell is wrong with me?" roman was all alone in his hotel room, trying his best to collect his own thoughts. "she fucking hates me." he repeated. after the break up, he thought everything would be okay; you were still going to be friends with him despite the break up, but he was wrong. why was it all coming back to him? for the first time in his life, roman reigns was confused with his next step. but he knew what he was going to do. he was going to be all over in your life again, not wanting to lose you to cody fucking rhodes.
it wasn't a nice gesture, he knew that. but seeing you with the american nightmare bothered him a bit. hell, he would prefer seeing you all alone without any friends than to see cody following you around, like a lost puppy with his charming smile and his stupid friendly personality. roman told his cousins about his plan and they all disagreed at the same time. "you're fucking crazy." jey added. "i'm starting to regret what i did, i'm gonna take her back, sooner or later." solo face-palmed at his sentence. "we don't want anything to do with this. she's like a little sister to us, uce. we can't afford another heartbreak for her. i don't even know what to say to you."
"i hope you don't mind having pharaoh in your house." you quickly shook your head, petting the dog. "it's fine. as long as he doesn't shit on my fucking carpet." cody chuckled. "who would've thought i'd be in your house, drinking beer at 3 pm?" it really did surprise you that you would end up actually hanging out with someone other than your boss. "so, what did i miss?" you huffed out the smoke from your cigarette, pulling out the reports.
"overall, i'd say this is looking good for you codes." his eyes lit up in excitement. you called him codes, a new nickname. you realized what you said and felt your cheeks slightly reddened. "codes." he repeated, not paying attention to the papers in front of him. "shut up." you smacked his back. "it's cute." you groaned in despair. you passed him the papers. "roman needs to shut the fuck up." you said, all the sudden. "what happened?" cody asked. "at this point, i think he's obsessed with our new friendship." you shrugged your shoulders.
pharaoh was running around your yard, making you smile a bit. "i don't want to deal wit him anymore, except for work.” you added, leaning back on your chair. “sorry i wasn’t there.” cody apologized. "nah, it wasn’t your fault. he’s an asshole and i need a shower, i smell like pharaoh already." you stood up from your seat.
the blond man noticed that you were slowly (but surely) opening up to him. sure, you had your moments, still trying to push him away. it was a push and pull situation. the more you pushed him away, the closer he pulled himself into your life. the friendship you had with him was genuine and you were glad that you ended up being friends with him, for now. you felt that your life was somehow getting better at a very slow pace, but deep down, you were still scared.
cody was reading his reports when he heard a knock coming from the front door. "CODY, CAN YOU GET IT? I THINK IT'S THE FOOD WE ORDERED." "right!" the man skipped to your front door, taking out his money to pay the delivery guy. "hey man, how much- roman?" cody almost choked on his own saliva as he saw his current 'rival' standing in front of him. "what are you doing here?" the two of them said at the same time. there was tension in the air, they noticed it too. "i'm getting my report, what are you doing here?"
"came to see (y/n)." cody furrowed his eyebrows. "what makes you think she wants to see you, man?" he continued. "whoa dude, who do you think you are?" roman's tone was stern. "you do realize she doesn't want anything to do with you anymore right?” they were glaring at each other. “you don’t get to decide what’s good for her, cody.” the black-haired man gritted his teeth. “i don’t, but i know what’s best for her. and you right now? you need to stay away from her…” cody muttered, trying his best to tone it down so you wouldn’t hear the conversation.
as soon as cody closed the door on his face, he was too stunned to speak. the game was on, roman thought. “where’s the food?” he heard your voice from inside the house. “oh, that’s not the delivery guy. there was a dude asking for directions.” cody lied, covering the fact that roman was still actually in front of your house. he hesitated a bit, wanting to knock again–but he knew, you’d hate him even more.
it was a matter of time till he comes back in your life. cody and roman were playing a game of chess.
a/n: sorry for shorter chapters… i’m trying my best </3 it’s getting intense for the three of them
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areyoutherelarry · 3 months
I’m sorry but reading the shit that some of the Oilers fans are posting on other social media apps is dumbfounding; I’m just flabbergasted.
I’m from Chicagoland. I want Chicago teams to win obviously, but I’m also very aware of the noxious spaces that these teams are.
The Blackhawks have been abhorrent in their behavior as an organization, and, unfortunately, that is sometimes being reflected onto Connor Bedard who didn’t really have a choice (you can argue a Cutter Gauthier situation but for a number one pick they would’ve waited him out all three years).
This is not a defense of the Blackhawks, I want to make that clear. However, Corey Perry, very clearly, did something wrong and they paid him $4 million for the privilege. He was supposed to help the young guys of the team and he did something so abhorrent that they terminated his contract and the grievance was resolved without disclosure to the media about what he did… This negatively impacts the future of the NHL because Connor Bedard is part of the future of the NHL. Regardless of the media denials, Corey Perry’s termination is, at least fleetingly, tied to Connor Bedard.
I feel sympathy for Connor McDavid (and his Conn Smythe winning ass) and Leon Draisaitl (I hope they win together), but the fact that people are coming onto social media to defend Corey Perry (especially as a fuck you to Matthew Tkachuk) is disgusting and as gross as people who say that the Blackhawks’ jerseys are the best.
That isn’t growing the game. That’s the definition of being a poor loser. These fans need to grow up.
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halsteadlover · 11 months
I’m sorry for this little rant but I wanted to say it.
The news of Matthew Perry shocked me so much I can’t put my head around it. I know I may be an hypocrite saying this because I haven’t know him very much beside some couple of episodes of Friends I’ve watched on tv when I was younger. His death was like a thunder in light sky and I’m sure many on you will think the same. I know I didn’t follow him very often but he was like one of those people you see on tv and think ‘he’s immortal’ so knowing about his passing was honestly devastating.
His death made me think and realize how short life really is, how so little time we have on earth, how we can be here now but just disappear in a second so let’s appreciate the beautiful thing that life is and not take it for granted. Don’t let arguments or any kind of disagreement go between someone you love, hug every one and give them all the love you can, go say I love you to your sister, your brother, your mom and dad, your family, your friends, your lover because tomorrow isn’t promised.
I’m so deeply sorry for Matthew’s family, I can’t even imagine how devastated must they feel right now and even if it is no use, I really pray for them. I hope that wherever he is now he’ll rest in peace.
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holding-out-for-hea · 11 months
Matthew Perry…..
I’m DEVASTATED. Chandler Bing was everything. I’m so sorry for all the struggles you had to endure. I hope you’ve found peace
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sweetiepie08 · 11 months
Every Thanksgiving, my family and I usually rewatch the Friends Thanksgiving episodes before getting ready to go to my uncle’s house for dinner. This year probably would have been no different except that my mom is hosting and my sister is making the turkey. (My uncle is fine btw. He’s just in his 80s and has been hosting by himself since 2010 after my aunt passed away. He’s just tired.)
We probably will still watch the Friends episodes but I’m sure will feel different. While his struggles with addiction were well known, I’m sure no one expected to lose Matthew Perry so soon. He and the Friends cast become such icons, they felt timeless, also immortal. Friends has become a comfort show for many people around the world, bringing laughter, joy, and relief into their homes.
I’m sorry to say I don’t know much about Matthew Perry, and I haven’t read his memoir yet, but in reading about his life, I read that he wanted to help people. I hope he knows he did that. In their tributes, the actors who knew him all spoke about what a joy he was to be on set. He helped millions of people who turned on Friends and watched his most iconic role as they tried to take a break from their day and laugh for a half hour. And I’m sure he helped many more people in his personal life in ways we may never know about.
Rest in peace Matthew Perry. You will be missed.
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windtowee · 6 months
What I missed and what I have to say about everything:
Gojo Incident on TikTok
I’m very very disturbed. I wake up at five in the morning and I get this text from my friend that says, ‘hey look up the Gojo incident on TikTok’ so I fucking did. It scarred me for the rest of the day.
2. War in the Middle East
I’m so sorry for the people who have families and friends there. This is a really unfortunate situation for everyone down there and I hope that they will call for peace
3. 2025 plan for the USA
Basically is screwing everyone else who isn’t a biological straight white male, is what I’m getting from this
4. Ban for TikTok in the USA
I don’t think that there is gonna do it. It would be unconstitutional, considering how they can’t really band any sort of social media since it’s in the first amendment. Idk though, I’m not a lawyer but we’ll see
5. Coming out
I’m gender neutral and I’m bisexual now but I am still female biologically 
6. Matthew Perry’s death.
I am literally heartbroken over his death. Chandler was my favorite and the sad thing is that Perry lived the life that Chandler was scared to. The night that I convinced one of my play cousins to watch friends is also the same night that he died.
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descendantsteen · 11 months
For all of those that were waiting for the next chapter of Descendants watching the vks past and present, I just posted it.
I’m sorry it took so long I had writers block and also I was saddened by the death of Matthew Perry, he made be laugh the most on friends.
May he and Cameron Boyce Rest In Peace 😇
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leeminholinoing · 2 years
Sometimes I worry about Louis. There’s this taboo in the community about health and alcohol/drug consumption. While I agree it can be dangerous to discuss our idols’ body and health, it’s also human to be scared. We all know how much stardom can be destructive. Name me one celebrity who doesn’t have any mental issue due to their fame. I’ve seen a video today about Matthew Perry watching a clip of Chandler Bing talking about Rachel’s big hat. He said he was feeling sorry for this guy, this young version of himself. He was very thin. And surprise surprise it was caused by alcohol and drugs. Could we as fans do something to make their lives easier? I don’t know. So maybe just talking about it is incredibly pointless. But it hurts to watch from afar our stars acting destructive and being shut down by other fans as soon as we open our mouths. Maybe it’s important to bring awareness to these issues? Smoking weed isn’t all fun and that’s a reality. Maybe discussing it would show celebrities we care and we see them and their struggles. I don’t know. I don’t know how to express what I’m feeling. But I feel guilty watching some FRIENDS episodes and laughing and then finding out some actors were going through hell.
I get you but it's not our battle and we need to have faith they have people around them who care and won't actually let them fall through.
I do wish some fans would stop saying "it's normal" blah blah blah but I don't think that will happen either. These celebrities live life completely outside of what humans should live. No one has the key to process fame bc it just shouldn't exist.
There's no reason to feel guilty we are not the ones who create that industry or put pressure on them to keep going (at least most of us).
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dirtboy-merc · 2 years
i’m sorry i just found out that matthew perry voiced benny from fallout new vegas and now i’m feeling like everything really was rigged from the start lmao what the fuck-- actually no sorry
what in the goddamn...?
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