#and look ok i understand teenagers love with that sort of intensity. they love in a 'this is thel ove of my life' way
megatraven · 1 year
i rewatched tean beach movie 2 and im mad again
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bambambunny · 11 months
Fatui Cat (Segment Edition!) pt. 2
Once again I am so so sorry it's been a month. I know how annoying it is for chapters to be slow and this one's pretty short. I have no real excuse but pls enjoy.
Warnings: little bit of existential horror, it gets kinda intense pls be advised
Relationships: Platonic segments / gn cat!reader
Summary: you observe the segments and the reality of your situation finally sets in.
Wc: 705
Part 1
Slowly but surely, everyone settles into the rhythm of their projects. What a lovely introduction, well aside from being dropped but you’re a sturdy little thing. You let your gaze wander from one segment to the next, from your spot by the door. They didn't exactly all look like the Dottore you knew, they were all different ages. To someone who didn't know better, they would have looked like brothers.
There was the oldest looking one, judging by the greying hair and beard, he seemed to be pouring over some dusty tomes. You recall how he gave #7 room to compose himself. He probably wouldn't be too adverse to you being here. Perhaps like Pierro if he wasn't such a sourpuss…
There was a slightly younger clone, maybe 50; You were never good at estimating ages. In your professional opinion, this one would be the dilf of the squad. He’s furiously scribbling on some blue prints and he has several coffee mugs around him.
One segment looks almost exactly like Normal Dottore and he’s tinkering with his own biometrics. Gross. You get that they’re robots or whatever but it looks like he has blood. Ok thats enough! On to the next one...
There's one who looks like he’d be in college, shorter hair and kinda lanky and no eye mask. He has a whiteboard in front of him with a maddening amount of equations. Good god, there's more letters than numbers! You look away before you get an aneurysm.
Another segment, like the one before but even younger, is flitting about his desk stacked with various terrariums. You can't see what sort of animal the terrariums hold from your spot on the floor but you catch a glimpse of some tropical looking leaves and a heat light. He gets something from a minifridge nestled in a corner and retrieves something that looks like mice? You walk a bit closer and notice they’re glowing an unnatural purple. Nevermind.
The electric crackle of a welding machine catches your attention. When you turn to look, there is a teenager working on a massive robot. And it's not just massive to a cat, it's massive. Suddenly it powers up! You dash away to a dark quiet corner.
Everything’s so big and loud and you don't like it! You push yourself further into the corner and hide your face in your own fur.
Your breath starts to hasten.
It feels like you can't breathe.
For the first time, since you got here, you feel scared. You'd been so caught up in the wonder of a world you only ever saw on a screen that it hadn't occurred to you that you were stuck.
You were stuck.
In this world, in this nation, in this palace, in this body.
There is no feasible way to gain back any of the control you once had – back when you were behind a screen, with a simple user interface and a few buttons to press, you can't even have the control of just some normal human!
You're scared and alone in a place you don't fully understand. No matter how closely you hold yourself to familiar characters, they won't really understand what you are or what you've lost.
As of now, you are the only person in this entire world who holds the knowledge of Earth, of its customs…
…of your life.
One day you will forget, and the memory of your humanity will be lost forever.
Is this what you wanted?
You are ripped from your thoughts by a gentle but firm hand, it carries you up then presses you to the chest of someone that smells like dust and chemicals. You look up and realise it's the old man.
He pets your head gently, "oh poor thing, did the machines frighten you?
You nudge your head against his hand in conformation. He makes a small hum of consideration then begins to walk to his desk, still holding you.
"I know Prime said not to, but it would not do to leave you like this", he rests you in his lap then continues to mull about his dusty old tomes. He keeps a hand petting your fur until you fall asleep.
@etherisy @franc-1-s @assassinsnek101
(If you wanna be removed or added to the taglist pls comment)
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9800sblog · 9 months
it can be a change of mind tho maybe he doesn’t want to share anything at current time i don’t know. but i wanted to ask if you could ask him how he feels these days? if he replies, is there a change of mind or he just being himself and wants to stay private? nothing serious, or is changed? just a check on his current situation. him being totally private kinda worried me. because i feel like san is a very strong soul spiritually as well. -mel
san tarot reading
energy check-in
do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? the star
san reinforced that I have to reassure fans that nothing is too bad, there's no need for desperation or heartbreak, he's a regular guy and he knows it's scary to see trouble and not know what to do, but he is really ok. (3 of swords, knight of wands reversed, ace of wands, king of cups)
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hi mel 👋👋 love seeing you around, I've been well! sorry for the delay, it just didn't feel right before.
like me and other readers have noticed, ateez are just tired and don't have much time to think about their troubles, which makes them last longer than need be. I feel like we often feel closed off to their energies, because they like/need to use all their alone time to really renew and do a bit of soul searching. I think currently there is nothing for fans to really worry about with members.
4 of cups, judgement, 3 of wands reversed
me and other readers have seen similar things in all/most ateez members for a few months now, their present time is just not what they expected, planned or hoped for as teenagers (when they started). I think this is a common thing, it doesn't seem like something to intensely worry about, it seems like usual young adult crisis, like most of us are having (same feelings and thoughts, just a different reality). I know he doesn't have a religion but he may be relying a lot on some sort of spiritual thing, may even be someone who is spiritual. san is very introspective, trying to figure out who he is, what he does and doesn't like, what fits into his life, but it's difficult because he's still so young, his life is planned out for him, he feels like he doesn't have much control of his own choices and personality. ateez are naturally introspective and soulful people but they don't have much restful or alone time to really pick their brains, it's like procrastinating healing and soul searching that we all go through at their ages. he has suffered big disappointment and is trying to grow from it, but he has no option but to stay grounded and stuck in a mediocre reality. like mingi has said, he's looking for small happiness in daily life, to not think "I'll be happy once I have this". ateez is in a limbo state currently, they're not small or beginner celebrities but they're also not big or experienced enough to control their own careers/lives. it's a weird stage but he's taking his time with it, san is very smart and he's got people that understand him by his side, helping him, "saving" him. he's learning how everything and everyone is interconnected, how small details and choices can have a lot of power, learning when to accept and offer help, etc etc.
body/physical reality
10 of pentacles reversed, queen of pentacles reversed, 2 of cups reversed
his work responsibilities are fucking him up. queen of pentacles always make me think of fandom, and in reversed makes me of fanatics, manipulators, stalkers, etc. he's really really busy, not seeing his family who he loves deeply (his little cat 😭). san has been procrastinating his need for big changes, he may be instantly overwhelmed with the idea and since he has no time to think deeply, he just ignores it. he needs a break from work and selfish "supporters", be physically closer to those he is emotionally close to (like even his members seem to have little time together). he's living a money obsessed lifestyle when he is just a family guy.. he may be in autopilot mode a lot when in front of camera and not know how to turn it off when he gets home. his body may feel constantly tired and have muscle pain, maybe stomach/digestive issues as the cards suggest.
the hermit, knight of swords, page of pentacles reversed
lightest part of the reading, san has a strong, powerful, incredibly smart and thoughtful spirit. san is currently feeling amazingly grateful for the success he has found early in his career, he's thankful to his members and staff for making this process easier and the goal achievable. he's grateful to himself specially for trying so hard, going after what he wants and not being afraid to dive deep into his soul when he needs. his soul is earning for change and action in his immediate life, earning for rebellion, a cause for riot. deep down, he knows other members would go with him to war (no soldier fights on their own), but his mind is a little slow and is still trying to figure out the best plan.
bottom of the deck
10 of cups
he's fine, he is so more than ok, there is nothing to worry about, at the end of the day, san is always deeply happy and grateful. not in a toxic positivity type of way, he's just got a good family, he's picked good friends, he lives in a good house, he's excited for his future and he sees a really bright one ahead of him. he's able to see the good in every situation and grow from things that sting him. oh he's so ok, I feel like, even if there's shocking news or something, he'd be like "hey! this just wasn't the ideal situation for me so I changed it, it's not a problem, I got this!". also, he looks like this emoji: 😼
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
I finally finished As Luck Would Have It, the Ralph/Laurie fic I’ve long wanted to write. It is the reason I started writing TC fanfic in the first place, I think. Going into this, I wanted to accomplish two things.
I wanted to write a “Laurie reunites with Andrew years after canon” fic that features a Laurie who has completely moved past his infatuation. I don’t believe I’ve seen this particular interpretation of his character in previous Andrew-reunion fics. The rather popular idea in fics of this genre, that after years of domestic contentment with Ralph, an older Laurie would still be hung up on and intensely wistful about a romantic friendship he had with a teenager for 8-10 weeks while convalescing at the hospital when he was 23 never rang true for me. I especially wanted to write against the “if not for Dave I’d have been with you” trope. I don’t buy that excuse. Laurie has agency. He’d have stayed to talk to Andrew if he —in his heart of hearts —wanted to. And I personally don’t believe the “taking Ralph on out of pity” interpretation. It contradicts everything Laurie has demonstrated about his true feelings for Ralph. He wants to be with Ralph, has always wanted to be with Ralph. His problem was believing that wanting was not a good enough reason, that his desires needed moral justification, that they had to serve a higher purpose in order to be ethically acceptable and dignified. In Ralph’s final letter, he finally finds the higher purpose he needed to sanction his desire.
So my story is about a man who runs into an old love he hasn’t seen in years and happily realizes that his heart has completely moved on. A man who can now remember and interpret the past with the wisdom and maturity of experience. He has a life, he has a partner, he has friends. His emotional needs are met. He is safely out of his quarter-life crisis era and has at least a decade to go before hitting a mid-life one. He’s in a good place. He doesn’t need Andrew in order to feel mature. And although Andrew still has a lot to figure out, Laurie is no longer interested in being a participant in Andrew’s personal journey. It doesn’t matter anymore, what Andrew thinks of his queerness, of Laurie, of Laurie’s partner.
But they are pleased to see each other, and it is nice to catch up with an old friend. They no longer fit into each other’s lives, but that’s ok. They get closure, and they end things on a good note. Andrew is a good man. Just not the right one for Laurie, and vice versa.
And then, Laurie moves on with his day: he had plans. He has a dinner date an old friend from Oxford, and receives a manuscript he’d been looking forward to reading. Meeting Andrew was an interesting interlude in his Friday afternoon, something he tells his partner about later in the evening as they rest in their armchairs at home. He and Ralph both know that this meeting with Andrew does not jeopardize their relationship in any way. They’ve long moved past that sort of jealousy and insecurity.
And this brings me to my second goal. I wanted to write a Ralph who feels secure in his relationship with Laurie after years of commitment. I don’t like to imagine Ralph as living for years (or decades!) in perpetual anxiety and feeling like he is on infinite probation with Laurie, ready to be abandoned at a moment’s notice. Thats understandable in the beginning of their relationship, when Laurie was still undecided and torn. I don’t like to imagine that persisting in the long-run. It sounds like a stressful and unhappy marriage. Not the future I imagine for Ralph and Laurie. They’d still squabble, as couples do, but not about commitment.
So in my story, Ralph is interested in how Laurie feels after meeting someone he loved during a difficult time in his life, but he is secure in their love and in the life they’ve build together. He knows Laurie is not going to leave him for Andrew. They both have always known that, deep down.
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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sweetfierceimagines · 3 years
PART1/ It was supposed to be simple.  Ricky x Reader (HSMTM)
Hello everyone, I’ve been trying really hard to write lately, and it has been very complicated. I think you all understand, when everything is not ok in someone’s life, that someone kind of loses it.
But I decided to fight that, I least trying !
I discovered the series High School Musical the Musical and even though I’m 24 and supposed to be over this kind of drama, I’M CLEARLY NOT.
Synopsis : Reader is a student, she’s not technically involved in the Musical like everyone else, but she helps with costumes making and set management. Ricky gets to know her and even though he really wants to get Nini back and has a whole plan for it, life decides to mess with him, and he gets involved in a new sentimental obsession.
Warnings : none. Probably not my best writing, please be kind to me.. Just a lot of fluff and teenage drama ! Enjoy <3
Tell me if you want this to carry on ! I’ll be glad to write a part 2 if you like it :)
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Here he was, playing Troy Bolton in this Musical. He would never have done it if it wasn’t for Nini.
He understood her, understood her pain, understood why she chose that stupid E.J. But he was not going to abandon. It was not because he didn’t reply that he didn’t mean it. 
So he enroled (quite amazingly by the way) in this musical. He was dancing, singing, acting.. He never thought it could actually be this fun and exhausting. He seemed to be reaching Nini’s heart more and more each day, as she was also realising that EJ was not as perfect as he pretended to be.
But something was about to mess up all his plans.
The school was all about that Musical. It seemed as if every other activity and class was less important and didn’t deserve that much attention. Y/N was not a singer, not a dancer. She didn’t play any instrument, she didn’t like to be under the spotlights.
She was all about reading, writing and creating. So when the art class shut down for “fund purposes” (basically meaning this musical was costing the school too much), she had to find another way to create. 
So she went for it. Asked Miss Jenn if she needed someone for her costumes and decor management, and simply started to work on the set. She wasn’t the only one working on costumes and on stage management, but she clearly was the best of the team.
And it was appreciated.
After just a few weeks, she was named “stage and costume director”, whatever that means. Even though she was pretending she didn’t care, it sort of made her feel validated, and allowed her to create as much as she wanted to, which was pretty amazing. 
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It was one of these days.
Everything seemed to fall apart. His parents were ending their relationship, his mom would probably leave for a long time, Nini still supported EJ even though he was making mistakes for which she would have dumped him..
He felt like everything he was doing was not good enough and it was hard to deal with. He was not usually shy with his feelings, but this time he didn’t feel like sharing. So he stayed late, very late, at school, and waited for everyone to leave stage to show up.
He was sure no one was there, so he let his emotions speak and just let it out. He started by talking to himself, making moves and being loud. He was talking about his family, his fear of being abandonned, his fear of never being loved again, the pain of knowing he lost Nini because he didn’t deserve her back there, the impression that EJ was a better man than he was.. he could go for hours.
And then he started singing.
A couple sentences from numerous songs. Songs about love, songs about pain, songs about courage. He closed his eyes and sang his heart out. It was beautiful, strong, sincere. It would have tear anyone’s heart.
And it did.
Y/N was staying late, as usual. She had a special authorisation from Miss Jenn and the Dean to stay extra hours backstage, working of costumes or just on personnal projects.
At school at least, she didn’t have to deal with noise, with family issues of with anything that could poison her creativity.
She was painting when she heard a noise.
Startled, she sort of went in panic mode, imagining a hundred scenarios in which she would get in troubles. She walked smoothly to the stage entrance and remained out of sight while looking at the boy who played Troy basically loosing his mind on stage.
She could have told him that he was not alone, she was actually about to signal her presence out of respect for what he was revealing, when he started singing.
It made Y/N go numb, as if she left her body and could feel her soul burning of compassion. His voice was everything, his face was everything.
She didn’t realise, but she was crying silently.
After a couple minutes, she realised she was actually holding her breath. She breathed heavily and stumbled, making Ricky realise he was not alone at all.
The boy jumped and fell down, hurting himself quite badly.
Y/N came rushing at him, feeling terribly sorry for what happened.
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- Man ! Couldn’t you say you were here?!
Ricky was flaming red, embarrassed that someone heard everything. He looked at this girl’s face and it honestly took him a few seconds to remember who she was. Yes, she was on stage pretty much each day, but at some point he got so obsessed with the Musical and Nini that he completly forgot about the environment he was evolving in.
She was pretty, her Y/E/C eyes looking terrified and guilty, and it seemed as she cried recently, her eyes a bit red.
He stood up and winced, lifting his shirt a bit to realise he was going to get bruses all over his chest and stomach.
- I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to interrupt or even listen. Seriously, I was going to tell you, i’m not a creep. Well, not that kind at least..
- Yeah? You were going to? Seems like you had plenty of time.
He sighed and headed backstage to inspect his clothes and body in the miror, assessing at bad it was.
Y/N followed, staying a few meters away to give him some space. She didn’t say anything, feeling guilty enough.
Ricky took his shirt out completly, looking at his body. Y/N could tell he was contracting a bit his abs and arms and let out a silent laugh. She observed for a couple minutes and finally talked.
- You riped your shirt a bit.
Ricky turned, facing her, looking anoyed, and lifted his arms.
- No joke ! Who’s falt is it?
- You’re the one who fell dude.
He opened his mouth to answer right back but her cheekiness cheered him a bit, and he simply nodded his head.
- Yeah, I’ll blame gravity next time I see her. A real troublemaker that one.
He looked at his shirt and sighed. He didn’t know anything about sewing and his mom would probably have other things to do. Too bad, it was his favorite old school shirt.
Y/N stretched her hand toward him and he gave her his shirt. Still shirtless, he looked as she sat down where it seemed like she was staying most of the time, in a corner with painting all over, needles and fabric. She grabed one needle, easily got the thread in and started sewing, with a hand technique that showed how used to it she was.
He looked around, noticing one painting that seemed to still be in progress. He got closer, reaching his hand to it.
- Don’t ! It’s wet, I was on it when I heard you.
He turned around, looking at her in another way. She was pretty impressive, painting stuff, sewing shirts and managing a stage so well people didn’t even realised she was here.
- That’s sick.
He said with a smile.
She looked back at him and nodded, smiling at him too.
- Thanks. I usually plan what I’m going to do but this one.. it just came to me.
He looked closer, noticing a female silouette, somehow looking cut in some parts. Not cut as stabbed, but cut as split in different sections.
- What do you think it is?
Y/N said while carrying on her sewing. She acted as she was not looking at him, but each time he got his attention back at the painting, she would look at him, trying to anticipate his reactions.
- Hum.. It’s a.. it’s a woman? Right?
He would turn to her, as if he was looking for her validation for each word he said. She simply nodded, encouraging him to carry on.
- It’s a woman, and this woman is split. She.. Maybe because she went through a lot, maybe the different sections represent different emotions? Different moments of her life?
He remained silent for a second and looked with intensity at the painting. His eyebrows frown and he suddently looked sad.
- Maybe because she can’t be whole again. She has to be split. She has to try to deal with these conflicting emotions, these ups and downs. Maybe people tell her she should be grateful, and happy, and she should move on. But she can’t, because life cut her in several pieces.
And a tear rolled down his cheek.
Y/N stood up, mooving carefully toward him, and put a gentle hand on his (still naked) shoulder. She could feel him shaking a bit, deeply moved by what he felt from the painting. 
- Ricky.. it’s ok.
He turned, facing her, his eyes still filled with tears. He didn’t quite knew why, but he didn’t feel like looking anything but himself with her. After all, she knew how he was feeling, she heard what he said, and she felt what he felt.
The way she was looking at him.. Conforting, warm, yet terrifying. She understood.
He put his hand on hers, squeezing it as if it would make him feel better. He was here, facing her, hand on hand, eyes to eyes.
Suddenly, the speaker went on, the voice of a security guy telling “Miss Y/N, time to close the school. Sorry”
This sort of broke the moment. They broke the physical contact and she gave him his shirt back. They both gathered their stuff and silently headed to the front door, thanking the security guard for his patience.
They smiled at each other and Ricky waved goodbye, whatching as she was quitely leaving of her bike.
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catboylupin · 3 years
you have rly interesting takes abt wolfstar!! I was wondering if you had any head canons about the Prank like why Sirius did it and what Remus' reaction was?
hello and thank you and i’m So sorry that this has been sitting in my drafts for like Weeks at this point.... i’m physically incapable of doing anything intellectually demanding in a timely matter and this is such a hard topic because, like, i don’t know!! i’m not very well acquainted with the Fandom Mythology surrounding the Prank or the mainstream interpretation of events so i really don’t know what to make of it, especially in terms of sirius’s motivation. here are a few things that i referenced when typing this all out: meta meta/fic fic beautiful art 
the first thing that is interesting to me, and something to keep in the back of our minds when thinking about this, is that when discussing the prank in the shack during PoA, sirius says that “it served [snape] right.” 
also i think that the song hospital by the modern lovers possesses some outstanding post Prank vibes...
ok so re: sirius’s motivation. i don’t know. i think it was a combination of things. i don’t even think that sirius entirely knew why he did it, or what there was to gain. 
i guess the thing to sort out is to what extent sirius factored remus into the equation. was he not thinking about remus at all and how it would affect him and just wanted to hurt snape because he hated him, or was he like “this is for remus and remus will think it’s funny too”?
i think that he felt slightly goaded by snape because snape was being a massive asshole trying to get them expelled, and he also just did not like him at all. like, the most obvious motivation or end goal in sirius telling him is that he just wanted to scare snape so he would leave them alone and also it would be a little funny because hahaha he is a slimey wizard nazi (at age 15/16 do you think sirius would be politically advanced enough to have a ‘punching nazis’ outlook on snape? i don’t know)
and i don’t think that he ever seriously thought that remus would react well (like, how could he? sirius had to have known that remus’s worst fear ever was hurting someone). and he was literally risking the entire school finding out he was a werewolf. but maybe a small part of sirius was like “take that snape!! that’s what you get for bullying my beautiful mysterious friend!! remus will love this lol”
but i think the thing that makes the most sense is that he wasn’t thinking about remus that much and didn’t think he would react well.
and here i where you can start thinking about sirius’s upbringing and how that affected how he viewed werewolves/remus. 
i think that sirius was probably raised surrounded by some pretty intense anti-werewolf beliefs and he dealt with remus being a werewolf by 1. separating remus from the wolf and 2. kind of like romanticizing it. so much of sirius’s attraction to remus stemmed from this sort of fascination.. james was so similar to sirius and generally uncomplicated, but remus, even though he was kind of weird looking, always sort of elicited this morbid curiosity from him. and he saw remus’s lycanthropy as something he could fix, or at least help (see: the animagus thing, my personal headcanon that he was very into taking care of remus during their relationship). remus was his tragic werewolf friend. but remus never thought that sirius understood his lycanthropy the way remus wanted him to, that there was always this sort of tension, a lingering sense of “you think you’re so different from your family, but you’re not really.”  
sirius could have thought that snape actually knew about remus and wanted to make him prove that he knew, like: “sirius, i know what remus’s secret is, hint hint wink wink” “okay, if you really know then go to the shrieking shack,” like snape kind of goaded sirius into telling him, and sirius thought that he would know better. but that is just such a profoundly stupid thing for sirius to do, and i feel like putting too much blame on snape is being too generous to sirius.
leescoresbies has an interesting headcanon that the prank happened around the time sirius ran away from home and he was thus was very emotionally volatile. and so it was in part a result of sirius’s trauma/anger/joy, and i like that idea, those emotions had to have been a factor. and if you are someone that has a really hard time reconciling with sirius’s shitty behavior as a teen, that’s kind of an easy/ canon compliant way of saying “yeah, he was an asshole, but there was also this other thing going on...etc.” however, i don’t think that was the only reason, or even the main reason. i think that sirius is a deeply flawed person and thinking about the prank from the perspective of said flawed-ness makes his and remus’s relationship all the more complicated/interesting. 
and unfortunately a lot of this sort of boils down to whether or not sirius wanted to kill or seriously injure snape. those were the stakes he was dealing with in this situation. i don’t think that sirius wanted to kill him, just because that’s not really the sort of thing teenagers do, you know. and, as further evidenced by how he treated kreacher, sirius doesn’t always treat those he considers lesser than him with any sort of respect. maybe sirius just didn’t care that much about whether or not he died. he knew on an intellectual level that he was sending snape to his likely death, but maybe he just didn’t make that calculation in the moment? like sirius was so used to not facing consequences that maybe he thought things wouldn’t turn out that badly. 
i can understand, maybe, in sirius’s version of events, in his own reckless, teenage narrative, that he thought it would be okay to hurt snape. but remus? did he seriously fail to make the calculation that he would be turning him into a murderer? what sirius did was such a major, major trespass of trust/friendship in a way that is actually sort of unforgivable.
doesn’t sirius say in PoA “i’d rather die than betray my friends!” ? well, he did : / he betrayed remus..
and i think that remus would be massively upset and i don’t think he ever really completely forgave him.
when did this happen? 5th or 6th year? i think that by this time remus would kind of be relegated to a state of melodramatic, shame-ridden misery that came along with being sort of in love with sirius. and so the prank really tore him apart, because of course it would. remus was so used to being defined by his lycanthropy, used to facing discrimination, and his friends were his one refuge from that. but then sirius who he loved used him basically as a means to an end. what sirius did was incredibly exploitative— he exploited remus’s marginalized identity for personal gain without thinking about how it would affect him. and i think that remus really did care about him enough to want to forgive him. he probably felt like he had to forgive him (his friends were too important for him to lose, and, importantly, there was probably this feeling of “i am a werewolf and therefore i need to be extraordinarily forgiving in order to be perceived as non threatening, and this is just how the world treats people like me and i can’t and shouldn’t fight back”). and those are just such deeply fucked up feelings to feel towards a friend, especially one you admire and have a major soul crushing crush on.
i think that there was a period of time after the fact when they weren’t really talking, remus was very rightfully upset, everyone was angry at sirius... i think that sirius apologized, but sort of begrudgingly. because twenty years later he still thought that snape got what he deserved. 
at times i think that remus was someone who saw his relationships as very transactional. and initially he felt in debt to the other marauders because of the animagus thing and just because they were his friends. and, as dear @direwolf-summer said in this post, the prank changed the dynamic between remus and sirius: remus was no longer the one in debt, sirius was. and that is such an interesting point. remus starts demanding more from him and he finally feels that, even though sirius was really popular and closer to james or whatever, they were on even standing. this is how he was able to be more forward about his feelings— sirius stopped being this precious object who demanded endless patience in order to retain as a friend (or so he thought, this is remus’s insecurity showing). he stopped feeling so bad about having a crush on sirius. he’d be like “fuck you sirius. i’m in love with you. deal with it and you have to be nice about it in order to repay your debts.” like  he wouldn’t say that out loud but it would be in his internal monologue and he would kinda hint at it. 
there’s that line in eclipse and transit where remus says: “You say one thing and do another and half the time you don’t even try to say it, it’s like, I don’t know, like you’re daring me to leave. And everything—every single thing Sirius, it all comes back to January of sixth year, whether you’ll ever admit it or not. Or whether you even realize it” and i think it’s fitting. during fights remus probably would bring it up, and sirius would fail to understand why remus never got over it. like, sirius: “i apologized i was 15!!” and remus: “this is bigger than just that, what you did was emblematic of your flaws as a person and how even though you understand me more than almost anyone else you still don’t understand me completely and it frustrates me!!! and also i feel like you never fully understood that what you did was extraordinary fucked up.”
and i think that remus was so in love with sirius that he did forgive him, or otherwise allowed his love and affection to forget about it. but it was always bubbling under the surface...and that’s why their relationship was sort of volatile, that’s why he was so willing to believe that sirius was the spy (as in, “he betrayed me, why wouldn’t he have betrayed james and lily?”)
now i’m remembering when, in one of the snape’s memory /pensieve / flashback scenes in OotP, sirius says “i wish it was the full moon” and remus says, darkly, “you might.” now, we don’t know if that scene takes place before or after the Prank (before probably? idk), but i feel like it further compounds the extent to which sirius seems woefully unaware that remus is a werewolf and it’s not something he can separate from himself and that lycanthropy impacts every facet of his life. sirius came to understand it as just some fun thing to do every month. his sort of ignorance towards other people’s needs and experiences is also further evidenced by how he treated harry like he was james. sirius has a pretty good track record of taking other people’s pain and making into something for him to enjoy. and he doesn’t do so in a way that is entirely selfish either, i think he really thought he was helping harry and remus. maybe it all goes back to his family and childhood trauma or something (doesn’t everything? “it all started one afternoon in the 1960s..”)
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gaybarbiegirl · 3 years
00s Barbie rewatch - The Barbie Diaries (2006)
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I'm low key scared of rewatching this one
For context, I've only watched this movie one time in my life, right as it came out. I was so scared of the way the characters looked that I spent the whole movie on the verge of tears and asked my mom to give away the DVD as soon as it was over
In my defense, I was four
Here we go with the animation, I'm not sure I'm ready for this
Are there ghosts in her hair?
Wait what is this am I having a stroke?
This movie has narration? Since when?
We're less than 10 minutes into this movie and it already feels like the biggest fever dream I've ever had
"Tia is the hot intellectual one"? Does drummer girl have a crush?
Was that a sex joke?
Is Barbie gonna be having pink tinted strokes for the entire movie?
Barbie's taste in men is... questionable
Listen, I've always been a Raquelle apologist, but in this movie she's just getting on my nerves
That settles it, I ship Barbie's friends now
That dress is pretty ugly, honestly
That mall lady is way too intense. She's opening up about her high school days, calling three teenage girls she just met her sisters, and giving them free stuff from the store, all in the span of 5 minutes. I'm a little scared
Wait, what? Why does this one complimentary bracelet also come with a complimentary diary? That makes 0 sense
You know what, I'm starting to think four year old me had the right idea about this movie
Did we really need this chase sequence?
Yeah, this Barbie is a bad friend. She only talks about her own wishes and her own troubles, and her self deprecation makes her put down her friends as well as herself (like, constantly saying "we're nobody", "no one cares about us", etc.)
Kevin is creepy
The popular girls weren't that mean, actually
Why can't you just wait until the end of the class to reapply your lipgloss? It just seems like less work than coming up with a highlighter-lipgloss gadget, you know?
That poem is... not good
Once again, Barbie, please get a new taste in men
Why do people want this highlighter thing? Just wait 40 minutes to reapply, it's not a big deal
Wow, she's got her boots right on the bed
Barbie is that middle school kid who thinks they have superpowers because one time they blinked right before a thunder cracked during a storm
OK WHO WAS THAT MALL GIRL? She already gave me weird vibes before, now I'm actually concerned
Barbie's plan really is "I'm gonna stab my friends in the back so that I can befriend these new girls and then stab them in the back"
Honestly, I'm on the popular girls' side on this. Barbie was a huge jerk
Am I stroking out again?
Four year old me, sweetie, I'm so sorry I questioned your judgement, I'm so sorry
I don't really like Barbie in this movie. She's super self centered and has no self awareness
This speech came out of nowhere. She had no emotional moment where she realised she was wrong, you know?
"I just hope they find a way to forgive me" how about apologizing?
What makes you think that bracelet was lucky? It only ever brought you trouble
"Just to set the record straight, I do wash my clothes" oh my god Tia, what an icon
The friends were the best part of the movie
This animation was cursed enough when the characters were just walking around, I was not emotionally prepared to see them dancing
Their friendgroup is officially just two couples in a trench coat now (Tia x Courtney and Barbie x Kevin)
The bracelet and the diary were both really pointless
Final thoughts:
Ok, I have a confession here: I'm not a big fan of the Barbie as herself movies. Like, not at all. I think they lack most of the things I love about the other Barbie movies, like the magic, the whimsical feeling, the beautiful fantasy worlds, etc. I think my favorite Barbie as herself movies are Fashion Fairytale and Fairy Secret, and even then, I like them but I wouldn't say I love them, you know? So yeah, as you can imagine, this movie was also not my thing.
We had some good memes, and I liked the friend characters, but that's honestly all the praise I have. Other than that, the movie didn't really have a plot, their depiction of high school was really cliche, and the movie was full of elements that didn't make any sense and added nothing to the story. And all I have to say about the animation is thank god they only kept this style for one movie.
So yeah, I'm not really feeling this one. I understand why this movie had a sort of renaissance recently, because you can't deny the memes were good, but overall it's just not for me.
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trifle-of-doom · 3 years
The Hawk X Demetri Manifesto
Okay, here is the thing. Despite being well past my teens, there's a particular ship of Cobra Kai that has drawn my attention, this ship being Hawk/Eli x Demetri. When I first watched the show, I was actually more invested in the adult characters storylines than the teens. I immediately rooted for Johnny and Carmen, and I was always hoping for more interactions between them. But then I saw episode 2x05, in which the atmosphere between the Binary Brothers becomes way more dense, and that's when I started to see some potential for them. Not because I'm a deranged person who fosters abusive relationships, but because I immediately caught the hurt/comfort dynamic of the duo, which is something that works really well when it comes to fictional relationships. However, it wasn't until 3x10 that I said, "Ok, that's official, I need to see more of these two! I totally support them!" And I was quite surprised to find a fairly large amount of people who are very committed to this pairing, to the point it's caught the attention of the screenwriters/producers as well. Honestly, I don't know if the showrunners will ever have the guts to make them an official couple, and chances are their supporters will have to keep reading between the lines of their bromance, but in any case, here is my take on why Hawk/Eli x Demetri is an option worth to be considered.
#1 - The Bromance
If there's something that many years of navigating the Internet taught me, is that the main driving factor for fan-made ships is the presence of either a solid relationship based on mutual brotherly love or a bitter rivalry that may or may not flow into hate/obsession. If you consider anime fandoms, there are thousand examples that fit into either of these categories: Yugi and Jonouchi from the Yu-Gi-Oh series (yes, that's how old I am), Yugi and Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh, Sakuragi and Rukawa from Slam Dunk, Light and L from Death Note, etc. And our Hawk and Demetri fit into both categories. When we first see them, they are the stereotypical nerdy friends (possibly childhood friends?) sitting at the losers' table, who have no one else but each other. When Eli is at his most sensitive and fragile, you can tell he feels comfortable being with Demetri by the genuine smile he has on his face as Demetri is joking with Miguel at the canteen table. Through his sarcasm, the mouthy kid acts as a catalyst to deviate the attention from Eli, speaking for him, reprimanding Johnny when he makes fun of his lip and trying to make him feel safe. Besides, you can see a certain degree of frustration in Demetri when Kyler and his gang are harassing Eli, and he's unable to do anything to defend him. And they even have a jingle for their friendship with a robot dance, I mean, how cute is that? But of course, a solid friendship between two helpless nerdy guys is not enough to spark a ship to be rooting for. In order for the magic to happen, another key ingredient is needed, i.e. a little bit of angst. Which brings us straight to the next point.
#2 - The Angst (aka the Hurt/Comfort Dynamic)
Even though I never liked the Twilight saga or any similar urban fantasy young adult works, I can easily see where the appeal comes from; the attraction to a charming, dangerous person who could either protect you from any harm or crush you like grape. Although with different franchises, I wasn't immune to the bad boy trope either (Yes, I'm looking at you, my teenage self drooling over Grimmjow from Bleach). If we can appreciate the genuine, brotherly friendship between nerdy Eli and Demetri, the shift that Eli makes as he transitions into Hawk and becomes more aggressive and dominant gives their relationship a totally different flavor. Attrition sparks a certain tension that, in the viewer's eyes, could either flow into a brawl or into passion.
During the mall fight, Demetri comes to the realization that his former best friend is actually someone who can crush him like grape. We see Hawk intentionally harming him for the first time, and Demetri's heartbreaking expression as he drops the line: "You'd actually hurt me?" And if that line gave us a pang in our hearts when we first watched Season 2, imagine rewatching it now that we know what happens in Season 3. Demetri is chased down the mall, running for his life, and then he's locked in a grip, as his best friend menacingly advances towards him. Demetri appears as the damsel in distress, however his friend is not the one who will fight to protect him, but rather his tormentor.
During the party at Moon's, Demetri manages to briefly go through Hawk's mask and reach out to Eli, thanks to a casual conversation about Dr Who. But then the beer incident happens, and Demetri defends himself with the only weapon he has – his loudmouth. The situation is reversed, and for a brief moment, he gets to be the dominant one as he discloses all Eli's most intimate secrets. Demetri is now actively contributing to the Hurt/Comfort dynamic; he's no longer just a target, but he's doing his part to enlarge that gaping hole that has formed between them. And Hawk didn't take it well.
From this moment on, Demetri becomes a sort of obsession to Hawk, who hunts him down the school, teasing him and taunting him sadistically, like a serial killer from a horror movie, during the big fight. Of course, in real life, this would be completely insane, and the police/a social assistant/psychiatrist should be called, but in ShipLand, these situations are pure gold. Okay, we get it, Hawk wants to get revenge for the humiliation at the party, and he wants to crush that nerd part of himself he sees in Demetri, but he does it with such an intensity that it borders on ridiculous. It's like this is his twisted way to acknowledge Demetri's presence. Eventually, Hawk ends up smashed into the trophy case, and I confess I felt a little disappointed when Demetri broke that hug to give Hawk a roundhouse kick. I mean, it was a great comeback, but I was sincerely hoping for a "No hard feelings man, let's get outta here!" scenario.
Getting back to the sick and twisted way Hawk acknowledges Demetri's presence, he destroys his science project after he got jealous due to him being confident in his nerd self and laughing around with his ex girlfriend (whom the writers insist he still has a crush on). Speaking of Moon, I have a feeling she likes Hawk mostly based on his badass appearance. Remember when she goes "I like this (mohawk) and I love these (muscles), but I'm not dating a bully"?
Then the football match happens. Okay, let's break this down. Demetri trips Hawk and acts all sassy, and a fellow Cobra Kai is immediately ready to take him down, but Hawk stops him. "Fight smart, he says". Too bad that literally 5 seconds earlier he had shoved a kid to the ground just because his ex girlfriend (again, duuuh~) ignored him when he winked at her. And then, as he's trying to intercept the ball, BANG, Hawk hits Demetri, sending him to the ground, pretending it was an accident. So, what does this tell us? That Hawk has some serious anger management issues? Yeah sure, but also that he cares about fighting smart only as long as it serves as an excuse to leave Demetri for him, because he's his designated target. Again, this is all but romantic, and it doesn't necessarily have to be interpreted as him lusting after his friend, but it's undeniable that this dynamic offers a lot of ship fuel.
The arm breaking thing is just too painful to even analyze. We see a completely helpless Demetri begging for mercy to his ex best friend, who has made No Mercy his life motto. And that scream, oh that scream. All I wanted to see was Hawk realizing what he had done and throwing himself on his knees while begging for forgiveness. But I'm glad that at least we get to see he feels awful for what he's done, and I like to think that, as he got home, Eli cried out all the tears he had in his body thinking about poor Demetri at the hospital, with a swollen broken arm, all because of him. Of all the situations, this is undoubtedly the most deranged and extreme, and if something like this happened in real life, the wrongdoer would deserve to be punished and would definitely need to be sent to therapy. But in ShipLand, this opens the road to many, many different scenarios, in which the bully understands his mistakes and shifts back to the good side, or the two share a tender moment after they reconcile, or the traumatized character has to to learn to trust the other one again, or the bully becomes overprotective of his former victim, etc.
#3 - A Rewarding Reconciliation
Finally, we come to the reconciliation, in which Hawk makes his heel-to-face turn. While we've seen him torn with doubt for an entire season about his sensei's teachings, his actions and the people he wants to surround himself with, the key factor that drives Hawk's redemption is the sight of his best friend being held down for him to beat. And with an epic stunt and his awesome KEEEH screech, Hawk jumps to the rescue of his friend. Like many of us, Demetri thought this was still part of the "Only I Can Torment Him" dynamic I discussed earlier, as he steps backwards a little concerned, but then he understands that action was actually meant to save him, and the two begin to fight side by side, in sync, watching each other's back. You can see Demetri's eyes sparkling at the thought of having his friend back.
Also, not only Demetri stands up to alpha bitch Tory in defense of Eli, but he also speaks for his friend when he's faltering, just like he used to. So kudos for Demetri.
#4 - The Red Oni, Blue Oni Dynamic
Binary Brothers are two sides of the same coin and complete each other with opposite character traits, visually expressed by the color red and the color blue. Being the color red typically associated with violence, rage, passion and irrationality, as opposed to blue, which is associated with calmness, melancholy and rationality, red is clearly the dominant color. Again, this opens many interesting scenarios for shippers.
#5 - Body Language
Besides the situations I described above, which may or may not be read from a romantic/attraction standpoint, there are also a collection of small gestures I noticed when rewatching the series with a more attentive look on their relationship.
- Demetri's heart-broken expression when Eli shamefully covers his lip during the anti-bullying announcement.
- The smile Demetri gives when Hawk responds "Hell yeah!" after Aisha proposes to crash Yasmin's party, implying he's learning to embrace this new wild side of his best friend
- The astonished look with which Demetri watches Hawk at the tournament and the way he's pissed no one knows his real name.
- How deeply hurt Demetri is when Hawk belittles him by saying: "Five against three. More like two and a half." He even tries to reply, but he's caught so off guard that words die in his throat.
- How Demetri takes a step towards Hawk during the mall fight, before Sam makes him back off, and how sadly he looks at Hawk's nearly unconscious body after Robby defeated him.
- How Demetri smiles and nods when he briefly connects with Eli at Moon's party, despite the mall incident.
- How Hawk watches Demetri juggle with the cleaning product from behind his bike helmet (how did he stuff the mohawk in there by the way)?
- Hawk's psychotic/sadistic faces when he smells Demetri's blood, and how he likes to hunt him down like he's his prey.
- Hawk's secret impulse to comfort Demetri after the arm breaking (I hope you get nightmares of Demetri's howl of pain for the rest of your life, Hawk).
- The way Hawk twitches his upper lip when he sees his friend Demetri in danger.
- How Hawk and Demetri are so absorbed in their new-found friendship, that they're caught off guard, and Demetri swings Hawk to allow him to deliver a kick using their handshake as a lever. And how they keep fighting together, shaking each other's hands even when they're out of focus and the attention is on Miguel vs. Kyler.
- How they're standing so close at Miyagi Do, in comparison with the other Red/Blue partners.
In conclusion, this kind of relationships are engaging and entertaining to watch, and they make us wish the best for the characters. They make us hope that, in the end, as Miguel puts it, love really conquers all (and what is friendship if not a form of love?), despite all the hurt they did to each other.
So this is it. I hope you enjoyed my Ted Talk. Feel free to share it with whomever you want, especially if you need some solid reasons why this ship has got some good potential.
And remember: the ship is in the eye of the beholder.
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The big brother AU was made by @petrichormeraki and Djali was made by @siren07tucker
Ok so last time I showed you guys what I thought Grumbot, Juni, and Tizzy would look over time. In that post I mentioned that I was in the process of drawing and writing the rest of the kids and because it's almost Christmas for me I decided to post this so let's get going with Djali! Merry Christmas
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Djali as we all know had a very rocky childhood because they lived on a server where mob hybrids were heavily discriminated against. It left them living on the streets fending for themselves and constantly being beaten and abused by others. That changed when Doc and Xisuma were visiting the server, the two immediately adopted Djali as their own and took them to Hermitcraft. Doc mostly took care of Djali; he helped them learn how to defend themselves properly and to respect The G.O.A.T. Djali was overall closer to him. Every once and a while they would visit Xisuma and during that time showed an interest in coding and being an Admin. So Xisuma taught Djali how to code and he also gave them free therapy sessions to go with. As they became older they started becoming more comfortable with people around them. They even started making some friends, some of them being Grumbot and Juni due to being closer in age, and they became best friends with Aislin despite their age difference. Also due to him hanging out with Aislin a lot they’ve also become close to his sisters, although not super close. As a young adult Djali is a well known activist for the mob hybrids equality movement. They are also an Admin of a server that accommodates, helps, and shields mob hybrids. They are still close to Aislin despite the complications with living on two different servers, often sending letters to each other asking how the other is.
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Next up is Aslin he was born after an incident regarding a magical potion and some Vex intervention. After some panicking on Bdubs’ part he decided to keep Aslin a secret for a bit until he was caught after coming clean Bdubs decided to still keep it a secret that Scar was the other parent. Unfortunately Scar caught on and after some shenanigans the two ended up together and raising Aislin. As a toddler Aslin became very interested in almost everything, especially plants, whenever he saw one he would become very quiet and simply look at it. His fascination with plants didn’t stop there; he had an odd habit of talking to them the weirdest thing, the plants seemed to be listening and responding to him. It unnerved Bdubs a bit until Scar explained that it was normal for a young magic user to communicate with specific items, in Aslin’s case plants. He also loved whether unintentional or not was annoying his older sisters. It was hilarious to him when they would let out an annoyed scream at his antics. As a child he calmed down a bit and wasn’t as obsessed with plants as before, he also annoyed his sisters a bit less mostly because he had become best friends with Djali and spent a lot of time playing with them. Unfortunately for him his sisters decided to take advantage of Aislin stopping annoying them and decided to get some revenge. So whenever Aislin would be hanging out with Djali they would strike butting into the conversation, stealing something of his, and generally being annoying, this would always cause Aislin to stomp off and tell on them. As a teenager nobody knows what happened to Aislin including himself. Djali also unfortunately left to become the Admin for a new server they had created, the two stayed in touch though. Also during this time he became obsessed with the band Swords N’ Arrows. He loved how cool they were as well as their music and style. Soon as if a switch was flipped inside of him and he adopted Swords N’ Arrows’ “cool” look and attitude, his sisters found his transformation hilarious. Once a young adult Aislin’s personality seemingly did a full 180 and changed from his old “emo” one, and to quote him “No, I don’t want to talk about it... Atalanta put the photo down. No! Come back! They don’t need to see it!” He’s also been practicing his plant magic and is getting pretty good at controlling it. He's had no incidents in 5 “oops” 0 days. Also with the ability to travel he’s been able to visit Djali every so often which is fun for the both of them.
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Now next is the twins which, quick disclaimer up until teen hood their stories will be very similar because up until then they were basically attached at the hip, so yeah. Let’s start with Atalanta after Scar accidentally cut himself on two of his magical crystals Atalanta and her sister were born several weeks later. Scar decided to take some time off from being the mayor to get a handle on being a parent, that is until he was informed of a very important meeting that he couldn’t skip so with not many options Scar decided to bring his daughters to the meeting. Nothing got done and it would have been better if he had not come. Many people were very surprised to find out that Scar was a papa and even more surprised to see how competent he was with caring for them seeing as he wasn’t the best at caring for himself. As a toddler Atalanta was fairly social and enjoyed taking to others, but she could be a bit shy at times. She and her sister loved playing with others one of their favorite people to play with was Tizzy and she liked playing with them as well. Also during this time they got a brother, Aislin after Scar and Bdubs started dating. The two loved him and would try to play with them despite not fully understanding that he was a baby and couldn’t really do much. Childhood was exciting for multiple reasons, one of them being that she and her sister got to be the flower girls at Scar and Bdub’s wedding. They were also excited to keep Aislin permanently. Of course that excitement quickly turned into annoyance when he discovered that he loved pestering and annoying his sisters. Atalanta still loved him but could he be just a little more quiet. She also started tapping into her stamina ability and relished in the fact that she could beat anyone in a race just by using it slightly. In her teen years she became a bit rebellious one of her acts of rebellion included getting a nose ring. Which backfired slightly due to Scar saying he was happy that she was starting to express herself. She also started spending less time with her sister which wasn’t a bad thing they just had different interests. Of course they weren’t completely separate; they had decided to take their revenge on Aslin for annoying him for so long by interrupting his play time with his friend, Djali, who Fortuna seemed to enjoy being around. As a young adult she got to witness Aislin transform himself into a emo wreck which she found absolutely hilarious and took as many pictures as possible to later use to embarrass him. She also added to the nose ring she got as a teenager with a piercing to her bottom lip and some on her upper ears. She also found her papa’s old jacket and totally didn’t steal and cut it to make a cropped jacket. Once she was old enough to join MCC she absolutely did and started a bit of rivalry with Tizzy. It wasn’t that intense due to Tizzy being better at hand to hand situations then her and Atalanta being better at speed and agility situations then Tizzy.
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Last but certainly not least is Fortuna after Scar accidentally cut himself on two of his magical crystals Fortuna and her sister were born several weeks later. Scar decided to take some time off from being the mayor to get a handle on being a parent, that is until he was informed of a very important meeting that he couldn’t skip so with not many options Scar decided to bring his daughters to the meeting. Many people were very surprised to find out that Scar was a papa and even more surprised to see how competent he was with caring for them seeing as he wasn’t the best at caring for himself. Fortuna was a bit more reserved than her sister but she still enjoyed talking to others. She and her sister loved playing with others one of their favorite people to play with was Tizzy and she liked playing with them as well. Also during this time they got a brother, Aislin after Papa and Bdubs started dating. The two loved him and would try to play with him despite not fully understanding that he was a baby and couldn’t really do much. Childhood was exciting for multiple reasons, one of them being that she and her sister got to be the flower girls at Papa and Bdub’s wedding. They were also excited to keep Aislin permanently. Of course that excitement quickly turned into annoyance when he discovered that he loved pestering and annoying his sisters. She would still play with him though. As a teenager Fortuna loved whenever Aislin would hang out with Djali for two reasons one that meant that she and her sister could go over there and annoy Aislin the other was she developed a huge crush on Djali and loved being around them. Besides annoying Aislin the sisters didn’t really hang out a lot, but she did accompany her sister when she got her nose ring, there was a lot of... no crying. During this time she also started experimenting with her luck ability trying to figure out if she could direct it towards anyone, during her experiments she noticed that her luck ability was directly linked to her mood, good mood good luck, bad mood bad luck. As a young adult Fortuna started experimenting with the relationship with magic and science. In her studies she’s discovered that though magic to others is just science they have yet to understand it’s actually it’s own individual thing. Magic as she has found it has a sort of sentience to it that can be channeled through different beings, some beings are bound to a certain type of magic while others can expand and grow upon it. She has also increased her own magical abilities and can now sense other peoples magical aura, which has made her studies much easier.
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skinks · 4 years
I had a REALLY intense beatles phase in my late teens and i had the hots for paul mccartney and one time i found this story where this woman said she met paul at a party in 65 and he took her home and they talked until the sun came up and then he got a call telling him to come to the studio and he started to say he had to leave and she was like "not before you fuck me" and he laughed and then he DID and he left her alone in his house after and she stole his underwear (1/2)
(which she kept for decades until her husband threw them into their muddy front yard one day in a fit of jealousy) and a teapot and it always made me absolutely FERAL with jealous horny rage and like?? just this incredulous feeling of How On Earth Did That Really Happen and anyway bill hader’s dumpster mattress one night stand story is my new version of that (2/2)
The fucking journey this just took me on, holy shit. Did she at least get to keep the teapot?
I love that you had an intense teenage horny phase for a Beatle, I had one for Bob Dylan and I remember watching one of his electric era tour documentaries and being HORRIBLY jealous of the 60s girls hanging around outside his hotel... anyway that’s besides the point
I UNDERSTAND!!!!! THE MATTRESS STORY HAUNTS ME.... Bhader knows what he’s doing, he can try to couch it in as much self-deprecating oh-I’m-just-an-awkward-nerd fronting as he likes but he KNOWS what he’s doing and that woman knew it too. You ever notice how it’s the most competent ones who don’t feel the need to loudly prove themselves by being anything other than humble?? What did he SAY in that club! “It was going well,” he says, what does that MEAN, BILL, what did he fuckjfdkjcnnfkcning do that convinced this woman to leave the club, go to her place, lift a bed onto a car, go to HIS place and move furniture when she was literally moving to a new city the next day all so sHE COULD FUCK HIMMMM HOW IS HIS GAME THAT GOOD I FEEL LIKE A CHARACTER IN AN EDGAR ALLEN POE STORY BEING SLOWLY DRIVEN MAD BY THIS UNANSWERED MYSTERY
Ok sorry, I’m back. This is making me want to read a fic where (before they get together) Eddie watches an old interview of Richie telling the mattress story and he’s a seething ball of jealousy too. Then Richie comes out, he and Eddie sort their shit and get together, and one day Eddie laughingly comments that he had no reason to be jealous after all since Richie was obviously making the story up.
Richie looks at him weirdly. “I didn’t make up—that story did actually happen, Eds, I only changed it so people thought I went home with a chick.”
They are lying in bed. Eddie’s eye starts twitching. “Pardon?”
“Yeah?” Richie stretches, draping his right arm over his own head to scratch his left ear. Eddie will not be distracted by his chest right now, what the fuck. Richie squints at the ceiling. “I think his name was... Marco, or something. At least, that’s the name he gave to quote unquote Chris.”
“Marco, okay. Huh.”
“I wanted to be Lance or something cool, but my friend said I inhabited Chris better, I dunno. I didn’t even tell him why I needed a fake name, he was just like, big into method.”
“Yeah, mhmm.” Eddie sits up, nodding. He can’t stop nodding. His head feels like a champagne cork fizzing at the top of his spine. “So you, you uh—you were such a fucking player in your plaid and your baggy jeans that, that, that were the only things you even owned back then, Rich—don’t try to deny, it I’ve seen the pictures—that you convinced some guy who was moving town the next fucking day—”
Richie’s eyebrows shoot upwards. It makes his eyes look rounder, more delighted. “Convinced? Eddie—”
Eddie can’t stop, twisting the sheets in his hands til his knuckles go white. “Yes, convinced, you convinced him to go pick up some dirty mattress right off the street with a complete stranger even though you always make such a big deal about how awkward and nervous and repressed you were, you still, you still—”
“I was probably on molly or something at the time, man.” Richie’s beaming up at him. He pokes Eddie in the arm. Eddie feels how tense the muscle is, and fights to relax. “I’m kidding, at worst it was just a little tipsy driving. A little Wacky Races. Just call me Dick Bastardly.” Richie grins at his own dumbass joke, poking Eddie some more. “And it wasn’t just the mattress by the way, it was the whole bed. That’s a key detail. Headboard and everything.”
“The headboard?!” Eddie tries not to yell, but it comes out louder than he means to anyway. More of a shriek, embarrassingly. He lurches around in place to glare at their own flat bar of wood behind them. He holds onto that thing! It supports him, even when Richie’s fucking him into the wall!
Betrayal is neverending today, apparently. Eddie turns his glare onto Richie, who is laughing. “Stop laughing!”
“Your face,” Richie gasps. He covers his own face, then changes tack and yanks Eddie down over him to cackle into his flaming-hot throat. “What’s the problem! You’re acting like this is the same fucking bed, oh my god, you think I haven’t at least changed my mattress since I lived like a—like a Beavis and Butthead parody in Westwood, fifteen years ago?”
Eddie squirms miserably. Not even Richie’s broad nakedness against his can salvage this, he’s well and truly destroyed their sweet afterglow with his stupid overreaction. Feels like being fifteen again, ruining clubhouse hangouts with his snappy sulking as soon as Richie mentioned some girl at school. “No! No, obviously fucking not, just. I dunno.”
He doesn’t really deserve the gentle tease in Richie’s voice. “What don’t you know?”
“I don’t know!”
And that’s the part he hates most.
“Okay, okay. I think I do. Jesus, you’re actually jealous,” Richie breathes. He bites his lip, the way he does when he’s so happy about something he’s making a real effort not to talk over it. He’s still a little sweaty and pink from their Friday night activities, bedraggled hair and no glasses. The expression always scrunches his left eye into a full squint, something Eddie finds so helplessly appealing he can’t imagine what it’s like to watch that interview and not feel jealous.
Eddie grunts, shrugs as best he can under Richie’s heavy hug. Fucking Marco.
Richie’s hand is firm on the back of his neck. There’s pressure from his thumb at one point of Eddie’s jaw, the soft part between ear and bone that has him gulping open for Richie’s low murmur, “Eddie baby, don’t be jealous.” Their mouths meet and Eddie sighs into the slick warmth of it, feeling grateful and abashed and idiotic all at once.
They separate with a little snick of spit. Richie lids his eyes open just a touch, looking drowsy with affection. Eddie lowers his forehead to Richie’s shoulder and speaks to his collarbone. “I just—I hate it when you act like people are just doing you a favor for, for liking your shit or fucking going home with you when clearly it was—you’re fucking hot, Rich, and, and sexy when you’re not trying to be, and you were hot back then too, but you still act like it was a miracle anyone wanted to even touch you when I—I always would’ve picked the stupid dirty bed up off the street too. For you. And I wouldn’t’ve moved town the day after. So.”
Richie doesn’t speak for a moment. There is a cloud above their shared, clean bed, implicit with shared memory of all the times they dirtied each other’s sheets with grass stains and grubby feet, chip crumbs and even tears, just once, just before Eddie really did move town and forgot all the things he cared about so much more than he ever cared about getting sick.
He would never leave again though, is his point. Richie always seems to know what he means before Eddie does. He tries to think it loud enough, brings his hand up blindly to Richie’s face and strokes back his hair, not because Richie is a mind reader, but because he knows what it means that Eddie has never wanted to touch someone else like this.
Eddie’s spine then, curving under Richie’s knuckles like brushing a shiver along a set of wind chimes. His hand lands on Eddie’s tailbone, an X marks the spot that still throbs with loosened heat and pleasure from his orgasm. Lying on your front is bad for your posture.
I’m not lying on my front, Eddie thinks, with a little of the vicious defiance he doles out to that cloying voice sometimes, the one that tries to ruin quiet moments with its fretting. I’m lying on Richie’s. He’s good for my posture. He’s gonna snap my spine back into place and this time I’ll let him touch me.
Richie presses their temples together, small-voiced. “I guess... I find most of the flattery shit hard to believe. I didn’t like myself or the stuff I was making, so I’d automatically assume they were lying, y’know? If I agree it implies I believe them, which makes me feel like some giant, arrogant dick—don’t say it.” He pats Eddie on the ass. “But, on the other hand, if I think I’m somehow important enough for people to lie to, that’s kind of an arrogant dick move too.”
Eddie pushes up to eyeball him. “Even with sex? That’s so fucking dumb.”
This second ass-pat is harder, more of a stinging smack. Richie’s guarded look coils into a grin again at Eddie’s bared-teeth hiss. “I never said it wasn’t.”
“Well, I mean, what do you think it meant that fucking Marco—” Richie snorts at the projectile venom burning acidic holes through Eddie’s voice, “—was clearly willing to catch fleas or goddamn tetanus just to fuck you? What about me? You think I’m pretending it’s good just to encourage your weird, unnecessary inferiority thing? ”
“No, you’re right,” Richie laughs. His snorts have bubbled into full-blown giggles now as he squints down at the mess between their stomachs. “That’s pretty hard evidence you’re providing there, Eds.”
Getting harder too, rubbed up against the soft crease of Richie’s hip. Eddie can feel the lingering red throb of heat on his ass, like closing his eyes and still catching the gold-coin flash of the sun branded on the inside of his eyelids. Richie digs his blunt nails into the stung tenderness of his skin and gently pulls Eddie’s asscheeks open. He feels Richie’s quickened breathing against his wet mouth, and wonders how to ask for another spank in a way that isn’t gonna make him want to enter witness protection afterwards.
“I can’t believe you were jealous, you’re the last guy in the world who needs to be jealous,” Richie moans. Eddie feels the vibration of it on his tongue, now sucking on the knot of Richie’s adam’s apple. “Wait, can you really get tetanus from abandoned street beds?”
“Ugh!” Eddie bites him there and pulls off slowly, sucking so the stubbled skin of Richie’s strong throat is released from his mouth’s suction with a wet pop. Richie’s hips flex against him. “I almost wish this was the same fucking bed just so I had something to throw out into the yard!”
“O-ooh, how telenovela of you, I like it.”
Oh Christ, Eddie has to put some kinda stop to this before Richie starts speaking Spanish. He needs to last. He needs to beat Marco. “I’ll throw you out with it,” he says, too breathy and honest for anywhere else but here. “Trashmouth. Sweetheart.”
Richie’s face is flushed, eyes dark and desperate. He grips at Eddie’s ribs so hard Eddie feels them bending. “Dumpster diver.”
Eddie rolls his hips down, plants his palms on either side of Richie, shoves them under the pillows. He braces his elbows hard into Richie’s shoulders and grinds their sweaty foreheads together, but whatever aggression there is within him is softened by his catapulting heartbeat, harmonising with his own laughter. With Richie’s, always.
“Nah, ‘fraid the only thing left to remember that half-night stand with Marco is, well.” Richie looks down between them again, eyes almost crossed. “It’s me. My dick, more specifically.”
Eddie can feel as much. Another wave of possessiveness froths through him, crackling in the pockets of his joints, feels like cartoon steam whistling out his ears. “It better not be half-standing because it remembers anything about fucking Marco,” he snarls.
Richie raises his hands in a down boy gesture. It shifts his arms and shoulders in the way that sometimes makes Eddie wish he were a door, just so Richie could ram him open, and so he pins Richie’s wrists to the bed instead.
“Please don’t throw my dick out into the yard, babe,” Richie says.
“Gonna give you something to remember this fucking bed by,” Eddie says, and slides down Richie’s body to do just that.
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warmest-oceans · 3 years
A Non-Paradoxical Moment of Accepting Oneself While Falling in Love with a Best Friend
Set in Phuket, a beautiful large island in southern Thailand, I Told Sunset About You already wins the Best Picture category. The island is magnificent on its own — blessed with emerald clear water, bed of white sand, quiet calm breeze, but the island also has the charm of its old town scenery. Every shot feels like it was shot in a new world. The combination of laid-back island life with culturally rich town is visually pleasing.
Aside from its excellent choice of set, the storyline is the true gem here. In the peaceful island of Phuket, we’re brought into the not-so-quiet lives of our two male protagonists, Teh (Billkin Assaratanakul) and Oh-aew (PP Amnuaydechkorn). From the start we know that these two best friends are about to be involved in something that’s bigger than themselves, something that’s uncontrollable and something that will change their lives forever.
It won’t be a 10/10 series if the actors can’t bring the golden storyline to live. The actors who play our male protagonists apparently have been friends since they were teenagers, making every scene they act on-screen believable. The chemistry can be seen clearly with a dash of improvisation here and there by the actors themselves and the magical direction by Boss Kuno, the director of the series.
I can’t really wrap up my introductory of the series without mentioning the amazing soundtrack and scoring. We only have three songs as soundtrack (with different versions) sung by our male protagonists, but the quality is top-notch, you’ll fall for it!
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OK, I’m done with my introductory piece. Now, let me gush about this series. To me, I Told Sunset About You has become a coming-of-age story that left a permanent dent in my heart. It’s everything I ask for in a series; a beautiful set, excellent story, magical chemistry, and incredibly fitting soundtrack. Sadly, the series is almost always lumped into BL category, which I find insulting to the series to be honest.
Although I don’t identify myself as a part of LGBTQ+ community, I relate to the series more than I initially thought. Let me be honest, I am INVESTED in this series. Let me just write down the things that I think make this series is in a whole another league.
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Self-acceptance in the middle of everything else
The series is great at delivering the moment of being a teenager who’s in the middle of self-discovery, starting to think about the future (the protagonists are in 12th grade), falling in love (hard) for the first time (on top of that, with your very own best friend!), seeking acceptance and validation, and trying to stay afloat at the same time. The topic seems to be nothing out of ordinary, but its ordinariness that brings up its own charm when it’s combined with excellent character development.
We all go through self-discovery and we all try to accept who we are when we’re teenagers — how crazy it was, restless, tiring, but also exhilarating it was. That’s why I think the series will resonate with most people.
I love how the process of the protagonists discovering and accepting themselves also answers the dilemma of falling in love with the best friend. Personally, I believe that I need to love myself first to love another person (note: if you want it to work and if you want the relationship to be a healthy one).
Thanks to this series I had a pleasure of reliving the experience of self-discovery and self-acceptance once again. No kidding, after I watched the series, I did a bit of self-reflection.
I think the first emotion that the series successfully portrayed is the impulsiveness of hot-blooded teens. I love how chaotic and erratic Teh and Oh-aew can be. One day they’re best friend, tomorrow? Who knows. Everything is a mess and everything is truly a collection of fleeting temporary moments.
Nobody in the series got their shit together and it’s supposed to be like that. Nobody figures out shit when they are in 12th grade. Everyone in the series is scattered, explosive, tortured, yet sensitive and delicate at the same time. It really reminds me of my own 12th grade moments!
Most of teens would act out of their gut reactions and that’s exactly what the characters do in this series. They’re not perfectly groomed and planned. So if you’re no longer in your teenage years or maybe if you’re in your 30s, you may find some of their actions to be silly and atrocious even. Tip: try to remember your teenage years. Try to remember all the stupid things you did in 12th grade. It helps you understand the characters.
Jealousy among friends is real and valid
I rarely see a show can realistically execute the side story of jealousy in friendship or even rivalry. Sometimes it’s too mean, sometimes it’s not even brought up (mostly being avoided in a story). I Told Sunset About You portrays jealousy in the most relatable way, through microexpressions. Through Oh-aew’s subtle glance at Teh and Ma or through Teh’s smile when talking to Oh-aew. Really, kudos to the whole team!
Naivety that leads to boldness
I think we can all agree that we’re much bolder when we’re younger, no? That’s because we have this naivety vested in us. Like trying to learn how to ride a bike for the first time, we don’t think much about the risk, we just want to have fun with the bike. We think adults will catch us when we fall anyway.
It’s another thing from the series that makes me fall in love with it. These flawed characters, probably in their 17 or 18, think that everything will be sorted out eventually. While, we adult know that most of the time, we clean our own mess. You’ll know what I’m talking about in episode 4.
Everyone got their own idea of first love
I think love is a complex, hard-to-understand feeling for everyone in every age, let alone for a bunch of 12th graders. Deeply impressed with how the series handles the tenderness and also the chaos of first love. How the series shows different outcomes of loving romantically for the first time is also admirable.
Teh stole my heart. At first, he was so certain about his feeling. He was calm, loving, and patient, the best you could be when you’re in love. But later when he’s in turmoil with himself, he becomes petty, awkward, and impulsive. He thought he loved, but turned out, it wasn’t even the kind of love he’d imagined.
I’m the main character
No character in this series is a filler. Everyone got their own dream and ambitions. Tarn, the female character isn’t just an obstacle between our protagonists. She’s a fully-developed character, an independent woman that works hard for her dream and a dynamic person. Bas, a male character, a good friend of Oh-aew has his own likings and dream. He’s good at some things. He acts on his own. Everyone is the main character in their own world and it’s evident in the series.
Symbolism and color theory
This wouldn’t be one of my favorite series without hidden meanings, symbolism, and color theory. Almost every scene and every material placement is intentional in this series. I won’t talk about it much because it’ll spoil the fun of you finding them.
I had fun watching, crying, smiling, and laughing throughout the episodes the way they are. Aside from warmth and the feeling of awe, maybe the production crew doesn’t realize that it also makes me feeling nostalgic.
It reminds me of how futile and just fragile some of the moments from my youth were. They looked like big deals when I was in my 17, but now they are just dust. They really don’t matter in the next 5 years.
It reminds me of how insanely good falling in love felt like. It was intense yet tender, messy yet everything fell into pieces perfectly. The feeling that you want to give the person the world, but sometimes that world isn’t what the other person wants or needs. The feeling that you can almost do anything for this person. The suffocating feeling of not knowing what to do, but want to do everything for the other person. The liberating feeling of falling into the abyss. The feeling of surrender… completely.
The series makes me remember how exciting and scary it was when I realized I fell in love with one of my best friends, how confusing it was to even talk to him the next day after the realization. I just wanted to be with him ever since. Nobody could take that away from me and everything just didn’t make sense anymore in my head, just like how Teh and Oh-aew felt.
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As you can see, I only have good words for the series. I hope, after watching the series, you’ll feel various emotions but hopefully… they’re all good and warm, because that’s how I felt. I also think that the production crew tried really hard to deliver a heartwarming series (please watch the documentaries/their behind the scene videos, it’s amazing!). I hope this series can be a newfound joy for you.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Obeying her Priest, One shot
Thanks for the prompt: cartier-crush submitted:
I have an idea of priest Loki/Tom taking advantage of a young nun/church girl and she’s hesitant but she doesn’t want to go against the head priest because that’ll be a sin. It can be as dark as you want! Hope you like the idea :)
I’ve never written about priests etc before that I can recall. And don’t know much about the church etc, so I hope this is ok!
Warning: So, obviously rape/major dub con. Manipulation and using God to manipulate her too. But she is a young adult, of age. But very naïve!
Amy was happy to be helping out at the church on weekends. It felt good to be helping the community out-with work, and since the church was the centre of said community it really gave her a good feeling to be doing something worthwhile.
She was mopping the floors after service on Sunday morning, it was her first proper day of volunteering. She was almost finished when she heard footsteps coming towards her. Looking up, she saw it was Father Tom.
‘Hi, Father Tom.’ She greeted with a big smile.
‘Hello, Amy. You’re doing a great job here, I can’t thank you enough for helping me out.’ He smiled back at her.
Father Tom was a nice man, everyone seemed to love him. When he started at the church a year ago, it only took a few months before he had almost everyone in the village attending. When attendance used to be really low. He was younger than the last priest, so was able to relate to a wider audience.
Amy had noticed that he was rather… cosy? For a priest. That morning before service, he had rubbed her back and touched her arm. It seemed innocent, but she just wasn’t used to any kind of affection or touch from a priest. But she pushed that to the back of her mind, not thinking much of it.
‘What would you like me to do next?’ She asked, gathering up the mop and bucket now she was finished.
Father Tom smiled. ‘You could give the confession box a clean, please. Full of nasty sins that need to be cleansed.’ He winked at her and walked off, confusing her slightly.
She shrugged it off and did as she was told. After cleaning the box that the priest usually went into, she went into the other side for the confessors and started cleaning. Singing along to herself while she worked, so she never heard someone on the outside putting a chair against the door to trap her in.
It wasn’t until she was finished that she realised she was trapped when she tried to push the door open and it wouldn’t budge.
‘Hello? HELLO?’ She called as she kept pushing on the door, only to find it not budging at all.
Amy wasn’t claustrophobic as such, but she was panicking at the thought of being trapped. She banged hard on the door and started shouting as loudly as she could, but she had no idea if anyone was still around, if Father Tom had gone home or not.
After what felt like hours, but was only ten minutes, she heard someone coming and shifting the chair.
‘Amy?’ She heard Father Tom’s voice call in as he opened the door, surprised to see her so panicked.
‘Thank you! Thank God you found me.’ She cried and, in her relief, she hugged him.
Father Tom put his arms around her and patted her back softly. ‘You’re ok, don’t worry. It must’ve been some teenagers hanging around, being silly.’ He assured her.
‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’ She stepped back quickly, shocked at herself for hugging the priest like that.
‘No need to apologise, my child. As long as you’re ok.’ He reached out to her and gave her arm a gentle squeeze.
‘Yeah… Thank you.’ She looked down, not able to maintain his intense eye contact.
‘Come with me, I think you need some water.’ He motioned for her to follow him, which she did without hesitation.
He took her through the back of the church, into a room she had never been in before. It was like his office, she thought. The priest closed the door behind them and motioned for her to sit down on the sofa while he poured her a glass of water.
‘Here, this will make you feel better.’ He handed it to her as he sat down next to her, quite close, she noticed.
‘Thank you, Father Tom.’ She said, appreciating his kindness as she drank the water.
‘You know, screaming in church like that can be classed as a sin, my child.’ Tom said, frowning in concern.
Her eyes widened. ‘Oh no… I didn’t mean to. I was just scared. I don’t want God to be angry with me!’ She panicked again.
‘Shhh, relax. I know, you didn’t mean to.’ Father Tom said softly.
‘Should I go and confess in confession?’ She asked, eyes like a little doe as she looked to him for guidance. So trusting of the priest.
Father Tom put his hand on her knee, his touch warm and gentle. If slightly odd…
‘You could, if that’s what you’d prefer. However, there is another way you can pay for your sins. One that is much more effective than confession. God would be very pleased with you, and it would make me proud, too.’
‘What… what is it?’ She swallowed hard.
Father Tom grinned and slid his hand underneath her dress, slowly moving up her thigh. ‘Just do as I tell you, and you will be forgiven for all your sins.’ He purred.
‘Wh… what are you doing, Father? This isn’t right.’ She tried pushing his hand away, but he growled at her.
‘Do you really want to upset God? And this would make me so happy, Amy.’ He looked at her with pleading eyes as he stroked her inner thigh, making her whimper a little.
‘Come on, be a good girl and open your legs for me.’
She really didn’t want to. But she couldn’t disobey her priest, surely that would be a sin in itself? Slowly, reluctantly, she widened her legs to allow his hand further access.
‘Good girl, this pleases me.’ He hummed and slipped his arm around her, holding her closely as he pressed his lips to the top of her head.
Amy felt numb as his fingers stroked across her through her knickers, she closed her eyes and tried not to think about it. But it was difficult to ignore when he pushed her knickers to the side and slipped his fingers through her, exploring her. She had never been touched there before, by anyone. She knew it was wrong, so why was her priest doing it?
Not wanting to upset him, or God, she kept quiet and cried quietly. Trying not to make a big deal of what was going on. Even when it got worse and she started responding well to his advances…
‘You can enjoy this, too. It’s not a sin to pleasure your priest, just others. So this has to be kept between us, do you understand?’ He nuzzled his nose into her hair.
She nodded quickly, but was still feeling scared and unsure. She had always been taught to wait until she was married, that even touching herself was a sin. But when she thought about it, there had never been any mention about if a priest wanted to have sex…
Father Tom easily manoeuvred her round on the sofa so she was laying down beneath him, his face softened when he saw how scared she was. He stroked her cheek and positioned himself between her legs, then proceeded to get his cock out from his trousers.
‘Just relax, Amy. I will go gentle.’ He cooed, rubbing against her as he pushed her knickers to the side again, not bothering to take them off.
Father Tom reached between them and started teasing her clit again, making her moan a little.
‘That’s it, enjoy this. It’s not a sin with me, my dear.’ He growled, then he started to push the tip of his cock into her.
She yelped at the feeling as he forced through the resistance he felt within her. When he popped in, breaching her completely, she cried out and her eyes flew open in shock at feeling her priest inside of her like that.
‘Shh, shh. That’s it, just relax.’ Father Tom gave her a moment to adjust while he stroked her hair soothingly, he wiped her tears away with his thumbs and kissed each cheek.
Once he was happy that she was accustomed enough, he started to move. Every thrust at first pulled whimpers and sobs from her, but that turned him on even more. She was so trusting, believing everything he said.
Amy was sore, but her body was also reacting well to him. She was growing wetter around him with every thrust, and he made her cum when he slid a hand down between them again to rub her clit. When he felt her tighten around him, he moaned and threw his head back, thrusting sharply before cumming inside her.
She was relieved when he pulled out of her, putting her knickers back into place. Trapping any sperm of his that trickled out.
‘That’s a good girl. I’m very proud of you, and you are cleansed of all your sins.’ Father Tom hummed, rubbing his thumb over her lower lip.
She lay there on the sofa shaking, as Father Tom stood up and sorted himself out, tucking his cock away. He gazed down at the girl and grinned.
‘Remember, don’t anger God by telling anyone of this. And it would make the both of us very pleased if this was to become regular on a Sunday after service… You want to make me happy, don’t you?’ He clasped his hands together on front of him, waiting for her answer.
Amy slowly sat up, wrapping her arms around herself. She nodded, reluctantly. She felt sick at the thought of having to go through this every week.
But she didn’t want to sin by disobeying her priest.
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kinnoth · 3 years
-really doubt i'm gonna be able to finish this movie so we'll just see where i get to
- we already know how i feel about loki and thor, we don't need to revisit this
- ok but if i were going to revisit this, i mean come on, who wants to talk about "hela draws her power from asgard, same as you" cos i wanna talk about that
like what if that's the reason thor, god of thunder, king to a civilisation of warriors, was unable to fend off like, 4 dudes and a big purple dinosaur? the royal family of asgard draws its power from asgard, and without it, they are weak, they are mortal. maybe that's why heimdall is unable to just, you know, bifrost everybody off the fucking ship the minute it comes under attack. maybe that's why loki can't fucking conjure up a swarm of fucking microscopic knives to fillet the invaders from the inside out. MAYBE THAT'S WHY LOKI TRIES TO KILL THANOS WITH A FUCKING DAGGER. BECAUSE TAKE AWAY HIS POWER, TAKE AWAY HIS GODHOOD, WHAT DOES HE HAVE LEFT OTHER THAN HIS WILE, HIS TRICKS AND HIS BROTHER
somebody talk about this
- etc etc what if the reason loki is unable to attack the purple dinosaur with magic is because when he tackled thor earlier, he used whatever magic he had left to spare in order to heal him
checks out cos thor goes from flat on his face to swinging his fists in the space of like 30 seconds and the only thing to happen to him in between is said bit about loki tackling him
- why does heimdall save hulk? i mean, i could understand it if he were trying to aim the bifrost at thor and somebody somehow knocked off his aim and he accidentally saves hulk, but like, we've established that heimdall's loyalty is to the royal seat of asgard upon whom sits thor's mighty ass. thor who, in this scene, has just been incapacitated by a metal eggshell(?) and is at the mercy of their assailants. given heimdall's priorities, it is baffling to the point of inconceivability that he would preferentially save fucking HULK over his own king.
- if this next scene isn't the guardians of the galaxy coming across thor clutching loki's dead fucking body floating through space then i don't know why any of us are even here
- "he sent loki! the attack on new york was thanos!" makes no sense? like, if loki's scepter had the mind stone in it, which we established it did in the last movie when we broke it open to retrieve vision, then.....why didn't thanos just....take the mind stone in the first place? cos rock collecting is and has always been his goal?
what, do you think that just because you assert a thing makes us forget all the shit that happened before?
- i.....am actually with tony stark. why don't they just destroy the stones they have so that thanos can't get to them? oh, you made a promise? well promises change and circumstances change! you tell him tony! you tell that stupid fucker --
oh my god i'm gonna be ill
- i think the only person whose ego can match tony stark's is probably a neurosurgeon so 👍 i guess
-i love how we immediately went back to the "so dark can't see shit" aesthetic after ragnorak because ensuring that one's audience can SEE what is HAPPENING IN YOUR MOVIE is apparently for radical directors like taika waititi
- cannot believe that tony stark staring at captain america's phone number is being played with the same emotional intensity as thor losing his soulmate entire people
- honestly how many times is the mcu gonna invoke 9/11 imagery til someone calls them out for being terrorists
- lmao i know i said this before but peter's spidey senses tingling AFTER the giant alien anus has already started sucking up new york and it is right outside his window is fucking hilarious. that's just called using your eyeballs peter
- "friday notify first responders about the giant alien anus sucking up new york" lol like the first thing somebody did when the alien anus showed up wasn't to fucking call 911 GREAT IDEA TONY
- still can't believe that they let failed neurosurgeon dr strange do more magic than god of tricks and sorcery loki lol
- i know i rag on dr strange a lot about the fact that he's a neurosurgeon it's just that he sucks.
as a neurosurgeon eyy.
- i hate that peter parker has to be here!!!!! leave him alone!!!!!
- tony stark should not be allowed within 100 feet of children or minorities
- it is very weird to me that steve "brooklyn" rogers has an area code from georgia
- i am very disappointed that thor is going to go get another weapon after we spent the whole last movie talking about how he is not the god of hammers
- i just need thor to have much more PTSD than he has right now. fucking hulk has ptsd. maybe they're saving the ptsd for later. one can only hope.
- i am glad that they are letting him be cleverer though
- wait when did vision turn into a white man again? did i miss that movie?
- i am disappointed that vision the computer techno robot apparently has a penis. like what a stupid limitation to give your computer techno robot, gender. 🙄
- i think that the mass destruction of infrastructure and architecture in the MCU is because of the pg13 no blood limitation that disney has set? like there's no way to show destruction to the body, so one may only show the exponential destruction to one's surroundings. like imagine how much more dramatic intensity you could wring out of a regular fight scene would be if people were allowed to bleed?
- cannot believe that a computer techno robot and a witch are having a punch up with the bad guys. of all people to fight with something not their fists, it's these two
- wanda has no enhanced strength or durability? she's a regular teenager who's a bit witchy. the first time she got thrown through a glass door should have shattered her vertebrae. again i don't understand why we insist that everybody must have the same powers and capabilities when it's clear they don't. think about how much more interesting it would be if some avengers were more fragile than others and had to be given accommodations as such
- IT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO ME THAT FUCKING BLACK WIDOW (regular human), CAPTAIN AMERICA (enhanced human), AND FALCON (regular human with wings) CAN DEFEAT THE CHILDREN OF THANOS WHEN THOR COULDN'T UNLESS THOR (god of fucking thunder carved of steel and stone) WAS NERFED
- still don't understand how we'll lend aliens afro features but not afro hair, like, seriously? you're gonna dream up green aliens with gills who look like black people but imagining them with black hair is a step too far?
- the gap of commentary in this liveblog is simply because i do not care at all for the galaxy defenders
- "earth just lost her best defender" who? who does captain america consider earth's best defender? it's not thor; he doesn't know thor's presumed dead. it's not tony; he doesn't know tony's on an alien anus. who else has died so far?
- love how exhausted bucky looks. have always loved how exhausted bucky looks. love bucky.
- i forgot that tony was with peter parker. god i hate that.
- "i'm peter btw"
"dr strange"
"oh you're using the made up names then. i'm spider man"
ok that was cute, but peter's cute, we knew that already
- i want to fling both strange and stark into space and i'm having a hard time deciding which one to push first
- "you went to bed hungry, scraping for scraps" oohhhh thanos is just anti-poor people, he would literally rather poor people be dead than struggle, i get it nowww
this is on brand for mcu
- oh my god thanos gets 2/6 stones by torturing siblings in front of other siblings, seriously? you couldn't come up with 6 different ways to find his stupid rocks you had to reuse one twice?
- which one of thor's friends was stabbed through the heart....? fandral??
- "if i don't get my vengeance what more could i lose" more like what else is there eh? what else is there for a king of no people but their vengeance?
- i do enjoy that thor is now science fiction rather than fantasy, i don't think anybody knew what to do with fantasy cos fantasy is again, ultimately about conservatism and the status quo. so i do like that we're embracing the new and boundless for whatever that's worth.
- marvel is a cesspool of toxic masculinity. at no point are characters allowed to actually feel anything because weakness is uncool i guess and therefore unmanful. like thor lost ALL OF HIS PEOPLE. fucking ALL of them. he watched his brother die in order to save him. he is not allowed a single fucking response of mourning. i don't care if he's pushing it back because revenge or whatever, this is the sort of grief that rules you, which will bring all your load bearing structures down to heel, and they let him do nothing; he does not even rage. perfect control. smooth witticisms. why. why aren't we allowed to see his sadness?
- yo i can't believe red skull is a scifi villain now lol space nazis for real
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- michael b jordan was right btw wakanda is complicit in africa's exploitation
- i do LIKE black panther i guess in the way you technically like that cousin you met once when you were like 9 and never saw again?
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i like how we have here in wakanda the sears tower (chicago), the batman building (nashville), and the gherkin (london)
- ok but like, presumably not a death cult super technologically advanced wakandans who are deffo made of human flesh and human blood still arm their people with spears
i mean unless wakanda is also a death cult
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why is this chicks entire fucking face cgi'd she looks like a fucking cut scene video game character
- oh ok they have LASER spears, ok
so then why did they give bucky a fucking gun
- what is bucky supposed to be able to contribute here exactly, like fucking, again, he's spycraft isn't he? he's a one man, dead of night, operation go loud and then immediately silent kinda operation. why do they have him on the front lines of a fucking lock-step formation battle??
- "it will be the noblest ending in history" WHAT, FIRST COUNTRY TO EVER BE OVERUN BY ALIEN JACKALS??
- stormbreaker is just leviathan axe, somebody's said this already right
- omfg i'm so glad they're finally acknowledging that thor is OP as fuck and does not belong amongst the fucking squabbles of earth
-you've got the big fucking boss in an ambush AND YOU ATTACK HIM WITH A MAGIC SWORD STEVEN STRANGE?????
- when will somebody please utilise ironman like the one man artillery he fucking is WHY IS HE FIGHTING WITH HIS STUPID FISTS HE IS LITERALLY ONE CONTINUOUS CARPET BOMB JUST USE HIM THAT WAY
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- dr strange could have very easily prevented or stopped quill from punching thanos but he didn't cos i guess even the movie forgets steven strange exists sometimes
- i like that the shield around wakanda has the same weakness as a poorly constructed chicken coop -- you always build into the ground a couple feet to stop the diggers man, come on, what is this, your first energy shield?
- oh disgusting, a girl boss moment. whatever you're all fascists.
- nobody adores martial might like fascists do fucking change my mind
- " avengers: not one person in this fucking cast is able to stomach ANY AMOUNT of personal sacrifice" more like
- "why did you give away the time stone?" "we are in the endgame" THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER THAT'S A FUCKING MOVIE TEASER FUCK YOU
- why didn't strange just trap thanos in a timeloop again? we've already established that is a perfectly acceptable way to deal with planetary annihilation. IS IT POSSIBLY BECAUSE NOBODY ON THIS WRITING STAFF KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH MAGIC
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cherryrogers · 5 years
(this is chapter one of my series bittersweet , but can be read as a one shot !!)
pairing: boxer!bucky x rogers!reader
warnings: making out, vague mentions of death, mostly fluff.
synopsis: While waiting for your brother to finish training at the boxing club, you unexpectedly find yourself intrigued by a blue-eyed boxer with an irresistible charm. However, there’s one issue - he’s your brother’s best friend.
a/n: this is a oneshot, but i was thinking about making it a series if people like it?? let me know in the replies or via ask,,, please enjoy :) — also i understand that the reader being steve’s sister implies that she is white, but i don’t want anyone to read this and feel like they can’t put themselves in the readers place. so to clarify; reader isn’t biologically related to steve, but they still think of each other as full siblings. ok, thank you !!
Glistening skin. Tensed, strong arms, bare for your eyes to linger on due to the undershirt that clung to his toned torso. Brows furrowed in concentration, his jaw clenched, eyes narrowed. Sweaty hair falling over his forehead, unable to be pushed back because of the bright red boxing gloves that enveloped his hands.
You didn’t know who he was, but boy, did you want to find out.
Snapping out of the stare you had on the man, you picked up your phone and let out an impatient sigh upon seeing the time.
You’d texted your brother three times, asking if he was at all finished in the gym. There hadn’t been a reply, so you assumed that the answer was no. It was meant to be six thirty, the time that you were leaving the club. By the looks of it, that wasn’t happening. Pressing your back against the wall, you looked back up to observe the boxer, whose hard hits on the punching bag were still causing echoes throughout the almost empty room.
Continuously for the past forty minutes, you’d been shuffling uncomfortably in your seat on the wooden bench, situated in the training room that was rarely used by anyone at the club. Notebooks and completed reports were sprawled across the right side of the bench next to you, while your laptop sat alone on the left. While waiting for Steve to finish up training was a good way of forcing yourself to do college work, it eventually got rather boring.
Well, that was until a certain unknown boxer entered the room.
He didn’t realise your presence at first as he approached the punching bag hanging from the centre of the relatively small space, tightening the gloves on his hands quickly before beginning his training. After a short while, he caught you in the corner of his eye, occasionally flicking your gaze up to watch him move for a couple of seconds, before bringing your attention back to the paper in your lap and letting your pen dance across the sheet again.
Though he wasn’t exactly sure what you were doing there - a pretty girl sitting alone in the cold, dull room with a pile of work next to her - he was quite interested in finding out. There wasn’t an awkward silence in the room between the two of you; you were just a couple of strangers, enjoying the quiet.
Perhaps this guy knew Steve, and why he was taking so damn long to finish up. You thought, sitting up straight, eyeing the boxer.
Once you saw his punches start to slow down, you decided to call out to him. “Hey.”
The single word bounced off the walls, your voice unknowingly being music to the boxer’s ears. If you weren’t going to be the first one to speak, he would’ve eventually said something. He couldn’t just not talk to the girl that was secretly watching him box, right?
As he controlled his breathing, the boxer pulled off his large gloves, letting them fall to the ground before wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. His eyes landed on you, looking at you directly for the first time in the twenty minutes you’d been together in the room. “Hey.”
“My brother, he trains here most days. Steve Rogers, you know him?”
That made the boxer let out a raspy laugh. He walked slowly towards the bench you were perched on, stopping a few feet away from the right of you to pick up the water bottle he’d left there when he first came in. After taking a quick sip, he responded.
“Do I know him? The guy’s a pain in my neck.”
You glared playfully at him. “I may be his younger sister, but I won’t hesitate to slap you if you bad mouth him in front of me.”
He tilted his head in amusement at you, a smirk playing on his lips. “Would I run less of a risk of you laying a hand on me if I told you my name?”
“That depends - what is it?”
“James Barnes.”
The name rang a bell. In fact, it rang a very loud bell.
“James Barnes as in... Bucky Barnes?”
“That’s me.”
You’d heard his name many times coming out of your brother’s mouth - Bucky this, Bucky that.
Originally, Steve wasn’t interested in boxing. Your mom used to try and encourage him to do sports in high school, but back then, the boy loved art. You’d find him in his room most of the time sitting at his desk in the corner, hunched over a drawing he’d been working on. It was endearing to you, really. Steve grew up to be quite a muscular guy, despite never taking part in sports as a kid. Yet, he was so delicate with his art, always gently pressing the point of a pencil onto his paper, never rushing any of his work.
That was before your mom passed away.
After that, Steve went through a really hard time. Of course, you were feeling the same, but Steve... had a lot of pent up frustration. He tried to keep doing art, desperately trying to drown out the weight of the loss, but it always just led to snapped pencils and crumpled pieces of work. Watching your brother slowly fall apart, while barely being able to keep yourself together? It was difficult, for sure. At that point, you suggested trying boxing. You did some research, finding out that boxing was an effective way of releasing emotions and allowing your negative feelings to be expressed healthily.
And he didn’t object to it. Steve was willing to try anything, anything to help him not feel so horrible all the time. So, he joined the local boxing club. That’s when he started becoming himself again, and that’s where he met Bucky. From what you’d heard from your brother, Bucky was of his best friends. Not that he was that close to anyone other than you, but this guy? He was different. You were glad he’d finally found a friend he felt so comfortable with. The boy had spent so long trying to take care of you that he never took a good amount of time to look after himself.
The man in front of you helped bring your brother back, and because of that, you had already taken a strong liking to him. You wouldn’t let him know that, however. Not yet.
“Wow, it’s nice to finally meet my brother’s boyfriend.” You teased. “The guy never shuts up about you.”
Bucky shook his head, twisting the cap back on the water bottle. Honestly? He had really nice hands—
“I could say the same for you. I mean, I love my sister and all, but Steve really thinks the world of you.”
The statement made heat rush to your cheeks. Steve was four years older than you, which meant he felt like he had the right to treat you like a kid. After your mom died, it sort of hit him how quickly things can change and fall to pieces, and he soon felt like he had to protect the only family he had left - you. As a teenager, it was a lot more frustrating. Steve used to feel like he had to watch your every move, question every guy you were ever involved with, make sure you weren’t out too late on the weekends. And since he started boxing, he’d gotten a lot more buff, meaning he could easily intimidate any guy that you brought back home. It lead to a lot of arguments, but as you got older, you realised he only cared so much because he loved you.
While he was still protective now, he knew that you were an adult that was fully capable of making your own decisions. It was mostly aggravating as a sixteen year old, but as an adult, it sort of melted your heart. Not a lot of people had brothers that would give them the universe if they could, so you whole-heartedly appreciated Steve, even in his big-brother mode.
“You think so?”
“Mhm.” He hummed. “Never mentioned how gorgeous you are, though. Must’ve missed that out.”
Now, you weren’t expecting your brother’s best friend to flirt with you upon just meeting you. Were you exactly objecting to it, though? Well...
You took your bottom lip between your teeth, biting back a smile. “Funny, he never told me how much of a charmer you are.”
No, you weren’t objecting. Wait, why weren’t you objecting? This wasn’t... right. But then again, in all honesty... you’d never seen such a beauty of a man.
His lips curled into a smile, and for a couple of moments, you both rested your gazes on each other. He was still glowing from the intensity of his workout, one hand resting on his hip while the other clasped around his plastic bottle. Shorts stopping a few inches about his knees, leaving a little up to the imagination. You could stay like this for the rest of the night, taking in his appearance. Your brother really failed to mention that Bucky Barnes was a full-course meal.
“(Y/N), is it?” He spoke up, his voice quieter than before.
The smile you were attempting to hide managed to creep onto your lips. “That’s me.” You imitated his phrase from before.
Bucky’s eyes glanced up to the clock on the wall, which read 6:49pm.
“Wait here, gorgeous. I’ll be back in five.”
The pet name caused fireworks to erupt in your stomach, and you hoped to god that your cheeks weren’t as flushed as you imagined them to be. Normally, guys couldn’t have you flustered so easily. But James Barnes? The man already had you weak at the knees. All you could respond with was a nod, watching as he winked and headed towards the door of the room leading to the showers.
At that moment, you were glad Steve was taking his time at the gym. If he could see you now, biting your lip and eyeing up his best friend, you could guess that he wouldn’t be too happy. But he didn’t have to know, did he?
While you waited for Bucky to return, you placed all of your college work back into your bag and enclosed your laptop in its case. Your mind couldn’t help but drift back to the man, who was currently showering in the room next to you. The thought alone caused goosebumps to rise on your skin - what a sight that would be.
Within five minutes, like he said, Bucky had made his way back into the room. His brown locks were still damp from the water, but he now wore a white t-shirt and dark denim jeans. The pants hugged his thighs, accentuating how toned they were. A duffle bag was thrown over his shoulder, and he eyed you up and down as he approached you again.
“So, you’re waiting for Steve?” He asked.
“Yeah, he’s my ride home. Tell me, does he always take his precious time in that gym?”
Bucky nodded slowly. “Uh huh, he doesn’t like to leave until every muscle in his body is practically burning. But, maybe that’s not a bad thing.”
You quirked your brow questioningly. “Why’s that?”
He shrugged innocently. “Means we have some time to kill.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?” Hopefully, he was feeling the same amount of sexual chemistry as you were, otherwise, this was a little awkward.
This was the only time you’d ever waited for Steve at the club, and you probably wouldn’t have any reason to again for a while - you’ll most likely never see Bucky again after this, right? It couldn’t hurt to have a bit of fun.
“You know, I think I left my shampoo in the showers.” He exhaled, holding back a smile as he extended a hand out to you. “Come with me to get it, and we’ll find somethin’ to do until Steve’s finished?”
Grabbing his hand, you pulled yourself up from the bench, smoothing out the fabric of your skirt with an evident smirk on your lips. “Alright - lead the way, James.”
* * *
You weren’t exactly sure what you expected to happen when Bucky took you into the locker room, but when you closed the door behind you and looked up at him with lust-filled eyes, you weren’t complaining that he eventually had you backed against the tiled wall, his chest only inches from yours.
Both of his hands were on placed in either side of your head against the tiles, not wanting to touch your body without you giving him the okay.
“You know, when I imagined meeting Steve’s little sister for the first time, this wasn’t how I pictured it.”
“What, you didn’t imagine pinning her against the wall of the locker room?” You grinned, trailing your right hand up and down his chest lightly.
Bucky chuckled, slowly bring his right hand to your face, running the pad of his thumb over your cheekbone. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth against your skin. “Well, when I decided I wanted to talk to the pretty girl who was watching me train, I didn’t think that girl was gonna be (Y/N) Rogers.”
“So, do you do this with all the girls you find roaming the gym by themselves?”
Shaking his head, he dipped so that his lips hovered next to the skin on your neck, his breath fanning over you causing your heart rate to pick up.
“No, I don’t. You’re the only one that’s caught my eye, babydoll; honest.”
“Steve won’t find out about this, right?” You almost felt bad about what you were about to do. Not that you were going to sleep with your brother’s best friend in a locker room, that wasn’t the plan, but even just making out with the guy caused a pang of guilt in your chest.
“Find out about what?” Bucky asked sarcastically. “I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Yet.” You emphasised, making him let out a breathy laugh. “I honestly don’t know who he’d try to kill first; me or you.”
The man lifted his gaze to meet yours. “I won’t tell if your won’t, Rogers.”
When you didn’t respond, he lowered his lips back to where they were previously.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” Bucky mumbled, waiting for you to nod - which you did gladly - before placing his lips on your neck, soft kisses being trailed from the crook of your neck to the skin just under your ear.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, encouraging him to keep going, which he happily did. A quiet whimper escaped your lips as he nibbled on the delicate skin, surely leaving a mark which you’d definitely be coating in concealer the next day.
Carefully along your jaw, on the corner of your mouth, he left lingering kisses until his lips were only a few centimetres from yours. Bucky didn’t move for some time, scanning his eyes over your curled lashes, then the curve of your nose, the indentations of your cheekbones, your gloss-tinted lips that looked even more kissable as the light vaguely reflected off them.
Steve Rogers’ sister was nothing like he thought she’d be, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. He had to admit, you were beautiful. No wonder Steve had never brought you to the club before - perhaps he knew you’d capture Bucky’s attention faster than the boxer could throw a punch.
It was so wrong. Looking at his best friend’s sister and wanting to touch you all over, hear you moan his name. He’d only met you ten minutes prior, but he didn’t think of you as just another girl he wanted to make out with. You had the same lovable charm about you as Steve that made it easy to be attracted to you, along with a purity that unknowingly to you, made him want you more.
He didn’t have to think twice as he crashed his lips onto yours, moving his other hand from wall to hook under your thigh, caressing the exposed skin as you pushed your body closer to his, running your tongue over his bottom lip.
You’d made out with other guys before, usually while you were tipsy at college parties, and even back in high school when you used to make out with them on your doorstep until Steve inevitably chased them away before they could step foot in your house.
But this, with Bucky, it wasn’t the same. He was a little older, not as sloppy, seemed to know what he was doing - how to make you feel good. His hands weren’t grabbing at you like a sex-obsessed frat boy, but savouring the feeling of your skin under his fingertips. The gentle yet passionate way in which he touched you was so much more pleasurable than the rushed, rough makeouts you’d experienced one too many times.
Pulling away slightly, Bucky smirked at your swollen lips, still tasting your cherry lipgloss on his tongue. His hand ran up and down your side, craving to feel the skin that was hidden by your thin shirt. “If we don’t stop now, I’m gonna end up ripping this blouse clean off you.”
You smiled, resting your hands on his shoulders. “Somehow, I don’t think that my brother would be impressed by that - he should be done soon.”
“Hm, maybe next time, then.” He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling cheekily.
“Next time?” You raised your brows. “How’d you figure there’s gonna be a next time?”
“You telling me you don’t wanna do that again, gorgeous?”
Sighing, you tried your utmost to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. You definitely wanted to do that again. One hundred percent. However, for obvious reasons, you were hesitant to tell him that.
Bucky took a step back, allowing you to push yourself off the wall and readjust your clothing. After doing so, you let your eyes fall to the floor, the adrenaline from the makeout session you’d just had fading away. Noticing your nerves, Bucky reached out and placed a finger under your chin, tilting it up so he could meet your gaze.
“Steve won’t find out about this, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I just feel kinda bad,” You admitted. “I don’t like hiding things from him.”
Bucky was silent for a few moments, before his hand dropped from your face to your hand, wrapping it with his as he led you out of the locker room, back into the training room.
“Wait...” He suddenly said, holding up his finger, indicating for you to hold on while he paced back into the locker room. Fifteen seconds later, Bucky reappeared in the doorway of the room, a bottle of shampoo now in his right hand. You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“So, the ‘leaving your shampoo in the shower’ story wasn’t just a ploy to get me into the locker room?”
Bucky shrugged, flipping the bottle in his hand. “I actually did need to go back and get it, but I also definitely had the intention of pinning you against the wall while we were in there.”
Shaking your head in amusement, you made your way back over to the bench that only fifteen minutes ago, you were admiring the unnamed boxer from. How time flies.
After tucking your laptop case back into your bag, you threw it over your shoulder and turned to face Bucky, who also looked ready to head off.
He looked as if he was about to say something, but the opening of the training room door behind the two of you caused your head to snap in the direction of it. Your brother emerged in the doorway, surprise written on his face as his eyes glanced between his sister and his best friend. You were worried that he could just tell that something happened between the two of you, but the smile on his lips proved that wasn’t true.
“(Y/N), I’ve been lookin’ around for you. You didn’t tell me you were gonna wait in here.” Steve approached you, tugging his own duffle bag tighter on his shoulder.
Plastering an innocent smile on your face, you replied as nonchalantly as possible. “Yeah, I’ve just been finishing off some assignments, and I met the guy that you never shut up about.”
Bucky chuckled as you gestured towards him, Steve stepping closer to him to pat his shoulder. “Well, I hope the guy didn’t spend any time distracting you. Bucky has a match on Friday - he has to do all the training he can before the big day.”
“Really?” You quirked your brow, suppressing a scoff as you turned to look at Bucky, who was desperately attempting to stop a smirk from creeping onto his lips. You wondered if making out in the locker room with a girl was part of his pre-match regime... “Well, good luck on Friday, James.”
Steve let out a laugh. “God, I can’t remember the last time I heard someone call you James. You can call him Bucky, (Y/N).”
“Right, sorry.” You nodded your head towards him, correcting yourself. “Good luck on Friday, Bucky.”
“Thanks, not that I’ll need it, though.” He smiled smugly, casting Steve to hit him with the back of his hand on his chest.
“Alright, punk, don’t get ahead of yourself.” The blond rolled his eyes, before taking a step back and motioning towards the door. “Well, we should probably get goin’, (Y/N). See you tomorrow, Buck?”
“I’ll be here, training for the match I’m gonna win.”
“You trying to show off in front of my sister?” Steve joked, and your eyes widened slightly. It was just a joke, calm down.
Bucky grinned back. “Just stating a fact, Steve.”
With the shake of his head, Steve headed out of the door. You sent the boxer behind you a knowing smile, before beginning to follow your brother out. However, a hand around your wrist prevented you from doing so.
“You can keep calling me James, you know. I don’t mind.” Bucky assured you as you spun around to face him. Usually, he preferred being called by his childhood nickname - but there was something endearing about the way you said his name, something that he wanted to hear more often. “You can call me anything you want, really, as long as I can eventually call you mine.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that fell from your lips at his words. “If you think making out with you once is gonna have me falling at your feet from now on, you might wanna get off your high horse, James.”
“I don’t mean right now, but I don’t want this to be the last time I see you.” His eyes told you that he was being genuine.
“I don’t either, but-”
“Come to the match on Friday.” Bucky suddenly interrupted you, before sighing and running a hand through his hair. “If you’re not doing anything already, come watch me fight.”
You furrowed your brows hesitantly. “You don’t think Steve will get suspicious?”
“It’s only a match, (Y/N). He won’t suspect anything. Plus, he usually brings Peggy to these things - he’ll be focused on her the whole time.”
“So he won’t notice you dragging me to the locker room to make out again?”
Bucky scoffed, pulling you closer to him. “Actually, I was thinking I could take you out after I win. Contrary to what just happened in the locker room, I’m really quite the gentlemen.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it. But that’s only if you win, so I would get too excited yet.”
“Not if I win, gorgeous; when I win.”
“Alright,” You smirked, feeling your phone buzz in your pocket. You didn’t check it, however, knowing it would only be Steve telling you to hurry up. “If you’re sure that you’re gonna win, then I guess it’s a date.”
“Great, I’ll look forward to it.” A satisfied expression formed on his face.
Without thinking, you reached forward and pressed a kiss to Bucky’s cheek, letting your lips linger before pulling away. You would’ve went for his lips, but you thought you’d save that for Friday, when he won. “I hope I won’t be getting all dolled up for nothing, James.”
His cheeks tinted slightly pink at the affectionate action, causing his infectious smile to only grow wider. “You won’t be, I promise. Six thirty sharp, babydoll. I’ll look for you in the crowd.”
“I’ll be there.” You winked, finally turning around and making your way out of the room, and eventually out of the building.
The realisation of what you’d agreed to hit you in the form of an icy wind as you stepped outside of the club. In the past thirty minutes, you’d made out with your brother’s best friend, agreed to go on a date with him, and hid both of those things from the person that you trust the most.
You weren’t sure where things were going to end up with Bucky. If the makeout was just a one off, and the date didn’t make you fall for him, then whatever, right? You’d never have to tell Steve about it, and you could move on from the whole thing.
However, kissing Bucky for the first time? Not something you were going to forget any time soon. You already missed his touch, his lips molding with yours... you could only imagine how amazing things would been if you hadn’t stopped there. Christ, what if you were already falling for him? His charm made it pretty hard not to, but that wasn’t you. You never fell for guys so easily, especially after thirty minutes of meeting them, so why was Bucky having this effect on you? Every part of him seemed to be addictive; his smile, his touch, his eyes, his everything. After exiting out of the training room, exiting out of his presence, you were only left wanting more.
As you climbed into the passenger seat of the car, Steve sent you a grin before pulling out of the parking lot and beginning to ramble about the gym session he had. And as much as you wanted to listen, your focus was simply unable to remain on him.
Truthfully, you just couldn’t get his best friend off your mind.
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ikenbar · 3 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice CH4 PT2
Warnings: tips for the swear jar, fluff, and angst. like a lot of it. from almost all the boys. Lucien’s out. Sorry Lucy stans. also cliffhangers. not as epic as the Chapter three but cliffhangers nonetheless
(Chapter Four (Victor and Gavin) Prologue, and part one, and part three coming soon!)
Please read the author’s note (and the beginning of the story) on chapter one part one if you’re new here :D
Chapter four:
Part two:
“Hello?” Kiro’s agent, Savin, answered in a business-like tone.
“Hey Savin. It’s… uh… Super Stranger.” I cringed, avoiding eye contact with the curious Adri.
“Say no more.” Savin’s smile shone through the phone. Music played as he put the call on hold. Savin held on to Kiro’s phone when he was filming. I prayed I wasn’t interrupting anything, but I also couldn’t wait to hear Kiro’s voice again. 
After a few long and agonizing seconds, the call was picked up again.
“Hello?” Kiro’s voice sounded both panicked and expectant. I kept Adri in my peripherals as took a deep breath.
“Hey Kiro. It’s me.” 
Adri’s head snapped to attention.
“Super Stranger!?” Kiro exclaimed happily over the phone, “Oh thank goodness you’re alright! Are you ok? You weren’t hurt were you?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” I reassured, “Just... a slight cough. From the smoke.” Kiro sighed deeply.
“I’m so glad.” His voice was devoid of the obvious tenseness that it had before. I cringed and tapped my leg nervously.
 “I’m sorry I worried you.”
“Don’t be. I’m just relieved to hear you’re doing alright.” Kiro sounded earnest. I felt the tension in my shoulders ease slightly. “Where are you? Let me come visit you!” Kiro giddly added. My heart jumped. The tension was back.
“A-aren’t you in the middle of a shoot? Wouldn’t Savin get mad that you’re leaving?”
“I’m sure Savin would understand if I cut a little early to visit you! Especially if I use my patented Kiro puppy dog eyes!”
“I would hate for you to get into trouble because of me.” I cringed slightly. I had raised my voice and the burning in my throat returned. I cleared my throat softly and continued, “Besides, I need to keep my secret identity, right?”
“I think there is an exception when it comes to explosions.” Kiro laughed but I could tell it was forced, “...Stranger, I want to make sure you’re ok. Can I please come see you?” My stomach turned. Who could say no to that man?
 I could.
“You will see me. In two weeks.” I said in my usual tactless tone. “As much as I want you here, it’s just not safe. People will find you and end up causing a riot at the hospital. We could be putting the lives of the patients here at risk. I’m sorry, Kiro, but my answer is no.” After a moment of silence Kiro sighed again.
“There you go again. Thinking of others’ well being before your own.” Kiro sounded as if he were smiling but his tone made it obvious that he was disappointed in my response, “Alright. I’ll stay. But you need to promise me you will call me everyday you’re in the hospital. And then everyday after that!!” I sighed, relaxing my shoulders once again.
“Ok. You have my word.”
“Good! Then I will be a faithful sidekick and answer!” There was some distant noise on Kiro’s end of the phone, “My break’s over so I’ll have to talk to you later. Make sure you call me, ok?” 
“Alright. Talk to you soon.”
“Drink lots of fluids and stay down, ok?”
“I will!” I rolled my eyes. Those words were getting old, “Goodbye, Kiro.”
“Bye, Super Stranger!”
I put the phone back onto the keypad and cleared my throat. I needed some water... 
After a moment of stalling, I finally looked over to Adri. Her eyes were huge and her mouth hung open. “Close your mouth please, Adri, we are not a codfish.” I casually returned my voice to whisper as I plucked the cup from her hands and took a drink.
“YOU KNOW KIRO?!” Adri shouted. I winced.
“Not so loud!” I hissed, covering her mouth and looking at the door. She pulled my hand from her face and spoke in a quieter tone.
“When?! How?! Where?! Wait, why didn’t you want him to come here? Is it because I’m here because I can leave as long as you take pictures-”
“Adri,” I held my hand up, cutting her off, “I met him a few weeks ago. I saved him from a car accident so he agreed to play a role in one of my upcoming shows as compensation. We are meeting in a couple of weeks to start filming. As for the reason why I don’t want him here, it isn’t because of you.” I avoided continuing the topic as I reached for the phone again. Adri stopped me.
“Then why?” She pressed. I paused.
“... He doesn’t know I was the one who saved him.” I said, looking down at my cup and avoiding Adri’s eyes, “In the office, I'm ruthless. I treat my employees with a little more harshness then Bart because that’s how I receive good results. But, because of that, it has tarnished my reputation as a person. People outside of the office think I am some sort of soul sucking tyrant. Hell, Victor thought I was a man at first. When I saved Kiro, I had my motorcycle helmet on. It masked my face and thus, my identity. If Kiro knew it was me, he no doubt would have refused my offer to have him on the show…" I paused a moment, thinking over that day, "... He called me his hero. I would do anything to keep that title.” 
Silence fell between Adri and me. I cleared my throat and reached for the phone again, but, before I could life it, I was stopped once again by Adri. I looked eyes with her. Her expression was soft and earnest.
“I don’t think you’re a soul sucking tyrant.” She said honestly. "And I'm sure if Kiro gave you the time then he will see it too. In fact, I'm sure that he will see you are the same hero that saved him that day. Even through your steel exterior, you can't hide that you're a good person." My heart skipped, stalling all of my movements momentarily.
“...You know,” I said, tilting my head slightly, “I have spent my whole life waiting to hear those words. Who knew it would come from some bratty teenager?”
"Hey!" Adri slapped my arm. I smirked and reached over to her, patting her head softly.
"Thanks, kid." I said earnestly, "It means a lot."
"Yeah, well, I mean it." Adri said, pulling my hand from her head, "You can talk to me about anything you know! Like, boys, your job, the reason why your company fucking exploded-"
"Woah! Swear jar, young lady!" I exclaimed, causing my throat to burn.
"I'll listen. After all, that’s what sisters do, right?"
I paused, "... you know, I've had tons of sisters before you but none of them have been so cool."
"Yeah, well," Adri leaned back in her chair, "I'm a rare breed."
I rolled my eyes and grinned. She sure was a keeper. Before I could be stopped a third time, I picked up the phone again and dialed the number I had dialed so many times before. I held the phone up to my ear, but didn't have to wait long as the line was picked up almost immediately.
“How is she?” Gavin’s voice was serious and resolute. He sounded as if he didn’t pick up the phone for small talk.
“...is this a bad time?” I asked warily, “I can call back later.”
“... I’m on my way.” And with that, Gavin hung up. I sat in shock for a moment, unable to fully grasp what had just happened. Nonetheless, I put the phone back down on the pad.
“He sounds like a hoot.” Adri said, her sarcastic tone returning. I hummed in mutual sarcasm and picked the phone up one last time. I dialed the number I had seen play on my screen numerous times in the rain. I prepared for a dial tone but was instead immediately met with the sharp voice of a machine. 
“I’m sorry but the person you have dialed has their phone off. Please leave a message and try again later.”
Lucien must be in a meeting. I moved to hang up...
 But I paused. 
I moved the phone back up to my ear and waited for the machine to finish it’s instructions. Once a sharp beep played, I spoke again, “Hey Lucien. It’s Ike. I don't know what you’ve heard but Ike ‘n Bar Productions… burned down. I’m fine. Bart’s fine. The company is ok. I’m just calling to let you know I’m-we are ok. I’m in the hospital but not for long. I know you would be telling me to rest and drink lots of fluids... but if you could give me some advice to speed up my time here, I’m all ears. You’re probably very busy with your trip so I won’t call you again until you call me. Goodbye.” I hung up the phone and sighed, then I grimaced and clutched my neck. My throat felt like it was going to catch flame.
“You should stop talking and rest.” Adri said, her voice noticeably softer than before as she handed me the cup, “But when you wake up, I expect more details on Kiro and the other boy you just called.” I smirked and nodded. Taking a drink, I layed down and closed my eyes. I didn’t sleep though. Thousands of thoughts plagued my mind. Ones on my employees and their well being, my company and where to go next, my family and how they’d be effected, Minor and the last I had seen him, Gavin’s serious tone, Lucien’s absence, Kiro’s disappointed voice,... Victor’s worried brow...
I must have been lost in my thoughts for quite a while before a knock came to the door. I opened my eyes and sat up. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Adri. “Come in!” She called.  I flashed a frown at her, but she was quick to combat it with a snarky smirk. 
The door opened and a heavily armored police officer walked through it. He supported a bullet proof vest with various tools attached to the front of it. One of which being a radio playing the sound of static and an unfamiliar voice. The officer turned his radio off and approached my bed. His helmet blocked his face and made the sense of danger that he radiated even more intense. 
“Officer,”  I straightened myself in the bed, “How may I help you?” The officer froze. After a moment, he seemed to realize something then took off his helmet. I coughed slightly as I gasped, “Holy crud, Birdcop!? I almost didn’t recognize you!” 
Gavin looked around the room then locked eyes with Adri. Her face suddenly burned a bright red. “Would you mind giving us a second?” He asked Adri seriously. Adri swallowed and nodded quickly as she stood up.
“I sh-should r-refill her water anyway.” Adri chuckled nervously. She looked over to me, eyes wide and lips thin, “I’ll be outside if you need me.” Adri took my cup and walked briskly out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
“Woah,” I grinned slightly, “That is the first time I’ve seen her that flustered! You must have a way with teenage girls.” Gavin stalled by the end of my bed. I looked up, locking onto his eyes. He cleared his throat and took a pad and pencil from one of the pockets in his vest. He walked around the bed and took a seat in Adri’s chair. Gavin started writing something down, avoiding my eyes. For some reason, I had felt a strange presence from him. The same presence I would feel in an interrogation room. But, for some reason I felt like the suspect instead of the victim. 
“You look pretty heavily suited up for a hospital visit.’’ I joked, trying to lighten the tense air.
“I was in the middle of a mission when you called.” Gavin deadpanned, eyes still on the paper.
“Oh,” Guilt crushed my chest, “I’m sorry. If you need to leave-”
“What can you tell me about the bombing?” Gavin interrupted, finally looking up and locking eyes with me. His tone was serious, making me feel even more uneasy.
“Which one?” I teased, fidgeting under his stare.
“Both.” Gavin squinted his eyes slightly. My stomach dropped. Gavin studied my face for a moment, then continued, “Back at the warehouse, in the room where the bomb was hidden, there was something there, wasn’t there? Something that you’re keeping from me.” My body tensed and my expression fell. Gavin’s stare deepened.
“Why are you bringing up the warehouse now?” I asked, voice deeper then I intended. My throat burned slightly, “I’m in the hospital for a different reason.”
“You were in two explosions within the span of a week.” Gavin snapped, “That is no coincidence.”
I hurriedly searched for excuses. “The one in the warehouse was a demolition bomb. The bomb that hit me a couple of days ago was an incendiary bomb.”
“That doesn’t change a thing.” Gavin was getting impatient.
“On the contrary.” I adjusted myself in the bed confidently, “The incendiary bomb was thrown into my office. Whoever threw it had to know it was my office.”
“Yeah, and?”
“I fired a man a couple of weeks ago. He threatened me just before he left.”
“What?! Why didn’t you say anything to me about this?”
“Because, genius, a couple of weeks ago I hated you. In fact, it was that very day that we ran into Hickman.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“The man I fired couldn’t have known that I would fire him weeks prior to setting up the attack with Hickman. Not even I knew I was going to fire him then. They aren’t connected but my old employee has motive to throw a ‘fire’ bomb at my office. Because I ‘fired’ him.” Gavin’s expression didn’t change. I pushed further, “And besides, how was the man who made the bomb in the warehouse supposed to know that I was the one who was going to find that hidden room first?”
“There could have been a camera.” Gavin finally said.
“Why would he have a camera if he was planning to blow the place up anyway?” I retorted. Gavin thought for a moment longer, then sighed.
I was trapped.
“All of those points are purely speculation unless you can find proof for it. But you still haven’t answered my question.” Gavin leaned closer to me, “What was behind that wall, Ikamara?” Gavin’s eyes had locked on to mine. There was no way he would let the question slide this time. 
“...Pictures.” I almost couldn’t get the words out.
“Pictures?” Gavin pried, clicking his pen in preparation.
“Pictures of… evolvers. Taken in precarious places as if the photographer was unwilling to be seen.”
“Was there anything else?” Gavin returned his eyes to his notepad, scribbling a few notes and making it easy for me to twist the truth even farther.
“There was a map of Loveland… and… something else.” I sighed and tapped at my leg, “The words, ‘Operation Montu’ were hung on a banner on top of the wall. As if to say whomever had put all that stuff there has more planned.” Gavin finished writing and looked up to me, the once serious face now held anger.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”
I looked back and forth between his eyes, holding back my tongue. Gavin’s expression shifted slightly. Eventually, I just sighed resignedly and pulled my eyes away from him.
“... there were pictures of me on the wall. I didn’t want to tell you and then be taken off of the case. You risked your life at The Wall when evolvers’ lives were put on the line. You left without me having a say in anything.. I know what it’s like to not want to be talked down from something. I just… didn’t want you to do it again on your own.” 
A pregnant pause weighed heavily on the room. I clenched my fists in response and tried to calm my beating heart enough to stop Gavin from hearing it.
“... I didn’t put my life at risk for the sake of evolvers at that night.” Gavin’s voice was gentle. I looked up at him. His expression had dramatically softened. His shoulders also looked as if they had relaxed and he seemed to have gotten a little closer to me. 
His eyes immediately locked onto mine, causing my heart to skip a beat and for me to involuntarily avert my eyes from his and back onto my bed. After slight movement from next to me, Gavin reached over and tugged at my face. His fingers were warm from being in his gloves for so long. The warmth made me lean into his movements and bring my eyes back onto his, settling like they had before.
“Ike,” His voice had become an octave lower, “I’m a cop. I put my life at risk everyday for the sake of the city. But that night… you were the only one I was thinking about.” My heart leaped to my throat. Gavin looked me seriously in the eyes. Much too seriously. 
“You’re going to get yourself killed by doing that.” I smirked slightly and pulled his hand from my face. Gavin chuckled and slid his fingers into the palm of my hand.
“It would have been worth it.” He said, squeezing his hand in mine. My smile raised slightly as I directed my eyes back down to our hands. I could feel the warmth of Gavin’s calloused fingers tingle through my hand and up my arm… 
I had missed that warmth.
The last time I had felt it was-...
 An image of Gavin’s lifeless body flashed in my mind. Suddenly the hand in mine felt foregin. 
“Welp,” I cleared my throat and straightened myself, letting go of Gavin’s fingers, “I don’t want to hold you from your work any longer.” Gavin cleared his throat as well and nodded.
“Right.” He said, standing up, “I’ll let you know when I am back so we can discuss this case further.” 
“Right.” I leaned back onto the bed, lost in thought, “Thanks.”
“No problem. And don’t worry about being kicked from the case.” Gavin said reassuringly, “As long as it wasn’t just your picture on the wall, you’ll be ok.”
“Cool.” I said, avoiding his eyes and nodding, “Good to know.” Gavin popped opened back up the pouch for his notepad... then paused.
“...One more thing.” Gavin sat back down and pulled my arm towards him. He reached into his pouch and pulled something from it. Before I could get a good look at it, he set it in my hand. In the middle of my palm was a silver chain with a small dove sitting on it. Memories of when I was thirteen came flooding back to me. Memories of sitting at the park, bandaging my new scars and shoving away tears from my eyes. A flourish of wind and flower pedals greeted my face as a group of beautiful doves flew in front of me, beautifully…  freely…
“Ike,” Gavin broke the memory I found myself lost in, “Are you ok?”
I slowly nodded and pulled my gaze back to him, “Why are you giving me this?”
“I put a tracker in it.” Gavin took back the bracelet, “The next time you are in danger, I’ll be able to respond instantly.”
“Next time?” I asked as he wrapped the bracelet around my wrist, “Are you making plans that I should know about?” Gavin flashed me a raised eyebrow and a smirk as he messed with the clasp. After a bit of fumbling, he finished clipping on the bracelet, allowing it to dangle from my wrist nicely. I pulled it closer to me, touching the charm delicately.
“It’s beautiful.” I found myself saying without realizing it.
“I’m glad you like it.” I looked up and caught Gavin staring at me. His eyes were just as gentle as they were before. I held on to them a moment longer before pulling myself from them.
Gavin stood back up. “I should get going.” I hummed in response, admiring the charm once more. Gavin walked to the door.
As Gavin watched Ike struggle to maintain her tough image, memories from before flashed in his mind. It was hard to think that just a little while ago, they were at each other’s throats. But now, 
“Be safe.” I said quietly. Gavin stopped in his steps. Realizing what I had just said, I added, “Or don’t. You know. Do whatever you want. It’s your life. Don’t listen to me...” My voice trailed off. I shoved my hands together as my face burned. 
“I will.” Gavin reassured, redirecting my attention to him, “I promise.” A soft smile rose on my lips. I moved to cover it up but it was too late. Gavin’s ears burned as his smile grew as well. What had happened to us? We went from anger, to bickering, to teasing, to...
He hadn’t remembered the last time he had felt this drawn to someone.
“You’re one to talk, Mr. Two-Meters-Too-Thick-Vest!” I scoffed.
Gavin cleared his throat and turned back to the door. “That hospital gown makes you look fat by the way.” My smile dropped.
And we are back to teasing.
“I’m just saying that you should try to get out of it as soon as you can!” Gavin held his hands up as he opened the door, “I’ll let your sister back in.”
“Thanks,” I rolled my eyes then paused a moment, “...hey.” I called to him. Gavin paused at the door, “...Your vest doesn’t really make you look fat.” Gavin turned back to me, his eyebrow raise handsomely. “You do a good enough job of that on your own.” I added. Gavin’s smile fell as mine raised. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he left the room,  closing the door behind him.
That man… 
Footsteps came from the door. I looked over and watched as Adri walked into the room, red faced and holding my newly refilled water carefully.
 “What’s with the face?” I asked, knowing full well what the answer was. Adri dazily looked up to me, eyes dreamy and smile soft.
“Who was that?” She asked, dazed.
“My neighbor, Gavin." I said, struggling to suppress an ever increasing grin, "He’s the police officer working my bombing case. Why?” 
“If you don’t invite him over for dinner, I will.” Adri sat back in her seat and held her face in the palm of her hand.
“Oh really?” I finally released a grin and folded my arms, “I’ll tell him you said that.”
“Don’t!!” Adri lunged at me to stop me from picking the phone up.
It had gotten dark outside by the time Maria had come to pick up Adri. I was left alone in the hospital room with nothing but the tv to keep me company. Even then, I wasn’t paying attention to it. My mind was still all over the place. More specifically, it was on the black mask with a green scarab. 
Montu’s mask. 
Something about it was familiar. Why was it familiar? Where had I seen that before? And the name Montu. Where was that from? Where had I heard that name?
"The Ike 'n Bar company's fire has finally gone out."
Hearing my name come from the tv, I snapped out of my thoughts and focused my eyes on the screen. It was a news story about my company's building. I cringed as they showed the footage from what had happened before. I grabbed the remote to turn off the channel when my eyes locked onto a figure behind the reporter. He was tall and in a black suit… and strangely familiar. He seemed to be running around, helping people in the street. I squinted at the screen, trying to make out the face from the bed I was bound to. Before I could finally focus on him, his attention snapped to the front of the burning building. An aerial shot revealed a blooded, soot covered, feminine figure coming from the building. She stumbled and leaned on the front door for support. The man moved to her but the footage seemed to glitch as he was suddenly by her side, helping her up and off of the ground.  The man scooped up the woman and carried her away. Not to an ambulance or to a police officer but to a nearby car. 
I furrowed my eyebrows and kept my eyes on the screen, unsure of what to make of what I had just seen. From the blood stains on the girl’s shirt and the matted brown hair, it could have only really been one person. And from the suit to the raven colored hair...
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice snapped me back to the attention of the room. I looked over to the door.
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