#and live chat isnt working so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gender-trash · 3 months
me six years ago: do not perceive me i don't want to be Seen and if i ever cause a problem for anyone ever i deserve to be taken out and shot
me today: *emailing jeff bezos directly about a problem with an amazon order* hey jeff i found a bug on your website
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jimlingss · 6 years
For me its completely opposite, i’ve learned to talk more. Despite me being an introvert i love to chat but it takes time for me to open up. I dont tell my mom how im feeling EVER because i want to keep it as my own information. My mom accepts that trait in me. My brother has said to me that he wishes that i could share my feelings more openly. But i dont. It isnt me. My personality is more like my father’s. I tend think logically but i dont want to say i lack of empathy tho it might seem so
yeah I’m a heavy introvert but like most people, I have my fair share of extrovert traits and one of them is being talkative rofl. I think it’s good to have open communication with those you care about and let them know how you feel about different situations. But don’t go spilling beans to people you don’t trust either! It’s all about striking a balance. 
Anonymous said: Okay but you actually sound so much like me. Like I have a friend who’s is completely opposite from me (loud, a bit of an attention seeker, wild to a fault, etc.) and idk. Our friendship works because we’re so different, but sometimes I swear I just wanna strangle her. Another difference between us is that she’s super trusting of other people and I think really requires human contact a lot of the time. Which is perfectly fine, but she goes to me for advice and then cries when she gets hurt 🤷‍♀️
yeahhhh I know people like that and I’ve steered clear. Like I’m sure most people have good intentions, but I personally can’t handle any emotional baggage or highly emotional people - that’s just not me and if I pretended to care, I would feel fake...idk...there’s a lot of different kinds of people in the world, we all just gotta learn how to deal and sort the ones we wanna keep in our lives.
Anonymous said: ur mom’s right! my mom’s like that too! independence is something my mom made sure my sister and I knew. can’t rely on a man to help me or anyone else!! and I think that’s why I can’t rely on others. they’ll let me down or something.
ehhh I don’t think my mom was/is rooting for independence. my mother is one strange, strange lady lol with little maternal instincts. she basically grumbles ‘no one relies on anyone in this society’ when I ask her to drive me somewhere like the train station and then she follows it up with saying ‘I paid for your goddamn license and you can’t even drive on your own...no one drives each other around here!’ hahaha personally I just can’t rely on others because there’s no one I trust enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just feel like I could do a better job if I did it myself, so you’re not alone in that.
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simkjrs · 7 years
gamer au asks
Anonymous said: the first time godgame izuku manifests his quirk scotchtapeofficial@tumblr /post/163140897577/
im laughing this is such a traumatizing way for izuku to discover his quirk oh my god 
Anonymous said: Very important question: Does Gamer Izuku go/ne to the sunchip's place (from carboys)
i havent finished car boys but the answer is probably yes
Anonymous said: if izuku can mod maybe one day can he figure out how to make it that everyone figures out that something isnt his quirk and that the reality is a simulation or are they all parts of the simulation too
this is actually in my chat log... izuku makes a mod so that everyone has awareness of continuity (or lack of) so when izuku mods the world everyone sees the changes and knows they’re not normal. and panic 
Anonymous said: what if monoma copied the gamer quirk? or some villain had a switch-bodies quirk and used it on izuku and another character?? would they just go on without noticing anything unusual or not??
monoma is overwhelmed by the gamer quirk so by the time the five minutes are up he hasn’t made any headway in actually understanding it, unfortunately. it gains izuku’s interest though because maybe it’s possible... that monoma has the potential to become a real person in this simulation, too... 
i’m not sure about the switching bodies quirk. if this person switches bodies, theoretically that means, since they have izuku’s brain and body, that they would be able to use izuku’s quirk.  but if they have izuku’s brain and body, and not their own, would they even be able to switch back? 
i feel we should retroactively question whether or not this whole ‘gamer au’ quirk is even a quirk, and not just some inexplicable, strange phenomenon that only izuku is privy to 
@valerii376 said: Izuku adding Tsuyu as an admin and her losing her cool
good ask 
“i’m sorry,” izuku says to a panicking tsuyu, “i just couldn’t stand being the only real person in the world anymore. i hope you don’t mind” 
@viperofsand said: A funny thing about the gamer au is people being like 'oh how did you become this nihilist in this age of hereos' and Izuku being like '...i already said that reality is a lie you ain't listening'
“even the heroes are just an artificial construct. their actions, their speeches, their paradigms... it’s just a program. a code. it doesn’t mean anything at all.” 
Anonymous said: Then he's like, 'well that wasn't bad but how about something else?' and the best thing in the world in our lifetime are giant fluff pups. So izuku wins at life at that point. but no, why stop there. She's already three stories high, so clearly she needs education. So he edits the dear oversi-PERFECTLY sized dog to attend his school. And due to her wonderful size she clips through the ceiling. Either no one notices or cares but thats beyond Izuku 2/
So, Izuku realizing that he only chipped the iceberg of unreality. He can get lightsabers if he wanted to. Delve through all of fiction, put it in life and no one will be the wiser. Cause chaos and it's everyday life. Life doesn't have a hard concrete surface it used to. when he 'mods' life into having a terrible texture. He sees the blob humans and thinks 'ha ha wow this is bad'. In which he, accidentally, pushes himself further away from reality and, even more accidentally, from people. 3/
While accepting his new unreality, barreling into a world in which he can create and change at will. People are npcs. Izuku is the player. The world is a rpg. Eventually Izuku is so far out of touch with reality, he becomes borderline nihilistic and "Oh dear god these are living humans what am I doing" 4/4
5+ I have no idea how I did all of that or what I was doing. But theres my take of what might happen (very roughly and loosely) in the gamer izuku au. I hope you enjoyed it (or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). This is just something silly (is spiraling down into nihilism silly). This mega might also come out as needlessly edgy. BUT A BIG POINT you've been lowkey giving me a will to write. Don't to bother you!
your first ask got eaten by tumblr so i’m just going to guess that it was about the dog and izuku figuring out that he can change her size 
this series of asks actually follows the vague direction of where i want to go with the gamer au, congratulations :p i’m glad you were inspired to write! 
Anonymous said: haha would anyone even know about Izuku's quirk?
probably not... there’s nothing he can do to prove that it exists outside of his perception. at least until he finds the console and figures out all the console commands. then he can delete buildings at will but at that point he’s already registered as quirkless and this is too difficult to explain anyways so he just, doesn’t tell anyone 
Anonymous said: So like if gamer izuku were to like accidentally die, (a building falls on him or something) would he have a respawn point? Or would he just go back to where he last saved during the day?
i think he’d go to his last save 
Anonymous said: if we’re going with godgame izuku realizing the world is a simulation, maybe he eventually tries to break the world by modding it ala ‘final pam’ style: turning people into helicopters. setting mineta’s size to scale .0001 and losing him.
@angryqueermermaid said: GOAT SIMULATOR
Anonymous said: I'm crying thinking about all of the fucking glitches I've seen and the shit I've seen done in gta specifically - like there's a video where mc just. becomes a fucking blue whale. through modding.
the potential of this au is limitless 
Anonymous said: Gamer AUs have become my recent obsession as of late, and can I just say that this is, like, one of the greatest gamer AU ideas ever.
thank you! 
Anonymous said: godgame izuku making mineta so small he's practically non-existent and then someone steps on him. mineta is dead.
glad we’re all in agreement about mineta!
Anonynous said: can Izuku just. hack through the layers of reality and make himself a millionare. take away humanitys use of quirks. save, punch bakugou, then reload the save? GIVE KIRISHIMA ALL THE HUGS OH GOD IM DYING. change the code of the universe so that there is no more corrupt people and the Socio Economic system is All Fine and everyone is Happy. glitch out and nap for ten years. please expand simk you already have my soul what more can I give you
izuku CAN set his money to $999,999,999,999,999 but if he spends too much of it he WILL devalue the currency. he could probably disable people’s quirks from the console, but hasn’t figured out how to do it as an “area effect” thing yet so if he wanted to get rid of all quirks he’d have to manually do it one by one. he cannot change the universe’s code to fix everything, thus contributing more to his belief that the world is meaningless, as are his abilities to affect it. 
Anonymous said: That. Was a very good AU. I approve, and it made me burst out laughing. Can Izuku pull up a mainscreen thing or just pause time if he wants too? Just... pause the game that is real life and hop over to another layer of reality? Does he ever see a loading screen when going into a new area? Have a map he can access at any time? ANYWAY I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT I LOVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL MIND AND THE WAY IT WORKS AND THAT ALL OF YOUR AU'S ARE GREAT AND SO IS THE GAMER ONE PLEASE GIVE US MORE INFO THANKS
he can pull up a mainscreen but when he exits he’s in the same place as before. a loading screen when he goes to a new area... is probably something that happens. eventually he gets a map and a quick travel function. he doesn’t know exactly how it works but he’s not complaining 
anything is possible 
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