#and likely did something horrible to that nanjo covered up
pochapal · 8 months
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assuming this is a) not more witch narrative stuff and b) not referring to the Real Kinzo/Ideal Kinzo split then i think there's something telling about kinzo's other side being entwined with/triggered by beatrice
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heartgold · 3 months
(incest, csa, suicide cw)
umineko is full of complicated and fucked up parent/child dynamics, so the way kumasawa and genji were like the parent figures sayo always wished she could have and then turned out to be the people who hurt her with the most intent often flies under the radar. but I'm constantly thinking about it.
they never saw her as more than an extension of her biological mother and a way to personally atone for failing her... by ultimately failing her daughter too and in very similar ways. kumasawa incentivised young sayo's beatrice roleplay and taught her magic bc "it was like it was meant to be". in kumasawa's eyes, it was as if beatrice's daughter unknowingly shared a connection to her mother thanks to the whims of fate. but to sayo, the magic she was taught became her primary way to cope and to find some confidence in the face of the hardships she was going through. of course the idea of no longer being 'yasu', the clumsy servant mocked by everyone, but rather the powerful witch beatrice who inspires their respect became so important to her! but then as she learned later, she spent all her life roleplaying as her dead mother who was horribly abused (and whose abuse was enabled and covered up by sayo's parent figures!) and by then she had all but absorbed her as part of her identity and sense of self, all while being secretly primed to ultimately play her part and finally "become" her in genji's bullshit redemption arc plan for kinzo. kumasawa knew everything and intentionally encouraged this while sayo had no idea. it's no wonder beatrice went from being something empowering to sayo to the cruel voice tormenting her in her head, reminding her of her worst thoughts. beatrice became an embodiment of trauma! not just sayo's trauma but also her mother's, which she took upon herself. all of the people who knew the truth manipulated her into walking the path of becoming her mother and saw her as nothing but that. a replacement, a vessel for the "true" beatrice. the very same idea behind her mother's grooming and abuse.
the cruel irony here is how all of this was done to prove a point about kinzo not repeating his actions and to relieve his guilt in time before his death, with genji/kumasawa/nanjo celebrating kinzo being "successfully redeemed" by not raping his daughter again... all while sayo comes out of this horrific situation terribly sexually traumatized regardless. all at once, she learns the depth of violation she suffered from some of the few people she thought were on her side. the way she was manipulated and gaslit all her life about the circumstances of her birth, her parentage, her body, her entire identity and personhood. how they were willing to risk her safety by making her work under kinzo to prove that he wouldn't sexually abuse her. the shock of learning what happened to the mother she was unknowingly raised to become, and how those people did nothing to help her back then either. how her mother, too, was groomed into playing the role of her own mother for kinzo!!! the horror doesn't end. the traumatic impact and consequences of all of this on her life were never in their minds, only making sure sayo would play her role in granting kinzo a peaceful death. putting kinzo's guilt to rest was always the priority, and by trying to prove he wouldn't repeat the past, they did so themselves by dooming another beatrice into becoming a vessel for her mother and shouldering generations worth of trauma.
there's this metaphor in umineko about the powerlessness of children before their parents and how many are born to fulfill a specific purpose for them, becoming an extension of their parents who project on their children and try to shape them into a specific kind of person to successfully play a role. having a child is compared to creating a fictional character which is compared to inserting a piece of yourself on a gameboard. this goes for every parent/child dynamic in the story including allegorical ones such as bern/erika, and of course this reflects the way the only people sayo could call her parent figures shaped her into an accessory in her father's narrative. she was always their means to achieve that, not even a person in the grand scheme of things. a piece of their own creation, shaped and molded into a role, without autonomy of her own. furniture in every meaning of the word in sayo's personal lexicon.
it hurts how she trusted them and even made fantasy versions of them to include them in her world! she wanted them to be part of it and that's a precious thing to her! and then turns out the characters she created were much better people than their human vessels. even more encouragement to reject reality altogether and immerse herself even deeper in a rabbithole of fantasy to cope with her real life being almost unsurvivable after nonstop betrayal and hurt!
the nail in the coffin is, after doing all of... That out of his fucked up sense of loyalty to kinzo, genji goes on to enable and help out with sayo's mass murder-suicide plan... as his way to atone for how much suffering he caused her? the results of his actions were a major driving force in her suicidality and furniture complex among all the many factors pushing her into a corner, and then he reasons that agreeing to help her kill herself along with literally everyone and providing her with the means to do it is the correct thing to do for her??? genji's undying sense of duty and loyalty is truly his worst and most terrifying quality. he'll stop at nothing to honor it.
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starglossie · 4 years
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summary: in which kaoru writes a letter addressed to no one in particular and kojiro happens to pick it up.
read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30101880
read under here
Kojiro found Kaoru sitting at his desk, hunched over in what looked to be in incredible concentration. He cocked an eyebrow, lips curling at the end in amusement as he sauntered over to Kaoru.
“Screws for brains, whatcha working on so intently over there?” he leaned forward in anticipation. Kaoru was probably scribbling up some new technological invention. Kojiro expected to see numbers and equations and scratches and eraser marks all over a sheet of paper. A language that made no sense to him quite frankly but Kaoru could speak with ease.
Kaoru shot up like a rocket. Kojiro blinked, seeing Kaoru’s face so red and his eyes so wide was… weird. He glanced down to take a look at the sheet but Kaoru’s hands immediately smacked down onto the table. Covering the sheet of paper with his palms. 
Okay… weird. 
“Now you know there’s no secrets between us,” Kojiro joked, inching closer to get a better look at what was on the paper. Call him curiosity and kill him for it later. 
“You’re annoying, quit it!” Kaoru ripped the paper away but Kojiro was able to see at least one, crucial phrase that made all the dots connect at once.
Kojiro’s grin sharpened at the edges, “No way? A love letter?” he laughed despite the furious red that was coloring Kaoru’s face. And the imminent beating he knew was coming once Kaoru stopped being flustered enough to turn that energy into annoyance. “To who? Who are you crushing on?”
“It’s none of your business, seaweed head.” Kaoru got up from his desk and grabbed his bag in a huff, storming towards the door with the paper crumpled up in his hand. On his way to the door, he kicked Kojiro in the back of his leg. Deserved , but painful. He slammed it into the trashcan before he left. His tirades and curses echoing in resonance down the hallway.
“Fuck, that hurts. Kaoru that was unnecessary ,” Kojiro rubbed at his aching leg, stumbling slightly to the door. 
He should have kept walking.
Followed after Kaoru. If he jogged he’d catch up to him because his legs were longer and a Kaoru walking on rage tired out quickly in about 10 minutes. 
He should have left the letter alone.
But his eyes dropped to the letter in the trash can. It rested on top of the other sheets of paper like they were its throne and it was their sovereign. It stared at Kojiro. Kojiro stared back. 
Take me , it whispered. Seductively and sweetly into Kojiro’s ear. 
And Kojiro, well, he was always a sucker for some sweet seduction.
Despite his better judgment, he reached for the letter and slipped it into his pocket. 
“Kojiro, where are you? We’re gonna be late!” Kaoru’s voice carried through the halls.
Kojiro jogged out of the classroom and found Kaoru standing at the top of the steps. Bag over his shoulder and board tucked under his arm. 
“Sorry! Had to wait for the pain of your kick to leave because that hurt like a bitch ,” Kojiro lied.
Kaoru rolled his eyes and descended down the steps two at a time, “It builds character. You're welcome.”
“Character,” Kojiro barked, “yeah okay.” he followed Kaoru down the steps. The letter burning in his pocket the entire time. 
  Kojiro sat at his desk, staring at the letter. 
Now that he had the letter, he’s not quite sure why he took it. It was a clear invasion of privacy. And if-or really, when, because knowing Kojiro’s luck it was only a matter of time before Kaoru realized or found out-Kaoru discovered he had the letter, he’d beat Kojiro within an inch of his life for taking it. 
But, he pressed his index finger along the corner of the folded up letter addressed to no one at all, he was curious. 
Kaoru told him everything. They bickered and bantered and fought more times than they conversed, but Kaoru was his best friend. Period. Kojiro told Kaoru everything. 
So why hadn’t Kaoru told him about this? 
“Who could he be in love with?” Kojiro muttered. 
There’s a twinge of something green and ugly that festered underneath his skin. That took root and shape and pointed poison apple seeds in the garden of his mind. 
He had to know. Or well, he wanted to know. But adding a sense of urgency to the desire made it seem all the more valid and all the less a horrible idea. 
He opened the letter. Pressed it flat so the crinkles would come out, and read the letter. 
His first thought when reading the letter is that Kaoru had really neat handwriting. 
His second thought was jeez, Kaoru had it bad for whoever the letter was for. 
The letter talked about rushes and adrenaline-the quickening of heartbeats. The realization that the sun was gonna rise and he’d get to be with them again. And what that meant. And how realizing what that meant, how putting the variables into the equation and coming to the answer at the other end of the equal sign (Kojiro snorted at that. Kaoru was such a nerd) made it clear as day that what he felt was more than just affection. Deeper than admiration. Bigger than friendship. 
More akin to love, but not really there just yet. But the chemical reaction (Kaoru’s words, not Kojiro’s) was there and brewing. Only a matter of time for the catalyst to cause the reaction to completely overflow into something entirely new. Maybe dangerous. But nevertheless exciting. 
He read the letter three times. He could close his eyes and recite the letter word for word. And every time he read it he thought: who was Kaoru thinking of when he scrawled poetry onto paper? 
Kojiro leaned back in his chair, the paper left on the desk. His cheeks felt hot. He rubbed at them in circles, frowning. “Kojiro you are a lot of things… but reading personal love notes?” he sighed. He grabbed the pencil he was supposed to be using for homework and rested it on top of his lips, pursing it so it could wobble and stay there while he considered this startling new development. 
Kaoru was in love with someone. Or falling in love with them, anyways. 
And then he thought, ridiculously by the way. It was a ridiculous thought to consider. A thought that made heat rise on the back of his neck. A thought that got his pulse quickening. Again, remember, it’s a ridiculous thought. 
It was simple. It was innocuous. 
He considered it so briefly because to give it any more light of day would be damning. 
But what… if the letter was for him?
What if Kaoru was writing to him?
“Nanjo Kojiro… you stupid bastard,” he muttered. He got out of his chair and paced around the room. He shot a quick glance at his bed where his phone laid plugged up to a charger. He almost wanted to call Kaoru and ask. Ask him who the letter was for. Ask him why he didn’t address it to anyone specifically. Ask him if he intended to give the letter to the person he wrote it for. 
But then he’d die. So self preservation won out. 
He dropped back into his chair, his entire body feeling heavy. His textbooks stared at him, opened but untouched. Not a single assignment had been even remotely attempted since he got home. 
The letter he had read and memorized stared back at him almost mockingly. As if it were saying, “You’re a fool. To care so much about something that has nothing to do with you.”
For a split second, he thought about setting it on fire. 
“Just throw it out, Kojiro.” this was the fifteenth time he said that. He had not gotten up to throw it out fifteen times now. 
He tapped his pencil against the desk several times. His foot tapping in tempo. Then, he reached for his notebook and ripped out a page. He clicked his pencil several times and laid out Kaoru’s crumpled up letter beside it.
He decided that, instead of setting the paper on fire. He’d simply set on fire these weird mixture of emotions welling up in his chest. And the best way to do that was, in his mind, writing out a response to Kaoru’s letter.
If Kaoru didn’t have a recipient, he’d become the recipient. 
He started and stopped writing three times until he finally got into the groove. 
Dear Kaoru, 
I probably shouldn't have read your letter. But I did. My bad. It's weird. I’ve seen your handwriting a thousand times but this is the first time i've ever thought of it as beautiful. 
Maybe it's because you're conveying love, and not taking down notes for math class. I also realized, I've never seen you in love before. not that i thought you weren't capable. It's just. 
I know you love math. You love putting in numbers and seeing the equation come out the way you knew it would over and over.
You love robots. Probably because you are one.You love physics. You love calculating velocity and speed (which I’m pretty sure are the same thing even if you say otherwise). 
But most of all, you love skating. 
I've never seen you more alive, more in love, then when you're on a board.
When you nail a trick and you get all giddy. Your voice gets louder and you have this excitement in your eyes. You keep doing the move over and over because you're so hyped you got it right.  And when you turn to look at me, and say "You saw that?" I can't help but think, maybe. Maybe, you get so excited because you wanna show me. That the look of excitement in your eyes isn't just because you got the trick right. But because you got the trick right and I was there to see it.
Also you’re really cheesy and soft, did you know that? Shakespeare would even cringe. Comparing this person to the feeling of the wind through your hair and the rush of adrenaline you get from doing a kickflip?  Really? 
Kaoru you got it bad.
Also, sorry to make this about me but. Why didn’t you tell me you’re crushing on someone?
I thought we told each other everything? Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? Afraid I’d judge you? Because I’d never do that. I’ve always liked you for all that you are. Everything you are.
Haha, is it me? 
Is that why you got scared when you saw me coming? Because then you’d have to confess to me or something shoujo like that? Haha no no. Couldn’t be. 
That’s just... my foolish hope. 
I guess.
Kojiro’s pen hovered in the air as if it were stopped by some iron wall that kept it from proceeding further. His entire face was warm. His palms were sweating. God, that was… how did Kaoru manage to write that without combusting in place? That was so… self reflective. And very intimate. Kojiro was normally a very self-attuned person but that level of awareness was… weird. To look at. To examine. To allow himself to let go and feel on the page. 
He almost felt a little silly. Responding to Kaoru’s letter like that. For what purpose? To pass the time? Just because?
He scratched at his chest. It ached a bit. He’s not too sure why, though. 
He never finished the letter because by that time Makoto, his oldest youngest brother, came up asking Kojiro when he’d start making dinner. 
“Sorry! I’m coming,” he got up from his desk and pushed the letter far into the back of his mind. 
“You’re doing homework?” Makoto side eyed him. “I’ve never seen you work so hard…”
“Punk,” Kojiro clucked his tongue, ruffling Makoto’s hair as he passed. “I’m the hardest working biggest brother ever .”
“Yeah okay,” Makoto didn’t seem convinced as they headed downstairs to start dinner. 
The letter was left behind on his table right beside Kaoru’s as he worked on dinner and helped his brothers with their homework. 
Forgotten, really, as the days went by. 
Until Kaoru found it. 
  Kojiro honestly forgot he had the letter on his desk.
When he came back with two drinks for him and Kaoru, he found Kaoru standing at his desk holding onto two sheets of paper.
He spilled the drinks. 
“Oh shit,” he went to pick up his spilled glasses. He could feel Kaoru looking at him with heated golden eyes, with the letters in his hands. 
Kojiro fumbled to pick up the glasses. To wipe up his spill. Kaoru hadn’t said anything. And that just made the awkwardness and nervousness even heavier. Kojiro could feel his pulse beating loudly in his ears. His whole body on alert, ready for the other shoe to drop, until-
“Why do you have this?”
Kaoru’s quiet, low voice cut sharply. Made Kojiro flinch. 
Now that was a brilliant question. Why does he have the letter? Why hadn’t he thrown it away? Why hadn’t he done a better job at keeping it hidden?
Those were all questions he really couldn’t come up with an answer for. 
“Are you mad?” Kojiro asked instead. Still on the floor, dabbing his carpet with the paper towels he smartly brought with him on the tray with his glasses. 
He looked up at Kaoru. 
Suddenly, Kaoru was in his space. Gripping him up by his tie. Dragging him up to stand. His fingers trembled. 
Kojiro flinched. Breaching himself for the hit that never came.
When he opened his eyes, wincing, he found Kaoru’s face devoured by a blush. 
“You weren’t supposed to see this. Ever.” Kaoru whispered fiercely. 
Kojiro froze. He wasn’t really sure… how to take that. What that even meant. 
“I’m… sorry?” because his mind was filling in all the blanks. Creating every deadly inference those words could imply. “You can, uh throw them out. It was-I was stupid.”
“You are,” a pause. “But I won’t.”
Kaoru tugged on his tie again. And Kojiro braced himself for a punch. 
But it never came. 
Not in the way he expected, at least. Instead he felt cold metal on his lips. A hesitant and bold touch of lips upon him. His eyes snapped open. And he’s shocked to find Kaoru kissing him instead of delivering a punch to his gut.
But maybe, this was the punch. 
He’s so shocked he didn’t respond in time. Kaoru pulled back. His face covered fully in a bright, red blush that reached all the way to the tip of his ears. He stepped back. And the distance between them was loud. He gripped the letters and moved to leave.
“I’m going-”
Kojiro’s body worked faster than his brain, thankfully.
He gripped Kaoru’s wrist, pulling him back. And then kissed him the way he should have the first time. No longer frozen, but melting. No longer hesitant, but with purpose. 
And Kaoru, stunned at first, didn’t stay that way for too long. Kissing Kojiro back with the same intensity. The same nervous, yet excited kisses. 
“Was the letter for me?” Kojiro asked, panting. He kissed Kaoru again shortly afterwards. Because he couldn’t stop. He wouldn’t. 
Kaoru fixed Kojiro with a glare after they parted. “I wouldn’t be kissing you if they weren’t. God, this is embarrassing. Why are you the nosiest person in the world?” Kaoru solidified his question with a swift kick to Kojiro’s kneecap. 
“Ow!” pain shot up Kojiro’s leg, but he laughed nevertheless. There was a rush that shot up his entire body. That electrified his veins. And even though his leg throbbed, he didn’t care as he brought Kaoru back for a kiss. Wrapping his arms around his waist as he did. Pulling him flush against his body. 
“Did you write others?” Kojiro asked.
Kaoru sputtered, his eyes widened. Kojiro’s grin curled to a devious angle. 
“Let me read the others?” Kojiro was shameless now.
Kaoru rolled his eyes and pushed Kojiro’s smirking face away from him, “Not on your life. I’m burning them all tonight.” 
“No don’t!” Kojiro laughed. “I wanna read them!”
“Fat chance!”
Kojiro, once he found them of course, had plans to read them all anyways.
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maryniss · 3 years
Dove L’amore
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Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Summary: Kojiro dances with Kaoru in the restaurant.
Rating: General and Up Audiences
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Characters:  Nanjo Kojiro | Joe  ;   Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Tags: fluff, dancing, not angsty 
Notes: hey short not angsty matchablossom fic here u go muah byeee
Music: Cher-Dove L'amore
Kojiro was feeling surprisingly good today. Why, he didn’t know, but did it actually matter?
He walked into his kitchen, the yellow light of the morning shining shyly through the restaurant’s windows. Outside, it was still too early for cars to be on the road, for people to walk to their workplace.
Ah, did Kojiro loved this kind of mornings, where everything was so peaceful, so tranquil. With the biggest and dumbest smile plastered all over his face, he put on his apron and turned the stove on.
But, the feeling that something was missing was lingering near, not letting him enjoy that beautiful morning completely. What was it that was not there...?
Kojiro suddenly knew. And it was kind of weird, but it didn’t matter as long as he would feel happy. He took his phone and opened YouTube.
“Ah, how was it called...,”muttered he under his breath. “Ah, yeah! That was it!” Kojiro connected his phone to his portable box and pressed play.
Cher’s voice reverberated in the silent room. Kojiro turned the volume to max and let the melody play on repeat.
He went back to the kitchen counter and started preparing the food for that day. Some carrots form under the table, some meat from the fridge and in between a twirl in rhythm with the music. Kojiro took a ladle and tried the soup and then turned off the stove.
“Still no customers, huh?”
Cher’s voice was still filing the room. Kojiro smiled, remembering a very specific night in Paris.
And, suddenly he was singing and dancing. He almost knocked his soup over and he was not far from breaking a chair, but it was fun.
Well, that until the other Cher he knew appeared.
“What are you doing?”
Kojiro hit himself on the corner of the table and screamed. 
“I was sure the door was closed...”
Kaoru scoffed and sat himself at a table.
“I used the key you gave me. Also, bring me some food.”
Kojiro frowned.
“Oi, you cant just walk into somebody’s restaurant and demand food...!”
Kojiro laughed and sat back on his chair, his hair almost brushing the floor. 
“And turn the music down. You sing and dance horrible.” Oh, ho-ho, at that, Kojiro, who was about to pour Kaoru a hot bowl of soup, really got annoyed. Seriously, he was in such a good mood before! 
The green-haired man put the food down on the counter and sat next to Kaoru. Seeing that his friend was about to say something, probably scold him or something, Kojiro reached over the table and pressed his hand over his mouth.
“I think you dance much more worse than me...Kaoru... Remember that night in Paris?” Kaoru’s eyes got bigger and he somehow got the courage to lick the hand covering his face. Kojiro backed away; though it was not the lick that made he do so; he just wanted to saw the pretty, pink blush stretched over his friend’s face.
“You know, I was drunk...!”. Ah. Kojiro really was tired of that excuse. He suddenly sat up and the chair he has sat onto fell on the floor. He grabbed Kaoru’s wrist and the pink-haired man made a cute sound at the sudden action; something like a squirrel would.
“If you don’ remember, should we do it again?”. Kaoru’s face only got a darker shade of pink, almost red. He tried to hide behind his hair, but that left his neck unprotected. Kojiro saw the matching sun tattoo they got that night in Paris. He still wondered how he managed to convince Kaoru to have one. He smiled.
Right then, Cher’s melody started playing again. The sound of guitar filled the room and Kojiro took Kaoru’s hand in his.
“Look, this is how you should put your arms,” said he, guiding Cherry. “I assume that you did not dance with other people besides me, since you seem to hate it so much...Also, who would dance with you with that face? Scary.” Kojiro laughed at the sour look Kaoru gave him; it had no effect with his face being so red.
“I’m joking, I’m joking. Though I may be the only one who finds this face cute.” Kaoru was about to slap him. Probably. But the lyrics started right then and Kojiro was saved.
“Come, on, pay attention. If it won’t be good the first time, we are gonna do it again.”
                                           Dov'e L'Amore                                            Dov'e L'Amore                                   I cannot tell you of my life                                           Here is my story
Kaoru didn’t ask what Kojiro meant by good. His palms were sweaty and he almost tumbled down.
“Of course we’re gonna do it again, since you have no customers. Only I come around here for you horrible food.”
“Mhm, yes, only you, indeed...” Kojiro spun Kaoru around, who gasped. The pink-haired man didn’t know what to say; it was just like that night. And yes, he did remember. But how could he admit to Kojiro? How could he when he knew what they said to each other that night? How could he say that he remembered those words?
He was not ready....His heart could not take it...
“Are your memories coming back to you?”. Kaoru shrugged. 
                      There is no other, there is no other                          No other love can take your place                           Or match the beauty of your face                             I'll keep on singing till the day                                     I carry you away
Their moves were swift and perfectly in sync. It was a simple moment, so simple and so beautiful that Kaoru’s head was spinning. He did not want to get lost, but he did. He got lost in the song and in Kojiro’s eyes and in Kojiro’s arms he did another spin. 
They clashed back together and Kaoru tried to catch his breath.
“Do you remember now?”
“The song is not finished.”
They both looked into each other eyes. Kojiro smiled and he took Kaoru in his arms.
“Hey, what the...Put me down!”
Kojiro did not listen. Now, when did he listen to Kaoru? He spun around the restaurant and he laughed. His laugh was genuine and Kaoru could only stay still and look. 
                            Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Bello come te e ti amo
Kaoru had to hide his face in Kojiro’s chest. He couldn’t control his smile, not anymore. He hated how Kojiro did this to him; bring down everything he worked so hard for. His calm face, his rational mind. Throw them out of the window!
He hated and loved Kojiro and he did not want that moment to end.
But, as Kaoru never have what he desired, a knock interrupted them. He would love to beat that guy outside.
He looked up when Kojiro continued dancing. 
“Uhm, there is someone...”
“Let them stay there. I only got food for you anyways. Since you love my bad cooking.” And, just like that the song finished. For a brief second, they looked at each other. And Kaoru smiled and the song started again.
That day, no customers were allowed to enter and neither Joe or Cherry were at S. And the song played all the day...
                     I'll keep on singing till the day                              I carry you away                 With my love song, with my love song                 With my love song, with my love song
The night was warm and kind of quiet. A drunk Kaoru and a drunk Kojiro stumbled across the streets of Paris, trying to find the way to their hotel.
“I told you ~hic~! it was a bad idea ~hic~!... to drink so much ~hiC~!, you brainless gorilla!”
“Well, when did I ever ~BuRp~ listen to you! ~hic~
Kaoru made a sheesh sign towards his friend.
“Do you hear?”
“What should I ~hic!~ hear?”
Cher’s Dove l’amore was raging from afar.
“Come on, dance with me, Kojiro.”
And they danced. And they kissed. And they confessed. And they danced.
And maybe they were just a bit too drunk. Or maybe they liked the song a bit too much.
But, the Paris’s streets thought otherwise. I guess they were just a little bit too much in love with each other.
non angsty matchblossom?? me?? surprise shawty hope u liked it muah byee!!
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