#and like. this kitty is so tiny. and its cold. and he keeps staring at him with big cute eyes and
bakafurai · 3 months
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I think Hidetoshi should get a cat actually. Because I said so.
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sixosix · 1 year
'cat' the son | itoshi rin
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( a/n ) when i came back the poll was 50/50 so i got bribed and it’s now decided that rin is the winner + little highschool au bc we all know they dropped out:/ idk what to title this im ngl
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there’s a cat on the sidewalk.
you have about six dollars in your hand, a faltering mission to treat yourself to a cold drink, and an aching heart at the sight of the little animal seated like a king on concrete, looking up at you with blank eyes.
its dark fur and near-teal eyes remind you of someone. of a back facing your seat, dark hair always kept neat and looking like it’s conditioned meticulously, and the sharpest eyes you have ever seen on a high schooler.
it has been a long day, long enough for you to have stormed out of the room as soon as classes ended to rush to the nearest shop that would sell what you’re craving. alas, there is a cat on the sidewalk, and you can’t just ignore it.
“stay here, kitty,” you say before rushing off with the six dollars in hand and a new goal to head straight to the nearest sign with an animal cardboard cutout printed on it.
eventually, you find one; eventually, you come out of the store holding cat food and a tiny cat bowl because you were worried about letting the cat eat straight from the can. it’s baby blue with little fishes added as design, though you think it’s rather gruesome to put that there, considering the canned food you bought is made from fish. still, you hope the cat will appreciate it.
the cat is still there as if it’s understood and blessed you with patience. the unimpressed look it has on its face says otherwise, though. grateful, you kneel beside it, slightly mesmerized by the fact that it hasn’t run away yet.
maybe other people are feeding it, too? it doesn’t look worryingly thin. needs a little cleaning, but looks well-fed. you’re relieved.
“here you go,” you coo, ignoring the strange looks of the passersby. you place the bowl down and crack open the can. the smell has the cat walking over, meowing all crankily. “i know, i know.”
the cat doesn’t dig in until you’ve finished shaking off its contents, staring at you in the same way the itoshi guy in your class would. the resemblance is uncanny.
you spend the rest of your afternoon keeping the cat company. its face speaks as if it’s far from amused, but the way it rubs against your ankle contradicts it.
cute. the cat is cute.
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another student comes to visit the cat, carrying two cans of cat food. it’s been sitting in the plastic for a little while because as he had been going in the same routine he usually has, he spots you, his classmate, bent to the knees next to his cat, and paused.
rin thinks you’re scared of him because everyone in the class is. he lets you have your moment, choosing to come back later when you’ve finished so you don’t freak out and scare the cat. he thinks he can strike up a conversation tomorrow where there are no cats to frighten.
the cat walks up to him, instantly familiar. he doesn’t even meow up at rin impatiently, which confirms rin’s suspicions.
“y/n fed you well,” he mumbles. “i guess you can have this tomorrow.”
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you’re suddenly all too aware that rin sits in front of you. he’s right there, uniform stretched over his broad back, most likely because he’s the prodigy of soccer in your school.
the neatness of his hair reminds you of the cat from yesterday, with its silky dark fur despite being a stray. you resist the urge to touch it, missing the cat already. you make a mental note to refill your water bottle so the cat can drink after.
while left thinking about the fact that you’re three dollars shorter than yesterday's budget, you fail to notice that class has ended and rin has his arm slung over the top of his chair to turn to look at you.
rin’s eyes flicker down to the paper bag next to your feet. “what’s that for?”
startled by the smoothness of his voice directed at you, you choke out a: “t-this?” you gesture lamely at the bag containing the gruesome bowl.
“what else am i referring to?”
you scrunch your nose. “okay, no need to be so rude. maybe i won’t tell you what it is.”
rin stares, and you’re intensely reminded of piercing eyes looking up at you, patiently waiting for the canned tuna.
“it’s a cat bowl,” you murmur, defeated.
“cat bowl,” he repeats, a gleam in his eye. he probably thinks you’re weirder than he already thinks you are.
“for a stray. i don’t want to bring it around because some other cat owner might steal it. i can’t have that.”
“show me,” he demands.
a little terrified by the fact that the class grump is actively maintaining a conversation with you; you obediently show him the bowl, spinning it around to show all sides. rin hums, contemplative. your classmates are starting to stare. “it’s weird, right? fishes for the print and fishes for dinner. do you like it?”
“what does that even mean?”
“it’s too small. buy a new one.”
“...you think?”
rin nods, standing up. the chair screeches while he says, “i’ll come with you.”
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this is how you end up in the same pet supply store with a companion this time. rin picks the most expensive one for the bowl and the canned cat food, which makes you think he must really like cats a lot.
but as you two leave the store, you belatedly realize he’s leading the way even though you never told him anything about the stray you meet.
it doesn’t hit you until the same cat meows and purrs at rin, rubbing against his pants with its entire body.
“hi,” rin says, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
you gape. “wait, the cat’s yours?”
rin bends down, knees to his chest while he sets the bowl down and cracks the can open with one finger. “no. dad’s allergic. he doesn’t follow me back home anyway.” while he does that, the cat comes to greet you, and your heart aches on rin’s behalf.
so he just comes to feed him every day, huh… you muse, gently scratching the cat who purrs at your attention but still looks as if he’d rather be anywhere but here.
“do you have a name for him?”
rin pauses, having finished pouring everything. “...no.” he squints at you as if you’ve just asked him the exact coordinates of his birthplace: sincerely confused.
“what do you call him, then?” you watch as the unnamed cat starts digging down on the food, content. you wonder why no one else has already kept this cat to themselves. he’s so cute and polite.
“ah, of course.”
you two watch ‘cat’ eat, content with the silence. it starts to drizzle moments later, but rin is quick to pull out an umbrella and cover all three of you. the cat grumbles unhappily at the splatter of rain hitting him.
“do you always visit him?”
“do you like cats?”
a shame that allergies are the only thing keeping itoshi rin from getting a cat.
while you’re distracted, the cat goes back to rin. rin wastes no time bending down to pick him up, looking awfully domestic in the middle of a sidewalk in front of a busy coffee shop. your hands twitch to reach for your phone, but you’re too stunned to do anything but stare. they look so much alike.
cute, you think, horrified, rin looks so cute holding the cat.
while engulfed in rin’s arms, the cat meows at you. and you, with a too-tender heart, can’t resist.
“i’ll keep him,” you declare with newfound determination. “i’ll take care of him. if you let me keep the bowl you bought.”
rin’s eyes light up, though it wouldn’t have been evident if you hadn’t been his classmate and witnessed his varying expressions of death. (as if it was varying in the first place.)
“i’ll buy everything else he’ll like,” he says, like a true cat mom, his face glowing with barely concealed excitement.
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since then, rin accompanies you home. you tell him that you’ve saved up three dollars from yesterday and now you have more than enough to buy a nice, cold drink and maybe catnip for the cat, but rin insists that he’ll pay for everything, including your beverage.
“you feed our son.”
“our son?” he repeats curiously.
“yes. he lives with me. he looks like you,” you explain absentmindedly, setting up the water dispenser on the new food bowl rin ended up buying. it no longer has fish for design or the painful lime green he bought the second time—instead, it’s a nice blue that compliments the cat’s eyes.
“and what are you implying is going on between us?”
you nearly spill water all over the floor. “i…” you honestly did not think about that, “—nevermind. don’t make it weird, itoshi!”
you think you heard rin chuckling, but you’re too busy being embarrassed to bother.
(during class, you will find that rin is far from intimidating. in fact, he’s actually a little bitch to deal with. you’re starting to think that he’s more of a pain to deal with than an actual grumpy cat.
“don’t forget to buy food for our son,” rin says after class, in front of students who gossip like there is no tomorrow.
“for our son,” rin says, nonplussed at the sight of your haunted expression.
someone who has overheard the conversation pipes up, “you two have a son?”
“we don’t!” you hiss, face burning with embarrassment at the sudden influx of attention from your classmates.
rin frowns. “don’t lie.”
“you two are starting to act like a married couple recently…” another comments offhandedly.
“itoshi walks y/n home, i saw!”
“we have a son,” rin agrees, and you’re starting to think that he’s doing it on purpose.
“stop saying that!”)
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thank u art aanobrain for giving me the idea of rin just naming the cat ‘cat’. that idea is so special to me.
anyway. RIN IS SO HARD TO WRITE HELPPPP. this was an excruciating process i genuinely did not know if i did anything right but WHAT’S DONE IS DONE. thx for reading <3
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rowretro · 9 months
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲
A little Sunghoon
Fluff fluff fluff!
Warnings: kissing ig, not proofread, idk if there are any other warnings tbh
It was a cold, rainy evening, Y/n and Sunghoon were snuggled up on the couch. Sunghoon had his glasses on, his eyes focused on the book in his hand, his other hand playing with his sick girlfriend's hair as she was dozing off in his embrace.
Y/n felt so comfortable, the faint sounds of the pages turning in the warmly lit room, a snuggly blanket around her body as she snuggled into Sunghoon's chest.
Sunghoon enjoyed the silence. just him and his book, no chaos no noise... "Meow"
Y/n shot up, frowning "Since when did Gauel learn to meow?" she asked as Sunghoon frowned "It's probably some stray cat sweetheart- dogs don't meow... go back to sleep-" Sunghoon assured as y/n frowned.
She made her way to the window and gasped. there in the rain, a tiny little kitten. One kitten, alone at their door step, Of course she wasn't much a cat nor dog person, but she felt her heart ache seeing something so small and vulnerable suffer in the cold.
"Its a lost kitty! Hoon we have to let it stay with us..." Y/n said, as Sunghoon sighed "You don't even like cats- plus I don't want a wet tiny animal soaking up the apartment... also cats and dogs don't get along- and even if you let it in where will it stay?" he explained.
Y/n pulled his book out of his grip as he frowned up at her "Im not asking to keep it, I just want it to stay somewhere warm until we find its owner, and if there's no owner we can give it to  the cat lady-" Rowan defended as Sunghoon got up.
"Babe what if it bites you? what if it's actually a zombie? you don't know what you're letting inside our home..." Sunghoon explained as he hugged her, his chin resting on her head, and his voice alluring, as a somewhat attempt to get her to give in.
Y/n pulled away "Sunghoon pleaseeee I have  cat carrier that I used to use for my bunny, and there's a smol cage we can use for now, pretty please?" Y/n begged staring up at hi as he sighed.
"Sweet heart no means no ok?" Sunghoon said, softly yet sternly. Not taking his response, She went out in the cold rain and picked up the little kitten, it had a little collar on it, with a name, she picked up the grey kitty as Sunghoon stood in the doorway.
"Gosh babe you're so stubborn... fine have it your way." He said, seemingly mad as he walked back inside.
As Y/n dried off the tiny kitten gently, she went to her room in search of the cat carrier, only to find that it wasn't there, she came back into the room, only to see Sunghoon, putting the dry kitten inside the carrier which had a nice soft blanket at the bottom, leaving the door open.
Sunghoon smiled at the little kitten, playing with it's little paws, still unaware of her presence. The girl back hugged him softly, kissing his cheek.
"I'm only letting the kitty stay because I love you... and maybe it's just a little bit cute-" Sunghoon said, as he turned to you.
"Don't you think I deserve another kiss, on my lips for letting a kitty stay here against my will?" The male asked as Y/n softly pecked his lips.
"You know the kitty also distracted me from my book which I was invested in so-" before he could even finish, you sneezed. How could he forget, you were still sick.
He let the kitten be as he carried you, bridal style, to your bed, snuggling up with you. "Want me to make you honey tea?" Sunghoon asked as You stared up at him "Can I have the squeezy bottle of honey? I like having it straight" Y/n said as Sunghoon smiled, handing her the bottle, and reading his book.
The 2 continued their night snuggled up in Hoon's bed, the Duvet enveloping them in the comfortable bed. Hoon's arm around her waist, as she fell into a deep slumber, his head resting on his chest while he stayed awake, still reading that god awful cheesy romance book.
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v33n4-c4rn1s · 11 months
♡︎kitty strolls♡︎
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:
damien karras x reader
based on a comment by @ashley-slashley
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It was below freezing, cold enough to send icicles down the spines of anyone who stepped foot in the snowy weather of Georgetown, it was usually this cold, a snow storm here and there but mostly..it would go away after a day or two.
Leading man, Damien karras, a priest and a psychiatrist in one, he had just finished a few papers in his office. He crept down the stairs solemnly as he watched the snow fall, worrying about his dear mother, possibly considering bringing some coffee and cake to share with his mother, he figured it would be a nice surprise for her..he loved his mother truly..Ah but what flavour of cake would he get? he made his way to the large oak doors and opened them up.
strawberry cake? banana? chocolate? did he dare slide red velvet into his mix? well.. maybe some-
his thoughts were dropped to a halt immediatly, he jumped, surprised by the voice of which he couldn't recognise. He shook himself out of his little trance.
oh thank the lords! it was just [name], his sweetheart..his mother invited them to dinner, it seemed they'd be walking together.
"ah..there you are dear-"
he let out a sigh of relief..thank god it was just them, he almost had a heart attack..but didn't they look so beautiful in the snow? the way the white spots landed softly in their hair, like an angels blessing. I mean how ironic..they were his angel after all.
"I figured to drop by, since we're walking to the station and too your mother's home yes?"
they asked poileity..it was nice to hear their voice. He smiled, nodding at their question and gently grabbing their hand, starting their journey to the station, He felt like a lucky man, being able to have someone like them, was it truly a blessing? he was a man who'd lost almost every part of his faith and even himself, he forgot long ago about god but now he felt god had sent him a gift, a gift for all his devotion..could it be a parting gift? a thank you?
as he let his mind run he didn't notice that his lover had stopped in their tracks, a gasp leaving their lips. He panicked for a moment, thinking someone had startled his beloved he took a quick turn and came into a staring contest with a little black cat with a tiny dot on its neck..like a clerical collar?
"oh my god Damien!!"
[name] was smitten, love at first sight.
"ohh how cute! she's been following you dims!!"
the cat meowed immediately, reaching itself to Damien who hesitantly took the small animal in his arms, she looked at him, big brown eyes staring right at him.
"she is cute.."
he spoke softly as not to startle her.
"can we keep her? I've already chosen a name, molly!!"
[name] insisted..but Damien stood his ground and put the cat down.
"my dear she probably has a family already.. perhaps her mother is waiting for her? just like mine is for me- we have to get to the station.."
[name] sighed in defeat, allowing him to drag them too the underground station.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
As they waited for the train to strike past not a word was spoken. [Name] was thinking about the cat while Damien thought about what kind of cake he wanted to surprise his mother with.
"oh dims..-"
Damien raised an eyebrow at [Name's] tone before turning to face them, his gaze shifting to exactly what their eyes where on.
oh no..
there she sat, Molly. the little clerical cat..meowing at him.
"oh lord.."
he muttered, he turned back to [name] who simply pleaded with their eyes.
he spoke but his lover just ignored him, lifting the feline into their arms. their eyes practically sparkled, gazing at the tiny kitten, absolutely smitten. Karras' heart simply melted, oh god how could he say no now?
he sighed, [Name] tilted their head.
"we can keep her.."
He smiled ever so slightly at the dozens of kisses being placed on his face.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
he called out, waiting for a response from his mother, he wasn't sure if she was awake..
oh, yes she was. she grabbed his face, kissing all over his face as he laughed.
"hi ma, [Name's] just setting the drinks and food down.."
But mama karras was far to focused on the kitten in her son's arms.
she exclaimed happily, scooping the kitten into her arms, she smiled widely.
"oh dimmy, it's looks like you!!"
she wasn't wrong..the black fur, the white neck dot and the brown eyes..
"actually Mrs karras..she's for you, her names Molly.."
Damiens eyes widened as [Name] spoke, was this their plan all along?
"for me? oh!"
Mrs karras was beside her self, Damien helped her back to her chair as she cradled the kitten while damien scooted off into the kitchen and turned to [Name].
"was that your plan?"
he asked, a smile gracing his features opening his arms for them. [Name] shuffled over, allowing damien to wrap his arms around them, he smiled softly.
"maybe..I mean, your mamas so lonely dims..she needed someone- or well.. something? I hope Molly makes her happy.."
Damien chuckled softly, kissing the top of their head.
"I'm sure she'll make my mother the happiest, your a sweetheart.."
he heard his mother singing songs in Greek to the kitten, clearly head over heels for the small feline.
"we'll sort out the all the other things like the cat bed and a litter box tommorow.."
[Name] muttered, yawing softly as Damien lead them to the small couch in the living room, laying back and allowing his love to make themselves comfortable.
"you've got a good heart.."
he let his hands rub their back as he hummed, listening to their breathing, the following words from his lover had his face a cherry red.
"mm..and I allowed you to steal it.."
good lordy alright, I caved, damien lovers come get ur food before I snatch it back ♡︎
(let me know if you spot any mistakes<3!!)
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trrickytickle · 2 years
Therapy Dog
(great art by @//akkasute on Instagram)
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Fandom: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish ☠️
A/N: I remember when I said I’d do some tickle art for this movie- I wanted to, couldn’t find the time, but I got an idea for a fic after seeing lots of pics of Perrito and Death’s friendship in the film! Speaking of 2022 blockbusters, I wanna do something with the new Avatar movie lol, so anyways- onto fic :D
Pairing: Perrito + Death, friendship, lee!Perrito, ler!Death
Death itself was the only force that could make fearless hero Puss in Boots’ whiskers fray, its eerie whistle howling whenever the red eyes met his. This force had a non-metaphorical or rhetorical, honest to goodness face, and while it wasn’t ugly, it was unsightly to behold. 
But right now, two beady eyes dared to look directly in the face of death, straight-up asking to be at the mercy of its claws. 
“Rub my belly! Come on! Pleaaase? Pretty-pretty please?”
Perrito, the tiny dog wormed his gut out of the sock-sweater he wore, staring beckoningly. Rolling around to give an extra-cute effect, the scar and gurgling noises coming from it weren’t helping at all. 
“I’ve asked Puss- and-and Kitty, but they all refused- and like, I said to them that it’s PRACTICE for being a therapy dog-” 
Death scoffed. “..La Muerte doesn’t need therapy.” 
“But isn’t death.. sad?” Perrito beckoned. 
“Do I look like I’m crying right now, perro?” 
“No, no, let me explain!” the dog got back on his hind legs, pacing around Death almost like he orbited him, “Don’t you see people’s families grieve...”
“All the time. Listen, nino, it means they’ve lived a good life-” 
“People being murdered..” 
“Now, now, perro..” 
“One day, you could just take one of us- Team Friendship-” -Perrito gestured, pawing at the air and jumping around- “when we haven’t lived to the fullest and just- SNATCH!- the life out of-” At that, Death interfered, using his paw to signal him to sit down. 
“Okay.” He growled. 
“Wh- what?” Perrito lit up. His pupils enlarged, tounge out- almost panting.
“Okay.” Death repeated. “I’ll rub your belly.” 
“I know! I just wanted to hear you say it again! I’m so EXCITED!” Perrito barked, flipping himself over as if to get ready. Death flinched. Did he have worms or something? Alright, let’s get this over with. he thought, reaching his claw over to prod at Perrito’s gut as lightly as possible. No panting. No leg-kicking. No nothing that would indicate a dog in a state of pure ecstacy. Not that he would know, of course. There were, instead, tittering and slight giggles. Not the usual. Death stilled its spindle-like fingers, afraid to take someone he didn’t intend to away. Instead, Perrito whined in impatience. 
“Keep going, keep going!” he beckoned. Death, resigned, did just that. In all his humiliation, he couldn’t admit he felt a warmth in his cold embrace. Speeding it up, he gently placed two more claws onto Perrito’s belly, scritch-scratching it in a circular motion. With that the giggling grew louder and louder, erupting into full-scale belly laughter. 
“Kk-HA-hahaha-HA! Dehehe- DEATH! DEATH! Thaha- that tickles! Hahaha-HA!” Now there was that leg kicking. The puppy writhed around, shaking as if spilling the mirth he had inside out all over the place. Death scowled in response, as per the usual. Despite saying nothing, he kept on going while Perrito was attempting to keep still to no avail. He kept rolling around and kicking his leg like he was scratching invisible fleas. 
“Keep still, perro.” Death broke his silence, leaving Perrito in that play-bow position he first laid in.The gentle scratches were practically about as effective as a sickle scar to the chest, and secretly he was relishing in it. Stifling a Cheshire cat grin, he moved his claws up and down, slyly yet slightly experimenting with different techniques. 
“Ha-hahahaha-haha- HA! Yehe- YEAH, Deahath! Let ahall those emohohotions out!” The encouragement made Death feel like Perrito was almost egging him on. But the concept itself shrugged that inferior concept off, going in straight for the kill out of pure cuteness-aggression. 
“Oh, yeah, I’ve got LOTS to work on.. And we’re just getting started, perro..” Death whispered in a strangely teasing and cooing tone, one he had never used in the past.
“Let’s sta-haha-hart with your- AHAHAHA-HAHA-AHAHANGER ISSUES!” With his long snout, he nuzzled Perrito’s stomach feverously, tickling him with the coldness of his nose and fluff of his muzzle. Even when he was close to the sharp teeth of death itself, Perrito laughed. He was laughing in the face of death, sparkling with life. 
“Yes..?” Death smirked, halting his attack. 
“Well- well, aha, you tend to let it all out on the people you take, and that includes Puss, and...” Perrito prattled, gesturing with his forelegs. 
“And...” Death continued. “I’ll huff- and I’ll puff- and I’ll blow the house down!” He blew a raspberry- the best one he could do with his pointed snout. 
“GK-HAHAHA-HAHA-HA!!” Perrito cackled, kicking both his hind legs frantically. Death halted, leaving the little dog a breather. “*pant* *pant* *pant* Ya know, Death, that was a workout! We should have another session sometime! Really work on telling me those feelings rather than whatever magic you were working over there with your nose- Hey, thanks for rubbing my belly, by the way! You look happier already!” he rambled at a breakneck pace, following Death’s trailing charcoal cloak. And he smiled. Smiled back. Not a “let’s never speak of this”, not a frown, not nothing. As a reverberating whistle whisked by, there was an echo of a sentence. 
“You’re gonna be one hell of a therapy dog.” 
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WIP: Lay You in the Ground (iZombie, Blaine x OC)
Just a little snippet from Ch. 6 of my WIP!
Blaine takes in a long, slow breath, as though he is steeling himself for something. Then, he crosses the room and sits next to Kitty on the end of the bed, his weight beside her making the mattress dip, making her hip roll into his. He doesn’t look at her—he stares off into the mid-distance, and in a voice that’s softer than any she’s heard him use, he says, “I found a kitten once, in an alley, when I was a kid.”
“Oh?” Does she sound as breathy to him as she does to her own ears? He’s so close. And he smells ridiculously good—like spice and faint smoke, like cold asphalt with something darkly sweet spilled in the cracks.  She wants to press her cheek to his and breathe him in.
“It was this tiny, scared thing. Stark white. I was walking home from school, and it was just sitting there in a pile of garbage. In the rain. I picked it up, and I put it in my jacket. It was sick—I could tell. It was going to be so much trouble to keep this thing alive.”
Kitty’s throat feels dry. The length of Blaine’s jeans-clad thigh is pressed against hers.
“You know what I did with it?”
“Put it out of its misery, if we’re standing on precedent?” she jokes, and then swallows. His eyes follow the movement. There’s hurt in them, evident for a split second before he buries it.
“No, I hid it in my room for two weeks. I took care of it—wiped its eyes, fed it milk from a dropper. It got better.” He swallows now, his voice taking on a raw edge. There’s a shine to his gaze when he looks up to her face. “My father found it there, when he stumbled drunk into my room in the middle of the night. And he killed it. He called me a pussy when I cried.”
Catherine’s heart leaps into her throat, and her eyes prick with tears. “Oh, Blaine.”
“Don’t. Don’t pity me.” His face hardens.
“Then why are you telling me this?” She clenches her fists on the knees of her jeans, ready to be on guard. No way is she staying here, taking his charity, if he’s about to say that she’s some kind of rescue.
He turns to her, and another wave of that complicated, heady scent washes over her. His voice wavers ever-so-slightly. “Because whatever you’re running from, Kitty, whatever secret it is that you’re keeping—I’ve lived with monsters, too. I can help you. Let me help you.”
(More soon @ A03!)
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knbu · 2 years
the ballad of felines [a series by nivale]
— in which, fred porlock and [name] talk cats.
pt. 3; interests [part two]
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— its been a week since their last mission, and fred was surprisingly still healthy despite the amount times he has to go out and come back drenched. or maybe, the cold has yet to catch up.
fred was sent out to the market by louis, he was told to buy a list of things for dinner. he checked the list and his purchases, 'onions, garlic, bell peppers, spinach...'
'all done!'
fred picked up his bags sets off.
not even five seconds later he was stopped.
"meow! meow!"
fred porlock loves cats.
he really loves cats.
almost immediately, he set down his bags next to him, being careful so it wouldn't be in the way. it was a sidewalk afterall.
he then gently hovers his pointer finger above the kitten, letting it sniff him before rubbing its head against it.
fred smiled. cats make him very happy.
'ah, i should get going' fred was just about to stand, but halted in his movements when he made eye contact with a very familiar person.
dr. [last name], the doctor who made a sudden appearance.
dr. [last name], whom was suspicious, yet there was no interference made.
dr. [last name] is standing right in front of him.
dr. [last name] everted their eyes, switching their attention to the kitten.
"kitty!" they exclaimed, squatting down near the kitten, scooping it up into their arms.
fred took his time to observe them. from appearance, they were wearing a white, pristine coat. under it was a white button up, red tie, and a light brown vest.
"you've been staring at me for quite some time now.." freds ears perked up hearing their voice.
"...do you perhaps recognize me from somewhere? i don't think we've met before. nor are you one of my patients"
"pardon me, i was just surprised..."
he didn't know why, but it was nerve racking.
why was he nervous? was it the fact that they're a psychologist? most likely.
it was already obvious from start, this person can read his mind like a psychic by just seeing how he reacts. this person was definitely expert in their field.
"ah, i see. sorry about that" they apologized.
"i couldn't help it, i love cats afterall haha"
the doctor puts the tiny kitten back down, standing up.
"well i have to go now, my lunch break is almost over..."
fred watched their figure, walking past him.
but then they stopped.
turns to him.
"...you interest me."
"so, I'm going to keep an eye on you. lets keep bumping into each other from now on, okay?" the doctor smiled turning away, not bothering to hear his reply. because he isn't going to answer them anyway.
"sometimes, i think about when we first met..." fred says.
"why?" [name] replied, munching on his sandwich.
"nothing much, i just wanted to know what was going on through your head back then. thats all..."
"when i said that your interesting?"
"well, I'm going to keep it a secret for now"
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this belongs to @knbu [refrain from plagiarism please]
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sserpente · 3 years
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A/N: Heyho there my lovelies! I’m finally back! I missed posting so much! This Imagine is based on a TikTok I found and what can I say? It inspired me! After this, next up, will be the 20k Special! Enjoy everyone!
Words: 3205 Warnings: colour-blindness
“What if I never find him?” You murmured, glancing at the fruit bowl with a saddened expression. Yellow bananas, green grapes, red apples. To you, they were all different shades of grey. Dull and boring, like you had been sucked into a 30s black-and-white film. Only you didn’t get a cheesy romance out of it.
You had been born with what doctors today would call a ‘remarkably rare, complicated and fascinating condition’, for you had lost all of your colour vision at the age of twelve. You still remembered what the world had looked like before—bright, rich, intense—then someone flicked a switch overnight and all you could still see was grey, grey, grey and greyer. The colours would only ever come back to you once you found the love of your life—your soulmate.
A sigh escaped your lips. Only a few people still existed with this… defect and to make things worse, you had had no idea you were one of them. Not until your twelfth birthday. Society admired and pitied you all the same and yet, being a hopeless romantic, at the end of the day, you longed to finally fall in love.
Tony chuckled. “Heads up. You’re too young to worry about settling down anyway.” He responded cheerfully and pointed at you with a screwdriver in hand. He had been trying to fix the dishwasher for a solid twenty minutes now and for a man who had built himself a pretty much indestructible suit that could fly, it was utterly amusing he couldn’t figure out why it had stopped working.
You were not an Avenger, mind you. The sole reason you were, as of right now, in the Avengers’ kitchen munching on grey chocolate chips was that your best friend, who in turn was friends with Clint’s wife, had managed to flood your shared flat over the weekend. It was utterly inhabitable now and it would take quite a while for the landlord to get it all dried up again—and since insurance would not cover the cost for staying in a hotel, for the time being, Clint’s wife had suggested you’d stay with them—right until Tony Stark had shown up and you had graciously offered you’d come hang out at the Avengers Tower. Okay, technically you had begged him but either way and needless to say, you had jumped at the opportunity and somehow even hoped that you would learn some dirty superhero secrets—but so far, nothing. Nothing but what superheroes did when they were not out and about saving the world. Truth be told, seeing Thor in Hello Kitty pyjamas and witnessing Natasha Romanoff of all people scream watching an Asian horror film had its perks but you had somehow expected for them to be called in for an urgent mission where they required a skill only you had and then they would rely on your help and you would fight and become an Avenger and… your fanfiction had always sounded too good to be true.
“Are you still there? How is that fruit bowl so interesting?” Snapping yourself out of your thoughts, you blinked.
“Sorry. What were you saying?”
“I was saying that…”
“Tony?” It was Bruce who interrupted you two, peeking his head into the kitchen almost timidly. You waved at him and he nodded, yet he failed to reciprocate your smile. Uh-Oh.
“Did something happen?”
The scientist nodded. “You might wanna put on your suit.”
“What happened?”
Bruce pursed his lips. “We’ve located Loki.”
Your eyes were still widened by the time you rushed after Tony even after he had told you explicitly (three times, to be exact) to stay put and hide until he had been put in custody.
The Loki. God of Mischief, Thor’s brother, Frost Giant, the I-tried-to-take-over-the-planet-guy. It was exciting, somehow, meeting a villain and oh, would it fuel you for your fan fiction. You almost bumped straight into Thor when they all came to a halt all of a sudden, his body a wall of flesh and muscle and making you grunt in pain—you might as well have hit a brick wall. With his hammer in hand, he ensured no one would approach his dangerous brother closely enough for him to try anything funky.
But the fact that Loki was even more handsome in person and the first villain you ever saw in person when he turned around the corner with a proud and arrogant expression on his face despite his shackles, was not what startled you to the core.
All of a sudden, there were colours. Everywhere.
Your lips parted, the impact of all the pigmentation around you making you dizzy. Loki’s armour was black, his cape was green, his eyes were blue, and his hair reminded you of the plumage of a raven. And your surroundings... The compound was silver now, the sceptre they had taken from him golden. Nauseous, you held on to Thor’s muscly arm for support. The God of Thunder frowned in concern. His eyes were blue too, his hair blonde, his cape red… too… many… colours. You suppressed a gag, overwhelmed by the sudden return of your colour vision.
“Are you okay?” Thor asked.
“G-guys… I can see colours.”
Every single head in the room, including Loki’s, turned in your direction so fast you flinched. Tony’s face was the first to fall in response.
“You are joking, right?”
Mutely, you shook your head. Your eyes locked with Loki’s, electricity rippling through you when they did. His blue irises froze you from the inside out, like each and every one of your limbs failed to resist the magnetic pull you felt towards him, and your cells longed for you to throw yourself into his arms—despite the fact he was handcuffed... and for a good reason too. Swallowing thickly, you forced yourself to look away.
Loki was your soulmate. That was impossible; and quite frankly, the god in question appeared to be thinking the exact same thing.
You chewed on your lower lip, anything to distract yourself from your predicament all the while everyone was still staring at you like you had grown two more heads.
“Take him to the cells, I’ll stay with her.” Clint’s hand on your shoulder did little to console you. Part of you still barely resisted the urge to start at Loki like a succubus, the other… the other was terrified and meant to hide in the archer’s embrace.
You could feel Loki’s blue gaze still resting on you when he led you away from the scene, staring daggers into your back and rendering you speechless until you were finally out of sight and Clint shook your shoulder gently.
“Are you sure it’s not one of the security guards that helped bring him in?”
“No… no, I saw them first. Loki was behind them. It’s… I don’t know how to explain it but somehow, Loki was in colour first, you know what I mean? First him and then, a split second later, everything else was colourful too.”
“And now?”
“Now what?”
“Do you still see in colour now?”
“Of course I do.” Clint sighed and buried his face in his hands.
“So what happens if you don’t… act on this soulmate thing?”
“Nothing. Nothing happens.” You said.
“So you don’t have to… stay close to Loki or anything?”
“No. Not that I know of. But Clint—“
“Good. Because he might find a way to use you against us. Stay away from him. Thor’ll take him back to Asgard soon enough. All we need to do first is find the Tesseract.”
Your lips were pursed when he turned to check on them and if Loki was wreaking havoc while they were trying to get him imprisoned.
Stay away from him? Of course… it was the most reasonable thing to do. Loki was dangerous, a criminal… but was that right? Now that you had found your soulmate in him?
You couldn’t get him out of your head that night. Screw the danger, you had to see him. And eventually, your curiosity and that inexplicable and strange pull you felt towards Loki got the better of you. With a deep breath, you threw your covers back and let your bare feet hit the cold floor before quietly tiptoeing out into the dark and empty hallway.
Your blood was rushing in your ears, making you hear things your paranoia and imagination cooked up to the point your heart was pounding in your chest so hard and fast you feared it might jump right out of your ribcage. No one could know, of course. Clint would positively kill you—he, along with Tony, somewhat considered himself responsible for you here. You couldn’t really blame them. If something happened to you, they’d never forgive themselves. You were an innocent civilian, after all.
And now you had been tossed into the greatest fanfiction yet. Shivering, for the cold slowly crept into your bare skin and through the tanktop and shorts you were wearing to sleep, you finally reached the corridor leading to the elevator. The prison cells, a rather new addition to Stark Tower, were located at the very bottom, the cellar, or… what you preferred to call it, a modern dungeon.
You found Loki with his back turned to you in his cell, looking pale through the glass pane. Your heart skipped a beat when he suddenly spoke up.
“I expected you would find a way to come and see me at some point. I’d dare say the Avengers have taken quite the precautions to keep you as far away from me as possible.” He mused. He lifted his chin, approaching the glass window.
It was quite ridiculous to assume that this tiny and meagre prison would keep the Trickster at bay after everything he had proven to be capable of. If only he wanted to, he could shatter that glass with but a flick of his wrist or break the heavy metal door posing as the only barrier between you.
If you were to just… unlock that door to touch him… it would be so easy. Blinking rapidly, you shook your head to chase the thought away.
“Who are you?” He asked and for just a brief moment, you believed to see genuine interest and curiosity sparkling in his stunning blue eyes.
“No one, really. You already know my name, I presume but that’s all there is. I’m not special—I mean, I don’t have superpowers. I’m just a regular human with a rare condition.”
“Oh, I see. Surely you had not hoped for a criminal of all people to be your soulmate then? A murderer? A monster?” His expression hardened.
Yes. But you were not going to tell him that. He was still the person to have made you see colours again, regardless of who he was and what he had done. There must have been a connection between you, you felt it after all! And you were certain that he felt it too.
“Thor will take me back to Asgard and the great King Odin,” he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “will surely have me executed. You will never see me again. So do not worry.”
“I don’t want that.” You finally chirped, barely daring to look him in the eye. His gaze was scrutinising and intimidating… almost as if he was able to see right into your soul with but one single glance.
Loki frowned.
“I bet you’re not happy about this, are you?” A desperate scoff escaped your lips. “I’m not sure I am…” You confessed and sat down on the chair in front of the window. It creaked a little under your weight, the unpleasant sound echoing through the empty hallway.
This man right in front of you was not be trusted and yet, the desire to pour your heart out to him was so strong you felt it like a sea of emotions attempting to drown you.
“You know ever since my twelfth birthday I wondered when I would finally meet my soulmate. Who they would be, what they would be like… and then so many years passed I was beginning to worry I might never see colours again. That I’d be alone and grey for the rest of my life.”
Loki licked his lips and glanced up at you, listening intently to every single word you said.
“Now I met you and they all tell me not to trust you. I mean… I know who you are, I know what you’ve done. I can’t say I’m happy about the fact my soulmate is…” You stopped yourself, breathing in sharply. “What was the universe thinking? You are a god and I’m just… me. We live light-years apart!”
Eventually, after a moment of surprisingly pleasant silence between you, Loki hummed. “The Norns do have interesting ways.” He said, locking his eyes with yours, almost as if he was pondering if… if what? If he could imagine being with you?
“So what should we do? Never speak of it again? Pretend we have never met? I can’t just… come to Asgard with you.” You held your breath when you realised what you were considering here. Loki must have thought the same. He smirked in response—not mockingly but bitterly. “Odin would never allow a mortal on Asgard. If I was to survive my trial, that is.”
“Don’t say that. I don’t care you’re a criminal right now, I just found my soulmate, and I don’t want to lose him again right away, regardless of what happens between us.”
With a start, his face fell. “Nothing will happen between us. That would be unnecessarily cruel, would it not? Your life in the nine realms is but a heartbeat compared to mine.”
“So… this is goodbye?”
Loki hesitated. You noticed by the way his lips slightly parted without a single sound escaping them just yet.
“Yes. This is goodbye.”
The fruit bowl had become your new best friend. In the morning, tired and rather absent, you sat at the kitchen table holding on to a steaming mug of coffee all the while studying the different colours of the fruit before you like a complicated Maths formula.
“Did you have a good chat last night?” Clint barked at you when he entered the room, skipping the ‘Good morning’.
“With Loki?” He probed, raising his eyebrows in an I-already-know-what-you’ve-done manner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said, shaking your head and focusing your gaze on the fruit bowl again. Yellow bananas, green grapes, red apples. In colour.
You flinched when Tony spoke your name. “We saw the footage on our security cameras. You sneaked to his cell last night knowing fully well why you should stay away from him, especially with… with… you know.”
Fuck… the security cameras. You had completely forgotten about those! Of course the legendary Tony Stark would have had security cameras installed all over the damn place!
Busted, you shrugged your shoulders as nonchalantly as you could muster. “I just wanted to talk him. I had to talk to him. I know what you’re all thinking—that he’s evil and brutal and cruel and ruthless… and… and you’re probably right? I… I don’t even know but… he is still my soulmate. I can see colours again because of him for Fuck’s sake! I can’t just… ignore that.”
“I get it. We don’t know what it must feel like. But it’s for the best. We don’t want him to hurt you.”
“I am his soulmate, too. He wouldn’t dare hurt me. You know maybe he’s not the monster you all think he is.”
“Are you saying that because you know him so well after last night or because that is what you want to believe?”
Both. “I just… have a feeling.”
“Right.” Tony clapped his hands. Your name left his lips almost like a plea. “You have to trust us.”
Thor nodded. “Loki is dangerous. You should stay away from him at least until we know he is not still plotting the domination of your planet.”
“What do you mean ‘at least until’? You can stop staying away from him when he’s back on Asgard and out of your reach.” Tony snapped.
“We’re just trying to keep you safe.” Steve intervened. You sighed.
“You know what? I’m getting a headache and I’m still tired, so I’m gonna go back to bed.” That wasn’t even a lie—well, at least the fatigue bit wasn’t. Besides, the blackout curtains in the room Tony let you stay in were heaven-sent.
That was until a loud tumult in the Tower woke you up again, even though you were not sure anymore you had actually fallen asleep once your head hit the soft pillow.
“W—“ Your scream of protest was muffled by a cool palm covering your mouth. You struggled briefly, ripping your eyes wide open in a weak attempt to make out who was assaulting you in the comforting darkness of your room when you suddenly heard a soothing voice shushing you.
“It’s me…”
“L-Loki?” You choked out when he removed his hand again. “Did you… did you break out of your cell?”
“It would seem so. Come.”
He tilted his head. “I don’t have much time.”
You stood, throwing the covers back when he already reached for your hand and held it tightly, pulling you with him into the hallway and towards one of the more hidden exists of Stark Tower, a flight of stairs illuminated only by emergency lights.
“W-what are you doing?”
“I am proving to you that I am more than just a criminal.”
“Oh… but… um… where are we going?”
Loki smirked. Your eyes widened when he pulled out the Tesseract seemingly out of nowhere, its blue light glowing brightly in the dark and throwing artistic shadows on his face.
“Hold on tight.”
The God of Mischief pulled you close, making you gasp. Your chest hit his, his arm wrapping around your waist. With his face only inches from yours, you could feel his warm breath on your lips, and suddenly longed to kiss him.
“You are my soulmate. I am not leaving you behind.”
“What happened to ‘goodbye’?” You chirped.
Loki tilted his head almost threateningly. “You are mine. Don’t you think I wanted to leave this place without looking back?” His expression softened. “But I couldn’t. Because of you.” And you might just be the only woman to ever love me in this way, he added silently.
“B-but… Y-you said Odin will never allow me on Asgard and… and…”
“I never said we were going to Asgard, now was I?”
Your lips parted. Could you trust him? The stranger who had finally made you see colours again? If you told him No, would he let go of you? Would he let you run to Tony and Clint and Nat so they could protect you from him? Swallowing thickly, you met his intense blue gaze and nodded.
Loki smirked and winked. “You are in for an adventure.” And you knew he wasn’t lying. Next thing you knew, you were both hurtled through space and into a shared future.
A/N: ☕
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I wanna know what if the merc's S/O asks the merc to adopt a stray animal like a cat or dog that's found on the streets, (part 2)
You were looking for engi. You were holding an injured puppy that had one leg missing. It injured its other leg due to tripping over with unbalance. You found it in the streets struggling.
ENGI! What is it sugar! Is there something wrong!!! T-This puppy its injured! He looked at it and ran with you to the workplace for some bandages. Currently medic was on a private mission so he was not available.
You both treated the dog using the emergency medi kit in the workplace and finally relaxed once the dog fell asleep. Thats when engi noticed its leg. Oh. Engi stared for a while, getting into deep thought...
For the next few days you guys treated it with care. Helping it recover. Engi even made a leg for the puppy and helped it learn how to walk. You almost cried seeing him caring for the puppy so carefully and lovingly. You did it little pup! Good job!
You both decided to keep it eventually. You both just had this deep connection with the puppy. The puppy now lived happily in engi workplace. The dog is also kinda like a guard dog to protect from people sneaking in and messing with his stuff (scout and spy)
You both actually found it during a windy day. It was a tiny little white kitty. The kitty was like a tiny little snowball. It was shivering in the street in the town. You both found it injured and took it to medic for help. Do you see that heavy? That white dot or is it just me. Lets check out.
You both took great care of it. Took to daily check up to medic and helped it. The cat was like tiny fluffly warrior. It was very brave. It would beat scout up even if there sizes are very different...idk how. It was a tiny white warrior cat!
You decided to ask heavy if we should keep it. Heavy I want to talk to you. ok? Can we keep the kitty cat? Yes. :) Awesome. :D
You both loved that fluffball to its fullest. Heavy found it cute how brave it was. Even towards heavy. It was like a grain of salt to heavy yet it had the strength and bravery to climb on heavy and just sit on his shoulder and snuggle. :)) You cant help but chuckle when you see the cat climb on to heavy while heavy is still like a statue trying not to disctub the kitty from its progress.
What you both usually do is. You sit on heavy's shoulder and the kitty cat sits on your lap or shoulder. It's so fucking cute. ♡
You found it in the street in box that said (Free cats) You thought it was empty till you heard a sound. m-mew... Huh? You checked it out and saw a tiny kitty cat. It was very small. It has one eye. It reminded you about the demo.... and was shivering. You just couldn't leave the cat here in the cold when there is a rainstorm coming soon apparently to the radio. It was shivering.
So, you decided to take off your scarf and brought it to the base unnoticed. (You knew soldier would yell the crap out of you if you brought an animal to the base) You straight went to demo's room.
You knocked on his door. Hello? Hello. Oh, whats up lovely? *shows shivering kitty cat* !? Oh. Come in come in. *explain briefly how the cat was found.* Oh
You both warmed it up. Can I check out the cat? yeah. Oh... It only has one eye aye. yeah. He then started to get flashbacks and thoughts. About how the cat must have felt not being picked by anyone. In the box (the free cat box had originally had many cats judging by the size and different saw print sizes and fur in the box.) and being left out just because it didn't have one more eye. He felt bad for it he also related how it feels being different and left out. He cared for it deeply and even made fun memories!!
S/o!! Did ye see that! The kitty just put it's their tiny paw on my hand :D Look at the size difference!! hehe yes yes I see demo. Demo was the first to ask if we could keep it.
S/o...Can we keep this little fluff ball? yes. :))) YEY!!! YEY!
You both made a tiny eye patch for the tiny cat!!!! IT IS SO CUTE!!! You all took a photo all wearing an eye patch. EYE PATCH GANG PHOTO. :))) You both love the cat. That tiny thing always chilled on your lap and demo can't help but oof. THAT IS SO GOD DAMN CUTE FUCK!!!!
God damn, this was fun. I will write part 3 soon! Sorry for it being long this idea is just so wholesome! Anyway, I`m gonna go eat a snack so ye enjoy~!
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boydiisaster · 3 years
It's so awesome there's blogs like yours out there trying to provide content for GN and Male fans. It's so hard to find anything even GN, and as a nonbinary person I just want you to know how much it's appreciated! If you're okay with taking requests right now, I have an Obey Me one? Do you have any headcanons on a poly/throuple relationship between a GN MC, Satan, and Solomon? Those two are surprisingly good friends in canon and alike in a lot of ways, I love them both so much!
throuple satan and solomon headcanons
reader: gender neutral, they/them pronouns
tw/cw: a bit of spoilers and fighting/blood mentions
author's note: AWW YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY YOU'RE SO NICE, ANON :,) i'm trying my hardest to provide more content for other male and gender neutral readers out there, so i really hope that what i write is enjoyable for yall <33 also i haven't the slightest idea of satan and solomon's canon relationship because i'm only at like lesson 30 smth and don't keep up with my messages so i just pulled most of their dynamic for this out of my ass ( ._.)
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It was like a cat just met a dog when Satan and Solomon started dating. They have similarities, sure, but whereas Satan is cold and calculated with his spells, plans, and pranks, it's as if Solomon doesn't think. Like, ever.
How was someone so smart so insufferably stupid at the same time? It's as if Satan is his babysitter more than he's his boyfriend.
Oh god and when Solomon ropes you into doing something with him-
"I hate you both," Satan grumbles, checking your temperature and seeing how it's well above the normal temperature for humans. "Solomon, you can't just drag MC on all your dangerous adventures. They're much more human than you are."
"Just because I accidentally made a spell that cursed me with immortality doesn't mean I'm any less human than they are." Solomon crosses his arms at his boyfriend's hurtful words. "Besides, MC wanted to come with me. Isn't that right, MC?"
You didn't speak. That was probably because you had passed out from how incredibly fatigued you were. Your skin was sticky and noticeably sweaty, eyes closed shut while letting out painful whimpers.
"Tell me again just what happened to them?" Satan groans as he opens a spell book. God knows where he got it. He did that a lot. He was like a video game character or something the way he'd just pull books or spell jars from out his ass. He was always the one Mammon would ask for a pencil, because hell he had like hundreds on him at all times.
"Well," Solomon cheekily smiles and scratches the back of his neck. "We went looking for some herbs for a new spell I concocted."
"Uh huh?"
"And MC sort of... fell."
"What did they fall on, Solomon?"
Said man falls silent. "Solomon?" Satan drags out his lover's name, threatening him, to which all Solomon can do is smile again, this time more nervous.
"They kind of, maybe, fell into a bush of what could have been poisonous flowers...."
"What kind of poisonous flowers, Solomon?" Satan glares at him.
Solomon thinks for a moment, then clasps his hands together. "Let's just say that if we don't get Diavolo or Lucifer in the next," he looks toward a clock, "fifteen or so minutes, MC might fall asleep for probably a whole millennium."
That earns the sorcerer a big thwack to the back of his head by Satan's spell book.
That was probably the first major incident where you were dragged into Solomon's dangerous plans, but it certainly wasn't the last. Most of the time you either ended up with several scrapes or bruises, things Satan or Solomon could easily patch up on their own. But sometimes you'd come back missing a shirt or as a cat.
(It's hard for Satan to be mad at Solomon for accidentally turning you into a cat, but he manages it because you were furious.)
... You were a really cute cat though, MC.
A cat was frantically trying to climb up Satan's pant leg. He was out in the garden tending to his flowers when a kitty he'd never seen before made their way through the bushes and crashed into his leg.
"Hello little one," he smiled at the cat. "Are you lost?"
The cat let out a pitiful wail and latched themselves onto Satan's leg. Satan frowned a bit and started to get worried. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?"
He picked up the cat to examine them. They were a cute little thing with [eye color] eyes and a sleek fur coat. Satan couldn't see anything physically wrong with them. Their paws looked fine, and there was no blood anywhere.
"Did you lose your mom? Maybe your kitten?" he began to muse, then Solomon exploded through the bushes looking frantic as ever.
"Have you seen a cat?" he gasped for air. "About this tall, [eye color] eyes, clearly upset?"
"You mean this one?" Satan held up the cat he found.
"Yes! Give them here-"
The cat hissed and clawed at Solomon's hand, burying themselves further into Satan's grasp. They growled, then looked toward Satan to let out another pitiful whine.
"MC, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Solomon cried.
The cat hissed again.
"I'm sorry, did you just say MC?"
Solomon stiffened. He started to laugh nervously, fiddling with his cuffs. "Uh... would you break up with me if I told you I turned our darling MC into a tiny cat...? If so then no, I didn't say MC."
"You did what?!"
"Oh would you look at the time! I have a meeting with Lord Diavolo I must attend to right now, goodbye Satan, I love you!"
And then Solomon left, leaving Satan to fix whatever spell he put on their partner by himself. Satan wasn't angry about it, but the look of pure rage on your little furry face was enough to let Satan know that if he kept you as a cat for a moment longer you'd raise hell upon everyone in the vicinity.
Having a pact with a demon means that pretty much everything you do is shared with said demon. You feel emotions stronger, god forbid if you feel their specific emotions. You could be angry at Mammon for swiping a bag of candy you bought for yourself, but you act as if Mammon robbed you of every last thing you had just because of the pact you share with Satan. He feels awful about that, even though you reassure him time and time again that:
1.) It's not his fault, and
2.) You wanted a pact with him
Even so, please give Satan cuddles and kisses after he gets all sulky. He acts composed, but on the inside he's so incredibly self-conscious of both his sin and his pact with you.
"You need to be more careful," Satan quietly mused as he bandaged your hurt hands and face. You had gotten into a fight at school because a demon shoved you, and now you were currently inside Satan's room, getting blood all over his pretty carpet.
"I know," you softly sighed and hissed once the rubbing alcohol came into contact with the cuts on your face. "I just, I don't know. It set me off for some reason."
Your boyfriend hesitated for a moment, then applied a bandage to your cheek. "It's because of the pact."
"You know I'm right, MC." Satan didn't look at you when he talked. Instead he looked at his lap, which had the first aid kit he was using to fix you up in it. "I know I talk about this a lot but... I am truly sorry for doing this to you."
"Hey," you cupped his cheek. "It's not your fault. I can learn to live with this. I learnt to handle my greed, envy, and gluttony when I built pacts with your brothers, right?"
"You shouldn't have to though. Maybe it's best if I-"
You silently kissed him. It was a bittersweet kiss, one filled with love yet unspeakable sadness and hurt. Satan was so self-conscious of his sin, yet you loved him still anyway. You wished he could see that.
"Don't finish that thought," you whispered as you pulled away. Resting your forehead against his, you continued. "I love you. Despite your sin, despite how you were born, despite everything; I love you. I chose you, and I wanted a pact with you." You smiled, and Satan couldn't help but blush at your next sentence.
"You silly demon. You really can't see how amazing you are, huh? It's okay though, because both me and Solomon will always be here to remind you."
Solomon touches all your pact marks constantly. When you take off your shirt it's hard to stop him from touching Leviathan's mark located directly on your back. He's always rubbing his fingers over Beelzebub's symbol on your stomach, always outlining Mammon's mark on your wrist. Sometimes he kisses Belphegor's symbol on your throat. When meeting your eyes, he never fails to stare into the one that holds Lucifer's mark, and even though you cover your thighs almost all the time, it's like Solomon can tell where Asmodeus's mark is. It's his favorite place on your thigh to touch.
You sighed whenever you felt Solomon's lips touch the small of your back. A smile made its way onto your own lips as you giggled.
"I didn't expect Satan to place his mark somewhere so... subtle," he admitted as he popped up to press a kiss to your cheek.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. He was playing with your wrist again, looking at the symbol of greed that adorns your skin.
"Solomon," you started.
Your lover hummed. You could tell he was beginning to grow drowsy. His eyes were closed and his movements slowed.
"Are you... jealous?"
That woke him up. He made you face him, and the expression he wore was unreadable. It worried you. Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
"I just mean, like," you grew embarrassed. "Um... you're always touching my pact marks, or always looking at them, and I don't know. Are you mad at me for them?"
The sorcerer gently grasped your hands. His fingers were weirdly soft considering how much he uses them. He sat there for a moment, just running his thumbs over your palms before speaking.
"I am a little," he admitted. "But I'm not mad at you. If anything I'm proud."
You smiled a bit. It was a lopsided and awkward sort of smile, but to Solomon it was the most beautiful thing in the world, as cheesy as that sounded.. He loves seeing his partners happy. He loves seeing you happy.
"You're much stronger than you think," Solomon continued. "Being able to hold seven different pact marks, ones belonging to Avatars, as a human with no sort of prior knowledge on magic?" He beamed. "You're incredible."
That only embarrassed you more. You groaned a bit and tried swatting Solomon away to hide your face, but your lover only pulled you in for a short yet loving kiss.
"You're cute, you know that?"
"You're cuter," you retorted. Solomon just smiled.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, dear. Speaking of which," he leaned back on your bed and made grabby hands at you, indicating that he wanted you to lay next to him. "I'm tired. Cuddle me."
"So needy," you joked, but instantly complied to Solomon's request. He was never like this in public. It was nice seeing him so open and vulnerable... and cute.
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watercolorfreckles · 3 years
Thanks for the Ride - Part 2
Part 1 Here
TW: asthma attack, slight angst, mention of blood and sc*rs
((Civilian’s name is now Kaira. Villain doesn’t have one yet.))
Kaira pushed open her apartment door and stepped inside. A flurry of snowflakes gusted in after her, dusting the welcome mat in her entryway as she shoved the door shut. She shivered and slid her boots off, shrugging off her coat next and hanging it up. She leaned heavily against the door to catch her breath, digging her inhaler out of her pocket and taking two puffs.
It had been a month since the incident, and she was left without a vehicle right as the weather turned frigid and biting. Just her luck, as well, that cold air triggers asthma. Kaira coughed and wheezed her way to the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make herself some eucalyptus tea. Her doctor had recently told her that it might help alleviate some of her symptoms. Still struggling to breathe, she dropped herself into a chair at the kitchen table, squeezing her eyes shut. She tucked the inhaler back into her pocket without opening her eyes.
Kaira stayed there until the kettle squealed, forcing her lead-heavy limbs to get up and finish making her tea. She took a few sips though they scalded on the way down, and bent down to scoop some of her cat’s food into her bowl. She coughed and took another sip of tea, shaking the bowl a bit as she ventured further into the apartment. “Missy! Here, kitty.”
No response. That’s odd… Her stomach sank as she realized the tv was on in her bedroom. The muffled chatter and buzz were unmistakable. Had she forgotten to turn it off before going to work? 
She padded across the space, inching closer to the bedroom--though it was barely any use trying to be quiet. The ragged wheezing noises probably gave her away rather unceremoniously. Finally approaching the door and just about to cross the threshold, her cat hopped down in front of her, startling a yelp out of Kaira. The mug and food bowl in her hands crashed to the floor.
Kaira slapped a hand over her face, heart pounding all over again. “Missy. What did I do to deserve that?” she mused between strained breaths. 
She picked the remote up off of the dresser, lifting it to turn the screen off when she noticed what was playing on the news, and listened. More about the villain. The media coverage was constant, barely wavering since the villain’s “death” a month prior. The city clung to the hero’s victory, celebrating with parties and rallies and parades and barbeques. “Superhero finally managed to inject Supervillain with a revolutionary new toxic serum that drained his powers away and rendered him helpless. Superhero triumphed over the monster and fulfilled his duty in keeping our city safe! The crime rate perpetrated by powered individuals has decreased significantly as they all now live in fear of the hero’s new bioweapon. Let’s hope they stay underground where they belong.”
“The thing about Hero’s little serum,” a second voice cut through the silence, making Kaira jump and whirl around, “is that its effects are temporary. Poison a villain, take his powers, incapacitate him, kill him while he’s down. It’s quite the cowardly approach, don’t you agree, Kaira?”
Kaira froze in place like prey, staring at the villain sprawled out casually on her bed. He lifted a hand and lightning crackled over his palm like a second skin. Her mouth had gone unbearably dry and all she could do was stare and try to squash down the harsh rasps of her wheezing.
Villain flashed a smile, looking thoroughly pleased with himself as he sat up, leisurely. “Your firstborn and I have gotten acquainted.” He wiggled his fingers and made kissy sounds, drawing the orange tabby closer to him.
Kaira inhaled sharply and took a step closer, freezing again at the look Villain cut her as he scooped Missy into his lap. “Do you truly think I would harm your cat?” He tsked. “You must truly think me a monster.”
She swallowed again but it did nothing to aid the dryness scratching her throat. “How-How do you know where I live?” she whispered.
Villain stroked Missy’s back, who purred and curled up on his lap. “You had some bills in your glove compartment--your insurance is overdue, by the way. You might want to pay that.” His lip curled in a teasing smile though his gaze rested intent and unwavering upon her.
Panicked, she fished her inhaler out of her pocket without taking her eyes off of him, inhaling a third puff. “I...I haven’t told anyone about you. I swear I haven’t. I-I didn’t even want to raise questions about where you left me, so...I didn’t call a cab until I, um, walked back to the main road. No-Nobody knows what happened, or that you’re alive, I promise.”
The villain hummed, straightening all the way. 
Kaira’s gaze flicked down to his torso where she could see a deep red seeping through his shirt. “You’re...bleeding.”
“And you’re the only one who knows I’m alive, so. Do be a dear and bring me a first aid kit?” His smile widened, all amusement for now.
Kaira blanched and stepped toward the door when Villain lifted a finger to halt her. “Ah-ah, better have you toss your phone over to me first. The best relationships are built on trust, you know?” he purred, blatantly relishing in the glow of pink that spread over Kaira’s freckled cheeks.
She pulled her cellphone out of her other pocket and tossed it onto the bed, waiting for his nod of approval before staggering wide-eyed into the kitchen to fetch her first aid kit.
Oh my gods, oh my gods, the villain is in my house, oh my gods…
Kaira’s hands shook as she returned, easing herself lightly onto the edge of the bed beside him. She gingerly lifted her cat off of him and set her back onto the floor. “You’re bleeding on my bed,” she murmured. She carefully reached for his shirt and flushed red. “Um...can I?”
The villain grinned, wolfish. “Wishing to undress me so soon? By all means.”
Kaira spluttered, floundering briefly before reaching forward again, unbuttoning the bottom half of his shirt. No need to expose more of his chest than necessary, especially after that comment. Wow, he has a lot of scars…
She traced a finger featherlight over one of the pale slices of skin. When she realized what she was doing, her gaze snapped up to meet his. His laser focus made her feel like a bug splayed on a corkboard. “S-Sorry....” She looked away and opened up the first aid kit and gently examined his bloody wounds. “It...looks like you need stitches...is that okay?”
“Ah, what’s a couple more scars. Just clean them and bandage me up.” Kaira could feel the sudden electricity sparking the air as the hair on her neck stood on end. He smiled prettily, though his eyes were sharper, edging on dangerous. “Please.”
Kaira nodded quickly. “O-Okay, yes. Sure. No need to get, um...zappy.” She smoothed down a few pieces of hair that had been suspended by the static thick in the air like smoke. The energy released suddenly once she agreed, expelling like a popped balloon.
She released a breath through her teeth and got to work with trembling hands. “If nobody knows you’re alive, then who hurt you?”
Kaira jumped as the villain brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face. “Sorry, dear, I don’t kiss and tell.”
Her face burned all over again and she avoided his gaze, focusing on the task at hand. When she was done, the villain abruptly stood and crowded close, stealing the breath from her lungs.
Villain bracketed her in place with an arm against the bed on each side of her. “Thanks for the patch job.” He flashed another predatory smile, eyes twinkling, and dangled her car keys in front of her face. “Care to give me another ride, dear?”
Part 3
Thank you for reading!
Tiny taglist:  @writing-on-the-wahl , @ vlerlove , @valiantlytransparentwhispers. If anyone wants to be added, let me know :) 
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korpuskat · 4 years
Kinktober Day 17 - Pet play - [Tomura Shigaraki/Reader]
[Ao3 Mirror] Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,265 Summary: Your Quirk is useless, it just made you small. Too bad Tomura thinks that makes you cute. Contains: noncon, kidnapping, Yandere!Shigaraki; DFAB Reader; petplay (Master/Kitty), Praise Kink, Size Difference, Forced Orgasm, stockholm syndrome/mind break
Your back aches, burns low in your spine. Every joint sings in the same agony, whines and pleads for you to just give in. You blink, shift in the plastic and lift your eyes onto the flashes on the screen. The avatar of his character runs through the winding halls of his castle, making his way to the NPC he’s looking for.
That’s probably how he sees you. An NPC, a side quest he’s working on. He’s meticulous about it, just like he is with his games- purposefully working towards absolute completion, metering out the pointless companion quests between the main storyline. At least it’s something to watch. Gives you any entertainment at all that isn’t…
His character has stopped moving. The NPC’s dialogue box sits long past the audio has stopped playing, the reminder of what button to press to continue the conversation flashes in the corner. You swallow, but goosebumps have already erupted over your skin. You don’t have to turn your head to know he’s no longer looking at the screen.
“I have your favorite…” He coos, the low rasp of his voice turning sickly sweet. You shrink down into the plastic, but you can’t make yourself look away from him. He turns, reaches into a little box by his bed. He returns holding the tiny tin foil wrapped candy and you can’t stop your mouth from watering. “All you have to do is sit.” He pats the floor next to him, “Will you be a good little pet?”
Sitting next to him… You can do that. You’ve managed that before, to set aside that hatred and disgust for a while… It has been some time since you’ve been allowed to just exist on your own. You bite your lips and look to the tiny piece of chocolate. It’s okay. You can do that. You nod- and Tomura’s grin spreads wide over his face.
He pulls the key to the padlock from his pants, undoing it and setting it on top of the crate. The springs in the door squeak as he pinches them, opening the grated door. He backs off then, gives you a moment. You’ll get to stretch your legs, your back- you’ll get chocolate. You just have to be a little closer to him than you were before. That’s all. Palms and knees ache as you crawl out. You try to ignore the pride on Tomura’s face.
“You’re so obedient now.” He coos again and you flush. He lifts his hand, shows off the bandage that’s still wrapped around his palm. “I nearly killed you, you were so much trouble.” He leans forward as if to touch you- and where you once would’ve bitten and screamed, you sit. Complacent, docile as he pats your head. “Kurogiri was right, you did come around… I just needed to raise your affection level.”
You cast your eyes down. A side quest.
Tomura scoots back, leaves space for you on his floor. Your muscles ache as you crawl towards him- you worry for a minute he’ll make you sit some weird way. Like a cat, loafed up for him or make you sit in his lap- but his face never changes as you sit next to him. Never falters from that giddy pleasure as you stretch your legs out. Like this you can really see the difference in your sizes-- your toes barely reach past his knees, his scarred face towering over you even as he slouches. There’s nearly a foot between you, but it seems to satisfy him. Holding it by the long paper trail with two fingers, he places the chocolate onto your lap.
You wait for the catch, but it doesn’t come. Tomura picks up his controller again- careful to keep his little fingers pressed on the side of his ring fingers. And that’s just it- he goes back to his game. You sit still for a long time, unsure of what you’re allowed to do. At least you allow yourself to shakily unwrap the chocolate and set it to your tongue. Red eyes slide over to watch you and you shudder, pretend not to notice. It doesn’t matter; Tomura returns to his game, speeding through the NPC’s dialogue.
It isn’t bad, you decide. The chocolate melts on your tongue and you are soothed by the easy music of Tomura’s game. It’s easy to forget like this- how you wound up here. To forget those first few weeks- waiting and waiting for a hero to come while Tomura’s patience with you thinned.
It had changed at some point. No longer him threatening to hurt you if you didn’t go along with his fetish. He spoke softly- not the rasping voice that commanded you to heel, but as though he were speaking to a stray cat. He moved your crate to sit near his desk so you were always with him.
And then came the treats. The first few times you rejected him outright; over and over his fist closed around his gifts and they faded to dust. He’d return hours later, ready to try again. Ready to just sit beside you, play his games, speak in quiet words to soothe your worries.
And all the while he’d fawn over you, how cute you are.
Your damn Quirk. Stray heteromorph gene that dictated your every interaction- a Quirk that left you clocking in at less than four feet tall.
You hated your Quirk before being locked in a dog crate, but now you longed to be Quirkless. Maybe it wouldn’t change anything. You draw your legs back up, tuck them to your chest. You should be stretching out, enjoying your momentary freedom but now all you can think of is that disgusting face he’d made the first time you’d nodded and accepted his gift. First the awe and distrust- like you’d spit it back at him. You didn’t. You took the treat with shaking hands and cried.
He’d hushed you with a giddiness in his voice, That’s my good little girl…
Something touches your head- you jolt, spin to face him with wide eyes. He withdraws for a moment, but starts again with slow, careful motions- four fingers running through your hair, his thumb raised high and away. “No need to be nervous, pet.” You shudder, feel the cold creep down your spine as he hand continues on.
It’s not the reassuring hair-stroking of a lover, the calming head-patting of a parent- it’s something strange. Like he’s emulating something he’s only ever seen done. A halting pattern of his nail dragging over your scalp for a moment too long, starting again at the top of your head, sliding down to the base of your skull. It’s not soothing… but it is the only human contact you’ve had in… you don’t even know how long. How long since the heroes had stopped looking for you? His hand starts its stroke again and you close your eyes, rest your chin on your knees.
“You’re soft.” He states so quietly it might’ve just been for himself. Warmth graces your cheeks, the luxury of having shame one of the last bastions of your memory of the real world. He presses harder with his fingers, the nails- rough, uneven, scratch at your skin, trace down the curve of your skull- and this time he drifts further. Right on down to your neck, skimming over your heavy black leather collar, to scratch along the highest notches of your spine- you shudder.
Tomura hums, repeats the action and is rewarded with another shudder. You can’t help it- it’s sensitive there, unused to being touched. “This feel good…?”
In another world you’d gag at the thought of finding his touch agreeable. But here, his nails make your skin erupt into pleasurable goosebumps. The threat of displeasing him still looms overhead, so you tell yourself that’s why you nod. He grins wider and does it again, lets his hand drift even lower. Down and down- until four fingertips slide up under the hem of your shirt.
Your arms lock over your chest and you stare at him. He just smiles down at you. His fingertips are cold as they skirt across your skin beneath your shirt. Tomura’s never touched you like this before- always kept it relegated to his awkward head petting. You should fight. Should bite him again- and he speaks in that carefully controlled voice. “It’s alright. Good girl.���
good girl. you shiver. Close your eyes. Praise keeps punishments at bay. Means you get more time to stretch out your legs, more freedom-
So you don’t even struggle when he lifts your shirt over your head. Tomura doesn’t chide you for covering your bare chest, so you assume it’s fine. He doesn’t immediately go for it anyway: instead he keeps petting your back, drawing his nails lightly across your shoulders, the base of your neck. You give in: let your head fall forward, give him better access. It doesn’t go unnoticed. He scratches there, cards through your hair in affectionate motions until you nearly are purring.
You're nearly relaxed as his hands settle on your shoulders, urges you to lay down beside him. Fear makes your eyes go wide, but the lingering pleasantness of his touch makes you compliant, easy- your only resistance is a quiet "Tomura?"
"Shhh," His attempt at a calming voice doesn't quite soothe your nerves, but at least he's not angry. Reflexively, your arms tighten over your chest- but he doesn't even touch your arms. Instead, he eases his palms over your belly. The muscles there flinch away from him- and he pursues them, feels how they tremble with tension beneath his fingertips. Now that you can see them, the threat of that lethal touch isn't far from your mind.
His hands slide over your skin, rub in circles around your navel, up until his rough-bitten nails nudge at your forearms, always so careful to keep two fingers arched away. But he doesn't push more than that. Just strokes, slow, heavy passes of his hands, moving in wider circles out towards your ribs, down to the top of the curve of your hips. Any lower than that and he’d brush the threadbare pants he’d let you keep.
But there's a hunger in his eyes and you know it's coming. The inevitable pushing of your sanity- and those deadly, nimble fingertips brush across your wrists. You whimper, press your hands harder to your chest. He doesn't pull, doesn't try to force it- just works his fingers around your wrists and waits for your weak attempt to skirt his anger.
"I'm not..."
"Shh, kitties don't talk." He shushes you again, strokes his thumbs over the thin skin of your wrist. Any pressure there at all would have you wilting, capitulating to the pain- but he's had weeks to perfect his technique, too many long nights of discussing his goals with Kurogiri. A patience cultivated by sheer necessity and tempered by your slow acquiescence to his will. "You've been so good for me today. Don't you want your reward?"
A reward? Your eyes flit over to the little bag of chocolates, think of the still-easing ache in your legs. With hesitation, you nod. It can't be that bad.
When he tugs at your wrists this time you pinch your eyes closed, set your jaw, and let him. His breath shudders; a vein of barely bridled giddiness weaved into his voice as he tries to praise you again, "That's it, you're being so sweet." With his guidance, you rest your hands on the cool floor, curl your fingers into fists. Even with your eyes closed, you turn your face away from him, seek any reprieve from the shame of having Tomura stare down at you. His hands leave your wrists, walk spider-like across your waist, twitching with excitement. "Stay."
He leans back- and from the crumpling of plastic you know he's retrieving your reward. He sets the tiny swirl of tin foil next to you and you wrap your hand around it like a lifeline. Your stomach flexes as his fingertips ghost over your belly again- resume those large, heavy strokes of your skin. They tickle over your ribs- and the enthusiasm makes him rush upwards and stop. With your eyes closed your senses narrow down to his touch- and the ever increasing volume of his breathing.
He catches the curve of your breast in the crook of his thumb- and a single whimper involuntarily rises high in your throat. Tomura doesn't even hush you, too entranced by what he's doing that his hands are shaking. Even so, he's always aware of the placement of his fingers. He's spent too much time working on you, investing time in your side quests for you to disappear because of a quirk mishap. With a turn of his wrists, the weight of your breasts rest in his palms, index fingers pointed high and away from your skin. He experiments, plays with them- squeezes into the soft flesh there until it dimples around his fingertips-
You peek an eye open- and Tomura is staring, red eyes twinkling with the lights of his game, utterly bewitched by how your breasts roll and lift and fall and move with each motion of his palms. Like this, laid out on your back and him half curled over you, he looks even bigger. A glance down- and his hands nearly consume your chest, his long, thin fingers cover completely from one side of your ribs to the other. And past them- where his legs have come to straddle your own- a bulge sits prominently in his pants.
Sickly realization sets in- and you don't even have a moment to contemplate what's going to happen as his grip shifts, adjusts so only his thumb and index touch your skin- and pinch down on your nipples. You jolt- arms wrap around your belly just below his, gaze landing back on his face- and you want so badly for him to just this once be human.
"Please," breaks free from your lips. It won't help. "Stop, please."
The grin you’re met with is cruel, monstrous. "Just a little more, kitty..." Tomura licks his lips, draws the bottom on in between his teeth as he keeps on toying with your chest. A tweak of his fingers and you're jolting- he tugs on them and you're arching into his hands just to relieve the pressure. You bite your tongue to keep making any noise- but that seems to be the entire point for Tomura. He experiments, tries different angles, pressures, twists- and when the edge of his thumbnail catches on the tip of your nipple and your vow of silence is shattered by a single broken wail.
A lopsided grin carves its way across Tomura's face, reveals the teeth sunk into his cracked lips. "You're so cute." He croons, repeats the motion- flicks his thumb against the underside of the darker, sensitive skin until they raise up into stiff peaks. Tomura shifts his weight, lowers himself to rut softly against your thighs. The first iota of friction and he's groaning, eyes falling half-lidded- and the shaking fear resumes. You expect him to lose all control, so close to the prize he's been seeking for so long and from the way his hands tremble and squeeze at your chest you think he nearly does. But his thrusts remain slow, heavy on the downstroke as he forces his shaking voice from his chest, "Come on kitty, make your Master happy."
Your lower lip wobbles and does nothing to deter his hands from traveling again. Down, past the swell of your breasts, over your hands still clinging to yourself. His fingertips have warmed from your skin, but his touch is so light and delicate over your stomach it tickles- and his touch skates on downward, stopping at the last soft pouch of your belly. His breath shudders, wide fingers grabbing at your sides, at the curve of your hips while his thumbs squish the soft flesh below your navel.
He stops there, as though waiting for permission- glances excitedly between the apex of your tightly pressed thighs and your face. Your consent won't come- he knows that, you're not ready for that yet. One day he'll have you begging for him, but for now he's waited long enough to get a taste of his long awaited prize, just a taste of the achievement he's been grinding for. Tomura knows he should be slow, not scare you anymore- but the prospect of having to untangle fabric from your legs makes the itch flare- and his fingers close around the waist of your pants.
He coos to you, attempts to soothe the anxiety he's wrought, "It's okay, shh, shh,"
You squeeze your eyes closed. With his absence from your chest, you cover your chest and let one hand rest over the bottom of your face, to hide the worst of your quaking grimace. His hands stroke long paths across your now bare skin. Your body so small in his grasp he reaches from the underside of your breasts to the tops of your thighs without effort. It's meant to pacify your nerves, you think, these slow, heavy strokes- but the raw, innate knowledge that he's not anywhere near done with you keeps you on edge.
As soon as he realizes the trembling of your body isn't going to stop, Tomura moves on. He shifts, moves awkwardly until he draws your legs out from under him. You keep your thighs pressed together- and that's fine by him, your legs stretching up against his shoulder, sitting just under his chin. It's fine because he lifts you with one hand under your butt so he can rub the firm bulge of his clothed cock against your pussy. A sigh rips itself from Tomura's lips and you're digging your fingers into your own hair for any other sensation to focus on.
"Lemme see," and there's a mania in his eyes. Your nails bite into your skin- and your legs offer little resistance as he spreads them, forces them apart, draped across his thin thighs. One of his thumbs- so massive compared to yours, pulls your small, plump labia apart, stares down at your little pussy. Tomura moans. Shame burns your cheeks- and the overwhelming truth that there's no point fighting, no use in any of it.
He doesn't even touch you directly, too overwhelmed and already focused back on himself. His pants fare better than yours, end up shoved down around his thighs. The heat of his body burns into yours and he draws out his cock, already hard, standing proudly between his legs. You peek between your fingers, stare at him with wide, fearful eyes, unable to focus on either his thick, uncut cock or his gruesome, wide-stretched lips.
"Look, I'm so big." He says, his voice nearly cracking, betraying how wound-up he is. He holds it down on you- it's as wide as your wrist, dripping precum messily across your skin where the tip throbs against you. And as small as you are with your damn useless quirk, the thick head comes up to the bottom of your rib cage. It makes your stomach churn, fear taking root deep inside you- and in the same moment a heat settles inside you, a useless, unhelpful primal reaction to it all.
"I could break you." Eight fingertips bite into your thighs- and his hips stutter forward. The underside of his cock slides between your legs- and the meager slickness there eases his way. "You're so wet." You aren't sure if Tomura doesn't understand your body or if he's playing into his own fantasy- but it doesn't stop him from closing your thighs around him and rutting down again. "I won't, I won't- I promise. Don't want to hurt my little kitty, my- ah- my sweet little pet..."
The friction on your clit only increases with your legs holding him in place. He thrusts against you- and though on all sides except against your slit your skin drags, warms as it chafes, Tomura doesn't seem to mind. If anything, the roughness is only making it better for him as he rambles on, "I'd take such good care of you! I'd love you if you'd let me- you just have to be good." Through your fingers you meet his gaze; his eyes are glazed over in lust, the red obscured with his thin eyelashes. He pants through open lips, nearly drooling as he thrusts against you. "You want to be good for me don't you? For your Master?"
His angle changes, slots in closer to you- and oh. He hadn't been quite up on you before, the drag of his cock more along the full length of your pussy than the single point of your clit, but now--
The gasp is quiet, barely there. Between the slap of skin and slick noises between your legs, the gentle music of his game's pause screen, and his own ragged breathing you want to believe so badly he hadn't heard it. But his reaction is immediate: where his gaze had been half-lidded, lost in his own ecstasy, it is now wide, his pupils shrinking down in shock, leaving the crimson ring of his iris to glow in the low light.
"Here?" He says- and rubs the firm head of his dick against you again. You're too sensitive now to pretend it doesn't feel good, as much as you don't want it to. No matter how hard you squeeze your eyes closed and shake your head, the helpless little rises of your hips are all he needs to encourage him. As meticulous as he is, he keeps the pressure on your clit and doesn't let up for anything- returns to his long, swift strokes, the wetness of your pussy letting him glide through your folds and over your clit without resistance. Between your legs, his cock fucks your thighs, the head smearing your mixed arousal over your skin, leaking milky precum across your belly-
"See, see- I could make you feel so good, I'd take care of you, I could make you cum." He rasps, leans over you and lifts your hips with him, pulls your lower back clean off the floor so he can keep that sinful angle. He moves down as though to kiss you and you're so glad for once that you're too short- or perhaps he's too tall- for him to reach your lips. No, instead his chest comes in close to your face, the warmth radiating off him and you splay your hands across his pale skin just to weakly try to push him back. He doesn't even notice.
"I want to- the only one- only ever me-" He grunts, huffs, drops one arm down to hold himself up. He's close, the pleasured trembling of your legs only making it more enjoyable for him. "You're gonna cum." It's a demand, a promise- "Gonna be my good little kitty who cums on my cock."
There's no point fighting- and still your nail dig into his chest, scratch red welts into his skin as you turn your face away from him. Tomura hisses- and tears your hands off him, pins your wrists down to the floor with his wide palms. Though his face twists into a scowl, he never stops his rough humping of your thighs. And now, now there's no barrier between his skin and yours other than your own legs, your body nearly bent double with his need for closeness.
He groans- and you're restless under him, consider kicking him, biting him, anything, anything- and the fear of punishment keeps you still. He wants you to- to-
"Be good, come on- be good for your Mah-ster. It'll feel so good, kitty, just cum, just let go-" and you sob, close your eyes and lean into him. Every stroke has your clit tingling, aching-
"That's it, that's it!" He breathes, "Give in, let me take care of you."
You're crying, cumming, your legs squeezing tight around his cock and thrusting back against him, riding out your high as he praises you, curses. His hands pinching your wrists as he shakes, arches, drives down over and over- and hot cum splatters against your belly, up to your chest. He's gasping, shaking- and all at once he drops down over you, bends your legs back, pins them between your stomach and his. You grunt, squirm under him- and he's kind enough to lift his hips, dislodge his body from yours, and lowers himself again.
He's so big, he covers every inch of you- and he's just conscientious enough to leave you room to breathe. tocry. Because you haven't stopped, chest shuddering with each inhale- and with his orgasm leaving him boneless, pliant, you wiggle your hands out from under his. He stirs, shifts just enough to look down at you with suspicion, with that familiar disappointment that you'll try to scratch him again and-
and you wrap your arms around his torso. Broken by your own sobs, you can only force one word out between wails, "Tomura- Tomura-"
He sucks in air through his teeth. His arms shake as he pushes himself up to sit and drags you along with him. So small, you don't even reach the underside of his chin while in his lap, he holds you close, whispers sweet words in your ear, sweet kitten, good girl, i love you, shhh, it's alright, i'll take care of you.
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queen-yalo · 4 years
FFVII | Headcanons | Finding a stray kitten
Request:  Hi sweetie!! Can I get a scenario for Rufus, Rude, and Tseng where their s/o sneak in a stray kitten they found somewhere random on a rainy day, while the guys are away at work. And the kitty just gets really attached to the guys for some reason. After they accidentally find out about the kitty's existence of course ♥️ Lets face it though hiding a kitty is hard, especially if they are loud lol Enjoy your 3 week vacation by the way!!! [by Anon]
A/N: That three week vacation was in July. Look at me. Not writing stuff for months. Who even am I. :( Hope you enjoy! ♥
Pairing(s): Rude x reader; Rufus Shinra x reader; Tseng x reader 
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• Everything was perfect. You got the food, the litter box, the scratching post, catnip, a comfortable little bed... your tiny companion should absolutely feel at home. The only problem was... you had no idea how to tell Rude about the small addition to your household. You never talked about getting a pet because actually you never felt the need to. Yes, cats and dogs (or any animal for that matter) were cute, but you never thought about actually adopting one. Plus, how could you decide between those many animals that were looking for a forever home? 
• Well, in this case you didn’t have to decide. The kitten decided for you. You heard it crying in the rain, looked at its tiny and soaked frame... and just knew you had to take it home. It felt like it was meant to be. After a quick checkup at the vet you learned that “it” was actually a “he” and “he” was very healthy. Just wet and hungry... but that was something you could fix very easily. 
• Which got you into the situation you were in now. Sitting on the couch, the little kitten wrapped in a blanket while you were bottle-feeding it. You knew Rude was due to come home every minute now. And you had still no idea how to break the news to him. But as it turned out... you didn’t have to. The moment your heard the keys in the lock you jumped up, running to the door, ready to sweet talk Rude into letting you keep the kitten. You knew you had to choose your words very carefully. But as soon as you opened your mouth you were interrupted by a high pitched meow. 
• The little guy climbed down the couch and followed you into the hallway, running straight into Rude’s direction and climbing up his leg as soon as he reached him. Rude was dumbfounded. There was... something.... crawling up his leg. His first instinct was to kick it off, but when he heard another tiny meow, something inside him told him to freeze.
• At first he wasn't too happy that you just took a stray animal home. But when you told him the whole story and when he realized the little guy was glued to his side, his cold demeanor slowly melted away, making space for a very giddy and very entranced Rude. In mere hours Rude became not only very soft for the little rascal. He also suggested to get another one because "He can't stay home alone all day, can he?"
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• "The fact that my hand is on her back means nothing." Rufus glared at you when you came into the living room, looking at him and the kitten on the couch in awe. You quickly left the room again as to not make the tension inside this apartment worse than it already was, ever since Rufus came home. You didn't even try to hide it. As soon as he stepped into the house you proudly showed him the little furball that you found outside.
• At first Rufus was livid. How dare you just pick up a stray animal and take it home - bring it into both your lives like it wasn't a 20-year-commitment? What were you thinking? He told you to get rid of it, which you refused to do. So after a pointless and unnecessary argument you agreed on finding it another loving home. Rufus was fine with that arrangement... or so he thought.
• Now as he was petting the little floofer, he wasn't too sure of that decision anymore. He hated to admit it, but she was tugging at his heart-strings - and he didn’t know if he liked it. He didn’t like it, when something or someone was able to break his cold and aloof facade. You were the first person that was able to do it and that was already more than enough, wasn’t it?! But now, this little fluffy kitten was using him as her personal resting place, as she clumsily climbed onto his lap, and he knew he was a goner - even though he didn’t like it.
• You were wise enough to not say anything when you saw him watching her sleeping on his lap, his eyes soft and full of adoration. It was a rare sight to see Rufus so calm and gentle. But you also knew, that Rufus didn’t like to be called out on that. So instead, you just decided to watch silently and smile to yourself. Of course Rufus noticed you staring. But he too didn’t say a thing. What was he supposed to say? Everything he could say was already known to you. He lost the fight. 
• "So...” You started after a few minutes. “Would you happen to know someone who wants to adopt a kitten or do I have to start the search from scratch?” You grinned slightly as Rufus glared at you from the couch, his hand still petting the kitten softly. “No, you don’t.” He mumbled quietly, laying the kitten onto his chest gently as he laid down. “You’ve won. She can stay.” 
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• You were anxious. Saving and taking home a kitten was one thing. Telling Tseng another. He would freak out for sure. It wasn’t that he didn’t like animals, he did. Just not… inside the house. But that was exactly what was going on right now. You brought a kitten home without asking or telling him. And now as you were shopping for kitten-stuff you were trying to think of a way to tell Tseng. Yet, no matter how much you thought about it… nothing was coming. 
• Your heart stopped when you unlocked your door and realized you only had to turn the key once. Someone was already here. No, not someone. Tseng. You checked the time. He wasn’t due to come home for at least another two or three hours. You gulped. Maybe you were lucky and the kitten hid somewhere even Tseng couldn’t find it. 
• You weren't lucky. Tseng stood right behind the door, kitten in his head, glaring at you. “Care to explain?” He asked sternly. You bit your lip sheepishly and took the small kitten from him. “I found him in the slums... he was all alone, have some mercy.” You pleaded, cuddling the little fluffer. Tseng rolled his eyes. “I told you times and times before that I don’t want animals inside the house. What’s so hard to understand?!”
• You assured Tseng that it would only be for a little time, until you found another home for him. He agreed reluctantly. But he wasn’t really happy about it. You feared that the next few days would be the longest of your life. The atmosphere at home was more than tense. Until... something changed. You didn’t know how and you didn’t know when... but at one point the kitten purred his way into Tsengs heart. 
• He slept on Tseng’s chest at night. He climbed onto Tseng’s shoulder and stayed there whenever he could. At first, Tseng fought it... but withing a few days, he came to enjoy the attention. He even found himself actively bonding with him, playing with him, petting him... it was strange. He never thought that he would enjoy having a pet around. When you told him that you may have found a home for the little floofer, Tseng tensed up before saying the words you never thought you would hear: “No. He belongs to us.” 
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rintarous · 5 years
since ur angsty text BROKE my tiny heart (which it was rlly good btw good job 👏) how about some cuddling hcs with ur favorite bnha boys 🥺👉👈
a/n: i hope this fixes ur broken heart that i caused 😔 i got too carried away with kiri bc kiri rights kiri bEST BOY p.s kaminari’s hc turned into PG 13 im sorry 😔
bakugo katsuki:
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this mf right here
he’s that rough cuddler
cs mans never cuddled in his LIFE
and also the fact he’s a big ass tsundere
he’d probably give in once you hit the puppy eyes on him
which he can’t resist btw even if he won’t admit it
at first he’d be literally so stiff like kirishima’s quirk
and grunts every now and then
but as your cuddle sessions turned into weekly sessions which then turns into daily sessions,,,
he’d grow use to it and be the softest human alive
probably takes it up a notch and tell you to just lie down on his chest instead of being cuddled up to his side
like at some point in your cuddle sesh, expect this boi to rub circles on your back, your sides, ANYWHERE HE CAN GET HIS HANDS ON
which lulls you to sleep if you’re being honest ,,,
he’d be like: huh??? once you stop babbling about your day
and he looks down at you to find you sleeping peacefully
he has this satisfied smirk on his face
and don’t tell anyone but he steals a kiss every once in a while when he knows youre knocked out cold
he doesnt want you to know he’s just too soft for you and tease the living daylights out of him 
todoroki shoto:
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another mf who can’t cuddle to save a life
as someone who,,,, didn’t experience much affection at all
he’d be clueless on what to do
so i believe he’d be the small spoon when you two just started cuddling
mans would literally FREEZE in your arms, not knowing what to do in this position
but he really likes the feeling of his hair being brushed away
he’s just a kitty stuck in a human body alright !!!
he’s kinda stoic and not keen into showing emotions but you can feel the love radiating off of him
and once he finds the courage, he looks up at you saying “can i try being the big spoon?”
and just like bakugo, he’d be stiff and doesnt know what to do
as he is pretty dense at everything 
and you just tell him to relax and be comfortable at what hes doing
and sooner or later, he’d get the hang of it
when it’s cold outside, you cuddle to his left side
and when it’s hot, to his right side
most of the time tho, you’d cuddle up at his right side
cs you like it cold 
overall, he’d be an okay cuddler
and because of this, you prefer to be the big spoon
A+ for effort tho 
kirishima eijiro:
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unlike the other 2, this dude right here,,,
god at cuddling
knows his shit!!!!!!
even if you didn’t ask, he’d throw his arm over your shoulder casually no cap no cap
then he’d pull you to his side 
since he’s naturally a warm person so sooner or later you’d lean to his side
till your cheek is now squished against his side
which makes him go uwu mode
and almost stranggle you cs you were too cute 🥺
i swear im a bakugo stan-
kiri is just,, the manliest of the manly 
n e way 
he’s the type to trap you in his arms
if that doesnt say anything to u idk man 
he’s so loving that you might start crying whenever u think about this man
he’s the type to throw in that puppy eyes whenever you leave 
expect to cuddle with him literally when classes end
just a natural sweet sweet boi 🥺
midoriya izuku:
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izuwu here, probably thinks he knows what hes doing
but in reality he doesnt know what the fuck hes doing
he probably did his research about cuddling and all that shit the moment he got in a relationship with you
but thats okay!!! cs its the thought that counts !!! lmfao
he’s painfully stiff and tries really hard to make you comfortable
making you giggle 
cs izuku is just the cutest bean ever
he’d probably make that face when he was moving his head up and down when he was staring at his computer when he was a kid unironically as he cuddles you
“izuku, just relax!!!” you laughed at his distressed state 
“ehehehehe…. how”
so you end up being the big spoon
showing him how it’s done
and izuku just wanted to hide embarrassment cs he didn’t learn shit abt the stuff he’s been reading online 
he’s open to suggestions tho!!!
so once you hold him like the baby he is,,,
he gradually gets the jist of cuddling and wants to try it for himself
in his head: man being cuddled is way better 🥺
you find that he’s a bit comfortable now 
so every once in a while, he’d cuddle you but most of the time its you who cuddles him
but thats okay!! cs thats izuku who ur cuddling
and everything is just fine with you if its izuku
kaminari denki:
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another dude who knows wtf he’s doing
mostly bc he experienced this before hand
since denki is kinda flirty,,,,, he’d put his hand under your shirt
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
naturally a good cuddler
plus you get to charge your phone when you’re with him LMFAO
be careful when he sneezes tho,,,,
prepared to be shocked,, 
cuddles with him would usually mean endless gossip about anything or anyone 
when he’s feeling it he’d put his hand on your chest
with no malice or whatever, he’s just that type of dude to just hold ur bo*b
might give it a squeeze if he’s feeling brave LMAO
but mans doesnt mean any harm
it’s just he cant keep his hands to himself KJADSHAJHDJKA
since he’s pretty open about your relationship,,,
he’d cuddle with you in the common room
making everyone passing by lowkey gag 
“get a damn room” bakugo grumbles as he goes to the kitchen
my man kaminari cant live without physical affection y’all
and he’d probably brush ur hair away too damn what a man
tamaki amajiki: 
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cuddling with tamaki would be a damn miracle
cs it happened rarely
due to his,,,,, nervousness and shit
even asking you out almost made him pass out
if it werent for mirio and neijire, you two would never become canon at all
since he’s a nervous bub,, expect to be the big spoon
which is a good thing tbh cs all you wanna do is PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS
he’d intertwine your hands together and probably do that one face: ( ̄~ ̄)
but its okay!! cs it means progress amirite!!!!!
this boi mustve felt so sorry to you cs he’s the man in the relationship right?? so he gotta be the big spoon
so like overtime he’d muster all the courage he had left and ask to be the big spoon
you can literally feel him shake from the other side of the room when he asked you so quietly
“c-can i…. t-try to be the…….. ᵇᶦᵍ ˢᵖᵒᵒⁿ“
again,, he almost passes out when he barely catches you
so you two ended up cuddling on the floor
you can still feel him shake under you
but you squeeze his hand around you reassuringly and kiss his cheek
“you’re doing so well my baby”
and my dude turns into a dark shade of red
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hypfic · 4 years
Ppssssttt i've got a fluffy Samatoki x GF reader one for ya! Can you get the GF to bring home an stray kitten to Samatokis apartment as hers dont allow pets and Samatoki gets jealous if the attention it recieves? ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤
it was raining out today and I had a dream about finding a stray kitty last night so I was rather inspired today to get this one done! I hope you enjoy it!
    The rain fell quietly on the pavement as you began your walk home from work. You gripped the umbrella handle tight to your chest as a gust of wind blew in from the nearby seaside. Whenever it rained in Yokohama, it always got cold and the air always smelled like a mix of dew and salt. On rainy days like this, you would rather be at home cuddled under a blanket on the couch with your boyfriend. Work was rather slow today, so your boss let you go home early, which you gratefully accepted. You quickly walked through the streets, excited to get home to the warmth of your apartment before Samatoki came to pick you up. While waiting at the crosswalk, you heard a quiet cry from the bushes beside you. You furrowed your brow and decided to ignore it, rocking on your heels as you waited for the light to turn red so you could cross. However, the cries became more prominent and demanding. 
    “What on earth?” You muttered to yourself as you turned on your heel and walked toward the bushes, sighing as you saw the light turn out the corner of your eye. At this rate, you were going to be late for your night with Samatoki, no time to change out of your work clothes either. 
    You crouched by the side of the bush and pushed a section of leaves away with your free hand. Placing your bag on the floor, you held the umbrella under your chin as you reached out and pulled the wet creature out from captivity. You looked down at the small kitten in your hand, expression softening as you watched it shake in the warmth of your hands. You took off your coat and wrapped the small cat inside, shuddering at the cold wind. It was better that you shiver than it. You walked quickly down the street, the lack of your warm layer motivating you to reach your destination faster. Samatoki’s apartment was closer… and the deeper the night grew, the colder it became. Hopefully, he hadn’t left yet...
    The door to Samatoki’s opened before you could knock. A surprising look of concern on his face. 
    “Y/n! Your hair is soaked… and why is your jacket off? Did something happen? Come inside, I don’t want you getting a cold.” He opened the door and ushered you in, walking to the linen closet to grab you a towel. Samatoki returned and draped the towel over your shoulders, taking your bag and umbrella from your arm. “You can hang your coat up, or do you want to run it through the dryer?”
    “Uhm…. well, maybe so, yes… but also um…” You slowly moved your coat to reveal the kitten underneath. “I found it walking home… and it looked so cold and helpless and it's so small… I couldn't just leave it there… my apartment complex doesn’t allow pets so I just brought it here...”
    The tiny cat moved in your arms and perched itself to look at Samatoki with curious eyes. You giggled as Samatoki squinted at the cat and bent down to stare at it. 
    “Oi, listen to me furball, you better understand how lucky you are to be rescued by y/n, ok? She went out of her way to keep you warm so you wouldn’t die in the rain, and now she’s gonna get sick all cause she used her coat to keep you warm. Ya understand that?”
The cat only meowed in response.
    You rolled your eyes and blushed before bending down and setting the kitten on the floor. “Babe, it’s just a kitten… are you jealous?~” a smirk grew on your face. “Awwww~ Samatoki’s jealous of the kitty~” you teased, using your towel to wrap around his neck and pull him closer to you. “Don’t worry darling, you’re still my number one, you just aren’t tiny and freezing in the rain. Don’t get any ideas either,” you warned before pecking his lips.
    You slung the towel over your shoulder and wandered into Samatoki’s kitchen, opening the pantry and searching for something to feed the stray cat. There wasn’t much suitable for a cat there… so you moved to the fridge. You smiled successfully as you spotted some leftover tuna from your sushi date a few nights ago. 
    “This should still be good…” You brought the carton up to your nose and sniffed the fish. Then, you grabbed a small rice bowl from the china cabinet and placed the fish inside after cutting it into small pieces. 
    Samatoki sighed as he leaned against the entryway to the kitchen, crossing his arms and watching as you cared for the kitten. It was endearing to see you care for the tiny animal, your kind heart was always something he loved about you. He found himself smiling softly as you laid on the floor with the cat, petting its head as it drank water and ate. 
    He came over to sit next to you, pulling you into his lap. “We’ll take it to the vet tomorrow morning and see if it belongs to anyone… and if not… I suppose we could keep it here if you’d like. Maybe it’ll persuade you to move in with me, huh?” 
    You shook your head with a smile, turning to kiss your boyfriend’s cheek. “I can’t believe you’re jealous of a kitten. It’s kinda cute though… you’re like a little puppy~”
    Samatoki’s ears turned red and he huffed, moving his arms away from you consequently. 
    You frowned as you felt his arms move away from your waist, “Wait! Babe! No! I was teasing! Come on, are you that embarrassed?”
    “Tch. No, your clothes are just wet. Let me grab some of mine for you to change into.”
    “Hm, fine.” You moved off his lap and followed him to the bedroom, smiling giddily to yourself. Samatoki only offered you his clothes when he was feeling jealous or possessive, you couldn’t believe all it took to get him like this was a kitten!
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Curiosity Killed The Cat | Owen Patrick Joyner
Requested: Yes/No
Hi! I was wondering if you can do an Owen imagine kinda based off his Instagram story of him finding a cat. I was thinking he’d actually find the missing cat though and come ring your doorbell at 4am bc he’s chaotic. You can decide everything. Thank you in advance!!!
A/N: The cat doesn’t actually die in this, it’s just a saying that i liked for the title, so don’t worry! It’s got a happy ending!
Pairing: Owen x Fem!Reader
Song(s) used: none 
Warnings: none
Words: 3,949
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A week. It had been exactly one week since y/n last saw her cat, Tunabean. The white, grey striped Ragamuffin cat had been absent from y/n’s apartment for way longer than she normally would be and it worried y/n to the point where she’d be out looking for the little rascal every night after work. 
“Found her yet?” Jamila asked as she entered y/n’s apartment after coming home from work. 
Jamila was y/n’s roommate and best friend since college. The two had lived together through their college career and decided to be roommates after too, as long as neither had significant others to go live with. 
“No,” y/n’s lip stuck out into a pout as she feverishly reposted the message on all her social media platforms. “People have been tearing down my posters as well. Did you see the ones near Andrews Park? They were torn to shreds!” 
Jamila pulled her lips into a tight smile before putting her bags on the dining room table and joining y/n on the couch. “Yeah, I saw. I’m really sorry, y/n. If you want, we can go and put up some more posters? Exchange the torn up ones with some fresh ones?”
“You’d do that for me?” 
“Of course! Sweetie, I’d do anything to get little Bean home, you know that, right?” y/n nodded her head in response, though she wasn’t sure if she knew that. 
Jamila wasn’t the biggest fan of Tunabean at first. She hated cats. Growing up, she’d always had a dog but never a cat. She didn’t trust the little rascals for one second. So, when y/n showed up with little Tunabean after having had what felt like the worst week of her life, Jamila was a tiny bit angry. But eventually warmed up to Tunabean when the little kitty seemed so placid, you could easily cuddle up to it on the sofa. 
“Let’s go find Zach at his work, bribe him to print me more posters for cheap, hang ‘em up around town and then maybe Tino’s?” Jamila’s eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite restaurant. 
She snapped her fingers and pointed finger guns at her best friend. “Sounds like a plan!” she said and wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck. It was a cold November day and no person could leave their house consciously without being bundled up into layers and layers of clothing.  
“I hope Bean didn’t hide under a car and the owner didn’t tap the hood before getting in…” y/n muttered, her voice thick with worry, as they exited the apartment building and stepped into the blistering cold. 
“I’m sure she just found a few boyfriends and is spending her time with them,” Jamila tried to reassure her, but knew all-too-well that Tunabean wouldn’t stay away this long, even if she had a lover cat to make little kittens with. She loved Jamila and y/n’s home too much. 
“Are you slut shaming my cat right now?” 
“Our cat,” Jamila corrected, causing a smile to find its way to y/n’s face, “And no, I am not. I’m just trying to be optimistic here, y/n.” Jamila tucked her cold hands into the pockets of her tan peacoat. “I’m sure Tunabean is alright.” 
“What if she isn’t though? What if she’s like meowing somewhere in the middle of Norman and no one to hear her pleas?” Jamila rolled her eyes at how dramatic her best friend was being.  
“Norman ain’t that big, sweetie. I’m sure if she’s meowing somewhere, we would’ve heard her already.” 
“Exactly! Which means she’s either dead or god knows anywhere! She could be in Oklahoma City! We don’t know that!” y/n exclaimed loudly, using excessive hand gestures more so to keep herself warm than emphasis. 
Jamila stopped in her tracks and grabbed y/n by the shoulders, stopping her too. “Stop being such a drama queen, y/n! I’m sure Tunabean is fine. Maybe she’s on an adventure or making new friends, you don’t know that!” 
“You don’t care about our child, admit it,” y/n muttered. This rendered Jamila silent. “Admit you don’t care about our child, Jam!” Passer-byers shot them a weirded out glare, which Jamila sent right back. 
“Oh, please! Don’t pretend there are no lesbian families in Norman too!” she yelled at them. The comical side of the whole situation made y/n laugh a tiny bit. “There’s that smile I like to see.” Jamila softly touched y/n’s chin with her knuckle before grabbing the girl’s hand in hers. The warmth of Jamila’s hand radiating through to y/n’s made her feel all toasty. “Let’s go print some posters!”  
The girls reached a one-storey building with red decrepit letters stuck to the roof. 
As y/n opened the glass door and held it for Jamila to walk in, the smell of ink reached her nostrils. Though not a very traditional scent to love, it reminded y/n of one of her best friends. It was like  her brain just knew that the muscles in her cheeks would soon start to hurt thanks to Zachary. A boy the girls had met in college as Xana. 
Jamila spotted the bleached blonde mop of hair immediately and signaled to y/n to sneak up to him. On their tippy toes, the two approached the tall slender man, and when they were close enough, they took in a deep breath and-- “Don’t even think about it,” Zach mumbled without even looking at them. 
Jamila and y/n glanced at each other, cheeks puffed out from the breath they were holding. “How’d you--?” y/n didn’t even finish her sentence as she looked past Zach and her eyes landed on a tiny tv screen. Cameras, of course. 
“Since when do you have security cameras?” y/n asked as she hopped onto the counter Zach was sorting invoices on. 
He shrugged, “Sometime this week, I think.” His bright blue eyes met y/n’s as she sheepishly looked at him while kicking her legs. The boy sighed exasperated, knowing all too well what the girls are here for. “No. Not again.” 
“Please, Zachy! Tunabean is still missing and her posters have been ripped down!” Her eyes teared up at the thought of her kitty being out there all by herself in Norman. All she could hope was that the creepy dudes from Doyle’s didn’t get their filthy paws on her little princess. 
“Come on, Zach. You love that cat too!” Jamila chimed in, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at him knowingly. 
“Fine, come here,” he reached out his hand and y/n handed him the thumb drive on which she kept her self-made posters. “You’re gonna have to buy me Tino’s though.” 
“We were going there afterwards, if you wanna join?” y/n’s voice was teasing and sly. 
“I’m off at five,” he simply stated before pressing a few buttons on his desktop and waking up the printer closest to them. “How long has she been gone for?” he then asked after a few beats of silence. Y/N dropped her head and stared at her still moving legs for a moment. 
“About a week,” she replied. 
Zach pulled his lips into a tight smile. He reached his hand out and placed it gently on top of hers. “She’ll come back.” 
“How can you be so sure? She might be hurt somewhere or dead and I won’t even know. I won’t even be able to say goodbye to her.” Tears pooled in y/n’s eyes as she thought of the sweet little kitten she had found in a ‘take one for free’ box on a curb one day. She was the last one left. 
“I’m not sure, y/n. But I’d like to be optimistic. Besides, Tunabean is resilient and the most independent kitty I’ve ever known. She’ll survive. She’s probably out adventuring with some friends.” 
Though the words weren’t very reassuring and y/n knew she had every right to be worried, they did calm her down a little. Tunabean was resilient and extremely independent. She’ll find her way back home.    
“I’ll see you guys later, bye!” Owen waved at his friends as he stepped into the cold November night. It was 4 am and he was just returning home from a day spent with friends. He had fallen asleep during the movie, only waking up in the middle of the night, realizing his parents were probably worrying about him, seeing he’d told them he’d be home by midnight at the latest. 
He softly hummed along to the song that was playing in his head as he walked down West Main Street, his hands tucked deep into his pockets to try and keep them warm. He should’ve brought a thicker coat or a thicker jumper. 
“Ah, mister Joyner!” a familiar voice with a thick accent made him shake out of his train of thought about the cold. The friendly face of the robust Italian greeted him in the dim light of the restaurant behind him. 
“Still working, Tino?” Owen asked as he stopped in his tracks to talk to the man everyone in Norman, Oklahoma loved. 
“Already back at work, ragazzino!” he replied in his thick Italian accent. Owen always thought it was fake and just for show to lure clients, so that they knew he was a pure Italian man, sharing his love for the Italian cuisine in his restaurant. 
“At four in the morning?!” Owen exclaimed, stunned at the man’s determination for his job. 
“Deliveries don’t wait, signore.” His laugh boomed into the empty, dark streets of Norman. Owen couldn’t help but let out a laugh too while his eyes averted and landed on a poster in the window. A black-and-white picture of a small cat stared back at him.  
Grey-and-white striped ragamuffin cat, listens to the name Tunabean. 
“She’s been missing for a week, the poor girl who owns her is worried sick,” Tino told Owen when he noticed what he was looking at. The blond twenty-year-old pressed his lips together. He only ever had a dog that had never run away, but he could imagine what it would be like to not know where your pet is. He would totally lose it if Bindi ever went missing. 
“I feel sorry for her,” Owen said, unsure of anything else to say. 
“Yeah, me too,” said Tino. “Keep an eye out for Tunabean, yeah?” 
“I will.” 
And with that, Owen continued his walk back home. The cat on the poster kept haunting his mind. Those big eyes were something he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. Thanks to said image plastered in his brain, he even started hearing meowing when he got to Andrews Park. It was a soft, fragile meow that had to echo through his brain for a few seconds before he realized it actually came from the bushes he was walking past as he passed through Andrews Park. 
Curiously, and kind of feverishly, Owen started to dig into the shrubbery until he found a tiny cat. “Oh, don’t worry, little one. I got you.” He said as he carefully detangled it from the branches. As he held it up to his face, he found the big, round eyes from the poster staring back at him in real life. “Tunabean?” he cooed, and the cat tilted its head ever so slightly. 
He stroked the cat’s head and scratched behind her ear before pulling it closer into his chest. She was shivering, but Owen wasn’t sure if it was from the cold or the fear. If she’d been missing for a week, God knows how long she must’ve been stuck in there. 
“You hurt, little one?” he mumbled to it as he absentmindedly made his way to the one person he knew could help. 
“Owen,” Emmy groaned when she’d opened the door to find him standing on the curb with a pout on his face. “It’s four in the morning, I have to be up in an hour for work.” 
“That’s why I’m here,” he said and showed her the cat he had tucked in his jacket to keep it warm. “I found her in the bushes near Andrews Park. Can you check if she’s okay?” Emmy’s eyes darted from the cat to Owen and back. “Please, Emmy? You’re the only one I know could help her out.” 
“Come on in,” she sighed, clearly disgruntled at the early wakeup call. But she couldn’t say no to a little kitty in need. She’d been rescuing animals since she was a little girl, she wasn’t going to leave this one in the dust. 
Owen placed the cat on the table as it meowed and nudged Owen’s hand with her head. “It’s okay, Tunabean, Emmy here is gonna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Tunabean?” Emmy asked as she put on latex gloves. 
“Yeah, I think it’s the cat from the missing posters you see all around town?” 
Emmy gingerly took the cat in her gloved hands and started her check-up. “Ah, yes! My brother and his buddies took some of them down, thinking they were ‘rebellious’.” She rolled her eyes. “You gonna bring her back?” 
“Of course, Tino said the owner was worried sick about her.” 
Emmy smiled at this. Owen had always been the compassionate one in their friend group. He’d only act upon things if he was sure it wouldn’t hurt anyone else. Though, sometimes that compassion vanished when they were with their friends and he got a ‘brilliant’ idea, which was most likely kind of dangerous. 
“Oh, look,” Emmy whispered as she showed Tunabean’s paw. There was a thorn stuck in the little pad. “Poor thing! Hold her for a second, please? I’m gonna get my tweezers to get it out.” Owen placed a hand on the cat’s stomach, his fingers lightly scratching at the white fur. 
Emmy returned with everything she needed, and within a few seconds, Tunabean was freed from the thorn in her paw and back on her feet. She suddenly seemed a lot more peppy than she was before. 
“Let’s get you home, yeah?” Owen said as he scooped the kitten back up into his arms, holding it close to his chest. Emmy took her gloves off and scratched the cat’s head. 
“Goodbye, Tunabean,” she cooed, earning licks from her rough little tongue. “Ooh, I think I got the girl’s address here somewhere. Tunabean is Anna’s client and we’ve got them in the system.” 
As quickly as she’d said it, she’d handed the address over to Owen. After thanking her profusely, Owen went on his way with the cat tucked safely in his jacket for warmth. 
He was nervous as it was already five in the morning and the woman most definitely was still asleep. But he didn’t want to keep her in even more suspense and worry about her cat as she already was. 
“Hello?” a sleepy voice sounded through the intercom. 
“Hi, I’m Owen, I think I got your cat, Tunabean?” 
A silence fell, only Tunabean’s sleepy snoring disrupting the peace and quiet of the night. The poor girl had fallen asleep in Owen’s arms. He almost felt sad he had to give her away again. 
It took a good minute before the door to the apartment building opened up and a girl in red flannel pj’s opened the door. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with big strands falling out of it. Though she’d probably rather not be seen like this out in public, Owen thought she looked breathtaking, even in the dim light from the hallway of her corridor and the street lights. 
“You really got Tunabean?” she asked as she held onto the door, squishing herself in the small opening she’d granted herself. Owen opened his jacket and carefully showed her the cat who’d woken up from her slumber. “Tunabean!” the girl exclaimed and grabbed the grey pet from the boy’s hands. Their fingers brushed ever so slightly, and though y/n was too busy with her cat, Owen felt it. He felt the spark. 
“I would invite you inside for a drink to thank you, but my roommate is still asleep and I don’t want to wake her.” Owen held up his hand, a smile tugging at his lips as he shook his head. 
“That’s okay. I don’t need a reward. I’m just glad I could reunite the two of you again,” he said, smiling at the girl and her cat. “Oh! She did have a thorn in her paw though, but my friend is a vet and I took her to her for a check-up before I came here.” 
“Aw, poor Bean,” she scratched the cat’s head before turning back to the blonde boy. “Thank you. That’s very considerate of you.” He tipped his head forward, the smile still persistent on his lips. 
“Glad I could help,” he repeated, jamming his hands into the pockets of his jacket again. “I’m gonna go though. I’m sure you’d rather go back to sleep right now than talk to a complete stranger on your doorstep.” 
“Oh, uhm, okay… Goodbye then? And thank you again for bringing Tunabean back.” 
Owen took a few steps backwards as he said, “You’re most welcome. Goodbye, Tunabean and…” 
“Goodbye Tunabean and y/n.” His eyes lingered on hers for a few more seconds before he turned around to really make his way home now, no distractions. 
“Wait! I didn’t catch yours!” she whisper-shouted after him. 
He turned again, but kept walking. “Owen,” he said. 
“Goodbye, Owen.” She grabbed Tunabean’s paw and waved at him with it, causing a giggle to rake through Owen’s body. With his hand still in his pocket, he waved back. 
The more distance he created between them, the bigger his smile became as he thought of her. She was the epitome of a beautiful dream come to life. It made him wonder what she’d look like if she did put effort into her appearance. That could just be the death of him. 
After two more hours of sleep, the alarm blaring through her room woke y/n from a beautiful dream with the mysterious blonde boy that rang her doorbell very early in the morning. It caused her to wake up with the thought of him, wondering if she’d ever see him again. 
“Morning,” she greeted Jamila when she found her best friend in the living room, gathering all her stuff. “Guess who came home last night!” As if on cue, the little cat pattered across the hardwood floor towards the dark beauty that was Jamila. Her eyes widened as did her smile upon seeing the white-and-grey ragamuffin. 
“Bean!” Jamila shrieked as she knelt down to pick the four-legged friend off the floor. “Oh, baby! I missed you!” She peppered the cat with kisses, receiving the kisses back from her tiny pink tongue. “Where’d you find him?” 
“Oh, I didn’t. This guy, Owen, did. He brought her back at, like, five in the morning,” y/n explained as she absentmindedly smiled at the thought of those pretty blue-ish eyes. 
“And this Owen guy is pretty cute, isn’t he?” Jamila asked upon noticing her best friend’s flustered demeanor. “Did you ask for his number?” Y/N rolled her eyes before she started gathering her things she needed for work. 
“It was five in the morning, I had just woken up and I was too busy with Tunabean’s return to even think of that,” she explained, mostly cursing at herself for not asking his number. “Besides, I looked disgusting, I doubt he thought I was the epitome of beauty.” 
Jamila simply shook her head, debating against saying any more about it before pressing a kiss to y/n’s cheek and leaving the apartment. 
A silence fell over the space, leaving y/n alone with her thoughts. Her beautiful, yet annoying thoughts of the handsome boy at her front door. “He was handsome, wasn’t he, Tunabean?” she asked her cat, who simply tilted her head to the side as she sat in front of y/n on the floor. 
Once y/n had gathered her stuff for work today, she said goodbye to Tunabean and left the apartment. She was fumbling around in her handbag to look for her car keys when a vaguely familiar voice made her look up. 
The gorgeous blue eyes she’d been dreaming of for two whole hours were staring down at her whilst the plump pink lips curled up into a dreamy smile. “Oh, hey, Owen.” 
“I wanted to come and check up on Tunabean,” he carefully said, pointing up at the building she’d just come out of. “You know, see if she’s okay and stuff.” He suddenly seemed nervous. More nervous than he did at five in the morning. 
“Uhm, she’s okay, actually. Slept well and seemed very chipper this morning,” y/n reassured him, a smile playing at her lips as her eyes scanned his face. She made sure to make a mental note of every single detail of his face. Like how he stuck his tongue between his teeth as he smiled or how his eyes squinted slightly or the stubble faintly growing on his chin. 
“Oh, okay, good. That’s--that’s all, then…” He awkwardly coughed. 
Y/N awaited anything else, her eyes darting left and right as they just fumblingly stood on the curb in front of y/n’s apartment. “I-uhm… I have to get to work though, so…” She pointed somewhere behind Owen, indicating she needed to pass him and get going. 
“Right!” he said and took a step aside to let her through. She offered him a little wave and a soft ‘bye’ as she passed him. He watched her walk away, cursing at himself for not asking what he really wanted to ask. “Wait!” he yelled, making her stop in her tracks and turn around again with an expectant look on her face. “That’s-that’s not what I wanted to ask. I mean it was, but it wasn’t the only thing I wanted to ask.” He scratched the back of his neck as y/n’s eyes searched for an answer on his face. 
Y/N looked at him with a piercing glint in her eyes, urging him to continue. 
“Oh, right! Uhm… Would you -- would you maybe wanna go have a drink with me later today? Or something?” Her smile grew wider as she slowly nodded her head in response. 
“I’m off at five. Meet me at Gray Owl then,” she told him before turning to walk away. 
Owen was left on her curb, wondering if he had died. He thought she looked pretty when she’d just rolled out of bed, but now that she was all dolled up for work, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And that smile. That smile was killer. 
She was more than the epitome of a dream come to life. She was beauty and grace. She was a poem and the poet. She was the lyrics and the melody. She was the question and the answer. 
Owen grew more and more curious about that girl the more he thought of her. He wanted to know what she liked and what she absolutely hated. He wanted to know how she laughed and how she cried, if she sang whenever her mind wandered. He wanted to know how she liked her eggs in the morning. 
Even though he knew curiosity killed the cat, he knew for a fact the cat in this story was just the beginning of something beautiful. 
JATP taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti
Owen taglist: @alexpjoyner
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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