#and like it means the boycott is working which is great but i just really really hope the members don’t take it to heart
booskwan · 1 year
i feel so sad seeing how e’last’s comeback is going in terms of views but that company should not be supported
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female-malice · 1 year
AMELIA STRICKLER: Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney's offensive parody makes a total mockery of female athletes like me 
It Is so offensive, it reminds me of a routine by a chauvinist male comedian from the 1970s. Dylan Mulvaney, a TikTok influencer and performer, leaps around wearing Nike leggings and a sports bra. Their exaggerated movements seem to me to parody a woman’s exercise routine.
Mulvaney, a biological male who first openly identified as ‘transgender’ in March last year, has been signed by the world’s biggest sports company to promote women’s clothing. I am a GB shot putter who has won the British title twice and competed in the Commonwealth Games. I am a European finalist and world championship finalist.
I know how many years of training it takes, often at great personal cost, to reach the top levels of sport.
And I know what it is to be a woman.
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In the video advert, Mulvaney frankly appears to be laughing in the face of female athletes like me – and any other woman or girl who wants to better themselves physically.
I’ve been a shot putter since I was ten. Life in professional athletics requires grit and determination. It doesn’t involve dancing around, grinning inanely.
It means getting up at the crack of dawn to train, keeping going when every muscle in your body is screaming at you to stop, forgoing time with friends and family and being utterly single-minded. And because so few female athletes attract sponsorship from giants like Nike, we often have to fit training and competing around other paid work.
For many years, I had two jobs to support my shot putting career. Recently I found a private sponsor through my athletics club Thames Valley Harriers, which enables me to keep competing.
But most female athletes don’t have that advantage. Women get 1 per cent of all sports sponsorship money – and yet to see Nike willing to shell out however many thousands it is to Mulvaney – who, remember, has not fully ‘transitioned’ to female – is utterly demoralising.
Nike likes to harp on about how it champions women: last year it announced an ‘Athletes Think Tank’ to help ‘serve today’s women athletes’, while a 2021 campaign praised mums for being ‘the toughest athletes’.
All well and good – but contrast these warm words with Nike’s actions towards the female athletes it actually sponsored. Women such as Olympic runner Alysia Montano were subject to ‘performance-based reductions’ – amounting to a 70 per cent pay cut – when they were unable to race due to being pregnant or having just given birth. In other words, penalised for being a woman.
Following a public outcry, Nike amended its policy to allow women 18 months off around pregnancy, but this latest publicity stunt reveals just how little the company really cares about women in sport.
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It would be better to invest some of the money given to attention-seeking influencers such as Mulvaney to develop better sportswear for biological women.
In nearly a decade of competing at the top level, I have yet to find a decent sports bra: I have to wear two at once.
Modelling a bra on someone who has a male torso is an insult to those of us with female bodies.
At the track yesterday, many fellow female athletes were deeply upset by Nike’s apparent contempt for our sport. As one said – and I agree – ‘I’m glad Nike isn’t my sponsor.’
Women are still fighting for true equality in sport – we’ve made progress, but there’s a long way to go. We don’t need a big brand such as Nike to bring it down with crass campaigns. I agree with Sharron Davies – women should boycott Nike. If they refuse to support women in sport, then why should we support them?
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starlingflight · 1 month
can you post another sneak peak of your fic oh pretty please 🥹
Hello, anon!
I'm assuming you mean Bewitched?
If yes, you can have the snippet I shared for @greenhouse-seven's Cheer Squad this morning (from chapter 1):
“Hello Harry,” Luna said, flashing a quick smile in his direction before returning her focus to the book in her hands. “I'm just helping someone, but I'll be with you in a moment.” 
Harry nodded, but he hardly seemed to be listening to Luna at all. His eyes settled on Ginny from across the room; suddenly the shop seemed a great deal smaller than it had two minutes ago. “Don't worry, Luna – I was actually looking for Ginny.” He lifted a small, recognisable cardboard box up for her inspection. “Ron’s using me as his delivery man.” 
Ginny held out a hand, eager to accept the package. “Never tell him I said this, but Ron is an angel.” 
Harry crossed the shop, stooping to avoid potential decapitation from the chandelier, and placed the small box in front of her on the counter. He laughed and shook his head in fond exasperation. “I solemnly swear, I'll do everything in my power to make sure your brother doesn't know you appreciate him.” 
“Good. I have to keep his ego in check – it's my duty as his little sister.” Ginny pulled on the delicate twine that had been used to hold the box closed. A rush of heat hit her as the lid popped open; she leant forward inhaling deeply, closing her eyes to savour the smell of spiced cinnamon and sweet caramel. 
Harry leaned on the opposite side of the counter. His flannel shirt sleeves were pushed up to his elbows and the tendons in his forearms flexed; Ginny’s mouth went dry, temporarily distracted from the rapidly cooling pastries in front of her. 
“I've been looking everywhere for you,” Harry said, happily impervious to the effect even his most miniscule movements had on Ginny's traitorous body. “I thought you'd be at the office.” 
Ginny forced her gaze away from his arms, back to his face – which was sadly no less distracting – she swallowed thickly and ripped off a piece of pastry to give her useless hands something to do. “I finished my column early – I only have half my usual space this week. You know how mad this village goes for Halloween. Sports isn't at the top of anybody's agenda.” 
She popped the piece of pastry in her mouth. The dough was so soft it practically dissolved on Ginny's tongue, coating it in a rich sweetness that went some way to dispelling the bitterness of having her work be so thoroughly disrespected. 
Harry scowled and shook his head. “I'll skip my copy this week then.” 
“Thanks,” Ginny said, smiling into the box as she tore off more caramel-coated dough. “I hope your boycott shows my editor the importance of my contribution.” 
“If not, I can get Hermione to write them a strongly worded letter.” 
She looked up, her eyes meeting his. They shone emerald green, lit not by the flickering candlelight, but by amusement she knew was reflected in her own face. 
“Let's not jump straight to the nuclear option, save Hermione for the people who really deserve her wrath.” 
“Okay,” Harry agreed reluctantly, his gaze dropping from Ginny's. She ignored the pang of regret in her chest that wished a moment like that could stretch on forever, that he wanted it her like she wanted him. “But, my boycott is going ahead as planned.” 
Luna shuffled around the back of the counter before Ginny could begin to formulate a response to that. “Hi Harry,” she said, bending to replace the battered recipe book in its customary spot beneath the counter. “Oh, you've brought Ginny a present, that's nice. She needs cheering up.” 
Harry frowned at her, the piece of crescent-shaped pastry he'd been in the process of lifting to his lips hung limply from his fingers. “Why do you need cheering up?” 
“I don't –” Ginny began, resisting the urge to glare at Luna, an action which would only lend her friend's words credibility. 
“She’s just escaped an awful date,” Luna said. Apparently her supposed ability to read auras didn't grant her any sensitivity to the waves of hostility radiating from Ginny. 
“A date?” Harry repeated. 
“It wasn't that bad,” Ginny mumbled. 
“A date with who?” 
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dear-indies · 4 months
hi there! (firstly, free palestine!) secondly, i'm genuinely asking for advice here, I feel like such an awful person and am unsure what to do. half of my muse list is either on the blackout celeb list, briefly mentioned on the alleged zionist list (meaning, they were coerced into signing biden's letter or liked a post, etc) or on both sides, unfortunately. now, i've been on tumblr for years and years, and i've worked really hard into creating these characters from scratch. I love them but I dislike changing faceclaims, and would scrap the entire muse all together, if I could. does it make me a bad person to want to keep them? roleplaying is about your comfort level and happiness, as long as both parties are comfortable. the only time I can consider (in the past) when someone dislikes a faceclaim is when they were REALLY disgusting to another person, physically, for example. and i've noticed plenty of writers on tumblr, just continuing on with their lives (acting like they live under a rock, don't care, so on and so forth, as these are just faces we use, rather than actual humans on television.) so, i'm unsure. I don't want to stop writing with the people I love, but I don't want to be called out and slapped a label on. thanks for your patience and time, and hopefully you can help me. have a good one. xx
hey! honestly there is so much wrong with this ask but since you want my advice, i don't know how you can say "free palestine" and then question if you should still use zionists and people that palestinians have asked to block/boycott for their silence. also, "when someone dislikes a faceclaim" who have done "REALLY disgusting to another person," that include people supporting genocide too.
for me, since roleplaying is about my comfort, i'd feel uncomfortable using somebody for one of my characters who has shown support such evil things and if that doesn't make you uncomfortable then i don't know what to tell you.
fuck zionists. fuck isr*el. and fuck people making excuses.
like sure, some celebrities have came out saying they're sorry for being silent or being uneducated and have since educated themselves and are now doing all they can which is great. but a lot of people are not using their platforms and privilege. even those that have been "coerced into signing biden's letter or liked a post".
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dearweirdme · 1 year
You know you are right in saying that company sabotaging Tae is a sensitive topic and everyone has their views which can get messy. I respect your blog and your wishes to post your content however, I sometimes think you lack knowledge in the old happenings of BTS or aren't able to cover full content deeply. Please don't take it as something like I am taunting you. I understand you have a life outside fandom and no-one has the right to dictate what you should consume. I simply wanted to present a case that there might be a lot of things you might not notice maybe due to lack of time, interest or any justified reason. But that doesn't mean there might not be truth to sabotaging thing. You are also correct in stating that every solo fandom have problems with the bighit though that doesn't mean Tae is not being exploited. It maybe a heavier word I couldn't find the correct one.
My point is as you state that every member has unique bonds with each member and different level of skinship there is consistency in taekook which I accept though I am not a taekooker (I think I am on the road to be on one after reading your blog). Sorry I am digressing. All I am saying you should also look at consistency of bighit behaviour with Taehyung throught the years. I'll leave a link for you. Not everything would be objective but one can really find reality by looking at original content (as you always mention).
Your point of why would bighit sabotage Taehyung when he is filling their pockets is also valid. But again as you say things are not always black and white. I don't presume to know reasons but I can't turn an eye on evidence. I think as a Korean I understand the situation differently. Here, loyalty towards family is extremely important. Youngsters (millenials) are expected to be loyal to their elders and family even if you think they are not being fair to you. though youth are now more aware. Taehyung, is very unique. I don't think he has any love for company and pdnim but he is extremely loyal to his members. His patience, understanding, going out of the company to seek work for his solo era and yet be ready to re-sign is for members and not the company.
I think we should really see - what company is doing rather than asking why would they do it? My intention is not here to change anyone's views not I am asking you to boycott bighit. I am just presenting my views. Sorry for the long ask and my English and my inability to explain. Thank you for reading 🙏🏻
Hi anon!
Your English is fine, don’t worry about it at all 😊.
I am a relevantly newer fan. So there are absolutely things I’ve missed, though I am aware of the things that twitter thread mentioned. What I am definitely lacking is the vibe and feeling of certain situations. And this topic specifically is not something I am able to research well through looking at Run BTS, interviews, Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Bon Voyage, etc. I by no means think Bighit treats Tae (and the other members) well. I think they have consistently neglected taking care of the guys’s mental states. Tae has obviously suffered from it, and I think him having to stay a hidden member was very cruel, no matter what the reason behind that was.
Labels/music companies have only one goal, and that is to make money. They will do whatever they think best and the artists will just have to put up with it. There’s countless stories of artists being treated badly by their companies. I absolutely see that with BTS and Bighit as well.
What is the alternative though, if they were to choose a different company? Would things be better? From what I’ve heard other Korean companies are worse. Western companies certainly aren’t great as well and will not understand the members cultural background. So is there actually a better alternative?
When I talk about this (and yes I do so reluctantly) it’s with the present in mind. And I do not directly see signs of Bighit sabotaging Tae. They do promo, they give him opportunities, he seems happy to me, and his album is doing well. For me to think they were sabotaging him at this point, I’d have to see different things. There are actual cases of companies sabotaging their artists, and that includes having their music put on hold, never being allowed to publish an album, and worse things. Is the company fair to Tae? probably not. If boycotting them would be possible and actually help make things better for the guys, I’d probably join, because I think the music business as a whole could do with a reorganization.
I do see your point and I thank you for your insight on this 😊.
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The great regular sleep experiment of 2024 part "I think I'm fucked"
Well, I went to be around 8pm, slept what felt like a decent 4 hours, started having weird vivid dreams that happen when I'm done getting restful sleep, and then when I got up and looked at the clock it was only 11:30, after laying around in bed for a while trying to go back to sleep.
So one REM cycle... 2 hours -ish
The weird things are that:
It did actually feel like restful sleep, even if my body is sore
I feel perfectly alert
If I was hyperthyroid enough to cause this level of insomnia, I'd be having extreme cardiac symptoms all day even before what covid did to my heart and that isn't happening [not that I am getting zero chest pains]. I'm running a little hot and hungry but not even problematically asides from it contributing maybe to not sleeping.
I'm not having to force myself awake anymore except occasionally just after 5 am during grocery time
I am not getting the extra *symptoms* insomnia usually comes with anymore, I would actually not realize I wasn't sleeping if I wasn't paying attention to the clock, currently [and maybe the sleep headache thing].
So unless I slept from 8pm on the 10th until past 11 on the 11th without noticing... I am getting what feels like actually restful sleep for at least 2 REM cycles per day, one in the morning, and one at night... But ONLY that much. And my morning shift is fucked up now too when it was stable.
The 6th weird thing is while I am sore in a way I would compare to doing crossfit face-first... I am not nearly as sore and not at all sleepy, compare to what I should be for sleeping less than 4 hours per day.
Usually this level of mental alertness on this little sleep is what happens when I take certain anti-depression meds and metabolize them weird. And -regardless of how it's happened- usually comes with something akin to mania, that has had me misdiagnosed as bipolar or manic depressive before [before they acknowledged the upswings were too slow, stable, and lasted months at a time and were my thyroid]. But like, I do not feel manic, or like I am acting or communicating in a way people would describe that way, and I always could before, I could feel it happening to me, feel the nervous energy and how fast I was talking etc...
Like I managed to make myself do chores almost every day without it being a struggle like usual to get started. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like I am forcing myself to do them.
And you might be thinking "well maybe it's the extra caffeine from the coke you've been drinking" NO! I ran out of the cherry cola 10 days after I did groceries!
The only thing from them that could still be in my system is phosphorus from the phosphoric acid. [coke brand cola is actually the cheapest way for me to even get bio-available phosphorus in my diet, so I am hopping we don't need another boycott, because supplements do not work the same way, and they and pork are expensive AF]
And as much as I have been trying to add a second cup of tea to my day I keep forgetting about it long enough that I am averaging closer to 1.2 bags of tea per day.
Which leads me to the only convincing theory, to me, right now, that I was low key "treating" insomnia by being at least somewhat phosphorus deficient most of the time, and that's why drinking coke would have me feeling more energetic for days at a time after the caffeine should have worn off [but ONLY coke brand coke], and this might only be possible because -in theory- part of my chronic fatigue could be that I'm one of the people who has a really hard time making Adenosine back into ATP, and needs extra phosphorus to make sure I am doing it as best I can.
The only hiccup in that theory is i think you mostly convert Adenosine back into ATP in your sleep, but I am getting 4 hours that feel actually restful for once, and I am unclear on whether your body also does this at a certain level of rest, even while awake.
This *could**** mean that drinking cola more regularly would mean having the energy to at least keep on top of housework without feeling like I have to force myself to do it every day. This sleep experiment may have inadvertently confirmed THAT suspicion beyond a doubt. It would of course be super helpful to have a doctor willing to IMMEDIATELY check my thyroid and ATP levels on request the moment I request it, so I can confirm things like this.
And I do think eating more ground beef is helping my iron levels.
But the problem is I need to sleep more than this. If I was feeling awake and alert off 8 hours I wouldn't question it... But this is 2 hours at a time twice a day at best. I'm not having terrors, or sleep adjacent hallucinations at present or "mis-seeing" things out of the corner of my eyes or anything... Which is great, because usually those symptoms would be more... Insistent for a lot longer... but I HAVE to doubt my judgement and ability to form memories properly on less than 4 hours of sleep per day, and I am starting to get a persistent headache threatening to be a migraine -and fairly constant tinnitus- that haven't been even this bad since I was last employed.
The fact that -at present- I mostly just feel pain/ache in my face and muscles as the only symptom of sleep deprivation doesn't mean I am not sleep deprived, and this isn't sustainable for someone with CFS... Usually any time this has carried on for any reason, there's a crash at some point and it's nasty.
In the meantime I AM going to be using this as best I can to get on top of housework and settling in, and getting things arranged and out of boxes... Because taking advantage of these upswings was how I was managing that kind of "catching up" for years before I stopped getting them. Is that ADVISABLE? WHO KNOWS!
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hero-israel · 1 year
I feel a little frustrated at my fellow zionists at the moment, because I see people saying "we have no partner for peace" (in all the forms you can say that) and yep 110% correct it is very clear that Hamas does not want peace, the PA doesn't want peace (in a different way) there's no movement for peace out of the Palestinian streets etc so yeah totally no partner for peace
but I hate thats everyone's stopping point! we're Zionists! this is ISRAEL we don't just take impossible and say "oh well" we make facts on the ground! we make the desserts boom! we bring a nation and a language make after 2,000 years, come on! The Palestinians don't want to work with us? great whats our plan? whats our future? what we gonna do? I just feel like everyone on the left, center, and center-right are just kinda head in the sand about it, vaguely holding out for one day a Palestinian side that wants to return to Camp David as a jumping off point while denying thats what they're doing. While the far right is smoking crack about holding onto every square inch of the land and all 3 million people who violently do not wish to be ruled by Jews, and they also don't have a plan for those people just kinda "don't worry about it" and using the status quo to try to creep onto any spot they can find without any real regard for if it's defensible
The most likely future is more of the same, with the status quo being maintained as-is for decades simply because it can. I've been reading for many years about how "the status quo is unsustainable, the occupation is unsustainable," when it's exactly the opposite, it's VERY sustainable, and it has outlasted its most important critics (the Soviet bloc, the Arab League boycott, the "Three No-s," "Zionism-is-racism," the rules-based international order, etc). For better and for worse there is no need for urgent intervention, and it makes the most practical sense to view I/P as a chronic condition to be managed. That means REALLY sticking to the status-quo: not annexing anything, not starting new settlements, not broadening current ones, not legalizing outposts. If Palestinians get a two-stater government in 5 years or 105 years, let Israel be waiting there for the signature and handshake, with everything Palestinians could have had 4 years earlier or 104.
I see the appeal, from a sense of moral rightness, in Israel unilaterally proclaiming what territory it must have and then departing from the rest, which would then become a Palestinian state. It would be a dramatic and noble gesture, and it would certainly fail and result in a much bigger Gaza surrounding Israel's major cities.
This is a partial failure of the Zionist vision - that they can't extricate themselves from this grinding brutalizing tension, that they can't find a divorce both sides can live with. I would sooner accept that partial failed principle than widespread real death.
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golbrocklovely · 11 months
Woah, every comment on the full interview video is calling for them to speak up about the 'controversy' There's very few positive comments and I'm hearing through the grapevine the reddit crowd are behind this and are also on the move to discredit, mass report their videos, sending death threats and calling for boycott of the boys, even messaging their sponsors because of it.
This is accelerating really quickly and looking really bad...
I don't know what people want from them because nothing they say will likely please them.
i'm gonna be so honest with you, i feel like i wasn't passed the koolaid and now everyone is tripping over something that isn't that big of deal to me. it feels like i'm the only one that didn't take crazy pills.
first, and i will say this til i'm blue in the face and i know any redditors out there won't listen to me but there is not one piece of evidence that has been shown that shows cody full on lying about the method. and i mean definitive, actual, legitimate proof of him saying "the method is fake" or being caught lying about how he does the method.
yes, i've seen the clip from 11 years ago of him doing part of the method without satori. okay. that's still not proof he's lying. the method that they do right now, they did only start doing a couple years ago. him using knocking and the alphabet was the beginnings of the method becoming what it is. like going from using the spirit box to doing the estes method. a gradual increase or rise.
and yes i've seen the clip of the kid that can slam his toes down and it sounds like knocking. okay. that's great, BUT WHERE IS CODY DOING THAT????? bc that's what you all are banking on. you see one person do it, and now think that that's what he is doing. or there's a sound system, which you don't have proof of, or they researched the info before hand, which you don't have proof of. it's just very odd to me that bc he possibly misremembered how he got started with this method that all of sudden he's a bold face liar who lies constantly.
and what i don't understand is… your anger is misplaced. you want snc to say something when really you want CODY AND SATORI to say something. snc did their due diligence and tried to disprove them. it's now up to cody and satori to prove, now with all the new info that has came out, that they are telling the truth still.
and this is coming from someone that a, believed in the paranormal long befor snc (so don't even try with me on that) and b, don't even fully believe cody and satori!
and that's the issue at hand, regardless of what snc say, they aren't going to please the minority of ppl that are upset about this.
but don't get me wrong, i get being upset about this or wanting snc to address it (even tho i also don't get it bc like…. it's not that serious whatsoever) but harassing them into saying something is not going to bode well for you. it's not gonna get you the answer you want fast enough.
also side note, it's hysterical to me that they want to run to snc's sponsors about this and try to get them to stop working with snc. snc very rarely even get sponsors, babes. they make more money via their own merch and their xplrclub site. bffr lmao
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
Nel and Raval broke the Internet. We have a serious debate on whether or not Dragons are acceptable of siblings incest with people even wondering how on earth dragon reproduction works.
I think they've just broken my inbox. I made an observation preemptively joking about how this was going to become a thing, and for some reason this is what's getting me dozens of anons. I've been a vocal critic of Avatars as a concept and have certainly never cared about shipping them with anyone, and yet here we are. It really is quite baffling; hopefully you all stick around for my next paralogue video this weekend and sub to my channel (let's go 500 subs!). Anyway, more anon perspectives:
So the fandom will never accept that the alternate universe equals to an excuse as to why there is no siblings bound between the main game siblings and the twins ? Man we are doomed. I guess that Nel and Rafal needs to screams a bit more about how their Sombron is not Alear's Sombron as if the developpers did not made it clear enough.
"normalizing harmful relationships" ?? what ?? ehm. so it's the people won't dont separate reality from fiction despite the fact that nobody will be able to one day travel dimension and marry the children of their own parent's counterpart.... god, even the game itself doesn't want it to be incest and is trying SO hard
I love how you basically stated all the reasons why a "morally good healthy ship" is not so healthy nor moral according to the very own anti' definition. I guess that there is something about people saying "love is love" in real life but when it's fictional character, it's literaly a death battle.
I think I know why the "Alear is dead" is brought on. Because from the start all ships were technically fucked up. No need for lolis, siblings, teenagers, old man or whatever relationship ties Rafal and Nel with Alear. If were on morality, all characters are marrying a dead person so even healthy and moral ships end up being immoral (asides from the whole species mixing that proved to be nothing but problem as it motivated Ashunera to make a flood). Good job Fire emblem.
This is going to be the Fates situation ALL over again. Except people this time will be petty with the whole separate dimension thing. We will have the anti trying to crave out, and the other who buy the excuse because they don't like incest while "Nel is waifu". and now that rafal has been confirmed to be a tsundere that like sweets... Yeah, Rafalear is going to be the great winner of the controversial not controversial pairing.
Ah yes, the infamous Byleth discourse because people don't know nor want to admit that grooming is not even age factor as there is kid that groom each other and some of them can be called pedophile. Wait till they discover that youngester can sexually assault older people, with the oldest of the party being the victim.
I gotta say, it must be very miserable to have an anti mindset when it comes to shipping, especially with a series like Fire emblem, which doesn't give a crap about power-imbalance like they do. I mean this is a series that has lord-retainer pairings, noble-commoner, incest, student-teacher, etc. I mean at this point, it's kinda FE's brand and it'd be a lot easier if people just accept that FE is a weird series that doesn't care about power dynamics in the same way Clamp didn't care about power imbalance with its relationships. It all just reveals that at the end of the day, these antis don't actually care about the real life victims, cause if they did, they would boycott the series and encourage people to do so like the moral satanic panic guardians of before. It's why I actually begrudgingly respect the people who do boycott Fire Emblem for "problematic elements", cause at least those guys are consistent with their moral uptight behavior.
Fe players : Alear and the twins are siblings as they share a dad
The whole DLC + the twins interactions with Alear and Veyle na dthe emblems denying it and making it canon taht they are not siblings and that the 2 Sombrons are different being just sharing a name and similiraties : are we a joke to you ?
God I am tired. Seriously ? the twins come from a dimension where Firene loves war, Brodia is the peaceful one, all the characters are complete opposite of their game counterpart, where Alear is not even Sombron's kid nor THE SAME GENDER AS THE ONE CHOOSEN BY THE PLAYER and they still think that Sombron is the same as main game Sombron ??? And we both knew that even if the twins were Lumera's kid, they would still call it incest because Lumera adopted Alear and made them a half divine dragon !! there is no way out.
my God it's insane. People really tries so hard. They went into a full rent over Alear's anatomy despite it being a mystery I mean their are originally a fell child, but then they got breeded with divine blood making Alear a half breed of both dragon's race, then they turn into a zombie and then into a Emblem with their hair being even more chaotic as we have 0 idea if the full blue hair made them full divine dragon or not. Worst, they even wonder if Sombron's DNA is the same in the paralele universe. My GOD JUST LISTEN TO WHAT THE GAME IS SAYING !! There is literaly not a single moment of the alt version speaking without making it clear that they are different people. Never though we could still be broken after all of this yet here we are !!
I totally get being uncomfy with some pairings but does it matter at the end ? Alear and their spouses will still give birth to either a monstruosity of a human child mixed with a mix of divine and fell blood while Alear can have children OP as hell with the twins, a broken monster dragon child with mixed blood while taking into account that Alear also become a mixed of Corrupted x Emblem hence a dead living. Either way we are cursed
Alright I have completed the DLC characters supports. I think it's safe to assume that Alear is to the twins what Rin kagamine is to Len kagamine.
I feel like I must conclude that Alear/the twins is not an incestuous ship but that because people think it is or that it looks like it we are gonna have a whole wave. Yeah never mind that i will soon see Rafal/Alfred fanart blooming when the lad are literally calling themselves brothers, something that Rafal never did with Alear, and that Rafal kind of turned Alt!Alfred into a Corrupted and cause his death... is it double standard ?
Gregory is the only Romantic DLC S Support, these anons onto nothing 😭😭😭😭
This is going to backfire into people saying "would you ship Celine and Alfred just becaus they are not related in another dimension" but yeah it's kinda the idea because Alternate Celine would not be our Alfred's brother so technically it's not the same as shipping the regular Celine with the regular Alfred. except it is with Alear and the twins and that they are never siblings in any dimension and I am feeling depressed writing this because why are we fighting over pixel hooking up ?
Are we gonna talk about how from the twins perspective they are marrying someone they are not related to but is dead in their universe whereas from Alear's perspective they are marrying someone they are not related to but simply did not exist in their universe ?
We literlay went through a DLc were our units could kill counterpart of themselves while getting 3 units who are polar opposite of the one we wanted to have. It can't get any weirder, not even with those fake incestuous support.
I feel like the problem of the game justification if the shippers use it would be to face people who would told them "then why don't you ship the Royals with the alternate version of their siblings" and them being grossed out but the thing is context : the twins keeps denying they are Sombron child and asserts that Sombron and another sombron are different people + they never act as siblings with Alear + the fact taht in both dimensions they are never related. So why this open the door to some pairings I find unsavory like Alcryst/ALt Diamant, it at least would not be real incest... but it is also never real incest because fictional characters are not related to each other unless you are asked to believe so.
The antis are exagerting. God won't send you to hell for liking a "problematic ships".
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bandzboy · 5 months
I mean, as a casual but long-time Stay, I'd be super disappointed if the fandom didn't speak up and boycott the thing.
I still remember back when a bunch of Stays were ex-army who were getting tired of BTS getting really big and getting too Americanized and stuff. (Heck, I think BTS also ended up having a Puth collab, and a bunch of them were like ''this guy does not pass the vibe check''.)
Darn I miss those days.
Part of me was — and is — worried that a bunch of current Stays are gonna try to stream that song anyways. But it's good to know that many are boycotting it.
Yeah, I'm not really sure how to end this ask. It's just a weird mix of drifting away from a band, not wanting to see things repeat, and being sick of pro-zionist stuff happening in the music industry.
yeah jungkook collabed with him in 2022 lmfao and i mean at the end of the day, there are always gonna be people that won't participate and won't want to do it bc they either 1) don't believe it will work 2) can't stand the fact that they comfort is being compromised or 3) they are fine with them having a song with him bc they are also zionists lmao which is something that people atp will have to do deal with HOWEVER.... these people should not discourage you or feel weird bc you trying to stand for something. i keep mentioning this, bc it sincerely pissed me off, but the statement skz_usa put out yesterday saying like how are we suppose to fight this if there are zionists in every corner of the industry and making it seem like it's impossible like honestly it's not that impossible! the divestment from zionism will probably take a very long time and yeah, changes won't come right away but that's what is like with every brand we are trying to boycott from the bds movement shit just takes time and i know people hate this and trust me i don't wanna have to do this either but at this point in time, it's definitely necessary to do something no matter how drastic it is because these people care about money and, let's be serious, these companies are doing an awful with their idols and are constantly mistreating them amongst other things if anything something like this movement should have happened a lot time ago. but anyways, i don't wanna ramble for too long (bc that's what i've been doing too much these days KDJFKGD) but it's good stays are aware and i've been seeing the reactions of the fandom on twt and there are a lot of people onboard with the boycott and it's great and gives me hope that it will send a message to jype so truly what we should do now is make people aware, making sure there's discussion and hopefully more people join in. i could probably be too positive about this but like i think it's better to have hope than not have it at all but truly it's very good that there is discussion and people are aware so let's see how this goes and then figure out what to do from there
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mokspam · 8 months
I'm by no means an expert, but after studying and trying to practice sustainable living for the past month I have thoughts and questions.
Boycott Companies with Bad Practices I think is completely misguided. Those companies do not know nor care that you boycott their products. Support companies trying to do the right thing seems far more impactful. Refusing to buy that one deforestation-happy toilet paper brand will make absolutely zero difference. Buying that toilet paper made of recycled paper helps that business grow-- and maybe eventually compete with the deforesting brands. Same thing with Fair Trade and sustainable ingredients. Support those small businesses making a difference.
Plastics end up in the ocean is also misleading. The un-recyclable plastics that are properly disposed of in your trash can will go to a landfill, not the ocean. The issue seems to actually be with unnecessary waste taking up landfill space, chemicals released by degraded plastic, and escaping microplastics. Personally, just sticking a label on the trash can "DUMP IN LANDFILL" makes me reconsider what I'm throwing away, no turtles needed.
Buy reusable products but use less water and energy sometimes seems like you can't have both. You could buy paper coffee filters and contribute to paper waste or you could buy a cloth coffee filter and have to use extra water every day rinsing it out and build up coffee grounds in your sink drain. Instead of throwing out those paper towels, I'm rinsing the dishcloths. I actually really love my cloth menstrual pads but they need to be hand washed daily. These and similar products means I've been using a lot more water than before. Is it worth it? Probably, yeah, but I'm aware of the tradeoff.
Stop using paper towels and plastic wrap has been the biggest game changer for me. Tea towels, Swedish dishcloths, and beeswax wrap have ended my dependence on paper towels, and I haven't touched the roll of plastic wrap in a month. I've even dedicated a dishcloth to my watercolor painting.
Don't drive if you don't have to is great and I try to practice it as much as possible. If it takes half an hour or less to walk, and I don't have to haul anything, I'll walk. If there's a convenient bus or train, even better. But the public transportation is so bad around here that a trip that would take 15 minutes by car takes three hours by bus. Once I tried to take the bus to an appointment and it was so badly delayed I had to call an Uber to make it in time. I was an hour late to work once because my train simply didn't arrive. I am so lucky and grateful to have access to a car, and I have massive respect for anyone who has mastered the art of the bus schedule.
Recycling plastic bags and food wrap has massively reduced the amount of plastic I drop in the trash. It's insane how much store drop offs will accept. I use a backpack daily, so I just stuff the backpack with the plastic bags and wraps as I use them, then stuff them in the reusable shopping bag when I go to the store.
Recycling electronics has also been a recent amazing discovery. Staples specifically will take a ton of electronics-related stuff for recycling. This is stuff that's been sitting in my closet because I didn't know what to do with it. They'll even take dried out markers and batteries.
Buy used stuff is great-- my favorite bowls and mugs that've lasted forever were from a thrift store --but some things just shouldn't come used, like cookware and headphones. The next best thing is stuff that's made of sustainable materials, which loops back to supporting companies doing the right thing.
Think like a Vegan has also expanded my recipe repertoire. The horrors that animals endure plus the climate impact of livestock, compiled with actual health problems from eating meat is enough to make me consider how important that cheeseburger is when I actually really love letils and rice (in a tortilla with tomatoes and spinach with hummus and salsa). I do still occasionally have eggs and cheese, and will eat meat if it is given to me, but I've significantly reduced my meat intake and I think I feel better for it.
So, the verdict?
I've spent a lot of money in the last month. Sustainable and reusable stuff is expensive -- but then, I shouldn't have to buy any more of it for the foreseeable future. I've been very occupied planning trips and mapping bus routes and scouring local shops for carob powder (which has become an obsession to find, like a scavenger hunt) and in the process found some parks and theaters on convenient routes that I've never been to. Cutting a lot of the meat and animal products, especially switching to oatmilk, has totally resolved my bloating problems and I seriously feel like I have more energy.
Most importantly, at least for me, is that I'm challenging myself to do things in a different way, to have adventures I wouldn't otherwise participate in, and to be aware of the outside world. I'm not saving the earth by using recycled toilet paper. I'm not even saving a tree, technically. But I'm more aware of what has to happen to get these products into my hands, which is an awareness of the world's contribution to my little space. And that, I think, is worth the effort.
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you're going to be way more productive and impactful at whatever you're passionate about, whatever you're trying to do if you let yourself enjoy things. like i know things are horrific right now and i know basic empathy means feeling that. and i know it's hard to keep going. that's exactly why enjoyment is going to be what keeps us going throughout it all, the rebellion we will keep working until the fact that everyone deserves to do this is realised.
like maybe it's an exvangelical thing to have to really highlight this but i did just yesterday see a clip of a pastor being like 'taylor isn't gonna save you from your sins jesus shoulda got it' in response to the time magazine thing and yes, yes it should've been a journalist or anyone in palestine like it was the president of ukraine last year. yes we should be giving that entire community the recognition they deserve--not just one person but thousands upon thousands of them. yes she's been a bit out of touch and kinda insensitive and yes i miss the 'band of thieves in ripped up jeans' taylor but at the same time it's okay to be proud of her for achieving stuff? and it's okay to enjoy her music and go to her concert and not blame all the world's problems on her not explicitly deciding to be the one to fix things? this was the rebuttal to that clip, that you're allowed to enjoy and celebrate things. and to that i'd add yes there's a whole community of people who deserved it more. but we gotta be careful when we nitpick every single thing (which journalist deserved it the most? they all did) and get lost in these details instead of doing something productive. saying 'jesus shoulda got it' is unproductive; going out and FEEDING THE HUNGRY like Jesus did is much better. same goes here--you can show your support more productively too.
and i didn't watch her movie, i hadn't anyway and won't (at the moment at least) especially now i've seen 5sos release theirs in a much more respectful way calling for donations for gaza while not paywalling anything. yes i don't agree with everything she said and yes there's horrific suffering of people AND animals going on and i'm fucking trying to find my voice and brainstorm what we can do about it but also?? it's incredibly confronting and triggering and there can be a million reasons someone might not think they're emotionally in a position where they can take a stance and even leadership publicly, why it mightn't be wise or safe and frankly that's none of our business
and i know some of you are just waking up to it now but there are so many horrifying and shitty things in our world and some of them are worth sacrificing and risking our lives for. but there are so many more things we can do when we are alive and thriving and if you want to be in it for the long game
you've gotta let yourself enjoy stuff in the meantime. like we've already boycotted a lot and that is great! maintain those boycotts with better swaps like your local coffee shop instead of starbucks. swapping out artists and franchises who've been openly zionist, yes! but remember when you're boycotting things (and you're lucky if you don't but many of us have ed-like behaviours here, not around food necessarily but around other fun things) that you don't deserve to have your enjoyment taken away. you will not last nor will you be able to say everyone else deserves to be free and happy if you do not believe that for yourself.
like it's possible to have a good time without exploiting others! so go do it. especially support entertainers who are doing good (and hey we've seen taylor do this, enough about her, but sure, call her to account yes but do it gently and don't accuse her of anything she didn't do).
and then double down with that newfound creativity your brain has when it isn't in a tunnel of stress and go do something with it. realise you can work hard and donate. get community together. start the whole decolonisation process locally and share what you learn from it that we may all go together on this as a world.
and i hate that i have to be this pessimistic about mainstream media but you know what? i'm grateful that they didn't put the pm of israel or someone similar on that magazine. but honestly, i didn't know what the time magazine was until this year. yes we can acknowledge and criticse it but in the end, it doesn't matter. what matters is that there are so many of us who want to do better and if that's you, you gotta not make the mistakes of activists i've seen in my years in climate and biodiversity spaces who burn hard for a few months or years then drop off entirely. we're in it for the long game and that involves fueling ourselves with enjoyment.
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loveskitchen1 · 2 years
Simple and Powerful Restaurant Marketing Ideas
Speedy Win 1: Bring Them Back Eatery Coupons
Give all first time eatery clients a coupon with a basic proposition redeemable on their following visit (maybe a free aperitif, dessert or after supper drink). The deal ought to have no circumstances and ought to be redeemable inside the following a half year. Advise the client to get the eatery coupon and make a point to request data that you can add to your data set. Measure the outcomes, alter the deal if necessary, and on the off chance that it brings you more business, make this piece of your promoting framework.
Fast Win 2: Cut Eatery Expenses
Despite the fact that you are occupied, it in a real sense pays to require the investment to survey your café costs like clockwork. A simple method for expanding your main concern is to reduce expenses. When was the last time you revised your Mastercard charges? Is it safe to say that you are getting the best arrangement from your wine vendor? Audit your menu and actually look at your net revenues - which are the dishes that give you the best edges? Make an exceptional menu with these dishes to sell more. Wipe out your 3 most terrible selling dishes and those with the most exceedingly awful edges. You will be astonished at what this customary housekeeping can mean for your primary concern.
Speedy Win 3: Expanding Café Costs
One of the fastest ways of expanding your eatery benefits is to raise costs. Only a couple of dollars on a few well-selling things will give you dramatic development right away. That might seem like a startling thought, however investigate the brain science of evaluating and purchasing conduct and you will comprehend the reason why 80% of eatery organizations undercharge for their administrations and items.
But in a few specific cases, a great many people don't pursue buying choices on cost alone. Try not to trust me? Simply investigate the shades individuals have on around you. I bet you see a great deal of Beam Boycotts and Dolce Gabbana shades. This simply shows that there are different rules for buying conduct than cost.
So anything you do, never diminish costs, and unquestionably don't begin a cost war. You don't believe that should be your upper hand since everybody can undermine you. In actuality, truly think about raising your costs.
Try not to let apprehension about contest or absence of certainty stop you. On the off chance that you have genuine separation, you have designated your crowd accurately and they see an apparent worth in your item that they will pay for, then, at that point, you can charge premium costs. As a matter of fact, they will expect a top notch administration and will feel special, and you might wind up selling significantly more.
As a rule you will find that dropping costs to sell all the more really loses you cash, while raising costs, regardless of whether you sell less, raises your edge.
Regardless of whether it appears to be something troublesome to do, test different greater cost focuses for different contributions. Tomorrow raise your costs by 10%. You can notice not just what the cost rise means for your business (you will either lose business, gain business or remain something very similar), however you can then take a gander at your net revenues and change in like manner.
A considerable lot of the café proprietors that we work with have encountered the accompanying satisfying peculiarities: they raised costs and found that in addition to the fact that they had more clients (the eatery is seen as greater), however they had a more dependable and less troublesome customer base that likewise spent more cash and had higher in general tickets.
Speedy Win 4: Observe Birthday events at your Eatery
Birthday celebrations, by their extremely private nature, are an optimal chance to convey an exceptionally customized offer. Of all events, this is the best to the extent that eatery showcasing efforts go. Make a point to assemble birthday and contact data in your leave studies and begin a birthday crusade. Send an email or snail mail with an eatery coupon for a free sweet, drink or feast toward the month's end going before the singular's birthday month. Permit them to involve the eatery coupon for the whole month of their birthday.
You can likewise propose extra birthday administrations. Consider ways that would make your clients life simpler - providing the cake at an exceptional cost, giving an extraordinary gathering rate, or including take home gifts.
An extraordinary surprise, for example, a free piece of cake with a flame and the client's name and birthday wishes composed on it makes certain to speak to the youngster inside any client. You'd be stunned at the significant positive informal exchange a straightforward motion like that can make.
You could in fact utilize a birthday crusade as a method for selecting new clients by purchasing records with birthday celebrations and postal codes and conveying your exceptional birthday offer as a method for presenting your café.
Birthday celebrations are extremely private, and as we will learn, business is private. Try not to miss this fabulous chance to contact your clients and fulfill them.
Fast Win 5: Reference Eatery Gift Testaments
Attempt this movement now for a prompt expansion in your eatery client numbers. Toward the finish of a dinner, give blissful clients 3 different gift testaments with a specific sum off for their next feast at the eatery (or some other deal that you feel is convincing). Then give them 2 a greater amount of the feasting declarations and request that they share the testaments with their companions. The proposition ought to be convincing and have no circumstances other than a period limit. Give the beneficiary sufficient opportunity to recover the endorsement. Maybe make the declaration really great for quite some time, or for explicit margin times that you are attempting to fill.
For More Info :-
Kew Gardens Restaurant
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