#and lassie and jules are in a qpr
fix ideas (feel free to steal)
- santabarbara 1 where shawn stays over for "72 whole hours" which turns into a week to 2 weeks to he's just there now :)
- alternatively henry still gets shot and juliet locks him in the apartment/ gives him some kind of ultimatum to get him to stay for his own safety
^^^any of the above + whump. im too tired to figure out how exactly but there's something whumpy there i promise
- shules "im gonna kiss you on the mouth now" but it's not on her mouth
- better written ikea scene where juliet actually tells shawn she wants him to move in
- lassie debriefing a teddy bear (it's not a teddy bear. he's my stenographer. in case this comes up in court and i need alibi or something (it's a teddy bear)) about how shawn grabbed his ass
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- shawn flirts relentlessly with juliet as she patches up his gunshot wound while waiting for ems to arrive
- shawn tries to braid juliet's hair
- some reason please for why jules cur her hair. was it undercover? did she and shawn get really drunk one night? she did it after the ikea furniture scene so was she just mad at shawn for being an ass?
- she calls him mr. spencer
- them going back to his hotel after despereaux in season 5
- shawn getting drunk as shit and telling gus he loves him, gus wildly misunderstands and tells shawn he loves him too, and shawn goes in for a kiss
- juliet goes on a blind date and it turns out to be a girl. ""worse"" yet it's her old partner from miami and their chemistry is still there
- lassie asks if dating shawn means he's dating gus as well and gus decides now is the perfect time to practice his patented three-way kiss (slight crack ik this isn't how polyamory works but it also sounds like gus so-)
- usually lassiter can get anything out of a suspect with just a little time in the interrogation room, but this time not only will the thief not admit to shoplifting, he also doesn't pick up on how desperately carlton wants his number. for uh- police .. work. yeah. i need to know his phone for. official interrogation business. shawn watches from the one-way mirror
- juliet tries very hard to wing man for lassie but unless he stops. talking. about the goddamn federal reserve he's on his own
- juliet has cats. i fear we keep forgetting this but it's referenced in 1x02
okay i really truly need to go to bed now but i have so many of these im so normal about this show
(shules things: "im going to kiss you on the mouth now"; "big fat kisses"; shawn calls her sweetheart; juliet's voice getting higher when he's being sweet/sexy)
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i love you all and i love this multiship fandom but i promise not every friendship has to be a qpr 💕💕
as someone who's in a couple undefined qprs, regular friendships can be just as fulfilling!!
qprs, for me anyway, are just like, friendships where the way you happen to show affection reads as romantic to the outside world and/or you've done traditionally romance things with each other (live together, get married, have kids, get pets, etc etc)
it's not like, your friendship levels up into a qpr when your relationship meter goes up. the definition for a queer platonic relationship is different for everyone but like,,, you don't have to hc lassie and jules in a qpr because you want them to be as close as shawn and gus yk??
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