#and lack of brain making werds
sesshy380 · 8 months
I love how with my current struggle chapter each starts out the same but after a certain break-point they all go a different direction. My choices for which one I think will work best for the overall story are essentially Angst, Heavy Angst 1, Heavy Angst 2, or Angsty McAngst.
(Yes, I have 4 different drafts of the same chapter atm)
(I've narrowed down the ones that might make it to final publish to Heavy Angst 1 and Heavy Angst 2)
(Angst and Angsty McAngst were more me just trying different routes with filler crap)
(atm I am leaning towards going back to the original Heavy Angst 1, because I can find a way to incorporate Heavy Angst 2 later)
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midnightmarginalia · 4 years
Ho fuck this is long
Ok so like. I made a fucking mistake. I wrote an essay for my creative non-fiction class. We had to write a Lyric Essay. simple enough. it's whatever. I transcribed parts of my journal. it was fun. HOWEVER, I made the mistake of telling the class that I did some heavy editing to get rid of some unconventional grammar I use cuz internet, ya know? this was 3 days ago. jump to today. I wrote a 7-page essay trying to briefly explain SOME of the grammar conventions that have evolved alongside the internet. I had to explain this to a group of 40+ year-olds. so NOw I present this to you, o Tumblr. for the love of god let people read this and add to it, I spent eternally too much time on it 
So "Internet English" or "New English" is a linguistic phenomenon that centers on conveying tone and different connotative meanings through informal writing. Linguist Gretchen McCulloch actually released a book on this called Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language.  Her book actually is really interesting (I highly recommend it) and covers some of what I'm going to be talking about today. In the first section, she compares the process of learning literacy to be similar to learning how to talk solely through exposure to formal writing like speeches, screenplays, audiobooks, etc. You miss all the nuances of informal speaking. Well, the same is true for written language. Before the Internet, informal writing was extremely hard to come by and even harder to study; even letters, postcards, secretive notes and the like were still written fairly formally because there were no mass text-based communication practices. Now, we have this vast intangible library of infinite knowledge and human interactions, making the necessity of informal writing more prominent. As such, internet users, especially people from my generation, have evolved a subset of written English to better express connotative meaning through the use, abuse, and misuse of capitalization, spacing, spelling, punctuation, incomplete sentences, and more. Let me show you a little of what I mean.
Capitalization is a common convention used to convey emphasis, although which type of emphasis that is changes based on how the capitalization is used.
Random Capitalization is meant to grab Attention and express that Something is Very Important or should be Stressed by Your Inner Voice when reading.
CaPiTaLiZiNG a RanDoM AsSoRTmEnT oF LetTerS ConVEyS SaRcAsM oR a MOcKinG TonE.
I cannot really articulate why but this, thIS, tHIS, and THIS are all different. This is called Varied Capitalization and can apply to any word, though I most often see and use it with articles.
not capitalizing anything in a sentence is an excellent way to express a monotone voice that seems very apathetic towards everything and everyone. "oh look. john and i went to the store. how exciting."
Spacing Conventions are less common, and ultimately there is only one that I find noteworthy. Spacing out letters in a word like r e a l l y conveys that the word is significant. It takes up more space than really and thus needs to be stressed. It is also important to note that this convention is often coupled with full capitalization. There is a significant difference between "I am really hungry" and "I and r e a l l y hungry" and "I am R E A L L Y Hungry"
Spelling, like Spacing, is less varied than some of these other conventions. The most common spelling convention you are likely to encounter is the Intentional Misspell. This is used to express one of two things; you can discern which by the context of the rest of the message. It can be used to display excitement. The misspell conveys a kind of excitement that interferes with dexterity, like how your hands shake after a jump scare: "gyus I just swa A Quiet Place  an d it s one f thr svsriest movis I've ever seen." The other emotion the Intentional Misspell can convey is much more subtle and complicated. It is the sense of false apathy. it is nit uncommun to putf a typo in everyr other werd or so to shwo yu don't realy give a fukc but yiu actually do. This is much harder to discern and your best bet on understanding this half of the convention is context clues.
Punctuation and Lack Thereof
Punctuation is, in my opinion, the best, most diverse option for conveying a specific kind of tone. There's a lot to cover here, so I will do my best to keep it brief.
A full stop is a short sentence with a period. It is meant to be read in a scolding tone. The usage of this is especially important in text message and chatroom settings because you can signify the end of a sentence by sending the message. A good rule of thumb for the tone is that the shorter the message, the more scolding the tone.
Putting. A. Period. Between. Words. Conveys. That. The. Matter. At. Hand. Must. Be. Taken. Seriously. This is simply the act of emphasizing each word with a full stop.
not having any punctuation or capitalization at all makes for a very fluid reading experience yes the sentences can get mixed up but those who read and write this way regularly can discern separate trains of thought if you've noticed the lack of capitalization you may recognize one of the earlier discussed conventions it is important to note however that the monotone voice of that convention disappears with the punctuation
Question marks now signify an upturn in the voicing of a statement rather than forcing something to be a question. now you may be asking yourself "why would they do this." The only answer I have for you is "it just seems right?" the upturn signifies a tentative statement while the flat delivery of the question signifies frustration or bafflement.
Punctuation Frequency is meant to signify the amount of severity accompanying the statement. This is exclusively used with question marks and exclamation marks. A common example is extending the simple “what?” to “what???????” Notice the difference? The same thing can be done with exclamation points. Note the increased excitement between “The baby was born today!” and “The babe was born today!!!!!!!!!!!” These, of course, can be amplified even further by incorporating some of the other conventions we’ve discussed previously.
Exclusive Punctuation is a convention most commonly found in messaging systems, but it is still important. “???” is an expression of pure confusion. If you were to receive this message, that whatever you sent the person prior has left them amazed, confused, flabbergasted, awe-struck, bewildered, and more. On the other hand “!!!” is an expression of pure excitement and glee. The best description I’ve seen for this is that it is a noise of happiness.
While there are dozens more grammatical conventions, these are the primary ones that a vast majority of people will use. It is time to move on.
Yes. This is punctuation. But it elicits its own category. Ellipses are great tools for signifying that there is more to this statement than meets the eye. However, there are now multiple types of ellipses that have different meanings.
Periodic Ellipses or Hard Ellipses are just that. Hard. Say I were to text someone “Hey can we talk after class...” The ellipsis generates a cold tone that has some worrying connotations. Something important to note here is that the length of the ellipsis can signify severity, though after a certain point it becomes superfluous and silly. The only friendly usage of a Hard Ellipsis is the Two-Dot Ellipsis. “Hey can we talk after class..” is far far less sinister than “Hey can we talk after class…”
Commatic Ellipses or Soft Ellipses are just that. Soft. Instead of being composed of periods, these ellipses are composed of commas and have a vastly different meaning. These are meant to convey either worrying or flirtatious tones. To go back to our previous example, “Hey can we talk after class,,,,,” is going to be read in a flirtatious manner. However, “Hey can we talk after class,” is going to be read worryingly.  The trick to discerning the different tones is the length of the ellipsis. Three commas or less conveys a worrisome tone, whereas five or more conveys a flirtatious tone.
Sentence Structure
Look! We’re almost done! There are many people who will play with sentence structure to convey meaning but the most widespread practice is the Incomplete Sentence. This one is actually fairly straightforward. Leaving a sentence incomplete expresses exhaustion (either emotional or physical) and adds a sense of trailing off in the speakers voice. I mean, have you ever started a sentence and then just
Noun/Verb Dichotomy
Ok last one. This one is also pretty straight forward, though still quite complex. The Noun/Verb Dichotomy is simple the act of using a noun in place of a verb to get your point across. For example, a more expressive (and in my opinion more accurate) way to say “I like to get a midnight snack at 2 in the morning” would be “I like to velociraptor around my house at 2 in the morning.” The second conjures such a specific image that it can more concisely convey the actions and emotions being done. The possibilities are endless. This opens up the door for someone to sentence how they want. Although many people will get a headache and want to clothesline into a wall. These all make sense to a native speaker of this kind of english because, while our brains do brain logically, english doesnt logic englishly so the brain brains by itself to logic the english!
So that is my mini-lesson on Internet English. please remember I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what’s changed.
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ontarioyoga · 3 years
Is Sleep Meditation Real Meditation
New Post has been published on https://www.ontarioyoga.net/is-sleep-meditation-real-meditation/
Is Sleep Meditation Real Meditation
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Studies Say Meditation Can Help Prepare Us For A Great Nights Sleep But Put Into Practice In The Real World Alongside Stressful Days In The Office And A Never
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It’s predicted that between 60% and 90% of people with insomnia also suffer with depression. Mental health and sleep go together like bed and breakfasts, so how do we ensure we’re getting the best quality sleep possible?
Studies show that the answer could be as simple as regular meditation before bed. Meditation has been proven to help people fall asleep twice as quickly, enhance rapid eye movement sleep states, and preserve deep sleep. In fact, it apparently works so well that by the end of one insomnia and meditation trial, 60% of participants no longer qualified as insomniacs.
So, the science has spoken. But what happens when we trial out these findings in the real world? And, given meditation is about being present in the moment, would having an expectation stop us from truly experiencing the positive effects?
asked two volunteers to meditate before bed each night for a week to see if introducing some calm into their nightly routine could help them get a good night’s rest. Here’s how they got on:
Listen To This Free Guided Sleep Meditation It Will Help You To Enjoy Relaxed Natural Sleep
Play this audio when you want to go to sleep. It’s a 34 minute long free guided meditation for deep sleep that will allow you to drift off and enjoy your rest. It is peaceful and soft, so if you go to sleep quickly, the guided meditation will not wake you back up.
There are no bells at the end, so you will not be jarred back awake. Instead, it will allow you go even deeper into restful, regenerative sleep. For many people, this meditation is so effective that they use it every night to relax into dreamland.
It also is effective for people who have no trouble initially falling asleep, but who wake up later in the middle of the night. Simply listen to it then , and it will guide you gently back into sleep.
For some people, it may help to use the sleep timer on your device to turn off the meditation even sooner
Still having trouble? Try this meditation for completely letting go.
More resources to help you get the rest you need –
Heres A Sample Of The Sleep Meditation Compassion For Friend Guided Meditation Script:
Welcome back to another guided sleep meditation.In today’s practice we’ll be focused on the cultivation of compassion.Sending care for those who are suffering or experiencing difficulty in their life.So, taking some time to get settled.Finding a comfortable position, perhaps on your back or on your side however feels most comfortable for you.Finding a place you can be relatively still.Softening the belly.And perhaps taking a few deep breaths just at your own pace.And allowing your breath return to its natural rhythm.Letting the body breathe itself.And for this practice of compassion today, starting with bringing to mind someone from your life who you care about and you know that they’re experiencing some difficulty.So, this might be a good friend or a relative or a teacher or a mentor.But you know that they’re experiencing some pain or difficulty, some emotional distress.
Here’s What Happened After A Month Of Listening To Soothing Bedtime Stories For Adults October 28, 2019
Meditation is nonnegotiable when it comes to my everyday routine. Most of the time, it means dragging my meditation cushion out from under my living room couch and onto the tiny bit of floor space I have in my New York City apartment. From there, I pull out my smartphone, launch the , and listen to the Daily Calm—a 10-minute guided meditation that changes every day.
I’ve been using this app for more than a year and have found that holding myself accountable for meditating 10 minutes a day is what’s realistic, and it has had a noticeable impact on my life. I can always count on learning something new and finding my center in 10 minutes flat. I feel more grounded, and I’m less likely to react to annoyances such as a pushy New Yorker or a late subway train.
 A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
My energy level was a different story. I don’t often struggle to fall asleep, but even after a restful seven to eight hours of shuteye, fatigue would creep up on me throughout the day. I’d find myself fighting the urge to curl up for a 20-minute nap. Sometimes I’d go for a quick hit of energy—pounding a pint of water or dancing around my living room—after a long day of work and before teaching an evening yoga class. I started to wonder: Was my quality of slumber lacking? And could guided sleep meditation help?
Description Of Sleep Meditation For Calm Sleep By Wysa Software Latest Version
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As mentioned above, devices cannot download Sleep Meditation for Calm sleep by Wysa 0.6.1 from the Google Play Store due to incompatibility or national restrictions. Therefore, loading a Sleep Meditation for Calm sleep by Wysa MOD APK file from a trusted source like sleep.app.relax.calm is considered the best option for you.
Before you get instructions on how to download it, clear the word “APK MOD”. By default, the Sleep Meditation for Calm sleep by Wysa MOD APK is a Sleep Meditation for Calm sleep by Wysa application package kit used on Android operating systems. The custom KST APK file is specially designed for Android users who cannot download this application from .
Week 2 Of Sleep Meditation: Building Intention And Awareness Around Sleep
After the first week, incorporating sleep meditation into my nightly routine became second nature. I would climb into bed, ignore any lingering texts, switch my phone to sleep mode, and turn on my sleep story. From the moment each sleep story began, my mind started to move with the story. However, my skepticism continued. Was this new practice helping my quality of sleep—or would I have gone to sleep just as easily without the guided meditation?
It wasn’t until I went a day without the sleep story that I realized how much of an impact it was having on me. On night No. 12, I skipped my sleep story—and I woke up every hour, on the hour.
Whether it was the intention behind setting myself up for sleep, or something about these sleep meditations that was improving my sleep quality, I realized that if I wanted to sleep well, I would have to make an effort to do so—not just let my head hit the pillow.
 The 9-Minute Meditation You Need to Create More Space in Life
Verhoog De Productiviteit In Omstandigheden Met Overmatige Efficintie
Een onderzoek dat in 2012 werd uitgevoerd, bracht individuen in een real-world multitasking-situatie. Ze moesten een aantal acties uitvoeren waarvoor in een typische werkomgeving verschillende soorten invoer nodig waren, ze moesten ze meestal allemaal binnen 20 minuten volzetten.
Een paar van de individuen kregen mindfulness-coaching en een paar niet. Daarna onderzochten ze ze allemaal nog een keer. “De enige personen die betovering aangaven”, meldden de onderzoekers, “zijn degenen die de mindfulness-coaching hadden gekregen.”
Een ander onderzoek bevestigde dat “elke dag meditatie-achtige gedachte frontale mind-oefening zou kunnen verschuiven naar een steekproef die gerelateerd is aan wat cognitieve wetenschappers constructieve, benaderingsgerichte emotionele toestanden noemen – toestanden die ons meer geneigd maken om met de wereld om te gaan dan om ons terug te trekken ervan.”
Omgaan met stressvolle, krachtige omstandigheden zoals een professional kan zeker een nuttig talent zijn om te hebben, en het is er een die meditatievoordelen je kunnen helpen te domesticeren. Als je extra motivatie wilt om de productiviteit te vergroten, bekijk dan de gratis informatie van Lifehack: Laatste werkblad voor onmiddellijke motivatieverbetering.
The Verdict: Meditation Isn’t Making You Tired Your Lack Of Sleep Is
Meditation is believed to improve memory, thwart depression, reduce our feelings of stress, make us smarter and even make us rich. Keep up the om-ing for years, found UCLA neurobiologists, and meditation may even cause some positive physical changes to the structure of our brains.
But if meditation is so beneficial, how come it’s hard for some people to stay alert whenever they give it a try?
“The only real way to not fall asleep during meditation is to get enough sleep,� says Jon Lieff, MD, a Harvard Medical School-trained neuropsychiatrist who specializes in the relationship between neurology, psychiatry and medicine. “Currently, almost everyone is deprived. Most people need more sleep than they’re getting.� In fact, nearly 70 million U.S. adults suffer from some sort of sleep disorder, according to recent research from the Centers for Disease Control.
Yet many of us don’t realize how tired we are until we attempt to meditate, says clinical psychologist Vickie Chang, Ph.D., a mindfulness meditation teacher in Menlo Park, California. “We may not notice our day to day because we habitually drink coffee or perk up with sugar,” she says. “So when we stop and tune in to our bodies in mindful meditation, we may discover that we are deeply tired.”
To begin a meditative practice:
Get those basics down and you’ll be well on your way to a steady — instead of sleepy — meditation practice. I’m om to that!
Week 4 Of Sleep Meditation: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
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The final week of my 30-day sleep meditation challenge was filled with travel, holiday crazies, and pretty much zero normalcy when it came to my sleep. Which is why I went a few days without sleep stories each night.
The result? After a typical 7 hours of snoozing, I woke up feeling tired and sluggish—not well-rested, like I had been after falling asleep to my sleep meditation. Which is when it hit me: Just like my daily meditation practice keeps me energized and focused during the day, the quality of my sleep is determined by what happens right before I go to sleep.
My biggest realization at the end of this month-long challenge is that whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, how you set yourself up for sleep is critical.
Thanks to sleep meditation, I’ve seen a dramatic shift in my sleeping habits. Even when I don’t listen to a sleep story to help me drift off, I am way more conscious of the way I set myself up to go to sleep. And for those nights when I do feel like I could use a little help, I know a sweet bedtime tale read by Matthew McConaughey is just a click away.
 This One Simple Practice Will Change How You Feel About Yourself
About the AuthorBridget “Bee” Creel is the editorial producer for Yoga Journal. She works as a yoga teacher in NYC and is the co-founder of the wellness community, . 
Membership Spotlight
Whats The Difference Between Sleep Meditation And Normal Sleep
The difference between normal sleep and Yoga Nidra is that during sleep, your subconscious mind takes over, whereas with Yoga Nidra, your conscious mind is awake and alert. Another key difference is that during sleep, your subconscious mind cannot leave behind your worries and stress, but during Yoga Nidra, your conscious mind can, making it a form of sleep therapy.
‘Yoga Nidra can also offer tools to induce sleep organically, following the workings of your own mind’, explained Yoga Nidra teacher, Jennifer Piercy.
Mejorar La Productividad En Condiciones De Eficiencia Excesiva
Una investigación realizada en 2012 colocó a las personas en un estado de cosas multitarea del mundo real. Necesitaban realizar una serie de acciones que requerían numerosos tipos de entrada en un entorno de trabajo típico, por lo general, necesitaban completarlas todas en 20 minutos.
Algunas de las personas adquirieron coaching de atención plena y otras no. Luego, los examinaron a todos una vez más. “Los únicos individuos que indicaron mejora”, informaron los investigadores, “fueron aquellos que habían adquirido el entrenamiento de mindfulness”.
Otra investigación confirmó que “cada día el pensamiento similar a la meditación podría cambiar el ejercicio de la mente frontal hacia una muestra relacionada con lo que los científicos cognitivos denominan estados emocionales constructivos y orientados al enfoque, estados que nos hacen más propensos a interactuar con el mundo que a retraernos de eso.”
Tratar con condiciones de alto estrés y alto rendimiento como un profesional definitivamente podría ser un talento útil, y es una de las ventajas de la meditación que pueden ayudarte a domesticar. Si desea una motivación adicional para extender la productividad, eche un vistazo a la información gratuita de Lifehack: Hoja de trabajo final para mejorar la motivación inmediata.
Wait Whats The Difference Between Mindfulness And Meditation
Yes, there’s a difference. Mindfulness is a way of being in the present moment with a relatively non-judgmental or non-reactive mindset and meditation can be a way to practice mindfulness, explains Michael Goldstein, Ph.D., a research fellow in the Sleep and Inflammatory Systems Laboratory at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School.
Klatt notes that you can incorporate small aspects of mindfulness into your daily activities, such as paying attention to the feel of the water, texture of the sponge, and smell of detergent while you wash dishes.
As for meditation, Ong likes to use the metaphor of trainspotting. “It’s the activity where people just observe trains, usually standing on the platform or even away from the train station,” he explains. Sometimes trainspotters take photos or write down notes; they are interested in the qualities of the train, rather than using them for a ride.
Understanding Different Types of Meditation
Now, imagine that your mind is like a train station. “Your thoughts and emotions are like trains coming in and out,” say Ong. “Most of us use those thoughts to analyze, judge, or do something—like people who use trains for transportation.”
How To Meditate Before Bed: Improve Sleep And Fight Insomnia
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Florida Medical Clinic
When you turn off the lights and lay down in your bed at night, do you find your mind buzzing with thoughts of the day, and plans for tomorrow? If you struggle with “turning your brain off”, you may find yourself feeling restless and unable to sleep. Fortunately, meditation is one way to quiet your thoughts and fight insomnia.
Meditation has been shown to help people who struggle with insomnia and other sleep disturbances. But many don’t know how to meditate before bed, or aren’t aware of the different techniques and methods they can use. 
To help you on your path to restfulness, Dr. Anjum Kumbkarni shares some insights on how to use meditation to improve sleep quality and fight insomnia.
Mindfulness Meditation Helps Fight Insomnia Improves Sleep
If you’ve ever crawled under the covers worrying about a problem or a long to-do list, you know those racing thoughts may rob you of a good night’s sleep. Sleep disturbances, like having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, affect millions of Americans.
The daytime sleepiness that follows can leave you feeling lousy and sap your productivity, and it may even harm your health. Now, a small study suggests that mindfulness meditation — a mind-calming practice that focuses on breathing and awareness of the present moment — can help.
A study published a few years ago in JAMA Internal Medicine  included 49 middle-aged and older adults who had trouble sleeping. Half completed a mindfulness awareness program that taught them meditation and other exercises designed to help them focus on “moment-by-moment experiences, thoughts, and emotions.” The other half completed a sleep education class that taught them ways to improve their sleep habits.
Both groups met six times, once a week for two hours. Compared with the people in the sleep education group, those in the mindfulness group had less insomnia, fatigue, and depression at the end of the six sessions.
The findings come as no surprise to Dr. Herbert Benson, director emeritus of the Harvard-affiliated Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine. “Mindfulness meditation is just one of a smorgasbord of techniques that evoke the relaxation response,” says Dr. Benson.
How Can Mindfulness Or Meditation Help Improve Your Sleep
Sleep tends to come a lot easier when you’re actually sleepy, but sometimes we hit the lights and get under the covers just because it’s “time for bed” without paying attention to whether that is the case—but mindfulness could change that.
“Our thinking is that by grounding yourself in the present moment and just being aware of what to look for, it gives you a better chance of reducing that fight or flight response,” says Ong. “A lot of people with insomnia go to bed because they’re tired of dealing with the day and they want to escape, but that’s not how the brain regulates sleep and wake. Meditation helps keep you from getting in your own way and it allows your brain to regulate sleep and wake based on how it naturally does.”
Six Free Apps For Meditation Breathing And Falling Asleep
It can be overwhelming to take in what’s currently going on in the world.
And it’s easy to let your worries – whether it be global or personal – build up and weigh you down.
Dedicating a small part of your day to self-care practices can be beneficial for your overall well-being and can help you create a better mindset to deal with what tomorrow will bring.
If you don’t know where to start – there are several mindful apps available to download for free that can lead you through a short, daily self-care practice.
From guided meditation to breathing exercises and practices that can help you fall asleep at night – there are plenty of ways your smartphone can help you to unwind.
Here’s our round up of six apps for relaxation that won’t cost you a penny.
What Are The Reasons Of Falling Asleep During Meditation
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Here are some reasons for falling asleep while Meditation. What I understood in last 11 years:1. Meditation on bed2. Choosing your sleeping time as Meditation time3. Doing Meditation after a big meal4. Lying down while Meditation5. Choosing relaxation music such as River Sound with Flute6. Not taking proper sleep from many days7. Targetting the Meditation as relaxation8. Meditation in the night time9. Not setting up a goal for Meditation10. Overthinking11. Not being in the present moment12. Telling a lie to yourself that I am not feeling tired before start13. Losing the control of weight on shoulders14. Not straightening the spinal cord15. Looking downward-facing while start
Sleep Meditation: Whats Happening In Calm Sleep Stories
I started my month-long sleep meditation adventure using the Calm app, which has a feature called “Sleep Stories.” Essentially, it’s a library filled with soothing bedtime tales for grown-ups, narrated by the dreamiest of voices .
“We integrate mindfulness elements into sleep stories in a very deliberate way, giving the stories a grounding, calming quality,” says Christian Slomka, Calm’s community manager and a yoga and mediation instructor. “Instead of an elaborate buildup, Sleep Stories are a gradual unwind.”
There are three main elements of Calm’s sleep stories:
Find an AnchorSlomka says the sleep stories are geared to helping listeners focus their attention on an anchor—usually the breath—to quiet the mind and help shift the listener away from overactive thoughts. As the character in the story travels along her journey, she is fully immersed in the present moment. The thinking is that the listener will experience this immersion along with the sleep story’s character.
Practice Body Awareness and Relaxation TechniquesAnother mindfulness element that sleep stories touch on is body awareness and relaxation. When a story opens, the narrator walks the listener through a brief body scan exercise to help quiet the mind and relax the body. Throughout the story, the character also scans through her sensations, and the hope is that the listener does the same.
Back Up: What Happens In Your Body When You Cant Sleep
To understand what Ong means, it’s helpful to have a little background about our physiology. “When it comes to sleep problems, especially for people with chronic insomnia, oftentimes they’re so caught up in trying to make sleep happen that it creates a sense of pressure that makes sleep likely to happen,” says Ong. “Essentially, it activates the fight or flight response that is built in our body. When that gets activated, your body thinks that it needs to be on guard or vigilant and it tends to override the parts of your brain that regulate sleep and wake.”
This is why once you have that first thought of I just wish my brain would stop thinking and let me sleep, you’re pretty much doomed—you’re already stressing about not sleeping, which makes it even harder to doze off.
Lucha Contra Las Enfermedades Y Mantente Ms Saludable
Las ventajas de la meditación pueden ser útiles para la mente y el cuerpo. Tener la capacidad de lidiar con el estrés en mayor medida puede reducir su impacto en su cuerpo, lo que podría reducir los síntomas y el agravamiento de varios puntos de salud, junto con el dolor de cabeza.
Un investigador de uno de los hospitales instructores de Harvard Medical College señala que “El tipo de problemas que ocurren si meditas tienen resultados en todo el cuerpo, no simplemente en la mente”. Las ventajas para el bienestar abundan si se compromete a meditar.
Hagamos una descripción general rápida: la meditación puede ayudarlo a lidiar con el estrés en mayor medida, ayudarlo a reconocer a sí mismo más y mostrarle cómo reducir el nerviosismo y la melancolía.
Solo con estas ventajas de la meditación, parece bastante que podría dormir mejor por la noche. En cualquier caso, si puede dejar de pensar en las carreras y dejar que sus sentimientos se enfurezcan, será más probable que flote hacia los objetivos de los dulces. El análisis coincide:
“Las prácticas de meditación afectan las capacidades de la mente, inducen numerosas ocasiones de plasticidad neuronal intrínseca, modulan las capacidades autonómicas, metabólicas, endocrinas e inmunitarias y, por lo tanto, median los ajustes regulatorios internacionales en numerosos estados de comportamiento junto con el sueño”.
Las meditaciones guiadas, en particular, pueden ayudarlo a adormecerlo, así que inténtelo en este momento.
Use Critical Thinking To Find Out What Works For You
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Meditation can be a powerful tool to help you get better sleep, but it isn’t a replacement for sleep, nor is it the only thing that can improve your sleep. Proper diet & exercise; a calm, cool, and quiet sleeping environment; set meal and bedtimes; reducing the amount of alcohol and caffeine consumed at night— all of these things can have big impacts on your sleep.
1.Britton, W. B., Lindahl, J. R., Cahn, B. R., Davis, J. H., & Goldman, R. E. . Awakening is not a metaphor: the effects of Buddhist meditation practices on basic wakefulness. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4054695/
2. Zielinski, M. R., McKenna, J. T., & McCarley, R. W. . Functions and Mechanisms of Sleep.  Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5390528/
3. Thorpe, M. . 12 Science Based Benefits of Meditation  Available at: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation#section1
4. Nagendra, R. P., Maruthai, N., & Kutty, B. M. . Meditation and its regulatory role on sleep. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3328970/
5.Pandi-Perumal, S., Trakht, I., Spence, D. . The roles of melatonin and light in the pathophysiology and treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders.  Available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncpneuro0847
6. Teplan, M. . Fundamentals of EEG.  Available at: http://www.edumed.org.br/cursos/neurociencia/MethodsEEGMeasurement.pdf
10. Walker, M. . Why We Sleep. The Sleep Cycle. pp 43-55.
Optimistische Resultaten Zelfs Als Je Niet Mediteert
Onderzoekers hebben ontdekt dat de manier waarop meditatie je geest helpt om hoger te werken constant is, niet alleen als je op een kussen zit met je ogen dicht, maar regelmatig bij je blijft. Op basis van de analyse zouden “de gevolgen van meditatiecoaching op emotionele verwerking mogelijk overschakelen naar niet-meditatieve staten.”
De onderzoekers stellen dat dit af en toe kan betekenen dat de voordelen van meditatie niet specifiek zijn voor een activiteit of bepaalde stimulus maar processpecifiek zijn, wat betekent dat ze “kunnen eindigen in blijvende aanpassingen in psychologische prestaties. .”
Reduzca El Aislamiento Y Sintase Realmente Vinculado
Es inusual que dentro de la era de la conectividad fija, el aislamiento y la soledad puedan sentirse mucho más conmovedores. Pero seguramente ocurre, y cuando desciende esa sensación de aislamiento, puede ser abrumador.
No obstante, se demostró que la meditación reduce las emociones de soledad en una investigación sobre adultos mayores, y aquellos que han estado practicando la meditación trascendental, incluso por un tiempo muy breve, dicen que el seguimiento de la meditación proporciona una sensación de estar relacionado y completo, un “Etapa básica de la unidad”.
Sleep Meditation Music I Can Actually Fall Asleep To
Do you have trouble falling asleep? I do! These sleep meditation playlists will help you fall asleep faster, guaranteed.
Is it weird that most sleepmeditation music gives me anxiety? There is nothing worse thantrying to fall asleep to “peaceful” music, but it only ends up giving you heartpalpitations .
After years of trial and error I finally found the perfect sleep meditation music that I can actually fall asleep to.
Is it weird that most sleepmeditation music gives me anxiety? There is nothing worse thantrying to fall asleep to “peaceful” music, but it only ends up giving you heartpalpitations .
After years of trial and error I finally found the perfect sleepmeditation music that I can actually fall asleep to.
Deep Sleep Meditation Tip #2 Deep Meditation Music
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Sleep meditation works differently from one person to the next. Some may like to have a sleep meditation video track turned on, while others prefer to listen to a sleep meditation audio with music. Then, there are those who prefer listening to a meditation podcast as it helps them to focus, depending on what type of meditation they’re doing.
Clearing The System: Release Of Stress And Fatigue
Of course, sometimes we do fall asleep in meditation, but that’s fine. It’s important not to vigilantly guard against sleep during meditation. Instead, it’s better to think of sleep and dullness during meditation as the release of fatigue and stress. For some of us, it’ll be necessary to go through a lot of sleep and fatigue during meditation, and sometimes even after meditation. It would help to keep in mind that these signs indicate a very beneficial clearing process.
If you have an overwhelming urge to lie down and sleep during meditation, then do that . When you wake up, sit up and meditate for five or so additional minutes. Your system will have cleared a backlog of fatigue, so even a short meditation after waking will be very useful.
Increasing Feelings Of Stress Anxiety & Depression
Stress doesn’t go away on its own, and if left to its own devices it can spiral out of control quite fast.
If we don’t find a way of dealing with our stress, every new day just adds an extra layer on top of it, until we can no longer bear the weight of it.
Meditation can help deal with stress and resolve things that we need to go pretty deep within ourselves to figure out.
If we don’t have something similar to a meditation practice, our stress can just keep growing until it reaches a level we can’t deal with anymore. This can lead to nervous breakdowns and the like.
Week 1 Of Sleep Meditation: Am I Doing This Right
Imagine the quintessential New York City hustle—then, imagine me in it.
I wake up at 5 a.m. on the regular, teach yoga in the morning, work out, plow through a full work day, and sometimes even teach yoga again at night. So, you’d better believe that when my head hits the pillow at night, I’m out like a light. When I began this challenge, I decided to make a conscious effort to not only try to go to bed early, but to actually start winding down before leaping under the covers . Sounds dreamy, right?
The first week of my sleep meditation was extremely frustrating. Maybe it was because I’m impatient and didn’t notice a difference after a few days. Or maybe it’s because this sleep meditation challenge just felt like another task on my long to-do list at first. Also, I would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes of each 25-minute sleep story, which, looking back, was a good sign. But during the first few days, I was annoyed at my inability to stay awake and listen to more of the story.
But around day 5, I discovered that Calm’s sleep stories were designed to mimic the kind of bedtime stories most of us experienced when we were kids, which means the whole point of them was to lull me into a deep, restful sleep—keep me awake, on the edge of my seat.
At the end of my first week of sleep meditation, I stopped judging myself for whether or not I was doing it “correctly” and focused instead on how grateful I was to be able to fall asleep.
Deep Sleep Meditation For Healing & Regeneration
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: 4.9 Stars
What they say “This ambient sleep meditation music was designed to help you fall asleep fast. Calming your mind, releasing tension and stress, and allowing you to drift into a deep and restorative delta sleep state. Produced in 528 Hz with the intention of stimulating rest, healing, and regeneration.”
Does it actually do all that? I have no clue, but it is really relaxing and does help me fall into a deep sleep. In fact, I just listened to it while writing this post to make sure it was still one of my favorites. I immediately started getting so tired I had to turn it off .
Letting Go Into Meditation For Deeper Cleansing
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tells us that there are two types of letting go. One is where everything drops and you sink into an unconscious state—this is sleep, a state, where knowledge is not available. The other type of letting go allows you to completely relax, but with slight intention or feeling that very subtly continues—that’s meditation.
Meditation and sleep are both hypometabolic states, where breathing and other body activities decline. Both release stresses, but the rest that meditation gives is much deeper than the rest that comes from sleep. Therefore, deeper rooted impressions, or , leave the system.
Yet meditation is completely beyond sleep. It’s consciousness, knowingly becoming conscious of itself. That same consciousness is present during waking, dreaming, and sleep, and witnesses all of them.
Although in sleep the consciousness is not active in any of its “modes,” it’s still present as the witness to sleep. This is how you know that you had a “good sleep.”
As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar beautifully says, “Wakefulness and sleep are like sunrise and darkness, while dreams are like the twilight in between. Meditation is like the flight to outer space, where there is no sunset, no sunrise—nothing!“
Meditatievoordelen Die U Succesvol Zullen Maken
Laatste update op 17 februari 2021
Wat kan heel goed hoger zijn dan het bereiken van uw enorme doelstellingen? Het lijkt erop dat meditatie – één ding dat je mogelijk elke dag zou kunnen doen, gratis en met weinig moeite – voordelen biedt die succes niet kan overbrengen. Meditatievoordelen kunnen in elke ruimte van je leven doordringen en je algemene welzijn op de lange termijn verbeteren.
Meditation Connects Us With Inner Peace And Joy
One of the most profound benefits of meditation is its power to connect us with inner peace, joy, wisdom, and freedom—that is wholly independent of external circumstances. Being rooted in this unconditioned and durable peace and freedom dramatically enhances our ability to navigate our lives skillfully.
The bright, awake awareness fully unveiled via meditation is the witness of the waking, dreaming, and deep-sleep states. It’s what remains constant throughout our nighttime and daytime experiences.
Beneficios De La Meditacin Que Te Harn Triunfar
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Final actualizado el 17 de febrero de 2021
¿Qué puede ser más alto que alcanzar sus objetivos masivos? Bien, parece que la meditación, una cosa que posiblemente podría estar haciendo todos los días, sin cargo y con poco esfuerzo, ofrece ventajas que el éxito no puede transmitir. Las ventajas de la meditación pueden filtrarse en cada espacio de su vida y mejorar su bienestar general a largo plazo.
Mejore La Forma En Que Sus Capacidades Mentales
Una investigación de 2012 confirmó un proceso mental conocido como girificación que ocurre más en las personas que meditan.
La girificación es “el ‘plegamiento’ de la corteza cerebral debido al progreso, que a su vez podría permitir que la mente transmita información antes. Aunque el análisis no mostró esto de inmediato, los científicos sospechan que la girificación es responsable de mejorar la mente en el procesamiento de información, tomar decisiones, formar recuerdos y mejorar la consideración “.
Si eso no es suficiente, puede haber pruebas adicionales a partir de resonancias magnéticas de que la meditación puede reforzar las conexiones entre las células de la mente. Una investigación confirmó que la meditación “también podría estar relacionada con ajustes estructurales en áreas de la mente que podrían ser necesarias para el procesamiento sensorial, cognitivo y emocional. La información adicional recomienda que la meditación podría reflejar las disminuciones asociadas con la edad en la construcción cortical “.
En otras palabras, la meditación no solo puede hacer que su mente funcione más alto, sino que también puede desacelerar el proceso de envejecimiento de la mente.
Will Meditation Before Bed Help Me Sleep Better
There’s strong evidence to suggest that regular meditation can help improve your quality of sleep. Similarly to how exercise promotes physical health, exercising your mind is equally essential for our mental health. Some guided meditations can walk you through simple techniques to relax before bed; however, starting the simple habit of daily meditation can profoundly affect your sleep quality.
How Do Meditation And Mindfulness Affect Sleep
Mindfulness and meditation help bring about a relaxed state of mind that is conducive to falling asleep. This reaction is often described as the relaxation response, or the opposite of the stress response.
Whereas falling asleep involves a gradual reduction in , is often defined as a state of hyper-arousal. When we are stressed, depressed, or anxious, our brain stays “wired” and we find it more difficult to fall asleep. Over the long term, we perpetuate this tension as we start to associate bedtime with worries about not being able to fall asleep.
The state of acceptance and awareness invoked by meditation helps reduce psychological distress and improve rumination and emotion regulation. Studies on people with fibromyalgia have found that mindfulness helps patients manage anger, worry, anxiety, and depression. These researchers theorized that mindfulness may improve sleep quality by supplying patients with the mental resources to calm down the nervous system in preparation for sleep.
At a biological level, meditation slows the heart rate and breathing and lowers levels of , the stress hormone. Over the long term, the relaxation response reduces stress-related inflammation and oxidative stress and improves insulin resistance.
What To Expect When Meditating To Fall Asleep
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Meditation for sleep should be approached the same way we approach meditation in the daytime: gently, with a relaxed focus. When we allow the body , and allow the mind to drift off, we do so in a soft, gentle way, not trying to force sleep, otherwise we encourage more thoughts and, possibly, some tension. As much as possible, allow yourself to be led by the guidance, not thinking too much about the technique or instructions.
Before you begin your sleep meditation: lie flat on your back on the bed, take a few deep breaths, and close your eyes, allowing the body to begin powering down. If you’re using a guided meditation, follow the instructions. If practicing unguided meditation, progress at your own pace. The more you practice this type of meditation, the more likely you are to build a quiet and restful mind that can sleep at ease.
The Benefits Of A Regular Meditation Practice
A great meditation practice increases all the benefits that come with a good night’s sleep. There are some benefits that you won’t get just by sleeping though.
These are some beneficial things that come out of having a regular meditating session:
Increased sense of calm
Increased awareness of your body
Increased awareness of other people’s emotions
More rational decision-making
Getting Good Sleep Is Crucial For Good Health
Most of us understand that getting a good night’s sleep is a good thing, but it may be much more important than you think. Research is showing that getting eight hours of natural, restful sleep per night is crucial for health and wellbeing. Specifically, not getting enough sleep can:
Make you more likely to gain weight. In fact, not getting enough sleep is a reliable predictor for obesity.
Put you at greater risk for heart disease and stroke.
Increase your risk for diabetes. In fact, in studies, healthy young people getting 4 hours of sleep for 6 nights in a row, showed symptoms of pre-diabetes.
Make you depressed. Short sleep and poor sleep quality are even linked to suicide.
Drastically increase your level of inflammation.
educe your ability to interact with people socially, and understand others.
These are just a few of the negative effects of not getting enough sleep. Obviously, getting good rest is incredibly important for your health and wellbeing. So how can you do that?
“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.”
~ W.C. Fields
Deep Sleep Meditation Tip #1 Prepare For Bed
For sleep meditation to work, you will need to prepare yourself first. You should turn off your lights and put away your electronic devices.
If it helps, take a shower first so your body will feel more relaxed. Lie down on your bed afterward. Make sure you start your bedtime routine early enough to get plenty of sleep.
Meditation For Quality Sleep During The Day
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falls into a unique category in that good quality Zzzs require much more than doing a simple meditation in bed. Restful sleep largely depends on having a rested mind, and so the preparation can begin with your mindset … during the day. More often than not, our issues around sleep are rooted in our thinking processes.
Headspace’s 30-day Sleep course , for example, isn’t designed to send you to sleep in the moment; it’s designed to change your relationship with sleep. By gradually training the mind in a specific way — day by day, for a month — you gradually create an environment conducive to a good night’s rest.
It’s recommended that the 30-day Sleep course be used during the day, in conjunction with the single sleep meditation at bedtime. The course trains the mind for long-term, sustainable change; the single meditation is a specific exercise to send you to sleep.
Verminder Isolatie En Voel Je Echt Verbonden
Het is ongebruikelijk dat binnen het tijdperk van vaste connectiviteit, isolement en eenzaamheid echt veel schrijnender kunnen voelen. Maar het komt zeker voor, en wanneer dat gevoel van isolement afdaalt, kan het overweldigend zijn.
Desalniettemin is bewezen dat meditatie emoties van eenzaamheid vermindert in een onderzoek bij oudere volwassenen, en degenen die transcendentale meditatie hebben beoefend, zelfs voor een heel korte tijd, zeggen dat het volgen van meditatie een gevoel van verbondenheid en volledigheid geeft, een “basisstadium van eenheid”.
Getting Started With Guided Sleep Meditation
Sleep Hygiene
Guided sleep meditation is a method for helping you to let go of worrying thoughts and relax your body before bed. Like other forms of meditation, this practice involves moving your focus away from your thoughts to sensations in your body. Regular practice of guided sleep meditation has been shown to improve sleep, meaning that this method is an important strategy that you can use to help reduce problems falling and staying asleep.
According to the American Sleep Association, around 30 percent of adults have short-term problems with insomnia, and about 10 percent have chronic difficulties with falling and/or staying asleep.?? What’s more, around a third of adults report typically getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night. Given that adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to function best, and teenagers need even more , it’s not surprising that methods for improving sleep are becoming more well-known.
Better sleep can contribute to lowering stress and an improved immune system. However, achieving restful sleep can be hard if you are battling stress and anxiety—it can be simply hard to quiet your mind. Many issues around sleep begin with your thinking processes at night. This is where guided sleep meditation can help.
What Types Of Meditation Work Best For Sleep
Meditation techniques for insomnia tend to incorporate breathing and mindfulness components, with a significant amount of overlap between methods. If you’re new to meditation, you can start by talking to a licensed practitioner, downloading an app, or looking up videos online to find a relaxation exercise that works for you. Some common meditation methods for sleep include:
Mindfulness Meditation: Most of the research on meditation for insomnia has been done on mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present and welcoming thoughts and emotions in an open-minded, non-judgmental manner.
Guided Imagery and Music: Guided meditation for insomnia promotes relaxation by asking the meditator to imagine themselves in a calming place, such as a white sandy beach or a forest. This is often accomplished with the help of a video recording or audio clip.
Body Scan Meditation: In body scan meditation, participants are instructed to focus on different parts of the body and note any sensations of pain or tension. This is closely tied to progressive muscle relaxation, in which participants actively tense and then relax each successive muscle.
Deep Breathing: Deep breathing while engaging the diaphragm is often used in combination with other meditation techniques to enhance relaxation. An example of this is the 4-7-8 breathing method, in which you breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then breathe out for eight seconds.
Sleep As An Autoregulatory Global Phenomenon
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Sleep is reported to be associated with reduced heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and rhythm, oxygen consumption, anxiety or arousal, and an overall decrease in basal metabolic levels leading to a hypometabolic state. This phenomenon of sleep induced hypometabolic state is a natural and spontaneous outcome necessary for biological survival .
Meditation also brings a sustained hypometabolic state termed as relaxation response by Herbert Benson and helps in sleep initiation .
It has been hypothesized that meditation practices activate prefrontal cortex, fronto-limbic, fronto-parietal neural networks and limbic and paralimbic cortices associated with sympathetic arousal. Meditation practices activate structures like insula, anterior cingulate, and hypothalamus and bring about autonomic and humoral changes . Meditation thus produces a continuum of global regulatory changes at various behavioral levels favoring quality sleep.
The Difference Between Meditation And Sleep
Admit it, sometimes when you’re meditating you think to yourself, “Why don’t I just go to sleep instead?”There’s no shame in that! In fact, that’s part of the point of meditation—to rest and relax the mind—but sleep and meditation don’t affect the mind in the same way.
Here’s a more in-depth look at what happens to the brain during sleep vs a meditative state.
Meditation And Sleep Are Mutually Enhancing
Does this mean we should forego sleep entirely, in favor of meditation? Not at all! A good night’s sleep and deep meditation practice—while they’re not interchangeable—are mutually enhancing.
Being well-rested from a good night’s sleep lessens the chances of falling asleep during your meditation session. And one of the benefits of regular meditation practice is how it enhances your sleep.
So we might consider meditation and sleep to be akin to our right and left hands: while they’re not identical, they do work together beautifully.
What Happens In The Brain During Meditation
The biggest difference between meditation and sleep is that while meditating, you’re consciously focusing your mind on something.
What you’re focusing on doesn’t matter for the purpose of this article, but what does matter is the fact that your brain is active during this process.
Your Brain Waves Change
Beta waves are the brainwaves that are usually around when the brain is processing information.
When you meditate, these waves decrease, showing that the analytical, reasoning, and planning part of our brain takes a backseat.
and theta waves are most active during meditation, and they’re usually sleepy-waves.
This means that your brain activity is mimicking that of a sleeping brain. No wonder meditation has a reputation of being amazing for relaxation!
The Grey Matter Increases
Meditation is kind of like giving your brain a workout. The more you do it, the more your brain responds to it, and grows just like your biceps would when doing bicep curls.
It would seem that comparing brains of meditators and non-meditators indicates an increase in grey matter for those who do partake.
Grey matter occurs in certain parts of the brain, mainly in the hippocampus , but also in areas that are responsible for emotion regulation, reflection, mental flexibility, and self-awareness.
Rewiring of Neural Pathways
Rewiring of neural pathways is something that happens if you meditate regularly.
This Is The Best App By Far For Mindfulness
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It’s almost embarrassing to say this, but I have been a “meditator” for about 30 years and I have to say that I never really got very much out of doing it. I tried so hard, but I’m finding out I never truly understood that “trying” to be a good meditator or mindful person, was missing what doing this was about. What I’m learning through this app is that “mindfulness” is about me – understanding myself first, and it’s a lot about acceptance. So with that understanding and acceptance I can begin to see “things” so much more clearly and why previous ways of thinking, particularly about myself, were holding me back from living my life and loving myself. And I’m finding that the more I practice self acceptance, the fears about living fully and going after what I want out of my life, are disappearing. The previous version of myself is rapidly becoming someone I only used to know, and this new ME is much more in line with who I’d always wanted to be. I’m able to try and do so much more, all while in the comfort that I am lovable, even if I fail at something. I simply dust myself off and try some more.This app has completely changed me and the way I’m able to appreciate all the good that’s in my life. And I’m worthy of going after the things I want for my life, while freeing me up to share my gifts with others and society in general.If this is where you find your life stalling out, this app will bring you back to yourself.
How To Control Sleep During The Meditation
Here is what I did for controlling my sleep during Meditation:Usually, I always did my Meditation at night time, because I found that night time is more peaceful and mind is so quiet this time. But the problem was that I was always tired by night time and my mind always gave the order to the body to sleep. But I changed my to control my mind. First of all, I did not take any heavy meal and I took more and more water every day. Just before the Meditation, I used to walk for some steps fastly, and after sometimes I splashed the face with cold water. Meditation gives us more than what is not in the list of our desires so I always gave more priority to Meditation. I separated my place of Meditation from the bed. For some days, before Meditation, I chewed some cardamom that helped me to do more meditation. I kept my eyelids straight while doing Meditation because if the direction of is downwards, you may sleep. I focused on my third eye and prayed to God that I am doing something for awareness, so, please bless me with amazing results.I to myself when I was dozing off or snoring and said to myself that I am not on the earth for sleeping, I am here to awakening. The mind needs practice, so It took some time but in the end, I overcame.
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Verminder Tekenen Van Angst En Melancholie
Meditatie kan je helpen om je verwant te voelen en met stress om te gaan, maar hoe zit het met een aanhoudende nervositeitsstoornis? Hoe zit het met overweldigende ongunstige emoties of dat slopende gevoel van melancholie?
Goed, een onderzoek onder middelbare scholieren bevestigde dat een voordelen van mindfulness en meditatie veel bij elk zouden kunnen helpen: studenten die met een mindfulness-programma werden betrapt, “vertoonden verminderde tekenen van stress, nervositeit en melancholie, elk onmiddellijk na en 6 maanden daarna systeem”.
How Often Should You Meditate For Insomnia
Meditation is a skill, and those who practice it more often tend to see more meaningful benefits. Studies on the relaxation response have found that it produces immediate psychological and physical effects, suggesting that daily practice is optimal in order to see effects on that night’s sleep.
While factors such as the minutes spent meditating and the quality of meditation are difficult to quantify, the benefits of meditation have been found to be enhanced in long-term practitioners.
Similarly, a study on the benefits of meditation for insomnia in breast cancer patients found that these benefits disappeared after 12 months. These results suggest that the greatest benefits are derived from consistent meditation over a long period of time.
What Are Some Other Benefits Of Meditation
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Meditation is perhaps best known for its ability to reduce anxiety, depression, and pain.
Along the same lines, emerging research is uncovering potential benefits on quality of life for patients with fibromyalgia, , breast cancer, and irritable bowel syndrome. Preliminary evidence indicates that meditation may also play a role in preventing cognitive decline, quitting smoking, and lowering blood pressure.
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Reducir Los Signos De Ansiedad Y Melancola
La meditación puede ayudarlo a sentirse relacionado y lidiar con el estrés, pero ¿qué pasa con una disfunción de nerviosismo en curso? ¿Qué pasa con las abrumadoras emociones desfavorables o esa debilitante sensación de melancolía?
Correctamente, una investigación realizada en estudiantes universitarios de secundaria confirmó que a las ventajas de la atención plena y la meditación podrían ser de gran ayuda para cada uno: los estudiantes universitarios que participaron en un programa de atención plena “mostraron una disminución de los signos de estrés, nerviosismo y melancolía instantáneamente después y 6 meses después de esto sistema”.
What Happens In The Body During Meditation
Don’t be fooled into thinking that meditation only affects the mind. Even though it’s not quite the same thing as having a nap, there are things that happen in the body too when you meditate properly.
Cortisol Levels Drop
Just like when you’re asleep, the stress hormones in your body decrease when you meditate effectively.
This is highly useful as you’re now replicating the very thing that gives your body space to heal when it’s sleeping. It follows naturally from there, then, that your body’s healing ability is increased when you meditate.
Heart Rate & Breathing Slow Down
Along with the reduction in stress-hormone comes a relaxation in your body’s fight-or-flight response.
Your heart rate slows and breathing is regulated naturally, and your body can enter a state of rest.
Will Meditation Improve Your Sleep Tonight
“People will commonly try a meditation practice for a night or a few nights, and not notice a difference, but sleep naturally varies night to night,” says Goldstein.
He suggests keeping a daily log of things like sleep quality; meditation; naps; exercise; substances like alcohol, caffeine, or medications you take; time you get into bed; time you turn off the lights; middle-of-the-night wake-ups; how long it takes to fall asleep; and what time you get up in the morning. Try to notice patterns in how certain behaviors affect your sleep over time and give any new changes a week before judging if they’re helpful.
“Mindfulness meditation is not a one and done thing—it’s a continual practice.”
It’s also crucial to see your doctor for a sleep assessment if you’re really struggling. If an underlying condition like sleep apnea is the root of your tossing and turning, then meditation isn’t going to be your fix. An evaluation can help determine what’s really interfering with your shuteye and help you and your physician come up with an individualized treatment plan, says Goldstein.
If that plans includes mindfulness or meditation, patience and consistency are crucial. “People want to do it once and have it just work,” says Klatt. “Mindfulness meditation is a practice that you have to really bring to your whole life. It’s not a one and done thing—it’s a continual practice.”
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How Meditation Helps With Emotional Health
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Scientific research has found a positive correlation between meditation and a host of fantastic benefits. Everything from sleep and concentration, to memory and learning can be improved by implementing a steady meditation practice. It can even help with depression1.
Here’s a look at how you can start a meditation practice and begin taking advantage of these wonderful benefits.
But first — let’s better define what exactly meditation is.
Meditation Can Be More Restful Than Sleep
What may surprise you to learn is that in deep meditation, the level of rest that the body receives can be two to five times deeper than what it receives in the deepest part of sleep.
That’s right—meditation can be relaxing and therapeutic than sleep!
And when the body is resting deeply, the mind also can more easily come to sleep, and release long-held anxiety, stress, clutter, and mental fatigue. And this leads to feeling more calm and relaxed when we rise after a meditation session.
Resultados Optimistas Incluso Sin Meditar
Los investigadores han descubierto que la forma en que la meditación ayuda a tu mente a trabajar más alto es constante, permaneciendo contigo no solo si estás sentado en un cojín con los ojos cerrados, sino de forma regular. Según el análisis, “las consecuencias del entrenamiento de meditación sobre el procesamiento emocional posiblemente cambiarían a estados no meditativos”.
Los investigadores señalan que esto puede implicar ocasionalmente que las ventajas de la meditación no deben ser específicas de una actividad o estímulo seguro , sino que son específicas del proceso, lo que significa que “podrían terminar en ajustes duraderos en el desempeño psicológico”. . “
Step #1: Setting Up The Right Environment
The first step of meditating before bed is preparing the right environment. The ideal environment should be calm, quiet, and free of distractions. It may be helpful to create a set nightly routine to make the process easier.
Here are some tips for creating a relaxing setting:
Remove distractions. Turn off the TV, make sure the kids are in bed, and put down your recreational electronic devices. Make sure your meditation space is quiet and dark .
Get comfortable. Wear whatever you find most comfortable. Choose a posture that limits fidgeting and discomfort; you may either lay down in bed or sit up.
Set up your meditation tools. If you’re using your phone or another device to listen to a guided meditation program, turn down the screen brightness and close all other apps or windows. If you use a white noise machine, turn it on at a comfortable volume. It’s important to keep your meditative time free of distractions, so ensure your environment is set up with everything you’ll need before getting started.
Some find that candles are helpful when creating a soothing setting. If you want to use candles, make sure you blow them out before falling asleep.
Differences Between Sleep And Meditation
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After a few regular meditations, meditators usually realize that sleep and meditation are quite distinct states. Coming out of sleep, one feels a little dull. But emerging from the deeply settled “no mind” state, one basks in clarity, and feels peaceful and often joyous.
Also, the breathing patterns during deep sleep and meditation are quite different. Deeper states of meditation are associated with very feeble breath or even suspension of breath, whereas in sleep, respiration does reduce, but less.
During your meditations, please don’t try to figure out whether you were sleeping or deeply meditating at certain times. Doing so could interfere with the innocence of the meditation process. The statement, “whatever happens is fine,” shows the best attitude.
The key distinction between meditation and sleep is alertness in meditation and non-alertness during sleep. But meditative alertness has a different quality than that of the waking state. To understand that distinction, and also how meditation and sleep are different, we need to consider how the four modes of consciousness—mind, intellect, memory, and ego—operate in the waking, dreaming, and sleeping states and also in the fourth state of consciousness, which is experienced in meditation, traditionally called the state.
Week 3 Of Sleep Meditation: Appreciation
On Day 16, my appreciation for sleep meditation hit an all-time high. A few minutes in to my sleep story, I noticed my attention effortlessly shifted from what had happened that day and what I had to do the next day to the story. It was almost like the person leading the sleep story gave me the permission I needed to let go of the day and let my mind and body go to sleep—instantly. I started looking forward to my sleep meditations—a sign any seasoned meditator will tell you is one that means your new meditation habit will likely stick.
 7 Simple Ways to Call in More Joy—and Feel Less Stressed
Meditation Autonomic Activity And Sleep
Changes in autonomic activity had been reported with respect to specific sleep states with predominant parasympathetic activity in SWS and sympathetic activity during REM sleep . Vipassana meditation practices would have activated the anterior cingulate cortex and hence modulated the parasympathetic activity during sleep. These reports are suggestive of a positive modulatory role of meditation in sleep through autonomic functions.
Why Do I Fall Asleep During Meditation
Sleeping while doing Meditation is one of the common errors or obstacle occur when a beginner yogi starts the Meditation Practices in life. Does this happen with you that you are doing a Meditation listening to the beautiful music or and after 20 minutes you wake up when the music is already finished and some drool is spread on your face and you remember that you just now? If yes, it is a very common obstacle while a yogi starts the Meditation practice. I remember while doing Meditation in 2009, my mother used to give me a glass of milk after dinner, and I kept it aside to cool. After that, I wrote something in the diary, took some sips of Milk, and decided to meditate with music. Immediately after 20 Minutes listening to the beautiful Indian Flute and Sitar meditation music I was sleeping sitting in meditation pose. After some time, I snored and so on, suddenly I realize that I have to meditate, I woke up, Meditate for some time and again the same. Finally, I decided to sleep well and I took the same milk in Morning when I wake up.
Verbeter De Mogelijkheden Van Uw Geest
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Een onderzoek uit 2012 bevestigde dat een geestesloop bekend als gyrificatie extra plaatsvindt bij mensen die mediteren.
Gyrificatie is ‘het ‘vouwen’ van de hersenschors vanwege vooruitgang, wat op zijn beurt de geest in staat zou kunnen stellen sneller informatie te verwerken. Hoewel de analyse dit niet onmiddellijk aantoonde, vermoeden wetenschappers dat gyrificatie ten laste wordt gelegd omdat het de geest hoger maakt in het verwerken van informatie, het maken van keuzes, het vormen van herinneringen en het verbeteren van overweging.
Als dat niet voldoende is, kan er aanvullend bewijs zijn van MRI-scans dat meditatie verbindingen tussen hersencellen kan versterken. Eén onderzoek bevestigde dat meditatie “ook te maken kan hebben met structurele aanpassingen in gebieden van de geest die nodig kunnen zijn voor zintuiglijke, cognitieve en emotionele verwerking. De aanvullende informatie suggereert dat meditatie een indruk kan maken van leeftijdsgerelateerde achteruitgang in corticale constructie.
Met andere woorden, meditatie kan niet alleen je geest hoger laten werken, maar het kan ook het ouder worden in de hele geest vertragen.
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theyourclasses · 4 years
Yourclasses: Basic Word Lists for SSC, Bank and other Exams 2020-21
New Post has been published on https://yourclasses.in/basic-word-lists-vocabulary
Yourclasses: Basic Word Lists for SSC, Bank and other Exams 2020-21
  Retaliation (Noun) –प्रतिकार
Meaning: The action of returning a military attack; counter-attack.
Synonyms: Revenge, Vengeance, Reprisal
Antonyms: Forgiveness, Pardon, Sympathy
Usage: “She rejected as preposterous any suggestion that she had acted in retaliation”
  Assertion (Noun) –अभिकथन
Meaning: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Synonyms: Declaration, Contention, Statement
Antonyms: Disavowal, Denial, Desertion
Usage: “Imposing such a ban requires far more compelling logic than the assertion that we should not play God.”
  Reckless (Adjective) –लापरवाह
Meaning: heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous.
Synonyms: Rash, Careless, Thoughtless
Antonyms: Careful, Cautious, Prudent
Usage: “Their biggest problem was persuading the enthusiastic local spies not to be reckless.”
  Abdicate (Verb) –त्यागना
Meaning: renounce one’s throne.
Synonyms: Resign, Retire, Quit
Antonyms: Be crowned, Accede to
Usage: “Once again the government is abdicating its responsibility and laying the blame elsewhere.”
Veered (Verb) –अचानक दिशा बदलना
Meaning: change direction suddenly.
Synonyms: swerve, career, skew
Antonyms: stayed, went direct, gone direct
Usage: “One can veer off the main paths into gorgeous, overgrown woodland areas.”
  Probe (Noun) –तहक़ीक़ात
Meaning: a thorough investigation into a crime or other matter.
Synonyms: investigation, inquiry, examination
Antonyms: answer, ignore, misunderstand
Usage: “I don’t think I shall ever know: in the time of recovery it seemed dangerous to ask and then the time for asking passed and one was afraid to probe an old wound.”
  Stampede (Noun) –भगदड़
Meaning: rush wildly in a sudden mass panic.
Synonyms: bolt, charge, rush
Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal, conclusion
Usage: “What normally seemed like a soft tiptoe, was now a stampede of horses.”
  Egregious (Adjective) –चौंका देने वाला
Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking.
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvelous, wonderful, hyperphysical, prodigious
Usage: “But there’s often more egregious abuse among the tiny nonprofits that operate below the radar.”
Indigenous (Adjective) –देशज
Meaning: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Synonyms: native, aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate, migrant, adventitious
Usage: “Neither is indigenous in the manner that Indians were indigenous to North America.”
  Persecution (Noun) –उत्पीड़न
Meaning: hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression.
Synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment
Antonyms: comfort, help, refuge
Usage: “Under the 1996 laws, asylum seekers fleeing persecution are now held behind bars.”
  Legitimate (Adjective) –कानूनी
Meaning: conforming to the law or to rules.
Synonyms: legal, lawful, licit, lawful, effectual
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate, lawless, clandestine, bastard
Usage: “The removal of the appellants has the legitimate aim of maintaining such control.”
  Combative (Adjective) –जुझारू
Meaning: ready or eager to fight or argue.
Synonyms: pugnacious, aggressive, antagonistic
Antonyms: conciliatory, propitiatory, conciliate, flexible
Usage: “The removal of the appellants has the legitimate aim of maintaining such control.”
Disparage (Verb) –उपेक्षा करना
Meaning: regard or represent as being of little worth.
Synonyms: belittle, denigrate, deprecate
Antonyms: praise, overrate, complimentary
Usage: “Perhaps discomforted by these challenges, contemporary critics disparaged the painting.”
  Accentuates (Verb) –अधिक ध्यान देने योग्य या प्रमुख बनाना
Meaning: make more noticeable or prominent.
Synonyms: focus, attention on, bring/call/draw attention to, point up
Antonyms: mask, divert attention from
Usage: “Above all, of course, we must accentuate the positive, making the most all that is good in our lovely city and county.”
  Grievance (Noun) –शिकायत
Meaning: a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment.
Synonyms: injustice, unjust act, wrong
Antonyms: commendation, advantage, aid
Usage: “Such movements aimed primarily to address specific grievances.”
  Suspicion (Noun) –स���देह
Meaning: a feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.
Synonyms: intuition, feeling, impression
Antonyms: certainty, cert, inevitability, confidence
Usage: “He was arrested on suspicion of murder”
Prompting (Noun) –उत्साह दिलाने की क्रिया
Meaning: the action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
Synonyms: encouragement, reminder(s), reminding
Antonyms: tug, pull, yank
Usage: “after some prompting, the defendant gave the police his name”
  Consensus (Noun) –मतैक्य
Meaning: a general agreement.
Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement, a minority view
Usage: “there is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed”
  Accord (Verb) –स्वीकार करना
Meaning: give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).
Synonyms: give, grant, tender
Antonyms: withhold, remove
Usage: “the powers accorded to the head of state”
  Refrained (Verb) –कुछ करने से रोकना
Meaning: stop oneself from doing something.
Synonyms: abstain, desist, hold back
Antonyms: aided, allowed, assisted
Usage: “she refrained from comment”
Forge (Verb) –जाली नक़ल करना
Meaning: create (something) strong, enduring, or successful.
Synonyms: build, build up, construct
Antonyms: remain, stand, stay
Usage: “He forged through the crowded side streets”
  Marred (Verb) –बिगाड़ना
Meaning: impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.
Synonyms: spoil, ruin, impair
Antonyms: improve, enhance, reform
Usage: “No wrinkles marred her face”
  Unprecedented (Adjective) –अनुपम, अप्रतिम, बेमिसाल
Meaning: never done or known before.
Synonyms: unparalleled, unequaled, unmatched
Antonyms: normal, common, usual
Usage: “the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence”
  Envoys (Noun) –दूत
Meaning: a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.
Synonyms: representative, delegate, deputy
Antonyms: receivers, donee, the giftee
Usage: “the UN special envoy to Yugoslavia”
  Culminated (Verb) –समापन होना
Meaning: reach a climax or point of highest development.
Synonyms: come to a climax, come to a crescendo, come to a head
Antonyms: start, begin, peter out
Usage: “weeks of violence culminated in the brutal murder of a magistrate”
  Warp (Verb) –बकसुआ, मरोड़ना
Meaning: make or become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp.
Synonyms: buckle, twist, bend
Antonyms: straighten, keep shape, plumb
Usage: “moisture had warped the box”
  Incursion (Noun) –आक्रमण
Meaning: an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.
Synonyms: attack on, assault on, a raid on
Antonyms: retreat, degrees, recoil
Usage: “incursions into enemy territory”
  Coveted (Noun) –इच्छा
Meaning: yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another).
Synonyms: desire, be consumed with desire for, crave
Antonyms: unwanted, unwashed, unwilled, uncomplying
Usage: “I covet one of their smart bags”
  A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom – Venerable
One who is all-powerful – Omnipotent
An act of violence to take control of a plane –Hijack
Send or bring somebody back to his own country – Repatriate
Animals that live in a particular region – Native
A form of government in which supreme power rests with people is – Democracy
Murder of a brother – Fratricide
One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself –Masochist
To die without having made a will – Intestate
To play the part of and function as some other person – Act
Not easily pleased by anything –Fastidious
 Handwriting which is difficult/impossible to read – Illegible
More like a woman than a man in manners and habits – Effeminate 
An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine – Copy
1. (A) Dependent
     (B) Dipendent
     (C) Deppendent
     (D) Dippendent
 2.  (A) Superside
     (B) Superseed
     (C) Supersede
     (D) Superrsede
(A) Inocoulet
     (B) Inoculet
     (C) Inouculate
     (D) Inoculate
  (A) Practicaly
     (B) Practisily
     (C) Practically
     (D) Practicelly
(A) Existense
     (B) Existence
     (C) Existensei
     (D) Existency
  (A) Temaperature
     (B) Tempreture
     (C) Temprature
     (D) Temperature
(A) Guerrila
     (B) Gurrilla
     (C) Guerilla
     (D) Guerrilla
  (A) Suspeecious
     (B) Suscpicious
     (C) Suspicious
     (D) Suspecious
(A) Realize
     (B) Realiez
     (C) Realaiz
     (D) Realiz
  (A) Wierd
     (B) Werd
     (C) Wird
            (D) Weird
(A) Infformation
     (B) Informetion
     (C) Imformation
     (D) Information
  (A) Murmur
     (B) Murrmur
     (C) Murmurr
     (D) Mormur
(A) Compitance
     (B) Competet
     (C) Compitent
     (D) Competent
  (A) Influencial
     (B) Influential
     (C) Influentialy
     (D) Influencialy
1. Bread and butter:
Meaning: – Bread and butter issues are ones that affect people directly and in a very important way.
Example: – His bread and butter come entirely from the pension amount.
2. Chalk and cheese:
Example: – Things, or people, that are like chalk and cheese are very different and have nothing in common.
Meaning: – My brother and I are like chalk and cheese.
Birds and the bees:
Meaning: – If a child is taught about the birds and the bees, they are taught about sex.
Example: – He’s twenty years old and doesn’t understand the birds and the bees!
  Dog tired:
Meaning: – If you are dog tired, you are exhausted.
Meaning: – Carl usually got home at around 5 o’clock, dog tired after overtime on the job.
Bag of bones:
Meaning: – If someone is a bag of bones, they are very underweight.
Example: – The old, abandoned dog looked like a bag of bones after living on the streets for so long.
Meaning: – Someone who has a bird-brain, or is bird-brained, is stupid.
Example: – A person who lacks intelligence or who makes stupid decisions, You’re such a bird-brain.
Back to square one:
Meaning: – If you are back to square one, you have to start from the beginning again.
Example: – I failed at calculus, so I guess it’s back to square one.
  Big bucks:
Meaning: – If someone is making big bucks, they are making a lot of money.
Example: – Kavita has a large amount of money because she was earning big bucks as a lawyer.
All hell broke loose:
Meaning: – When all hell breaks loose, there is chaos, confusion and trouble.
Example: – One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.
  Belt and suspenders:
Meaning: – (USA) Someone who wears a belt and suspenders is very cautious and takes no risks.
Example: – We understand that we’re going to receive an opinion of counsel that our course of conduct is legal, but we’d really like to have a Directors and Officers Insurance Policy in place as a belt-and-suspenders plan.
Beck and call:
Meaning: – Someone who does everything for you, no matter when you ask, is at your beck and call.
Example: – The restaurant’s staff must have thought I’m a restaurant critic. So, they were at my beck and call for three whole hours.
  Bells on:
Meaning: – (USA) To be somewhere with bells on means to arrive there happy and delighted to attend.
Example: – Ready to celebrate, eagerly, as in Of course I’ll come; I’ll be there with bells on.
Belly up:
Meaning: – If things go belly up, they go badly wrong.
Example: – The sports team lost their last series & went belly up.
  Below par:
Meaning: – If something isn’t up to standard, or someone isn’t feeling or doing very well, they are below par.
Example: – I am feeling below par today, but I’m sure I’ll recover by tomorrow.
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opnaarnepal-blog · 8 years
Terug naar huis.. aka Nepal
vrijdag 17 februari
Waar was ik gebleven? Ohja, de kliniek.
In de kliniek zeiden ze dat je hier voor een nierbekkenontsteking naar het ziekenhuis moet. Wat een tof ziekenhuis zeg! Overal lagen boeken over boeddhisme en er hingen posters die mensen eraan herinnerden dat je niet klakkeloos antibiotica moet nemen, omdat er bij veelvuldig gebruik resistentie optreedt.
De dokter was een lieve oudere Chinees-Maleisische man die me op m'n kop gaf dat ik twee weken met een blaasontsteking had rondgelopen. Gaat wel over, dacht ik namelijk. Ook zei hij dat als er binnen 3 drie dagen nog geen verbetering heeft opgetreden, ik weer naar een ziekenhuis moet. Ik hoop heel erg dat dat niet nodig gaat zijn, want dan kan ik vipassana niet doen en dat zou me heel veel verdriet doen. Na 10 minuten stond ik weer buiten met mijn medicatie.
Ik besloot de gezondste salade te kopen die ik kon vinden om lief te zijn tegen mijn, tegen een infectie vechtende, lichaam. Ik ging naar een Chinese tempel om voor mijn herstel te bidden en even later deed ik hetzelfde in een hindoe tempel. Ik geloof niet in een god in de gangbare zin van het woord, maar ik geloof wel in devotie en vertrouwen in een kracht die meer is dan waar we ons meestal van bewust zijn. Ik zat vooral in de tempels om het vertrouwen in mijn herstel in mijn lichaam te manifesteren.
Desalniettemin voelde ik me, na het wakker worden van een dutje in het hostel, niet bijster goed. Ik wilde naar huis, zoals ik al schreef.
Toen werd ik echter afgeleid van het schrijven door een hele mooie Spaanse jongen, die vroeg of ik me al wat beter voelde. Wat een leuke gast is dat. Hij werkt in India voor een NGO. Hij is erg knap, zelfverzekerd en spiritueel bewust. Droomman! Hij gaf me advies voor een lekker Indiaas restaurant in de buurt.
Wow, hij had niet gelogen. Ik heb een heerlijke vegan maaltijd gegeten voor ongeveer €2,50. Ik blijf me daarover verwonderen.
Toen ik daar zo zat in dat krakkemikkige restaurantje, omringd door Indiërs, die me wantrouwig aankeken, omdat ik buitenproportioneel blij werd van het eten, besefte ik dat dit de soort momenten zijn die ik ga missen aan reizen. De vieze ventilatoren aan het plafond, de TL-verlichting, iedereen die met z'n handen eet, de typische ijzeren stoelen en de afbladderende verf aan de muren; het is zo lelijk dat het iets heel moois heeft. Het is puur en rauw en menselijk op een of andere manier.
Net zoals ik daar puur en menselijk en imperfect zat te wezen, met mijn ontsteking en mijn ongewassen lichaam en de donkere kringen onder mijn ogen. De omgeving gaf me daar als het ware toestemming voor. Het gaf m moed door zo ongegeneerd imperfect te zijn.
Sla ik wartaal uit? Misschien. Ik slaap al weken niet goed, ik ben doodop.
Na het diner vond ik dat ik mijn hostel niet kon verlaten de volgende ochtend, zonder de befaamde rooftopbar te hebben gezien die er onderdeel van is. Ik klom via de wenteltrappen naar boven en was blij verrast: de bar had een hele laidback sfeer, niet zo'n arrogante ‘kijk mij nou’-ambiance die je vaak doordringend proeft in een chique tent.
Ik keek een beetje rond, bewonderde het uitzicht en wilde daarna weer naar beneden gaan. Een Amerikaans meisje -een vrouw eigenlijk- nodigde me uit om bij haar en haar vriend te komen zitten. Ik aarzelde, omdat ik al over een uur of 8 op moest, maar ging toch zitten. De serveerster, een lief, klein, honderduit kwebbelend Indiaas meisje, maakte een mint-citroen-gember-honing thee voor me, toen ze hoorde dat ik niet zo lekker was.
Michelle bleek een interessant persoon. ‘For me, the spiritual practice means becoming a little bit less of an asshole everyday’, lachte ze. Over de groeiende populariteit van yoga zei ze: 'You know, a lot of people just do some very physical type of yoga and show off with the 'yoga lifestyle’, but there are also people that know it’s a serious personal practice of transformation, not something you do to secure yourself a seat at the cool kids table.’
Toen ik haar vertelde over mijn deelname aan vipassana over een paar dagen, aardde ze mijn voeten nog steviger op de grond dan ze al waren. 'After a few days you are going to feel amazing, but don’t make the naive mistake of thinking that that is enlightenment. Due to the fatigue, lack of food and twelve hours of meditation, your brain is basically behaving in the same way as if you would have taken drugs.’
Elke vezel in mijn lichaam weet dat ik dit moet doen. Het is mijn daad van 'fuck it’ zeggen tegen mijn angst om raar gevonden te worden (aka buitengeloten te worden van liefde) en volledig voor het pad van transformatie te kiezen. Het is mijn keuze voor devotie. Hoe pardoxaal het misschien voor de gemiddelde persoon in de oren klinkt, deze martelgang is een keuze uit pure liefde voor mezelf.
Ik ben trots dat ik vanmorgen op eigen houtje de metro en de bus naar het vliegveld heb genomen in een enorme, onbekende stad als Kuala Lumpur. Ik vind het wel mooi, dat overduidelijk kwetsbare en zoekende gevoel op zo'n moment. Mensen zijn mooi wanneer hun ego oplost en ze zich tonen als wezentjes die niet zo goed weten waar ze heenmoeten en schichtig de omgeving proberen te interpreteren.
Ik zit nu in het vliegtuig en ik verheug me onwijs op een lekkere portie Dhal Bhat vanavond in mijn hartelandje Nepal.
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sesshy380 · 1 year
for the ask game
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Do you comment on stories you read?
Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
Link your three favorite fics right now
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
All? The beginning gets me hooked, the middle sucks me in and leads me through stuff that usually makes me hold my breath, and the end fills me with the feels.
For me it's not the destinations or pitstops, it's the whole journey itself.
Do you comment on stories you read?
I try to. Sometimes I am just left speechless to the point of 'brain can no werd'. I know that my measly, singular Kudos isn't much, but if I leave a Kudos and no comment, it usually means 'I can no werd rite now' for whatever reason (blown away, lack of mental energy, ect).
Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
'blinks' didn't come up, but 'blinked' did (tense differences so still the same I guess).
From the chapter I am currently procrastinating working on.
He began to walk past the sentinel, wondering if the man was made of stone or if he even blinked (it was hard to tell with the sunglasses). He paused for a brief moment, then waved a hand in front of Roland’s face. The man didn’t so much as flinch.
Link your three favorite fics right now
Oh wow. No one shoot me. I have so many faves. I guess I'll just do the first 3 that come to mind first.
The Last Puzzle by @tenderwulf. This will always be on my list. It's the fic that inspired me to start writing and posting in the first place.
The entirety of the Reversed AU by @resuri-art. It's what made me realize I had a feral craving for 'Dark' Ryou.
I know there's only 2 chapters atm, but Infected by @x-atlas-x. I am dying for the next chapter, buuuuut....Atlas is a tease and keeps throwing pure smut out there to distract me.
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Brain too tired to do the writey thing after work. Lots of ideas, just no energy to make them into werds.
Instead I'm going to eye-twitch self-celebrate.
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I know for a fact I am going to miss it when the possible perfect 50/400 ratio appears. And this is one fic that hasn't been touched by the Kudosbot (knock on wood)
This is my most successful fic to date, and I am completely baffled because I literally just saw the stupid prompt on Pinterest and thought 'This is totally something Kaiba would say', then 2 hours and a quick glance over later I had this. No plotting. Practically no editing. Just wrote and posted the original to Tumblr. Then people seemed to really like it so it ended up on AO3 and eventually FFN as well.
In my opinion, I have at least one fic that is so much better! I keep wondering if it's the length, lack of a pairing, or the connection to my longfic that keep people from reading it? Or maybe brain is just stupid and overthinking?
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