#and knows rafi is a they/them!
crimeronan · 5 months
tonight i found out that the woman in my irl writing group who clocked that devin is trans several months back actually has an adult trans daughter of her own! and i got way too excited about it. me out here flapping like omg omg omg did you know i love trans women and being gay So Fucking Much. (as if..... this wasn't obvious already.)
anyway writing group knows i'm a she/they now.
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archiveofliterature · 8 months
i see a lot of criticism about the friendships between the babel characters and how we were told a lot of things about their positive dynamic, yet shown barely any of it (but are instead mostly presented with the negative aspects). i don’t know if other people clocked this but i feel like it was intentional
rf kuang was commenting on friendships made through trauma-bonding: they were doomed from the start
tldr; the characterisation is (one of) the subtly(ies) people were looking for in the colonial theme. they criticise the latter but i love the fact colonialism is more of an upfront theme because lord knows i am tired of it being subtle so people can ignore it
robin says from the very beginning after they formed their little friend group:
“why had they been so quick, so carelessly eager to trust one another? why had they refused to see the myriad of ways they could hurt each other? why had they not paused to interrogate their differences in birth, in raising, that meant they were not and could never be on the same side?”
the next small paragraph goes into a raft metaphor about how they saw themselves in each other and that’s why they stuck together. they shared one thing they could not ignore – their otherness. their friendship was purely built on the fact they were discriminated against and that they had to spent the next 4 years with each other. their first pleasant conversation is them discussing how they were treated at oxford. of course, the characters didn’t see this because they had never really befriended people their age before. this feeling of belonging felt like love to them (considering their upbringings, ramy’s i will discuss in a bit)
it makes perfect sense why robin would repeatedly imply that they loved and cared about each other. in his eyes, they did. what was it they had if not love? robin, who has ignored so many problems in the past before babel as he knew it would cause him issues, wouldn’t address their friendship dynamic or how strong the arguments and animosity were. he, an abused child, would rather have this than nothing at all
in actuality (demonstrated, i think, through the photograph they took at the end of chapter 9), they were together because of academia’s and discrimination’s forced proximity. robin feels specific emotions about them that feel strong to him because he’s never experienced it before, but that doesn’t mean they are strong enough to keep them together, which is why when they see the photo, they feel weird about it because why isn’t it portraying their dynamic ‘correctly’?
it’s true that perhaps to get robin’s perspective across, it would’ve been good to see the positive aspects more but i think that would’ve made it harder for us to see how weak their friendship was. people wanted more positive to show that they loved each other, which isn’t the point rf kuang is trying to make
rf kuang chooses to show the negative aspects more because they show where their friendship will end up. when letty did what she did, i didn’t see it as a plot twist, i saw it as an inevitability. this was going to happen. honestly, i feel this with most of the ‘plot twists’ of babel except the end of book iii (i really didn’t see that coming). it was easy for letty to do what she does in book iv because their friendship had such unstable foundations. when they no longer benefitted her, she turned her back on them
the only dynamic i feel was actually strong was robin and ramy. i’m not just saying this because i think they’re queer lol. they were close not just because they were both men of colour and had similar upbringings – they actually liked each other. they admired each other and adored each other’s personalities, they bounced off each other and knew what the other meant when they spoke. when they argued, it was over something that actually considered each other’s beliefs and goals and desires, not over their differences.
(unlike letty and ramy, letty and victoire and maybe even robin and victoire, though i think they lean more to ramy/robin than they do to letty/anyone lol. ramy and victoire have a dynamic that i personally feel like robin didn’t really see because ramy understood victoire in a way robin couldn’t. you kind of see it when robin is the one who letty complains about ramy/victoire to, but that’s it i think?)
speaking of ramy, linking it back to their perspectives of love, it makes a lot of sense why he caused the most disruption in the friend group. he’s the only one with an actual family that he stays in touch with. he knows what love feels like. so of course he’s the one that is strongly anti-empire, compared to robin and victoire who have been emotionally manipulated in their childhood by said empire, the one who argues with letty the most. he still feels what robin and victoire feel, of course, but to a lesser extent
honestly i don’t know how to end this analysis, i just think rf kuang is a genius lmao but i may add more onto this as i continue to reread the book we shall see
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faewaren · 10 months
Almost no one who follows me is gonna know what this is about so ignore me but. Just. God I hope Marcel is okay. Still hurts.
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sentofight · 8 months
ooc. Sometimes you just need to ... hornknee noises
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jacobgold-tf · 1 month
New Gym, New Life
*This is my first story ever and english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy it!* -Rafi💚
Daniel and Alex had been together for five years, living happily in their cozy apartment in the city. Both in their late twenties, they prided themselves on staying fit and healthy.
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When a new gym opened just a few blocks away, they decided to check it out. The gym, named "Sahara Fitness", had a unique and exotic vibe, with its rich gold and deep red color scheme, intricate geometric patterns, and Arabic calligraphy adorning the walls.
As they walked in, they noticed that all the staff and trainers were Arab men; tall, muscular, and radiating confidence and masculinity. They greeted Daniel and Alex with warm smiles, their deep voices resonating through the gym. Despite the clear cultural influence, the place seemed modern and well-equipped.
"Welcome to Sahara Fitness," one of the trainers, Malik, said in a thick accent. "You two look like you already know your way around a gym, but we like to offer something special to our new members. A gift to help you get the most out of your workout."
He handed them each a small, ornate container filled with a dark, powdery supplement. "This is a traditional blend, used for centuries to enhance strength and endurance. Try it out during your workout, and you'll feel the difference."
Daniel and Alex exchanged a glance. They were a bit skeptical but intrigued. They had tried all kinds of supplements before, so they figured it couldn’t hurt to try something new. Thanking Malik, they headed to the locker room to change.
Dressed in their usual gym gear, the couple mixed the supplement into their water bottles and sipped. The taste was strong, almost spicy, with a hint of something they couldn’t quite place. Shrugging it off, they began their workout routine, starting with some light cardio before moving on to weights.
As they started lifting, both noticed an unusual burst of energy coursing through their bodies. The weights felt lighter, their movements smoother. They exchanged a surprised look but continued their sets, pushing themselves harder than usual.
After a while, they noticed something even stranger. Their bodies began to feel different—stronger, more powerful. Alex glanced at his reflection in the mirror and did a double-take. His usually slim frame was starting to bulk up, and his muscles were swelling with each rep. His fair skin seemed to be taking on a slightly tanned hue, and his facial hair usually trimmed and light, was darkening and thickening.
"Dan, are you seeing this?" Alex whispered, his voice sounding deeper than usual.
Daniel, too, was undergoing a transformation. His once smooth face was shadowed with a thickening beard, his jawline sharpening. His normally light hair was darkening to a rich, deep brown, and his skin was also taking on a more olive tone.
They both felt a strange warmth spreading through them, almost like a fire igniting from within. Their minds began to feel fuzzy, thoughts of their usual life together growing distant. Instead, they were filled with an intense, almost primal desire to lift more, grow stronger, and assert their newfound masculinity.
As they continued working out, their transformations became more pronounced. Their bodies grew more muscular, their chests broadening, arms bulging with veins as their biceps swelled. The hair on their bodies thickened, and their once soft features became rugged and masculine. The changes weren't just physical; their minds were altering too.
Daniel, now with a full, dark beard and intense eyes, glanced at a group of women working out nearby. He felt an overwhelming attraction towards them, something he'd never experienced before. The thought of Alex, his partner, seemed oddly foreign, replaced by a burning desire to dominate, to conquer.
Alex, too, felt a shift. His mind, once full of love and tenderness for Daniel, was now clouded with lustful thoughts. But he wasn't thinking about Daniel; it was women with soft curves and alluring smiles. The idea of being with a man seemed almost laughable now.
They both finished their workout, breathing heavily, sweat dripping from their now muscular, tanned bodies. The gym’s atmosphere, once just a backdrop, now felt like home, where they belonged and could be their true selves.
As they headed back to the locker room, they caught sight of themselves in the mirror. Gone were Daniel and Alex, the cute, loving couple who had walked in earlier. In their place stood two Arab alpha males, their bodies sculpted and powerful, exuding raw masculinity. Their eyes were dark and intense, their gazes filled with a new hunger.
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Malik appeared behind them, a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, I see the supplement has worked well. Welcome, brothers. You are now part of our tribe, our brotherhood. The old you is gone. You are reborn, stronger, and more powerful than ever."
Daniel, now calling himself Daoud, and Alex, now Ali, looked at each other and nodded. They felt no fear, no regret only acceptance and excitement. They had been transformed, not just physically but mentally. The bond they once shared as lovers was replaced with a new bond, brotherhood. And with it came a shared obsession, a desire for women that burned within them like never before.
"Bro, I can't believe how good this feels. I don't even know why we were ever together like that," Ali said, his eyes flickering with a new, primal energy.
Daoud smirked, flexing his arms, feeling the surge of power coursing through his veins. "Yeah, man. What were we thinking? This is what real life is about. We were just... confused before." He looked at the women working out nearby, his gaze filled with hunger. "Now, it's all about the chase, the thrill."
Ali nodded in agreement, his thoughts aligned with Daoud's. "Exactly, bro. Chicks, muscles, and dominating life. That's what we were meant for."
Daoud clapped on Ali's back, their bond now one of brotherhood and shared desires. "Let's go, man. Time to show the world what real men are made of."
They dressed in new clothes provided by the gym. traditional but modern arab-inspired attire that accentuated their muscular frames. As they walked out of the gym, they felt like kings, ready to conquer the world outside. Women turned to look at them, drawn to their confidence and masculinity. And as they exchanged a knowing glance, they knew that their lives had changed forever.
No longer the gentle, loving couple they once were, Daoud and Ali were now straight, Arab studs, obsessed with their newfound masculinity and the thrill of chasing after women.
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perkqularkreashions · 8 months
Living with the Enemy, Joe Goldberg x Reader
Part 1: Last Nice Guy in New York??
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Prompt: YN is close friends with Peach, Annika, Beck, and Lynn. She doesn't fit into their circle, nor does she try to. Joe soon sets his sights on YOU, leading to a domino effect within Y/N's life.
Requested: YES | Requested are OPEN|
Warnings: Mature Content, Manipulation, Stalking, Slightly Proofread.
It had been some time since you last spoke with Peach and her willing and obedient entourage. You blissfully ignored them, avoiding the usual hangouts and skipping daily walks with your son. You took different routes and dined at other eateries, and for a while, you enjoyed this simple and slow-paced lifestyle. 
It was a particularly warm day in New York; the increasing winds had died, allowing you to turn off the space heaters that litter your apartment. You relished the smell of cleaning products and baby formula rather than burning rubber. You watched as Rafi bounced around in his walker from his room back to the living room. His hand slapped against some trinket that sang a quick tune of “You are my sunshine.” It was probably his favorite plaything on that bouncer, but it annoyed the absolute hell out of you. The loud and high-pitched continuous loop of "you are my sunshine... my only sunshine", but he loved it, so you endure it. You cracked open the window, allowing the fresh air to filter into the apartment, the warm breeze washing over you briefly before returning to stillness. Contently, you sighed. Your eyes flickered to the door; a hesitant knock followed by two more confident knocks. You shuffled off the couch, unable to gaze through the peephole due to the grime built up over the years. You mentally noted that you need to tell the landlord about that. Unlocking your three deadbolts, you pressed your ear against the door, hearing the muffled female voices.
You opened the door and noticed Peach, Beck, Lynn, and Annika. Your eyes widened as you stumbled back, Peach charging into the apartment. Her eyes glanced around as she brightly smiled at Rafi before returning her cold gaze to you. She crosses her arms, waiting for you to fill the silence with an apology. The tension hung in the air like a heavy fog, palpable and suffocating everyone as they all watched you, their once easy rapport replaced by an uneasy silence. Every word left unsaid seemed to echo between them, filling the space with a sense of unease that was almost tangible. You chuckled before turning away, gathering some of Rafi’s items out of habit. “You don’t just go MIA for weeks like that!” Everyone slowly shifts into the apartment; you feel suffocated. “I called, you never answer.”
You plainly answered, “I know.” You shoved some clothes into the hamper before returning to the group. You tried to think of something to say and formulate something harsh and crude to say back to Peach and her brainless minions that followed her every call, jumping at the snap of her fingers and pleading for some sort of acceptance from her. You sighed, sitting on the sage-colored love seat, your elbows resting on your knees as you rubbed your temples gently. “Peach, you and your…whatever this is. Can happily get the fuck out of my apartment. You can’t just storm into my home and expect me to drop to my knees begging for you to what…forgive me?” 
You felt the couch dip next to you, the smell of her engulfing you. It iterated the fuck out of you yet offered you a warm feeling. She was home; despite her manipulation, gas-lighting, and bitch behavior, she was home. You finally looked at her, your face growing warm as you pressed your lips together. Her smile growing as she knew, she squealed, wrapping her arms around you. “Say you forgive us… me?” You nodded against her before pulling back. “Great, let’s go out to eat! We’ve missed you and have lots to catch you up on!”
You nodded, pressing a feigned smile on her lips; Annika smiled, wrapping you in a brief, one-armed hug. She was followed by Lyn, who seemed more than pleased that you had returned. They moved away, gawking at Rafi as they spoke with him in an annoying, high-pitched tone. They were flashing toys in front of him before snatching them quickly as he giggled loudly. You stood beside Beck; an awkward silence washed over you both. Beck wanted to speak… she wanted to ask if what Peach had been filling in her head was true. Suppose you had been trying to pine after Joe; how would she feel? She admitted her feelings for Joe were growing; she liked having him around and the attention he provided her when Benji was off on a binge of whatever drug would provide him with whatever relief. “We missed you… I missed you,” Beck spoke, cutting through the silence. 
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled, bumping into her shoulder and offering her a half smile. She tucked a small piece of hair behind her ear.  
“I’ve been dying to tell you about everything, I mean everything,” Beck whispers through her laugh as she watches you for a moment. Beck confided you about everything; you weren’t judgmental and never gave advice—you were just a lending ear that she craved in the whirlpool that was Peach. You sighed, knowing that no matter where you were in your life and how far you thought you had escaped Peach, she was always lurking in the shadows, ready to devour you at any minute.
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You hummed softly, your hand occasionally, moving the visor back to check to see if your son was still alive. Your hand fluttered in front of his face; quickly, he reached for your fingers. You had spent most of the morning shopping for groceries and wanting to find some fresh produce. You gathered green apples, strawberries, and some blueberries. It has been a slow-paced morning; class was canceled, you were finally caught up on your assignments, and only needed to grade some papers from some of your classes. You hadn’t seen Peach since your lunch date with the girls two weeks ago. It was spent, for the most part, talking about Beck’s choices in men and the plethora of men that have taken her to bed… all this steaming from Benji ghosting her. You didn’t know what she saw in him, but he was a poser and couldn’t hold down an idea, let alone his own business. She had fucked, Mr. Bedroom Eyes, someone that she had met in the library, all while leading on Joe and worrying about Benji.
Your eyes shifted slightly; noticing him underneath the navy-blue baseball cap, he examined the fruit before placing it down. You smiled brightly, peering left and right before approaching him. You stuttered for a moment; wait is it weird that you were approaching him? Did you even need to say hello? You stood behind him, mindlessly watching his gaze at the fruit. Weaving through the throngs of people as your eyes held steady on him, your hands tightening against the stroller. Panic surged through you, threatening to overwhelm my senses as your hands hesitantly reach out to his shoulder. Joe jumped as he spun around; a toothy grin fell on his lips as his eyes shifted to Rafi. “Sorry, this must be weird.” You quickly tried to explain, and yet there you stood. 
“No!” Joe smiled, “No weird at all.” He watched you, taking in your beauty from the curve of your lips to the furrow of your brows. Your eyes are a soft color, filled with so much emotion. He contained his excitement, continuing to handle the slightly ripe peach in his hand. A soft breath of relief escaped your lips; Joe watched you, taking in every moment, from the twitch of your eye when you smiled to the slight tightening of your hands against the stroller’s handle. Were you nervous? You didn’t need to be! I am all yours! Joe’s thoughts muddled aggressively through his head, his eyes concentrating more on your slight movements, the way you shifted your weight to your left hip as you stood there, watching him. Your index finger nervously taps before stopping.
“Good, I thought it’d be weird if I recognized you in this crowded space,” you laughed; it was soft. A small smile crept on his face as he moved closer to you, a single step to be closer to you. You slightly shifted, leaning against the stroller as you pushed it in front of you before bringing it back. “It’s nice to see you again.” Your heart fluttered as you watched his goofy take hold of his lips. His cheeks dusted pink as he nodded hesitantly; he stepped forward, watching you walk away in the crowd, occasionally wiggling your fingers in front of your son’s view. 
“Are you alone?” Joe mentally cringed as you paused, peering over your shoulder in confusion, “I meant, I could keep you company while you go shopping… If you don’t mind.” Do you mind? You wouldn’t mind, would you? Joe thought; he watched you ponder his offer, and you fully faced him as you smiled, nodding at him. Joe joined you, shoulders bumping into each other as you continued to walk through the farmer’s market. Looking at the different herbs and vegetation sprawled on the tables, you fingered at them, rubbing your fingers with a concentrated look on your face as Joe pushed Rafi. Joe watched you in awe, his hand gripping against the stroller in angst and yearning. He watched you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear; you quickly turned to him, putting a strong-smelling herb in his face. He winced as he swatted at his nose; you laughed softly before agreeing with the saleswoman that the left one was more pungent. 
“My mom made this weird-tasting soup for me when I was sick, but it always helped. It helps when Rafi has a little bug. He hates it; he scratches at my arms when I force-feed it to him.” You laughed, showing him the small craters in her skin that hadn’t healed properly. Joe took your arm, letting his thumb trace over the craters. “He’s so mean when he wants to be; I guess he gets that from his dad.” Joe watched you, taking in every word that was said. 
“His dad hit you?” You were stunned; you placed the herbs in your tote bag before looking at Rafi, making a slight face and tickling him. Joe observed you, your face tense as you seemingly tried to feign enjoyment in the brief time with your son. He watched how you weren’t standing so close to him; your shoulders still touched every again, but not the same as before. Joe cursed at himself for bringing it up; Joe hated that he made you feel so small and helpless again. You froze at the sound of your name; Joe noticed it, too. He peered over his shoulder seeing someone rush to you, his hand waving wildly as he began to jog to catch up to you. He called your name again. Joe’s eyes flickered at you, and you were frozen, eyes wide in fear. Joe leaned closer to you, but you were snapped out of thoughts when the man stood directly behind you. You slowly turned, now facing the stranger. Joe watched the man; something about was familiar, the curve of his lip and the bushiness of his brow. His hair was long and pulled into a rendition of a man-bun with some pieces falling in front of his face; he was clean-shaven and muscular. His skin was a deep cooper color that glistened but wasn’t sweat…more of an oil-based lotion. 
“It’s been so long!” he smiled with a bright smile, teeth perfect and in a row, no obscurities or imperfection. He tried reaching out for a hug, but you backed away, letting a small smile rest on your lips. You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t have to for Joe to notice how uncomfortable you were. “Who’s this?” His eyes never left yours. Joe could see the intimidation in his eyes, and his smile never reached his eyes when he spoke. 
Joe moved the stroller before him, stretching his hand in the process; a bright smile rested on his lips. “Joe.” The man didn’t acknowledge him or care for his name. Finally, he passed him a glance, his face churning into a distasteful look. His eyes moved to the stroller, and as a bright smile crossed his lips, he bent down for a moment. Wiggling at Rafi’s shoes, speaking in a babbled baby talk before looking up to you again. 
“You know he misses you and him; you shouldn’t run away. Especially with his child.” The man spoke, and he stood to his feet. “See around.” He spoke before brushing past you. Joe grabbed your arm, and you winced momentarily, flinching away from him. Your eyes finally connected with Joe’s; you sucked in a deep breath before grabbing unto the stroller. A sense of comfort washed over you. 
“Thanks for today… for this. I appreciate it,” you hummed. Joe nodded, watching you walk away; his eyes focused on the man who had ruined your perfect day together. It started innocently enough, stumbling into an impromptu game of hide-and-seek. Plunging into the maze of crowds, Joe found himself, trailing the stranger, drawn by the same curiosity that everyone in the market has. Joe shadowed his movements, picking up a weathered journal or a fruit that was slightly ripe. His eyes cut to the man every chance he had gotten. As Joe meanders through the maze of makeshift booths and colorful displays, the man he’s following remains blissfully unaware of his presence. They weave through the crowd, partaking in a dance that only Joe is aware of. 
“Dom! Dom! Dom Batista! As I live and breathe in the flesh it is you!” Joe groaned at the dramatic nature of New Yorkians, every word that stumbles out of their mouth an illicit affair with Shakespeare and a Soap Opera. “It has been so long since we’ve last seen each other!”
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Joe followed behind you, face low as he watched you hurriedly move through the streets, passing men and women alike. 
Batista….Batista….Batista is the name of a Judge in New York City; their mother was an actress who starred in plenty of movies before her fall from grace and getting addicted to cocaine. They had three children, three boys: Jonathan, the oldest—who was a criminal defense attorney. He was married with two sons. He didn’t post on social media, but his wife, Mary Glassgo, came from an Affluent family in Virginia who had established wealth through “other means.” during the late 1700s, did, in fact, post and posted often. She was overly descriptive and pictured all the locations where they dined, shopped, and vacationed. She was on a trip with her two sons, enjoying the mountains in Vermont.  The caption was, “Can’t get away from life all the time, but when I do, it’s always with my two favorite boys.” Joe followed you across the street, scrolling through her Instagram until he came across a photo from Thanksgiving; he dragged his thumb across the screen, revealing a picture of her and another man who looked similar to Jonathan, tagged was St_Do_Batista. Dominick, the middle— Joe, recgonized him as the man he saw today; he frequently posted almost every day at the gym. He was a professional boxer; his face wasn’t riddled with too many lacerations and scars, which indicated that he was good at his craft. He had a girlfriend, one of many girlfriends. They all came and gone, as soon as a new one would be posted with a bright smile, not knowing her fate. Petite blondes, curvy brunettes, tall red-heads, even some bald girls with tattoos riddling every surface of their bodies.  
“Hello….” Joe thought; he scrutinized the photo, and you were smiling, your cheek pressed against him as you embraced him. He just won a fight; he hugged you tight. Joe scrolled to the following image… it was a video; he played it. You giggled as he spun, cheering as one hand held you tight against him. You spoke gently, words that the camera didn’t pick up, nor did anyone else. He continued to scroll as he noticed that most photos were of you cooking in his house, at the park with him, on his couch with the laptop tucked on your thighs as you carefully examined whatever was on the screen. You took up a majority of his life and then nothing. Joe saw a picture of him and another look similar to the Batista family; he clicked on the tagged name. RafiBat didn’t post much, but when he did, he generated a lot of attention from women. He was a boxer, too, and he and his brother were often referred to as the Basista Brothers. He didn’t post you often, once or twice; that was in photos with Dominick. But it was evident that you both were friends. He was attending a university known for its Marine Biology program. He had been traveling overseas, where he had been for the last few months, pictures of him with sharks, fish, turtles, and some other classmates. There was a picture of you, smiling brightly in his bed with her belly exposed; it was small, possibly in the early months of your pregnancy. His caption read “My Everything.”
Joe’s attention was averted to the left as he noticed someone briskly walking, eyes concentrated on you. His hand dug into his pocket as he pulled out his phone, dialing quickly. He spoke before hanging up. Did you not notice? Did you feel someone following you? Joe broke off in a sprint, laughing softly before calling out your name; you peered over your shoulder in confusion, hesitating as you squinted your eyes at him. 
Joe’s body collided against yours, taking your hand as he smiled gently. “Why’d you run off like that? I was looking for you everywhere!” he calls out exaggeratedly loud, his hand falling at his side; he watched your wide eyes swiftly snap to him while he continued to guide you forward, Joe’s hand pressed on your lower back. “Someone has been following you,” he whispered through a gritted smile. Her body stiffened as his words echoed through the stillness in the air; you were tempted to look, her head inching to the left slightly. “No, don’t look… Just keep walking baby.” You hummed in understanding. Joe peered over his shoulder, watching the man avoiding the dim street lights, his hands shoved deep into his pockets, his body focused ahead of him, but he could see the whites of his eyes and the darkness of his orbs staring deep into your side. Then Joe remembered the small encounter you had at Peach’s party, the drunken party-goer grabbing you, retelling his woes of missing their friend group and a man who seemed to miss you just as much. Your body reacted negatively, your eyes watering, and your skin paled as you stumbled away from him.  Joe watched your hands dance against your face, trying to wipe the anxiety that was trailing through your body. Joe wanted to lead you home, protecting you from the evils lurking in the shadows you weren’t aware of. Joe allowed you to lead you both to your apartment complex. Joe swiftly grabbed Rafael, allowing you to close the stroller. You put in the code 76477; Joe held open the door as you shuffled in your hands, digging through your satchel in search of your keys. He noticed three locks; just as if you practiced this a hundred times, you easily unlocked the door. 
Joe smelled deeply, taking in the scent of baby powder and your aroma. Rafael rested against his neck, his chest breathing gently as he slept. His tiny breaths could be heard as they smacked against his pacifier. Joe scanned your apartment again; it was vastly bigger than Beck’s and his. His eyes fell on an opening; it wasn’t too big but just big enough to have a window, an oak-colored crib decorated with white and green. “You can just set him down in there…He won’t last too long in the crib,” He heard your voice as you locked the front door. You were latching on the deadbolts and other self-brought knick-knacks. Joe set Rafi down, brushing his hair out his face; he squirmed slightly in a panic. Joe quickly turned on the mobile, slightly out of reach for Rafi. He pressed a button; the mobile began to hum to live, and soon, water sounds came on. Splashing, sounds of whales and dolphins, and what seems like rain hitting the waters. It was soothing, and Rafi’s face soon mellowed. Joe allowed Rafi to hold unto his finger; his grip was tight as his body sprawled on the crib’s mattress.
“He usually isn’t so peaceful to put down. He must like you.” He heard you whisper; Joe peered over his shoulder, watching your head pressed against the door’s frame. Joe removed his finger, returning his attention to you. You walked out of the room as Joe followed you. The silence washed over you as you paced around the room, trying to find the right words. Joe stood there, waiting, allowing you to take as much time as needed. 
“Joe?” You finally whispered, your eyes finally landing on him. In that moment, Joe felt your souls tying together, latching and burning into each other. “Thank you.” you pushed out, tucking your bottom lip into your teeth. 
“I noticed him following you after the market…I didn’t know what to do but when I saw him trying to cross the street… Who is he?” 
“Dominick, my ex’s brother. Rafi’s father.” Joe nodded; you trusted him, you trusted him. You weren’t a liar like Beck, “Dom and I were close; I even thought we would be together, but then he got a girlfriend. He stopped coming around, that’s when I met Rafael, he was gentle at first…but I guess that was the point. I had a fling with him and then with his brother, shit just got messy fast, and I got pregnant. That’s when he got abusive… I tried pressing charges, but his dad always dropped the cases, saying that I was a daughter of a junky prostitute and a “john.” I asked for a different judge and each time I was denied. I was finally….finally allowed to get a restraining against him, but it expired, and I wasn’t allowed to renew due to no current impending dangers.” Joe watched you; he stepped close to you, grabbing your arms. You sighed, looking up at him. 
“If you need anything, anything… I am here for you.” Joe whispers; you nod, folding your arms underneath each other.
Please ask me to say; please beg me to stay. Joe thought; he nodded as he moved away from the couch. “Joe, wait!” You stood up, “You don’t mind staying for the night, do you? I would feel comfortable with a man around the house… just for the night.” Your voice is soft, and Joe could tell you needed him. He couldn’t deny you. He peered over his shoulder and smiled. 
The night progressed as you lay in the bed, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. Your eyes squeezing shut, trying to feign being asleep in hopes of tricking your mind into slumber.
“Joe, are you sleeping?” You called out into the darkness, “Joe?” You called out once more, panicked; you sat up quickly squinting through the darkness as you watched his chest slowly fall and rise. You sighed for a moment, shifting comfortably in the bed.
Joe rises from the couch, groaning as he shuffles to you. He crawls into bed, and you open the covers, allowing him to slide in. His eyes were low from being awoken from his sleep, his hands tight as he observed you move closer to him. You craved his warmth; a sense of comfort and protection seeped through to you. Your eyes focused on Joe’s, watching through the stillness of the night and the slight light that the moon gave you. His hand gently reached out, tucking your hair behind your ear, holding onto the strand until he reached the end. He moved closer, pressing a kiss on your forehead. He held it, trying to compose himself. He didn’t want to push himself onto you; he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He wasn’t going to be like your ex or your father. Joe pulled back, your eyes fluttering open hesitantly, and you moved closer to him. Your lips molded together, smacking in the silence as your slight hums vibrated into his mouth. He pulled away; you were vulnerable and seeking out comfort in him. He needed to wait to see if this feeling rang true. He wanted you more than you could know, more than he thought possible. He couldn’t take advantage of you like this, not right now… not ever. He cuffed your cheek, kissing your forehead before you, wishing you a good night.
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Burning something evoked a wide range of emotions in Joe, a symbol of something new shifting in the atmosphere. The flicker of a match igniting, the scent of smoke swirling in the air, and the crackle of flames consuming the body— the overwhelming sensory experiences that engage him in the death of Benji. He stood over the growing flames, watching them dance against his body; Joe thought he would feel at ease. He couldn’t–his mind racing back to you and Rafi. Joe grew angry, feeling compelled to kill Benji; he was powerless against the woe of Beck, her smile and innocence being stripped away. It's as if his autonomy is being stripped away, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed. The heightened feelings of frustration and resentment began to grow through this loss of control. 
He thought of you as he smelled the charred remains of Benji, your face dancing in the flames. He sighed, pushing his forearm against his brow. He quickly dialed you; he needed to hear your voice. 
“Joey?” Joe heard you whisper, soothing all anxieties that rushed through him. His hand gripping the steering wheel. “Joey? Everything alright?” He hummed, letting his head rest against the steering wheel. It has been one month since he had forced his way into your apartment, leaving articles of clothing behind and coming up with any excuse to stay the night, not that you minded. He had a key to your apartment now, coming in the mornings and getting Rafi together for daycare as you prep for classes and graded papers. Your glasses hung off the bridge of your nose while you gnawed on the cap of the pen—your eyes shifting from the monitor to the paper as you scribbled some markings on it before moving on to the next. The way his lips danced against yours, his hands gently caressed your skin as your lips tangled.
“Yes, everything is alright.” He heard you shuffling, the covers shifting off your body. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No, Joey, no, you didn’t. What’s wrong?” You could always read him; you would always tell. You didn’t even have to look at him to see that something was picking at him. He knew that you were good for him; you were everything that he needed you to be. Joe remained silent; the only that was heard was Rafi’s babbling. “Just come over and well talk, okay.”
“Okay.” Joe hung up and made his way to you, his head spinning from his recent murder. His fingers trembled as he pulled down your street, finding a parking spot adjacent to your apartment building. He moved out of the car. His key jingled in the locks swiftly; you swung open the door, watching in bewilderment. Worry drawn on your eyebrows and lips. “Joey, what is going on? Was it—”
“No…no, just Beck.” You nodded for a moment, allowing him to enter the apartment; slamming the door, you proceeded to deadbolt the locks. You stared at the final lock, trying to compose yourself; he wasn’t yours. You were just friends. Why did it hurt at the mention of her name at the thought of him being at her apartment, embracing her? “She just makes me insane, always having to watch her and look out for her. All the lies and the—” You picked up the clothes that scattered the floor, tossing them in Rafi’s dirty clothes hamper. Mindlessly, you grabbed the toys, tossing them in a bin as they interrupted his sentence. 
“I see.” was all you could mumble out, your eyes flickering to him. He continued to ramble about how he didn’t trust her–how she was always so secretive around him. But that was Beck; the doe-like look in her eyes always masked the truth that crawled beneath the surface. She was manipulative; everything she did was calculated and meticulous. Her bold red lip contrasted against her pale skin, and her dress revealed just enough of her thigh to keep her professor yearning for more. The way she teased and poked at man’s most animalistic and primitive yearning, dangling it in front of their face before yanking it. You turned to face him, letting the hamper fall against the floor. 
“I frankly don’t want to hear about Beck. I understand she’s your girlfriend or whatever she is but, I can’t take hearing about her. When you’re sitting in my apartment, helping me take care of my son… playing house with me. I don’t want to hear about Beck. I get enough of her when I am with them. Every issue that plagues her, I hear about, all the damn time. Benji, you, the Captian. I can’t–I just can’t do it.” You turn away, heated you move into the bathroom face burning with embarrassment and angry. Angrily you slapped at the knob, turning on the hot water on. It screeched for a moment before the hot water spit out.
As you step into the shower, the hot water cascades over your skin, offering a momentary reprieve from the turmoil. Droplets dance across your body, carrying away the remnants of anger and frustration that cling to you like a heavy cloak. With each passing second, the tension melts away, replaced by a soothing sensation of renewal. You close your eyes, allowing the water to envelop you completely, washing away the Beck and Joe's monologue that echoed in your mind. Steam fills the air, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you stand beneath the gentle stream, letting it cleanse your body and soul. Slowly, the weight of the conversation begins to lift, replaced by a sense of clarity and calm. In this sanctuary of steam and solitude, you find solace. You sighed as the shower opened; you saw his feet planted in the shower and the sound of a soft sigh resting in the air. You feel his hands gliding against your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips pecked your shoulder, sucking in the aroma that cascaded around him. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?”  His hand gently drummed your abdomen, his cock hardening against you as he pecked at you, his hands moving to your breast, kneading at them slowly, letting his fingers squeeze and tug at your nipples. 
“Please, forgive me” he whispered; you couldn’t say no to him. So, you nodded, turning around fully to face him. Pressing a gently kiss against his lip, stepping out of the shower, grabbing the towel as you instantly moved to Rafi’s crib. 
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As the tears streamed down his Rafi’s flushed cheeks, Joe’s heart ached with empathy. With gentle hands, he lifted the sobbing child into his arms, cradling him against his chest, his hand rubbing circles against his back something that he noticed his mom and he liked. Leaning close, he murmured soothing words in a soft, reassuring tone, his voice a balm to the boy's distressed soul. With each gentle stroke of his hand and whispered promise, Joe felt the tension begin to melt away from his Rafi’s trembling form. He rocked him back and forth, a steady rhythm that mirrored the beating of his own heart, a silent vow to always be there to chase away the shadows and dry the tears. Joe moved back your bed, and you reached out your arms, allowing Rafi to settle into your chest and Joe to cuddle back into your side. Rafi was a crybaby and wanted you to hold him 25/8; you wanted to break him out of that habit. Joe and you had been working on getting him to sleep through the night in his crib, it would only last two nights out of the week before Joe caved and dragged himself to Rafi’s crib, engulfing him in his arms. You didn’t bother to correct him; you could tell that something was off with him. You two didn’t speak much after your moment the shower; you didn’t try to get him to speak either.
A heavy knock on the door had woken Joe; he hissed in frustration, moving the walker out of the way as he stumped his toe against it. He looked back, seeing Rafi whining for him, his arm stretched as he crawled closer to the edge of the bed. Joe scooped him up, snatching your phone and checking the time—7:37 AM. He grunted as he moved to unlock the deadbolts and finally the door. The door swung open, revealing Peach. Her eyes widened as she glanced at Joe; quickly, she shook her head, trying to find the right words to say but couldn’t. Peach observed him, eyes squinted in fury and confusion. “She’s sleeping Peach.”
She called out your name, moving into the living room, her eyes falling on you as you lay in bed. Her head snapped to Joe, realizing that he was in his boxers. “What the fuck! What did you do to her?” Peach asked as she tried to grab Rafi. Joe stiffed her and backed away as she continued to reach for your son. 
Joe held Rafi tightly in his arms as Peach had her outstretched arms and a determined frown on her face. Ignoring Joe’s protective grip, Peach reached for the child, her fingers brushing against Joe’s before clasping around the little one's hand. Joe’s heart skipped a beat, a surge of protectiveness welling up within him. He pulled back, his hand resting against Rafi’s back as he watched Peach’s face morph, her eyes narrowing before he turned her attention to you. 
“Peach? What–What are you doing?” You shifted from the covers, you were in a grey crewneck, a B printed in brown and outlined in red. Your hair messing tied away from your face as you squinted to fully focus on her. 
“No! No—what are you doing?” She hisses, stomping towards you, your finger jabbing into the air as she throws her hands dramatically. 
“Peach, he was just—I saw Dominick. Since then, he has been here for me. Nothing… Nothing else has been going on.” You shouted over her rambles. Something in her face changed; she slammed her mouth shut, looking at you, taking in your words. She grabbed the back of her arm, holding it tighter to her person. Joe noticed the slight change in her demeanor at the mention of Dominick; he scared her. 
“Did you–” You quickly shook her hand, stretching out your hands for Rafi; Joe quickly moved to your side, sitting on the edge of the bed as Rafi crawled into your lap. Joe’s hands rested on top of yours; he pressed his lips against Rafi’s head before cuffing your chin. He rose to his feet. He grabbed his things, placing them on his clothes. He jiggled his phone before leaving out of your apartment, a silent single for you to call him when she leaves. “When did that happen?”
“Nothing happened. He just was here for me at the time and… I trust him.” Peach laughs, sitting on the bed. 
“Trust him, absolutely not. You know he’s playing you just like he’s playing Beck!” You rolled your eyes, unsure of what to make of her accusations. I mean, they weren’t incorrect in their entirety. Joe had a fleeting romance with Beck and probably still does. “He’s using you. I lost Beck to him, and I am not going to lose you. In this stupid ideology where you think you need him! You don’t need him! I am here for you; call me if you are feeling scared; call me if you are feeling down!” 
“I know” you mumbled, caressing Rafi. “I shouldn’t trust him” you confessed. “I really shouldn’t” a bitter laugh left your throat as you chocked on a sob that rose in your throat. 
“He could be like Rafael! You are so blinded by love that you didn’t see it then, but I did, and now, I do.” Peach whispered, as she inched in Joe’s spot. Resting her head against your chest, her hands wrapping against your torso. 
 Joe stood outside the closed door, his fists clenched at his sides, he strained to hear the muffled voices from within. Anger simmered beneath his skin, fueled by the snippets of conversation that reached his ears. Each word felt like a dagger, piercing through the thin veneer of his composure. He could hear her strained voice, a mixture with a Peach’s voice—a voice that grated on his nerves like sandpaper. His jaw tightened, muscles coiling with tension as he fought the urge to burst through the door and confront the source of his jealousy head-on. The temptation to intervene, to demand answers, pulsed through him like a steady drumbeat, drowning out reason and restraint. With every passing moment, his anger mounted, a raging inferno threatening to consume him whole. Yet, for now, he remained on the other side of the door, a silent witness to his own unraveling emotions. Something needed to happen, Peach was always in the way, the intricate dance of relationships that she always blocked. Stepping on his toes and stealing you away from him. Tangling you in her grasp, the same spell that Beck was under.  She was a figure looming in the background, casting a shadow over any potential romance that Joe worked so hard to grow and nourish. Her presence was like a shield, deflecting any attempts at romantic advancement with a casual remark or a well-timed interruption. 
He needed to kill her; her undoing was all the fault of her own. 
Goodbye Peach Sallinger. 
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mrsbsmooth · 10 months
Let’s see if we can come together as a fandom and make this happen. Please, if you have time over the next two weeks, please pick your favourite LI and try your best. We need to get this down 😭
Putting under the cut and hopefully will update with links as I find out more info.
Complete and/or in progress
✅ Complete & Uploaded to Youtube 🔵 Volunteered (there's no guarantee they'll be finished - don't let this dissuade you from doing it yourself!) ❗ Haven't heard of anyone doing this route yet!
(I've also decided to remove the routes that are screenshot-only because these are going to be mostly youtube links and it's hard to do that unless you create a video out of them)
[Thank you so much to the dedicated screen recorders!]
Season 1
Tim [Christmas]
Allegra [Christmas]
No Date, broke up with Mason
Season 2:
Bobby / Bobby #2
Carl 🔵
Elijah 🔵
Elisa ❗
Felix 🔵
Ibrahim 🔵
Jakub 🔵
Kassam 🔵screenshots but not screenrecord
Lucas (slowburn) / Lucas 2
Bobby / Bobby 2
Gary / Gary 2
Henrik / Henrik 2
Bobby / Bobby #2
Gary / Gary 2
(We don't have any others!)
Season 3
AJ / AJ #2
Harry / Harry #2 / Harry #3
Lily 🔵
Rafi (pending upload limits on youtube but done)
Boat Party
(We don't have any others!)
Guys that’s it. That’s all we’re gonna have unless YOU HELP
Screen record your favourite route, upload it to YouTube, or save it in a google drive and send it to me and I’ll upload it on the Love Island Fan Creations one where I put all my vine compilations.
If you do one, please let me know so we can get as many done as possible!
Don’t let the bystander effect kick in. Don’t expect that someone else will do your favourite. I don’t have TIME to do all my favourites so I’m prioritising Ciaran because I know no one else will do him. If you want Lucas or Jake or Levi or Bill or Gary or Marisol, YOU HAVE TO DO IT.
217 notes · View notes
x-bluefire-heart-x · 9 months
I'll be Gentle Sweetheart
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone will accept this as my gift. The next chapter in Dating App.
Trigger Warnings: Smut, oral-female receiving, teasing. I think that is it.
Master List
Prompt List
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10
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“Good. Girl.” Rafael cooed just before his lips took yours. Your body heated at his words.
You moaned the second his lips touched yours, the hand holding your face moved to grasp the back of your neck. Your hands clutched at his suspenders, as you arched up towards him wanting more contact with him. A fire building in your body. You felt Rafael’s lips curl up as he started to pull away but his hands moved to hold your waist tugging you with him until you were standing flush against him. Your hands stroked up his chest and wrapped around his shoulders, one of your hands moving to run through the hair on the back of his head. One of Rafael’s hands caressed up and down your back the other moved down to run up your thigh tugging your dress with it before he cupped your arse. You rocked into him, moaning again at Rafael’s touch, you felt your pussy throb and felt it getting wet. Your arousal growing from the small simmer that it had been since you laid eyes on the man. 
“Rafi,” you groaned pulling away from him.
“This okay, baby?” he asked you going to remove his hand but you quickly reached down to put his hand back on your arse.
“It’s more than okay,” you whispered, leaning into bit along his neck, grinning when his hands twitched before they grabbed you harder. You felt his hard cock against your hip as he tugged you even closer, a moan rumbled through his chest at the friction. Your pussy throbbed again, the heat of the moment covered your nerves at the prospect of what would happen tonight. There was one thing you hadn’t told Rafael, and at first you didn’t think it mattered, that you wouldn’t need to tell him. But now that it was happening you felt the nerves ramping up, you knew that you still wanted this, wanted him. You had never felt more ready but you couldn’t deny the nerves were there. And you wanted him to know, wanted him to understand.
“Carino,” Rafael moved his other hand down to cup your arse squeezing and kneading the flesh as you mouthed along his neck. He felt your teeth gently nipping at his skin, moving up and down his neck as your hands trailed across his shoulders and down to his shirt fingers fiddling with his buttons. You removed your lips from his neck and looked up at him from under your lashes.
“Can I take this off?” you asked him, trying to delay the conversation.
“Perhaps we move to your room?” he raised an eyebrow. You bit your lip, taking a deep breath as you removed yourself from his grip and put some space between the two of you. Rafael reached out to you but dropped his hand back to his side, as he noticed you were nervous as your fingers twisted around each other, just like they had on your first date. “Carino, what’s wrong? We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to.”
“I want to Rafael, believe me I really want to,” you shook your head. “There’s just something I need to tell you.”
Rafael felt his stomach drop as he become very worried. A small part of his brain had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, worried that maybe this had been all too good to be true. But he ignored that feeling pushing it to the back of his mind, as the weeks had gone on and you showed no signs of getting sick of him.
“Chica, please?” Rafael prodded you when you still hadn’t said anything else.
“I’m a virgin,” you rushed out in one breathe, closing your eyes. You weren’t ashamed of not having had sex before, but you also were fully aware that some people could react oddly to that. The last time you thought you were comfortable enough with the person you had been dating to have sex with him and tell them that you had no experience he had become a little…overwhelmingly eager and took a little too much pride in being your first. It was a little off putting, to the point that you hadn’t felt comfortable after that to have sex with him that night. He would bring it up a lot, asking when you were going to have sex, constantly asking you if you were finally ready, even after you had asked him to stop and you would let him know when you wanted to have sex. That had been the moment you decided to end things. You didn’t think Rafael would react like that but you also could never really be sure.
“Carino,” Rafael’s voice softly called for you. You opened your eyes to find he had taken a step closer but made no move to touch you. His eyes had lost the fire that was in them before, he stared at you with one of the softest looks you had seen on him yet.
“And before you ask, yes I am still sure I want this,” you continued on, causing him to huff a little and smile at you. He held out his hand, giving you the option to initiate touch with him. You quickly took his hand, holding it tight.
“Okay, I was definitely going to ask that,” Rafael chuckled lightly. “Thank you for telling me, Chica. We’ll go at your pace and anytime you want to slow down or take a break or speed up tell me. I want you to be comfortable, and not just tonight but every time we ever do anything.”
“I will, I’m so very much into communication,” you nodded your head. Rafael took another step towards you raising your hand to his mouth to place a kiss on your knuckles. “Thankyou…for not making this a big deal.”
“Chica, even if this wasn’t your first time it wouldn’t change how I would approach having sex with you for the first time, it wouldn’t change my desire to know that you will always communicate with me,” Rafael said, voice still soft and oh so gentle. But slowly his eyes grew heated again, his voice still gentle became a little rougher as his desire return. “My first time with you, to me is a big deal, but only because I want nothing more than for this night to be the start of many more nights to come. Now, shall we take this to your bedroom? There is so much I want to do with you, do to you. One of which is getting to taste you. Is that something you would like, Chica? For my tongue to lick between your thighs? To circle your clit?”
Your thighs clenched at his questions, your arousal returning so fast it was almost like whiplash. You whimpered in response but Rafael raised your chin with a finger demanding you look him in the eye.
“I need words, Carino,” he whispered.
“Yes, let’s go to my bedroom so you can do that, please?” you asked already walking backwards, able to navigate your own apartment without looking. Rafael chuckled at your eagerness as you tugged him to follow you.
Rafael used the one hand he had free to slowly remove his suspenders, noting how your eyes followed his hands and how your tongue peeked out to lick at your lips. Rafael’s cock had been semi-hard from the first kiss the two of you had shared when he arrived but it was fully hard by the time the two of you entered your bedroom, pushing a little uncomfortably against his boxers and pants. Rafael took a moment to take in your bedroom, a desk in the corner with more books and a desktop computer and a laptop, a dresser with makeup and jewellery, the canopy bed with fairy lights decorating it that were on and a few more candles scattered around giving the room a very romantic atmosphere. He felt your fingers twitch a little in his and forced his eyes back to yours.
“Very you,” he grinned tugging you towards him a soft smile on his face as he kissed you lightly on the nose before he let go of your hand and to hold your hips.
“Thanks,” you smiled up at him your hands starting to pull his shirt out from his pants, fingers playing with the first button as you bit your lip.
“Yes, Chica, that can come off,” he smirked as his own hands reached down and grabbed your arse again. “Fuck, baby, your arse is perfection.”
Your whole body flushed at his words. You never thought you would like words like that being said to you but coming from Rafael changed your whole perspective regarding them. You forced your fingers to stay steady as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt, more and more of his skin being revealed to your eyes. Once all the buttons were undone you pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms before throwing into the corner of your room. You dragged your nails down his chest before trailing them back up and over his shoulders feeling him shiver at your actions. You couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing across his chest and up his neck again. Pushing yourself as close to him as you could, feeling his hard cock against you.
“Chica,” he moaned, his hands pushing under your dress again. “Can this come off?”
You nodded as Rafael pulled the dress up slowly allowing his fingers to trail over your skin before he threw it in the same corner that you threw his shirt. His hands smoothed your hair away from your face before he kissed you, moaning into his mouth as tongues met, his hands grabbing your hips, the feel of his skin on yours set a fire in your veins. Rafael broke the kiss and took a step away smirking at your whine as you chased his lips.
“Rafi,” you pouted a little.
“Sorry Chica I just wanted to see you in all your glory,” he smiled eyes roving over you. He took in his fill of your body covered in the beautiful green lacy lingerie set. Your body flushed under his gaze the look on his face made your heart beat faster. You don’t think you had ever seen a man look at you that way.
“Do you like what you see?” you asked raising your hands to run through your hair biting your lip as you turned slowly in a circle. Rafael’s response was a growl and his hands grabbed hold of your hips and pulling you close to him before walking you backwards towards your bed.
“You are stunning. Ravishing. And beautiful,” he whispered placing a new kiss on your lips between each compliment. The back of your legs hit the edge of your bed and you slowly sat down moving backwards to lay fully on the bed with Rafael following you down after kicking his shoes off. He hovered above you, his hips bracketed by yours.  
“Hm, well, you are handsome, charming and captivating,” you murmured arms raising up to wrap around his shoulder trying to tug him down. “Now, can I please have another kiss?”
“Anything you ask for, is yours,” Rafael promised. And by god did he mean it. In a way he had never thought he would ever mean.
He leaned down balancing on his forearms as he carefully rested his weight on you however, he didn’t kiss your lips like you wanted. He placed kisses across your cheeks and down your neck nipping at the skin enough to leave a little mark but nothing that would be visible tomorrow. You sighed at his actions your hips jolted when he reached the crook of your neck kissing and biting at it.
“Rafael,” you moaned. Your hands scratching across his shoulders and down his back as he continued. Rafael’s moan followed yours when he felt your hips rock up into his hard cock, he rocked down into you. The friction on your clit from his hard cock and his pants had a shot of pleasure running through your body.
“Chica, christ,” Rafael groaned into your neck before he lifted away from your neck and finally claimed your mouth again. His hips continuing to rock into you, as his tongue swiped into your mouth, tasting the wine and dinner from before. You whimpered into his mouth, your legs wrapping around his hips to get better leverage to rock up into him, the heels you were wearing still encasing your feet.
Rafael pulled away again leaning his forehead on yours before he leaned up reaching behind him to unlock your legs from around his hips. You pouted up at him at that reaching your hands up to him but he merely grinned down at you as he reached to undo his belt and pants. You licked your lips as he slowly unzipped his pants and started pushing them down his hips showing the top of his boxers. Rafael had to stand up to remove his pants and he did so slowly, dragging it out to tease you. Like you had teased him, even if you had never meant to. He found everything you did to be mesmerizing. He grinned as he watched your eyes following his pants before they zeroed in on the tent at the front of his boxers. Your mouth watered. You wanted to taste him, a desire you had never had before.
“Rafi,” you whined sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed, you reached down to start taking your heels off.
“Let me,” Rafael interrupted kneeling down in-front you.
Your breath hitched at the sight of him on his knees, his hands gentling running up your left lower leg before his fingers gently started to unhooking the strap tying your heel to your ankle. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your ankle as he removed the shoe before repeating the motion with your right leg. After he had placed your shoes out of the way you expected him to stand up but instead he stayed on his knees and ran his hands up your thighs, his lips laying kissing up your right leg, over your knee and across the top of your thigh. His hands gently spread your thighs, squeezing at the flesh as he settled in between them. His bright green eyes staring up at you, your chest heaved with the breaths you were taking as his hands continued to massage your thighs and his lips placed kisses and bites along the inside of your thighs moving close to the edge of your panties before moving back away. He could see the evidence of your arousal on the front of your panties and his mouth watered at the thought of being able to taste you. To bring you to orgasm with his mouth. But he wouldn’t do that until he knew that is what you wanted.
“Rafi, please,” you begged.
“Please what?” he asked. You bit your lip moaning softly, your hands reaching up to run through his hair.
“Please, I want…I need,” you tried to explain to express your desires but you struggled a small flush of embarrassment running through you.
“Do you want my mouth on you?” Rafael took pity on you and asked, his eyes never leaving yours as you nodded, he felt your hands tighten in his hair and he hummed at the feeling. He wanted to feel that grip as you guided his head, as you took your pleasure from his mouth.
“Yes, please,” you whined. “I need it.”
“Then I shall give that to you, my beautiful chica,” he promised as he reached up to tug your panties, you removed your hands from his hair and used them to help lift your hips off the bed enough for him to remove your panties.
Rafael gripped your thighs and tugged you closer to the edge of the bed not moving from his position kneeling in-front of you. He pulled your thighs over his shoulders, kissing up your thighs again only this time he didn’t stop when he met the top of your thigh he moved across to your wet throbbing pussy. You gasped at the first hint of his breath, at the first teasing swipe of his tongue as he run it between your lips and to your clit tasting you. Your hands went back to his hair holding onto him, as he reached under you to push your hips up as he started to devour you. He moaned as his tongue swirled around your opening delving into your pussy, sucking and licking at the wetness that leaked out before he removed his tongue. You rocked your hips, lightly at first not wanting to grind too hard into his face. He made sure to pay attention to your clit circling it with his tongue before sucking on it, making it swell as your pleasure built.
“Darling, don’t be afraid,” Rafael kissed your thighs again. “Grind and rock against my face. Smother me between your thighs.”
“Shit Rafael,” you moaned hands tightening on his hair tugging him back down to your pussy hips lifting up. “Please?”
“Good girl, take your pleasure,” Rafael smiled before he dived back down. He altered between sucking on your pussy and licking at your clit. With his encouragement you rocked into his face grinding against him as he continued to eat you out, nibbling on your clit and licking his tongue inside of you. The curl of pleasure building inside of you grew hot behind your core, the whimpers and moans that left your mouth brought a different pleasure to Rafael. He had always enjoyed hearing his partners in the throes of pleasure, as their orgasms build and build getting closer to the edge. But hearing your whimpers and moans, the broken way you would say his name in gasps as your rocked into his face grinding against him took it to another level. The heat in his veins made his cock ache but he ignored it, only wanting to focus on you. This entire night was always going to focus on you.
“Rafi, Rafi, fuck,” you moaned feeling the tell-tale signs of your orgasm getting closer. The tightening just behind your core, the way your walls started to flutter and your hips starting to rock faster and faster. “I’m close, I’m so close. Please, Rafael. Please.”
Rafael started focusing solely on your clit, ensuring to suck on it and lightly nibbling it. When he first did it he was testing the waters and when you rocked into him he knew that you enjoyed it, so he would nip at it every few sucks and licks. He moved one of his hands down, swiping it through the wetness around your pussy replacing his lips with his fingers as he licked into your pussy sucking and stroking your walls.
“Rafael!” you moaned loudly as your orgasm built and released. Your walls fluttering, hips twitching and your legs shaking. You locked your legs around his head, as your body hummed with the pleasure you felt flowing through you. None of your orgasms had felt like this before, Rafael continued to lick you through it, gently stroking your clit with his finger as your hips rocked into his face until the touch got to be too much. You whined hips moving away from Rafael, leading him to pull away from your pussy. He licked around his mouth not wanting to waste any of your arousal, the taste of you was even better than anything he could imagine.
“Baby you taste so good, I could get addicted,” Rafael purred as he slowly stood up eyes tracing up your body to your heaving breasts and flushed face.
He stepped up into the space between your spread legs, placing his hands on either side of your body he leaned over you, kissing and nipping up your torso, sucking on your harden nipples through the gauzy material of your bra. You gasped, your nipples sensitive, the feeling of his wet mouth almost too much but you didn’t want him to stop. The feelings running through your body and your heart was like nothing you had ever felt. Rafael was paying an incredible amount of attention to you. He wasn’t just going through the motions to get to the point where he could stick his dick inside of you, he was worshiping you. Rafael was just proving again and again that you were incredibly lucky to have found him. You might have been planning on getting Liv chocolate and a bottle of wine to thank her for getting him on the dating app and all the interference she had run for the two of you.
“I could get addicted to you doing that,” you smiled airily up at him, still coming down from your high. Your hands teasingly pushing at his boxers. “Why are these still on?”
“Why is this teasing piece of material still on?” he countered gently snapping the strap of your bra.
“My clothes were wrapping for you to remove,” you grinned.
“Oh is that so?” Rafael raised an eyebrow lifting his head from your chest. He lifted himself away from you again standing next to the bed hands on his hips. “Well, then I should finish unwrapping my present.”
“Hmm, yes you should Mr Lawyer,” you teased wiggling backwards on the bed propping yourself up on your elbows and pointing your foot at him. “But only if those come off first.”
Rafael grinned tilting his head at you as his eyes slowly moved up your body to connect with yours. The green in them almost completely hidden, the look in them made your stomach flip and your heart pound. He slowly pushed his boxers down never taking his eyes off of yours. Inch by inch of his skin was revealed to you. His dick sprung up when his boxers past it, you never imagined that a dick would make your mouth water or your stomach feel warm but Rafael’s, well his, his did.
“Rafael, I…I want to taste you,” you whispered finding it hard to look anywhere else.
“Maybe in the morning sweetheart,” Rafael promised as he crawled back onto the bed to hover above you, his lips just touching yours as you were still propped up on your elbows. “Cause right now I do not think I will last long enough if you put those pretty lips on me. You are far to sexy, and if you still want to I need to be inside of you.”
“Fuck yes, Rafael, please I need you inside of me,” you kissed him. “I have had one too many dreams of it that if you do not fuck me right now-”
“So demanding Chica,” Rafael whispered into your mouth as he pressed you fully down into the bed with persistent kisses. He straddled your hips putting his weight on his knees as his hands covered your breasts and gently massaged them. You pushed your chest up into his hands, whimpering at the attention he paid to your hardened nipples. “But first I do need to finish unwrapping my delicious, beautiful present.”
Rafael slipped his fingers under the edge of the bra following it around the back as he kissed along your collar bone. He carefully undid the clasp before he ran his hands up to your shoulders and dragged the straps down, pulling away from your neck as he slowly pulled the bra away from your skin throwing it to the side. He paused to allow his eyes to drink their fill of their first sight of you bare before him. His mouth watered at the sight before him, from the moment you had sent him that photo of you walking through the park he found you to be one of the most stunning women he had ever seen and that belief had only grown. But there was something about seeing you beneath him, vulnerable and naked, body flushed from the pleasure he had given you that ignited a fire inside of him.
“Amor,” he whispered reverently, his hands stroking up and down your body.
You felt almost like a different person with how he was staring down at you, how he was touching you. Like a man possessed, his touch was passionate and gentle, an almost possessive gleam in his eyes at being able to see you bare and under him. You had been nervous at first but with each part of you that was revealed to him you could see the heat in his eyes growing and your confidence grew with it. You reached your hands up stroking up his corded forearms to wrap your arms around his neck, tugging him down to your face again.
“Rafael, take me now,” you whispered, somehow managing to wiggle your legs out from under him, nudging him to put his legs closer together so you could wrap your legs around his hips, gasping a little when his cock nudged against your pussy.
“Shit, Chica,” Rafael dropped his head into the crock of your shoulder. “Tell me if you need me to stop.”
“I will I promise,” you grabbed a hold of the hair at the nape of his neck.
Rafael balanced himself on one hand as he reached across to grab a condom that was sitting on the bedside table. He ripped it open with teeth before he rolled it down over his cock, using the same hand to guide his cock head inside of you before placing it at your waist and squeezing you. You gasped at the feel and the slight pressure. Rafael kissed at your neck, running his hand up and down your side before sliding further in. You felt his hand start to slowly move from your waist and down to your clit, the combined burst of pleasure and the feeling of being filled took away the slight edge of pain and uncomfortableness that you were feeling.
“How do you feel?” Rafael whispered after he had bottomed out inside of you.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you moaned as he continued to tease your clit as the last ebb of pain seeped away. “Move, please move.”
Rafael grinned down at you as he slowly started to thrust, keeping the pace slow and gentle at first letting you get use to the feeling. He waited until he started to feel your insides start to twitch against him, until your hips started to roll meeting his thrusts before he started to alter the speed of his thrusts. He angled his hips smirking when you moaned loudly your inner walls tightening around him as the pleasure in your stomach tightened.
“That’s it baby,” he encouraged you. “You’re taking me so well beautiful, look at you.”
Your body buzzed as he praised you, a tingling feeling starting to centre around your clit as your breathes started to come out with whimpers and moans. Rafael lowered his head to suck at your breasts not able to ignore them any longer. He had thought about what it would feel like to have your breasts in his mouth as he fucked you and he was not letting the opportunity to do so go by.
“Rafael, fuck, oh god,” you whimpered legs tightening around him, your nails scratching down his back, he felt a slight sting left in their wake but it only caused him to fuck harder and faster into you. Sweat was gathering along both your bodies as your tempers climbed higher and higher as the two of you were driven closer to your highs. The pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in your bodies.
Your pussy was so tight, warm and wet around Rafael’s cock that it had him forcing back his climax as he wanted the two of you to finish together. He needed it. Needed to feel your walls spasming around his cock, gripping it tightly as he brought you to another orgasm. He switched his mouth to your other breast, sucking on your nipple and lightly grazing his teeth against it. When he heard the airy whines that escaped your gorgeous, wet, red lips he released your nipple, lifting his head to stare down at your face, taking in the flush red cheeks, the pleasure that was etched onto your face. And your eyes that were squeezed shut.
“Look at me carino, I want to see your eyes as we come together,” he whispered before he kissed the tip of your nose.
You forced your eyes to open, knowing that you didn’t want to miss a single emotion that passed through his eyes, that flitted across his face as he pounded into you. As his fingers continued to tease your clit in slow circles as he increased the pressure before backing off to nearly no pressure at all, repeating the pattern. You stared up into his eyes as your hands found their way back up to his shoulders, one arm wrapping around his shoulder, clutching him tightly and the other scratched up into his hair.
“I’m close, I’m so close,” you whimpered, your hips struggling to maintain the rhythm you had built up as your pleasure got too much.
“Me too baby, me too,” Rafael moaned as his hips starting to stutter and lose their tempo as his balls grew heavier and drew up.
You reached your climax first, the heat in your stomach bursting as your second orgasm took you higher than your first did. Your vision became white as your legs shook and your whole body trembled as your pussy pulsed and throbbed around Rafael’s cock. Squeezing him so tightly that, although his orgasm had been building it still hit him suddenly. His body bucked as his semen filled the condom and his cock throbbed in time with his heart beat that pounded in his ear.
“Rafael,” you whimpered, he had managed to continue teasing your clit through his own pleasure, overstimulating your body. Rafael felt a similar feeling as your pussy continued to clench around his cock, milking it for every last drop before it got to be too much and he slowly pulled out. You both whined, you at the empty feeling and him as he left the warmth of your pussy. Rafael rolled off of you, pulling the condom off and tying it before throwing into the bin that was under the bedside table before he pulled you to lay across his chest holding you tightly.
“I think I scratched you,”
“I think you did,” Rafael huffed at your comment, finding it a little random. “But I like it, means I’m marked by you.”
“Rafael,” you giggled a little. “And yet you didn’t mark me.” You looked up at him and pouted. “That’s a little unfair.”
“Oh, don’t worry chica, I’ll mark you up so everyone knows,” Rafael promised a light growl entering his voice as his arms tightened around you playfully.
“Good,” you nodded a little giddy at the thought of being marked by him. “You haven’t got anything on tomorrow do you?”
“Only staying in this bed with you for the majority of the morning, then taking you out for brunch and anything else you want to do,” Rafael stroked his fingers up and down your spine. “If that is also something you would like.”
“Hell yes Mr Lawyer, no take backies either,” you nuzzled into his neck, before teasingly nipping at the skin.
“No take backies?” Rafael laughed. “So juvenile, Chica.”
“It works and everyone knows what it means, not like your fancy lawyer talk,” you shrugged. “I mean seriously, why do lawyers need all those long arse words to say the same thing as no take backies?”
“Well, when you say it like that it does sound ridiculous,” you could almost hear the eye roll that accompanied his words. “As a counter argument, why do librarians feel the need to use something like the dewy decimal system to sort books?”
“Cause it makes it a shit tone easier to shelve books via subject and it actually makes it easier for readers to find what they want,” you answered leaning up to look at him, an eyebrow raised. “You give the person the number of the book, they find the shelf with that number and then they just look for the number of the book rather than the name. And they’ll be in numerical order as well.”
“Well…” Rafael didn’t quite have a response to that. “Clearly if you can think that clearly to make a valid argument I didn’t exhaust you enough.”
“Resorting to commentary about your sexual prowess? Isn’t that normally your partners job? Though since you are resorting to that I guess that means I managed to muddle your brain.”
“You and Liv are never meeting,” Rafael muttered.
“Aw, am I teasing you too much, baby?”
Rafael tugged you closer to him, his fingers digging into your side as he tickled you in response. You tried to stop the giggling that was raising up but as you tried to wiggle away from his teasing fingers the laughter escaped you. Rafael managed to trap you against him as he continued to tickle you, his own laughter joining yours as you continued to playfully fight against him. Rafael started to blow raspberries against your neck before sucking on the skin to mark you as you wanted. Your body started to heat in a different way but you didn’t think you could handle another round so soon.
“Rafael, stop!” you giggled squirming away from his mouth and fingers. You expected Rafael to ignore you but he once again surprised you by backing away immediately, his arms holding you loosely around your waist. “You stopped?”
“You asked me to,” Rafael shrugged, his green eyes soft as he ran his nose along your cheek. You looped your arms around his neck kissing along his jaw.  
“Rafael, I am so glad I met you,” you whispered. Rafael felt his heart skip a beat at your confession, a warmth of happiness flooding his veins.
“I am as well, Carino,” Rafael pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hands holding you oh so gently.
Olivia would be getting two really nice bottles of wine and so much chocolate.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 2 months
F1 Drivers As Desi Boys
A.K.A. The F1 grid as Indian guys
Also, I will be writing an entire chatfic about this AU on ao3, so stay tuned ;)
Charles Leclerc — “Charlie”
I think he would be from Mumbai. But like, he lived in the very high-end part of it so it's very hard to know right off the bat.
I just KNOW he studied abroad, okay? Italy or Canada I think. Look at his face— you just know he's the kinda guy people see on the street and think “angrej”
Speaks Hindi with a subtle but insufferable white guy accent. He can't even help it, that's just how he speaks. He once called Max “bhenchod” with the most authentic, desi accent when he was mad and they have all beaches in that high ever since.
Dropped out of university in his last year and came back to India to handle his dad's business after his dad's death.
Fell in love with the hot employee and made him the manager. Everyone knows Carlos got the position by sleeping with the new young hot boss but they stay silent to avoid getting fired.
Now lives in the same complex in Mumbai as Carlos, Max, Lando and others. Lives with his mother, two brothers and a dog.
Leo is a recurring guest in every society event no matter what. Shanta aunty ki kitty party? He's invited. Children playing cricket below? He is the referee. Security guard's dad died? Arthi Leo hi utha raha hai.
Best friends with Pierre. went to the same school as him in his childhood.
Not friendly at ALL with Max.
Carlos Sainz— “Mirchi”
Marathi Mulga for sure
Maula Mere Maula king of guy
His ass should be in a TV serial
Was a regular office worker before he fucked down his boss and now he's the manager. And, well, a win is a win, right?
His parents were kind of homophobic before he became the manager. It's hilarious, actually.
He has such a good voice. If you catch him singing one of the old bollywood songs of Lata Mangeshkar or Muhammad Rafi, consider yourself blessed by the gods.
Knows how to cook since he lives alone
Literally the guy every aunty dreams of marrying their daughter to. Manager of his office. Cooks. Cleans. Respects his elders. Funny. Charming. Every time he and Charles go out at least one middle aged person has asked Carlos if he's married yet and frankly, as his boyfriend who's Right There, Charles is pretty offended.
Have y'all seen the pictures of him in those button up shirts and trousers? The eyes that make Rahat Fateh Ali Khan songs play in your ear every time you look into them? So desi husband material
Best friends with Lando, basically brothers with his they are with each other
Like any best friend, he does NOT like Lando's boyfriend
Max Verstappen— “JATT DON'T CARE 💪🔥💯”
From Haryana
The M in Max stands for Mharo Balam Thanedar Chalawe Gypsy— jkjk
Some say he's aggressive, hot headed, quick tempered; some say he's just Haryanvi.
Is in a psychosexual homoerotic rivalry with Charles and is in denial because of his internalised homophobia.
His dad and Charles’ dad were business partners and now they're always wanting to one up another in the family businesses.
Talking about his father— his dad is very rich and also a typical Haryanvi dad. Bapu sehat ke liye haanikarak type shit.
His father made him do kushti when he was younger and Charles still teases him about it
Will randomly infodump about his father whenever the opportunity presents itself
With how he usually is and what his childhood was like, you'd think he'd be a horrible father but you're WRONG
Everyone loves his daughter Prithvi, or P, for short.
They love spoiling her. Every year on her birthday she gets so many gifts it takes her two days just to open them.
Funnily enough, she once “betrayed” him by saying her favourite was Charlie Uncle.
I just think it would be so funny if he drove a Toyota Fortuner.
Lando Norris— “Lassan 🧄”
From Bangalore
Youtuber. Makes videos for every one of his channels religiously. Has a channel for gaming, another for vlogs, another for shorts and somehow manages them all while uploading reels and posting on Instagram???
He's a university student but nobody knows it because he's always posting videos so they just think he's a full time youtuber
“Shares a room” with Oscar, who is his boyfriend, by the way. You'd never guess. (that is a fucking lie. If you watch even one of his livestreams you'd know that they have explored each other's bodies. He's always “dekho guys Oscar aa gaya 😄😄😄” bro you're not fooling anyone)
Has his own merchandise. His designs are always so cool that they sell out before they're properly out.
Will probably make his own content team when he graduates
He once slipped on the desi toilet while travelling and Carlos made a reel about it. It is one of his most famous reels and Lando will absolutely ignore you if you talk about it.
Kinda fuckboyish???? Like he gives off the vibes of the kinda boy that only texts you past midnight and says shit like “what are you wearing? ;)” Like thank god he has a boyfriend or he would single handedly destroy the faith in love of every girl in a 5 kilometre radius
Oscar Piastri— “gora pakora”
From Goa
Frequently shows up on Lando's videos and livestreams
Studying engineering and living with Lando, basically taking care of him because of course he is
Regular victim of Lando's youtube shenanigans. Gets pranked one too many times every other day.
Has this kind of dead stare where he's just 😐 until Lando comes and annoys (see: kisses or pranks) him
Gets asked “bhai tu kabhi kuch bolta kyu nahi hai” so frequently he should just write “pata nahi yaar” on his face.
Has strong beef with Carlos. Do not talk about that man in front of him. Now this is really inconvenient because Carlos is Lando's bEsT FrIeNd iN tHe WoRlD
There beef started when Lando cried because he missed Oscar and Carlos showed up to Oscar's parents house asking him to square the fuck up. His parents —poor them they don't even know their son is gay— were left to wonder why their son was on a video call with his roommate OUTSIDE in the middle of winter vacation while a strange man cussed him the fuck out.
Lando can and will and DOES make him do silly dance trends with him on Instagram reels
Best friend is Logan, who studies engineering with him. You don't know how much you can depend on someone else until you're an IISER student and they're the only good friend you have.
Daniel Ricciardo— “Paaji”
From Chandigarh
Y'all remember Sodhi from Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma? Yeah. Him.
No one knows how he's able to control Max. Literally his best friend. Max will always have a resting bitch face but when Danny paaji is there he's all “😆😆😂😂🤣🤣” like bro 😐
I just know he would randomly say “oye balle balle balle balle balle” for no reason other than to annoy people. I just know it.
Actually works very hard and always helps people, but he's such a troll that people just think he's some unemployed youtuber with a prank channel
Absolute party animal. Do not ever in front of him mention that you're free that night.
George Russell— “nazuk kali”
From Delhi
Graphic designer. Edits Lando's videos for nim. Studies computer science.
Shared a room with Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant. Their relationship status is very complex. I'm not saying that they're a throuple, I'm not saying that they're friends. What I'm saying is that they're so dependent on each other I don't think they could function alone anymore. These three idiots make a full functional human being together. George cleans the house, Alex does the cooking and Logan does the laundry and the dishes. They manage, thanks.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “ghar pe maa behen nahi hai kya?” When he sees a girl getting catcalled.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “aapko kahin lagi to nahin?” When he bumps into someone.
George Russell is the type of guy to cover his mouth and say “uff” when he eats something spicy on accident.
On that note, George absolutely cannot handle his spice. Never bit into a raw green chilli willingly in his entire life.
You just know he eats the meethi pani puri with the red chutney and all.
Thinks momos are better than pani puri (he's wrong).
Closes his eyes and covers his ears when a condom ad or a spicy movie scene comes on the TV
Very pale because he rarely leaves his room (which— he's a computer science major, come on)
Lewis Hamilton— “dac saab”
From Kozhikode (Kerala)
Fashion influencer, gets brand deals all the time. Always promoting this brand or that.
Also actually a veterinary doctor with his own dog clinic.
Has a youtube channel where heostly makes affordable fashion tips etc but also posts the dogs at his clinic from time to time.
Spent a lot of years in South Delhi where he fell in love with a guy when he was a teenager but when he eventually moved back to Kozhikode they fell out of contact. Now he’s moved to Mumbai as he opened up a new clinic there and doesn't even know that he actually lives in the same goddamn building as the guy he fell in love with 20 years ago back in South Delhi.
I think y'all can already guess who the guy was, but if you can't (shame on you) it's Nico Rosberg.
Had a wife but she cheated so they divorced or something idk how do you justify a 40 year old guy being unmarried in India?
Loves his dogs more than anything, if there's a dog at his clinic that he can't save he will be sad for days.
Speaks Hindi in a voice that's like three octaves lower than his usual voice. Thinks he sounds bad but he sounds so damn hot.
Nico Rosberg— “thi ek.”
From South Delhi
News anchor for sure. Has a sadness in his eyes that makes you wonder if he ever got over the heartbreak he had at 19 (he did not)
Most people think his hair is dyed (it is not) because he's a chapri (he might be)
Legends say that the only time he has been seen with a smile on his face on TV was when he was talking about his childhood best friend.
The reason he doesn't anchor for any of the big or daresay political news channels is because they don't like how he compares international disputes to the fight he had with his best friend when he was 19.
Regularly travels to other metropolitan cities for news coverings (mainly sports) but lives in Mumbai for majority of the time.
In fact, lives in the same building as Lewis. The fact that they haven't run into each other in the elevator yet is a miracle (or a curse).
Will talk about love and heartbreak to anyone who would listen. You know those boys who say “thi ek” whenever someone tries to talk to them about love? Yeah that's him.
Married and has two daughters that he loves very much.
No pets because they remind him too much of Lewis.
Sebastian Vettel— “Chacha”
From Delhi
Lives in Mumbai with his wife.
Best friends with Lewis, knows everything about him and Nico.
Kind of a father figure to Charles.
The beloved colony uncle that always has the wildest stories ever. Catch him at the tea stall and just get him talking— you will be a changed man when he is done.
“Aur phir uska accident ho gaya aur usne apna haath kho diya, to uski manghetar ki family ne unse rishta tudwa liya. Jiske baad uski manghetar ki sagai mujhse hui aur phir hamari shaadi hui or shayad aaj bhi wo akela hi ek haath se apna hila raha hai bechara”
You would think considering how sweet he is, he was always this sweet but NO, this man was a MENACE.
Everyone who knew him before he got married wants him dead even now after all the years.
Fernando Alonso— "Kaka"
From Jaipur
The exact opposite of Sebastian.
The old man you see on the side of the road with paan in his mouth and a gaali on his lips
Also tells you stories from his youth and they're just as interesting but he's so arrogant about it that you're no longer interested in listening five minutes in no matter how interesting the story is
The kind of old man who sees children playing in the streets and starts acting like an overly invested referee for no reason.
Goes to the park in the morning at the same time as Sebastian but unlike him, Fernando does not let the joy and whimsy of life have any effect on him making you wonder why he's there at all
Lance Stroll— “vegan wali diet almond wala ghee 😌💅”
From South Bombay
Ameer baap ki bigri aulad
“What do you mean I can't buy the whole store?”
Y'all remember that “Mawn, terew paaw ki jewtie maawwww” girl??? Yeah
Sonam Kapoor is jealous of how much better he is at being a nepo baby
Logan Sargeant— “ye bhi thik hai”
Lives with George and Alex
From Goa
Thank god he does because he would not be surviving otherwise
Might have feelings for his roommates but all he knows how to do is wash the dishes and the clothes and he doesn't wanna die of hunger so he's silent.
Except maybe in front of Oscar but that's his best friendddd
Studying computer science too
Alex Albon— “dhokla4lifer”
From Gujarat
I might be projecting a bit but as someone who fucking LOVES dhokla, I don't see any reason as to why Alex should not.
Cooks for his two roommates, and always cooks so good.
Dhokla on Sundays and a tiffin box full of thepla and aam ka aachar whenever one of them is travelling home
Studying history and geography
Yuki Tsunoda— “momo wale bhaiya”
From Dehradun
Do not call him momo wale bhaiya. He can and will kill you.
Actually does love cooking
Has his own restaurant near the university campus
Pierre Gasly— “tantar mantar”
From West Bengal
Tired of everyone's “kaala jaadu” jokes.
Charles’ best friend and confidante.
Gossip girls. They have all the tea on everyone in the uni.
Does sports.
Final year law student
Esteban Ocon— “Pierre's ex (he is NOT)”
From Odisha
Has beef with Pierre.
Will argue about anything from the origin of roshogulla to the state's contribution in the fight for freedom of the country.
Also final year law student
Sergio Perez from Bihar
K Mag from Kashmir (haha get it? Because he's a track terroris—)
Nico Hulkenburg from Kashmir too
Valtteri Bottas from The Andaman Nicobar islands or something idk he shows so much ass it's unreal
Zhou Guanyu from Meghalaya
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rebelrayne · 4 months
Each Islander's Answer to: "Would You Be Willing to Return for All-Stars?"
under the cut (endgames included for fun)
Emel Ivy Kat Kelly Lily Johnny (with a dramatic flair) R!Hannah Summer Uma
➥ Yes, I would be.
Bianca* (S8 CA) Blake Cassius* (S7 Bombshell) Erikah Felicity* (S8 CA) Hazel Meera Nicolas Rachel* (S8 OG) Stephen* (S7 Bombshell) Toby Valentina
➥ The show wouldn't be complete without me.
Allegra Arlo Brad* (S8 Bombshell) Bryson Christy* (S8 Bombshell) Eddie Elisa Finn Iona Jamal (I'm sorry he is pure chaos) Lexi Marshall Mason Rafi (sorry, he's there for the fame) Reese Ryan Sienna
➥ Doesn't wait for a call, just shows up.
Hamish Liam (he's told to go home)
➥ Depends...Do I get a hot tub date?
➥ Pretends they're busy for flair, then says yes.
➥ I don't know...Look what happened last time.
Grace Hazeem Hope Jo Lucy Kobi Priya Rohan
➥ Maybe? Let me think about it.
Cherry Daphne Estelle Flo Genevieve Geri Harry (Sorry Mo, he'd just feel bad to say no LOL) Jasper Jen Luna Nicky Sammi Vicky Willow
➥ If I don't have anything better to do, sure.
Jakub Miles Shannon
➥ Lol! This reminds me of a throw pillow!
➥ My Nan would kill me, mate.
Gary Lewie
➥ *Rambles until the producer just hangs up*.
Bill (because he can't shut up) Bruno (because he can't figure out how to say no) Juliet (because she has advice for them) Rahim (because he starts talking about Violet Man)
➥ Tries to say no, tricked into saying yes.
Ciaran Tom Rafael
➥ No thank you.
AJ Alex Andy Arjun Bea Bella Bobby Carl Chloe Claudia Elijah Elladine Evan Gabi Hari Henrik Jack Jake Jin Jo Kyle Levi Logan Lucas Lulu Max Oakley Oliver Ozzy Shawn Tai Talia Thabi Theo Yasmin
➥ Hah. I'm still waiting for the punchline.
➥ I wrote enough fanfic about it.
➥ No thanks, Mamacita.
➥ Full offense-no.
Angie Lottie
➥ Non.
➥ "Oh, sorry! We forgot you exist."
Tiffany Tyler
➥ Ghosted and/or ignored the call.
Joyo Kassam Noah Seb
➥ Ghosted the call, but by accident.
Cora Najuma Will
➥ Production didn't even bother inviting them.
Alfie Bonnie Dana Felix Francis James Miki Travis
➥ Calls & complains they weren't invited.
Dylan Graham Pete Sophie Suresh
➥ Ghosted & Ignored...by Production.
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crimeronan · 2 months
spent about forty minutes tonight describing to rafi the premises of the most upsetting/gutwrenching owl house fics i've read and anon-posted myself while they, with increasing exasperation, were like "i deeply respect you guys and your capacity to write whatever you want forever. but also. WHY."
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hpowellsmith · 10 months
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I was already having a rough day. And this is really sad.
Working on Love Island the Game wasn't always easy in a variety of ways, especially at the end, but even after most of us were laid off amid dramatic circumstances, more than two years ago now, it was nice knowing that some people enjoyed our work that was still out there.
The Season 3 episodes and scenes, and the ones I edited, were my first experiences in a game studio team (shoutout to the scenes with Tai, Rafi, and Lily that were the first pieces of writing I did on the game!). I learned so much from that, from The Wedding, Chelsea's Murder Mystery and The Boat Party, from all the prototypes and ideation that never went anywhere (that wonderful Regency-era Noah art... sigh...), from how the characters and storylines came together for Season 4 aka Bombshell (I loved coming up with the original concepts for Bruno, and Oliver, and Juliet, and Lexi, and Tiffany, and Valentina, and Kobi, and Hazeem: absolute joys to write and to see other writers bringing them extra sparks of life, and to do the same with helping bring other writers' concepts to life, and to start doing all sorts of exciting senior role stuff). It was very sad and stressful when it turned out that we couldn't be there to complete Season 4 in as polished a way as all of us wanted.
I'm still friends with many of the people I worked with on Love Island the Game and our other projects, and the things that didn't end up going out there, and I've worked with some of them since which was an absolute pleasure. I saw a lot of them earlier this month, and chatted with one on a video call just this morning. The way it ended for us was very painful, but a lot of it up to that point was so much fun.
There will still be some of the work I did for Love Island the Game out there in Season 4/Bombshell and Matchmaker. But what a shame that a huge chunk of the work we all did, and the work before my time that got the studio its audience in the first place, turns out to be so ephemeral.
Thank you to all the people who played and enjoyed the work we made.
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lemoncrushh · 6 months
Tattooed Heart - Part VI
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SUMMARY: You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion.
PAIRING: Waitress Y/N x Artist/Tattoo Artist Harry
TROPES: Enemies to Lovers
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“Hey, gorgeous! How are you? I’ve been so worried about you!” John exclaimed enthusiastically into the phone.
“I’m pretty good, actually. How are things at Zelda’s?” While you didn’t necessarily want to know the answer, you’d always considered John a friend and knew he had your back. Which was why you decided to give him a call.
“Oh girl, things have changed dramatically since you left!”
“Yes! We got a new manager. His name is Rafael, but we’re allowed to call him Rafi. He’s a dish and a half, let me tell you! Not like that last asshole.”
You chuckled. “Good, I’m glad for you.”
“Yeah, sucks for you though! If only you could have stayed. Hey, want me to put a good in for you with Rafi?”
“Um…no, that’s okay, John. I’m kind of happy where I am.”
“Seriously? Where’s that?”
You told your friend about working at the cafe. Then proceeded to tell him how Harry got you the job.
“To make a long story short,” you said, trying to do just that, “he’s not the jerk he appeared to be. And…well…now we’re dating.”
“Hold up! Stop right there. Rewind! I need to hear everything, Y/N! EVERYTHING!”
You laughed at the way John enunciated every syllable. And you’d expected as much. For the next hour, you went into every detail with him like he requested (at least as much as you were willing to divulge), and by the time you finished, it was time to get ready for your date with Harry.
“Oh my God, girl, that’s so crazy!” squealed John. “But I’m happy for you. If you’re happy.”
“I am.”
“Good. Just don’t forget about me, okay? Pop in some time, maybe with Handsome.”
“I will,” you promised.
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After pulling on a pair of jeans and a stylish top, you brushed your hair and touched up your makeup. You were meeting Harry at his place, where he was making you dinner again, and then you were going to a movie. It seemed to be the first Saturday you were both off since you’d met. And you were looking forward to having a normal, mundane date night.
The last couple weeks had been both hectic and amazing. Since that evening at the gallery, Harry had been extremely busy finishing up his moon series paintings. Donovan McNulty had still been showing interest in Harry’s art, and specifically voiced that he wanted to know the minute his newest pieces would be available. And you’d been picking up extra shifts at the diner to make a little extra money. But any moment you were both free had been spent together. You took turns, rotating your visits at each others’ apartments. You enjoyed leaning against his kitchen counter while you watched him cook, and Harry enjoyed teasing Shae when she was around, and nibbling on the soft spot behind your ear as you watched TV when she wasn’t there - and sometimes when she was.
Your feelings for him were growing daily, and while you told yourself it was still too soon to have such feelings, you used your free time away from him to write them down. You expressed every emotion from the way your heart skipped when you’d see him sitting in his usual chair at the cafe, to the way your body ached for him as you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling. You even included the way it had felt when you’d seen Nicolette at the cafe and at the gallery, even though Harry assured you tenfold that he had broken off all contact with her. You didn’t want to be jealous of his ex. You knew deep down that it would not bode well if you were going to take this relationship to the next level. And you definitely wanted to.
Harry greeted you with a smile as he opened the door, a glass of wine already in his hand waiting for you. When you stepped inside, you gave him a quick kiss before accepting the glass and taking a sip.
“Mmm, something smells yummy!,” you commented, turning for the kitchen.
“Chicken Piccata with roasted radicchio and sweet potatoes,” Harry announced proudly as he followed you. “It’s almost ready.”
“Chef Styles, when are you opening your own restaurant? This is way too impressive for just me.”
“You’re the only one I care to impress,” he said, pushing your hair from your neck to softly brush his lips across your tender flesh.
You reached behind you for his hands, bringing his arms around your waist. He hummed against your skin as he gave you a squeeze. The timer on the oven sounded then with a friendly chime, and Harry hesitantly released you in order to remove its contents. Watching him serve up the meal, you joined him at the table with your wine.
“I have some news,” he announced after you’d taken your first bite and raved about its deliciousness.
“Oh? What is it?” you asked enthusiastically.
“I’m having another gallery showing. For the moon series.” Harry stabbed his fork into his chicken before lifting his eyes to you.
“Are you kidding? That was quick!”
“Well, yeah,” he grinned. “I brought them yesterday for Sherrod to see. Apparently he phoned McNulty, gave him some rubbish about how brilliant they are, and he’s flying down Thursday to see for himself.”
Quickly dismissing the fact that he’d degraded his own art, because you knew he didn’t really think it was rubbish, you focused on the positive.
“Oh my God, Harry! That’s wonderful! I’m really proud of you.”
“I know, babe. And I appreciate all the support you’ve given me. You'll never know how much.”
“I have an idea,” you jested. “You spoil me with this delicious food.”
“That’s just because I can,” he winked. “And because I want to. It’s not a payment.”
“Good to know,” you said before popping a bite of sweet potato in your mouth.
“I would like your help with something, though.”
“Sure, anything.”
“Could you help spread the word about the exhibit?” Harry requested. “Maybe invite some friends? The more the better. The cocktail party was nice, but I’d like it to be a massive event.”
“Ooh, yes! I’d love to!”
Rising from your chair, you reached over the table to plant a kiss on Harry’s lips, to which he happily accepted.
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“When would you like to get your tattoo?” Harry asked as you laid twisted in the sheets, his bare thigh crossed over yours, his fingertips tracing nonexistent lines down your arm.
You turned your head to the side to look at him. If it was possible, he appeared even more beautiful than ever, his eyelids heavy, his pillowy lips swollen, his scruffy jaw threatening to produce more facial hair now that the morning was nigh. The evening of lovemaking had been blissful, Harry having brought you to orgasm not once, not twice…but three times. And while you worried you’d never walk again, the man beside you looked completely fucked.
You couldn’t help but be elated by the knowledge that you’d made that happen.
“I’m not sure yet,” you whispered, reaching for his stubbly chin. “Soon, I guess.”
You felt Harry breathe out of his nose, and while he tried to hide it, you could detect the frown on his lips.
“Do you not want it?” he inquired after a beat.
“I…no, I do,” you nodded.
“‘Cause you don’t have to get it,” Harry added. “The one I designed, or any other one. If you don’t want a tattoo, it’s fine. I’ll understand.”
“No, I want one.”
Harry continued to draw his finger down your arm. You could tell the conversation wasn’t over, but you were unsure what else to say. So you let Harry gather his thoughts instead. Finally he sighed, his gaze returning to your face.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“What for?” you asked.
“If I made you uncomfortable. It just dawned on me that I might have been a bit presumptuous with the tattoo. I know they can be very personal, and I…I should have just let you pick what you want.”
Blinking, you rolled over onto your side to face him. “Harry, no. That’s not it at all. I love the one you designed. I told you I loved that painting.”
“Then what is it?” Harry lifted a hand to brush your hair from your face, twisting the end of the strands between his fingers. “Any time I bring it up, you kind of hesitate or change the subject.”
“I…I didn’t realize,” you looked down at his chest. “I apologize.”
“Baby, look at me,” he insisted, urging your chin up. “Talk to me. Are you af-”
You stopped him mid-sentence with your finger on his lips. As you shook your head, Harry chuckled. Then tugging on your wrist, he released your hand from his mouth.
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say,” he remarked.
“Just don’t use that word.”
“Alright,” he softened his expression, returning his fingers to your hair. “Am I moving too fast for you? Is that it?”
You gulped and sucked in your lips. Then you let out a nervous chuckle of your own. “It seems ridiculous to admit that after what we just did.”
“Not really,” Harry shook his head. “Sex can be separate from feelings. Although…I’m going to confess right now…for me…it’s not. Not with you.”
“Harry…” you breathed.
“Babe…” he murmured, pulling you closer. “I reckon I’ve conveyed my feelings for you already…at least a little bit. But if you need me to back off…I will.”
You stared at him, this gorgeous man. You couldn’t believe in just a few weeks you’d gone from hating him to…whatever this was.
“No,” you argued. “I don’t want you to.”
“No, because…I’m feeling…things too.”
Harry’s voluptuous mouth curved into a sexy grin. You felt his hand on your back, his fingers dancing up your flesh.
“I’m just…a little hesitant, I guess,” you added, “about getting the tattoo…because it’s such an intimate thing to do, you know? To get ink on my skin of something you gave me, art you designed for me. And it’s…forever.”
Harry blinked slowly with a nod. “I completely understand, love. I didn’t mean to pressure you.”
“You didn’t. It’s just me. Like you said, it’s personal. And I would feel horrible if something happened between us, and-”
“Shh, baby…” Harry interrupted you this time. “It’s okay. I get it. Take all the time you need.”
You gave him a gentle smile before he pulled you into a deep kiss. Your eyelids heavy, and sleep threatening to take over, you tugged on the sheets. Getting the hint, Harry grinned, situating the covers over you before reaching for the lamp.
“Goodnight, baby,” he whispered. “Sweet dreams.”
You hummed in agreement as he held you against his warm body, and before you could even think any more about tattoos, you were sound asleep in his arms.
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The rest of Sunday and most of Monday was spent making phone calls. You promised Harry a grand party, and you were determined to deliver. After telling Shae your plan, she was more than happy to come through by offering to tell her coworkers as well as some of your mutual friends. You called John to let him know as well, and he said he was already going to ask for the night off, and maybe even bring Rafi with him…if he was available, as he put it. You also called the gallery Monday morning, unbeknownst to Harry, to speak with Sherrod yourself. He told you how excited he was for Harry’s new exhibit, which put your mind at ease a bit.
“I really want this to be special for him,” you explained. “Is there anything I can do to help? To get the word out? More advertising? Do I need to hire a caterer or something?”
“Don’t you worry about a thing, darling,” assured Sherrod. “I’m already having my secretary making contacts as we speak. And I personally phoned my caterer on Friday.”
“Oh, fantastic,” you said. “The more people we can get to come, the better. There’s just one thing…”
“Don’t worry about that either, my pet. You have my word Miss Waters will not get an invite.”
“Ohh. For some reason I thought…” you chuckled nervously. “I don’t know how art galleries work, forgive me.”
Sherrod laughed heartily through the phone, catching you off guard. “Nothing to forgive, darling. Harry and I have already spoken about this as well.”
You breathed through your nose. Of course they had.
“Thank you, Sherrod. I appreciate everything.”
“It’s going to be a splendid night, you can be sure!”
Hanging up, you felt a heavy weight lift off your chest. It was quickly replaced with a glittery excitement. You couldn’t wait.
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When you arrived for your mid-day shift at the cafe, you made a beeline for Jill who was making a cold brew for a customer. The look on her face when you told her the news about Harry’s exhibit was priceless.
“Of course I’ll be there!” she squealed. “Are you kidding me?”
“Bring some friends too, okay? I want to show him all the support we can give.”
That night, you sat in front of the TV writing in your journal. You soon found yourself mindlessly doodling in the corners of the page. Harry was at work, and you didn’t want to bother him. Yet you couldn’t stop thinking about him. He truly had been the only thing on your mind all day.
“Pppfff, more like for the last month,” you admitted out loud.
Tossing your notebook to the side, you leaned back on the couch and ran your fingers through your hair, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Jesus Christ, what am I doing?”
Getting up from the sofa, you slipped on your shoes, not bothering to change out of your lounge-at-home outfit - a dark green tunic and black leggings. The only effort you made was to brush your teeth and touch up your lip gloss before heading out the door.
The neon sign in the window seemed to glow brighter than you remembered, an enticing greeting to lure you in. Not that you hadn’t already planned to go inside.
Swinging the door open, you noticed an empty waiting area and counter. Smooth, instrumental jazz played through the speakers as you peeked your head through the doorway to scan the tattoo stations, but still saw no one. You were just about to walk through the shop to Harry’s office when you saw Kyle emerge.
“Oh, hey,” he grinned. “You’re Y/N, right?”
“Yes,” you nodded, happy that he knew. Surely he didn’t remember you from the last time he’d seen you in the shop, but perhaps Harry had told him about you and he put two and two together. The idea made you blush a little.
“Harry’s in the back. I’ll go get him for you.”
Before you could retort, Kyle disappeared through the doorway from which he’d just appeared. And within seconds, your handsome, cheery boyfriend replaced him.
“Hi, babe!” he beamed. “What are you doing here?”
You shrugged, shyly. “Came to get my tattoo.”
His eyes widening, Harry stepped closer to you. “Really? Are you sure?”
Licking your lips, you nodded. “Positive.”
His dimples on full display, Harry pulled you into an embrace. You could feel his heart beating in his chest as he whispered in your ear. “I’m so happy.”
Then stepping back, Harry gestured toward his station. “Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll get everything ready and tell Kyle he can go home.”
“Oh!” you mouthed, surprised. Harry disappeared into the back room again before you could argue.
Situating yourself in Harry’s chair, you gazed at the art on display around his station as well as photos of various clients’ tats. While a few pieces looked to be fairly common, most of them were exquisite, no doubt one-of-a-kind works of art. You were staring at a large dragon piece on someone’s back when you heard a voice behind you.
“Bye, Y/N,” Kyle called. “Have a nice night.”
“Oh, thanks. Same to you,” you waved just as Harry walked up.
“You didn’t have to make him leave,” you said under your breath. “You’re not closed yet, are you?”
“I am now,” Harry wiggled his brows before walking to the front door and locking it, turning the OPEN sign to the CLOSED side.
With pursed lips, you tried to hold back a smirk as Harry returned, his own smirk tugging on his mouth.
“Slow night?” you inquired when he sat down on his stool.
“You would not believe. That’s why we were in my office. Kyle helps me with my website.”
You hummed in acknowledgement as you watched Harry get his tray ready just like he had the day you’d brought Shae. That already felt like a lifetime ago.
“You always surprise me with your music choices,” you commented as you listened to the soft jazz.
Harry chuckled with a nod. “This is my focus, slash wind-down music. Since it was slow, I switched it from grunge whilst we worked on the website.”
“I like it,” you grinned.
Harry gazed up at you from under his lashes before his eyes roamed down your body. You felt a tingle as his gaze made its way back up to your face.
“What?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“Was just recalling the last time you were sat in this chair.”
“Oh my God, Harry,” you blushed. “Please tell me you sanitized it!”
His eyes squinting as he giggled, Harry scooted closer to you. “You’re too much, babe.”
“Why, because I like cleanliness?”
“No, because that’s your first thought. It certainly wasn’t mine.”
You stared into his jade eyes that were now inches from your face, the irises appearing to have a dark line around them.
“That was…um, some kind of night,” you murmured softly.
“Indeed, it was.” Harry’s hand landed just above your knee then before he slid it slowly up your thigh.
“Hmm,” you nodded. “Are you trying to seduce me again?”
Harry puffed out a chuckle. “No. Don’t reckon I had to try then either.”
Dragging your tongue across your teeth, you focused on his mouth and the way his hand felt on your leg. “Fair enough. What do you remember most about that night?”
“How sweet your pussy tasted on my tongue,” he quickly replied, as if he’d had his answer ready before you’d even asked the question. “And how you tugged on my hair and your thighs trembled as you called my name.”
“Oh, it was much louder than that.”
You blushed again, but this time you didn’t bother hiding it. Leaning towards you, Harry placed a soft kiss on your lips. Followed by a second, and a third. By the fourth, your fingers were in his hair, his tongue in your mouth. You reveled in the sensation, urging him with your own. When a gentle moan escaped your chest, Harry’s hand that had been on your thigh made its way between your legs. You began to grind against him in your seat, knowing your leggings and panties were already soaked through. His other hand traveled underneath your t-shirt, and when his fingers met your bare skin, you gasped.
“Are you…,” you gulped, “planning to eat me out again on this chair?”
“No,” Harry shook his head, a devilish smirk on his face.
“I have other things in mind,” he added, echoing the exact words he’d said to you that night before taking you home.
Harry sat back on his stool and raised a brow. “I thought you wanted a tattoo, love.”
“Harry Styles! Are you teasing me?” you exclaimed.
Giggling with glee, you noticed his eyes dancing. “Maybe.”
“Rude!” you frowned, tugging your shirt down. Your pussy still throbbing from his hand, you pouted.
“I’m sorry, baby. It’s my fault. Seeing you in this chair…it turned me on, and I got carried away. I do want to play. But I think we should get started on this tattoo, don’t you? It’s gonna take a bit.”
You nodded with a sigh. “Okay.”
Harry gave you a peck on the nose and one on the lips. “Now, did you decide where you want it? The ink, I mean,” he smirked.
“So, I had considered getting it on my side, like down my hip. There’s plenty of room to make it big. But then I changed my mind.”
“Too much?” Harry asked.
“Nope. Not enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nobody’s gonna see it there. Except you. And while the idea is sexy, I’d rather have the art my boyfriend designed to be in a spot everyone could see.”
“Baby…” Harry breathed, his hand over his heart.
“I know, I’ve been hesitant about this,” you explained. “About us. But I have no clue why. We’ve spent all this time together. You’ve shown me time again that you’re interested in more than just…a fling. Every time I’m with you, I feel butterflies and moonbeams and…all the cheesy things.” You let out a nervous sigh as you looked down at your hands, then back up to his gorgeous face. “The truth is…I’m crazy about you, Harry.”
“Sweetheart,” he cried, pulling you into another kiss. Then leaning his forehead against yours he murmured, “You make me so happy.”
“Good,” you grinned, your right hand on his cheek as you held out your left. “That’s why I think we should put it right here, below my elbow, down the inside of my arm.”
“I think that would be lovely,” he agreed, misty-eyed. Then he kissed the inside of your wrist before rising from his stool. “Let me go get the stencil, and I’ll be right back.”
When he stepped away, you suddenly felt butterflies in your tummy, and not just from the notion of getting a tattoo. You’d almost told him more than you’d planned. The truth was, you weren’t just crazy about him. You were falling for him. Hard. Perhaps you had been falling bit by bit every day. And you were finally willing to admit it to yourself. But you weren’t quite sure yet if you were ready to say it to him. It still felt too soon. But you loved the look on his face when you’d revealed what you had. His delight gave you hope that perhaps he felt the same.
Harry returned with a big smile on his face. Placing the stencil next to him, he pulled on his gloves. Then reaching for the rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad, he eyed you.
“Still wanna do this?” he asked.
“Definitely,” you beamed.
Taking your arm, he gently rubbed the soaked cotton pad down your arm, from the elbow to your wrist. Then he took a new disposable razor and gently shaved the area, just like you’d seen him do on Shae, back when you still hated him. The idea brought a sour taste to your mouth.
“You okay?” he asked again.
“Yeah, sorry. Was just…thinking.”
“About?” Harry raised a brow.
“How far we’ve come in just a short time.”
Harry’s face softened. “I think about that a lot.”
“You do?”
“I thank my lucky stars every fucking day that you forgave me. That you were able to see the real me and change your mind. I only wish…”
“What?” you asked.
His gaze seemed to burn into you as he looked deep into your eyes. “I wish we had met some other way. Like some random day at the cafe, or maybe here when you’d come with Shae. Or maybe even at Zelda’s on a night I was alone. Some other way that you could have met the real me instead of that prick I pretended to be.”
You sat in silence as you absorbed Harry’s words and watched him place the thermal paper on your arm with the stencil. When he peeled it off was when you spoke.
“What would you have said?”
“If we had met in a different situation. What would you have said to me?”
“In which scenario?” he smirked.
“Let’s go with the first one. Obviously I wouldn’t be working at the cafe. But let’s say I came in one day that you were sitting there working on your iPad.”
Harry chuckled loudly, catching you off guard. “Well, I can’t really say for sure, can I? There are other factors involved.”
“Alright,” you agreed. “But you said you’ve thought about it. What happens in your…wish?”
You swore you caught a tiny bit of color in his cheeks as Harry pulled his tray closer to him. “We have to get serious now, babe. I’m about to stick a needle in your arm.”
You puffed out a breath in humor, then sat up straight in your chair. “Fine. Mark me.”
Harry’s nostrils flared as he chuckled at your joke. Then he made a few adjustments to his tattoo gun before getting to work. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt as bad as you thought it would. You watched as Harry traced the stencil, starting with the dripping moon at the top. After every stroke, he would wipe your skin. He seemed so focused, so gentle. You stared at his face for a little while, and every time he’d bite his lower lip, it sent your heart all aflutter. When he finished the outline, he looked up at you.
“Still doing okay?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded.
He gave you a smile before returning his focus to your arm. You were both quiet for a moment until he spoke again.
“I probably would have stared at you for a bit.”
“At the cafe. If you had been sat near me at a table by yourself. I would have kept sneaking glances at you, but making sure you didn’t notice.”
“Well then, how am I supposed-”
“At first,” he interrupted. “Then I would have wanted you to notice. When we finally made eye contact, I’d have smiled at you.”
Lifting his head, Harry gave you just the smile he was referring to. And your insides ignited.
“I would say that’s very cheesy and cliche, but it’s not. I like it.”
“So what would you have done if I’d come over to your table and asked you your name?”
“I would have told you, and hoped to God you’d ask me for my number too.”
“Alright then,” Harry snickered. “That’s one scenario. But it didn’t happen.”
“It’s fine, Harry,” you said. “Something else happened instead. And we’re here anyway.”
“Yes, we are.”
You watched Harry continue on the tattoo, the moon starting to look realistic with the shading. As always you were in awe of him and his talent. Just like when you would watch him work at the cafe, you found yourself completely mesmerized. It was utterly sexy to you, from the way he focused on his project at hand, to the curls that framed his face and neck, and even down to the way his own tattooed arms flexed as he worked. As you studied him you let out a deep breath, feeling the wetness pooling in your panties again.
“Still okay?” Harry suddenly asked with a tiny smirk, as if he’d noticed.
“I’m wonderful,” you answered dreamily.
“You need to move your elbow a little?”
“Oh. Yeah, sure,” you nodded as Harry sat back to let you. Your arm had been in one position for a while, and you were starting to feel the effects.
“Okay, I’m good,” you commented as you reached your arm out again. “Tell me about your next project. What are you working on?”
“Just a second,” Harry muttered. As he scooted closer again, you wondered what he was doing until he beckoned you with his gloved hand. “Kiss me.”
You grinned widely before you happily obliged, giving him a few more kisses than he’d asked for just for good measure.
“Mmm, thanks babe. It’s hard to be around you for this long without touching your lips.”
“You’re welcome. And you’re the sweetest.”
With a wink, Harry returned to his task, this time moving onto the shading of the heart. “I actually haven’t started anything new yet,” he replied to your previous inquiry. “With the moon series now at the gallery, I’ve kind of been trying to finish up some older pieces.”
“Oh? I didn’t know you had anything that was incomplete.”
“Yeah. You saw the citiscape one, right?”
“Yes, that was gorgeous! That wasn’t finished?”
“Not yet. I keep feeling like there’s something missing, but…I dunno. I’m also not sure if I want it to be a series or a stand alone piece.”
“Well, whatever you decide, I know it’ll be amazing. As always,” you offered emphatically.
“Thanks, babe. This is why…” he left his thought unfinished as his tattoo gun rounded the edges of the heart.
“Why what?”
Harry lifted his head, giving you an easy grin. “Why you’re a wonderful lady.”
You watched Harry finish the heart on the tat while you thought your own heart could burst. You thought he was going to say it for a second, but you understood why he hadn’t. It seemed like such a mundane moment to express those three words.
Changing the subject, Harry chatted with you lightly about the upcoming exhibit, about the cafe, about food. You told him about your pal John, and how he was planning to come as well as Jill and Shae.
“Thanks again for doing this for me, babe,” he grinned. “I truly appreciate you.”
“Of course, Harry. I honestly think I’d do just about anything for you.”
Raising his eyebrows, Harry gave you a sexy look before quickly looking back down at your arm. “I think we’re done, babe.”
“Oh. Oh!” You tore your eyes from his to gaze down at your new tattoo. It was extraordinary to say the least.
“It’s…so beautiful, Harry,” you choked. “I love it!”
“It’s yours,” he commented. “And only yours.”
Your eyes began to well up with tears, making your vision too blurry to even see it. But you knew he was right. You had a one-of-a-kind Harry Styles work of art on your arm. And you couldn’t be more proud.
“C’mere, you can look in the mirror,” Harry beckoned, gesturing to the mirror behind him on the wall.
Standing in front of it, you wiped your eyes with your fingers until Harry handed you a tissue.
“Don’t cry, love,” he cooed. “You’ll make me think you made a mistake.”
“Of course not, silly man.” You stretched your arm down to look at the full length of the ink on your skin. “No mistakes here.”
“I’m glad,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chest on your shoulder as you took in the image of you both in the mirror. Grabbing his phone, Harry then took a couple of quick photos of your arm. “Let’s go ahead and put a covering on that so it won’t get infected.”
“Oh, how long do I have to do that? I wanna be able to show it off this weekend.”
Harry smirked at your pout. “Just a few days. You should be okay by then.”
Once again, you sat in his chair while he applied the dressing and bandage. Then he explained to you the aftercare, which made you giddy. You knew it was his job, but you enjoyed seeing him being professional.
“I’ll give you some information to take home with you as well,” he added as he removed his gloves, “but right now, I really need to touch you.”
You opened your mouth, but before you could make a syllable, Harry slid his hands under your jaw and pulled you into a warm kiss. He soon deepened it, his tongue invading your mouth as his hands traveled around your neck to your hair. When he finally released you enough to take a breath, you gasped.
“Uh huh,” he voiced so low that you barely heard it. Then he licked his lips before sliding his hand up your thigh like before. “Exactly.”
You stared at Harry, his eyes darkening as he fingers began to tease you between your legs.
“So, what…mmm,” you swallowed at the sensation, “what other things did you have in mind?”
“Oh, you really wanna know?” he quirked a brow.
“Mmhmm. Yes, please.”
“Hmm, you ask so politely. But I might wanna keep teasing you like this. Make your legs tremble until you can’t stand it anymore. Until you’re begging for me to make you come.”
“Mmm,” you moaned again as he applied more pressure with his thumb, his hand cupping you, still over your clothes. “I don’t think I would be opposed to that.”
“No? You like being teased?”
“I like the way you tease,” you replied, breathy.
A low chuckle rose from his throat, and you felt the vibration as his face was just inches from yours. Then he surprised you by rising from his chair, his hand leaving your throbbing core to tug on the bottom of your t-shirt.
“Off, sweetheart,” he demanded.
You lifted your arms for him to remove your top, careful of your freshly tattooed area. You nearly came unglued at the sight of him biting his bottom lip.
“Sorry I don’t have on fancy undies,” you said, looking down at your cotton bralette.
“Are you kidding?” he snorted before he helped you remove that garment as well, his hands quickly palming your bare breasts.
You closed your eyes, reveling in the pleasure of his calloused thumbs skimming across your perky buds. He was so light and gentle with his touch, that you almost pouted, but you knew this was his intention. To drive you crazy.
He kissed you again, his hands still on you until he backed away suddenly. You opened your eyes to see him removing his own shirt, his tattooed torso on display. Your mouth watered instantly, an automatic reaction now.
You and Harry had good sex. There was no denying it. Not that you liked to compare, but Harry was the best in bed. He already knew what you liked, what buttons to press and which ones not to (not that there were many). But the best thing about the sexual part of your relationship was that it was never boring. Even when it was just quick fucking, it was amazing. Even when it was sweet, sleepy sex, you were left satisfied.
So Harry implying - albeit obviously - that he wanted to fuck you on that tattoo chair was no surprise. But the thrill was still as strong as ever. Everything he did excited you. Jesus, just looking at him sent a bolt of electricity down to your cunt, making you squeeze your muscles together.
Letting out a breath, you reached for his belt, pulling it from the loop and releasing it. He gave you another smirk as you tugged on his jeans with your non-tattooed arm, frustrated when the button wouldn’t come loose.
“Let me help, baby,” he growled, keeping your hand in position as he covered it with his own hand and helped you pull. The button popped open, the zipper separating along with it as your tug was determined. Then Harry assisted you further, his hand guiding yours down the front of his pants.
“As if you had to help me with that,” you scoffed with a grin.
“Maybe I wanted some help,” Harry eyed you.
“I don’t think that’s necessary either, big boy.”
His sexy low chuckle vibrated through your hand while you found you were a hundred percent correct. Standing from the chair, you pulled him from the confines of his jeans, the pink, bulbous head of his hard cock greeting you.
“Mmm,” you sounded. “Maybe I could help a little.”
You released his erection for just a moment to run your hands down his chest, your fingernails raking over his pecs and the light dusting of chest hair around his nipples. But it didn’t take long for Harry to reach for your tits again, squeezing them in his hands.
“Wait…I thought I was supposed to be teasing you,” he groaned.
“So you don’t want your cock in my mouth?” you teased back.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Fuck, babe, I don’t know anymore. You’re so hot. I’m so turned on.”
“I can see that,” you grinned, wrapping your palm around his cock again. Before he could protest, you fell to your knees.
“Babe…” you heard as you barely licked the tip.
“Just let me, Harry. Please? I’m begging,” you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, batting your lashes.
Letting out a breathy chuckle, Harry gave you permission with a nod and heavy eyelids. You took your time, wetting the head first, then slowly dragging your tongue underneath his length, from the base to the tip. Then licking your lips, you wrapped them around his hard cock, giving a generous amount of suction.
You heard his heavy breathing get louder and faster as you steadied yourself with your other hand on his hip. His own hands were everywhere at first, starting in your hair, then trying to paw at your breasts, then finally settling back on your head, gently urging and guiding you.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so good at this.”
You’d never considered yourself a pro at giving head. You couldn’t even take all of him, for fear of choking. But he didn’t seem to mind. Your mouth and tongue along with your hand seemed to do the trick. After a few more swirls of your tongue, you allowed your other hand to reach underneath, grabbing his balls. He moaned loudly, another expletive rising from his chest.
“Baby. Baby, baby, stop. I don’t wanna come yet.”
Popping off of him, you smiled up at him, saliva dripping from your chin. You enjoyed pleasuring him, but you were excited to move on to phase two. With another low groan, Harry ran his thumb across your chin, guiding you back up to your feet.
“Y/N. I need to be inside you. Now.”
“Aw, you mean I don’t have to beg?”
Harry didn’t bother replying with words. Instead, he pulled down your leggings with fervor, your panties clinging to them so they slipped down together, pooling around your ankles just like Harry’s jeans.
“Turn around, sweetheart,” he patted your hip while wiggling his brows.
More electricity surging through you, you happily did as you were told, bending over the tattoo chair. You felt Harry run his hands down your ass before grabbing your hip and situating himself at your entrance. He slid in slowly at first, like he always did in order to get adjusted. But as soon as he let out a gasp that echoed your own, you knew it wouldn’t be long before he started to move faster.
Harder. His fingers dug into your flesh as he pounded into you. You bit your lip at first, then thought it silly since you were alone. As you began to moan, so did Harry. The sounds intertwined with the sexy, slow jazz were intoxicating. And when Harry bent over to grab your hair and talk in your ear, you thought you might come.
“Pussy’s so good, baby. Been thinking about it all day. Always so wet for me.”
“Mmmm,” was all you could manage.
“You like me fucking you like this?”
“You like my hard cock pounding into you, my balls slamming against your wet pussy?”
“God, yes!”
“Yeah. It’s mine, innit? Your gorgeous cunt is all mine.”
“Tell me.”
“It’s all yours, Harry. I’m all yours.”
Moaning in your ear, Harry slowed down. You wondered for a moment what was happening as you knew he hadn’t come yet. Then you felt a chill on your back as he stood up, his hands at your hips.
“Let’s get these off the rest of the way,” he said with heavy breaths, indicating your pants.
Blinking, you wiped your eyes and toed off your shoes, stepping out of the leggings as you watched Harry do the same with his jeans.
“Sorry, babe, for the interlude,” his voice cracked. “I wanna try something else.”
You watched as he readjusted the chair to lay flat. Then he laid down on it.
“C’mere, babe,” he beckoned. “Climb on top of me.”
You shifted your eyes nervously. “Are you sure we won’t break it?”
“Only one way to find out,” he smirked.
Sucking in your lips, you climbed on with Harry’s assistance. You giggled at the awkwardness of it all as you straddled him.
“Just a second, honey,” he said when you were about to aim his cock. “Let me look at you.”
You glared at him, once again wondering what was going through his head. He acted as if he’d never looked at you before. But as you smiled down at him, his own lips grew into his dimpled grin, making you warm all over. He brushed your hair from your face, his thumb grazing across your cheek.
“You’re like an angel,” he murmured. “You take my breath away.”
“Harry…” you exhaled.
“I’m all yours too, honey.”
You beamed at him, knowing it was a reply to your previous admission. Then lifting yourself onto your knees, you looked into his eyes as you sank down onto his cock. You hissed as he closed his eyes, both of you already sensitive.
You rode him with determination, needing to chase the release. After bouncing on him a few times, Harry took your left hand and held it to his chest, making sure you didn’t put too much pressure on that arm. You giggled awkwardly as you tried to keep your balance, but your boyfriend was good at helping.
As you started to reach your high, the burn imminent both in your thighs and your core, you began to cry out.
“Harry….it’s so good, baby…oh, God…Harryyyyy.”
Bucking his hips against you, his hands both now on your own hips, he stared you in the eyes.
“I know, honey. Tell me.”
“Mmmmm…I’m all yours, Harry,” you bit your lip, throwing your head back.
“Y/N. Look at me.”
Blinking, you gazed down at him, his gorgeous face flushed. He groaned in pleasure before wrapping his arms around you.
“Tell me, baby. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Tell me you love me.”
Your eyes widening, you stared at him in…no, not disbelief. Because you absolutely believed it.
“I know you feel it, baby. Just like I do. Tell me. Please.”
You’d slowed down your hips, Harry having paused his thrusts. But as you began to resume, moving faster, his gorgeous mouth hanging open, you nodded.
“I love you, Harry.”
His lips twitched before he licked them, then pulled you to him for a kiss.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
A tiny giggle escaped your throat as realization kicked in. You were in love. And all his.
You rode Harry to the finish, reaching orgasm just before he cried out those three words again. He kissed you deeply, his tongue letting you know how pleased he was. His head falling back, his eyes closed in complete bliss, the biggest, dopiest grin on his face.
“Say it again, babe.”
You kissed his salty chest and neck, then gnawed on his stubbly chin.
“I love you,” you sang softly before kissing his lips.
“And I love you,” he echoed while your face hovered over his, your hair surrounding you both like a secret garden. “So much.”
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Chatter filled the room and your ears as you suddenly heard the clink of a fork against glass.
"Ladies and gentlemen! A toast! To our man of the evening!" announced Sherrod. Harry turned to him with a bashful grin. "It has been my utmost pleasure to host this soiree for such an incredible artist. He is a viable part of this community, and I know you all join me in congratulating him at completing another remarkable series. To Harry Styles!"
As everyone clapped and cheered, raising their glasses, you heard Stan shout, "Hear, hear!"
Smiling at your boss, whom you had been thrilled to see arrive with his wife, you watched him make a taste of his own.
"Harry, my son, I've watched you sit at that same table in my cafe for over a year, doodling on your notepads and…thingamajig…" he gestured, making the guests chuckle. "To be honest, I didn't understand why my coffee shop, or why that table…or why only flat white lattes…" more laughs erupted as he patted Harry on the shoulder. "But I knew you had talent. And ambition. I'm proud of you, son. And I'm proud to say I knew you when."
"Hear, hear!" Sherrod and others cheered, raising their glasses again.
"Thank you, Stan. Thank you Sherrod," Harry choked. "This whole night means more to me than you'll ever know. All of you. I'm so humbled that each of you came tonight. This truly was special. I'll never forget it."
Harry's eyes met yours during his final words. Then as the chatter resumed, he stepped forward and pulled you into a long kiss.
"Alright you two," said Jill behind you. "Don't go find a room just yet. I need to take pictures."
You giggled as your friend held her phone up and you posed for several photos with Harry, including one where you were kissing him on the cheek. Satisfied with her shots, Jill squealed with joy and announced she had to take some more with her other friends next to Harry’s art.
A waiter came by then with more champagne, and you gladly took another glass, handing him your empty one.
“I’m so happy to see you having a good time,” beamed Harry, his arm still around you.
“I may have had a few too many of these,” you snickered, covering your mouth with your hand.
“No matter. We have that limo, thanks to you.”
“You can actually thank Shae. It was her idea.”
“Where is Shae, by the way?” Harry turned his head to search for your roommate. He spotted her next to the shrimp, talking to Kyle. His chest shook with laughter as he turned back to you.
“What?” you asked. “Kyle’s a nice guy, right?”
“Yeah. Too nice. She’s probably giving him an earful, and I’ll have to hear about it later.”
You playfully slapped his arm in your friend’s defense, though you knew he was right.
“Good idea, by the way, showing off your tattoo right away. I already have some clients lined up.”
“That’s awesome!” you cheered. You figured one of them was the nice lady you were talking to last time, since you saw her again soon after you’d arrived.
“Harry, my good man, congratulations!” another voice sounded. You both swiveled to see Carlo, his arm already stretched to give Harry a hug.
“Thank you so much for coming, Carlo.”
“Anything for you, my friend! Y/N, I don’t believe you’ve met my beautiful wife, Jossalyn.” Carlo gestured to the stunning tattooed brunette to his right.
You both gave each other salutations before Harry pulled her into a hug as well. Then they announced their exit and said their goodbyes.
“You have a lot of friends and admirers, Harry,” you commented.
He nodded. “Seems that way. I need to remember to count my blessings.”
You lifted your hand to his handsome face, and he covered it with his own, gently shutting his eyes.
“Y/N! We have to be going, guys!” John shouted, breaking your reverie.
“John, thank you so much for coming!” you told him as you squeezed him. “And for bringing Rafi.”
“Told you he’s a dish,” he whispered in your ear.
You nodded as you watched his partner shake hands with Harry, then you did the same. As soon as they left, Harry leaned into you.
“Rafael is interested in my art.”
“Your art, or something else?” you quirked a brow. “I saw how he looked at you earlier.”
Harry cackled. “I promise it was strictly a professional conversation. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll remind him I’m taken.”
As he slid his arm back around your waist, you shook your head as you smiled up at him. “I was teasing you. I wouldn’t blame anyone in this room for wanting a piece of you…professionally or otherwise. But I appreciate the sentiment. Also, I trust you.”
“Yeah? I’m glad, baby.”
Harry brought his hand up to slide under your jaw, and he was just about to kiss you when the other man of the hour interrupted.
“Harry, lad, I have an early flight in the morning, so I must bid farewell,” said Donovan McNulty. This evening he wore a black suit with a red bowtie. You smiled at him, holding out your hand.
“Mr. Nulty, thank you so much for coming. You’ve made Harry so happy.”
Donovan leaned in and kissed your cheek, then the other. “My dear, I reckon it’s the other way around. Besides, it looks like he’s found his happiness right here, with his muse.”
He gave you a wink as he squeezed your tattooed arm before shaking Harry’s hand and waving goodbye.
The party continued for another hour or so. You and Harry both gave a lot more thank yous and farewells. Then when no other guests remained (Harry insisted on seeing everyone out to show his appreciation), Sherrod finally shooed you out to the limo.
“Thanks for helping with everything, sweetheart,” cooed Harry as he necked you in the back of the car.
“I didn’t do much,” you conveyed. “Sherrod set up most of it.”
“No, you did more than you know. I love and appreciate you.”
“Same here, handsome,” you grinned before caressing his soft lips. “By the way, I have something to show you when we get to your place.”
“Yeah? Is it under your dress?”
You giggled as his hand wandered under the flimsy fabric of the new dress you’d purchased just for this occasion.
“No,” you playfully tugged at his wrist. “It’s something I left there while we were getting ready. It’s in your nightstand.”
“No! Harry Styles, I’m trying to be romantic and open, and you’re being naughty.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, babe. I can’t help it. It’s just where my mind went.”
“It’s okay,” you tutted.
“What is it?”
“You’ll see.”
Harry held your hand as he walked you to his apartment. The glow of the moon shone through the balcony doors, punctuating the end of the moon-themed evening like a full stop. Although you weren’t ready for it to end just yet.
You laid your clutch bag on the counter next to his keys and wallet before he pulled you in for yet another kiss. Throwing your arms around his neck, you let his tongue tangle with yours, tasting the champagne you’d both consumed. Then he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you into the bedroom.
“Are you gonna show me now?” he asked between kisses after he laid you down.
You simply nodded, then reached for the bedside table, opening the top drawer. You retrieved a small notebook, the one you’d been writing in. Opening it, you flipped to the page you wanted to show him. When you handed it to him, he looked at you inquisitively.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“Remember when you asked me if I had a hobby, something that I was passionate about? And I mentioned I used to write?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You inspired me.”
With an easy grin, Harry sat back on the pillows, crossing his ankles. You sat next to him, your legs tucked underneath you as you bit your bottom lip nervously.
Brilliant, blazing, glistening, glittering
The celestial satellite shines by the light reflected from the sun
Its beautiful mystery soothingly captivates us
All aglow, seemingly from within
Feminine energy that affects the rise and fall of the tides
A big balloon, luminous and serene
These are words used to describe the moon
But they are also words to describe my heart
For my heart is now a big balloon
All aglow and alight from within
From the light of your heart, the sun
Brilliant, blazing, beautiful
Wondrous and astral, my heart is now home
Lowering the notebook after reading your poem, Harry looked at you.
“It’s kinda short,” you offered with a hesitant chuckle. “But it took me forever.”
“Baby,” he said, scooting closer to you and reaching for you. “This is beautiful.”
“Really?” you crinkled your nose, still not completely confident.
“Yes, baby, really. I love it. I love you.”
Your expression softened, easing into a smile. Harry pulled you to his chest, brushing your hair back from your face.
“Thank you for writing it, but even more, for sharing it with me.”
“I figured I should, since you share so much with me.”
“That’s what I mean, love. Not only did you share your heart with me, but you put it into words on paper. It’s stunning. I’m…”
His hands still in your hair, he paused his words.
“What?” you asked as you saw a tiny tear escape from the corner of his eye and down his cheek. “Harry…”
“Can’t help it, baby,” he choked as you wiped the tear. “I’ve fallen so hard for you.”
“Me too,” you whispered.
“Tell me again, Y/N.”
“I love you…” you said, his lips capturing yours once again before you could say his name.
You didn’t mind that he asked you to say those words. In fact, you liked it. You would tattoo it on your heart if you could.
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And there we have it :). Please like, comment and consider following me if you enjoyed it! Feedback is love x.
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
Still Perfect
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Pairing: Rafael Barba x plus size!reader
Summary: You're feeling self-conscious about your body and Rafael reminds you how beautiful you are.
Warnings: body image issues. Cursing. SMUT, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (p in v)
A/N: Spanish translations in brackets/italics after each sentence.
mi amor: my love
cariño/querida: sweetheart/dear/darling/baby/etc.
por favor: please
mi corazón: my heart
hermosa: beautiful/gorgeous
“I don’t wanna go,” you complained with a huff as you dropped onto the bed. 
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” Rafael asked gently. 
“I have nothing to wear.”
He chuckled softly. “For a woman with a wardrobe as extensive as yours, that seems unlikely.”
You groaned and laid back onto the bed. “None of it fits.”
“Now I know that’s not true. You’re currently wearing clothing.”
You glared at him. “I look homeless, Rafi. None of my cute clothes fit.”
“Cariño, you look cute in everything.”
As sweet as the comment was, it didn’t make you feel better. “But it’s a vacation…on a beach…there’s gonna be hot model babes running around everywhere.”
He sat down beside you and took your hand, concern evident on his face. You were normally such a confident woman, but you’d gained a fair amount of weight recently and it was definitely bringing you down. Rafael still thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world, but he was having a hard time making you see that too. 
“Mi amor, you have nothing to be concerned about. There will be a plethora of hot model dudes running around too. I certainly won’t be hanging out with them.” 
His tone was teasing, but you were so stuck in your head that you interpreted his meaning differently. “So I’m not as attractive as those women?”
He gave you a harsh look. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, hermosa. Nothing has changed for me. Nothing.”
Tears stung your eyes. “I’m too fat to sit comfortably on a plane, Rafi. I don’t wanna go. I hate my body so much right now,” you whispered. 
“I know, cariño, but you’re not too fat to do anything. You’re perfect. I don’t care that you’ve gained a little weight. You’re sexy as hell and I can’t wait to lay beside you on that beach and show you off.”
You looked up at him and offered him a small smile. You’d never loved anyone the way you loved him and you could see that same love reflected in his sparkling green eyes. 
“I love you, Rafi.”
He smiled in return. “Te amo mucho, (Y/N).” [I love you very much.]
He laid down beside you on his side and gently caressed your skin. His touch warmed your heart and your body. He had a truly special way of making you feel beautiful and loved. 
“But you know what I’m looking forward to most?” He whispered into your ear. “I’m looking forward to making love to you every place we can possibly think of…every inch of that hotel room, the private patio, the beach, the ocean…everywhere.”
You inhaled deeply, breathing his scent into your nostrils. Your body reacted to his words instantly, desire pooling in your abdomen. “Rafi…” you whispered. 
He knew exactly what you were asking for and he was never one to deny you. His lips met yours hungrily, his growing need for you evident in his kiss. 
He rolled his body so he was hovering over you, his lips never leaving yours. His long fingers ran down your sides before slipping under your shirt and dancing across your skin. 
Your body tensed slightly as his hands touched your soft flesh, a surge of insecurity hitting you. 
“I’ve got you, cariño. Let me love you, por favor,” he murmured. 
You nodded and tried your best to relax. As usual, his touch and his kiss were enough to push the negative thoughts from your mind. 
You allowed him to remove your shirt and he let out a low growl when he noticed you weren’t wearing a bra. His mouth immediately latched on to your breast, a groan of enjoyment sounding from deep in his throat.
As much as he loved your breasts—and god help him, he loved them—he desperately needed to taste you.
He made quick work of removing your shorts and your underwear, but he forced himself to slow down and give your body the love it deserved.
His lips touched every inch of your skin he could reach, slowly, sensually moving down towards your core. He took his time, his touches reverent, his kisses adoring.
“Rafi, please,” you begged.
He looked up at you with a soft expression. “Do you feel beautiful?”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by his question. Rafael cared about your feelings more than anything. “I feel beautiful,” you whispered honestly.
He smiled warmly. “Do you feel loved?”
“I feel worshipped.”
“Oh cariño. You haven’t seen worship.”
You found yourself unable to respond as he licked his way between your folds and began his delicious assault on your pussy.
“Rafi!” You gasped, fingers entwining in his hair.
He tugged your hips closer to him, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. He needed you more than he needed to breathe—mouth never leaving your core.
You couldn’t keep still as he feasted. Every inch of your body was alight with desire, a desperate need to feel him everywhere.
As if he read your mind, his hands began to travel, caressing you and squeezing your flesh…gently digging his long fingers into your skin. He left a blaze of euphoria in his wake, a feeling only eclipsed by the tightening in your belly.
He knew you were close and he suddenly realized how badly he wanted to taste your release. He sped up his ministrations, his own hips digging into the mattress in search of some relief.
Within seconds, he sent you spiraling over the edge with a cry of his name. He worked you through the pleasure, not stopping until your last aftershock had passed.
“Can I make love to you, mi amor?” Rafael asked softly when he came up for air.
You were breathless and content, but when you saw the look in his eyes, you felt the fire within you begin to grow again. “Por favor.”
He smiled and pulled away from you, quickly ridding himself of his clothing. When his cock sprung free, you reached for it almost instinctively, but Rafael grabbed your hand.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why?” You pouted.
“If I feel those pretty little hands wrapped around me, I won’t last long enough to make you cum again.”
You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on your elbows. “But I wanna touch you, Rafi,” you purred.
“Querida…” he murmured hesitantly.
“Just for a moment…”
The hungry look on your face made him give in. “Alright, just for a moment—mierda.” [shit/fuck]
You stroked him slowly, paying special attention to the throbbing tip. You spread the precum leaking from his cock around the head, causing him to buck his hips against your hand.
His breathing was labored as he watched your hands—so small around his thick cock. “Cariño, por favor,” he begged.
In response, you dragged the head of his cock between your folds, causing both of you to moan at the sensation.
“Mi amor…”
You nodded your head in permission. “Make love to me, Rafael.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. In one fluid motion, he slid his cock into you all the way to the hilt. He paused before moving, forehead falling against yours, slightly breathless.
“You’re always so tight, hermosa,” he mumbled.
You moved your hips in response, silently begging him to move. You craved the friction he would provide and the inevitable release he would coax from you.
He picked up on your indication and began to slowly pull out of you, only to plunge back in with force. He repeated the motion a few times before speeding up, but his focus never left your face.
He watched your expressions, taking note of every reaction you made. Every time you closed your eyes, every moan that escaped your lips, every tilt of the head…
Every time your nails dug into his back or your pussy clenched him extra tight, moans of pleasure forced their way out of his mouth. Rafael could never be considered a quiet man, and the same was true in the bedroom.
You loved hearing the sounds he made, just as much as he loved hearing yours. Although you would never admit it to him, what you loved most was the way he talked to you in bed…especially when he was so far gone that the only words slipping out were in Spanish. You couldn’t explain why it turned you on, all you knew was that it did.
Rafael wouldn’t admit it to you, but he knew the effect his whispered Spanish had on you—and he never hesitated to use it to his advantage.
“Cariño, te sientas muy bien. Me encanta la forma en que me aprietas tan fuerte." [Sweetheart, you feel so good. I love the way you’re squeezing me so tight.]
Your nails raked down his back and a desperate moan left your lips. “Please,” you begged—though you weren’t sure exactly what you were begging for.
���Qué necesitas, mi amor? Digame." [What do you need, my love? Talk to me.]
“More. You.”
He smiled at your inability to form a coherent sentence. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Cualquier cosa por ti, Querida." [Anything for you, baby.]
He shifted his hips just enough so that he hit your g-spot with each thrust. Within seconds, he could feel you nearing the edge, but he wanted—needed—to feel you cum with him.
“Wait for me, cariño.”
“I—I can’t—“
“Yes you can. Just a little longer.”
You closed your eyes and focused on holding off your impending orgasm. Every sensation flooding through your body was pure pleasure and you could feel yourself losing control.
“Rafi, please,” you gasped.
A couple more thrusts and he whispered, “Ven conmigo." [Come with me.]
You cried out as you came, fingers gripping Rafael’s back like your life depended on it.
He exploded with a gasp of your name, hips finally beginning to falter.
He didn’t stop moving until you’d come down from your high. He lips met your heated skin and he whispered sweet nothings to you.
Finally, he collapsed beside you, taking a moment to catch his breath before dragging himself to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth.
He cleaned you up gently, as he always did, before crawling back into the bed beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He tugged you into him and placed soft kisses to your neck and shoulder.
“Anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?” he asked softly.
“Nope. No one. Ever,” you said in a teasing tone.
He laughed warmly. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, mi corazon and I love you.”
You turned your head to look into his warm green eyes. “Te amo, Rafi, con todo mi corazon.” [I love you, Rafi, with all my heart.]
His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. “Te amo mucho, querida. Más que la vida." [I love you so much, baby. More than life.]
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rafayelsss · 8 months
Heyo! I love your Rafie fics! I was wondering if you would like to write a fanfic where S/I doesn't like rain. Like she jokes about them feeling like "watery knives", but even if she doesn't like rain too much... She plays in it just to see fish boyo happy even though she is grumbling.
Idk just wanna see Rafayel be a tease more. Lol thank you for your hard work!
my first official request on this blog!! tysm for requesting! i had fun with this one bc i love him
SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
content: rafayel x gn!reader (was meant to be fem but in the end no gendered terms were used), no y/n, raf gets a cold at the end
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Rafayel somehow convinces you into the rain with him.
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The streetlamps scattered around glowed in contrast to the dimly lit afternoon sky, hues of indigo and rouge signaling the beginning of a cold, familiar night in Linkon City.
And what would be a familiar night without Rafayel at your side?
He’s slowly and surely weaseled his way into your routine strolls, in which he now accompanies you whenever he has the time to. Strangely, he always has free space in his schedule for you, which he insists is a coincidence, or that it was simply fate that brought you two together once more.
“So what’s our next stop? The bakery downtown for the third time this week?” Rafayel asked, balancing himself on the curbs of the sidewalk.
“Second, actually.” You corrected quickly with a glare. “Besides, you didn’t have to come along today either… Stop complaining.”
Rafayel feigned mock offense, bringing a hand to his chest as he shook his head. “And leave you all alone in this vast, wide, big and scary city? No way. How could you ever live without me?”
You actually could very well live without him. But he’s too cute to leave, unfortunately.
“I can handle myself just fine, Rafie… You can leave if you don’t want to be he-”
Rafayel cuts through your sentence swiftly. “No thanks.”
Before you could even open your mouth to raise more questions as to what he exactly means by that plain and final answer, your words are diluted by the sudden downpour of rain above.
You watch as most people around you run for shelter from the rain, some more prepared ones opening their umbrellas and calmly carrying on with their day. Being a part of the unlucky few that didn’t bring one, you drag Rafayel to a nearby bus stop.
“Weird… They said it’d be cloudy at most today.” You muttered under your breath, the top of your head already wet, water dripping off the strands of hair.
Rafayel chuckles at you drenched state. “When were weather forecasts ever 100%? This is why you have to think of every possibility.”
“Oh? Does this mean you brought an umbrella?” You raised a brow at him expectantly. If he was so confident, then surely…–
You stared at him in sheer, unbridled disappointment and confusion. “What do you mean, ‘nope’?”
“I was going to bring an umbrella,” Rafayel paused for effect to tap on his chin to ponder for half a second. “but it looks like I forgot. I was so excited to see you again that it completely slipped out of my mind.”
“You…” You inhaled sharply and exhaled back out deeply to keep your blood pressure steady.
He flashes you a grin in an attempt to be a little apologetic, but it was obvious he wasn’t one bit.
“How am I supposed to go home with the weather this bad?” You looked up at the sky, the rain still unrelenting in its showers. You didn’t know how long it would last, and it was getting rather late into the day already.
Rafayel tilts his head at you and grabs a hold of your wrist, stepping forward from under the cover of the bus stop and into the drizzling skies. “We make a run for it, duh.”
He says it as if it’s such an obvious solution, one you should have thought of much sooner.
“We could get a cold, and I don’t look forward to walking past the front door soaked from head to toe!” You argue, disapproving of such a reckless idea. But then again, you’d be lying if his suggestion didn’t pique some sort of interest within you. “And it feels like a bunch of watery knives raining down from up above.”
“Don’t worry, if you flap your limbs, dance and doge around enough, and run as fast as you can, you’ll be able to deflect its attacks. And… A little rain never hurt anyone.”
Rafayel eagerly awaits your answer, but you both knew you didn’t have the heart to turn him down if he kept looking at you with those sparkling purple eyes, practically begging for you to accept and loose a little.
His hand slid down from your wrist to your hand, intertwining your fingers together lightly. You return his gesture with a smile.
“Okay, fine.”
The next morning, you receive a text message from Rafayel.
Rafayel poked you
Rafayel: [im dying]
You: [Told you you’d get sick.]
Rafayel: [dun u want me to get better? come here and nurse me back to health urself]
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
I just realised in #20 of Guns for Hire, Leo was almosted 🍇ed by one of the mercenaries when he was asleep. If you mind, could you please write something about Leo admitting that to Roy? So we can see his reaction?
“Who was your least favourite?”
The question caught Leo off guard, momentarily pausing and turning his attention away from his food. He was eating a bowl of chocolate mint covered marshmallows, some leftover from Halloween. He hummed, his head lifting off Roy’s shoulder.
“What do you mean?” He asked, catching the mercenary’s languid stare.
“I mean the other guys,” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t such a horrible memory for him. “When I was away on my contract. Who was your least favourite?”
Why was he asking him this question so suddenly? Leo’s brow crinckled as he stared at his bowl, fingers squeezing one of the marshmallows gently. The mercenary seemed to notice his obvious hesitance, and leaned down to kiss the furrow in his brow.
“It’s not a trick,” he prompted smugly. He swiped one of the marshmallows and tucked the blanket tighter around them. “I was thinking about it last night, is all.”
Leo bit the inside of his cheek softly.
“Bran,” he responded in a small voice. He didn’t want to remember them at all, but he tried to swallow down the anxiety regardless. “I think Rafi next. He freaked me out a little, especially that one time when I woke up and he—”
Leo cut himself off. He snuggled further into Roy’s side. “Nevermind.”
“Nevermind?” The mercenary parroted, shaking his head. “When you woke up and what, lion?”
“I don’t want to...” His voice trailed off. “It’s nothing.”
“Come on,” Roy encouraged softly, hand gently rubbing his arm. Leo swallowed nervously, just trying to comfort the racing of his heart with Roy’s presence and his warmth instead. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Leo knew he could. That was what made it so difficult. He released a shuddering breath, fiddling the marshmallow absentmindly. He finally set it in the bowl, and another encouraging squeeze from Roy finally forced it from his tongue.
“Rafi, he...” Leo shifted. “I don’t think—he didn’t touch me, or anything. I just, I woke up and he was on the bed...”
He frowned. “I barely even remember it. But he was—trying to take my pants off and he said, he said that—” Leo felt Roy kiss the top of his head, tucking him under his chin. He took the bowl so Leo could wrap his arms around him. “He said something about it not being as fun if I was awake, so he left me alone. I don’t even remember it that well, I don’t even know if I dreamt it.”
There was silence from the man, before he spoke in a calm, measured voice. The arm around him had tightened inexplicably.
“He did?” Roy muttured grimly. Leo gently stroked the tattoo on Roy’s arm, just under the cut of fabric of his short sleeve.
“Yeah,” he whispered, his voice so quiet. “It’s not...I really don’t even think about it.”
Sometimes Leo thought about it. Sometimes when Roy would unbutton his pants, he would imagine what it would have been like it he hadn’t woken up that night. He liked it when Roy peeled his clothes off, but the memory clung to him like dirt, and it wouldn’t come off. So, he supposed he was lying, and he knew Roy wouldn’t like it.
“Yeah?” Roy sighed curtly, kissing the top of his head like he could hear his heartbeat picking up. “I’m glad I put a bullet through his skull. Didn’t know that was a taste of his.”
When Leo remained quiet, gentle fingers slid under his chin, tilting his head back to meet his eyes. They were darker than usual, but his voice was so warm.
“None of the others touched you, right?” He asked quietly, and Leo didn’t even have time to shake his head before Roy was continuing. “Because it doesn’t matter that Bran and Sean are in hiding, I will find them. So just give me an excuse to bury them in the back garden too, lion.”
Maybe it was the morbid sentiment that made him blush, but Leo shook his head. The fingers under his chin gently stroked his cheek, and he leaned keenly into the touch as if he’d never experienced it before. His heart skipped a beat.
“No,” he whispered. “Promise.”
Roy smiled slightly, leaning forward to kiss his lips. When he pulled away, the ex-secretary happily cuddled against his side, accepting the bowl of marshmallows back.
“Good,” he sighed, leaning his head against his in the coziness of the couch. Leo didn’t have to know that he was absolutely livid, seething with jealousy at the idea Rafi had even thought about the idea of touching what was his. “I’m glad.”
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