#and knew that running away with the person he really loved would get him disowned
grimm-the-tiger · 25 days
My FL main went through some really weird, organic development over the...oh god, I think it's been five years since I started playing now.
So my main is named Skadi Larkin. They are a little bastard. They started out extremely 2D; I named them after my favorite Norse goddess and the protagonist of the book I was reading at the time. I originally wanted to make them female like both of their namesakes, but the second I saw the third-gender option, I thought it was too good to pass up. This is where they got their primary base characterization as a mad scientist who wanted to Cause Problems.
Then I started the Nemesis ambition and forgot which option I'd chosen for who I was trying to avenge, so they lost both their lover and their older brother under tragic circumstances (only the lover was killed by Nemesis's antagonist, though).
Then I got an Exceptional Friendship and had to give my tragic backstory in order to gain entry to the House of Chimes. Skadi pulled said tragic backstory (orphaned in a hansom accident) more or less out of their ass, but it did establish that their parents are dead.
Somewhere down the line, I realized that technically Skadi is a linguist, since the Correspondence is a language, and I made that their profession on the Surface as well.
Around this time, I started working on character designs for my fan comic. I got really into messing around with skin tone, and somewhere along the line thought it would be fun to draw Skadi (who was originally white) with darker skin, and it stuck.
Then I abruptly realized I was taking a lot of options that increased my Melancholy, and almost all of them were based on the Surface. So now Skadi has a longing for the Surface.
I left the game for a few years, but somewhere during this stretch of time, and I don't know how this happened, but I decided Skadi was now Native American; specifically, Metis. I changed their design to incorporate a sash woven in a style characteristic of the Metis, which also added a bit of color to their design (which was mostly black or grey at this point).
During this time, I started incorporating Skadi into my fan comic. This would eventually lead me to actually flesh out their backstory in greater detail. When I started playing the game again, I also created my first alt by total accident (long story), and I decided to weave her backstory with Skadi's.
So Skadi is in the interesting position of being an Indigenous person who is what we'd probably consider Two-Spirit today but they'd just call "Bollocks to that gender crap". They never belonged on the Surface, since the Metis are in a bit of a liminal space compared to other tribes due to their interesting background (the Metis are the descendants of French settlers and Indigenous inhabitants, mostly Cree), and Skadi exists in a liminal space within that liminal space due to only being half-Metis and raised primarily in white culture, although they still maintained a connection to it through their late mother. They also never belonged because no one else on the Surface outside of the communities they already felt isolated from would ever accept them for their gender. London gave them a chance to express one of those, but not both, and despite knowing that the Surface hates them just for existing, they still long to return.
#fallen london#fallen london oc#mild fallen london spoilers ig#there's a really interesting dichotomy with all of my fl characters honestly#skadi's is just probably the most blatant#umbra belacqua (my shadowy alt) is someone who both loves very fiercely and is capable of immense cruelty at the same time#in her backstory she had the husband of her ex-fiancee (who left her at the altar) murdered because she couldn't let go of her ex's betraya#said ex is my persuasive alt and is both very socially gregarious and extremely withdrawn#he probably won't ever get a spouse just because he can't bring himself to love someone else after what happened the last time#and he had very good reason for leaving umbra because he could never love her the way she wanted#and he felt that the sympathy she would receive from his family would more than make up for the heartbreak#since umbra is obsessed with gaining power and prestige and he came from an influential family#and knew that running away with the person he really loved would get him disowned#(he doesn't know umbra killed his husband btw)#my dangerous alt is my persuasive alt's sister#she's trans and badly overcompensating for it by refusing to wear anything except feminine clothing#because it hasn't quite gotten through to her yet that no one in Fallen London particularly cares about her gender expression#and she feels like the only way she can be seriously considered a woman is if she does everything she can to look like one#which causes her a good few problems because her one true passion is violence and that's not usually considered a very feminine hobby#then their younger brother (my watchful alt) is someone ironically very disinclined to violence who resorts to it anyways#the only people he's actually going to try to kill are the ones he has to kill for his ambition#and he's not very happy about it but he doesn't have much of a choice#because while he might not like bloodshed his murdered spouse was an anarchist who definitely did#and he's determined to do right by his memory by...killing a lot of people apparently#he is not a terribly mentally stable man and when i finally get around to making his account#he's going to have a massive nightmares problem that he refuses to deal with and keeps ending up in the royal beth for it#tl;dr all my fallen london characters are going through it and have overly long and complicated backstories#my main just happens to have the most overly long and complicated of them all
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zweiginator · 2 months
CORRUPTION KINK IS MY FAVORITE EVERRRRR😭😭😭😭 you don’t understand how much i love this small town series im gnawing at my furniture
you had no idea something so wrong could be so addicting. before this, the worst thing you had ever done, the furthest you had strayed from god was staying out past curfew--to get ice cream with your friends. your father grounded you for a week and took your phone too.
if he knew you had just given patrick--the supposed golden boy, your tennis coach--a handjob, he would disown you. it scares you to even think about. but patrick's forehead is warm against yours and he moans into your mouth one last time as he coats your hand. his abdomen. it's warm and sticky. a pearly white. in your innocent mind, it reminds you of frosting cinnamon rolls with your mom before church.
patrick praised you the whole time. good girl. just like that. fuck, yes.
hearing his voice, desperate and breathless, felt better than obeying the lord.
patrick drives you home. he presses a chaste kiss to your hand, your lips, your forehead. and he waits for you to sneak back in, for your bedroom light to flicker on. he leaves and you find it hard to get any sleep that night. a whirlwind of guilt snowballs in your gut. you feel nauseated. you also miss patrick already. you'll have to wait until sunday. you think about how much you want to confess. bile rises in your throat when you remember how it all must remain unsaid. your special secret.
you wake up early for church. at 6 instead of 7. you make your hair perfect and roll the lint off your favorite dress. spritz an extra dose of perfume on your neck where patrick likes to nuzzle into you and whisper filthy promises.
you're surprised, when you get there, to see your mother rushing to sit in the pew where patrick's parents are. your father shakes their hands, apologizes for running late. but he has to get ready for the sermon. patrick and his sister sit in the pew behind them; he saved a spot for you with his suit jacket.
"you look gorgeous." patrick nuzzles his head into your neck and you look straight ahead, fighting back a smile. he wraps his leg around yours and pulls you closer to him. "i haven't stopped thinking about you."
his hand is strong as it grabs your wrist, placing your much smaller hand on his erection. you remember the soft skin of him, how it felt to stroke him in your hand. how dirty you felt. how you wanted to stop but every time patrick said faster you went faster. you'd do whatever he asked.
you cough to cover your whimper, but your hand stays on patrick's cock. you rub him up and down and watch him get harder, bigger. patrick's left hand grips the pew and his veins protrude, pulsing.
your heart beats faster because patrick's sister is sitting right next to you. her hands are folded in her lap as she listens to your father talk about sin. evil, evil sin. how we must repent and stay away from devilish desires.
"i'd bury my cock so fucking far into your virgin pussy right now if you'd let me." patrick licks against your ear. you stop stroking him. a squeak leaves your mouth. your body feels like it's scorching, a thousand degrees. you swallow.
"what are you doing?" patrick's sister furrows her brow and you realize your hand is gripping patrick's thigh so tight you're wrinkling his trousers.
you tear it away.
"pay attention." patrick nods his head to the stage. unfazed.
you cross your legs for the rest of the sermon and patrick looks smug, his jaw popping in and out as he works to hold back the smirk that almost looks as if it's trying to crawl out from between his lips.
swallowing, you sit up straighter and repeat your prayers in your head. you beg for forgiveness until your father closes the heavy bible on his podium and the bustle of mingling churchgoers snaps you out of it. you promise god that you're a good person, you really are. you plead for him to absolve you of your sin--but you don't promise not to do it again.
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geddy-leesbian · 1 month
May I ask any headcanons you have about Luis's family?
I went into his family a little bit in the most recent chapter of my main ongoing fic, but I'll get more in depth here.
The Navarro family historically were fishermen, but Luis's grandfather, Alsen, was a black sheep who preferred hunting on dry land, very rarely fishing. His wife, Luis's grandmother, died before Luis was born. (I haven't thought about her that deeply yet, surprisingly.) They had one daughter, Juliana.
Overall Juliana was a nice, likeable girl, although a bit of an outcast because the walk between the Navarro home and the main village square was difficult enough to stop her from socializing with the other villagers frequently. She would walk there once a week for church, and because she was musically gifted she'd play piano or guitar in church. She was a bit of a hopeless romantic too, always hoping someone would make a move on her, but being too shy to try making the first move herself.
Mingo was a real Messy Bitch™ who didn't care for religion or social norms whatsoever, sleeping around with any woman he could successfully charm. Eventually he had his eyes set on Juliana. Alsen knew his reputation and warned Juliana to stay away from him because he'd break her heart, but she couldn't resist. He went through the trouble of hiking to the Navarro home at night to visit her in secret, and that was enough effort to really sweep her off her feet. Sometimes he'd talk about hating Valdelobos and how one day he was going to run away to a big city and do great things, and that vision also appealed to her.
Eventually she gets pregnant. She's excited, Alsen is furious. He gets into a screaming match with Mingo, demanding he marry Juliana before she has the baby. (And the anger is very out of character, Alsen is a very cool and collected man who almost never even raised his voice. It's just matters concerning his daughter, and Luis in some of my AU's, that would upset him deeply enough he'd lose his temper in an argument.) Mingo, allergic to commitment and not at all family oriented, fucks off and leaves the village, making promises to come back which he had no intention of keeping. It was quite scandalous, Juliana being pregnant out of wedlock in such a religious place, and she became even more of an outcast than she was prior. But she was still excited about having a baby, and believed the empty promises. Alsen knew Mingo was full of shit and would never come back, but still loved Juliana more than anything and looked forward to becoming a grandfather. He talked to Mingo's family, hoping they might take some interest in the child that would share their blood and give Juliana more of a support net, but they were entirely unsympathetic. They'd all but disowned Mingo themselves due to his embarrassing behavior, and didn't feel responsible for his child.
Juliana lived long enough to name Luis, and make Alsen promise to raise him and not poison him against his father, still believing that one day Mingo would come back and want a relationship with his child and fearing Alsen would try to get in the way of that, telling Luis he was a bad person that abandoned him and his mother. Which she was right about, Alsen hated the man, but he also loved his daughter enough to keep the promise. He had nothing nice to say about him, so he just refused to tell Luis anything about his father, technically keeping the promise.
Raising Luis would have been really hard at first too. Being socially ostracized meant the village's new mothers who may have agreed to nurse an orphan under different circumstances would have been hesitant to nurse Luis specifically, and formula wouldn't be an option in Valdelobos, so Alsen would have had to turn to poor substitutes like goat's milk. Baby Luis didn't thrive, there were a lot of moments where Alsen wasn't sure if he'd make it, but he pulled through and was very healthy by the time he was a toddler.
Luis looks a lot like his mom.
I also HC that Luis's jacket originally belonged to his mother. The fit/cut of it just strikes me as more feminine, and I like the thought of Luis having a connection like that to his family.
Alsen did his best to educate Luis himself, trying to give him a decent foundation for when he eventually grew up enough to leave the village and go to university. Of course it wasn't even close to the type of formal education Luis would have received outside of Valdelobos, but it at least instilled a love of learning into Luis so he was motivated to educate himself after his grandfather's death.
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riftdancing · 10 months
I wanna talk about Judas Slevin.
Because after those screenshots* I posted last night, I want to get into some of the backstory behind them, and the ones yet to come. But abstractly, that means I want to write about Blink. So your wish is my command!! (lol)
* Part One | Part Two <- Screenshot URLs
[ TRIGGER WARNING ] - Death, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Stockholm Syndrome
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Blink and Judas share an incredibly complicated past. I've written about it here from Blink's POV a little bit, but it doesn't really fill in a lot of the deep plot points between these two. Judas is an incredibly important character in Blink's character development as he is a large reason why she is the woman she is today.
Judas Slevin was Dominic (Blink's Father) Vaniro's right hand man. His hound so to speak. While Blink was growing up (think teenage years), Dominic had appointed Das as the 1st Mate of the Harbingers. There are some complications here, though, as Das always had feelings for Blink's mother, Saeva. In fact, in the past, the pair of them had some off and on flings before Dominic became prominent in Saeva's life. Despite his infatuations, Das knew and accepted he was out of the picture with Saeva when the two married, but continued to support Dominic as his Captain.
While in her teen years, Blink was already aiding the crew with her piloting skills, but practically being sky-pirate royalty, at this age Blink was a bit of a spoiled brat. When she wasn't helping, she was causing problems. While she aimed most of those problems at her Father in a plea for attention, unfortunately most of the clean up boiled down to Das and it didn't help that Blink happened to be the spitting image of her mother.
To say that animosity developed between the two early on, would be an understatement. Blink was tallying Das' frustrations many years before reaping some of his punishments for her crimes(not that the punishments are justified).
So when Blink became of age and fell in love with another pirate from a rival crew and tried to secretly elope with him... you can start to imagine how ugly things got. When Dominic found out about his Daughter's betrayal, he lost the last sense of stability he had. Blink, for all intensive purposes, was the one he had hoped to entrust the Harbingers to one day. The person he had started to groom towards eventual captaincy, even if she had a long ways to go. ...Then she went and broke the two rules you don't break as a Harbinger. She tried to run away, and she tried to marry a rival.
Irate, hurt, and bitter he sent his hound to hunt both Blink and her groom to be down, and Das found them with ease. Donny was killed in cold blood on the roof of his airship in front of Blink whilst claiming he would defend her. But against Das' battle prowess, he never stood a chance. Das, forcing Blink to watch, would toss his bloodied corpse off the side of the ship before dragging Blink back to her Father for judgement.
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This was the turning point in her life. Up until this point Blink's life had been relatively easy. She grew up spoilt. And with this one poor choice, she lost all the comfort she'd had.
First and foremost, her Father disowned her, and once his judgement was cast she would lose her freedom and be given to Das as a reward for his loyalty. Dominic was also hellbent on making sure she would never see the inside of another airship cockpit again.
It is unfortunate for Blink, Das wanted nothing to do with her at this point. He was so fed up with her previous bullshit that she was one of the last people he wanted in his care. Bitter about her past actions and reminded frequently of her Mother, Das started by taking his frustrations out on Blink.
Highly confrontational, the pair often got into fights which resulted in violence. Most notably Das pistol whipping Blink on more than one occasion, which is also how she got that nasty little scar across the bridge of her nose.
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However, after a while, Das came to a decision. Frustrated with Blink's inability to heed him, and further more enraged by her sass and backtalking Das got it in his head that if she were to be such a nuisance he would at least make her a useful one.
He would teach her how to clean every weapon he owned. Then once she had mastered that, he would teach her how to use them. He was strict, rough, and incredibly hard on her... but over time this proved to give them both purpose. Surprisingly, Blink responded favorably to his teaching... though not right away. It wasn't without a few ass kickings and some hard taught lessons that Blink started to value the knowledge Das was imparting upon her.
Meanwhile, Dominic's hold over the Harbingers had begun to weaken. Driven to partial madness, he had begun to make poor decisions which would eventually lead to his downfall. While in the past Dominic had been a reasonably fair and good Captain to his crew, since his Daughter's betrayal his requests had grown more and more vain. It was becoming clear to both Das and the crew Dominic was starting to lose his touch.
The choice to give Blink to Das never sat well with Das either. Despite the animosity he harbored for the girl early on, she had not deserved the fate her Father had bestowed upon her. Blink and Das bonded over this ideal.
As her writer, I will make it clear there is a bit of Stockholm syndrome woven into this portion of Blink's story. Despite that, Blink and Das did eventually grow to have legitimate feelings for one another and the more Das grew to care for Blink, the more he wanted to set her free.
So he challenged her Father for his captaincy. Harbinger law stated it would be a duel to the death. Das and Dominic scrapped hard, and in the end it came down to Das dealing the final blow. ...But at Blink's behest Dominic was spared, allowed to find life elsewhere and live on. Thus, Judas became Captain of the Harbingers and appropriately instated Blink as his first mate.
In a way, Blink became Das' protégé. He taught her how to be the haunting ghostly hound everyone feared him to be. ...And that was his life's work, his love, passed on to her.
For a short spell, things were good for the Harbingers after that. Das was a good Captain and Blink was an excellent first mate as his side. Some say she even thrived in that position. But unfortunately for the pair, there was trouble in paradise.
Remember what I said about Dominic wanting to leave his Captaincy to Blink? Well unfortunately, her older Brother (Skorn), thought he was owed that inheritance. With an ego the size of Eorzea itself, he'd sat in the position of Navigator for too long. Skorn was hungry for power and Das was growing increasingly more aware of the problem Skorn would become.
Das knew Skorn would eventually challenge him for Captaincy, and while he was mostly certain he would win that battle, Das was always prepared for the other out come. He spent the last few months making sure Blink was prepared. That he had bestowed every ounce of knowledge he could into the girl.
And then Skorn challenged him.
And then Blink watched Das lose his life to her Brother's poisoned blade.
Despite her Brother offering to shelter Blink in the Harbingers still, she would not sit for this.
So for six long years, Blink dropped entirely off the radar.
And she resurfaced only when she had enlisted, cold and bitter, with the Garlean Empire to further hone her battle prowess...
And that my friends, is the first ark of Blink's origin story.
The Harbinger ark.
Crazy to think about how all of this was roleplayed out almost two decades ago. All of the characters in this story were played by real actors.
Blink's character has come such an incredibly long way.
I look forward to exposing the rest of that journey to those of you here who have come this far and are still willing to read. But that's a story for another day.
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birlwrites · 2 years
thanks for the answer about my reg-runs-away question! okay, so, another one - barty. barty my love <3. anyway, point is, what does barty think of james and sirius and remus and peter? undoubtedly he's aware of them, but what's his opinion surrounding them?
he does not have many opinions on peter as an individual i'll just put that out there. the slytherins are not immune to 'pettigrew is the irrelevant tagalong friend' syndrome
barty wouldn't have *many* opinions on the marauders if not for regulus. of course he'd know about them - it's kind of impossible not to - but his reactions would probably be confined within the range of 'eyeroll' to 'mildly amused'
because of regulus, barty primarily thinks of that friend group as 'sirius and sirius's friends' - sirius is the estranged brother, james is the Brother Stealer, remus is the prefect one with the jumpers, and peter is The Fourth One
to get more into it - barty knows that regulus and sirius used to be very close.
barty and regulus weren't close enough for barty to *really* witness the beginning of that estrangement, because that was a while ago, but at the very beginning of reg's first year regulus and sirius did interact. just not super often and it got increasingly stilted. and barty knew that regulus would talk to his brother sometimes. and then that just kind of Ended
at first, barty was mostly picking up on regulus and sirius's history through context clues, but it all started becoming much more clear to him once regulus conceded on the issue of blood purity (which took a while) - not so much that that was a Landmark Turning Point for them, although it was, but more so that once they reached that point, barty was the *only* one who knew what regulus actually thought, which meant that the two of them had a secret
so it was a turning point in the sense of talking a little more openly about their lives, which for regulus meant talking about sirius
to put it briefly, barty thinks sirius did not make an effort to maintain his relationship with regulus when he clearly could have. barty is very much a regulus apologist on all matters sirius - frankly, the only reason he intervenes in ch 41 is because regulus is losing control of the situation and needs to take a break and reorient.
and that is also kind of barty's first major interaction with sirius (as in, prolonged period of time in physical proximity), and he's absolutely primed to dislike him because of regulus aghslkhjdf
which takes us to James Potter The Brother Stealer! or rather, brother *supplanter*, as barty assigns sirius quite a bit of agency in that estrangement. potter is sirius's best friend which means he sucks. sirius ran away *to* potter which means he DOUBLE SUCKS and probably ENCOURAGED sirius to just fuck off, which is probably better for regulus in the long run really but it UPSET regulus which is of course bad
(re: sirius's disownment, barty is of the general opinion that sirius being heir black wasn't doing anyone any favors, primarily regulus aka the only one of the blacks he actually cares about, but that doesn't mean he thinks sirius running away was a good thing - more that it was the natural end result of sirius doing what he was doing. neither good nor bad, consequentially speaking, but as i said, it upset regulus, so bad METHODICALLY speaking)
okay back to james - with james, barty really just dislikes him because regulus dislikes him. barty has his own reasons to dislike sirius that are based in his caring for regulus - barty does not have his own reasons to dislike james
and he sees regulus's dislike of james and figures it's really resentment rooted in regulus's feelings towards sirius, so barty really doesn't dislike james on a personal level - but out of loyalty to both regulus and slytherin, he dislikes james on an OMFG He's So Annoying level
barty has even less reason to dislike remus - he's not as obnoxious as james and regulus doesn't care about him as much, so besides the general awkwardness of 'that's one of sirius's closest friends,' barty mostly knows remus through quidditch commentary AND RUNES CLUB
remus is in runes club but he's very lax about attendance, he just joined when they were working on making the map so he could pick babbling's brain for extracurricular projects and now he shows up occasionally for more Extracurricular Reasons
barty hasn't interacted with him, seeing as a) barty wasn't trying to interact with him and b) remus went 'oh, that is regulus's best friend, we will Not be acknowledging each other's presence because i don't want to turn sirius and regulus's quiet feud into a loud feud'
but barty has SEEN him there and so as a result he has concrete proof that lupin exists as an individual being beyond the marauders, the commentator's booth, and prefect rounds
(lupin naturally being a prefect because who else were they going to choose)
and re: the quidditch commentary, barty's general opinion is 'he's fairly competent but the pro-sirius and potter bias is appallingly blatant'
so barty's marauder opinions really stem from regulus's marauder opinions, which stem from regulus's sirius experiences (side note i like the sound of 'sirius experiences'). there are minor exceptions because of remus being in runes club (VERY minor exception) and james being the face of much of the marauders' pranking, but for the most part, each marauder is 'one of sirius's friends' first and an individual second
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Why can’t she just accept me? If she did, maybe others would.
So, tonight, my mum asked me if the girl I have been talking to knew I was a ‘lesbian’. I didn’t really give her a proper answer. Just said, that it didn’t matter.
Truth is, this girl, is the only person who calls me my name, Dylan. She’s the only person who refers me as He, Him, or His. She’s the only person who accepts me properly.
Yes some of my friends do know, but they don’t really use my name. Or use my pronouns He/Him/His. Maybe this is why I have become clingy with this girl, but she’s also become clingy to me.
She’s the first person to text me first, my other friends wait for me to message them. She’s the first person to buy me a friendship bracelet. She’s the first person to give me a nickname. She’s the first with everything.
I wished I could look at my mum and tell her ‘NO SHE KNOWS ME AS DYLAN, BECAUSE THAT IS WHO I AM! THAT IS WHO I ALWAYS BE, SO WHY DON’T YOU JUST EITHER ACCEPT ME OR GET OVER IT!’ But I didn’t. I got to scared.
I wish I could just run away from here. I wish I could go somewhere far away. But I can’t. Because everytime I think about it, I feel guilty! Guilty for leaving her in debt, guilty for leaving her without my money even though she moans about it when I spend any of it on myself.
Like, why can’t she just accept it? I’m 🚹 not 🚺. And I’m also ⚧. I have felt like this forever. This isn’t a fucking phase anymore. I’m being tortured by being in my own body.
She just won’t accept it because she thinks I’ll change my whole self. My personality, my likes and dislikes, I don’t know why??? It’s not like I’m going to change anything apart from my genitals!
I’m still going to be me. I’m still going to like serial killers, I’m still going to like conspiracy theories, I’ll still like the same bands as always!
Why don’t people understand that? I’m still me! I’m still going to be me! Just different gender.
What actually pissed me off is that she will accept EVERYONE BUT ME!!! She had a trans friend (but he changed his mind, my opinion he done it for attention), but yeah, accepted him. But she can’t accept me!!! Why not? I know I’m her kid, but still? Parents are suppose to love you no matter what.
She knew something was up with me all my life, she just can’t accept it herself. I know it would be difficult at first. I know she would misgender me a few times, call me by my old name (I don’t know if it is classed as a deadname if I’m still using it?) but I won’t mind, as long as I know she’s trying.
I wish she’d just come out and ask me or whatever. Even if she tells me to leave? I would go and I wouldn’t come back, only to get my stuff. I know she probably wouldn’t because I’m the one with the money, I’m the one that buys the shopping, the one that tops up the electric and gas. And honestly she’d feel ashamed because she knows I’d go to hospital still, and when they ask where my mum is, she knows I will tell them the truth. Especially the diabetes team! She will definitely feel ashamed.
She knows they’d be shocked at how a mother could disown their own child because of their gender. And causing them mental health issues and all sorts. And also chucking them out to fend for themselves with loads of serious illnesses. I wish I could tell them the truth. I wish I could greet them and say “hi! My names Dylan!” But I can’t.
I always wonder what they’d say and do? Would they be shocked? Would they be happy for me? Would they not want to know me anymore?
Just wish she’d accept me!!!
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mymarblesaregone · 1 year
Another story I wrote a while back. Same as before, I'd love any comments/criticism, etc. No content warnings necessary I don't think.
I’ve always loved the smell of trees. They pull me into memories of hiking through overgrown abandoned trails and late nights spent sitting under natural shade and talking about nothing and everything at the same time. For the rest of my life, when the tickle of pine sneaks into my nose, I’ll be transported back to that chilly autumn night. 
I had pilfered him from the house, avoiding parents and siblings, all for us to get away unseen. There was a blue moon that night. I drove us over to our favorite hiking trail. We had been coming since we were kids. It did look a bit different than the last time either of us were here but the carved initials in the trail markers were unmistakable. We fought through the overgrown bushes and brambles. The trees had started losing leaves by this time of year. Imposing creatures with arms spread, reaching and grabbing for anything that moved. The grass had grown out of control, the moss spread to disguise the rocks that lined the path, the trail becoming more and more hidden as the days went by, as if Mother Nature were trying to keep the beauty all to herself. We were criminals, stealing glances at each other and looting views from nature. If we got caught, prison would be a blessing compared to the ire of his father, the one who blamed me for “stealing” his son. If he only knew what else I had taken.
Maybe I was a thief, after all, he said I had stolen his heart. The cliche always made me groan but in secret, it was exactly what I had always wanted to hear. We had always joked about running away together, getting jobs at the circus and eating mushrooms to survive. It really all felt like a fairy tale (no pun intended). It was probably ridiculous. The idea of me, a scrawny “friend of Dorothy” running away with a tall, assertive tower of muscle and confidence, the very picture of a man. A football coach’s dream. 
But aside from his looks, what always got me was that he was so warm. Not to say he never got cold, he had enough sweaters for me to steal a couple and still always have one to wear, but he was the warmest person I had ever met. He always smelled like pine even after a workout. His hugs felt like a hot chocolate by a fireplace in the dead of December. He felt like home, much more than that house I grew up in.
The crimes continued as I held his hand, a warm respite from the stinging air around. What possible trespasses could follow was between him, me, and the gentle moonlight that shone through the tree line. We decided to set up camp for the night, exhausted from the hike and excited to spend a night together. I pitched the tent and we crawled inside. We talked for hours, bitching about the war, that damned President Johnson, those poor people in Vietnam. I slowly moved over, closer and closer to him, until I finally collapsed into his embrace. The weeks and months had taken a toll on me. I wept softly into the warm flannel on his shoulder, the only safe haven in my world. It’s not fair that we had to hide away, that any slight show of affection in public could get us disowned or worse. I repeated that one phrase through pained sobs.
It’s not fair.
He picked my head up and reassured me that one day, we could be ourselves openly. That he would take care of anyone that did anything otherwise. I loved how he could make me feel better no matter the worries in my head. The feeling of safety was something I couldn’t find anywhere else. The world was a confusing mess of sounds and lights and colors but when I was with him, it all made sense. Suddenly, a sound outside snapped me out of my loving trance. 
Maybe it’s another bear, I joked to ease the stress. We both knew the stakes if we were to be caught. He laughed, that warm, cozy laugh of his, and went to go see what it was. I followed. A couple steps behind, I looked around at the sleeping forest. Grasping trees turned to reaching monsters in the dark, their shadows swallowing up everything in their path. The only light came from the gentle glow of a crescent moon. I turned my attention back to him. My home. My tree. He stopped. His face softened. It must’ve been the wind. I realized that my heartbeat had taken over my ears, pounding like a drum at the thought of losing him. 
I went back to the tent a bit ahead, as he wanted to make absolutely sure that we’d be safe from bears. When I got inside and slumped down onto the blanket I would keep in my car, I noticed a slip of paper sticking out of his bag. It was a letter, and I recognized the seal. I saw the “SSS” that would take my love from me. My heart plummeted. I heard his footsteps approaching and quickly put the letter back fully into his bag. He entered the tent and slumped down beside me as I did my best to hold back tears. I shoved that feeling down and I enjoyed the night like it was our last together. Because it could be.
I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and a babbling stream. He was gone. A gentle breeze carried the smell of pine and car exhaust. He left a note but I didn’t read it. Squirrels and deer carried on past. I couldn’t bring myself to check. And besides, I know where he went. I know that he was stolen from me. 
I guess there’s no honor among thieves.
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softxsuki · 2 years
hii!! im really sorry and i know that you have a veryyy long list of requests but i was wondering if i could put in an urgent request?..
could i req a mikey x reader where reader was kicked out of their house by their parents because they are part of the lgbtqia+ community (bi) and they are completely heartbroken over the fact that their family disowned them. mikey lets reader stay with him and provides them with comfort, maybe some cuddles 🥺😭
thank you so much. i understand if you dont wanna write this for whatever reason.
have an amazing day <3
Mikey Comforts Reader Whose Parents Kicked Them Out For Being Bi
Pairing: Manjiro (Mikey) x Reader
Warnings: mentionings of homophobia (?) from parents, tense relationship with parents, getting kicked out from home/being disowned from parents, like one or two mild swears, uhhhhh crying, reader wondering if they were ever loved, some violent thoughts from Mikey
Genre: Angst, Comfort, bit of fluff
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: In which you're kicked out of your house one night after your parents find out you're bisexual. You head to Mikey to tell him what happened and he lets you stay with him as he tries to comfort you
[A/N: SENJUUUUUUUUUUU, omg hi I'm so sorry for the wait. I mentally wondered how to write this request, but literally as soon as I actually sat down to write it, it basically wrote itself for the most part. I'm pretty happy with how it came out and I hope you like it too! I hope everything is okay <3 Thank you always for your patience. I know I've been a slow writer lately 🫠😩💔. Take care and enjoy :D]
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Your feet carry you forward through the dimly lit streets, tears making their way down your face. You had just been kicked out of your parents house after they found out you were bisexual. Having no phone to call anyone since your parents took yours away, (since they were the ones paying for it) you decide to head to your boyfriend, Mikey’s place, hoping and praying that he’s home. 
You have a small bag flung over your shoulder full of some of your clothes and important things that you couldn’t bear to leave behind at your parents home that would no longer be a place you could go back to.
Despite your slow, draw-out walking pace, it isn’t long until you finally arrive at Mikey’s home as you gently knock on the door. A few minutes pass before Mikey finally opens the door, looking groggy as if he just woke up.
“Who the hel- angel? What’s the matter,” He’s wide awake in a matter of seconds at your tear-stained face and puffy eyes, anger immediately pooling in his black irises, “Did someone hurt you? I swear I-”
“They found out,” you cut him off, but that’s all you manage to say before you burst into tears once again, but Mikey knows exactly what you’re talking about as you had expressed your fear that your parents would find out about your sexuality one day to him multiple times.
MIkey takes a look both ways outside before gently wrapping his hands around your wrist and pulling you into his home. He takes your bags off you and throws them on the couch, bringing you into his warms arms as he embraces you. Anger is still bubbling up in his chest at the fact that someone upset you, the person he held most dear to him. Even if they were your parents, no one would get past Mikey’s anger without hearing something from him, but he knew calming you down and making you feel better was his top priority before letting his anger get the best of him and running like a mad-man down to your family’s home to give them a piece of his mind.
“It’s okay Y/N, you’re safe here with me,” he coo’s in your hair, slightly swaying back and forth with you in his arms as you continue to cry in his chest.
Your parents had found out that you were bisexual; they were very against the LGBTQ+ community and ultimately disowned you, telling you you needed to leave their sight. Never in a million years would you think that your parents who raised you and were supposed to love you would get so upset to the point where they’d kick you out of their house and lives because you liked both men and women. Did they just not really love you at all? Is that what it was? Were you so easily disposable in people’s lives? Did you have that little value? You could feel your body stiffen as your brows furrowed, your sobbing going quiet as silent tears flow down your face.
Mikey pulls away from you and by the look on your face, he instantly knows what’s going through your head.
“Don’t do that,” He reprimands you.
“Don’t do what?”
“You know what,” he frowns slightly, flicking your forehead, “Stop overthinking this whole thing. There’s nothing wrong with you, your stupid parents are the ones who have an issue to treat you like this because of your sexuality. It has nothing to do with them anyway.”
He looks at you and gingerly wipes your tears away, “You don’t have to worry about a damn thing, I’ll still be here for you no matter what, loving you unconditionally forever. Just keep loving me in return, angel.”
You were heartbroken still though, you loved your parents and having them just coldy throw you out of their lives like it meant nothing to them hurt you beyond what words could express.
“Do you-” you pause for a moment, wondering if you should even express your heartbreak, but Mikey’s intent gaze encourages you to continue, “Do you think they still love me? Or if they even loved me at all?”
“Of course they still love you Y/N. Even if they made a drastic decision to kick you out of their lives, I know they still love you. You’re their child, and you always will be, nothing will change that. They’re just idiots who made a rash decision because of their own warped beliefs that only a man and woman can be together romantically.”
That made you feel better, knowing that your parents hopefully did still love you despite what they did. If you could just keep thinking that, then maybe it would be easier to get through this.
“Just wait for them to come around. They will or they won’t, but either way I’ll be here. Stay at my place for as long as you need, baby. This is your home now and I’m more than happy to have you. We’re gonna have a blast living together,” he leans in and nudges his nose with your nose, placing a small kiss to the tip of your nose before pulling away and smiling at you.
He pulls you in the direction of his room, “Don’t mind the mess. I’ll clear it all up for you tomorrow so our home feels more welcoming for you.”
“Don’t worry, I feel at home already,” you smile to yourself at him saying ‘our’ home instead of just his home.
And it was true, though Mikey’s place was a bit tiny and messy, having him there beside you, pouring the well needed love over you made you feel so at ease. Yes, your heart was still broken, a small part of it probably always would be now that you didn’t have your parents anymore for something so trivial, but Mikey was already starting to fill in the cracks of your heart with his warmth and love. 
You take a quick shower to wind down and join Mikey in bed where he’s sprawled out, glancing at the ceiling in thought as you cuddle in beside him.
He’s quietly debating whether he should make a quick visit to your parents home and scare 'em a bit, or do some damage to their property to teach them a lesson (y’know scary Mikey things), but he quickly shakes the thought away. They’d know instantly who the motivation behind it was, and it would make things worse for you. But if you ever came up to him and asked him to help you get some payback, he’d be more than willing to give you a hand and take out some of his own frustrations and anger out on your parents for hurting you emotionally.
He wraps you in his arms and cuddles close to you, wanting to protect you and keep you happy for a long long time.
“I love you, thanks for taking me in.”
“I didn’t take you in. I was planning on asking you to move in anyways Y/N, this just sped up the process and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he gives you a gentle squeeze, “I love you so much. Rest up, I know you’re probably drained. Don’t worry, I’ll be right here and I’ll never leave you.”
You nod your head at his words, feeling a lot calmer and at peace than you thought you’d be after everything you’d been through that day. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart and the gentle sound of his breathing. You match your own breathing with his as he rests his chin on the top of your head, pulling you closer into his arms. You drift off to sleep hoping and thinking that maybe things would be okay eventually.
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Posted: 4/23/2022
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jadequeen88 · 4 years
Smart Girls Make Fast Learners
My contribution to the BNHarem’s monthly collab. The theme was SEx work. ⛓This piece is a first real deep dive into darker themes and was actually really, really exciting to write. 🖤 A massive thanks to my dear friend @libiraki​ for beta reading this.
TW: yandere behavior, toxic relationship, degradation, non-con, dub-con, degradation/praise kinks, mind break, oral (M and F receiving), over stim, loss of virginity, mentions of physical violence.
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone this type of relationship. This is a work of fiction and if this happens IRL please get out of the relationship!
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There is a very specific type of dread that occurs when you discover that the person you built your world around has been lying to you. Tamaki Amajiki was experiencing this brand of betrayal for the first time in his twenty-one years on a rainy Tuesday in October in the dim lighting of your dorm room. His grip tightened around the open laptop as he stared at glimpses of flesh in the thumbnails of the many, many videos posted to the site. Previous live streams with thousands of views. He gulped down the bile in his throat as he scrolled through the videos. His shock and disgust morphed into a pure rage as he counted up the live streams that you’d had since first kissing him. 12. There had been twelve. Three times a week for the past four weeks. 
Those big doe eyes that looked into his eyes as you tentatively licked the tip of his cock for the first time… mere hours later they were rolling in the back of your head as you got off for strangers on the internet. He couldn’t take it. You were his first… everything… he knew that you hadn’t been innocent in your past. The way your tongue expertly wound around his when you first kissed him amongst your plush pillows and goose-down comforter reminded him of the fact. The low violet LED lighting of your bedroom made him feel like the two of you were in your own ethereal world. He could forgive you for not waiting for him as he’d waited for you. 
For the past four years, he kept to the shadows. He was there when the football player from freshman year cheated on you with one of your terrible friends (and when it happened the second, third, fourth time). He was there to binge your favorite shows with you (“*insert current guy you were fucking* just doesn’t get it, he’s not into it. I’m so glad I’ve got you to watch it with!”) He bit back the heartache that would wash over him when you’d pet him and coo over him… you didn’t see him as a man. He wanted to bend you over and prove he could fuck your brains out. He KNOWS he’d be perfect for you. But he never rejected the attention. He smiled and accepted whatever crumbs fell from your table. Whether it be helping you study or letting you complain about your shitty friends or your shitty jock boyfriends or your shitty parents… He gave and gave and gave… until that one day, 35 days ago to be exact, a shift in the tide occurred.
“So why don’t you have a girlfriend, Tama-kun?”
Tamaki dropped the pencil he’d been using and before he could bend to get it himself, your hand was on his thigh and he was putty in your grasp. You giggled and cooed over him like you always did, but this time you did it while assaulting his mouth and neck with your skilled tongue. This time, for the first time, you made Tamaki feel like a man. Like YOUR man.
Over the next few weeks, Tamaki had become quite skilled in pleasing a woman. It only took a little guidance to have him sucking at your clit with just the right amount of pressure. He learned on his own how to couple that with his long, delicate fingers twisting and pumping in and out of your slick hole. You’d cling to his silky hair, pulling him closer as a constant stream of praise tumbled from your lips:
“No one has ever made me feel this good.”
“Your fingers are perfect Tama-kun”.
“I love your mouth on me so much, baby.”
The first time you came on his face, Tamaki knew there was a god because he’d found heaven between your thighs.
But that was gone now… ripped away with one mouse click on the night he was going to finally give you his virginity. He had held on to it like it was a treasure. A treasure he’d present to you one day wrapped up in life-long devotion and worship... But Tamaki wasn’t in heaven anymore. He wasn’t going to worship you tonight. For the first time since laying eyes on you, Tamaki wanted to hurt you.
You turned the shower off and dried yourself. Wiping the condensation from the mirror, you couldn’t help but smile at your reflection. You felt like this was going to be the first time giving your body to someone. Tonight was a redo. You were wiping the slate clean. Your first time would no longer be underneath the football captain in the passenger seat of his truck, left feeling sore and unsatisfied. It was going to be with the guy you should have noticed long ago. It would be soft and slow… passionate and filled with sweet words and caresses… limbs tangled in soft sheets that smell like lavender and vanilla. 
You applied your lotion and moisturized your face. The red lace adorning your body was arranged perfectly, accentuating the soft swell of your hips and chest. With one last glance in the mirror and adjustment of your bra, you opened the door to the cool air of your dorm room…
...And saw Tamaki looking murderous. 
His eyes slowly left the screen to meet your gaze. His tear-stained face had never looked this harsh. His normally sweet eyes were narrowed and red from crying. The sweet lips you’d licked and sucked with such tenderness were hard and cold as they pulled upward in a grimace.
The only thing he said before rising from the bed and setting aside your laptop was your camgirl username. Then he was on you before you could draw a breath to explain.
Tamaki always thought he liked you best on top of him showering him with kisses and threading your fingers through his hair, but he had to admit… having your arms tied to a bed frame with the silky sash of your bathrobe cutting into your skin was doing things to him. When you sniffled, face stained with tears and snot, his dick twitched in his boxers. The whines you were choking back behind the silky red panties stuffed down your throat sent chills up his spine. You had to learn the hard way not to spit them out after a harsh slap echoed against your skin when you fought back the first time.
Tamaki stood back to survey the mess of skin, spit, and tears for a moment. You were a blank canvas for him to mark up with his rage and lust. You tried to hide away your bare pussy by clenching your thighs together. It only spurred him on.
“Do you have any clue what you’ve done?” he hovered over you, sleek muscles rippling over your own soft body, “I waited, and waited, and WAITED,” he bit down on the side of your exposed neck and you screamed behind the silky gag, trying your best not to expel it from your mouth and receive more punishment.
“I want to give you everything, Y/N,” he licks over the bite, almost apologetically, “I don’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want it to happen like this… FUCK, why?! Why did you ruin this?” his long fingers dug into your cheeks as he forced you to meet his fiery gaze. You couldn’t help whimpering and sniffling back more clear runny snot. You were so humiliated at how disheveled and disgusting you must look. His head ducked into the soft spot between your neck and shoulder and you felt him sob. 
Despite the abuse he’d inflicted upon you in the last ten minutes, you nuzzled your cheek into the top of his head in an attempt to comfort him. And he let you… he hated himself for it and he hated you for making this all so hard for him.
“No… no, no, no,” he rose from the bed to set up your ring-light and laptop, ice running through your veins at the sight. Your mind couldn’t accept what was about to happen.
“I’m... I’m not letting you get away with this,” he shook his head and pulled at his hair as he finished setting everything up, “If you’re insisting on being a slut, you’ll be MY slut. And everyone will know…” he jerked your ankle to force you flat on your back.
Maybe if he’d let the gag out of your mouth, you’d be able to tell him this was just a job to you. That it was clinical… that he was the only one who had ever been able to get you off, that his face was the only one you’d come on… that you needed the money since your parents had disowned you…
But you only laid there, accepting whatever he was going to dish out. You knew he was hurt. You weren’t stupid. You overlooked him while knowing how he felt about you. It took years of horrible one-night stands and countless frat parties pretending that whatever guy you’d picked that night was interesting for you to come to your senses. You hated yourself for being so blind for so long… You adored Tamaki, truly. And you hated yourself for all the times you’d hurt him… so you swallowed your fear and tried to prepare yourself for whatever came next.
Any soft parts of Tamaki that you’d grown to love were gone, hardened by heartache and desperation. After angling the laptop to get the perfect shot, he started the live stream countdown. Subscribers started trickling in, commenting on how this was a pleasant surprise since it wasn’t one of your regularly scheduled streams. You shut your eyes to pretend this wasn’t real.
Without fanfare or warning, Tamaki ripped apart your thighs, exposing your bare slit. A raw shrill was pulled from your lungs, your back arching from the sting of an abrupt slap. Neurons fired off in your brain… were you in pain? Was it pleasure?
“Since my girlfriend likes to keep secrets from me, I can’t trust what comes out of her whore mouth,” he emphasized his point by stuffing his fingers past your lips, pushing the soaked silk further into your throat, “So she’s going to keep this gag right here until I can fuck the truth out of her,” he trailed his fingers along your reddened folds. Were you getting wet? Horror and shame blossomed in your chest. The fact that you were growing aroused wasn’t lost on Tamaki. His foreign, sadistic grin was back… aimed directly into your soul.  
“So that’s what you like, huh?” His nails bit into your thighs leaving tiny crescents behind, “I’ve been too nice? Too soft?” He pushed your thighs impossibly wide, the stretch causing you to moan. He hovered over your core, onyx orbs blown wide with a mix of hate and lust. Tamaki looked like the devil himself and you wondered just how fucked up you were for wanting his punishment.
He opened his mouth and lolled out his tongue, never severing the desperate gaze you both shared, his intertwined with hunger, yours with fear. You’d never noticed how long and thick his tongue was and couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel caressing every ridge and crevice of your inner walls. He flattened the warm, wet muscle and pressed it along your slit. As he slowly slid it closer and closer to your burning clit, you whimpered and bucked your hips chasing the pleasure you knew he was capable of giving… but this was not your sweet boy and he wasn’t doing any of this for your pleasure.
He slung his arm over your lower stomach and growled into your drenched lips. You were pinned down, helpless against his torturous tongue. Fresh tears pricked at your eyes as you remembered how he’d let you pet him and buck into his face, how sweetly he’d ease you into a gentle release. Not this time… it was all teeth and sharp sucks, his tongue forcing you open violently. You were being shoved over a cliff and despite the horror and violence of what was happening to you. You were approaching an orgasmic state at record speed. Tamaki caught on and doubled down. The arm that wasn’t pinning you into the mattress pulled your leg down straight, your knee in a death grip. The new angle made the sensations even more intense. His face pressed harder into your core and you noticed that at some point, he’d started weeping, small sobs vibrating against your skin. The overwhelming mix of emotions and the vigor in which he was eating you shoved you over the edge.
He kept going along at the same speed with the same determination through your orgasm until it became painful. You pushed past it as best you could, allowing him to sob into your over-sensitive skin until he had his fill. As the pain started intermingling with pleasure, your legs shook and the gag couldn’t hold your screams back any longer. You released against his tongue once more, both of you sobbing. He laid against your thigh for what felt like an eternity before he lifted himself to lay on top of you, his hip bones digging into your soft thighs. You could feel the bulge through the thin material of his boxer briefs. Your hips rose to meet it, a pleading gesture filled with the desire to comfort and please him. Your eagerness encourages his mercy, there’s a meek cry that leaves your lips when the damp silk slips from between your teeth.
“Please baby… I’m so, so sorry I didn’t tell you…” your voice was as weak as a kitten’s cry and Tamaki couldn’t deny it made his heart (his dick) clench.
“Say it…” his lips were close enough to kiss, but you resisted… fearful of what he’d do if you did.
“Say what, Tama?” your eyes were wide with concern and confusion. You were desperate to please him.
He turned your face to the camera that you’d forgotten was there and the gravity of the situation crashed around you again. New tears leaked from your stinging eyes as Tamaki whispered into your ear.
“Say that you’re a lying whore…”
“I..I’m a lying whore…”
The last syllable broke as your abused throat grew accustomed to speaking again. He rewarded you with a soft kiss to your cheek and your eyes closed at the tender gesture. The familiar pain in your chest welled to the surface causing even more tears to escape.
“And tell everyone that you’re my own personal slut”
You repeated the phrase to the audience behind the screen and he hummed with approval, trailing one finger along your wet cheek. 
“Good girl…” the praise sent shivers through your wrecked body.
“And tell them from now on, your boyfriend will be the only one making you come… that they only get to see you be HIS slut.”
You noticed the chat going absolutely haywire at your announcement. Before Tamaki shut your laptop, you realized you’d made three times as much as you’d ever made before and a twisted sense of accomplishment filled your cloudy mind.
“Please,” your voice came out in a croak, “Please untie me. I wanna make it up to you,” his clothed bulge was burning into your core and you could tell he was close to breaking.
“Please let me make you feel good. I’m so, so sorry,” the clench of your thighs around his waist made him whimper.
He reluctantly pulled away to sit on the foot of the bed. The way he curled in on himself hugging his knees made him appear so small, so fragile… a complete change from the man who’d just manhandled you into restraints.
“You’re a liar…” you almost didn’t hear the whisper, his face buried into his knees.
“Please!” you were losing feeling in your hands and all you wanted was to be free to comfort him.
His eyes met yours and it was your Tamaki again... Your sweet boy… the snarling, green beast that threatened to devour you was sleeping now after it reached its fill of violence. He crawled over your body and released your restraint. Before you even regained feeling in your hands, you wrapped your arms around him. You littered his collarbone with sweet kisses and apologetic sobs. He began to melt into your affectionate gestures and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him impossibly close. Wet lips met and your tongues fought against each other for dominance. Hips began to roll against each other, increasing pressure until you both gasped. 
The violence was gone, but this was still not a gentle coupling like you’d been planning. Tamaki pulled away and freed his straining cock from his boxers. The skin-to-skin contact made your eyes roll back into your skull. You felt his long fingers grasp your throat, squeezing to remind you just how powerful they were. You shuddered in response, arching upward into his touch, chasing that high his dominance was giving you.
With one swift motion, Tamaki speared you onto his cock. With the minimal prep he’d given you, the stretch was agonizing. This was by far the largest cock you’d ever taken and it stole your breath from your aching lungs. You moaned earning a visceral reaction from the boy on top of you.  
Tamaki stayed as still as he could. He refused to come so soon… not when he’d waited so long for this. He tightened his grip on your throat and tentatively rocked his hips into yours. It didn’t take long for it to progress into the most frantic love-making you’d ever experienced.
There was no other way to describe it, he was hate fucking you… biting and sucking your chest until blood bloomed under your skin… hammering into your sore, sticky cunt with total abandon… he was using you like a toy, taking out all his frustrations on your body.
It was ecstasy.
When his hips stuttered as he met his release, the spasms of his tip against your gummy walls sent you into a painful orgasm. You were spent and it seemed like he was too. Your fingers twitched over the crown of his head, wanting to run your fingers through his hair but too scared to initiate any contact with him. As if he could read your mind, he grabbed your hand and placed it on his head. You sighed and began carding through the tangles, gently undoing them. You felt a stream of tears running down your chest as you worked your fingers through his strands. Lifting his face gently, you met his teary gaze with your own.
“Don’t…” he drew in a shuddering breath, “ever lie to me like that again…” the monster behind his eyes stirred quietly, a malicious glint in his eye, before shifting back into your gentle boyfriend. 
“Never, I swear to you, baby…” he lets you lift his chin gently to meet your lips. His eyes close and he sighs into your kiss. His muscles relax and when his eyes open again, his warm, adoring expression falls over your face. The hand that wanted to choke the life out of your eyes minutes ago now caresses your jaw tenderly,
“I trust you…” his lips turn up into a grin that’s just a little too wide, “Because you’re a smart girl, aren’t you?” his top lip brushed against your still trembling bottom lip…
You were fucked. This whole situation was fucked up and you weren’t blind to the fact. But as Tamaki nuzzled into your neck placing soft kisses and whispering praises into your skin, you let yourself bask in the gentleness of the moment…
Because you were a smart girl and smart girls learn their lessons quickly... 
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You know the whole Baterang to the throat thing that causes a lot of discussion in the fandom? I think Bruce might not have been aiming for the throat
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It ricochets
This point in comics Bruce has been through a ringer Steph's died, Barbara and Jim have left, Leslie betrayed him and he's had to send Cass and Tim away and now Jason is back but for revenge so Bruce isn’t at his best and I think Bruce threw the Baterang in a moment of panic and either over or undershot which ended up with well that.
This moment causes a lot of debate but I don't see it as “Bruce harming Jason to save the joker” the way a lot of fics paint it I see it more as he'd been aiming for Jason's arm or something to disarm him but overshot and it’s kind of like a symbolism of their relationship. 
 Which is basically Bruce takes an action to stop Jason from going down a path that he thinks will end up hurting Jason, but ends up hurting Jason in the long-run.
Like when he discussed taking away robin from Jason (because he thought Jason needed time to deal with issues that were becoming more prevalent) which only ended up making Jason feel insecure about his position in the Wayne household, contributing to why he so desperately pursued a stable parental relationship in his biological mother.
Bruce knows that if he gives in and kills the Joker he'll never stop killing we've seen timelines that prove that and I think Bruce also thinks the same of Jason that if Jason kills the Joker he won't stop at all so it’s not that he’s saving the Joker but that he’s trying to save Jason but Bruce ultimately misunderstands Jason’s needs and winds up hurting him.
Bruce is trying to save Jason from what he sees as a downwards spiral, but he ends up hurting him not just emotionally, but physically, and in the most extreme way possible. It's like an even darker echo of how trying to bench him as Robin led to his death.
Bruce has spent YEARS haunted by the memory of Jason’s death his death fundamentally changed Bruce's entire character Alfred said that Jason's death affected Bruce more than his own parents death.
In Underworld Unleashed it's revealed that his greatest desire is to have Jason back, in Hush he talks about how he wanted to put Jason in the Lazarus Pit and how he believes Jason knew he always loved him, and in As The Crow Flies we learn that his greatest fear is Jason coming back as an enemy and then in Under the Red Hood he gets Jason back (his greatest desire) but as an antagonist (his greatest fear) and moreover his belief that Jason 'knew' he loved him is WRONG.
Jason's insecurities from before his death combined with the perceived betrayal of Bruce not avenging him have led Jason to the point where he genuinely believes Bruce doesn't care, and in Jason's eyes, killing the joker is the only way Bruce can prove that he does but instead, in that moment, Bruce's attempt to diffuse the situation backfires.
Bruce misunderstands what Jason needs in that moment like he misunderstood what Jason needed at the start of Death in the Family it's just the ultimate representation of their constant emotional feedback loop. They trap themselves in a cycle of fighting because Jason can't read how Bruce really feels and Bruce can't read what Jason really needs and in that moment both those things are true, with Jason not seeing that Bruce truly cares anymore, and Bruce not knowing how to properly deescalate the situation and show Jason that he still cares.
It's extremely easy to read the batatrang throw as purposeful even though I wholly believe it was accidental but if that moment was explored more, I'm positive that Jason would believe it wasn't an accident, and would view it as proof of his already held view that Bruce doesn't love him anymore after all, that could have killed him, symbolically disowning him in the most extreme way possible.
Heck in Jason's appearance in Green Arrow (2001) Bruce had thought Jason might have died again! Before Jason turned up to mess with Mia.
The thing that's tragic about Jason that actually leads to a lot of his own suffering is that Jason doesn't really know what a healthy relationship looks like so I'm not sure when his actual 'last straw' would be.
Jason is the kind of person who sees love and acceptance as entirely circumstantial. He believes he must /earn/ love and acceptance, i.e. by being Robin, rather than it being inherently given.
A huge piece of understanding Robin Jason is understanding how much he lacked proper support systems back then. School was his only connection to his kids his age, and he didn't benefit much from that connection, his life was essentially: manor, school, Robin, repeat.
Jason loved school, but his school life was also pretty depressing. Jason kept to himself, he didn't have the time to participate in extracurriculars even when he wanted to and his peers didn't view him very positively. Jason was also really isolated from the rest of the hero community, there was his stint with the Titans, but it was pretty brief. He was also penpals with Kid Devil, but for the most part, he just had Batman.
The lack of support is actually one of the reasons I give for Jason and Steph dying in universe since they were the two Robins without support systems outside of Gotham. When Bruce was a jerk Dick and Tim could be like 'fine I'm going to go hang out with the Teen Titans or Young Justice' but Jason and Steph could only be like 'oh no' plus Bruce would deliberately try to take away Steph's support systems that she did have multiple times like when he ordered Cass to stop training with Steph.
But that's besides the point, I wouldn't be surprised if Jason confused being Robin with being accepted in the manor so when Bruce threatened to take away Robin from him, he might've seen it as his only proper support system being taken away from him, his world felt rocked back into instability once again.
When you look at it like that, it's very easy to understand why Jason sought out his biological mother. He had a hope that Sheila would offer him that stability once more, and that he'd get support and trust and unconditional love.
And that’s what make it all the more heartbreaking to me he came to this woman seeking love and gave her his greatest secret and she repaid him with a horrific death.  Jason’s death is one of the saddest to me because there’s no high stakes 'he died saving the world stuff' he’s just a kid who wanted a mom and got killed for it.
DC’s habit of taking away who he was is so detrimental to his backstory as the Red Hood because the transformation from someone who tried being kind and who did give it their all being killed for it and coming back like ‘no more’ is so much more interesting than ‘we always knew this would happen’.
Robin disobeying orders is nothing new. If that was the core of why Jason died, then any Robin disobeying orders should never be put in a positive light, but often it is. Jason (and Steph) were just the ones unlucky enough to emerge dead and judged for it instead of alive and praised for it.
Jason died because he was a child who just wanted to be safe and loved.
So many times Robin disobeying orders saved lives it’s nothing new and Jason had a pretty solid reason, the story of Jason Todd should be portrayed as the tragedy not make him some warning sign.
This is why I always hated the victim blaming after Jason & Steph's deaths because they died doing what if it had been Tim or Dick a Robin would be praised for, like take Steph for example we've seen constant stories of Bruce firing Robin, them going off on their own & Bruce realising he's wrong & taking them back but when Steph goes off on her own she dies the only reason Jason & Steph died is that the writers forced them to fail where they would have allowed the others to succeed.
But anyway back to my point the thing about Jason feeling like he had to earn love is why he was initially so hung up on the idea of Bruce 'replacing' him when he came back to life, he viewed Tim being robin as Bruce /transferring/ his love for Jason to another person, rather than seeing that Bruce could love Tim while still loving and missing him.
The reason Jason sought out his mother after Bruce benched him as Robin was that he viewed Bruce benching him as Bruce rejecting him and latched onto the idea of finding someone, i.e. a birth mother, who is supposed to give /unconditional love/.
The fact that his birth mother REJECTED HIM and then played a hand in his murder undoubtedly affected his attitude when he came back, if even his mother didn't want him, and then Bruce let the joker live and replaced him, then, in Jason's eyes, OF COURSE Bruce doesn't care and as mentioned previously Jason didn't really have any friends in school or the hero community, believing that the only real close personal connection in your live, someone you spent all your time with, had forgotten about you and rejected you is bound to mess a person up.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hey Eve how are you doing I hope you're having a good day. Could you possibly if you want to make a fic like after the disownment fic and there's an interview with Sirius, Remus or (or the lions) on how they felt and there reactions and stuff only if you want to ofc I hope you are having a good day
This isn't a social media fic, but it does include include this prompt and was combined with an ask for Sirius having a hard time in the wake of a breakdown because he was doing so well before. Please pay attention to the TWs and let me know if I missed any. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW child abuse (past), angst, past trauma, mentions of going to therapy, and feeling overwhelmed
The studio cameras hadn’t seemed scary in a long, long time. Sirius stared at the white floor, toying with his ring and trying not to run screaming from the building; this is for them, he reminded himself. For everyone like me who never had someone speak up for them. The metal folding chair was cold under him.
“Sirius?” There was no hint of teasing in Marlene’s voice. “Are you ready?”
He had already saved himself and Regulus. Now it was time for the rest of them. “Oui.”
“Rolling in three, two, one…”
“My name is Sirius Black,” he said, channeling all the strength and control he could manage into his voice as he straightened up. “I’m 27 years old, the center and captain for the Gryffindor Lions hockey team, and a Stanley Cup champion.” He took a breath. “And I grew up in an abusive home. Last week, my biological parents officially disowned me for refusing to go back into the closet and under their control. It wasn’t dramatic. There was no media present. There was a lot of paperwork.
“But I’m not here to talk about that.” He swallowed, and felt some of his confidence return. Behind the camera, Marlene gave him an encouraging look with a shine in her eyes. “I’m here to talk to everyone else in my situation and let you know that you’re not alone. You can get out of there, and you can be the freest version of yourself. For the next month, 1/12 of all proceeds from Lions tickets will go to charities supporting abuse survivors and those currently living in abusive situations. My story is not the only one. We can make a difference.”
Sirius laid on his back on the lobby couch, letting “Radio Gaga” thump in his ears and drown out the tremors in his body. He had never said it publicly before—as far as the rest of the hockey world knew, his family was only rumored to be strict. He had been hesitant to do the video at first despite the tsunami of questions flooding their social media, and it wasn’t until Marlene suggested the charity aspect that he agreed.
Sirius didn’t like press. He liked it even less when it was poking around in his past, and when he had to support it.
The song ended and he paused the music, listening to his own breathing and steady pulse. You’re okay. You’re done. You made it through. He didn’t feel okay.
“—proud of him,” someone was saying inside the studio. Remus. “It was a complicated and painful thing to work through, but he never wavered from what he wanted and what was best for him.”
Six of his other teammates would speak, supporting the charity with a quick mention of their own feelings in case any assholes on the internet got bright ideas about speaking for them and their feelings on Sirius’ disownment. It was insane what people thought they found by digging through interviews.
“Hey, baby.” Sirius opened his eyes; above him, Remus was leaning over the armrest of the couch with a tired smile. He kissed Sirius’ forehead, then his nose, then his lips. “Ready to go home?”
“Don’t we have to stay until the end?”
“Marlene said she had everything she needed from us.”
Sirius blew out a slow breath and stood, wrapping his arms around Remus on instinct. “This feels like it’s going to go badly.”
“I don’t think it will,” Remus said quietly, rubbing up and down his spine. “I think it’s going to help a lot of people, and I hope it means we stop getting nosy comments now that you’ve answered the big questions and made it clear that’s the end.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
They walked to the car in relative silence, hand-in-hand; Remus took the keys without a word, and relief washed over Sirius in a cool breeze. He didn’t feel grounded enough to drive safely. At the moment, he wasn’t sure he ever would. The whole world was hazy outside the passenger window, blurring the city he loved so much into smudges of colors—Remus was a presence next to him, but what Sirius wanted more than anything was some hot chocolate and a long, long nap.
“I don’t feel good,” he said, hardly above a whisper.
Remus glanced at him out of the corner of his eye as he drove. “Do I need to pull over?”
“No, I just…” He sighed. “I thought I would feel better after getting this off my chest and helping people. I feel bad.”
“Can you eat?” He nodded. “I’ll make some soup when we get home if you want to lay down for a bit.”
Sirius’ eyes burned. “Sounds good.”
“Hey, baby, it’s okay,” Remus soothed, reaching one hand down to close around the one Sirius kept on his thigh as Sirius sniffled and shook with the effort of keeping in his tears. “It’s okay. You can call Marlene and ask her not to publish the video. That’s in your rights, you don’t have to—”
“No,” Sirius choked out, wiping his tears away with the back of his wrist. “It has to happen. People have to know that they can help. I—I just—I don’t know how to feel and so everything is happening at once.”
Nobody had taught Sirius how to handle Feelings-with-a-capital-f until Dumo; suddenly, he felt like all that hard work was being undone in one fell swoop. He kept ahold of Remus’ hand and let the tears slide down his cheeks as he breathed through it, keeping both feet firmly planted in some semblance of control. Remus parked the car and turned to him without unbuckling his seatbelt. “Do you want to go inside, or should we drive for a bit?”
“I really want to go to bed.”
“How can I help?” Remus laced their fingers together again and Sirius squeezed his eyes shut. “You really don’t seem alright, love.”
“I’m not, and I don’t know how to fix it.” The words were broken glass in his throat. “I was doing so good. I don’t know how to go back.”
“Oh, baby,” Remus murmured, taking his seatbelt off to kiss Sirius’ temple. “Let’s go inside, yeah? You’ll be more comfortable there.”
Sirius nodded mutely, still pressing his lips together to stifle any sounds that tried to come out. It always seemed like when he started to cry, he couldn’t stop—whether that was a function of never crying for the majority of his life, he didn’t know, but it always felt horrible. No mistakes, his mother had told him. The video felt like a mistake. Still, he knew he couldn’t ask them to take it down. There were people that needed help, and he couldn’t let his childhood hide in the shadows anymore.
Remus turned as if to hug him when the door closed behind them, but Sirius slipped past and headed straight for the stairs. Sweatpants, hoodie, soup, blanket, talk. Talk, talk, talk until you can’t stop. Then sleep. He heard Remus moving around in the kitchen as he stripped down and dug his softest sweatpants out of the drawer, followed by Remus’ most worn-down and oversized Wisconsin hoodie that he always wore when he didn’t feel well. Sirius buried his nose in the neckline and inhaled deeply; the familiar scent soothed the rush of blood in his ears.
He didn’t bother with socks and made a beeline for the couch, wrapping himself in the afghan blanket one of Hope’s friends had crocheted for their wedding. Hope had kept it in the Lupin house so she wouldn’t forget to bring it with her, and it smelled like them, too. It smelled like safety and a happy house and healthy childhoods.
Another tear slipped out when Remus set down some water and the soup—Campbell’s chicken noodle, can’t go wrong—and Sirius curled up against the armrest to make room. “I need to talk to you,” he said. “I need to talk to you.”
The cushions dipped as Remus sat next to him and crossed his legs. “About what?”
“Everything.” His voice broke. “The way I grew up, everything about it. I—Re, I never lied to you, I promise. I just didn’t talk about it because I didn’t want to scare you, but I have to be honest with you.”
Sirius took a shaky breath; his mouth was dry, and salty at the edges. “My parents—my parents hit me when I wasn’t good enough, and nothing was ever good enough unless I could do it again, and again, and again—”
“—and I thought everyone on my team didn’t get dinner if they didn’t get a goal and—”
“—and Regulus and I, it was like we couldn’t breathe in that house with them scripting every move—”
“Sirius.” Remus’ hand covered his mouth and Sirius closed his eyes as a sob ripped free, but didn’t fight it. “Sirius, stop, please.”
“I have to tell you,” he said hoarsely, trembling from head to toe. “I have to be honest with you.”
“I love you, and I’m glad you can talk to me, but I’m not the person you have to tell.” Remus’ voice was thick with tears. “Being honest with me doesn’t mean telling me every detail, please, please don’t do that.”
“I couldn’t make mistakes,” he blubbered, leaning into Remus. “What kind of fucking freak tells a child they can’t make mistakes?”
Remus shushed him softly, running a hand through the hair at the nape of his neck as he went boneless into Remus’ chest. He could feel the hitching breaths under his face and regret reared up, but he felt so empty. There was so much more he could tell Remus and nothing he could say. “I love you,” Remus began, sniffling slightly. “I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Because I love you, I’m going to tell you that I am not the person you need to tell all this to right now. You should talk to someone who knows how to help, like Heather.”
“I’m sorry,” Sirius whispered.
“No, I understand.” A kiss pressed against the top of his head. “And I’m not upset at you. Both our emotions are running really high. I just—this isn’t blaming you or to make you feel bad, but it hurts to hear all the horrible things that happened to you. I already wish I could have stopped it before it happened, but hearing you say it is a lot worse than thinking about it and I wasn’t ready to hear everything.”
“That’s not everything.”
“I know.” Remus’ voice cracked. “I know, and that’s the worst part. This video was a bad idea, I should call—”
“No, no, don’t do that.” Sirius caught his wrist as he reached for the phone. “The video isn’t the problem. It will help people. It’s just hard for me to talk about it without getting overwhelmed.”
Remus hesitated, but left the phone alone and hugged Sirius close again. “I’m here.”
“I know.”
“And I’m not gonna leave.” His chest rose and fell. “But—but if you need to tell me things, not just today, please give me fair warning first.”
“I will,” Sirius promised. They sat quietly for a moment before he sat up and pulled the soup bowl into his lap, letting the steam roll over his face. “Mon dieu, I was doing so good before this. It’s been the best two years and now…”
“Now it’s going to be better,” Remus filled in when he trailed off. A slender hand tucked his hair behind his ear. “It’s going to be better, Sirius. For you, and for lots of other people that you’re helping. But this is the hard part.”
“This is the really, really hard part,” he agreed, taking a sip of broth. It was the perfect temperature. “Thank you.”
“It’s just soup.”
“No, for everything. Everything you’ve done for me.” he rested his head on Remus’ shoulder, then left a lingering kiss on his cheek. “I love you more than I can say.”
A wry smile tilted the side of Remus’ mouth up. “In English or French?”
“Both,” Sirius half-laughed. “Both, I promise. I’m going to finish this, and then can we take a nap?”
“That sounds perfect. Make sure to drink your water, too.”
It would not be an easy evening, or an easy night, or an easy anything when the video came out. But he would work through it, and he would remember what he had learned from his family and his friends to move past the roadblocks his childhood always created. He would call Regulus, they would cry together, and they would be okay. He would be okay.
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The Duty of a Hero
Author’s Note: Howdy folks! I’m here with my first proper fic and I really hope that y’all like it! This will be exploring what could’ve happened if the Dabi that Aizawa fought wasn’t one of Twice’s clones. Since this is a fight, I advise the folks that are sensitive to things like that to click off and read another fic. Also, since this story does change scenery and moods a bit, I included some songs that change along with the the stories mood! This is mainly just because I like showing off my music taste and shit. Here’s Part 2!
Songs to Go Along: The Fighter by In This Moment, Acid Bubble by Alice In Chains, The Great Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd
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I felt extremely at peace for once in life. I felt the normal crackling of my joints silence into a warm nothingness. My aching muscles that had been torn to shreds time and time again, the ones that had been strained and stretched beyond the limits of the human body seemed to reform perfectly as they melted into the rest of my numb form. My skin, a forest of calluses, scars, stitches, and open wounds felt as if it was no longer there. I was no longer confined to the space of my body, and instead moved around as freely as water or air. I was a sort of goo, unmoving, stationary, simple, yet free. 
With a quirk as self-destructive as mine, becoming a hero was a sort of death wish. My quirk was known as “pain transfer.” Anytime I made eye contact with a person, I could activate my quirk and subject myself to pain only to have them suffer the pain of the injury for as long as I was looking at them. I could also transfer existing pain to my target. Although I may have had a wicked high pain tolerance and quick recovery period, my humanity was bound to catch up to me eventually. Quirks like mine, “villainous quirks” according to most people, should be kept hidden and the people born with them should go on to live normal lives as ordinary civilians. My parents were among these people. When I told them that I was enrolling in the hero course at UA, I was given the choice to either become a hero and be disowned, or ditch my pipe dream and stay their beloved child. I packed my things that night.
It was a miracle that I passed the entrance exam the next day. I was running on little sleep, the loss of my financial support, and the trauma that came with the realization that your parents didn’t love you anymore because you didn’t live in a way that they approved of. I had trained since my will to become a hero first arrived, a sort of passionate drive that crashed into my life so unexpectedly that the impact nearly gave me whiplash. 
I supposed that that inferno of, what? Spite? No, not spite, something deeper, hotter, and more righteous than spite. Let’s say ardor. This ardor was what drove me to take out as many robots as I could, despite the fact that my quirk was utterly useless in this situation. I took out a decent amount of robots, at least, decent enough to get into the hero course. A lady by the name of Recovery Girl healed me before I went on my way. I thought that I just had a few scrapes and bruises, but apparently I had a broken wrist. Surprisingly, I wasn’t the worst-off there, some poor kid broke both of his arms and one of his legs. 
The time between this moment and when I got into UA seems to have flown by. I came into UA, a semi-blank canvas, and now here I was, bleeding out on the campsite that I planned to spend my summer at with my classmates. Dying feels far less painful than one would assume; you really don’t even realize that you’re dying at first. It’s sort of like that feeling you get after eating a warm meal after starving for so long, sickening at first, but comforting after you grow used to it. It’s like taking a hot bath after spending a day in the snow; it burns at first, but the burning subsides into a comforting numbness. Your senses slowly dull into nothingness but your brain is left to conjure whatever image it pleases. I could have seen dead relatives, met idols, or even pictured an alternate life where my parents still loved me, but I didn’t.
I didn’t want it. Fame, fortune, admiration, acceptance, rebirth, none of it. I wanted none of it. I wanted to live. I wanted to do what I swore to do as soon as I got into UA. I wanted what I signed up for when I packed my bags and left my parents’ house at age fourteen. I wanted what I fought tooth and nail for. I wanted my ambitions and goals fulfilled.
Of course I wanted what I had worked for, that was beyond obvious, however, I also wanted the small things in life. I wanted my afternoon tea with Yaoyorozu, Sato, and Todoroki. I wanted my fashion shows with Aoyama, Ashido, and Hagakure. I wanted my midnight conversations with Shinsou and Tokoyami. I wanted my video game sessions with Kaminari and Sero. I wanted my morning meditation meetings with Shoji, Ojiro, and Koda. I wanted to watch pro-wrestling with Bakugou and Kirishima. I wanted to train with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya. I wanted to swim with Asui. I wanted to listen to music with Jiro and Mr. Present Mic. I wanted inappropriate jokes with Ms. Midnight. I wanted to make Mr. Aizawa proud; I wanted to make myself proud. So, with so many incredible things to live for, I opened my eyes, and attempted to move.
Much to my distaste, it turns out that my relief from pain, as well as the disassociation from my body was nothing more than a thin veil that was easily permeated as I rose from near death. The forest was nothing more than a verdant blur, one that was far from easy to navigate. However, all things end eventually, so I decided to run from death and wherever I ended up would be the least of my worries. I sprinted through the disorder and dysfunction, and wound up walking in on my teacher fighting the son of a bitch who had left me to die a lonely death with only the company of insects and whatever plants were to take over my wilting corpse.
As Mr. Aizawa tackled the cremation villain, I rose from the forest, stared at the man in restraints, and activated my quirk. As the pain transferred from me to him, I felt the veil of insensibility slip over me once more. The villain howled out in agony, the very agony that he had inflicted on me only minutes before. 
“Whatever you do, don’t break your gaze Eraserhead!” I chimed as I finally straightened my form, not wanting the hero to see me in such a state, “You’ll just have to trust me on this one!” Mr. Aizawa nodded, keeping a steady gaze on his target.
“Tried to kill me off?” I snarled as I made my way towards the sadistic bastard and beloved teacher holding him in place.
“You’re supposed to be dead,” the captive growled through gritted teeth, still under an amount of pain that would knock-out any average human. He looked beyond pissed that I survived, as if he took offense to the fact that I didn’t appreciate his work. I waltzed over to him, just far enough from Mr. Aizawa, but just close enough to the charred villain. 
“Surprise, I remain,” I cooed, low enough for only the villain to hear. He bared his teeth at me, looking at me as if he were some sort of rabid animal. I wanted to taunt him. I wanted to make fun of the fact that he had been taken down by a high schooler and their teacher, but I knew that it was never good to brag, because Karma would usually come to bite you in the ass for it. 
I stared at the man covered in staples, every blink I took releasing him from the effects of my quirk. Every blink motivated me to continue staring at him, to immobilize him so Mr. Aizawa could use his eye drops or blink, to buy him some time. However, I knew that this game of “pass the villain” could only go on for so long. Something had to be done. Eventually, the patchwork villain would catch both of us off guard and use his quirk, or one of his buddies would come and back him up. Mr. Aizawa and I were miles away from my peers or the rest of the pro-heroes. It was just the two of us up against this villain, and we were growing tired.
Only minutes after the realization had struck me, the villain escaped from Mr. Aizawa’s scarf when the two of us accidentally blinked at the same time. The human crematorium stood before us, and before I could use my quirk to disable him, he shot out a flurry of blue flames my way.
I dodged this attack as Mr. Aizawa ran towards the villain, yelling out the name “Dabi.” Before Mr. Aizawa was able to restrain him, Dabi grabbed the erasure hero and threw him headfirst into a brick wall, effectively knocking him out. I desperately wanted to check on my partner in battle, but I knew that I couldn’t let my guard down, because now Dabi was staring me directly in the eye.
I could attempt to charge at him, but I would be charred to bits, and even if I somehow managed to avoid his flames, I would meet the same fate as Eraserhead, knocked out and at Dabi’s mercy. I was screwed, I had no back up, my teacher was unconscious, and I was face to face with one of Japan’s most notorious criminals. I was dead meat.
That was until I devised a plan, one that would take out the cremation villain for good. One that would end his reign of terror once and for all. However, there was only one downside to this plan, and that was the fact that this plan would result in two casualties, Dabi and me. However, if I went with any other plan, Mr. Aizawa and I were to become the victims while Dabi walked off scot free. 
I was destined to become a martyr.
With that realization, I turned to my teacher who was slowly coming to his senses and gave him a gentle smile,
“Eraserhead, it has truly been a pleasure,” I announced as Dabi’s arrogant gaze turned to one of confusion. As Mr. Aizawa slowly faded back into his previously comatose state before he had time to be confused, I focused my gaze back on the blue-flamed bastard. It was time to end it, to end his rule once and for all.
I reached into my pocket, grabbed a tiny weapon that fit perfectly in my hand, locked eyes with the villain, smirked, and painlessly slit my neck. As Dabi grasped his neck and choked on his unseen blood, which was truly my blood, he fell to his knees.
As I took what I knew were my last steps, I came face to face with the first half to my murder-suicide. He glared at me, an amalgam of agony that felt nothing at all, and snarled.
“I’ll see you in hell, you cunt.”
I laughed, of all the things he could’ve chosen to be his final words, he chose to give into the childish desire to have the last word with me. As his oddly-familiar eyes drained of life, I felt the pain I had so carelessly inflicted upon myself finally hit me like a freight train.
I began to choke as I fell to my knees, similarly to how Dabi had fallen only seconds before. I knew that my time was up soon, I would succumb to my injuries and lose the thing I had fought tooth and nail for only moments before. I looked to the horizon to find the sun casting his loving gaze upon my battered body. It was as if Apollo himself was granting me a warrior’s death, like he knew I had made some kind of a righteous sacrifice that warranted a soothing transition from death to afterlife.
The sunrise was something like I had never seen before. The blues burned brighter than the flames I had defeated minutes before, the yellow pooled around my weary being like an evening gown to a death dance, and the red painted a comforting scene in the clouds, as if to distract me from my own red that painted my body and the ground around me. I smiled my final smile as I walked into the loving embrace of the sun.
My duty as a hero had been fulfilled.
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lovely-angst · 4 years
Hi I saw your post can I request a scenario with dabi and female reader having an argument vut with fluff ending, thank you so much 💗
a/n: this took so long bc i couldn’t sit and write for more than like 10 minutes a day. but this fic is  l e n g t h y  bc this is the kinda of angst I like hehe. also, it’s hard writing for dabi! his character is so complicated!
tw: arguing
genre: fluff and angst
pairing: dabi x reader
summary: you and dabi get into a heated argument and trying to fix the relationship is harder than it seems.
word count: 3.5k
It was probably a bad idea that you ran out of the house at night, but you felt as if you had no other choice. You and Dabi had just gotten into a heated argument—the most heated argument the two of you had ever had actually.
It might have been over something stupid, but it had been running through your mind for the past few weeks, so it couldn’t have been that stupid. Not to you at least.
Your eyes were stained red from all of the crying you had done prior, but every time you thought back to the words the two of you threw at each other, you couldn’t help the blurriness of the tears that filled your eyes.
“If you’re so miserable with me, why don’t you just leave!” Dabi shot at you as anger filled your entire body. 
“I can’t!” you shouted back before sadness washed over you, tears quickly rising to your eyes as you stared over at your boyfriend. “I have nowhere else to go anymore because I left everything behind for you!” 
“I never asked you to! Maybe you should’ve thought about that when you decided to mess around with someone like me.”
“You didn’t have to ask! I did it because I love you! But you wouldn’t understand because you don’t care about me!” You shouted angrily at Dabi, who was fuming at you with clenched fists, 
“You’re right, I don’t care. Get out of my fucking place.” 
Staring down at your hands, you let out a sigh. You were starting to miss Dabi. Even after everything that had just happened, your heart was still full of love for him. There was no way he meant it, right?
It wasn’t that you were miserable with Dabi, you loved him with all your heart. You had just wanted him to put more effort into the relationship, into you. He was always away doing whatever work he had to do and you missed him—Dabi was all you had left.
Reaching into the pockets of your light jacket, you frowned upon only finding a few napkins and empty wrappers from whatever treat you had snacked on. In a rush to leave the apartment, you had forgotten to take your phone and wallet, leaving you with nothing.
Sniffling, you glanced around at the empty streets, trying to find a warm place to stay at. It wasn’t terribly cold, but cold enough where you would love to be someplace warm. Going home wasn’t an option, seeing how Dabi had just kicked you out, but going back to your parents was an even worse option. They had given you an earful about Dabi and you were practically disowned when you left with him.
It was just like any other day. The two of you were on his roughed-up couch that so happened to fit the two of you perfectly. Dabi sat behind you as you sat in between his slender legs in a comfortable silence. 
He had this place for himself when he didn’t feel like staying overnight at the league and it used to feel so big when it was him alone. But recently, you’ve been occupying this space with him which made everything feel so much warmer. 
And he told you. “You should move in with me,” he said, earning a small smile from you. 
But you knew it couldn’t be that simple. 
“My parents don’t want me around you anymore,” you told him softly in his arms. “They said you’re not a person I should be spending my time with.” 
“Well, you’re old enough to be making your own decisions,” he huffed and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “I am,” you told him, finding his hands and gently running your fingers along them.
“But if I decided to move in with you, they’ll disown me. Cut me off from the family,” a heavy sigh escapes your lips, slumping back on your boyfriend’s chest. 
“Yeah, but we can be our own family,” he said before a small wave of silence fell upon the two of you. Turning around to face him, you couldn’t help the sad smile on your face, “Could we really though? I mean, you’re busy and if I’m no longer with my family, I’d be alone.” 
“Trust me, doll,” he starts with a smirk, pushing hair away from your face, “we will make it work.”
You stared up into his blue eyes hesitantly. Dabi was no family guy. He wasn’t even the type of guy to settle with someone, yet here he was asking you to move in with him to be his family. 
But you loved him too much. 
Placing a gentle hand on his chest, you lean forward to press a kiss onto his lips before slightly pulling away, “Promise me you’ll take care of me?”
Dabi let out a small chuckle, grinning before pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Promise.”
You were really alone now.
Panting heavily, Dabi stared at the door you had just slammed shut as you fled from the apartment the two of you shared. Good riddance, he thought, storming over toward the bedroom to cool himself down—his flames were about to burst out any minute now with how angry and irritated he was.
He had already told you that he couldn’t be that perfect boyfriend who could do all these amazing things for you. You knew this and you had told him it was alright because you love him. So what was that back then?
Roughly running his hands through his hair, he sat back against the bed before letting out a heavy sigh and rubbing his eyes out of frustration. Maybe telling you to get out of the apartment was a bit much, but Dabi knew you’d eventually find your way back. You always did.
Grabbing his phone from beside him, Dabi decided to shoot you a text telling you to come back because it would be a hassle to take care of you if you got sick—his way of telling you he cared.
It was late in the night already and Dabi was tired from everything. He wished that you could’ve been there for him to hold when he drifted off into a dreamless slumber, but you weren’t because of him.
Walking over to the front door, Dabi made sure the door was unlocked if you had decided to sneak your way back in. Which he secretly hoped you would.
Upon opening the fridge, Dabi’s heart clenched once he saw all of the food you had cooked and stored away for him with little notes written on them.
‘I know you hate fish, so this doesn’t contain any fish!’
‘This dish has a lot of meat so eat up to get all your protein in because you’ve been working so hard <3′ 
‘This one is my favorite, so try it out and see if you like it just as much as me :^)’
Did you have to be so stupidly cute?
Dabi was weak against you, and he knew it too. Heating up the dish you deemed your favorite, he walked over towards the small dinner table that would fit the two of you perfectly.
Staring down at the dish, Dabi let out a chuckle—of course this dish was your favorite. And it tasted like home too, something he seemed to enjoy more of when you were here too. 
He really did miss you too.
It had been a week since you moved in with Dabi. He enjoyed coming home to you sharing the space with him and making it more homely and warm. Dabi was quite ecstatic that you agreed to live with him, but there was only one problem.
You didn’t seem so...happy. 
Dabi would often catch you staring off into space or constantly staring out the window as you let your thoughts run wild. And when he would finally build up the courage to ask, you’d respond with a smile.
“No, I am happy to be here with you,” you’d remind him softly, “I just kinda miss my family.”
And though Dabi knew that, he couldn’t help but want to be selfish and keep you here to himself. You were his family now and you chose to be his a part of this family when you agreed to live with him. 
“But we’re our own family now and we’ll take care of each other,” you told him with a smile despite your sadness.
You seemed to always find the right words to soothe Dabi’s thoughts. You were great at helping him—even when he couldn’t seem to help you at all.
Twitching awake, Dabi glanced around confused. When did he fall asleep? His discarded dish was still on the table right where he left it. He must’ve fallen asleep when his thoughts consumed him.
Glancing over at his phone, Dabi frowned when two hours had passed and there was no response from you. You didn’t even bother looking at his text. Were you seriously that upset? Letting out a sigh, Dabi decided to call you instead, hoping to get you home safe.
It wasn’t until he heard your familiar ringtone playing from the living room that Dabi had realized that you left your phone. Which meant you were out somewhere alone and defenseless in this sketchy neighborhood. It had already been two hours. Who knows what could have happened to you.
He always felt as if you were so small and so fragile that it would be so easy to break you.
“Fuck,” Dabi mumbled as he ran into the bedroom to grab his hoodie and a mask before taking off searching for you. Even with most of his skin covered, he could still feel the chill of the late night.
Where could you be at a time like this?
As he ran through the quiet neighborhood, he was glad to see that no one was out and about doing whatever shady business they had going on. But to Dabi’s surprise, there you were, just a few feet away from the apartment.
You sat crouched into a tiny ball as you hid your face in your knees, looking extra small and extra fragile.
Dabi let out a relieved sigh before gently walking towards you, his feet tapping against the concrete gently before stopping in front of you.
“(Name),” he called as gently as he could, “It’s cold out. Let’s go back,” but you didn’t budge. “Stop being stubborn and let’s go back,” Dabi’s voice was laced with irritation before you finally moved, which should have been a great sign. But seeing how you shifted away from him, bothered him more than he liked to admit.
“I don’t want to go back,” you say weakly, curling in on yourself. Dabi scoffed, “Then are you going to stay out here in the cold? I know you have nowhere else to go.”
Your head raised slowly to glance up at him, a heartbroken look on your face before you stood up to face him. “That’s exactly why I don’t want to come back. You promised me you’d take care of me, but look where we are now.”
Turning away from him, you let out a sigh, “I think this relationship is too much for you right now, Dabi. You’re not ready to have another person in your life.”
And your words seem to hurt Dabi more than he had expected. It was just an argument. Things like this always happen in relationships, right? So how come things were turning for the worse?
“You’re dramatic, (Name),” Dabi chuckled. “Just come back and it will be better in the morning.”
He didn’t know how to fix this anymore.
“We can’t act like that argument didn’t happen, Dabi. That was the worst argument we’ve had, and it really hurt me,” you continued, lips quivering as you blinked rapidly, trying to hold back your tears.
“Just come back to the apartment,” Dabi tried once more, but with a surprising calm. “It’s not safe out here and it’s warmer.”
You hated how he could crumble your resolve with a few simple words—you were head over heels for this man. Stuffing your hands in your pockets, you dig your shoes into the ground, “Only for tonight. If things don’t work out, then I’ll find a new place to stay at.”
And though your words carried a heavyweight, Dabi was just glad you agreed to come back. Maybe if he snuggled up into you when the two of you went to bed, you’d forgive him.
But when he saw you setting up your bed on the couch, he realized that this was a bigger problem than he had discovered.
“What are you doing?” Watching you fluff out your pillow, you quietly got into your makeshift bed, bringing the covers towards your cheeks, “I’m going to bed,” you replied, shutting your eyes as you turned into the couch.
“But why are you on the couch?” 
“Because I don’t want to be around you right now,” you mumble into the blankets, hiding your face from your boyfriend as he stood there irritated.
“You’re being such a baby right now,” Dabi responds angrily, but you only replied with a hum, further irking the male as he trudged towards the bedroom and thankfully, shutting off the lights for you on his way.
It hurt to see that Dabi wasn’t as upset as you were about this problem the two of you were having. You wanted to fix this because you love and care for him, but you couldn’t say the same about him. Snuggling deeper into your blanket, you hoped that this night “apart” would help the two of you sleep on the problem and be able to face each other the next day.
Your constant stirring had woken you up from your sleep, though you weren’t able to get much sleep anyways. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was the fight that you and Dabi had gotten into.
Anything you dreamt of seemed to be a replay of what had led to now. You couldn’t escape.
Sighing, you let your arm hang off the couch only to have the back of your hand bump into something. Gently, your hand brushes against the foreign object before your eyes widen when your fingers brush across something soft.
Gently turning, your eyes land on Dabi, who asleep on the floor beside you with a small blanket covering his taller frame. Your fingers that landed themselves in his hair gently ran across down to his face, brushing along his scars as he slept peacefully beneath your hand.
Watching Dabi sleep was something you could never get tired of. He always looked so at peace, so relaxed and so carefree and you couldn’t help but wish for him to always have a restful sleep. You just wanted him to be happy.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the hand coming up to brush across your own before they gently held your smaller one in yours. 
Words weren’t exchanged as the two of you laid there in silence as Dabi gently caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. A small but very comforting affection for the two of you—something you didn’t know you were craving.
“Did I wake you?” your words finally cut the silence as you laid there, basking in the feel of his hand in yours. “I didn’t know you were there.”
“It didn’t feel right sleeping in the bed alone,” A strange confession coming from the man who seemed to strive alone, but it was sweet hearing it from him, feeling how his hand gently caressed yours.
Gently prying your hand from his, you noticed how he tensed slightly before you brought your fingers back to his face gently, running across his scars once more.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
His words cut the thick silence that filled the space between the two of you. Your hand stopped right above his eyes before your brows arched sadly as you listened to him. “We’re our own family now. We’re all we’ve got.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you laid flat against the cushions of the couch, staring up at the dark ceiling above you, “I love you, Dabi, but this isn’t what a family is supposed to feel like. You promised you’d take care of me, but...I just feel like I’ve been doing it all on my own.”
Your eyes stung with tears that began to surface as your emotions came crashing back down on you.
You love Dabi, you really do, but you deserved to be treated better.
“I’m not miserable with you Dabi, I love being with you. It’s just hard when you’re all that I have left and you’re not here too,” you reminded gently, trying not to upset him. But even now, he remained silent.
“If we want things to work, I need you to talk to me,” you were met with silence and you had thought Dabi had fallen asleep but when you turned to glance at him and saw his blue eyes staring off into the distance, you knew it couldn’t work.
Turning back into the couch, you pulled your blankets up towards your cheek once more, letting your tears run freely, “I’ll be gone by the morning. Thanks for everything.”
Dabi laid there listening to your quiet sobs as you cried yourself to sleep on the couch beside him. And to be short, Dabi was freaking the fuck out.
He wanted to say something, anything, but his voice was stuck in his throat. Everything he wanted to tell you was caught and shoved back instead of flowing from his lips.
Sitting up after hearing your breathing even out, Dabi hovered over your, watching how your tears glistened with the faint moonlight and the way your breath would hitch every so often.
He really did love you, even when he couldn’t express himself to you.
Letting the back of his fingers glide across your skin gently, Dabi allowed himself to relax as he watched your peaceful state. You really did deserve so much better than a villain like him.
But he wanted to be selfish.
“You deserve so much more than this,” Dabi’s fingers run across your delicate features as he watched the way your chest rises and falls, “but I can’t give you anything.
“I can’t do anything for you like you do for me. All I do is get upset at you because you just want me to show you a little bit of love when you give me unconditional love.”
“I won’t get mad at you for leaving. I wish I could’ve given you a better family, but I don’t even know what a real family is.” Quietly standing, Dabi leans down to kiss your temple gently before giving you one last glance.
“You were the best thing to have happened to me.” his footsteps fade into the distance as he walked back into the empty bedroom.
Your eyes open once Dabi left, leaving you in the living room as your heart clenched with every word and emotion he managed to squeeze out from his conflicted heart.
You just couldn’t leave him.
The birds were chirping freely outside beyond the walls of his small apartment, which meant you had already left. 
With an arm over his eyes, Dabi tried not to think about it—about you, but how could he not when he was so in love with you? 
“ugh, fuck,” he grumbled as he tried sitting up in his bed, only to feel something restricting him. Peeling his arm from his eyes, Dabi glanced down only to be surprised to see you clinging onto his waist as you hid your face in the side of his chest. “(Name)?”
A sleepy whine left your lips as you moved your head around before adjusting yourself beside him, breath evening out once more as you continued to doze off.
He wasn’t sure when or how you got into the bed with him, but he thought maybe this was God’s last gift to him—allowing him to have you in his arms once more before his world would continue to drag him along the ends of the Earth. 
And once Dabi intertwined his limbs with yours, he fell asleep just as fast as he woke up. 
It wasn’t until he felt something weaving in his hair that he woke up for the second time that morning. His tired eyes slowly opened before he turned his head towards the body beside him, eyes catching onto yours before a fragile why fell from his lips. 
“I know it’s hard for you to tell me how you feel and I’m sorry for pressuring you into doing it. But I heard everything you said last night. Thank you.” You place a gentle hand on his chest before lifting yourself onto his chest, your eyes focused on his vulnerable expression.
“It’s hard for the both of us, but if you’re willing to give a little bit more into this small family of ours, we’ll be just fine.”
Dabi couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips as he brought his hands to the back of your head, bringing your forehead to his, enjoying the way your breaths mingled, “anything for you, doll.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
Like, what happens to Mia? How does Gojo end up picking us? Naoya? How about Naoya? 😭😭😭🙏🏼😔
Omggg if you’re not going to continue reckless, can you please please please tell us how it ends? 😭😭😭 I don’t think I can bear living not knowing how it ends 😭 please? 😔😢🙏🏼😭
okay well here’s how it was gonna go, pls keep in mind my storytelling in asks and in writing are diff so this might be explained crappily HAHAHAHA but basically in reckless...
gojo gets shot in the head by his abusive dad bcos he finally stood up against him, but that backfired. his father is really adamant on control, and gojo loses his memories at the same time y/n gave birth. she decided to keep the baby after deciding that she wants a family after all, but when gojo woke up with mixed and lost memories, he only remembers mia and everything after her accident was gone. gojo becomes distorted and even becomes harsh sometimes, especially when y/n said they had a baby and she was his friend, bcos gojo’s mindset was from way back to six years ago, where he had lots of issues with his family and mia’s that he was wary who to trust.
so,,, they didn’t want gojo to hurt y/n bcos he’s such in an emotional mess that he has no control of himself. eventually, y/n decides to stay away but the baby is adopted by gojo and mia, who gets married for the sake of business and gojo’s current situation. truthfully, mia doesn’t want to marry him bcos it would hurt y/n and she’s not that awful. mia and y/n become friends after realizing they’re pretty similar and actually find genuine friendship with one another. she doesn’t have a choice tho and gojo, mia, along with gojo’s mom who divorced her husband for his abuse move to the states where they raised y/n and gojo’s daughter, sayori, leaving y/n all alone in tokyo who then becomes vice president of kamo enterprises. basically, it shows the repeated history of y/n’s father choosing to hide her from her real parents, and she begins to understand why he did that bcos she also has not really met her own daughter. y/n knows mia and gojo could take care of sayori better than she could, especially with the fact that gojo’s memories are mixed and transfixed on the timeline of him dating mia, mia giving birth to sayori, then them getting married. y/n is not present at all in his memories. gojo thinks he was the one in a car accident, not mia.
sayori is about four years old when gojo decides to come back to tokyo. now that he’s disowned and his mother has also left, gojo becomes a successful model in the states. he comes home bcos he remembers geto and wants to start their own agency (gojo as a model, geto as the photographer.) mia is wary at first for fear gojo might remember everything. she’s not being selfish; the doctors warned that anything that could potentially trigger gojo’s memories that his subconscious has erased could be detrimental to him. mia tries to hold it off but gojo insists, so the gojo/yamazaki family go back and that’s where gojo meets y/n, who he first thought was geto’s new wife.
in the reckless fanart, geto’s photo is like this.
Tumblr media
geto’s ring is silver - it’s his dead wife’s ring. the hand caressing him is gold - it’s y/n wearing the ring of gojo’s mother, who by then has already apologized before they all left.
geto and y/n become best friends on the course of four years. missing her daughter, y/n becomes attached to mei (geto’s daughter) and acts more like a mom than an aunt. geto basks in this faux family they’ve built, though he makes sure mei is not too dependent or expecting that y/n would be her mom. he falls in love with y/n and he notices how after gojo left, she becomes softer and a lot sweeter. all the anger and hatred disappeared, all thanks to y/n finding peace with her new life and making up with her mother, Valeria, who once overdosed on drugs after it was exposed to the public that Y/N is a child she abandoned. y/n saved Valeria by rushing her to the hospital, which is also the same time that Y/N saw gojo being wheeled in the emergency room with a bullet in his head.
now that gojo is back, he can’t help but notice that y/n is avoiding him. she feels familiar but he plays it off over her being a close friend and possible lover of geto. meanwhile, y/n’s dedication to pretending he doesn’t exist breaks slowly when she sees sayori, a beautiful little girl who’s growing up, call mia as her “mommy.” it hurts her that she missed her first words, first steps, or that she’s being excluded in the family that is truly hers, but everyone is happy and doing great that she chooses to be the only who isn’t for the sake of everyone else.
in ch2, gojo goes to a carnival/amusement park and takes a polaroid photo with y/n. he finds them in one of the stuff he left behind in the penthouse he used to live in; shocked bcos y/n had been adamant they never met before. that’s when he begins to confront her on who she really is what they really used to be. he feels guilty that he can’t remember, but most of all, gojo is torn inside that y/n had been all alone the whole time when he promised he would be there.
its complicated for them since gojo x mia are already married, and sayori got her mom’s stubborness so its difficult for her to believe someone she never met before is her real mom and mia is...well, mia. mia actually helps sayori accept that she is not the real mom, apologizing to the child for lying to them and it ends up with sayori running away and getting lost for a few hours. sayori is scared since tokyo is alien to her and she doesn’t speak japanese, but when y/n finds her, she comes running to her arms and that is when she begins to soften up around her real mom.
this is where the slowburn with gojo and y/n begins. for them, getting to know each other once more on a clean slate is both refreshing yet scary, especially since one has erased the past in their mind and the other is desperately trying to forget it. the thing about the mia x gojo as a married couple and parents is that gojo deep down feels he does not love mia that way. he can’t explain why there’s just something missing or confusing in his life. he loves mia out of respect and friendship, but he would never admit that he is not in love with his wife. however, he plays it over the fact that its “just the broken memories” and lies to himself that he is very much in love with her. when he meets y/n again, however, it makes sense. he does love y/n and him forgetting her was a defense mechanism of his system to erase the most painful times of his life, and that included his guilt for hurting y/n with the abuse of his parents who controlled the way he acted around her. as for mia, she also does not love gojo and she probably never did, but for the sake of his well being and for sayori’s future (which was entrusted to her by y/n) she stayed with him. now though, mia knows its time to let go.
geto...it is not easy for geto. he loves y/n so much because of her tenacity and kindness, but he also loves her enough to know she is happier with someone else. to him, he’s content knowing that she felt less lonely when he was around and that he helped make her smile. in the end, geto has closure with y/n who apologizes for not returning his feelings.
NAOYAAAAA though...ofc i gave him a good ending 💕 after he was brutally rejected by Mia, y/n cheers him up by setting Naoya up with a law professor around his age, who is Ayame. Ayame is supposed to be named Suki tbh 😋 but I thought the self insert is a little too much so I changed it to Ayame. Ayame is pretty funny and even respects that Naoya is uncomfortable on the first date, telling him that it doesn’t have to be that kind of date and she doesn’t expect anything from him. Ayame’s bubbly yet blunt nature is a breath of fresh air from Mia’s secretive and perfectionist nature and the two become good friends. Naoya and Ayame end up hanging out a lot bcos “thats what friends do” but it doesn’t take long before they go out together. And ofc, Naoya is a little ashamed that Ayame was the first to confess and she beat him to it, but they get married and are happy nonetheless 💕 Mia ends up as a successful doctor who helps her family with the business, divorces Gojo, but she still has no plans to marry and is perfectly happy and content to focus on her career.
Eventually, Gojo and Y/N get married once everything is sorted out. Gojo becomes a well known model in Tokyo as well, and Gojo Group is absorbed by Y/N herself after proving Gojo’s father guilty of attempted murder. Gojo doesn’t want anything more to do with the corporate world though, but Y/N stays and kicks ass as a vice president to all the merged companies.
Y/N and Valeria also makes up after Valeria is indebted to Y/N who saved her life, and Valeria’s parents become more supportive and start to see Valeria more as a person than a child to inherit the business. Albeit being in her 40s, Valeria enjoys the youth she lost only now, but also enjoys being the grandmother to Sayori. Its a little awkward between Valeria and Y/N after everything that happened, but they’re trying and are even dubbed as the iconic motherly duo who is unbeatable in their games.
Gojo’s father is thrown into prison, and his main victim, his own wife, also shows recovery from the years of abuse. Although her obsessive control with Gojo and his sister (the eldest Gojo child) was not right, his mom was left with no choice but to keep them on close watch and control their lives because she was trying to keep them safe from their father’s wrath. In the end, Gojo’s mom makes up by being a better mother, and Gojo and his sister forgives her while also apologizing that both of them left home when they knew their mom always shouldered the abuse to protect her kids.
Overall, its a happy ending for most of the characters! the last chapter is Sayori’s wedding to Naoya and Ayame’s son, Naori, who is a few years younger than his bride. Gojo is grumbling to Y/N about how his little girl is all grown up now, and that their son, Shinichiro, who is 18 in that timeline is also maturing and would be leaving the nest soon. Y/N thinks its adorable and asks Gojo to just enjoy the union because its only one of the many great memories they would still have to make.
That’s how it would end! Gojo Best Dad and Gojo DILF. Everyone is happy!
Basically the theme of Reckless is that sometimes the most unexpected things we do out of character can end up as one of the greatest things to ever happen, which in their case was the suprise baby. They went through a lot and it has a lot of psychological themes, along with heavy family drama, but overall I wanted the series to be a heartwarming one by the end. I really would’ve loved to see it all happen but I am also happy to share it to you guys in this way.
So yeah, happy reading and thanks so much for supporting Reckless !! I was also thinking of doing maybe like a bonus chapter where the characters pretend it was all a movie and they’re actors that you can talk to, but that didn’t happen so :// anyways I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading up until here 💕
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sidespart · 3 years
For the fake fic title, “who tf is Larry?”
Human AU /fake dating AU Intruality or pre relationship Patton/Janus/Remus
okay so Patton Sanders is away at collage and he is a Good Boy (tm). He volunteers Saturday, goes to church on Sunday, arrives 30 min early for his 8 am Monday lecture and brightly asks how everyone’s weekend was. He brings home made cookies to his seminars and lets everyone copy his notes and is always polite and kind to everyone he meets.
Unfortunately, a lot of this gets him labelled as weird, childish, naïve etc etc
Which he can cope with when it’s strangers, but he can’t help but get annoyed when it comes from his family.
He’s got three big brothers. Roman and Logan are both massive overachievers, Roman is super social and has had an endless parade of boyfriends, Logan claims he isn’t social but runs like 5 different clubs at his college and has an endless parade of minions. Both of them have a bad habit of talking over Patton and not truly listening to his contributions. Virgil’s a bit more chill but he’s completely overprotective and treats Patton like he’s a kid who can’t survive on his own. (Early episode vibes).
So there's some family obligation (mom wants them to...take grandma to the... old folks .. .church picnic? IDK something) and everyone just straight up assumes Patton will go because 'its not like he's doing anything else' and its just one step too far and Patton just blurts out "UM actually I'm busy that day. With Larry."
Which...who tf is Larry?
After that Patton maybe gets a bit addicted to the Larry excuse. Can't bring cookies because his boyfriend Larry licked all of them. Can't help you move this weekend, going to SeaWorld with Larry. Oh wait SeaWorld's unethical? Yeah he knows, it's a protest. Larry's going to dress as an ochrea and scream at people. Cant lend you the money - Larry needs it for bail.
(This might not have escalated so much if Patton wasn't TERRIBLE at lying, juts blurting out the first nonsensical thing he thinks of, but also has such a reputation of goody-two-shoes-ness that no one suspects him of lying. But everyone is very concerned about his association with Larry.)
The only person who knows Larry is fake is Patton's roommate Janus, who was there when Patton was on the video call and originally came up with Larry. He thinks the entire thing is hilarious and does absolutely NOTHINHG to reign Patton in, frequently helping him maintain the ruse/ escalating it further ("Patton would DIE if he knew i was telling you this, but the real reason he can't come to your birthday is Larry's old prison injury is acting up again..."). This whole thing has brought them closer than any of Patton's prior attempts at bonding with his roommate so he's a bit pleased.
Things go wrong when his brothers insist he bring Larry home for thanksgiving break. He's already told them that Larry got disowned by his family (seemed easier than making up a whole supporting cast) and is unemployed so he can't think of a great excuse (and his brothers are VERY insistent) so he ends up agreeing.
Patton and Janus get drunk in their room to toast the end of the Larry ruse. Janus insists Patton should just get a friend to pretend to be Larry to keep the game going but Patton says his only real friend is Jan and his family already know what he looks like (he has a pretty distinctive face tattoo) so that cant happen. Jan say's in that case lets just hire someone on Craig'sList to be your badass brother bothering boyfriend and Patton laughs and then has no memory of the rest of that evening.
So Patton drive's home. Hungover and resigned to having to come clean about lying for months and months. And when he walks in the door his mom hugs him and says “oh! Larry got here just before you! You never told me he had a moustache!”
So then a guy Patton has never seen before in his life is planting a big ol sloppy kiss on his cheek and yelling 'Heya honey bunch!!" and his brothers are in the background looking like they're about to have a collective breakdown and um.
He really just needs to get 5 minuets away from his family and 'Larry' so he can call Janus and ask what the fuck have you done, but with Larry clinging to him like an octopus and his brothers refusing to let them out of their sight that's almost impossible
bonus points!
Remus considers himself a method actor and refuses to respond to anything but Larry/ stop pretending to be Pat's boyfriend even when they're alone
Pattons mom is, inexplicably, completely charmed by Remus/Larry and wont stop telling him how much more confident and happy Patton has been since the two of them got together
his brothers are all horrified by Remus/Larry
Patton does eventually get in contact with Jan who is like...okay yes maybe i wrote the criaglist add after you passed out but in my defence i was extremely drunk at the time
Patton tells his mom that Janus wasn't invited home for thanksgiving (which tbf, is true, because his family's in freakin' europe) so of course she insists that he drive over an join them
this does not calm anything down, as he pisses off Virgil within the first 20 seconds of arriving, but he does distract everyone to give Patton more chances to sneak away with Remus
eventually Patton has a bit of a break down/ rant to Remus about the whole situation and Remus finally drops character to comfort him and is like "I don't get why you need to lie about yourself anyway?? Like I've spent this whole weekend learning about you and you're awesome the way you are??"
Anyway so eventually OBVIOUSLY they fall for each other and fake boyfriend becomes real boyfriend
Remus and/or Jan deliver some sort of smack down speech to the bros about how they need to have more faith in Pat/not treat him like a child etc etc
Patton learns to stand up for himself and also realises he's so lucky to have so many people who love /care about him even if they are all completely ridiculous
at some point, Remus initiates a food fight
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh,what am I supposed to do without you.
Loki x daughter!reader pt 2
Summary: You never knew your mother, but from the journal your Uncle Thor gave you, you knew she was a special women. You also knew that you were the splitting image of her.
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Loki’s POV
Silence. That's all he heard now. No more sweet laughter. No more soft humming as she walked through the garden. No more mumbled words of love and whispers of sweet nothings. No all her heard was silence. Silence in the chambers that once belonged to the both of them. Silence as he walked the halls of a busy palace. Full of people but he was always alone. Silence..in the nursery that has been empty for nearly sixteen years. The bright beautiful colors, dull and covered in a layer if dust. But what else is new, everything has been dull since his beloved has died. 
After he had his daughter sent away, Thor had been on more off world missions. He would leave for long periods of time and only come back to visit. Frigga would look at Loki with disappointed and pitiful eyes, that he would pointedly ignore. And while Loki managed to pull himself together and leave his room, he still had this dark depressing cloud over him. He was barely holding it together. 
He was just...dark. His mischievous ways became cruel. Harmless pranks he used to play turned into mean tricks. His dry wit became cruel taunts. And when he wasn’t tormented people he was distant. There have been several times maids have found him staring out windows or at walls just lost in thought. Thinking of the life he could have had. A happy life with his wife and a child. 
If only...
Millions of light years away in Midgard, or earth, there was you. Y/n Odinson. After being sent away by Loki, Thor had taken you to live with Heimdall wanting to keep you close and true to your asgardian roots. But with Heimdall being the literal guardian of worlds and you growing to be a rather curious child, it wasn’t really a good match. So Thor took you to the only other place he could think of.
The Avengers HQ.
At first the team wasn’t too fond of the idea. Having a kid running around a superhero base isn’t really ideal. But after a while you won them over. Everyone absolutely adored you. Tony bought you any and everything you ever wanted, Bruce was your go to for advice, Steve doted on you and played with you whenever you wanted, Natasha was your self proclaimed aunt, and Clint was your fun uncle. Hell even Bucky found himself wrapped around your little finger. Yes, you had a wonderful life indeed.
But even though you could have anything you ever wanted, you still felt like you were missing something. Your parents.
You knew you were an asgardian. Your uncle Thor made sure you stayed true to your roots and you remembered the little time you spent on the planet. But you had no idea who your parents were. Every time you asked, Thor would always manage to change the subject. Other than the Avengers, who were more like aunts and uncles, you didn’t really have parents.
Now you knew you didn’t need them. You had a whole family of people who loved you like their own. But you couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing.
It wasn’t until a few days after your sixteenth birthday that you learned the truth. 
See you always knew you were asgardian, but never knew who your parents truly were. You couldn’t remember your life in Asgard, much less your parents. Thor refused to tell you who your parents were. The most you got out of him was that you looked almost exactly like your mother and that she was the sweetest person he knew. 
So when your fingers started turning a light blue and ice started shooting out of them, it was a little surprising to say the least. It happened on your birthday. Tony decided that it would be a wonderful idea to throw you a surprise party. And usually, you wouldn’t mind it as you’re actually pretty good at socializing. But ever since you woke up, you haven’t been feeling too well. Your head has been hurting, you felt light headed, and you just felt cold. Your hands and toes felt as if you were standing in the snow for hours.
 As you were walking into the common room, the Avengers and some of your friends popped out, scaring the absolute crap out of you. Resulting in you pulling an Elsa and then passing out. And while everyone fussed over you, trying to figure out what the hell happened, Thor was planning on taking you to Asgard.
After persuading the team ( specifically Bucky and Tony), you found yourself behind Thor as he was greeted by a man who looks a lot like Idris Elba. 
“Heimdall!!” Thor boomed embracing the man “It’s wonderful to see you again my friend.” 
“Thor, its been too long!” Heimdall says with a smile,” Does the all father know about our dear visitor?” He says, golden eyes looking into yours. Your face grows hot under his gaze as you smile at him shyly. His face softens at the sight of you.
“Y/n, welcome home” He says with a nod of his head. Your eyes widen as you distinctly remember not telling him your name. Thor and Heimdall chuckle at the look of surprise on your face
“Moonlight, Heimdall was the first person to take care of you before the Avengers” Thor said chuckling. 
“Oh, then its lovely to see you again” You say, not really knowing what to say.
Heimdall smiles and whispers to Thor, “ Does your brother know about this?” 
Thor winces, “No...” 
Heimdall stares at him for a bit before rolling his eyes. “My dear” He says to you,”You’re uncle is a buffoon.” You giggle at his words. Not understanding the severity of your presence.
“Come Y/n, lets get you settled in.” Thor says and you say goodbye to Heimdall, walking across the rainbow bridge in awe.
As you walk through the streets of Asgard, you noticed people staring at you. They whispered to each other as you passed by. You thought it was because Thor was home, but you had a weird feeling. 
“Hey, uncle Thor?” you whisper
“Yes darling?”
“Why are they staring at me?”
“Oh...uh. ....cause you’re dressed in midgardian garments. when we get to the castle we’ll get you something to wear” Thor says nervously. You squint at his excuse. “Okayy” you say weirded out by his behavior.
Finally reaching the palace, you look around in awe. It looked like something out of a fantasy book. Thor lead you through the halls when a beautiful woman sped towards the two of you. 
“Thor!” she said wrapping him in a hug.”welcome home my son”
“Mother” Thor says hugging her back,”I have missed you”
“Oh this is Frigga” you think to yourself. You feel a slight pang of jealousy, seeing Thor be embraced by his mother. But you push that thought aside when they break apart and Thor beckons you over. 
“Mother...this is Y/n.” He says slowly. Frigga freezes at your name. 
“Y/n?” She whispers, looking at you with wide eyes. She steps closer you you and puts her hands on your face and stares into your eyes.
“Oh, I’d know those eyes anywhere.” She says. “ Oh darling”
She pulls you into a loving embrace, startling you. “I haven’t seen you since you were but a babe.” she holds you at arms length. “Oh you...you look just like..” She stops herself, shaking her head and wipes away tears. “Look at me, crying all over you” 
You smile,”It’s okay, its lovely to meet you.” 
Frigga laughs,” Yes, I am so happy you are here. Come, let me show you where you can rest.” As she leads you out of the room, she turns to Thor and says, “Thor, don’t forget to mention our guest to your brother.” And with that she wraps her arm around your shoulders and leads you to a guest room, asking about your life and interest. 
You answer, blissfully unware or the dread running through Thor's body at the thought of confronting his brother.
Loki's POV
Thor slowly walked to the chambers, regretting every choice he  has made till now. He knew there were two way Loki would handle the news. He’d either go ballistic or completely disappear for however long Y/n was there. 
For his sake and hers, he'd prefer that latter option.
Finally reaching his room, Thor stood in front of the door. He was trying to figure out how to tell Loki his long lost daughter that he disowned was in the palace. Oh and she doesn’t know who her parents are. And that him and his team of superheroes have been raising her.....and that she has ice powers. 
Loki, sat in his room reading noticed shadows under his door. Rolling his eyes, he thought it was the maids again. They always hesitated to knock on his door. 
“What do you want?” Loki says in a monotone voice, opening the door only to his his brother standing their with a sheepish look on his face.”Thor.. you’re home.”
“Brother! How lovely to see you” Thor said loudly. “ I just came to ...uh..came to..”
Loki looked at him in irritation and confusion. “Came to what?” 
“Came to invite you to dinner!” Thor said grinning nervously
“What? no flowers?” Loki deadpanned 
“Oh hush brother” Thor said. “I have been away for so long, and I would be overjoyed if you came to my welcome home dinner.” 
“If I agree, will you leave me be?” Loki said. finally irritated with his brothers presence. 
“Yes!” Thor said. “ Wonderful...”
Loki looked at him weirdly again and nodded, but before he closed the door Thor started talking.
“Brother, tell me, how have you been?” He asked
“Wonderful, now do you mi-“ “Be honest.”
Loki glares at his brothers words and stays silent for a while. Then he sighs and steps aside, letting Thor in his room.
“I don’t know.” He finally says, looking down at the floor.
“You..don’t know?” Thor repeats, not understanding the response.
“Yes. At first I was devastated, I was angry. But now...now I feel empty. Like there’s something in my life that I’m missing.” Loki sighs again, looking out the window. “Every time I look, there she is. Sometimes she’s reading in the garden. Sometimes she’s helping the maids. And sometimes...” Loki stops himself, tears forming in his eyes.
“Sometimes..?” Thor prompts gently as he slowly walks to the bookshelf, leaning against it.
“Sometimes I see her staring at me. Disappointed.” Loki finally says, his back turned to Thor as he lets his tears fall freely.
“Loki..I am certain she understand.” Thor says, “ would she be upset? Probably.” Loki tenses at his, his brothers words sting at his heart. “But, she knew you. I think she’d prefer her child to be well loved.”
Loki nodded, still not facing Thor. And because of that, he didn’t notice Thor swipe a particular journal and replace it with another book.
“Well” Thor said suddenly,” I should be off, I promised mother I’d help show our guest around.”
“Our guest?” Loki said making a face at the thought of socializing.
“ Oh yes.” Thor said walking out of the room, “ a princess of some sort, I believe”
Loki rolls his eyes, he knew if royalty was visiting, he’d be forced to dress up and make stale conversation.
Meanwhile, Thor walked down the halls, with a beautiful leather journal, that belonged to a certain girls mother. And a plan in mind.
Taglist: @mika-dannielle @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0
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