#and kent's goldfish quote
deenadraws · 1 year
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I present to you a Ted Lasso sticker sheet Ala me! I adore this show! I’ll have these sticker sheets with me at Fan expo Canada this week at table A249 in artists alley and they’ll go up on my online shop afterwards in late September.
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rapz-rites · 2 years
Last Updated: July 26, 2024
💚=Damian Wayne
💙=Jon Kent
Rough Sketches 💚 by @glittering-moonlillie
(Request I made before the start of my account)
You knew all along that it was a bad idea to bring that dreaded sketchbook to his house, so why were you surprised to find out that things, indeed, went wrong.
My Work
Family Time 💚
Meeting Damian’s family for the first time and getting close to them
Demon Spawns Pt 2 💚
Yours and Damian’s future kids come to the past
Best Friends and Girlfriends 💚
Why were the Batboys surprised to find out you and Damian were dating? Aren’t they supposed to be great detectives?
Cats 💚
What happens when you and Damian get turned into cats for a day
Goldfish 💚
You and Damian go grocery shopping together for the first time.
Oh Baby Pt 2 💚
You’re not telling Damian something, and he thinks it’s that you're cheating
They All Know Now 💚
That Batfam finds out Damian has a gf, but not from Damian.
Cutie 💙
You meet Jon Kent for the first time, oh and Damian is there too.
Hearts 💚
You and your soulamte can feel eachothers heartbeats
Ma Belle Cherie 💚
If someone was to look up a bookworm a picture of you would appear. 3 times you chose your books over Damian. 1 time Damian was your only priority (yes Damian is a priority, but not without a good book in hand)
Type 💚
You can't type to save your life
Demon Daughter 💚
(Requested... sort of)
Time traveling is tricky. That's why your daughter came home early. 20 years too early
You would do anything to look like the girls in the magazines… But at what cost?
A bunch of random reader insert incorrect quotes
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colap1nto · 9 months
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calligraphy practice tonight feat. the goldfish (kent) vs the big dog (owen) & the quotes from @hellshee blog <3
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vinmauro · 1 year
top five quotes from ted lasso (the show, they don't necessarily have to be from ted himself) <3
1. be a goldfish. it’s not only cute it’s a good way of life to not sweat the small stuff or the bad stuff and the set backs, and instead forget about them and move on.
2. im not going to quote the whole thing but when rebecca told the group of men to grow up. and went on that lovely monologue about how football means so much to fans and how taking it away isn’t what they should do as owners. and that they should be ashamed of themselves. it was beautiful.
3. IF I DON’T HEAR SILENCE IM GOING TO START PUNCHING DICKS. it is what made me love roy. yes. immediately.
4. roy’s “i like being roy kent” speech. because it was so interesting to see how he sees himself only as the footballer, the man he has been since he was fucking 9. he doesn’t know how to be anyone else. i thought that was so fucking human.
5. i felt that in my penis. sam obisanya i want to study you like a bug.
ask my top 5/top 10 anything!!
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oooh PLEASE do a series about owen and kent in the background of photos. Not enough of them
never have two dudes been more talented at catching my interest in the background of pictures. i have already expounded at length about how much i love kent and owen in the background of this picture, so let's visit another pic from the same session:
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so much to love here! the way that kent is obviously flexing but trying to make it look like he's not! kent's penchant for shapeless hats, or else his superpower of making a hat look shapeless the instant it touches his head! the innocently pleased expression on owen's face as he looks over at nolan moyle in his adult diaper! owen's stupidly long arms draped over erik and brendan!
here was my thought process upon first seeing this picture:
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ok there's gotta be other umich guys here. oh yeah, there's kent. no wait that's luke, why do they always look so much alike? but that's definitely kent behind him, that's his shapeless snapback, i can't believe i can recognize his smirk on only one quarter of his face. ok, if that's kent then owen has to be nearby... yup, there he is, that tall motherfucker.
(huge props to the person who reblogged this photo and tagged it something like #where's waldo wolverines)
ok here's one of my absolute favorite background kent and owen pictures:
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LOOK AT THEM. look at owen's highwater pants! (owen power ankle content when???) look at kent's bonkers shirt! (look at kent wearing the same hat in every single one of these photos.) if you review the entire series it is apparent that kent is holding onto the VGK jersey he just grabbed from the table of draft night options for brendan to put on. helpful! ok let's have one more that's kind of cheating bc they're not really in the background, but kent's outfit deserves to be appreciated in full:
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it's sweet that kent tried to crouch down a little so he wouldn't block owen. sweetie you really didn't have to.
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everyone else: *serious quote about determination and hockey*
kent johnson: BE A GOLDFISH
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asks (21)
Anonymous said: Hi! Do you still like Tim Drake?
More than I can describe!
Anonymous said: Please tell me those law school quotes are all from one professor
They are not, but MOST of them are from the civ pro professor. His name is Counseller, and he’s great. He got a standing ovation after his speech at my friend’s graduation yesterday. I once went to dinner at his house and a movie afterwards. He had us all hide his candy in our bags so he didn’t have to pay concession stand prices. 
@whambamthanksbatfam​ said: Do you know canonical nicknames for the Batboys?
Hold up lemme see what I have on file
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Off the top of my head I can also think of times that Tim referred to himself as “Timmy” (usually while pretty young), and of course Dick has “boy wonder”
Anonymous said: What do you think will happen to nightwing comics? Writer changes in April, will they be able to reverse the amnesia arc? Do you think maybe the damage to the character is irreversible? I don't understand why they'd allow it especially after what happened when they tried to kill him off. It's also 35th anniversary of his first appearance in a few months. Looking at teen titans, jon kent's age, young justice "coming back" I feel concerned for dc comics' future ):
I’m basically taking my usual approach, which is (as far as comics are concerned)... everything will return to its most profitable form. Comics have a set form. With a few key exceptions-- changes in superhero persona, for example-- things generally make their way back to the “classic” form. Therefore I expect Dick to go back to being Nightwing, in a form we would recognize as typically Nightwing. 
Anonymous said: wait..... waitwaitwaitwait..... wait. did u just swear in that hashtag? i have followed you for like 2 years and the closest i've seen to swearing is "sweet texas on high" which ended up becoming a bad habit of mine to say irl and then have to explain where the hell i heard that, and then i said it enough that one friend started saying it as well, then it just spread like a virus in my friend group (this isn't a complaint this is just surprise and amusement. love ur blog!)
Glad to see my nonsense swears are spreading! To be honest, I (really) swear a lot. Don’t tell my mom
Anonymous said: Hey! I have to choose a quote for my yearbook and i want to do a batman/superhero quote but i cant think of one and was wondering if you could help me out? Im looking to go for kinda funny but also has a bit of meaning, ya know? Anyway thank you!
Oooooh boy lemme see
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I like Alfred’s quote in these panels. I would also maybe suggest:
"Whenever someone's asked what power they wish they had, flying is always at the top of the list. But I have to admit. I've learned to love falling too." (Nightwing #142, 2008)
I don’t know how helpful I can be on this one, honestly, but there’s my two cents.
night-mom said: Hi, I have a bat-centric side blog called Bat-Losers-Inc. I just discovered some of your writing on tumblr and have been slowly going through it when I have the time. I really love how you write each character of the Batfam and how each of them feels very distinct from each other but also different from their common representations in the Batman fandom. So anyway, I was wondering if you had a favorite Bat family member to write from in terms of point of view/personality?
Hmmmm a couple of years ago, I would have said Jason. For whatever reason, I’ve always given him a talking/fighting style that’s the most similar to my own, but lately I find myself drawn to Tim and Damian. My guess? Their points of view allow me to explore some things I’ve been going through-- specifically a nasty bout of depression, anxiety, and a psychotic breakdown. I would also say that Dick is the hardest for me to write, followed by Bruce, Duke, and Cass. Stephanie is pretty easy. 
Anonymous said: For some reason, I have this huge need of some angst... Could u please do a prompt of suicide Tim? But he manages to success?? Please???
Listen. I’m definitely not going to do that, and I don’t think I need to explain why. 
Anonymous said: I reread some old B&R comics. Bruce came back from his weird time adventures and one of the first things he said to Damian was, that it was his job as Robin to make sure that Batman gets home safe. Like yeah, I guess it is? But also you're talking to your 10 year old son, I'm waiting for that mentality to bite you in the ass at some point. I mean it kind of did when Damian died to save Dick in Batman Inc. Bruce's parenting is really dangerous sometimes o_o
I agree. I’ve always had a problem anytime the Batman/Robin relationship is framed around what Bruce needs. For the benefit of the child? Sure, I’ll suspend belief for that one. Because an adult needs it? No thanks. That’s why Tim’s origin story bothers me a whooooole lot.
@therusticate said: I just read the fanfic you put out around Christmas with the files on Dick and Damien and I MELTED. There were TEARS! I’m hoping to find some more of your work on your blog; I love your writing style and how everything flows. Thank you so much for creating content! You did a fantastic job and I love it.
Oh, thank you so much! I’m particularly fond of that fic
Anonymous said: how's outlining going?
Anonymous said: what is it that you are outlining??
Anonymous said: I hope your outline turns out good and you do well ❤ you can do it!!
@couldnt-pick-a-name said: Have you finished your outlining yet?
Anonymous said: Good luck on your exams!! I hope they go well and you take care of yourself and don't get too stressed
I appreciate you all for keeping me on topic <3
Exams went... probably pretty well? We’ll find out when grades come back. I was outlining for immigration law, federal administrative law, and constitutional law-- and I did get all of them done. Hallelujah. 
Anonymous said: Young Justice 2019 just got published and I realized I haven't consumed enough YJ material!! Do you have any comic recommends??
Oooooh I guess that depends on which Young Justice you’re talking about? Original v. based on TV show? Either way, my recommendation is to look up the associated series. Original YJ (Tim, Bart, Cassie, Conner, etc.) is the 2000 version by Peter David. That team just got a reboot, and I’m reasonably sure that’s what you’re asking about. Then there’s the YJ comic based on the tv show (2011, I believe).
Either way, I like pretty much the entire series. Sounds simple, but that’s my rec. 
@dontstopkiwibea said: I've been thinking about your fic with Damien and Tim having a conversation about Tim's depression and the time when Bruce was missing. I think about all that missing time a lot and how so much /could/ have happened to Tim but didn't. And then I think about Damien being sad when Tim was dead. And then I think about Dick hearing about Tim's mental state during that time, how bad it really got, and maybe Bruce learns too. Ahhhh I don't know about you but I want more fics about Tim and getting help
Honestly? Same. I feel like there’s a lot of emotion that’s never officially explored, and that’s a problem I personally enjoy fixing. 
Anonymous said: You asked for headcanons, so: Damian likes to give Tim a hard time, and one day Damian scoffs at the idea of Tim getting a pet, saying he’d probably kill it through neglect. Tim doesn’t appreciate that and ends up with a goldfish out of spite. He learns everything there is to know, and his fish is gonna thrive, dammit. And it does. Tim comes to genuinely care for this little creature (and secretly Damian is really pleased Tim is showing such interest in something that isn’t casework or WE).
Love it! Give Tim A Fish 2019
Anonymous said: What are you most looking forward to this year?
Hmmmmm... this is maybe a lil over optimistic, but I’m really looking forward to getting better this year. I’m trying harder and I have better resources than I ever had before. 
@xylophonicsynapse said: Which of the bat-kids makes music playlists?
I’d say that all of them DO it sometimes, but the one who really gets into it is Damian. He likes his music organized, thank you very much.
Anonymous said: Hey Amy! Saw the ask about the line "The sun is UP and so is JESUS we are partying today." and I thought it was hilarious I MUST know where its from! Plz and thank you <3
Lmaoooo that was from a post on Easter
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tag i guess
Thank you for tagging me @omg-notobsessed, I haven’t done any of these bad boys in some time so here we go, not that people actually want to know shit about me.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
I don’t really have a nickname, so yeah but people keep calling me Clark Kent because of this little curly strand of hair falling into my face.
2. What is your zodiac sign?  
3. What is your favorite book series?
don’t have just one so The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Kingkiller Chronicle probably
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
I still believe those alien fuckers will abduct my ass.
5. Who is your favorite author?
Tolkien, Rothfuss, Poe, Twain an many more!
6. What is your current favorite song?
Flesh by Simon Curtis
7. What is your favorite word?
8. What was the last song you listened to?
Where is my mind? by Pixies
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
Mr. Robot
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
The Night at the Museum, not kidding
11. Do you play video games?
Hell yeah!
12. What is your biggest fear?
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
....sense of humour....?
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
all of my qualities are equally terrible tbh
15. What is your favorite season?
Autumn and winter
16. Are you in a relationship?
Nah, that’s not for me
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
My past self
18. Who is your best friend?
I don’t have a best friend
19. What is your eye color?
Blue with bits of brown and green
20. What is your hair color?
Currently pink but the natural colour is brown
21. Who is someone you love?
Crap ton of amaying actors and game characters
22. Who is someone you trust?
no one, really
23. Who is someone you think about often?
a lot of people?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
25. What is your biggest obsession?
TV shows/movies/books/games
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it
29. What is your favorite hobby?
binge watching tv shows
30. What was the last book you read?
I was rereading The Kingkiller Chronicle 
31. What was the last movie you watched?
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
I can’t really play any instrument
33. What is your favorite animal?
all of them
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
@frenchhotmess @incorrect-star-trek @tree-of-blue-squirrel @littlesasquatch @music-x-freak probably
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
manipulating time and space
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
in my room or far from civilization
37. What makes you smile?
Rami Malek
38. What sports do you play, if any?
39. What is your favorite drink?
tea and coffee
40. Are you afraid of heights?
not really
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
it’s a cosplay pet peeve and it’s basicaly when poeple weight-shame someone
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
an actor or an astronaut
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
Harry Potter/Kingkiller Chronicle/Lord of the Rings universe, one of these
45. What is something you worry about?
my poor decisions
46. Are you scared of the dark?
47. Do you like to sing?
sometimes although I don’t really sing well
48. Have you ever skipped school?
of course
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
my room probably
50. Where would you like to live?
Venice maybe
51. Do you have any pets?
yeah I have a doggo
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
54. Do you know how to drive?
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
i like both
56. Have you ever had braces?
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
I don’t have a favourite genre, I like all songs except the ones I don’t.?
58. Who is your hero?
not sure tbh could be Markiplier though
59. Do you read comic books?
60. What makes you the most angry?
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
i don’t mind either but a real book is always better
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
63. Do you have any siblings?
three older sisters
64. What was the last thing you bought?
65. How tall are you?
66. Can you cook?
67. What are three things that you love?
TV shows, privacy, sweets
68. What are three things that you hate?
people, romance, myself
69. What is your sexual orientation?
hell if I know
70. Where do you currently live?
71. Who was the last person you texted?
my mom
72. When was the last time you cried?
last night
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
74. Do you like to take selfies?
75. What is your favorite app?
youtube or tumblr
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
it isn’t, well basicaly bad
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
79. What is your favorite number?
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
idk maybe?
82. Are you allergic to anything?
nope well except people
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
what? no? 
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
not very often
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
just don’t give a fuck
87. Are you a good liar?
i suppose I am
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
89. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah all the time
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
i used to but not anymore
92. Do you believe in second chances?
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
94. Are you ticklish?
yes.... yes I am...
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
yes, multiple times
96. Do you have any piercings?
i have my ears pierced
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
the better me I created
98. Do you have any tattoos?
no, not yet
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
best? i don’t think I ever made a good decision in my whole life
100. Do you believe in karma?
yeah, bitch got back at me few times already
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
102. Do you want children?
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
i don’t know?
104. What is your most embarrassing memory?
pretty much everything about me is embarassing
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
yes, more than once
106. What color are most of you clothes?
dark colours
107. Do you like adventures?
108. Have you ever been on TV?
jeez.... yes... that was probably the most embarassing...
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
“I see the beauty in the rules, the invisible code of chaos, hiding behind the menacing face of order.”
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you?
yeah and who would think it was the poeple I met here
113.  What is your favorite scent?
114. Random fact you know?
For every human on Earth there are 1.6 million ants.
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
hardcore thing to put up with, I don’t really think they work, 2/10 wouldn’t try again
Tagging: @godbriel @getmeoutofthisfandom @henkin-honk @hooker-legs @high-on-spn @jimminovak @nightwalker6200 @okie-dokie-angel @ordinary-chaos @freaking-out-on-the-inside @frenchhotmess @tree-of-blue-squirrel @trisscar368 @wildtendermythologia @wildricebear @music-x-freak @littlesasquatch @sadboiepng @o-l-y-m-p-i-a @lordmushroomkat @mancamonster @messy-haired-bum  @caitisaddicted @luciferisbackintown @lunar-moon-pies @slytherin--king @hyrulehearts1123 @autumnwhisp @jace-parabatai-spn @highlyfunctioningassbutt @castheweepingangel @crowleys-goldfish you guys can do this or not, it’s your choice
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to the puzzled people in the tags, it’s a reference to goldfish memory. hockey players talk about it all the damn time. how you have to immediately forget your mistakes and move on to the next shift. credit to kent for really landing the quote here, though.
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