#and just making a lora or similar? i will have to investigate
strike-another-match · 6 months
i lowkey wanna try making an IA model fully from scratch trained only on public domain images hmm... mainly for the ethics of it but also so it will work well at generating something other than shreks minions and waifus
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bookblogbog · 2 years
The Clackity
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Title: The Clackity 
Author: Lora Senf 
Genre: Horror 
Audience: Ages 9-12  
In the sleepy little town of Blight Harbor, ghosts are a given, witches work at the library, and you don’t have to be afraid of the dark because anything that wants to hurt you can do so just as well in the daylight. Evie is a young teen who moved to this town to live with her aunt, a well-known paranormal investigator and advice columnist, after her parents mysteriously disappeared. Now her aunt has been disappeared by an evil entity and Evie must set out to find her in an underworld of nightmares before the town’s most notorious serial killer’s ghost gets them both.  
Why I chose this book: I am a huge scaredy-cat when it comes to adult horror novels and films, but Halloween was nearing and it’s the time we all get in the mood to feel a little fear, so I chose to do a children’s horror novel. I also chose this book because it features a protagonist that struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. The journey and character development she acquires from learning to cope with her panic attacks and continuing in the face of fear can resonate with children and tweens facing challenges with their mental health and conflicts in their lives.  
Aspect 1: Plot 
The plot is framed around these major questions: 
Will Evie save her aunt?  
What really happened to her parents; did they meet the same fate that her aunt is about to go through? 
Will Evie succumb to her anxiety and fail, or will she have a panic attack that keeps her stuck in the underworld? 
These major questions propel the story forward and create the tension that elevates this story to the mix of adventure and horror that makes up the classic children’s horror genre. 
The first major question is arguably the most important because it is the metric for judging whether Evie’s journey was successful or not. In true children’s horror fashion, she kind of does. However, the ending is not always the ending envisioned for the protagonist. Like in Roald Dahl’s The Witches where the protagonist remains a mouse though he has accepted it and feels empowered to continue his fight against the witches, and in the Clackity, the aunt is physically impacted by the ordeal and Evie knows she will one day have to face the Clackity again.  
The second question is more so kept at the back of the reader’s mind through Evie’s constant encounters with memories from her childhood and her determination to never give up on finding out what happened to her parents. However, the similarity to her aunt’s disappearance and theirs begs the question: is the reason they are gone because there was there no one there to save them? In figuring out how to save her aunt, will she then be able to save them?  
Aspect 2: Character 
The second question is one of the major conflicts of the story: Evie versus herself. While technically this ties into the first aspect, this question also deals with Evie’s character as the protagonist of the novel. Although this is a horror novel, the novel’s plot points follow the hero’s journey (Libguide) with Evie as the hero with the tragic flaw: her severe anxiety. Like most hero’s tragic flaws, it is their undoing (britannica) and we see that moment in the house with the abyss into which Evie is pushed after being unable to overcome a panic attack.  
Aspect 3: Trope Subversions 
The author subverts this tragic flaw by giving Evie a friend who is simultaneously a part of her and not, bound to the same fate but not the same flaws. The friend is able to be someone Evie can rely on and trust. Her acceptance of help from this friend is what sets her apart and able to complete the journey and not become a tragic hero. 
Cáceres, A. (2022). [Cover of the book The Clackity.]. Retrieved November 13, 2022, from https://contentcafe2.btol.com/ContentCafeClient/CoverImage.aspx
Novelist Plus. (n.d.). The Clackity (June 2022). Retrieved November 5, 2022, from https://web.p.ebscohost.com/novp/detail?vid=2&sid=bfd40933-6cef-4cd6-bdee-9133d135f3e4%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9bm92cC1saXZl#UI=11063596&db=neh 
Senf, L. (2022). The Clackity. Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Hamartia. Britannica. Retrieved November 05, 2022, from https://www.britannica.com/art/hamartia 
University Libraries (n.d.) The monomyth (the hero’s journey): The hero’s journey. Grand Valley State University. Retrieved November 5, 2022, from https://libguides.gvsu.edu/c.php?g=948085&p=6857311  
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years
Joining the Game Late: S2E5 “The Ghost of Harrenhal”
Renly faces death by CGI. Littlefinger and Margaery talk sense into Loras and get the measure of each other. Cersei plays coy about Stannis but is sitting on an arsenal of felfire wildfire. Tyrion gets called a demon monkey, and Theon gets no respect either but he does get an idea. Tywin is too perceptive for Arya. She also meets Chekov’s prisoner and orders a hit. Sam gets a history boner in addition to his regular boner. Bran actually understands how feudalism works, and Rickon understands...how to be a nutcracker. Dany witnesses a parlor trick by a blue-lipped illusionist and gets a marriage proposal that Jorah does not like and he is totally not jealous, shut up.
This may be the first time that I’ve felt like too much has happened in an hour of this show to put down all my thoughts on it into 3-4 paragraphs like I’ve been doing. The pacing of this one is kind of exhausting, and I know as I start writing that I’m going to have to focus on at most two or three things or I’ll never be done.
Okay, so - Renly’s dead in the first scene. Seeing it previewed in YouTube videos did not prepare me for the knowledge that both Catelyn and Brienne would be witnesses and that his death’s impact on Brienne’s character arc would be this direct. Melisandre’s demon baby is positively loaded with religious symbolism as some kind of divinely conceived Antichrist figure (I assume this “birth” is unrelated to her earlier promise to give Stannis a son in the normal way, and the subsequent copulation), not to mention a touch of irony as getting a woman pregnant was something Renly couldn’t bring himself to do. The political fallout is immediate, but apart from Brienne’s grief the show doesn’t spend too much time dwelling on the personal ramifications. It’s a shame that Loras/Renly had so little screentime (and no real sex scenes or full nudity) to develop as a ship; normally I’m really into the gay lord/knight relationship as it often appears in Fire Emblem, but here there just wasn’t enough substance to go off. Admittedly there’s an interesting result to Brienne and Cat escaping together, with a scene of one woman swearing fealty to another, so there is that. Also worth noting how Brienne praises Cat for having “a woman’s courage” and the two of them are still in agreement that Brienne should get her violent revenge on Stannis, so gender and subversions of gendered expectations come into play on more than one level.
Let’s see...the ongoing murderous adventures of Arya now featuring one of the guys she saved back during the Gold Cloak raid, Tyrion’s investigation into a type of magical fire I can’t help but think of as felfire, the green demon-empowered fire magic used by warlocks in the Warcraft universe, Theon becoming the unloved captain of the Sea Bitch, more about Bran’s dreams, the Night’s Watch standing around in a blizzard looking constipated and not covering their heads while we get an exposition dump on Mance Rayder...ah, let’s talk about Daenerys. For the first time this season her storyline got more than one or two scenes, so it’s as good a time as any to give her the spotlight.
I’m not going to touch on the as-ever questionable optics of Daenerys the white queen surrounded by the only racially diverse set pieces in this show, or the suspect implications of, say, having her dress like one of the locals or her having to ward off her Dothraki followers from stealing everything in Qarth. I will say that her storyline might have read a bit better if they’d followed the logic that, with Valyria as this setting’s Roman Empire analogue, the Targaryens would have made more sense played by Italian or other southern European actors so they’d at least blend in better with the cosmopolitan faux-Mediterranean world that appears to comprise Essos - but perhaps that’s just me. I do like that Dany addresses the question I had last time about why Xaro would perform a blood oath to allow her into Qarth, and his drawn-out answer that he’s as ambitious as she is and has a political marriage in mind that he claims will benefit them both. Xaro also calls foul on Dany’s claims to care about the well-being of her khalasar and identifies her as a conqueror, which is entirely consistent with her motivations as restated in these same scenes. It makes me wonder again why so many people were shocked this past spring when she behaved like a conqueror in Season 8. I understand that the immediate setup may have been lacking, but the groundwork for a Daenerys concerned above all else with ruling the Iron Throne is already well-laid a season and a half in.
I’m going out on a limb here, but if I had to guess without having seen the seasons in between yet I would predict that it has to do with her fans getting too wrapped up in Jorah’s estimation of her “gentle heart” and her established hatred of slavery to pay much attention to scenes like those that finish off Season 1 or the one here with Xaro. Granted, Xaro is also perceptive enough to acknowledge that Jorah has his own biases; he’s romantically interested in Dany, and as such he’s less than thrilled with the idea of her getting what she wants by marrying another man. It’s too early for me to make this comparison in any depth, but if Edelgard from Fire Emblem: Three Houses took some design and characterizations cues from Daenerys (and, creator confirmation or not, I would say that there are enough similarities that it’s entirely reasonable to draw that conclusion), then that makes Hubert her Jorah equivalent. As it stands that’s an insult to both characters - Jorah has more than once functioned as a voice of morality but doesn’t have a ton of agency, whereas Hubert is delightfully evil and is doing all of Edelgard’s copious dirty work behind the scenes - but it’s still a notable parallel for a male retainer to a female ruler who has the hots for hers but is never going to get any. How this complicates Jorah’s ability to advise Dany going forward will be interesting to see.
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ohcaptaintarthister · 7 years
What's Mine and When Is It Yours?
I watched the first season of Game of Thrones along with everyone else. It wasn’t the kind of show you watched to chill back and turn off your brain. The intrigue, the violence, the insane plot twists and the general unpredictability kept me on the edge of my seat. Alas, with grad school giving me a final beatdown and plus a most unexpected job offer, I forgot about the show and spent more time at the desk than on any comfortable surface. It wasn’t until 2015 when there was finally time to catch up, from season two to four.
You know how it is. A binge lasts for only so long. In less than a week, I was done. Boobed out (hi, Season 2). Done with everything else an adult should be busy with–no deadlines because everything was turned in early, no more school for the moment. There was a sort-of beginning that surprisingly became a romance. I eagerly waited for the next season of Game of Thrones.
And found out it was gonna premiere later than usual.
I was a show watcher before reading the books. My introduction to Brienne of Tarth was by way of Gwendoline Christie trouncing Loras Tyrell. Her lines were few in that episode but the character had already made an impression. I looked up the character and ate more junk food than any human should eat in a year as Brienne sparred with Jaime Lannister, beating his ass and basically calling him scum right to his face. When his hand paid the price for defending her honor, my allegiance swung not only towards the Kingslayer but even more with Brienne. I would stop breathing every time they were together onscreen, wondering if this was when they would–you guessed it–kiss.
Having caught up and not having much to do (I was oddly productive in 2015), there was no choice but to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
I cruised online for anything about JB. That’s when I discovered fan fiction.
Aside from my day job, I also write. Newspapers, magazines, books–the only place where I haven’t been published was online. It never entered my mind to write fan fiction. No self-respecting PUBLISHED author would waste her time reading and writing fan fiction. No one. At least that’s what I thought until I read my first JB fan fiction, Beast and The Beast by SigilBroken.
It was fucking awesome!
It was Modern AU. Jaime an athlete with a hand injury. Brienne, a competitive swimmer. I loved every word of it. I was floored with how the author captured the relationship that at that time, I’ve only seen on TV. I was so gobsmacked that I read her other JB works, like In This Light and Honor Thy Regard. I discovered other JB fanfic writers like RoseHeart, Ellaria, Just A Girl and Lady In Red. To this day, they remain my favorite writers and wish so fervently they will write again.
Because of them, I had a new appreciation and respect for fan fiction. Yes, fan fiction is derivative, it builds on a canon world but also deviates from it too. It is also original even when the characters are not yours. The works of the authors I mentioned above told me that fan fiction was a different ball game but also the same with all writing: it’s hard work. Very hard work. Fan fiction is strangely freeing, in my experience but it is very hard work!
I lurked around AO3 reading whatever JB fanfic struck me. When I couldn’t find any more interesting stories, I plucked up the courage to write my first JB fan fiction, Loving Harder and More. I was anxious, excited, terrified. It my first time to publish online and not under my real name. How will my story fare against the others I’ve read and loved? Later, I realized I shouldn’t compare myself to SigilBroken and company.
Hand on heart, they really are the best writers in the fandom. Their stories taught me how to dive into the characters but also be able to extrapolate sensibly. I still look to their stories for inspiration, unbothered that no matter how much I write, I never be as good. What mattered was I was writing and challenging myself.
In my fan fics, Brienne has been a professor, a black ops agent, hairstylist, masseuse, bodyguard to royalty. She has is always loved and appreciated, but also went through the nightmare of a sexual assault and an emotionally abusive marriage. Jaime has been a scientist, a devoted husband and loving dad, a creative director, actor. He is loved and has a full life with Brienne despite having gone through several levels of hell too.
What strings my work together is the smut. I’m proud of that. And I’m glad when people comment on its quality because it’s hard to write! It really is.
Which finally (fucking finally!) brings me to the point of this long-ass (one of SeleneU’s favorite words) piece.
Imitation is the best form of flattery–to an extent. I see no harm when someone compliments me on my shoes and goes out to buy the same pair. It’s hilarious and make plans to wear the same pair with the person. But see, in this kind of imitation, at least the other person makes the effort to go to the store and buy the shoes. He or she also has the right to get those fucking shoes.
It’s not imitation at all when scenes and even plots from stories I worked hard on are copied word-for-word. It might be buried under all the other paragraphs of another’s work but I find it. And it is always distressing because someone is getting praise over something that’s blatantly and even proudly copied from mine. That’s not right. There’s no effort at all no, you SHOULDN’T FUCKING DO IT.
It’s not the kudos and hits that concern me. It’s the copying. Word-for-word. It’s not even done subtly. How hard is it to come up with your own plot? Writing is difficult but it’s never a justification to copy someone else’s work. It’s like taking a dagger in the back when someone comments on my work and then…takes the thing she precisely commented on and presents it as her own! Holy hell. That takes a huge pair of really entitled balls!
How do you get out of bed? Don’t they snag or graze across the ground when you walk? Don’t they fucking hurt?
I write for myself and am thankful when people love my stories enough to leave encouragement and kudos. I’m happy whenever I finish another one and still get excited after posting it, waiting for when it gets its first comment. And people who love them, in a way the stories are theirs too, isn’t? Theirs to read and read, to download and read again. But it never becomes theirs that they have the right to copy and post it as their own.
It’s fan fiction so there’s no way to nail these cheating asses by any legal means. But as someone who would rather believe that decency still triumphs in the era of Trump, if you are of right mind, you don’t have to be told it’s not nice to copy other people’s work. Right?
If you like an author’s work so much, gestures of appreciation that do not involve copying will go a long, long way–possibly as far as Sothoryos. Say your work was inspired by a favorite author. Or at least give a shoutout. If you want to build on a story by a different author, please ask for her permission. But never, never, absolutely never copy another’s work.
I realize how easy it is to copy but it is not going to help the current situation of the fanfic in the JB fandom. Personal opinion, but there’s only one way of peeling a fucking banana and what’s been done is the fruit and the skin have been diced and spliced to death but there’s no denying it’s still the same fucking banana. That’s the kind of stories crowding AO3 quite often (I’m being conservative).
Nowadays, there’s hardly an author who tries to do something different and writes so well, except for isavedlatin (A Star Within the Mere), SeleneU (Pieces of You and A Story Without End), LuxEvergreen (A Walk with Frost and Fire), ShirleyAnn66 (Jaime Lannister Investigations). Off the top of my head, they’re the writers I follow and whose work are original and a pleasure to read. I’m reading some new fan fics but it’s still too early to tell how they’ll turn out. They are promising, that I can say.
I suppose prompts can help with creativity. It depends on the writer. But from what I’ve been seeing, a strong dependence on them will be a hindrance to the good writer you can become. Yes, they’re fun but you’re writing a story that’s not really what you want to tell. I don’t know. Its not helping the writers I used to follow and are now stuck in prompt rut. Still, despite prompts, there’s copying…of my work. Nearly word-for-word.
Which really sucks.
When someone says, “Hey, this person writes like you!” I see come similarities but the story is still different from mine. That’s nice. But when I’m told, “I swear this was your story until I saw the name and it wasn’t,” I check and holy shit, it really reads like I wrote it because it’s practically a scene from one of my stories. Word-for-fucking-word!
Sad, isn’t it? Never thought I’d rather be slammed for writing a threesome story of Jaime, Brienne and Tormund. Being copied is a lot worse.
I’ve calmed down a bit since making the discovery but my resolve to limit access to my fan fics remains just as strong. It’s hard, you know. Aside from it being a slow process, this step means my work won’t appear in public unless one logs in on AO3. On the heels of this, I realized that people who like my work aren’t part of any group. That tells me I don’t need to be a part of anything to be read–and it’s stupendous knowing that people legitimately like what I write instead of being liked just because I’m part of a group.
With the audience most definitely fewer, I’m encouraged more than ever to write. It means less snark and hateful comments when I experiment. It may also lessen the possibility of being copied. My fan fics are my babies and I make the time to write them as well as I can. If restricting access makes me a better writer, I’m still taking it! I will never pass up any chance to improve just as long as I never run out of my OWN ideas and keep writing. Because I the end, that’s all that matters, right?
Also, if you claim to love the story of Jaime and Brienne, don’t you think they deserve original stories? I don’t believe they’ll end up together in the books but in fan fiction they have, over and over. And as fans, it’s our responsibility to explore the different ways we can bring them there–through our own imagination and creativity.
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nh935 · 5 years
Creepy America Episode 3: Beyond Belief!
Creepy America
Season 1, Episode 3
Beyond Belief!
Cincinnati, Ohio
I wish I could say that once we incorporated the new research philosophy, we started finding things left and right, but the truth is that it took a while before we found anything worthy of an episode. That’s just how it was; some months were long investigations into one subject, some months were hectic bounces from one adventure to another, but most were long days spent on the road, followed by exploring leads that ended up going nowhere. We focused on the highlights, but more time was spent… well, working.
Ohio was one of those times. Pretty boring state, to be entirely honest. One rolling field after another, stops in cities with nothing to go on. We tried asking around, seeing if there was something spooky to follow up on, but most folks just gave us a deer in the headlight stare, then pointed to some haunted location or other. We quickly found out that most of those were fake. This continued until we were in Cincinnati, right on the southern border of the state. Originally the plan was to only spend a day or so there, but we extended it to two weeks. After this, we were going to be traveling straight into West Virginia and Zoey really wanted to have an episode for each state. But Ohio was just refusing to cooperate, so we were about ready to give up on that idea. In my opinion, it just isn’t a creepy state.
As a last resort, I managed to sneak into the abandoned subway tunnels underneath the city (apparently, they were built but never used). There wasn’t much to them. Just large concrete passageways void of decoration and purpose. Rather boring, actually.
The only thing I managed to find was what I assumed to be the camp of a homeless person. There was a green vinyl sleeping bag, a broken down shopping cart filled with various odds and ends, and a mass of fast food and candy wrappers. The only thing of interest was an old VHS tape laid to the side of the sleeping bag and away from the other objects, as if it held a special significance.
I picked it up and shined my flashlight on it. Written in silver sharpie were the words ‘Beyond Belief! s 3 ep 15’. No other markings.
I stared at it, then tucked it under my arm as I made my way out of the tunnels.
Looking up ‘Beyond Belief!’ online yielded no results. There were no shows of that name recorded anywhere, not even a footnote of a failed pilot or a half-conceived concept, much less a show that lasted a minimum of three seasons. That sparked my interest, so I spent some time trying to find a way to play the contents of the tape. I finally found an old VCR-combo TV on craigslist for about fifteen bucks. One shady exchange later, I was on my way back to the RV.
“You certainly took your time” Zoey said to me without looking up as I entered the vehicle. She turned to face me, then stopped when she saw me placing the old television on the table. “What on earth did you find?”
“Not sure” I said, slightly out of breath. I handed her the tape.
“‘Beyond Belief’, huh?” She turned it over in her hands, arching an eyebrow.
“I found it in the abandoned tunnels. There was nothing about it online.”
Zoey got up and flopped on the couch across from the table. “Good enough for me. Let’s watch.”
I plugged the T.V. in, pushed in the tape, then sat down as the screen flickered blue, then black and white static, then began.
For a few seconds, it was just a black screen. Then a set of white letters appeared:
“Beyond Belief!
Season 3, Episode 15: Human Nature
Original Air Date: July 24th, 1996
Copyright Iris Broadcasting Company, All Rights Reserved”
The words disappeared, and a man walked into frame. He was tall, middle aged, with a set of jet black hair styled into a fashionably casual look. On his body was a plaid suit coat that was so brightly colored it stood out on the screen like a fluorescent light in a cave; underneath it was a long orange tie with a cartoon eye situated in the middle. His face was stretched and tight, as if there wasn’t enough skin, and everything about him, from his nails to the small tufts of hair that made up his sideburns, was neat and nicely manicured.
He gave a wide smile to the audience. The translucent white teeth reminded me of a shark.
“Hello there ladies and gentlemen,” he began, “and welcome back to Beyond Belief! The show where we tests the boundaries of the truth one carefully constructed experiment at a time. My name is Mr. Horus, and it would be my pleasure to guide you through our exploration of the unknown today. As always, the events are unscripted, the people are real, and the questions come from none other than you, our delightful viewing audience.”
Reaching into the inside of his jacket, he pulled out a long white envelope, opened it, and withdrew a neatly folded piece of paper. The whole time he did so, he stared at the camera, not once looking down at the objects in his hands, grinning all the while.
He didn’t seem to blink.
Paper fully unfolded, he looked down it. “Today’s request comes to us from Janet Middleton of Tampa, Florida. She writes: ‘Dear Mr. Horus. I am a long time fan of both you and Beyond Belief, and I spend every week eagerly awaiting the new episode.’” He stopped reading for a second to flash another smile at the camera. “Please, Janet, you are making me blush. ‘However, I’ve noticed that all these experiments where you prove that people do awful and terrible things to each other rely on physically harming them, or making them act out of desperation. So today, my question is this: could good people commit evil acts without feeling threatened to do so?’ Well, that certainly is a tricky one, but we are always up to the task!”
I paused the video, freezing Mr. Horus mid-gesture.
“What is this?” Zoey asked quietly.
“I don’t know” I replied.
A few moments of silence passed between us.
“Do we want to keep going?” I asked,
Zoey sighed. “We should. I get the feeling that we’ll eventually see worse stuff than… whatever this is, down the road.”
I nodded, and hit the play button again.
“In order to test Ms. Middleton’s request, we went out and found five of the nicest people you could meet.” Mr. Horus waved an arm, and the video switched to someone else.
It was a large hispanic man, built like a football player, with black hair and obviously calloused hands. He wore a simple set of a white t-shirt and jeans.
“Mr. Tuan Rives,” the voice of Mr. Horus announced, “is a farmer who takes home very little income each year because of how much of it he donates to charities.”
The camera now shifted to an older white woman, with large oversized glasses. She was short, but not quite to the point of frail, and had a long length of blonde hair and piercing green eyes.
“Mrs. Ira Robbins is a librarian who spends most of her spare time volunteering at local animal shelters.”
Now there was a young black woman, the skin tone towards the much darker end of the spectrum. She had black hair neatly cut to shoulder length, and she wore a white blouse and a long dark blue skirt.
“Miss Carmen Walker is a social worker who has received multiple commendations from her employers for her diligence and compassion to her charges.”
She was replaced by a white guy, short, wearing a vest, white shirt, and black pants. The shock of messy brown hair was hidden underneath a pageboy’s cap, and his eyes were a similar shade of brown.
“Mr. John Kelly is a manager of several nonprofit charities and orphanages.”
Finally, there was a short white woman, with neatly pinned-up red hair, a tastefully makeuped face, and a set of nicely done nails. She had on a smart business suit with a skirt that reached down to her knees.
“And finishing out our cast, Miss Lora Zoza is a New York secretary who spends both her time and money helping with homeless kitchens.”
The image now changed to a collage of panning shots centered around the inside of some kind of building. It looked like it was made out of concrete, with thick walls and pillars, but it seemed nice. Luxurious, even. There was a wide-open living space, a large kitchen area, several of what looked to be bedrooms with key card readers, and a few other rooms besides. The only thing off about it was the complete lack of windows.
As the camera explored these places, the voice of Mr. Horus narrated:
“We have gathered them up and taken them to our faithful underground bunker, provided to us by Rapture Architecture and Engineering, the only name in doomsday preparation you can trust! Our rules are simple: they have to live in the bunker for one month. Whoever is around at the end month gets $100,000, split evenly between all surviving contestants. There is nothing for anyone to need in here. The food stores have enough in them to last them five years and all the furnishings are comfortable and private. The only thing they do not have is a means to entertain themselves, but do not worry! We will be providing that in the days ahead.”
The camera now panned down to the living area. Mr. Horus was there, standing next to what appeared to be some kind of tube, similar to the ones you would see in a drive-through bank window, but much wider.
“Every day, our contestants will be sent down an item of some kind via this chute” he said, rapping his fist on the metal object. “When they get it, they have to use it. No requirement on how or how long, just use it once.” He pointed to a small television bolted high in the corner. “When they have fulfilled that obligation, we will let them know by giving a big green checkmark on that screen over there. That is all they have to do, and we will not influence their actions in any other way. So without further ado, let us get to it, because I know I say it every episode, but this time, I really mean it: what you are going to see here is beyond belief!”
The picture of Mr. Horus faded out, and the camera stream of the heavy front door replaced it. The five people from earlier walked in, laughing and chatting amongst each other. Because they were all talking at once, as well as the fact that the film kept leaping from scene to scene, it was hard to make out what they were saying to each other. But the video made sure to stop on the important decisions: picking rooms, divvying chores, setting ground rules. It didn’t seem like they knew each other too well; whenever they confessed an annoying habit or a pet peeve, it was greeted with a slow nod and statements like “I’ll have to keep that in mind.'' But that didn’t keep from joking around and generally having a good time.
After some time showing this, there was a loud “THUNK” from the metal chute. They stopped their conversation and looked at it.
“That’s the thingy we have to use every day, right?” Carmen, the black girl, asked.
Tuan, the big farmer, nodded and headed over to it. He withdrew a large metal canister with handle on both ends. Pulling them apart revealed a rectangular cardboard box.
Lora peered over Tuan’s shoulder at the object. “Monopoly?” the red-headed woman asked.
“Guess they want us to hate each other from the start!” John joked, eliciting a few laughs from everyone else. He adjusted his hat and cleared off the table while Ira, the older librarian woman, started separating pieces and getting the game set up.
In a few moments they were all seated around the table, rolling dice and buying properties. The green check mark on the little TV lit up, but nobody seemed to even notice. The show then proceeded to show a cut-down version of the game. Carmen went bankrupt first, then Ira and Lora quickly afterwards. The three women spent time talking with each other in the kitchen before drifting off to bed. In the end, only Kelly and Tuan were up, and after a bit, Tuan conceded the game early, the two shaking each other’s hands before putting the game away.
Once the two went to bed, the camera lingered on the dark and quiet bunker before fading out.
What followed was a heavily edited summary of the next two days. Each morning they would get up, mull around, and hang out. When they tired of that, they’d find something else to do. Sometimes they would pair up to explore the bunker, other times they’d sit alone and do something they brought with them. This continued until evening, when then the chute would give its customary “THUNK” and they’d head over to withdraw that day’s item.
Day two brought the first season of the X-Files (the brief segment talking about the “amazing new” DVD format it came on was amusing to me), and day three brought the entire box set of the Adams Family. Everyone joined in watching the first couple episodes, summoning the green check mark each time, but after that the shows joined the rotating slot of activities.
Nothing important happened until day four.
The group was seated around the table, eating dinner, when the chute gave another “THUNK”. John got up and withdrew the cylinder.
“What is it?” Lora asked as he slid the handles apart.
John withdrew a large bundle of paper. “Sunday paper. Thank goodness, I miss having these things.”
He sat back down at the table and took the front pages, unfolding them and beginning to read.
Ira shook her head. “I never liked my husband doing that at the dinner table. Made me feel invisible.”
“I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose,” Lora said. “He probably was just using the time to de-stress before talking to you. Wouldn’t you agree, John?”
John didn’t say anything. He was staring at the front page.
“What is it?” Tuan asked.
John slid the paper onto the table. The headline proclaimed “O.J. SIMPSON ARRESTED AFTER THREE HOUR POLICE CHASE.”
Carmen picked up the paper and started rapidly reading.
Lora turned to Tuan. “O.J.? Wasn’t he a football player or something?”
He nodded. “Running back, damn good one too. Only one to rush 2,000 yards in a season.”
“Paper said they found his wife dead at her house. Stabbed through the neck.” John shook his head. “Poor woman, can’t believe he’d do that to her.”
“Allegedly do that to her” Carmen said as she put down the paper. Everyone stared at her. “What? He’s innocent until proven guilty.”
John scoffed. “C’mon, it’s pretty obvious he did. I mean, he’s got a history of domestic abuse.”
“Yeah, but he also left behind a suicide note saying he was innocent. I don’t know about you, but if I figured I was going to die, I’d take some time to clear my conscious” Carmen retorted.
“Maybe. Maybe not. But innocent men don’t run.”
“That’s if they’re thinking straight. His wife just died, he’s wanted for murder, and he’s got a history of depression. Who knows why he did it?”
John stayed silent for a few moments, then shrugged. “Well, I suppose this is why we have a court system after all. Wonder how it’s going to turn out.”
Carmen nodded, and Tuan slid out the comics page as the conversation slowly turned to other topics.
Day five brought cards, and day six brought Trivial Pursuit. With nothing interesting to follow, the video began time skipping again, showing the routines of everyone inside. But now there was a new activity that added the rotation: John and Carmen’s debates.
The two had studied the paper thoroughly and discussed the matter of Simspon’s guilt. John was convinced he did it, due to Simpson’s history with his wife and the bloody glove they found at his house. Carmen remained skeptical, mostly due to his erratic behavior and constant claims of innocence. She also claimed that the police were railroading this case’s investigation, no doubt because of the fact that Simpson was a large, intimidating black man. John didn’t quite believe it, but the few times he tried to argue, he had to admit that he didn’t have too much experience about such matters and was forced to back down. Occasionally someone else would step in and give their two cents on the matter, but most often it was just those two, seated at the table, quoting the paper to back up their points.
While this was going on, I took some time to look things up on my phone. I couldn’t find anything on Iris Broadcasting or the strange Mr. Horus. I did find Rapture Architecture; it was a construction firm specializing in luxury doomsday shelters that went bankrupt around 2009.
Knowing this made me feel uneasy, and that feeling only increased as I watched John and Carmen agree that the court case would solve things one way or another.
Day seven brought alcohol. Lots of it.
“Look at all this!” John exclaimed while holding up the bottles Tuan had been carefully unwrapping. “Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan, Guiness… man, I can’t remember the last time I had a good Guinness.”
“Looks like we can finally have some fun down here!” Carmen said excitedly.
Ira smirked. “Well, we are supposed to use whatever they send us…”
Lora cheered and the group opened the alcohol, downing glasses and bottles in between conversations. It didn’t take long before the whole group was in a good mood, laughing and swapping all kinds of stories, continuing long into the night.
After a particularly funny tale from Tuan involving his pick-up truck, a pig, and his brother-in-law, Ira took a moment from laughing to wipe the tears from her eyes. “This is so much better than listening to those two play lawyer with the newspaper.”
“Hey!” John said with just the hint of a slur, “Don’t knock the free press. They’re a valuable asset to this country.”
“Oh, I’m not knocking the free press. I’m making fun of you two” she replied.
“I have to do it” Carmen protested. “Who else is going to correct him?”
John rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right, correct me.”
“You have a very poor understanding of the institutional oppression of people of color” Carmen returned without any hesitation.
“I don’t need an understanding of the isht… isn… of racism” John pointed at her with the neck of his beer. “All I need to know is that people do shitty things to other people an’ they’ll use whatever excuse they want to justify it, no matter their color.”
“So you don’t see any biases in a world where a black man is five times more likely to be convicted than a white man?”
“Is not like we’re just pickin’ ‘em off the street and throwin’ ‘em in jail. There’s due process an… an a warrant or somesuch.” He was beginning to actually sway.
“Judiciary systems run by those with an implicit bias.”
Lora gave a nervous chuckle. “Hey, I think John’s a little too wasted to continue this.” She put her hand on Carmen’s shoulder. “Why don’t…”
“Don’t touch me!” Carmen exclaimed.
The room fell silent. It was deafening.
John stood up straight and faced Carmen. “That was uncalled for,” he said, carefully enunciating each word.
Carmen just stared at him.
Tuan shifted from one foot to another. “It’s late, maybe we should all…”
“Apologize” John demanded.
Carmen crossed her arms. “Or what? You’re going to make me?”
“Never hit a woman. Only exception I make is if she throws the first punch.”
“You saying that as a threat, or a promise?”
“Are you really…”
“ENOUGH!” Ira wormed her way between Carmen and John, who had managed to get only inches apart, and flung her arms out wide, forcing them both to stumble backwards and seperate. “You two ruined a perfectly good night. Congratulations. Now leave before either of you make this any worse.”
“Sure. Not worth the effort.” John stumbled down the hallway. Carmen glared at him until he was in his room, then departed for her room as well.
Once the two of them were gone, Ira put an arm on Lora’s shoulder. “You can leave too if you want. I’ll clean this up.” Lora, who had been fidgeting since the fight, nodded and gave a quick “thanks” before also heading down the hallway to her room.
Ira shook her head and started picking up bottles. “Figures those two would find a way to screw this up, huh, Tuan?” She looked up. “Tuan?”
He didn’t answer. He was staring at the small green TV with the check mark.
The next day was much quieter than the last. Carmen and John spent most of it in their rooms, apparently stewing. Lora, Ira, and Tuan sat in the main room, but they kept mostly to themselves as well, quietly moving around each other as they pursued their individual activities.
The chute brought a book; Insomnia by Steven King. After John and Carmen didn’t come out of their rooms to see what it was, Ira offered to read it.
Day nine began like the last day did, but towards the evening, John came out of his room and waited for Carmen. When she did, he stood up.
“Hey, Carmen, look…” he began. “Alright, I’m not too good at this. I have to be honest: I’m not quite sorry for what I did or said last night. But I didn’t say those things in any particularly nice or sensitive way, and I am sorry for that.”
Carmen sighed. “It’s okay. I really shouldn’t have snapped, or pushed the argument, so I’m sorry too.”
John extended a hand forward. Carmen reached for it, ready to shake…
The metal chute rattled, startling everyone and derailing the conversation. Tuan, seated almost next to it, pulled out the canister and retrieved a little box.
“Nintendo 64?” he said, more a question than a statement.
“Yes, it is the newest console from Nintendo, the Nintendo 64!” the voice of Mr. Horus announced, the intrusion as jarring as it was sudden. “With more processing power, better graphics, and all new three dimensional games! This console is not on store shelves yet, but these lucky people get to experience it early and see how this console is ready to change the system.”
The uneasy feeling returned. Having a real life product placement in this drama made the whole thing feel ridiculous and sinister all at the same time.
John looked it over. “It must be new, but the hookups look relatively the same. I think I can get it working.”
After only a tiny bit of trouble, Super Mario 64 was on and blaring on the TV. Fully distracted now, everyone took a turn on trying it out, with only Tuan and John looking like they had the patience to continue.
And just like that, everything was back to normal. John and Carmen were on speaking terms again, though the normal course of debates were gone. The atmosphere shifted back to cheery and relaxed. The camera resumed its sped up colleges of living, pausing just long enough to record what the daily delivery was.
For a while, it was more Nintendo 64 games. Day ten brought Pilotwings 64. Day eleven brought Wave Race 64. Day twelve was Killer Instinct Gold. Tuan and John were the only ones who were interested in the games, so after the second cartridge, the others stopped coming to check the daily items.
There were some… suspiciously long shots of the two playing the system, and I couldn’t help but wonder about the show’s creators. Who did they think their audience was, and who actually watched this? How had they gotten Nintendo, of all people, as a sponsor? I got no answers from the video, of course, just more and more snippets of the two men praising the game console.
The only other thing that was considered important enough to record was during the twelfth day. Lora was seated in the common area, reading Insomnia while John and Tuan were playing more Wave Race. As they did, Carmen marched into the room.
“Lora, did you take my bag?” she almost shouted.
Lora looked up. “What? Um, no. I didn’t.”
“Well, did you move it? Because the last time I had it, I was showing it to you, and now it’s gone.”
“Did you check your room?” John offered. “I put stuff away without realizing it all the time, then I think its lost.”
Carmen rolled her eyes. “It's not in my room, believe me.”
Tuan turned around to face her. “Why don’t you check, just in case, before you go accusing Lora again?”
She opened her mouth to say something, then stopped, turned, and stormed out of the room.
As the days continued, I noticed that Tuan was always seated next to the chute when the delivery was due, and he was always the first one to retrieve the item. On day thirteen, I realized this was intentional.
For once, he was alone in the common room, shuffling a deck of cards over and over again without looking at them, when the chute gave it’s accustomed “THUNK”. He retrieved the canister and opened it.
It was another newspaper.
He unfolded it and started quickly scanning the words. Every minute or so, he popped his head up at the little TV in the corner. On the third dive in, the green check appeared, and he ripped the paper up and shoved it in the trash. Then he took his seat back and started shuffling again.
John appeared a few seconds later. “Hey, heard the chute. Anything good?”
Tuan shook his head. “Not unless you think solitaire is exciting,” he said, holding up the deck of cards.
“Bummer.” John sighed and left the room.
About five minutes later, Ira entered. “Hey, what was in the chute?”
Tuan loudly bridge shuffled. “Just more cards.”
She looked at him, shrugged, and then left as well.
Tuan wasn’t alone for day fourteen’s delivery, but it was just as well; I have no idea how he could have secretly used it anyway.
Shoved inside the canister was a large, plastic object with a long scroll of paper set in the center and dozens upon dozens of wires coming out of it. While he was pulling out yet more wires, Ira was reading an instruction manual.
“The polygraph is designed to measure physiological responses to active deceptions, such as increased heart rate, sweat production, and respiration. These activities are marked with one of three lines, shown here on figure 3.A…” she put the book down and rubbed her eyes. “It’s confusing, but I think I got the gist of it.”
“So it tells if you’re lying?” John asked.
Ira moved her head from side to side. “Sort of. It tells if you’re nervous, the idea being that if you are nervous, you’re probably lying.”
“So what do we do with it?” Lora asked.
Carmen perked up. “Well, we have to use it, right? I suggest we put Lora through it and ask her where my bag is.”
Everyone looked at Lora. She fidgeted.
“You still haven’t found it?” Ira asked. Carmen shook her head. Ira looked to Tuan. “She does have a point, we do have to use it.”
“But, but, I don’t want to be hooked up to that thing!” Lora exclaimed.
John put his hand on her shoulder. “Tell you what, I’ll also go through it. That way we aren’t picking on you.”
“If that’s the case, we should all have a turn.” Tuan said. “It’s only fair.”
Ira nodded in agreement. “Should keep anyone from asking a question they themselves wouldn’t want to answer.”
All eyes turned to Carmen.
“Yeah, sure” she grumbled.
The group went about setting the little machine up. Tuan plugged in the various wires into the box while John attached electrodes and sensors to Lora’s forehead. Ira was reading the manual, directing the two. Carmen just stared at Lora while Lora looked more and more uneasy with every passing second.
Once everyone was finished, Ira flipped a switch and the machine kicked on. The needles moved back and forth on the paper, drawing long, curving lines.
Ira pointed to each of the lines in order. “Alright, so that’s sweat, that’s heartbeat, those are breathing. The more they move, the more nervous she is.” She sighed. “The book has a dummy’s guide to interpreting the lines, but it’s still really complicated, so full disclosure, I might get this wrong.”
“Good thing to keep in mind” Tuan mumbled.
Carmen sat down in the chair across from Lora. “So how do we get started?”
“First, we ask her a set of neutral questions, nonthreatening stuff to establish a baseline.” Ira put the book down and looked at Lora. “Are you ready?”
She nodded. The lines were already moving all over the place.
“Okay then. Only answer in yes and noes. First question: Is your name Lora Zoza?”
“Are we in a bunker right now?”
“Yes.” The lines were beginning to calm down.
“Is today Tuesday?”
“Did you steal Carmen’s bag?”
“I…” The lines began to speed up again, moving faster than they had been. “Um…” The scratching sound of the needles were getting louder. “Yes, alright! Yes. I didn’t mean to! I just wanted to check the label inside, because I wanted to know if it was the same one I was thinking of, so I borrowed it for just a second and I left it in my room and I was going to give it back but you were so angry so I panicked and I… and I…” Lora broke into sobs.
John put his hand on her shoulder again. “Why don’t you go get it?” Lora composed herself, nodded, and left the room. A minute later she returned with a blue purse and handed it Carmen, then sat back down at one of the chairs.
Carmen waited for a second, then looked around the room. “What’s next?”
Tuan furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“Her punishment!” She pointed to Lora. “What’s it going to be?”
“I think having to admit that in front of everyone was punishment enough.” John said. “Plus, you got it back. No harm no foul, right?”
It was obvious from Carmen’s face that she didn’t believe that, but she didn’t say anything.
John chuckled nervously. “Guess I’m next then, huh?” He sat down in the seat Lora had been sitting in and let Carmen attach the various wires to him. Once that was finished, he closed his eyes and inhaled. “Okay, ready.”
“Is your name John Kelly?”
“Are you in a bunker right now?”
“Do you run the ******** orphanage in ********?” The areas where the asterisks sat were silenced over, hiding the names.
Lora scratched her head for a moment. “Well, is there anything anyone wants to know?”
“Did you eat the last of the seven layer salad last night?” Tuan asked.
“No” John replied.
“What about the beer?”
“No.” The needles twitched and John smiled. “Okay, maybe.”
Tuan smirked, then shrugged. “That was all I wanted to know.”
The room was quiet for a minute.
“Well, if no one else has any questions…” Ira went to turn off the machine.
“Are you racist?” Carmen blurted.
Everyone stared at her. The only sounds heard were the scratching of the needles.
“What?” Ira asked.
“Are you racist? It’s a simple yes or no question.”
Ira glared at her in frustration. “John, you don’t have to answer that.”
“Why, afraid of the results?”
“Carmen, you are…”
“No!” John interrupted. “No I am not.”
The needles went wild.
Carmen’s eyes went wide. “What does that mean? That means he’s lying, doesn’t it?”
“No, that means he’s stressed, and I would be too!” Ira shouted at her.
“You’re just trying to…”
A loud snapping, sizzling sound interrupted the argument. The machine powered off. The group looked over to Tuan, who had the power cord in his hand, plug torn off of the cable with sheer force.
He flopped the now-useless cord onto the table. “It did enough damage.”
After a few more moments of silence, everyone left without speaking to each other.
The lie detector sent everyone in downward spiral. Carmen and John retreated to their rooms for most of the time, pacing around the room or giving death glares to the corners. Lora also exiled herself to her room, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, moving very little. Ira and Tuan were the only ones who frequented the common room, but their stays were silent. When someone else did enter all conversation attempts ended quickly.
And still the items came down the chute.
Day fifteen brought a notebook.
Tuan balled up a piece of paper and half-heartedly flung it across the room.
Green check.
Day sixteen brought a fire safe and a key.
Tuan tore out a page of the notebook and locked it inside.
Green check.
Day seventeen brought a set of dominoes.
Tuan took them over to the little table and removed them one by one, standing them up on their ends in a little line starting at one end of the table and ending at another. Once every domino was set up this way, he tipped over the first one and watched as they collided into one another, toppling over the neighbor in front of them so that dominoe could do the same to its neighbor, continuing until there were no more. Then he looked up at the TV.
Green check.
When day eighteen came, Ira was in the room as Tuan retrieved it. When he opened the canister, he looked at her.
“Get everyone here” he said. “We need an emergency meeting.”
They stood around the gun, staring at it like a dead body. Nobody said anything.
Finally, Lora spoke up. “It...it’s not real, is it?”
Carmen shook her head. “Can’t be. They wouldn’t give us a real gun, right?”
No one answered.
“How do we know?” Lora asked.
Tuan pointed to John. “Go get me a can of something.”
John nodded and left.
Lora turned to Ira. “What if it’s real? What do we do if it’s real?”
“It’s not real” Ira assured her. “This is supposed to be for a TV show, remember? They just sent this down here to get a rise out of us and stir up a little drama, that’s all.”
John returned with a can of green beans and handed it to Tuan.
Tuan placed the can on the counter, then walked a few feet away from it. “Everyone stand behind me, and cover your ears for good measure.” After waiting for everyone to do so, he aimed the gun at the can, took a moment to make sure he was on target, and fired. The can exploded in a burst of metal, water, and vegetable. Lora and Ira screamed. John looked dumbfounded.
The green check mark appeared, but for once, no one paid it any attention.
“This is too much” Carmen muttered to herself.
“What the hell are we supposed to do?” John asked, panic in his voice, as Tuan laid the object on the table in front of him.
“We got a fire safe two days ago” Tuan said as he withdrew a large black box from under the table. “We’ll lock it in there.”
“And the key?” Ira asked.
“We throw it away” Lora declared.
Tuan shook his head. “Then someone could just dig through the trash to find it. We put it to a vote. One vote per person, no one can vote for themselves.”
John cleared his throat. “Alright, let’s vote then. Starting with Tuan.” He put his hand up. Ira did as well.
Two votes.
They put their hands down. “Alright, Ira.”
Tuan, Carmen, and Lora put their hands up.
Three votes.
“Shit” Ira swore as she received the tiny key. She picked the gun up with her thumb and index finger, as if it was a bloody body part, and placed it in the fire safe. Then she closed it, locked it, and placed the key inside her pocket. “What do we do now?” she asked.
“We keep going as if nothing happened. We forget about it” Tuan said, picking up the Steven King book he was reading before and returning to it to emphasize his point. In an echo of the lie detector moment, everyone took a few moments to stand around awkwardly before shuffling off to their rooms.
Only Tuan and Ira stayed in the common room.
“Tuan?” Ira asked.
He looked up.
“Why did that sound like… like you had practiced that? Did you know?”
He didn’t reply. He just looked up at the camera, and for a few uneasy moments, it felt like he was staring at me, through the TV screen, through time and space itself, because I could tell that this look wasn’t directed at the people running whatever this macabre spectacle was.
He was judging the audience itself.
Late that night, John snuck out of his room and made his way to the big front door he had entered through the first day. In his hand was a small suitcase of his belongings.
“Alright, you win” he said, directed at the camera. “I quit.”
The door stayed shut.
“What do you want from me?” he asked in a harsh whisper. “I give up. I forfeit. The others can have the prize money, I just want to get out of here.”
Still nothing.
He glared at the camera. “You told us that whoever was here at the end got the money. That means that not everyone will make it. That means we can quit this stupid game.”
Again, no response.
After waiting for a few more moments, the harsh tone in his voice was replaced by a tremble. “What do you want?”
He was answered with silence.
He stood at the door for five more minutes before giving up and heading back to his room.
Day nineteen brought Scrabble. Ira set it up while Tuan and Lora waited.
“This is the last thing I want to be doing” Lora mumbled.
“Just put up with it for eleven more days” Ira said. “Then you’ll be twenty thousand richer.”
Lora silently picked up her pieces and began to play. The others followed suit, and once everyone had taken a turn, they looked up at the TV.
No check mark.
Ira looked puzzled. “Usually it gives us the check after everyone’s taken a turn.”
“Maybe we have to play two turns?” Lora suggested.
They did.
No check.
Tuan looked in the box. “There’s stands in here for four players. We must need another one.” He stood up. “I’ll go get Carmen.”
“We could also get John” Lora offered, but Tuan was already gone.
They sat quietly until Tuan came back with Carmen. She looked annoyed, but sat down and waited for the game to be reset. Then she took her turn with the others.
The green check mark appeared.
As it did so, John walked into the room, noticing everyone seated at the table. “What’s going on?”
“Just Scrabble” Ira replied, just a bit too quickly.
He nodded. “And you wanted to play?” he asked Carmen.
“They asked,” she answered. “They needed four people to satisfy the check mark.”
“And they asked you?”
She smirked. “Guess so.”
John looked around at everyone, then left.
The next day brought hats. Comical hats.
On the table, unpacked from their metal cylinder, was a ballcap with an arrow going through it, a large black witch’s hat, and one that looked like the head of a cartoon pig. Tuan was wearing an oversized cowboy stetson and Ira had on a jester’s cap.
They were staring at the tiny TV, which was refusing to give up the green check mark.
Ira sighed. “Well, that was all of them and no dice.”
“It was worth a shot.” Tuan said. “We’re going to have to get everyone in here.”
Ira nodded and took off her hat and placed it on the table, then left the room. Tuan took off his as well and waited. A minute later, she came back with Lora, John and Carmen.
Ira gestured to the hats on the table. “Just wear one so we can get this over with.”
Lora picked up the jester cap and balanced it on her head. Tuan picked the stetson back up, Ira took the witch hat, and John took the arrow cap. All three of them put their hat on as Carmen, last one to the table, picked up the pig hat and stared at it.
“Why am I left with this one?” she complained.
Ira snatched the pig hat from Carmen and shoved the witch hat into her hands. “There, happy?” she asked, glaring at her while she placed the pig hat on her own head.
“No. John should be wearing that one” Carmen said as she crossed her arms.
There was an audible round of groans from the group as everyone turned to Carmen. No one seemed to notice as John left the room.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” Ira almost shouted.
Carmen pointed to the hat on Ira’s head. “I’m not putting my hat on until John wears that one.”
“Carmen just wear the hat for five seconds” Tuan pleaded.
Ira rubbed her eyes with one hand. “You are acting like such a…”
The sound was deafening even over the shitty speakers of the small TV. Carmen’s eyes went wide. A small trickle of blood leaked out of the corner of her mouth. With clumsy, fumbling steps, she turned around.
John was standing there, pistol in hand. A trail of smoke floated out from the barrel.
Without a word, Carmen fell over. Both Ira and Lora screamed. Tuan just stood there, paralyzed.
John strolled over to the body.
The others shrank away as he did so, putting distance between themselves as him.
He picked up the witch’s hat, still clutched in her arms, and pried her fingers open to remove it. He gently lifted her head up and placed the hat onto it, then looked over to the TV with its green check mark.
John stood up and looked at everyone else in the room.
No one said anything.
He turned and left.
For the next five minutes, all the three of them could do was stand around in a shocked silence, not moving, not speaking, not doing anything but staring at the corpse of Carmen.
“W-why is n-n-nobody coming?” Lora asked, breaking the silence. “S-s-someone’s dead. Why is no one coming to let us out?”
Tuan got up and moved to the TV with the green check mark, standing right in front of the camera there. “Let us out” he whispered to the camera. “I know you can see us. I know you know what happened. Let us out now.”
There was no response, no instructions or the sound of any doors opening. The bunker remained in the quiet state it had always been in.
“What are we supposed to do?” he asked.
There was a loud sounding “SHUNK” as a metal a panel near the bigger TV slid away. The space behind it glowed with an orange light and the sound of crackling flames could be heard from it.
“For… bodies…” an odd, synthetic voice declared.
“No, no no.” Tuan shook his head. “We’re not doing that, okay? We’re not playing this anymore. Let us out! Do you hear me? LET US OUT!”
He punched the wall near the camera, but there was no more response. Tuan hung his head. Lora quietly sobbed in the corner. The crackling of the fire continued.
Ira got up and walked over to the body.
“I..Ira?” Lora murmured.
Without a trace of emotion of her face, Ira grabbed its arms and began dragging it towards the space with the fire.
Tuan turned around. “Ira, don’t.”
“We’ve already come this far,” she said in a dead tone without looking up. She lined up the body to the space and pushed until it was inside. Once she withdrew her hands, the metal panel returned with another “SHUNK”. Ira stood up and turned to him.
“Ten more days, then it’s all over.”
Day 21 brought a rubix cube. Tuan was nowhere to be found, so Ira took it back to her room and mindless shuffled it for a few minutes.
The hushed depression of the last few days had transformed into full on terror. Everyone had shut themselves into their rooms, afraid to come out. When they did have to leave, they peaked around corners, hoping not to be seen as they scanned for John. Ira even did this as she went to retrieve the rubix cube.
John was the only one who was calm, walking around without hesitation or hiding, a faint smirk on his face. He spent time in the common room, playing with the N64 and pretending not to notice the others run away after seeing him.
The next day passed in a similar manner, until the item came down from the chute. Ira snuck in one more time to retrieve the item, but stopped once she withdrew a small, plastic keycard with the number “5” on it.
Tiptoeing around, she moved into the hallway with the doors for the rooms. Sure enough, each room was labeled with a number, and each room had a keycard reader next to the door.
John’s room was marked with a “5”.
Moving slowly, she approached the card reader. She had to take a few moments to just breathe before her hands were still enough to slide the card through.
There was a small “beep”, and a red light appeared on the card reader.
She ran to the corner, eyes fixed on the door.
After a while, there was the sound of someone trying to open it. John’s voice could faintly be heard, muttering confused questions, but as he banged against the door, it refused to budge.
Ira smiled as she straightened herself out. She knocked on Tuan and Lora’s doors, showing them the keycard and pointing to John’s room. “It’s okay, he’s locked in now.” The two stared in disbelief at the sounds of frustration from inside, then gradually left their own rooms to gather in the common area.
John shouted and screamed at them. The words were too unclear to hear, but the tone of voice spoke pure murder.
The next couple of days managed to crystalize into something that was almost normal. Tuan and Ira took their accustomed spots back in the common room, and Lora spent a good amount of time there as well.
Day 23 brought UNO. Day 24 brought Operation. The happy energy the group used to play with was gone, replaced with an air of despair. But at least it was peaceful.
For whatever reason, the camera didn’t show the inside of John’s room, so there was no telling what he was doing. If anyone in the bunker was curious, they didn’t show it; once he had stopped his verbal assault at the end of the first day, they ignored him completely. The only time he was noticed at all was the three times a day Lora slid food through the mail slot of his door, a position she had volunteered for.
For a while, this was done without either one of them acknowledging the other, but when Lora delivered him lunch on the second day, she asked him a question while the mail flap was still open.
“Why did you do it?”
There was no reply.
Lora turned to leave.
“I didn’t want to” John said from behind the door.
She stopped.
“I just wanted to go,” he continued. “I saw how they were looking at me: Carmen, Tuan, even Ira. Doesn’t matter what they knew about that lie detector, no one thought of me the same after that. I tried to go, I told them I forfeit and wanted out. But as I’m sure you know, they won’t let us.”
Lora sat down next to the door. “But why kill her? Why take the gun and murder her?”
“I wasn’t planning to. I stole the key because I was afraid of her. She was getting crazier every day. You saw that. And Ira’s not always paying attention. I was too worried to just let it sit there. But when I heard her ranting on and on about the stupid hats, I just… I don’t know, I just snapped. I didn’t realize what I was doing until it was already done.”
Lora stared at the ground, not saying anything.
“Will you stay and just talk for a bit?” he asked. “It’s lonely in here.”
She drew her knees up to her chest. “Yeah, yeah. I can stay here.”
They talked for the rest of the day.
Day 25. Three more guns.
They were placed on the table. The three were looking at them with an air of obvious disgust, like they were observing cockroaches in food.
“I don’t like it any more than any of you, but I think it’s obvious what we need to do” Tuan said. “One each. This way, no one’s vulnerable.”
They each picked one up and moved to leave.
“Hey, guys…” Lora spoke up. “If we all have guns, can’t we… can’t we let John out?”
Ira and Tuan exchanged glances.
“No” Tuan said.
“But we all have means of defending ourselves! We shouldn't have anything to fear,” she protested.
“Lora, he broke into my room. He stole the gun. He murdered Carmen in cold blood” Ira told her. “I don’t care what we do or don’t have, we can’t trust him. Ever.”
“I tried. I’m sorry.”
Lora was sitting outside of John’s room again. She had just told him everything that had happened.
“You see what I mean?” John muttered. “Doesn’t matter what happens. Carmen poisoned them against me.”
“You killed her right in front of them,” she said. “You can’t expect them to trust you.”
“I know, but this is… unfair. If this happened above ground, I’d have a trail. I’d have a chance to try to make them understand. But they don’t want to do that. They just want to lock me up and leave me to rot. Forget about me forever.”
“There’s only five more days until we leave” Lora said, but her voice sounded far from sure.
“Lora, please promise me you’ll get me out of here.”
She shook her head. “I don’t know if I can.”
“You have to. You’re the only one who believes me.”
She sighed. “Alright. I’ll try.”
The next day, Lora was throwing a tennis ball off the wall, courtesy of that day’s delivery. “Doesn’t even seem like they’re trying anymore” she muttered as it bounced back into her hands.
Lora walked in the room, hands behind her back. “Hey, Ira?”
Ira stopped bouncing the ball and turned towards her.
Lora gulped. “I was wondering if you’ve given any more thought about John.”
“What’s there to think about?” she asked as she set the ball back down on the table.
“He’s been in that tiny room for three days.”
“Well, even prisoners get to leave their cells every day. Can’t we let him do that just a little bit, under our supervision?”
Ira glared at her. “Does this look like a prison?”
“But that’s not…”
“I’m not letting him out. Not ever. Do you understand that?”
Ira started to move away, but Lora withdrew her hands from behind her back, pointing her pistol at Ira. The barrel was shaking like mad.
“Give me the keycard” Lora said.
“That’s not going to happen” Ira replied.
“Give it to me!”
Tuan entered the room, then froze once he saw the scene. “Lora, what are you doing?!”
Lora looked over to Tuan, alarm visible in her eyes. Attention no longer on her, Ira darted over to a nearby chair, grabbing something and pointing it at Lora. Tuan saw this and cried out “Ira don’t!” Lora followed his gaze over to Ira and the alarm now transformed into full on panic as she saw what Ira was holding.
Both women were still standing, guns pointed at each other. In mirror movements, both looked over to the growing red spot on their chest, turned to look at each other in disbelief, and fell.
Tuan rushed over to Ira and shook her, but she didn’t respond.
“I...I’m sorry.” He looked at Lora, tears streaming down her face. “I didn’t want this. I just wanted… to do the right thing.” And with that, she breathed her last.
Tuan sat with his back to the scene, staring into a corner.
A now familiar “SHUNK” sounded. “For… bodies…” the voice reminded him.
He got up and left the room. When he returned, he had a bundle of sheets in his hands. He  gently laid the cloth over the forms of Ira and Lora.
“For… bodies…” the voice insisted.
He ignored it.
Day 27 brought a magic 8-ball.
Tuan threw it against the wall as hard as he could, shattering the black plastic into pieces and causing the blue liquid inside to splatter all over the walls.
The TV gave the action a green check mark.
After spending most of the next day day in silent brooding, Tuan gathered all the guns up and approached the door to John’s room, stopping right in front of it.
“Lora’s dead. Ira too.”
There was no response.
“Lora was trying to get you out. She pointed the gun at Ira, demanding the keycard. Ira went for her own. They shot each other at the same time.”
Still no reply.
Tuan took the guns in his hand, and one by one, placed them through the mail slot. Each one fell inside with a clattering sound.
“This needs to stop. This hate. This bloodshed. It all needs to stop.” Tuan withdrew the small plastic keycard. “I’m going to open your door, okay? When I do, leave your gun in there. Just walk out without it. I’ll lock this door and destroy the key. Then we can sit down and talk about this. Like people.”
There was still no response.
“Alright” he said, “I’m opening the door now.”
He slid the card through. The light turned green and the door swung open.
Tuan collapsed onto the ground, the top of his head missing. John stepped out with the still smoking pistol, dropped it on the ground, and moved into the silence of the common area. The bodies were still where they had fallen, draped with sheets, and the floor was dark with dried blood. The open space with the fire was still there.
John watched the orange glow.
“For… bodies…” the synthetic voice told him.
Looking up at the ceiling, he nodded and dragged them one by one into the space, pushing them inside. When he was finished, it closed with a “SHUNK”, and soon afterwards, the loud “THUNK” of the delivery chute sounded. John took the canister and slid the handles open.
Inside was a chess set.
He placed the board on the table and set each wooden piece in its proper place. Once he confirmed that doing so had given him a green check mark, he put it away, got out a deck of cards, and dealt himself a game of solitaire.
The next day, the formula altered. Usually, that day’s item came in the evening, towards the end of the day, but this time it came in the early morning. It was such a drastic change that the sound caused John to jump.
He took out the canister and prepared to open it, but before he did so, the large TV came to life, displaying the smiling face of Mr. Horus.
“Well now well now well now,” he said, “today marks the 28th day of your stay in this bunker. Congratulations, you are only two days away from freedom! In celebration of your impending return to the surface, we have taken the liberty of collecting all kinds of notes and letters of encouragement from your friends and loved ones.”
John looked back down to the canister and opened it. It was stuffed to the brim with envelopes and pieces of paper.
“I am sure that we do not have to encourage you to do so, but we want you to read every word inside, just to make sure you know how much everyone loves and misses you.”
John shook his head. “No, no I’m not doing that.”
There was a sparkle in the eyes of the electronic image of Mr. Horus. “Also, just as a reminder, everyone who is still in that bunker by the end of the month and has been following our rules is entitled to $100,000, split between all other survivors. Even more good news, right? So enjoy this communication, and I will see you on the surface to reward you your prize money.”
The TV turned off, and John was left alone once again.
Slowly, carefully, like he was handling a bomb, he placed the container on the table and withdrew a paper. He read in silence. Once that one was finished, he took out another, and another. Once he had read three of them, he stopped and looked at the tiny TV for his green check mark.
He inhaled and grabbed another piece of paper, reading it, and repeat. Five read letters now. He looked back to the TV.
Still nothing.
“You’re going to make me read all of them, aren’t you?” he asked. His voice quivered with fear.
No response.
Next letter. And the next. And the next. He read through them faster, barely pausing before grabbing another. Now he had a pile of close to twenty of them finished when he turned back to the still blank TV.
“Isn’t that enough?” he yelled.
After receiving no response again, he gave a frustrated sound and grabbed more letters. But now he was beginning to slow down. He had trouble finishing some of them, wiping his eyes, sobs escaping every so often in spite of himself. The pile had grown to somewhere between thirty and forty five.
“Please…” he begged the TV.
It still showed no check mark.
He reluctantly turned back and read through the last of the letters. The tears came so freely that he often had to stop and wipe his eyes in order to continue reading. When he finished the last one, he broke down, dropping his head in his hands as his cries echoed loudly in the empty bunker.
Behind him, the green check mark appeared.
The canister came early again. When it did, John was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. He sat up just in time to see Mr. Horus reappear on the TV.
“Well, you are all very popular, are you not?” he chuckled. “We got so much mail yesterday that we had to prepare a separate shipment for today. Do not forget to read everything; all those people up there sure miss you and your smiling faces, so be sure not to disappoint them. I am sure you want to know all of their thoughts before you see them again.”
“Please no” John begged. “Not again.”
“Even better news, you are just two days away from freedom and $100,000! You must be excited; I know I am. So finish up today, because tomorrow we have got a very special gift for you before it is all over!”
He hung his head and retrieved the canister. He opened it and withdrew a letter.
“No…” was all he could muster.
The words of the letter were unintelligible, little more than black squiggles from the resolution of the camera. What could be seen were the words written in big letters, in a red marker not quite dark enough to blot out the text, but enough to make out the words they spelled.
“Please stop…” John pleaded, but even as he did so, he continued reading.
“No.. you have to…”
He collapsed unable to read any more. The green check mark lit up one more time.
John spent the whole night pacing, staring off into space, lying on the couch, fidgeting. His eyes were glazed over; he began to do something, then stopped for no reason and wander off. Everything he did was done in an almost lobotomized daze.
While staring at a wall, the loud “THUNK” behind him could be heard. He turned around, stunned; apparently, he had stayed up all the way to the next morning.
With trembling hands, he slid the handles apart and undid the canister one final time, reached in, and pulled out a long, limp object.
A noose.
“No I won't,” he muttered. “I can’t. You can’t make me.”
He shuffled over to the kitchen area and pulled out a mug. The sticky layer of congealed blood on the floor made sickly peeling sounds as he walked over it.
Suddenly, he whirled around to open space and screamed “STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE!” He dropped the mug, shattering it to pieces.
The bunker stayed silent as it always did.
“You don’t understand” he sobbed. “I had to. I had to. I had…” In the absence of any other sound, his crying was louder than any gunshot.
“Please, please don’t make me do it.”
The crying stopped. He stood there with his head held low, then turned back to noose.
Above his door was a small vent. He took a chair, grabbed a kitchen knife, and unscrewed it, letting it fall away.
He left the chair there and returned to the noose.
He threw the noose through the new hole and tied one end to the heavy leg of the bed frame.
He stood up on the chair.
He put his head through the noose.
I couldn’t watch the next scene; I looked away before it happened. But I still heard it. For as long as I live, I don’t think I’ll ever forget those gurgles.
The camera cycled through the bunker.
Carmen’s room, paper about O.J. lying on the bed.
Ira’s room, lie detector manual shoved onto the floor.
Lora’s room, blue purse neatly tucked away in one corner.
Tuan’s room, a battered oversized stetson kicked under the bed.
John’s room, with his body hanging in the doorframe.
And finally, the large door everyone had entered on the first day, laughing and talking without a care in the world. There was a long, loud buzzing sound that cut through the empty of the structure and the door swung open.
It was over. The camera faded to black.
And then it faded back in. There, next to the large metal chute, was Mr. Horus, all smiles with no warmth. The area around him was clean, no blood on the floors anywhere to be seen, almost as if it never happened.
“Well, that was certainly a shocker, was it not?” He grinned. “There was such drama, plus a 100% mortality rate. That is rare, even for us. So once again, thank you Miss Janet Middleton of Tampa, that was a great suggestion. Be sure to tune in next time, as we explore the limits of trust with man’s best friend, and do not forget to send us your suggestions for our future episodes; you already know the P.O. box. Until that time, thank you for watching, and goodnight.”
The screen went black, and then blue. The tape was over.
Neither Zoey nor I said anything for a long time.
Finally, Zoey asked the question that had been going through both of our minds: “Do we use this for an episode?”
I ejected the tape and stared at it.
“It’s easy enough to convert to a digital file with the right equipment, right?” I asked.
She glared at me. “You know that’s not what I’m asking.”
I looked back at the tape. “Well, what else do we do with it?”
“We could give it to the police.”
I shook my head. “You saw those sponsorships. Whoever should be doing something about this already knows about it. And judging by the fact that this doesn’t exist, at least, according to the internet, whoever that is isn’t going to do anything.”
“So you’re saying we should upload it.”
“If we don’t, then this crime stays secret forever. At least this way, there’s the possibility of stopping them later.”
Zoey nodded. “Alright. But we need a disclaimer on this thing. That was… hard to get through.”
She took the tape, then stopped for a moment. “Liam, this is the right thing to do, right?”
“It’s an honest try,” I told her. “That’s all we can do.”
It’s strange, but I think those words stuck with Zoey in a way I never really realized until just now, writing this. Because all those times where we got asked that question over and over and over again, from Reverend Jones to Archangel to Mr. Horus himself, she always used that response:
Are you doing the right thing?
I don’t know, but I’m trying to.
0 notes
stefannewbrand-blog · 5 years
Actress Enrolls at Fashion Institute for Winter Quarter
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What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
"What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance not paying a claim!?
Boy this is a good one & I don't know what to do Next! I went with the Lizard insurance even though they are Snakes and don't want to pay for any Claims! It started in 2010 with my truck, I took it to where they told me and they only paid for cosmetic damage even though there was a lot more including my steering was so bad I had to stop driving it. I wanted to take it to a shop that I had my truck lowered which because of we're I lived and the shop was I couldn't drive it, 65 miles. I had AAA tow it to my new house and from there after 2 years of not driving my truck they agreed to have it towed 7 miles to the shop. Well I told the claims adjuster what was wrong, he told me I needed to write a list and drop it off at the shop so I just got my Chopper back from the shop and went down to where my truck was a wrote a list of what I thought was wrong. Here is where the first of my troubles started, on the way home I am riding on the freeway and a truck to the right of me had a blow out and a Giant tire flew right in front of me, I couldn't do anything other than to run it over. It happened so fast, I hit it and made a brown spot in my shorts, jk. I then noticed smoke coming from my Chopper, it was Bad so I pulled over and noticed that my tail light was knocked off and caused some damage and the bold that holds my tail light on came off and rubbed on my new Avon 250 tire and Melted the side wall. I was able to ride home and once I saw all the damage I knew it was a problem. I called the Lizard and made a claim. The claims adjuster called me and said he will be out that Saturday, so saturday came and I never heard from him, I had his number and left a message, so this went on until Thursday and I called the lizard again and they transferred me to the AH boss and I left him a voicemail. Well I didn't hear from him as a few more days went by so Called back and got his boss's boss. The next day I got a nasty voicemail from the claims adjuster bitching at me. I called customer service and told them he went off on me and they can hear my voicemail too but no one listened to me. So I was told to call his boss, I said then I don't want this claims adjuster to come out, I don't want to speak to him or have anything to do with him. They were so sorry and said they totally understand and later that day the big boss called and I told him I hadn't heard from the adjuster other than a nasty voicemail and I want someone else to come out and not him. The boss said I understand and he will take care of it. So two days later the rude claims adjuster showed up at my house to take care of the claim, I was shocked it was the AHole I didn't want to come out but his bosses boss told him he better get out there and take care of this. Well once he was there, he wasn't as nice as he had been and couldn't be more rude than he was. I told him what had happened and the Damage, all he said was Prove it, Prove it, Over and over with everything I showed him. It caused major damage to my shocks and front forks, he laughed and said they are designed to roll over things and that it couldn't happen from hitting a tire in the road, well it can because that's exactly what happened. He was such a AHole I said, why did you even come out, did you just come here to be a @ss Hole or what!! He didn't say a word and just left. They paid out just a little for damages to the paint, tail light and the tire. The tired was new and cost 500 but they paid me 100 bucks for it. Mean while my truck is at the shop still to get looked over for the damage and they didn't pay a dime and the worst part was when I got the truck back from being towed, I started after the tow truck drive let it down and it sounded funny, then I smelt burning plastic so I opened the hood and my entire air intake system was gone!!! The burning was th vacuum hoses laying on the headers. I called the shop where my truck was and they said they are not sure what's going on but to call back. Well they are no longer in business and I lost all that so I called and opened a claim, now they are investigating me over this. So I have damage from 2010 that has never been fixed, my bike isn't right and someone had stolen my Volant cold air intake that's not being taken care of. What do I do? This is BS, I don't deserve this from my insurance Company and for them to treat me like they have, not pay out the claims. I needed my truck smoged Dec 31st so because all the parts to have it smogged weren't there I couldn't have it down and I have a ton of late fees with the DMV in California. My Volant is smog legal, I have the Ca numbers for it but it doesn't matter, I am getting the run around like no tomorrow. I will Drop GIECO and go with Farmers but not until my truck and bike are fixed. I have called everyone I could at Geico and no help!""
How much will car insurance will cost me?
I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score
""Car accident: Person at fault has no car insurance, what can I do?""
Hello! Recently, I was involved in a car accident where the other driver was at fault (carelessly ran a red light) and didn't have insurance; my question is what do I do now. My car got totaled, but my insurance is going to pay me the whole value it's worth, but minus a deductible. Also, my sister and I are going to a back doctor because of some minor pains we started getting... People are telling me that I should do a small claims against the guy, but what exactly do I sue him for? And how? More info: He had no insurance, and the car wasn't his. My insurance doesn't cover health or rentals I believe. I'm located in California. Any help will be truly appreciated! Thank you!""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
""I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant, which insurance company would insure me if I just found out?""
So I just found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant, and I've been uninsured for the last 5 years, which health insurance will insure me if I JUST found out I'm pregnant?""
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
Hi, I need some insurance for my Ford Fiesta 1999. I have been looking at some insurance qoutes but there still VERY expensive ( Around 6000-10000 ) I would love to get around 2000 for my car as i know its possible but i just need to find a insurer. Does anyone know any? Thanks""
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?
1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?""
Braces cost without insurance ??!! HELPP!!! $4200???!!?
Apparently my teeth aren't severe enough for insurance to cover it, but i was told that i still need them. I tried Twice Now (16-17 yrs'ol) in NYC My teeth are similar to hers where on big tooth is a little pushed back and the other forward and the bottom is crowed & one tooth is sticking wayyy out of alignment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~lora/braces_decision.html Iwent to a dentist & they said i would have to pay 4200 for them. Obviously my mom is not going to pay that even with a payment plan, is this the usual cost for braces without insurance coving it ??!!!""
Quick question about car insurance?
I've been with a car insurance company for 3 years now and have been lucky enough to not have to file any claims with them, I just had my policy renewed and the premium went up about $100 from the previous year. Prior to this it had always gone down and when I called to ask why it went up they said because of an increase in claims in my area, now I know insurance has many factors such as the area you live in, and even if that is true I feel as if I should call and mention that I've had no claims in my three years with them, no tickets on my record and always pay my 6 month premium at once, would this be a useless attempt at getting them to lower my premium or could this possibly help me? I just don't want to seem like a fool on the phone.""
Best first cars? cheap to insure?
Best first cars? cheap to insure?
Which auto insurance company do you recommend?
I've had the following insurance and was not pleased: -Insure One (real insurance: Access American Casualty)=Cheap but HORRIBLE CLAIM PROCESS -Farmers Insurance Group: Pricey and more hidden fees hence had to switch because I felt like I was paying too much and getting scammed (I tried resolving the issue but rep said there is nothing we can do ). Currently I'm with GEICO and I am paying the same as I was with Farmers (except w/out the random charges), at this point I just want a RELIABLE and CLAIM FRIENDLY INSURANCE, which would you recommend?""
Which insurance company would you recommend?
I'm looking for a new insurance company for both my car and apartment insurance. Who do you recommend, and who should I stay away from? Reasons?""
How much does a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver ?
i would like to know how much a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver? im wanting to limit my options before i jump right into it. and what is the best insurance company to use??
If my gf and i have full coverage car insurance but not by the same company?
me and my gf have full coverage car insurance on our cars, but we have different car insurance companies. would she be able to drive my car as well as i drive her car? If we were to get in an car accident will our insurance cover it? even though we are driving different cars?""
How good is your health care insurance?
Are your premiums are too high, coverage too low, or you simply cannot afford healthcare insurance and have no coverage at all.. Do your elected officials have healthcare insurance? Of course they do. After all you voted for them to not only get more paid vacation days per year, work less days; not have worries about homelessness, hunger, gas prices, food prices, unemployment or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, retirement or health care insurance. In short you have voted in favor of them living better than you. Why should you be left out? Here is a start towards a solutuion. Now you too can be on your way to better healthcare coverage. Let's get America rolling again. - Lee Iacocca After all a goverment can only be as healthy as its citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this helps.""
""Young driver insurance, should I get a tracker on my car?""
hi, I am 18, male and have my test in 2 days, I have been looking at cars and insurance but no one will even give me a quote on normal insurance. I have found a 1.0l lupo 51 plate and got a quote for 3400 with the tracker thing that records speeds, acceleration, breaking and that? just wondering should i do that or what? I don't want to be limited too much and feel im being watched. Anyway, does anyone know any companies that will even give me a quote? I know its not going to be cheap because of my age and sex but a price would be nice without that annoying box thing or should I just take the tracker insurance? Thanks in advance""
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
What is the best type of life insurance to purchase?
I know nothing about life insurance but I would like to buy some to assure me and my kids will be taken care of in the event my husband passes. He only has one 1 issue which is Rheumatoid arthritis, otherwise in good health. . Me and my husband are both close to 50 years old. What is the best insurance to purchase? I know that term insurance expires. Does that mean if you do not pass within the term you do not get any money back that you have paid into it?. Thinking about a 250.000 dollar policy. Thank you.""
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
Medical i don't know whats share of cost? or good insurance? for pregnancy?
does any one who lives in the state of california and have medical undurstand what is share of cost? mine is $796.00 now i dont know if have to pay that monthly ? my husband is eligeble for insurance from his job but in 2 months and it will be 400.00 monthly so it will be less expensive im so confused im 3 months pregnant and i know it's soo expensive so i want to have it sort out before i give birth but im not sure what the best choice i try to apply to kaiser permanente but they denied me becuase im already pregnant? do you guys know what share of cost or where i can get insurance ?
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
I know insurance is very important, but I simply do not have the money right now to get a good plan. I have a minimum wage job, and I need to go to work and I need a way to get there. So I need the cheapest plan I can find. At least for now. These premiums are up to 500 a month and I really cant do that. Anybody know of a cheap cheap CHEAP car insurance company?""
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
Why isn't there an affordable Insurance with out a deductable?
I was raised on Insurance but now that I am an adult and moved away from my family I can't afford hospital visit or doctor visits or nothing. I look for insurance that I can afford but for the lowest deductible its to much and you have to pay the deductible first then pay the monthly payment. It just pisses me off that everything is so greedy!
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
I am 17 years old. I live in California. They have insurance for their cars,and I am licensed. Their insurance are Mercury,and AAA. thank you""
Car insurance? first car?
i have a '96 fiesta 1.1.its my first car. i cannot get insurance cheaper than 2000. it is garaged, minimal miles per year. any one know where i can get cheap insurance??""
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
How much does health insurance cost in the States - on average?
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
How much does it cost to add a person on ur insurance?
i was wondering how much it would cost to add someone with their permit on to ur car insurance, this dont have to be an exact number just and average number. If any of you know plz let me know cause i am trying to figure this out, thanks for your help.""
How and where do i find 'cheaper' car insurance? UK?
Im 20 , female and I will be 21 by time I get a car (hopefully). I really don't know where to find cheaper insurance. I tried confused.com but the max price is 3000! my friends who are younger than me get it at like 1500 and I don't know why or how. Also if I offer to pay the insurance in one lump sum , would it be cheaper? I'm looking for a Vauxhall corsa between 1.1 and 1.2 or maybe even lower engine. What other ways to get a cheaper quote? Please help. Driving is all I ever wanted to do and I might have a chance at it in this summer.""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Health Insurance: How Much Will COBRA cost me?
I'm not one who likes working for others, and I'm getting enrolled in my company's health insurance. It's only for me, and they'll wind up deducting like $160 per month from my paycheck. I'm looking to leave as soon as I can, but if I choose to maintain the insurance through COBRA, will it be close to around the $160 or is it likely to be much higher, like $300 or more? Is there any way I can find out at this time?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
Insurance questions: Allstate Insurance?
so i got in a car accident a week ago, other party's at fault , he have no insurance, now, a guy calling from all state asking me questions and have it recorded or something, so i told him to call and talk to my attorney, he called again saying that he have permission to talk to me, i told him tell my attorney to call me n tell me that. I never been in a car accident until now or have any experience in how insurance companies work, i'm onli 19. Do the insurance company usually call and ask you questions regarding the incident or is it all a hoax to get my statement recorded? Cause i have a little suspicion about that guy. I thought everything can handle with my attorney right,? and u don't have to do anything.""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Cost of health insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per year if I pay for myself instead of my employer paying for it? I would pay through my employer's group insurance and mine is a family of three (including a child of 4 yrs). I am a contractor and I will be moving through the country quite a bit in which case would the insurance rates be from the state from where the employer is from or should it be as per the state where i am residing? How does insurance cost vary from state to state?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
Texas car insurance for teens?
Im 17 and am a new driver. What is the average rate for car insurance for me in Twxas?
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
How much will my car insurance go up after my first ticket?
I'm 19 and live in VA and got my first speeding ticket tonight (77 in a 60). I've never been in an accident or anything before, but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about how much my insurance rate will go up? and will going to court/driving school affect what happens with the insurance rate, because otherwise i was just going to pay it online.. thaaaanks!""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Someone explain car insurance to me!?
Basically im helping my boyfriend look for cheap car insurance...The cheapest we found is on the co-op website BUT, having a little issue with costs and things. Basically it gives me a deposit amount of 500 then it gives me a monthly instalment of 250 and then it says how much in total it is. By the total though it says that there is interest of my credit charge of 200, what does this mean? that its been put in with the total amount/deposit or do i have to pay extra for it? if i do have to pay extra for it do i have to pay that monthly or all in one? SO CONFUSED!""
I pay 450$ for car insurance. Ridiculous!?
I am 20 yrs old, have a full license with no accidents or major tickets. How do they expect young people to survive? With gas at crazy prices i pay nearly 800$ a month on gas and car insurance. I drive a Honda Accord and i need the car due to my commitments. Any thoughts?""
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
Would insurance for a VW Golf be cheap or expensive?
I'm 17 years old currently doing driving lessons and I'm thinking about a VW Golf for my first car. Would the insurance be high or low and which engine size would be the best to start off with?
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
Why car insurance cards come in pair?
Just wondering why insurance identification cards come in pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y.
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Car insurance/van insurance?
My son 24 year old with 7 points .Trying to fet him car insurance cheaper than 1000.Also van insurance cheaper than 300. IN10 AND CD30 on his license .Does anyone know who could possibly beat these quotes .Thanks
Good place to buy car insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and just recently passed my driving test. Problem is, my Dad wants to put me down as a second driver on his car but it's a BMW sport with a 2L engine. The cheapest quote I could find is 4,500 annually, which my Dad is not prepared to pay of course. Some companies were even asking for 40,000 which is just a joke! I have been driving this car for over a year and now that I finally have my license, I'm pretty annoyed that I'm not able to drive the car that's just sitting outside. Anyone know any other routes I could take? Weekly car insurance? Monthly? Ideally I'd like to have a quotes of less than 1600 annually, but now it seems unlikely. Buying another car is not an option as I'm going to Uni in a couple of months and will not be needing it anymore. Any suggestions would be helpful, thanks.""
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
My car insurance is ridiculous!?
I am entering my 4th year of driving (22 yr old) with absolutely no claims and even with comparing market my car insurance goes up every year. New comparison has come out at over 2500 quid! I drive a 2.2 diesel but even on a little 1.0 aygo or similar car it is over a grand. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to quit driving. I have paid out over 8000 in insurance premiums with no claims and it is getting increasingly difficult to save for a house as you need around 30000 for a deposit.
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
Does anyone who is under 18 and doesn't have health coverage automatically qualify for MassHealth?
We live in Massachusetts and I previously heard that ANYONE who is under 18 and does not have health insurance will automatically qualify for the free state insurance, MassHealth. Does anyone know if this is true because it doesn't really specify online.""
Car insurance help - first time driver!?
First time driver :) I'm 19 & female. I'm hopefully getting a car by the end of the year. So I was just checking the general insurance prices (I know they change regularly, but I just wanted to see) Anyway, I typed all my information, I was the main driver (I didn't put my parents down as additional drivers either) and the cheapest price was 694.94 - would that have been for the year? It was full comp too. It also had a total excess price, what does that mean? I'm really confused; I though first time drivers had high insurance?? BQ: If I got my car within the next month; then asked my dad to teach me, would I then be able to take a couple lessons with an instructor before I took my test? Or would I need to have all my lessons with an instructor? Thanks!""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
Health insurance?
What is the best bet? Who is the best company? who should i see about this? an insurance agent? How to find good?
Im depressed because i cant get good price on car insurance :(?
I am 21 old male. I passed my driving test 5 months ago and my premium is way too high because I have 3 points on my licence. They were not displaying L plates. I really feel bad because my parents don't drive and I think it would be great to help out with the shooping at least. car insurance is coming up as 3000 and i cant afford. I really want to be there for my parents and drive to work in the early mornings. :( any ideas?
How do car insurance companies evalulate your insurance?
I am living in the UK and i use one of those car comparison websites to find the cheapest car insurance, (I've entered hundreds of cars make/models) But i still don't have a clue as to how car insurers operate for e.g i used confused.com to find the cheapest insurance on a >1997, BMW 3 series, 1.8, convertible, manual, petrol, value of car 2500.00 & the cheapest insurance quote they find for me is 1136.72, on third party fire & theft >1989, Nissan Micra, 1.0 manual, petrol, value of car 75.00, & the cheapest quote they find for me is 1641.88??????????????? on third party fire & theft ALL of my other circumstances stay the same, address, millage, what type of car alarm and tracker i will use, what the car will be used for everything is the same I was under the impression that the more bigger the car, the more powerful the engine, the more likelihood of the car been stolen will be the more expensive one on the insurance (The BMW) So why in Gods name is the Micra's insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
What is a good car insurance for florida state for a 23 year old female?
How much will health insurance cost me?
I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?""
Who's responsible for rental car insurance after an accident?
Last month my car was run into in a parking lot while I was shopping. No question who was at fault. We exchanged information and I contacted their insurance company. Their insurance agreed to pay for all repairs and the rental. However, they did wouldn't pay for the insurance on the rental, claiming it is my responsibility. I only have liability, so the additional insurance cost $8.99 per day, in the end I had to pay $360. I'm wondering if now I can take this to the people who hit me, since if they had not hit me, I wouldn't be out $360. Could I demand them to pay it, maybe even take it to small claims?""
Why did health insurance prices double in the last 5 years and not car insurance?
family health insurance plans went from 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during Bush's administration. Health insurance is quickly becoming the average American's #1 cost, soon to exceed rent.""
Where can I find car insurance for my situation?
I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?""
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Need suggestion for health insurance?
Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?""
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
Cost for car insurance for a teenager?
I'm 17 right now and don't really need a car (I do have a license though). When I'm 18 I will NEED the car to commute to and from college. How much is it going to cost to get insured - possibly to be added to a parent's plan? I've taken driver's ed, have a high gpa... what else can I do to lower the cost? PS. I'll probably be driving a 1995 Geo Metro.""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How much is insurance on a 2003 Acura RSX type S?
I'm a 16 year old boy and am looking for that as my first car. I've done drivers ed and have good grades, but im still worried insurance will be killer. Can anyone give me a realistic yearly figure for insurance? Thanks .""
How can i make my car insurance be less?
hey guys how can i make my car insurance go lower and be less ?
Do you have life insurance?
If so, at what age did you obtain your policy? How much did you purchase? How much do you pay a month? Is it a Term or Permanent?""
Drive like a girl insurance help?
Im due to take my driving test next month (all goes well) and my parents are VERY keen to get the cheapest insurance quote possible (they are arabs, they will find it.. lol) Anyway I have recently discovered the 'drive like a girl' insurance company and after reading through it decided it looked really good. as I haven't got my full license yet I cant get a quote from them, so for anyone who has insurance with them- could you please give me a price estimate?! I live in a good area just outside of London so im lucky with my quotes. I have an X Reg Ford Ka and most of my quotes have been around 2000 but I have had one at 1600 and another at 1795. Both of those were without telematics box which is why im looking at one now. I cant have one with time restrictions- mainly because I sometimes work until 11 at night and I also care for my sick brother who may need to be driven to the hospital in the middle of the night (would this matter?) Thanks guys for taking the time to read and answer this question.""
""I just turned 18 and I don't want to take driver's ed, how much will my car insurance go up?""
Due to multiple arrests, I wasn't able to get my license until I turned 18. Well now I'm 18 and able to get my license, I don't have the money for driver's ed though. I was just wondering how much my car insurance would go up if I don't take driver's ed.""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Which Car Insurance is Known to have the Cheapest Quotes/Rates?
Looking for a car insurance company that's a little easy on a 20 yr. old's pocket.
""First car, low insurance group, modifications, help?""
Just asking for a few suggestions for a first car, second/third hand not too expensive 2000-3000 max, however i would like to add modifications to it such as alloys and lowered suspension. Have you any ideas for what car would be cheapest and if possible what UK driving insurance company? Thanks :)""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
Live in different states then parent: Car insurance?
Do I have to live in the same state as my dad to have my car under his insurance? I live in NC and he lives in SC if that makes a difference. Thank you!!
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
Whats the best cheapest insurance in fresno?
i just had my first speeding ticket, im 20 going to school n working n i am going to finance a 2011 cruze LT, i want a good but affordable insurance, any suggestions?""
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
How much is car insurance on a Nissan 350z?
What are some good health insurance companies in CA for self employed people?
We mainly are looking at it for medical needs. Dental would be nice, but its not necessary. And vision isn't necessary at all.""
Health insurance in california?
i really need health insurance i have a really bad sinus problem & ADD i already had a surgery in the past for my sinus problem and i had healthy families insurance and they paid for it and they used to pay the office visits too my mom only paid $5 copay and since i turned 19 i cant have that insurance anymore is the some other insurance that is full coverage and is not very expensive? i already tried getting medical but did not qualify and i dont have a job because everyone is getting laid off over here
If i drive less than 40 miles a day am I really entitled to more affordable car insurance?
You probably notice these ads on yahoo saying if you drive less than 40 miles you are entitled to cheap insurance to click on their ads to find out more. I was wondering if that true, what 's the trick?""
Will my parents' Geico insurance rate go up if I (uninsured) get into an accident?
I got into an accident today which was my fault and damaged the front lights area. The car I was in is my mom's who is covered with Geico. Geico will cover all the damages done for this car and the other one involved, but will the insurance go way up? By how much?""
Car Insurance question?
about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate
How much would car insurance be?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old male first time driver driving a car cost around 1200 1.2l engine
Insurance on this car?
Ok so I was looking on Craigs list, I'm thinking of buying my first car in a few months. I have a lot of money saved up. Theres a 1996 Taurus LX for sale for $1800. It has 119,000 miles on it, and it gets 25mpg. I'll only have this car until I go to college, because I can't take it up to Boulder with me. College is two years away. However, if I do go to Boulder, I'll only be two hours away from home, so when I come home I might want to have the car. What would you say the insurance would be on this car, so basically how much would I have to pay per year for insurance. We are not thinking about repairs or gas here, just insurance.""
Cheap car insurance! help please.?
I need to get new car insurance but im not sure where to go. My insurance is about to expire and i don't want to stay with them because its at about $230 a month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show more
Why is health insurance important?
Why is health insurance important?
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
What make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on?
what make and model is the cheapest car to get insurance on? for a 22year old female
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