#and jasper muse????
daisyfield98 · 6 months
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crispyliza · 22 days
I bet in the far off future there's gonna be a Twilight reboot where Edward died of Covid 19 instead of the Spanish flu.
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sagethegaywitch · 9 months
My Muse
Male Artist x Male Reader
TW: yandere behavior, suggestive
Genre: suggestive, yandere
Just a small idea to get them brain juices flowing and get back into writing. Hope you enjoyed.
Y/N's Pov
You took the job as a joke, really. The little sum of money that the art teacher promised did help a bit though, but you started to have instant regret when the art teacher handed you a literal white sheet as your costume. He insisted that the class was structured around the natural form of the human body and the movement of fabric, and that the toga was necessary for the job. You awkwardly stood on a small stool, surrounded by the art students. You felt nervous with all these eyes watching your every move, but you stuck with the pose that the art teacher forced you into. You carefully adverted your eyes, choosing to stare at the clock, counting down the minutes until you could leave.
Jasper's Pov
I can't believe he's actually here. I can't calm the shaking of my hands as I drop my eraser again. As I lean forward to pick it off the floor, I try to angle my head to see up the short dress, but I fail and quickly grab the eraser before it becomes awkward. I don't know if it was a good idea to sit up front so I could see Y/N up close, I can't seem to contain my excitement. I furrow my brows in concentration as I try to properly portray the god in front of me. I push my dark bangs out of my face before adjusting my glasses on my nose as I glance up to the male. I finish the stroke that completes his left arm, and I lean back to get a good look at my finished product. But, I hastily erase his face, not believing that I fully captured his beauty. I stare at his face, trying to commit it to memory before attempting to to try again. After a few minutes of intense gazing, I move my pencil across the page, finally satisfied with the outcome. I let out a content sigh, the assignment now completed, I can truly appreciate Y/N's barely clothed body. The way the white cloth brightens his skin and hugs his curves. The way the toga barely reaches mid-thigh, and the way he nervously glances down at us. Gods, he so cute. I barely notice that I'm rubbing my thighs together to get some friction as my pants tighten, but I'm startled out of my more graphic fantasizes as the school bell scares me. Y/N lets out a barely auditable puff of air, as he quickly steps off the stool and walks to the teacher. I quickly shove my materials back into my bag as I watch the male adjust the toga as he talks with the teacher. I regret having to walk away from my love, but to compensate, I start to plan how I'm going to visit him in his dorm again tonight.
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mythic-rose · 4 months
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❝ — "We're criminals, right? So let's be criminals."
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 9/100: Jasper Jordan
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strikersunindie · 4 months
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"Hey, you're scaring off all the chicks. Think it's time you get cut off," said Elijah to the patron at the bar. He'd had many jobs in his long life, so bouncing at a bar was no issue whatsoever. It was also great "hunting grounds" for his urges for a certain side of him. The one in front of him was cute and pretty, until he opened his mouth. Even though the stranger was giving off the douche personality, Elijah did want to give the other the chance to back off and calm down. Alcohol did bring out the worst in people after all, so perhaps that was the cause. Of course, the other wanted to fall right into his stereotypical role.
"Like I said. It's time for you to pay your tab and finish drinking," he said as he stared hard into those pretty blue eyes. Anyone else would think Elijah was just intimidating, but the other would see a swirl inside the grey eyes. "Go on. Then come right back here. You want to make it up to me for giving me trouble inside that pretty fancy car you rolled up in," he ordered before ending the compulsion.
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thirtecnth · 2 months
@endlessreruns / closed event starter / jasper larkin setting: the lake
"Quick, hide me. She's gotta be pissed and I'm trying to stay out of the warpath."
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ceephorsshitshow · 2 years
I know I thought it before but a toss into the void shower thought:
Steven's fusions all have some kind of entertainer vibe to them, or something that would be entertainment to a kid.
Smokey with trick yoyos.
Sunstone is every 90s cartoon PSA I can remember
Rainbow 2.0 is a walking Disney character
Obsidian is shameless anime shiz straight out of any Digimon/ yugioh Era.
AU logic would make it so Pink Onyx (Jasper) would be comic book superhero vibes. Like Superman the animated series vibes
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rufficns · 6 months
       ↳       fabrique bakery.    :      jasper   &   utp  !
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it reminded him of their previous life, back in manchester with the grey drizzle lashing at the windows of their family bakery. it was almost sickening, that their moonlit secret was shrouded beneath the façade of pastel colours and fancy pastries. perhaps it had been a blessing in disguise that the entire finch family were forced to up and leave, to abandon the building without notice, leaving stand mixers to gather dust. there he was, gazing at the selection of cakes and rolls, nibbling on the inside of his cheek as he tried to decide what to order alongside his hot chocolate. "excuse me?" his hand raised in a rare act of bravery, bolstered by his interactions with a cute boy earlier that week, "do you have any recommendations?" @insidiousncss
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whispercddesires · 2 days
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stingslikeabee · 3 days
Wes and Mel, and/or Broden and Mel? 🥺👉👈
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Jasper Broden. Gender: Male. General appearance: Tall, lanky, graceful - there is a lot about Jasper that outright denounces his parentage given how amazingly like his father he is. They share the same body type, height and even keep their hair somewhat similarly. To those who were friendly with Broden as a young man (even before the time he spent in the army), they are all convinced that Jasper is his spitting image. Personality: Jasper is often described as creative and unique - he is the type of child that was fortunate to be surrounded by material comfort (since both his parents were accomplished business owners) and to live in a time where no threat of war existed (with Shinra presumably gone and world order being more peaceful after the fall of Midgar). Besides, being a native to Kalm exposed him to the city's artistic environment from a very early childhood - his interest in drawing and designing made him someone with a different outlook on life. Jasper is not as sociable as his mother and neither embraces the adventures of his father as former military - he is content to be in his head and to express himself differently through fashion. Special talents: Naturally gifted for the arts - particularly the visual ones. Jasper draws beautifully (and often), both as a hobby and as part of his career as a designer. Many people actually thought he would go on to be an architect given his keen interest in many of the Kalm landmark buildings (and the family-owned hotel was no exception), but he ended up in a different path. He dabbles in painting and sculpting, but solely as past-times. One thing he enjoys doing and which is definitely an influence from Melissa is gardening - he takes good care of the plants of the hotel and is fond of visiting local flower shops for fresh bouquets (and inspiration). Who they like better: Contrary to popular belief, it's his mother. Despite Melissa's personality being on the extroverted and energetic side, Jasper was influenced by her fashion style from a young age and always had her as some sort of role model and reference. Melissa actively fostered and encouraged him to follow his own dreams and made sure he knew he was loved and cared for regardless of how difficult social interactions were for him at times. He is very fond of his father, too - but Broden's own life experiences made him a more reserved person, which tends to prevent genuine connection sometimes given how equally quiet Jasper can be. Who they take after more: Definitely Broden - from looks to the calm demeanor and the quiet but pleasing voice tone, the similarities are astonishing. As Jasper got older, the comments in relation to how he reminds everyone of his father's younger days turned into a daily occurrence. However, there are certain differences - Jasper's spirit is more on the creative side, very conflict-averse and less sociable. He would have never enlisted for war or volunteered to run a family business with a client-facing role. He is aware of the privileges that stability has granted him, though - and willing to help from the back-office as necessary. Personal Headcanon: Jasper enjoys collecting old things from the Republic of Junon. From personal items that have survived (such as pocket watches and compact mirrors) to bits and pieces from old electronics and gadgets, there is something about non-Shinra technology that fascinates him. Jasper always claimed they were more aesthetically pleasing and smartly crafted - and whenever possible, he goes to little auction houses or bids on these items online to make sure his collection continues to thrive. Faceclaim: Erin Mommsen.
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charlotte-liddel · 3 months
// @lacedmagic
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"Okay, the sweet girl I expect, but the guy with the stick up his butt I can't figure out being here."
Yes, she's more judging Jasper here than Lacie. Lacie looks like the sort who would like the milkshakes.
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anunkindncss · 7 months
Jasper laid there... Fuming for all intent and purpose. "So you flirt... run around all night... and I'm just supposed to let you in here and pretend like it's me you want?" Well, if they were gonna make an effort... "Why don't you stop the chit chat... and show me it's me you want most."
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
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#colacoins450 icons - part 2 ! (pt 1 here)
Jasper, Homestuck, Pleutepartic - @heavenly-passing
Nepeta Leijon, Homestuck, Crepumothic - @neopronouns
Virutal Venus, NightL1V3, Sanctiflor - @heavenly-passing
The Girl In Black, Muse Dash, Blackflowersymbolix - @the-coiner-prince
Apprentice Cat, Dappervolk, Apprenticecatgender - @princegender
Bede, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Polteageistic - @botbinary
Jade Harley, Homestuck, Mysteryplantlific - @decayedgender
Sherlock Holmes, Elementary, Confemysteric - @voidcoining
Fluttershy, My Little Pony, Daffapetalgender - @imagining-sweetness
Merlin, Seven Deadly Sins, Divissgender - @imagining-sweetness
Nene Kusanagi, Project SEKAI, Fleullic - @despoir
Marija, Muse Dash, Fliesinajaric - @revenant-coining
Meenah Peixes, Homestuck, Mysteryess - @succullusion
Buro, Muse Dash, Damseladygender - @imagining-sweetness
Eridan Ampora, Homestuck, Magicalmysteric - @princegender
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sinsoakedsaints · 5 months
i ain't an angel, you ain't heaven-sent / can't wash our hands of this / i had some help / it ain't like i can make this kinda mess all by myself / don't act like you ain't help me pull that bottle off the shelf / been deep in every weekend if you couldn't tell / they say, "teamwork makes the dream work" / hell, i had some help.
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thirtecnth · 30 days
@endlessreruns / closed starter / jasper larkin setting: main street
Lilith was on her merry way to get a soda when she stopped in one of the shop windows and noticed a few hairs out of place. She tidied up the reflection, braiding her hair on either side before she noticed another person had joined her in the reflection. “Hey Jasper,” she said, tying off one side. “I promise, I’m not as crazy as I look, my hair was just a wreck.”
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dogsrotten · 5 months
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"you know , if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes ."
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