#and ive never had muslims try to convert me in malaysia or anywhere like it has never ever happened
handweavers · 2 months
there are few things that viscerally upset me more than when i tell someone i'm sikh and they immediately try to convert me to christianity, it is one of the most disrespectful racist awful shitty things anyone could do to me and i don't have the words to articulate exactly why it always upsets me so much because it's not even due to piety or anything, i'm sahajdhari i'm far from being a dedicated pious sikh, my mom is christian and i was partly raised by christians it's not even about the religion itself but its like. it feels like imperial violence idk how to say it, like i'm telling you i'm from an indigenous ethnoreligion and you are like 'can i colonize you' dead seriously it's so violating in such a personal visceral way like you are telling me to my face that you think my grandparents and ancestors don't matter at all and you don't respect them or me whatsoever, it's unforgivable to me
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