#and ive never fucking learned how to write short hcs
calciumdeficientt · 1 month
how do you think bif interacts in casual conversation, especially with those he's sincerely close with?
as an infrequent fanfiction Reader i'm struggling to write him
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY I CAN!!!!111!!!!1!!!! Ive really started to love Bif, i guess its because ive managed to fight the theatre kid demon in me back with a broom and get over the fact that his VA is Andrew Rannells
I’m not gonna mince words here, i think once you get to know Bif Taylor you come to realise he’s a total fucking loser. Like, once he’s comfortable enough to drop the champ persona, you really do find out that the real Bif is just a teenage boy. Not that he’s boring or anything, you can definitely hold a pretty good conversation with him. He’s just… kinda pathetic.
Okay maybe pathetic isn’t the right word, but i think he puts a lot of emphasis on his sporting achievements, especially when he’s talking to someone who’s not in the prep clique. It’s a status symbol that he flaunts to separate the wheat from the chaff. But obviously, that doesn’t work on other preppies. They know Bif well, he can’t just talk about how he’s the champ all the time. They know you won again Bif, they were all there, remember? Think of something else to talk about
I think he frequently finds himself short of stuff to say, his interests dont always align with what the other preps enjoy doing, so he probably just choses to listen actively in casual conversation with the other preps and piggyback off of whatever they choose to talk about. Often this ends up being sort of vague statements on the topic to try and pry some information out of the other party. Oh, Bryce went to Bali in winter break, its hot there this time of year isn’t it? Oh great, he’s talking about mosquitoes, prefect now gently slide in the new pharmaceutical company your father just co-opted. Excellent, well done Bif.
One easy topic of conversation is derby, not so much rumours or bitchiness or anything like that, just recounting time spent with derby. He is around him enough that it takes up a good amount of real estate in Bif’s brain. He’s always careful who he speaks about Derby’s personal private affairs with because he’s aware of the the ever looming threat of mutiny from preps who feel badly done to in terms of their leader. Bryce is the only one who Bif can really slag derby off to, then again its never actually anything nasty. It’s more just venting that he had to carry all of derby’s shopping bags, pay for lunch and go and fetch the balls Derby had putted over to the other side of Golf and Yacht because poor Derby’s feet were a little sore from his new loafers.
Now, drunk Bif is where its at, he eases up a lot more and talks freely about his less prep friendly interests. Usually to Justin, he knows Justin is keen to learn all about sports. Bif is usually eager to get drunk after standing for so long on the door playing bouncer. He’s usually tied and more than happy to sit, drink and be merry. And he gets very VERY merry. Red faced, where does the hair end and the skin start, shirt inside out shoes mismatched drunk. He’s loud and bold and laughs himself half to death over every little thing. Drunk Bif is kinder than sober Bif, but equally as receptive. One major change is volume, he yells like he’s in a busy club even if there’s only about four people in the room.
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mysticmikalla · 6 years
oMG i'm so excited!!! would it be okay if i request some angst between jumin and the f!mc? i'm always seeing the bois getting jealous over mc, but never the other way around. so for this request could you please write a scenario of jumin blatantly letting another business woman flirt with him and him (out of pure business interest lmao bcs old habits die hard) flirting back? and mc/reader gets mad/jealous and idk just like arguing, and mc not talking to him, and like just angst but fluff (+)
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Aye aye, thank you!!!! Your angsty but fluffy wish is my command!
It wasn’t as if you were blind to all the stares Jumin got from women all around him
Hell, they even shamelessly flirted with him when you two were out together, disregarding your presence completely and undressing him with their eyes right there in front of you
But you never really let it get to you, because the more they came onto him, they more he shut them out using polite words but  ruthlessly enough so they’d know better than to try again
So you were never bothered by it, not really
Not until he gave you a reason to be
It was as if you were invisible, standing behind him and listening to words hinting affection that weren’t directed at you, but at a neatly-dressed woman with lustful intentions in her eyes
You knew that look too well, it was how every woman looked at him, but it was Jumin’s tone that felt foreign
Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest as the woman walked away with a smug smile plastered onto her face, probably satisfied at the mutual affection she had gotten from the handsome corporate prince 
Jumin adjusted his tie and slowly turned around, a small smile rising on his lips upon seeing you
“Hello, my love.” He greeted you cheerfully 
But when he approached you to give you a peck on the lips, he was met with your cheek instead
“Is something the matter?” He his brows pulled together in a frown, searching for your gaze
But you stubbornly refuse to look at him, your skin crawling with jealously and mistrust
“Who was that just now?”
He titled his head at your question, wondering what it had anything to do with your cold greeting
He’d actually had nearly forgotten he had been talking to someone prior to you. The conversation being so bland and routine that it escaped his mind almost immediately after seeing you
“She is the owner of a famous coffee business looking to expand to Korea,” he explained, “We might soon close a deal with her if everything in her end works out.”
“Does the deal involve you entertaining her advances towards you?”
He studied your face, perplexed to find your brows pulling together and eyes narrowing as you spoke
“Is that what has been troubling you?”
You scoffed, “Seeing your fiance flirting with another woman isn’t exactly the best feeling in the word, you know?”
Jumin has taken aback by the sudden harshness of your tone, “I didn’t do it out of malice, MC. It’s simply a business deal.”
“Not to me!” You argued, “You don’t have to come onto them to get a deal done. You make deals with businessmen all the time just fine without it.”
“It is just a business deal, my love. You are being irrational about this.”
He reached for you one more time, but you pulled away from him, too irritated to allow yourself to feel his touch
“I’m not being irrational! I can’t believe you would do that for the sake of a deal!”
“It’s what I’ve always done. I have never had a problem with it.”
“But that was before…. you know, me. Us.”
Jumin meant no harm by what he said, but it felt like someone knocked the air out of you as he uttered those words
“Nothing has changed.”
You blinked at him, taking a few seconds before fully processing his words. Nothing had changed?
After everything you had been through and all the things he said to you over the course of your relationship, nothing had changed?
You shook your head, a disbelieving sigh escaping you lips, “Nothing has changed, huh?”
“That’s not what I meant-”
You waved him off, “I know exactly what you meant. I’m going home, Jumin.”
“I thought you were spending the weekend at the penthouse?”
“I change my mind, I don’t want to be with you right now. I want to be alone.”
It was his own heart that fell too big for his chest right now, threatening to suffocate his lungs
“Let’s talk about this, you are not thinking straight right now.”
“You’re the one not thinking straight when it comes to women,” you spat, regretting your words immediately after they left your lips, “You’re just like your father.”
Just like your father? Really, MC?! You cursed yourself all the way home, wanting to smash your head into the wall for being so goddamn stupid
You got in the shower once you made it to your empty apartment hoping to relieve your stress, movements as heavy as your heart, Out of all the things you could say to him, you choose that! How fucking heartless are you?!
And when you curled up in your bed, thinking about how you should be with him right now, you muttered, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
You had never seen that look of betrayal in his eyes before, and it would not leave your mind as you tossed and turned, hopelessly attempting to fall asleep
You had never been one to lash out like that, to purposely hurt someone because they hurt you. But jealously made you blind, wanting him to feel what you had, to hurt him as he had hurt you
But, hah! Joke’s on you, MC, you feel even worse now
He had called several times and sent innumerous texts, either asking for forgiveness or for a chance to talk
You didn’t reply to single one of them, out of shame and lack of words to say to him. He didn’t even try to stop you as you left the C&R building, probably too hurt or angry at your words to chase after you
You wanted to be alone, but you didn’t want to feel alone. And right now, the feeling was eating you away as you replayed the downwards tugging of lips when you used something he entrusted you his feelings towards against him
Stupid, MC, stupid, you damned yourself before finally drifting off into a restless slumber
Jumin woke up tired the next day
Mornings were usually when he was most productive, but even willing himself out of bed was an exhausting challenge
He was usually a quiet sleeper, but now his bed sheets were all over the place from moving too much during his sleepless night
As he would begin to drift off, Jumin tried reaching for you across the bed, only to be met with your cold pillow bitterly reminding him that you weren’t there
You were probably home alone, and knowing you, you probably spent the same restless night as he did
And it was his fault
He couldn’t believe he had been so naive. Of course you were hurt, he could now see your reason for being so
If only he had realized it sooner and apologized instead of being stubborn, you two would have shared a night of laughter and passion, but that was an impossibility now
His heart sunk a little lower each time he got your voicemail, and he restlessly checked his messages, hoping to see your reply, even if they were harsh words
Anything was better than your deafening silence. It was as if he was transported to the time before he met you, and it was suffocating how Jumin couldn’t share his thoughts with you
You had visited him on a Friday, and with Sunday evening quickly approaching, he made his mind to go to your apartment despite your wishes to be alone
He was expecting you to yell at him, to be so upset you wouldn’t answer the door when he knocked, to even cuss him out
Jumin was not expecting you to be at the other side of the door of his penthouse, about to knock
There was a moment of silence when your eyes met, him being surprised that you were there and you searching for hurt or anger in his eyes
“I was on my way to see you.” It was him who spoke first
“I guess I beat you to it,” you gave him a soft smile, and he swore his heart immediately felt a thousand pounds lighter upon seeing it, “Jumin, I-”
“Let’s talk inside.” He stepped aside so you could enter. Having you in his house was a feeling he knew he would never fully get used to. Not only were you safe, you were with him, you were there for him
The house felt cold and empty in your absence, and only now did he realize how much you truly made it a home
“I’m sorry.” You breathed once he shut the door behind you. He kept his distance,  painfully remembering how you didn’t want to be touched by him few days prior
“There is no need for you to be sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing.” 
“N-no. What I said to you…No matter how hurt I was, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry, I can’t believe I said that to you, I didn’t mean it. You’re nothing like your father when it comes to that, and I hate myself for saying it.”
His eyes softened while you spoke, and temptingly he stretched his hand out for you to take. Relieved that you didn’t reject his touch again, he gently pulled you towards him, “Please don’t hate yourself, my love, I know you didn’t mean it. But I understand why you said it. I wasn’t thinking of how it would affect you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You murmured against his chest, “I know you didn’t mean it, either. I may have overreacted a bit, I’m sorry.”
He placed a tender the top of your head, “I’m the one who acted irrationally, not you. I guess I was doing what I had always done, and I didn’t consider that you might not be okay with it. It was selfish of me to say that nothing changed.”
Jumin brushed your hair over your ear so he could see your face better, and tilting your chin up, he murmured, “Everything has changed. You have no idea of the impact you’ve had in my life. I’m ten times the person I used to be because of you, MC, and I don’t think I’ve properly thanked you enough for staying by me all this time.”
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I was an idiot for doing what I did, I know I would be hurt if I saw you do the same.”
“I would never do that.”
“I know,” he chuckled, “Which is one of the many reasons why you’re so much better than me.”
You nuzzled further into the warmth of the embrace, feeling his chest rise up and down as he breathed, “That’s not true. We’re both still learning how to do this.”
“I guess we are,” he agreed, drawing circles with his thumb in between your shoulder blades, “You must be tired, what do you say we finish this chat in the bedroom? We have a whole weekend of catching up to do.”
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Hi! Could you write hcs for poly bakusquad with a quirkless reader who has a serious independent streak but has recently been a target for villain attacks and got injured, but refuses to rely on anyone and tries to ignore their pain and take care of everyone else, please?
This is gonna be a little angsty
• First- it annoyed bakugou that you, someone /quirkless/ made it into the hero class
• On pure fucking spite and anger alone
• You didn't even particularly want to get in to UA
• It was just something you chose to prove someone wrong about
• and it fucking aggravated him- more than aggravated him
• Inspired Deku though, he hated that even more
• and he isn't surebhow- but he ended up talking to you and suddenly you're part of his friend group and he's /okay/ with that
• that irks him too.
• and a lot of things are uncovered when y'all are friendly w eachother
• and they learn pretty fucking fast about your independent streak
• and when you all started dating (crazy how they managed that) they thought it might go away- only it didn't.
• You never asked for help, regardless of what it was- you'd handle it on your own.
• You got hurt during training? Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
• Failed a test? You'd disappear for a few days to study and retake it.
• Didn't know what you were doing in a particular subject? You'd teach it to yourself.
• Aizawa had heard the words 'help' ONCE and he was limited to the help you'd allow him to give you .
• You trained your ass off everyday, you worked hard in school, you took no shit- it was obvious you felt like you had something to prove.
• Bakugou felt like he was a partial reason for that and it made him feel like shit.
• He wasn't exactly the kindest to you when classes started in first year.
• But he was concerned.
• They were all concerned.
• recently, you'd been stressed out. They could tell, even if you weren't giving them signs.
• On top of that, you'd become a big target for villains and no one knew why.
• it seemed like both you and midoryia were a magnet for assholes in masks
• And they tried talking to you about it, they do.
• Denki brings it up, he's holding your hand, Kirishima is threading his fingers through your hair and Seros behind you, holding your waist. Mina is in between your legs, resting her head on your chest and bakugou is at the end of the bed.
• And Denki asks if you need help- whether its coping with it- or dealing with it while its happening- or trying to figure out /why/ they're attacking you
• and you blow him off "it doesn't matter, i'll deal with it if it happens again."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when." Bakugou glares.
"Okay, then when it happens again, I'll deal with it."
"That's fucking stupid," he growls.
Kami squeezes your hand gently. "Maybe we should have a plan-" he glares at Bakugou.
"I was fine last time. Don't do this."
"Do what? Offer fucking help?" Bakugou snaps and Mina cringes. She grips your shirt. She knows what's going to happen, she knows you're going to stomp off to think- it could be a few hours or it could be days. Sometimes, if she held something on you, you'd stay. She hoped this was the case.
"Your fucking pity." You seeth. "I don't need it. I can take care of myself."
"Baby we didn't-" kiri starts but you're already sliding off the bed.
"Babe," Sero looks at you. "please come talk about it,"
You say nothing, and let the door close behind you.
"Fuck." Mina sighs
• Its 2 days.
• 2 days before you resurface, calm and collected, like nothing happened.
• but you're busy- you're training harder. Much harder, you're pushing yourself past your limits and its obvious
• they were already impressed. Theg already knew you could take care of yourself. Why couldn't you see that?
• you push and push and push
• and they don't see as much of you
• when they do see you at the end of the night, you always look exhausted
• and you put on the same fucking front each time
• you smile and laugh and kiss them goodnight but they can see you're in pain
• they don't even get a chance to talk about it with you
• because the next thing they know
• theyre in another attack and youre in the center of it
• You're fighting and you're holding him off but you aren't going to last much longer
• You were tired from the day before- you hadn't gotten proper sleep- and he was strong
• It's all kind of a blur, really, you're thrown a lot, youre bleeding
• he had you by the neck at the end, you were clawing at his hands and he was laughing
• your mates weren't exactly in the best shape either- after all, the attack had happened in the middle of the night
• A strong kick to the center of his nose seemed to do the trick. There was a sickening crack and his hand loosened and he fell back.
• When you regained youre senses you froze- he wasn't breathing.
• you /killed/ him.
• Your stomach churned and suddenly all the pain you felt increased ten fold.
• You scrambled to stand up, Mina was the first one you saw and you fell to your knees in front of her, cupping her cheeks. "Baby? Baby you okay?"
"M fine, but you're not, that's a lot of blood." She looked up at you her eyes wide. "Baby that's a lot-"
"I'm okay, I promise."
• She wanted to yell and scream and you, she wanted to hit you and telling to just accept help but you'd already stood up, moving to look around for the others.
• Denki was next, you met him with a hug and a short but desperate kiss. "You okay?" You whisper, brushing your thumb over his bruised cheek. Mina was behind you now, gently brushing her fingers through the blondes hair, but she stepped away when she saw Kiri and Bakugou.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," he smiked softly.
"Eiji? Katsu?" You mumbled.
"They're okay, they're fine. You don't look so good though."
"M- M okay.." you mutter. Youre tired now. Standing here is nice. You're dizzy- Ashido was right. That was a lot of blood.
Your eyes close and your weight falls.
"Hey- Hey- Jesus! Guys! Katsuki! I don't- I can't tell if she's breathing-"
• You wake up in the hospital 2 days later.
• Mina's in the bed with you, hand thrown gently over your thighs. Sero and Denki are on the left side, heads down, eye's closed and arms over your shin.
• Kiris got your left hand in his, another hand in Minas hip.
• Bakugous on the right side, arms crossed and head down.
• and youre confused because why the fuck are you here?
• what happened?
• you miss Katsukis voice next to you when it all comes back
• and you can't help but scramble to sit up and suddenly you can't breathe
• youre not sure how long you zoned out, but when you finally get back, there's two nurses
• ones replacing and IV bag
• and the other is checking your tempature, you think.
• theres another needle stick in your arm but you can't pay mind to it right now.
• the warmth around you was gone and you desperately wanted it back.
• they weren't in the room anymore
• and when the nurses cleared the room, the tears spilled over.
• your brought your hands to cover your face and your head fell back.
• five minutes? 10 minures? Later there was a gentle tap on your shoulder
• it was ashido
• your arms were around in her seconds
• "You okay?" She whispered as the others took their spots around the bed.
"No," you shook your head. "I killed him- and and I could've gotten you guys hurt because I didn't listen," your breathing had started to get faster again.
"Hey, it's okay. Just breathe," she soothes, thumbs stroking your cheeks.
"I can't- I- fuck /help me/-" you gasp out
• It takes awhile, but they managed to calm you down.
• Ashido just holds you, she lets you cry, and Kiri reminds you that you're okay
• they do most of the comforting usually
• when you're breath has finally started to even out, and you can feel the pain again, you know you'll be asleep soon from the pain meds.
"How bad was it?" You whisper, hands still gripling Minas shirt.
"Bad." Katsuki spoke. "You stopped breathing when we got you here."
Sero rubbed his face. "You needed a blood transfusion. They weren't entirely sure how it was going to end."
"You were...you were just standing in my arms and then you weren't moving. And then you weren't answering-" denki breathed. "There was blood everywhere."
"What about you guys?"
"Can you just stop?" Katsuki groaned. "Can you just let us worry about /you/? Let us help. Don't ask about us. You almost /died/ and your only fucking thought is us. Why?" He was crying, head down, hands gripping his pants.
"He's got a point. It's okay to ask for help," kirishima whispers. "So why don't you?"
• you're quiet for a few moments.
• do you go into detail.
• or do you dodge the question.
• ultimately, the fear of losing them outweighed any shame you would have felt
• "its hard not having a quirk." You mumble, eyes down. "Quirks are practically currency. And power is highly valued. I don't have that. I don't have any of that. I'm in a constant risk of being replaced and if I ask for help, they know I'm weak. I can't ask for help."
• And they all feel their hearts shatter a little bit.
• Bakugou had poked fun at you for quite some time in first year for not having a quirk.
• and Denki wasn't much better- neither was Sero. They'd make jokes about how fast you'd drop out.
• Bakugou would break a little bit, reminding you that you weren't weak. You still being alive was proof of that.
• and slowly
• slowly you get accustomed to ask for help.
• its not necessarily with words- sometimes they ask and you just nod
• or you ask in your own way.
• youre independent streak remains- but its not as bad.
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reineyday · 4 years
geraskier zoom conference hc's based on that 'and they were video conferencing' post
(this has turned into a fic in point-form oops; also it's more pre-slash 'cuz this quarantine is ongoing and i don't have any specific ideas about how a relationship discussion would go or be handled over zoom haha)
it starts as a group conference call between yennefer and triss and jaskier and geralt probably because yen and triss and geralt run some sort of small business and they need jaskier for something artistic probably (he's a freelancer)
let's say they have some sort of start-up to do with children's education somehow, inspired by ciri, and they want to start a small educational web series and they want music in each episode and so hire jaskier as a composer
geralt is in charge of episode content because this web series is gonna be about mythology and he has a masters in it and has done a fair amount of traveling for it (and lowkey has been learning about different kinds of myrhs and legends and heroes and monsters all his life alongside swordfighting thanks vesemir)
ANYWAYS at first they just talk about work: geralt knows which myths he wants to talk about and how, but can't quite come up with a good narrative because he has a bad tendency to ramble on about very precise specific details that get boring, and he also doesnt know how to set the tone for children despite having one himself
jaskier suggests they make the show centre around a hero that is a witcher who goes off on adventures meeting all these creatures, and jaskier already has some fun ideas for songs
jaskier thinks geralt isnt very forthcoming but he's clearly interested in the project and there's excitement in his eyes when he says ciri will like something they write together
geralt also gets kind of moody about inaccuracies (like a nerd 'cuz he is one lol), and jaskier thinks it's funny and likes to pull his leg by saying they should just change this detail or that detail and that he's allowed bc he's the composer and he's taking creative liberties
about three zoom meetings in, they decide the witcher should have a horse and jaskier says they should give it a name and geralt says "roach" and jaskier laughs and asks about cockroaches and geralt looks... petulant??? and says there are fish called roach too and he meant the fish, and jaskier feels fond and relents and says yes fine the horse's name is "roach"
the next video call they have, they start talking again about work and jaskier's trying not to focus too much on the fact that geralt has shown up with his hair braided but goodness it makes him look softer with the way it pulls back and some strands of hair escape to frame his face
geralt eventually notices and hmms his questioning hmm (and when did jaskier start distinguishing the difference?) and when jask asks about the braid, geralt's face goes EVEN SOFTER and says ciri can't practice braiding on her friends' hair at school anymore so she practices with him and jaskier's like "well fuck that's it this is it ive never even seen him in person but here we are this is a crush oh shit"
the first time geralt laughs is because in one of their meetings, jaskier decided he was gonna be chill and wear a work shirt but just his boxers with stupid cartoon pizzas on them, amd he feels so comfortsble he forgets he's just wesring his underwrar 'till he gets up to grab his acoustic guitar and geralt sounds like he was startled into laughter and yeah, that's right, he's wearing stupid boxers and he flushes but geralt looks pretty amused and jaskier did that so he's not too embarrassed
halfway through the session after that, where jaskier has given up on slightly professional looking clothes but has committed to wearing something over his boxers at all times, he hears some barking and he sees a german shepherd's nose enter the bottom of the frame by geralt's arm
jaskier is obviously like YOU HAVE A DOG and geralt explains ciri usually plays with him during their meetings but they decided to go earlier that day and when jaskier asks what the dog's name is, geralt pauses and looks a cross between irritated and embarassed and then says "roach"
jaskier laughs and laughs and geralt just looks on stoically and it's not on his mouth but jaskier can see the pout in his eyes, but after he's done laughing, all he says is, "like the fish" and geralt smiles a tiny smile and shakes his head and jaskier's a goner, truly
one day, jaskier is caught on trying to find the perfect wording and chord progression for one of the episodes, and focuses on his guitar and keyboard for a while as he toys with this key and that rhyme, and when he looks up, geralt is in a kitchen putting on tea and mixing something in a pot and it's an hour past when they usually hang up
"you could have stopped me, you know?" jaskier asks, but geralt looks at him and hmms and jaskier feels all warm goddammit
he tells jaskier to go take a break and jaskier obliges and brings his laptop to his kitchen and they kind of just have tea together for twenty minutes before something dings and geralt has to go 'cuz it's dinner time for him and ciri
the next meeting, geralt shows up and his daughter's there in the background and she has hair like geralt's and a sunshine personality the complete opposite of geralt (though they both give off disintguished kinds of vibes)
jaskier is charmed; she's a great cheerleader and a wonderful person to run ideas by especially considering she's the target age group for their show, and when she makes a comment about how she wishes she could play the ukulele she got as a gift two years ago, jaskier brightens up and says he can teach her
now jaskier zoom calls a little earlier so ciri can have a short ukulele lesson before his work meeting with geralt, and it's so nice whenever he hears ciri practicing off to the side or roach barking from out of the frame and jaskier wonders what it would be like to truly be in the house with them
the next meeting after, they go a bit too long again bc they were arguing (well, jaslier was actually pulling geralt's leg some more, to be honest, but he can't help it if that's how he flirts), and ciri shows up and says it's time for food and when jaskier says he'll leave them to it, ciri suggests he just stay on amd they can eat together
geralt doesn't immediately say no and actually seems to be waiting for jaskier's answer so jaskier says yeah okay, and he grabs some food and they all have dinner together and they get to talking and jakier and ciri bond over disney movies and ciri says she wants to watch them together the three of them and yennefer and triss
the watch party happens and over zoom yennefer seems deeply amused the entire time and triss keeps giggling and geralt seems extra annoyed for some reason but jaskier enjoys himself and sings along to the movie and he tries not to imagine sitting right next to geralt on his couch on the side not occupied by his daughter
jaskier wakes up with a headache very close to their meeting time one day, and kind of just opens his laptop while he's lying in bed and opens the window to wait for geralt to start the meeting while he reaches over to get his ukulele 'cuz it's the closest instrument to his bed and the easiest on his brain when it's pounding like this
when he settles back against his headbkard and pillows once more, geralt is looking at him with a frown and asks if he's feeling okay, to which jaskier replies he's fine it's not covid he just gets headaches every now and then and it sucks but he can still compose (and he shakes his lil uke at the camera)
geralt says no he should sleep and when jaskier pouts he says he's going to sit here and wait for jaskier to put down the damn ukulele and drink some water and eat a granola bar and then tuck himself back into bed and he looks all fierce about it while he says it and how can jaskier not lug his laptop around while he does these things and fall a little more in love
eventually it becomes totally normal for jaskier to just hang out for long stretches of time, whether or not they talk about their witcher web series, and they cook together and hang out in their pajamas and jaskier and ciri have their music lessons and their disney nights and geralt even starts getting him to work out during some of their work breaks by doing 8 minuts abs
(jaskier was pretty adamant about not exercising but said he's do it just the one time but after 8 minutes of pain, geralt was flushed and kind of sweaty and said he needed to chamge his shirt anf then just took it off right there on the camera before he walked out frame to grab a new one and jaskier had to rush to pick his jaw off the floor before going to change out of his own sweaty clothes and yeah so he does 8 minute abs with geralt sometimes now)
once, geralt sends him a zoom link for a meeting at 2am on a night when jaskier can't fall asleep (his sleeping schedule's been so fucked since quarantine started) and when jaskier joins him, he looks like hell and he apologizes but when jaskier says he probably won't sleep for another three hours anyways, geralt looks the tiniest bit grateful and asks if they can work so they do, and if jaskier writes a song that's a little more like a lullabye dyring their meeting, and feels like his heart is about to burst when geralt, who'd moved from his desk to his couch, nods off while jaskier softly sings to him, well... jaskier doesn't know what to do with himself after he makes sure geralt is properly sleeping and then leaves the zoom meeting
they work and work and really get to know each other and then, all of a sudden, there are no more songs to be written for their witcher series and jaskier says "that's the last song, i think" and geralt hmms but neither of them hangs up
jaskier bites his lip and says, "i'll see you at the team meeting we'll have with yennefer and triss to wrap up my contract, i guess?"
and geralt says, "you should add me on facebook; we should keep in touch for future projects"
jaskier tries not to feel too bummed out because this is still a connection point and also yay more creative projects with the hot man he is probably definitely in love with and also potentially more money! but he's still a little bummed and then he decides if he's going to feel bummed he should at least do something about it and he says, "i will! you know facebook has video chat too"
and geralt hmms again but there's definitely a smile, and it's even an actual smile! "im aware," he says, and then before he hangs up the zoom call he looks stern and adds, "dont forget about ciri's ukulele lessons" and honestly jaskier wasn't expecting to continue with them but he's relieved they can still keep doing those
he shoots geralt that friend request and sates the need to scroll down his wall by going through geralt's past previous profile photos instead (they're usually of him and ciri and they're adorable)
and then, delight of delights, the next day around when they usually have their meeting, there's a video chat request from one geralt of rivia coming through facebook, and even more delightful: geralt's clearly on his phone and he only waits on the screen long enough to make sure jaskier's there and to give him a quirked eyebrow and a trademark hmm before he turns the camera around and jaskier is treated to an outside view and a walk with geralt and roach via mobile
and thus geralt becomes a fixture of his every day life
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spotsupstuff · 4 years
🥺 vibe check my baby shithead?
bless... its my sibwing time...
Why I like them:
what the fuck is there not to like about them, lets be honest. their personality is unique when compared to other bvs. i lowkey always hoped id get to see a bv that would be more bold, angry, just more sharp towards the world. most of bvs that ive seen before joining the creating part of the fandom were soft shy kids that didnt want to hurt anybody. its valid to characterize bc like that, but it was everywhere. lost was like the polaris in the entirety of the fandom. learning about them was refreshing, comforting, it felt and still feels safe to consider and think about them. they feel real, i feel like i could meet them on the street in a playground and become friends with them. you made them so real and important to me. ive said this plenty in the server, but theyve helped me through a lot of hard times. i was too sad or anxious or scared to come out of bed? i thought about them interacting with broken and i felt better. i was in a lot of pain? thinking about them helped distracting me and getting me through a lot of it. im so so thankful for their existence and even more so for your willingness to interact, rp and vibe with me. i love lost so much.
Why I don’t:
their clinginess sometimes worries me. they are valid in it, but clingy people generally make me Slightly uncomfy bc i have times where id rather not be touched and i have trouble speaking up because i dont wanna offend or hurt. broken is the same and i fear the day they will have to disappoint lost by turning away a hug or a cuddle session. the mixture of natural understandable clinginess and anger can result in a sort of manipulation. unintentional, but still manipulation
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
,,,ill be mildly self-indulgent and say that the scene where them and broken adopted each other, overlaying with the morning after, is perhaps my favorite thing ever. BUT!! i liked the scene with them shunning ghost out of oros hut. it established their thoughts and determination to Keep things important to them away from people that had hurt them.
Favorite season/movie:
the ENTIRE FUCKIN FIC THATS ABOUT THEM GETTIN FROM THE ANCIENT BASIN TO ORO. bro ive checked ao3 like every morning when the second chapter was still in the wip bin, i just couldnt wait for it kgjslkgjsldkk the amount of details to the struggles and the size of torment expressed through your words was so so real and i couldnt get enough of it. im incredibly thankful for that fic and for all the feelings it stirred up in me wee heart
Favorite line:
”I mean you’re a clown. do I need to say it slooooowwwweeerr?” the beginning of an age...
“don’t ever pull Us together like that, ever again” theres a lot to unpack here and boy, im keepin the entire suitcase right in my lap and i WILL think and dive deep into it with my thoughts
Favorite outfit:
theyve got One but they sure be rockin in and i -cocks designer gun- have Some ideas for that second cloak that net would make them so i Hope that will follow close behind their og look
this lil creachure is fifteen, i only ship them with safety and parental/platonic love and care
them and purl!!! but also them and hornet, even though its not as close of a relationship, it makes me very happy that they arent completely shut off from each other. that lil short story they shared about their first encounter with cain instinct committed by hornet has been inserted into my mind forever out of the RAN universe canon... them and broken for obvious reasons, them and net (ive been LOOKIN for an AGE AND A HALF NOW SO HARD at that relationship) and tbh??? them and junior has been on my mind a Lot lately. ever since the first doodles of junior hiding them with wings in the among us au, ive been considerin n thinkin of scenarios
Head Canon:
-thunk emoji- hmm... theyll never be too great of a flyer. they will be able to do more than just flap once or twice to get over some distances, definitely, but i feel like they will forever prefer ground over the skies. some minor hcs: ,,,they might pick up some sort of sewing from net in the bverse, maybe; their hand writing will/does look like yours; one day, they will do something that will make a giant difference in something important, completely by themself
Unpopular opinion:
i dont fahcken kno how to do these with yalls characters what hte fuck
A wish:
i wish radiance didnt fuck them up so much during Those years. they deserve to get tall and strong, capable of their dads nailarts, big enough to wield a bigass nail like him and suplex broken
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
this is an incredibly unlikely scenario to happen cuz i know you dont like thinkin about the ultimate end of people and characters, but my biggest fear is that one day they will come back from a hunt or a visit to a cold body in their dads bed, with eyes closed to never open again, not giving them the chance to even say goodbye.
5 words to best describe them:
angry, worried, caring, gentle, afraid
My nickname for them:
sibwing... lil star (just like u heehoo), sometimes i think about them as simply “safety” or “comfort”
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
i hope it’s not too late to send for the sleepover, but smutty!hours i was wondering if you could do a hc for joe having a thing for big thighs bc ive been slowly accepting my thunder thighs and i kinda luv em now. plus i feel like joe would just worship big thighs!
heck yes to body positivity!! i am bad at it when its about myself but i am learning and im glad you are too!! i hope you like this:
Joe had never considered himself especially romantic. He was a big fan of surprise bouquets and candlelit dinners and that kind of everyday romance that anyone could achieve. But he wasn’t a poet or anything like that. Lately though, he’d found himself meditating on one specific topic more and more frequently. Your thighs. It was getting to the point where he thought, if push came to shove, he might actually be able to full a book with his love for them.
He’d never really cared much about thighs before. He didn’t have anything against them, but they didn’t really do anything for him either. They were just there. Alright to hold onto while he went down on a woman, but otherwise easy to ignore. He put it down to his previous partners having smaller thighs than you. Not a whole lot to them. And then you came along, wearing those shorts, making him see the light. If he were to write a book, chapter one would be about those shorts.
Then there was the spanking. He’d known spanking asses was fun, pussies too, if the woman was into it. But there was a day when you’d got bratty and he’d swatted your thigh to stop you. The noise alone made him want to do it again, let alone the whimper you made. Plus the visible tremor that ran through your thigh upon impact. And he hadn’t even hit you hard. The next time you earned a punishment he bent you over his knee and took to your thighs. It was similar to spanking your ass but there was a difference to it. Hard to put into words. The sharp slapping sound of his palm meeting your skin was deeper and your reactions were stronger. It took less to have you in tears, gritting your teeth as he counted out the last few hits.
No doubt your thighs were sensitive. And not just to pain. You were ticklish there, especially towards the inside of your thighs, and he loved nothing more than teasing you with light touches, maybe even a feather or two to really make you squirm. Tracing the tip of his finger down towards your knee would make your whole body shiver with desire. Not to mention how you got all breathless and desperate when he kissed along the same path, his stubble tickling you in the most delicious way imaginable. It was a sure fire way to make you drip. And then, when he felt he’d wound you up long enough and finally dragged his tongue along your soaked cunt, he’d feel your thighs on either side of his head. The closer you got to orgasm the tighter you’d squeeze him between your thighs, desperate to keep him there. If he was feeling particularly mean he’d hold them open but mostly he liked being trapped between them. Afterwards you’d apologise for nearly suffocating him but in Joe’s opinion, if he was going to go there wouldn’t be a better way.
And he hadn’t even mentioned how easy it was to mark you there. Leave you covered in teeth marks. Love bites. Bruises. Easier to hide them than marks he might leave on your neck or the swell of your breasts. The sensitivity of your thighs really made it worthwhile, each hickey making you whine, tug at his hair, torn between wanting him to stop and wanting more.
As for fucking you. He loved when you sat on the kitchen counter, wrapped your legs around him. He loved when you’d ride him and he’d clutch at your thighs, dig his fingers into your soft skin. He loved being on top of you and seeing your thighs tremble and shake as he fucked you through your high. Or the slight indulgence of intercrural sex. When you were on your period, horny but found full penetrative sex uncomfortable. Or when you were playing around with orgasm denial and he wanted to fuck you but you were too close to cumming without permission. He’d grab some lube and slide his cock between your thighs, holding your hips as he thrust as if he were in your pussy. If you were allowed to cum he’d hold a bullet vibrator to your clit. If not, you’d be left dripping and desperate, able to feel him so close to where you wanted him. And when he came, covering your thighs, the sight would only make him want to go again.
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
*slams fists on table* MYSTELEON
I knew you wouldnt disappoint! :D  tho you already know most of these lmaoo  lotsa credit to @herbofoo anyway, i dont remember which of these you came up with but Patchwork wouldnt be the same without your Good Good Content! (And of course thanks for all your patience as i cry about comics lmao)
I’ve lost all shame long since ive started shipping them so brace yourself for the self-indulgent cheese that is Chameleon/Mysterio in my Patchwork verse. (its reallly. really Melodramatic. i gave up all pretense.. also under the cut cuz its long..)
ask meme
Who cooks:
Mysterio! Although Chameleon is objectively The Superior Cook thanks to the long years of being a servant to picky russian nobility BUT exactly because of that, he really doesnt enjoy it, even less when cooking for others and not just himself. So it is usually Beck who prepares meals (that are not bad either, they are just simpler) but as often as they can, they eat out. That said, Cham is very well aware Quentin loves his cooking so sometimes, he makes them something. (Being sick isnt so bad when it means Chammy bringin you a big bowl of hot borscht :)
On the other hand, Cham has quite a sweet tooth which Q notices Fast and decides to learn how to bake. It took more effort and failed tries than it could have, mostly because he got cocky, how hard could this be and just. kept forgetting he put stuff in the oven.. But now he makes quite delicious cookies n cakes which make Dmitri almost tear up because tasty + Quentin baked something Specifically for him?? 
Who does the laundry and other chores:
Mysterio’s laundry is usually booby trapped so he has to clean it himself and he doesnt even let Cham near it. And he keeps forgetting gadgets in his civvies. Not to mention that again, for the same servant reason, Cham really doesnt enjoy house chores in general, so he usually just gets his own clothes cleaned somewhere else (especially since his fancy suits and even fancier gowns are the highest quality and delicate materials, he doesnt even Know how to clean them..) 
As for the rest of the chores, its pretty balanced, although Cham has more of an eye for things that needs to be cleaned up (and Beck already has cooking duties) so he does a tad more. 
How many children do they have + Any pets:
In my Patchwork universe there’s a whole Thing about Leon, the Chameleon of the Ultimate universe but I’ve tried to type up a short summary and failed, it’s a long story lmao ^^;; and anyway he isnt exactly their kid, he is just much younger than them and they ended up sorta mentoring him. 
However, they have Celavi, the escaped ex-spy beluga.(Yes, it started as a joke based on this post that accidentally grew more and more serious until @herbofoo and me were too attached to let it go) She counts pretty much as their adopted daughter that they both spoil to hell and back, I mean no surprise, she saved Cham’s life once and sometimes, she helps out with heists. (Mostly for the show, you should have SEEN the look on Spider’s face when a beluga splashed him. He is used to humanoid sharks, to Hydroman.. not like. real life beluga that LAUGHS at him) Beck’s voice: “Dont you dare to insult her, SHE IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS and A GOODNESS INCARNATE!! -she is literally a deserted russian spy that was trained to gather everything that could be used to harm USA-yea, i have a soft spot for those ;)“
She was always surprisingly clever so she never really counted as a “pet” and at one point, she even bonds with a symbiote (together they are Vague, again long story ah ha). They dont talk but have quite some range of vocalisations so communication isnt a problem. 
Who’s more dominant: 
They both have pretty dominant strong personalities (ok chameleon’s a bit more complicated with that but like.) with big egos who dont like others questioning their superiority. (Of course not at the level of like Doc Ock etc, they are surprisingly flexible and good team players that can be willing to let someone else take the spotlight if they are Nice) But the whole point of their relationship is that neither of them is dominant over the other, they get enough of that literally everywhere else. It’s very reassuring to be so sure that they are on equal footing, cooperating, no hidden nooses around their neck. Especially in their line of work of course! 
(Also, for the other interpretation of this question: anythin remotely sexual happens Pretty Late in the story and both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum so it doesnt happen that often but they are both verses tho Beck bottoms more)
Favorite nonsexual activity:
MOVIES!! Sprawled on the giant comfy couch, closer than technically needed, cuddling and watching old movies with great special effects and/or great actors! Listening to Beck excitedly rant through the most dramatic speech of the story as he explains how the next cliffhanger is done with hydraulics! Focusing so hard on the stars in his eyes and his excited tone and gestures and just the tone of his voice you forgot to listen to the words themselves! Watching Cham’s face flawlessly mimic the faces on the screen in a blink of an eye and secretly guessing which one will he pick next. Feeling his head slowly fall on your shoulder, eyes closed, his mask smooth but not tense, instead just.. peaceful. Slight ping of annoyance, after all, this is A Classic movie dammit, but it’s gone in a second because Mitya hasnt slept since thursday and you are just relieved he is finally getting his rest. Feeling his warmth under your hand on his shoulders and suddenly never ever wanting to get up again.. EHM. anyway
PLANING HEISTS TOGETHER!! and more or less successfully executing them but planning is actually even more fun aside from the Big Reveals and Entrances which are actually harder to coordinate than one would think! 
Lots of shobiz/job talk actually, they really enjoy what they do! Lots of people already mentioned that in their hc compilations but i agree, they love goin to see all kinds of movies and plays and performances as well as acting various scenes with one another!  
Their favorite place to be together:
NEW YORK CITY BABEYY. Sure they love to travel and see other countries (and cause mayhem there) but.. they love their mess of a city, it’s never the same without the webhead around as well as the bazillion of other heroes n villains bashin each other’s heads. 
Any traditions:
Oh so many pop culture references and inside jokes, oh my god. One time, they spent the entire heist (and its planning period) speaking strictly in famous movie lines and titles, Max and other sixers tried to join but didnt last too long :’D 
Beck also has a habit of taking pictures of people with Interesting faces or styles he sees and sends them to Cham. Also another fanon classic: together they have a running game, disguising themselves as moderately famous people and the other guessing who..
Their “song”:
‘This is me’ from the Greatest Showman, i just live for the two of them singin it in Cham’s car,off key but fully immersed and living it. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Neither of them are religious but that doesnt stop Beck from going ALL OUT at any opportunity, Sin Six doesn’t do any heists around holidays because you Know he’d make them dress for the occasion or worse, write them themed lines…  They still meet for Christmas and Hanukkah and sometimes other holidays too because this is my AU and you can pry festivities-related shenanigans from my cold, cold hands. It’s always at Beck’s place tho because he can turn his hideout into the tackiest holiday-themed showcase but he aint roping them into it.  
On the other hand, Cham despises American commercialized holidays in general and Christmas time especially, since it’s not a big thing in Russia and  also once again, he has family issues for days. (Although relatively speaking, he is pretty over these, he is not gonna like mope around or anything) 
Anyway, what they do for each other is that they try to compromise, Dmitri doesnt sneer at stupid kitsch decorations every 5 minutes and Quentin ..chills a little. :’D To be fair, Beck makes everything fun and having Cham there makes Beck appreciate the details more instead of just goin into BETTER!BIGGER! frenzy.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
After the fuckin Ages of pinning, when they finally end up together for realsies, they wanted somethin Big and Flashy! (Well Beck wanted and Cham kinda too but also with the option to merge with the crowd unnoticed and take some chill time) Anyway they went on a whole world wide tour! Starting with a luxury cruise, they took their time, lots of crime sprees to plan and execute, lots of local shows to see, lots of dumb heroes to fool, they’re gonna have it all! 
Where did they first meet:
Around the time when Cham and Hammerhead had their criminal empire running Fisk to the ground, Otto decided the Sin Six should team up with them for their ressources needed on one heist or something. They agreed but Cham insisted on actually going in the field, it’s been a while since he really stretched his face legs like this and the mafia life was starting to bore him. Doc made him team up with Mysterio much to the fishbowl’s dismay because why do they need another disguise artist?? He is the Master Of Illusions dammit, he can run circles around this guy, what the fuck Otto?? So at the start, he pouts and fumes under his helmet and in general he is his v unpleasant self but… He can’t help but notice that the new guy is a real professional, he even uses Traditional masks, he likes the same movies… And most importantly, he is actually interested in Mysti’s craft, asking questions and even LISTENING to his long winded answers… At one point he even wondered if that X thing was meant as a HOMMAGE to the Y movie, the Six never did that!! (Usually the rest of the sixers dont know the reference, heathens, and when they do, they mock him for it, that he’s copying ideas and mixin them ridiculously.  BUT THIS GUY GETS IT!!) So it doesn’t take long for them to hit it off, of course at this point without any real Trust behind it but it’s a start. 
(Though Beck does pay a visit to Otto like, buddy pal i know you’ve been planning on manipulating these crimelords to your end somehow and honestly, any other day i’d be down, i actually had a robot prepared for my own backstab but i was thinking they werent that bad and maybe we Could hold our end of the bargain this time and just. leave each other on good terms? Mabye? Obviously it’s purely out of respect for our teammate Kraven since him and Chameleon seem to have some history, nothing more, definitely nothing to do with how bright Cham’s eyes were when i was showing him the back of my stage… ) 
What do they fight over:
this whole post has been a mountain of cheese but im bringing more! Honestly, goin through my notes on Patchwork, their biggest arguments have always been about.. the other one not taking proper care of himself :’D Or them lashing out because they were scared and worried about the other and they cant stand being so vulnerable while the other pretends it’s not a big deal because they dont know how to handle genuine concern directed at them. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
GIVE!!! BECK!!!! HIS!!!! ISLAND!!!!!!They actually do have one, it’s where Celavi spends most of the time and they visit her often. But never for too long, neither of them can actually spend too long doing nothing.. 
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matt-hoelt-blog · 7 years
Paladin Hcs + Lotor, Allura where their s/o has curly, thick hair? Thanksss💖
here you go hun! by the way, we’re closing requests soon, so send em in when you can! -viper (gotta credit soph bc she helped me write a few i love u)
Shiro:-I see this man as the one who tries to brush your hair every. single. day. -once you woke up to your dry hair being yanked and your head in shiros lap-shiro would have literally no idea what to do with your hair besides forehead ponytails-like one day you’re just sad and he probably dresses you and then you ask him to do your hair and-ultimate. regret-where did he even GET those little hairties with the plastic balls on them?? this is the middle of space?? we are not in a claire’s??-20 minutes of him playing with your hair and various “uhhh”s from shiro and you look like your friend darnelle from 1st grade-“so shiro what did you do to my hair? it feels nice! is it a braid?”shiro, slowly undoing the early 2000s braid: “yeah…”
Keith:-as one of the “keith knows nothing about human culture and has never breathed near a female before” people, ive gotta tell you..-what the fuck is hair-he just sprays dry shampoo in his and moves on??-“hey keith hun can you help me put some hair products in??”-he turned into a confused twerp when you asked him that!! how does he respond!! -“sorry my. knife. my knife is calling me she said she’s going to the store i’ll be right back”-he felt bad for all the times he didn’t know how to help you do your hair so he got you some hair gel at some little shop in the space mall-when he gave it to you he had that cute little smile on his face and those gorgeous soft eyes and-it was beard gel-bonus: it worked very well
Lance:-did someone say HAIR PRODUCTS HOARDER-he has everything for your hair and nobody knows where he got it from???-he could be running a hair salon drug ring and nobody would be shocked-he has short, straight hair so he’s a little confused but tries his best!! he’s trying!! please love him-there have been countless attempts where he tried to put your hair in a ponytail and it ended in you screaming, holding a threatening flip flop -“not the chancla mama!”-he goes to allura for some curly hair advice which thankfully helps the man out and he can give you a hair mask as a peace offering
Hunk:-the. boy. i love him. you love him. he loves you. there is love-he sometimes gets in the shower and washes your hair for you-it feels so nice because he has large and strong fingers and they’re massaging your scalp and you’re both smiling and oh my god this is the cutest thing-sometimes mumbles little songs or poems to you while he’s conditioning your hair and it just makes your heart clench in the best way-very delicate with it-loves your hair?? always compliments you even when you have tragic bed head-“look at my beautiful ramen baby!! shiro!! look at my ramen head angel!!”“back the fuck up before you get smack the fuck up”
Pidge:-doesn’t understand curly hair and is too scared to brush it because she’s afraid she’s gonna hurt you-i feel like matt did her hair when she had long hair and she’s still petty about her hair being pulled so tight that her eyeballs were astrally projecting -so she absentmindedly gets revenge on you-like if you ask her to help you detangle your hair, she’ll just stare off into space and start yanking with the comb-after you yank her own hair, she snaps out of it, and brushes your hair for you and sadly applies some product to it -why is she sad??-she said she loves it when you look like a lion-that resulted in a chase around the castle -also she definitely likes petting your hair to fall asleep because she has some odd fascination with the texture
Allura:-she has curly hair as well so she definitely understands your struggles-but she also knows some tricks for hairstyles and such!!-which means she’s doing your hair every morning like you’re a toddler (not that you’re complaining)-her hair is a tad different than yours which means using some of her alien hair products may or may have not turned your hair neon purple for a week but we don’t talk about that-“your hair is so soft!! what did you do it?”“the mice washed my hair”“they what”“the mice washed my hair”
Lotor:-he does the 3 braids into 1 braid thing-even if your hair isn’t easy to braid he just uses a lot of hair product and.. and he..-“wow lotor! how did you learn to style hair so beautifully?”-“i actually have no idea how to cut or style hair mines just been growing since birth and i’ve never cut it”-bad and naughty princes aren’t allowed to go to the hair salon-he lets you use his shampoo when you complain about nothing on the ship working for you and you feeling bad for using alluras products-it smells like mangos and fulfilled dreams and it actually cleans your hair nicely-“where did you get this i need more of it now i love it”“i stole it from a hotel”-this is unrelated to the hair thing but i feel like lotor listens to jason derulo
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bisymmetra · 7 years
i. title: détente
ii. fandom: overwatch
iii. characters/ships: jack morrison, ; gen, background ships, might be reaper76 if i make this a thing but rn it’s shipless
iv. warnings: uh, discussion of ptsd/panic attacks/nightmares, but like vaguely? like nothing triggery really but if youre sensitive, brief mention of alcohol, more specific champagne and the pop of it setting off a panic attack
v. tags: dogs, im using forty nine for jack’s age bc the timeline’s all over and i put 45 - 55 in a rng and got forty nine, angela ziegler has #connections, this is five pages and just short of 2k words wtf, tenatively, bonnie the dog, therapy dog, this is jack centered tbh but if i write more hana’s getting a cat, idk if i truly like this
vi. summary: “Uh,” Jack says, the stumble coming out before he can stop it. “That’s a dog.”
“It sure is,” Angela says agreeably, depositing it in his arms and sipping her coffee. “Merry Christmas.”
“It’s June,” he deadpanned, as the wriggling little thing laps at his visor.
vii. notes: i wrote this in an hour and i dont know if i truly like it but bonnie the dog is a thing now. i literally just listened to alberta by eric clapton while writing this. will be on ao3 in half an hour. @snowsheba​ saw these hcs that inspired this first. 
It’s four in the morning the first time he tells Angela about the dreams.
Nightmares, really. The kind that leave him grasping at catching his breath, the sweat on his brow chilly wet and clingy in the Spanish night. The kind that leaves your heart thrumming in his ears. He doesn’t - he doesn’t think this is anything important, really. It should be expected, really. He’s old, now, and he’s been military for forty damn years. He’s seen some shit.
Most people who got up real early to find him already awake didn’t question it - dreams of their own, he guessed, or maybe just expecting career military to be up at the crack of dawn. And they weren’t wholly wrong - years on a farm and years in the military have him waking up earlier than most the base, on the nights where he doesn’t wake up around two or three.
It’s the fourth time that Angela’s woken up at three in the morning to find him awake. The kitchen. this time. The practice range twice before, and once in between that in one of the commons, a book on his lap. (He didn’t much like being there, on one of those nights, but he’d had a nightmare about an incident in Kuwait, and the walls of the room had been suffocating. Hana had also been sitting there, playing some vintage game in the low light. He figured they were there for similar reasons, and didn’t say a word for hours.)
“Jack,” Angela said. The clock on the wall is a bright, neon blue 3:49 AM. Jack, to his credit, manages to look up from his coffee and at her. In the fluorescent kitchen light, her dark circles look more prominent, the mess of her hair tied in a loose not. She has a bottle of water in her hand. She looks exhausted. Momentarily, he wonders how much sleep she’s getting, then feels like a hypocrite.
“Angela,” he musters, swallowing. “Lovely morning.”
“The sun won’t be up for another few hours,” she said. “Why are you up?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, which - it isn’t a lie, really. He couldn’t get back to sleep, after tonight.
“Doesn’t seem like you ever do,” she says, sliding down across from him. “That’s not good for your health.”
“I get a few hours,” he says. Three and a half, tonight. “Could be worse.”
“Jack,” she admonishes. “This isn’t - have you been dreaming?”
“Most people do sometimes,” he says, which - technically correct, but not what she’s asking. There is a beat, which is mostly filled with Angela frowning deeply at him and Jack staring at his coffee. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Except it doesn’t really work, because Angela is phenomenal at seeing through bullshit, and this isn’t the first accident she’s seen. (There was once, with a bottle of champagne, and the noise and laughing sounds like screaming so easily and. Jack had excused himself, mumbling, hands shaking. Angela had followed when everyone was distracted. Angela knows. How could he think he could win at lying to her?)
“There are people who can help with - everything,” she says. “I know a few that are - they’re good.” Jack fixates on everything but Angela’s face, feeling naked without the visor. He instead stares at where her neck meets her shoulder, the marks Fareeha had left. There’s a stain on her shirt’s collar, of what’s chocolate, coffee, or blood. It’s dried brown, almost reddish brown in the light. Out the window, the Gibraltar night is interrupted with crickets.
He wonders what Angela dreams of. People she couldn’t save, his mind fills in. Genji’s corpse-body, when they first brought him in. People she can’t save. Gunshots.
Jack sighs. It’s a gesture that makes him feel older than he is.
“They’re just bad dreams,” he says, voice low and deep. It feels like a confession. “Omnic Crisis. Overwatch. Old things. I’m an old man, Angela, it doesn’t mean anything’s wrong just because it keeps me up.”
“You’re not that old, compared to the average,” she muses absently. “You’re only forty nine.”
“Fifty in a few weeks,” he said, hoping for a diversion. “I’m not a young man anymore, anyway. And I can’t really see a therapist, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
“Why not?”
“I’m legally dead, remember?” Angela nods, clearly contemplative. He closes his eyes. “‘s just dreams, either way. Doesn’t matter a bit.”
There’s a long pause. Angela rises from her seat. “Good night, Jack,” she murmurs.
For days, he waits to see if Angela brings it up again, or tells someone, or something. He’s worried about it.
It’s just dreams, and anxiety and - it doesn’t matter. He just doesn’t want people to look at him differently. But no one does and Angela doesn’t say anything. It’s almost as if their early morning conversation is forgotten.
It’s been nine days when he first realizes Angela didn’t forget at all. He’s sitting in a common room, talked into joining most of the other agents. People are mostly in their own groups. Hana and Genji are playing some Mario Kart thing, the engineers at a table discussing - schematics, he thinks, but he’d heard the words Pop Tarts and doubted himself - Jesse and Hanzo and Fareeha talking in soft voices. Lena, Reinhardt and Ana at a table, Wid- Amelie, he corrects himself - Amelie joining them. Sombra and Lucio at a table hollering about the game Hana and Genji are playing. Who had cajoled two thirds of their ex Talon agents and how is lost on him, but he’s almost glad Gabriel wasn’t here, even knowing - this is a talk for another day. Jack is at one of the old, worn seats, an old book in his lap.
“Jack!” Angela’s voice comes in from the hall, and most look up as she pushes the door open with her hip. It takes only a moment to discern why: in one hand is a mug of what is definitely coffee, and the other is a -
“I got you a present, you’re welcome,” Angela says.
“Uh,” Jack says, the stumble coming out before he can stop it. “That’s a dog.”
“It sure is,” Angela says agreeably, depositing it in his arms and sipping her coffee. “Merry Christmas.”
“It’s June,” he deadpanned, as the wriggling little thing laps at his visor.
“Happy early birthday,” she replies. “You turn fifty in two weeks. There.”
The puppy - which, relatively, is pretty big, a St Bernard if he had to guess - laps at his cheek next. “This is a dog,” he repeats. “Where did you get this?”
“Her,” Angela corrects. “She flunked out of being a therapy dog because she liked to lick strangers or something along those lines. She needed a home. Dogs, I’ve been told, lower stress. You’re going to give yourself a stroke or a heart attack at this rate.”
In that moment, he realizes this is about what they discussed but Angela doesn’t want to say it in public. He can appreciate that much. “Can we even keep a-”
Lena is by his side, scooping her up in a second. Her, the dog, not Angela. “Why are you protesting? It’s a dog! Accept it and move on.” The dog licks Lena’s face delightedly, and everyone resumes talking over each other about - well. Jack rises, giving Angela a look. She just grins back, satisfied.
“Fine,” he acquiesces. Arguing isn’t going to do much, anyway. Angela’d kill him if he tried to return her, anyway, even if he hasn’t had a dog since he was a teenager. His family had kept hunting and herding dogs, all of which loved his mother more than anything. She gave them the most scraps. Lena shoves the bundle of fur back into his arms after one last lick, and he stares at her as she returns to licking his face. Her, the dog, that is. Not Lena.
The dog follows him around all the time. When he sits, she sits on his feet, gets comfortable. Angela tells him she’s a six month St. Bernard. They called her Nessie in training, but she never learned the name and really, it just makes him think of conspiracy theories. (Dimly, he remembers Reinhardt rambling about - he really wants to say Bigfoot, but the memory is twenty five years old.)
He mostly just calls her Dog, which outrages an alarming amount of people. Expectedly, Ana, Lena, and Angela are most fond of Dog. Unexpectedly, he’s caught Hanzo giving her scraps four times in three days. When he enters a room that Hanzo and Bonnie are already in, she’s in his lap and he looks like a deer in the headlights. (It’s actually really fucking funny.)
He sets her on the floor before bed, but she’s always curled up next to him when he awakens, like a really furry pillow.
It takes five days for him to really get used to the idea she could provide actual help.
It’s - another bad dream, because of course it is. Jack gasps for breath, kicks off the blanket, brow slick cool with sweat. His heart pounds in his ears. Him kicking the blankets must of woke the Dog, as she bounces up, presses next to him.
She shoves her head and back against his hands, in a way that would be petting if it was his hands moving, not her body. She licks his face tentatively, as if seeing if that helps. Jack can feel his heart start to slow, faster than his normal calm down times. He moves his hands, callouses running against soft fur. Dog takes this as encouragement, licks him more excitedly. Jack closes his eyes.
Normally, he’d get up. He wouldn’t be back asleep regardless, so he may as well get up. But Dog settles in next to him, and petting her evens him out, makes it easier to settle. He lets himself be lulled to sleep.
In the morning, he names her Bonnie. It seems fitting, somehow. She seems like a Bonnie. He’ll talk to Angela about a collar, soon.
In the meantime, he sits down at the cafeteria table, Bonnie by his feet, and pretend he doesn’t see no less than five people feeding her scraps.
He goes on a day long mission on July 3rd. His birthday’s the next day (he’s getting old, he thinks). It’s a short thing, mission wise. Fifteen hours securing a payload in the heart of London and back.
He’s with Lucio, D.Va, Genji, Mei, and Sombra for it, all these young kids making him feel much older than he is. (Mei, Genji, and Sombra are all in their thirties, he remembers. But he’s fifty tomorrow. They’re kids to him, anyway. They all have much more.. zest than he does.)
He gets back late, and he’s a little sad to not have Bonnie at the door when he enters the room. He discards his jacket to the desk and changes fast, glancing at the bed to locate his dog. She’s sleeping in her exact normal spot, with an approximately Jack sized spot next to her. Jack slides in next to her, and she shifts awake, moving to press into him. She licks his face hello, and he calms her by petting her back for a few minutes.
He breathes easy, relaxed. After a few, he glances at the clock. 12:02.
“Happy birthday,” he hums warmly, closing his eyes.
He sleeps well that night.
now on ao3!
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