#and ive made each an hybrid of their associated god
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jaffre · 4 years ago
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agmāri genders are divided into 3: lean, jov, and elzen, each based on one of the three gods of their Triad. genders are assigned at birth depending on the date (each day is under the influence of one god). these genders have a lot of social repercussion (a lot of associated daily rituals), and each have different values associated to them (which are all derived from their associated deity) 
lean are kind people, thriving for justice and never giving up. often seen as doctors and law keepers
jov are wise people, upholding their responsibility, able to spread harmony around them. often seen as scholars and administrators
elzen are passionate people, loyal to their friends and family, fueled by righteous anger. often seen as craftsmen and artists
gender markers are rather simple, each being associated with a color and a shape. it is traditional to wear collar strings of one’s gendered color, and they tend to wear accessories that incorporate said color or shape as well. another strong gender marker is the ring that every agmāri receive when they reach adulthood (and that most of them wear) who bears their initials and is in the shape of their gender
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dragonrajafanfiction · 4 years ago
Dragon Dancer IV: The Creche
Mr. Gattuso carried me down the hall, whistling and far to bouncy in his step. I was supposed to by lying limp in his arms, completely overwhelmed to fainting by his prowess as a lover apparently. He had to cut me free of my restraints to take me to the monastery infirmary, so the story was supposed to go.
I tried not to think about it. It was simultaneously gross and hilarious.
What irritated me at the moment was that he was bouncing too much. My limp arm slid from my supine body and was bouncing in a way that pulled at my muscles and ligaments and made things more uncomfortable than they had to be. The gravity pool my blood down into my fingers and they were starting to tingle.
By the time I heard him address the nurse, it had gone numb. I stared at an invisible point behind my eyelids and tried to think silent unconscious thoughts.
“Ah... I see you’ve worked the nightshift,” came Pompeii Gattuso’s silky deep voice. “I’m in luck...”
I heard a breathy giggle and had to concentrate to keep from rolling my eyes. He laid me on the exam table.
“I’m not certain what happened. By the time we’d finished, she was out cold.”
“Well... “ A moment of silence. “She will probably wake up soon, perhaps she has an underlying medical condition that got triggered by things being a bit...”
“Well, I can explain further...”
“That’s not really...”
“Or demonstrate...”
There was a long pause. “...now?”
God, I could see why Caesar hated him.  Caesar was always this stalwart night ready to defend a lady in all manner of distress, but his father...
Before all of this he explained that the best disguise is to act the way you act all the time. Because if you’re behaving in a predictable way, even when you do something unusual, people will explain it away in their head as normal.
I concentrated on staying as still as I could while the sounds of lips locking filled the exam room.
“Wait... she might wake up...”
“There’s another room down the hall...”
The door shut. I sighed, puffing out my cheeks. Part of me wondered if I was going to actually was going to wait while he made another conquest.
But fortunately, he wasn’t gone long. Within a few minutes, he’d returned with the woman’s scrubs and labcoat. 
“Hurry up and change. The clock is ticking.” He tossed the clothes to me and I caught them. Then he drew the curtain. “You’re a good actor.”
I couldn’t tell him I had studied ballet because the curtain was drawn and I still couldn’t speak.
He gave an appreciative whistle. “Have you been scouted?”
I laughed scornfully. It came out like a hissy snicker.
“No?  But you’re obviously talented. I’ll have to change this.”
I stepped around the curtain, feeling oddly emotional at being reminded of my lost passion. I hadn’t thought about dancing in ages. I was too busy running for my life, fighting for my friends lives. Protecting my daughter. How could I think about dancing?
“Don’t bother.” I whispered.
“Don’t give up on your dreams, Miss Lu.”
“I said forget it!” I snapped.
After a moments silence, he said. “It’s a pretty good fit.” He looked me up and down. “Okay... After this, I’ll see about getting you back to your career. You can’t just be a dragonslayer...”
I saw a box of medical masks on the shelf and grabbed it, covering my face. I glared at him.
“Alright.” He led me out, shaking his head sadly.
I was stunned that he was still in a robe and hadn’t considered changing. He walked non-chalantly to an elevator and pressed the down button. The elevator dinged and we entered it.
“Where are we going?” I asked, removing the mask.
“There’s a special area for new high-purity Gattuso offspring. If they’re taking her as a bride of Caesar’s then she’ll have to be sanctified.”
He didn’t look at me, gazing at his reflection. “You know how certain rituals and customs have their roots in the secrets of the dragon clan?”
“There are a variety of holy rituals regarding newborns. Some of these are rooted in the early days of Hybrids. Here we strip away the human fables associated with these rituals to get to their true nature.”
He had armed himself with two pistols before we left, filling them both with anesthetic Frigg bullets and keeping a magazine of more lethal ammunition just in case. These pistols he drew, as the elevator doors opened. He stepped out and pointed them, one on his left and one on his right. He pulled their triggers once, instantly felling two guards who stood at the elevator entrance.
He jerked his head, indicating I should follow. I carefully stepped over the men and hurried after him.
we were in a dark basement area. The walls were stacked round rock and the floor was uneven stone. The electric lights were clearly a new addition. Carved dragons stuck out from the walls where they once held torches to light the way. The space ahead of us was oddly dark and the darkness shifted
Two glowing eyes blinked open. The dark shape took on a draconic form baring its teeth and letting out a frightening hiss of threat. Energy pulsed down its body in bright blue bioluminesence. It’s body filled the entire room. It had what appeared to be the stumps of broken wings on his back.
It’s tail lashed, banging against the wall.
They kept these monsters down here! I should not have been surprised, but I was.
Pompeii’s expression darkened and he handed me a pair of dark glasses he was keeping in his robe. “Put these on... to protect your eyes.”
I backed away, unable to use my speaking spirit to defend myself. I slipped on the dark glasses.
Pompeii Gattuso strode forward. I could only see his back, the length of his blonde hair, tied in a loose messy braid. Everythiing else as shrouded in dense gloom.
But I heard his voice, the draconic ringing loud and reverberating like a loud bell. The echoes of his voice in the underground took a life of their own in my ears. They took on an insane, fervent chant, like monks praying for a miracle.
As the hall filled with this unnatural sound, bright tendrils of light whipped from Pompeii’s body and began crawling up the walls. My hair stood on end and my ears filled with the crackle and buzz of electricity.
The monster charged him but only made it half the distance before it was stopped by a burst of electric light, like a explosion of a power grid. The monster let out a squeal and collapsed into convulsions.
I covered my nose against the smell of burning flesh. The arcing electricity was still cycling around Pompeii. Behind that beast, others were awakened and I could hear their claws scraping the stone floor. Their eyes bounced as they ran towards him.
The battle happened in flashes and silhouette. The strobe effect stunned and disoriented the beasts in the dark of the underground. They were helpless to defend  themselves.  Pompeii was bare handed and every time he threw a punch, the space between his fist and his target burst like a supernova sending a grotesque monster to the ground, stiff as a board. He grabbed another around the neck. It wheezed, breathless and twitching. When he let it go, it didn’t get up again. He was a living taser, killing his enemies in a single devastating electrocution. 
He didn’t wait for me, running down the corridor. I scrambled to catch up, careful not to step on or trip over the corpses of the beasts.
We came to a large ceremonial chamber. Ru’Yi’s blanket was there, clean and white on an altar, but she was not. The altar was surrounded by dead bodies. Each one had their throats cleanly cut, their bodies lay in crimson pools.
“What?!” Pompeii looked around, stunned. “Search the bodies! See if you can find a phone!”
He started rolling them over, patting them down.
My throat closed in terror. I remembered this scene. It was similar to what happened in the basement of Genji Heavy Industries! The murderer who killed countless Hydra elites in a matter of seconds now had a name, a face. 
Pompeii found a phone and immediately dialed a number. He grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the chamber.
“What’s happening? Where’s Ru’Yi!”
He looked at me but he didn’t say anything. 
“Please tell me!”
He hissed. “Damn it Caesar! Pick up your phone!”
We hurried back to the elevator and stopped. The men that Pompeii had put the sleep were laying on the ground. Bleeding out.
“Shit!” Pompeii pressed the elevator but it was on the top floor. It would take minutes to come down. He looked at me in a panic. “He killed the priests... why would he kill them?! What happened?”
He started to search the phone for information while it rang endlessly on Caesar’s end of the line.
He stared at it. “They’re sending agents to Japan... and Tibet?”
“What?” I squeaked. “Tibet? No! Nonono! This isn’t possible! How did they find out Mingfei was there?”
“Mingfei’s alive?!”
“Yes! I just came here to find out their plans and get in touch with Caesar!”
“What else haven’t you told me?!”
The elevator opened and a beast, one of the servitors, leaped from the cab. Pompeii pushed me out of the way and the claws dug into him. The cellphone slammed to the ground, the screen shattering.
A voice like a bell, and then a loud crack! I had barely enough time to look away and saw stars, blinded.
I rubbed my eyes. The phone was still ringing on Caesar’s end, but he couldn’t hang up or dial again.
Bleeding from his chest, Pompeii shoved me inside. “I should have known you were hiding something from me.”
“I’m sorry... but I was afraid someone was going to listen! I did-” I shut my mouth at his glare.
But then he sighed, the phone still ringing at his ear. “It doesn’t matter.”
The elevator was moving entirely too slow. Every second that passed, Ru’Yi could be in danger or dead. The possibility made my knees collapse under me.
Pompeii steadied me with one arm. “Easy. I’m not going to turn around now. If Caesar has taught me anything, children need their mothers.”
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mrdisha0 · 6 years ago
The life story of Alexander the Great Part IV and the last
The life story of Alexander the Great Part IV and the last
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Alexander's parents had a great influence on his character and character. His mother was ambitious, and led him to believe that he was able to invade the Persian Empire. Plutarch says this ambition is what kept Alexander's heart and soul tall and hopeless throughout these years of campaigns and conquests. As for his father, he was the role model he emulated at every step. Alexander's relationship with his father refined the competitive side of his person; he felt an urgent need to overtake him and overshadow his achievements, perhaps explaining many of his reckless actions on the battlefield. Alexander was worried that his father "would not leave him with an important or great achievement to show him in front of the world," but nevertheless played down the latter's achievements in front of his companions. Undoubtedly a role in his decisions. Alexander is known for his stubborn intransigence and stiffness of opinion, but he nevertheless was receptive to any discussion and listener of his author as long as it was logical. Alexander had another more prudent aspect, characterized by his foresight, logic, and vigilance, and inclined towards science a great tendency, and loved philosophy, and was focused on reading the books binge, and learn what came from the wisdom and memorized quickly, thanks to Aristotle, the great teacher, has Alexander's intelligence and reckless side of his character contributed greatly to his success as a military commander. Alexander had a great ability to control himself and prevent him from indulging in the “pleasures of the body”, and on the contrary, he was unable to control himself when it came to wines, so he continued to use it uncontrollably; Alexander was knowledgeable, loved science and the arts alike. He sponsored it. However, unlike his father, his interest in sport and the Olympics was minimal, and he always pursued the Homeric ideals of honor and glory. The Macedonian leader had the power of persuasion, supernatural persuasion, and great personal power, the building blocks that would make anyone a great leader, and the most striking manifestation of these unique features was that he united Macedonia, the whole of Greece and the Persians into one empire, and kept it together. Despite the accumulation of great contradictions, and after his death, no one of his leaders was able to maintain that unity, and the country dispersed and divided into a few different countries, Alexander suffered a state of perjury and paranoia in the last years of his life, especially after the death of his close friend Hvistion, probably because of this What he has achieved great vacations through A relatively short period of time, and the sense that he seeks Allaosfi behind the ability, flattery and admiration of his fellow people around him. The state of Alexander and his illusions can be seen in his will, which some say is a desire to conquer the world. It appears that Alexander believed that he was a god, or at least sought to deify himself, because his mother had always insisted, according to some sources, that he was the son of Zeus, and that this story was confirmed by Egyptian priests in the temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis, and he began calling himself. The son of Zeus-Amun, since then, after quoting from the Persians several habits, insisted that his men and his army commanders prostrate to him and kiss his hand, as the Persians were doing with their deified king, but the Macedonians categorically rejected it and boycotted their commander to That decided to reverse that habit. Alexander was nevertheless a realistic king, understanding the difficulties of an empire inhabited by peoples of different cultures, some of whom lived all his life in a kingdom where the king was considered a worshiped god. Accordingly, it is possible that he may not have been paranoid, but that his actions were a practical attempt to consolidate his rule and to keep the territory of his empire united. Alexander had a close relationship with a friend of his age and his companion, Hvistion, the son of a Macedonian nobleman, bodyguard and commander in Alexander's army. It is so close that the death of Hephaestion played a role in making Alexander's health decline more frequently, and probably in his mental imbalance, during the last months of his life. He saw her and fell in love with her; Statera II, the daughter of Shah Dara III, was purely politically motivated; and Grushat II, the youngest daughter of Shah Ardashir III, whom he married in Sousse along with a number of his officers who made them associate with Persian princesses. It appears that Alexander had only two sons: Alexander IV of Rakhsana, Hercules of Macedon of his nation «Persin», and a child died once, when Rakhsana aborted in Babylon; Alexander's sexual orientation has been the subject of controversy for years. There is no old text stating that he was homosexual, engaged in such a relationship, or that his relationship with Hephaestion was sexual. In spite of this, the Greek historian Alianus Tektikos recounts a story that when Alexander visited Troy, he went to the tomb of Achilles and his flowers. Akhil's lover did not visit each other's grave without the other if not. He also refers to the phrase «Eromenos», which means «beloved» in ancient Greek, and says that it does not necessarily have sexual meaning in its folds, it may mean that Hvistion was the closest friends and men to him. In any case, the homosexuality of Alexander, if true, was not forbidden or unnatural in his days, but was common. Peter Green says that the old texts and documents do not indicate that Alexander was interested in women a lot; Having a son only in the last days. Other researchers have responded to this assumption that Alexander died when he was still relatively young, but nevertheless he had married more women than his father did in the same age, and that he knew many women other than his wives, so he was a harem as Shah Fares He showed great restraint and prevented him from indulging in the “pleasures of the flesh”. He did not even impose himself on Raksana on the night of their marriage, although it was fascinated by him. Green adds that Alexander made good friends with a number of women, most notably Ada Curry, who adopted him, and even Sisypampis, the mother of Dara III, who loved Alexander as her son and is said to have died of grief. Alexander's legacy extends to many things other than his military conquests. His campaigns have increased communication and trade routes between the Western and Eastern worlds, and brought Greek culture and civilization to many aspects of Eastern life. Many of the cities founded by Alexander became major cultural centers, some of which still exist today. The Greek historians who accompanied Alexander in his campaigns recorded valuable information about the areas they had crossed, and for the first time the Greeks felt that they lived in a world larger than their Mediterranean world. The most important legacy of Alexander's legacy is undoubtedly the extension of Macedonian influence into vast areas within Asia. At the time of his death, Alexander had an area of ​​5,200,000 km 2, making it the largest country of that era. Most of these areas continued to be directly or indirectly subject to Macedonians, for the next 200 or 300 years, and the successor states of Alexander or the kings of the sects of Alexander were the most powerful countries in the world, at least at the beginning of their reign. The provinces on the eastern border of the Macedonian Empire began to take off one by one when Alexander was still alive. The political vacuum created by Alexander in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent caused the emergence of one of the greatest dynasties of India in history, the Maori dynasty founded by Emperor Pandrawgupta Maurya, of humble origins, after taking control of Punjab and launching military campaigns to open the territory of the Nanda Empire. . Alexander founded more than twenty cities bearing his name in various parts of his empire in many areas of the territory he conquered during his military campaigns, but most of them occurred east of the Tigris. The greatest undisputed city was Alexandria in Egypt, which was later destined to occupy a prestigious position among the world's cities in general and the Mediterranean basin in particular. The cities founded by Alexander fell on important trade routes, often in fortified places, inhabited by the Greeks and native people.After his death, many Greeks tried to return to his native country, but another section survived.About a century after Alexander's death, Its cities are witnessing the best of its times, where built hospitals, observatories, astronomical temples and other interests, and increased the population of people of Greek and municipal origin and added to them a new element is a mixture between the two. "Hellenism" is an Arabization of the German-Latin term (Hellenismus) coined by the German historian Johann Gustav Drizen to refer to the spread of the Greek language, culture, and population in the territory of the Persian Empire during and after the conquests of Alexander. This spread is certainly not disputed, and its effects can still be seen in some major Hellenistic cities such as Alexandria, Antioch, and Seleucia, both in historical establishments and in some forms of food of Greek origin, and others. Alexander was very confident in the greatness of the Greek civilization, and aspired to spread the banner of this civilization in every land set by his horses, but he dreamed that the whole world dyed the Greek character, and at the same time believed in the need to unite peoples, in order to seek to introduce some elements That culture to Persian civilization and hybridization of both cultures. His successors did not believe in this, neglecting the policy pursued by their late leader, but nonetheless, the Helena peoples of the East continued throughout their reign, as the Greeks who settled in the new countries gradually took on the basis of the Hellenistic culture. Men from all over Greece have a role in fusing different Greek dialects into one melting pot, and the emergence of the so-called Quinnian dialect, or common Greek slang. Greek Quinnism spread rapidly in the Hellenistic world until it became the language of common communication for many years, and modern Greek was born from its womb. In addition, urban planning, education systems, the form of local governments, and patterns of works of art were based on their traditional Greek counterparts, and over time evolved into distinctive methods known as Hellenistic styles. Certain manifestations of Hellenistic culture continued to be evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire during the mid-15th century. Some distinctive aspects of Hellenisticism can still be found in India, particularly in the region where a few Hindus established the kingdoms.The isolation of its early inhabitants from the Greeks, and their distance from their native homeland in Europe, led to the fusion of their Greek culture with Indian culture, especially Buddhism. It is noteworthy that the first human-shaped Buddha sculptures began to emerge during this period, and were carved on the basis of the Greek statues of Apollo. Several Buddhist traditions are believed to have been heavily influenced by ancient Greek religion. The Mahayana rituals, such as burning incense, wreath and placing food at altars, are similar to the ancient Greeks. In addition, adultery Buddhism derived some of its ideas and principles from Greek stoic philosophy. It is believed that one of the kings of the Greeks, called Menander I «savior», converted to Buddhism sincerely, was memorialized in the texts of Buddhists, and referred to as «Melinada». India's Helena was not limited to cultural and religious aspects, but extended to science as well. Many astronomical ideas and theories leaked eastward until India reached astronomy with great influence by the first centuries AD. Greek instruments dedicated to studying the locations of planets and stars were found in the Greek city of Ikhanim, present-day Afghanistan, and Greek spheres of the earth were surrounded in India by other spherical planets. , The idea of ​​a spherical Earth replaced the idea of ​​the flat Earth that prevailed in India for a long time. Alexander and his accomplishments gained the admiration of the Romans in general, and the military commanders of them in particular, took him by example, and often compared their career to his career, after they had seen the author of the Greek historian Paulipius, entitled "Dates" (Latin: Historiae), in which he reminded the Romans of Alexander's achievements. The Roman Commander Gumbi took the title "Magnus" (Latin: Magnus) after Alexander, but he was cutting his hair in the same way as the latter's haircut, and he was very impressed with the Macedonian commander that he searched in the countries opened by the Macedonians for the cloak of Alexander, 260 years old, Which he puts as a sign of greatness. Julius Caesar ordered his artisans to cast a bronze statue of him on his horse, a replica of one of Alexander's statues, and to replace his face with the latter.Emperor Augustus Caesar, during his visit to Alexandria, replaced the inscription of the Sphinx on his ring side by side with Alexander. Among the most prominent Roman emperors who liked Alexander also: Trajan, Nero, and Caracalla. The Macrinian family, the Roman dynasty during the reign of Emperor Macrinus, retained images of Alexander on her belongings, such as jewelery, or embroidered them on the clothes of its members. Of conflicts generated by the latter by upholding the ideals of the Supreme Republic. Other writers put Alexander's qualities as an example of all the rulers. Alexander's biography encompasses a number of myths and fairy tales, which Alexander himself may have encouraged to propagate and write. His own historian Calistines says that the sea retreated for fear when he was in Cilicia. Shortly after Alexander's death, another historian, Onesecretus, invented a story that Thalitris, the queen of the Amazons, had visited Alexander and had a kind of friendliness. All the myths about Alexander were collected centuries after his departure in a book known as 'The Romance of Alexander', probably in Alexandria, which was mistakenly attributed to Callistence, which is why he is sometimes called Pseudo-Callisthenes. This book has undergone numerous revisions and additions throughout ancient times to the Middle Ages, and therefore contains a number of doubtful stories, and has been translated into many languages ​​such as Greco-Roman, Armenian, Syriac, Latin, and most of the languages ​​of Western Europe. Alexander and his great achievements were mentioned in the texts of several civilizations, both ancient and modern. The first to mention in their texts was the Greeks themselves during his life, and others after them continued to tell the stories of this leader generation after generation until the present time. Alexander's romance and novels played a significant role in influencing his image in later civilizations, notably Persian, Central European, and contemporary Greek. (1) Alexander appears more prominently in contemporary Greek folklore than any other ancient figure. ) Is a nickname for many families, and is the only old hero to appear in karkuz shows to entertain children. One of the common myths among Greek sailors speaks of a lone mermaid who hangs in front of boats and ships during storms and asks the captain: “Isn't Alexander still alive?” The captain must answer: “He is alive and well and governs the whole world!”, The nymph returns to the sea, but if the captain responds otherwise, the nymph becomes a rebellious Gorgon, dragging the ship and its passengers to the seabed. After the introduction of Islam to Persia, the decline of the Magi in isolated small pockets, and the perception of the Persians to the author of «Romance of Alexander», took a new image more positively replace the old ones gradually. In the book of kings (in Persian: Shahnameh) of Abu al-Qasim al-Firdawsi, Alexander is mentioned in the list of legitimate kings of Persia, and described as a legendary person who traveled to the far corners of the world in search of the fountain of youth. Some Persian writers later linked Alexander and philosophy, drawing him sitting in discussion with great philosophers such as Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, talking about how to find out the mystery of eternity. The Syriac version of the "Romantic of Alexander" embodies the Macedonian leader as a good Christian king who perseveres in prayer, opens the invincible kingdoms for the pleasure of God and invites people to worship him as the true God. Alexander was described by ancient Egyptian priests and writers as the son of Nectanebo II, the last pharaoh of Egypt before the Persian invasion, and his defeat of Shah Dara III was the salvation that Egypt long waited for, and that Egypt continued to be ruled by an Egyptian. As mentioned in the Bible, the Bible mentioned explicitly the story of a good leader, named Zhi al-Qarnayn, Sahib al-Qarnayn, or 'Lugranai'im'. Confirmed or uncertain; Book of the Maccabees I: Alexander the son of Philip Macedon after leaving the land impermeable and rhythm in the King of Persia Dara and Madai king in place and is the first to reign over Greece. He then provoked many wars, opened multiple forts and killed the kings of the earth. And he passed to the ends of the earth, and spoiled the spoils of a multitude of nations; And mobilized a very powerful army. He took over the country, the nations and the sultans and they carried him a tribute. Then he lay on his bed and felt himself dead. And his servants called the elders who had grown up with him since the cactus, and divided his kingdom among them in his life. And the king of Alexander was twelve years old, and died: [Maccabees 1] And Daniel traveled: The good goat was king of Greece, and the great century between his eyes was the first king. And when he was broken, and raised four instead of him, four kingdoms shall rise up from the nation, but not in his power. At the end of their kingdom, when a transgression is complete, a king who is dry-faced will come up and understand the tricks. His power is greater, but not his power. He shall perish, and shall succeed, and shall destroy and destroy the great and the people of the saints. And by his ingenuity he also succeeds cunning in his hand, and glorifies his heart. In the reassurance perish many, and is based on the head of presidents, and without hands broken. [Daniel 8] In the Koran, Fmma came and said to the possibility of referring to Alexander the Lord in the Cave, which is: Ra bracket.png and ask you about a centuries say I will read to you from him a male Aya Verily we have enabled him -83.png in the ground and gave him everything a reason Aya-84.png reason follow Aya-85.png even if it reaches Morocco, the sun goes down and found her in the eye Hmeh and then some people found a centuries we said O M A to freshen up and either take them Well Aya-86.png La bracket.png; also: Ra bracket.png even if reached between the two dams was found without them some people can hardly understand a word Aya-93.png They said: The centuries that Gog and Magog corrupters Will we make the land you came out to make a dam between us and them Aya-94.png said what McNee the good Lord Voaenoni strongly make between you and them ruin Aya-95.png Atoni iron zapper even if equated Alsdwin said Blow, even if he made it a fire Atoni emptied it in diameter Aya-96.png What Asitaawa and what they were able to make him known to him Naqba Aya-97.png said this mercy from my Lord, if my Lord promised to make it Dca came and was promised my Lord really Aya-98.png La bracket.png. Scholars of interpretation say that this two centuries was a good slave roamed the world and built a huge dam in the face of the people of Gog and Magog who wreaked havoc in the land, and some said that this man is Alexander, others disagreed with this view. The name 'Alexander' or 'Alexander' in India and Pakistan, specifically in Punjab, refers to a young, talented young person whose capabilities are growing little by little. Alexander was made a member of the "Nine Virtues" in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the group included men considered to be the most magnificent and noble knights of their time, such as Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, and others. Hollywood produced a film about the life of Alexander in 2004, in which Irish actor Colin Farrell played the Macedonian leader. Greece tried to sue the production company and director. All the texts written by people who had socialized Alexander and accompanied him in his campaigns or collected from the news of his comrades and companions, have all been lost and left only a few manuscripts of which is complete and some of which became impossible crumbs. Alexander's contemporaries who wrote about his life include his own historian Calistines, commanders in his army Ptolemy and Nirajos, a young officer named Aristopoulos, and the chief skipper Unisecretus. All the texts dealing with the life of Alexander were written on the basis of those written by these men. The first transcripts were those of historian Diodorus Seleucus (1st century BC), followed by the text of Quintus Cortius Rufus (between the middle and late 1st century BC). Arian (between the 1st and 2nd century AD), Plutarch (1st to 2nd century AD), and finally Justin, author of the 4th century AD. Arian's author is the most authoritative on the whole, since he used the texts of Ptolemy and Aristopoulos as primary references, followed by the author of Diodorus
Here ends the story of the life of Alexander the Great
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
I wish there was a name for the genre other than dressup games tho. Its one of many of my interests that i felt that i had to supress in order to be "real trans", yknow? Like its annoying how a giant pile of proof is never proof enough but having ONE hobby that stereotypically fits your birth sex is somehow proof that youre lying. And you get so used to that that even when you're alone your anxieties repeat those people's voices and it keeps you from enjoying what you love.
Also like..honestly if not for the name it wouldbt even be a "girly hobby", so man i worry about nothing. I mean its weird how (for example) dragonball zenoverse and soul calibur are manly dressup games, and like 90% of mmos are super male-aimed dressup games with near naked women. And there's bazillions of games with dressup functionality that are hybrids with other genres and actually let you take your custom character and DO STUFF WITH THEM, and thats the kind i love the most! Dressup deep dark fantasy action rpg time! I like making a character, i like dressup with armours or demon horns or anime fighter hair aura nonsense or god knows what! Its so limiting to have this image of the genre as just "girly fashion", like man who could enjoy a dressup game without OPTIONS??? Most of those stereotype pandering dressups are soulless cashgrabs, thats why Style Savvy looks so appealing to me as legit the first actual fully fleshed out non glitched as fuck girly dressup that ive ever seen! Also thankfully it does have options for multiple styles of fashion even though the general prrsentation is very cliche girly. The demo alone showed some nice punk clothes and gothic stuff!
Anyway i wish we could popularise a better name for the genre or make it so that people dont automatically associate the phrase dressup with negativity. Character customization is kinda another way to describe it but its a big clunkyness of crusty syllables. At least it better describes the main appeal which is creating characters! Seriously ive seen a lot of people assume that dressup games are literally only dressing up one premade character and then they go "oh yo actually that does sound fun" or "i think ive already played one of those!" when you tell them its like making an oc. So many sports games have dressup and all these stereotype-obsessed dudely dudes are like "wtf you mean the entire time this was the same damn thing??"
And oh man another genre thats unfairly ruined by badly made aggressively sexist shit games is parenting sims! Again i wish there was a word thats less pigeonholed into the stereotype but the obly other ones are raising sim or life sim which are basically the same. Like man when you hear all that you imagine a collection of boring minigames changing diapers and not a cool choose your own adventure rpg where your character grows and gets different endings. And in this case the more girly parenting versions are actually pretty ahead of the grade! All those shitty diaper minigame things clog up western stores but in japan there's series like Princess Maker that have RIDICULOUSLY in depth character choice progression algorhythms and 50-60 endings each time!
Like man seriously why is the whole genre of anything to do with making good roleplay characters considered "girly and vapid" but then rightfully recognized as in-depth and complex whenever it appears in a much smaller form in some macho game? Probably the same reason why otome dating sims are considered laughable yet male-aimed comparatively shitty awfully translated waifu nonsense is somehow top tier. Dude you could be having pron AND actual storywriting, dont settle for less! Seriously finding a non-terrible straight dude dating sim is almost as hard as finding gay ones in general, despite 90% of the entire market being straight dudes. I end up playing the "girly" dating sims more often just because...like..actual characters...actual words...
Shit that makes so much sense! Yeh whenever i try and be like "oh i'll only play the manly create-a-lil-dude games" they never last very long cos they're usually eithee smaller minigames or attatched to a genre i dont like. I have soooo many sports games despite hating sports games! Theyre one of the few manly genres with good dressup engines! Also like man yeah girly dressups are stereotypically considered the main thing of the genre so no wonder i'd find more of them. Also now im actually checking my library of dressup games is overwhelmingly macho stuff or mmorpgs, i dont know why i was even telling myself im being too girly for liking these??? Again, its the brain fallacy of all proof of your transness being invalid yet one single strike against it is somehow definitive proof. Man i still remember when i was too scared to wear one pair of pink socks because somehow one pair of pink socks would mean i was a "faker trans trender". Why am i so anxious!!! How do i take my brain to the mechanic!!!
So uhh yeah in summary gta 5 is a dressup game. End post.
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magicalsalamander · 7 years ago
The Rabbit on the Moon Part 2
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut | Police officer | Mafia | Hybrid
Warning: Mature; depictions of abuse, Illegal activities, smoking/drinking 
Words: 5.4 K
Summary: The moon was your sun. You’ve grown up working under the moonlight as long as you could remember. You served a man, who controlled the monsters that roamed the city at day and night, or rather the devil himself. 
When the others around you slowly start disappearing, you start wondering if it’ll soon be your turn. A hand reaches out to you, the hand of a gentle rabbit disguised as a wolf, offering a way out. Will you be able to escape the clutches of the devil in time?
A/N: This series is a part of Kitten’s Little Flame universe. 
I (M). II. III. IV. V.  Masterlist 
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Puckering his lips, he took his last long drag from the cigar smashing the molten tip in an ash tray. In a sigh, he let out a cinereal cloud in delight. He chuckled out tides of smoke rippling into the cloud. He stood up unbuckling his belt buckle, letting the loops hang loose at his waist under his hanging gut. Outstretching his hand, he shook Mr. Shin and his associates hand, “It’s a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Shin.” He turned to me holding up his pants with one hand, “Kitty, escort these men back out. Excuse me gentlemen, I have two bunnies waiting for me.” Yates left me behind with his business partners walking out with a pep in his step. I slipped one hand at a time behind the tray wiping my sweaty palms on the skirt of my uniform. My focus wasn’t on his words so much, but about what should I do next. Should I try to get the paper back? Should I beg for forgiveness now? Maybe play it off like it never happened?
The trembling didn’t stop, and I wasn’t able to prevent my hands from slipping on the tray. I bowed to them as I held the door open for them, “Mr. Shin, this way, please.” I refused to meet their eyes as I let the three men pass. I caught their scent again, it was stronger this time around. Mr. Shin lagged readjusted his clothing and crouching down to retightening his shoe laces. He snuck the paper out from under his heel into the side of his shoe. He stood up following behind his associates. The hallway was empty as usual. The tension in my muscles were so tight I shuffled like a plank of wood. My tail flicked behind me in small jolts and my ears twitched matching every step they took. I kept behind them near Mr. Shin, leading them towards the stairs. One of the men broke the tension, “Hmm… I wonder if he knows these paintings are fake?” I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t, the bile was too thick in my throat. I may throw up if I have to open up my mouth.
Mr. Shin slowed his pace walking in line next to me speaking barely above a whisper, “are there cameras in the hallway?” My blood ran cold. There was no one to save me, I was alone in this hallway surrounded by canines and a buck. I stepped back distancing myself from them ready to run, “no-no, there isn’t misters.” Mr. Shin stopped his associates signaling with his hands to them, immediately they went into action. They all gazed up towards the ceiling, looked behind curtains even paintings surveying the area. I looked back and forth between them trying to find what they were looking for but saw nothing just the same old walls.
Abruptly my arms were yanked towards Mr. Shin bringing me face first in his firm chest. I dropped the tray on the floor with a muffled clatter. I clench my fist in his shirt trying to distance myself. The look in his eyes were feral, even more brooding with his loose chestnut bangs hanging over his eyes. I let out a small whine, but it was muffled when Mr. Shin’s hand covered my mouth. Was this the end? Was I going to die here? I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the impact of his hand or any fitting reprimanding, but it never came. I didn’t open my eyes, but I muttered behind his hand, “please, please don’t hurt me. I can’t—I can’t leave my baby behind.” Hot tears fell from my eyes rolling over his fingers. His eyes soften feeling the liquid releasing slightly on the tight grip. He kept his hand over my mouth but whispered, “if I let go, will you promise not to scream?” I hiccupped from air deprivation. I took a few seconds to focus, but I nodded in assurance. My life was in their hands, I was going to play by their rules.
An associate of his nearby pulled away from a painting, “Kitty, if that is your name, we are here to,” searching the hallway once, “help you.” My eyes were wide as boulders, I wasn’t going to die? These men were here to help me? The man, who just released me, brought my attention back to him, “Look, we don’t have a lot of time, but we need your cooperation. So, let me make this clear to you—.” He paused momentarily waiting for my confirmation that I was listening. I broke contact for a split second looking back and forth between his associates, but ultimately landed on the eyes of the buck. "Before the auction, I want you to let the others known that you all will be rescued. Can you do that for me? Can you trust us?” Rescue. He was going to rescue us. This man was putting in as much trust to me as I was him. He didn’t know who I was, and I didn’t him, but it was there. I wanted to—no need to grasp his hand. I nodded repeatedly, “as long as you save my baby, that’s all that matters.” He nodded briefly, the promise was set.
Footsteps from down the corridor rung out in a familiar heavy pattern. Mr. Shin pushed me up against the wall banging my head slightly upon impact. The pain wasn’t terrible, but I held a grip tighter on him from the sudden rotation. He buried his head into the crevice where my shoulder and neck meet nuzzling affectionately. My heart squeezed, holding my breath until I was forced to breath out a bit harshly. Mistress continued towards the lot of us, smiling towards the guest. She didn’t pay me any mind. I turned away from her, if these guys weren’t here to punish me, she was. Mr. Shin pulled out of my neck addressing Mistress, “I’m sorry Mistress, Kitty here was just too irresistible.” I blushed lowering my head, and my eyes landing somewhere on the floor. She scoffed under her breath, but still held a polite tone, “I’m sorry Mr. Shin, she’s not a part of the auction. I could arrange for a personal meeting though?” He held up his hand towards her, “there is no need Mistress, I have a toy at home. I should be getting back. Thank you for your hospitality.” Mistress’s smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she smiled back none-the-less. She looked towards me finally, “I will be escorting these men from here on, get back to work.” I bowed to her removing myself from the group, “yes, Mistress.”
As she passed by you leading them down the hall, she muttered quietly, “tramp, keep your hands off the guest.” I stayed in the bent over position until they were down the stairs clear from the area. My knees gave out and I became boneless. They wanted to help. They wanted to help. They wanted to help. I couldn’t hold back the tears, they returned full force. I sobbed letting it all out, the years of pent up frustration, anger and fear. Help, they were going to help. Luna was going to be saved. There wasn’t no time to waste, I had to let everyone know. The auction was in less than twenty-four hours away and I had to notify over a hundred staff members.
Once they were far enough from the estate Jungkook pulled on his tight tie loosening it, “that fucker thinks we hybrids are toys. I can’t wait to get my hands on him tomorrow.” The other officers were doing the same pulling off the wigs covering their ears and loosening the buckles of their pants relieving their tails. The two golden Labradors, Wang and Bam Bam, shook their head releasing their golden, floppy ears sighing in relief. Kim, the driver, tossed his wig at Wang in the backseat to pack into duffle bag for their costumes. They pressed the switch turning off the recording wire taps on their clothing. Youngjae designed these flat recording chips that look like normal buttons that could be placed over existing buttons on a shirt. Jackson spoke into his recorder before switching it off, “hear that Yates, we’re coming for you.”
Jeon sat back in his seat fading out from the noisy atmosphere in the car. The terrified look in the poor maid’s eyes haunted him. He hated it, he hated seeing the way that Yates paraded his hybrids around. She even mentioned a child? He reclined in his seat sighing when Wang broke his inner monologue, “God, did you smell the stress in the house? And the naked bunnies? What kind of sick game is he playing?” Jungkook leaned down to pull out the note from his shoe and the two in the back seat leaned in watching over his shoulder. “What’s that Jeon?” Jeon shrugged his shoulder smelling the paper for anything odd, but it just smelled of trash. He unfolded the paper and in sloppy hand writing he made out the words clear a day. He read out loud for everyone, “save us.” Anger boiled in him and the others were equally feeling the same when the aura in the car changed. It was now or never to save these hybrids. This invasion couldn’t hold off, women and children’s life were at risk.
Last night I took the leap of faith, time was precious. From years of observing, I noticed the guards never check if the door was locked after latching the door. They just assume it locks, but tonight it won’t. I crouched with my back to the wall near the door with a wooden stir spoon I stole from the kitchen. I flipped the spoon around holding the ladle in the palm of my hand waiting for go time. Earlier when all feline hybrids were settling and preparing their matts, I tapped on the wall garnering everyone’s attention. I stood up shakily shushing everyone, listening for any guards in the hallway. Once it was silent and all eyes were on me I began signing 911, each number slowly at a time.
No one spoke afterwards or even signed back at me, so I repeated it once again. Luna tugged on my night shirt changing everyone direction of vision. All fifty eyes were on Luna and I, waiting as she signed out one finger with pleading eyes. I nodded smiling whole heartedly signing back one with confidence. I shook my hand turning to everyone sticking my hand in the air, so I was sure they all saw the single digit. I heard a croak of a wail coming from the other end of the room. Before tears were breaking out, I mouthed out to the ones closet to me, who could see my mouth clearly, “tomorrow…auction,” then repeated 911 with my fingers. The ones closest to me passed the message all the way back to the front of the cell. Luna pulled me down hugging me strongly. I patted her head assuring her that help was on the way. Tomorrow was the last day, the last day you had to be called Kitty by the Devil.
When the coast was clear, and all the felines were in bed, I assumed position. They don’t allow the morning staff and night staff to intersect. When they close the night staff’s cell, they wait for a small window of time before they open the bunnies cell across the way. This method is to ensure no one skips out of work or does some underhanded scheming. Everything had a reason and purpose in this house. I stood opposite of the sliding metal door waiting patiently. When the shadows of the Doberman approached, I held my breath as I pressed myself closer against the wall. A guard stood in the doorway reckless scanning over the sleeping cats. The secondary Doberman tapped on the wall clearing the guard in the doorway to close the door. The solid detention door was heavy. It was only meant to be opened or closed by the Doberman’s, not the weak maids. Because of the heavy weight, it had an adjustor to prevent it from slamming shut, but glide shut. In truth, this was to prevent any guest above in the main floor from knowing of the basement.
The guard clutched the handle with two hands and dragged it parallel along the track. Right before it shut I wedged the spoon on the track near the door frame. The spoon was small enough that it would only a small crack between the door and the wall. The guard would be able to latch the lock on the outside of the door. I patiently waited, holding the spoon steady to hear the final clanking of metal clasping shut. I watched the shadows under the door retreat towards the main door. The second clanking and clasping of the door locked into place bathing the cell’s in darkness. It was a countdown ‘till the switch in shifts from here on, I had to work fast.
I slid the wooden spoon deeper into the gap. I wedged and slid the spoon then dragged it upwards until I hit the latch. My fingers were small enough to fit through, so I wiggled just above the spoon fitting in between the inch of space. I fished for the knob on the latch by worming my finger around the cool metal. Once I found it, I tapped around swiping it in the opposite of the dock. It took a few tries, but eventually it gave and moved out enough to slide the door open. I looked back in the room catching Luna sitting up at the other end with her back against the wall. Her ears were flat resting against her head silently asking for you to return. I shushed her with a finger to my lips, then signed okay. It was the only way I could give her some reassurance.
I slid the spoon out from the door replacing it with my fingers stopping it from rolling shut. I pushed forward using the ball of my feet to assist in the shove. As quietly as possible, even though it was relatively sound proof, I moved it across as quickly as my weak limbs could push. It screeched to a halt when it reached wide enough for me to slip through. I jammed the spoon on the track holding the door open. It wouldn’t hold long, but it was just enough time for me to sneak across. I crawled out stepping softly onto the cold concrete floor of the hallway inching over to the adjacent cell. I knocked rhythmically waiting for a response. Not a moment too late a knocked of the same pattern responded back to me. I couldn’t see them, but I knew well enough that this message didn’t need to be seen. I knocked nine time in a row pausing then once more, pausing again then with a final knock I sealed the message. A response didn’t come as I expected, it was silent. I tried it again just in case they may have miscounted. Time was running out, so I tried once more; my knuckles were hurting, and my palms were sweaty. What if they were still asleep?
Metal keys jingled in the distance nearing the hallway. I started crawling back to my cell, I couldn’t stay in the hall. I removed the spoon from the track pulling with all my might. I fell on my butt once the freed the stopper. I looked back to Luna, who was still watching me, checking if she was still awake. I grabbed on the door pulling it back to close, but only my body was moving. My feet were sliding against the floor. I was running out of strength tugging on the slab of a door. I couldn’t grasp the door properly because my sweaty hands would keep slip. The keys were closer now almost at the main gate, I could hear the two sets of footsteps distinctly now.
Two hands tapped my shoulder behind me making me turn to two cats. Luna and another feline around my age were moving into action. The strength in me came back tenfold this time, I gripped the edge of the door helped by the other two pushing at the back. With a few heavies it began to budge and moved along the track. Lunas feet was sliding on the floor as she used her back to push the door. The door kept rolling with the three of us working together.
The sliding of our door followed along inversely with the main door. As our cell door shut, the main cell door opened. We didn’t dare to move. We remained still holding the door in place, afraid if we let go it would slide open. The footsteps of the guards became closer and closer stopping right in front. I could hear the crunching of the sediment against the rubber soles of their shoes. The guards opened the door for the day shifters calling out, “time for work bunnies.” One guard turned around to the felines cell scrunching up his expression, “hey, didn’t you lock this?” If it was possible my heart froze. I begged for them to not test the door, I begged to any deity or higher power out there to please let them pass. The footsteps bided otherwise, the higher power must’ve ignored me. He jiggled the lock shifting it back and forth testing its resistant, “hmm, we could oil these later they’re getting rusty.” With a roll of his eyes the hybrid turned to the over curious Doberman, “just close it, who cares about them anyways?” The guard at our door shrugged sliding the latch into place locking the knob securely. They left to the main hall waiting for the bunnies to line up single file in the external corridor. The last bunny to leave the cell was the same age as Luna. She waited a few seconds stretching her neck looking over her senior’s shoulders for the Doberman’s. She walked backwards until she hit the feline cell door with a fist clenched behind her back. She knocked once on the door then ran to catch up with her peers.
Still sitting behind the door holding it, a smile broke out on my face stretching from ear to ear. I slumped sliding down the door settling on the floor. With a small, breathless laugh I looked over to Luna and the other feline, who shared the same expression, everyone knew now; it was all up to Mr. Shin.
In the locker room of the police station, the hybrid unit gathered along with the gang division all forming a tactical S.W.A.T unit lead under Captain Im. The Rottweiler barked out banging his fist against a metal locker, “Men and Hybrids alike, tonight is the night where we will uncover the biggest syndicate of trafficking. It is time we put an end to this!” In unison everyone in the locker room was howling and banging their fist against their vest like apes. “All right, all right, boys. Yates isn’t tactful, but doesn’t mean his guards aren’t, so don’t take risk. Cottontail make sure that everyone’s in position internally. Alright everyone, let’s head out!” A deafening roar of, “yes, Sir,” rung out echoing off the walls. Jungkook may not be a canine like the rest of them or even full man, but he’s got more guts than them all.
The plush, pink marabou trim around the end of my sleeve continuously got it my way. The height of my heels was enough to compensate length of the ruffled skirt of the robe and thick layers of trim around my feet. If it wasn’t my fur, it was inconvenient. Everything about this new uniform wasn’t meant to compensate for hybrid features. I adjusted and readjusted the silk ribbon around my ruffle skirt, it wouldn’t tie securely because of the jewels from the sheer embellished teddy underneath. The jewels cascade down like a waterfall strategically placing over my breast and pooling over Venus. All the maid staff was running about preparing the auction hall, but only thirty were working to run the auction. The night before I begged Luna to stay on the main floor away from any guest. I bunched up the skirt bundling it up and throwing it over my forearm stepping carefully down the cellar stairs. I caressed the wine bottle tightly in my other hand taking each step at a time. Instead of walking towards the left to our own cells, I turned right at the bottom of the stairs following the staff hallway towards one of the entrances to the arena. The hallways walls were raw cement blocks with fluorescent lights flooding the chipped white linoleum floor.  Soft piano echoed in the hallways growing exponential louder as I got closer to the playpen. It was a complete contrast from the inner workings of the home just above.
The majority of guest were already seated having gone through security and given their number paddle to raise during the auction. It was an underground arena that was decorated to imitate a posh dinner theater. As I reached to push open the door, my arm got caught in my jeweled choker. I tugged a few times, but it wouldn’t release. I tucked the wine again under my arm and rubbed my fingers gently along the strands of plumed, pink faux fur attempting to dislodge the pesky feathers. I yanked after growing impatient scrunching my face along with every tug. With a grunt, my wrist finally left the collar around my neck, but along with it left one of the diamonds incrusted in the word Kitty. I set down the wine bottle searching the carpet for the fallen diamond, it was transparent and blended against the white flooring. Footsteps clacked nearing your position, so I had to sacrifice the diamond. I swiped the floor with my tail clearing the passageway and picked up the wine bottle. I can’t let the guest wait any longer, I was on table service duty.
I knocked on the door readjusting myself one last time waiting for the guard to open the door. I pressed my shoulder blades together standing tall and walked in with a practice sway to my hips. I played up my expression lulling my gaze into a dreamy stare, bringing out the seductive kitty to play. If we were to serve and walk around the floor serving guest, our Master wanted us to entice the guest to purchase their own. Bring the boudoir to the customers, a true tease. That or become product.
I walked pass a few candle lit tables catching the eyes of a few onlookers. I approached one of my assigned tables for the night interrupting the soft conversation of the masked gentlemen, “excuse me Masters, your Cabernet Sauvignon.” The black and white masked man set down his cigar turning to me. He let his gaze trail me up and down before signaling for me to pour for the table. I stood to his right and lifting the glass topper between my index and middle with the label facing the guest. I folded the hand with the toper behind my back resting it above the small of my back. With my right hand, I poured the wine without the lid of the bottle touching the rim of the glass. A hand rested on the back of my knee slowly grazing upwards to rest under the cup of my cheeks. I shuttered slightly clanging the lid of the bottle to the rim of the glass with an audible clanging of glasses. It was my fault, I wasn’t supposed to react. They were in the right to touch me. Immediately, “I’m sorry, master. Please forgive me.” His grip didn’t stutter, wine was a secondary concern of his, “what would it take to take you home tonight, Kitty?” I topped the wine bottle back, but remained stationary, “I’m sorry. We are not for sale.” He let out a hearty laugh erupting form his chest, his colleagues around the table laughed as well. One of them across the table, his obvious number one suck up, “nothing is out of reach for him.” I smiled towards the group of men finishing pouring the wine, then bowing away from the table dismissing myself. I walked towards the other tables maintaining posture. Where was Mr. Shin? Please, please, save us.
Jeon adjusted his cuff links, pulling all parts of the suit together. Wang, Bambam, Kim and Jeon were dressed to the nines as requested by invite. “Okay, at 22:00 exactly be in position, no exceptions,” Jeon warned his crew. A mile away from the estate Wang passed out the ballroom masks, “these have a GPS in them, so don’t lose them.” Bambam pulled out the anti-pheromatic spray from the duffle bag generously dousing himself in the solution. He tossed it over to Jeon sitting next to him in the back taking a big hit from the inhibitor as well.  “I can’t guarantee how long it’ll last, Choi only came out with it recently, so it’s still in its testing phase. Avoid the guards as much as possible.” Kim drove down the long driveway line with dense trees concealing the grand chateau at the end. The foliage thinned out and the avenue opened to seven-tiered fountain, that was really a pool. It was well lit from all the cars waiting in in succession for their turn to enter. Kim pulled up behind other tinted windows and black cars waiting in line. They pulled all their mask on leaving only their lips exposed. When it came to their turn maids walked towards the door opening it for them while a guard took the keys of the vehicle along with information of the owner.
Jeon stood center making his way up the staircase walking through the arched, top mansion doors. On the high ceiling a grand, spiral, crystal chandelier hung down shimmering blatantly showing off the wealth of the owner of the estate. Mr. Yates stood underneath the fixture greeting guest as they came in. He was shaking the hands of a couple allowing them to be directed away by maids. When Yates turned around his face lit up resembling the chandelier, “Shin! I’m glad you made it!” He shook each members of the groups hand firmly. Turning back to Shin he smirked offering small wink, “Why don’t you allow your men to go down to the theater and enjoy some entertainment before the real show? I’ll show you behind the scenes, as a gift for our new partnership.” Shin turned towards his associates, “If you’ll excuse me. I’ll catch up with you on the main floor later.” Wang, BamBam and Kim all bowed slightly in respect towards Yates and followed a bunny deeper into the house. Yates held out a hand gesturing for Shin to follow him separately through the house. Shin followed him through the decorated home, passing by his ostentatious portrait and leading through the kitchen. He looked over to the kitchen staff, who gave him a one over with raised brows, then followed Yates through an ajar metal storage door.
He descended behind Yates physical noticing the temperature lowering the further down they climbed. Yates turned to the right with his hands clasped behind his back humming a show tune to himself. Jeon looked to the left of the intersection before following behind. There was another storage door latched shut; despite being shut he could various scents strongly belong to either cats or rabbits. Was that another holding? Without delaying too much he kept pace with the rotund man. He walked down the long hallway passing a bunny wearing luxurious robes and lingerie. His eyes followed the doe shortly wondering if the Kitty was in the same uniform. Yates pushed open the two-way exit doors opening up to a small warehouse.
It was like walking backstage of a circus. Tiger, lions and bears…oh my. The cages were free standing holding nude male and female hybrids. As they walked pass the cages some hissed backing away to a far corner of their cage, while others remained lifeless. It smelled so strong of fecal matter and urine in this small space, it was hard to breathe. Yates stopped in front of a male, black panther’s cage tapping on the top of the cage earning a hiss from the big cat. “Guys like him go for big bucks, I wouldn’t be surprised If I made a million on him at minimum tonight." Jungkook eyed the cat, resisting every muscle from breaking the lock on each cage. The main thing keeping him from going into action is he knew one wrong move they’re all dead. Patience is a virtue. The GPS in his mask should be tracking his every move. The live tracking is feeding back to the station to monitors being watched over by Tuan, Choi and Park, the German shepherds. Tuan transcribe that information to Captain Im, who’s waiting nearby on standby with the rest of the S.W.A.T, onto a tablet where he could watch.
Yates paraded him around the warehouse showing off his trophies bragging about how shelters gave them away like candy. Jeon eyes stuck on a cage where a single cat hybrid sat in the center of the cage. She was shivering and crying. She lifted her watery eyes up looking Jeon directly in the eyes. Yates came up behind him throwing his arm over his shoulder, “she’s a young one. You should pick her before she blooms Shin.” Yates dropped his arm from Shin’s shoulder walking back to the exit dragging his fingers over the cage bars humming the same show tune. Jeon couldn’t take his eyes off the kitten; his heart hurt and was shattering into a million pieces. The children…. the children. He had to break himself away when Yates called to him from the exit beckoning him to come. The hallway casted a silhouetting light over him making his pearly, white teeth gleam a chesire grin. Jeon caught up to him stepping into the hallway and as the door closed Yates cheerfully exclaimed, “Let the show begin!”
Jeon followed Yates all the way to a table front and center near the main stage. Wang, Bambam, and Kim were sitting around the table holding light conversation and sipping wine. Jeon sat next to Kim followed by Yates on his left. I noticed Master coming into the hall with a guest. The figure was masked, but I recognized his tall figure. His scent was gone today, but the way he carried himself didn’t change. Once they situated themselves, I walked over with a bottle of wine pouring my Master a cup. His raised his hand settling it on my ass groping and squeezing it harshly. I whimper from the harshness of it but try to cover it with a giggle. He loops his arm around my waist bringing me down to sit on his lap. I fall into his lap ungracefully gripping Mr. Shin’s thigh tightly to stabilize myself. I rip my hand back sitting up straight, like I touched fire, apologizing over and over again to him. He smiled at me showing off his bunny teeth. I smiled shortly, no matter how well his disguise was there was still something he couldn’t change. Before I could keep smiling Yates promiscuous hand tightened around my waist bringing his other to play with the plumes of pink around my sleeve. His chapped, thin lips brushed against my neck, but his eyes turned towards Mr. Shin and his party watching Yates, “relax, boys.” When Yates was busy talking to someone in the seat next to him and his hand was busy trailing up and down my sides, I reached out. I secretly lowered my arm enough reaching out towards the buck. I tugged twice on his sleeve then dropped my hand back to hang limply at my side. I kept my face forward, but I felt his gaze on me. I didn’t dare turn to him while I was directly in the lap of the devil. Yates turned back to Jeon finishing his conversation with someone else tapping his arm, “The shows about to begin.” Jeon looked down at his watch, then crossed his right leg over his left reclining back in his seat. He laced his hands together in his lap turning over to Yates with a genuine smile, “Let the show begin.” In the next second, everything was covered in darkness.
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menagerie-rpg · 7 years ago
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MINOTAUR is a gigantic, half-bull and half-man hybrid. It has a human body and a bull’s head, neck, and tail. Due to the immense size of the Minotaur and natural strength, much of the circus' heavy lifting is done by the creature alone.
God would call you a beast. Not because of your exterior, but because you have the cold anger of one. Once did you have everything, and although having a father was the missing puzzle piece, this is the only mistake you will ever allow in life. Your mother watched over you, and you, her. A perfectly imperfect family who did not give a damn about anyone but themselves. But alas, selfishness only breeds jealousy. So there your family business went -- crashing down, your mother collapsing alongside it. You believe your life has ended, but it’s only just begun; a tale of how man battles with ego.
All under the cut.
I. To hear your mother tell it one would think there had never been a man at all, that your birth was a divine gift, an immaculate conception. Maybe this would be easier tale to tell if it had. But the truth is this story begins as all our stories do.
II. On a rainy summer evening a newly appointed CEO met an architect from Greece at a gala. It had been bittersweet romance where both parties could see the end from the moment it began, but he was funny and quick witted and where was the harm in a season long affair.
III. Almost 12 months later she laid in a hospital bed cradling a newborn that notably shared her dark hair and eyes that matched those of an architect who had disappeared from her world as quickly as came.
IV. She names you Seong-Jin to sign on the dotted line, but you’ll go by simply “Jin” for most of your life. Your middle name, Asterion, is the only sign of your other lineage and it came from a book he left behind. It’ll take many years to realize just what a fitting name it is (and by then it’ll be too late to ask if somehow back then she knew just what you would become.)
The Golden Age
I. Your family is the poster for the American Dream, and what a precarious dream it is where a single detail (the matter of one’s birth, education, associates, where they lived, or who they lived with) could make or break a person’s life. You would never have the picture perfect nuclear family, she couldn’t give you your father back, but perhaps if your life was perfect in every other regard you wouldn’t notice the difference.
II. The home your father had designed, his singular contribution of child support, acted as the foundation. What once seemed a labyrinthine home much too large for two people began to fill with staff and the long corridors lead to rooms tailored to whatever need might arise. She set up an office space so that she could be close to you, arranged play-dates with the other socialites’ children, hired tutors, a cello instructor, a fencing coach.
III. Your mother gave you the world in those four walls and in return you protected her best you knew how.
IV. When you were young that meant being perfect at everything you did and destroying any evidence of the contrary.  
As long as you got straight A’s and won the prestigious awards why trouble her with the knowledge that it was not a natural talent, of the hours upon hours spent beating yourself up to get it right.
That your teachers found you smart, but were concerned over your temperament
That last week the boy down the street called you a bastard, a poser, new money, with the sneer of someone who was only repeating what they heard someone else say.
How it filled with you a rage and it was only when you took matters into your own fists that it settled (but only for a moment).
That sometimes you liked to a play a game where you pretend that “the other Asterion” had come to visit and gave him a tour of the house.
V. She called you her golden child, made sure anyone who would listen knew it, and you would not have her think herself a liar.
The Silver Years
I. Every child must grow up eventually and in this you were no different.
II. At eighteen you were a lot different than the person you were at eight but in as many ways you were the same.
Your ambitions sharpened into a straight arrow: you decided your major at eleven, your university at fifteen, and didn’t weaver for a second. Your teachers called it arrogance, but the acceptance letter arrived all the same
You’re too old for fist fights, but the feelings remained. You learned the power of a cold shoulder; a distant uninterested stare; the way the furrow of your brow, the very implication of your anger, has the same effect.
The kids in the neighborhood, who were no longer kids either, learned new words to call you: cold, misanthropic, Machiavellian.
You traded your imaginary friend for real ones who were an illusion of a different kind.
III. In college you join the fencing team, the orchestra, and the honors society, but the highlight of all things is unexpectedly a course in Greek Literature.It reminded you of the stories your mother read to you as a child, when you believed yourself to be the hero of the story.
IV. It was also the semester you learned about Cryptids
One member of your study group claimed to have seen it with his own eyes. Another found the whole thing ridiculous and called him a liar.
You, for the first time in your life, weren’t sure what to believe.
The Fall of Rome
I. There are somethings that not even you could have protected your mother from, though you will spend your whole life telling yourself otherwise.
II.The truth is the company had been slipping from her grasp long before you left home, and yet when you return back to the one thing the bank couldn’t take away - your beautiful infinity home - to find her a shell of her former self, you can’t help but think that you could.
I. Everyone describes their first time differently: for some they had always known, deep down, what they would become; for others it’s sprung on them suddenly, triggered by an event, a feeling.
II. You’re 22 and all at once you’re life is unraveling and you haven’t been this angry since you were eight and a boy with the picture perfect family reminded you that you had been clinging to a world that you didn’t belong to.
III. When you wake up in the morning your room is trashed and in the haze of it all you can only think of the moment you had caught a glimpse of yourself in a reflective source; only you hadn’t looked anything like you at all.
IV. You clean your room, you lock the thought away, you move on.
The Labyrinth
I.You spent hours each day trying to find her in that home, to sit down and talk with her, but she seemed to elude you every time.
II. It was only at dinner as she sat on the opposite end of the table only barely hearing anything you say, her thoughts clearly elsewhere, you realized that she was running from you on purpose.
III. Suddenly the place you lived your whole life felt different like you had been transported somewhere else.
IV. During the day: Solitude. wandering through the corridors; reading; pretending to sleep because it was easier to confront than being awake were becoming less and less of a choice.
No one answered your calls or read your text. there are no practices or parties to attend. You could feel yourself slipping away and not single one of them could bring themselves to care.
When was the last time you felt so alone?
V. At night you went on long walks, the city just a bigger maze and your room that you wake back up in the morning is the center.
In between that: a möbius strip anger, guilt, confusion
Rinse and repeat
Sometimes you have dreams of a man with a bull head. Google yields no explanation.
VI. A rumour of a different kind: a cryptid spotted.
Theseus Arrives
I. You’re 25 and you hadn’t accepted what you are, but your savings was dwindling; no law school got back to you; no company wanted to hire you. If you can’t control anything else in your life you’ll control this.
The first time you do it on purpose, locked in the bathroom, it takes almost half a day. When it finally happen you have to fight against the urge to scream out (can you even scream?)
You practice every other day, some days are more successful than others and there is always the matter of changing back. (the horns, always the horns, are the last to go.)
On television you listen to reports of cryptid spottings and arrest; people expressing their disgust, their horror, their twist fascination. You remember when you were on that side of things, it’s getting harder to convince yourself you’re still there.
II. You did your fair share of blackmailing long enough to recognize when it’s happening to you. To Metzger’s credit he is straight to the point:
“A crueler man would report this to the police or the news-” he gestured to the photos, a little hazy, but undoubtedly you. The other you. “I won’t insult your intelligence by saying someone else won’t put the pieces together.”
He reminded you that you don’t have any friends, and more than a few enemies. He offers you a job, money. Reminded you that you’re no good to your mother staying here.
III. He was also kind enough to give you the illusion of choice, to think about it.
IV. By the end of the week you’re on the road. (Your mother didn’t seem surprised to see you go.)
I. Come one! Come all! He’s half man, half bull, all B E A S T.
You have a degree from Harvard, can recite several languages, have more trophies and medals than can fit on a shelf, but no one cares.
You can lift twice your weight over your head and then some. That’ll get you a surplus of praise.
II. It’s been eight years since you first learned what you are, five since you joined the circus, and in many ways you are just the same.
III. But in more ways you are not.
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ottofreycinet87-blog · 6 years ago
Rockarchive Music Eras
Modern folks music refers to all kinds of genres that emerged within the mid twentieth century and afterwards which have been associated with conventional folks music Starting in the mid-20th century a brand new form of common folks music evolved from conventional folk music. 2. Why does it matter? I do know you talked how individuals would take pleasure in music better if they listened to extra complex, but I am talking about greater than this. Like, the music industry has always been unpredictable, but now it's extra so than ever, with untalented people scoring #1 hits and musical geniuses not making a cent. If complicated music was more valued, there would still be huge untalents and small talents, but for probably the most half, on average, true musicians would get the spotlight. For the chords it doesnвЂt quite make sense because it is vitally biased as a result of these are the 3 primary chords of the C major scale. So of course the most popular scaleвЂs major chords would be the most popular he encountered. Roman numeral analysis would have been rather more useful right here, as it's not dependent on the actual chord letter or key, Pop Music 2018 Download Mp3 however its general perform. For instance C-F-G is generically describing a I-IV-V motion and describes all main scales in any key not simply C major. Functionally this is known as root-predominate-dominate development and is the preferred movement in all fashionable music. ItвЂs cool he did his personal examine although, but a bit pointless in its closing information since this can be very biased to the most well-liked scale C major.
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The Liceu Conservatory has made an amazing guess for Jazz and Modern Music recognition as specializations in the Bachelor's Diploma. The Division's academics are large names of the Jazz and Fashionable Music scene in Barcelona and overseas. The Department presents an ideal surroundings to study this music with maximum accuracy and with complete information of its tradition and trendy trends. The students of the Bachelor of Music Efficiency, Major in Jazz and Fashionable Music, have at their disposition several packages of instruments: electrical guitar, bass, electric bass, piano, drums and percussion, singing, saxophone, trumpet, flute trombone, and violin. The explanation why these songs had been excluded appears clear sufficient: They are proudly trunk-rattling rap songs that make no concessions to a white audience. Yet by advantage of their sheer ubiquity they were two of essentially the most successful pop songs of the 12 months. If pop stations are really purported to characterize a snapshot of what is popping at a given second, those big Kendrick and Migos hits belonged on the airwaves. Will probably be attention-grabbing to see whether top-40 stations cave to these cultural currents and becomes indistinguishable from the Spotify charts this yr or holds robust as a gated group ruled by Sheeran and Mendes and Horan and Puth and Levine. (Additionally referred to as heavy steel) A form of music characterised by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars. Its origins lie within the exhausting rock bands who, between 1967 and 1974, took blues and rock and created a hybrid with a heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound. From the late 1970s on, many bands would fuse this sound with a revival of European classical music. Heavy metallic had its peak popularity in the 1980s, throughout which lots of the now existing subgenres first developed. However, while there may be plenty of trash in the music business, accounting for normally around 30 of the top forty songs each week, there nonetheless is plenty of good music to go around, you simply have to look tougher. Occasionally some actually actually good songs come out, like for instance The entire Lights by Kanye West, The Show Goes on by Lupe Fiasco, Chandelier by Sia, Rap God by Eminem, and See You Again by Wiz Khalifa. I name these songs golden nuggets as a result of you have to shovel via quite a lot of crap to find them, however they are gems of the music trade. This complicated relationship between motion, instrument and perceived result has had a massive influence on the language of music; but in classical music the influence is subterranean, not acknowledged in textbooks, precisely as a result of it contradicts the foundations. There's a clue right here that factors us towards an entirely different conception of music—extra communal, where the sovereign isolated subjectivity of the listener is not the main focus of consideration. That ought to make it of burning curiosity to a thinker of music, however Scruton prefers to look the other approach. And this is why his book ultimately, for all its passion, feels curiously thin. Scruton is a vastly gifted philosopher and author, admirably committed to the form of music that he loves. However there are such a lot of extra things in music than are dreamt of in his philosophy. c Labels warning of explicit lyrics on recordings prompt adolescents normally to love the music much less. They see it as "tainted fruit," reasonably than as "forbidden fruit" they have to strive, Christenson found in the one research accomplished of music labeling. Not everyone in the study reacted negatively to the labeled music, nevertheless. "An advisory sticker would possibly properly be a come-on for some children who're alienated from their dad and mom, their college or the mainstream peer culture," he stated. The style's identify functions much as Foucault described the creator's title in literature. 2 2. For an account of the various ways of understanding and finding out genres of music, see Classification as Culture: Types and Trajectories of Music Genres" by Jennifer C. Lena and Richard A. Peterson. View all notes Like the creator's title, a named style performs a classificatory perform. Such a reputation permits one to group collectively a certain number of texts, outline them, differentiate them from and distinction them to others." The textual content" of heavy metallic bands—their output of songs variously mediated—capabilities simply as the fact that several texts have been positioned beneath the identical title indicates that there was established amongst them a relationship of homogeneity, filiation, authentication of some texts by way of others, reciprocal explication, or concomitant utilization" (Foucault 452).
Regardless of being raised by corporate administration as a teenager, Kate Bush at all times retained a fierce sense of individuality. Her expressive voice continues to face out on the radio as a fresh break from monochromatic pop singers. It is impossible to select the best album in her catalog as each document has its personal distinctive aptitude. Nonetheless, Hounds of Love is a straightforward favorite. Critics proceed to adore the report on account of its intricate preparations and Http://Www.magicaudiotools.Com/ the unparalleled passion of Bush's unmistakeable voice.
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