#and ive kinda been avoiding the rest of the ppl i know from hs as a result?
thestamp3d3 · 1 year
yeesh how do i explain to someone why im not friends with a mutual friend anymore
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shrubforhire · 5 years
Hey all the flirty asks
ugh ive reblogged so many ask memes without u bitches finding them
also come off anon you fucking coward
flirty asks
1: are you single? yea 2: do you like anyone right now? ehhhhhh 3: how do you act when you have a crush? hhh honestly i dont know. sometimes i just like heavy avoid them, but sometimes i’ll tag along to things just to hangout w them 4: which gender(s) are you into? weeman for sure, & not a day goes by where im certain how i feel about men yeehaw the world is awful 5: how long do you need to know someone before you can develop feelings for them? any time span lmao usually after like at least a couple weeks til i actually realize it, but its been like months at a time in the past 6: are you usually the first one to make a move? dear god no, my first kiss was the only time ive made the first move bc im an insecure coward and a bottom 7: how could someone make you swoon? literally anything,,, when ppl do music stuff i am especially weak bc its just,, so sweet and lovely when someone plays music or sings and music is so special i could go off forever i love music 8: what’s something romantic you wish someone would do for you? love me without changing their mind a couple weeks later yeet 9: do you like pda? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes 10: do you get flustered when someone is flirting with you? almost exclusively,, i cant even take a normal compliment well so when ppl flirt with me i combust 11: favorite pet names?
something abt babe,, mayb its just cuz this girl i liked in hs said it to me in this really,, specific way and then i fell in love with her
12: how do you show affection? usually its more in my voice & inflection and stuff, i get kinda nervous abt touching ppl cause i dont want them to be uncomfortable so usually i just kinda open up my body language & i like speaking tenderly 13: would you consider being with multiple people romantically? i would worry abt being insecure that ppl dont like me as much, i would try it, but i dont think it would work bc im just not there yet 14: do you like playing footsies? i rly havent tried it but i kinda wanna see what its like 15: what are your favorite things to do with your tongue? i genuinely have no idea what this is asking so im gonna give an unsexy answer lmao, i like resting my tongue between my teeth sometimes bc its quirky ;P 16: do you like being kissed (and if so, where)? yea!! ive only ever been kissed like around the face & it was alright but itd be cool to try other places 17: what songs get you in the mood? hahaha,,,,, i have a whole playlist for that but uuuuhhhhhhh lately ive been feeling war! by zach callison
18: favorite massage technique? WELL i actually took cosmetology for a semester in hs so let me tell u, some nice effleurage on the forearm complimented with petrissage all down the forearm and into the palm is very nice bc no one realizes how tense their hands and arms get from being alive each day. I used to give my friends massages all the time in hs & it was rly fun 19: which spots are your sensitive spots? literally everywhere. idk why im like this but someone can just absentmindedly grab my arm and my whole body recoils lmao, like especially my inner arm area is rly sensitive for no reason 20: do you prefer when people are rough or gentle with you? both but switching between them rapidly 21: do you like to take charge or do you like being handled? i feel like theres a universe where i could take charge but id much rather be handled 22: what’s your favorite flirty move? i like,, do not have one lmao,, i guess sitting around and staring into their eyes hoping theyll read my mind,,,,,, yeah gotta work on that 23: describe a time you won someone over with flirting i dont think this has happened?? at least not to my knowledge. the fact that ive ever been involved with anyone is a fucking mystery since i act like such a fucking bottom all the time 24: describe a time someone won you over with flirting every single time? idk i fall in love with anyone whos even remotely nice to me so, its not hard? 25: vague about someone you like romantically or platonically absolutely not
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