#and its not like its entirely for his own benefit either like his plan wouldve gone on regardless of if traveler appeared or not
haunted-xander · 1 year
Childe design takes pretty pls 🤲 (if that's ok!!)
Weeeeeeell since you asked who am I to refuse?
Okay so, before we get into the actual takes there's two important things I need to note (bc it will be relevant) :
1) Childe is an extremely capable and dangerous soldier
2) Despite this, he is also a genuinely friendly and sociable guy
Got that? Okay moving on
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Starting with his face, the most notable thing is, of course, his eyes. It's pretty common knowledge by now, but I still think it's important to note that Childe is the only character with no light in his eyes whatsoever. Everyone else has some sort of shine, or at least something that gives the seem feel as it. The dead eyes coupled with the friendly expression gives a rather off-putting vibe. Fitting, for as much as he is genuinely friendly, he also won't have any qualms cutting you down if it comes to it.
His bangs are also interesting, as the left side covers most of his eye while his right is open.
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His left side is also much more decorated, with having both his earring and mask. The designs on both of these are very sharp, with a deep red color that practically screams danger. By itself, his left looks much more closed off and intimidating than his right, which is open and vulnerable.
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There's also a light streak in his hair (with some other parts having it as a subtle gradient) that, notably, his brother doesn't have.
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Let's move away from the face a bit now yeah?
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Childe's outfit as a whole is very military, with neutral shades of gray and a dash of black with relatively simple patterns. It makes the red accents pop a lot more, especially his bright red scarf.
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Similarly to his bangs, his left side here is also much more decorated and covered, with all the sharp armor pieces (and his thigh belt) being exclusively on his left.
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The stomach gap is on his right, once again making him appear more open and vulnerable.
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As a whole, his design gives the vibe of someone who is approachable, but that you should still be wary off.
Which is perfect! Because while yes, he is an incredibly violent battle-hungry maniac, he IS still genuinely approachable and friendly. It's why he's able to make friends with people despite them knowing what he does!
I like him a lot :)
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