#and it's really annoying to be this annoyed
litl-rat-dude · 2 days
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more hsr doots, just having fun figuring out their shapes :)
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chilumi-shipper · 2 days
Can we have some more of genshin men eating us out?
Eating You Out (2)
Thoma x Fem!Reader / Arataki Itto x Fem!Reader / Alhaitham x Fem!Reader / Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, Oral Receiving, Horny Characters, Overstimulation, Squirting
Summary: Genshin men eating you out I mean c'mon now what did you expect me to write here.
At any moment, can just make you spread your legs, suck on your pussy, and make you cum, then just go back to his house keeping chores like he didn't just eat cunt.
Will approach you casually with a cute puppy smile, then proceed to tell you the foulest things ever with said smile.
"You're so pretty, honey! I wanna eat you out in that dress."
"I wish I was between your thighs right now, but I'm not done with my chores yet :("
"You should get ready for later! I think I might go really rough and leave you sore for a week."
He's just so cute! Ohh, but you know that he's capable of the most vulgar activities, and you know that he does them well.
The way he eats you out though...
Like the sweet puppy boyfriend that he is, he makes sure that you're enjoying it as much as he does.
Thoma gets so happy when you let him eat you, almost like he grows a tail and it wags with happiness as he laps up your wetness.
Your moans motivate him, whenever you let out a particularly sinful moan, he perks up, trying to do what caused you to moan so deliciously.
And he likes to stare into your eyes as he sucks your pussy. You just look down and see him with bright eyes looking up at you, and when you make eye contact, he goes even harder.
When you cum, he would try so hard to have it all squirt out into his mouth, then get up to look you in the eyes before swallowing the whole thing.
And finally, he would go back in and lick your pussy a few more times just to clean it up and make sure you're nice in comfy.
He would then lay beside you and snuggle into your chest.
Thoma would enjoy eating you out so much, that he would forget about the raging hard-on in his pants and just go to sleep.
Very brave, does it wherever he wants.
In a field where you could get ambushed by monsters? Seems like the perfect place to eat some sweet sweet pussy.
Eats you out like a hungry animal, no control whatsoever, just straight sucking and licking.
Absolutely loves it when you grab onto his horns, even more so when you pull him closer into your cunt.
He is a menace and will literally not stop until he's satisfied, overstimulating you so much until he's tired. No force in this world could part him from between your thighs.
Itto is so determined to eat you out that he will sacrifice breathing just to not break away from you, he's only going to stop when he starts feeling lightheaded from the lack of air.
He would guide your hand to grab his horns, urging you to grind your hips into his face. You would usually be feeling so good yet so annoyed that he just pulled you into some sort of cave and then proceeded to give you the greatest realization of pleasure with his stupid mouth.
He would be sweet talking to your sex, looking so love-struck as he says things like:
"Ohh, look at you all dripping, can't wait to suck all that into my mouth."
"You're so soft, so delicious."
"Look at you, all twitchy and puffy, but we're not done yet..."
He says such things while staring right between your legs, with so much conviction that it almost makes you jealous.
Itto will then carry you back home to eat you up some more.
Possibly the most nonchalant pussy eater of the bunch.
This man calculates everything.
So you bet he knows just how to prod at the right spots when he's between your legs.
He knows the right amount of pressure to apply with his tongue, how hard should he suck, how long he has to play with your clit before you're nice and relaxed for him. He just knows everything.
Alhaitham eats you out as if he's completing an assignment, everything is planned and calculated, and despite looking submissive with his lips pressed against your folds, his intense gaze studies you like a book. His expression remains stoic despite the work his mouth is putting on your pussy.
The morning after he had eaten you out to the point of not being able to keep your eyes open, he would absolutely embarrass you with questions.
"Did you prefer that I keep my tongue on your clit or do you wish for me to explore you a bit more?"
"I observed that after your first orgasm, you seem to push my face further into you. Do you always prefer to have multiple orgasms when I eat you out, or is one enough?"
"Shut up, Alhaitham!" You would scream at him with your cheeks tainted red.
"What? Did you not enjoy me eating you out last nigh-"
But then he offers to do it again and who are you to refuse.
Kamisato Ayato
For someone rather high-ranking within the nation, this man shamelessly eats out his wife in his own office, in the middle of the day, doors unlocked, possible witnesses buzzing about the estate a room away.
Thoma is often the victim witness of your escapade, but he understands his lord quite well (read Thoma's part).
Ayato is a very busy man, with his unrelenting duty and whatnot, he finds that a good break from his busy hours would be to have his face squished between your thighs, lazily enjoying the taste of his beloved wife with his mouth.
He eats you out as if he was savoring a meal prepared by the finest cook of Inazuma, indulging himself by tasting every part of your cunt.
He would be slowly licking into you as you were sat on his desk, his head rest comfortably on your thigh as he starts to make out with your heat.
He would then part for a bit to catch his breath, then to look up at you and smile while a strand of wetness still connected his lips to your pussy.
This man is a lazy pussy eater, enjoying his meal for hours on end, ushering orgasms out of you ever so slowly as he makes sure to lick up every crevice.
Mmmmmh, yummy update...
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lovebugism · 3 days
hey bug 🫶🏻 “cant stand that they're ignoring them” maybe r and Steve work together and he's been extra annoying lately. So r decides to ignore him. But he's only acting like a fool because he's in love 🥺
this fic ended up taking a life of it's own, so it's a wee bit different from your request, but i hope you like it anon!! — the one where you and steve are the personification of the "idiots in love" trope (friends to lovers, 1.5k)
Steve hears you before he sees you. A pair of whispers float down the windowless corridor of Family Video, sounding much more obvious in the otherwise silent store. He pauses mid-stride, with his fingers frozen on the buttons of his vest. His ears strain to listen. They find your familiar voice with little effort.
“—I can’t ‘just ask him out,’ Rob. It’s not that easy. I’m way too chicken shit.”
“Well, the worst he could say is no,” Robin attempts to assure you, voice deep and gritty and barely a whisper.
“Yeah, actually,” you huff, horrified. “That’s absolutely the worst thing he could say.”
“Except, he won’t because he’s not an idiot,” she argues.There’s a brief and stagnant pause, a fleeting moment of silent communication, until Robin exhales a heavy sigh. “Okay, he is a little bit of an idiot— but he’s an idiot that’s been in love with you for two years, so… He’s not stupid enough to turn you down.”
Distantly curious and very boyishly heartbroken, Steve decides to make himself known. He plasters a lopsided smile on his plush mouth, only slightly forced, to compensate for his bleeding heart. “What are you guys talkin’ about, huh?” he wonders, knowingly.
Your head snaps over your shoulder, eyes wide with horror. “Nothing,” you blurt, too quickly to be convincing.
Robin is not as nonchalant as you are. Totally unable to be casual, she says the first lie that comes to mind. “Eddie Munson,” she answers in a feeble attempt to cover your ass. 
Steve’s forced laughter fills the empty store. Robin cowers at the glare you give her and musters a wavering smile.
“Eddie? Eddie Munson?” Steve echoes, still chuckling. He folds his arms over the countertop across from you, biceps golden and strained against the sleeves of his polo. His smile is even prettier up close, but it hurts a little ‘cause he’s laughing at you. “You? Have a crush on Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson? There’s no way!”
You’d tell him there really was no way if he wasn’t being such an asshole about it. You thought you’d been caught for a moment — thought surely Steve would know that you were talking about him — but he’s a bigger idiot than you gave him credit for, turns out.
“It’s not that funny, Steve,” you squint.
He hums a teasing I don’t know type of sound and clicks his tongue against his teeth. “It is a little bit funny. I mean— Munson’s a total dumbass.”
You bite back a knowing smirk. “Well, I happen to like that about him,” you argue, leaning into the stupid joke. It’s easier to lie when it feels more like you’re talking about the quote-unquote dumbass in front of you.
“Well, you’d be the first,” Steve scoffs. His fake smile trembles at the edges when it gets harder to keep his guard up. “So, like, what now? Are you guys gonna be like… boyfriend-girlfriend or…?”
You meet his teasing smirk with a flat face. “You’re so annoying.”
“Have you guys kissed yet?” Steve pries, like he’s trying to break his own heart. “Or are you too scared of catchin’ his cooties?”
You roll your eyes and turn away, taking a fresh stack of tapes with you. Steve, assuming your silence is his answer, inhales a cartoonish gasp and follows behind you. “Holy shit, you have! Was it the worst? I mean, I’m assuming it was ‘cause… Eddie’s only ever had experience with the back of his hand, so… It must’ve been awful.”
His sarcasm is just investigative journalism, really. He wants to know what’s happened between you and the town freak — how far deep you’re in with Eddie and how much of a shot he’s got left with you.
“I’m not entertaining this,” you lilt and beeline for the Romantic Comedy section.
Steve follows close behind. “Why not?” he presses over your shoulder, towering over you as you slide the tapes into their designated spots. “I know Munson better than most people, you know? So maybe I can put in a good word for you or something—”
“Not necessary,” you deadpan.
He keeps on going. Digging the hole, as it were. “I could talk you up a bit. Get some top-secret info on his big fat crush on you—”
Your heart twists with every word out of his mouth. Not because he’s teasing you, but because you thought maybe, maybe, Steve might’ve liked you back. But now it feels like you just made all that up in your head. Because if he liked you like you thought he did, he wouldn’t be trying to set you up with someone else.
“—Help make it official and everything.”
“I don’t have a crush on Eddie,” you blurt before you mean to.
Steve’s rambling ceases. He feels immediate relief first, then palpable confusion right after. “…What?”
“I have a crush on you, you idiot,” you grouse, shoving the leftover tapes into his chest and storming off towards the breakroom.
Steve stands frozen in place while you leave, with a stack of VHSs held haphazardly in his arms. Wide-eyed and slightly embarrassed, he watches you disappear around the corner of the hallway. His gaze flits to Robin then, who tries to look busy on the computer, but really she’s just clicking at random spots on the screen.
“Well, I totally fucked that up, didn’t I?” he wonders dryly.
“Sorry,” the brunette grimaces. “That was kinda my fault— No one ever taught me how to be casual, so now I kinda… freak out when I have to be normal.”
Steve scoffs. That much was evident to him a long time ago.
He stalks into the break room sometime later — tail between his legs, heart in his throat. The old door squeaks open and shut again, a harsh sound in the deafening quiet. If you notice his presence, you make no effort to show it. Or look at him. Or even acknowledge his existence. 
Steve knows he doesn’t deserve either.
“Hey…” he starts softly, voice wavering.
“Don’t,” you interject, much harsher than you intended, with your back still facing him. You stand at the counter and stick clearance stickers on tapes that aren’t selling well as an excuse to busy your anxious hands. “Don’t say anything, okay? Just… let me be an idiot in peace.”
Steve chuckles under his breath. “I don’t think you’re an idiot.”
You flash him a glare over your shoulder.
“I’m the dumbass in this equation, alright?” the boy assures and stands at your side. He keeps a few unsure inches between the two of you, just in case he’s totally screwed everything up. “I mean, seriously. I can’t keep my mouth shut for shit.”
You scoff a faint laugh that you try to keep hidden.
An absentminded smile tugs unknowingly at his lips. Steve watches you with an unwavering stare made of melted honey as he confesses, “When Robin said you had a thing for Eddie, I just… My heart fell to my ass, you know? And then everything just started building up like vomit, and I started spitting it all out before I even realized…”
Your face screws. “Jeez…”
“Sorry,” Steve grimaces. “Gross metaphor.”
“I just don’t want things to change between us,” you admit distantly, gaze averted as you smooth a 20% off sticker over Class of Nuke ‘Em High. “I don’t want things to be weird now.”
“Things aren’t weird,” Steve reassures with a quiet chuckle.
You flash him a hopeful glance, eyes twinkling beneath your lashes. “So we can still be friends?”
“Of course,” the boy scoffs. “Who else am I gonna run to when Robin’s annoying the shit outta me?”
You try hard to bite back the smile tugging at your lips, but Steve makes it extremely difficult. “Right,” you nod, caging your beam between your teeth.
“But… you know…” Steve starts, slow and vague, as he props an elbow over the countertop. A cheeky smirk sits crooked on his mouth. “I do have it on good authority that—”
“Please don’t bring up Eddie again,” you plead jokingly.
“No. I was— I was gonna say that the guy, you know, that you wanted to ask out tonight or whatever…” the boy trails off, going suddenly shy as he averts his gaze, scruffy cheeks flaring pink. “I was just gonna say that he definitely wouldn’t say no.”
Your chest warms. “Oh…”
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “He’s had a crush on you for, like, two whole years now, so… He’s not stupid enough to turn you down.”
“Is that so?” you question with a teasing lilt, turning to face him fully. You catch his eyes falling to your mouth, for no more than a flicker of a moment, and you smirk.
“How ‘bout Benny’s Burgers?” he questions, voice low and honeyed and full of yearning. The proximity’s got his head spinning. “Tomorrow night? Six o’clock?”
“Sounds good,” you hum, trying to play it as cool as he is now.
Steve nods with a similar casualness, then swipes a golden hand through his hair when a chestnut strand falls over his forehead. “Good,” is all he says in response — lest he say more and his voice break with excitement.
You wait until the door clicks shut behind him to squeal to yourself like a teenage girl.
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bro-atz · 2 days
new haircut
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in which: mingi got a hair cut without telling you, and you're extremely taken aback.
pair: idol!mingi/afab!reader
word count: 2k
content: smut, nickname (baby), oral sex, cunnilingus, sofa sex, safe sex, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
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Not going to lie— you were annoyed. You weren't pissed, but you were definitely annoyed. When you saw the pictures your boyfriend posted while he was away for his performance, you were shocked.
When the fuck did he cut his hair?
He looked good, but you were pressed. He usually told you these things before he did them because he was honest with you about everything, but he didn't tell you about this. Granted, a haircut is such a small, insignificant thing to be upset about, but what bothered you more was how good he looked because, dammit, he looked so fucking hot during his performance that you had to turn it off and throw your laptop across the room.
When Mingi got home, you iced him out. You really wanted to greet him warmly, but when he walked through the door, and you saw him with that hair of his, your tone came out way harsher than you intended it to be.
"Hi, Mingi," you greeted while staring at your computer screen as you remained seated on the living room couch.
""Mingi"? Is something wrong?" Mingi immediately asked.
"No, nothing," you lied straight through your teeth.
"That's a lie, and you know it," Mingi called you out. "What's wrong, baby?"
You shook your head and continued staring at your computer screen. Mingi dropped his bags by the door and immediately sat by your side. He laid his head on your shoulder and pouted, but you paid him no mind.
"Baby, I just got home from that really long flight, and you're upset with me? I don't like that you're upset... Tell me what's wrong."
With a huff, you closed your laptop and looked right at him, your heart thudding in your chest the second you laid eyes on his hair.
Fuck, he looks so good…
“Why’d you get a haircut?” you finally managed to ask him.
“What?” Mingi looked completely taken aback. “You’re— My hair? My hair is the reason you’re upset?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Baby, you know I’ve been wanting to get my haircut for a while… Like, I’ve been wanting to get the undercut since March…”
Mingi pouted and lowered his head, making you feel incredibly guilty for being upset with him. Yet, you still were; how could you not be upset when he looked like sex on a fucking stick and then flaunted his incredible looks for the entire Goddamn world to see?
“Do you really not like the haircut?” Mingi asked in a small voice. “Should I not have done it?”
“I love the haircut, baby, but you need to warn me before you do things like this because my heart will actually stop,” you cupped his face and made him look at you. “You look so fucking hot. It’s not fair.”
“I wanted to surprise you, though,” Mingi mumbled— you were squishing his cheeks when you tilted his head up.
“Well, you did, but you also surprised every single Atiny in the universe. Do you actually want us to die from a heart attack? More importantly, do you want me to die from a heart attack?”
You finally let go of Mingi’s face and turned away from him when he started grinning at you. Now that he wasn’t sulking, you went back to being upset with him. Also, the longer you stared at his beautiful face and his insanely hot haircut, the more uncomfortable you got. You could feel your arousal pooling in your panties, and you did want to take care of your lust, but there was no way you were going to give Mingi that satisfaction when you were still upset with him.
Before you could open up your laptop, Mingi kept his hand on it to keep it closed, his rings nearly scratching the surface of it. He took your laptop out of your hands and set it on the coffee table. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you closer to him. He rested his chin on your shoulder and brushed his nose against your ear, the air from his soft exhale flitting past your ear and sending tingles down your spine.
“I’m sorry for giving you heart palpitations, baby,” Mingi whispered, his low drawl only driving you even more insane.
He left a light kiss on the edge of your ear before leaving a trail of kisses along your jawline. Holding your chin with his fingers delicately, he turned your face to meet his, his lips pressing against yours softly, sweetly. That changed drastically when his hand cupped your face, his breathing getting heavier as he started kissing you more passionately. Your lower lip was sore as he sucked hard on it. His cool rings pressed against your hot skin when he moved his hand to your neck, making every single nerve in your body react, electricity running through your body.
The more he kissed you, the more intense he got. He leaned into you so far to the point where you were laying on the couch, your back pressing into the leather. One hand was still on your neck while the other held your thigh. He slowly ran his hand up your thigh, his knee pressing between your legs.
“Let me make it up to you, princess."
Mingi's low voice rang in your ears despite how quiet he was when he uttered the words. You couldn't help but gulp nervously before you did your best to respond confidently.
"What did you have in mind?"
Without a second to lose, Mingi moved his hands to your knees and spread your legs open. You bit your lower lip to keep from gasping when Mingi kept your legs open by kneeling between them and worked on unbuttoning your jeans. You lifted your waist as he slid them off you, and he also took your shirt off, only to see that you weren't wearing a bra.
"You're braless right now?" Mingi asked with a chuckle.
"I never wear a bra at home..."
Mingi nodded affirmatively, a smirk growing on his face. He lowered himself, his lips meeting yours gently. He trailed soft kisses down your neck, between your breasts, and along your stomach before his lips met the waistband of your panties. Rather than slip the panties off, Mingi opted to pull them to the side to reveal your wet, glistening cunt. He eagerly slurped then sucked your clit, your back immediately arching. Your toes curled and your breath got shallower as you felt and heard Mingi eat you out impatiently. His nose brushed against your clit as he pushed his tongue through your folds, the sensation making you lose your mind further.
Your hands, which were gripping your knees to keep your legs apart, moved to his hair. You ran your trembling fingers through his soft hair before tugging on his roots gently, trying to get him to ease up before you absolutely lost it. Yet, Mingi paid no mind. He slipped two of his ringed fingers into your cunt, the feeling of his bulky rings rubbing inside you nearly sending you into fits.
"Nngh— Fuck, baby," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Slow down..."
All Mingi responded with was a chuckle. He did not slow down in the slightest. You tugged his hair every single time he did something that felt absolutely amazing, which was literally every single thing he did. Your thighs nearly closed on his head when you felt his fingers curl inside you, his fingers getting closer to rubbing against your G-spot. When he started flicking his tongue against your clit, you pushed your head back into the couch. You desperately tried to push him away as stars filled your vision, and thankfully, he did move away, but he continued fingering you. He fingered you fast and hard, his fingers rubbing against your G-spot several times until you came. Your high-pitched moan filled the living room as Mingi continued to finger you relentlessly, making sure you came fully.
You blinked your eyes back into focus after you completely finished, Mingi kneeling between your legs once more. You watched him lick his fingers— slightly mortifying you— before reaching into his back pocket with that hand while running his fingers through his hair to push it back and fix it after you messed it up with the other hand. You bit your lower lip again to keep yourself from saying anything because, God fucking damn, he looked so fine in that moment.
Mingi fished a condom out of his wallet and held it by the corner in between his teeth. He let out a soft sigh as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side. You watched him unbuckle his pants and take them, along with his underwear, off quickly. No matter how many times you saw it, you would never get used to seeing exactly how well hung your boyfriend was. Mingi was kneeling close enough to you that you were able to reach for his cock, the man flinching slightly when he felt your touch.
"You're extra sensitive today," you pointed out while whispering.
"I can't help it. I've been so pent up.." Mingi tore open the condom packet on and rolled the condom on before leaning down so he could whisper in your ear, "And you just taste so fucking good, baby."
You felt your face heat up, your ears burning as you saw the cocky expression on his face when he sat up. He rubbed the tip of his cock along your folds, all of his concentration fixated on your cunt. He intentionally rubbed his length on your clit over and over again as he rolled his waist towards yours to do so. You wanted to tell him off for teasing you, but you didn't have to because his own patience wore thin. He held his cock and pushed it into your cunt just a little bit. You could already feel yourself getting spread open with just his cockhead, making you sharply inhale. Mingi leaned down and pressed his forehead into the crook of your neck, his own breathing rough and ragged.
"Baby, relax," he guided you softly. "I don't want to hurt you."
You exhaled slowly, Mingi immediately shoving his cock all the way inside you. You choked out a cry as you felt his length and girth already begin to ruin you, your cunt unintentionally tensing. Mingi hissed in your ear before laughing slightly, his cock remaining stationary inside you.
"You're always so tight, baby. You nearly made me cum just now."
He exhaled slowly, the air rushing past your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You wrapped your legs around his slim waist and your arms around his broad back, your nails starting to press into his skin as you prepared yourself for the cursed words you were about to utter.
"Mingi, please move," you begged so quietly that you wondered if he even heard you.
He heard you alright. You heard him grunt slightly as he pulled out slowly, that grunt turning into a groan as he quickly thrust into you. You yelped and dug your nails into his back as he repeated that motion several times, the feeling of his cock rushing into you melting your brain. You mindlessly clawed at his back the more he fucked you roughly like that, your cries echoing in the living room as you got louder while he got faster. Once Mingi's cock hit your cervix, you lost it. You screamed in pleasure as you came once more that night, your cunt fluttering around his cock uncontrollably.
Mingi couldn't hold back much longer either. He pushed himself out of your embrace and held your waist tightly as he rammed his waist into yours, his grunts getting slightly higher in pitch as he neared his climax. He groaned loudly, his cock completely bottoming out as he released his load, his cock twitching inside you as he finished. Hushed profanities left his lips as he rolled his hips into yours a couple more times, cum continuing to spurt into the condom. Yet, when he pulled out, he was still hard as fuck.
"You still not done, baby?" you teased him as he pulled the condom off.
"I told you, I'm really fucking pent up," Mingi chuckled, but his eyes were dark. "I don't plan on leaving you alone at all tonight, baby."
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thegoldencontracts · 2 days
Jumpscaring The Dormheads
Riddle yelps like a little girl. His reaction is funny... Except for the part where he collars you out of shock. However, after his overblot, he did realize the cruelty of his Unique Magic, so he's extremely apologetic after he finishes his long-winded lecture. Why did you scare him like that? It's immature! Look what he's done to you! It's honestly hilarious. He swears you to secrecy afterwards, of course.
Leona is almost impossible to jumpscare. Seriously. Most of the time, he'll immediately catch on. However, the keyword here is almost. With the right preparation, and a lot of luck - I mean a lot - you might just be able to catch him off-guard. The reaction is priceless. He jumps up like a kitten. The sight will forever be ingrained in your memory.
Azul cannot restrain his octopus instincts. Yes, indeed, his wary, sensitive nature takes over against his will, and... He punches you. Hard. As funny as the shriek he let out was and forever will be, was it really worth it? He's terribly mortified afterwards, after all, decking someone doesn't exactly fall in line with the gentlemanly image he wishes to create. He sits you down and works out a Non-disclosure agreement. You're laughing despite the pain.
Kalim is one of the worst people to jumpscare. He's dealt with kidnappings before, and because of it, his defensive instincts have grown strong. Doing such a thing is just asking to find out how good Kalim's martial arts skills really are. He might just tell you this outright, with a little smile you'd expect from someone sharing a mere funny anecdote. But the way his eyes glaze over, lifeless, almost, says it all.
Vil is merely annoyed. Although it's usually quite difficult to jumpscare him in the first place, his reaction is still funny. He thinks it's rather foolish of you, though, chastising you. What if he'd been someone with quick reflexes and decked you? What if he'd accidentally cast a spell on you? There's simply too many risks. His reaction was still funny, though. Not everyone gets to see Vil Schoenheit himself scream like a little kid.
Idia is extremely jumpy. Why would you do this to him? His heart's beating so fast it's insane! After recovering from his own shock, after the last of his wheezing pants in a desperate attempt to regain his breath, Idia goes on a tangent about how stupid the normie phenomenon of jumpscaring is.
Malleus is shocked. You? Managed to scare him? It's a bit of a blow to his pride, in all honesty. Even Lilia often failed, after all! But despite his indignation, he is rather fascinated. Considering how amusing the whole thing seemed to you... perhaps Lilia was correct about the entertainment value of jumpscares. He'll have to try this out. Poor Sebek's on the verge of a heart attack from Malleus's coming up behind him and saying 'Boo'.
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finelinevogue · 3 days
hot stuff
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summary - it’s summer in italy and you’re very in love with harry
pairing - fiance!harry x reader
word count - +1k
[ inspired by today’s pics of harry in rome ]
Life was pretty good.
Life was currently simply enjoying summer in Italy with your fiancée.
Life was sitting around a pool, drinking margaritas and tanning until the sun could give no more.
At this moment in time, life was watching your fiancée get out of the pool whilst you keenly watched.
Harry wiped his nose as he got out, pulling his swim shorts to the right level so he didn’t show everyone what was beneath the happy trail.
It was a Saturday and you were hosting a pool party.
Since you and Harry had bought a summer house out in Italy you’d met lots of new people, a lot of which were Italian residents.
Every so often you liked to invite people over to have fun and just enjoy life the simpler way for once.
So here you were, enjoying the simple life.
You watched Harry approach, water dripping off his skin and onto the paved floor beneath him.
The sun was hot, but you had to admit he was even hotter.
He’d recently decided he wanted to try grow a mullet and it was slowly getting there. The scruff on the back of his neck was growing and it made you weaker every time you saw him.
His mullet mixed with his tanned, tattooed, skin made him - being biased - the hottest person in Italy.
“Hey hot stuff.” You chuckled, as you said, as he got closer.
“Objectifying me now, are we?” He feigned hurt, walking to stand over you and your sun-bed, “I’m more than just my incredibly good looks you know?”
“A little modesty wouldn’t hurt you.” You mumbled.
Harry perched one hand on the back of your sun-bed and leaned down to your head height.
“What did you say? Hm?” He challenged you with a smirk.
“Oh, go away.” You playfully swatted his thigh.
“Gimme a kiss first.”
You couldn’t deny him, or you, the pleasure, so you leaned up a little to meet him and sealed your lips to his.
You quickly followed his lips, leaning up more so he could kiss you harder. Harry cupped the back of your neck for support, whilst you desperately wanted to tug on the hair at the back of his neck but couldn’t quite reach from this angle.
You let out a soft moan as he bit your lip ever so slightly, before he pulled back before you two ended up getting too carried away.
It was funny how you still got shy and giggly after you’d have a proper kiss. Harry brought out a side of you that felt like you could be in the honeymoon phase of your relationship forever.
“You wanna go upstairs?” You asked, watching him stand tall looking down at you.
“Baby, you know I’d love nothing more, but unfortunately we are the hosts.”
Oh yes.
The pool party that you were hosting, well kind-of hosting because honestly some of your friends were doing a better job of refilling drinks and having conversations than you or Harry were.
“I’m so horny right now, it’s not even funny.” You huffed.
Harry let out a laugh, before wiggling his way to sit down beside you on the same sun-bed. His body felt warm against yours and it did nothing to submerge the want you had for him right now.
“I know.”
“I mean, you made me get you off half an hour ago in the downstairs toilets because you said, and I quote, were ‘going to die’ if I didn’t.”
“That was a real problem.”
“And I really fixed it.” Harry said smugly.
“Go away if you’re not going to help.” You tried to push him off your sun-bed but he made no move.
Instead, Harry completely ignored you and leaned back. His body sat sideways across yours, his head tucked just under your chin.
He was such a weight on your body, but a comforting weight.
“Harry, dude…” You pretended to be annoyed, but in reality you craved nothing more than the proximity to him. “You’re making me all wet.”
“See… I’m helping.”
You chuckled at that, kissing his forehead.
Your hand got to sneak up to the back of his neck and scrunch the scruff of hair he had there. You liked twirling your fingers around certain curls and then pulling them straight. Harry liked it too.
You were both quiet for a while, watching friends and neighbours pass you by.
People left you and Harry to be with each other, only stopping for a quick hello or to tell you how beautiful your house was.
The weather was warm, but the cross breeze was nice and cool. It made for the perfect temperature and was very close to lulling you to sleep with Harry safe in your arms.
“2 days.” Harry mumbled.
“Hm?” You said.
Harry tilted his head slightly to look at you, whilst you leant down with your five double chins at him.
“2 days and then you’ll have my last name.”
You warmly smiled at that, using your hand not occupied with scrunching his neck hair to cup his cheek and softly brush the skin there.
You leant down the best you could and kissed him as if that did more than words could do.
And it did.
“3 days and we’ll be going on our honeymoon.” You said this time.
“Manchester doesn’t know what’s coming.” Harry joked.
“Can’t believe we’re having our honeymoon in Manchester.”
You and Harry both chuckled at that.
“Yeah, but it’s home.” Harry smiled, pulling at your hand to move away from his cheek so he could hold it. He messed around with your engagement ring sat pretty there, mesmerised by the fact he even found someone to give the ring to.
“I’m actually excited to see some greenery. Maybe some cows and grey clouds.”
“Yeah.” Harry belly laughed.
“Remember that cow from that holiday to Cornwall with your parents?”
“My dad thought he was a cow whisperer or something.” You laughed at the memory, making Harry’s body shake at the motion.
“It’ll be nice to just go on walks in peace and not have phone service.” Harry turned his head to face you again, your hand still stroking his neck, “Nice to just be with you.”
You smiled with a blush, because how could you not when he spoke to you like that.
“I love you.” You kissed him.
“I love you.” He kissed you.
He sat up then, seeing where he’d left damp stains over you and your towel. His hand kept him propped up over your body.
Harry looked out to your guests, taking each one in quickly and smiling at those who smiled his way, before turning back to you.
“Wanna go upstairs?”
You perked up at that, “Really?”
“Yeah,” He leaned over to kiss you and your enthusiasm, “Only got 2 more days to have sex with my fiancée, gotta make the most of it.”
“I’m not even going to question your logic right now because I’m getting what I want.” You jumped up off your sun-bed. “Let’s go hot stuff.”
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stevenose · 19 hours
body to flame, pt ii (18+)
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summary: steve gets an hour of (un)limited access to you after your previous arrangement.
word count: ~5.3k
contains: bitchy!steve and bitchy!reader … and they were coworkers :0; steve is a softie despite it all; reader with a vagina and breasts; no gendered language used for reader; lingerie; kissing 😳; oral (reader receiving); fingering; piv; pet names (honey, angel, sweetheart); multiple orgasms + overstimulation!
author’s note: you can read part one here!
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You’re bent over painting your toenails. Your goddamn toenails. So your coworker can have his way with you for 60 minutes just because he knows how to use his fingers, or whatever.
It’s hard to maneuver the phone between your shoulder and ear with your polish brush in one hand and your foot in the other. Steve’s blabbing about something and you’re trying so hard not to let his tone affect you, even though you’re already dressed up in the nicest lingerie you own.
“You know you don’t have to,” he says, which stills you temporarily.
“Deal’s a deal,” you sigh, grimacing as a bit of black polish gets on your cuticle.
“Yeah, you sound really devastated.”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying,” he continues, doing that fake innocence schtick. “An hour’s a pretty long time, y’know. And it’s the Harrington Torture Chamber, after all.”
Your face heats and you can’t quite concentrate on painting anymore. “Oooh, and what’s that entail, again?”
“See? You’re already trying to get off and our date’s in three hours.”
You scoff. “First of all, I don’t get off on torture. And second, it’s not a date.”
“What would you call it?”
“A contractual arrangement.”
Steve sucks a breath in through his teeth. “Ouch. So that’s what you think of me as, huh?”
“You’re my coworker, too.”
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see how long that lasts.”
You have to return the nail polish brush to its container, getting a bit overheated. “What now? Gonna see how long it takes for me to fall for you?”
“Uh, no. You already have.”
You scoff again, pulling yourself out of your little Harrington stupor. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“I know you’re upset I didn’t fuck you at work,” he drawls on, “but I didn’t want to get interrupted. You know? Gotta take my time with you. I’m thinking we go for an hour and two minutes since that’s what I had left over.”
“The deal was for one hour.”
“Yeah, but what’s two more minutes? …Huh. I guess that is a long time for you.”
Steve is just as much arousing as he is annoying. “Eighteen minutes is not nearly as impressive as you think.”
“Oh, really?” he says. “Let’s try some math out, huh? What’s sixty minutes divided by eighteen?”
“I don’t know, a little over three?”
He speaks to you like you’re a dog. “Good girl! That’s right. Three point three three three three three… why don’t we round it up to an even three point five?”
“You’re big on rounding up, huh?”
“And didn’t you cum twice? Am I remembering that correctly?”
Your heart hammers under your bralette. “Yeah?”
“Okay, then let’s say that three-point-five times two is seven. So that means, with my track record, I can make you cum seven times tonight.” His voice gets a little lower. “And believe me, it’s my intention.”
You’re a little gobsmacked. “You’re out of your goddamn mind, Steve. Since when did you get so good at math, anyway?”
“It’s not really math, it’s like… sex numbers.”
“Very hot, Steve, keep talking like that,” you deadpan.
“Weren’t you just cumming twice on my hand on a dirty couch in the break room of the Hawkins Family Video for the chance of a few hundred dollars? Or… was that someone else?”
You swallow. “I’ll see you at nine, Steve.”
“Nine. Three hours. One hundred and eighty minutes. Ten thousand and eight hundred seconds.” He gasps. “Oh, ten thousand, seven hundred ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven….”
“Goodbye, Steve.”
“… ninety-four, ninety-thr—“
You hang up on him. Three hours seems a bit too long to wait, though he will never know you think that.
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You knock. Three, quick rasps, your heart beating quick under your ribcage. You’re about to adjust your skirt again but the door swings open with such ferocity it makes you gasp.
“Hi,” Steve says, beaming brightly. You can smell the sandalwood and pepper on his skin and he looks so good that you feel your cheeks heating.
“Eager much?” you force out, feeling awkward while he just stares at you, unwavering, perhaps as if he’s trying to use x-ray vision to see under your clothes.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, reaching for you, pulling you inside quickly. You nearly stumble in your heels, ones you’ve only worn once before. You’re realizing now how bad of an idea it was, but it doesn’t quite matter as Steve kneels to take them off for you.
Steve on his knees is a much more comfortable dynamic for you.
“Wow,” you laugh, lifting your foot slightly so Steve can slip your shoe off, “what a gentleman.”
“I’m not wasting any time here,” he says, a big, warm hand on the back of your calf as he helps you lift your other foot. “Should’ve just came naked so we could get to it.”
“Those weren’t in the instruc—!”
Your breath catches in your throat as Steve’s hands travel higher, up the backs of your legs, fingers tickling your thighs. They rest at the edge of your lacey underwear, and your brain suddenly isn’t working anymore.
“Lace? All for me?” he grins smugly.
You nod slowly. You can’t really beat the “I got dressed up to get boned by Steve Harrington” allegations.
“And here I thought you didn’t like me.” He stands, crowds you against the front door. “Could smell your pussy, by the way. Must have been a long ride here, huh?”
“Rob - Robin?” you ask, mouth dry.
Steve’s doe eyes look gently into yours. “She’s giving us some privacy.”
You can hardly breathe. “What a good friend.”
Steve licks his lips, leans in a little closer. “Uh-huh. The best.”
“You have fifty-five minutes left,” you breathe.
His thick brows twitch together. “No no no. We haven’t even started yet.”
You scoff and he rolls his eyes at you, breaking away, giving you some much needed room. It’s sort of incredible how hot he makes you. It’s akin to how adoringly irritating you find him.
“C’mere,” he says, beckoning you to follow him, and you make your way to his bedroom. It’s much cleaner than you anticipated - pristine, in fact, and it smells like his laundry. All clean and floral with the undertone of spiced cologne. He even set up candles, really enhanced the atmosphere.
“Plaid,” you point out, gesturing to his bed.
“What? Not good enough for you to get plowed on?”
“Bad choice of words.” He turns to you, hands on his hips. “Let me tell you precisely what I’m planning on, okay? And you tell me if something doesn’t sound good.”
Steve licks his lips, then sits on the edge of his bed. He beckons you to him again, patting his thigh, and you gingerly step forward, sliding into his lap just as you were a few days ago. His hands find the swell of your ass and he keeps them firmly planted there. “First fifteen minutes I’ll spend taking off your clothes and letting you get comfortable.” He pulls you forward, your cunt catching on his jeans, making your breath hitch. “Then I think I’ll spend the next twenty getting to know this greedy pussy a bit better.”
“It’s not greedy.”
“Whatever you say. I know I’ve gotta spend some time stretching you out - so damn tight on my fingers. Then the next twenty-five - twenty-seven, if you’ll have me - I’ll see if my cock really can fit in you.”
You swallow harshly, entirely too hot and entirely too seen.
Steve quirks a brow. “How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good,” you say softly, your fingers instinctually playing with the hair curled at the back of Steve’s head. “And - exactly how many times are you going to cum?”
Now he’s blushing. “I’m not - not really worried about that.”
Your brows furrow. “Wh—? You don’t want to cum?”
You’re flipped suddenly onto your back, landing with a loud oof!. Steve rolls on top of you, caging you in with his forearms. “Can I kiss you?” he asks.
“Do you think that would make this any weirder?”
“Yes or no, sweetheart. Didn’t ask for lip.”
“Well, you sort of d—“
He doesn’t kiss you. His lips find your jawline and the feeling - the closeness - shuts you up. You gasp softly and reach for his shirt, tangling your fingers in the soft cotton of his polo. You’re overwhelmed with the scent of him and the fresh sheets below you at first, and then overwhelmed with the ticklish pleasure of his lips finding your neck.
“So, you dressed up for me?” he mumbles against your neck.
“Do you like me or somethin’?” Steve cuts you off when his lips plant against your skin, sucking sweetly. You sigh in response. “Yeah, figured.” He moves a hand to the hem of your shirt, fingertips ghosting against your hot skin. “Can I see what’s underneath?”
You nod and he pulls away, pupils blown wide. He looks a little pathetic, in a cute way. Cheeks flushed, hair messy, chest heaving.
“Getting this excited over a pair of tits?”
“Shut up,” he mumbles. “C’mon, help me out.”
You sit up with him, watching his face closely for every single reaction he has. You watch him swallow before he pushes your shirt up above the swell of your breasts, revealing a blue-grey, lacey bralette. Nothing entirely special, but Steve’s eyes widen, and he swallows again before looking back up at you.
“So?” you whisper, nervous.
“Take—“ he clears his throat. “Take your shirt off.”
You do so quickly, and you’re pushed gently back down onto your back while Steve melts down to the floor to work on your skirt. Though he doesn’t do much - just lifts it up again, staring straight at the wet spot on your matching underwear. You feel vulnerable, staring up at his ceiling, too nervous to look down at his hungry eyes.
“What time is it?” you ask suddenly, snapping Steve out of his pussy-drunk trance.
He groans. “Are you serious?”
You prop yourself up on your elbows. “It’s been five minutes, right?”
“You’re pushing it,” he says, then taps on the face of his watch. “I’m keeping track.”
“Oh, bullshit.”
“Fine.” He makes quick work of taking it off, then reaches for your wrist. “Here. Since I’ll be so busy, you keep track. Remember what the timeline is?”
“Fifteen, twenty, twenty-five.”
Steve doesn’t push the two extra minutes thing because he already knows you’re not going to adhere to this whole “one hour only” schtick. “Exactly. Better keep good track of time, or we’ll have to end before the good stuff happens.”
“You mean when you plow me?”
He ignores you. “Think you can do that?”
You nod.
“Gonna need you to get up for me again.”
You groan, but stand, aided by Steve, who takes your hands and tugs you up. He switches places with you, sitting again, then does a motion with his finger. Turn around.
His hand finds your zipper at the back of your skirt and he slowly tugs it down before letting the fabric fall in a heap on his floor. Both of you are silent, your heart beating hard as you wait for his next move. Those hands find your hips again, and he pulls you down onto his lap, facing away from him.
“You look divine,” he mumbles, hooking his chin over your shoulder, his hands splaying out across your stomach. He kisses the junction of your shoulder and neck, giving you goosebumps. “Really, all this for me?”
You laugh breathlessly. “You’re my only hookup tonight.”
“Lucky me,” he mumbles into your ear. Your pussy throbs, his hands moving higher. “Who else has seen you in this, huh?” And he snaps the strap of your bralette for emphasis.
“Just - just you.”
“You buy this for me?”
“Hmm.” His hands crawl upwards, fingers dipping beneath the lacy band and then higher until he’s cupping your tits. “You comfortable?”
You nod, biting your cheek to stop you from whimpering.
“Feel what you’re doin’ to me?” he asks into your ear, rutting his hips up.
You moan and Steve chuckles, kissing your skin again. “Harrington Torture Chamber isn’t all that bad, huh?”
His fingers pinch your nipples and you sigh, leaning back into him. His lips press against your neck again, leaving a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin. You whine when his fingers tug and pull, completely at his mercy, hands useless beside you.
“Like having your tits played with?” he asks. “You’re gonna ruin my jeans, honey.”
“Oh, don’t.”
Steve twists your nipples a little harder - not any less pleasurable, but enough to make you gasp. “We’re a bit past the bullshit, aren’t we? You’re bitched out on my lap again and you want to act like you’re not soaked?”
His legs part, spreading yours open with him, and he moves one strong hand down to your cunt. You moan brokenly at one swipe across your clothed clit, and Steve tsks. “Must have trained your pussy to get wet around me, huh?”
You squirm, but Steve traps you on his lap, one arm crossed across your chest and the other cupping your pussy. His fingers still play with your nipple, hardening it under the fabric. His other hand rubs you through your underwear, and he keeps your legs open even when you try to shut them.
“That too much?” he asks, concerned.
And you sort of hate that he’s asking, because you have to shake your head and verbally admit that you like what he’s doing to you. “No.”
“Thought so,” he mumbles, sounding relieved. “You must have a thing for getting pinned and played with. Or do you just have a thing for me?”
“Shut up,” you whine, fingers clutching at the forearm around your torso. Your head falls back against Steve’s shoulder and he kisses along your jawline, fingers moving slow and methodical.
“Make me,” he presses, fingers gently pinching your clit now. You gasp and whine, squirming again, but this time attempting to get more. “Look at me.”
You look off to the side to see him, brows furrowed, eyes hooded, mouth agape. Steve nudges your nose with the tip of his and he gets so close, like he might kiss you - but instead, he talks against your mouth, breathing your air. “Look at you. So pretty, baby, so good for me, yeah?”
You nod, whimpering.
“Pussy’s so nice, honey.” He’s panting a little into your mouth now, readjusting his grip on you. “So wet and silky, gonna feel so good around my cock. You want that?”
You nod again, lost in his eyes, hardly paying attention because your clit is tightening, pleasure gripping your lower stomach like a vice.
Steve smiles, nudges your nose with his again. You’re so entranced, trying to lean forward so he’ll kiss you, but he asks, “What time is it, honey?”
“Huh?” you moan.
“The time, pretty.”
“Oh, shit!” you gasp, twisting your arm towards you. Your stomach drops, though you aren’t sure why. “It’s - it’s - um, it’s been twenty —“
Steve moves his arms away from you, leaving your pussy neglected. You whimper, reaching for him again, but he pats your thigh. “C’mon, up.”
“But —!”
Steve seems rather unfazed despite the throbbing hard-on he’s subjecting you to. “Told you to pay attention to the time. Now we’re over, and that means five minutes less of my cock inside of you. Up,” he repeats, taking you by the hips and helping you stand.
You’re a little lost - mind hazy over your thwarted orgasm. But you let him lay you on his bed, on his fluffy, expensive pillows, while you drip onto his sheets.
Steve kisses the tip of your nose. “And you thought I’d cheat, huh?”
“That - you didn’t even make me cum,” you attempt, narrowing your eyes. “Thought you were aiming for seven?”
“I’m re-strategizing.” He crawls downward, resting on his stomach in front of your puffy pussy. Licks his lips, gets sidetracked for a moment before looking back up at you. “I’m just not sure you deserve to cum that many times, you know?”
“Think it would be painful.”
“Not the way I do it.”
You laugh at the absurdity of his statement, opening your mouth to ask what the hell he’s talking about, but you choke a bit when he slips your underwear off. He’s never been this close to your pussy before, and both of you swallow hard. You’re embarrassed, so on-display, but Steve kisses your thigh so gently that you’re able to relax while he slides his arms under you.
You sneak a peek down to look at him. He watches your cunt with fascination, lust, his eyes dark. It’s thrilling.
“Keep ‘em spread,” he says softly, looking to the side to kiss your inner thigh. It tickles. “Know you had a hard time with it earlier. It’ll be worth it. Just trust me.”
“Keep an eye on that watch for me.” He licks his lips, talking more to your pussy than to you. “Though I wouldn’t mind staying here for a while longer. It’s so pretty, baby.”
The tip of Steve’s nose presses against your clit. He flicks his eyes up to look at you, already biting your lip. And he inhales, deep, eyes rolling back for half a second before he dips his tongue in and up your folds.
“Oh,” you gasp, legs already twitching together. You try to stay good this time, to let him have you how he wants. It’s very clear that he wants this - unrestricted access to your pussy, his tongue fucking the tight hole, his nose rubbing against your clit. “Oh, Steve.”
He kisses towards, open mouthed, sloppy, then wraps his lips around your clit. Your hands fly to his hair and he grunts, fingers digging into your thighs. He sucks, unrelenting, until you whine. And then his tongue flicks at your clit for a few moments before it goes back to fucking you.
“Feels so good,” you cry, tugging sharply on his locks, vibrating when he groans. “Oh my god, Steve, Jesus - Christ -!”
He’s slow with it, too. Like it’s a meal to savor. Eyes all half lidded and blissed out, nose wet with you, cheeks pink. Every time you think he cannot possibly look sexier, he does. And even though he’s right here, right now, you’re thinking of all the lost opportunities - times when it was slow at work and he could have gotten on his knees to worship you like this. Laying in the back of his car on break while he made you cum - probably twice, again - and walking back inside with shaking legs and a sweaty forehead.
“Look at me,” he says, voice thick, because you’re staring unfocused up at the ceiling.
“Can’t,” you breathe.
He stops, lifts his head up and rests his chin on your thigh. His thumb rubs soothingly against your skin. “Well let’s stop, then —“
“No!” you cry, the manicured hands tangled in his hair pulling him forward, which is apparently precisely what turns him on. He’s back to fucking you with his tongue in an instant, moaning all the while, rutting his cock against the bed. Now you can’t stop staring, while he’s lost in the scent and taste of you.
“Don’t stop,” he groans, referring to the tugging, so you don’t. And you watch him, his eyes opening to look at you, both of your faces turning hot. “Oh, Christ,” he groans, bringing his hand towards your cunt.
His middle finger, long and dexterous, slides in with no restriction. He finds that spongy spot inside of you again while his lips suck and kiss your clit. You feel like screaming, feeling high and so, so blissed out. You rock yourself against his finger, and it takes you a moment to work yourself up to it, but you finally moan, “More.”
He grins. "Greedy."
A second finger. It’s a squeeze, but Steve sticks the landing. Presses up against your sweet spot with his tongue unrelenting on your clit, and he’s certainly coaxing an orgasm out of you. It’s much more intense than the two you’d had with him before. His tongue and fingers work in sync so well that you fear you might cum messy and wet all over him.
Not that you entirely care.
Steve pulls back, just a bit. His lips still move against your clit. “Gonna cum? Feel you clenching down, 's like last time. You’re so tight, feel incredible - gonna feel so good when you cum, honey, let me have it.”
“God,” you choke out, “you’re so obsessed with me.”
He laughs, licks a broad stripe from his fingers up to your swollen clit. “Yeah, guilty.”
Your stomach fliips hard, the band inside stretching to a near breaking point. “Oh my — f-fuck-!”
He stays steady. Keeps stroking your g-spot and sucking your clit. Except now he’s whining, brows furrowed, like he’s a petulant child that wants a treat. One more glance down at him and you’re cumming, back arching. Steve tries to pin you with his arms but it’s simply no use. He chases you, lips attached to you, fingers curling, your hands pulling his hair. He gasps, makes a noise of disbelief, and swallows every last drop of sweetness you give him.
Your vision is hazy. Black tinged. You’ve never cum so hard in your life, and that includes your precious escapade. Your chest rises as falls as you catch your breath, disoriented, legs shaking.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve mumbles, sliding up your shaking form. “That was so sexy, shit — are you okay?”
You nod. You might be in love with him now. His fingers are still buried inside of you, flexing gently. You rock your hips and mewl. “Need you to fuck me,” you rasp.
“How much time do we have?” Steve looks down at the watch on your wrist and tuts. “Aw, man. We only have ten minutes. Guess we should get you cleaned up then, huh?”
His fingers start slipping out of you, but you’re quick to snap your shaking thighs together. “No,” you whimper. You need his cock so bad it’s driving you insane - like something is clawing at your chest and trying to get out.
“What’s that?” He’s a cocky son of a bitch. “You want more time in the Harrington T—“
“Please shut up,” you beg, wrapping your legs around his waist now.
“Are you saying it’s not torture?” His thumb rubs against your clit, flicking it slowly. “Are you saying you like this?”
And here he goes again. Making you fall apart twice in the span of two minutes. Flicking at your clit, hovering his lips above yours, sinking his fingers back into you. Slips a third one in for good measure, knows how hard it’ll be to take him.
“Tell me,” he presses, nose touching yours. You’re going cross-eyed trying to keep up with him. “Tell me how good I make you feel.”
Your resolve diminishes quickly. “Make me feel so good.”
“Was that so hard?” He smiles. “You gonna cum about it?”
You pant and squirm and writhe under Steve. He crooks his fingers up towards your sweet spot again and you cry out just as his mouth engulfs yours. He works smoothly, diligently, and you figure for half a second that his hand must hurt.
Then he’s pulling away, mumbling to himself and quickly shucking his jeans down. You look down, curious. He wears such tight pants that you think you have a pretty good idea of how big he is.
You were off by a few inches.
You can’t help but to widen your eyes. He’s so fucking pretty. A thick path of dark hair leads down to his trimmed pubes, a stark contrast to his highlighted, golden skin. And his cock’s gorgeous. Long, thick, curved towards the tip, head pink and it’s weeping. He pumps himself a few times, already so wet.
“Did you cum?” you breathe.
He doesn’t answer you. Just leans over past you to grab a condom out of his bedside drawer. Rips the foil with his teeth and slides the latex on in one fluid motion. You know he’s done this before, but his agility still surprises you.
Not willing to waste a moment longer, Steve finds his way back on top of you again, sliding himself in between your spread thighs. You hook your legs around his waist. His thumb’s at your clit again and you shiver, mouth falling open.
“Are you ready?”
“As I can be,” you whisper. “You’re a lot to take.”
“I’ll take it easy,” he whispers back. “Relax for me, okay?”
With his fingers playing with your clit, it’s pretty easy. Your eyes fall shut and you focus more on the bundle of nerves, the ever-tightening feeling in your stomach, Steve’s breath fanning against your face. He presses the tip against your hole, rubs himself up and down.
Then he presses into you.
Your eyes widen. Your mouth falls again. You exhale shakily. He’s gotta be a single inch inside and he’s stretching you to your limit.
“I know,” he coos, applying steady pressure to your clit. “I’ll take my time, ‘s okay.”
“So big,” you whisper, delayed, your mind a bit blank.
“I know,” he repeats, but he’s smiling now. “Why d’you think I had to spend so much time on you?”
One inch deeper. You mewl, hands moving to his shoulders. “Cause - b-because you’re - you -“
“You, you, you,” he teases. “Love seein’ you like this, really suits you.”
You don’t have the capacity to argue with him. “Kiss me.”
“Where?” Another inch. Steve leans forward, nose against nose, lips against lips. “Here?”
You nod, awe-struck by his hazel eyes. You plead with your own.
“I’ll never say no to a pretty angel like you,” he whispers. "Don't get too excited, okay? This is a contractual agreement, after all."
Finally - finally - he’s kissing you. Moving his mouth so perfectly, intentionally. Lips soft and a little wet. He tastes like mint and - well - your pussy.
But Steve, he encompasses all of you — his weight on top of you, his lips moving slowly, his hips moving slower. The scent of him in your nose, his warmth transferring to your skin. He pulls his hips back, then slides in. A little deeper. You gasp against him and his tongue slips into your mouth. Now you moan, and he moans, fucking into you shallowly.
“C’mon,” he whispers, “let me in, want you so bad, please.”
Your nails dig into his shoulders. “I’m trying,” you whimper.
“It’s okay. Doing so good for me, yeah?” He kisses down your neck. The tickle helps distract you from the stretch, and he gets another inch in. Steve gasps, resting his head in the crook of your neck. “You feel so goddamn good.”
He sucks at your skin, running his tongue along it. Thumb still circling your clit. Fucking you shallow, slow.
“You okay?” he grits out.
You nod, rocking your hips. You’re getting used to it, the sharp pain - it’s melting away, all of Steve’s ministrations to help you working. “More, Steve. Want more.”
He kisses up to your ear. “You sure?”
Goosebumps prick up on your skin. “‘m sure.” And just to see what he would do, you say, “Please, baby.”
“Oh, God,” he groans. Pulls back. Thrusts in deeper. “Can’t say shit like - like that.”
It takes you a sec to find your voice. “Like what?”
Back. Forward. Punches the air out of your lungs. “Like baby,” he grunts.
Back. Forward. “Honey.”
Back. Forward. Slips inside you nearly to the hilt. “Handsome.”
Your eyes roll back. Steve’s pace picks up, panting above you. You wish he was undressed so you could see him. You know the chest hair he sports. Want to feel it on your skin, run your fingers through it while he has you like this.
“Why not?” you choke out.
He moves away from your neck to look at you. You melt. His hazel eyes are soft, looking into yours. But he doesn’t answer.
You think you understand.
You wrap your legs a little tighter, bringing him in, rocking on him. Steve sputters. It’s clear he likes taking his time, but you’re close to cumming. So, so close, and you want Steve right there with you. Spurring him on, you ask, “You - are you gonna make me cum or what?”
Steve laughs, rolls his eyes. “There’s that fuckin’ mouth.”
Now he’s drilling you. The bed groans. His thumb moves quicker, presses harder. You squeal, digging into his shirt, trying to stay grounded. It’s impossible, though. When he’s looking at you like this. Eyes dark, focused, his mouth parted, tongue licking over his soft lips. You moan uncontrollably, twisting, tugging harder at his stupid shirt.
“Hold on,” he gasps, sitting up quickly and slipping out of you. Throws his top off to the side, smirking when you gawk. He takes your calves and throws them over his shoulders, leans back down and folds you in half. “Want you like this, this okay?”
You already know it’ll ruin you. “Yeah, come on.”
Steve slips back inside of you and sets his pace quickly. He must be all the way in. Your cunt squelches around him, his balls slapping wetly against your ass. Your hands move towards the mattress, gripping his sheets and twisting, tugging, losing control of your body.
You can’t shut the fuck up. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god—!”
“Shit,” Steve grits, pressing his forehead against yours. Bending you further. You’re still babbling. “Yeah? You - ngh - f-feel me?”
His thumb hasn’t found its way back to your clit, but you really think you might not need it there. Instead, his hand cups a breast, tugging your bralette down, flicking at your nipple. Now he’s babbling. “Wanna suck - suck on these, fuck, look so good.” He whimpers, cock twitching.
He pummels against your sweet spot. Over and over, until you’re seeing white and Steve looks so angelic above you. Doesn’t look like your annoying coworker anymore. He’s ethereal, in his element, sweat beading at his impeccable hairline. Dark strands fall over his brows, creased in concentration.
“I’m gonna cum,” you’re rambling now. “Steve, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh my — fuck!”
“Yeah, baby,” he whines. “Let me feel it, squeeze my cock, doin’ — so good —“
Your back arches, much like earlier, as your orgasm hits you. Unaided. Just Steve’s cock, Steve’s face, Steve’s words bringing you over the edge. He’s praising you, but you can’t hear him. Everything’s fuzzy and warm and your orgasm goes on forever, clenching and unclenching, pretty moans and gasps falling from your mouth.
Steve leans forward, buries his head in the crook of your neck while his pace turns sloppy. His teeth scrape against the delicate skin, but he seems to know better than to bite. His canines scratch, sliding over sweat-slicked skin, and with a low groan he cums, both of your legs shaking. It takes him ages to finish, too — each time he thinks he’s about done, his cock produces more. “Fuck, fuck, oh — shit, honey, God—!”
You hold him - best as you can in the awkward position - running your hands through his hair. “Good boy,” you whisper. It’s all you can really think, brain all fucked out. Steve whimpers again.
Panting, you both rest for a moment. Your legs are still shaking and you’re not sure how Steve’s keeping himself up. You want to tell him he can lay on you, that you’ve got him - but then his goddamn thumb is on your neglected clit. Moving back and forth, slow and hard, and you cum again in fifteen seconds. Clenching on his cock, making Steve moan and laugh breathlessly, kissing your neck.
He finally moves enough so that your legs can fall to the bed. You hope he doesn’t mind you staying here for long. There’s no way you can drive home.
“That was three,” he pants, a big smile on his face. Dopey, blissful. He’s still wearing the condom and you can see the cum inside, makes your stomach flip and face heat.
You do not need to be thinking of this man cumming inside of you.
"You promised seven."
"Always gotta complain. Weren't these three worth it?"
You look over at him, in his glowy glory. "You only had one. Maybe you'll get three next time."
His cock kicks. “Oh?”
“Yeah. Just gotta think of another bet.”
Steve scoffs. "As if you need a bet to do this again."
And he's right. You don't.
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maximummixxy · 2 days
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୨⎯ Abby loves making her girlfriend shy⎯୧
୨୧ Disclaimer(s): Girl x Girl, short
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Abby loved, loved, LOVED looking at you. Every time she looks at you she gets reminded how lucky she is to have someone like you.
She just really loved admiring you. It doesn't matter when or where, while you sleep, or while you talk. Her favorite part about it is watching you get flustered.
For example you were brushing your teeth when she came up behind you and hugged your torso. She lightly kissed you shoulder and started to stare at you through the mirror. You didn't notice until you spit your toothpaste out.
'What're you looking at?' you say smiling slightly embarrassed.
'You're just so beautiful.' she gives your neck a little peck
You roll your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you had butterflies in your stomach.
'God, Abby you are annoying.' you say jokingly
'Yeah?' she says, letting go of you.
'Yes!' you say turning around leaning back on the sink.
She chuckles before leaning forward, teasing you. 'Yet, you love it.'
'I do' You giggle before wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
A/N: I was feeling romantical also this isn't proofread
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fallingformatt · 18 hours
Matt x fem!reader
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summary: what happens when you try to cheat your way to win a game of twister?
warnings: SMUTTTTTTTT! unprotected sex, slight bdsm.
word count: 2.5k
a/n: Yall are some freaky fucking fucks… over a thousand notes on my post? Yall are insane, im so thankful for yall dirty minded ass people. I truly did not expect that to happen on my second post ever. And thank you all for almost 300 followers yall are the GOATS!!!
Let me know if I should write a pt. 2 for FIRST GLANCE M.S. available here
post is not proofread
I'm currently at the triplet's house. The sun is setting, casting a beautiful orange hue to the living room where we all are sitting, drinking some drinks, and just talking. The music in the background isn't loud but I can hear it clearly.
"I'm bored, let's do something fun," Matt says looking down into his half-empty cup. "Well I don't have any ideas," Chris shrugs his shoulders. "I have an amazing idea," Nick yells, startling me. "Nick, you scared me, I almost spilled my drink," I say out loudly slapping his shoulder. "Please ask me what my idea is, please, please, please," Nick tries to plead to make us ask him what his idea is.
"So what is ur 'amazing' idea?" I ask looking at him with a serious face. "We're all gonna play twister," Nick says ecstatically clapping his hands together like a kid. "No Nick, we are not playing twister, we're not five," Matt says annoyed. "Oh look I'm Matt, I'm so tuff and boring, I don't like to have fun," Nick mocks Matt, making me and Chris laugh.
"Well I don't know about y'all, but I'm tipsy, there's no way I could play twister right now," Matt says tugging on the collar of his black t-shirt, his eyes from across the room to meet mine, sending butterflies to my stomach.
I've always had a little crush on Matt, but I never really did anything about it, because I didn't want to ruin the friendship between us. I mean yeah, sure I would sometimes tease him, wearing something revealing, making his eyes wander to places they shouldn't, for example, today, I was wearing short, low-waisted shorts and a small leopard print baby tee, but I knew that, me doing something with Matt would probably change the dynamics of the group as a whole, so I left it as is, hoping my crush on Matt would sooner or later die down.
"You're just scared that you'll lose, so I have a proposition, whoever loses takes a shot of vodka," Nick says proudly. "That's the dumbest thing I have heard in my life," Matt says crossing his arms. "Well, as far as I know, five-year-olds can't drink vodka, so who's the five-year-old now huh?" Nick defends his idea. "We all are a bit tipsy so the chances of you winning are fair, you're just a pussy," Nick says trying to provoke Matt. "Yeah Matt, don't be a pussy," Chris joins in. "Okay, that's it, we're playing, and I'm going to win," Matt says and smiles confidently. Nick claps his hands excitedly as he stands up and walks to the pile of board games that are stacked on a shelf above the TV.
"Found it! Y'all are going down, I hope y'all like the taste of losing, because y'all are gonna be licking the L's shortly," Nick says with a devious smile. "Okay, this one's clearly had more than enough to drink," Matt says as he facepalms.
Nick sets up the game, laying the playing pad down on the floor and placing the spinner next to the mat. "So, who wants to go first?" Nick says grinning. "I'll go," Chris answers and bends down to spin the indicator. "Right foot on red." He says out loud and steps on the playing mat. We all take our turns and the game is starting to get intense.
"Nick you are going to lose," Matt says his voice getting higher at the end of the sentence. The poses we are in are criminal. We are four, grown adults standing on this little mat, meant for children. At this point in the game, the slightest movement could make us all fall down. "Chris, you look like a deformed frog," I say as I'm laughing, almost snorting. Chris's right foot is still on red, his left foot is on blue, his right hand on blue, in front of his left leg, and his left hand is in front of his right leg. Nick is chilling in a comfortable position, meanwhile, I'm stretched out, so close to fall.
We all spin a few times. When all of a sudden Chris loses his balance and falls. "Hah, it wasn't even your turn, you're out, take a shot," Nick yells, happy that he's still in the game. "This is so annoying, 100 bucks on Nick falling next," Chris says as he takes a shot of vodka. I'm now in a compromising position, both of my hands are on red and my feet are on green and yellow, my position is leaving my ass high up in the air. Nick is now barely staying in the game.
"Nick it's your turn," Chris says out loudly, the alcohol he's had, making him unaware of the volume he's speaking in. Nick spins the spinner, "right hand green," Chris says. As Nick tried to move his hand, he lost his balance and fell. "Fuck," he yells out as he stands up. "Where my money at?" Chris says as he hands Nick a shot of vodka.
"Spin it," I say to Matt, and he does. "Left hand red," I say and Matt starts to move his left hand. Now both of his hands need to be on red and the only place in order for him not to fall is on either side of my hands. As he moves over me he brushes against my ass making me lose my balance slightly. Placing his hand next to mine, his head is now next to mine, "sorry," he says quietly, his hot breath brushing against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
It's now my turn and if I don't think of something quickly, I'm going to lose. I look over my shoulder to see what Chris and Nick are doing, they are currently in the kitchen getting some drinks. My lips move making a small grin, this is perfect.
As I reach for the spinner, I pop up my ass, making it brush against Matt's crotch. "Right hand red, looks like I'm safe for now," I say as I turn to Matt, a smirk appearing on my lips.
After taking my turn, I move back, again brushing against his crotch, now feeling something hard. "Don't do that," Matt says in an almost moaning tone. "Do what?" I say looking at him. "Don't try to act all innocent," he says in a serious tone. "It's your turn," I say, a smile plastered on my face.
Matt takes his turn and spins the spinner, "left foot green," He says, looking at the spinner. As he tries to move, I once again pop up my ass, making him brush against it once again, the tension on his crotch getting too much for him, making him lose his balance and he falls. "Ha, I win," I say as I stand up clapping my hands together. Nick and Chris rush over to the living room.
"Did Matt lose?" Nick asks. "Yeah because she cheated," he says, anger and frustration can be heard in his voice. "What did I do, that counts as cheating?" I ask, raising one eyebrow, as a smirk creeps on my lips again, knowing he can't say anything without explaining him further. "Nothing," Matt murmurs. "What's that? I couldn't hear you," I tease him. "I said, nothing," Matt raises his voice, standing up and storming off to his room.
"I am too drunk for this," Chris says throwing up his hands as he turns around and heads to his room. "Can you help me clean this up?" I ask Nick, and he nods kneeling down.
We cleaned everything up and put the game back in its place. "You ready to head to bed?" Nick asks. "You go, I'm going to come later, I'm going to check on Matt," I say as I start walking to Matt's room. "Goodnight Nick," I say smiling. "Goodnight." He answers.
Without knocking I open the door to Matt's room. "Hey, you okay?" I ask as I look at him. He's sitting on the edge of his bed looking straight at me. "I was waiting for you to come in, want to play a game?" Matt says. "Sure, what game?" I ask unsure what game he had planned.
"Since we're playing games, let's play a game you can't cheat in," he says a smirk creeping on his lips. "Simon says, close the door," Matt says. Oh shit, we're already playing. I close the door not moving an inch. "Simon says turn around and lock the door," his voice getting deeper. I do as he says. "Simon says turn back around and stand in front of me," he says. As I turn around, about to walk in front of Matt, my eyes meet his, his eyes grow dark and his lips form a slight grin.
"Simon says strip," he says his tone getting even deeper, a hint of lust accompanying his voice. "What?" I ask, my voice slightly trembling. "You heard me, Simon says strip," he repeats. I start off by taking off my baby tee throwing it on the ground leaving my upper body fully naked. I slip out of my shorts, letting them fall to my ankles before stepping out of them. I pick up my head to look at Matt, he stares me up and down licking his lips.
He stands up and walks closer to me, his hands move my hair to one side of my shoulder, then proceeds to leave a wet kiss on the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His hand reaches over my body, touching my neck as he stands behind me "Left hand red." He says as slides his hand down my neck stopping at my breast. He massages my boob, pulling on my nipple making me moan.
"You like that?" He whispers in my ear. I don't answer. "Simon says answer," Matt says as his other hand slides down into my panties, pressing his finger against my clit before rubbing circles, making me moan. "Yes Matt I like that," I say as I throw back my head resting it on Matt's shoulder. He pulls out his hand, "Simon says turn around," Matt says and as soon as I do, he smashes his lips onto mine.
Matt wraps his hand around my waist taking small steps, leading us to his bed without breaking the kiss. I brush against his clothed cock, rubbing it slightly before I feel a slap on my hand making me break the kiss, I look up. "Nuh uh," Matt says shaking his finger, "Simon didn't say," he smirks and pulls his black t-shirt over his head throwing it to the ground next to my clothes.
He removes his belt, sliding it out of the belt loops of his oversized jean shorts, making them slide down a little, revealing the band of his boxers. He looks at me before moving his gaze to my hands.
"Simon says, extend your hands." His voice was demanding, I brought out my hands, and he grabbed them and put them together before wrapping and tying them together with his belt.
Matt puts his hand on my hips pushing them back, guiding me backward. As I take steps backward, I eventually fall on his bed. He crawls on top of me, spreading my legs with his knee, making space for himself.
He yanks up my hands by the tied belt, pinning them above my head, immediately, Matt attacks my neck with his lips, leaving a trail of kisses from my neck to my breasts, he kisses softly, slipping in a few bites. His hand slides up my thigh, stopping at my heat, his thumb starts to draw circles on my clit.
"Matt," I moan out. "Shhh, we don't want Nick or Chris hearing us do we?" He says looking up at me, taking his lips off of my breast. I shake my head in response and he smirks, "good girl," he says as he continues to rub circles on my clit his lips now moving back from my breast to my collarbone to my jaw before meeting my lips.
"Matt," I moan out as I try to pull my hands out of his grip. "Matt what?" He says as his hands push harder on mine, making sure I can't move. "Please, I need you," I whimper. He lets go of my hands and pulls away from my clit, making me let out a whimper from the loss of contact.
I immediately bring my hands down to my clit and start rubbing circles on my clit, pleasuring myself. As he unbuttons his jeans, he notices my hands, he grabs and pins them above my head again. "Are you gonna make me punish you?" He says his voice filthy and dark. "No," I say, shaking my head and looking at him. "Yeah, be a good girl for me," Matt says practically growling.
I move up and down my hips trying to get some relief as I watch him undo his jean shorts pulling them down, his boxers with them making his cock spring out, hitting his lower abdomen, precum glistening on his tip. Matt looks at me, "see what your little strategy to win did to me," he says raising his eyebrow.
"Please Matt, I can't take it anymore," I say as I scoot closer. Matt moves on top of me pinning my hands again, his other hand sliding my panties to the side before aligning himself with my heat. He pushes his cock in slowly before pulling it out almost completely, then pushing back in hard. "Oh- my- god- Matt-" I moan out between thrusts, his hand moving over my mouth to muffle my moans.
Matt fastens his thrusts, with each thrust going in deeper, making me moan out loud, he leans into my ear. "That's it, sweetheart, take my cock so good," Matt growls, pushing in me deeper than ever, his tip hitting my g-spot with every thrust. "Mmmm Matt you feel so good, I'm close," I moan out feeling my climax creeping up tension building in my stomach.
Matt moves his elbow next to my head, positioning himself so he's able to thrust even deeper. I arch my back as the pleasure takes over my body. His quiet moans landed in my ear, his hot breath sending me over the edge.
"Matt, I'm about to cum," I moan out. He smashes his lips onto mine in order to contain my moans as he plants a few more thrusts before I feel my walls tighten around his length, feeling the knot in my stomach releasing, my climax coming over me, I moan into the kiss. His hips continue to move as he thrusts in me a few more times before planting his cum inside me groaning, breaking the kiss.
He pulls out falling next to me, turning his head to look at me. "Who won?" He says smirking. "I did," I answer smiling, knowing this will piss him off. "Can you untie me?" I say as I shake my hands. "You didn't say Simon says," Matt answers teasing me back. "Simon says round two," I say as a devilish smirk appears on my lips.
I guess I won't be heading to Nick's room tonight.
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flickering-chandelier · 20 hours
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel and Reader are mutually pining for each other, but they don’t know it. Reader has been feeling all kinds of insecure lately, and as soon as Azirel figures out what’s wrong, he’s determined to help her see just how amazing she is.
Based on this request! 🩷
Warnings: body insecurities, a little angst
Word Count: 2.2k  
Azriel stared at the ceiling in the dark, his wings splayed out beneath him in his gigantic bed at the House of Wind.
His shadows danced around him, seemingly trying to coax him to sleep already, but he couldn’t. He hadn’t been able to for weeks. 
There was something going on with you, he could tell. You were being more distant than usual, quieter. Not just with him, but with all of your other friends, too. 
Attempting to push the worry aside, he instead replayed scenes in his mind of you smiling at him, leaning your shoulder against his, brushing your fingers with his. 
That had been the one thing that he couldn’t stop thinking about. You had never shied away from his scars, had never even looked at them for too long or asked questions. You had always touched him with your soft skin without any hesitation or reservations, right from the beginning.
Maybe he had fallen in love with you right then, that first time your hand brushed against his. He couldn’t be sure. 
It didn’t matter, though, not really. You clearly saw him as a friend. 
That was always the way, wasn’t it?
He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut, his concern flooding through him once again.He wasn’t sure you had someone to talk to, someone that you could unload your worries on. 
Of course, he wanted to be that person for you. He just wasn’t sure how to get there. 
It was remarkable really, how he could be so entirely exhausted from the day, yet his mind wouldn’t cease whispering to him about you.
At this rate, he would be lucky if he got even an hour’s worth of sleep before the sun came up. 
Azriel looked like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Again.
He was still the most beautiful man alive, obviously. But those bags under his eyes couldn’t lie to you as well as the shadowsinger himself could. 
And you knew it had been a lie when you had asked him if he was okay before Rhys’s inner circle meeting and he had offered you that crooked smile and reassured you that he was. Because Az only loses sleep when something is really bothering him. 
His eyes settled on you across the table as Rhysand and Cassian bickered about some matter in the mountains. You readjusted your dress, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything to actually conceal how uncomfortable you had been feeling in your own skin these days. 
It had been a nightmare getting dressed this morning, as it had been for weeks. Nothing about you had really changed, but recently you were having a more difficult time accepting that all of your dresses prominently showed your belly, the curves, and rolls that were not in flattering places. 
Azriel’s eyes tracked the movements of your hands smoothing down your dress and you felt even more self conscious. It was a great effort to stop squirming and keep your hands at your sides, forcing your gaze on Rhysand.
Out of everyone, why did Azriel have to be the observant one who would surely notice how frumpy the dress looked on your body, especially compared to the High Lady at the head of the table? Surely it would’ve been better to have a massive crush on Cassian, who hardly looked at what anyone was wearing unless it was something revealing. 
Azriel, though. Azriel noticed everything. 
The thought was like a pit of dread in your stomach. Surely he knew how you felt about him. 
It was embarrassing, really. The two of you had become pretty good friends over the last few years, after Rhysand had recruited you into his inner circle. 
But, the more you got to know him, the stronger your feelings became, the more you withdrew. You didn’t want to bother him or annoy with your feelings, with your insecurities, your past. He had enough to deal with on his own, and he didn’t need you pestering him. 
Without you even realizing it, the meeting had drawn to a close, and everyone was standing up, milling around before going about their day. 
Suddenly Azriel appeared at your side, so close that one of his shadows tickled your arm. “How are you?” he asked, his eyes boring into yours like he could see straight into your soul. 
“Good,” you couldn’t help but smile in his presence. 
His eyes narrowed slightly, and the side of his mouth twitched up into half a smile. “Liar,” he murmured. 
“Those damn shadows,” you scoffed. 
“I didn’t need the shadows to help me out with that one,” he said, tilting his head slightly as he studied your face. 
You felt your cheeks warm at his closeness, the intensity of his gaze. You needed to change the subject. Quickly. “How are you?” 
His smile grew slightly. “Good.”
“Liar,” you grinned, arching your eyebrow. 
He snorted before leveling his gaze on you again. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
You hesitated. “It’s… a lot. And it’s also a little dumb. All at the same time.”
“Sounds like you need someone to talk to,” he said quietly. As he said it, you could have sworn that you saw his fingers flex slightly, like they wanted to reach for you. 
“You don’t have to worry about my problems,” you said halfheartedly.
“I’ll be worrying about them whether or not you tell me,” he murmured. 
The way he was looking at you, the concern dancing in his eyes… it made your knees weak. It also seemed to have made your brain short circuit because that’s really the only thing that would actually explain the response that came out of your mouth. “Okay. Let’s talk.”
You followed Azriel upstairs, to a sitting room near the bedroom that he frequented in the House of Wind. 
You weren’t sure how you could possibly form the words in a way that would make sense to him, in a way that wouldn’t make you seem crazy or foolish. 
But, he had offered, and he really seemed to care. So you would try. For him, if not for yourself. 
You looked nervous as you settled into the armchair across from him, your hands wringing in your lap, your gaze landing anywhere but on Azriel. 
He couldn’t imagine what plagued you so, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make you feel okay again. 
“So,” you began, then clamped your mouth shut. Your eyes finally darted up, meeting his. “I don’t know how to explain any of it.”
Azriel couldn’t stop the quiet laugh that rushed out of him. “Do you want me to go first?”
That seemed to get your attention. You leaned forward, bracing your elbows on your knees. “Yes. Why do you look like you haven’t been sleeping?”
His brow furrowed in surprise. “You noticed that?”
You nodded, somewhat bashfully, your cheeks slightly pink. “I just -- I’ve been worried about you.”
Azriel’s heart did a somersault in his chest. His mouth tugged up into a smile. “I’ve been worried about you. That’s why I haven’t been sleeping.”
You blinked. “What do you mean?”
His expression softened as he gazed at you. “I care about you. When there’s something upsetting you, I tend to lose sleep,” he said gently. 
“You…” you began, but trailed off. Azriel could practically see the wheels turning in your brain. “You really care about me that much?”
Azriel blew out a breath. “Cauldron, you’re really going to make me spell it out, aren’t you?” 
Your brow furrowed in confusion, but you remained silent. 
“I love you,” he murmured, surprising even himself that he finally said it. “I’ve loved you for a long time.”
Azriel held his breath as he waited for your response. Finally, you said, “Why?”
That was not the response he had been hoping for. “What do you mean, why?”
You made an exasperated noise, seemingly unable to look at him. “I just don’t understand. I’m awkward and annoying and I look awful in all of my clothes, and no matter what I do, I can’t fix the parts of my body that I don’t like--”
Azriel ended up right in front of you without even realizing that he had moved. He took both of your hands in his. “Hey, stop for a minute,” he said gently, though the way you were talking about yourself had his blood practically boiling. “Look at me.”
Reluctantly, you lifted your gaze to meet his. “You’re wrong,” he said simply, once your breathing had calmed. 
“What?” you choked out.
“You’re wrong,” he murmured, rubbing the backs of your knuckles with his scarred thumbs. “I can’t think of anybody less annoying than you. I always want to be around you. Always,” he smiled, leaning closer to you conspiratorially. “And you know what else?”
You stayed silent, your lips slightly parted. Heat rushed through his body as he leaned closer still, bringing his mouth to your ear. “You’re beautiful. Breathtaking, actually.”
That was when you took a step back, pulling your hands from his. Azriel’s heart sank. “You don’t have to do that,” you said sadly.
“You don’t believe me?” Azriel asked. He couldn’t understand it. Why couldn’t you see yourself the way that he saw you?
“I just… You don’t have to say all that to make me feel better,” you said. “I know you’re trying to be nice, but --”
“I’m not trying to be nice,” Azriel spat. 
Your eyes widened at the sudden outburst and he sighed, taking a step closer to you again. It was an effort to calm his voice, to not be frustrated with you for thinking that he could possibly make something like this up. “I’m not trying to be nice,” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper now. “I’m telling you what I’ve been wanting to admit to you for years.”
When you remained silent, he knew he would have to prove it to you. 
He gently took your hand in his again. “Come with me?”
You hesitated for a moment, but then followed him without a word. He led you to his bedroom, where he stood behind you as you faced a large floor length mirror on the wall. 
“Oh gods, I do not want to do this,” you groaned.
“Just humor me, okay?” he said gently. 
You sighed, but squared your shoulders and looked pointedly into the mirror. Azriel couldn’t help the swell of pride that he felt at that. 
“I’m not sure what you see,” he murmured, dying to touch you, but keeping his hands to himself for the moment. “But I see a woman with the most stunning eyes,” you smiled slightly at that, your eyes crinkling around the corners. Azriel smiled, lightly curling a lock of your hair around his finger. “And the most beautiful hair. I’ve thought about running my hands through this hair about a million times.”
Azriel heard your breath hitch, and it took everything he had in him to not throw you onto the bed right then and there. Slowly, your eyes met his in the mirror. “And your smile?” His own smile grew at the thought. “Gods. I don’t even have words for your smile.”
He went on and on, his fingers lightly trailing down your sides as he revealed the truth to you, the truth of how long he had been watching you, how badly he had wanted you. 
“Don’t you see?” he finally asked quietly. “Don’t you see what I see?”
Slowly, you turned around to face him. “Thank you, Azriel. I believe you. I believe that it’s what you see. But…”
He arched an eyebrow. “But?”
“I’m too much work,” you said quietly. “I’m too much work to love. I’ve got too much baggage.”
Azriel’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You think I don’t understand being insecure?” he says, holding his scarred hands up in front of him. “You think I don’t understand carrying the burden of the past?”
“Do you think I’m too much work?” he asked. 
“No, of course not.”
He looked at you pointedly. “Listen to me. I love you. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true. And if you’ll let me, I’ll remind you every day how beautiful, smart, kind, and incredible you are.” He settled his hands on your waist, pulling you slightly closer to him, leaning his forehead against yours. “You’re not too much. I’ll work every day for eternity for you. I can handle whatever you throw at me.”
A tear rolled down  your cheek as you looked up at him, and he gently wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. “I love you,” you choked out. 
Azriel couldn’t hold it back anymore. He kissed you softly, and you melted into him the moment his lips met yours. 
He held you close, cradling you to his chest, determined to be whatever you needed for as long as you would let him. 
@loving-and-dreaming @birdsflyhome @hanuh @sheblogs @iambored24601 @thalia-as-blog @ecliphttlunar @bookloverandalsocats @melmo567 @halibshepherd @azrielshadows1nger @cigvrette-dvydrevms @lilah-asteria @evergreenlark @headacheseason @sillysillygoose444 @yourqueenlilith @mariamay02 @andreperez11 @marina468
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claudtrait · 2 days
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YEAHHHH reid came out as non binary and immediately told apple <333 i actually kinda love these too
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My dear lgbt+ kids, 
I had a panic attack in my kitchen the other day. 
It was a really warm evening, I was making dinner in the kitchen and I noticed I felt a bit weird. At first I didn’t pay it much mind, I was probably just annoyed at having to stand at the hot stove in this weather, but then the thought crossed my mind “What if I falsely believe this is some harmless discomfort and I’m actually having a heart attack?” - and those of you who struggle with health anxiety as well can surely imagine it was all downhill from there. Suddenly I got dizzy and my chest hurt and I felt like I couldn’t breathe… 
And I said to myself “These are all the symptoms of my usual panic attacks, these aren’t new or unusual symptoms that require me to get medical attention right now”, so I turned off the stove and did the first aid I learned works for my panic attacks:
I went to the fridge and got an ice cube and held it in my hand, until that sensory stimulation snapped me back to reality. And when I could think clearly again, I felt safe enough to do a deep breathing exercise and go through my “Why do I feel so shitty” checklist (checking for unmet physical needs I may not be consciously aware of), and I realized I was dressed way too warmly for the weather, so I changed into something lighter - and then I went back to making dinner. My “heart attack” was just me overheating and then my anxiety attaching a wrong interpretation to that. 
That’s a pretty boring story, right? Nothing dramatic happened. But that’s exactly why I share it with you. 
When you’re young and mentally ill (or if you have been freshly diagnosed with it, at any age), a common fear is that it’ll stay. You’ll be like this forever now, you’ll never go back to normal. And so positivity often focus on recovery, on “it’ll go away one day, you just gotta be strong until then”. And maybe it will! Mental illness is a pretty vast umbrella term, some conditions under it can be cured completely. 
But I wanted to share another perspective here: even if it won’t go away, even if it indeed stays forever because it’s a chronic condition or a treatment-resistant one (or because you learn, after years of wondering why your depression and anxiety won’t go away with traditional therapy, that you’re actually autistic and need a completely different approach than a neurotypical patient (hi, it’s me)) .. it won’t feel like it did at the beginning forever, simply because it’s no longer so new. When it’s new, you have no blueprint on how to deal with it. It’s a situation you’re thrown into with no prior training - of course you feel completely lost and hopeless! 
Mental illness is a real illness and as any illness, it’ll affect your daily life - but over all those days, you learn more about it. You try things to cope with the symptoms and realize that some techniques work better for you than others. Even if you can only learn to manage it rather than cure it: you figure out how to deal with it better. You draw your blueprint. 
It’s still part of your life but it’s no longer the showstopper. It becomes just a boring story of stopping dinner to take care of your symptoms first. And that’s something to hope for, to fight for. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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inevitablypazzi · 1 day
my pazzi roman empire list pt. 2
paige's favorite view
cute interview moment
azzi making a shot and paige impressed as hell
gentlewoman paige pt. 2 + blushing because of azzi
why were they so close? the gap between dorka???
menace azzi
boy, ass grab, must be her girlfriend 😭
azzi's biggest fan
borrowing/matching clothes pt. 3
cute ass bench moment
a biggie concert [another] [two] [three] [lil moment analysis] [four] [five]
azzi filming paige in the background when she dapped up a bigge (assumption)
shoutout to her best friend
paige not being able to not touch azzi
her money's on azzi
azzi annoying paige on the bench
kayla's car with azzi and paige photos (not sure if it is really kayla's car please do correct me if i'm wrong)
kissy face
private but not secret + pazzi following each other on goodreads
paige going straight for the azzi's package 😭
kiki do u love me
this photo this other one and this too
azzi surprising paige in uconn for her birthday 🥹
azzi going to minnesota to help paige with her event
paige using azzi's favorite song as her first night entrance song
pazzi balling in wheelchairs
pazzi with a fan who's wearing a pazzi customized jersey
2024 charity event crumbs [photo]
paige's old ig pfp being a snap of her and stewie (azzi's dog)
paige wearing an azzi shirt [video]
paige being extra when she didn't get a high five immediately from azzi
azzi fudd's 😾
paige pinky promise with azzi's dad and her cute plea to azzi's mom and azzi
azzi fixing paige's grad tassle
pazzi in the beach in europe [azzi in a purple bikini and we know who loves purple 😏 (this is a joke)]
azzi telling paige to go shower lmao
paige dancing with jon and jose and azzi smiling in the background
azzi having hopkin paige photos in her room (this was crazy ngl)
hidden pazzi moments compilation
azzi calling paige at 1am
pazzi touching each other during a huddle crumb
azzi looking at paige compilation
azzi wearing paige's hoodie in the cruise matching shoes in the cruise pazzi cruise pics compilation bonus cruise photo
fetus azzi holding paige cutouts 🥹
matching/borrowing of clothes pt. 4
paige's senior tribute video ft. azzi
matching chains
paige's 'my girl'
azzi picking up paige
sharing/borrowing of keychain
the squad realizing paige and azzi came in together and being so done with them lmao
paige showing azzi off
pazzi's kid because we're delusional their kid apparently paige handing her phone to azzi little analysis moment
azzi holding paige's wrist/arm in a huddle
alleged azzi calling paige honey clip
a/n: part one here! any worthy pazzi moments to be added in this list can be submitted through my questions in blog. much love. <3
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ellecdc · 2 days
I'm back with another request!!!
This one is remus×femreader bc we love remi in this house
Basically, remi and reader are arguing about something stupid (something to do with books) and there's a lot of flirting going on whilst arguing. Remus starts becoming a little amused while arguing and tries to hide his smile (we all know he has eyes that glitter when he's happy). Reader gets annoyed and starts going off on him and Remus kisses her to shut her up. The thing is, the reader has never been kissed before. And she REALLY likes him. So she's shocked to say the least. She stares at him in disbelieve and Remi's like "what" and she goes "you kissed me" "ik" Remus says plainly. "I've never been kissed before" reader whispers while looking down, ashamed. Remus feels bad so he takes her by her shoulders, tilts her chin up, and kisses her again. Properly.
Thanks, love! Here are some flowers for you 💐
soooo cute - hope I did your idea justice!!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader who has never been kissed
CW: fluff, narrative around consent
“I cannot believe you just said that.” You deadpanned, staring at Remus with a fiery glint in your eye as he watched you very clearly try to fight off a smile. 
“Why would I not say it?” Remus asked incredulously as you repositioned yourself on the sofa to angle your body towards him for better arguing.
“Because it’s so incredibly wrong.”
“Well now that’s ignorant.”
You scoffed disbelievingly at him. “You did not just call me ignorant.”
“Nope, wrong again.” He laughed. “I said your statement was ignorant.”
“In what sodding world did Amy and Laurie make any sense?” You asked then, slapping your hand against your knee to punctuate your question.
“Uhm, this one? Obviously, that’s why it’s canon.”
You pursed your lips as if you were restraining yourself from bodily launching yourself at Remus; he really wished you wouldn’t.
“Author’s don’t get it right all of the time.” You said instead of telling Remus to go fuck himself. 
“I don’t think that’s true; this book has become a classic for a reason. Louisa May Alcott didn’t write these things by accident, there was intention and purpose behind these characters and their choices.”
“Yes, and the purpose was to drive readers mad!” You nearly screeched.
“Or perhaps it was to illustrate to young women that they don’t need to settle for their childhood friend.” He countered. 
“It wasn’t settling! She loved him back!” 
Remus couldn’t help but smile then; between your passion, how cute you looked when you were wound up, and the fact that you were screaming about love made his own heart beat in double time. 
“You’re sodding laughing at me.” You narrated with a disbelieving head shake, clearly misinterpreting Remus’ lovesick expression for humour. “Remus Lupin! Stop laughing at me!” You shouted playfully, landing a few good whacks on his arm with the book as he pretended to shield himself from you. 
“Okay, so not only do you have horrid takes on classic literature, but you also use classic literature to assault people? What has the world come to?” Remus teased as you continued your attack. 
“You. Are. Infuriating!” You spat, punctuating each word with a whack as you moved to stand on your knees for better access to Remus.
Better access indeed he decided as he quickly grabbed your wrists, rendering your weapon utterly useless as it hung limp in your hand.
“I’m infuriating, am I?” He asked you quietly.
“Exhausting.” You agreed, matching his volume.
“Is that so?” 
“And completely unromantic! I mean, how could-”
But he never got to hear what your next argument was about how perfect Laurie and Jo would have been together before he quickly slotted his lips against yours.
For how energetic the conversation had been, the kiss was decidedly not; it was soft, gentle, tentative, and Remus only hoped you couldn’t read him like a book for how utterly in love he was with you. 
And entirely too soon was Remus pulling away from your face, still holding your wrists as he looked between your eyes.
“You…kissed me.” You whispered; the statement sounding nearly like a question as you looked at Remus with a mixture of shock and bemusement. 
Remus felt his stomach drop; was he not supposed to? He should have asked first; fucking arse. Had he read this all wrong; were you not into him like that? Had he been projecting his own feelings onto you, merely expecting you to reciprocate feelings he’d never properly expressed? 
“Yes…I- was that not okay?”
“I…I’ve never been kissed before…” You admitted quietly, arms falling limp in Remus’ hands as he loosened his grip. 
“Oh dove, I’m sorry. I- did…you want to be kissed?” He asked, leaving out the ‘by me?’ 
You looked surprised at his question; the corner of your mouth turning upwards as you examined Remus' face. He hoped to Godric his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. 
“Very much so.” You whispered.
Feeling hopefully brave by the way your fingers were fiddling with the cuff of his sleeve and the way your eyes were fixed on his lips, he moved his hands to your waist and encouraged you to straddle his lap. You positioned yourself immediately, as if being in his lap was the most natural thing in the world, watching as his hands trailed up to your shoulders and down your arms, guiding your hands to rest on his shoulders. 
“Yeah?” He asked under his breath. 
“Please.” You whispered back.
“Oh pretty girl,” he cooed; pushing a lock of hair behind your ear before hooking a finger under your chin to pull your lips towards his. “It’d be my absolute pleasure.”
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chunghasweetie · 2 days
Hello, I really love your writing. I want to submit a request. I will be really happy if you accept it.
I want a story about Jungkook being a student who is obsessed with his female professor. Who is also 10 years older than him. Smut part and the whole writing is up to you. But I would have liked if you add Jungkook having breeding kink and want to put babies in her so much.
Thank you in advance 💞
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— pairing | professor!oc x college student!jjk
— summary | jungkook decided to take his relationship with his professor a step further
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
unprotected sex, cursing, praising, adult dialogue, breeding kink, impregnation kink, professor student relationship, divorce, adult dialogue
— word count | 3.3k words
— song suggestion | connection — bangchan skz
Jungkook had originally been sent to college for one thing.
His business degree.

Once he acquired his business degree he would be able to take over his father’s company, which would bring in a large sum of money once he graduated.
Although he was a business major, he still had to take some general classes.
Jungkook was once again waiting until her class ended.
His class with her was at 9am and it was almost 4pm.
He didn’t mind waiting at all. In fact, he enjoyed it.
Admiring how she explained so passionately about the subject she taught and how engaged she was with her students made his attraction even stronger to her.
Didn’t like how enthusiastic the male students were though. The constant gifts and attention they showered her with annoyed the shit out of him.
Ms. Young.
She was his professor in Ethnic Studies for the past semester, and his obsession with her grew with each lesson.
She was divorced. Married for a measly two years.
Her ex husband had cheated on her the second year of their marriage over and over. He had to fess up once his mistress became pregnant.
It hurt her deeply, causing her to move to a whole other country to cope with the separation.
And lucky for her, she happened to land right in Jungkook’s university.
Jungkook had been her healing. When they first began their situation, she hadn’t thought of her divorce a single time.
Made her wonder if she had even loved her ex at all.
It started from Jungkook staying after class and asking for homework help, to having her in his backseat begging for more.
Took a lot of convincing to them her there.
She seen him as so much younger. She was 10 almost 11 years older than him.
But after Jungkook’s irresistible siren like voice, she couldn’t resist him.
Jungkook was more than happy she went along, his endless stalking and time spent on her paying off.
He waited until the classroom was absolutely empty before he made his way inside. He shut the door behind him, a wide smirk on his face.
He noticed his professors head stuck up from her computer, eyes widening when she seen him.
“Hey.” His voice lingered in her ears. “Your last class took forever. So many guys like staying after class to look at you.” He grumbled.
“Don’t start. That’s not true.” She shook her head.
His eyebrow quirks as he chuckles, taking a seat on the edge of her desk, his eyes locked onto hers.
“Oh, it's not? Then, explain why half the guys in the class come in with flowers, or candy, or just looking at you up and down?”
“I’m a good professor?” The faulty expression was written all over her face.
“No, Ms. Young. It has nothing to do with how good you are as a professor. You're just...”
He pauses as he reaches out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Irresistible.” He breathed out. “So hard to let go of.”
She blushed.
“And I’m assuming they’re trying to do something for a better grade.” He chuckled. “But I already took that opportunity.”
“You didn’t even need me for that.” She rolled her eyes. “You had a perfect grade even before this.”
“Doesn’t that make you more attracted to me?” He smirked.
“Whatever.” She blushed. “They don’t use me for a grade. I think they genuinely need help.”
“You think that's what it is?” He laughs, his fingers trailing along her jawline.
“Those boys want nothing more than to fuck you, Ms. Young.“ He shook his head.
“Are you sure Jungkook beca—“
“Then why do they stare at your ass when you're bent over your desk, marking papers?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
He continued, “Why do they keep coming up with reasons to talk to you after class, even if it means missing and failing the rest of their classes?”
She swallowed.
She wasn’t able to brain storm a rational response or reasoning to their actions.
“Well I—“ She sighed, giving in. “I don’t know.”
“It’s because they want what’s mine.” Jungkook spat.
He leaned in, “But I can’t blame them. Look at you.”
“So annoying.” She mumbled, looking away.
“Mm, I know. And it's just going to get worse from here.” He teased.
“You know, you shouldn't be so cute.” He chuckles softly, “It's really fucking distracting.”
He raises an eyebrow, his hands moving up her sides to rest on her shoulders.
“How? Well, you're always rolling your eyes and giggling at me. And it's cute. Too cute for someone who's supposed to be my old professor.”
“Old?!” Her eyes widened.
“Older.” He corrected himself, laughing.
“For someone who’s my student you make such inappropriate comments.” She rolled her eyes.
His smirk turns into a small grin and he shrugs, his hands never leaving her shoulders.
“What can I say? You bring out that sire of me. Not my fault.” He chuckles and leans in, placing a swift kiss on her lips “Tell me you don’t love it.”
“Whatever. And some sending me pictures of your thing when I’m trying to work!” She hit his chest.
He stared down at her with a smug look on his face. “Did you not enjoy them? Did you not send me shit back and tell your students you were going to the restroom?”
She swallowed, not saying anything in response.
“Uh huh. Right.” He pecked her lips.
“You drive me insane.”
He smirks and moves his hands back up to her waist, pulling her closer.
“That's the plan, ma'am.” He grins and leans in for another kiss, his tongue slipping past her lips to dance with hers.
She melted into his mouth, messily making out with him by her desk.
He groans and deepens the kiss, his hands roaming down to grab her ass and lift her up onto the desk.
He breaks the kiss only to tug at her shirt. He growls and starts trailing kisses down her neck and chest.
“J-Jungkook not here.” She shook her head. “I-I have an important meeting with my department in a bit.”
He pauses and looks up at her, his expression disappointed for a moment before he smirks.
She kept shaking her head no but her body kept telling her to go forward. She wanted him so bad.
“Fine, we'll make it quick then.” He continues to kiss down her body, attempting to take her clothes off.
“J-Jungkook!” She whined, “N-No put them back on— I’ll meet you tonight and we can do it I promise.”
He hesitates but then nods and starts getting dressed again. “Alright. But you owe me for this.”
“I know I know. I didn’t notice the time before.” She exhaled. “I’ll do whatever you want tonight. Promise.”
He finishes dressing and leans in for a quick kiss before making his way to the door. “I'll hold you to that promise. Because I have huge plans for you tonight.”
“Mm I’ll definitely be there then.” She chuckled before bidding goodbye to him.
He chuckles as he makes his way across campus, already counting down the hours until he can see her again.
Shortly after Jungkook exited her classroom, members of her department entered her classroom for the meeting.
After some time, she had finally arrived at his apartment right outside the campus. She used the key under the mat to open the door, shutting it behind her.
She had changed out of her work attire, and now wore something more casual.
She was in shorts and she wore one of Jungkook’s hoodies. Her hair was tucked into the hood and she had sunglasses over her.
It wasn’t the perfect disguise but she hadn’t got caught or noticed once.
Jungkook wasn’t the only student living in the complex, so she had to be careful.
He's in the living room when she enters, a grin spreading across his face as he sees her.
“Hey, Y/n.” He stands up and walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a kiss.
“Mm I’m Y/n now?” She chuckled against his lips.
“Had to show my professor my respect on campus.” He smirked.
“Whatever.” She smiled, “What’re you up to?”
He smiles against her lips before pulling back a little. “Just waiting for you.”
He takes her hand and leads her over to the couch, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap. “I ordered a pizza. Didn’t want you to have to cook for me tonight.”
“Awe.” She pouted. “I like cooking for you.”
“You worked so hard today and I wanted you to relax.” He replied.
“How is it that you’re so much younger than me but take care of me better than someone my age?” She laughed.
He grins and kisses her neck. “I just have a way with taking care of women. And you deserve to be cherished, Y/n.” He looks up at her.
“So I’m one of many?” She folded her arms.
His grin falters for a moment before he laughs.
“No, no. You're the only woman I've been with. I swear.” He looks up at her with a genuine expression. “You're the only person who's ever made me want to be better.”
He nods, looking at her with a sincere expression. “Yeah. I've never met anyone like you before, Y/n.”
He runs his hand through her hair. “You're different from any other woman I've ever met. And I mean that in the best way possible.”
“I’m nothing like him.” He continued. “I’m a real man. He was a fucking boy. A man child who couldn’t even hold onto a damn good woman.”
She couldn’t believe how this college kid had her wrapped around his finger.
How she felt on top of the world when she was with him.
“Oh Jungkook.” Her heart swelled at his words.
He smiles and kisses her forehead. “I'm so in love with you Y/n.” He wraps his arms around her waist.
“I never want you to doubt how much you mean to me.” He looks at her with intensity in his eyes. “You're my everything.”
“You’re so amazing Jungkook.” She held eye contact with him.
“I’m so in love with you too.” She pecked his lips.
He grins and wraps his arms around her waist. He leans in and kisses her back hungrily. “All mine.”
He got her right where he wanted her.
“I know I am” she mumbled against his lips.
He chuckles and bites her lip gently. “You're so fucking pretty, Y/n”
He groans and kisses her neck. “I need you now. I thought I could wait but fuck— I can’t.”
He starts to slip his hoodie off her and over her head, tossing it to the side. “I want to see all of you— I need to.”
“Jungkook the pizza—“
He leans in to kiss her again. “But fuck, I want you more than I want food right now. I want you more than anything.”
He trails his kisses down her neck and to her collarbone. “So fucking pretty. Put on more perfume on for me hm?”
She nodded.
He stopped himself. “Fuck— where are my manners? Let’s go to my room.”
“Now you’re a gentleman? What about when we did it in your car, my car, your counter, my classroom, your table, my table— Should I continue?”
“That’s just different.” He smirks and bites her earlobe. “You remember every fuck huh? Lets me know I’m putting it down right.”
He nips at her neck again and lifts her up in his arms. He carries her to the bedroom and lays her down on the bed.
His room was simple. Bed in the corner and gaming chair and set up was in the corner.
His dresser, bed frame, and nightstand all correlated in color and design. Few posters up.
His room was cute. Much more decorated than any other man would have.
Jungkook smirks and starts to undress himself. “You like what you see?” He asks with a playful grin.
“Because I fuckin' love what I see.” He climbs onto the bed and crawls over to her.
She continued to make out with him, letting him speak between kisses.
He groans and deepens the kiss, his hands roaming over her body. “I'm the only one who gets to touch you like this.”
He whispers against her lips. “The only one you should ever want. Ever. I’m all you never need.”
“And I’m going to make sure of that today.” He tugged on her hair.
She made out with him heavily, moaning at the words he spoke with her.
He grinds against her, his hands gripping her hips. “Gonna fill you up.”
He whispers in her ear. “Gonna make you carry my baby, so everyone knows you're mine.”
“Wanted this for so long.” He kisses her neck and shoulder, leaving hickeys behind.
“I-I—“ She could hardly speak, his dirty words making her feel like she was burning.
He smirks against her skin, his hand sliding under her shirt.
“You like that idea, don't you?” He kneads her breast gently. “Hearing me talk about that. Gets you going doesn’t it baby?”
“Gonna do what he didn’t.” He leans down and sucks on her nipple through her bra, his other hand still holding her hip. “I’ll be the perfect man for you Y/n.”
She whined at the sensitivity, panties growing damper with each word.
She was too choked up to say anything, too overwhelmed by pleasure to form a proper response.
He felt her wetness and grinned, pulling back slightly.
“Gonna fuck you good baby.” He whispers in her ear again. “You’re going to take it? Want my baby in you?”
She nodded quickly.
Jungkook shakes his head. “Words.”
“Yes Jungkook.” She nodded, “Please.”
He looks into her eyes, his expression neutral. “I will do whatever it takes to make you mine.”
He leans in and kisses her deeply, his tongue invading her mouth. He reaches for her shorts pulling them off and sliding his fingers inside of her panties.
He felt how wet she was and his cock twitches in his pants.
“Fuck, Y/n.” He rubs her clit, making her moan into their kiss.
He starts to fuck her with his fingers, pumping them in and out of her sopping wet pussy. “So wet for me. My pretty girl.”
She kept repeating pleas and moans into his ears, pathetically begging for more.
He hears her moans and his cock twitches in his pants. He starts to thrust his fingers harder and faster, making her moan even louder.
He kisses her neck, sucking on her skin. “So reactive. I fucking love it.”
“D-Don’t wanna cum yet” She whined, legs trembling. “wanna cum on your cock…”
His cock is throbbing in his pants, pre-cum leaking from the tip. He groans and pulls his fingers out of her pussy, making her whine at the retraction.
He immediately spoke, “I know, baby.” He unbuckles his pants and slipped his cock out. “I’ll fix you in a second Y/n.”
“Please,” She swallowed, “Fill me up with your baby.”
He groans at her words, his cock twitching. Her eagerness made him even more excited.
“Yes ma’am.” He starts to stroke his cock, pre-cum leaking from the tip. “I'm gonna fill you up with my cum and make a baby in that beautiful pussy. Anything for you Y/n.”
“Fuck” She cussed, “Fucking hurry then.”
He grins at her words and quickly positions himself at her entrance. He thrusts in hard, making her moan loudly.
“Shit Y/n.” He starts to pound into her, making the bed shake. “Fucking tight.”
“Y-You’re just too fucking big” she hissed.
She eased up to him, that stretch turning into pure pleasure. “But— so fucking good.”
“Good. We’re gonna do this over and over until you’re pregnant.” He groans and starts to fuck her harder, making the headboard slam against the wall. “No more shitty condoms. I’m filling you up every fucking night.”
He leans down and kisses her neck, sucking on her skin. “I know it feels good, baby.” He reaches down and starts to rub her clit with his thumb. “You’re so pretty like this.”
She was a loud mess. Jungkook knew she would be. With the sounds of her moans, his grunts, and the headboard she knew there would be complaints.
“Jungkook your neighbors!” She hissed.
“Alright.” He smirks and pulls out of her, flipping her over face down ass up. He enters her from behind, making her moan loudly. “Much better hm?”
She nodded into his pillow. He smacks her ass and starts to pound into her again, his balls slapping against her thighs.
“So good! So good Jungkook!” She screamed into the pillow, the sounds of their combined wetness echoing throughout his room.
He grins and starts to fuck her even harder, pulling on her hair as he pounds into her.
“That's right, baby. Take it.” He smacks her ass again and leans down to whisper in her ear. “Whose dick does you better baby?”
“You! You Jungkook!” She moaned. “So much better— you already know.”
He laughs and keeps fucking her, gripping her hips as he slams into her. “Of course it is. You're mine, aren't you? I just fucking love hearing it while I’m fucking on you.”
He leans down and bites her shoulder, making her moan loudly. “Who else can make you scream like this, baby? He never made you really cum huh Y/n?”
She shook her head. “No— Never!”
“He never fucked a baby into you either. Saved all the good shit for me.” He grins and pulls out of her, flipping her over onto her back again.
He spreads her legs and enters her again, making her moan loudly as he starts thrusting into her. “I'm the only man who’ll have you like this.”
“Having you swollen with a baby for the rest of the semester. Gonna marry you and buy you a big ol’ house when I graduate. I’ll be your happily ever after.” He laughs and leans down to kiss her, biting her lip as he pulls back.
“Fuck Jungkook.” She whined. “Please— Want it all so bad.”
“Tell me Ms. Young,” He began. “Does that make me your favorite student now?”
“Tell me Ms. Young.” He taunted.
“Only one— My favorite student.” She whined. “No one else like you.”
He laughs and leans down to kiss her, biting her lip as he pulls back. “That's what I fucking thought.”
He starts fucking her harder, making the bed creak beneath them.
“You’re gonna fucking break the bed” She bit her lip.
He laughs and grips the headboard, slamming into her harder as he grunts with each thrust.
“I don't give a fuck. Won’t stop fucking you like this until this shits broken.” He groaned.
“Fucking fill me up” Her eyes rolled back. “Want to have your baby so bad.”
He grins at her dirty talk and obeys her command, fucking her harder and faster.
“Fuck, you want my cum so bad?” He reaches down and starts rubbing her clit, making her moan even louder.
“I’ll fucking give that shit to you. I’ll give you everything I got in me.” He breathed out.
Her legs shook, back arching until she came all over his cock, her liquid heat spilling out of her.
“Shit!” He curses and slams into her one last time, releasing his cum deep inside of her.
He overfilled her, his cum spilling out all over. “Fuck Y/n.” He pants as he collapses on top of her.
The two panted on top of one another, trying to catch their breaths from the intense baby making session.
Once he caught his breath, he rolls off her and pulls her into his arms, nuzzling her neck.
He looks at her with a satisfied smirk. That was fucking amazing, ma'am. “I don't think I've ever cum that hard in my life.”
“Me either.” She shook her head. “My legs are still twitching.”
He laughs and kisses her forehead. “You okay, baby?”
“More than okay.” She laughed. “I’m feeling amazing.”
“Good.” He licked his lips. “Because I said we aren’t stopping until I know you’re having that baby.”
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alchemistc · 2 days
Based on this post by @beefcakekinard because I couldn't flesh it out enough in the tags
read on ao3
could be with you
"Didn't you have a date on Saturday?"
Tommy's eyes dart up. Galway is staring at him, hand on hip, brow raised, and Tommy sighs. "Never said it was a date."
"Yeah, but you had a moony look in your eye. Been a while since I've seen it, but I know your date face."
Tommy does his best to keep things neutral on his face. Clearly that doesn't work, because Galway's expression goes sympathetic immediately.
"Oh, bad date. Damn, Kinard, tough luck."
Tommy's had to get used to the fact that everyone at Harbor always wants in each other's business. It's pretty superficial shit, most of the time, but they always want to know the scoop, anyway.
He feels the flash of disappointment, followed immediately by a lick of defensiveness. Damnit. "Wasn't even a bad date, right up until the end."
Galway looks intrigued, but Tommy's not quite ready to entertain it. He's still stewing, a bit. Annoyed with himself for the way he'd reacted in the moment -- a beat too far because he'd given Evan an easy out and he'd grabbed it and flung it in the opposite direction.
Right, Evan?
God. What a dick thing to say. He'd -- panicked, a little. They both had, in their own ways.
If he'd known, going into it, exactly how new this was to him, maybe he'd have --
Lowered his expectations.
"Wrong place, wrong time," Tommy says, to get Galway off his back about it, and rolls his arms back to tug his flight suit the rest of the way up. And that's the crux of it, really. Tommy's spent too much of his life hiding away, and Evan hadn't even known he had something to hide until -- until what, the moment he realized other people could see them? He hadn't panicked in the moment -- that first moment, Tommy guessed, now that he knew a little more -- when their lips had met. Hadn't panicked in the days between, when the flirting had bordered on ridiculous in their texts back and forth. Hadn't panicked when Tommy picked him up, hand settling at the small of his back to guide him to the passenger side of his truck, or when Tommy complimented his shirt, or on the drive to the restaurant, Tommy nervously tapping out a rhythm on the steering wheel while Evan rattled on about beekeeping. They'd both been nervous.
Nerves, he understood. Nerves had settled under his skin the moment he closed the door to Evan's apartment, nerves like he hadn't felt in a good long while because he couldn't remember being so immediately charmed by someone in... a while.
Even through most of the date he'd been able to chalk it up to maybe being in a more public setting than he'd realized. They were both in a field that didn't immediately feel inclusive. Both big, manly looking men, and maybe Evan just hadn't done a lot of that before. Maybe Tommy wasn't his usual type. (Hindsight, as they say.)
He could have rolled with the first date with a dude thing -- awkward as it was, surprising as it was, considering the first time a man had come on to Tommy he'd nearly punched him about it. He'd had to reset some expectations, reevaluate some of his preconceived notions on the fly. That wasn't exactly a deal breaker. He liked Evan. Likes him still, in the light of day with a little time to dig into why exactly it had hurt so much to be sidelined in front of a mutual friend.
And he's still a little embarrassed he'd let it get to him enough to make a snide comment that could have outed him when he was clearly not ready to be out.
But it was one date. A good first date, even, until they'd been a bit blindsided by Eddie Diaz.
Which -- he'd walked himself in circles in his own mind about the Eddie Diaz of it all, anyway, half convinced he was slamming headfirst into the middle of some weird co-parents with benefits scenario. The fishing he'd had to do to even attempt to figure out that situation. He's fairly convinced, at this point, that neither one of them has any hidden latent romantic notions, about the other, but that hadn't really helped the situation, either.
"So no second date in the cards, huh?"
Tommy blinks. Swallows. "Nah," he says, but --
But maybe. If the timing was right.
Christ, Tommy, it was one disappointing date with an admittedly sweet, and kind, and fucking gorgeous guy. A guy with a devastating smile and a wide breadth of useless facts and a great ass and enough heart to fill the Greater Los Angeles area.
The text, later that evening, should surprise him more than it does.
Evan 9:34 PM: Hey, could I give you a call later, if you're not on shift?
Tommy stares at it for ten whole minutes, tucked behind a shelf laden with cleaning supplies while the rest of the crew is huddled around a Kings game in the downtime between calls.
I'm on until 8AM, he shoots back, and then stares at it until he gets a read receipt. Up above Evan's latest text there's a full thread he hadn't had the heart to delete, quite yet, and he can still see the image of the chicken Evan had taken his not great hand at drawing blades on the talons of. Call around half past?
It's a bad idea. He's had worse ones, but.
He gets another read receipt before he can flip away from the conversation, and three little dots that appear and disappear four times before another message pops through.
Evan 9:47 PM: Talk to you in the morning!
And then.
Evan 9:47 PM: Have a good shift. Be safe!
He's played out the phone call all the way through about twelve times in his head. Evan's a good guy. Sweet, kind, a little sassy but never mean. He's expecting a thank you, maybe an apology, although he doesn't need it.
He pulls the truck into the closest parking lot when Evan's name flashes across the screen.
"Hey," he says, once he's parked and prepared for the softest let down he's had in years.
"Uh - hey, hi. Hi, Tommy."
Evan Buckley says his name like a benediction. He's never really noticed the way it sounds, until Evan Buckley started saying it. God, this one might sting.
"Hi," he says. They drift into silence.
"Hi. Sorry. Hey. I called you. So. I should. I should say what I wanted to say."
"I'm all ears," Tommy tells him, charmed despite himself, wishing he could see his face.
"I --." The pause is...long. Awkward. Tommy wonders if he's running over a script on his head. "Actually, could we -- do you have any time this morning? Could we talk in person? If -- I mean obviously if you have plans, or, hell, you just got a shift, I'm sure you're tired, we don't have to --."
"I'm about thirty minutes out from home. Let me take a shower, run a few errands. We could meet around noon?" Bad idea. Still. But there's a small, tiny piece of him that thinks Evan might work through his shit at a much quicker speed than Tommy could ever manage. At the very least, he owes it to a younger, angrier Tommy to play this out.
"That -- yeah, that'd be..." He pauses. "You're sure?"
"I'll send you a pin. There's a coffee shop near where I'll be."
"Okay. Okay yeah. I -- just let me know if you're running late, or anything. I'll. I'll be there."
"I'll see you in a few hours, Evan."
"Okay. Yeah. See you in a bit."
Neither one of them hangs up.
Evan's nervous laugh fills the cab, and Tommy presses his head back until he can feel the headrest pressing into his skull. "Bye, Tommy. See you soon."
He'd slept where he could, the night before, actually feels pretty well rested, for working an overnight, for spending every free moment wondering what the hell Evan wanted to call him about, for trying real damn hard to temper his fucking expectations. His two wolves are disappointed expectations and romantic notions, constantly warring with each other.
Evan shoots him a text as he's leaving the barber two doors down.
Evan 11:49 AM: Headed out to the patio, see you in a few
Tommy is absolutely not drawing conclusions about him showing up early. None.
He shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and ducks into the walkway that leads to the courtyard around back.
He'd chosen this place for a few specific reasons -- proximity to his haircut appointment, proximity to Evan's apartment, his knowledge of the lobby of the coffee shop and all it's private little nooks tucked away in corners. Something to ease Evan's mind, a little.
Yet when Tommy finally spots him, he's in the middle of a crowded courtyard, already seated, wearing a light, airy looking polo that stretches tight across his shoulders, and his smile when he spots Tommy burns brighter than the sun on Tommy's newly-shorn scalp.
Tempered expectations.
He doesn't sit, right away. Maybe this had just been an easier way to find each other in the midday crowds. Maybe this conversation won't be long enough to merit sitting.
Evan gestures at the coffee he'd apparently gambled on, and Tommy finds himself sitting before he can talk himself out of it. His posture is a mess, he knows it, but he can't quite help curling in on himself, feeling small as Evan studies him, as the white noise of the people all around them fills his ears. The coffee is terrible. The company is dangerously enchanting.
Evan Buckley goes from zero to sixty in under a second.
Tommy is good at keeping a lid on the part of himself that longs to be romanced, to do some romancing of his own. He's had enough flops to be hyper aware that the reality of dating never follows a soppy script.
Evan says I think that something could be with you and reality takes a rain check, for a minute. Tommy shifts. Tommy flounders. Tommy had prepared for an easy let down, a promise to stay friends and a few awkward encounters in the Diaz living room. Tommy fights the smile, takes a deep breath, admits what he's been trying to deny since he cut things short.
"You already know that I'm interested." It's an easy out -- he's good at catching the ball and tossing it back immediately. It's a risk, but he thinks he and Evan are on the same page about what Tommy's willing to sacrifice, and what he isn't. Evan had made it a point to be out here in the open for this conversation, after all.
Evan takes the shot from half-court.
It catches the rim. Wobbles. Spins.
"Evan," he says, and he means it to sound stern, a hint of incredulity. He's not entirely sure it hits the mark.
And then he's doing that thing he does -- bright-eyed optimism, body language open, a smile curling at his mouth, pressing, pushing, digging into the rocky crevices of Tommy's skepticism and wiping them smooth. It's an insane idea. He's been to...two, three weddings with a date of his own? All long term relationships, because there's something about witnessing eternal vows next to someone that means something to you, something that makes it all a little more real.
But Evan is persistent. And dropping very loaded clues, hinting that he's talked to his sister about him -- them. Tommy doesn't know much, but his relationship with his sister had come up in conversation, he knows they're close. Hinting that he's well aware an invite means he's pulling the lid off 'picking up hot chicks' secrecy.
He doesn't even get all the way through "Are you absolutely sure about this?" before Evan is grinning, leaning in to meet Tommy's gaze, an emphatic confirmation escaping him, and suddenly it's intimate.
Tommy can't think of a reason to say no.
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