#and it's even more concerning that so many of you have the weakest sense of self imaginable
phvnthom · 1 year
Every single time I see one of those stupid posts that's like, "Being in your 20s is the worst decade of your life, you're not a person yet, oh you're such a baby still, stop glorifying youth, being in your 30s and 40s is where it's at, etc." Older people are not a pinnacle. Being older is not the great thing you think it is and it just sounds super infantilizing on top of it. Just absolutely rage inducing. Sorry, but worry about yourself and how your 20s lacked bc of your own personal failures and stop equating that to some profound realization.
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mymoodwriting · 11 months
Omega!Reader x Werewolf!NCT
Genre: A/B/O
Warning: Blood, Animal Cruelty, Kidnapping, Mentions of Death, Anxiety, Paranoia, Manipulation, Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, Claws, Magic, Panic
Words: 4K
Chapter One
(//Next) (@peanutpinet @starillusion13)
Prompt: By removing the weakest link, werewolves were able to grow far more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. They lived in peace knowing they were top of the food chain. That is until a certain pack made an unbelievable discovery, causing them to question their past, present, and future. Omegas aren't supposed to exist anymore, but they couldn't deny the fact they had found one.
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“What is… is that… do you smell blood?”
Xiaojun stopped dead in his tracks, focusing on his sense of smell. There was this rich and sweet aroma in the air that was mixing in with the scent of blood. It was taking up all his attention, and causing concern. Of course he wasn’t the only one out here, and now that he had pointed out the oddity, those with him became aware of it as well. Yuta and Mark also took in a deep breath, really getting a hit of this confusing scent. Before they knew it all three of them were on the hunt, wanting to find the source.
Eventually they came across a trail of blood, cautiously following it. Soon enough they came upon a little wolf, seeing bits of fur stained red. The three quickly approached, discovering that the creature was still alive. It brought them relief, although now there was no doubt this was the source of the strange scent. The situation itself brought up so many questions, but they all agreed on the fact that they wanted to help. Upon examining the wolf they found that they were bleeding from a wound on their chest. Mark ripped up his shirt in order to wrap the injury so they could move the wolf without causing any more harm.
Yuta volunteered to carry the little thing back, being careful not to jostle them around too much. He couldn’t help but lean in close to breath in the scent. None of them had ever known of a wolf’s scent being so lovely. Of course when they got back to their home the others were quickly on them and asking questions, also wanting a closer look at this creature. Xiaojun went off to get some medical supplies, and tell the other hyungs about what they had found. Although they were also going to have to explain themselves first.
“We’re just trying to help.” Mark stated. “We couldn’t just leave them there to die.”
“You guys were on patrol. It’s not-”
“We didn’t step outside the territory, Taeyong.” Yuta remarked. “They crossed the border into our land.”
“Are they gonna be okay?” Xiaojun asked.
“Doyoung and Kun are looking over them right now. It’s not a major wound so they should make a full recovery.”
“That’s good.”
“How did you even find the wolf?”
“Their scent… it’s strange for a wolf, isn’t it?”
“It is, but it’s not our concern. Once the wolf is better, we’ll release it back into the forest, understood?”
“Thanks, hyung!” Mark smiled.
“Alright, now you three go get some food. You came back just as dinner was ready.”
With those three taken care of, Taeyong went to check on the unexpected guest. As he walked into the room he saw Kun dabbing at the wound.
“What’s the verdict?”
“Going by the wound it seems that the wolf was shot with an arrow.”
“An arrow? Do you mean hunters were around our borders?”
“It’s possible.” Doyoung commented. “But once the wolf wandered into our territory they must have left it alone. Good choice.”
“This little wolf got lucky.” Kun said. “It fled from the hunters and was found by some nice boys. The poor thing might have bled to death otherwise.”
“They’ll be fine in a few days, and can return to their own pack then.”
“Good. Let’s leave it to rest.”
After treating the wound Kun laid the creature down on a blanket, making sure they were comfortable. He assured the others the wolf would be fine, although he gathered some food with the intent to feed the creature. It would need to regain its strength too in order to return home. He stepped away from the table and went back to the room, although he was met with a strange sight, causing him to drop the plate. Instead of a wolf curled up on the floor he saw a girl.
“What the-”
A loud sound startled you awake. You looked around in a groggy haze, not recognizing your surroundings. Soon enough you noticed the stranger standing in the door, staring down at you in disbelief. This was not good, and you knew you had to escape. It only took a moment to realize you had shifted in your sleep. You quickly returned to your wolf form and bolted out the door past your kidnapper. That’s when you realized your injury, but you ignored it, knowing you had to get out of here first. Making it out the door wasn’t an easy out as you found yourself in a big house. So you just picked a direction and ran.
“Ya! Catch her!”
You knew others were in the house, but you couldn’t tell how many. There was such a strong mix of scents, and the sudden sound of rushing footsteps didn’t ease your worries at all. Still, you focused on finding a way out. Whenever someone crossed your path you’d scramble in another direction. Being small and agile helped you avoid capture. Now all you needed was a window to break through. Although it was getting harder to evade the strangers as more and more appeared, backing you into a corner.
You growled and snapped at them, threatening to bite. You needed to hold out until you had an opening. That is until a loud roar startled you, and everyone else around. Despite your desire to escape you were starting to tremble, feeling this uncontrollable fear. You cowered in the corner, letting out small whimpers. You couldn’t think straight anymore, feeling as if the walls were closing in around you, and you couldn’t breathe.  You still wanted to run, for different reasons now, but you couldn’t even move a muscle anymore.
“Little wolf.”
Amongst the panic you heard a voice. The others stepped aside and someone approached you, kneeling down. They reached a hand over to you, but you flinched and moved away as much as you could. You already had your back against the wall, and just did your best to make yourself smaller.
“I’m not going to hurt you. My name is Taeyong, this is my pack.” He offered you a smile. “I’m told you have a human form, may we see it?”
Somehow amidst the panic and fear you managed to shift. Although Taeyong was wrong. You didn’t have a human form, you could only half shift. So even if you looked human, your ears and tail were still present. All those around looked at you with wide eyes, surprised to see you in this form.
“Wow… what are you?” Taeyong asked. 
“Uh… wo… wolf… I’m a wolf… and… and a witch… a witch’s familiar… it’s why… why I… I can shift…”
“I see. And what would be your name?”
“Well, y/n, may I ask what happened to you? We found you injured and in our territory.”
“… sorry…”
“It’s alright. Take your time.”
“Uh… we… my master… and I… we were attacked… hunters… they… we tried to run… my master was hurt… and I… I got hit too…” You sniffled, tears in your eyes. “I failed… I couldn’t protect them… and… and now… they… they’re gone…”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” Taeyong pulled you into his arms. “Everything’s gonna be okay. You can stay with us for as long as you like.”
“You can join our pack!” 
“Shotaro, quiet.”
“… sorry…”
You couldn’t help but chuckle. Even if you still had a bit of an adrenaline rush from the fear you weren’t afraid of Taeyong holding you. Then when you heard the other blurt out such an invitation it brought a little smile to your face.
“I don’t think… that would work…” You sniffled. “You’re different… from me…”
“Yes, we are.” Taeyong confirmed. “Where you’re just a little wolf, we’re werewolves, but you are still welcomed in our home.”
Once you calmed down Taeyong offered you to join them at the dinner table, after they checked over your wound. You agreed and thanked him for his kindness. The gentlemen from before, Kun, checked your bandages, stating it was easier to treat your human form. You remained that way for dinner as well, just being mindful of your tail at the table. Everyone was nice to you, and they all introduced themselves too. You quickly learned this was quite a large park, but they were good people.
“Can I ask?” Jaemin wondered. “How is it that you can shift if you’re a wolf?”
“My master…” You brought a hand up to your chest. “They shared their power with me so I would be able to shift, partially at least. They taught me how to do so, wanting me to experience things like the average person does. I suppose I won’t be able to do it anymore… now that they’re gone… once their power runs out I…”
You glanced down at your hands, starting to realize that sooner or later you wouldn’t be able to take this form. You would certainly miss it.
“You really can stay with us.” YangYang commented. “It’s no problem.”
“I’m thankful to all of you. I’m quite uncertain about my future, but I’m glad I have a place to stay while I figure it out.” 
Now that they knew you weren’t an ordinary wolf they gave you a proper bedroom to sleep in. Of course you were still more comfortable with your wolf side. You laid a blanket out on the floor and shifted, curling up to sleep. It kinda felt like home, but it didn’t smell like it. You’d make the most of your good fortune though and take things one step at a time.
With most of the others gone to bed some of the older hyungs gathered outside for some late night drinks and a chat. The topic of discussion was pretty obvious.
“I don’t like this.” Johnny commented. “Something feels off.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everything. She could be lying, and all of this could be a trap.”
“There’s a treaty between werewolves and witches.” Jaehyun reminded. “We’re at peace with each other.”
“Not everyone is gonna honor that.”
“Regardless.” Taeyong cut in. “The little wolf is our guest and we shall treat her as one.”
“Let’s just remain on guard.” Kun added. “And see what happens.”
Every morning one of the members was in charge of waking the others. Today it fell on Sicheng, so he was groggily going around knocking on doors. Although he perked up when he remembered they had a guest. He politely knocked on the door and carefully peeked in. He was a bit surprised to see you curled up on the floor in your wolf form, sleeping peacefully. He let himself in, coming over to your side and kneeling down. He couldn’t help but pet you, feeling the soft fur under his skin.
A warm touch gently pulled you from your sleep. You softly leaned into the touch, letting out a content whimper. When you opened your eyes you looked over to see who was petting you and came face to face with a stranger. You quickly jolted up and jumped over the bed to get away, peeking over the side to see the person who was in the room. Sicheng didn’t mean to startle you, getting up and keeping his hands in the air. He offered you an apologetic smile, stepping back and towards the door.
“Sorry… didn’t mean to scare you… uh… breakfast will be ready soon…”
You nodded and Sicheng excused himself. Once you were alone you shifted to a person, knowing a wolf at the breakfast table wouldn’t go over well. You washed up and then made your way over to the dining room. You were greeted by those setting the table, being told to take a seat. Soon enough everyone was present and enjoying a meal together.
“So you’re all pack?” You asked.
“Yup.” Ten explained. “Although we are part of a bigger pack.”
“What? How does that work?”
“A bunch of packs have come together for strength and protection. We are just one of many.” Jaehyun stated. “Overall our territory spans for thousands of miles, and each pack has their own piece too. You stumbled onto our land, so lucky you.”
“I see… like one big happy family.”
“Yup. We also have this big common area.” Hendery added. “Like a market where we can exchange goods and gather with each other.”
“That sounds cool.”
“We do have to make a trip to the common area.” Doyoung noted. “You are more than welcome to join us.”
“Really? I can?”
“Of course.”
After breakfast you accompanied Doyoung and some of the other members to the common area. You immediately understood the notion of calling it a market. There was a lovely aroma in the air of freshly baked foods, and all kinds of plants. You were filled with wonder as you looked around, not straying from the others, having never been to such a place before. As you were distracted by some pretty trinkets you yelled as something suddenly pulled on your tail.
You turned around to find a bunch of kids laughing and pointing at you. Another one going around to grab your tail again.
“Stop it!”
“Look at her! She’s so funny.” A kid giggled. “She’s big but she still has her ears and tail.”
That’s when you noticed all the little kids had their tails wagging and ears pointed up. You looked around you, seeing that none of the adults had ears or tails, you were the only one.
“Did you not learn how to shift?”
“I… uh…”
Your ears stuck to your head and you reached back to grab your tail, wanting to hide it. The kids kept laughing and pointing, and you were starting to realize just how out of place you were here.
“What are you kids doing?”
Jungwoo had noticed the scene and came over to your side. He pulled you close to him and started scolding the kids.
“You shouldn’t be saying such things. Go off and play somewhere else.”
The kids ran off laughing, which made you feel a bit better. Even if they had been making fun of you, no one else was staring at you because of your uncommon features.
“Just ignore them. Kids don’t know anything.”
You couldn’t take the kindness you were being shown for granted, so you’d help around the house where you could. Your master had taught you some domestic tasks, so you weren’t doomed to be a freeloader when on your own. You still had to take it easy though as you recovered from your injury. Which meant the others were always pushing you to get some rest. You did get to learn more about their dynamic and how this gathering of packs worked out. Some of the oldest members would go to a weekly gathering of the packs to discuss important matters and make announcements.
When the hyungs were gone the rest were expected to stay home and behave. So for today you decided to lounge around with some of the members while watching TV and snacking. It reminded you of your old times with your master. The quiet evenings when it was just the two of you. You weren’t afraid of falling asleep here. Those around you were good people, so you felt safe. Even if you did doze off you knew they’d wake you if anything happened.
“Are we going to mention our guest?”
“No.” Taeyong stated. “We don’t know anything for sure, and we shouldn’t cause others unnecessary concern.”
“The wolf has been well behaved so far.” Kun added. “Perhaps there’s nothing to worry about at all.”
“We’ll see.”
“I’m more worried about the ones back home.” Johnny commented. “They can get up to trouble when we’re gone.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Doyoung said. “Let’s not stress ourselves out.”
For the most part the hyungs knew their pack were well behaved, but they did leave them along with a guest. They stayed focused on the meeting, trusting there wouldn’t be any problems when they went home, but they’d soon find out they were wrong about that.
In the calm serenity of the living room you wound up falling asleep and rolling off the couch. You caught everyone by surprise, but that quickly turned to worry when they realized you weren’t getting up. Renjun went over to your side gently shaking you.
“Y/n… y/n…”
Now everyone was starting to panic, but things only got worse from there. You weren’t waking up, but you were starting to whimper and thrash around a bit. No one knew what to do, moreso when Jaemin pointed out your chest was glowing. YangYang decided to take a hit and rip up your shirt to reveal a glowing symbol on your chest.
“What… what is that?” Jisung questioned. “Is it hurting her?”
“I don’t know.” Chenle commented. “But she doesn’t seem okay. What do we do?”
“No idea… when do the hyungs get back?”
“We can’t just wait for them.” Sungchan remarked. “We need to do something.”
“But what!?”
“I don’t know!”
“What’s all- what did you do!”
Just as the boys were panicking it seemed that the hyungs had returned. Johnny came to investigate the commotion and wasn’t prepared at all for the scene before him. He quickly rushed over to your side, seeing the symbol on your chest.
The others who had just returned heard the call, as did the others in the house, and came over to the living room. Taeyong carefully picked you up in his arms, noting your discomfort, but nothing he did seemed to wake you.
“What’s wrong?” Mark asked. “What’s happening?”
“I’m not sure.” Taeyong said. “But it has something to do with the symbol on her chest.”
“Can we get rid of it?”
“This is a witch’s sigil, like a property mark. It’s not easy to break, but we can try.”
“Okay, what do we do?”
“In my study, there’s a book on the shelf behind my desk with a red spine and symbols on it, bring it to me.”
Jeno quickly rushed upstairs to find the book Taeyong had mentioned. His instructions were to the letter, and he found it immediately. Taeyong instructed him to open the book to a certain page. No one else seemed to be able to read the book, but Taeyong had no issue. He gently laid you down on the floor, speaking some kind of incantation and bringing forth his claws. Some of the others worried, but they didn’t interfere. As soon as Taeyong finished speaking he cut across the sigil on your chest, drawing blood. You yelled, but soon the glow faded and you calmed down.
“Did you…” Haechan mumbled. “What did you do?”
“I broke the witch’s sigil… whatever it was doing to her, she should be free of it now.”
“Fucken witches.” YangYang growled. “She was their familiar! How cruel can they be?”
“That’s funny coming from us.”
You started whimpering, probably feeling the pain from the injury you had just received. Taeyong picked you up in his arms and carried you back to your room, telling the others to relax, nothing bad happened. Kun followed Taeyong, going off to get some medical supplies first. You were gently laid out on the bed, Taeyong taking a look at the sigil. He had broken its power, but the physical mark remained. Although a few others had come over as well.
“Is she alright?” Jungwoo asked. “Everyone’s still worried.”
“She’s fine.” Taeyong reassured. “Might have to explain what happened to her when she wakes up though.”
“Why was it glowing?”
“No idea. A witch’s sigil can be used for multiple things.”
“Yet you still broke it.” Doyoung said. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I have some old witchcraft books. But breaking a sigil isn’t exactly easy.”
As if on cue Taeyong coughed up some blood. Doyoung and Jungwoo were quickly at his side, Doyoung offering a towel so he could clean himself up.
“I’m fine.”
“What did you do?” Kun questioned. “What kind of spell did you cast?”
“Nothing dangerous. I’ll be fine after resting for a few days.”
“You better be.” Johnny stated. “We don’t need everyone worrying over you too.”
“I know.”
A soft little whine caught everyone’s attention. Kun had finished cleaning the wound and put a bandage over it, feeling bad that they were giving you more injuries. You seemed alright, snuggling against the sheets. Kun chuckled, softly petting your head.
“You’re okay little wolf.”
“We should leave her to rest.” Doyoung said. “She’s probably exhausted.”
“Do you smell that?” Jungwoo suddenly stated. “It’s sweet…”
“Uh… yeah.” Johnny added. “What is that?”
Everyone began to look around for the source. You had unconsciously moved closer to Kun, whining and rubbing your nose against his arm. He looked down at you and chuckled, finding you very cute. He pet your head again, and then he realized the sweet scent was coming from you. He curiously leaned in close, taking a deep breath.
“It’s her.”
“The sweet smell is coming from y/n.”
The others came closer, realizing Kun was correct. It perplexed all of them. Your scent had this sweetness to it, but it was way stronger now.
“Hold on.” Yuta said. “Is she… in heat or something?”
“Is she?” Doyoung questioned. “How would we know? She’s just a wolf.”
“Why does she smell so good?” Jungwoo mumbled. “Wolves don’t smell like this to us.”
You continued to whine, and it was getting hard for the others to deny the allure you had. Johnny reached over, touching your arm and feeling that your skin was warm. You reacted to his touch and it brought a smile to Johnny’s lips. He pushed you onto your back, his hand trailing down your body.
“What? Tell me you don’t wanna do something too…”
“We can’t… we shouldn’t…”
Johnny wasn’t listening, climbing onto the bed on top of you. At this point the room had filled up with the sweet scent, and they were all getting drunk on it. This was wrong, and they had to stop before things crossed a line. There wasn’t much time to think so Taeyong bit into his own arm, the pain snapping him out of his daze. From there he let out a roar, getting the attention of the others in the room.
The others were snapped out of their drunken state too, scrambling out of the room. Taeyong was right behind them and shut the door, locking it in the process. He leaned against the door and slid down to the floor, breathing heavily. The rest were in a similar position, out of breath and confused.
“What… what was that…”
“Witch’s trap?” Yuta wondered. “We broke the mark…”
“No.” Taeyong shook his head. “She’s not a wolf…”
“Things have been weird with her from the start… she responded to my roar… she was terrified… wolves don’t respond like that to werewolves… and this… we only respond to our own kind in heat… you… we were all…”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s one of us… a werewolf…”
“What?” Jungwoo questioned. “She doesn’t smell like an alpha or a beta…”
“That’s cause she’s neither… she’s an omega.”
“That’s impossible.” Kun stated. “They don’t exist anymore, haven’t for generations.”
“But everything points to the conclusion. It fits what we know about omegas, and does explain why we got rid of them…”
“Omegas went extinct years ago.” Doyoung reminded. “So how could one be alive now?”
“She was a witch’s familiar.” Johnny said. “That could tell us something.”
“We need to speak with her later.” Taeyong decided. “For now no one is allowed in her room, and no one tells anyone anything about this, especially her. We need to investigate somethings on our own first.”
“What… what if she really is an omega…”
“One problem at a time.”
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Did you have any criticisms with the lastest episode of Murder Drones? Honestly I absolutely loved and enjoyed it and liked it more than the last episode, it was a little too fast paced and some things could've been handled better, but I enjoyed it! 💛🙂 But I've seen some fans and others state that this could be the turning point for the show and not in a good way, I've seen fans state that this is either is weakest and worst episode of the show or being disappointed by it, or even see it as the show going downhill and losing it's potential, I've also seen some point out how the show continues to ruin intense and serious moments with comedy which turned people away from this episode and even saw it as misleading, since the thumbnail and teaser images hinted at EP 5 being the darkest and even a turning point for the show, but while it was dark..it still seemed to suffer through the criticism some have had with the show lately, causing people to turn away. :(
Another thing I've seen people mentioned is how the show continues to throw more mysteries into the mix which leads to very little answers to the ones we already have and some that still need to be talked about and that's understandable, I think that's a reasonable and valid criticism. I mean, we only have about 3 episodes left for the season and I'm a little worried about how the show will end things and how little we'll end up finding out about the lore! But, I wanted to ask do you see the show going downhill and would you agree with some of the things some fans said and do you see yourself losing interest for the show in the future because of how the show's been handled lately? I'm honestly worried about the show's future and how things might not be improved on, (I'm not sure if Liam listens to any criticisms he's probably got for the show, btw) which'll drive people away more and bash the show even more, I mean some already said they didn't think EP 5 would be good and thought it would be shit before it even came out, lol.
Although MD is flawed and isn't perfect, I'm still very much in love with the show and it's honestly a comfort show for me, it's one of my favorite shows, tbh. But, I do honestly wanna see things get better and be improved on and I would like to see some of the issues others have had with the show be improved on as time goes on, but I'm worried certain things will probably drive more people away more. You know what I'm saying?
(Sorry for this answer being all messy and all over the place and just very long, LOL. XD)
Honestly, im not loosing interest and im not scared about the show's future at all, episode 5 was perfect for me.
I understand other's people concern, but i think the reason why so many get desapointed Its because they put way too much expectations over It, Liam has a very unique story telling style that may weird people out If theyre not used to It so is not for everyone, but i dont think thats a reason to think the show is losing Its quality.
And Liam knows how to write serious episodes with less comedy (episode 2 and 3 are a big proof of that) if episode 4 and 5 were goofy Its because he wanted It to be, not because he doesn't have the skills to make "serious" moments . Im sure when the right times come everything will make sense and Liam will give us one of the most gut wrenching episodes yet.
Also, maybe its just me, but i think the reason why ep 4-5 were more focused on comedy is because the future episodes are going to be way serious and more heavy emotionally, so i think Laim wanted to make goofy episodes while he can lmfaooo
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asknarashikari · 11 months
I think Gotchard is good so far. I like most of the characters and I like the chemies.
I want to nitpick on some things though...I do think Spanner might be the weakest part of the show though, I don't hate nor dislike him but I do think there are good ideas and he has the potential to be intersting, but so far I just don't know how to feel about him.
Like his interest in Rinne doesn't make that much sense to me? Like why just being kind to her specifically? She doesn't even KNOW him. Something about this feels kinda forced? I mean, I would understand if he's kind and tolerable towards literally anyone that's not an enemy or someone he disagrees with but still.
I also might've thought the uh...tension between Spanner and Houtaro is a little forced? Spanner disagreeing with Houtaro's beliefs on the chemies... okay, good start. But does that really make sense for him to be unfair by continuing to ignore him and put him down even after their first fight (that was the first time Houtaro got to meet him) when no one else got that treatment all just because his opinion was different? Again, they only recently met anyways. I also probably would've understood if the tension between the two is gradual...or at least Houtaro slowly getting more fed up with the guy's attitude after more than just a several episodes. I also probably would've somewhat understood or found it more interesting if he were some kind of loyalist to the alchemist higher ups and their rules and saw the driver under the hands of someone like Houtaro, who's beliefs might threaten the rules, as a concern...but nope, that's not what we got either.
That said, there ARE good ideas though. Again, Spanner disagreeing with Houtaro's beliefs on the chemies...an okay start, they just needed to do a bit more. Also, Spanner being a very experienced alchemist that he was picked by the higher ups to help out Minato and his students? Being able to transform into Valvarad? Also good ideas. The alchemists having rules they have to follow, (like how it's kinda shown that alchemists that betray the academy and it's rules get the memory wipe and lose their right to be an alchemist again) that's also an interesting idea.
Like...Spanner, I want to like this character. There are good and interesting ideas...it's just...there's either some missed potential or it's executed in a way that's kinda half-baked. Of course, there's still many episodes to go but still. I think if only Spanner was written in a way he treated certain people in a way that's fair (not like not just towards ONE person) or his beliefs was subtly expanded or more nuanced on in a way you can kinda see where he's coming from or if they gave enough time (like literally more than just like a measly two episodes or so) for Houtaro to lose his patience with the guy.... I probably would've found this character to be, well not necessarily likeable, but more understandable. (Heck, there's theoretically still ways to make characters you DON'T wanna root for to be interesting, to be fleshed out, to be able to properly prove a point you can at least somewhat grasp and understand where they're coming from. It IS possible)
Yeah, I agree with you regarding Spanner. There are interesting things about him, for sure, but the because the show hasn't really tried to expound on them, it kinda just all falls flat and his character is reduced to one who acts like a jerk towards the protagonist for contrived reasons. Even simple things like showing the audience who taught him this "Chemmies are just tools" philosophy, why he believes it's correct, that could go a long way in making him slightly more understandable, if not likeable.
On the other hand, I thought Houtaro's frustration with him is pretty believable. After all, he hasn't really seen Spanner interact with anyone else aside from himself and Rinne, and he's supremely nice to the latter, while he's just dismissive of Houtaro himself. And again, because Spanner doesn't really explain his reasons and motives, Houtaro's bound to think he's a jerk just because.
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wikifuck · 1 year
Zimian Tan, Nerd - 2Reapers
:: ஓ๑♡๑ஓ
Genre :: sci-fi
:: ஓ๑♡๑ஓ
Warning :: [None for now]
• ━━━━━ • ☽ • ━━━━━ •
Basic Information
❛ Nerd ❜
Nerd is his combat class, though, unlike most Reapers, he has not incorporated it into his identity.
❛ Tanner ❜
His human friends call him Tanner because it's cute. They think Tan is short for Tanner.
❛ Zim ❜
Sometimes, very rarely, Knox calls him Zim affectionately. It's preserved for only the most tender of moments and when he needs comfort the most.
Zimeon Tan
(Zimion Tan)
He likes his name, he picked it himself. His birthname has been lost to time, not even his parents remember it, since they don't remember his existence at all.
He picked the name Zineon for a reason, the reason being: "It sounds fun. 'Zim' sounds fast, like me! They didn't accept 'Neowww' as a name in the magistrate."
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29 years old
Tan is pretty immature, as in sex is almost his whole life. When he isn't making sex jokes, he is trying to taunt someone or otherwise piss them off. His life is full of humour and nothing can be taken too seriously. So you could say he is rather childish.
His looks match his age, though the more scared of ageing among you might say he looks young for his age. He doesn't think about that too hard though.
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Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Star Sign: Cancer
Positive: Loyal, protective, intuitive, full of care for others, sentimental, charming, great sense of humour, creative, and sensitive to others' feelings.
Negative: Oversensitive, moody, revengeful and recentful, insecure, pessimistic, manipulative, unpredictable, overly suspicious and unmotivated.
Birth Stone: Ruby
This gem's many symbolic associations include love, passion, wealth, and peace. In ancient times, people wore it as protection against evil and harm.
Ruling Planet: Moon
It’s in your nature to nurture. That’s because you were born during the height of summer, when days are long, nights are warm, and the earth is bursting with life. To you life is a cornucopia, a horn of plenty. This isn’t to say you won’t experience your share of rough spells. But as long as your creature comforts are taken care of, then you know things can never be all that bad. As a Child of the Moon you naturally gravitate to the security of hearth and home. If you have a bad day, then the first thing you do when you get home is reach for the comfort food. It might be a bowl of soup, a cup of hot tea, maybe even a pint of ice cream. After you’ve had a moment to relax, you’ll find you’re in a good mood again. As far as you’re concerned everything looks better on a full stomach.
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Reaper, a race of space-based humans all over the universe, focused on technology and fighting. Not a warring people, but they take strength seriously and everyone, even the weakest, are expected to have some training in combat and self-defence. They run around the universe trying to find a place to live before all their resources run out. They like to travel back in time/across realities to raid Earth, but it never seems to stick despite their super advanced technology (that drains all their resources fast, hence all the raiding)
Reapers rarely use currency to pay for things, as they do not trade in a capitalistic system. Their primary form of measuring value is recourses, aka how much mileage they can get from things before another raid is needed. The rare times they do indulge in that old-fashioned and flawed establishment, they trade in Omonon, represented with the symbol 0 with a / going through it.
Reapers had their origins on Earth, like all humans, but after leaving Earth around the year 2500, they began to see themselves as a new species.
Before that, however, the word Reaper had a very different meaning. It meant a soldier trained in close-quarters combat, in the use of power armour and using experimental superpowers. All Reapers used to have their unique power, but over time the most powerful and useful powers began to be mass-produced by the Reapers and assigned to young soldiers based on personality tests and strengths.
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Reapers are a widely spread people and have many different expressions of culture, but some things are almost universal.
For example, combat is a culturally significant thing for them. To a soldier, their armour is like another skin they can put on, it is a part of them and they incorporate it into their identity. The colours of their role can be very important to a Reaper's self-expression.
Tan immediately breaks this rule by not really caring for his role as a Nerd. Times were tough, and his intended role was not available due to a resource shortage. He never really got over it. He does take his role seriously enough to work his ass off to become amazing at it, but still, he feels unfulfilled. Faith has failed him and he isn't about to forgive her soon.
He isn't very into modern Reaper culture, preferring to immerse himself in the old spiritual ways of Earth.
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He isn't religious, but he is spiritual. Zodiacs, the place of the planets and all that are a core part of his beliefs. He knows they can be wrong, but he feels they are right a lot of the time.
He doesn't let these things affect his social life, however, beyond maybe filtering guys based on their signs on dating apps. Mostly he is open-minded and he directs a lot of his beliefs toward bettering himself and figuring out what to do in his life. The stars bring him comfort and security when he just can't decide what to decide.
His beliefs are so important that he has a tattoo of the constellation of Cancer.
He doesn't know when or why he became obsessed with Earth spirituality, but it was probably when he was young and going through an unstable patch in his life.
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His mother tongue (a version of English from the far future), English, Spanish, and French.
He is always studying a new language and refreshing himself on his already existing skills. The next challenge he is thinking of is either Russian or Mandarin. He hasn't decided yet.
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Birthplace and Location
He was born onboard a transport ship travelling from a faraway colony toward Pixelia. He has nowhere to visit or to call his birthplace. He grew up onboard Pixelia and the various transport ships his parents worked on.
Life has always been unstable and he continues that by never really settling down. There are so many places to travel to, and so much to see. He just can't sit still for long, though he dreams of a home on Earth where he can retire to when old age comes.
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To his people, he is a hero in the sense that he "defends" their way of living, but in reality, he is a nobody and wreaks havoc on Earth.
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Overall Personality
He is a true tech expert, despite not liking being a Nerd.
First and foremost he is a fun-loving, flirty, teasing and thoughtless guy who likes to use a voice changer that makes his voice be that of an anime girl. He is also obsessed with Earth's pop culture and consumes more media in a few days than a human can in a lifetime.
He also loves animals, especially the robotic kind.
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He is somewhat kinky, and sex is a big part of his life. Sex with earth-humans is not really his thing though, and months and months of celibacy can drive even a less horny man mad. Luckily there is Knox, ready to slap his ass and tell him to shut the fuck up.
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Chaotic evil
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Dere Type
He has the ludeness of an Erodere and the consistency of a Hiyakasudere. He uses whatever level of sexual works on his target interest. He exists to make others blush and smile.
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Mental Health
Though one might think he has ADHD, with all the flailing around he does, he has never been diagnosed and insists his concentration is fine.
People with ADHD are prone to addictions, which he uses as another reason why he can't have it. Though he neglects to mention he can't use drugs, especially the poisonous kind like alcohol, since his mechanical organs can't process high amounts of it and will degrade faster if he tries. The effect of drinking for him would be feeling like shit with no high, as his liver rusts and his bloodstream fills with unprocessed alcohol.
If he were to get diagnosed, it wouldn't bother him. Actually, it would make him feel more secure, as his insistence he is neurotypical stems from an underlying feeling of not deserving a spot in a group of people he finds admirable.
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He cries openly, and when extremely distressed will start "hiccuping" while crying.
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Coping strategy
Stress gets him going. His trauma response is active, he wants to be always working on things, but only if they are outside of himself.
His coping strategy is self-destructive, he will do anything to distract himself from what lies within.
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His greatest fear is boredom and the self-reflection that follows it.
He is terrified of being abandoned, as his attachment style is insecure due to an unstable upbringing. He manipulates others to stay around him, and if he fears someone might leave him for good, it feels easier to leave them first.
His fear drives him forward. When you are always running, nothing can catch up with you. It can make you do a sloppy job with the details though.
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He has a big metaphorical hole inside him. He craves stability, but he is used to chaos and despite settling down being what he truly wants, he keeps on running. He copes with constant distraction, noise, bright colours and lights, sex, fun, all party all the time, anything to not feel so hollow.
He refuses to admit even to himself that this isn't good for him. Hell, most of the time he doesn't even think anything is wrong. He isn't self-aware and has no desire to be fixed. Even if someone were to come along to save him.
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Overall Appearance
He has a grey and red camera where his left eye should be, and next to it are several ports for different types of wires. When trying to blend in with humans he wears an eyepatch (not the pirate kind) to conceal them.
The reason his eye was replaced was because he was born with mismatched eyes. His right eye sees just fine, but his left is to some extent imperfect. Instead of wearing glasses, it was upgraded. When on earth he goes from having imperfect vision in one eye to being half blind. That's quite the plunge, and it takes time for him to adjust.
He is mostly normal human-looking on the outside, but most of his internal organs are all metal.
He is a tall Latino, with a medium short hairstyle that is longer at the top. While living on Earth he lets his hair grow and later cuts it to be shaven on the sides and long and flowy at the top and back. He enjoys adding things to his hair for special occasions like flowers and ugly-as-hell themed-pins meant for little girls.
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A set of armour that turns him invisible, even to heat-sensing cameras, though that requires extra power that is needed elsewhere.
Nerds is a support class where the soldier assists their team in opening doors, hacking etc. Their powers are meant for self-preservation purposes, though smart beans like Tan can find a way to turn this defensive set into an offensive one.
The colour scheme is the world's least stealthy camo pattern in bright yellow and black. The paint job is for helping allies to spot them, and like a Medic, it is frowned upon to fire on a defenceless Nerd
Nerds possess neural implants that enable them to plug into anything at arm's reach. The most powerful Nerds can sit back at the ship and do their work long distance, but most prefer the honour that running on the battlefield brings.
A nerd is only as effective as their technical skills, and the job requires constant study for a soldier to stay viable for the role. Especially primitive technology can stump a cocky Nerd, as their skills are more in the thinking a lot department, not the "keep it simple, stupid" one.
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He has a tramp stamp with an eggplant on it that is only visible when he wears booty shorts.
He got it for fun, and it means nothing. Except maybe that he isn't good at this whole making life decisions thing.
He also possesses a small sentimental tattoo of his zodiac constellation hidden behind his left ear. Spirituality means a lot to him and this tattoo is near to his heart.
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He has a ring on the underside of his cockead. It's supposed to rub on the G-spot when he fucks someone, but mostly it just ends up getting infected all the time. The guy that gave it to him might not have even been legit. The colour is gold because you are precious and deserve the best... When he is inside you, of course.
He is also thinking of getting his nipples pierced. Golden studs that poke through horizontally.
His ears are pierced too.
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Clothing Styles
He would absolutely wear a dress. Especially a short skirt, one that rides up when he bends over.
A style is as hard to pin down as the fucker himself. He loves tight t-shirts and small tops, paired with flared jeans or army pants.
His colour scheme changes all the time, sometimes eyegougeingly flashy or mismatched in colouring, but he always seems to return to lightish red and white. It's his comfort set, and his favourite outfit is a pair of big pants with a pink camo pattern on it matched with a short white tank top with a children's mascot character on it. The animal is a cat, and she waves her hand while looking out of the picture.
He wears as much jewellery as one would expect from someone as over the top as him. Rings are out of the question though, those things are a hazard at work. Don't ask him how wearing a billion gold necklaces and bracelets is not a hazard to him though. His golden necklaces almost all have a ruby on them, and the biggest rubies are in his earrings. He would wear big dangly ones, but yet again work safety strikes the fun so hard it dies before even hitting the floor.
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Combat Information
His armour enables him to turn completely invisible to the human eye, even to heat-sensing cameras, though that part requires more energy and so he uses it less.
Energy usage. He can't stay invisible forever and even a minor scratch can break the illusion if he isn't careful.
"I'm in"
He can plug himself into a computer to become faster at hacking and other computer-related activity
The danger in this ability is that the connection has to be severed the correct way. If there is any danger of power being shut off to the computer, he can't even try it, as the consequences are unpredictable and sometimes life-threatening.
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General Weaknesses
Lack of self-awareness and willingness to change as a person.
In combat he is weak to all ranged attacks if he fucks up the stealth.
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He had an unstable childhood, full of constantly moving and having to leave everything familiar behind. This has left him with an inability to live without constant chaos around him.
He changed his name at age 18.
He realized his gender identity at age 29, the same week that he would have turned 30. It's a completely normal thing to realize something like that at a later age, but for Tan, it's due to his flaws. He never thinks, and it was a miracle he thought about it in the first place.
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[Missing information]
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Theme Song
By Waterparks
Why? The song is as weird as he is. A contradiction of a fun melody with fucked up lyrics, and the vibes are just right.
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Theme book
The best men
By Sarina Bowen and Lauren Blakely, audiobook version.
I had made Tan before I started relistening to this book, but I realized while doing so that the story has a lot in common with them.
Tan is just like Asher, so much so that I think both Knox and Tan would hate him. Tan because he sees so much of himself in Asher and Knox because he reminds him of Tan.
Tan would find Mark intriguing but get bored before learning anything deeper about him.
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Familial relationships
Lilea Tan, Mother
Calwin Tan (née Zaen), Father
He doesn't get along with his parents. It's not that they fight or disagree on everything, more so that they simply never cared about him that much. He was an accident, born to a doctor and a medic onboard a ship that had no way of supporting a growing child, which caused everyone on board to panic and cobble together a makeshift nursery. The birth almost killed both mother and baby and the father never really forgave him for that.
As a busy doctor, Lilea was never really around, and Calwin resented his kid for taking away his chance to advance his career. They don't call, nor send birthday presents now that he is out of their hair. If he is honest, he is somewhat glad.
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Ariyan Knox, "Cerberus"
At first, Knox used to tease him by calling him only by his class, a name he hates. It took a long time for Knox to even realize to ask what his real name was.
From work partners to enemies, to friends with benefits, to good friends, this relationship has been through a lot. Tan does harbour barely suppressed romantic feelings toward Knox, or at least he thinks he does.
This relationship is mutual, warm and caring, and Knox has been firm in stating that it will stay this way and go no further.
Jeri Knapp
A broody pants like Knox, Jeri was the perfect replacement to place all Tan's unrequited feelings in. They aren't close, Jeri makes sure to keep him at an arm's length, though he seems to not even notice. Jeri likes him, but most of the relationship is one-sided and based completely on Tan projecting things onto Jeri, no matter what his actual words or feelings are on the matter.
Though Tan struggles to sleep with Earthligs, he tries dating Jeri for a bit, but predictably the relationship goes nowhere. They still remain some sort of friends, a completely new concept for Tan.
Melanie Vaughan
This human seems to pop their head up here and there and everywhere, acting as if Tan and they are besties, though Tan is pretty sure they are just acquaintances after meeting in a bar. They go out for drinks with Tan and Jeri sometimes.
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All his exes
Errol Shaffer
With his loud mouth, Tan was bound to make at least one human hate him on their visit to Earth.
Pitty, since they would have made a cute couple. Errol thought so too, hence the betrail stings worse. Tan isn't entirely certain why Errol hates him, but it could have something to do with Tan's misbehaviour at his kid's birthday party. Then again, who brings someone like Tan to a kid's birthday party in the first place?
This is a mess Tan is for once willing to fix.
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Credit to the creator of the wiki template mine is based on: 𖤐_☾ 𝑅𝑜𝑥𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 ☽_𖤐
0 notes
db-reviews · 2 years
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#115 - Surrealistic Pillow - Jefferson Airplane (1967)
The late 60s were upon the world and with it, the popularity of psychedelia bloomed to new heights. The early forms of psych rock in the 60s were in their infancy, with many elements that are taken from folk, blues, and jazz, being precursors to many traits genres like Neo-Psychedelia, Krautrock, and Progressive Rock would utilize. Psych could be considered the precursor to many of those genres, especially concerning albums like The Psychedelic Sounds of The 13th Floor Elevators, Electric Ladyland, and The Doors’ self-titled release. While those are influential throughout the world, it should also be noted that in these early days the more pop-centered rock was still in a state of a high, especially if we take into account the popularity The Beatles and The Rolling Stones had on the world through this decade. This meant that in a confused state, psychedelic rock and psychedelic pop were almost indistinguishable, however, after the 70s we would see the separation be made, especially about acts like Pink Floyd, and Gong. With that, it’d go without saying that this release by Jefferson Airplane has a striking influence on the whole of psych rock, while also on the whole of psych-pop.
She Has Funny Cars start the album off proper, and with it, we get that classic 60s pop rock in full. Lots of vibrant guitars and melodies shape the song into a sparkling mass of feel-good emotions. By this time in the 60s, this type of music was still fresh in people’s minds since when this was recorded, The Beatles would release their album, Revolver, and The Beach Boys would release Pet Sounds, so this more typical pop rock music would still be all the rage. In it, we do get a sort of peak in that style of music, where you can tell that they are still within the blindfolds of the eccentric pop era, but they start to see out the window more and see more of the world’s colors. A fun, yet still a bordered-up song of this era.
This album contains 2 hits, with Somebody To Love being the first one. This is more of a lovey-dovey-type song that is meant to all feel good. Out of the 2 hits on this album, this is the weakest one. Not that it is bad, it’s super fun and has a great melody and chorus, but it is meant to be exceptionally commercial. The commercial doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it does mean some artistic liberties have been lost.
Besides rock, psychedelic music has had some folk influences, and this stays true with the track My Best Friend. The lack of electric guitars does make this a fairly interesting listen, since when I think of psych rock and psych-pop I think of more distorted guitars and wild and crazy sounds, but here when it is set back a bit with more acoustic instruments we get a new flavor of the psyche that I also enjoy. A very lush and pretty sound that does make for an instantly more enjoyable experience.
That is only the bridge to the more folk adjacent sound since Today carries it even more. The only thing here in the instrumentation is the acoustic guitar, with only a few percussion instruments in the back. This is where the band lets their voices soar. Lush Beatles-like vocals take you back into the fresh hippie era of the United States. Back when Woodstock was fresh in people’s minds and the best way to experience music is to puff a blunt and let your mind soar. It isn’t nostalgic for me since I wasn’t born into that era, but I can get the feeling that might’ve been when that type of stuff was going on. Super well made, and I think it is the highlight of this record.
Comin’ Back To Me is also a more folky song, heck in the same caliber. There are two sides to this record, not in the literal sense but there are the more rock-oriented songs and the folk-oriented songs. This leaves the band having two different moods, the calm and cool folk and the bouncy rock. These were sort of the mindsets the 60s era of rock had where bands were experimenting with different genres to produce different sounds, this is as evident with acts like The Doors. It doesn’t have the same punch that Today has, but it still is a pretty folk song that I do think can have a good deal of love and appreciation in it.
We get back into the pop-psych with ⅗ of a Mile in 10 Seconds. This song I noticed does allow the instruments to talk the talk so to speak more than not, with a mini guitar anthem after the middle part. It is fully developed too, not just a one-note thing but something that takes a few seconds to develop, and honestly, I like this about Jefferson Airplane. They know how to make some stellar poppy but great songs that can develop into something even more stellar.
We get more of this stellar portrayal of music with D. C. B. A.-25. This bizarre title of a song is another of the band’s highlights. How the song starts slow and starts to go faster and faster, not too fast to be intense, but fast enough for you to notice and groove along to. Not only that but the more bluesy atmosphere this song radiates makes it even more fun, and unique. Weird how the album is a bit more bottom-heavy, but that is a no-brainer when most record companies would put the more poppy songs upfront on the records before the ones with the most uniqueness.
We get back to the folk territory, now mixed with some of the blues with How Do You Feel. We get some interesting guitar strumming and vocalizations from the singers of the band. It radiates a sort of worker song that people would sing for hours and hours on end, breaking their back to labor after labor. It is a song that can be used effectively in a setting like that, and I think it does work for what it is intended to be. It is vibrant, yet almost melancholic song that I think works incredibly well. It can also be considered a melody with the short 1-minute guitar strumming song of Embryonic Journey being right after, having a similar feel yet with no lyrics. It is short and sweet but does deliver the feels quite nicely.
It would be a shame to not talk about the starlight of this album, White Rabbit. This Alice in Wonderland, drug and insane trip of a song has a chokehold on me at the current moment. I am surprised this song still sounds so relevant even today, despite the production being less clean. It holds so much in so little time and how it just evolves into more and more brilliance elevates this song for me. I can say it is one of psychedelic rock’s many masterpieces throughout the years and one that is a no-brainer for being the band’s most popular and influential song.
The album end’s on a pretty high note with Plastic Fantastic Lover. Ending with a more bluesy song is a good choice in my opinion since it expresses all three of the key features this album deploys. The fun rock songs, the calm folk twists, and the psychedelic wonderlands end up creating a pretty great experience overall. At the end of the day, Plastic Fantastic Lover does a good job of being a good song and a good ending to this good album.
One of the key bands of the psych-rock movement, Jefferson Airplane is one that I did not expect to find so enjoyable. Their work will influence more generations of psychedelic fans to come, and while this is an imperfect album, it does leave a lot to enjoy. Some really good stuff on here, despite it being more bottom-heavy on the record.
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thegoosewiththemost · 2 years
Hospital Stay
Request for @nak3d-snak3 ! Please send in more requests if you have them.
Yoooooo! How about a reader that has a hospital stay? My moms appendix burst in June and she had a month stay in the hospital :/ I feel like bj would be fine on the outside but be a wreck on the inside (maybe encountering some lingering spirits as well)
- nobody notices the filthy zebra striped man slip past the pristine glass doors of the hospital and into the waiting room of the ER, sharp eyes taking no time to find you. These are familiar grounds for him, a past haunting ground that he would prowl in the hopes of conning desperate and unlucky newlydeads.
- BJ’s hair is streaked through with black, and though his face doesn’t show it, his obvious concern for you is spelt out in the clear from the way he grips your hand tightly. Your dimly flickering spirit flares a bit at his familiar touch and in the harrowing situation he finds you in, he gets a bit of an ego boost to see how well you react to him.
- hospitals are one of those strange crossroads for people and spirits alike where many cross paths, or have their fate steered one way or another. Everyone usually sees the inside of a hospital at least once in their lives - it’s like a waterhole where people of all sorts gather whether they’re born, living, sick, dying... or dead. It’s a congregation of life and death.
- some people don’t even make it through the long queue that awaits them at ER, falling instead into another line at another more sinister waiting room down below.
- BJ finds himself growling in impatience as you wait together, watching the clock tick and the impossible monitor hanging above you showing the newscast. He is desperate for you to get seen and treated as soon as possible. It’s not your time yet, but just in case, he tells himself, he will be there to meet you on the other side. The knowledge of this calms him, knowing that even in the unlikely event that you do pass, you will not be alone.
- when you finally get seen, he sits with you - invisible to everyone else - watching your treatment/surgery with silent intensity, making sure to hold people responsible if they hurt you.
- there is nothing worse than being powerless to do anything to help you. BJ is out of his depth and so he has no choice but to put his faith in complete strangers.
- if he was clingy before, boy is he even more clingy now. BJ practically never leaves your side for as long as your stay lasts, giving lingering spirits a nasty side eye if they even so much as dare to enter your room. Your spirit is still weak and despite your tendency to see the deceased, there’s nothing you can do yourself to defend it, a job with BJ takes on with a lot of anxiety and determination.
- most mean no harm, but there is always a small subset who take joy in causing hurt and inflicting themselves upon the weakest of the still-living.
- you wake up one day to see a menacing man standing in the corner of your room. The doctors and attending nurses don’t see him and BJ for once, is not there, having stepped out to find something for you. His eyes are dark, the kind that doesn’t reflect in the light and an open wound in his stomach alerts you to the fact that he is dead. A Lingerer, as BJ would call them.
- you try to ignore him, hoping that he will leave, but instead he approaches with inhuman speed, clamping an icy hand onto your shoulder. Gasping at the sudden pain and unexpected cold, you cry out for Beetlejuice. You don’t even make it to say his name three times before you feel your mind being shoved roughly out of the way, a stronger presence settling into your body and taking control.
- BJ, who is down in the gift shop and filching a few hand knitted blankets for your use, feels the sudden pulling of his name being called and knows immediately that you’re in trouble. A sense of dread falls over him as he realises that his relaxed vigilance has caused something terrible to happen to you.
- when he teleports back, he can see what has happened. Your words are measured and clipped and the ghost who hangs on your shoulder speaks his words through your mouth. “I want to be alone. Let me get some rest.” The ghost leers at him, unaware that BJ is also dead and can see him just as clearly as anyone else.
- the smirk on his face is just as quickly wiped off as he sees that BJ’s fury is directed, not at the puppet he has possessed, but at him. The surprise makes him release his grip on you and the second he does that, he tries desperately to scramble out of the room, only to be blocked by one very angry demon.
- “I don’t think so buddy.” The shock and realisation in the ghost’s face is apparent as Beetlejuice reaches out and catches him easily by the throat.
- “please.. it was an accident, I swear!”
- “oh yeah? NOT BUYING IT.”
- “c’mon man, it was one time, It won’t happen again.” You can see his pale fingers trying to pry Beetlejuice’s large hand off his neck.
- a faint sizzling can be heard as the unfortunate ghost claws at the burning at his throat, screaming and kicking.
- “I’ll cut you a deal, wanna keep haunting? Make sure no one else gets the bright idea to come and mess with them. And if I see you around again... you won’t be so lucky.” Flame bursts at the fingertips of his free hand for extra effect.
- the ghost, dropped unceremoniously onto the tacky linoleum floor nods appreciatively and makes his exit while he still can.
- As soon as he leaves, BJ is by your side immediately, checking you over to make sure that you’re ok. His hair is tinged yellow and white with worry and fear for you, constantly apologising with wet eyes. His greatest unspoken fear is that you’ll be hurt because of him and it literally just happened.
- He doesn’t leave your side again after that, too worried about another stunt happening when he’s out despite your insistence that he’s being overly paranoid.
- cuddles in the bed with you, if you’re able to give him enough space. He’s too worried to sleep on top of you as he’s so prone to doing when you’re at home so he just awkwardly sleeps on the side of the bed with more space, being careful not to come too close just in case he breaks anything.
- always awake. To make sure nothing sketchy is going on. Checks your medications and dosage before you take them to make sure you’ve been given the right ones.
- always a bit growly when strangers touch you, even though he knows it’s necessary for them to do so.
- too scared to play tricks on the healthcare professionals in case it backfires and puts your health in a precarious situation. He’s not above playing tricks on people who are shopping down in the streets below though, causing havoc from the window of your room and enjoying the ensuing chaos of people being confused and scared from his perch. He’s not sure if he’s doing it to grasp at some sense of normalcy in this situation or if he’s doing it for fun anymore.
- cracks jokes to make you laugh and hide his anxiety.
- 100% cries when you’re asleep or not looking. He can’t stand the sight of you being so weak and sickly.
- you always know when he cries because your sheets end up suspiciously wet and you can sometimes hear him sniffling over you or talking to you/telling you what he’s afraid of when he thinks you’re unconscious.
- you can tell he’s constantly fearful for you, even if he tries to hide it behind his humour so you comfort him as best you can with gentle touches and affirming that you’re going to be ok.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Cato Hadley x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2108 words
Warnings: none
Summary:  Reader is a tribute for the Hunger Games, no one thinks she’s going to make it until Cato steps in. The one thing you don’t understand is, Why does he care? 
Updated version of “Why Does He Care” an old fan favorite. 
They knew you wouldn’t win. 
It hadn’t even registered as a possibility in most of their minds, but that didn’t matter all that much. 
All the game makers cared about was that you made a show of it, and if you could, got stabbed in view of one of the thousands of cameras surrounding the arena.
That was all you had to do. 
You weren’t the strongest, the fastest, or the smartest that your district had to offer and everyone seemed to have already come to terms with the fact that you would be leaving the arena in a body bag.
They just didn’t see how a woman of your status and stature could ever hope to compete with others in the games. Against the Careers, a group of highly trained young people whose lives revolved around being able to win, you would surely meet your end. 
However, you weren’t going to just accept defeat right off the bat. 
Even if you didn’t win, you were going to put up one hell of a fight once that canon went off. You owed that to your family, and your district, and yourself. 
No one in their right mind wanted to participate in the Hunger Games,and you certainly didn’t want to either, but you had been chosen to represent your district and you weren’t going to shy away from the responsibility. 
At the very least, you had to try. 
If nothing else, the fact that no one believed in you could serve as an extra push, the push you would need to take down as many other tributes as possible in the process. 
You knew that you could do that. 
Though, that fire did sort of dull as soon as you walked into the large training room, surrounded by all the other tributes from all the other districts. Once you got a look at them up close, you were less sure of yourself than you had ever been. 
How quickly it had all changed.
From the moment you walked into that room, which was more of a cell of brushed aluminum and cool steel, you were forced to recon with the reality of the situation. 
This was happening. 
You were going to die. 
The way in which you would die wasn’t something you were all that fond of considering, but as best you could tell, the Career pack would be to blame. 
Stories of what they were capable of, training tirelessly to volunteer for their games and slaughter the competition were widespread all over Panem but you couldn’t have imagined how intimidating they were in real life. 
Each one of them was a skilled, and accurate, death machine and you had no chance of surviving an altercation with even the weakest among them, who you had ultimately decided was Glimmer. 
She was talented and smart but lacked the determination that the others had. 
Even in her case though, you could see what they always said about the Careers. They were raised to believe there was no other point to their lives other than to win the Hunger Games. 
If they didn’t win, they weren’t worth anything, not that it would matter. If they didn’t win, they would end up just the same as all the rest of you, in a shallow grave somewhere. 
That was just how it was. 
You did your best to keep to yourself at first, not wanting to elicit any more violence than absolutely necessary right off the bad. It was no secret to you that the other tributes didn’t take you seriously. 
The last thing you wanted was for them to try and prove themselves at your expense before you were out in that arena. 
Unfortunately, the other tributes, namely the Careers, had already made up their minds. In the few days that you had been training, they had been making fun of you the entire time.
For them, it was one big joke.
When they looked at you, it was clear that all they saw was the first person they were going to stick their swords into. They didn’t take you seriously at all and at this point, you weren’t even sure if you blamed them. 
Each time you threw a punch or swung your axe at a target, they hooted and hollered from their place on the sidelines and called you out for each imperfection they saw in your maneuvers, and they weren’t wrong. 
You had no idea what you were doing. 
This was all new for you, because where you were from, hand to hand combat just wasn’t something you would have ever come across. Before now, you hadn’t even seen most of the things in front of you here. 
You were out of your element.
By the end of the first week, you hadn’t even begun to make any progress. However, there was one thing that had changed and you couldn’t even pinpoint when or why it had happened. 
At some point, Cato had stopped criticizing you in the same way his compatriots were.
You weren’t sure why he would even bother, but seeing as you didn’t really talk to him, you couldn’t ask. It was much easier to just be silently grateful for the break, and try to focus on what you were doing. 
While it wasn’t looking good to start, you didn’t want to sabotage your chances of survival with any more wasted time.  
The other Careers had noticed the change in him too, but not one of them dared to comment on it, even if it didn’t make any sense to them. The anger that they would risk in doing so just wouldn’t be worth getting answers. 
Instead, they let him do whatever it was he was doing, waving it off as some kind of tactical maneuver. He knew what he was doing, and it wasn’t their place to ask too many questions and get him off his game. 
When Cato first headed in your direction, closing the vast distance between you on the training floor, you assumed that he was intent on proving to you just how out of place you were here. 
...But that couldn't have been farther from the truth. 
In truth, what Cato was doing was far from a tactical measure. More than anything, he just couldn’t bring himself to make fun of you anymore. 
He didn’t think that your weight alone was enough to warrant the constant abuse you were suffering. 
Besides, It was clear that you were putting in a lot of work to get better, which was more than most of the other tributes were doing. You weren’t going to take this lying down, which he could respect. 
From the looks of it, your technique just needed some polishing, and you would be just as good a fighter as anyone here, with the exception of himself.
“You need to strike higher” he prompted, coming out of nowhere and nearly shocking you out of your fighting stance. You had been so focused that you didn’t even hear him approach. 
Still, it didn’t occur to you that he might have been trying to help at first. After all this time, he didn’t strike you as the friendly, just trying to help type. He was much more of the scowl and stab sort of person. 
You couldn’t be blamed for feeling that way. 
“Strike higher” he repeated, closing the space between you to wrap his arm around your frame, moving your axe in the exact way he had been telling you to do. 
There was nothing snide or rude in his tone, but you couldn’t focus on that.
All you could think about were his strong hands on your body, and the clear concern he had for whatever in the world he could have wanted from you. 
You tensed under his touch, desperately trying to decipher how you had gotten to this point or what you were supposed to do now that you were here. 
There was nothing particularly romantic about his touch, which you understood, but it was still foreign to be on the receiving end of. No one had ever held you like this, under any circumstances.
“Hit here, not here” he muttered, his voice far too close to your ear this time, forcing a breath from your lungs you weren’t aware you’d trapped there. He moved the axe, and your arm attached to it, to demonstrate what he meant. 
...And as much as you hated to admit it, he was right. 
When he moved his arms, in succession with his words, he hit the target at jugular height, instead of in the trunk where you had been aiming.
It was a much better hit than you had been landing all day, showing how much more experience he had with this than you. 
“Thanks” you muttered, glancing at him quickly, desperately hoping that he wouldn’t look at you but you wouldn’t have been so lucky.
Cato looked down just at the same moment as you turned your head to take in his profile. 
You expected him to say something about it but he offered nothing, content to just stare back down at you with a slight smirk on his face. 
“Somebody bigger than you is going to be able to push back if you aim here” he explained finally, lightly resting the palm of his right hand against your abdomen where you’d been aiming before. 
It made sense, of course. 
“If you aim at the weakest part, it doesn’t matter how much stronger an opponent is” he hummed, this time bringing that same hand up to where your throat was, not missing the way you gulped under his touch. 
“And you can’t kill anyone aiming at their ankles” he laughed, shrugging at that, as if he shouldn’t have to explain that part to you. Even someone who knew nothing about this wasn’t going to be shocked at that. 
Cato just didn’t want you to think that he was playing some sort of sick game with you. He was really trying to help, even if that wasn’t really in his nature. 
Never in his life had Cato cared about anyone, or been drawn to another person like he was with you. 
His entire life was all about winning the games, and there was nothing more than that. 
That was all he’d ever cared about. 
...But for some reason, making sure that you survived this whole thing was becoming really important to him. 
There was just something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on, but whatever it was, he didn’t have all that much time to figure it out. This whole thing was happening, whether he wanted it to or not. 
The best thing he could do for you was prepare you to survive, with or without him. 
“Oh, I couldn’t kill anyone” you hummed, doing your very best to be as nonchalant about it as you could. You were doing your best to figure out how to protect yourself out there but you had already made you mind up on that front. 
You weren’t going to kill anyone. 
It was something you had decided on before you even knew your name had been drawn the day of the reaping, but this was new information for Cato. 
New information that almost shocked him into silence. 
Cato had always known that he would need to kill someone, at some point. It was never a question in his mind, or something that even had any effect on him. It was part of his life, and to hear that someone else had never even considered it was new for him. 
If you didn’t kill anyone the entire time you were in the arena, you would die. 
You had to know that. 
Surely you knew that. 
“If you don’t, you’re going to die” he spoke, the words leaving his lips before he even had time to react. There was a finality to it, something you hadn’t seen coming, and at first, you thought it may have been a joke. 
The two of you really didn’t know each other all that well, or at all, so making jokes seemed sort of strange but it wasn’t necessarily something that upset you. 
You were just shocked at his urgency. 
This really was something that was bothering him, but there was one thing that was still bothering you. This was the first time you had ever spoken to him in your life, and as flattered as you were that he cared about what happened to you, it didn’t make any sense. 
Why did he care about someone like you? 
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blu-joons · 3 years
Late Nights ~ Min Yoongi
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Another late night through the door killed Yoongi on the inside, you were already fast asleep on the sofa by the time he came in, your body curled in from the lack of space that the furniture gave you, instantly letting Yoongi know just how late into the night it was.
The nights had been getting later and later as a result of the busy comeback that the boys were currently in the middle of, leaving you at home, alone for the majority of the time.
It wasn’t that Yoongi didn’t want to be with you, far from it, but when work called, he knew where he was needed. To begin with, Yoongi thought nothing of it, but the longer he left you on your alone, the more the guilt began to kick in.
The worst he felt for tying you down by being with him.
As he crept quietly towards the sofa, your body began to stir at the sound of noise around the house, slowly opening your eyes to see Yoongi sat beside you.
The exhaustion was clear in his eyes, as if the yawn that he let go of wasn’t already telling enough. His hand slowly reached out to rest over yours, feeling your eyes gloss over his figure, taking in all the small, yet noticeable details that were etched upon his face.
“I’m sorry that I’m home so late,” he whispered, letting go of the weakest of smiles. “You didn’t have to wait up for me though, it’s unfair.”
Your head shook as you pushed your tidy body up the sofa, scootching your legs round so that you were sat up, making room for Yoongi to position himself beside you. He was reluctant, guilty to have disturbed you, but still moved under your command.
“I wanted to,” you hummed, resting down against his shoulder, “someone has to make sure you’re looking after yourself.”
Self-care was something that Yoongi had stripped himself of many years ago, but neither was it going to be something he put on the shoulder of another. It wasn’t your burden to carry to look after him, however differently you might feel.
As his head rested against the top of yours, he couldn’t help but feel bad about how tired you clearly were, only for you to dismiss your own emotions in favour of his. The effort you’d gone too just for him felt like a debt that he would never be able to repay to you.
“You need to get some sleep,” he whispered down to you, only for you to hum in return.
You knew that it would only be a matter of hours before Yoongi returned to the studio, and the chances of him sleeping before then were slim. The lack of movement that came from you startled Yoongi, concerned about your own wellbeing as you relaxed into his hold.
“Y/N,” he repeated, only to be met by yet another hum coming from you. “I’m home now, and you’ve checked up on me. So, please take the next few hours to look after yourself before you have to head back to work.”
Your head shook, moving your head up far away from his shoulder so that you could look up and meet his eyes. “I’m doing alright, I’d rather stay awake and enjoy even just a little bit of time with you.”
A gentle sigh fell away from his lips, “you shouldn’t have to lose out on sleep just to spend time with me, it’s too unfair on you.”
Whilst he had definitely been snowed under recently, Yoongi was yet to truly acknowledge the impact that had on you, and your relationship. The late hours, not to mention the missed hours were all things you seemed to just breeze through.
“You don’t deserve to be here with me, do you know that?”
“What would ever make you say that so suddenly?”
“Look at you, you’re tired, you’ve waited up for me all night long, you should be shouting at me for being so late, and instead all you can do is worry about me. The amount of love you have should be given to someone who can truly treasure it, not someone that can appreciate it whenever they have a small gap in their schedule.”
Your head could only shake at his words, struggling to make sense of where any of it had so suddenly come from, surprised by how quickly his expression suddenly.
Rather than speak, you chose to move your arms further around his waist, making sure that he knew that you weren’t going to let go. The tired hours, the worry, the appreciation, or perhaps lack of, all made up for the fact that you loved him, whether you got to see him or not.
“Please don’t carry on speaking,” you requested of him, “I refuse to even listen to any of it.”
“But you don’t deserve this,” he whimpered, only for your hand to move over his mouth.
Your eyes glared across at him, silently sending him a message to be quiet. It didn’t matter how much he tried to beat himself, or your relationship down, it wasn’t going to change the way you felt, or the way in which you were going to view your relationship.
“There’s no point even wasting your breath to try and convince me to leave you right now,” you warned, moving your hand away, “I’m not going to listen even if you try.”
“But why? Or how? How do you so willingly put yourself through this?”
The answer was obvious, and right before you, however distant Yoongi seemed to be from it. You could only chuckle at just how clueless he really was.
“You,” you simply stated, noticing the smallest of smiles appear on his face. “I’m not stupid, if I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t, but this is exactly where I want to be, and so it’s where I’ll stay, no matter what you have to say.”
His eyes flickered away from yours, staring out of the darkened window, catching the last sightings of the moon before it began to go down again.
“Are you sure this is what you want, I mean, truly?” He questioned, “you’re not going to wake up one day and realise the emotions you’re feeling right now aren’t worth it? That I might not be worth it for you?”
“No,” you whispered, squeezing his hand, encouraging his eyes to look back to you, “not many people would wait until the early hours night after night Yoongi, truth be told, I thought I’d be one of them too, but then I met you, and I realised how easy it is.”
“It’s not easy, I can see how tired you are,” he teased.
Your head nodded as his arm moved to rest around your waist, pulling you tightly to rest back against his shoulder as you were.
“I might be a little bit tired, but I promise you right now that the tiredness is worth it just to be able to spend a little bit of time with you. Before I need to stress about me getting tired, what about you? Are you going to rest?”
“If I can rest with you, then I’ll get some rest.”
You stood up from the sofa, extending your hand out for Yoongi to take a hold of. “I definitely think the two of us could get some rest together. Just as long as you promise that you won’t say anything like that to me again.”
“I promise, never again. I won’t say the same stupid thing twice.”
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mercy-burning · 4 years
The 13th Hour
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader and Spencer conduct a 12-hour sexual experiment Category: SMUT (this isn’t as hardcore as it could have been, but it’s still explicit, so 18+ only) Warnings: Some language, Sex (edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, female receiving oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare) Word Count: 3.8k
Full Request: “...Okay... Spencer running a little experiment on you, seeing how many times he can edge you... and then how many times he can make you cum, being all clinical and scientific about it, I just can’t get the idea out of my head! Congrats on 1k🥰🥰🥰” — @bluesunrise02
NOTE: I know I’ve read something similar to this before, but I can’t for the life of me remember whose post it was, so if any of you remember, or know of another concept like this, please let me know! I hope this isn’t too similar, I did try to make it a little different than what I remember from the other fic. I hope you enjoy it! Also, DISCLAIMER! I’m... not really sure if it’s realistic for this to happen in 12 hours, so excuse me if that’s a little out there. I hope it’s okay!
It was something the two of you had talked about before, but with both your crazy schedules, it was hard to find the time. But once there was a weekend where you and Spencer realized you both had off, there was no question about it. This was your time.
There was a notebook in his hands as he examined your body, laid out perfectly for him to do whatever he wanted. Though, seeing him writing things down now seemed strange considering he wasn't actually doing anything.
"What could you possibly be taking note of right now?" you questioned, verbalizing your minor concern.
He just looked up from his work and smirked at you, only for a few seconds before he went back, jotting something else down.
To experiment on your own, you closed your legs and rubbed your thighs together, hoping he'd get the signal.
The second he put his hands on your knees to spread your legs open again, you almost broke down right there. Because you finally realized why he was talking forever to get started.
He was making you wait for it. Getting you excited and antsy.
"Keep 'em open for me, sweet girl," he said softly as he ran the tip of his pencil over your bare thighs. The sensation admittedly made you clench around nothing, and he smiled, returning to write something down.
But then he was done teasing. He set the notebook and pencil down and sat beside you, making sure you looked him in the eyes before he spoke. "Are you sure you still want to go through with this? You know whenever you feel like it, you just say the safeword and we'll stop."
You smiled up at him with a slight nod and reached out to grab his hand. "I'm ready when you are, Doc."
He squeezed your hand and leaned down to kiss you sweetly. Though, the sweetness didn't last. After you started to get squirmy, his hands gently roaming your bare body as he kissed you for about a half hour—Yes, a half hour—he relented, trailing his kisses down to the insides of your thighs. By the time he actually truly touched you, you were already a whimpering mess.
If that was any indication as to how the rest of the day would go, you were in trouble. Good trouble, sure, but trouble nonetheless.
He took it easy, gently swiping his tongue out to tease your clit as his middle finger slowly—and torturously so—entered in and out of you. Whenever he could tell that you were getting closer to orgasm, he pulled back, pressing gentle kisses to the insides of your thighs again and then returning to his work sometime later.
This was a cycle that kept repeating until about another half hour had passed, and Spencer retreated to take more notes.
"You feeling okay?" he asked, brushing the hair from your face.
You smiled up at him, a little frustrated at not being able to get off, but blissed out nonetheless at all the build-up. "Mhm...
By now he'd brought out the weakest vibrator you had, keeping it on a low setting as he alternated between pressing it to your clit and pumping it in and out of you. In between hours, you'd been drinking water and eaten a few decent snacks to keep yourself hydrated and fed.
You were nearing the end of the first half of the day, and after this next hour you'd be able to stop for an hour to eat lunch and take a break.
But you couldn't focus on that right now.
No, right now you were too busy gasping and moaning out every time Spencer's tongue flicked and swirled over your clit as his fingers worked the vibrator in and out of your body.
The pressure was building and building, and like it had become second nature at this point, you tapped his head to let him know you were on the brink. So he pulled away completely, leaving you whimpering and sweating.
He turned the vibrator off and came to sit next to you rather than in front of you. His hand grazed your cheek as he looked down at you, his gentle and caring nature instantly calming you down.
"Keep going?" he asked softly, rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip.
You kissed it and nodded, knowing you could hold out for another forty minutes or so. "I can do it."
"I know you can, sweet girl. Just a little longer, and then we can take a break."
He kissed you sweetly again before returning to his spot in front of you, and the sound of the vibrator turning on immediately set your insides aflame.
This time, he pressed it to your clit, and you jumped at the sensation. And as if that wasn't enough, he leaned forward and added his tongue to the mix, both of them completely overtaking your senses and sending you into a tailspin.
It didn't take very long for you to need to tap his head again, and he chuckled as he pulled away, leaning into your thigh. "So soon already, baby?" he mused.
"I can take it, I just... I need... more frequent breaks," you breathed, trying to look up at him and failing to keep your head up.
"Oh, that's gonna make the second half of this little experiment so much fun," he mused again, and then dove head-first back into said experiment.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, and your legs felt like they might fall off. When you told Spencer this, he laughed and reassured you that you'd be fine, but let you know kindly that if you didn't want to go through with the rest of this and stop for the day, that was more than okay, too.
He made you toast and cereal for lunch, despite his protests to get you to eat something a bit more sustainable. But you insisted that you had to have Lucky Charms and toast, and really, who was he to say no to you?
It didn't take long for you to eat, so the both of you spent the rest of your hour-long break cuddled on the couch. You were wrapped in a soft new robe he'd just bought you for an anniversary present, snuggled into his side as he rubbed your head, his fingers brushing through your hair and almost making you fall asleep. And you probably would have, too, if not for the fact that you knew what was coming next.
Despite the slight exhaustion that was starting to wash over you, it kept you awake and alive with electricity just thinking about what the next few hours would entail.
You'd ended up dozing off a little longer than expected, no doubt throwing off your experiment a little bit, but once you woke up on the couch to find Spencer taking more notes in his book, the feeling you had (relaxed and refreshed and ready to go again) let you know it was worth it.
"Can I see what you're writing?" you mumbled, reaching out to pull him closer to you.
"You can tomorrow. I want you to be as unbiased as possible, so you're gonna have to wait."
You kissed his neck and nuzzled into it, already feeling replenished and ready for phase 2. "Whatever you say, Doctor," you hummed into his skin.
About 20 minutes of making out on the couch, some water, and a bathroom break later, you found yourself perched on the bed again, this time leaning against the headboard and toying the hem of your robe, which you'd left on and open, per your boyfriend's request.
He watched you intently as your hands started to roam, slightly pushing the silk aside to expose your breasts and then gently kneading them. Under his intense staring you felt yourself grow wet again already, and it was... well, intense, for lack of a better word.
After being edged for five hours straight, even with a decent break in between, everything that was happening seemed to be amplified, every sense heightened so that with every touch and even every look, it likely wouldn't take long for you to start falling apart again.
And you couldn't wait.
Rather than tell Spencer this, you showed him, spreading your legs wide and pouting, running your hands down your front and then resting your fingers promptly at the crease of your thighs.
"Eager already?" he laughed, writing something down.
"Mhm," you whined in earnest, though you'd have been lying if you said you didn't do it to catch his attention, too.
Whether that's what did it or not, you were excited to see that he set the notebook down and was making his way to nestle between your legs once more. As he kissed the insides of your right thigh you reached out to run your fingers through his hair.
"You remember your safeword if anything gets to be too much?" he asked, pausing his trail of kisses to look you in the eye.
You nodded, repeating the word, "Raven." The day you walked into the BAU for the first time, the first time you met, he was reading The Raven, and the two of you had a decent discussion about it for hours once you'd had some free time.
And even that was before the both of you had realized just how compatible you two were. You shared a lot of the same interests, and where you didn't know about something, he'd teach you, and vice versa.
That philosophy also happened to extend into your sex lives.
You didn't even really know you were into edging and overstimulation until one night Spencer would not stop teasing you, bringing you to the edge just to pull back until you were begging for him to finish the job.
Now look at where you were.
His finger teasing your pussy and gathering the slickness that had unsurprisingly already started to form there brought you out of your fond daydream. You looked down at him, sighing out at the way he looked in that moment and the way he made you feel. And when his middle and ring fingers slowly pushed into you, his mouth dropping open and forming a small 'o' as he worked so curiously, you start to realize just how lucky you'd gotten.
"Fuck, baby, please!"
Spencer came to a halt then, keeping himself buried deep inside of you as you gasped out for air.
"You wanna cum again, sweet girl?" he cooed, reaching down to cup your cheek.
You looked up at him and nodded, small whines escaping that closely resembled Mhm.
You'd already cum twice per hour since you'd started phase 2 of this experiment, but with only a few left to go, you pushed through the fatigue and focused on everything else. At first you tried to delay yourself again, thinking that maybe the payoff would be better and the overstimulation wouldn't be as bad, but you were sorely mistaken. After the third time you came, it was clear that there wouldn't be anything you could do unless you stopped it altogether, and you didn't want to. You knew your limits, and if there ever did come a time where you knew it was too much, you knew exactly how to stop it.
It also helped that Spencer was n absolute angel about everything. He always asked if you needed any water, if you were okay to keep going, if you wanted him to slow down or let you take a little break.
You had nothing to worry about.
He started drilling into you again, close to his first orgasm of the day, and you were more than willing to embrace it after having nothing but his hands, mouth, and a vibrator the whole time. Which, of course, was still a damn-near magical experience, but nothing ever compared to the way it felt when he straight-up fucked you. Especially now considering you were practically higher than you'd ever been.
When he did cum inside you for the first time that day, you yelled out, moaning obscenely at how... well, just good it felt. You couldn't think of any other words to describe it, especially while you were on the brink of coming undone yourself. Everything was just so high and sharp and good that you couldn't form proper words.
But you didn't need them.
You came shortly after he did, and Spencer still continued to slowly thrust into you. As his movements slowed, he tilted your head up to look at him, and spoke. "I think you can give me one more before our hour is up, yeah? Just one more, baby?"
"Uh... Uh huh," you breathed, giving him the best smile you could.
When he leaned forward to kiss you, his angle deepened, and you gasped out against his lips. He stayed there, taking sharp, staccato thrusts forward that kept his cum planted deep inside you and quickly started to give you another orgasm.
"You got it, baby, you got it. Let go for me, it's okay..."
His words sent you over the edge, your body finally shuddering with the effects of your sixth orgasm of the day. You clung to his neck, squeezing him until you were sure he couldn't breathe, but nonetheless, he kept at it, encouraging you with sweet words and running his hands gently through your hair.
When you were practically writhing around him in uncomfortable pleasure, he pulled out of you.
You breathed out a shaky sigh of relief against his shoulder, taking in all the sweet whispers he sent in your ear. Eventually your breathing slowed, and together you were both harmonious in slow, gentle breathing. You could have fallen asleep right there.
"I'm gonna pull back to look at you, sweet girl, is that okay?" he asked.
"Uh huh," you offered quietly, loosening your grip on him and allowing him to finally meet your eye again.
His gaze was soft, loving, everything that kept you going.
"Let's take a little break before we finish the rest of this, okay?"
This was it. This was the homestretch.
After a half-hour break during which Spencer cleaned you up a bit, made sure you were rested and hydrated, and set up for this last hour and a half, he had you on your stomach. Your ass was up in the air, your cheek resting on one pillow while another laid under you for support. It was comfortable, and you knew that it was the best way to end off the experiment.
"You ready for me, pretty girl?" You heard Spencer's voice from behind you, and it made you smile.
"Ready whenever you are, baby," you offered back clearly. You were more than ready for this.
You could practically hear his smile when he said, "That's my girl." His hands ran over your bare ass, and to show that you were in good spirits, you wiggled a little, causing him to laugh as he brought his hands down to your pussy.
The contact made you clench, and a small moan left your lips as he ran his fingers through your wetness.
"I love how eager you are, sweet girl," he mused, continuing his slow back and forth motions from your clit to your opening. And you couldn't help it. You begged. You didn't even really know what in particular you were begging for, just that it was setting your soul on fire not being touched to the fullest extent.
"Please," you cried out, relishing in the way his fingers did touch you, and begging for more.
Thankfully he seemed to be merciful, not wasting any time asking questions and simply getting to work. Two of his fingers slid easily into you, and you moaned out at the sensation. Between that and the small praises you could hear falling from his lips, truthfully you could have fallen asleep. Everything was so high-inducing that it felt like you were floating.
But you didn't fall asleep. You made sure to stay fully aware of what was happening, even if it did feel like time and space were coming in and out of focus sometimes. Besides, that fuzzy feeling was how you'd come to know you were close to orgasm.
It rocked through you like water crashing onto the shore, each new wave of pleasure stronger than the next until it subsided altogether, leaving you with a clean slate in the sand. You were moaning out incoherently into the pillow as you tried to catch your breath, but then smaller, yet still prominent waves met your shore and left you humming as his hips stayed pressed into your ass.
You were coherent enough then to realize that he was coming inside you, and the fuzziness of your surroundings cleared enough for you to hear him calling out your name in sweet, blissed-out whispers. Each syllable was like a prayer, desperate and unwavering as your body relished in the feeling of his warmth flooding inside of you.
But you almost didn't even hear the last part.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
Surprisingly to you, you found yourself unable to respond—the words were forming in your head, but your body and your mouth simply refused to do anything to communicate how you were feeling.
What did come out was, "How... much... time?"
By now Spencer had pulled out and away from you, and was now perched on the bed, beside you while his hand stroked the hair from your face. "Time's up now, sweet girl. You did so well."
Time, as it turns out, had not been up.
In actuality, the last hour only ended up being fifteen minutes, and upon seeing how exhausted and almost incoherent you were, Spencer decided to call it quits. Not to mention he had been tiring, himself. It gave him ample time to clean you up and get you into a nice, warm bath, though. As you waited for the water to run, he jotted some quick things down in the notebook and then tended to you the rest of the evening.
He washed you up, gave your shoulders and head a nice massage while doing so, and after about a half hour, dressed you in your favorite, comfiest pajamas. Your legs were so weak that he half-carried you to the bed, where you almost passed out on the spot. He'd crawled into bed with you immediately after throwing on a pair of boxers and a tee shirt, and took the time to rub your head, your arms, anywhere that comforted you.
You barely registered them because of how weak you felt, but he whispered praises against your temple, alternating between gentle words and even gentler kisses.
And now, you were well into the thirteenth hour of your experiment, sleeping soundly beside Spencer as he wrote a few more things down in the notebook.
He wasn't there when you opened your eyes. It worried you at first, but you saw a note on his pillow that read: Left to grab breakfast. Be back soon. I love you. —S
You smiled lazily, stretching out and instantly feeling how sore your muscles were. Through a wince, you stretched out some more before spotting Spencer's notebook on his bedside table.
And... Well, he did say that you could look at it after the experiment was over, didn't he?
So you climbed over, grabbed the notebook, and flipped it open, your stomach fluttering with butterflies at the thought of what he might have written.
Sure enough, the more you read, the stronger the butterflies got. Your eyes skirted over page after page, detailing in bullet points the filthy things he did to you and how you reacted, every hour a highlight reel of all that he tried and even some of the things you'd said. Some of it you didn't really remember at first, but it slowly started to come back to you as you woke up more, the blush on your cheeks deepening immensely as you read on.
You got near the end of the experiment, and that's when you noticed an added 13th hour.
More than curious as to what that could entail, you read a few paragraphs in Spencer's messy handwriting that sent a shot of warmth straight to your heart.
Y/N has finally fallen asleep. This is the 13th hour we've spent together today since the experiment started, and truthfully I think it's my favorite one. I find that even the intense fire I felt burning through me all day could never compare to the warmth I'm feeling right now, as she sleeps beside me, blissfully unaware of what I'm writing while her breathing softly threatens to lull me to sleep. I can't think of a better feeling, to be surrounded by her presence. It's comforting and warm and beautiful, and that's not even the half of it.
No matter what remarkably devious things I do to her body in the name of sexual experiments, what matters most to me is that at the end of the day, Y/N feels just as comforted and warm and beautiful as she makes me feel. Which is why I think I'll bring her blueberry pancakes tomorrow morning— they're her favorite. And while I'm out, I want to pick up some of her favorite snacks, some flowers, and maybe a stuffed animal or two. And... maybe that's a little much...
But as long as she knows how much I adore her, nothing is ever too much.
Your throat was suddenly tight, and tears threatened to escape, every muscle in your body tense as they tried their hardest to prevent you from actually crying. Maybe the physical intensity of yesterday was to blame, but deep down you knew that Spencer's heartfelt words would always be more powerful than any physical toll on your body, heart, and soul.
You hadn't even registered that he'd come home, his voice snapping you out of your little trance.
"You weren't supposed to see that yet," he said softly with an amused laugh. When you looked up, his hands were holding a bouquet of pink carnations, your favorite.
And with the soft, loving look in his eye, a tear managed to fall down your cheek. "I love you," you whispered through a smile, feeling your body start to break down after holding in all the tears.
"I love you too, sweet girl," he replied, striding over to you in a few steps.
When he reached the edge of the bed, you sat up on your knees and grabbed his face with your hands, bringing his lips to meet yours as the flowers tickled your chest over the thin material of your shirt.
"You're going to smush the flowers," he mumbled against your lips, and you laughed, pulling away to take them from him.
"Thank you, they're beautiful," you said, tilting your head down to instinctively smell them.
Spencer smiled back at you, and the sight made your heart beat a little faster as he said, "Just like you."
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biisexualemma · 4 years
ready. bucky barnes
word count: 2426
warnings: not really, brief mention of anxiety? i guess but really just fluffy and flirty with a bit of angst
requested: nope i wrote this literally years ago
plot: bucky is constantly flirting with you, until he think you don’t like him back
a/n: can’t decide if i like this but it’s late and i’ve edited this so many times and i can’t look at it anymore so here lol
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"hey, pretty girl,” bucky's voice was instantly recognisable, so turning in your seat you weren't surprised to see him entering the kitchen.
"hey," you tightened your lips into a sweet smile. bucky was always nice to you, sometimes kind of flirty but you liked it. besides, it was more than you could say for his relationships with most of the avengers.
the day was red hot, you had all the windows open and still you were sweating like a pig. that’s why bucky had to walk in to see you sat at the island in the kitchen area, frozen peas sitting atop your head and a lolly ice hanging out your mouth.
"lolly ice?" you offered, removing yours from your mouth to make the offer. he shook his head, pursing his lips to stop himself from laughing at you. you knew you looked stupid but you were sweaty, and this was helping.
"you look pretty hot," he commented. he wandered over to the fridge but his eyes travelled to where you sat only in shorts and a spaghetti strap top. he gulped, quickly shifting his eyes away before you could catch him staring, sticking his head in the fridge to cool down. "literally,” he mumbled.
you nodded, absentmindedly as you spun in your chair again, your eyes following his every move. you wondered how he looked so put together when it was so hot. "tony's got someone working on the ac.”
"i don't know why he doesn't do it himself," you hummed in agreement.
“yeah— he calls himself a tech genius but can’t even fix the air con— make it make sense,” he chuckled a little along with you. it was one of your many shared interests, making fun of tony.
finishing your lolly ice you slid off your chair, removing the peas from your head and walked to the bin to recycle the stick. bucky was crouched down in front of the fridge still, his backside standing between you and the bin. "uh— 'scuse me.”
bucky glanced over his shoulder, seeing you hovering above him waiting for him to budge. straightening himself up again, he leaned against the fridge, blocking your path still and his arms folded across his chest. "password?"
you rolled your eyes, cracking a small laugh at his behaviour. "stop, just let me through."
"i'm serious," the forming smirk on his lips said otherwise. "what's the password, sweetheart?"
the pet name rolled casually off his tongue, like it was just as common for him to call you this as your own name. you didn’t let it shake you. you were an expert when it came to bucky and his flirting at this point, you just had to not play into what he wanted.
"fine, be that way,” you flung the lolly ice stick over him, landing it in the recycling bin.
you smiled knowingly and he shoved you lightly. "cheater," he mumbled with an amused smile, grabbing a beer from the fridge and catching your shoulder as he walked passed you.
you liked to tease bucky when he would flirt with you, by not playing into it, he tended to just give up quicker.
sometimes you thought he might be serious, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but you also knew you weren't ready for that conversation. you also didn't want to embarrass yourself by assuming he actually liked you in the first place. it was complicated, at least, it was for you.
"you know, you should wear this more often," his voice rang through your ears, goosebumps running down your neck. you could feel him standing behind you, hardly much distance between the two of you now.
you turned to face him, finding yourself practically nose to nose. you gulped with the newfound closeness and lost your words for a second, your lips parting slightly and nothing coming out. his eyes moved down to your lips, noticing your blunder as a small smile came onto his face. he was always looking for little hints that you felt something back, that his efforts weren't being completely lost.
you squealed, flinching when the cold beer bottle come into contact with your hot skin, pulling you out of your haze. you stepped back from him, creating some much needed space but evidently confused why he defused the heated situation so quickly.
"jeez’, bucky," you weren't angry, your defence was more to do with the fact that he'd caught you flustered by him.
"sorry, you looked a little dazed," he wore a knowing smile. you tried to play off the embarrassed flush in your cheeks as due to the heat. but you both knew you'd gotten caught up in his flirting.
you told yourself most of the time that bucky’s flirting was playful— that it wasn’t flirting at all, he was just trying to be friendly. you had to tell yourself something to stop yourself from falling for him every time he’d look at you like that.
you forced a smile, pulling yourself away from his stare for a second to shake your head. "whatever,” calmly you brushed his shoulder to walk away from him, choosing to ignore whatever was going on here.
you were halted by him grabbing your forearm, the cool metal from his hand was surprisingly pleasant against your flushed skin.
"wait," his eyebrows knitted together softly when you looked at him this time, the smile and amusement practically wiped from his face. he spoke, cutting the tension that was growing more and more with every second. "do you really not like me back?"
your lips parted slightly, stunned by his forwardness. you’d never had this conversation before, you weren’t ready for this conversation. though you’d always suspected he had a bit of a crush, you tried not to encourage it. not because you didn't feel the same way, but because you just weren’t ready for any of what came after a crush.
"you— like me?"
bucky's eyebrows unknitted, glancing away from you for a second and choking out a short, fake laugh. "was it not obvious?"
you shook your head, quickly correcting yourself when his smile began to fade. "well— no— yeah. kinda. i don't know— i guess i—“ you didn’t know how to finish your sentence. you wanted to tell him you felt the same, but you were not ready for this. so you stopped yourself from saying anything. “i don’t know what i thought,” you said, defeatedly.
"right,” he nodded, slightly hurt that he’d let himself get caught up in something that wasn’t real. “i get it,” he stepped back and loosened his grip on your arm letting it fall back to your side. "sorry. that was awkward. i didn't mean to make this weird for you."
"you didn't make it weird, buck," you tried to assure him because you really didn't want him to take back what he'd said.
"it's alright, y/n,” he forced a smile, despite the knock back. "see you at training."
"buck—" you spoke softly, as he walked passed you, missing your shoulder and leaving you alone again. your hand slipping from his wrist as you tried to hold him back. your heart felt heavy, that felt wrong.
you didn't see bucky again until you got to training later on that evening. you had been scheduled to train with bucky and sam, but steve informed you when you arrived that he'd switched it around so you were paired with wanda and himself.
you’d spent the rest of the day reliving your conversation with bucky, full of guilt. you couldn’t think about anything else, it was consuming you. bucky liked you, and you crushed him by not telling him how you felt. all because you were scared.
the whole session was a nightmare, your mind was elsewhere the entire time with bucky training on the other side of the room. you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing in his direction every few minutes. he looked a little off his game too.
you'd taken a few hits, you were far too distracted to be memorising steve’s fighting patterns. you found yourself muttering apologies throughout the entire session. even wanda managed to knock you on your ass, and she was possibly the weakest when it came to no-magic hand-to-hand combat.
you caught bucky’s eye as you fell, slamming into the mat, your breathing heavy as you lay exhausted on your back. both steve and wanda towered over you. eventually steve held out his hand after giving you a breather, wincing as he pulled you back onto your feet. "sorry," you mumbled for the hundredth time, tucking a few loose, sweaty hairs out of your face.
“alright, that’s enough for today,” steve ordered, his eyebrows knitted softly as he watched you pant. you weakly tried to protest but he was firm.
“we all have off days, don’t worry about it,” wanda tried to reassure you with a soft smile, handing you a bottle of water which you accepted thankfully and gulped down.
you could feel bucky watching you, your eyes trailing over to him but he looked away just as quickly, only just dodging sam’s fist.
"hey— where was your head tonight?" steve nudged your shoulder, bringing you out of your daze again, as he'd been doing all night. your eyes moved away from bucky who was now packing up his stuff. you looked at steve, who was wearing his concerned-dad expression that you’d seen one too many times, and shrugged your shoulders.
"i dunno’, probably just the heat,” you lugged your bag over your shoulder as you began to leave the gym, walking backwards to continue your conversation with cap.
"i thought tony fixed the ac—"
"i gotta go. see you tomorrow, cap."
you rushed out of the gym, chasing bucky who had left minutes before you, only being held back by your conversation with steve. you groaned as you realised bucky was nowhere to be seen. you had decided halfway through training that you needed to talk to him. a couple of hits to your head seemed to knock a bit of sense into you.
after navigating the maze-like corridors you reached the avengers private quarters. passing your own room, speed walking down the corridor, reaching bucky's room and knocking quickly before you could chicken out.
"hey," he smiled, opening up his door, still in his training gear and trying to act as if nothing was wrong. but you could feel the wrong kind of tension between you two now. you didn't want things to be like this from now on. "whats up?"
"can i come in?" you asked. your breathing was heavier than usual, your nerves were getting the better of you. "i need to talk about earlier," he sighed, you caught wind of his exhaustion but he opened his door to you anyway letting you in.
you clutched onto your hands tight. you had to just tell him otherwise things would be bad between you two whether either of you decided to acknowledge it or not. so after you heard the door shut, you spun around to face him again, fiddling with your hands as you parted your lips to speak.
"bucky, i didn't mean to make you feel bad before,” you started.
"i already told you its alright, y/n,” he shrugged. “i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” but you shook your head, pacing closer to him.
"you didn't let me explain," you pleaded. you pulled at your fingers, a bad habit you had when you were nervous. "i don't not like you, i'm just... i’m scared,” your voice grew softer the nearer you got to finishing your sentence.
you forced eye contact with him, trying to convey your sincerity. "i've never had this before. i don't know how to respond to your flirting and its not that i'm not interested— because i am. i really am. i just don't— i don't know how to do this."
your nervous habit worsened when he didn't speak afterwards, you were worried that you were too honest with him. this is is why you didn't want to tell him, you didn't want him to judge you.
so you were surprised when he reached out his hands, clasping his own arounds yours. he let a warm, hesitant smile work onto his lips, sending you silent reassurance and calming your nerves slightly.
"i didn't mean to make things worse,” you apologised.
“no—“ he shook his head. "no— it's ok."
"it is?" you questioned. you weren't one hundred percent convinced that everything was ok with the two of you. you didn't know where you stood now. he nodded. "but—"
"it's fine. we can take it slow, if you’re not ready,” he squeezed your hand gently. "i'm still refreshing my memory anyway. all i have to go off are expired moves."
your lips parted into an unsure smile. "y’sure?"
"yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
you shrugged. "i don't know."
you were still scared in all honesty. this would be your first relationship, your first anything. and you knew this wasn’t bucky’s first anything. you felt like your definition of slow could mean something completely different to his.
"what's going on in that head?" he mumbled, noticing your glossy expression, using your entangled hands to pull you closer to him. you gulped now that he was inches away from you again.
bucky gave your hands a gentle squeeze, sensing your unease. he shook his head. “you don’t have to worry.”
you nodded, biting down on the inside of your cheek. he eyes scanned your face, noticing your slight furrowed brow and wide eyes. “i heard you when you said you weren’t ready,” he practically whispered, your eyes meeting his again when he did. he moved one hand to your cheek, his thumb grazing your skin. your eyes drooped shut, relaxing against his warm skin, a complete contrast to the cold of his metal hand you’d felt earlier. there was something reassuring about the way he was holding you, it made you feel safe. “we can go at your pace.”
he seemed to sense your anxiety before it could consume you, you didn’t know how he did it.
you released a soft, shy smile. "thank you," you spoke quietly, unsure how to react and respond to him still. you just knew you were grateful for him. “i like you, a lot, buck,” a smile started to emerge on his lips, your stomach twisting. "jus' don’t forget that.”
he shook his head. “i won’t.”
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writertitan · 4 years
The Swan
pairing: levi x reader
word count: 2398
themes: musician!reader, v soft levi, just fluff, Levi’s POV
requested by anon
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The day Historia was crowned was important to Levi for two reasons. One was that, of course, he felt a surge of pride at one of his cadets rising to her full potential and becoming queen. He had always been slightly concerned about Historia; she was small - even smaller than him - and admittedly, he’d always viewed her as the weakest of them.
The second reason that day was so important to him was a reason he wasn’t quite ready to come to terms with. 
That day was the day he’d noticed you. Noticed you fully. 
You had always kept to yourself and Levi hadn’t chosen you to be on his squad. He barely had time to keep track of his own squad, let alone remember all the other scouts. Not that there were many scouts left. Still, you’d joined right before this entire mess had happened. Most of those who had been around before knowledge of titans being humans were dwindling off now. Except for you. 
But you being a survivor wasn’t what had caught Levi’s attention. In fact, you hadn’t even been the one to catch his attention. Not literally, not physically. 
After the coronation, Levi had stepped away, just for a breather and to take a break from socializing. It was exhausting, being around so many people, and being around so much celebration. 
He walked down this hall and that one, turning corners and essentially losing himself in a maze. There wasn’t a soul in sight. 
And that’s when he heard it. Very soft and faint at first, and growing stronger as he made his way down the empty hallway. Someone was playing notes on a piano, and beautifully so. Levi couldn’t remember the last time he’d heard music like this, where it wasn’t being played by some drunk outside at the markets, or being played in jest on base by slapping pots and pans and bringing out a worn out guitar. 
Soldiers didn’t get to hear refined music like this. So, Levi stopped. He stopped walking once he was right outside the door to the room where the music was. He stopped and he listened. It was so...rejuvenating. The exhaustion and stress he felt seeped away just the slightest bit, but it was enough. 
Out of curiosity, he leaned in just the slightest bit to peek his head into the room and figure out who was playing the piano like that. To his complete and utter surprise, he knew who you were immediately, even though you looked...different. 
There was the you that he had seen in passing at base. The you who saluted him and carried an air of respectfulness. The you who gave respect and followed orders and did what a soldier did. 
And then there was this you. The you Levi would have never thought you to be. The you that demanded respect instead of gave it, just from the way you poised yourself over the black and white keys and moved purposefully, eyes closed and face peaceful but concentrated. He barely recognized you and yet he knew exactly who you were.
He shrunk back into the shadows and leaned against the stone wall, his head resting against it as he let himself, for once, relax. 
Each time you stopped playing, letting the last notes die out and fade away, Levi felt his heart sink in an unfamiliar way, only to swell in his chest when a new song began playing from your fingertips. He stayed like that all night, slumped against a wall and out of view while you played song after song as the night wore on.
Even though he understood that eventually you had to stop and everyone had to leave, it still pained him when you stopped for good, the dying song accompanied by the scraping of the bench you sat on moving on the wood floors as you shifted to stand up. Levi sighed to himself and let reality creep back into his mind. The stress that had melted away was slowly weighing back on his shoulders, and made him feel heavy again. 
He was gone before you left the room. 
After that, Levi couldn’t stop watching you. It was like you made music with everything you did. He noticed how you’d hum a tune to your horse. He noticed how you even managed to form some sort of gentle melody just tapping your fingers against a table. 
You were constantly making music. He heard music whenever he was around you now. It was starting to get ridiculous, because it wasn’t like anything had changed, really. You still greeted him the same way, treated him the same way, acted and performed the same way. You had absolutely no idea that Levi had changed towards you. 
He was good at keeping his distance, at masking all of his inner thoughts and feelings. That’s what he was good at. And he was good at convincing himself that his choices were sound. Maybe he’d just been a little drunk that night and your music had moved him because of that. There was nothing different about you. You were just another soldier. He didn’t know you. 
But why did it feel like he knew you? Why was he catching himself being more observant? The tune you hummed to your horse never changed. When you’d been put on stable duty, that was when another tune escaped you. He’d only caught it while passing by the stables, but he immediately noticed it was different. 
He also noticed how you stopped and listened to the musicians at the markets when you’d all ridden into town for some supplies. He saw the way you eyed the man with the fiddle, your eyes watching the way his hands produced music from it in an almost careless fashion. The music Levi once thought was atrocious was of course still not as good as the music you had brought into his life, these drunken fools were still atrocious in some sense, but now he listened to it differently. It wasn’t that bad. Not when it had you smiling. 
It drove Levi crazy that you still looked at him the same way when he was bursting at the seams with wanting to tell you his big secret. You looked at him the same, you talked to him the same. All surface level. Levi often caught himself staring at you. And, when he had a few minutes of spare time, he filled those few precious minutes with thoughts of you and what it would be like for you to look at him so serenely, the way you did when you made all that music. 
He hoped he wasn’t being too obvious. He had honestly convinced himself that he was the same as always and nobody knew his little secret. It didn’t matter that he was gentler with you, went out of his way sometimes just to say hello to you, made sure you were eating enough and sleeping enough. You didn’t notice, which calmed him down and also made him a little crazy. Although it was better, easier this way, he still hated that he couldn’t tell you what was happening to him. How could he tell you that he was constantly thinking about you, even when he wasn’t supposed to? How could he tell you that those songs you hummed were stuck in his mind? How could he tell you that he loved music now because of you? 
There was an irrational part of his brain that screamed at him to tell you, but it was not as strong as his rational parts that told him to never even take the opportunity should it arise. 
Levi was sure his rational brain was winning. Until the day he sat down next to you in the mess hall and handed you his bread when he saw you giving half of yours to Sasha. 
“Don’t starve yourself,” was all he said, and fought the twitch in his lips when you replied with, “I could say the same to you, Captain.” 
He ate quietly beside you, heart thumping wildly in his chest the entire time. He’d never said so many words to you all in one breath. 
It had taken so much work and, truth be told, he almost didn’t give it to you. Levi felt the rational part of him slowly succumbing to...hope? And he understood why so many people clung to this feeling. 
He hoped that if he gave you this gift, you would see. You would be able to understand what he was feeling and thinking and fighting himself about. And maybe, just maybe, you would be flattered. Maybe you would be willing to reciprocate. 
But Levi found himself not caring about what the endgame would be as he walked to your room, gift clutched tightly and clumsily in one hand as he knocked on your door. After a moment of waiting, he deflated, wondering where you could be right now. It was evening, after supper, and there was some down time to be had tonight. Could you have gone out, were you with someone els-
Then suddenly, you were there, surprise etched on your face at the sight in front of you. Levi hid his gift behind his back just in time, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever been this nervous. Had he ever been this nervous? 
“Captain,” you greeted him, voice trailing off so it sounded more like a question. And then a real question. “Can I help you with something?” 
A real conversation. Levi hadn’t really prepared himself for this. Whatever he’d planned on saying was suddenly forgotten and he cursed his now completely irrational brain. 
“I got you something,” he managed to say, shifting uncomfortably and no longer able to meet your eyes. He pulled out his gift from behind his back to show you, eyes snapping to your face at the gasp that came from your mouth. 
The look in your eyes was enough to make the whole endeavor worth it. But the way you were so gentle with taking it from his hands and examining it closely, it made any regret, any hesitance, leave his body. 
You scrunched up your nose and looked at him, violin close to your chest as you almost cradled it. 
“Captain, this looks expensive...I can’t accept it. Where did you get it?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” he assured you almost instantly, panicked at the thought of you not keeping his gift to you. “Really, nobody wanted the damn thing. I thought you’d like it.” 
“How did you know I could play the violin?” you asked him, genuinely curious. 
Levi gulped. He hadn’t known for sure, had only guessed based on one encounter, and hoped that you’d at least just like the gift. So, he told the truth as best as he could without incriminating himself. 
“I saw you eyeing one of those musicians at the market once, the one that always plays that goddamn fiddle,” Levi explained, voice as stiff as his body. “Figured maybe you knew a thing or two…” 
You broke out into a smile then, though it was bashful, and Levi looked away again before his face got too hot and he flushed in a way that gave him away. If you noticed anything amiss, you said nothing. 
“Thank you...this is the best gift,” you said earnestly, then paused, voice growing soft as you asked, “Would you like to hear a little something? I haven’t played in years so I can’t promise it’ll be any good. But maybe you could critique me.”
“I’d love to.” The words came out of his mouth before you could even finish what you were saying. 
You let him in your room and closed the door behind him, and suddenly, the atmosphere was much more intimate. Levi tugged at his collar, wondering why it was so hot all of a sudden, but kept a polite distance as he settled into a chair by the corner and you surprisingly got comfortable in the middle of your room. Levi didn’t know much about music, but figured it would have been more comfortable to sit down or something. 
When you started playing, it was a song he’d never heard before. Hadn’t heard you play it on the piano before, hadn’t heard you hum it or drum it with your fingers before. It was new. And it was beautiful. 
This was the song that told him he was in love. How silly was that? 
But he listened, enraptured by the way you put your heart into every note. He took note of how your eyes closed in that way that was somehow familiar to him now and how your brows furrowed slightly in concentration. But you still managed to look so serene. 
He never took your eyes off you. Levi watched you play out the entire song, feeling his heart move with the strings. You played his heart like you played the violin, in the most purposeful and melodic way. It was pure music. 
Even when you stopped playing and got a little shy, the confidence in the musician version of yourself slipping away, Levi didn’t look away. He was in awe and didn’t care if it showed on his face. 
“You’re not rusty,” he promised you. “You’re incredible.” He meant it in more than one way. 
He wouldn’t have been able to know the way your heart swelled at the sweet words of praise. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
He stood up slowly, not wanting to invade your privacy any longer, but stopped at your door and turned to look at you, that damned nervousness seeping back into his veins. 
“Do you think...do you think I could hear you play more often?” he asked you, the words forcing themselves out before he could catch them. But who was he kidding? He didn’t want to stop himself from asking. 
He didn’t fail to notice the way you brightened at his question. He was relieved at the eager nod. 
“Anytime,” you replied. Then you held up the violin; you held it so gracefully, and knew exactly how to handle it. Levi warmed at the sight. “And thanks again for this gift...I love it, Captain.” 
“Levi. Just Levi,” he corrected you. And you gave him a grin. 
“I love it...Levi.” 
It was music to his ears. 
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semischarmed · 4 years
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Many coaches have come and taught the many iterations of our university team. Over the years, these coaches, like players, come and go. Good ones are hard to come by. Great ones are once in a lifetime. That was our Coach James.
He had a fatherly quality to him. There was a warmth in his training, a brightness when he would teach us. When we succeeded, he helped bring us up further and when we failed he softened the blow with his wisdom. Coach was great like that. Strictly professional, of course, but with a layer of genuine friendliness and a desire to watch us all succeed. He really was the perfect coach and we were blessed to have him. Still, in my lust, in my pure selfishness, I knew I had to have him- all of him to me and me alone. One long summer day, I ask for some one-on-one training. Never one to turn down a teaching opportunity, he complies. Like I said, he was a great coach.
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I decide this would be the day. I run, but not too well. I throw, but haphazardly. That’s all it took for him to lean in. That’s all it took to get him close. Of course, he came with pure intentions- I did not. 
When he is right above me, when I feel the vibration in the air from his chest, when I feel his raw power and vitality. That is when I strike. I fuck up my throwing position a little more, and he guides it proper. Fuck yeah. Jesus, I could stay like this forever. I feel the resonance of his deep voice within my very soul. Beckoning to me. “Become me. You want this. You deserve this,” it taunts. He was still coaching me, sure, but my mind is preoccupied with dark intent. 
These gentle breaths as he speaks- these steady hands guiding mine to a better position. These would be my truths now. A most intimate of trainings. Coach James would be training me-sure- he would be training me to use that bod. I stare at him with longing. He would never look at me that way. God, I wanted him so bad. We glisten with the sweat of the midday sun. I could melt just like this. And in fact, I do.
In that grasp, in that teaching moment, I decide to teach coach a couple tricks myself. I look up at his face. Earnest. Strong. Patient. I watch his lips- they’re still moving- he’s still guiding me. Good. He hasn’t noticed my body begin liquifying. He continues on, unfazed. Unconcerned. He always did have that humble strength about him. 
I am drawn to those plump lips, to his perfect smile and the void behind them, to the force of his breath over me, and to the very vibration that created them. I am drawn to that body which I would make mine. I wrap his thick arms around me. Those goddamn arms. They pulse and tense in surprise. He finally catches on. “- Hey. What are you doing? What.. What is this?” I pay no mind. A breeze picks up and his scent fills me. I wrap myself in it. Old spice deodorant layered over the pungent, musk of a man. My man. My scent, soon enough. The air was ripe in pheromones. Testosterone. James. I inhale deeply, trying to catch as much of him as I could. His skin is nice, too. It’s a bit damp, a bit hot from the heat, but nice. I feel them stretch taught, struggling to contain the mass of muscle beneath. I draw his shocked embrace even closer, uncomfortably close. I feel him between concern over my melting form and a need to push me away. Works for me. I continue to liquify further. Faster. You will be mine, Coach.
The world stops for a moment- at least for me. Maybe adrenaline, maybe my imagination. I commit this scene to memory, the scene where I become something greater. The scene where the real Coach James is born.
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I shoot up his nose and flood his mouth. His body is forced to gorge itself with my mass. With every breath he attempts to draw, he pulls the liquid me instead. He retches, attempting to vomit me out, but I just draw myself further in. Flooding and flooding, I saturate coach with myself. When all but the last of me is a dribbling of slime upon his cheek, I disperse inside him. I drill into his every crevice, swim through his bloodstream, bond with his ever piece. I settle deeper and deeper inside my coach. Until his body no longer recognizes my presence as foreign. Until I am coach. I incubate into him, my pieces dormant. 
Coach James awakes in the grass to the odd sight of a star-filled sky and a cold night breeze. “What the fuck...” he ponders, rubbing his head in confusion. He aches all over, yet he isn’t hungry. He digs into his memory, attempting to piece together the past few hours. I just spent them digesting this afternoon so he would have no success. 
Unclear on the past events, yet unfazed, he walks back to his car and heads home.
That first night was magical-for me. As for coach, I’m not quite sure. I am ever present in his dreams. Pleasure, I think, is how I’d describe what being inside James was like. In his dreams, in his deepest thoughts, I lay there to witness them. These were thoughts, these were ideas, these were emotions that only I would be sole witness to, along coach. Ecstasy. This was a piece of him we would share alone. I was like a part of him, and only I would know him fully to this extent. 
In the next few days after the events of that afternoon, Coach appeared a little more vain, a little more irritable. To my teammates he just seemed off. They catch glimpses of him checking himself out. They hear the barely audible moans from his office as he delicately feels his every part. 
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“What the fuck was up with coach” They say. Little did they know the real question to ask was ‘what was up’ IN their coach. Little did they know it was the influence of their missing teammate, ingraining himself deeper and deeper into his beloved James.
Despite the changes, my coach resists me. The further I try to bond, the more his body rejects me. It is a 3 day affair. A push and pull. With every push, I gain momentary connection to that bod, only to have that fulfillment ripped from my now non-existent hands. He was a coach, after all. I should have known it would be a battle of wills. Still, there was someone I had that coach didn’t have-yet. My mind. I had a cleverness match-made for that hot bod. A cleverness he deserved. A cleverness that I would utilize to the fullest to make that match a reality. Coach was a happy, content man. I was not. He needed my ambition, my cleverness, my lust. That body deserved better.
I let up the assault on his mind. He feels himself winning, backing my parts into a corner. It’s here where I apologize profusely inside him. He accepts because, James was the kind of guy to pick someone up when they’re down. He accepts my apology foolishly as we decide upon the best way I may leave him. A chance. We decide to do so in the privacy of his home- for my sake, of course. Little did he know, I felt his resistance weakest there. He readies himself for my exit, relaxing so I may flow out of him. I ready myself for one final push. It was in that moment that I surround coach with my psyche, encapsulate his very soul.
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 Coach James wakes up making an odd face his body has never made. It was a lustful, sinful grin. It was my grin. I start chuckling. My voice is deep, booming. We moan together as my dormant parts stir. We moan as it starts convulsing. The shaking was harsh. I puppet this body still and eager to accept more of me. It takes some resistance but it finally yields. Nothing good comes easy, after all. I stick my parts take their rightful places. Those bulging, slick arms? Mine. Powerful, vascular legs? Also mine. That thick, veiny cock? Fucking. Mine. I feel them inside me- I alight as his energy becomes mine. We tickle. We feel great. At long last, this body was mine. 
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No. Further. I want everything he ever is, ever was. James was gonna give me that. I wanted permanence. No one would ever tear us apart. I decide on his soul. I decide on becoming that as well. I string his soul up, prisoner in its own body, unable to do much of anything until transformed by the poison of my very being. In the meantime, I pleasure my new self to grant him a taste of what we could have, what we could be, once he yielded. I use those thick python arms as my own. I gingerly trace my a newly muscular inner thigh. I shiver in delight. Fuck. We were sensitive. Who knew?
I stare at myself in the mirror. Oh god, oh god this was real, he was truly mine. “Here’s how to use this bod correctly” I mock in that gentle, instructive tone he had. I rush up to the mirror and start making out with myself. It’s cold. It warms up as I continue to lap at it with my tongue, as I continue to smear with these new plump lips of mine. “Fuck yeah, that’s the stuff, coach” I moan as him. The room is humid, dripping with pheromone, hot from the heat I am emanating in wearing my beloved coach. I touch my new dick for the first time, feeling his soul rile up. I feel his teaching sensibilities corrupt with my desire. As any good coach knows, never let them have a chance to fight back. Before he has a chance to react to my newfound control or my actions, I pump quickly, determinedly. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Coach’s body was fucking hot. This was a fucking dream- Oh My god. “Oh. Oh. oh” Our moans ring like music to my new ears. And in that final resonance, I release with only one thought: “I’m Coach James”. His hand shakes in resistance. This was it. I force the hand still. Command it. It was my hand after-all. I scoop our cum in my hand. I give my hot new reflection a playful wink. “Bottoms up” I say to us both. Sweet Nectar. My Nectar. With every taste and of his own milk, he perverts own senses, dilutes his very self. He has obviously never tasted himself to this capacity- because I finally feel his soul reflexively bond to mine. He tries to pull back. Like I’d let him. I greedily keep us tethered together. Then, he relents. There’s my James. 
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When he finally yields I feel his memories, his feelings, hopes open up. I take them all. Distort them. I take all of him into me, meld them with myself until we were but one soul. They were me, now. My memories, sure. My senses. My feelings- fuck yeah, but inundated, saturated with my lust. Hopes- not a fucking chance. My hopes and dreams for this body are far greater. Coach James was greater that that. I was greater than that. I am the James the world deserves. 
I am left panting by the end of it. Ecstasy reverberates. It’s all me in here, baby. My coach- I was reborn. Tears stream down my cheeks. “Call me James” I say with newfound truth and intent. That name came naturally to me. I was fully him, after all.
‘New James’ is fucking kinky. Dirty. Narcissistic. As much as I love bossing around the kids, I love playing with myself even more. I got some great parts. Look at this fucking bicep. Teaching? Fuck that. Fuck the team. New James is ripe with ambition and power. “James Harrison got better fucking things to do that teach some stupid fucking kids,” I spit in the mirror as caress myself. Yeah. This bod’s a fucking power trip. So much more New James can do with his time. 
“New” might be a bit of a misnomer. I am James, in body mind and soul. I am James, in past-present and future. All he ever was? All he ever will be? Me. I am James, forever. And I aint no fucking coach.
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Just a quick one.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
tiny avian tommy getting put in a specific time out for being a little gremlin by a giant sbi member of your choice bonus if its his first time so he doesn't know its safe
Warnings: Self esteem struggles and Soft vore
Words: 1.6K+
Aren't I good enough?!
One way to describe Tommy Danger Kraken Innit Minecraft? Ultimately awesome! Not only was he siblings with the famous and righteous Technoblade! A warrior, no a God! Who tore down his enemies so easily nobody stood a chance! Then there was the musician of the seas.
Wilbur Soot Minecraft, his older brother, and talented musician, known all throughout the world for his talented music, just a simple word he utters makes you fall under his spell like a siren.
And his father, the legend, Philza Minecraft himself, God was he awesome. He was known throughout as the angel of death, everyone cowers before him as the lover of death, but also with his accomplishments of defeating the Enderdragon.
To say his family was a big deal was really the honest truth, but what was to be said of Tommy? That he was an asshole gremlin child? The probably weakest hybrid around? Or the fact he couldn’t eat meat due to the fact that he was in fact part hummingbird?
Which made usually eat flowers like his friend Tubbo? It wasn’t his fault he was born this way! Eventually, he’d be just as terrifying, legendary and talented as everyone else! They just had to watch!
That was what he thought as he was in a field, tending to nearby flowers and snacking on some on occasion. He thought to himself, “What do I have?”. He didn’t see himself particularly talented at anything besides his weird sense of humour and being able to mend clothes, it made him think a lot about what was to come of himself.
“Tommy!”. His friends called him from across the field, he could see the bee hybrid Tubbo flying towards him, at least Tubbo could fly, Tubbo couldn’t even fly himself. “You okay, Big man?” Tommy snapped out of his thoughts, whatever sorrowful expression on his face faded in an instant as he yelled excitingly, “Course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?!”.
“For a moment there you lo-“, “Tommy Danger Kraken Innit Minecraft has never felt or looked like such a thing known as sadness! Only women! Disks! And you Big man!”.
“What about me?”. Ranboo said amusingly as he teleported over to the two, “With some exceptions…” Tommy muttered, quietly showing his affection towards Ranboo before switching it up, “I don’t give two-shits about you Ranboo!”. To which made Tubbo and Ranboo laugh.
The two walked through the field of flowers for a while until sitting down on the flowers to allow Tubbo to snack on them. The three of them conversed until Tommy slowly stopped to respond so much or adding more to the conversation.
He began to go deep into thought again, wandering about his strengths that were easily outweighed by the negatives, The two laughed but stopped when Tommy asked, “Hey guys, what am I good at?...”.
Tubbo looked over to Ranboo a bit confused by the question but answered, “You’re uhm… Funny!”. “And you’re great at insulting people?”. But that ultimately failed, “I mean seriously.”. And the two didn’t answer, seeming to think of an answer when Tommy took it as nothing to say.
“Don’t worry about it then”. As he stood off and walked to a nearby edge, the two stood and ran over to Tommy to try and stop him from jumping off, telling him to “Wait!” but it was too late, he was already gone.
He opened his wings into a gliding position as he couldn’t fly and gliding slowly towards the forest below. He thought about what his family would say but probably would just get laughed at.
He landed with a thump as he abruptly ended his flight, walking to the nearby pond and sat down. Then proceeded to throw stones into the said pond until dawn as he made his way home.
As he entered the house, he was greeted by his family, but he ignored them in favour of going up to his room, all attempts at conversation as they approached his room asking for either assistance or whatever was the matter with the gremlin but to get no response.
The next day everybody was meeting up in the said flower field, he was in previously. But this time Tommy seemed a lot more obnoxious than usual, any attempts at getting his guard down would only be met with more of his uptight yelling and boasts about himself.
For some reason, nobody could get through to Tommy as he ran around annoying everybody, so in order to find a solution he approached his brother’s best friend, to find Tubbo looking just as confused, “Hey Tubs”. Tubbo snapped out of whatever thoughts of losing his sanity were happening and smiled at Wilbur, “Hey Wil!”. “Do you know what's happening with Toms?”.
The two looked over to Tommy to confirm both their thoughts to see a screaming gremlin in Technoblades arms, being held back from attacking Ranboo for whatever reason Ranboo did to somehow anger him.
“I’m not really sure, he seemed upset about something yesterday.”, “Did he tell you anything in particular?”. “Uhm, I mean- He did ask if he was good at anything, like a serious question and me and Ranboo was thinking about it, then he ran off!”.
Wilbur thought about it for a moment, but before he could come to a conclusion all hell broke loose as Tommy was inevitably causing more chaos than needed, yelling profanities at the top of his lungs for no reason in particular.
“Right”. Philza raised his voice at the boy. “What is going on with you?!”. Tommy looked at him perplexed for a moment until letting his guard down for a moment, looking down guiltily and Phil looked at him in concern until he yelled out.
“Absolutely fine Philza Minecraft the legend! Amazing at everything he does!”. There seemed to be something in particular about that statement, something oddly specific. Despite him often praising his father for whatever he does it was never as specific as that. Just small praises.
But before they could continue more, Tommy had run off the ledge again into obscurity. Nobody really knowing where the avian was going to go, but somebody did know, Wilbur knew. It was a spot he took Tommy to when he was younger and would always go there when upset.
So, Wilbur ran off to find him.
Wilbur took a different route, one that allowed him to hide under the surface of the water, you see Wilbur’s words were actually able to send you under a spell since he was actually a siren. A size-shifting siren to be specific.
He transformed when he touched the waters surface, his legs turning into a beautiful scaly tail and his hands turning claws, his eyes becoming more fishlike as they looked more dilated and fish-like. He swam forwards until he found the avian sitting under a tree, looking miserable.
An old trick should do the trick, when Wilbur and the family would take Tommy on adventures, especially when he was younger, in cases of danger he’d be sent to one of their storage stomachs for protection, but that wasn’t the only thing it was used for, if he was being particularly annoying or wanted comfort, he could also be sent there, as a form of comfort.
He quickly swam upwards, quickly breaching the surface and growing gigantic. Tommy screamed as he was scooped but although quickly, was also careful as he threw Tommy into his mouth and quickly swallowed, sending him to his brood pouch.
When Tommy landed safely within, he could feel the boy kick and punch as he yelled “Unhand me you- you prick!” Wilbur couldn’t help but burst into laughter at this.
“Wil? What the fuck man! You scared me!”. Wilbur hummed in response, still giggly about the situation. “Well, sorry gremlin but you’ve been on everyone’s nerves today!”. Then he went silent much to Wilbur’s confusion, “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird all day?”.
There was another moment of silence when Tommy asked, “Wil, am I good enough?”. Which caught Wilbur completely off guard, why would Tommy even think such a thing, he laid a hand over his stomach and rubbed circles soothingly. Completely confused.
“I- Toms, of course, you’re good enough! Why wouldn’t you think so?!”. He yelled somewhat concerned and confused at the fact his brother was thinking such things. “I- I’m not good at anything like all of you..”.
“What are you on about Toms?! Of course, you’re good at-“ He was cut off when Tommy yelled, “I mean like talented! You can sing! Techno can fight! Dad- Dad is Dad! He can do so many things! He’s-“.
The stomach walls pressed in on him, cutting him off. “Tommy, you listen to me now. You may not think much as such, but I think you’re a natural-born leader, you’re able to sway so many and command accordingly when so many people need it, remember that time you stopped everyone from fighting? You did all that by yourself!”.
“You may not be as strong as Technoblade but you’re smart and crafty and can hold your own just as well, you’ve impressed Techno so many times with what you’ve achieved. All of us couldn’t be more proud of you as a brother! We all care about you.”.
He could hear soft sobs, and he continued to rub circles, hushing the boy as well. Soon after, they were found by Phil and Techno who joined in the efforts of comforting the boy shortly. And all laid there for the night, keeping Tommy safe like they used to.
Maybe his family did have the answers after all.
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I feel bad for all the times when, as a teen or young adult, people would ask me certain questions about the Church and I gave a, well, not particularly great answer, simply because these things had been explained badly to me and I didn’t know better and was still trying to figure them out for myself. So here’s the answers I wish I’d given to some frequently asked questions:
Why don’t you drink coffee and alcohol?
We believe that these substances aren’t healthy for the body. Yes, I am aware that most people won’t be turned into alcoholics by having a single glass of wine with dinner, and that it might even have health benefits in small amounts. But these rules were made with the weakest of us in mind, so we can all follow the same standard. That aside, it doesn’t really matter why these laws were given. Dietary restrictions are fairly common in religions, and even if they don’t make sense to you, personally, they should be respected.
Why don’t you wear crosses?
We try to avoid symbols in our Church, lest people get too caught up in them and start worshipping the symbol rather than what it symbolises, i.e. Jesus Christ. That said, we totally respect that many Christians like to adorn their homes with crosses or other symbols to remind themselves of their faith.
Why don’t you wear revealing clothes?
While I’ve seen people argue that it’s to keep others from having dirty thoughts about us, I don’t feel that makes sense. If someone wants to have dirty thoughts about me, there is very little I can do to stop them, no matter what I’m wearing. And I’m not responsible for other people’s thought anyway. I see modesty more as a personal thing between myself and God, to show Him that I respect the body He gave me, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. I also feel that how people interpret modesty should be a personal choice. Personally, I have no problem with wearing shorts that show off my knees on a hot day, and I’m not going to judge another Church member for wearing a tank top, even though that’s not something I’d be comfortable wearing. I’m pretty sure Jesus is more concerned with how we treat others than how much skin we are showing when we go out of the house.
Why did you exclude black men from the Priesthood for such a long time?
I am not going to excuse or justify past racism. In the early days of the Church Joseph Smith did, in fact, ordain a few black men, but this practice was stopped when Brigham Young became President of the Church. People have come up with all sorts of non-doctrinal reasons for this, mostly built on wild speculations and rampant racism. The Church has disavowed these positions by now, though sadly it hasn’t really issued a formal apology. The scriptures state multiple times that God is no respecter of persons and loves all His children equally. However, as the story of Jonah teaches us, even prophets aren’t immune to personal biases and prejudices.
Why did you use to practice polygamy?
I honestly don’t know. Any explanation I could give you would just be speculation, and I’d rather avoid feeding you misinformation, so I’m going to refrain from it. What I can say is that the women in these polygamous marriages were some of the most accomplished and well-educated women of the time. Utah was even one of the earliest states to grant women (or at least white women) the right to vote, due to a strong suffragette presence. So it would be entirely unfair to characterise early Latter-Day Saint women as nothing more than voiceless, downtrodden victims in a misogynistic system.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Harry Styles x Barista!Reader.
Smut, pain kink and over-stimulation.
Mentions of past trauma and healing!
Author's note: Your reblogs and appreciations means alot to me, token me a smile with your love.
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His breath smells of strawberries and coffee, plushie lips dangerously close to her's making her half voracious gaze flicker between his lips and up at Tofu, kiss him kiss him you bloody fool, reeled in her head, "here lemme . . ." He notices her jitteriness fetching the birdy for her. She hiccups with a suck of breath when his knuckles brushed the inside of her palms while giving Tofu to her.
"Oi, Harry budge over you bugger!!" She hisses with sleepy voice but in return he squishes her more.
Y/N has a phobia for needles and Harry's her damsel in distress.
Something about bungalows not having stairs makes Y/N's cheeks puffs out in disappointing amazement. The fact she couldn't even climb at the rooftop when the summer sky's ornamented with cosmic stars twinkling with the each buzz of music from inside. She hiccups a giggle when the cool zephyr blew her frock away giving out a glimpse of her itty-bitties, glad no-one's in the diameter to have a show. The discernment falls to nothingness when she hears distinct rustle of someone behind the fat‐very-rooty-tree, it widens her eyes into saucers as she blinks comically.
It's not a squirrel she could tell. Couldn't be Ronny who went to take a wee cause all the darn washrooms inside were occupied and his bladder being the weakest, he went for a bush.
But, that bush's behind her and for a moment she forgot her friend even existed since she muted out his piss taking whistle a while ago.
All her frenzied assumptions fails when two figures camouflaged in the darkness tumbles from behind the tree. Her cheeks splashes with burning crimson when they separate with a loud, wet kissing noise and the two men doesn't seem any shy about it unlike Y/N who's foozling the frill of her dress as if she got caught in the middle of a fuck in public loo. Not that, it everrr happened with her, still she has an example set for such incidents.
"Oh, hi." The warble of unprevious voice wins in gaining her attention and she tries to squint through the pocosin of his eyes which glimmers under moonlight if she glances away too quick, she startles in her spot when a gruff voice speaks over them, "Ronny couldn't even occupy a shot of vodka in his bladder." She couldn't seem to flit her gaze away from his cherry of lips glistening from whatever activities they were having before (the only features she could see in such illumination) as the other guy and Ronny bantered off passing a cig in between them.
"Oi, shut up will ya." Ronny locks his arm with Y/N and she flinches that he hasn't even washed them yet, "c'mon truffles we don't wanna be here." He announces dragging her away and the humid air around them bubbled with chuckles.
"Huh." She quips all lost between the interaction and accidentally bumping into two beautiful men kissing eachother, she's totally jealous! Poor thing tries to jerk the mud from her toes and to have a last glimpse of the man with marble irirses.
"D'ya think I've a chance with that daddy-long- legs-one? Dunno, but he intimidates me so bad." Ronny whispers to her and she frowns sniffing with her already runny nose from being a bit tipsy, it's making her bouncy little by little and she knows the bevvys she had will have a full swing within the night, "why? He seems nice."
"His hotness truffles, it intimidates me." He scrapes his already chipped nail polish after washing his hands from the basin throwing towel at her face, she just sighs putting it back in the rack.
"How about you talk to him first." Parties has teeny perks of them and gigantic disadvantages 1) Ronny gets a school crush at every boy he looks at. 2) They get more sweaty, stinky, gluey and more wilder till the clock hits 4 am. Honestly, even if it wasn't for the free bevys she would have never stepped in.
"That's the hard part." They push people aside like stuffies getting cursed and groped in return.
"He's not gonna know himself, Ron, you dump-stick." Good she doesn't need to yell like before as the music has dimmed to a hum possibly about to shut down within minutes. Halting, beside some people crowded alongside the couch some sitting on it and their confused heads shots up at first at the sound of familiar vibrations.
The worst scenarios of someone having a bullet up in their hole and peeps around having a show passes for a mere sec in their heads, together, that's why they're friends since the first semester of UNI.
But, upon seeing what's the ruckus about Ronny shakes his head in utmost panic, "oh no . ." He tries to escape from her grip but she tugs him from collar, "Please Ronny, swear 'm ready to over come my fear! Nothing's gonna happen to me." They stand beside the guy sheepishly (like two elementary kids deciding who'll step inside the staff room first) a gun perched in his hand and Y/N realizes that he indeed's the same guy she met outside, this time she could see him properly and those hickorey of curls brushing the eternity of his popping clavicles.
His back to them but she could see the flex of his muscles from under the sheer black of his shirt with the each movement he does with his gun, she admits that he got prettier back than her.
"Ey Harry this's my friend Y/N and she wanna overcome her phobia of needles, be a damsel in distress pal." So, they know eachother. The whizz of gun stops midway and he dismisses the drunk dude under him tilting his chin to meet her eyes, and it was worth it as it took tiny gasp from her.
He's way beautiful than he was in the darkness.
Ronny was right. It daunts her a bit. The name Harry itself is some kind of royalty.
"Oh, hi there, again." He greets her with a warm smile and it glitter-glittery her insides, will you please not she scolds herself. It's probably the alchol her subconscious assures her but her nervousness from the idea of really doing this says otherwise.
"Have a seat, love." Oh holy goodness. He's as sober as judge and she at whole is miffed.
Harry isn't a popular senior. No. His charm's something that woos everyone and his name's always on the top list of invites, he avoids them though unless it's his closest friend. Him remaining to himself has casted a spell on everyone that his personality's intimidating and he's this sex god who has an only concern with fucking people.
He could be called a nerd from his grades everytime being higher than last semester but his attire and being a shining star of the Christmas tree gives it away.
Everyone likes him, ah-ah no everyone absolutely loves him. The thing's he has never felt the same in his twenty-one years of life and that's a fat bummer.
He just gives that "please stay away from me" aura, brows always sewn together and bottom lip jutted makes him appear rather passive aggressive to strangers (well the people who knows him loves him for being the most chill person walking around them).
Right now, he got a tat gun in his hand and everyone's getting a drunk tattoo for the remembrance of this stupid party or just that they've a kink for pain, possibly for humiliation too because what could a tattoo gotten in an unconscious state could bring you?
"Y'alright there?" He asks her and she bobs her head clamping her hands shut in her lap. The rainbow broch on his loafers intrigues her about his fashion senses, it makes her jealous she can't afford to have her own style, "Yeah!" She avoids to even give a spare glance to the gun in his hand because she knows the moment she'd, it will make her dizzy.
She feels bad for cliff hanging him to herself only but he doesn't seem to mind at all. Waits patiently for her to guard herself as Ronny pats her back like she's about to summo wrestle.
"Want me to start it?" He knows how bad it's for some people. Many times he had an encounter with weak hearted persons who got dragged into his parlour by their friends and ended up running away, "Can you give me a moment?" She lifts her head towards him and it makes his forehead knit into concerned lines.
The poor bug's giving a purple face as if she's about to throw up and her ears pink.
"Take all y'want, darlin'." His gentleness flows over her head, she thinks that the music has died or she has gone deaf, can't be neither, cause no-way that such a sweet call wouldn't make her toes all gooey.
"'M ready!" She puffs out a huge exhale moving her shaking wrist nearer to his grasp and he gives her a comforting look before wrapping his fingers one by one around her delicate wrist, skidding the stool he's been sitting on closer to her, "al'ight truffles 'ere we go — wouldn't hurt promise." He decides to stick with truffles since Ronny calls her with the nickname everytime he's at Harry's. Thought his blabbers of his friend were exaggerated coating of sugar but when she's sitting infront of him with those glinting eyes and soft flesh in which his lanky fingers seems to turn pudgy, he gets it why he calls her that.
He keeps on glancing up at her to see if she's okay — she has her hand placed atop Ronny's thigh while he distracts her with his "let's throw shade at mean bitches together" game and Harry just hovered the nib of it over her skin when she passed out but Ronny quickly placed his palm against her cheek to pull her back towards his shoulder.
"'M good . ." She comes back from it with a weak whsiper-y voice trying to straighten up but the instant her already blurry vision falls at the needle again making a line so small it isn't even visible she passes out again and this time Ronny seems unfazed talking to a girl beside him (trust the lad they've done it multiple times but the pain and fear of needles never let her have a single tattoo inked on her skin), leaving Harry to sweat over her.
Sighing he shuts down the machine putting it aside and presses the back of his hand against her forehead --- to be more appropriate, and when she remains as if in the land of nod completely knackered out and woolly in Ronny's arms he realizes that she has passed out for real.
"Truffles?" He doesn't get a response from her.
She puffers out her lips blowing raspberries gazing at the sunny sky from the clear glazed window of the shop, chin resting in the softness of her palm as the cosy hall of it emptied from the rush the time it striked noon. The start of her shift's always effete and warm with honey-bees buzzing over the pots of pastel flowers outside, but the evenings are most tiresome and she has to do the closing in a grumpy mood.
"Can you pass me the icing tube, forgot it under the counter shelf 'cos of that pain in ass customer." He's their regular. Has constant complaints that their tarts are too sugary and they need to thicken the formula for their lattes, Y/N just bobs her head at his tantrums finding a way to shoo him away with a promise of next time, "yeah uhh — " Gripping the edge of marble counter she squats down and giggles at herself as she looks funny with her knees making a tent of her ruffle frock.
The door-bell chimes indicating the presence of someone but she goes for her rampage knowing Cora's there to attend them and she was about to pull her head back when she hit it quite painfully against the upper shelf, "Ow!!" She squeaks rubbing the sore spot stabling herself while Cora chuckled taking the tube from her hand to go inside.
She never expected someone to occur at this hour, moreso, she never expected someone like him to pop out of nowhere at their shop. He just doesn't seem like a person to have a merry making at little cosy cafés all to himself, it's been driving her crazy, she cringes at herself everytime when the humiliation of passing out infront of him invades her thoughts.
Half of her heart wanted to see him again and other half was glad she never bumped in him — but seems like nature was evily against her.
"Oops hi!" When she couldn't fiddle with anything she adjusts her frilly apron and with her wrist brushes her loose tresses away which her bow failed to keep. He blinks for several times sipping in the consequence, though it gives her time to take in his appearance.
He's yet again, wearing a sheer shirt with white flower buds spiraling from his abs towards the broad of his chest displaying his inked skin underneath beautifully — it shimmers every time he shifts on his feet letting the sunlight fall on him. His curls tamed and silkier than before, he groomed himself too good it puts Y/N to shame for being a girl, a careless one.
"You work here?" He asks with a drawl as if he has a all the time to dedicate to her, "nope just broke in to do a fat robbery — wanna join?" He cackles, hard it quelled his tummy and it also made her smile blushy-ly that he didn't find her humour boring.
"Okie . . S' what you'll have?" Brassing the belly of his nose he clears his throat roaming his eyes to catch a perfect spot, "'s okay if'll be waitin' fo' someone there?" He points at the nook aligned with the fuchsia coloured book shelves, wooden pots hanging and embroidered throw pillows piled and some overflowing from the love seats.
"Totally!!" She chirps. The thought of him waiting for a date sinks summat a tiny globe of mud in her stomach and dunno why — She wishes she could've things that other people have without burning themselves in effort unlike her.
She watches him getting comfortable, scrutinising around with curious and adorable big peepers. He'd give her a shy smile everytime he'd catch her staring and she'd just shake her head treating her back to track, that he's on a date, but not with you.
She didn't forgot to ask him if he needs anything putting a glass of water at his coffee table without him requesting, it's perpetually hot and even her throat'd get dry after some minutes. He's been here for two hours and even though the weather cooled down spotting pearly drops of rain, perspiration still beaded at his forehead.
The bustle of on goers kept on dying and she feels bad for him, knowing the end of it, she's been there before many times. Even visualised it at this same shop far more she should thinking the world's kind enough to even let their date know with q single message.
Sensing his timorousness she paddles towards him getting a coconut cookie from the jar, onto the plate and sliding it in his line of vision. He seems flustered — everytime they've interacted she's the one to be not in one place and now he's ripping the threads of his tattered skinny jeans.
"You can munch on this cookie, if you want to!" He looks back and forth between the cookie and her, fuziness spreading in his chest glad at her kindness and enough trust in him to not to kick him out, "Thank you." He grabs it taking a bite and she giggles when in the single one he left no crumbs behind, his mouth's big, shut it already! and so pink so pulpy, oh my goodness I hate youuu!!
"'M sure your friend's on way, it's rainy, might —" He cuts her off with a dissapointed spurt of breath, "dunno." He sulks into sofa folding the corner of book's page.
"You still've an hour till the cáfe closes, don't loose hope!" She pats his shoulder and he gives her a weak smile doing that bunny scrunch of his nose, combing his already wrecked hair and thanks her for the next thousand time.
Harry had worst dates. This seems to top them. To be honest because of Y/N being here. What will she think? What if she thinks it's his fault? That he's a broken dummy who nobody wants to date? He wants to grumble and call his date to end things but he waits patiently as the sky turned lilacs of night.
Y/N feels remorseful and angry at the person who stood him up this pathetically. With a sad sigh she turns the closed sign to display outward silently looking at him while he's in his own trance, she disappears into the kitchen and Cora gives her a knowing eye.
"Not believing in love's my greatest descion up till far. It's impossibly hard out there." She retorts. Placing a hot chicken steak atop the alfredo pasta and sprinkles parsiman making it appetizing, "Tell him to better end things with a pig like them." She says in all seriousness handing the tray to Y/N.
He's there. Gazing outside with lips pressed into a thin line and he seems down with his loose errand of curls tucked into a man bun now, a perfect hairdo outta frustration "Harry." She keeps her voice low not to startle him gaining his attention.
"You didn't have to." He shakes his head and she made a noise un-recognized by him putting the tray on the table and moves the ottoman with her feet closer to him sitting on it, "let's be eachother's date for a day." She hands him a fork and he accepts gladly. His sulkiness wooshing away when she digs in taking a bite and smearing the sauce all over her lips.
"If you don't mind me asking, is it the same behind-the-tree guy?" He nods. She frowns spitting grumpily, "what a prat." With the help of knife she tears the steak equally sliding it to his side and he smiles boyishly sucking the corner of his lip inside.
"'M sorry, Harry." She squeezes his knee and it bundles up the air in his lungs, "'s okay truffles — glad you were there fo' a rescue."
"Y/N." She tells him forwarding her hand to shake and he slips his calloused ones to envelop her warmth. His cheeks turns pink when his stomach made noises of starvation, "you need to eat c'mon!" She nudges his elbow and he obliges.
After, filling their tummies satisfied and full she hands him a cuppa of latte with a foamy sleeping kitty floating over it she even made two eyes and the uwu kitty smile with the cocoa powder, "pardon me if it seems like I murdered the poor thing . . . 'm still learning from Cora." His giggles were absolutely amazed and gleeful.
"It looks so good, I don't feel like stirin' it." He pats the bum of steamed floffy kitty with the curve of his tea spoon and it makes her giggle some. Relishing onto strawberry pastries and crumpets oozed into butter, sipping onto their lattes, watching the sky turning dark with the rain while Cora left them hours ago to themselves.
She puts a velvet cloak around herself after closing the shop and Harry waits for her as she takes her bicycle, "Thank ye' Y/N. 'S kind of you." He stirs his gaze from his shoes to her face smiling brightly at her and she waves him off with blushy cheeks, they walk along under the shelters of sideways shops avoiding to get soaked while she holds the steering of her bicycle.
"You can lounge at my place, till the rain stops." When he shakes his head she quips turning into the street, "I insist." They stop infront of the old white sculptured building having two floors in total.
The first thing she does entering into her flat's greet Tofu (it's a Bush-tit a white furball with two curious tich button eyes) leaving Harry to get out of his shoes and slip into her house ones (they barely fits him -- making him chuckle at the size difference).
His eyes giving a beautiful glimmer under the glow of the yellow light as he looks around the space, it's simple, with a bedding on wooden floor, a circle shelf against the window lined up with green plants, a desk opposite to it and a golden standing cage of her pet bird.
"Hi bubba missed me much?" She opens the cage to let it out and the chonky white bird sits on her fingers happily, "Harry meet Tofu." His lips curve upward at the lil thing as he caress it's fluffy head.
"Tofu looks like a snowball." He muses with bambi eyes and she agrees with excitement, "Sometimes I wanna squish him, cause he's just too cute." His eyes widens comically laughing softly at her statement.
"Evil thought said out aloud with cuteness still remains evil, love." Tofu hoped over Harry's finger and he takes him towards his shoulder making it sit there but he has another plans, to rest his furry bum over Harry's head making both of them giggle, "c'mon now birdy time to fill your tummy." She tip-toes to catch him in her palms and knocks her nose with Harry's in the way.
His breath smells of strawberries and coffee, plushie lips dangerously close to her's making her half voracious gaze flicker between his lips and up at Tofu, kiss him kiss him you bloody fool, reeled in her head, "here lemme . . ." He notices her jitteriness fetching the birdy for her. She hiccups with a suck of breath when his knuckles brushed the inside of her palms while giving Tofu to her.
"Make yourself home!" She announces going to feed her pet and Harry flops onto her bed quite comfortably with his sweny legs stretched wide over the floor. They watched episodes of 'Bridgeton' wounded under her blankets and she almost fell asleep when he offered her genuinely.
"I'll help ye' have a tattoo, tiny atleast."
"Means alot to me." She yawns pondering with lug brain whether to snuggle into him or not, she did anyways. In the morning she was woken up by cold sheets and beeps of messages from Harry that made her feel she endured wings of fairy and she's bathing in the glitter of happiness.
She stares at the shop infront of her in amazement. It's friday night. She winded up all her assignments and came to this place exactly how it was mentioned in the address, when she enters inside spare teens and a bulky man was waiting outside the office thing-y . . .? Y/N presumes — an assistant chewing loudly on her gum talking onto phone with someone in hushed bratty tone and when Y/N knocks at the counter her piercing stare startles her a bit.
"Yes?" How rude! Y/N thinks with a pouty lip at her striking tone and she clears her throat, "'m here to meet . . . Harry." The snarky assistant rolls her eyes dismissing Y/N quickly to move back to her lazying, "He's busy." Y/N picks her finger to interject murmuring something under her breath and strolls back to wait with everyone.
Sun sets outside shimmering evening pink inside the lobby and the door atlast opens making her head perk up, "pet?" He looks sternly to his assistant but she doesn't seem fazed.
"Harry." Y/N grins, "Fo' how long you've been here?" She feels good someone's caring for her even though it's just for the fact she waited some hours for him, "doesn't matter can 've a tour?" He nods and the bratty assistant eyes him furiously taking Y/N's hand to lead her.
Harry watches her with dimply smile when she babbles at the details of his working station, "do I sit here?" She asks excitedly and he shakes his head, "yes, you may." They scrutinise through his sketches of designs together and she squeezes his wrist.
"Harry you're so talented! Look at 'em." He never felt this flustered with the compliments before button nose scrunching adorably. She chooses a a small plain jamsine flower nothing more, nothing less watching collect things for the process, "it's one of me mama's favourite." He exclaims rather proud snapping the latex gloves round his wrist.
"Where d'ya want it?"
"Where it hurts less." She replies wiping the sweat away with her frock, "it's outer shoulder, yer arm, calves and arse — " His mischievous grin awfully stretchy and she she slaps his bicep playfully.
"Outer shoulder?" She tells him confused to herself. He agrees strolling his stool near to her as she turns her back to him; his fingertips twitches when he pushes her hair to the side.
"Can you uh . . mm." She groans trying to reach for the zipper of her frock and he smoothes down his erratic heartbeat muttering, "yeah sure." She digs her nails into the delicate flesh of her palms when his calloused cold knuckles brushed deliberately against her skin while skimming the zip down slowly. Her eyelids flutter like butterfly wings when he slides her sleeve down her arm revealing her shoulder and it's so supple that Harry had to come back from his reverie; lick his lips to moisture.
He applies the numbing cream and she hisses softly the leather of seat sticking to her calves, her nerves jumbles and body startles when Harry starts the gun without warning her.
He loops his arm around her waist atop her thigh massaging it assuringly — sure it did nothing but to make her core throb insatiably as his rasp melted in her ears, "you're okay puppy." She gulps saying no word feeling her body getting hot at the each stroke of his thumb over her waist line.
"Ah -- Harry." She gasps out of air grasping his hand tightly at the sting of pain. She's baffled at the reactions of her body, her panties getting wet and the displeasing constant pricking of needle quenching out noises she never thought she was able to give out. When she whines and squirms Harry presses her down with force shushing her, "bug just a mo' it's smaller and would be done in seconds." She kisses her teeth bobbing her head vigorously and Harry chuckles at her effort remaining polite.
"Done!" He announces pulling away to admire it and when he hears the lil sniffles he quickly leaves everything sitting infront of her on the seat, "darlin' don't like it when ye' cry." He wipes her tears away not even glancing at her exposed collarbones and the plump flesh of her tits barely covered with her arm.
Soft and squishy, soft and squishy, soft and squishyyyyy.
His mind screams but her whimpery voice distracts him, "'m just gleeful that I've a tattoo because of you." He wraps it up expertly and zips her dress back with ever gentleness, "happy tears then?" She giggles with a grateful nod.
"Want a hug?" He thinks she deserves one for being brave and nice against her fear, "cuddle me up." She murmurs with swollen eyes and peachy cheeks. Uff — it stirs his cock in his jeans arousing the need to be with her everytime.
He rests his chin mushily into the crook of her neck swarming his arms around her waist to squeeze her warmly and she snuggles against his throat, damp lips puckering against his adam apple making it bob.
He feels jammy to be able to have a moment like this with her.
"Chinese takeout?" He collects his sketch journals, his phone, fedora apparently, keys of his motorbike and a spare helmet for her, "Yes please!"
They ate the take out perched against his bike with the meadow vast laying feet aways from them, under the breezy sky they conversed and Harry already got a tender spot for her in his heart. He never reaches to a stage where he could get to know someone with this passion and Y/N isn't from someone who'd guard herself from him just because his father was in the bad business.
As the evening brisked with cool dew of summer grass Harry leaned into her more and more.
He finds her little things infatuating, her bonding with Tofu and her dire wish to make good bum steamed kitties on the lattes, she has an irrefutable love for floral dresses and her homely habbit is doing ribbon work.
She got to know that Harry owns the tattoo shop, teaches few blokes the skill of it in free hours. He'ad attended lots of parties raving ones and the boring ones of higher socials, never lets any stranger step inside his loft which's situated upstairs of his shop. His father does all the criminaly things, he's this master mind in doing the evil things for people from getting money out of their enemies yada yada and Harry despises him for it, moreso, that he left them. He doesn't want to be associated with him in any case — he's none like him, he's kind and soft-hearted like his mother.
Y/N loves his goofy side. The one that cracks jokes and puns -- makes her fall in love with him without her even trying.
Last and foremost he has the render love for sheer shirts — told her he has shimmery ones for the fancying off.
"S'm no stranger then." She quips beside his shoulder as Harry unlocked his home's door. He glances her timidly amicably hovering over her lips, "absolutely not, yeh me bezzy." He raises his fist and she bumps it giggling.
Y/N that night sleeping on his bed dreamt of them laying together into the pillows of growing daffodils of meadow, lining up the stars in the sky and tell each other what they made ----- galloping rabbit, a slipping cake and she'd laugh with ugly snorts when Harry tells her that he sees a massive dick.
His grin proud and mellow to make his bezzy laugh. She squeaks when he pulls her onto him but soon her dreamboat sinks as she stirs at the warmth swallowing her whole.
She startes from her blurrines at something trapping her down till she recognizes the familiarity of two mascular arms sewn around her waist and what the fuck?
Harry made a makeshift pallet on the floor and right now she's all over him, pressed tightly against his chest — her cheeks turns red with embarrassment from being this clumsy and falling over him in her sleep.
"Oi, Harry budge over you bugger!!" She hisses with sleepy voice but in return he squishes her more.
Taking her face out of his neck she admires the softness of his features when he's asleep and the dotting of beautiful moles, sighing a huge relaxed puff of breath and canoodles into him like an affection starved kitty.
It's another cool rainy day and Y/N keeps on swabbing the droplets of water off from her eyes with her elbow trying to paddle her bicycle. She was on her way to Harry's when the skies betrayed her. Standing on his doormat she soaks it completely waiting for him to answer the door, sad, that her gift was ruined too.
"Lovin' ye'll catch a cold – shit come inside." Concerned he ushers her inside his loft, halts in his tracks when she remains behind adoring a gruffy pout, "what is it?" He asks walking to her and cups her cheeks the instant.
"Embroidered ye' a shirt 's destroyed now." She raises it to show him and he stares it for good seconds before swiping her off the floor – hugging her to radiate the sentiment of endearment he carries for her in his heart. It bloats her cheeks pressed against his clavicles and her feet dangles as he sways them with a happy noise of favourite melody she's unfamiliar with, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He kisses her temple and it lingers at the tip of his tongue.
I could kiss you right fuckin' now, pet.
"Harry you got wet too, dummy!!"
"Oops, guess we both have to change now."
Harry already set mixers for her on the luke points so that she wouldn't have to pull out her hair just to take a shower (his shower's quite complicated) leaves his shirt and boxers for her on his bedside, putting the lilac sheer shirt she embroidered for him in the dryer.
When she comes outside with trippy hair he already has two glasses of wine filled and windows closed to keep her warm.
She isn't a wine person. She was never able to afford it and it never settled with her tummy (she shares too much and feels bubbly with the rose coloured bevvy). Harry's gaze rakes from floor to her ankles snapping directly to her face and it's just snoggles his heart with fondness, seeing her drooled in one of his shirts.
"Need ya not to worry ye'r gift is good as before." He assures her and she flops onto the sofa beside him, "Thank you Y/N." He says genuinely and she waves him with small smile, "hush you."
They drink in silence, then soon it rośed their cheeks and noses making them giggly and floaty. A bottle gone in just a span of a time. She rumbles her lips stretching out, the twinkle of her belly showing and he does the same, eyeing him she slides down on the floor perching her elbow over the coffee table and YET AGAIN HE FOLLLOWS HER ACTIONS.
"Are you mimicking me?" She squints at him and he squints back, "are ye' mimickin' meh?" She smacks his bicep playfully and when he does the same though the force of it lighter than her's adoring mischievous grin making her squeal with chuckles, "Harry!"
He quips back in equal girlish pitch, "Harry!" blinking peepers up at her softly — to test her fates, the recipe of her drunken state and her heart bursting with affection for him she jests at him.
"I like you and might be falling in love with you." She says without holding back a breath and his eyes widen in an animated way chin slipping from his palm, "You what?" He's in utter shock. He has never come across the words she just said with so much delicacy and sincerity — it boggles him to an extent his tongue got tied.
"Say it back now, huh?" She smirks at him shaking from inside counting on to get rejected and ridiculed. Upset at herself more than him at his lack of response, clearing her throat she whispers.
"So — " But, her apology strucks in her throat when he pulls her to himslef with a gentle grip to her elbow. Grabs her jaw tenderly and with the ardent boldness smushes his lips against her's to seal his affinity for her in a kiss that's so soft it melts her inside. His hands brews at her sides and glides up to their destination, to cup her cheeks and deepen the kiss while billowing her in his lap comfortably. He devours the plumness of her lips, tracing the curve of her bottom one with his warm tongue and kisses the corner of her lips again and again making her puff out air from her nostrils.
He has kissed people and it was always to lead something to satisfy the cavity of loneliness, but this, this already feels like home sitting infront of the Autunm fire eating cookies and drinking milk. She feels like the mold he's meant to melt into and explore every ridge of it.
She doesn't not know what's filthier the string of spit that's connecting them or his raspberry lips that she could kiss and kiss for forever, he doesn't stop there pecks her several times with lil smooches, "You're really good at it." She winds her arms tight around the nape of his neck murmuring against him (she wants to make him feel appreciated), his cock chubbing up in his trousers and it lulls her head against his cheek upon feeling it. The thought of having him hard for her boasts the genitilty in herself and she kisses his smiling mouth.
"Wanna make ye' feel good." He presses his lips back against her's with more passion than before and tips her chin with his thumb to stamp lil pecks down her throat feeling his lips tingling to kiss her again, it's way better than he envisioned. Her softness could swallow him and the thought makes his hips stutter imagining his hard prick sucked inside her swelled up walls. His large calloused hands meander down her bottom taking the ripeness of it in a bunch of squeeze.
"On the bed." He pats her bum pinching it playfully and she squeaks obliging him giggles when she bounces over the bed. Him crawling behind her as lion ready to feast over a hare.
Leaning against the head of the bed he lays her between his wide spread legs, her back against his chest and their fronts facing the tall framed mirror infront of them.
"Comfy?" She bobs her head gulping cause no one has ever cared what'll be consuming for her and what not, "I want ye' to look in the mirror sweet girl, at us." He rasps in her ear stroking the hilt of her jaw in continuous circles and when she hums fluttering her eyelids, arching her back at the throb of her pussy and his dirtiness making her slick down to her bum he glides his thumb inside her mouth telling her to, "get 'em proper wet for me." She does coating his thumb with her saliva and flicking her tongue over it many time while he glazes his palms over her ribs, under the crescent of her tits shirt pulled to her collarbones.
She gags around his digit when he took her perky nipple in between his middle and index pulling it then kneads it with a kiss to her earlobe getting her out of his boxers telling her, "enough, pet." When she doesn't listen to him and kept on sucking thinking of his cock in her mouth he gruffs splitting her thighs apart and pressing the soles of her feet tightly against the mattress with his own ankles, "I said enough." Shushing her hungry kitten whimpers he trails his wet thumb down her fallen lip and chin, popping her shirt open and rims it around her areola, "s' soft wanna rub me cock between 'em tits." The shiver that hits her makes her squirm and Harry gives a chaste kiss to her open mouth putting his thumb at her entrance ready to play with her cunt.
"Your eyes open 'em fo' me, puppy." He ducks down to kiss her not letting her turn around himself so that her neck doesn't strain while caressing his fingers up and down in her slickness making soapy noises on purpose, when she finally looks in the mirror locking eyes with him as if he's holding the most precious gem in his arms — the sight turned her spine into a sharp arrow, "c - ca-can I've more?" She gasps squeezing his bicep pussy lips fluttering and her hole palpitates aching for him.
"My polite girl." He smiles awfully fonded at her and she nods licking her lips to speak, "'m good, good always." He pushes his two fingers inside her cunt and she moans with her whole will trying to sink herself to his knuckles nails digging into his shoulders, "I know ye'r." He assures her sliding them out and teasing her little pink asshole turning her into a whining mess.
She twitches around his fingers when he pumps them back along with her sticky wetness and fucks her with them, flickering her clit with his other hand and kneads the inside of her fleshy thigh. She gives out a gaspy moan of unbearable pleasure when his cock's stiffeness rubs between her asscheeks, "ye' feel it? S' fo' you, gonna stuff yeh full of me cock, fuck you nice n' warm and cum all over yer pussy. How you deserved to be fucked, is that okay?" She never expected him this much of a lewd talker — hell she didn't even expected him to step out of his conserved, rather shy demeanour, "yes, yes, yes." She visioned him as a curt dom, who's more into BDSM but he's warm and caring with her. Just in few second of them doing it he proved it how much he's loving to please her.
"Ah! 'm gonna cum . . . gonna —" His sweet vulgar words combined with him toying, rubbing and fingereing her already swollen pussy tips her to the edge she was desiring to get from him, "cum all over me fingers. Want it s' bad from ye darlin', to see you." He says in a tone that's on the verge of pleading but holds a commanding hint under it and with her bones all stiffing, her skin burning and heart buzzing she snaps into her own dreamy world gushing over his fingers with her juices.
"Oh . . Harry." She loudly mewls thrashing in his arms from the intensity of her orgasm and he holds her tight with his arms wrapped around her torso, kisses to the curve of her neck and exposed collarbones. He notices her stiring away from his hand due to sensitivity and takes out his fingers with a squelching popping noise that made her blink from her semblance. Her chest heaves as she watches him in the mirror licking her cum off his wrists with the tip of his pink tongue, "mhm tastes s' sweet." One by one he sucks his finger humming around them seductively spiking her insides yearing to be fucked by him, "just like you sweet puppy."
Gently laying her down he knees infront of her getting out of his flimsy shirt and Y/N admires the flounce of tattoos trailing from his pecks down his adorable love handles. Her gaze stops at the his happy trail leading down to where he's swelled up against his zipper and she hasn't seen someone so beautiful in her entire life, he shimmies his joggers down teasingly with a smirk and she whines hiccuping when his cock slaps against his lower abdomen making her eyes go wide.
"Oh my . . " She gasps at the gorgeous sight of his rock-hard cock between his supple thighs. He's beautifully big, satiny and a dot of shade lighter than his lips making his prick so kissable, would it even fit?? She could already imagine it stretching her out gracefully and stimulating her in ways her fingers could never, "you're so gorgeous button."
The shiny swollen tip, and the dollop of pre-come weeping down his slit alluring her to have him in her mouth but he strokes it not to waste it.
"What's the pout fo' darlin'?" He asks as she stares it making him all shy but he overcomes it persistent to make her feel good (she shared with him that she never knew what being cared feels like) he wanna gives her all lovin' as she did to him the day in cafe. Cups the nape of her neck to bring her for another kiss splitting his thumb into her hair and the moment is so vulnerable and saccharine as he snogs her to floatiness, "will make sure it fits — make you cum many times, baby." He flips her gently.
"On ye tummy fo' me, like an atta pup ye're." It knots her stomach into ropes and she jolts squealing softly into pillows when he smacked her peach watching it jiggle while tugging at his prick to coat it with his thick wetness.
He moans biting his lower lip lulling his head over his shoulders stroking the head of his cock between her asscheeks and round her entrance not pushing at once torching both of them, "you're so delicate wanna be slow with you." He whispers to her pressing his front against her shoulders while wrapping his hand around his shaft to push inside her.
"It's okay!" Her tiny squeaks rolls into a moan when the head of his cock settles inside her and when she twitches around it he cruffs a groan coaxing her sides, "shhh baby 's okay relax fo'me." Taking his hand away from around himself he places it atop her ass withdrawing and looking down to see her cunt glistening with his and her's wetness — then bottoming out deep inside her till his balls are snug against her bum. His stomach twists with pleasure at the warmth that blankets his cock completely making him hunch but he recoups with his arms pressed beside her temple.
The stretch that burns through her core's so pleasing and fulfilling. It hurts in a good way. She knows how patient and composed he's being for her, from the way he fattens tucked inside her walls and he slides his hand between her front and the sheets to caress her soft breasts moving with rough pace.
"Don't stop, please." She recites the mantra almost crushing his fingers with her grip around, it's alot, the constant rub of sheet against her clit and him driving inside her from behind with moans sexier than in erotic audio books. He draws loose circles over her mound making her thighs spread wider with the inability to hold them as he pinched her clit coercion her sensitive button, "oh my god . ." With the whimpers of his name she squirts around his cock and it makes her throw her hips at him.
When he pulls out to turn her on back she whines with a frown, heaving chest and coral cheeks looking totally fucked already, "wanna see ye'r face when you come . . . s' beautiful." He hisses hauling her legs around his waist lowering himself down to enter her with lil smooches to her cheeks, "cum again fo' me baby — yeah just like that squeeze on meh." He pounds her over and over grinding his pelvis against her's to stimulate her in every way.
Feeling the heat crackling in her bones and tummy she takes him by shoulders to cuddle him closer to her chest raising her hips to meet his's, a crying mess, with glossiness twinkling at the corners of her eyes as she comes with euphoria dawning upon her and Harry works her up again.
"Once more, love, i know you've one more fo' me." He gives out a purry groan biting her throat and the valley of her chest, snuggling against it with kisses — when she shakes her head through around him he lines up his nose against her nose petal–ling his lips over her's, "yes you could puppy my sweet — " His eyelids bolting shut at the built of up of his own release and the moment she cums with his cock now he shoots his thick spurt deep inside her.
"This's what it only took fo' you? Callin' ye mere sweet names." He fucks her through it and Y/N admits that he went with his promise --- fucked her like she had never before, they remain like that for some time catching their breaths and then he pulls out of her gently and pumps himself to empty his load shooting it over her pussy and abdomen, "you came so much." She says completely baffled and he steals a chaste kiss from her looking at the white ribbons sticking to her skin.
"Just for you, babyhun."
He tells her not to move and whisks away coming back with a pack of baby wipes. Her hearts swirls with so much fondness for him when he pats the wipes between his palms to get them less cold and shushes her with pecks when she hisses with sensitivity.
They take another shower, this time together and it's not sexual at all though alot of tired poofy kisses and cute yawns were included as they gave eachother shampoo massages and she'd cooe everytime untangling his long hickorey curl.
They changed the sheets (unapologetically very clumsily) and he fetches a glass of water for her making it drink her.
When they were cuddled awfully good he lifts his head up from it was nuzzled between her titties. His accent drawly and slippery from tiredness, "Y/N." He checks if she's asleep and she hums in response starting to play with his hair lazily.
"That day when me date didn't show up?" Witha half heart she hums again, she doesn't like to talk bout that day, because the hopelessness that conquered him that evening still makes her sad.
"I was glad ye' were there 'n 'm so so so thankful that he didn't show up. Else we wouldn't be here in eachother's embrace 'n me heart still'd been mournful to sleep in cold sheets waiting fo' me person." It's the most he has talked in his soberness. It wells up tears in both of their eyes.
"You're my person." She cradles his face hating it that he was kept so love starved his entire life and she gazes him dearly, sweetly, affectionately all the words that could describe love for someone spilling out of the chambers of heart.
"I want to love you so much, pet, make you me most treasured human hershey."
"I'm in, cuddle me up." He grins smauching a loud kiss to her lips and cosying back to his previous spot purring like a kitten thrown into heaps of fluffy blankets.
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