#and it was such a traumatic experience to go through all of that
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goatgoesmbe · 2 days ago
Silly little idea about poly141 x reader.
Reader who was only a civilian, and was the newest addition to the relationship, would obviously feel insecure sometimes.
Despite all of them proving how much they love you everyday, with their words and actions, you still couldn't help but feel like an outsider sometimes.
You told them about how you felt like you could never have a bond as strong as theirs with each other because they've been through so much together, their line of work had a role in strengthening their relationships by going through traumatizing experiences.
And so, they took you skydiving.
And if it wasn't enough, they'd get you to fight together with them like in an actual battlefield when they got you in a game of paintball.
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wotay27166 · 1 day ago
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Goodbye Sparklecare.
This will be my final post for actual for real this time.
What can I say that hasn't been said already? I've done my part. I've learnt everything that I needed. It's not the complete sense of closure I'd want but I don't think that's something I can get. I have to accept that. This has all been an incredibly painful past 2 days for me.
In a way, I grew up alongside Sparklecare. I was a minor when I was there during the preboot days, and now I'm an adult with an income. An income that I used in part to support Kittycorn for 2 years. Kittycorn's work was formative to me as an artist and a writer. I related to a lot of the characters and the plots because I too was a traumatized mentally ill/disordered person who had suffered at the hands of both a society and a medical system that did not treat me with dignity.
8 years of my life this comic was a part of.
Everyone has already said everything about Kittycorn the person, her actions, and her predatory associates so I'd like to talk about something else.
Sparklecare as a piece of art
...and how it just speaks to the lack of true artistry that everything about it ceases to hold up entirely once you know the Real Intent.
Because it's insincere.
If you essentially have to deceive your audience to get them to care, you have failed. If you're going to pull deception on your audience it has to be intentional to the experience. You can have stories that are fucked up, transgressive, and taboo succeeding in being fantastic stories in spite of those things as they wear their heart on their sleeve, genuine in what they want to convey. Sparklecare and all its surrounding media is none of that when Kittycorn put on a fake safe persona with a fetish mining work full of dog whistles and falsehoods.
When you set a standard for what your work is and what to expect, it is a MASSIVE 'Fuck you' to your audience to go against what you supposedly stood for the entire time otherwise. I guess a kind of similar example I can bring up is exactly why people hate the ending of Bunny Drop so much. It goes beyond the incest as a presence, it's more about the betrayal of expectation I'd say. It forces you to retroactively look at everything differently and it just ruins it entirely. Every single familial interaction in Cometcare is now impossible to see as just wholesome familial bonding, it's all warped to hell and back right down to the extended lore and themes. The very existence of 'secret canon' or whatever excuse tampers the whole. If it was like a fan-made thing it'd be like whatever, but this is the actual creator - this is a part of her vision. Right from the source.
But even once you realize this, it still doesn't work because it feels unnatural like what is actually wanting to be said/done is being held back. So you're stuck in this awful middle ground of a horrific realization.
The point is, people who aren't upfront about this sort of shit will never make good art that's worth remembering. In a few years no one will give a fuck about this comic outside of its controversy. That is the legacy one leads through insincerity. Even if it does remain it will never again reach the height or momentum it once did.
If you really want to really 'do whatever you want forever', you have to do it with honesty. You can't hedge around it or downplay what you actually want to do. All you will do is build yourself a mounting wall of expectations you know you will never meet because it's all a lie. For all Kittycorn saying in the past she never wanted it to be popular or get the attention it did... she kept pandering to the popular instead of doing what she actually wanted to do, and that's make a fucked up incest comic. It's because the allure of material reward of a large safe fandom that gives you fanart, recognition, and money is rewarding rather than making something real.
That hypothetical fucked up incest magnum opus, I wouldn't be apart of that audience nor would a lot of people in the current Sparklecare fandom. It is an alienating thing to create just purely based on what it is and if that's the 'whatever you want' to make 'forever', it is something one must accept. It also takes a lot of skill to make a work that an audience that otherwise would never engage with something like that to still enjoy/see the merits of it in terms of a piece of art/story. Good writers are perverts, but not all perverts are good writers. If you're not putting your entire ass in everything, the ass crack will show. As an artist who willingly puts their art out into the world and curates a specific audience and tone with their work... how she did not expect any of it to backfire is beyond me.
With an art and writing style that lends itself to a more juvenile audience with how very 'teaching a lesson' focused things are (even the incest comics are like this) it does not naturally lend itself to nuanced discussion nor the sea of depth in terms of character complexity. Sure the characters are multi faceted, but their actions are very black and white with the creator very not open to alternative interpretations that she cannot control within the audience to the point of distress (see people having a problem with Doom in a relationship with former patients he inadvertently aided in torturing by being complicit in the system that enabled it, for example). Even if it turns out if, for example, Sly is supposed to be seen as victim of her own illness (OCD acting on intrusive thoughts) it doesn't magically alleviate her of the actions portrayed nor disgust overshadowing sympathy. There is nothing Kittycorn can do to repair the reputation of this character within her art.
She is still calling the rampant incest canon just a comfort thing and thinks that being like 'umm all the canons are separate it's all AUs' changes intent and mindset in any way. You can't magically just switch off part of your brain when working on certain things - that's not how it works. It's not even like I can't fathom or understand where the coping comes from - a world where what if this awful thing that happened to me wasn't awful and I can reframe it in a positive way for myself so the abuse I endured hurts less. What if the codependent trauma bond meant so much more than a vessel of having power over someone in a life devoid of it? Potentially, a work like that could be quite profound because incest as both a moral dilemma and as a form of abuse, there is no easy 'out' when dealing with it. Themes of generational trauma, legacy, power, sexism, desperation...
EDIT: Okay never mind, that entire last three paragraphs before this one was written before the giant ass Sly x Eve defense and... no one is misrepresenting anything. It turns out it is full on incest romanticization in the most literal way. Incest true love. There's no nuance here whatsoever. Which, damn, I... I guess I'm truly speechless here. I was expecting like ANYTHING I guess but it's just... NOTHING...? I feel like an idiot. Fell for it again award received by me!!
I would like to formally apologize to the Coffin of Andy and Leyley - I didn't give you enough credit.
8 fucking years I invested into this shitty fucking comic and it turns out I was reading way WAY too deeply into EVERYHTING. FOR YEARS. Sparklecare was only good because I autistically indulged and overanalyzed everything into thinking there was more here being said and presented than it ever actually was.
I need to sit down.
But the key to that is sincerity.
Which is what Kittycorn lacks. It extends beyond her art as even her 'apology' posts are insincere. I don't think Kittycorn understands that no amount of 'actually you are supposed to interpret it like this' will change people's perception purely because of the sensitive nature of the topic at hand. You can be a big massive pervert with big massive pervert parts in you story and it could potentially have merit as art, but it has to be sincere all the way through. You can take perverse to mean purposefully contrarian or sexually taboo- either way I feel it applies. If you can't even be honest about the sorts of people you hang around with nor the way you approach your very public persona...
How can anyone trust a word you say? When all you've done so far is lie? At what point does the audience stop accepting the 'Fell for it again' award?
Why should anyone view your art as anything but a farce?
Anyway, that's my ramble about art.
Wotay27166 signing off for the last time, peace ✌️
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ooooo-mcyt · 6 hours ago
Scott's self sacrificial behavior isn't just him being 'selfless' (although he does genuinely care very strongly about other people, to be clear), it's a massive maladaptive coping mechanism.
I feel like Scott's thee main motivators are;
1.) A desire to avoid experiencing loss, probably beginning with his immensely traumatic experience with debilitating grief in Third Life after losing Jimmy.
2.) A desire to maintain personal agency, also likely stemming from the trauma he experienced in Third Life, losing everything- including control over his own mental state- and then being chased through the woods and killed.
3.) A desire to do the "correct" things- usually seen through him going out of his way to do "good" things and completely repressing "bad" desires- in order to maintain stability and security. This is less a motivation on its own and moreso a major way Scott fulfills the ones listed above.
Self sacrifice is very useful toward fulfilling all of these motivations. Sometimes doing the "right" things for Scott borders on ritualistic behavior rather than being motivated solely by genuine selfless desir. Sacrifice, in any form, is "selfless", Scott views it as a universally "good" thing to do, and to Scott, behaving "correctly" is the one guaranteed way to maintain stability. In a way, self sacrifice makes Scott feel more secure.
Furthermore, it comes to the most noticable way Scott self sacrifices- that being his tendency to give his lives to other people- this is also the easiest way to avoid grief. Scott, simply put, cannot lose someone if he dies before they do.
And of course, it allows Scott to maintain personal agency in a more basic way too- if Scott kills himself (or has someone else do it for him), Scott never has to experience the helplessness or violation of agency that would come from being killed by someone else.
So, in some ways, Scott's self sacrificial behavior is beneficial for him. It helps him avoid reliving his worst traumas and at least makes him feel more secure and stable.
However, just because a coping mechanism helps alleviate stress and trauma in some ways, doesn't mean it isn't harmful.
Scott dehumanizes himself, he represses his desires immensely, and he's deeply avoidant of even acknowledging the things he fears (grief, acting selfishly, loss of agency). He actively sacrifices his sense of identity, ability to engage with his desires, and ability to form boundaries with other people, because he subconsciously sees repression and sacrifice as the only ways of avoiding more trauma. And then for good measure he convinces himself that his maladaptive coping mechanisms are actually the most morally right thing to do and that he's obligated to keep doing them if he loves his teammates.
I think Scott desperately needs to let go of some of his control- as much as that may feel counterintuitive and scary- and some of the moments I keep going back to (like his wild life final death) are the ones where Scott is convinced to act recklessly or in personal desire, even if it seems to cost him in the moment, instead of committing to acting 'correctly' (avoidantly, repressively, sacrificially). Unfortunately, I don't think he's anywhere near ready to even recognize that he's acting in ways that are harmful to himself, let alone ready to stop.
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original-begay-docrime · 1 day ago
It's just a mini adventure story about Odysseus.
The Great Cyclops & Sheep Heist
It started, as all great disasters do, with boredom.
Odysseus, now officially a son of Hermes, had been spending way too much time perfecting his prank game. So, naturally, when he saw Polyphemus (Poseidon’s favorite cyclops) herding his sheep near a sacred spring, he thought, Why not steal them?
So he did.
Getting past a giant, one-eyed shepherd was no easy task. But Odysseus had an idea—a stupid, brilliant, absolutely ridiculous idea.
One night, while Polyphemus was sleeping peacefully, Odysseus snuck up and poured salt water straight into his massive eye.
The results were instantaneous.
Polyphemus woke up screaming. Not just any scream—a full-blown, deep, earth-shaking, "I AM IN THE WORST PAIN OF MY LIFE" scream. He clutched his eye, rolling around in agony.
"WHY?!" he bellowed. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING BURN?!"
Then, through his blurry, salty vision, he saw a blurry figure in the distance. "Oh, great one!" the figure (Odysseus in disguise) shouted. "You must cleanse your eye! The gods demand you wash it with more salt water!"
"That... that sounds like it would make things worse," Polyphemus groaned, still writhing in pain.
"Nonsense!" Odysseus said, pushing him toward the ocean. "Trust me, bro. Would I lie to you?"
And Polyphemus, in his infinite, one-eyed wisdom, did exactly that.
He plunged his face into the sea, hoping for relief—only to immediately experience Round Two of searing, eye-melting agony.
Cue more screaming.
Meanwhile, Odysseus was already at work, smuggling every single sheep out of the cave while the cyclops was busy blinding himself even more.
By the time Polyphemus was done dunking his head into Poseidon’s domain like an absolute fool, Odysseus and his new fluffy friends were long gone.
The next morning, Poseidon stormed into Olympus, dragging a half-blind, traumatized Polyphemus behind him.
"YOUR SON," Poseidon roared at Hermes, "has kidnapped my Cyclops and ALL his sheep!"
Hermes, ever the chill dad, just sipped his nectar. "Well, did you lose them, or did he find them?"
"Sounds like a you problem."
While the gods bickered, Odysseus was already planning revenge. Because if there was one thing he didn’t do, it was let things go. So, after months of careful planning, he got back at Poseidon in the pettiest way possible:
By tying shipwrecks into his seaweed-like hair while he was asleep.
This wasn’t a simple job—no, Odysseus spent months intricately knotting tiny wrecked ships into Poseidon's sacred locks. Every morning, Poseidon would wake up, shake his head, and a dozen tiny boats would fall out like confetti. Sailors started treating his hair like the Bermuda Triangle.
It took Poseidon a decade to get rid of them. Even now, he occasionally finds a rogue mast tangled in his curls.
And what about the sheep?
See, while everyone thought this was some grand, elaborate prank, Odysseus’ reasoning was much simpler: he just wanted a warm winter coat.
When Poseidon finally found the stolen flock, they were all standing there—bald. Completely shaved down to the skin. No wool, no fluff.
Not even eyelashes.
Polyphemus, holding the most pitiful-looking, shivering lamb, turned to his father and whispered, "I can see the shame in their eyes."
Meanwhile, Odysseus was lounging in a full-length, custom-tailored, ultra-soft fleece coat, looking smug as hell.
Worth it.
I love this so much!!!
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beclight · 3 days ago
hopping along, Sparklecare doodle requests are also open to brighten the mood a little!<3
Huge ass yap under cut tldr fuck you need kittycorn you backstabbed your fans
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i am sure everyone has gotten the news, so i wont go too in details here. However, Sparklecare has been outed as being full of incest - more specifically the CometCare AU - and i cannot just say nothing and support that
I know kc is a survivor of those things, and needing to exteriorize i can understand. but hiding it? hiding extreme-lenghs incestuous relationships in the root of a webcomic you allowed minors to read??? (for a year and a half for cc, over 8 for sch)?? while ACTIVELY lying to your fanbase about being grossed out by it?? I am so i so unbelievably upset by the fact my biggest hyperfixation of over two years now was just filled to the brim with incest in the backstage by an undercover proshipper. i was never into cc like i was into Sch (even though i really did like it at first, up until the WWW arc), but some of the characters with the most incest to their names were my faves and now I can't even lay my eyes on sly without having goosebumps (- and haven't been able to for around a month.)
Kittycorn, you built a community of traumatized individuals. you comics were supposed to be emotional outlets where learning how to get out and deal with trauma healthily is the main subject. You have a fandom of pretty young people (14-21 for the most part), which are not only vulnerable due to their ages but also due to the traumatic experiences they may have gone through for sparklecare to resonate with them, and be a comfort to them. You betrayed us. you betrayed all of us. How did you think there was any way this was going to end well?? genuinely. I've seen three people threaten to harm or end themselves in the past 12hours, so please tell me how did you look at your community full of vulnerable low-mentalhealth people, mostly children, who relied on the "comfort" stories you had to tell to get over their traumatic experiences and went "yup. let's fetishize and encourage half my fanbase's traumas in the backstage!"
Overall, as much as i despise kittycorn now and am filled to the gut with rage thinking about all of this, i in all honesty doubt i will stop posting about sparklecare entierely. this hyperfixation is a too much important chunk of my identity now, i am not exaggerating when i say it would take years to undo it's effects on me. i guess this will be one of those msi/omori/okegom situations where the fandom enjoys the final product on their own away from the creator and they all secretly want them off the internet and in therapy forever. Plus its not like i interacted with the main tag a lot anyway. if you don't want to keep on posting about this comic because you feel betrayed, thats fine! best of luck on your next journey <3 if you still want to stay, hell yeah, this is our comic now! ill see y'all over at #sperklacera (damn that offbrand tag has never come more handy lmao) we fans are the only thing we have left for each other, and you guys deserve art of your faves that wasn't made by someone that secretly drools on 70's parent x 10yo child relationships. We've all we got now.
Oh and, most importantly: Fuck you Kittycorn
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mortish-writes · 14 hours ago
Will there be different ways for MC to feel about the pregnancy as it's going on? I'll happily headcanon whatever so it's all good if there's isn't, just wondering. I feel like my MC will have mixed feelings about it all for awhile at first, but will end up loving her child (children if twins?) In the end. But I feel like pregnancy is a big deal and changes the body so I feel like at least for my MC that too is something she's gonna being having a hard time with at first. (I mean MC probably never thought thet would ever have kids so that's more shit to work through from her traumatic life)
This is a good question! The MC will react differently depending on choices you make. Most reactions will be mixed. It’ll be a lot for all versions of her to process. How the MC processes it and how quickly she does it will be up to the player. I have a wide range of scenes drafted regarding that aspect of the story and I don’t intend to glaze over it with a “oh well, guess I’m pregnant now. Time to get back to the real plot” type of scene. I find it disappointing how pregnancy romances sometimes do that. I don’t know if it’s the authors just not having experience with pregnancy, the whirlwind of emotions that accompany it, and how profoundly it changes your day to day life even in the early days, or if they just think readers won’t be interested in reading those types of things. I’m interested, so I intend to write it all out.
Not just for the MC, but for Serax & Valdricht as well. Serax’s emotional journey for that will be interesting for a variety of reasons, including his own turbulent upbringing and trauma. Valdricht’s will be particularly fascinating to explore. Can someone who’s lived as long as him adapt to becoming a father, and what would that mean for the life he had planned prior? I cannot wait to get to that part of the IF. Writing everything before it is a lot like eating your dinner so you can have dessert.
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ilidaeandquill · 2 days ago
All Is Fair in Death and War - Character Analysis/Notes
The Goat/Goatfrey - Denial
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I’d like to first and foremost apologize for everything I put this poor goat through. Of all the characters in AIFiDaW, they are probably the one that suffers the most (if such a thing can be tracked).
They are also my favorite character so yay :D
(Keep reading for character breakdown) First Chapter: All Is Fair in Death and War - Chapter 1 - IlidaeAndQuill - Cult of the Lamb (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own] (Unfortunately they don't show up until the 2nd chapter, but hey there's the fic anyway! It's super close to 1,000 hits, I’d be beyond grateful if you helped me reach that goal!)
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Primary Motivation: Plagued by amnesia from an unknown curse, Goatfrey aims to recover their memories. They soon learn that their memories are connected to the Bishops' Relic Side-Quest (seen in the Unholy Alliance Update); after this, healing the Bishops becomes their sole motivator. It is important to note that they do not know who the Bishops are/the crimes the Bishops have committed.
Character Traits: Goatfrey is notably blunt, loud, and bold. They are exceptional in battle (almost a bit too exceptional), though they can often come off as rude. They are very much an 'attack first, talk later' kind of character.
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Theme Songs (Lyrical): “Hellfire” - Fever 333, “King Talk” - Blackway & Shaquille O’Neal & Koko, “The Sharpest Lives” - My Chemical Romance Theme Songs (Instrumental): "Symphony No. 8 'A Thousand Suns'" - HOYOMiX, "Water Temple [Phases 3 and 4]" - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Adding an additional ShamGoat song from their p.o.v. because you can't stop me: "Just Pretend" - Bad Omens
Voice Claim: Sam Porter Bridges - Death Stranding Dialogue Pattern: Sloppy and informal, much like an older brother. Of all the characters, they are the one to swear the most.
Outfit Inspiration: They definitely prefer light garments. They're constantly lugging around a giant axe; they don't need their own clothes weighing them down as well. Of course, the outfit is finished with their violet fleece and silver bell, as well as the Cross Eye of the Crow after Chapter 7: Beings of Chaos.
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Their scars were heavily inspired by Ashitaka's from Princess Mononoke. They experience similar flare-ups as well. "Ilidae what is Princess Mononoke?" BRO?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.
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Goatfrey is the deuteragonist of AIFiDaW and the primary representation of the 'Denial' stage of grief. This is mainly seen through their amnesia, a literal denial of the past, but also their mannerism regarding traumatic experiences (ex: in Chapter 5: Shepard and Herder, they refuse to believe the Mystic Seller does not have access to their memories - they deny this truth) (there is a way better example that I will add later but unfortunately that is a spoiler).
Random Trivia/Facts: - They are the whole reason I started playing Cult of the Lamb lol I FUCKING LOVE GOATS THEYRE SO STUPID RAAAHHH - Their favorite weapon is the axe, but they like the blunderbuss and gauntlets too. - Among mortals/followers, they are known as 'The Lamb's Ally' instead of an additional cult leader. This helps keep the faith in the cult (apparently irl cults are very particular about who the leader is, and risk dismantling if the leader changes). As the 'Ally,' they are admired like an older brother; they're cool, powerful, and strangely wise. That said, they're a bit of a jerk, so Lambert has to stop them from causing too much havoc before they unintentionally destroy the faith. - They are very particular about touch. They don't like being touched by anyone they don't know/trust, and are not afraid to react violently, even if the touch is accidental. - On the other hand, if they are with someone they know and trust (ex: Lambert and Jalala) (and eventually Shamura but they don't know that), they can be very clingy. They'll often look for dumb excuses to be touchy. - Due to their experience fighting the curse (prior to the events of the story), they are scared of dark open spaces (look, I have to give them some natural weaknesses, ok?). - In original drafts, they were the God of Life, serving under an alternate "Narinder"-esc form from a different universe. I changed this because A: It seemed like MM was pushing for a connection between the Goat and Shamura, and B: I fucking hate writing multiverse stories. I can't do it ya'll I'm sorry. (More notes to be added as I think of them)
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If you read this far, thank you for exploring my analysis/notes of them in my portrayal of them! They are mainly featured in my primary CotL fanfiction All is Fair in Death in War, though I doubt I'll be able to write another CotL fic without incorporating them somehow. This little shit is just too addicting lol.
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faernwei · 6 months ago
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batbabydamian · 7 months ago
A Quick Guide to Damian’s Furry/Feathered/Scaled Companions
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LEFT: R:SOB #1 Cover RIGHT: R:SOB #6
Introduced in: ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN (2015) #1
DAMIAN'S BABY AND BEASTY BESTIE!! On a mission during the Year of Blood, Damian kills the family of bat dragons guarding his objective. Goliath, despite being the youngest and last of his kind, forgives Damian. Goliath goes on to become one of Damian's most loyal companions, even featuring beside him in Batman Beyond (2016) #10, #11, #43-#47!
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LEFT: B&R #13 RIGHT: B&R #4
Introduced in: BATMAN AND ROBIN (2011) #2
A Great Dane gifted to Damian from Bruce as an effort in fatherhood. Funny enough, Damian finds him a nuisance at first and briefly refers to him as "Dog". Titus is a good boy that follows Damian's every step, even joining Bruce on his mission to resurrect Damian!
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LEFT: Batman Inc #1 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #1
Bat-Cow, branded with a star signifying which cattle were contaminated, was saved from a slaughterhouse to run some tests (which they do find of a mind control variety). Damian declares himself a vegetarian, and calls her Bat-Cow! She also sorta has a running gag of literally standing in the face of danger to save the day.
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LEFT: Batman Inc #6 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #6
Considered a "hopeless case" by the animal shelter, Alfred gifts him to Damian. The cat is a bold lil guy, which Damian takes an immediate liking to, and names him Alfred (likely because tuxedo cat = butler lol). After hours of chicken, playtime, and scratches, Damian and Alfred become friends! He makes his first appearance alongside Damian’s first appearance as Batman in BATMAN (1940) #666
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LEFT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #2/#1 RIGHT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #23/#12
Introduced in: BATMAN LI'L GOTHAM (2012) #2 (Digital) #1 (Printed)
The Penguin unleashes an army of turkeys at the Gotham Thanksgiving parade which Damian turns into his own li'l turkey march by playing the trumpet. He ends up bringing one of them back for Thanksgiving dinner (as a friend), and Jerry becomes a fairly regular appearance in the world of Li'l Gotham!
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Introduced in: NIGHTWING (2016) #42
A sort of filler issue where Damian has been kidnapped for his blood by the "Crimson Kabuki" in Tokyo, and Dick goes through a series of boss battles to save him. The dragon's blood has been the group's main source of power, so it ends up teaming with the duo, and returns home with them.
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Wiggles was originally named by a fan, "Shanootnoot" on Twitter!
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*Goliath, Titus, Bat-Cow, and Alfred the cat have been Damian's main canon cast of furry companions, but SUPER-PETS SPECIAL: BITEDENTITY CRISIS (2024) may have just added Jerry and Wiggles!!
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autisticaradiamegido · 1 year ago
thoughts on dave and aradia (<>)?
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day 356
BIG fan tbh. in this house we love and respect timerails
truly yall read this log and tell me theyre not cute
#day 356#year 4#dave strider#aradia megido#aradave#homestuck#she really saw this kid and was like OH YOU HAVE ISSUES WITH YOUR MORTALITY?? :D#boy do i have some relevant life experience and wisdom to impart on THAT ISSUE SPECIFICALLY#and then she just. very gently and kindly makes the subject more approachable for ghostdave#the pesterlog i linked is literally my FAVORITE aradia moment. to me it is THE character defining moment for god tier aradia#yes she is being kind of ominous and trickstery at first#but it VERY quickly becomes clear shes got genuine concern for this kid she's had very little to do with up until this point#she really wants to connect with him over their shared time aspect stuff#and she really DOES care about how he feels about everything. she wants to help and she wants to put him at ease#because she KNOWS from experience that being dead and having to cope with what that means for you is like VERY UPSETTING AND TRAUMATIC#shes not just like. 'hee hee i think death is great and awesome because im edgy'#shes like 'no dude being dead is scary if you dont have anybody to explain this shit to you. so im going to explain it-'#'-and hopefully by the end of this conversation you will have some new things to feel relief and maybe even joy and excitement about'#'not just in spite of the death thing but BECAUSE of it'#i know shes spooky and has weirdgirl swag and we all love that about her but like#at her core she is a very KIND person. she may occasionally struggle to connect to people through the Death Special Interest Haze#but she WANTS to and when she DOES she is like. a genuinely very warm and comforting presence for her friends#ANYWAY. if andrew hussie or i guess james roach now want to give me an honorary doctorate for my 12+ years of intensive aradia studies#i will be here waiting patiently#timerails
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 1 year ago
Where’s that post I made about Mike being the companion that broke under the horrors bc I’m still right. When I think abt the THINGS some companions have had to endure and have still seemingly been fine, and then I think of mike losing himself and his values to a festering psychological wound that left him open to radicalisation, it’s like he is the evidence that actually everything isn’t fine.
Which is why it’s so important that he should be next seen in meditation, in the seeking of peace, in quietness and healing because not only is he a character that needs it he’s also a character that knows he needs it and seeks it out for himself, because he doesn’t recognise who he is anymore and he wants, not to redeem himself in the eyes of others (he won’t even go near UNIT, not even when he needs their help, he goes through Sarah Jane instead!), but to become a better person, to stop being a threat, and to heal for his own soul’s sake.
And so he goes from someone who was willing to see the entirety of human history erased, to someone who will risk his life for one person and the fact that that ultimately saves his life always imo comes across as a bit easy if you watch planet of the spiders without this context in mind. But when you do think about where Mike has been, psychologically, from the green death through to planet of the spiders, it doesn’t seem easy at all but actually a significant if understated character moment.
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romanticatheartt · 4 months ago
If I had the ability to led on a grown ass man (without even doing much) for 5 centuries I'd be proud as fuck, lemme tell ya...
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Mor probably...
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ghastigiggles · 8 months ago
also uhhh i wanna b clear abt 1 itty bitty lil thing
when i say this blog is minor-safe, i mean like. the content i put out is safe for all ages to consume and rb and i'm comfortable with that. i mean this blog is one where underage community members can gush in the askbox about fictional characters and whatnot.
this is my library and i am the sole custodian. y'all can come to me to talk about the whack ass books or to tell me some creepy nerd is hanging around so i can beat em up with a broom. it starts and ends there
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qoldenskies · 4 months ago
Does the Hidden City have any therapists Dontron could seek in the future? Because God love em, these kids are trying but they are. *Kids*. And a horrifically traumatized & depressed rat dad
unfortunately they're not registered as hidden city citizens, probably dont have the money for it (it's not like donnie's. uh. capable of doing much right now), and have a history of being arrested and conspiring with criminals (draxum). although ive always kind of imagined draxum would receive a full pardon after the s2 finale and this would eventually be rectified, so there's a possibility! if they ever did it'd probably be around post-movie times. it'd be a whole process but i could definitely see them considering it.
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year ago
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Black Widow (2010) #4 and #2 and #4
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tyrianluda · 7 months ago
reblogging a post about how "deviantart cringe" ruined artists and just saw two mutuals talking about being featured in solar sands' livestream/videos solely to be ridiculed and mocked.
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