#and it may be super simple like literally an if statement but!!
aastarions · 1 year
i love video games
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Hi! Firstly, thank you for creating this blog and helping all of us out! Secondly, and sorry if this is such a silly question, but how do you write an engaging summary?
I find my own fic summaries are so… lackluster… and not even I’m interested in reading it — so how I can I expect others to be? Even if I like my story, when I write the summary in the start of my fic/in my masterlist, I’m like “Wow… this is not even remotely interesting! 😭”
So yeah, I was wondering if you had any tips/advice for that? 😭 Totally fine if not, I just figured I’d ask. Thanks and have a great day/night! 😘
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Summaries are the bane of many writers’ existences, including my own. It’s already hard enough to get the words down on paper for the actual story, and now people want you to convince them to read it with something more than “I WORKED REALLY HARD ON IT PLEASE IT’S GOOD I PROMISE!!!!”
Squishing a ton of context into a small blurb seems impossible, but I promise it can be done!
Obviously everyone goes about things differently, and a lot of these tips may not work for everyone, but nevertheless, here are some tricks on how to write an engaging summary!
Here’s a simple template I like to use, which will be the focus of this post:
Hook (Draw the reader in!)
Context (What are the core elements of your story?)
Cliffhanger (Introduce a question/scenario that the reader will want to click to know more about!)
1. Start With a Hook
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Just like with the first sentence of a story, the first sentence of your summary should immediately spark the reader’s interest.
A bold statement! A good (short) quote from your fic! A shocking discovery! A cool word definition/the definition of your title!
I always like to put the hook of the story on its own line/paragraph, just to emphasize it.
Examples of a hook (Note, these are rushed and off the top of my head. Just meant to give a general idea, not be literary masterpieces): - "It all started when Character A puked on their Uber driver." - "War was inevitable." - "Character A would be dead by sunrise. That’s what Character B vowed." - "By the time they got to the city, it was too late."
Your hook is probably the most important part of your summary; someone will know within milliseconds whether or not they will continue reading.
Once you’re past that initial hump, it’ll be easier to convince a potential reader to skim the rest of the summary. Giving something that jumps out at them will set your story apart from others and ensure it gets that click you deserve!
2. Give Some Context
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For shorter one-shots, sometimes a single hook is enough! But if your fic is longer, with a bit more moving parts, you might want to choose a few highlights. Get the essence of your story on paper.
This can be super hard, so don’t feel discouraged if you feel like you’re not getting it. I’d suggest keeping your context to about 1-3 sentences depending on the length of your story, so make sure they count.
Buzzwords are a key factor in getting the main points across. Use ones that relate to your main plot to your advantage! 
For example, if I were to make a short summary of Game of Thrones for someone who has never watched it before, I would definitely include some of these buzzwords: - Dragons - Conquest - Succession - Revenge - Slaughter - Betrayal
Using powerful words (i.e. slaughtered instead of killed) can help draw in your audience!
I can't dictate exactly how you should write your context, since every fic is different and shouldn't be brought under an umbrella of the same rules, so it might help to find inspiration from other people’s summaries.
3. Pose a Question the Reader Will Want the Answer To
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The biggest point of a summary is the “so what?” factor. You have all of these tags, but how does the fic make use of them?
A summary shouldn’t be giving all of the answers, but it should still leave crumbs for the reader’s imagination! This doesn’t mean that you literally need to put a question in the summary, but rather pose an unresolved scenario/problem that the reader will want to click to know the solution to.
Here are some example sentence templates that pose an indirect question, often put at the end of a summary to spark interest (Note, these are rushed and off the top of my head. Just meant to give a general idea, not be literary masterpieces): - "Everything changes the moment Character A makes a choice they can't take back." (What is that choice? How does it affect the other characters?) - "As the truth comes to light, nothing will ever be the same." (What is the truth? How does it change things?) - "A dangerous game begins, and only one can emerge unscathed." (Who will be that person?) - “It’s the first time they meet, but it won’t be the last” (What will be these next instances? How do their worlds collide?)
4. Some General Advice
If you don't think the above format works well with your fic, here's just some general advice that can help you out!
The biggest mistake I see writers making when posting their work is having a giant four-paragraph summary for their story that takes up half of the feed.
Unfortunately, in an age of fast swiping and instant gratification, a reader may skip over a super long summary simply because they don’t feel like reading all of it.
(The reason why long summaries work for books is because people are more patient when they intend on paying to read something; they’ll take more time considering investments than they would with a free read, since they want to make sure it's worth their money. It’s not fair, but that’s kind of how it goes.)
In my opinion, a fic summary should be no more than one short paragraph, two or three sentences max for a one-shot and maybe five sentences for a long fic.
This isn't exact. It really depends on the length and complexity of the sentence, because no matter the how many you use, if there are enough words to make folks comprehend it as a big block of text, then they’re going to be more likely to skip it.
People looking for long fics will be more patient (since they’re making an investment with their time, rather than money) but if you want to appeal to a wider audience that may be casually browsing and stumble across your fic, definitely consider a more brief route.
Because summaries are often an afterthought, many writers don’t put as much effort into it as they would the rest of their story.
I wouldn’t recommend this; people are basing their ENTIRE initial opinion of your fic on this small blurb.
If you rush it and make spelling or grammar errors, people will assume that the rest of your fic is also riddled with errors and scroll past!
Make sure to proofread!
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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delululand · 10 months
what do ya think tubatu’s possible green and red flags in relationship?
i thought about this request for quite a long time because for the most part they themselves are kind of green flag hahaha. like in my perception they are all respectful of women in general (at least it looks like it from the outside) and they are emotionally available, which can be understood from their words that they hardly fights with each other and solve problems through dialogues. in my opinion, these are already one of the biggest green flags in men, so in the post i just wrote some good points (?) that came to my mind when thinking about each of the members
red flag: maybe this is super subjective, but that's the only thing that came to my mind. there may be some things that you will have to tell him about. sometimes he is really very simple and naive like a child and there are things that he may not think about that could be offensive or wrong. for example, when they discussed something related to jealousy, he several times answered something like “I would do it, but if my partner tells me not to do it, then I won’t” and the like was about going somewhere and so on, and It's absolutely normal to tell your partner what you like and what you don't like, but there are things that you would like someone to take care of without you reminding like some passive in relationship. (oh idk while i was writing this i started to think that red flag is me…)
green flag: wanna have daughter… okay even though we live in the 21st century, there are still men who want a son because it’s an “heir” and other shit, not that wanting have a son is a red flag in a man since it depends on WHY he wants it, but wanting have a daughter is already green flag in my opinion. and he’s good listen? like he said many times that he is not picky about anything and agrees to everything his partner wants, so this is also definitely a green flag (i hope people around him will not abuse this!)
red flag: i already wrote about this somewhere, but i really think that this is unconscious flirting with someone. he doesn't do it on purpose, he doesn't want to hurt his partner, but it happens naturally and can cause a lot of misunderstandings
green flag: lack of preconceptions about appearance and how men are supposed to look. this man literally wears a skirt whenever he wants and doesn't consider it something cringe or "only feminine" like being a woman is something bad, so yeah i’m proud
red flag: resentment. actually beomgyu loves to tease members, but sometimes when someone starts teasing him he gets offended (for example, the last time when yeonjun jokingly asked “oh like that? i didn’t know” and beomgyu really began to explain to him why this was so and only after a few seconds he realized that it was a joke and I sat there with that face🥺) and we also know how jealous he is so i think sometimes he might get offended by pretty minor things
green flag: firstly i'll leave this video. secondly he's very soft with his loved ones, very gentle, very vulnerable. he likes to be alone sometimes but actually is very clingy and is open in expressing his feelings. he is a person who has the most developed all love languages ​​and he could express his love very efficiently
red flag: work is a priority. this is a common occurrence in general and especially among idols but in my opinion he is a person who really loves and values ​​his work and at least at this age he can sometimes put it above his partner. however, this doesn’t mean that he will neglect his partner’s feelings about this and perhaps, having matured and found a serious relationship, his family may become more important to him. and probably not the ability to show love with words? but actually it depends on your love language and he is great at showing love through actions (here's a video to prove it)
green flag: hearing his statements or just random phrases, he takes relationships seriously and would not waste his and his partner’s time on an affair for a couple of weeks and this is clearly not the guy who after a couple of days of dating will ask you to send him nudes or something like that. and returning to the point above and the video of how he shows love through actions is absolutely a green flag
huening kai
red flag: closedness, he said that sometimes it is not easy for him to share feelings and most likely he is the kind of person who can distance himself from his partner in depressive moments
green flag: super romantic, sweet and gentle. a person who will treat you as if you could break even from the wrong look and will definitely always listen to you, support you and try to help if he can do it
+ adds about all members
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons: Toxic Traits
Also I'm thinking of 2003/2007/bayverse when I'm typing these LMAO
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lowkey a control freak
since he's used to being in charge, he tries that in the relationship. Like, if you both want to hang out in the lair or anywhere in the city together, he makes it to where you sort of don't have a say where you go if that makes sense?
Loves his alone time a little too much
Like he won't answer a text or call because he's doing his own thing
This one is justified since he's always doing something with the team, but he sometimes gets so caught up and a whole day will go by without a word from him
Does not sugarcoat SHIT. He forgets to be gentle in times that you may be weak- he's more of a "well, do it then," kind of guy. If you come upset at him because you lost your job or got yelled at at work, expect him to say "then leave, it's not good for you to stay at a job like that." He'll say this, OFTEN. Especially if you come to him with the same issue, OFTEN.
Also that, don't complain about the same shit to him, he's gonna tell you straight up to do something about it instead of constantly complaining about it (IF it's something you can fix, this doesn't apply to really personal sensitive topics you can't control, i mean things you CAN control, like, your friends, job, clothes, etc,)
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even though raph is like my favorite attractive wise, I'd rather be friends with him LMFAO, why you may ask?
Raph is the PETTY KING.
Will intentionally ignore you if you do something to annoy him
He's so fucking petty bro, it's painful
holds grudges, it goes hand and hand with the pettiness, because in an argument he'll bring up shit that happened like
weeks ago.
I also hc he's an aries, and as an aries, we take everything to heart. We'll take what you say a bunch of different ways
We're also VERY hard headed, and don't care about anyone's opinions but our own, since we're really independent.
So, avoid giving him advice unless he ASKS.
He's independent, so, he likes his space. not that it's a bad thing, but if you're super clingy, yeah, he's gonna break up with you real fast LMAO
Cannot apologize for shit
Like, don't expect him to flat out say he's sorry? maybe a small "my fault," but really, don't expect him to say those two simple words
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This mf cannot admit when he's wrong. When you're dealing with someone as smart as Donnie, he often thinks that his answers are always right.
He'd rather die than admit he's wrong lowkey, because his genius and IQ is something that's unmatched, and to actually be wrong for once? yeah, no
sometimes you have to step up and check Donnie, because there will literally be times he's wrong and doesn't see it
Donnie hates hates HATES arguing. Any statement you make about him or the relationship that appears argumentative, he'll turn down immediately just to not argue, even if you weren't trying to and it was a harmless statement.
Don't ask this man to repeat anything for you more than once, he will not do it. He just doesn't have the strength to waste his breath when he was loud enough the first time
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Remember when I was talking about clinginess? Mikey is clingy as fuck
It's because he wants to be around you all the time, wants to be with you 24/7, that stuff.
It's sweet at first, but if you don't ask for space, he's seriously going to be following you like a dog everywhere i swear bro
Jealous of you, like the life you have. He wishes he could be human all the time, I don't know, he's jealous of the opportunities you have
Doesn't know when to be serious
Like yes his jokes are funny, but when you come upset seeking for an understanding boyfriend, he tries to make it funny, it comes from a good place, but it doesn't help
Doesn't know when to be serious but then gets pressed when you seek for advice from his brothers? like bro? just try not to make a joke while Y/n's talking about their problems?
Out of all toxic traits, Mikey's pisses me of the most- I'm kind of like Raph, I hate clingy ass people or guys, it kills the mood and makes me not want them anymore it sounds bad but like
oops? sorrynotsorry?
@bee-1n-space Masterlist
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cyborg-squid · 3 months
saw a video thumbnail, with a picture of Molar Boatwork Ishmael of course cause it's talking about Vellmori's harassment and departure, wih the text "Gender War" over it
like. no. it's no "Gender War" (and it's not about Molar!Ishmael not being "fanservice" enough either), it's violent misogyny pure and simple. and while these Korean instances of it (dating back to well before PMoon was involved) are super shocking to some of us because it may be the first we've heard of the situation over there, it's not like a unique thing either. there's shit like this all over the globe, it's not uniquely Korean or Chinese (see the Black Myth Wukong stuff) or anywhere else, some people are just noticing it in those places when it affects the media (mostly games) from there they consume, but you can find it here in America or in the UK or across Europe, we just tend to be more desensitized to it in our 'homes'. cuz the PMoon thing led me to looking up some of the history prior, and wow, the levels of misogyny in Korea are super high and super scary! and then you can go look at another country, and maybe the forms it takes are different cuz of socio/political/economic/cultural/etc reasons and the ways it manifests may look different, but it's scary bad there too! and you remember that misogyny is a global force that is nowhere near done being fought.
that was a long digression. but anyway it makes me mad when people say that the PMoon situation was part of a "Gender War" when it really was. not. One, things in Korea is not a "War" it is feminists getting beat into the ground (metaphorically and literally) at any sign of resistance and using alternative methods to push back, that is not a "War". and Two. well i almost said that, in the case of the PMoon stuff, misogynist "fans" were jumping at shadows or seeing things where there was none, but that's not the right way to put it actually. it's that some men will find any excuse to use violence against women (and those who associate themselves with them) and if they can't find a "reason", they will make one. because there was no "reason" to go after Vellmori and PMoon, and hell it's even unlikely that any of them knew enough about her to dislike her as a person, and it was not like she was a female in a position of power they were striking at yadda yadda, but they were able to take out their hate for women as a whole on her because she was one they were able to reach, and almost wholesale fabricated "justification" for doing so.
and while i'm willing to cut PMoon a lot of slack, and I truly believe their views and intents are in no ways aligned with the harassers, they really really fucked up with how they handled things. for now i believe what they said about Vell leaving voluntarily, I don't think she was 'fired' and I imagine being on the receiving end of such harassment, specifically because she is more 'visible' as one of PM's artists, would make anyone inclined to leave a position. but then I can also imagine that a legal/PR department/whoever at PM breathed a sigh of relief when she did because "Whew, she's leaving voluntarily, saves us the trouble of firing her". not that they were planning too, idk who knows, but her leaving on her own (IF! IF that is what happened) removes that option from the table. but then any goodwill they could have earned by not!firing goes out the window with their vague statements and long delays and threatening legal action against some fans who just wanted the truth. like i said, i don't think PM was a bad faith actor in this or trying to acquiesce to harasser's demands, i am willing to chalk some of their response up to just. idiot management in a time of crisis, bumbling and focused on appearances but not actively malicious, which is again understandable, but still a really fuckin bad look. and i guess while leaping to Vell's defense and really pushing back against the misogyny would have been the right thing to do, it probably woulda made the harasser crowd even more mad at them, and would confuse more normal fans who hadn't heard about what was happening (which explains a lot of PMoons long silences, "If people don't know, why bring it up?". Roosterteeth did a lot of the same thing and, i mean, it's not a dumb move. just a shitty one)
Anyway. It's not a "Gender War", it makes me mad when people call it that, especially when people Youtubers are only talking about it in respect to their/our vidya games. It is misogyny and violence.
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
this isn’t tyt related BUT
I am asking the great writer on advice of how to write a paragraph on explaining a characters appearance because i am STRUGGLING. it should be easy but the words are not wording 😭 any tips for this and just writing in general? (you’ve probably said this somewhere else but so sorry i didn’t see it)
ahhsdf first of all i am flattered that you think of me as a great writer 😭 but!! i do have a few tips!!
so first of all, the amount of detail that you put into a character's appearance really depends on perspective!! for example, i've definitely sometimes written entire paragraphs of, like, nico describing will - a subtle nod toward the fact that he's completely and utterly whipped for him. but then for another character, such as, like, reyna, i may do something simple like "a tall girl with her hair in a braid" (i can't remember the actual description i gave reyna lmao)
so, for a short description:
the simpler, the better. i think the most identifiable traits of a person is their hair (if we're talking about a regular human being, not an alien or animal or something, in which it would probably be whatever traits are not human - such as, say, a cat tail would be the most identifiable trait of catra from shera)
i usually just revert to the easiest method, which is just: hair color and style. if it's in a braid, or a ponytail; if it's short, or long; blonde, brown, pink, or anything else - then your reader already has a vague image of this.
also, it depends what kind of story/fic you're writing! if it's a solangelo fic, chances are, writing "blond guy" is literally all you need to write to make sure your audience knows you're talking about will. but if you're writing a fic in which there are several blond guys, then you'll probably want to go into slightly more detail (like, curly blond hair for will, and short blond hair for jason - even though for jason, i would say glasses would be the defining trait)
eyes are also good! or what they're wearing! just make sure that whatever description you're adding is something that either helps identify the character, or identify the character's personality. a baggy hoodie for nico. a flannel jacket for will. leather jackets, plain tee-shirts, ripped jeans, a mini skirt, flowy dresses, are all pieces of clothing that can make a statement about the character, specifically in au's- because we already know this character, but in this universe, what are they like?
adding on to that, a casual way to point out their clothing is to mention it in relation to the weather. i've done this so many times. like, will wearing a plain tee shirt and cargo shorts in freezing weather! or something like that. if it fits into your story
just remember that, most of the time, people's internal monologues aren't going super in depth about a person's appearance - if i meet someone new, i'd probably note smth like "oh, this guy has glasses and short dark hair. he's wearing a blue jacket" in my head, and nothing further than that
HOWEVER. this is where you get to share more about the person whose pov you're writing. say you're describing the love interest - it would be very likely for (and i'm just using nico and will as an example bc i write them the most) nico to go super in depth about will's freckles, and how blue his eyes are, and how there's a strand of blond curly hair caught in his eyelash, and how his jacket is loose over his shoulders but seems to fit just right, and the star wars tee-shirt that he's wearing is so ridiculous and yet he looks just incredible.
allow yourself to fully think in the perspective of the person you're writing. is the person detail-oriented? if so, they'd probably take more notice of people's appearance than someone who doesn't give a shit. is the person interested in fashion in the first place? then they may add notes about how this piece of clothing really brings out their eyes, or comment on how horrible the shoes match with the jacket.
but *most* of the time, it's something simple. i've gone into so much detail and a slight ramble here lmfaoSKDJF BUT- the MAIN thing i wanted to say was, if you're really in doubt, don't waste too much time on a character's appearance! find one/two identifiable traits, work it into their entry (he ran into a blond guy with a green flannel; she narrowed her eyes, trying to recognize the girl with bubblegum pink hair and a leather jacket; he could only see the back of his head, taking note of the shoulder-length dark hair and denim jacket)
in the end, physical appearance is one of the least important parts of a story - specifically in fics, when everyone already has an idea of how characters look and will likely already have hc's as to what kind of clothes they wear/what length their hair is. add what you like, but if you're worried about making it sound good, just remember that even if you don't add a physical description at all, once you say the character's name, probably everyone will already have a semi-accurate picture of the character in their head!
thank you for the ask :)
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updatebug · 8 months
Hmm with episode five I think I'm starting to feel settled enough in the world of the Magnus Protocol to start coming up with theories about how it all works and what's going on (forgive me if this is super jumbled I haven't nailed this down yet)
So, I've seen the post going around about how the fears have changed into desires and I 100% agree that that is part of it, but I also kind of feel like it may not be that simple, and maybe it's tied up in your love and passion as well rather than just straight up desire/wants? So far I think all but two statements have involved either an artist or a hobbyist and their passion - literal artist, urban explorer, violinist, horror-movie blogger, like it's all something they love, something they're passionate about something they might dedicate their lives or time too and it is specifically their art that is turned against them. Plus re the love connection, the two that don't fit this pattern both relate to the loss of a spouse, through either death or divorce then murder. One said they couldn't bare to never hear their spouse's voice again and wound up getting a distorted horror version of that back, one hid in a garden that reminded him of earlier, happier, times and never left. (and given the murder he doesn't strike me a guy who easily moves on).
I also feel like choices might play a far larger part in this series. In TMA the whole point was that there was nothing anyone could have done and there is a repeated theme where the majority of statement givers didn't do anything to bring any misfortune down on themselves, they just got unlucky. Whereas in this I'm getting more of a your choice matters vibes? Admittedly in a fairy ring unfair conditions kind of way. But the widow chose to go to the graveyard against warnings, the urban explorer took something from the site against the groups rules, the violinist accepted the violin. There's also the fact that so many of the horros thus far the victims are participants in their own horrors, it's their hands doing the terrible things to themselves (and others). Plus the new gang have a choice in whether to stay or not, they have made that super clear the show even started with someone quitting. They don't have to dig any further into the 'statements' and it's actually discouraged that they do, so any digging that Sam is doing so far isn't because of a supernatural compulsion, or even because he is just doing what he needs to for his job, it's because of his own curiosity.
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apothekosm · 4 months
Belief & Apotheosis (a multi-part headcanon)
With this collection of words & references, I am hoping to provide both context and a 'mechanical understanding' to the following statement:
Ana'Hira fashioned herself into a God over the course of her life by rewriting her 'status' in the eyes of the universe, through sheer overwhelming belief.
By referring to herself as such (A God) and by getting others to believe that she is such (A GOD), she became as such (A GOD!).
Certain actions & events had to transpire in order to create the perfect conditions for Ana'Hira's ascension to be possible, of course, but an overwhelming majority (about 90%) of the 'evolution' from 'cosmic clone' to 'universal host' to 'divine being' came from within. A simple mantra of 'I believe in myself.'
To get there, i first need to take you here:
Skrull Religions & The Last Members of the Skrull Pantheon (or, Part One: The Book of Worlds)
In the eyes of the Skrull, RELIGION has often taken a huge, huge backseat to science and military might after the original printing of the Book of Worlds (The Skrull version of a Quran/Legendarium/Litany of Prophecies) was lost during the destruction of Skrullos by THE GREAT HUNGER. (An event PROPHESIED in the Book of Worlds, mind you)
[It's important to note: The Book of Worlds is much more similar to the Quran than a Bible or the Torah, because The Book of Worlds was written by The Gods themselves. It's not 'stories being told by those inspired by the actions of the divine, but a pen-to-paper transcription of the word(s) of The Gods themselves.]
Without the dedicated word of their Gods available for perusal, most Skrull cultures fell in line behind those they believed ordained by Gods: The Emperors, The Empresses, The Cosmic Cubes & The Super Skrulls.
Anyone with the might to rule was followed, as the base idea that 'their might was ordained by the Gods' still prevailed even if the more intricate and subtle lessons of the religions were fading over time. However, some houses, families, and even entire planets (separate from the Throneworld, though they may be) held tight to the idea of the Old Pantheon; to the worship of Kly'Bn the Eternal, and Sl'gur't, of Infinite Names.
Two Skrulls, born millions of years ago, that became THE First Two (and in the eyes of some, ONLY) Skrull Gods.
Millions of years ago, at the conclusion of the Skrull civil war between the three sub-species (Deviant Skrulls, Prime Skrulls, and Eternal Skrulls), after the Prime Skrulls had been exterminated, Sl'gur't the warrior queen of the Deviant Skrulls led her people against the last Eternal Skrull stronghold. When she found the last Eternal Skrull (Kly'bn) who was kneeling at an altar, he persuaded her not to kill him but to let him be their guide and proclaimed his love for her. The two were elevated to godhood because of the truth of his words. The two of them indirectly supported the creation and expansion of the Skrull Empire. They conquered and enslaved the pantheons of the conquered races, numbering nearly 1000 pantheons.
Now THAT THERE IN THE MIDDLE, that's the bit! The important bit. Kly'bn & Sl'gur't ascended to divinity and ruled over their people, literally uplifted into the realm of Gods, simply by finding the TRUTH in Kly'bn's words. A 'truth', mind you, that was simply:
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(For a non-pontificating translation: You've killed everything on this planet that is not like you. But the entire universe is not like you. With myself here, as the pinnacle and mould for what Skrulls should be, I will guide us all to the subjugation, destruction, and conquering of the universe around us.)
And that Truth was enough. Seriously. That was it.
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At that moment, every Skrull in the 'Empire' held the exact same thought: These two beings will lead us into our future, they will sit in the stars, eternal and infinite, and light the way for our species forevermore. I love them, as they love me... My Gods.
And that was enough.
The Power of Belief transformed two, otherwise ordinary individuals, into eternal (they lived MILLIONS OF YEARS after these panels. MILLIONS.), powerful (they fought Hercules' God Squad in a 2v5 and almost won), GODS.
And if it was possible for them, even when the Empire was statistically at its least populated? Then it could be possible for any child of Skrullos, should the right conditions be met...
ENTER: Ana'Hira. (or, Part Two coming soon!)
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
I have a question on WRU universe (or on your view of that particular part). How do "no violence is involved during the training process/everything is humane" claim (for the general public) and options to request, well, optional stuff (also known to public? since the website/order forms are public?) during your pet's training coexist? Like an option to request pain training. Or literally any type or conditioning. Literacy removal. That alone contradicts the "humane" part, doesn't it? How do they even present it?
Well, they don't say there's never pain, just that it's "humanely applied" and that the individuals involved signed up. As far as pain training or certain customizations involving potential harm, those aren't things the public knows about! Just nasty rumors, devoid of proof, that WRU just laments won't stop spreading willy nilly. So frustrating! But people want to believe the worst, you know, of large corporations. Their PR department assures you that these rumors are just that. Rumors.
Order forms are available to the public but not super specific. If you write in some shady shit on customizations, the company will look into you and your background before replying. You may get a simple statement that WRU would never do whatever heinous thing, or you may be contacted by a discreet customer success agent.
And most people find the entire Romantic subset kind of unsettling and uncomfortable, and they don't look too closely.
After all :) they signed up for this :) :) it's what they wanted :) :) :)
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hamliet · 2 years
Hey hamliet, got a bit of an unusual question for you about RWBY.
How do you deal with the negativity?
Now that Volume 9 is going to be on Crunchyroll first and free an entire year later, there's been a lot of negative talk about RWBY and Rooster Teeth. How RT is dying and a shell of its former self. That the RWBY Sub and Discord is going to pirate the hell out of the show instead of supporting it due to the poor treatment of the staff, calling Geoff's statement about how pirating will do nothing more than hurt the show as bad taste, and pretty much fine dooming the show because all that matters now is RT is supposedly a shit company these days and that's all that matters...
Not to mention you STILL have people like the Judgemental Critter releasing videos about how bad RWBY is. There's so little positive RWBY content on Youtube...
Just, how do you deal with it all, the hatedom for a show you love and worries that it might not be ended thanks to the hatedom and controversies surrounding it? Or do you think I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill?'
Regarding YouTube, I ignore it. Sometimes I think about doing takedowns of the Reddit Dudebros who have made RWBY hate videos, but I also don't wanna give them traffic. Instead I use the site I write for (the non-Tumblr one) to write positive RWBY content, which will go up over the next month. It won't have the same reach, probably, but it's all I can actually do.
As for the production stuff, I have mixed feelings.
I think the long hiatus has soured a lot of the trust in CRWBY, and rightly so. Yes, covid, the WBD merge (and WBD's scorched earth policies in general are creating atmospheres of anxiety and fear for all their subsidiaries), Ice Queendom, and the movies have happened, but the sudden hiatus when your previous volume ended on a literal cliffhanger is not a good look. People are going to rightly get suspicious and anxious, and frankly, I think RT didn't handle it well at all. If RWBY continues, and it better, they absolutely cannot have another long hiatus, and they should be forthcoming about things.
I think Geoff's letter is an attempt to be forthcoming. I don't think it's super clear, though, and kind of made things worse--but I also don't think that is Geoff's fault. I think the fandom, as a whole, has issues that are absolutely not the fault of Rooster Teeth or anyone in CRWBY, and are instead the fandom's issues.
The fandom has a semi-parasocial relationship with the actors and writers, which is great on one hand and yikes on the other, because the fans do act entitled in a lot of ways. Because people involved do say certain things, fans take it as Gospel Truth because Their Friend The Involved Person wouldn't possibly have other motives or be a complex human being themselves with subconcious pain and desires that may or may not align with theirs. But the people involved are all, well, people, and they aren't your friend. They're not a bad person or an enemy; they're just a person you don't actually know. People are complicated. I'm also not blaming people involved who speak out; they're doing what they can with what they know. I just wish fans would accept that what fans know is far, far less than they think.
I don't know how to say this in a way that will not get fans furious at me or think I'm dismissing the issues because I'm really not trying to. I'm just an adult who has unfortunately seen the results of simplistic thinking, and there are not simple solutions to complex problems.
If you watch any anime at all, you're probably giving money to studios that treat their workers way, way, way worse than Rooster Teeth does.
If you consume manga, you're giving money to a company that has worked numerous mangakas into permanent disabilities because of their insane deadlines and low pay. Like, Shuiesha is awful. Ishida lost his ability to taste food.
Wait, I can hear all of you now: JUST BECAUSE X DOES IT DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY FOR RT TO DO IT! To which I say: you're hella f*ckin' right. I am not making this argument at all, just laying facts out. It absolutely is not an excuse. 0% excuse.
Get your sh*t together, Rooster Teeth.
But it is to say, if you're boycotting RT but watching something else, don't say it's on blanket moral principles, because it isn't. You're going to have to ask yourself why you hold them to another standard. And to be fair, we all have limits and our own boundaries, so it's not possible to judge others. I avoid certain media and consume others.
There isn't a great way to handle this. There isn't a simple solution that will just magically make everything okay for everyone. It sucks.
But boycotts actually, imo, not going to help and fairly likely to make the situation worse. So instead of no pay, you want them to get... no pay or jobs at all? Because it's not like there's a "good" animation studio. Trust me, I work in the arts. Having no job is awful, too.
It's not remotely the same, but I think back to the sweatshops people boycotted in the late oughts--understandably so. But here's a little known fact: thanks to all the boycotting, a lot of those women went into the sex industry, and not exactly willingly, but out of desperation. I know some of these women by name. It is not the same thing here, and I'm not saying it is, and maybe shouldn't even use this analogy, but I am using it as an example of how boycotts as simple solutions are not nearly so moral as you might think, in broad terms.
Regarding RWBY's future, I really hope we get the ending as Monty planned. I want it, and I think we only need 3-4 more seasons for it.
Frankly, I think RWBY is one of the most well-written American animated shows to exist in the past decade.
(Go ahead and argue with me, dudebros. You'll lose.) RWBY is actually very popular overseas, which also helps.
I also think of Monty's quote from when his mother passed away, which seems eerie considering his own untimely death:
“I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve. It may not be immediate, and often your greater dreams are something you will not achieve within your own lifetime. The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
Anyways, the finale of volume 9 is airing on the anniversary of my dad's death, which is the same day as the anniversary of the death of the friend who introduced me to RWBY's parent as well (yes, our parents died the same day, years apart). RWBY is one of those stories that gives me life and hope again in how it handles grief. I hope there's a path forward for the story that involves treating workers fairly.
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nerdarena2 · 2 days
The Evolution of Anime Fashion: T-Shirts That Tell a Story!!
Anime has long been more than just a genre of entertainment; it's a cultural phenomenon that has influenced art, music, and fashion across the globe. Among the many ways fans express their love for anime, wearing anime-themed clothing has become a prominent trend. In particular, anime t-shirts have evolved from simple fan merchandise into powerful storytelling mediums that connect fans to their favorite characters, series, and even to each other.
The Early Days: Anime Fashion as a Niche Market : In the early days, anime fashion was a niche market. Fans would often have to travel to conventions or order items from specialized stores to find t-shirts featuring their favorite characters. The designs were often straightforward, typically showcasing a single character or the logo of a popular anime series. These early t-shirts were more about identifying oneself as a fan within a small community than making a fashion statement.
The Mainstreaming of Anime: A Fashion Revolution : As anime gained popularity outside of Japan, the demand for anime-themed clothing skyrocketed. What was once considered niche began to infiltrate mainstream fashion. Major retailers started offering anime t-shirts, and collaborations between fashion brands and anime studios became more common. This shift not only made anime fashion more accessible but also diversified the designs and styles available. During this time, anime t-shirts began to move beyond just showcasing favorite characters. Designers started to experiment with artistic representations, incorporating elements of streetwear, high fashion, and pop art. The result was a new breed of anime t-shirts that could be worn both by die-hard fans and those new to the genre.
T-Shirts as Storytellers: The Power of Design : One of the most fascinating aspects of anime t-shirts is their ability to tell a story. Unlike the simple designs of the past, modern anime t-shirts often incorporate complex imagery that captures key moments from a series or symbolizes deeper themes. For example, a t-shirt featuring Goku from "Dragon Ball Z" in his Super Saiyan form doesn't just showcase a character; it represents a pivotal moment in the series that resonates with fans on a deep emotional level. Designs have also become more symbolic. A minimalist design might use a single item, like Naruto's headband, to evoke the entire series' journey of growth, struggle, and triumph. These t-shirts act as a canvas for storytelling, allowing fans to carry a piece of the anime's narrative with them wherever they go.
Cultural Significance: Anime Fashion as a Form of Expression : Anime t-shirts have transcended mere fan merchandise to become a form of personal expression. Wearing a t-shirt from "One Piece" or "Naruto" isn't just about showing off your favorite show; it's a way of connecting with others who share your passion. It can spark conversations, create bonds, and even serve as a form of self-expression. For many, anime t-shirts are a way to wear their identity on their sleeve, literally. Furthermore, anime fashion has become a cultural bridge. As anime's influence spreads across the world, so does the fashion it inspires. Anime t-shirts are now aglobal phenomenon, worn by people from different backgrounds and cultures, all united by their love for the art form.
The Future of Anime Fashion: Where T-Shirts Are Headed : As anime continues to grow in popularity, so will the evolution of anime fashion. The future may see even more innovative designs, with advancements in technology allowing for interactive or customizable t-shirts. Imagine a t-shirt that changes its design based on your mood or environment, or one that allows you to select different scenes or characters to display. Moreover, as sustainability becomes a more significant concern, the anime fashion industry is likely to adapt by producing eco-friendly clothing that still captures the essence of what fans love about anime.
Anime t-shirts have come a long way from their humble beginnings. They have evolved from simple fan gear into complex, story-telling garments that resonate with wearers on multiple levels. Whether you're a lifelong anime fan or just discovering the genre, anime t-shirts offer a unique way to express your love for the art form and connect with others who share your passion. At NerdArena, we celebrate this evolution by offering a wide range of anime t-shirts that do more than just look cool—they tell a story. Explore our collection and find the t-shirt that speaks to your anime journey. Below are some anime t-shirts of the prime anime series of all time.
Prime Anime Series T-shirt Of All Time:
Below are some anime t-shirts of the prime anime series of all time you should not miss putting in your wardrobe  :
Jujutsu Kaisen :
Embrace the strength and cool demeanor of Kento Nanami with this sky blue t-shirt from Jujutsu Kaisen. Perfect for fans who admire Nanami's sharp intellect and unwavering determination, this shirt combines comfort with a stylish design, making it a must-have addition to your anime wardrobe. Whether you're out with friends or relaxing at home, show off your love for Jujutsu Kaisen in style! If you are a true jujutsu kaisen fan and you wish to purchase these anime t-shirts online then you can find them at anime tshirt online.
Demon Slayer :
Showcase your love for Demon Slayer with this adorable Chibi Demon Slayer black t-shirt! Featuring your favorite characters in their charming chibi forms, this t-shirt combines a playful design with a sleek black background, perfect for any anime fan. Comfortable and stylish, it's an ideal pick for everyday wear or a fun addition to your anime collection. If you are a true demon slayer fan and you wish to purchase these anime tshirt online then you can find them at anime tshirt online.
Bleach :
Step into the world of Bleach with this stylish white t-shirt featuring Ichigo and the iconic logo. Designed for fans of the legendary anime series, this t-shirt blends comfort with a bold design that highlights Ichigo's fierce determination. Perfect for casual outings or anime events, it's a must-have addition to your anime wardrobe. If you are a true bleach fan and you wish to purchase these anime tshirt online then you can find them at anime tshirt online.
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To Know More   https://nerdarena.in/blogs/artists-corner/the-evolution-of-anime-fashion-t-shirts-that-tell-a-story
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allthemusic · 28 days
Week ending: 10th October
Ah, and it's the Crickets! Or Buddy Holly and the Crickets? I'm not 100% what the convention is, when crediting them, to be honest. Either way, they're here, and with an absolute banger that feels like a pattern for rock and pop music for years to come.
That'll Be The Day - The Crickets (peaked at Number 1)
I may be wrong, but this seems to be the song that kept last week's Tammy off the top chart spot. Which... yeah, correct call, good job, everybody! There are number 1 songs that I question, but this really isn't one of them - it's such a breath of fresh air, and immediately has me tapping my foot along with the Crickets.
There's something kind of prototypical about it, the way that these four (honestly pretty dweeby-looking) guys have slimmed the rock and roll band down to the bare essentials of singer, lead guitar, bass guitar, drums. Add some backing vocals, and you've got a streamlined set-up that basically remains the pop/rock standard nowadays, with keyboard as an optional extra. Rock and roll, up until now, has been dominated by brassy sounds, horns and sax, and it feels like a bold move, stepping away from all that to concentrate on four guys and their guitars.
It's a song written by Buddy Holly, apparently after he saw the The Searchers at his local cinema. Inspired by John Wayne's character saying the title line, he went and wrote a song - but initially his record company had him singing it with a completely different band, the Three Tunes. It only became a hit in this version, though, and you can see why - everyone involved's really giving it their all, here.
We start with this short but iconic guitar lick. It's been imitated since, and it's super recognisable, even if you don't think you know the song. It's a great example of something simple but effective - it sets up the tone of the song, then launches us straight in, no need to mess around.
We start with the chorus, and it's a chorus that repeats loads throughout the song, so by the end of it, you know the refrain pretty well: That'll be the day, when you say goodbye / Yes, that'll be the day, when you make me cry / You say you're gonna leave, you know it's a lie / 'Cause that'll be the day when I die. It's beautifully harmonised by the Crickets, with this simple shuffle-y guitar and drum pattern underneath it, nothing fancy. It all works very well.
The more I think about the lyrics, the less I'm sure that they work, on a literal level. The intention's fairly clear: Buddy's love keeps saying they're going to leave him, but he doesn't really believe they mean it, or that they're going to break his heart. But should I interpret the lyric about the day when I die as a statement of confidence ("My love will stay faithful until death do us part") or as something a bit more sinister ("Well, if my love actually leaves me, I might just keel over and die")?
On an unrelated but also confusing note, what's he trying to get at with the line about how you give me all your lovin' and your turtle dovin' / All your hugs and kisses, and your money, too? I get that all these things are meant to be proof that Buddy's love really does love him and won't leave him, but adding money to the list just sounds like he's admitting to being their sugar baby, or something? Or at least taking money off them. There's something a little unintentionally creepy about it, a sort of vaguely toxic, manipulative "well, you give me all your money, so you can't leave me now" vibe. Which I'm almost certain isn't the intention here, but still.
These are nitpicks, and honestly, you don't really notice them when you listen to the song, because it's all just so appealingly packaged. Buddy's voice has this really distinctive hiccup to it, and a way of tripping of small words like "well" until they almost sound more like "well-ah". He leans into notes where he needs to, then hangs back when he needs to, and he occasionally dips into this lower register, without it sounding fake or silly. It's pretty great.
The song's also well structured so that it feels like it isn't just repeating itself - the chorus does repeat a lot, but you've also got moments where the backing singers drop out dramatically for a line, you've got a solo to break things up, and you've got the final verse shaking up the rhythms with this syncopated "when you make me cry" line, all punctuated by drum beats - the latter's probably my second favourite part of the song, after th eintro. It's just enough that the track feels like it goes somewhere, keeping your interest through to the end.
The solo's also just good - we get some proper guitar noodling, but in the middle there's also this deeper, chuggier bitthat kind of sounds like the blues rock that starts coming through later on, in the 1960s. It's a riff that's been hinted at under the surface throughout the track, but that really comes to the fore in the solo, and I love it! Third best part of the song?
I also enjoy the ending. There's a good solid "that'll be the day that I die" that Buddy could have ended on, but instead he chooses to repeat a line a few times, the track fading out to a relaxed, that'll be the day, ooh hoo and a little guitar flourish to match the one at the start. It's a confident move, giving up the big, resounding ending for something more laid-back, reflecting Buddy's confidence throughout the rest of the song. He sounds chill, you know - channelling some of that John Wayne coolness, perhaps?
I really like this song. I liked it before I got to it, and I still really like it. It's got a garage rock feel, almost, a little bit less slick and more "four kids messing around on guitars". Which is a template that we're going to be seeing a lot more of, in future. And it's just so well made! Well worth a listen.
Favourite song of the deceptively nerdy-looking bunch: That'll Be the Day
0 notes
12 May 2023. Just saw the I//I states as visible or not which makes f1-3//3-1 of the invisible to not and back. Not is a 0. And it means something else fits there, which is the original meaning from years ago. So these were existence statements which take maths forms, as shown.
I seem to have ‘chanced upon’ a model, which is Henri Poincaré’s introduction to his field of algebraic topology. His thoughts are clear, so the structure of his argument stands out, which is wonderful because his work literally describes how the structures of arguments stand out, how they grab on to forms, and how they embody those forms. He would have translated that into his ideas about linked structures which together make up a surface, meaning he made the observation of surface reality rigorous because we can see feathers and scales and pores, so we are describable. I don’t know how he translated or if he translated consciously from specific natural examples, but he had to have because that is inherent in his work. That is, for example, the hairy ball idea is a cowlick.
But as I’m going to assume you know, the issue is presenting this material and thus a version of the basic CH conundrum itself, that you can’t construct grid squares unless you both ascend and descend to them, which embodies the treatment of a 0 as it expresses in abstract geometry and algebra. I’m really frustrated because any approach works, but I don’t know an ordering of approaches
I can think of simple approaches, like ‘we will construct something called a ‘grid square’ and will explain what that means.’ Dry. Or with the observation that we are 3 dimensional objects living in time, which we generally label a 4th dimension, and we will describe the structure which underlies that dimensional structure.’ Still pretty dry, but a decent sentence.
Or more bluntly, we will define a dimesional structure which harnesses the … no, that got silly because it should be with Cantor first because we are describing how the infinite works dimensionally and how that is D-structure and how grid squares come into existence, etc. So I think starting with Cantor, which I did years ago, has returned with a re-vengeance.
Oh, this is rich. I just ran into the word ‘platonic’, which people takes to mean sexual when it actually is segmenting from bodily to abstract. So platonic is the opposite of superficial in either case. That twist meant I could suddenly see how we fit Poincarré to this through David Hilbert and his spaces and manifold. This also touches Frigyes Riesz, who ‘proved that square integrable functions … could also be considered as ‘points’ in …’, where that means the integration of the square of the absolute value is finite, which is perfect. That brings in functional analysis.
So this suggests using D-structure to define the nature of finite versus infinite, but again that requires a flip of perspective which I’m having trouble seeing occur on paper.
I’m trying to platonic this, meaning I’m trying to connect the abstract to the corporeal, the soul to the sex.
Forgot. What did I type on my phone in bed at top? I saw I//I as existence states refers to the labeling of quadrants and thus the upper and lower half-plane, and the arrow drawings which show those have potential existence states as Triangular or gs, meaning that is a form of I//I in which we have the Triangular and gs forms over their connections. And you can see that happen over the grid lines as the Hexagonal form visually collapses the middle bT on one side of a grid line to a grid line, which isn’t so much a collapse as the Irreducibles.
So this is fundamental. Like super fundamental. And maybe that’s why my thoughts started to generate actual organizational approaches.
Not been a great day otherwise. Woke up and turned on the outside spigot, only to find it was spraying water inside the house, so I got 2 gallons or so of water on the basement floor before I could figure this out. Was able to set up a hose on the other spigot. Then I stepped into the hallway on to glass from the map which fell after years of the basement door banging against the wall. Cleaned that up. The map is fine. Then I found a note about a bill I forgot to pay, which I knew would escalate, which it did this afternoon into a statement from me that I will be devastated if this doesn’t happen next week, and that I can’t string this out any longer. Oh and the highlight was a nice call from the mortgage company which can force me into a sale at any moment.
0 notes
pervysenpaix · 3 years
Blind Date| Monkey D. Luffy X BlackFem!Reader
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Hey besties, this is a collaboration with my love @xogabbiexo. This is a mini series that will include blind date oneshots with characters for various animes. The warning is a blanket statement that covers all the oneshots, I won't be doing all this with just one character, lol. I hope you enjoy.
WARNING (18+) | NSFW Content, may include:
Aged up characters
Foul language
Sexual or Implied sexual acts
Fingering (vaginal/anal)
Oral Sex
Vaginal Sex
Anal Sex
Nipple Play
Throat Fucking
Breath Play
Sensory Deprivation
Foot fetish
I do not own these animes or any characters from the anime. I do not own any images used, all artwork was obtained from google. If you know the artist, feel free to tag them. Do not steal my ideas.
©pervysenpaix 2021
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"This isn't what I was expecting" you muttered to yourself as you walked towards the marina.
Nami told you that Luffy was well off and liked to spend his free time at the ocean so, when your GPS led you towards the beach you figured that the two of you would be having some beach picnic. Well butter me and call me a biscuit because you were dead wrong.
Dozens of luxury sailboats were lined up, bobbing peacefully on the water while the seagulls flew overhead singing their nautical tunes. It was a magical view, only made better by the waving man standing at the edge of the dock.
"Hi there! You must be (y/n) ?" He shouted, grinning widely as he beckoned you over. This man was HOT. Super tall with tan skin and a great smile; a small scar rested beneath his eye but it worked for him in a sexy pirate kind of way. His outfit was simple, sandals, jean shorts, a straw hat and a red shirt that was unbuttoned, exposing his abs and a nasty looking scar. You'd have to ask about it later.
"Hello!" you replied, shuffling quickly towards the waiting man. It was hard to hide your excitement, you could already tell that this was gonna an interesting experience and you didn't even know what the man had planned yet. "Yeah, that's me and you must Luff-ahhh!" your wedge got caught over a bundle of rope, causing you to trip and crash into the handsome stranger. The impact should've made him fall back but he didn't budge. He just looked down at you with a playful smirk on his face as he held you by your waist.
"Falling for me already, darling ?" Luffy drawled, flexing the long fingers that were splayed against your back. "I'm so sorry !" you giggled, "I'm such a clutz!". It was true, you're a ditzy little bimbo, always stumbling or tripping into something. Then laughing hysterically when you landed flat on your face. No shame. Everyone often said that you had a great sense of humor, that's why Nami set the two of you up. She thought that your personalities would compliment eachother. "It's okay. How could I complain when I ended up with such a pretty girl in my arms ?"
Smooth talker, huh ?
"Oh? You think I'm pretty, big guy?" you teased, placing your hand against his forearm. Dude was ripped. Literally muscles everywhere. And, his hands were so big and pretty, you just wanted him to cho-
"How could I not think you're pretty? Did you not check the mirror when you left the house this morning? You look amazing , (y/n)!" You weren't expecting him to keep complimenting you, you'd have any other guy blushing right now but he was completely unbothered. Actually, he was the one making you flustered. "Oh - i- uhh, thank you ?" you laughed, stepping out of his firm grasp. He chuckled, resting one hand on his hip as he regarded you. "Oh, so you can try and tease me but get shy when I respond? That's cute, sailor."
Sir, please stop complimenting me. I will suck your dick.
"Sailor?" you repeat, brow raised and held tilted to the side. So cute, Luffy thought as he eyed your figure. You'd definitely exceeded his expectations, that sundress was the perfect color for your complexion and it hugged you in all the right places; he also liked the way you styled your natural hair. Stunning. Gorgeous from head to to toe and that cute little laugh was captivating. Don't even get him started on the way you squeaked his name when you tripped, he couldn't wait to hear what other sounds you could make. "That's right, pretty girl. Welcome aboard the Thousand Sunny and I'll be your captain Monkey D. Luffy"
"Wow, this is amazing. I've never been on a boat before." you exclaimed as you looked around. It was a pretty big and it's impressive that he was able to set sail and everything by himself. Now the two of you were drifting, about 1/3 of a mile from the coast, and enjoying the picnic he had prepared. "Aww, I'm your first? That's cute, sailor."
Luffy has been casually flirting with you nonstop. It's not even on purpose, he just says whatever comes to his mind and you like it. If you try to tease or flirt back, he doesn't even bat an eyelash, just continues on as if you've known eachother forever.
"So ..." you clear your throat, trying to rid your mind of the innuendos formed from Luffy's latest retort. "This is really nice. What do you do? I mean, I expected you to be well off but, this is some billionaire bachelor type of shit". You laugh and the sound stirs up butterflies in Luffy's stomach, making him smile too. Yeah, he could brush off your cute little attempts at flirting off but that didn't mean he wasn't interested. He was awestruck by you, you were so live and bubbly and beautiful. And that voice, you had to be a siren in another life, maybe even Calypso because that mesmerizing sound could bring, even, the strongest men to their knees. Good thing he liked a challenge.
"I'm the rubber man !" He said proudly as he bit into an apple.
The rub- what ?
"Come again?" you ask politely, you didn't want to risk offending him but you had no clue what he was referencing. That sounds like a phrase from an anime or something.
Luffy laughed and took another big bite, "that's what I called myself. I own a condom company, One Piece." Oh, so now it was clicking. What a cornball. "How clever" you snort, which brings out another enthusiastic grin from the man, "So I've been told."
The date progressed nicely. You intended to spend only 30 minutes to an hour , but the conversation flowed so well that you ended up spending the whole day at sea.
"This was so nice. The best date I've been on", your eyes were closed and your head was thrown back as you soaked in the sun with your legs rested in Luffy's lap. "Awesome, I'll make sure or next one is even better. I'm gonna be the King of Dates!" he smirked, as he massaged your feet between his rough, calloused hands (lmao @xogabbiexo).
"Oh ?" you questioned playfully, "Bold of you to assume that we're having another date, Captain". That was the first time your words seemed to affect him, a slight blush covered his cheeks and nose. Does someone like power play? Luffy recovered quickly, chuckling deeply and biting his lip. Oh to be that lip. "Oh you can count on it, sailor. I've already decided." he winked, running his and along your calf. You raised up on you elbows to look at him properly, he looked absolutely sinful with the breeze whipping his shirt back and the slight sheen that dusted his abs from the salty spray of the water. His hat was slightly tilted forward, covering one eye, making him look even hotter if that's possible. "What else have you decided, Captain ?"
"Right there ! Luff- ahh, right there !" you moaned, rolling your hips against his face as you pulled on his shaggy hair. "Here?" he whispered, hot breathe fanning over your clit and sending trickles of pleasure to your core.
Luffy's tongue circled your clit, flicking and pressing at the bud as he thrust two fingers inside your wet pussy. Slick coated his cheek and chin and he'd occasionally wipe his face and stuff his fingers in your mouth.
"Did you not hear me, Sailor? This is your captain speaking." he teased, pulling his fingers from your fluttering hole just moment before your climax. You whined, at the emptiness and it was met with a sharp smack on your pussy. " Ahh! Luffy, whyy-" you mewled, back arching in pleasure even though you wanted to pretend you didn't like it. "Because I felt like it" he shrugged indifferently, "Plus that's captain to you, sailor. One more slip up and I'll send you below deck. And, I've been told it's kind of hard to breathe down there". Holy mother of balls.
"Sir, yes sir" you whined, "please touch me, sir. It felt so good." His thick digits slid back into your drenched cunt, curling up against your sweet spot. "You like that, Sailor ?" he murmured, lapping at the slick dripping down your thigh. "Mmph~ yes sir. So good, gonna cum. Fuck~ ahh! Can I come, sir ?" you whined. Luffy grunted in approval and sucked your clit into his mouth. His fat tongue worked you over wonderfully, swirling around your sensitive bud and then lapping at the slick folds. You loved it when his tongue would join your fingers, slipping inside your core.
"Cum for me, sailor. That's an order."
His name. All you could say was his name as the shockwaves of pleasure traveled through you. Luffy egged you on, moaning at the way your cunt pulse against your tongue. He was drunk off your sweet nectar and couldn't wait for his next meal.
After all, he loves to eat.
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This was for you bb @kaizokuluv, I hope you enjoyed 🥺
Check out at @xogabbiexo for her parts. I believe she's doing Gojo first 🌚
Nasty Girls| @plussizeficchick, @gabzlovesu, @dejwrites, @xogabbiexo, @xosuki, @presidentmonica, @indiecursor, @angwritez, @arielspoem, @thicksimpx
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
I just wanted to share this.
Why do we always make an assumption (or lean towards it) that jikook are in gay glass closet? Why do we keep saying there's homophobia in SK? Why are we giving so much importance to the most pessimistic explaination for jikook hiding there relationship?
Like it could be simply they don't want to declare their love without being super sure about each other. They just don't want to make the statement out there that's all. It's not really a thing about glass closet, is what I feel sometimes. JK had literally pointed at JM for the question of what he desired after becoming an adult in what, 2015? If there's homophobia, they wouldn't have done that in a joking way as well. At that point their own relationship was in testing waters phase, and it was okay for JK to point out the obvious. In fact, I didn't see any kind of fear (homophobic) on their faces. There was panic (maybe about the obvious kookmin relationship) but it was all taken in light way and laughed out hard. Only Jhope seemed a lil worried, prolly because he understood the obvious and anticipated that viewers might too. But I could not decipher a homophobic panic/reaction.
And about SK being homophobic, I really don't think so. They have LGBT festivals, have gay Bars and probably have LGBT couples living there (at least the immigrants) or are we saying no international LGBT person buys a plot there and lives in SK (even the singles)? I really don't think it's big of a deal to the SK people if anyone's a LGBT but international fans make it look like a big deal. If homophobia exists, it exist in the same way it does in all other countries.
It's just simple, jikook themselves don't want to give a straight up statement of being in a relationship and zinx it (maybe). It's like those couples - one where they declare on social media of being in a relationship and other who don't. Jikook is the later but ironically they have used the social media to express love to each other or maybe not, who knows?
But I'm just saying, it's really not a big deal in any part of the world if you are LGBT couple. Especially not in developed countries like South Korea. It's just normal and it should be like that. (Laws can, will and have changed, so political agenda is just a temporary argument. I mean if there are LGBT rallies taking place in SK then definitely the laws will change in coming future).
We as third party make it look like a big deal, either by expressing too much support for the LGBT couples (who may really not seek for it) or by being antis/homophobic.
Please don't directly start with "no Anon no"... I've just shared a point of view and on other side of my brain there IS another POV as well. But I find it very funny on some of the blogs (I think you are the only one who doesn't start an answer like this) who straight away take it way too personal even though they themselves are just going by their instincts about any ship they believe in. I like your blog the most, maybe now I should go check out your about section if there's any 😊
Well damn, anon. You're gonna make me write an essay. Hope you're ready for it!
To start, thank you for the kind words and that you like it here. Hopefully you still think that even after I write an entire essay disagreeing with you. 😁💜 You are entitled to your POV, but hopefully you are open to other ones, backed by some research. I don't know if you are LGBTQ either... I don't want to assume, but the way this was written makes me think that you are not. Which is fine either way, but that factors into how we perceive things as well.
I'll also say that many K-army translators have talked about that what's your desire moment in 2015. I have a post up about that as well, I'll link it here... Jungkook was saying that he desired to go drinking with his hyungs. Which makes sense being that while he was underage, he spent most of his time watching his hyung have celebration champagne. He makes the same pop sound that Koreans use to signify drinking with his mouth as he pointed to first Jhope, then Jimin. Tae makes the same sound during the lyrics of Friends when he asks Jimin to get a drink with him later. Check out that post for more details on that moment please. I'll be separating paragraphs with pictures and gifs as I normally do in my essays here. Some will be related, most will not, enjoy them! Here we go!
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To start, let's talk about homophobia in Korea. Now, I am not Korean, nor have I ever been to Korea, but this is all information readily out there for anyone who wishes to find it.
Homophobia is 100% still around, and still very active in South Korea. No, it is not the same as every other country. South Korea has no comprehensive anti discrimination laws to protect LGBTQ South Koreans. You can explore more about what anti discrimination laws protect LGBTQ people here in America by looking through and reading articles on the UCLA law website here. SK has absolutely zero laws to protect any LGBTQ citizens or even give them anything in terms of protection in just general life. Compared to similar countries like Japan or Taiwan, who both have some laws set up. In Taiwan, same sex couples are now allowed to legally get married. In Japan, they can't do that yet, but some cities allow and issue same sex coupes certificates, that can function as a non legally binding marriage agreement between couples, recognized by the city. SK has none of that.
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In SK, homosexual sex isn't technically banned, but it IS illegal in the military. Meaning if while you serve, if a man is caught having relations with another man while serving, they can both be sentenced to years in jail. If you are known to be LGBTQ and then join the military (which, if any idol came out, they would automatically be known. There would be no chances of being out and then going back into the closet for the military for them) then you are that much more likely to be "watched" or bullied/harassed. Having superiors just looking for a reason to slap the gay label on you and get you out of service and into jail.
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Openly known figures who are trans in SK have been victims of what we call "social murders" or harassed, bullied and torn apart until they take their own life. And no one is ever willing to persecute. People who come out as queer have been in fear of losing their jobs and/or being blacklisted. SK is very very conservative and many politicians are asked about stances and denied even the chance to run unless they are pretty staunchly anti-lgbtq. Prior to the presidency, President Moon was a Human Rights Lawyer in South Korea and stated publicly on Television that he was "against homosexuality and did not like it" in 2017. Almost everyone currently holding positions in power are firmly against placing any laws to legalize or protect LGBTQ individuals from discrimination in any form, including in marriage or job security or in hospitals when requiring medical attention. So currently, admitting to being gay opens you to the possibility of being refused work, refused to have your relationship recognized, refused medical treatment in emergency situations, higher chance of jail time while serving in the military and more. Things are very far from fair or equal. And things are very far from the same as any other LGBTQ couple would face in a different or more liberal/democratic country.
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Now let's talk about the general public of Korea. It is honestly pretty evenly split, with more of the younger generation in favor of adopting anti discrimination laws. An attempt to pass a bill to protect LGBTQ citizens has been attempted 6 times, and has failed very quickly 6 times. That doesn't mean people stop fighting though. You don't ever stop fighting for equality. Ever. If you stop fighting, you will never get it. No one hands that over for free. America is still fighting for the queer community, and we ARE significantly better off here then they are in SK.
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Part of that fight is by fighting to normalize things. You do that through festivals, through fighting to have a safe place for the queer community to be themselves in, such as gay bars and communities. But that still doesn't mean acceptance as whole. Things are SLOWLY starting to get better. Through things like pride parades, drag queen parades, gay bars, etc. These things just recently started popping up though around 2016 to 2018. That is really not that long ago. And many many cities/towns are still very open about their dislike of that and refuse to allow them. It's more the bigger cities that are doing them. Openly queer tourists tend to recieve less than popular reception, often even getting refused service from some places. There are resources out there for the community such as maps to queer friendly businesses, gay bars, humans rights groups, and HIV/AIDS awareness groups. The existence of these things and places are the bare minimum of progress though and doesn't change the general mindset of homophobia and discrimination that exists within the country as a whole and especially in the legislation and through their politics.
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2018 was when Holland debuted. The first LGBTQ artist to debut as openly gay. And he had to fight tooth and nail to debut, having to do it as an independent artist because no label would allow him to be gay under their contract, saying he would HAVE to make sure he went back in the closet and stayed there before anyone knew who he was. Holland wanted to stay true to himself though. And even though it took years, he did finally debut in 2018 and has never hid his sexuality. This had lead to him having minimal in Korea though, most (not all) of his fanbase being international and barely being recognized in his home country. When he had a male actor in his music video instead of a female one (because he is gay) it was rated 19+ meaning it couldn't be broadcasted anywhere nationally, it could only be online and didn't really get any promotion. All because of him portraying a mlm relationship instead of a het one, it was branded as adult content and not suitable for children or families. TV show host Hong Seok-cheon came out in 2000 and was promptly fired from his job and blacklisted from other companies, so he couldn't find a new job to be back on TV anywhere else. Thus discouraging anyone else in the field from doing the same. "Coming Out" is not easy, its not receptive and it's got a very high potential to have serious social, health and financial ramifications.
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Now this doesn't mean that there aren't queer people in SK, there definitely are. But just because they exist and fight for a fair life in their country, doesn't mean that the homophobia and discrimination disappear or that international fans are making it up when talking about this with their idols. And just because the homophobia exists, doesn't mean that queer people are going to stop being queer or stop loving who they love or stop fighting for that love. It doesn't stop them from wanting to express that love either, even if it's something that is hidden in plain sight. SK has heteronormativity to the extreme. Unless you explicitly say "I am Gay" or get caught engaging in homosexual sex in any form or making out with someone of the same sex... you will be assumed straight, really no matter what else you do. The majority of well known people and even regular citizens who are LGBTQ will use that to their advantage and use that glass closet to get to express their love without explicitly outing themselves.
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As for Jikook, do you really think that if we are correct and they have been involved since 2016 that they wouldn't be sure about each other by this point? 5 years into a relationship? Most couples are either for sure serious at this point or have broken up. They utilize that glass closet and the shipping culture in kpop to showcase their affection safely in ways they otherwise couldn't because of how public their lives are.. Your statements that being an LGBTQ couple anywhere in the world isn't a big deal is idealistic and slightly ignorant. It diminishes the fight and fear that many queer people constantly face while working towards acceptance all of the time, all over the world.
I hope this makes sense and helped you understand the other side so to speak. I'll reiterate here that I'm not Korean and if any of my facts here need updating please comment or reblog. Please correct me if needed.
Hope everyone has a good day. 💜
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
Hii can I request a deleted scene for "if I could keep cool" that tells chapter 2 from Shouto's POV? I would absolutely love to c what was going through Shouto's head when he figured out that Y/N was just a cleaning lady and what was the moment that made him want to ask her out when he saw her at his house afterwards! Thank u!!
I accidentally got carried away, so this bad boy is 1.9k!! My apologies lol. I hope you like it!!
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It wasn’t every day that someone told Shouto Todoroki to go fuck himself. 
Particularly not quirkless civilians, and never those he’d rescued. 
There was usually a lot more breathless gratitude, some bowing and scraping, and—mystifyingly—a lot of phone numbers, handkerchiefs, and very unsubtle attempts to get a hand or two around his biceps. Shouto didn’t really know what his biceps had to do with it, but he’d seen the same thing happen to Midoriya and Kirishima as well—and Bakugou once, before he’d nearly gnawed the woman’s hands off—so he assumed it was just another social cue he’d never understand.
As little as he cared for social cues, however, he was certain that there was usually a lot more thank you and a little less go fuck yourself involved in the whole rescuing process.
But then, he’d also never told off a civilian for having been kidnapped before. 
A civilian who, he’d come to realize almost immediately afterward, hadn’t deserved it.
When he’d asked his mother her advice over the phone, she’d told him the best thing to do was to be honest and try to start fresh. “White flowers mean forgiveness—tulips new beginnings,” she’d advised him.
So Shouto had ducked into the nearest florist and brought back an apology in hopes that you would accept it. 
He might have known, however, that you’d manage to turn even a simple apology completely on its head.
The clatter of cleaning supplies in his kitchen on Thursday afternoon told Shouto you’d let yourself in for your usual shift. He followed the sound, only for it to halt at his approach, the kitchen seemingly empty as he drew nearer.
He stopped short, fighting down a surprised swell of amusement when he realized you’d ducked down, hiding yourself behind his counters as if anyone, especially a pro hero, might be fooled by that.
“I know you’re there,” he said, keeping his tone even.
He heard a muttered swear word, and then you were rising slowly to your feet, wearing a sheepish expression, and clutching a bottle of windex like a weapon.
You looked just as you had the day of your rescue, though obviously a little less harrowed by a kidnapping. You were dressed casually in jeans and a simple shirt, no indicator that you were an employee of a cleaning service—Shouto felt at least a little justified in his mistake from last week.
You were clearly a college student, the backpack dumped at his kitchen island was evidence of that much, overflowing with textbooks and notes as it was, and you looked just slightly disheveled, like you might have come straight from class.
It was part of some nebulous, unassuming appeal to you, now that he had occasion to notice. He’d remembered your features twisted up in disdain, but they were open in surprise now, your eyes wide, fixed on him. His own eyes were drawn to the scrunch of your nose, a little curl of embarrassment that he suddenly found himself unable to tear his gaze away from.
“I, uh, thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” you admitted to him with a visible cringe.
Shouto almost laughed. He didn’t know much about you, but it was clear to him now that you weren’t anything like a crazy fan. You looked like you’d rather be anywhere but here at the moment. In fact, you looked rather like you might bolt any second.
A strange feeling shifted in his chest, and Shouto cut right to the chase.
“I owe you an apology,” he said simply.
You startled so violently that you dropped the windex. “W-what?”
Shouto sighed, admitting, “My manager schedules the cleaning days. I didn’t realize that you were—that is to say, I thought you were a fan who had broken in and managed to get kidnapped while you were at it.”
You gaped, another confused little expression that Shouto found himself fixating on with an intensity that surprised him. The weird feeling in his chest shifted, burning a little hotter. 
He wondered absently what other expressions he could get you to make.
“Oh, I, um...nope. Not a fan,” you said, and the feeling grew more insistent. 
He paused over the phrasing—not a fan. 
It had never bothered him before, when someone was a bigger fan of a classmate than they were of him, or weren’t really a hero fan at all. Shouto honestly did not quite understand why hero work was so tied up in fandom in the first place, and only attended fan events because his manager’s temper was not a thing to be trifled with. 
He wanted to be a hero who put people at ease, but ease was the last thing he felt with people clamoring all over him. Fighting villains was infinitely more preferable.
So why did your admission that you weren’t a fan of his niggle at his brain, like a particularly insistent parasite?
Who were you a fan of, if not him? 
“...Well, glad that’s cleared up now. I’ll just, uh, go then,” you said, grabbing an armful of the cleaning supplies and shoving it back under the sink hastily.
Shouto had moved before he knew what he was doing, getting himself in between you and the door out to the hallway. 
“Wait,” he said, feeling uncomfortable. “I want to make up for what I said to you. You...didn’t deserve that, especially not right after you’d been kidnapped by a villain.”
He watched you eye the space between his hip and the counter, like you were considering making a break for it. As he watched your face, he felt some strange hope that you might try it, a certainty he would catch you. 
...Why did he want to catch you?
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. You saved me, we can call it even.”
Shouto’s mouth turned down minutely. He’d behaved badly, but surely you’d credit him better manners than that. “It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I’d like to apologize properly.”
Your face did something weird, then, another distracting little curl of the nose. “You don’t actually have to go fuck yourself,” you blurted.
Shouto stared at you, caught off guard.
“Uh, I mean. You saved my life,” you babbled suddenly. “And yeah what you said to me was super rude, but what I said to you was also super rude. So, um, I’m sorry too. And I really would just like to call it even and forget about it because it’s super embarrassing for both of us and I could literally die thinking about it.”
You stopped suddenly, looking self-conscious like you’d realized you’d been rambling. Shouto almost wished you hadn’t.
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” he said quickly.
“Hadn’t planned on what?”
“Fucking myself,” he clarified. You choked on a shocked laugh, and he let a small smile tug at his mouth—there.
Finally you looked a little more comfortable with him. 
Shouto tried hard not to look too pleased with himself.
“Oh, well that’s good, then," you said. Then you puffed up a little, adding, "That’s probably a job for your actual secret lover.”
Good lord. “Not you, too.”
You threw him a smile, and Shouto’s heartbeat tripped over itself. “But I have evidence. I saw that homemade soup in your fridge once with the love note attached.”
It took him a moment to focus on what you were saying, but Shouto recalled the soup in question. It had been quite good, even if Bakugou had spent almost a half an hour ranting about what a weak ass little bitch he was for catching a cold. It had almost been worth it, the soup was that delicious. “Ah yes. That secret lover.”
“Cute pet name, too,” you said.
Shouto let out a low laugh, recalling the note. “You fucking fuck, was it?”
You laughed too, tension easing from your shoulders. Shouto’s eyes hungrily traced even that small movement.
A dawning sense of what was happening finally settled over him as he pronounced, “As it happens, however, I did already plan more of an apology.”
You looked up at him, your brow furrowing. “You planned...more of an apology?”
He gestured to a tall vase of white tulips on the kitchen counter. Your eyes went a little rounder as you observed them. You looked like you weren’t sure if they were for you, as if there were another previously kidnapped cleaning girl lurking about, who might be in need of an apology.
What a fascinating thing you were.
“I’ve been told that they mean forgiveness and new beginnings. I had hoped that we might...start over,” Shouto explained. He couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.
“I didn’t bring you any flowers,” you blurted.
He covered up a surprised laugh with a cough, the feeling in his stomach burning hotter. “I hadn’t expected them.”
He watched you turn back thoughtfully to the bouquet, certain now.
Over the phone, his mother had also said white flowers carried connotations of honor and purity. Two notions, Shouto realized with a growing sense of curiosity, that may be entirely inapplicable to his feelings about you.
He didn’t know much about you, but he knew for certain that he’d like to know more. And as he watched you reach out to pluck at a petal, wearing a shy little smile, he thought that yes, honor and purity had very little to do with his intentions at the moment.
You thanked him for the flowers, and Shouto made it clear to you that he hadn’t meant what he’d said about you being unwelcome here. He wanted—no, desired your return now. 
“That’s good to hear, thank you,” you said. Then your smile went a little mischievous. “As you can see, though, it didn’t really deter me.”
Shouto let himself smirk. “If I hadn’t seen the cleaning supplies already on the counter, I would be concerned that you’d come back for revenge.”
“There’s still time,” you joked. “Maybe I was going to play the long game and fill all the bottles with Sprite.”
The mulish statement surprised him into another laugh. “I hope the flowers are enough of a deterrent.”
You looked over the flowers again, then smiled up at him. His eyes caught on your mouth.
“The bribe has been accepted. Your countertops are safe from me.” You paused, then added, “For now.”
The hot feeling was everywhere now, simmering just underneath Shouto’s skin. He left himself lean towards you, relishing in the way your breath caught in a tiny hitch. “Be warned that I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my countertops.”
You complained that he hardly used them, but complied nevertheless. Then you bullied him out of the kitchen, that tiny little scrunch back on your nose.
Shouto let you have your way, making his way over to the couch and settling on it with a book he had absolutely no intention of reading. Instead, as he watched you clean, he considered things.
He had always been straightforward about his goals. Once he’d chosen heroism as his dream, he’d let nothing stand in his way, working diligently all through UA, shooting nonstop through the ranks before breaking into the top five this year, one of the youngest to have ever done it. 
He was deliberate about what he wanted. He worked hard for what he wanted.
And as he wandered back towards the kitchen, questions ready in his mouth, he knew what else he wanted.
He wanted to know more about you.
He wanted to spend more time with you.
He wanted…
Well, he rather thought he wanted you.
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I was going to edit this but every time I went to touch it, I made it worse. I hope you liked it anyway!
Garbage Fest masterlist & schedule.
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