#and it led to me coming back to this NIN song that has crushed me since forever (as the title on my blog proves lol)
teejaystumbles · 1 year
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(Ice is starting to form Ending what had begun I am locked in my head With what I've done
I know you tried to rescue me Didn't let anyone get in Left with a trace of all that was And all that could've been)
Please take this And run far away Far away from me I am tainted The two of us Were never meant to be
All these pieces And promises and left-behinds If only I could see In my nothing You meant everything Everything to me
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saelwen · 5 years
Thranduil x Modern!Reader
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Thranduil x Modern!Reader
Part1 / Part2
Summary: The reader was driving on the way back to her house, after a long day of work. Eager to just to jump on her comfy bed and sleep for the rest of her life but the universe had other things on mind
Warnings:None only some curses and a little make out
Words: 2k
Humming the song that was playing on the car radio, trotting my fingers on the steering wheel. I was driving back home, after a long day of work. I work on a small cozy bookshop in the Town, it was from my grandpa. I work there since my teenage years, helping him with the shop. The shop was one of my happy places, since a kid I was in love with books. How they could tell old tales and adventures. It's always so fascinating to me.
As I passed a long dark road, the lamps are always without light here, that was surrounded by dense trees. A tall figure jumps in front of the car, making me turn to the side violently.
I stop the car and got out quickly. Panic spreading through my body, what the hell was that? Walking to the road, I turn on the flashlight on my phone, trying to see what it was. Suddenly I heard a groan, turning the flashlight to where the sound came. Standing there was tall strangely looking man, he was wearing a silver armor, detailed with some kind of celtic drawings, looking like some kind of cosplay, maybe? His hair was long and soft with a shade of silver blond, I point the flashlight to his face and saw the most beautiful eyes I ever seen. They were ocean blue, that was full of years of life experience.  
I gasp when I notice blood running down his forehead and on his stomach. Running to him, I fall down on my knees “OMG! Are you alright?” I said worried. He lifts his head with all his strength, fixing his eyes on mine “Help me.....” he whisper, closing his eyes slowly. Shit! I slap his face “Hey! It's okay....Don’t close your eyes!” I grab him by the arms and drag him to my car. Jesus..his heavy! I succeeded putting him inside the car, next I jump to my sit and start driving to the nearest hospital. Why this stuff happens to me? I just wanted to get home, make some tea and relax, reading my new book.
When we arrive to the hospital, I got out the car quickly as I can and run inside “Please, help! A man in my car it’s injured!” with this, the nurses and a doctor run outside to car, putting the man on a stretcher. They take him to a room and begin observing him. I stay on the waiting room, rubbing my hand on my forehead. I hope he’s okay... I never seen someone like him, was that a cosplay? It didn’t look like it, his armor felt really and his eyes told some much stories.
After some time, a nurse went to me. I shot up from my seat “He’s okay?” I asked with a worry voice, she smiles “Yes, he is okay. He had some deep wounds on his stomach and a concussion but he’s okay now.” a sigh left my lips as I feel my body relax “Thank God!” she picks a note book and a pencil “If you don’t mind, could you tell me where did find him?” I nod and start telling her everything.
As I was about to finish my story, another nurse came running to us “Ma'am! Ahh.. the patient just woke up and don’t stop yelling for you. Do you mind come with me?” ahhh...What now?! I nod and start following the nurse. When I was close to his room, I could hear his yells and the doctors and nurses trying to calm him “WHERE AM I?! WHERE IS THE MAIDEN THAT SAVE ME? TAKE ME TO HER!!” “Please, Sir! Calm down! You are going to open your wounds again!” “HOW DARE YOU TALKING TO LIKE THAT?! I AM A KING!...LET GO OF ME, YOU MERE MORTAL!!” King? Mortal? Well he has hit his head really bad. I enter the room and saw a doctor trying to seize him up, the stranger man stops as he sees me, giving me a gorgeous smile “My Lady...” he whispers, I tilt my head to the side, confused by this event. The nurses left and the doctor went to me “He may be confused with all had happen to him. The concussion may had done something to his brain...but he had something I’ve never seen in my life, his ears are pointy...like an elf...” what?! Pointy ears? “It may be mutation of him...it may happen to some people but I will search better on this. If need something just press that button.” with that the doctor left the room, leaving me and the strange man alone. He was staring to the machines with a weird look, poking the tubes with his finger “What’s this? Some kind of sorcery?!”  I walk to his bed and sit on the chair that was beside it “Do you remember anything of what happen to you?” I ask him. He stops poking the tube and look to me “Yes...me and my army were ambushed by an army of orcs...i was the only one that survived...” okayyy....he may be crazy “All right....And what’s your name?”  he smiles and lift his head high “I am King Thranduil of Wood Land Realm. And what’s yours?” wait!...Thranduil?! Isn't that a name of a Tolkien’s character? Ohhh....Now everything makes sense. The armor, pointy ears, appearing of nowhere, strange talk...He is a FUCKING character from a book!! Thranduil looks to me, waiting for my answer “Ahhh...m..my name is Y/n...” he nods “What a beautiful name! I want to thank you for saving me, My Lady! The Woodland Realm is debt with you.” he starts standing up, pulling the needles from his arms. I run to him, trying to stop him “No! Don’t do that! You may hurt yourself.” he smirks “Don’t worry my lady! I don’t get hurt easly. Now, may you lead me to a horse? I need to get back to my Kingdom.” shit now what? He thinks that is still in Middle-Earth! One thing that he’s right, I need to get him out of here. If anyone knows that he from a book, it will be crazy. Cops will be involve and maybe the government, it will a chaos.
I take his hand and led him out of the room, to my car “Follow me! I will take you to my house.”. We get to the car with a bit difficulty since Thranduil was always stopping to point at some machine or weird clothes that people were wearing. I open the car door to him “Get in. Don’t worry, it’s safe.” he sits on the car and stay still, looking around him. I jump to the driver seat and turn on the car and start driving “WHAT KIND OF HORSE IS THIS?!” he said yelling, I chuckle a bit “It’s a car. It's a vehicle that take us whatever I want to go...I need to tell you something...You are from Middle.Earth right? Well you no longer there.” I look to my side, seeing a shocked Thranduil “I beg your pardon?...Where the hell am I then?” I start trotting my fingers nervously “Ahh...You are in a modern world...a world without elves, orcs...and gods.” he stays quiet the rest of the trip, shocked with all the things around him.
I stop the car in front my house, happy that I don’t have any neighbors. I get out of the car and wave to Thranduil to follow me “You have a beautiful home.” he said softly, we enter and I turn on the light “Thank you.”. Thranduil walks around my living room, inspecting everything that for him is strange. He stops by the Tv “What’s this black box?”  I pick the remote and turn on the Tv, as the Tv start playing, Thranduil jump a step back “BY ERU! WHAT’S THIS THING?...Why there is small people trap inside?” I giggle and explained what a Tv was. After I show him everything and explained how to work it, I led him to my guest room “This will be your room for now. Get some rest now.” as I was about to leave, he grabs my hand and kiss it “Good night, My Lady.” a blush start spreading on my cheeks. Now that I get a better look at him, I notice that he was gorgeous. His features were sharp and his body was muscular, like it was carved out by the Gods themselves. I smile and leave to my bedroom, eager to jump to my bed and sleep.
Days had pass and Thranduil learn almost everything about this world, I must say that I'm impressed how fast he learned. During the day, he would stay at home watching Tv as I was at work, his favorite show was Game of Thrones, he says that it reminds him of his home. Our relationship got pretty close, we shared some things in common, like reading books, nature, go for a ride....wine.  
One day I arrive from work, tired and hungry. As I walk inside, I saw the dinner tabled beautiful prepare with dinner, with a bottle of wine and some candles spread on the table “W..What’s all this?” I ask with a huge grin on my face. He went to me, grabbing my pack and jacket, putting them on a chair “A small thank you gift for have taken me in.” he says softly rubbing my cheek. God! This man couldn’t be better. During dinner, we shared some stories, he told me more about Middle-Earth and his kin. I would give my arm if that would send me to Middle-Earth. We start joking around, telling some funny stories and other things.
After dinner we went to my backyard, sitting on the grass and watch the stars “Thank you for the dinner. It was lovely.” I said to him, resting my hand on his “You are most welcome, Bein iel.(fair maiden) I wish to ask you something if I may?” I sit up and nod  “Yes of course.”  he sits up and look to my eyes “Since you found me, you were always kind to me. Never judging me even when I did some stupid things in your house. You showed me the beauty of this world....i have taken to like you...and I want to ask if you feel the same?” my body froze with his words. I always felt some kind of connection towards him but I always think that was just a silly crush. Now knowing that he feels the same, my feeling raised up at full force, making me feel butterflies on my stomach. Not knowing what to say, I grab him by the collar of his sweatshirt and pulling him down, crushing my lips to his. I heard him moan and felt his hand grabbing me by the waist, pulling me to his lap. He bites my lower lips making me let a small gasp which gave him the opportunity to push his tongue inside my mouth, exploring every corner.  
We break a part, catching our breaths. He rests his forehead on mine “I love you, Meleth nin.” I give him a huge smile, making my cheeks hurt “And I love you, My Elvenking.” and we stay like this for the rest of the night, cuddling together.
Hey Guys!! So...today I've dreamed that Thranduil was in my house (funny dream) so I did this story. Hope you guys like it!! Feel free to send request and comment.
Taglist: @crazyonesarethebest​ @llama2264​ @tigereyesf​ @aeryntheofficial​ @yes-captainstark​ @lespaceboi​ @danri-and-thomas​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​ 
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