#and it has a light sensor so it turns off at night....perfect
lesbiten · 7 months
drove around to find some antique stores yesterday with my parents and roommate and i found a clock that makes different bird noises every hour and i love it so much
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betterthana-six · 3 months
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PAIRINGS: stoic!rugby player abby x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you and your new(ish) roommate, Abby Anderson, have gotten into an argument. about what? unclear at the moment. but it's got Abby in a fit of shame. until late one night she hears you outside with someone whose voice she doesn't recognize and listens in.
WARNINGS: yall. whats up. let me know if you like it pffffft. this is definitely a slow burn, but lots of pining, yearning, and, yes, smut to come. TRUST. so, mdni. there are a lot of flashbacks between now and when they met so we get the full story eventually. this is more of a light hearted story but it does deal with coming to terms with sexuality (and who best to help you along that journey but rugby playing and stoic Abby Anderson?). anyways, i hope that the five people who might read this like it.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Music To My Ears: Chapter 2
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Without a plan for what to say nor a thread of rationality, Abby swings the door open. She half-expects you to fall back on her feet when she does it, but you are nowhere to be found. Only in your absence does she realize how hard her heart is pounding.
She takes a beat, feeling dumb in surprise. In all of the heat of her anticipation, Abby must have waited too long. Too late, she realizes. 
To the left, she peers into an empty hallway. The overhead lighting forces her eyes closed. The walls are covered in paper flowers where students wrote their plans for Spring break in permanent marker. 
To the right, Abby sees a group of people she somewhat recognizes all crisscrossed on the floor, encircling and packing what she presumes to be joints. Spearheading them is her friend, a fellow rugby player, who sees Abby and playfully lifts a joint in the air, gesturing an invitation.
Abby closes the door gently behind her and walks over.
“Care to join? We’re going to the balcony once we’re done here,” her friend says. Abby just looks over her shoulder.
“Nah. Nah, I’m good. Hey, did you guys see anyone out here a minute ago?” Abby asks.
“If you’re looking for your roommate, pretty sure she went to the bathroom. She wasn’t looking too hot.”
“What did you see?” Abby nearly hisses. 
The friend raises their hands up in the air so as to claim innocence. “Shit, man, I don’t know. I think her date went bad or something.”
By the time the friend stops talking, Abby has already turned the other way, headed straight for the bathrooms, mumbling a vacant ‘thanks’. 
She peers around the corner and slowly pushes the door in to listen for movement. All the lights are on. The motion sensors had been activated, which is strange considering the floor is usually dead at this hour.
The bathroom stalls are empty but there’s a shower going. 
Abby calls your name faintly but gets no answer. She walks closer to the sound of running water, and through it, a distant voice singing. 
“More than a feelinnnnnnnnnn’, more than a feelin’, when I hear that old song they used to- more than woaaah woahhh’, I begin dreaminnnnnnn…’”
Abby’s heart settles a bit as she walks down the white, linoleum hall. She calls your name again.
The singing stops abruptly but someone sniffles.
“What-uh?” You call out. It is the perfect sound to Abby. A sound she’d grown accustomed to hearing whenever she pissed you off. She doesn’t have to guess for a second that it’s you. And, the exaggerated “-uh” you added to your words when she teased you only confirmed it.  
“I didn’t know there was a concert going on. I would’ve come earlier.”
You stay silent, knitting your brow.
She knocks on the tiles outside your stall. “It’s Abby.”
“Abby… Abby… what can I do for you, Abby?” You ask, your voice illuminated drunkenly as you roll her name over in your mouth. 
She laughs. “Um, are you decent?”
“Are you decent?” 
“Okay, princess,” Abby says a bit more sternly now. “I’m trying to make sure you don’t drown. Either by vodka or the shower. Now, can I, please?”
“Come in, come in.” Abby draws the curtains open to see you finally. She hides a smile and adjusts to the sight before her. She can feel her heart swell a bit. Your legs are sprawled out on the floor, heels still on. That can’t be comfortable. She sees the redness around your ankles. There’s mascara running down your face and not an inch of you is dry. You’re wearing your special occasion maroon dress, as Abby suspected, which now clings to your body with the weight of the water that drenches you completely. Abby has to avert her eyes. She knows you’d never let her see you like this if you were sober. “Hey, crib. Welcome to my MTV,” you say.
Then Abby sees the flask in your hand.
“Alright, hand it over,” Abby says. She kneels down to you with an open hand.
“Hand what over?” You smile big and clutch the flask closer to your body. “I’ve never realized how big your hands are,” you lie. Deflect.
You have Abby. Just like that. Her ears bent to every one of your words and her entire body enslaved to your stare. She is taken aback from how much you affect her. 
She feels it in her stomach. 
Your lips are full and dark, stained vibrantly with some berry. Maybe wine, she thought. You look up at her now, with that full deep smile, and Abby forgets for a moment that you were ever crying on the floor outside your room. 
You look acutely into Abby’s eyes, testing her. 
“Princess…” She elongates the word, staring at you. “Come on, now.”
“Alright, alright,” you concede. You take another swig and give in, handing Abby the flask. “Those damn puppy dog eyes.” 
Abby laughs. She smells the flask and grimaces a bit. She turns the shower handle until the water no longer flows.
“Bad night?”
“Best night of my life.”
“It sounded pretty grim.” She shoots you a knowing look. 
“Shit, how much did you hear?”
“Enough,” Abby says, looking at the floor. She’s almost skittish. “Enough to understand why you’re laying underneath a running shower at almost midnight. I mean, shit, you were right outside the door. It was kind of hard not to listen in.”
“Okay, fuck you very much,” you laugh. “I figured you were asleep.”
“I pretended to be,” she admits with a guilty smile.
You scoff. 
“Well,” Abby says. “I’m glad you have a sense of humor about it now.”
“Yeah,” you hiccup. “Totally hilarious. God, I look fucking pathetic.”
“You look fine,” she says, looking you over, slowly making way up to your eyes. When she gets there, she can’t read your face.
“I don’t want to talk about it. So, don’t ask.”
She nods her head like it was the simplest thing. 
“Let’s go,” Abby says. 
She reaches a hand out to you. You lean into her for stability, soaking her clothes with your own wet mess, but Abby doesn’t shy away from it. Rather, she grabs your waist and puts your arm around her shoulder, squeezing you tight and concentrating ahead to ensure a clear path.
You, however, are looking up at Abby, though her gaze is fixed elsewhere. 
In her arms, you feel like you’re floating. There might as well be a halo of stars swirling above your head. Your legs trail a bit behind hers as she guides you down the bathroom hall. Suddenly, it’s all so incredibly simple. Or, perhaps, all the happiness vodka afforded you is working its magic tenfold, pulsating a warm thrill through your body. It overwhelms you in a dreamy state of mindlessness. You stare at the sharpness of her cheekbones. Her mouth, downturned and focused. Her arms, her arms…
“Wow…” you whisper, eyes locked on her face, arms messily draped around her. Your nose is inches from her neck. Abby just grins.
“I somehow actually didn’t know,” she says, “you curse like a sailor when you’re drunk.”
“Yeah, well, there’s actually a lot you don’t actually know about me actually, so...” You boop her nose with your free hand and shine a wide, stupid smile at her.
Once you get to your dorm room, Abby sits you down on her desk chair and covers you in one of her towels. She brings you her water bottle and nods to you, indicating a command: sip. 
The only light in the room is her desk lamp, and it shines a warm and dusky yellow onto your face so Abby can see your puffy eyes and wine stained mouth in clear view. Abby contains herself as best she can. This is not the first time she’s caught herself staring at you, far from it; she turns her head away when you look up at her, keeping her composure, as always. 
She takes a small rag and starts dabbing the makeup running down your face. 
A sudden pang of guilt permeates your floating feeling. It sobers you up a bit, letting in the very feelings you were trying to avoid. As quickly as you were starry-eyed, swept up in Abby’s hold, you are washed over in a wave of grief, a twinge of pain piercing your heart.
“I’m sorry,” you say, straining your voice. “I’m a mess.”
“Don’t worry about it, seriously.”  Her eyes focused everywhere but yours. She continues to dab your cheeks softly.
You huff, tears threatening to make their way out. You hiccup and take another sip. “I don’t want to go to bed,” you say. “Not yet.”
“That’s fine,” Abby says. She kneels at your feet now, unbuckling the tiny straps of your shoes delicately. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t-”
“Abby, please, can you look at me?” 
The question came out more impatient and whiney than you planned. But Abby obliged, her hand resting on your ankle. 
“Abby,” you say, shaking your head in defeat. “Abby, I screwed everything up tonight.”
“You didn’t screw anything up.”
“I did,” you insist. You place your hand on her face and she stays still, afraid to move or even breathe.
Then, Abby sighs, her eyes soft. “We can talk about it in the morning. I’m sure everything’s fine,” Abby says lightly, smiling at you.
She goes back to taking your shoes off.
“You were right about me, Abby,” you whisper. She looks up at you again and you don’t break eye contact. You tell her everything in those few words. You repeat, “You were right.”
Now, Abby stops what she’s doing and looks up. You see her in full. The light from behind consumes her in a shadow but it strengthens her definition and the fine edges of her face. 
She moves her hand and clasps your wrist, the wrist that cups her own cheek. 
She takes in your serious look and returns it with softness. 
Finally, black tears come spilling down your face, but you don’t necessarily sob. You don’t close your eyes or keel over on the floor. Instead, your face is resolute and still, as though you are simply lost in thought. Eyes on Abby but somewhere else entirely.
“Hey,” Abby says. She instinctively pulls you in. “It’s okay.” Her arms wrap around your body, sheltering you with her own. She breathes you in, holding you tight while tears fall down your face and onto her shoulders. “It’s okay.”
You succumb to her embrace and let your body go a little limp. It’s a warmth you haven’t experienced in years. The room is spinning; you can’t tell if it’s from the alcohol or the catharsis of being held by her. Either way, you breathe deep and shiver on the exhale, and, as if responding to you, Abby squeezes tighter. There’s no sense of urgency from Abby to end this embrace. It could go on forever, and you both would let it. 
It was clear. 
This is what it felt like to surrender to yourself, your burning heart linked inarguably to the fire in Abby’s. Pressed against each other like old friends, finally reuniting after being apart for too long, in an act of true intimacy. 
All of the tension and anxiety you felt around her these last few months dissipates. You can’t even remember why it was really there to begin with. You tilt your head into her, smelling her, digging your face into her neck like a child.
When finally you pull back, Abby looks at you as if seeing you for the first time again. As if her eyes were divinely predisposed to not simply look at you but really see you.
This wasn’t a new sensation for Abby. 
It had even become somewhat of a mindfulness practice to contain herself around you, if anything, which was a problem she’d never experienced before. 
If December Abby could watch tonight’s spectacle, the irritated way she eavesdropped and the tenderness when she touched you, she would likely be mystified by this soft version of herself.
Her December self was far more regimented. Disciplined. Focused. 
Especially during season, Abby had to excel.
You do what you need to do to get it done. Keep your head down. Study hard, lift harder.
This was her mindset, philosophy, way of life. Whatever you want to call it, she navigated it with steadfast conviction. 
Her days were filled with routine. She woke up early and headed to the gym. Her protein shake waited in her bag after an hour or two of conditioning and her fifteen minute ice bath. She showered, and then she was onto her classes. Rugby practice lasted until early evenings most days. Then it was dinner and bed. 
Weekends were almost her own; she spent most of her hours reading.
Distractions did come every so often in the form of girls. Who doesn’t need to be a little distracted sometimes? 
They come and go. It’s never anything really serious. Abby had made peace with that. She preferred it, actually.
Abby wasn’t the type to force anything.
Her outlook was that if it was meant to happen, it would. She let it all fall into her lap. 
Just like Gillian did, and Ally. And Mara.
She’d been told by her teammates that that’s what makes her “quite the magnet”. Girls always like the quiet thing, a friend once said, someone fierce on the field and tender in bed. Talented in both areas.
All of that, Abby very much knew, was a tad disingenuous on her end. She just wasn’t invested, so naturally there wasn’t much for her to say. 
Get her laughing with an old friend, though, or anyone she’s really comfortable with, maybe when she’s drunk, and she becomes a talker. All silly and red in the face from giggling. It didn’t happen too often. 
So, at first, it didn’t cross her mind to be concerned with you. You two would be good roommates, she thought. Maybe friends, if it happened naturally. 
That was her rationale talking. Shower thoughts crammed her head not so long after she found you perusing her rugby trophies. She involuntarily assembled every view of you that she got from that brief introduction. 
Abby pictured your cheeks and nose. They were still pink after coming in from the cold. And your hair was pulled back with strands windswept messily over your face. You looked like a storybook character, someone totally imagined, pulled from the page into real life. 
And, there was something in the way you squirmed at the sight of her body. How your breath hitched when she bared her chest to you. It made something so completely obvious to her, but you seemed oblivious to it.
She couldn’t help but smile to herself like a fool while she thought it over. For fuck’s sake, Abby was grinning each time she turned away from you. She grinned all the way down the hallway on her walk to the showers.
You were intriguing to Abby. Undoubtedly. 
When she got back, you were sat down on the floor unpacking your clothes into small, wooden drawers.
Abby had her towel wrapped around her whole body.  She nodded to you as a short re-greeting and searched through her closet. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a guitar case. She noted the stickers on it - some obscure bands, some random abstract art.
“You play?” She asked. 
You looked up to what she was pointing at.
“I’m studying classical guitar.”
“Cool,” Abby responded absently. “You sing?”
“Uh, to myself. In the shower. Sometimes.”
“I’ll have to stop by for a concert.”
You laughed, shaking your head. 
“What about you? What do you study?” You forced out. You knew you sucked at small talk, and, god, you were so fucking awkward it killed you sometimes. The words came out like sludge. Abby didn’t seem to notice, or, if she did, she didn’t let on.
“Marine biology,” she answered. “Actually, it’s ichthyology. I study fish.”
“Marine biology sounds way cooler.”
“Yeah. That’s what I usually tell people. Makes it seem like I don’t just stand around all day hunched over a microscope. People tend to envision me in a scuba suit taking photos of massive animals, like, a hundred feet deep in the ocean, so I let them.”
“I’m still impressed,” you said. “I was never good at science, but I love aquariums.”
“I love aquariums,” she agreed, earnestly. 
You both looked up at each other then.
You were about to say something else, but Abby started drying herself off, revealing her body, muscular and lightly tan.
“Oh,” you blurted and turned sharply away from her. “I- sorry.”
Abby laughed, and asked, “Am I offending you?”
“No, no. Sorry. I didn’t realize you were doing that. I’m good, though. Let me know when you’re done.”
“I mean, we’re gonna be roommates ‘til June. This might be something you have to get over.”
“Yeah! No, I know,” you trip over yourself trying to explain. “You’re very…comfortable… being naked in front of strangers. I wasn’t expecting it.”
She chuckled at that. “I didn’t know I was in the presence of royalty.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“You’re squeamish,” Abby pointed out. “You’ve never had a roommate before.” 
She literally pointed her finger out at you, like she finally decided on your guilty verdict.
“Fine, you got me. My last dorm was a solo. I didn’t want you to think I’m some creep, okay? We met, like, an hour ago.”
Your voice went all high-pitched in a way you could never control when interrogated.
Abby stayed quiet for a moment, letting your words sit in the air as she grinned to herself and wrung out her hair.
“I definitely don’t think you’re a creep,” she said eventually. “A bit innocent, maybe…”
“I’m not in- ” You snapped, whipping your head around. 
Abby stood tall and relaxed staring at you. She was fully clothed now, wearing a tight shirt and sweats. Her arms were bulging from the sleeves. 
Something about her demeanor was sweet though, even with her “who me?” face. She wasn’t trying to be mean.
“Sorry, sorry,” Abby said. “You’re just very polite is all. Like a princess.” 
You felt your face get hot. You turned away from her again and went back to organizing your stuff. Abby plopped on her bed indifferently and cracked open her book. 
An hour passed in complete silence. You worked away, slowly unraveling your belongings into neat separate storage units. 
You thought about calling your mom. No. How many times will it take for you to remember that she only makes you feel worse? There was really no one else to call then. It’s fine, you reasoned. You understood well by now that self-reliance had its growing pains.
Every once and a while you snuck a quick glance at Abby. You didn’t mean to, of course. It was more to see what she was reading. You couldn’t look too long. It was almost like she knew exactly when you were doing it, like she could feel your eyes on her, and she would instinctively catch you in the act, only to recoil nonchalantly in her book as soon as she spotted you.
Eventually, you stood up on your bed to string fairy lights across the ceiling and stick your posters on the wall.
“Is that Janis Ian?” Abby asked, breaking the silence and startling you. You turned around. Abby’s face peaked above her book. You looked back at the poster. 
“You know Janis Ian?”
“I think…” Abby says thoughtfully. And then she sang in a quick and quiet mumble, “I learned the truth at seventeen, that love was meant for beauty queens… right?”
You couldn’t help but beam a bit as you nodded a hesitant ‘yes’. She really didn’t look the type to start singing Janis Ian. 
You turned to stick another poster up when Abby laughed aloud. 
“No, nothing, nothing,” she said, concealing a smile and hiding her head behind her book again. 
You cocked your head at her. “What?”
“Nothing. I just didn’t realize that you were a 60 year old lesbian.”
The light on your face suddenly went dim. You scoffed and looked up at your wall. You had stuck a pink 1994 tour poster with the Indigo Girls posed casually on it.  
“They’re all really great guitarists,” you said, plainly. “I grew up with their music.”
“You don’t have to defend yourself to me,” Abby said. 
“They just happen to all be old lesbians, it doesn’t mean that I am one.”
“I’m not judging,” She said, and threw up her hands. “I fuck with it, really. Old school gay vibes. That’s awesome.”
“I’m not- ” You said, raising your eyebrows at her. “I’m not.”
“Okay,” Abby said. She was agreeing with you. Truthfully enough on paper, but you still couldn’t tell if she was fucking with you. “I got it.”
Abby tried to decipher something in your face, but you shot her a chiding stare and dropped down from your bed.  
“I’m going for a walk.” 
You felt Abby’s eyes following you as you left. 
You walked around your dorm floor aimlessly until you reached an exit. It was the post-dinner lull of the night where some students were already in bed and some were already out.
Right or left, it didn’t matter where you went. You had no real idea of where you were anyways. All memories of touring the place weeks ago had flown from your head as soon as they’d entered. The ‘where’ of your transfer wasn’t the point at the time.
It didn’t matter. You walked to a bench a few blocks down and pulled out your pack of cigarettes. You only had them because they looked cool but always felt a little stupid every time you smoked one. They also came in handy when you needed one. Which you did.
You couldn’t put words to exactly what was bothering you about her. 
She hadn’t said anything outright offensive. She was joking around.
Abby just seemed like someone who thought she knew everything about everything and everyone. Yes, that’s what it was. She was too confident in her own intellect. And far too proud of her body. It annoyed you. And, you weren’t looking for friends who put you on edge anymore. You weren’t interested in being tested.
Abby knew she was testing you, however clueless an act she put on for you. 
It wasn’t something she did often. Not with strangers. At the very least not when she was sober. 
It was something drunk Abby does at parties. The drinks go directly to her head thus emerging a butch Casanova who shamelessly flirts with straight girls. 
Not that the goal was to hook up with them necessarily. The thing is, Abby just had a little theory that everyone’s a little gay. Some people just try to hide it, if they can help it. And many people can succeed for a while. Unless the closet door were to be cracked ajar by an innocent, drunken conversation or two…
“Are all the rugby team fucking each other?” They’d ask. “Be honest.”
To which she’d respond: “Why, are you trying to join?”
Or, something like that.
She didn’t know why it was coming out around you on a random Monday evening. She felt weirdly invigorated.
You so quickly became imperative to her, though she tried to refrain from taking the feeling seriously. She couldn’t explain it to herself well enough, but it felt as though something new was beginning.
Everything about your demeanor said you wore your heart on your sleeve yet you acted like a closed book. It was obvious in the way you spoke, like you had some secret to hide and were aching to scream it. And there was something to your features. Starkly beautiful, that was obvious to Abby, but it was more than that. She felt she needed to see your face again and again to remember the details. Even in two conversations, she felt an urge to fix her gaze on you repeatedly. 
She feels the very same thing now. The absolutely fatal desire to look and look and look at you until she was acquainted with every feature.
Even with bitter sadness written across your face, you are gorgeous. 
The light grazes your skin. Your hair still drips small water beads, and tears fall from the corners of your eyes like diamonds. You shake slightly in her arms.
You pull away, inches from Abby, breathing in her air. 
“I don’t want to go to bed yet…” You say again, and the only thing you can hear is her breath and the buzzing in your ears.
Your faces are just inches away from one another. Abby’s blood pumps so hard she thinks you can hear it. 
You tilt your head up to hers, lost in a trance. 
How wonderful it would be, Abby thinks, to take your face in my hands and kiss you.
She wants to. God, and she’s wanted to. For longer than she’s willing to admit. But she retreats.
You look up at her with hungry, eager eyes. 
Abby clears her throat.
“So, let’s not,” she says. You snap out of it. Your hungry eyes turn confused. Abby’s face changes per something that dawned on her. 
“Let’s not go to bed, princess,” Abby says and grabs your hand. “I have an idea.”
Chapter 3
Comment if you want to be on this story's taglist!
Tag babies: @soupycloud @femme-historian @ichokedonmyoreo @paleidiot
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rhiannswork · 1 year
Hello ! I hope you're well! request for tasm!peter parker x reader :)
It's nighttime and Reader has a nightmare about her own death or something, and wakes up in a panic. Reader decides to go to her boyfriend Peter's even though he's not home, to at least feel safe in his bed. She goes back to sleep at his place. And some time later there's a fire or something at her place, and Peter panics when he hears that her building is on fire. Hours later he goes home depressed and dejected that he hasn't seen her, doesn't know if she's safe. And he sees her on his bed.
Sorry if this is too precise ahah feel free to change it to your liking!
safe and sound || p. parker ( tasm )
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an: i loved this request so much. this fic might seem rushed tho, so sorry!!!!
warnings: nightmare, burning building, breaking and entering ??, umm anxiety, blood. lmk if i missed smth
it was the middle of the night, you woke up on the couch. you don’t remember falling asleep there but then again, you were ready to fall asleep anywhere really once you gotten home from work.
you sluggishly walked back into your room, your eyes were steadily adjusting to the darkness. you had noticed someone laying in your bed, somebody who looked just like you.
your breath hitched, as you quickly turned the light on. they were completely lifeless, blood slowly pouring from their mouth. you eyed a big stain of blood on the duvet. you walked over, taking a closer look.
it was you, that was you lying in that bed. how could that be possible? you didn’t get that much time to dwell on the thought as you had been grabbed by your hair.
you took a glance at your vanity mirror as you say a tall, red, glowing figure before being flung into a corner. the figure began to grow brighter until it was red.
you felt suffocated at this moment, you didn’t know what to do. you couldn’t really move, all you could do is lay there and feel life leave your body to become vacant.
that’s when you shot up out of bed, gasping for air. you looked around your room, no glowing figure, no blood… must’ve been a nightmare.
you had a bad feeling in your gut, you didn’t want to go back to sleep, not like you could anyway. you grabbed your phone from the ground, only to realize that you phone was dead.
you got out of bed and ran over to the light switch, turning it on quicker than the actual speed of light. you packed an overnight bag, you put your toiletries in a dark blue jansport bag. along with a casual outfit.
you went to go grab your keychain, which held peters house keys on it. you decided to go there, so he could comfort you at this hour. to be honest, he was the only one that you wanted to be comforted by.
you had driven far from your apartment, going to peters home. you passed by a couple of fire trucks headed the opposite way, not paying any mind. you couldn’t take your mind off the nightmare.
you finally made it to peters home, the garage lights began beaming as the sensors spotted you. you crept up to the door and unlocked it.
the house was clean and very perfected, you were guessing aunt may had just dropped by. she cleans up every time she visits. you removed your shoes before walking any further into the house.
“peter?” you whispered, walking to the back, hoping you hear some sort of response. “peter.” you spoke sternly.
no response.
you went to his room, the first thing you noticed was peter not being there. the window was opened slightly, the cool midnight air flowing throughout the room.
nonetheless, you removed your hoodie and laid the packed bag on the floor. you laid down in the bed, picking up the faint cologne on the pillows. it didn’t take you long to fall asleep, even without peter, the comfort of his room and bedding soothed you.
meanwhile, peter had been swinging to the opposite side of town. he had heard on the police radio that he kept on his nightstand. he carried the radio with you,
he got there as fast as he could, he spotted a crowd of people. he had began walking around, trying to find your beautiful eyes and yet he never met them.
‘it’s spider-man!’ ‘hey, it’s the bug boy!’ he nodded, making his way through. he webbed up to the balcony of the apartment building.
he didn’t pay attention to the fire slowly seeping through his suit. “y/n!” he yelled. “y/n?!” he yelled louder. he specifically went down to your level. “jesus christ…” he muttered, watching the floor practically come apart.
he felt the cracking under his own feet, he tried to speed his way through the building, rushing to saftey.
he was freaking out, he called you repeatedly. it went straight to voicemail every time. he couldn’t bare to swing his way home. he had to process the last twenty minutes. he had lost you, it felt like a piece of him was taken away.
after a while, he made it back home. he took off his suit as soon as entered his home. he needed to remove that restricting suit. it was all burned and completed with holes.
he stumbled his way to his bedroom in defeat. he didn’t know what to do. he just wanted to curl up in his bed, never to leave it again.
peter opened the door to his room, the darkness surrounding him. he looked toward his bed, he noticed the lump in the bed, a familiar one.
he slowly walked over to the bed, he saw the beautiful locks he thought he’d never see again. he felt the weight come off his shoulders, you were here, safe and sound.
he crawled into bed, like he intended to do minutes before, only this time, you would be found in his arms, held closely to his chest.
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nil-nothing-nada · 5 months
Mr. Qi Headcanons
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(A lot of these are based around the idea that he's secretly super powerful and is restraining himself most of the time because that's one of my favorite traits in a character, hehehe. Also, I am a sucker for freaky, supernatural biological traits if you can't tell by my ocs...)
Agender (Any Pronouns)
Full name is Adam Qi. (First name is by his mother, last name is inherited from his father)
Uses any pronouns, but if often referred to as a male since that's what he's used to. He's all around pretty relaxed about his gender.
Doesn't like his first name because it reminds him of his past humanity, so he never tells it to anyone. He prefers that people refer to him as Mr. Qi or just Qi.
Frighteningly good at masking and pushing down his emotions so that all he displays is cool confidence. Even in the worst situations he seems incredibly diplomatic and slow to anger, though if you somehow happen to see past this facade, you can tell that he is extremely volatile and barely able to restrain himself. Only a few specific things will ever cause the mask to slip, but when it does, he'll explode with uncharacteristically violent anger. Cheating at any of his games especially pisses him off, and he has "disposed" of the worst offenders.
Tries to keep a smile on his face all the time to better hide his intentions. (No, this isn't a reference to Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, sadly.)
Was human at one point, but is completely unwilling to talk about it. He becomes aggressive if he's pushed too much on this topic.
Around the time he turned 19, Mr. Qi was unwillingly possessed by a sort of "will of the universe" that has been jumping from person to person for eons. At first he was terrified, but since then he has grown to enjoy the power he received from it, despite the loss of his humanity.
Mr. Qi himself is only 32 years old, but he has memories and knowledge from countless centuries of lifetimes so he's often referred to as immortal.
The universe's will is always searching for its next heir, and Mr. Qi believes the farmer could be a perfect fit if they are given the right encouragement.
His clothes are made of an enchanted fabric that slightly shimmers like the night sky. It's also quite light and comfortable, as he is picky about the textures of the clothes he wears.
Very sensitive to touch, and hates when people touch him without permission.
Geiger counters and other sensors for hazardous materials go off around him, detecting him as the element polonium or the chemical hydrogen cyanide. Despite this, he is not actually harmful to be around in any way.
If he's angry he creates a static-y aura that can cause unprotected machinery around him to glitch and short circuit. He can also use this power on command, but he has to focus on it. (For visual reference, think about how Mono from Little Nightmares II tunes into the TV transmissions.)
Is fully immune to radiation. Additionally, all toxins have minimal effect on him and cannot kill him, although they might make him sick for a bit.
Regenerates from any damage immediately. He still feels pain like a normal person, but he usually just pushes past it.
He can't really control his strength, but he's usually only about as strong as a decently-exercised human. However, he becomes much stronger when he's truly angry, to the point where he'll clench his fists hard enough to break his bones. This power usually only lasts for very short bursts, though.
Is inhumanly agile and very quiet when moving. He frequently sneaks up on people unintentionally and startles them.
Has pointed, shark-like teeth and small, sharp claws. His claws are always partially out, but he can extend them further if he needs to.
Has a split tongue that is a bit longer than a normal human's.
His skin glitters and looks slightly iridescent in certain lights.
His eyes are impossibly dark, yet seem to sparkle like they contain small universes. Looking in them without preparation causes immense cosmic dread in the viewer, so he wears his reflective sunglasses to cover them.
His blood is dark like space and has a slimy texture.
Growls when he's angry and purrs when he's content. However, he hates purring around other people because it ruins his mysterious, threatening persona. (If I headcanon that someone growls threateningly I gotta make it so they purr too. Sorry, I don't make the rules...)
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intistone · 2 years
Fear wasn’t something it was used to.
Fear wasn’t something it was meant to handle.
Fear is something it used to its own advantage.
The being lurches forwards, splashing out of the water, metal glistening from its talons in the pale moonlight. Its scales gleam from the faint light, rough and dry from years of its prison.
It doesn’t shake itself dry as its hauls itslef out of the river, as it clearly doesn’t mind the cool stuff treating its damaged, scraped scales.
The concept is almost entirely new to it.
The town lights in the distance twinkle, a small, isolated place right next to…what is the word again?
Marshes, its database replies. The marshes.
The concept is familiar.
It…likes the marshes.
The thoughts are hazy, blurred together, but it can see from its memory base that it did indeed used to spend time there.
Dark blood drips from its side, the branding that is usually there sliced off neatly by its own claws in an attempt to escape undetected.
It had caused its pain receptors to go off, but that is also where it could be identified from anywhere.
It starts forwards, limbs moving swiftly as it darts through the brush, sprinting towards the town as its reinforced talons sink into the soft earth.
It’s visual scanners adjust immediately to its surroundings, switching from thermal view and back to night vision as it found its way.
Humans are so silly.
Stupid to think that these “gifts” of pain and metal would help them in any way.
They were strength and power, just for itself.
Weapons to be turned against them.
So stupid.
So, so cruel.
It would make them pay.
Make them all pay.
This town, this place.
It’s perfect.
It would be able to hide here, to…
It jerks forwards, clutching its head.
It doesn’t flinch when the pain sensors flare to make it compliant.
It’s much too used to it now, as it has no effect of a reaction apart from a twitch.
The humans trying to control it.
Stupid, silly humans, trying to control monsters they couldn’t possibly dream of manipulating.
Always trying to play god with the gods.
So stupid, so so stupid.
It wouldn’t be able to kill anyone like this, not with the humans screaming their code at it from who-knows-where.
It narrows its visual sensors, contemplating the words in its sight.
It wouldn’t be able to do anything with this…code in its head.
This violence.
It would be seen from anywhere.
There is only one way out.
To completely disappear.
These memories, these lessons, this pain, it would use them to its own advantage.
When the time is right.
It closes its visual sensors, initiating its final piece of the plan for its escape.
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mountainsandmayhem · 1 year
Chapter 2 - Flirtation
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Summary: You had what romance writers would call a meet-cute, but now it's back to work. You've convinced yourself that everyone who meets him feels that way.
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T/W: fluff, touching
A/N: the italic is readers thoughts. Please comment if you like this! I have another part written if you want more progress on the relationship.
A few days after meeting Pedro, your head had finally came back down from the clouds and you were able to focus on work.  You have new inventory from a local company to tag and set up.
Bing Bing
A cheery ‘Good’ followed by a trailing off ‘morning’ comes from Lacey causing you to look up from the display your building.  There he is…looking directly at you with a soft but nervous expression.  You can’t stop the smile from appearing on your face as your breath hitches and you being to float back up into those damn clouds.
A quiet and airy ‘hi’ comes out of your mouth as you take a few steps towards him.
“Hi”, is he blushing? “I have a quick break, but I was wondering…umm..the-the other day I distracted you from work for almost 2 hours….” He never breaks his eye contact with you and you realize you could stare into those big brown eyes forever.  He nervously crosses his arms and brings his hand to his face, running his thumb along his bottom lip as he continues, “…so maybe..y-you could come distract me for a few hours tonight?”
Clouds, so damn high in these fucking clouds that it’s almost outer space.
It’s been 2 months since you “distracted” each other at work.  Pedro has a busy film schedule, but friendly emails turned into flirty texts and now a daily FaceTimes to catch each other up on your day.  He’s back in town for a few days and you’re frantically trying to pick an outfit for drinks while on a FaceTime with Lacey.
“You look great, trust me”, Lacey says while you tie up your Doc Marten boot.
“Are you sure?  I have always dressed true to myself, the 90’s grunge era spoke to me and never stopped!”, you reply while straightening our the mini skirt over your black tights.  “Final make up check, Lacey”.  You both move your faces closer to your screens, “it’s perfect.  Wings are even, skin is natural yet dewy, it’s you.”  Lacey smiles at you before telling you not to come to the store tomorrow with a wink and a wave, laughing as you both hang up.
You and Pedro are nestled in a quiet booth in the back of a local brewery.  You two never seemed to run out of things to talk about, but the silences were just as comfortable. 
During a lull in the conversation Pedro reaches under the table and gently rests his hand on your thigh.  Electricity spreads from his hand, up and down your leg setting your core on fire.  As he begins to move his thumb from side to side, he leans in “I have really been enjoying getting to know you.”
You lean in towards him oh fuck, kiss me already.  “Same.  I obviously knew a bit about you but I never expected this…” you both lean in more. 
You are encapsulated by his smell, it’s light yet manly, sometimes you get hints of tobacco, other times it’s sea salt, you can't put your finger on it. 
Pedro’s other hand comes up to push a piece of hair out of your face, you wet your lips and he hums quietly in response….Right at that moment you get 2 text messages followed by the phone ringing, snapping you both back to reality.  The phone number is from your security company. 
“This is Jeff with SecurGard.  The alarm at your store is going off, the police are on the way, the front window sensor was triggered.”
By the time you and Pedro get to the store, Micah, Elliot and their husbands are already there.  The front window is shattered and a few items are missing. 
Inventory, shit.  I didn’t think this was how the night would go.  Pedro is kind and offers to help you out.  Him and the husbands start cleaning the glass and boarding the window as you and the staff start counting inventory for the insurance company.  
It’s about 11pm when you finish up, you thanking your staff profusely as they leave. You walk over to the boarded window, that’s when it all hits you.  You feel violated…betrayed.  This small and safe community, feels foreign and the stress of it all overtakes you. 
Pedro sees you staring off, “Hey, are you ok?  What else can I do for you?”
Don’t cry, whatever you do not cry in front of this man.  Too late, a tear falls.
Pedro scoops you into a big hug, your face tucked into his neck, taking in his scent, tobacco this time.  “I’m here, baby girl”. Hearing him calling you baby girl sends all your blood in two different directions, some of it north to your cheeks, but most of it south.  
You wipe your tears and look up at his lips.  “Thank you for everything tonight, Pedro.  I didn’t imagine our night going this way”, you gently bite your bottom lip and press your body harder into his.
He makes that same quiet hum you heard in the brewery while looking into your eyes, “What did you imagine would happen tonight?”, his right hand moving up to your face while his left moves down to your lower back.  A gentle graze of his nose meets yours.  You both take a second to breath each other in as a small moan escapes your throat.  Your hands grip onto the back of his shirt.  
“Babe?” He whispers in a soft but deep voice, “can I kiss you?”
Your eyes flick up from his lips to his eyes, looking at you with nervous lust.  “Yes please”, you reply. 
Both you of you move in hungrily, his left hand sliding down to your ass while the other tangles into your hair, tugging gently.  A guttural moan escapes him as you grip even tighter, scratching his back through his shirt.  Slowly the kiss lightens and you melt into each other, you part your lips and allow his tongue to lightly flick against yours.  Everything about this moment is too much for you, his warm, solid body against yours…his large, strong hand cupping your ass with such finesse.  His lips are soft now, but every part of you is on pins and needles at the hunger you have for one another.
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tang-o-archive · 2 years
The Chess Board
Chess has always been Lightman’s favorite. Chess has never disobeyed.
“Eggplant,” Lightman shuffled around in his bed, turning over to look at the robot charging in the chair at his bedside, “You are my favorite robot, no?“
There was a tone in his voice, not something that was dangerous- not like the other moments -but it was still off. This was going to be a conversation I couldn’t take lightly.
Yet, at the same time, I don’t really know how to respond. Maybe I could just pretend that I was still in sleep mode; that I didn’t hear him. Maybe I wouldn’t have to indulge in his… game.
“I know you’re awake, Eggplant. Please tell me, would you consider yourself my favorite robot?”
So much for that thought. Now I have to figure out what I need to say. Should I say yes? If I say no, then he might treat me like the other robots instead. I… I wouldn’t be able to-
“Apologies, Lightman. I’m still thinking about how I should answer this. It would be rather selfish of me if I considered myself a favorite. All of your robots of this model have their perfection. I am not truly above the others, am I?”
Lightman gave a small chuckle at that, his demeanor opening up. Good, he seemed to be in a light mood. That means it might not be as serious as I thought. Maybe it’s just light conversation, not a game.
“You really are something else, Eggplant. As should be expected of my favorite robot.”
“You are correct, the robots of your model all have their own artificial personality. They each have pros and cons, as a product must.”
A product.
“But you, Eggplant, are different. I chose you to be my favorite because you are entertaining. I enjoy your reactions, and your interest in my own personal life.”
Lightman shifted in the bed again. The rustling of the sheets etching into my audio sensors. Even though I didn’t have my monitor on processing visuals, I could tell he was looking straight at me.
What does he want?
“I enjoy our little talks. I enjoy that you listen to me. It believe that is what makes you a favorite of mine. It makes you very, very different from those other robots; those delinquent robots.”
“I’m very happy that you haven’t disappointed me. Thank you, Eggplant.“
… “You’re welcome, Sir.”
“Good night, Eggplant. Power off.“
And what could I do but listen?
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xdollydoodlesx · 2 years
Finally got around to working on that Poppy Playtime AU I’ve mentioned a few times before!
Dang thing has taken multiple hours at this point but gosh am I proud of it 🥹 Would love Feedback n Questions (It has unrelated worldbuilding lore bits which I shall explain later)
I am so so sorry for the word chunk I can’t figure out how to do that ‘read more’ thing on mobile T-T
Think of this as a dlc with added bits of lore + shifted details. World-building will be explained in a future post.
-You spawn in a worn down parking lot near the factory at night, police tape n the like speckle it’s exterior.
-You have a key ring with 2 keys, one to enter the building the other unknown for now.
-At first it’s vv dark inside but upon shutting the door the lights flick on along with a TV that auto-plays the first tape’s message. (Makes the sensor claim more realistic)
-left side from the entrance is the locked door to the security room, upon walking closer you may step on a disturbed floor tile that creaks.
*upon gaining the grab pack you can return to the tile and pull it up revealing a small hole where old pictures are the faces scribbled out can be found. (They show up when using a camera tool so I thought it’d be neat to use them as a Easter egg of sorts)*
-right side a lil gift shop which you go to after a failed search, some train cars rest on the ground make you look up and discover the code almost like it had been intentionally done.
-Inside the security room the grabpack only shows up when the player turns to leave or fiddles with the glass shield.
-Climbing over the turn stile you use the pack to unlock the door and find the area where a Huggy statue is located.
-Scanning the door to their right rather then the key popping up in Huggy’s hand it’s at his feet.
*lil timeskip til your about to get the red hand*
-Rather then it being automated you have to do a crane game styled action, nudging it off doesn’t work and has to be tugged til the case snaps free.
Originally you were gonna snag it with your blue hand once it’s close rather then just letting the claw drop in worry of it breaking but it slips falling anyway. (The idea for the lil crane game was shown in a incomplete model and I liked it enough to incorporate it plus make it more realistic. The red hand is the only one we can find atm so just letting it fall feels risky)
The stuff between these lines is where I do a significant difference to the normal gameplay:
-Upon ‘meeting’ Huggy you go into the vents like normal but the chase is a bit longer and instead of going to the box related part like normal you end up in a large office area with lots of cubicles and a bathroom. (You find a note/tape mentioning the bathroom has a damaged vent, perfect for a quick getaway)
Btw the chase was more time sensitive rather then just being caught cus the gates seemed to be almost trying to force you onto a different course.
-You search the trashed area for a usable set of bathroom keys and after finding them use them to unlock the bathroom door that held the open vent. (the company doesn’t like giving long breaks already so them having somewhat limited access to the bathrooms sorta fit)
*During the search you may come across a cubicle that looks a bit different, looking around it you find the desk’s drawer is locked and using the mysterious key you had since the beginning you open it…. Haven’t decided what’s you’d find yet.*
-Wandering a bit thru the locked vents you pass by some that peer into various rooms like a sorting room, a small theater for worker meetings(?), and a room where doll heads sit in frames (yep I love blending unused content into this plus it makes for a nice filler)
-After exiting the vents once more and exploring a bit you again (in that unused hallway) run into Huggy who chases you into a office (Like in one of the early trailers that isn’t Elliot’s but some other unknown peep owning it.
-Slamming the door shut you begin to feel stranded with Huggy slowly breaking the door down only to find a sus bookcase just in time which after much pushing moves to reveal a slanted hallway with odd design. (aka the cannon one that leads to Poppy’s room)
Quicking slipping inside you struggle to shift the bookcase back into place just as Huggy breaks in trashing the room in search for you.
Peering thru a crack you get to watch the scene holding your breath as they try to find you before eventually giving up and leaving.
-Too scared to dare go back out in fear of them waiting you gain the hope that this will lead to somewhere safe and venture deeper.
-You soon reach Poppy’s room not liking the red tint the case you find being more opaque then clear, thinking it could be some lever that’ll maybe open an emergency exit you pull it open only to find a doll the lights flickering before going out.
{Huggy doesn’t die in this since the box scene doesn’t happen but thankfully they don’t show up anymore either… Might edit this tho once chap 3 comes out}
Back to normal now… for the most part~:
*Timeskip til just before Poppy gets kidnapped*
-Rather then simply show up at the hole Poppy comes out of a vent mentioning they need to get past the door which is sadly locked.
Offering to unlock it from the other side you build Poppy a staircase up to the other vent (either you try to pick her up and she gets vv uncomfortable or your not comfortable with picking her up settling on doing the staircase instead, either option works)
-Once in you walk in with Poppy to the lip of the hole saying her normal line before being snatched.
Only other thing I wanna mention was that in the wack-a-wuggy game there are holes in the ceiling tho they are boarded up since it was mentioned that it would be unfair for the children. (Was in a unfinished version n I liked the detail)
Hope you like this feel free to give feedback n questions ^^
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agrieyes · 7 days
AgriEyes Fire Truck Lights: Reliable Lighting for Emergencies
When it comes to emergency response, time is of the essence and you need to be out on the job fast, and AgriEyes specializes in fire truck lights that are quick to install and use while ensuring safety. Whether it's a roaring fire or a roadside emergency, these lights will make your vehicle stand out from the chaos.
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Take, for example, the W08B Wireless Beacon Light. With its magnetic base, installation is easy and tool-free, making it perfect for rapid response teams. This rechargeable beacon light works independently of the truck's power supply, so it may operate even when the vehicle is turned off. It's the ideal choice for departments where speed is critical, guaranteeing that other cars can see your fire truck from a distance, especially in bad weather.
AgriEyes' W13S beacon light is designed for bigger emergency vehicles. With a bigger 6.6-inch dimension and 80W daytime power, this beacon provides optimum visibility. It even has a light sensor that automatically adjusts the brightness from 80W in daylight to 40W at night. This makes the procedure hands-free, enabling the team to concentrate on the task at hand. Furthermore, its IP67 waterproof rating ensures that no rain, snow, or dirt can impair its bright beam.
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AgriEyes also offers more complicated strobe light types such as the W18 and W12R, which come in red, blue, or amber and range in size from 24" to 60" Whether your fire truck requires huge roof-mounted lights or smaller, more discrete choices, these strobe lights provide high-intensity flashes that cut through fog and smoke, assuring optimum visibility in every situation. The W12R, for example, can be operated remotely using an app, allowing you to modify light patterns without leaving the driver's seat.
For those who prefer a more traditional approach, the W12D is an amber dual-rotating beacon. Its rotating feature improves vision from all directions, which is especially handy when your vehicle is parked or driving in a congested area.
AgriEyes is proud of its diverse range of fire truck lights, which cater to both current technical and traditional needs. AgriEyes has you covered for wireless, remote-controlled, or high-intensity lighting on your fire truck. Each product is designed to withstand even the most extreme situations.
Stay safe, stay visible, and make sure your fire truck is equipped with the best lighting solutions available from AgriEyes.
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bunchofknowledge123 · 1 month
Wake Up Happy with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
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A single gadget that can act as a digitalalarm clock, speaking in terms of functionality, and also a style icon whether it is placed in a bedroom, living room or even when traveling! This tiny and adorable battery run cute bunny digital alarm clock comprises a variety of features which are not only measured in utility but in playful aesthetics as well so as to always get the wakeup call right as well as make it amusing.
Start Your Day Right with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock The Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock must not be limited to a mere identification as an alarm clock since it also makes for a great character and accessory in any room. Its bunny look will fit excellently in children’s bedrooms, but the modern functions and rather strict, minimalistic design make it suitable for adult bedrooms as well. This is a clock that is meant to make getting up in the morning a little less grudging, a little more cheerful.
Effortless Control with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
As interestingly noted, this cute bunny digital alarm clock supports app control as one of the delightful features. A variety of main operations include setting the time, date, and brightness of the display. The user can change the alarm settings using his or her smartphone conveniently within minutes. The following feature is app-controlled, which makes it not only practical but also a ultimate comfort signed for technology lovers who appreciate contemporary and efficient solutions.
Multifunctional Marvel: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
This cute bunny digital alarm clock can be used to tell the time as well as other time-related functions. You will find a date display on the screen together with the temperature gauge, together with the automatic night light operation from the touch of your fingers. This handy utility is perfect to keep all sorts of important information in one place and so, it is perfect for addition to any room.
Motion Sensor Magic with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
Get the control every time with Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock that employs the motion sensor technology. Great for when it has to stay still until either you speak to it or give it a pat on the head This feature brings the fantasy into your life. No more getting out of your bed in the middle of the night to switch off your alarm only takes a command or touch.
Sustainable and Portable: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
The Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock is battery operated with a rechargeable battery with a life span of one month. Therefore, it can be regarded as a long-lasting and mobile option for people who stay on the go frequently. It is a multi-functional clock that can be best used at home but also being portable you can carry it with you wherever you are going.
Decorate with Ease: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
Although the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock comes with a built-in magnet and additional magnets, you can easily put it together with other items in your home. Put it on the side table by your bed, on your living room shelf, or better yet stick it on your refrigerator. Despite the zany appearance thus giving it the aesthetic value of a toy , it is a versatile décor item.
Smart Connectivity with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
The MOB Cutie Clock Connect is a highly effective concept and an enhancement of smart connectivity. This feature covers a portable night light plus motion detector, which makes this gadget even more practical. Be it a dim light that would fear up those who are afraid of the dark or a way to check the time at night without having to turn on the room light, the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock is perfect for this.
Ideal for Bedrooms and Travel: Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock
It is suitable for placing in a bedroom or using it as a travel clock; the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock offers the performance of the clock with a hint of whimsy. This means that it is small and can be easily carried around; a factor which makes it possible to take it along when traveling –thus guarantee it will always ring at the set time. Furthermore, in addition to the brand value, it has this bunny design which makes waking up in the morning a little more special.
Conclusion It is time to forget about the useless alarm clock and start to have pleasant mornings with the Cute Bunny Digital Alarm Clock. Where design meets technology, this is a delightful way to start a new day every morning with the alarm clock. Thus, it can be stated that with its app-controlled features, as well as the ability to function as a speaker, alarm clock, and much more, this charming device is perfect for anyone looking to improve their morning experience. This digital alarm clock can be used at home, in school, in workplace or anywhere you may think of, because the cute bunny alarm clock will always wake you up effectively. Spring them with this fancy and cute alarm clock that holds with the spirit of the modern society.
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energyfromscratch · 1 year
11 tips to reduce energy costs at home
Dress warmly indoors
So during winter, the first tip is to dress warmly even when you are indoors instead of using high heating. This does not mean you pack yourself in winter jackets. But warm winter socks, a warm sweater, thermal leggings, and other warm clothing can go a long way toward keeping you warm without blowing up your heating bills. When you are warmly dressed you can easily keep down the heating to around 14 to 17 degrees and still be comfortable.
2. Use alternative heating methods
When it comes to heating your home, whenever possible use alternative heating methods. During winter you can light a fire every evening, and even sometimes during the day when you are at home. The heat from the fire will keep the entire place warm enabling you to save on electricity.
3.Repurpose heating materials such as wood
Buying wood is a cost in itself, but first weigh if the benefits outweigh the cost, then decide whether to buy or not. But also look out for free wood, maybe from demolished structures, or a tree that has been cut down and the neighbor wants to get rid of it. And, if you cut any of your trees, save them for wood as well. 
4.Heat rooms depending on use
When it comes to heating, you can cut costs by heating only the rooms in use, or during the period when they are in use. So for example you can keep the heater very low in your bedroom during the day. And switch it up a bit just before bed. If you are working from home during the day, heat the room you work in only during the day, and at night turn the heater low to save energy.
5. Regulate heating using a thermostat
One great and very convenient way of controlling your heater is by using a thermostat which you can also connect to your phone. A heating thermostat will have a central station that is connected to your phone, and depending on where and in which room each thermostat is, you can set the heating for each room. And the best part is that you can set specific hours when it goes low or high, on or off.
6. Pile laundry and wash when you can fill the machine
One area where you can also save energy costs is laundry. Do your laundry in piles that fill the machine. Separate your laundry based on colors, materials, and what they are e.g. Kitchen stuff, towels, whites, and so on. This will help you track which pile is full so you can do a full machine wash rather than a half machine of this and that just because it is laundry day.
To make it easy, try and get a compartmentalized laundry bin for stuff that does not pile up so fast such as towels, socks, and so on. The rest of the daily wear such as t-shirts can go in one laundry bin. This will help you save a lot of energy.
7. Adjust washing machine and dryer settingsYou can also set your washing machine to wash at cold and warm water temperatures rather than extremely hot. This is simply because more energy is required to heat the water. If you use a dryer you can also find a way to cut costs using the settings.
8. Use hanging lines and drying racks to dry clothes
In summer if you have some space outside, you can set up hanging lines and dry your clothes out in the sun. In winter, you can dry your clothes free of energy by using indoor drying racks. This is perfect for light clothes which do not need too much time to dry. Another great way to dry your clothes without using extra energy is to use the bathroom heaters that are set up for handling towels for example.
9. Upgrade your electronics
Did you know that older machines used in homes consume more energy than newer models? You can track how much your model is consuming and weigh whether getting a new less energy-consuming model is better than using the old one. This is however not a top priority if purchasing a new machine is not within your budget as it can be understandably costly.
10. Use sensor lights in low-traffic areas
Although lighting and small gadgets do not consume so much energy, you can still save pretty pennies if you reduce how much they consume. A good suggestion would be to have sensor lights in specific places around the hallway or staircases where you don’t stay for long. In this way the lights will automatically go off when you are not there, so no worries about forgetting to switch them off.
11. Unplug and switch off electronic gadgets
Unplug any gadgets such as laptops, iPads, etc. instead of leaving them constantly plugged in even when they are fully charged. Better yet, switch them off when not in use so you can save not just power but also avoid constantly charging them. 
You can never know you are using a lot of energy until the bill comes out high, and likewise, you can never know you are saving energy until the bill comes out low. So take the initiative of making sure that you save energy however small and in doing this you will also be saving money.
Read more here
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ohiovalleysolar · 1 year
Understanding the Working Mechanism of Solar Light Bulb
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There was a time when the idea of harnessing solar energy to power our lights seemed like a concept straight out of a science fiction novel. However, fast forward to present time, and you'll see an array of solar panels adorning the roofs of buildings and homes, even lighting up your streets at night.
According to a report published by Contrive Datum Insights, the Outdoor Solar LED Market is expected to reach $44.4 billion globally by 2032 at a compound annual growth rate of 21.6%.
What once felt like an unattainable dream is now a tangible reality growing every day. You may even be using solar panel LED lights in your daily life, possibly without realizing it. 
But have you ever thought about how these economical solar lights manage to turn the Sun's energy into electricity? How do they continue to glow brightly long after the Sun has disappeared below the horizon? Is it some kind of sorcery? Absolutely not! It's all down to the wonders of science!
In this article, we’ll explore the functionality of this wonder of science. We will also delve into its benefits and discover why solar-powered light bulbs make a worthy investment. So continue to read what’s next!
How Solar LED Lights Function?
LED technology is significantly more efficient than incandescent and fluorescent lighting, generating light up to 90% more efficiently. This makes LEDs the perfect choice for solar lighting systems. Here’s a breakdown of how solar powered LEDs function in a few steps:
Step 1: Harnessing Solar Energy
The operation of a solar light bulb begins when sunlight hits the solar panel or photovoltaic cell on the device. The cells of this device consist of semiconductive materials, usually silicon, which are capable of absorbing sunlight.
Step 2: Generating Electricity
When the sunlight hits the photovoltaic cell, it energizes the electrons within. The energy given to the electrons allows them to break free and move, creating a flow of electric current. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect.
Step 3: Storing the Energy
The electric current generated is a direct current (DC), which then flows to a rechargeable battery attached to the solar panel. This battery stores the electricity produced during the day. The energy in the battery is preserved for later use when there is no sunlight available, such as during the night or on cloudy days.
Step 4: Sensing Darkness
As the sun sets and darkness falls, a built-in light sensor or photoreceptor in the solar light bulb detects the absence of light. This sensor triggers the circuit to switch on the light, using the stored energy in the battery.
Step 5: Converting and Using Stored Energy
Before the stored DC energy can be used to power the LED lights, it must first be converted into alternating current (AC). An inverter within the system performs this conversion. The AC energy then flows into the LED bulb, causing it to emit light.
Step 6: Automatic Shutoff
When morning comes, and the sensor detects light again, the system automatically switches off the LED light to conserve energy. Thus this process starts over again with the solar panel harnessing sunlight and generating electricity.
Types & Uses of Solar LEDs
Fun Fact Time: Did you know that LED bulbs last tens of thousands of hours longer than traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs? That's right! With this durable and long-lasting LED bulb, your space will be illuminated for a longer period of time without having to replace bulbs often. 
However, not one type of solar LED will suit every system. As a result, there are a large range of solar powered lighting bulbs. Following, we have enlisted multiple types of solar LED lighting systems and their applications in various places:
Solar Garden Lights
These lights are specifically designed to enhance the ambiance and augment the visual appeal of outdoor spaces. By casting a gentle glow, they create a charming atmosphere, making gardens and landscapes more inviting. These decorative solar LED lights serve as a delightful addition, infusing outdoor areas with a touch of elegance and enhancing the overall aesthetics of the environment.
Solar Street Lights
Solar-powered LED street lights are extensively utilized to illuminate roadways, streets, and public spaces, serving as reliable sources of bright and efficient illumination. These lighting solutions play a vital role in enhancing safety and visibility during the nighttime hours. By providing well-lit environments, solar LED street lights contribute to creating secure navigable spaces, ensuring the well-being of pedestrians, motorists, and residents alike.
Solar Flood Lights
Solar LED flood lights are specifically engineered to provide brilliant illumination across expansive outdoor spaces. They are commonly employed in settings like parking lots, sports fields, and construction sites, where powerful and focused lighting is crucial for optimal functionality. These flood lights deliver high-intensity brightness, ensuring enhanced visibility and secure environment in large outdoor areas.
Solar Security Lights 
Solar LED security lights are equipped with motion sensors and are widely employed for security applications. The primary purpose of these security lights is to deter potential intruders and enhance visibility in poorly lit or dark areas. Solar LED security lights provide an immediate burst of light upon detecting motion, increasing home and business safety and security.
Solar Camping Lights
Outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities will find these solar LED lights handy. Their lightweight and compact design allows for easy transportation and storage. This solar-powered lighting solution eliminates the need for disposable batteries and is sustainable and eco-friendly. With these portable solar LED lights, you can explore remote trails or set up camp with convenient and reliable illumination.
Solar Path Lights 
Perfect for enhancing the visibility of walkways, driveways, and outdoor staircases, solar LED path lights are an excellent choice. In both residential and commercial environments, these lights provide both aesthetic appeal and safety. Solar panel LED light cast a gentle glow that guides people along designated paths and prevents accidents. These lights combine functionality and aesthetics to enhance outdoor spaces' charm and safety.
The applications of solar LEDs extend far beyond the examples mentioned, showcasing the remarkable versatility of this technology.  Solar LEDs can illuminate gardens, pathways, streets, and even remote areas, allowing users to create customized and sustainable lighting solutions. The flexibility of solar LEDs paves the way for imaginative approaches to lighting, transforming spaces and fostering a greener and more energy-efficient future.
To conclude it all, solar-powered LED lights epitomize the convergence of renewable energy and innovative lighting technology. With their ability to convert sunlight into electricity and provide efficient, sustainable illumination, they hold immense potential for a greener and brighter future. 
By embracing solar light bulb, we can contribute to a more sustainable planet, reduce energy consumption, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Let us embrace this revolutionary lighting solution, lighting up our lives while leaving a smaller carbon footprint in our wake.
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engravingllc · 2 years
Get Perfect Quality Photo Every Time with One Touch Photo Universal Laser
A one-touch photo universal laser is a device that uses a laser to take photographs. It is connected to a computer via USB and can be used with any software that supports the USB connection. The device can take photos of up to 8 megapixels and has a built-in memory card reader.
If you are looking to up your photo game, this is the gadget for you. As it is a universal model, the device is compatible with phones of all makes and models. So, whether you are an iPhone user or an Android fan, the one touch photo universal laser is the accessory for you.
How To Use A One-Touch Photo Universal Laser?
Assuming you have your one touch photo universal laser – otherwise known as a “laser photo sensor” and are ready to use it, there are just a few things you need to know. Here is a quick guide on how to use this handy device.
First, find a flat surface on which to place the laser photo sensor. This will ensure that the sensor is level and can accurately detect objects in its path.
Next, press the power button to turn on the device. Then, use the arrow keys to select the mode you want to use. There are three modes: “automatic”, “manual”, and “night”.
In automatic mode, the laser photo sensor will continuously emit a laser beam. This beam will reflect off any objects in its path and return to the sensor. The distance from the sensor to the object will be calculated and displayed on the screen.
In manual mode, you can control when the laser beam is emitted by pressing the fire button. This is useful for measuring specific objects or distances.
Finally, in night mode, only infrared light is emitted from the laser photo sensor. This is used for measuring distance in low-light conditions or complete darkness.
To measure an object or distance, simply point the device at whatever you want to measure and press either the fire button (in manual mode) or the trigger (in automatic or night mode). The measurement will be displayed on the screen in either centimeter (cm). Always, look for a device with BOFA Filters USA for easy maintenance.
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Children’s Bathroom Ideas
Whether you are a new parent or just planning on renovating your children’s bathroom, there are plenty of ideas you can use to make your room a fun and functional place for your little ones. Here are some of the best ideas for creating a space that is uniquely yours.
Adding a night light
Adding a night light to a children’s bathroom can provide your child with a safe and relaxing place to sleep. This can also help set a sleep routine.
You can get an energy-efficient LED night light that uses a light sensor to turn on at dusk and turn off at dawn. This is perfect for kids who are afraid of the dark. It also features a rocker switch, which makes it easy to use.
Some night lights come with a timer that helps set a bedtime routine. This is great for kids who are learning to tell time. Others have added features, like a USB charger or Bluetooth compatibility.
Another great feature is the battery backup on wall-powered devices. This is handy if your child likes to take the light with them when they go to the bathroom.
Adding a retro theme
Adding a retro theme to children’s bathroom ideas can be fun. For instance, you could incorporate a retro style sink vanity and faucet, or opt for an under-basin vanity unit, which is great for storing all those essentials. The key is to keep the design fun and fresh and keep your kids from getting bored.
Using tiles to clad your tub or shower is a great way to get the oomph factor you’ve been after. They are durable, waterproof and easy to clean. The right colors and tile size can make for a nice family bathroom. The grout is a fun touch, as well. The best part is you can change it up whenever you want.
The bathroom is the sanctum sanctum of your household, so make it as inviting as possible. You can do this by installing a colorful wall mural, or by covering the walls with a large-scale mosaic picture.
Adding storage
Adding storage to children’s bathroom ideas is an important consideration. Kids have a lot of stuff. A bathroom hamper is a great place to store dirty clothes. A basket is also a useful tool to keep the bathroom tidy.
Small bookcases are a great way to add extra storage to kids’ bathroom ideas. These bookshelves are also an easy way to dress up a bathroom. The best part is that they’re also a fun way to add a pop of color to your child’s bathroom.
A bathroom ladder rack is also an effective storage solution. You can use it to keep towels, bathrobes, and washcloths off the floor.
For more space-efficient solutions, consider installing a cabinet. These cabinets are available in all shapes and sizes, and come with a lot of storage for your dollar. This is a cost effective way to organize your bathroom.
Adding an over-bath shower
Adding an over-bath shower to a children’s bathroom may be the perfect solution for parents who want a quick and convenient bath without the hassle of cleaning. It can also be a great way to add a stylish touch to the room.
There are a few things you should know before tearing down your tub and replacing it with a shower. First, make sure the existing plumbing is in working order. You may need to have the drain lines rerouted. You may also have to install new fixtures. Depending on the size of your bathroom, the project can cost $400 to $2000.
The National Kitchen and Bath Association has some good planning guidelines. These guidelines should help you design a functional layout.
You should also check the framing and subfloor to ensure it is sound. Once you’ve made the necessary repairs, your contractor will install the new shower. This can be a relatively quick process and you can expect the work to be completed within a week.
Adding a suction-cup hanging bath-toy holder
Adding a suction-cup hanging bath-toy holder in a children’s bathroom can be a fun way to store and retrieve toys. But beware: some models come with suction cups that don’t stick to bathroom tiles.
A better option is one that has a mesh material. This increases airflow and prevents mildew from building up inside toys. It also offers a sturdy hold. Some models also have a zipper on the bottom to make it easier to remove toys.
Another option is a multi-use hanging mesh organizer. This product has two designs that include a cute toothbrush holder and a pouch for soap.
It also has breathable holes that prevent mildew from forming. This organizer is great for children’s bath time and keeps your bathroom clean.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can buy a cheap laundry basket. This is a simple and inexpensive way to keep bath toys organized.
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Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply looking to update your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation is the place to turn. We’re Vancouver’s premier bathroom design and renovation specialists, and we pride ourselves on being able to create spaces that fit perfectly within your budget. Whether you’re renovating a small guest room or transforming a whole house, we’ll guide you through each step so you can enjoy your finished product for years to come. As a locally owned and operated business, we know what it takes to build lasting relationships with our clients. We’re committed to providing quality products and services and strive to exceed expectations every time.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
How can you remodel a bathroom while keeping your budget tight?
It is important to first take stock of all the items you have. This would include everything including toilets.
After you have finished the list, determine if any items you can salvage. If they aren’t salvageable, they must be repaired.
Next, you will need to determine how much you can spend on each item. Once you know the total amount of money you want to allocate for these items, you can begin shopping around for replacement parts online or at local hardware stores.
After you have purchased your new bathroom parts, you can make your bathroom more modern. This can include replacing fixtures or painting walls. Whatever route you decide to take, ensure that you stay within your budget so that you don’t spend more than you originally intended.
What does a complete bathroom renovation package include?
Depending on the needs of the customer, a complete bathroom remodel package may include multiple services. Some common services that might be included are:
Bathroom design and consultation
3D renderings of bathroom designs
Services for waterproofing through the Schluter system
Tile setting services
Delivery and supply of tiles
Install and supply in-floor heating systems
Supply and delivery for all plumbing and lighting fixtures
All plumbing, electrical, and other work by our licensed electricians.
The vanity can be delivered, installed, and shipped.
Supply, fabrication, and installation of the countertop
Glass for shower and tub installation.
Demolition and Removal of Existing Fixtures and Materials
Painting and wallpaper services
How can I make my bathroom feel Zen?
A bathroom should be a place of reflection and relaxation. It’s where we go to unwind after an intense day of activity. So why would anyone choose a space where they feel stressed out?
It is easy to answer: bathrooms are places where you can relax. When we shower, our stress is washed away. We scrub our skin and clean out our teeth.
You have many options to create a serene and tranquil bathroom while still providing all the amenities.
A white wall can make a space appear larger and cleaner. White helps reflect light which makes rooms seem larger.
Large mirrors allow us to see what we are looking at without having to turn around.
You can make your bathroom a peaceful place by adding candles. Candles provide warmth and a feeling of security. Scented candles can create a sense of calm and security.
Adding plants to the bathroom can also help to promote peace and tranquillity. The benefits of plants include increased focus and stress reduction.
Lighting is an additional way to set the mood. You can create a warm environment by using lighting. Warm light, such like candlelight, can create an atmosphere of tranquility.
Take some time to rest your body next time you use the bathroom. This is the only area where you can completely disconnect from the outside world.
How can I make my bathrooms feel modern?
Modernize your bathroom in many different ways. Incorporating sleek and simple lines into your design is a great way to achieve a modern look. You can also use colours like white, grey, and black. Adding modern fixtures, like LED lighting and rain showers, will also give your space a more contemporary feel. Decluttering your bathroom and making sure that everything is in its proper place will give it a cleaner, more minimalistic appearance.
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Windows above tubs were favoured by 51% of those surveyed. Skylights were selected by 37% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
With this technology, whether you take a 5-minute or a 50-minute shower, you’ll use the same amount of water, reducing your use up to 90 percent! (elemental.green)
Other sustainability instruments developed by Noken include an ‘Eco cartridge’ (its two-position switch makes it possible to use 50% less water and energy), and a water ‘flow rate limiter’ (that uses jets and air to reduce water consumption). (decoist.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Bathroom faucet designs reflected wellness concerns, with 61% choosing accessible lever handles, 48% choosing motion and 36% going for the touch or tap options. (https://nkba.org)
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
Outdoor showers can dramatically increase the value of your home—according to a 2018 report from Realtor.com, homes with outdoor showers tend to list for nearly double the asking price of other homes! (housebeautiful.com)
NKBA estimates that broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labour (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). (remodelista.com)
According to a 2019 remodelling report from the National Association of Realtors, 70 percent of consumers “have a greater desire to be home” after a bathroom renovation, so read on and soak up the secrets. (housebeautiful.com)
This article will reveal more about AntiBac surfaces and how Villeroy and Boch products have 99.9% fewer bacteria. (superbath.co.uk)
External Links
Learn how much it would cost to remodel a Bathroom
Where Does Your Money go for a Bathroom Remodel? | HomeAdvisor
Home – NKBA
Bathroom Remodeling: Real-World Costs
How To
How to hire a contractor in a bathroom remodeling project
It is not easy to remodel a bathroom. There are many steps that must be taken, including finding the right contractor, choosing materials, hiring them and getting estimates. Then, you have to sign contracts and start the work. Pressure is a key factor in the process. You don’t want make mistakes, but you need to get things done as quickly as possible. Here are some tips to help find the right contractor and hire them for your bathroom renovation project.
Start looking online. You have many options for bathroom remodeling. Websites like Houzz and Trustedpros can help you find contractors. Most websites allow you enter your zip code to find local contractors that have received positive reviews. Always check their google reviews and portfolio.
Ask your friends and family. Most likely, your friends and family know someone who has recently renovated a bathroom. Ask them if they would recommend a contractor if they are willing to share their experiences. They might even be able to give you a referral fee for referring them!
Check out online forums. You can find many forums for bathroom remodelling on Facebook. Here, people can post photos of their projects and get advice. Reddit, Pinterest and other popular sites are also available.
Do extensive research. Do your research before hiring anyone to do the job. Check their licenses, insurance, as well as any other pertinent information. Please also note their previous jobs. Are they familiar with bathroom design? Are they familiar working in similar-sized spaces to yours?
Did you miss our previous article… https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-create-tropical-bathrooms/
The post Children’s Bathroom Ideas first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/childrens-bathroom-ideas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=childrens-bathroom-ideas
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truda-grace · 2 years
Motion sensors for every occasion
All their under cabinet lights are designed to offer you a cost effective lighting solution that wont break the bank. GYTBL has the perfect illumination solution for you. These kinds of closet lights motion sensored feature 26 super bright clean white LEDs and are generally perfect for closets, cupboards, counters and storage. Plus, they're power powered, which means you need not worry about wiring or perhaps finding an electrical electric outlet. Thanks to their magnet mounting system, the under counter lights for kitchen are easy to install and can be set wherever they're necessary. With the click of a button, you can actually switch between off, always on, and motion modes. Within always-on mode, it is possible to adjust the illumination of the light by simply pressing and retaining the button with respect to 3-5 seconds. One of the greatest things about these under counter lights for kitchen is certainly their versatility. They will have three different modes that allow you to change among turning the lights on continuously or using their movement receptors so that when movement is detected, the particular lights only seriously in the dark. Th can be enables you to select from low, medium and great lighting settings. The closet lights are simply designed to last and provides you with reputable lighting when you need it. Because of the long battery-life, you don't have to worry about frequently replacing batteries. Upon high, these below counter lights when it comes to kitchen can output an extraordinary 500 lumens, making them ideal for use within even the darkest areas. When it comes to providing efficient and cost-effective lamps solutions, GYTBL may be the brand you can have faith in. Whether you are looking for action sensor wall sconces, cabinet lights or perhaps under cabinet lighting, GYTBL gets the answer for you. With a committed action to quality plus customer support, they are a company that truly sets the requirements of their clients first. You won't be disappointed. If you're weary of stumbling around at night and want a trusted lighting solution that will not increase your electric bill, then make sure to motion sensor light indoor.
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ssssokkkk2kk · 2 years
The 10 Best Dash Cameras On The Market Right Now
When it comes to it, there are many different approaches and viewpoints to consider dash camera car.
Dash cameras, also known as dash cam cars, are becoming increasingly popular for drivers of all kinds, from everyday commuters to commercial fleets. Dash cams provide an extra layer of safety and protection, as well as recording footage of both the road and the interior of the car. With so many different dash cams on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. To help make the decision a bit easier, we’ve put together a list of the 10 best dash cameras on the market right now.
1. VAVA Dash Cam
The VAVA Dash Cam is one of the most popular cams on the market right now. It features a wide-angle camera lens, which provides a full view of the road, and a “super night vision” mode, which helps you see in low light. It also has a built-in G-sensor, which automatically records and stores footage when it detects an accident.
2. Garmin Dash Cam 66W
The Garmin Dash Cam 66W is the perfect choice for drivers who want a bit more control over their dash cam. It comes with a 3-inch LCD display, so you can keep an eye on what’s happening even when you’re not in the car. It also has voice control, so you can turn it on and off without having to take your hands off the wheel.
3. Rexing V1-4K Ultra HD Dash Cam
The Rexing V1-4K Ultra HD Dash Cam is another great choice for drivers who want a high-quality camera. It features a 4K ultra HD resolution, which provides crystal clear footage, as well as a wide-angle lens for a full view of the road. It also has motion detection and loop recording, so you’ll never miss a thing.
4. Thinkware U1000 Dash Cam
The Thinkware U1000 Dash Cam is the perfect choice for drivers who want to keep an eye on the interior of their car. It features an interior-facing camera, which can be used to record passengers or any activity that happens in the car. It also has a built-in GPS, so you can track your speed and location.
5. Rove R2-4K Dash Cam
The Rove R2-4K Dash Cam is perfect for drivers who want to capture their adventures in high-quality video. It features a 4K ultra HD resolution, which provides crystal clear footage, as well as a wide-angle lens for a full view of the road. It also has a built-in Wi-Fi, so you can easily transfer your footage to your phone or computer.
6. Pruveeo C2 Dash Cam
The Pruveeo C2 Dash Cam is the perfect choice for drivers who want a reliable and easy
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