#and it felt so couple-y to go shop for a kitten i was like hmmm this could be a thing that i liked
flusteredphil · 5 years
life update in the tags
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
Once bitten, twice shy- Part of the Foolish Pride Series
“I can’t believe I’m doing this. It’s wrong,” you said to yourself. The decision to call Mike had been a tough one. Now here you sat in a coffee shop waiting for him. You couldn’t count how many hours you spent waiting on him in the past. There was always a 50/50 chance that he would show. Until that became 70/30 he wouldn’t show which turned to not even bothering to make plans that involved Mike because you knew he wasn’t going to make it.
It boggled your mind that you were just as drawn to him as you were before. But that was never the problem. The draw, the attraction, the need for one another never faded. You never stopped loving Mike but you did want different things in life than he did, well at least that’s what you thought until you ran into Mike a couple of days ago.
Leaning forward you braced your head with your hands and took a deep breath. When you looked up Mike was sitting across from you. “Mike. Hi.” Not only was he on time he was actually early.
He grinned. “Hi.” Mike cleared his throat. “I’m happy you called. I was going to call you but didn’t want to seem pushy.”
“I am too.”
“Can I get you a coffee? Maybe a scone?” Mike asked as if he even knew what a scone was.
“Just a coffee with-”
“With two cream, two sugars and a shot of vanilla,” he stated. “I remember.” He stood and went to wait in line.
Your phone started buzzing in your bag. When you checked it there was a text from Peter. He wanted to come to visit you next weekend. It had been almost a month since you last saw Peter. He lived in Chicago but would come to New York periodically to visit family. What you had with him started as casual and fun. It was a great escape from the early days when you and Mike had split. He wanted more but that was something you weren’t sure you were ready for it. It scared you to open your heart up like that again. You typed out a quick response then put the phone back in your bag as Mike returned with the coffees.
“I will never understand how you can drink black coffee,” you said shaking your head.
“Puts hair on your chest. You should try it sometime,” he joked.
“I am not trying to grow hair on my chest! You laughed. “And from what I remember you don’t have any on yours.”
“Still true,” he admitted. “Why don’t we go for a walk. It’s a beautiful day.”
“Sure.” Picking up your coffee and bag you walked to the exit. Mike put his hand at the small of your back like he did in the past and you didn’t object. He offered his arm and you slipped your arm through it. Everything felt so right being here with him. Like it was the first few years you were together.
Before you knew it you and Mike had been talking a strolling through Central Park for over an hour. “The sky is getting darker, looks like rain. Should probably get back,” you announced.
Mike turned his eyes to the heavens. “You’re right.” He gave you a small smile as the two of you walked back to the coffee shop. A couple minutes the skies opened up. The cold downpour made you and Mike find shelter. He pulled you under an awning. The two of you were soaked, cold but laughing none-the-less. Mike brushed a wet strand of hair out of your face. Leaning down he pressed his lips to yours.
At first, you melted into his kiss. But something in the back of your mind made you pull away. “I-I can’t do this. I’m sorry Mike.”
The next week flew by and before you knew it, Friday had arrived. Peter was taking a late flight in from Chicago. You offered to meet him at the airport but he said he didn’t want to inconvenience you since he wouldn’t land until after 9pm. Peter was one of the sweetest people you knew. Considerate, caring, thoughtful and passionate; Peter was the whole package. And you did care for him very much. So what was your problem? Mike was the problem. And the feelings you still harbored for him. Especially after seeing him last week then having coffee last weekend. Not to mention getting caught in the rain and the kiss that you could still feel on your lips.
The next morning you woke up with a smile on your face and snuggled closer to Peter’s chest.
Peter caressed your bare shoulder with his thumb making small circles on your skin. “Good morning, darling. Sleep well?”
“Morning,” you croaked. “ Of course I did. I woke up next to you.”
Peter kissed the top of your head. “Want to eat breakfast in or go out?”
“Eat in. I like to watch you cook. What time is it?”
“Almost 9,” he replied.
You stretched beside him. “Hmmm...you’re usually up by now.”
“It’s been too long since I’ve been able to hold you and feel your soft skin that I wanted to relish it,” he said.
Turning over onto your belly you pushed to your elbows looking up at Peter. “I’m happy you’re here.” And you were happy. Peter was beginning to break down the wall you put up after Mike. It was scary as hell.
Peter pushed a strand of hair from your face. “I wish I could wake up to you every morning.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice?” you whispered. Inching yourself closer to Peter you were just about to kiss him when the doorbell rang.
“Hold that thought, kitten,” Peter said giving you a chaste kiss on the cheek. He got out of bed and pulled on his boxer briefs giving you a fantastic view of his ass. Peter smirked when he turned around to look at you.
Deciding to go to the kitchen to get the coffee started you rolled out of bed. Peter’s shirt was slung over the footboard so you grabbed it pulling it around you. As you were buttoning it up you made your way to the kitchen. Peter’s voice was evident. You wondered who he was talking to when you heard Mike speak.
“I’m sorry. I must have the wrong apartment. I was looking for Y/N,” he said.
“And you are?” Peter asked.
Padding to the door you came to stand beside Peter. “Mike. What are you doing here?”
Peter’s jaw clenched at the mention of Mike’s name. He knew everything about your relationship with Mike and that being one of the reasons you were so reluctant to open up to him completely.
Mike took in your appearance along with Peter’s putting two and two together. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…” He cleared his throat. “I’ll just go now.” He pushed the tray of coffees into Peter’s hand then walked away.
Peter shut the door then placed the coffee on the counter. “What was that about?” Peter asked.
“I ran into him about a week ago. I had Max in the park. He started talking to me, thought Max was his,” you scoffed. You explained the events, including the coffee shop, going for a walk and the kiss.
“Did you kiss him back?” Peter looked over at you. His face was tight and you could see him swallow hard as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.
You bite your lip and wringing your hands. “At first but I pushed him away and left. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you but-”
“He started it and you ended it?” Peter asked.
“Yes. I didn’t want you to get mad or upset about something that meant nothing to me,” you explained. Well, part of it was true. The last thing you wanted was to hurt Peter.
Peter ran his hand through his hair. “I’m not mad, not at you anyway. But if I see him again…” He crossed the floor to you. “Thank you for being honest with me.” Peter cupped your face with his hands then kissed your forehead. He lead you into the kitchen with an arm around your shoulders. “Now pancakes or French toast?”
“Pancakes. Blueberry,” you replied. “I’ll make coffee.” You felt like gum on the bottom of a shoe for lying to Peter. That kiss, that kiss set your soul on fire. And you knew someone would get burnt before was all said and done.
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jinnieboo-blog1 · 7 years
VIXX Hyung Line as college students
Based on my VIXX College Aesthetics :) I’ll be turning these into oneshots/imagines/fanfics soon ;) <3 I\ll do the maknae line soon too~
N - (aesthetic here)
- majoring in either theater or performing arts
- probably a member of the dance club
- known to be the most fashionable student in campus
- super charismatic; everyone loves this guy except for maybe 5VIXX since it’s a love-hate thing between bros
- classy af like legit classy; always wearing preppy outfits and can still dance amazingly in a blazer and button up and all
- may seem like a diva at first, but is actually a sweetheart
- the type of student who likes to wake up really early to admire the sunrise
- and likes to watch the sunset
- needs to have coffee when studying; scented candles help him too
- very organized and neat notes
- you meet each other when you are both paired with each other in one of your classes
- you are intimidated by him at first, but then you realize that he’s actually not that bad and is really friendly and caring
- he can be kind of diva-ish, but you actually find it amusing
- you two just really get to know each other overtime, doing projects, homework and studying
- like dang he really admires your diligence and hard-working attitude
- and he thinks you’re beautiful but not as beautiful as him
- he likes to show you his collection of old books and is rather proud of them
- one day, while studying in the library late at night, you start getting sleepy and like are half asleep so N for some reason tucks your hair behind your ear, causing you to open your eyes and sit back up
- and you and N kind of just stare at each other until N leans closer and you’re like “OMG what” but before you can do anything, N has already started to softly kiss you
- and it only lasted a few seconds, so when he pulls away, you’re kinda like “Aaawww” ‘cause he has the softest lips ever
- you two are just grinning at each other like cuties and he apologizes for being  too sudden, and you tell him it’s alright ‘cause it’s not like you didn’t like it but you’re just so flustered and N just smirks there
- like he tells you how much he admires you and is just really captivated by you so you blush and tell him that you’ve felt the same and aaayyy you kiss each other again
- when you two start to date, everyone just knows you two as being a really sweet, old-fashioned kind of couple
- you know, hand-written letters, dates in coffee shops and the park, shopping together, matching classy af outfits, cuddling each other while reading
- he likes to give you lots and lots of hugs
- Ken is constantly clinging to you like a little child like “Thank you for dating N he’ll finally stop smothering us with his mother hugs etc etc”
- you just giggle but then N is like “nah fam I’m still gonna show you all some love”
- but then he really shows you the most love and spoils you a lot but in a good way
LEO - (aesthetic here)
- majoring in Education because bruh this boy loves kids
- part of the soccer team because mad soccer skills
- constantly eating nad hungry but he burns it all away after training and practice with the soccer bros
- needs coffee 24/7; like every single day he needs to have his daily dose of coffee
- very, very, very smart like wooow
- people are intimidated by him (and his height) and are afraid to approach or talk to him but deep down and to those who really know him, he’s really gentle 
- he can shut someone up though with just a glare so beware of this gentle giant
- doesn’t like to always hang around with a group, so he’s usually alone somewhere peaceful and quiet; usually chilling or reading somewhere in the school’s rooftop garden or something of that sort
- one day, you are sitting by the bleachers, studying your notes while watching the soccer team practice and Leo’s in a bad mood so he accidentally kicks the ball too hard and it goes flying straight to you
- and you get hit on the face and the whole team is like “oh shi-” and Leo rushes to you and apologizes a million times and feels sooo guilty
- it kind of hurt and you hold your nose to make sure it’s fine so you just laugh and smile, saying that it’s alright and it’s nothing serious
- but then Leo still feels really bad ‘cause he’s really just a sweet kitten, so he gently holds your wrist and moves it away from your nose and he just looks so upset with himself ‘cause your nose is now bleeding
- and you start to blush not because it’s bleeding, but because Leo, who is really handsome oh my, is so close and staring at your face
- and then he insists to take you to the clinic, but then you don’t want to hassle him, so you tell him it’s fine and he should go back to practicing so he reluctantly agrees
- a few days later, you bump into each other in his favorite coffee shop and he’s like “how’s the nose?” and you’re like “completely fine” 
- and then it’s just an awkward silence so you’re like no practice today? and he says that there’s none and so you ask “what brings you here?” and he says that this is his favorite cafe, and you’re like NO WAAAY ME TOOO
- and he just brightens up and shyly asks if you want to join him for coffee, so you say yes
- you two just talk about coffee and how you both have a soft spot for them kiddos and Leo is just really enjoying and you get to see the side of him that not many people see; ya know he’s really sweet and gentle
- so you’re like you’re not that scary, unlike what other people say and Leo’s like I appreciate it and he smiles gently and your heart just goes BOOM
- you two just develop a close bond and so one day, after practice when all the other team members go to the locker rooms to change and all, Leo goes straight to you at the bleachers and you like offer him some water and a towel
- and as he catches his breath, you just look at him with admiration but then he turns to you and catches you staring so he’s like ??? and you’re like NOTHING HERE LET ME and you grab the towel from him and use it to ruffle his hair
- but then he gently takes your hands in his and stares into your eyes like mhhhmmm and before you know it, he gently plants a kiss on your lips like it’s really quick and you’re like LEO?!
- and then he’s just shyly looking down and smiling, so you end up smiling and kissing him too
- when you date, it’s just such a cute, fluffy sight; he’s very protective of you
- you two like to go to your favorite cafe, cuddles in bed, lots and lots and lots of spooning and shy kisses on your nose
- like Hyuk is like “hyung has a girlfriend?????” and you’re like YEAHP and Hyuk is about to say something Hyuk-like, so Leo shoots him a glare so Hyuk’s like “NVM CHEERS TO THE HAPPY COUPLE”
KEN - (aesthetic here)
- majoring in arts 
- member of the art club 
- really funny and a huge dork that everyone loves because he’s a precious cinnamon roll and is constantly doing aegyo all over the place
- looks extremely good in glasses and a killer smile
- the type of student who falls asleep in some classes, but still manages to get really good grades because he is smart anyway also very good with art yes its his major ofc
- has doodles and drawings of anything that happens in his everyday life; even his notes in class have doodles
- has a variety of pencils and ballpens in assorted colors
- likes to study with a view, meaning when he studies, he likes to be by the window or somewhere where he can enjoy the view
- you don’t really know him personally, but in the classes you have together, he’s usually asleep. Or if he’s awake, you never get to talk to him because you think you’d get flustered and embarrass yourself because he’s too handsome and cute
- but one time, he leaves his notebook in class, so like you look inside and see his amazing drawings, so you run to find him, but he’s no longer in the area and so you make it your mission to return it to him because how could he lose something so amazing? and maybe you can finally talk to him
- days later, you’re at the doing homework for your art class and Ken and his friend Ravi make noise, but you don’t mind them but then later on, Ravi has left and Ken has nowhere to sit because most of the seats are occupied, so he goes to you and is like “is this seat available?” and you look up surprised but manage to nod so Ken happily takes a seat
- you don’t talk to him because omg he really is cute and you don’t know what to say until Ken is like “heyyy you’re in my art class right?” and you reply like “Yeah, I see you there too”
- so he offers his hand and is like “I’m Ken!” and you smile at the gesture and shake his hand and say “I’m y/n” and he grins like a puppy and is like “nice to meet yaa”
- then he sees your drawing for the class homework thing and he’s like WHOOOO AMAZING and you blush like, no no you’re much better and Ken is surprised like “how would you know tho” and he leans closer and squints at you playfully but you end up blushing more when you remember his notebook
- so you pull it out of your bag and tell him that he left it the other day, and Ken’s like YOU’RE A LIFESAVER and you just chuckle and tell him that he really is good and Ken goes all aegyo and it just makes you laugh
- and then he looks at your drawing and is like “the homework is to make a portrait of someone?” and you’re like “Yeah. I’m doing a portrait of my best friend” and so you show him the picture you’re basing it on and Ken’s like “WHOA IT IS SO ACCURATE”
- you’re like thanksss! Who’s your subject/model and Ken’s like hmmm you? and you’re like “excuse me? me?” and Ken says that it would be weird if he asked Ravi or Hongbin to be his model/subject so he begs you and does puppy eyes and all sorts of aegyo so you end up agreeing
- the following days, your’re just in his dorm room, admiring how surprisingly neat it is while Ken sketches you
- during this time, you two just get to know each other, throwing all sorts of jokes and sharing stories haaaaaa it’s just a really pleasant time
- sometimes you two just snack on chips and watch movies when he wants to take a break
- when the day the portraits are due, he meets you at the library and tells you that the professor was amazed, so you’re like congrats! and he’s like YEAH! but I couldn’t have done it without you! and you joke around like “well...that’s true. I am the best. You better love and appreciate me” and Ken is like “You bet you are! Thank you so so so much I love you!”
- and then you hear that slip out of his mouth and look surprised, and then he realizes what he said, and you both just go red and shy and stare at each other and you’re like “I was just joking about you loving and appreciating me!”
- then Ken suddenly goes serious and moves closer to you, pinning you against the bookshelf and is like “what if it’s not a joke?” and you’re like whaaat and Ken just kisses you out of nowhere and says “I do love and appreciate you”
- so you’re like asdghauiwglgl but then you two resume to making out right there like he’s reallyyyy kissing you and pulling you as close as possible and like your fingers are lost in his hair and yeah you get it
- dating Ken means lots of kisses even in public, so much PDA...SO MUCH PDA, hugs everywhere, dates at the amusement or water park
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