mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I get home and the first things my mother does is strip me to see if i've lost weight and tell me i need to get my eyebrows fixed😭
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donkey-hyuck · 4 years
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♫ playlist ♫
word count- 1,127
chapter warnings- hotheaded reader | someone faints sorta
series masterlist!
⤷⤷ prologue ➤ chapter one ➤ chapter two ➤ ✵chapter three✵ ➤ |you’re here| ➤
𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙍: everything that is written is purely fiction and does not depict reality :)
«────── « ⋅ʚ🔥ɞ⋅ » ──────»
he excused himself from eunha and you before walking to the men’s bathroom to call miyoung that he doesn’t need her anymore.
“but why? i thought you needed my help?” she pouted which made his stress return back. but he instantly thought of the sight of you and cheered up.
the line was silent for a moment.
“i have some things to do for the company tonight. ‘m meeting with some people and i can’t back down now. i’ll call you back when i have the time.” and before she could even utter another word, renjun hung up the call and fixed his appearance to look his best for you.
even though he’s sure he’s never seen you before in his life, it was like his feelings automatically clicked. something about you drew him closer and he wanted to know who you were.
by the time he returned from the restroom, you were no longer there and eunha was talking to another employee before dismissing herself from the conversation and walking back to her old friend.
“are you actually gonna stay tonight? party doesn’t end ‘till midnight.” eunha knew how much renjun hated parties, let alone gatherings, but he insisted that he would stay. maybe not to that extent, but he wanted to stay— to get a little taste of what you were like.
affirming that he was fine staying, she gives him another look before greeting him goodbye. oh, the party was just beginning.
once the hotel doors opened, guests filled the foyer one by one and distant chatting occupied the room as eunha was busy getting ready to make her speech.
renjun was seated beside her behind the faux stage as she was reciting her lines. you were on the opposite side of renjun, cheering for eunha while hyunwoo and haneul tried to help her shake off the shivers.
“you can do this eunha! you’ve made it this far and people are so excited for the line to come out!” words of encouragement, which actually helped her tons.
“hello to those who were able to make it tonight! i am sohn eunha and i am the founder of ‘face it skincare.’ before we get the opening night started, we— all of body and soul institution— are undeniably grateful that this project was made and had you all sitting in your seats-” small laughter departed from the crowd. however, the entire time she was giving her welcome speech, huang renjun did not donate a single ounce of his ears to listen to her. it sounded mean, but he was too infatuated with your presence to care enough, no matter how much he loved his friend.
his honey-glaze eyes followed your every movement; from the way you smiled and greeted each of your coworkers, to the way you fidgeted in your seat and rubbed your palms together. you were fascinating in renjun’s eyes and he only wanted more.
after the speech eunha gave, renjun took his leave to the corner of his room to call a friend of his before returning back to his seat.
“yukhei, i need you and doyoung to do a background check on someone. i’ll send you the deets later, have them ready for me by tuesday.” there's the mumble of a deep voice from the other side of the other line. then renjun nodded his head and made his way back to his seat, his fierce eyes scanning the room to look for you.
you were now seated at one of the front tables with eunha. and luckily for renjun, eunha had another open chair sitting at the table. another point is on his board because the empty chair just so happens to be located next to you.
taking his seat, the girl greets him as everyone sitting at the table is left astonished. ceo, huang renjun— one of the top-most company owners in the world— is sitting in the same vicinity as them. haseul is one of those people and she started to lose her consciousness, your heart accelerated as her eyes shut for a moment. haseul looked like she drank buckets of stroh rum and was completely wasted. but she was only the biggest fan ever.
hurriedly, you tried to snap your friend out of it while renjun watched amused. the whole room was watching him at this point, haseul was making too much of a fuss, you figured.
“i’m so sorry, mr. huang-” you started, your voice a bit more monotonous than you had hoped.
“renjun.. please, call me renjun. and you’re fine, your friend seems to go bonkers,” he joked, but it only made you irked. fakely, you smiled and held haseul all the way to the women’s restroom. he was being way too nice and you weren’t having any of it. wasn't he known for being so stone-cold and intimidating? you didn’t know, but something about him just ticked you off.
carefully, you grabbed hyunwoo’s hand and led him to the bathroom, still holding tight onto haseul as you tried to snap her out of it. a jolt of energy ran through her body as she slapped her own head.
“woah, woah. what ride were you on?” he sighed.
“huang renjun,” she said with a strict tone.
“okay! we get it, you freaked,” you shouted at her and looked down the hallway to make sure no one was listening. haseul could’ve gotten into a lot of trouble if he heard what she said, so you’ve been told. however, she just continued to squeal as you and hyunwoo shook your heads in disappointment and walked out of the restroom hallway before her.
hyunwoo returned to his conversation as you bumped into the ceo himself.
“i’m sorry, mr. huang. i didn’t know my friend would act like that,” you scowled at the girl behind you. at first, he smiled the best smile he could, but it is then replaced with a frown.
“i thought i said you were able to call me renjun,” the whiney tone prominent in his voice.
it only made you chuckle in disbelief, “mr. huang, we are in a public setting. i think it’s a bit inappropriate for me to call you by your first name as if we are friends.” although this was a grand opening party, this was still your company and you were still an intern. you didn’t want some ceo to clash with your dreams of becoming a cosmetologist by some celebrity news reporter that probably snuck their way into the hotel.
embarrassed, the young man laughed with his head down. “my apologies, princess,” he lifted his head back up, and you did not miss the glint of mischievousness in his eyes as he walked back to eunha. the little fucker.
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chapter three ➤ chapter four ➤ chapter five
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @ichigofelix @moonbeamsung​ @heavenlyhuangs​ @kisshim @lixseu​
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Future Management Chapter 3
A/N: Hi again!  Sorry this took so long.  It’s been a crazy week.  I hope you guys are still enjoying this (and thank you to everyone for the love of my last chapter)! Please let me know what you think of this next part!
 Pairing: Ben Hardy x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Ben Hardy had been together for the better part of a decade.  After hitting a rough patch, the two of you decide to end things. However, one small surprise keeps you two connected more than you thought.
 Warnings: Cursing, angst (I swear it’ll get better), fighting (verbal)
Catch Up: Prologue (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188795655663/future-management)  Chapter 1 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188846514968/future-management-chapter-1) Chapter 2 (https://assembledherethevolunteers.tumblr.com/post/188923255568/future-management-chapter-2) 
Taglist: @lovebirdy93 @jonesyaddiction @im-an-adult-ish @taylorroger-s @amy-brooklyn99 @springholland @stassaurus  @hahaboop @tcnystqks @bloatedandlonly @doctorwhatwhenandwhere  If I missed you I’m sorry! Please let me know if you want to be added.  
The next morning, Ben and Eliza came with you to the recording.  
Ben had made breakfast, but barely talked to you outside of something for Eliza.  You were wondering how him seeing Jackson again would go if he was still this mad at you, even though he had no right to be mad.  Mostly because you weren’t actually dating Jackson, but also because, just like you had to remind yourself, the two of you weren’t together anymore.  
“Good morning, Y/N,” Jackson smiled at you in the studio.  
“Hi, Mr. Jack!”  Eliza waved from Ben’s arms behind you.  
“Well, hi there, Miss Eliza. How are you doing today, darlin?”
You grinned at her but noticed that Ben’s jaw had tightened.  
“Good! Mummy said we can go home and play princesses after dis!”  
“Well that should be a whole lotta fun, huh?”  
Eliza giggled and shook her head yes.  You watched as Ben moved his arms so that Eliza was even closer to him.  
“Y/N? Jackson?”  A woman with a headset asked.  
“Yes?” You both replied.
“Can you follow me? We’ll get you in hair and makeup.”
“Alright,” you turned to Ben and Eliza.  “Mommy and Mr. Jack have to go with her, but you and Daddy can…”
“Oh, Jaz?”  The woman said to another.  She stopped and looked at the group.  “Can you take these two to Y/N’s dressing room?”  
You saw this ‘Jaz’ woman look Ben up and down and then smile.  You nearly saw red.  
“I sure can, follow me, you two.”  
You gave Eliza a kiss on her cheek.  “Mommy will see you soon, okay?”  
“Okay! Bye, Mummy! Bye, Mr. Jack!” Eliza waved at both of you and then Jaz led them away.  
“She’s really cute,” Jack told you as you followed the woman.  
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Ben doesn’t seem to like me much,” Jackson said with a dry chuckle.
“It um…takes him a bit to warm up to people.  He’s really a good guy.  A great father.”  You replied as you walked into the hair and makeup area.  
Jackson just hummed noncommittally and sat down in one of the chairs.  The two of you spoke with the cosmetologists as they fixed your makeup and hair.  
The interview was going well.  You and Jackson talked about the movie and how it was working together.  The two of you had always gotten along easily.  It made it easy to work with and do all these interviews.
You were about to wrap up when one of the hosts brought it up.  It wasn’t really off limits, but it still kind of shook you when somebody brought it up.  
“Now, Y/N, how is it being back in London?  You used to live here, yeah?”  
You fidgeted with your hair for just a second, a nervous gesture, before fixing a smile on your face.
“I did, yeah.  I love being here!  It’s so different from New York, but at the same time it’s still that go go go of a big city.  And it’s that same modern feel and yet you know how much history has happened here as well.  It’s beautiful.”  
“That’s very true,” the female host, Holly nodded.  “You sometimes forget how historic this city is.”  
You could tell she was trying to hint to her cohost not to bring it up again.  Thankfully, he picked up on it.  
“It is, indeed, a beautiful city.  Now, back to the film.”  
You and Jackson finished the interview mentioning a part of the book that you wish could’ve been in the movie.  
“Not to give too much away, but there’s this scene towards the end of the novel, in the last couple chapters I think?, and we just couldn’t make it work.  It was written so well on the page and we tried four or five different ways to get it perfect, but we just couldn’t, so we had to scrap it. Maybe that will be an extra on the Blu-Ray or something.”
“I remember that day,” Jackson laughed.  “Everybody was trying to get it exactly like it was on the page.  Maybe if we had just taken a little more creative license it would’ve worked better, but like Y/N said, it was so beautiful on the page that we wanted to do it justice.”  
“Well now we need to know what it is!”  
You looked at Jackson and then gestured for him to continue.  
“Oh great, make me do it,” Jackson nudged you with his arm.  You laughed and pushed him back, letting your hand linger for maybe just a beat too long.  “Again, we don’t want to give too much away, and it’s not like it’s the climax of the film, but Y/N’s character and mine are in their home, and she has a dream.  I’ll leave it at that.”  
“Oooh I remember that part!” The Holly’s voice rose in excitement.  “I loved reading that!”
“Me too!” You matched her tone.  “And we tried, we really did, it just didn’t work with the story we were working on and everybody agreed to let it go because the same thing could be conveyed with a conversation between our characters,” you shrugged and then looked to the audience.  “If you’re one of those people that doesn’t read the book because a movie is coming out, may I suggest breaking that rule just this once?  That scene itself is worth it.”  
The other three on the set vocally agreed with you.  
“Well we can’t wait to see the film, it sounds amazing and you two are just great.  If your chemistry here carried on set, I think we’re in for something great!”  Holly smiled at both of you and then turned to a camera.  
“’See You Around’ comes out next Friday!  Stay tuned and Meghan May will be showing you how to get rid of those pesky earwigs in your garden.”  
The audience applauded and then the same woman that showed you and Jackson hair and makeup appeared.
“And we’re clear!”  
“Thank you both, so much,” you offered your hand to the hosts.  They both took and shook it in turn.  
You and Jackson came off set and Eliza ran right up to you and hugged your leg.  
“Good job, Mummy!”
You bent down, trying to keep your balance in your heels.  
“Thank you, Lovebug! Did you have fun watching Mommy?”
Eliza nodded and then looked up at Jackson.  “You did good too, Mr. Jack.”  
“Thank you, Miss Eliza.”
“Well, we should probably get to lunch.  Eliza will need her nap soon,” Ben’s voice came from a few yards away, a little too loud.
“Daddy! Can Mr. Jack come over to lunch?”  
Jackson looked over at Ben and you noticed Ben’s eyes harden.  
“I don’t think so, Birdie.”
Eliza pouted and looked at you.  
You ran your hand through her hair.  You opened your mouth to answer, but you were cut off.  
“You know what, Miss Eliza?” Jackson drew Eliza’s attention.  “I’ve actually got plans for lunch, but I’ll be sure to see you one more time before I leave.”  
Eliza was still pouting but nodded.  
“Okay, Mr. Jack.”  
You stood up and gave Jack a hug and kissed his cheek.  
“I’ll see you at the premiere tomorrow night?”
“Sure will,” Jackson fixed you with a huge smile.  He smiled down at Eliza.  “I’ll see you soon, Miss Eliza.”  
“Bye, Mr. Jack!” Eliza hugged his legs before moving back to you.  
You bent down and picked her up.  She played with your necklace, already over the crushing disappointment.  
“I’ll see you later,” Jackson said again.  He looked to Ben.  “Nice to see you again, Ben.”  
Ben just waved before Jackson left.  
You shot a glare at Ben before you started making your way out as well.  You and Ben were silent, listening to Eliza talk about one of the nice people that had given her a lollipop (“But Daddy said I can’t have it until lunch”).  
You buckled Eliza into her car seat and then got into the car, still ignoring Ben.  Thank God Eliza kept talking because the tension in the front of the car was palpable.
Lunch wasn’t much better. You made Eliza a turkey sandwich, along with fruit snacks and carrot sticks. You and Ben avoided each other as much as possible.  Once Eliza was done eating, Ben put her down for her nap.  
You thought about pouring yourself some wine but decided alcohol wouldn’t help anything.  Ben walked back down the stairs and then set his hands on the counter.  You watched him for a moment.  
“I don’t like him.”  
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest.  
“Why?  What has he done to you?”  
Ben looked at you for a long moment.  “Are you sleeping with him?”  
“Ben!” You hissed, trying not to raise your voice for fear of waking Eliza.  
“That’s not an answer.”
“Why does it matter? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not married anymore.”  
Ben opened his mouth a couple times before inhaling sharply through his nose.  
“I know, I just would like to know who is around MY daughter.”
You stared at Ben, dumbfounded.
“First of all, she’s OUR daughter.  Second of all, you’re kidding, right?”
“Look, if she gets attached to ‘Mr. Jack’ and he ends up being a bad guy…”  
“Ben, I’m not dating Jack!” You were getting angry.  Did he honestly think that you would do ANYTHING to hurt Eliza?   That you would let people that would hurt her even be able to LOOK at her?
That made Ben take a moment back and then he cleared his throat.  
“I…I mean, he’s still around her.”
“Yeah! And so are Gwil and Joe and Luc…”
“They’re different!”
“Why?! Because YOU know them?! Last I checked, they were also your coworkers before they were friends and…”
“So you’re comparing my best friends to some guy that you just flirt with and…”
“WE WERE IN A MOVIE TOGETHER!”  You hated yourself for yelling, but you couldn’t stop it.  “YOU KNOW HOW THOSE INTERVIEWS GO! THEY WANT TO SEE YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR COSTARS!” You were fuming.  He was mad because you got along with your coworker? How dare he use Eliza as an excuse for not liking somebody!  
“Mummy? Daddy?”  You and Ben turned toward Eliza.  She was holding her stuffed ladybug close to her face as she stood at the doorway to the kitchen.  She looked about ready to start sobbing.  
“Oh Birdie, what are you doing awake?” Ben’s voice softened, even though his chest still heaved.  He walked over and picked up Eliza.  You were quickly behind her, rubbing her back.
“I h…heard you and Mummy yelling,” Eliza’s voice shook, full of tears.  
“Oh Lovebug, Mommy and Daddy are sorry,” you cooed, continuing to rub circles on her back. “We um…you know how Mommy and Daddy play pretend?”  You asked her.  That was how you explained what you and Ben did.  It was the easiest explanation for a three-year-old.  
Eliza nodded, tears still threatening to fall.  
“Well, that’s all we were doing.  Playing pretend.”  
“You both said bad words,” Eliza whispered, almost as if she spoke louder she would break whatever tentative peace you and Ben had reached.    
Ben pressed a kiss to her forehead.  
“We did, and we’re sorry, love,” Ben rocked with a Eliza a few moments.  Once she seemed to be calmed down, he asked “Do you want to go upstairs and get some more sleep?”  
Eliza shook her head, burying her face in the crook of Ben’s neck.  
“How about we watch ‘The Princess and the Frog’ and cuddle on the couch?”  You offered.  The Princess and the Frog was her favorite movie and you knew it could soothe her.  
She peeked over at you.
“Can Daddy cuddle too?”
You looked at Ben and then back to Eliza.  Why did she have to look so much like him?  You tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
“Of course, sweetie. Why don’t you and Daddy get comfy and…”
“No, here,” Ben slid Eliza into your arms.  She buried herself deeper in your arms.  You and Ben exchanged a look.  “You and Mummy can get comfy and I’ll get everything ready.”  Ben kissed Eliza’s nose and led you to the living room.  You and Eliza started making a nest of blankets and pillows as Ben got the TV and Blu-Ray player ready.  
“Mummy?”  Eliza asked as you got her wrapped in a blanket.  
“Yes, honey?”  
Eliza was suddenly shy, which was something she never was.  You rubbed her back again.  “What’s the matter, Liza?”
She shook her head as Ben came over with the remote.  
“Ready, lovies?”  
You ignored the term of endearment as you burrowed yourself deeper into the hoard of blankets and wrapped your arms around Eliza.  Ben pressed play and then placed one arm on top of yours and pulling Eliza (and you) closer to his chest.  
If the two of you had still been married, this could’ve been how you spent the last three years. Cuddling on the couch, Eliza between you, watching Disney movies while the dreary English afternoon went by.  Maybe after she was asleep, Ben would take her upstairs and then when he came back downstairs, the two of you would snuggle, just the two of you, maybe finish the movie if it wasn’t over yet.  
Eliza was singing along to the songs, and you noticed Ben was keeping the beat with his thumb near your elbow.  You hated how…normal this all seemed.  
You hated that you ached for this.  
Eliza giggled at the fireflies in the movie started up their song.  The last thing you remembered was Ray and all his family singing “Gonna Take You There” and the feeling of Ben gently rubbing your arm.  
Ben watched as your eyes fluttered closed.  He’d missed that sight.  He’s missed almost everything about you.  Maybe that’s why it had been easier to pick a fight with you about Jackson.  If he thought about the bad things, he wouldn’t beg you take him back.  He felt awful for taking out his frustration on somebody who honestly seemed like a good guy and had been nothing but nice to Eliza (and you, as much as it annoyed him).
And poor Eliza.  No child should have to hear their parents argue like that, whether they were together or not.  Ben glanced at her.  She was trying so hard to stay awake, but the song was a soft love song and it was lulling her to sleep.  
“Get some sleep, Birdie,” Ben placed a kiss in her hair.  
“No, Daddy,” Eliza muttered, but her eyes were already closed.  
You’d always said that Eliza looked more like him, and maybe she did, but she acted just like you. She was sweet, and smart, and warm. She had her stubborn side too, even at three.  It pained him when he saw her act like you, or when she used American terms for something because it just reminded him that much more of you.  And when she talked about you, the way her face lit up when she saw you, it just made him miss you that much more.  
Ben watched the rest of the movie, even though he basically knew it by heart.  
“Because Tiana, she is my Evangeline.”  
Ben looked over at you and sighed.  
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Bobby Roode x Reader (Requested)
Request: “Do you believe in aliens?” & “Hell hath no fury like a woman on her period” with Bobby Roode
Word Count: 1,604
Warnings: Mild language
A/N: So Bobby Roode is such a cute little nugget but I love him but anyway look guys I’m finally doing requests and it only took me 17 and a half years. Well guys, enjoy this because it took me forever to do it
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When you had started as a makeup artist and costume designer for the WWE, obviously they started you with NXT, because everyone who was everyone in the WWE started on NXT. You’d been doing your dream job with NXT for almost two years when you finally got the call that you were wanted by the blue brand: Smackdown, and you’d accepted, because who in their right mind wouldn’t?
You had watched wrestling since you were a kid, and when you graduated technical college with a specialization in clothing design and all of your certifications to be a cosmetologist, you had known that WWE was where you wanted to be, and call it a lucky shot, you’d caught the attention of the one and only Sandra Gray, the head of costume design for the WWE, and like that, you ended up on NXT, helping to design costumes and makeup looks with the big shots.
It was amazing, nerve wracking, crazy, and yet you loved it. The thrill, the excitement of seeing a costume in action, the satisfaction when a wrestler gave you a huge smile and gushed about how much the loved it. You wouldn’t trade your job for the world, but sometimes it had its stressors. One of these, happened to be the one and only Bobby Roode.
You’d been on Smackdown for all of two weeks when the news that Bobby Roode was coming to Smackdown hit, and you internally groaned when you’d found out.
Back on NXT, you’d never worked with Bobby, but you’d heard the horror stories. The rhinestones, the glitter, the need for everything to be “glorious.” From what you’d gathered, he was a terribly nice man, but he was a perfectionist, often sending his costumes to be changed three or even four times. No one had ever pleased him on the first try.
You prayed he wouldn’t be your assignment, but no such luck, and here you were, walking to a meeting with Bobby, carrying two cups of coffee and your briefcase slung across your chest.
When you entered the meeting room, Bobby already held a pen, and was writing on a piece of lined paper.
You set down your coffee, and Bobby stood, noticing your presence.
He smiled, and you looked at him. He had facial hear, trimmed and kept well, bright blue eyes that shone out of tan skin and laugh lines. His teeth were almost fluorescent white, and his nose crinkled a little when he smiled, it was adorable and you couldn’t help but shoot a smile back.
Bobby stuck out his hand, “Hi, I’m Bobby, I don’t think we ever met when we were on NXT.”
You shook your head, “No, we haven’t. I was mostly in charge of women, and a few men with simple costumes,” you cringed at the thought of working with the brute that was Pete Dunne, “I’m (Y/N), nice to finally meet you.”
The glorious one smiled and nodded, and went to sit down, but you stopped him.
“Would you mind if I took your measurements first? Then we can start on design?”
He smiled again and nodded, moving to the side of the meeting table, and pushing his chair out of the way so you had some room to walk around him.
You took him in, wearing a blue Smackdown shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. He was built, that was for sure. His chest was broad, shoulders broader, and his hips narrow, however he had a slightly large butt, which you stifled a giggle at as you walked around him a couple times and then pulled out your measurement tools.
As you started to measure him, you started up a conversation, “So is it fun? Being on Smackdown?”
He chuckled, “Never heard it put quite that way.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, wondering if you’d said something wrong, but Bobby just smiled.
“I just mean most people don’t really describe it as ‘fun’,”
“Well, maybe they should. My job is fun, why wouldn’t yours be?”
He nodded, chuckling again, “Yeah, I suppose it is fun, but nobody talks about that. I’ve always enjoyed wrestling anyway. I could be performing in front of 2 people and I’d be happy. It’s been a little crazy to adjust to this huge fan base that just showed up overnight, you know? You don’t realize just how big the WWE universe is until you move up from NXT, right?”
You nodded, listening to him intently as he talked. His voice was smooth and deep, it had a very relaxing tone.
“Yeah, you got that right. Do you like it better than NXT?” you asked, writing down his measurements and sitting down, which he followed.
“Honestly, sometimes I miss NXT, but I think it’s just because I’m new. You ever feel like that?”
You looked at him, meeting his eyes, which had a shine in them you couldn’t recognize, “Yeah, I do, but let’s not talk about me, tell me what you’re looking for in a costume.”
Three hours later, you had a page and a half of notes and 4 sketches, which had been difficult to accomplish, because for some reason all he had wanted to do was talk about other things, but nevertheless, you had what you needed, and it was time to start building.
Over the next three days, you found Bobby was following you, showing up in your workshop at least once a day to ask how it was going or try to get a peek at it, which you never allowed. You always pushed him away, and slowly, you found yourself forming a friendship with the glorious Bobby Roode, and you enjoyed his company more than you liked to admit. He brought you food most of the time, either your favorite candy bar or some buttered toast, which you had offhandedly mentioned was your favorite breakfast treat and midnight snack. It kind of amazed you he’d remembered, if you were being honest with yourself.
The two of you talked while you worked, sometimes falling into comfortable silence, sometimes Bobby read to you. He always seemed to have reading material in his hand, either a newspaper, a magazine, or a book. The Monday after your meeting the previous Friday, he read you some of Macbeth, Tuesday he read to you about a world record that somebody in Pittsburgh had broken, and Wednesday he read an article about the making of athletic equipment.
Four days after your meeting, you awoke in your hotel room to find you’d bled through the sheets, and you groaned, already knowing that this visit from Aunt Flo was going to cause some sort of chaos.
You shambled into work in one of your NXT t-shirt and sweatpants, carrying coffee in your hand and your briefcase.
When you stepped into your workshop, you almost went into cardiac arrest, as Bobby was already there, sitting on a folding chair across from your work table, flipping through an issue of Sports illustrated and munching an apple.
You walked past him, setting your things on the ground and finishing your coffee.
“You know that stuff is horrible for you, causes all kinds of internal issues,” Bobby spoke from his chair, and you tried and failed to overcome the mood swing that possessed you.
“You cause me to have internal issues you prick,” and then you clapped your hand over your mouth, horrified you’d been such a bitch.
Bobby just looked up and chuckled, “Jeez, I’d forgotten that hell hath no fury like a woman on her period,” he said, tossing you a king-sized kit kat, which you caught.
“How did you know?” You asked, and Bobby gave you a look.
You sighed, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“So how’s this costume coming?” Bobby asked, standing and walking towards you.
“Well,” you said, smiling, “I have your robe ready if you want to try it on…” You held it up, and Bobby snatched it, scrambling to put it on and then rushing to the full-sized mirror. You watched him inspect it, smiling and leaning back against your table, he looked happy.
He turned, “Well, (Y/N), it seems you are the first costume designer who has pleased me first try,” He said, walking over to you and standing before you.
You reached up to straighten his collar, “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“You’re alright, I know you didn’t mean it.”
You scoffed, “You don’t know me that well.”
“Maybe I want to.”
Your head shot up to meet his gaze, and his smile made you blush, “Well for heaven’s sake all you had to do was ask, you know?”
“Yeah,” Bobby said, stepping closer to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, “But this is more fun.”
He leaned closer to you, and he fixed his eyes on your lips. The two of you drifted closer, but when you were only millimeters away you spun away from him and walked to your table, “So do you believe in aliens?”
Bobby laughed, a sound that made you smile, “Yes, I do actually.”
You grinned, “Me too.”
Bobby was going to learn very quickly that this wasn’t going to be as easy as he anticipated.
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brianjameson · 8 years
So today was an amazing day sort of a moment of realization for me.
Lets start by saying Sunday was a shitty day.
I was driving up to Red Rock because I wanted to take my nephew to go see the mountains. He’s young and a kid so he has a tendency to play video games all day and watch television and never really gets out. I figured I’d take him to go to the mountains and just really take in the beauty that’s around him and outside of home and video games.
On the way to Red Rock there were a couple of cars in front of me and it was beyond windy so there was a ton of shit flying around everywhere. I didn’t think the weather was too bad until I got up there and it was raining and sort of snowing because of how cold it was. Something was in the road and I had seen people drive past it but I couldn’t tell if they were running over it so I run over what I think was a post that keeps the fences up and my tire just fucking POPS! immediately my low tire signal came on and I had to pull over on the side of the road. The minute I hit the pole I just knew my tire was done and my nephew was like yeah I think your tire popped.. But he said it in such a calm way where it was almost concerning that something could of possibly happened to us with all that wind and thank god I wasn’t going fast or anything.
I step out of my car to look and sure enough my tire is legit RUINED. So popped beyond belief or repair and even the wheel was dented. I wanted to cry. Only thing I could think about was how much money I was going to have to spend that I don’t have right now on things like this.. I sat there for a moment and just asked God like WHYYY, why me. Meanwhile my nephew is sitting beside me completely calm to where I was just looking like him like, are you serious? This isn’t concerning to you? lol
I know he’s a kid but as a kid I would of been so mortified and scared and my first thought would of been “how are we getting home?!” but he was just so calm and just straight up talking my ear off about random things while I couldn’t even keep my thoughts straight because of everything running through my mind lol.
I end up calling Nick and telling him what had happened so he was over in about 25 min to help change my tire to my spare. During our wait I stepped out and just figured well, there ain’t shit I can do and I’m gonna have to spend whatever I have on a new tire next week and that’s fine. I just felt like if my nephew wasn’t even worried then he probably feels like things like that get fixed anyways and that’s very much so his attitude towards things. So I took his advice on how he was feeling towards the situation and said screw it, I came up here to take photos and show him around and that’s what I’m going to do. Things like this happen to just about everyone and maybe it was just my turn.
So I took a couple of selfies and took some photos of him and of the mountain. The mountain was gorgeous, it was so overcast that the sun coming through just gave it a beautiful glow.
I ended up taking him back to the house and we just watched TV and hung out. It was good alone to just see him.
The moral of the story that day was to just be happy even in the most shitty of circumstances. It’s something I’ve never really enjoyed doing because it takes me a minute to really gather my thoughts but having my nephew with me that day actually helped me calm down and really hear myself think and to just enjoy what was around me which was the beautiful overcast weather and great big mountains.
So this week so far has been going just absolutely amazing. To start, I passed my state board exam and received my Cosmo license!!!!
HUGE accomplishment for me, truly. It’s something I’ve dreamt of since I was about 15 years old. I cried, I laughed I called my mom and it sounded like she even wanted to cry lol. It’s been a struggle but at the end of every tunnel I felt I was in, I ALWAYS saw a light. It’s the biggest joy, feeling like I did something I sought out to do years ago and managed to get this far and to be able to call myself a Cosmetologist now? Just wow. I’m proud of myself and proud of just how hard I pushed myself in school and the amount of support I received from friends and family during this time was just incredible.
It all happened so quick too! I scheduled my appointment a week before my test. I scheduled my appointment with the lady who I was renting my kit from the day before my test so I literally had no time to study for my practical so I just blew through it with Nick for 5-6 hours. I prayed to God most of the night to just not let me fail lol. I seriously would wake up revising the steps on how to remove everything from my kit when at the practical. I ran off of about 3-4 hours of sleep so I was rattled when I took it. But I made it! :)
Today I had so much to do. Since I screwed my tire up I went to Discount Tire to get a new one. I spent way less than I thought I’d have to spend so that was a delight and luckily they were able to bend my wheels rim back into place! Meaning I didn’t need to spend on anything else other than a tire. During this time I received a phone call from an agent telling me I would be getting health coverage which made me happy too! I’m 26 now so I’m no longer on my mothers insurance plan and needed to get my own. I get home and then receive an incredible text that I’ll share to come, can’t speak to soon on it. But it was a good one! I was feeling fucking good dude. So I wanted to keep the mood going so I went to go get my oil changed and a well needed car wash. My air filter was just done for and my car was so dirty and hasn’t been washed in MONTHS. After I got all of that square out of the way I decided to take my camera and go take photos at Red Rock. I really wanted to get a good picture of the sunset but it was a little too bright to really get a good picture of the sky but I got some pretty good photos. I was up there for about an hour n a half and it felt like 30 min.
I have an obsession for the outdoor and for mountains especially. I get lost just looking at them. Maybe it’s because they’re such huge structures of nature? Sometimes I feel like I can even see images on the mountains. Like this
Almost looks like an Indian face with the top of the mountain being the red paint Indians would put on.
Red Rock especially captivates me because it was land to different Indian tribes many many years ago and every time I look at it I almost see where it could of been home to Indians. If you’re interested on reading the history behind it just CLICK THIS LINK
But I just wanted to go up there and really appreciate everything great that happened today. It’s been a struggle lately and I’ve needed some real good news and joy in my life so whenever I feel good or need a pick me up I just go to the mountains.
I sat there and just felt so thankful for everything as of the past year up until now and all the accomplishments I’ve made. I know I always talk about being happy and optimistic and just to always do everything with a smile but there’s just been so much going on that I always find the light in every bad situation. To feel HAPPY because of the amount of good news I received today without having to try to be happy or trying to find the light in a bad situation, just really made my day. It’s what I’ve needed. I have more exciting news and a much longer blog about some things I want to open up about in detail.
Feel free to check out my photos from today! I’ll post some here and some on my website.
I hope you all enjoy. <3
Hidden Blessings So today was an amazing day sort of a moment of realization for me. Lets start by saying Sunday was a shitty day.
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Saw a tag game that was “unconventional tags”, and I was going to reblog but I wound up having TOO MANY tags per prompt! 
So out of sheer curiosity, I’m going to share what The Entire Selection of Tags with “chocolate”, “kill”, “done”, “try”, “stop”, and “why” is in this post! (Be warned: There are MANY and I only remember the context for about a quarter of these. I was able to dig up 92 tags for “why” alone. But I’m rather curious and analytical, so of course I’d tag a lot of Why’s...... anyways! Here goes! It is LONG.)
Lots of personal considerations, a hefty dose of OC and Titans-related fandom tags, 
#(but like... chocolate AND cherries....~<33333 )
#I wonder if I could use gluten-free oreos (i.e. ''''chocolate sandwich cookies'''') as the crust instead.... ooooh i'm gonna try that!!
#but I've never had to buy anything and try to sell it besides... like. Malley's Chocolate Bars and other such candy bar fundraisers.
#i was at work for 12 hours but then I got home and went ''FUCK IT'' and ate some chocolate cake and a bagel with eggs???
#Dove will bring her a cup of tea or hot chocolate and sit with her for awhile. Maybe talk through some things with her.
#PB+chocolate can be either GREAT or /awful/ depending on the brand.
#Dark chocolate is more of a Dry and Astringent Texture thing for me.
#It's as essential in my plot ideas as chocolate is in hot chocolate. Just can't possibly make it without it.
#anyways: Peanut butter + chocolate is good. I like the fancy hazelnut spreads with peanut butter swirls.
#Mint+chocolate is good as Andes mints but bad as peppermint patties. Again; it depends on the brand. LOVE it in ice cream!
#i'm suddenly reminded that i bought myself an entire whole-ass chocolate silk pie Because I Wanted It SO BAD
#nice to know the life skills i learned at chipotle haven't left me. 8FFFFF
#And I've always obsessively cataloged knowledge of canon. so when I found out all of Raven's half-siblings were killed (or their mothers)?
#Kary has a fairly good Innate sense of direction. but she had to develope a Real Skill for it when she was living feral.
#not the ''i'm gonna kill my favorite protagonist'' part but like. the emotional Twist there
#Anyways any and all Shakespeare except Midsummer Night's Dream bored me to hell. To Kill a Mockingbird INFURIATED me.
#SECONDING The Great Gatsby. I also really hated the ending of To Kill a Mockingbird. The story itself was good but that ending?
#Well I guess he GOT TO KILL HIM AFTER ALL now DIDN'T he
#kill mary-sue witch hunt culture! KILL IT DEAD
#it's Ten Percent Luck and Twenty percent skill if you're referencing the song I think you are but i see your point
#I have a 0.07 skill level when it comes to Playing By Ear and chords. But this is LOVELY so far even if it IS simplified
#it's okay you can say Kill la Kill
#excuse me as I kill my throat from gasp-laughing too harsadddnamfwje
#it wasn't until i literally shouted at a doctor that I was going to kill myself if they couldn't help me that someone actually DID SOMETHING
#you could never kill me in a way that matters
#he's also the only one who Actually tried to kill the Joker. so.......
#did you know bugs feel A Jolt of Pain when you kill them? I don't know what the heck the science-y anatomical cause of that is
#kill the idea that yelling/screaming is Normal and Healthy! Because it's not! It's absolutely NOT.
#But yeah! There's no better way to learn a skill than looking to the people who have already mastered the skills you want to learn.
#''Are you really willing to kill the next George Floyd; the next Breonna Taylor; the next Tamir Rice?''
#those herbs DON'T KILL VIRUSES like alcohol does!!
#''what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'' yeah but it leaves you with Serious Vulnerabilities that you have to spend your
#''Lots of villains.'' ''I will KILL YOU boy!'' GODS
#for me/aries it's much more the ''i want to fix it then and there and then it's done'' but really I don't play the blame game.
#seriously they've done SO MANY studies on creative hobbies and there are generations of stories from people who've had them
#so really nothing gets DONE about the diagnosis? but he gets Super Curious and reads a TON of articles and studies and books about it
#But let's take stock of how many times I've already done this shall we?~
#nicely done though??
#I can Never Get ENough of writers who've done as much off-novel characterization as Neil and Sir Terry have done with Good Omens
#That was REALLY well done as far as a Mind Games sort of horror story goes
#You shouldn't expect people who have Done a Lot of Growth and Shown a Lot of Potnetial to ForeveR Hide and Eradicate Their Past.
#this webcomic isn't my style personally but it IS really well done and I recommend it to anyone who likes the above things!
#with the tags out of the way: THAT'S BECAUSE 9/!! was PLAYED to THEIR BENEFIT (or: possibly even done by the govt themselves)
#and they pay shit and work us to the bone because they won't staff. But this post is... PROOF that it can be done BETTER.
#''i was born on the way home from the gym and then I will be able to get it done before the end of the day''
#!!! This made ms so HAPPY to see! Pink's speech patterns being recognized and analyzed was... not something i'd ever done before?
#I have to have some things done before my executive dysfunction will let me engage in other tasks or else I get like.... gridlocked?
#kpop fans get things DONE don't DOUBT them
#I have a LOT of trouble recalling when something was Done First or Subsequently. And I absolutely CAN NOT remember dates.
#It's human to need help sometimes and with all you've done for your loved ones
#and once THAT'S done I should be able to post the chapter!!! Which... given that I'm not absolutely mentally exhausted from work anymore
#I can't IMAGINE what I'd have done if I suddenly lost ALL of them and had to fight on alone.......................
#AHHH the idea of Damian adopting a rabbit! And Raven petting it! (house bunny because I refuse to condone illegal wildlife theft)
#they've done it! they've broken my fanfics down to the bare essentials!
#to do so when I see people like this. I'm done letting people back me into a corner and forcing me to cower.
#and between all the reading I've done on humanized superheroes and this show: I know that's basically my favorite trope.
#Enrichment Done Right!!
#Teaching done RIGHT!
#I'll admit: I'm curious to see how Gabriel and Kami actually describe their relationship? Because when it's built up properly and done RIGHT
#okay so I've done some research and this seems to be ACcepted on reddit but Hotly Debated everywhere else
#and it wasn't until Last Year and my sister that I trusted with it was a cosmetologist-- after I'd done SO MUCH work on healing from abuse
#It was the first forest that ever opened its heart to me. The only one that has done so as thoroughly....
#I have written like three quarter-done sex scenes but always drop off it before I get ot the Really Porny Parts because No Interest
#seriously they've done SO MANY studies on creative hobbies and there are generations of stories from people who've had them
#But let's take stock of how many times I've already done this shall we?~
#nicely done though??
#the things she had ACTUALLY said or done to me. Telling them the way she hurt me.
#have you... have you never done that???
#...hmmm... I like the Battle Cry idea. I don't know what my own creaming sounds like though. I've never... done that.
#I can Never Get ENough of writers who've done as much off-novel characterization as Neil and Sir Terry have done with Good Omens
#i scored 33-actually-34 though. the ones i missed were the mother-daughters-grandmothers one-- which I still think it Done Wrong
#can confirm that you Do Get Way More Done when you're well-rested.
#nimue's not driving but she's already so done with it
#it could probably only be done When Angry.
#i went wild with google translate and ecosia and every search engine i could find TRYING to TRANSLATE ''cotorrito''
#If we're going to take on these forces of arrogance and bigotry: We have to stand UNITED. TOGETHER!
#And for some reason everyone fucking LOVES it. I know it was an instrumental step in my poetry as it is NOW
#but I know that in poetry after a rhyme happens then te next line is Likely to start a new thought.
#''you're a deep thinker of deep thoughts a reader of poetry and a HEAVY user of your notes app.
#take this quite literally. because the one time i did try asking my STEPmother what was wrong she wound up screaming at me.
#I don't usually watch tiktoks but the comments convinced me to give this one a try and yes. this one Deserved It.
#my mother and I driving around country backroads trying to avoid the highways at midnight on July 4th
#I was going to try buying a gift card but i think that would be cheating a legit business owner out of money and I'm not about that.
#i refuse to give her a tag of her own. i know she Contributed^tm and technically it's not 'bad' poetry but I'm just not a fan personally
#is what I consider to be MY WORST POEM. It even got published in a goddamn poetry collection! What the FUCK.
#actually put your body into starvation mode. And what does the body do when it's starving? TRY DESPERATELY to HOLD ON
#~!America is the Best Country Ever!~ NO ''BEST'' ANYTHING would allow ANY human being to be treated like THAT!
#But the idea is to try finding those things and explore them. Make it fun! MAke it spooky! Make it exciting! Make it startling!
#i'd also have to try finding a time to watch it when someone else in the family isn't already monopolizing the TV....
#(because i'd.... really love to try holding and playing one of these of my own someday.)
#about living a monk-like life? i'd give it a goddamn try if i got literally ANY paid vacation time and had the money to fly to tibet...)
#.....from certain pizza places? I would try it.
#so like. Too LAte ot try it at THIS job
#Not just in stories either; do actually try it someday
#In this country it's basically Impossible to become ANY kind of politician without being am illionaire. Like it's Literally IMPOSSIBLE.
#Like... the thrift store industry is BOOMING right now because a lot of us are Too Poor to Buy Anything Else.
#''bitch TRY it i DARE you''
#sometimes you gotta get it out somehow and a journal entry just doesn't cut it
#i actually only know two lines out of the refrain of that song. But damn if I'm not going to try LEARNING it someday
#i've heard d+ shuts down accounts if you try logging in from new devices (such as my laptop) lately
#...huh. I haven't found a lot of country music before the 90's so I don't know how I feel about this.
#but i definitely agree with the Reasons People ''Hate Country Music Today''.
#(but also The country music style of singing feels like someone is using a cheese grater on my brain. I just... don't enjoy that;;)
#(''lyrics'' referring to the 90s/00s country music I know of. and know i can't stand.)
#(tagged as such because ONE DAY I really REALLY want to try my hand at a Big Gorgeous Absolutely Breathtaking Fish Tank!)
#Oooh I'm definitely going to incorporate that ''try not to leave the room'' when cleaning thing!
#i wish my stories could do that? someday. Someday maybe.... I'll try one of these days.
#Sigh... the Artistry of this crew.
#i can't believe i'm living in the most ragged-on state in the more ragged-on COUNTRY of the entire internet.
#most of the time the people who have the easiest time contacting spirits didn't try or ask for it. The spirits just kinda.... Found Them
#He has the skills necessary to cook. Just not... the Sense of Taste. He has the Artistry part down! Just not the Accuracy.
#((and i have to try REALLY HARD to get an image of what it Looks Like. except in very Rare and Special Moments.
#I'm not usually one for visuals but this quick animation is GORGEOUS and I can't tell you how TEMPTED I've been to try recreating it.
#and Leyla as a kid just wants to TRY STUFF
#i saw amy's shoulders sparkling and i was like! ''i LOVE that. i'd love to try some fairy-goth myself someday''
#Neurochemistry stuff!!
#why is his reaction so aNGRY honestly that was a REAL ACCOMPLISHMENT and some serious artistry she pulled off!
#try swarming a stun deck with THIS on the field. o.o
#tell me what i can tag this because it's absolutely fucking ABYSSMAL of our country to ALLOW this and absolutely FUCK anyone who says
#i'm gonna...... try that popcon one though
#(because my job has me outside in it for at least 3 hours a day no matter what medical history i try to show them)
#might have to try this....
#i'm gonna Try to sleep but i know my hyperficating nexus-steeped mind isn't gonna quiet down very quickly 8O
#for the record i did TRY using the Boolean Operator  syntax with ''low'' blood pressure in quotes. but it STILL gave me articles
#Raven: immediately Exhausts Herself to Hell to Try Undoing It
#yes i'm going to overanalyze and try understand every accusation of Ohio on my dashboard. why do you ask?
#i'm gonna... Try Wearing Make-Up!
#is it weird that i use almistry when drawing my ocs' hands?
#a little piece of her childhood home and her ancestry when the rest of the world and its people died.
#She might be a little embarrassed to share her poetry with people? I think she's pretty good at writing pretty words
#Or... if you feel so inclined: poetry you've written yourself?
#but BY ALL the GODS can we STOP mocking and hating the people who DO have all these grand and lofty ambitions?
#stop blaming millennials for our shitty circumstances challenge.
#note to self: stop frekaing FORGETTING to schedule with a GE again!!! fuck's sake!
#stop being elitist because something's Different. it has its merits and it's not meant to be an International Film-Festival Masterpiece.
#(i did a Lot of stupid things at that house actually. there was a reason i stopped working with raphael......)
#except once i got the add diagnosis my teacher stopped commenting on my doodling.
#that cloak was the PERFECT compromise. It kept me a Little Warmer without getting too hot AND did a great job of stopping the too-cold wind~
#we stopped going to the daycare.. (And i know that because i got it for my 5th birthday. i was ENAMORED IMMEDIATELY)
#i've always read it the same way and didn't notice Why Everyone Stopped Liking Her but that also brought that particular Change to light...
#but on the other hand she Literally Accidentally Stopped Time... (And i have this... headcanon? let's call it a headcanon
#for something like stopping the end of  the world: Who (at least: who among HEROES) WOULDN'T put that to use?
#my all-time FAVORITE that I will NEVER skip a song from is Evanescence. HAs been for like 15 years now and that's not stopping.
#i don't foresee this rambling stopping for another 3 days tbh
#creepy guys try to follow you off your stop and get your number no matter how many times (with increasing ferocity) you tell them no.
#but can this fandom stop acting like pink intentionally hurt everyone for like 7 seconds???
#also if you're as powerful as zee it probably comes second-nature so why WOULDN'T you throw it around to stop an argument?
#it's an even split on how many people are willing to stop and talk to you. about one in ten will just outright ignore you if you say Hi
#why not stop at home and drop him off first? why send him into freaking SPACE???
#Don't stop believing. Don't stop moving forward. Don't let depression drag you down.
#do nothing but yell at you and tell you to calm down or shut up or Stop Being Yourself.
#i'm gonna stop before i suffocate on silent laughter but Wow This Is Good
#i can't tell you how many doctors i've been to that literally told me to stop crying when i Became Distressed from relating my symptoms...
#which i don't appreciate! brain stop calling me a wuss
#how do you... Stop Doing That?
#Stop Erasing Raven's Strengths!! Stop making her a stereotypical sitcom caricature! LET RAVEN BE SASSY
#Can people PLEASE stop equating the two things that don't necessarily (or often) go hand in hand?
#they're ALREADY filthy rich just stop fucking catering to them???
#and whenever I went to the bus stop for those mornings: I cawed to him. And rather than flying away as soon as he saw me
#Petition to make the fandom stop forgetting that Blue has a FIERCE side TOO
#i wish this freaking show would stop goddamn KILLING PEOPLE
#i can't stop giggling at that last gif though. oh my stars that's Great
#i... don't want to tag him ''bakura'' anymore because STOP GIVING HIM RYOU'S IDENTITY but at the same time... what ELSE do you call him??
#night-terrors/flashbacks / whatever? She will literally stop herself from sleeping.
#sorry i've made so many posts about this; I just! I can't stop HYPERFIXATING on this ONE DETAIL.
#like I was the kid who'd CRY when someone ripped wings off flies or legs off spiders. ''Stop it that HURTS!''
#but i tend to stop in the middle of books i'm not invested in. which is happening more and more often.
#She'll stop immediately and be like ''okay! let's talk about something else than!!''
#(a terrified telepath is twice as dangerous when she's unconscious and Can't Stop It. She knows that. So when she's having bouts of
#oh STOP it that was sweet!
#i mean you can't stop kids from seeing EVERYTHING. But we should at least be TRYING to protect them. You know?
#trying to help me figure out how to cope. basically everyone was like ''there's no way you don't notice three hours passing stop lying''
#oh my GOD I'm LAUGHING there are tEARS IN MY EYES I just!! I'm DEFINITELY imagining them and I can't STOP LAUGHING OKAY
#How do you stop looking back?
#(And then the night my spirit guide told me to stop LETTING myself be defined by her and that I can rise above my past and my parents...)
#but BY ALL the GODS can we STOP mocking and hating the people who DO have all these grand and lofty ambitions?
#Don't stop believing. Don't stop moving forward. Don't let depression drag you down.
#Stop Erasing Raven's Strengths!! Stop making her a stereotypical sitcom caricature! LET RAVEN BE SASSY
#There's SO MUCH in the Society6 store and all of it is GORGEOUS. I had to physically hold my hands to my chest to stop myself
#How do you.... Stop Needing the Sugar to Function though? I've tried like 4 adhd meds and they all have Awful Side Effects for me. :c
#for the record: salem was really more of just a stop on a field trip across literary and/or historical sites of New England
#can the universe STOP pointing me towards MORE triggers?  P l e a s e ? ?? ?????
#My heart wouldn't stop pounding and I was legitimately QUAKING even after I sat down. Luckily that manager was Compassionate
#until somebody told me to stop probably
#but i can't stop questioning myself. probably because Questioning Myself and Rigorously Guarding My Mind is the only reason I...
#Not Being Violent isn't the same as Doing Absolutely Nothing To Stop Shit in the world
#can we stop saying All Sugar Is Bad now? (it doesn't increase insulin resistance until you've consistently eaten A TON of it!)
#i will literally run into a room to stop someone from killing a spider in my vicinity. Cup and paper in hand
#now if they'd stop taking digs at fans who prefer the old show maybe that would actually MEAN something.
#and I'm LEARNING how to talk back to them (''stop talking ABOUT yourself and start talking TO yourself'')
#and do you know what happened to me in Honors English? My teacher literally told me to stop writing so much and stop thinking so hard
#(i will NEver Stop Tagging Change Your Mind as Spoilers by the way because BASCIALLY THE FINALE)
#and i think my eyes are broken because i can't stop tearing up. heck
#...i'm starting to think i should stop using my Anti Fascism tag. just ot be safe
#He doesn't even need to forgive her. But at the very least... can we stop villainizing the one who is the very reason Earth still lives?
#i'm Venting but also Suggestions on Actual Techniques that can make them fucking STOP would be appreciated
0 notes
kymberlinraee-blog · 5 years
After doing the 16 personalities test, I find myself agreeing with some of the results but not all.  While it is true that I am an extroverted person and that like getting to know new people and engaging in conversations with them.  I do not agree with being a judger because in real life I often find myself not following rules and going with the flow and being more open minded about certain things.  I am quite flexible to change and can adapt really quickly. However, I do agree with being a sensor and a feeler because I do use past experiences to help solve current problems and I also pay attention to details.  I also agree with being a feeler because I admit that I can be quite sensitive and sometimes my decisions can be affected based on how I feel about certain things.  Overall the test resulted to me being rather assertive than turbulent.  I agree with this because I am quite even tempered, more resistant to stress, and I do not regret to much about my past actions.  
The career paths for an ESFJ-A includes elementary teacher, child care director, nutritionist, and cosmetologist. Honestly these career paths do not appeal to me because I see myself more as a business type of person.  I do not think I can be an elementary teacher, child care director nor a nutritionist because my patience is rather low which I think is unfit for taking care of kids.  In addition, I have no passion nor interest for any of these jobs thus, in the long-run I think I will only be tired and will regret it if I choose a career path such as this.  Besides this is only a test to determine where I fit, but in the end, it is also my choice in what I want to do with my life.  
Being knowledgeable about my own personality type will help me know myself better as an individual and know my strengths and weaknesses.  This will also help me correct myself and know where I lack so that I can improve on it. Knowing oneself better is important especially in business because it will help you gage yourself on what you can and cannot do as of the moment.  If you know that you are weak in a certain area you may undergo training in order to combat that weakness and turn it into a strength.  It takes you to know your own weakness before you can lead others because this will help you become more level-minded and sensitive to other people if they lack a certain ability.  Thus, having knowledge about one’s personality type can help one in becoming a successful business leader.
 BIG 5
I realized that my extroversion level in these two tests are quite consistent.  I do agree with this because I am a rather noisy person.  I love getting to know new people and sharing conversations with them.  I am a very open person and am not picky with who I talk with.  I enjoy a good conversation and talk about different topics with different people.  
Based on the definition of each treat I would describe myself as outgoing and social.  I am a very friendly person and am open to getting to know new people. For this test, my emotional stability is just so-so.  I agree with this because I sometimes let my emotions get in the way of making decisions. I am quite sensitive to other people and often feel empathetic towards them instead of only thinking of myself I also think about how my decisions affect other people.  My agreeableness is also rather high.  The test says that I am friendly and optimistic which is true. Even though problems and challenges appear from time to time, I take it as lessons and keep thinking positively. My conscientiousness is the lowest among the five traits.  I am quite impulsive with my decisions sometimes I do something just because I want to without thinking clearly.  In addition, I am also a bit disorganized with my things which can sometimes be a hassle to me.  Lastly, my intellect or imagination is also so-so.  I am open to experience and learning new things especially when I am interested in the topic.  However, sometimes I tend to not listen when people talk about something too technical which I cannot understand that much.  
So far, the results of my MBTI and Big 5 tests are consistent.  Two things that I find quite similar is my extroverted-ness and my sensitivity.  I do admit that most of the time I talk instead of keeping quiet.  I enjoy group gatherings because I get to spend time with friends.  I do also admit that I am quite sensitive.  Sometimes, this gets in the way of making decisions because I care about how other people feel and if I might hurt them if I do something.  
Like the MBTI, this test also helps give me additional insights on my personality traits because it teaches me to focus on which traits I am low at.  For example, my emotions can be quite a hassle sometimes because sometimes I want something but I do not want to hurt someone so as a result, sometimes I do not grasp the opportunity.  It also teaches me about my conscientiousness, as a person I am very messy I tend to leave things around.  This will also help me realize that I need to start being organized and fix my stuff whenever necessary.  My intellect and imagination is also quite so-so.  So, this should teach me to focus on being open to learning new things that might be useful in the future.  
 R-I-A-S-E-C Profile
Yes, the definition of each characteristic in the R-I-A-S-E-C profile consistent with what I know about myself.  I scored the highest on investigative, artistic, and enterprising.  I do like observing and knowing how to solve certain problems especially when I am curious about something and would like to find out the answer.  I am also an artsy person and I like thinking out of the box and being creative.  Lastly, I am also enterprising because this involves managing people and having good teamwork with others in order to achieve the same goals.  I scored the lowest on realistic, social, and conventional. So far, the only characteristic that does not match up with the other two tests and how I know myself is the social part.  I actually do like working with other people and I do have a lot of things to say. But I do agree with myself being low on realistic and conventional.  I know that I am not good in operating machines and building things.  In addition, I also do not like clerical work because I feel like it can be monotonous, repetitive, and boring.  
Some of the suggested jobs fitting my R-I-A-S-E-C profile do interest me such as those relating with business and advertising because I want to work in a corporation when I graduate college. Business is rather flexible and will enable me to work with different people and form connections with them.  I also want to be able to have the opportunity of starting my own business and if not, work in a big and well-known company with a good salary.  Advertising on the other hand also interests me because I am an artsy and creative person. I think the jobs that I am capable of doing based on the level of preparation prescribed in the O*Net profiler includes Advertising and Promotions Manager, Advertising Sales Agent, and Business Continuity Planners.  I believe that I can do these jobs because I am quite interested in it. For me, sometimes it does not matter if my job matches with me because if I have no passion for it, I will end up getting bored and unhappy.  Even if something is hard, if I love doing it, I am willing to learn and spend my time on it.  
As I said above, learning about one’s personality type can help know oneself better.  Sometimes, certain jobs require certain traits in order to be completed in the best possible way.  However, what is the use of doing a job that is fit for you but you do not love? I would rather do something I love even though it is quite hard because at least it fits my interests even though I might struggle at first.  Things can be learned through hard work and perseverance. While I admit personality plays a big role in which jobs you can do, I also believe that we can learn new things every day.  I am not sure whether or not I will have a fulfilling career if I take one of the suggested jobs for my profile because right now, I am learning more towards business. In particular, financial stuff such as stocks, bonds, and equities.  I am interested in these topics and I believe that if my work is something related to this, I will be happy in it.  
I do not agree with the comparison with my level of introversion/extroversion to my R-I-A-S-E-C profile because in this test it said I scored low in social while in my other two tests, my extroversion was quite high.  As said above, I enjoy working in a group rather than doing things alone.  I actually have a habit of not being able to finish my tasks if it is too quiet.  I like being around people because we can actually work together in completing a project.  As the saying goes “two heads are better than one” and “the more the merrier”.  Having many people around will enable us to come up with more ideas and solve more complex problems.  
           I learned that even though I know myself very well, there are some things which I cannot see for myself or realize without the help of others. The SelfStir assessment enabled me to learn more things which I did not know about myself because different people rated me on my surveys.  This allowed me to take note of certain areas which I lack and make up for it with my strengths or find a way to fix it.  Because I was able to do surveys on 3 raters per category namely, family, friends, and work, I learned a lot more about myself than I expected.  In addition, I also know about how other people feel or see me as a person.      
           For work, my greatest strength is achievement while my weakest point is accountability or responsibility.  For friends my greatest strength is compassion-empathy while my weakest point is authenticity.  For family my greatest strength is vision and purpose while my weakest point is self-awareness.  These traits actually did not surprise me that much and more or less I already expected them.  I am quite aware that I set goals in order to make sure I achieve things.  I am also quite compassionate and empathetic towards other people.  In addition, my vision in purpose of my own life is very clear and I know what I want. For my weak points on the other hand, I do agree that sometimes I tend to postpone my responsibilities instead of doing them right away.  For friends, I actually scored the lowest on authenticity.  This teaches me to be more aware on how I do things.  Lastly, another weak point of mine is self-awareness.  While I am a bit aware of myself, sometimes I admit that I do lack in that area  
           I think that their ratings of me are more or less true.  I was not that surprised to learn about how they see me as an individual or how they feel about me.  Though, I do not agree that much with how one person rated me on authenticity.  While sometimes I do admit I may look like a snob, I do take the time to get to know people and approach them to strike up a conversation.  I am already quite aware of the image I project to the world.  I try to show who I really am to people and I do what I am tasked to do without complain.  
Since a 360° assessment is a multi-source type of feedback, it is very important in the workplace because it allows people to evaluate each other despite their different rankings in the corporate hierarchy. No matter how high one’s position is, this type of feedback allows the people surrounding you to evaluate your performance in the workplace.  This will help an individual better know their strengths and weaknesses.  Thus, they can focus on their strengths and find a way to make up for their weaknesses.  This will also help one know about the opinions of those around you and what they think or feel about the way you handle things at work.  The 360° assessment helps one find out about things which they cannot see themselves because sometimes we are not aware of how we are unless someone else tells us.  
The 360° assessment can help one become an effective leader through the evaluation of the people surrounding them.  A leader is a person who is able to listen to people and is open to criticisms whether or not these people are superior or subordinate to them.  This type of person should be able to identify his mistakes and correct them in order to avoid doing it again in the future.  The assessment helps in identifying your strengths and weak points because as a leader, one should be aware of this.  
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How much do you weigh? Around 340. Where do you go when you’re sad? Sometimes I go to the jetty.
If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking. Are you happy with the person you’ve become? I guess so.  Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Generally speaking no I don’t. 
What’s the last thing you purchased? I bought food at work.
Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? Once. I ran away from home the cop took me home.  Have you ever had to call the cops on someone? No. Are your parents divorced? Separated (they were never married) Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? Trust is key in any healthy relationship. Does the idea of snowpeaked mountains and a large lake sound appealing? Yes. Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? No. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? As long as the animal they are hunting is in season I have no qualms. It’s not for me though.  Have you ever been on a roller coaster that actually scared you? Yes, only because my dad kept shaking the cart we were in.  Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? Yes. The last person who texted you, have you ever fought with them? We’ve really only had one fight in the 2.5 years we’ve been together. Do you have a fairly fast or slow internet connection? It’s pretty fast most of the time. Have you ever gone in a sauna? Yes. Out of these colors, which appeals most to you: orange, blue, or green? Blue. Have you celebrated your birthday yet this year? Nope. Is there anything you’re saving up for? To move to California. Are you taller than most of your friends? Yes. Know anyone with a really annoying laugh? No one that sticks out. Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? Punched someone: yes. Broke their nose: no What is the longest time you have gone without sleep? Around 24 hours. Have you ever been someplace tropical? I live in Florida so I’d say yes.  You see an ant on the ground, do you squish it? Sometimes. Especially fire ants. Have you ever baked a pie? I don’t think so.  What is your favorite social networking site? Either Facebook or Pinterest.  Who was the last person to call you? My general manager at work.  Do you believe in finders keepers in most situations? Fuck yes!
Is there a war memorial where you live? I think so.  Has anyone in your family fought in any of the wars? I know I have a few relatives that were in the military but I’m not sure if any of them went to war.  Would you make any changes to your current bedroom? The first thing would be to fix the hole in my wall.  Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No.  When riding a bus, do you prefer to sit up front, down back or the middle? I don’t have a preference.  Have you ever been on a cross-country train ride? Not train ride but I’ll be driving cross-country in June.  Are you normally a person to tell people off? No, I’m not a fan of confrontation.  Do you currently have any bugbites? No. Is there currently any caffeine in your system? I had a chocolate milkshake a few hours ago so potentially. Look around, are things organized? Lol, no.  Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Firefly and The Fosters  Know what you’re planning to do after this? Possibly another survey.  How would you spend a lazy afternoon? In a perfect world I’d be spending it with Stephen and we’d just cuddle while watching Netflix/Hulu/YouTube/Movies etc.   How often do you update your Facebook status? Pretty regularly. What’s the first thing you’d want to see if you visited New York City? I’ve been to NYC it’s not one of my favorite places.  When you feel stressed, do you take things out on the wrong people? I try not to but I’m sure it happens from time to time. Do you even wear any jeans other than skinny anymore? I don’t wear skinny jeans. 
Do you shop at Plato’s Closet? No.  Are you sensitive to caffeine? No. Have you ever been ice-blocking? I don’t know what that is.  Would you rather live in Austin, Boulder, Brooklyn or Portland? I’d live in either Boulder or Portland.  How do you usually get around? Car.  Which languages do you wish you could speak fluently in? Either Spanish or ASL.  Have you ever been accused of being too clingy? Yes. Have you ever tried yoga? Once.  Do you like Vitamin Water? Yes, XXX.  What do you think about Kim Kardashian? I don’t really have an opinion of her.  Can you speak any French? I can say basic phrases and various words.  Do you think too little or too much? Too much.  Have you ever read anything by Shakespeare? Only because it was mandatory reading in school. Do you know anyone with the last name Green? Not personally.  Favorite yogurt flavor? Vanilla, strawberry, or raspberry. Are you creative? I don’t think so. What are you listening to? Nothing.  What are you doing this weekend? Working.  Are you a neat freak? No. Does your phone ring or vibrate? I keep my ringer on unless I’m at work or at the movies.  Have you ever gone to see a movie just to make fun of it? No. Is the fear of butterflies a common fear? Not to my knowledge. Last place you went besides your house? Work. Is your phone a touch screen? Yes. Aren’t pretty much all phones nowadays touch screen? When you listen to a new song, do you usually play it over and over? Sometimes.   How do you take your coffee or tea? Coffee: with a shit ton of cream and sugar. Tea: I only like iced teas and it has to be unsweet or flavored. I don’t like sweet tea for the sake of sweet tea it NEEDS to have a flavor be that raspberry, peach, etc.  Ever been to a REAL metal show? No. Do you listen to songs more for the lyrics or the sound? Both.  Have you ever cut your own hair and been satisfied with the outcome? I cut my hair once in 4th grade. I learned I’m not a cosmetologist.  Do you multitask well? I’m getting better at it.  When was the last time you couldn’t stop smiling? Whenever I’m with Stephen. 
Do you like making up nicknames for people? No.  Leather or lace? Leather.  Isn’t cracking your back the best feeling ever? I don’t think I’ve ever cracked my back.  What’s a country you’d love to visit? Ireland. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? $2  How much time do you spend on the computer? Too fucking much. 
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itsdoordye-blog · 8 years
It’s Do Or Dye : pt.2
August was here and the crazy part was finally over. I had achieved my goal of getting into Aveda! Next mission? Getting ready for the first day of school. It may not sound like mission impossible but you’d be sorely mistaken. I had to plan my outfit and choice of makeup three months in advance! I do admit, this all seems like an overreaction. Probably because, it is. Although, if you read part one of this little adventure, you’d know I am no stranger to over reacting… I guess the point is, this was important to me. I wanted to ensure that I would make the best impression I could possibly make, the moment I walked through the door. The only thing I wasn’t ready for, was the hour long drive it took to get there. However, It was nothing a little speeding and a lot of road rage didn’t fix.  
The 14th came faster than expected, and it was time to head to Aveda! I remember I had showed up to school an hour earlier than I was supposed to. I had ended up just sitting in my car in the school's parking lot, like a lost puppy, until I saw what looked like other students arriving. Looking back I’m actually glad I waited in my car. This gave me a chance to see where the other students would go. I, admittedly, had no idea where the entrance was. I can tell you it’s a much better feeling, watching others make the mistakes for you. Watching them fail and then finally prancing out of your car and opening the right door. Almost as if you had known where to go all along. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a bad person... I’m actually really grateful I didn’t have to walk aimlessly around. My face was already screaming ‘Nervous Wreck’ I didn’t need to look like I lost my way home too.
Inside we were greeted by an instructor, given our name tags and were led to a classroom. A pretty efficient start to the day. Once in the classroom, I remember being amazed there were, like, 50 students all in this this one room!  Sadly, the air was so thick and awkward, that you could cut it with a dull pair of shears. This seemed to be because, no one actually knew one another. Everyone, including myself, was too afraid to talk to a bunch of, at the time, strangers. I guess Aveda officials saw this, little snag in the road, coming. They planned a whole day, filled with guest speakers, former students and instructors, to tell us all about the school and what we all should expect in the coming months. It was all pretty overwhelming and I was happy when lunch finally rolled around. It gave me breathing time so I could process everything that was going on around me. It was a quiet and peaceful forty-five minutes. I spent most of that time in my car on the phone with my boyfriend. He was trying his best to help me organize my mind and keep me from stressing out. However, as we all know, that was a futile effort.
Eventually the end of the school day came to fruition and it was time to head home. I could honestly say, that my first day at Aveda, felt like it had been the longest, scariest,most stressful ten hours of my life… and I loved it! I so happy to learn all that I did about Aveda, and what I’d learned sparked another level of passion within me! Given the success rate of students who graduated from Aveda, I knew that, that was one statistic I HAD to be apart of. Aveda was the school of my dreams and I was determined to graduate and make everyone proud!
The very next day of class we were separated by programs. The students in the esthetician program went to their classroom, and then the cosmetologist program was divided into two parts and then sent to their new respective rooms. After we were all settled into our classrooms, we immediately  began doing book work. Now, not many people can say that they honestly enjoy doing book work and I am DEFINITELY not one of those people. However, I knew It had to be done If I wanted to do well at Aveda. I am without a doubt a ‘hands on’ type of person. It’s one of the few learning methods that actually keeps me focused to the task at hand. Just ask my boyfriend. Whenever he goes on these giant lectures about politics, science or even daily human interaction, my mind goes into shut down mode and I find myself staring off into space.. and that much closer to being single. Knowing my attention deficiency problem, I had to keep reminding myself that it was only going to be ten week's worth of book work… The self motivation worked for a while. Unfortunately, after a bit, I started feeling homesick.
I had never been so out of my comfort zone before and I started to get lonely. I hated being so far away from my family and for such a long period of time. I watched everyone joking around with each other and working together but, I just kept alienating myself in my own little lonely world. A world where no one could see how bad I felt at the time. It wasn’t until about four weeks into the start of class that I made some actual friends. Three girls by the names of Kat, Erin, and Nicole. They had approached me and invited me to join them on their lunch break one day. Of Course, I was extremely shy at first, but they than explained to me how they saw how lonely I was sitting all by myself (like a sad Celine Dion song). They told me that didn’t want me to feel that way and asked me tag along. This marked the beginning of new experiences, new friends, lot’s of coffee and new adventures to come. Without embarrassing them, I’d liked to say, these girls are what turned Aveda, from a dream school, into a second home for me. I couldn’t wait to see what new things I had in store for me.
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