#and isabel looks cool as always! ;)
britishchick09 · 1 year
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the ag lineup in the back of claudie's second book! ;D
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leviismybby · 10 months
If only I knew
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Levi Ackerman x fem!reader, angsty angst, slight fluff but not too much
With the titans being gone and the world healing, people move on Levi Ackerman is no exception, he sits outside on the balcony, his eyes looking at people who pass down below. Every single one of them has their own story, their own struggles and challenges. He wondered sometimes what the story was of that old baker down the street that sells those sweet pastries he brings to the kids he is helping sometimes or that woman who always went on evening walks. He sees families, couples, mothers with their children, all of them with a different life than his own. 
Levi wasn't going to complain, this was the peace he fought for, he wishes sometimes that the people he cared about were still here but he learned to accept his freedom and stop feeling guilty about it, this is what they would want for him. As he looks at a young couple pass by, his thoughts wander back to you. How were you? Have you been doing good? Have you moved on from him? He thinks about you way too much and wonders if you think about him too. What if it was different? What if you were here with him? Enjoying the morning air just like he is....
He shakes his head and takes the now cooled-down cup of tea on the table next to him, he catches himself doing what he told himself not to do, going through all of those what-ifs that do nothing but put him in a spiral of thought. It's a habit he is working on getting rid of, there is nothing he has if he keeps living in the past. Levi has no regrets, that what he tells himself but, you were his regret, he regretted not going back to you and if he could go back in time for only one minute, he would go back to you.
His memories of you are still crystal clear, he hasn't forgotten what you looked like, how could he? You were his first and only love.
The underground wasn't a pleasant place to live, Levi scoffs as he cleans the floor, he tries to be quiet not to wake you up as you're still sleeping. His eyes look at the clock from time to time, he wonders if Furlan and Isabele have managed to get themselves a decent breakfast, he left them a note where hid some of the food supplies. He spent the night at your place, recently finding it a guilty pleasure of his. Does he feel bad for lying to his friends about where he is? Yes, he does. Does he feel like it's a need to keep you safe? Yes, he does. Both of them know about you and that you're Levi's girlfriend but Levi likes to keep your relationship a secret as much as he can.
As he continues to clean the floor, he eventually hears footsteps coming his way and looks up to see you leaning against the doorframe watching him clean. Your place wasn't big, you had two rooms, one was used as your bedroom and the other as your kitchen. "Well good morning, handsome." You smile as you speak and Levi rolls his eyes as he stands up. "Didn't I tell you to stop with the nicknames?" The smile doesn't leave your face, you can't help but tease him, it's your favorite thing to do. "No, you're handsome."
He approaches you and gives you a quick kiss on the lips. "Since you're already trying to suck up from the early fucking morning. Have about you make the bed while I make breakfast?" You groan. "Fine, we did leave it a mess." Levi can't help but let the side of his lip quirked up slightly, you two were rather intense any time you made love, he enjoyed it thoroughly. "Of course we did, you're a wild one in the sheets."
That morning when you two were eating breakfast, he noticed a discomfort on your face. "Name, what's the matter?" You rub your neck, feeling nausea again, the fourth morning in a row. "I am...fine just.." You stop for a second taking a deep breath. "I feel like I have to throw up." Quickly you stand up from the table and bend over the skin to throw up, Levi follows swiftly behind you, holding your hair and rubbing your back gently. After you're done, he reaches for the napkin and wipes your mouth before cleaning the sink as you sit down. "It's most likely a flu, Furlan had it last week." Levi says as he kneels before you and puts his hand over your lap. "Rest, I'll take care of everything."
Levi's memory trip is interrupted by his doorbell ringing, he stands up and takes his cane and makes his way to the door, cursing his leg. Opening the door, his eyes go slightly wide as he sees Jean and Connie, now both even more mature than the last time he saw them. They were in their early twenties now, both mature men, well as mature as Jean and Connie can get anyway. "You two...this is a surprise." Levi says and steps aside to let them in, usually when any of them visit they sent a letter prior so something must've happened for them to come all the way here.
"How's your leg, ca- Levi?" Jean almost face palms at Connie's slip-up, he didn't blame him however, it was a force of habit and long years of Levi being the Survey Corps captain. "It has its days. I don't need the shitty wheelchair today, at least not yet." He says as he leads them into the living room to sit down, they sit down on the sofa opposite Levi who sits down on a chair. "Do you two want something to drink?" Levi asks despite the fact that he can see that the two were in a hurry to tell him something. "No thank you. We won't be long." Jean says and takes his hat off. "We uh, the reason for our visit is tho." He pulls out a photo from his coat pocket and puts it on the table in front of Levi.
Levi arches an eyebrow for a second before taking a look at the photograph. There's silence for a few moments, this time it's Connie that speaks again. "We got it from Historia, she got the file for the newest recruits who just signed up for the military and when she came across the photo, she immediately called us." Of course, the new rule on Paradis is that you have to be 16 years of age to sign up to train for the military, Historia can't do much about the tight grip that the new regiment has on people but she made sure that kids no longer have to train at early age.
Silence falls over the room again as Levi observed the person in the photo. “This boy…..he looks familiar…” Levi takes a look at the photo better, thousands of questions going on through his mind. Jean and Connie look at each other, not knowing how to approach the situation, Jean clears his throat before speaking. “That's why we brought you that picture, we thought you might be able to tell us who it is.”
Levi keeps looking at the photograph. “And how old is he? Do you know?” He looks up, his face showing curiosity. “He is 16.” Connie’s words seem to leave Levi thinking even more. 16 years old…he saw you last 16 years ago. “16….” Levi sighs and looks at the photo again, his eyes pay close attention to the boy’s hair, jaw and eyes. His eyes darted over the mirror in the hallway then back at the image in his hand. 
Dammit name. Levi says in his head, this boy had his features, his gray eyes, his sharp jaw, the dark hair, those nose all of it, his. He looks at Jean and Connie who are both waiting for an explanation, an explanation that Levi does not have, he does not doubt that this is his kid but he cannot tell them something he didn't even know about. Now he starts to feel stupid, no wonder you were having all of those sick mornings and suddenly started to crave food that you usually had a dislike for, you were pregnant, pregnant with his baby. Another money creeps into his mind...
"Be careful." You say as you watch Levi put the gear on. "Why are these people after you anyway?" He doesn't answer you as he focuses on strapping his gear on the right. "I don't know. All I know is that I have to go above ground to kill that blondie." Blondie? He must be referring to that tall blonde guy, the one you saw last week wearing a dark green cloak with wings of freedom on it. "I am doing this for us. If I get my hands on those papers we can finally go live above ground." He approaches you and wraps his hands around your waist, his eyes locked with yours. "I'll be back." Levi says, taking your face in his hands when he notices your eyes get watery. "When?" Your voice is shaky. "I'll be back." He repeats his words before kissing you passionately.
"We just, never saw you with anyone that way so it was a surprise to see the photo." Jean's voice interrupts Levi's train of thought, he sighs putting the photo on the desk. "There was someone before I joined the Survey Corps....Name." The way your name rolled off his lips after so many years makes it almost painful for Levi, as much as it's hard for him to speak, he continues. "She was someone I met when I was young in the underground, we were together for a long time before I went above ground with Erwin and Miche."
Connie knows that he should let Levi speak but his curiosity gets the best of him. "What happened? Did you not go back for her?" That question hurts Levi, not because he didn't try to go back to you but because he did and when he went back, you weren't there. "I did, so many times. I let myself be stopped by the suffering of my comrades too many times but I did. About two years after writing letters to her and her never responding, I went back and she...was gone. Her stuff was still there, most of it scarred across the floor like someone had broken in. I went back above ground and accepted two options, one that she was either dead, killed by the criminals in the underground or that she parished into the dirty streets and died of illness.....she was feeling ill before I left and of course, it never clicked in my mind that she was pregnant with my child."
Jean and Connie listen as Levi talks, even they can feel the dread and longing from his voice. "So I left it. Buried it deep in me with only memories of her to hold. But this.." He takes a photo of his son in his hand again, he closes his eyes for a moment trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. "Changes everything. Do you know more about him? His name?" They shake their heads, maybe Historia did tell them a name but they were too in shock from seeing the photo to react. "I think Queen Historia would be welcome to speak with you over the telephone, the problem is it's hard to reach her."
"No." Levi says. "I will speak to her personally, I need to know more." It was a sentence Levi didn't think he would ever say, going back to a place that considers him a traitor. His son may be one of those people for all he knows, he did grow up on Paradis but he has faith in you, that you told him about his father. He would understand if you didn't too, you had every right to after how he left. "Are you sure that's smart? People on Paradis are rather hostile with former members of the survey corps." They were telling Levi what he already knew, he reads the newspapers and listens to the radio, he knows better than anyone the injustice the new regiment does to him and his fallen friends and comrades however, it's his son, his flesh and blood. As much he wishes that he was strong enough to let it go, he can't, even if you remarried, even if you forgot him, he had to see you again, to meet his he didn't know even existed until about thirty minutes ago.
"I know and it probably isn't smart. That won't stop me, now that I know about him...I can't let it go."
Levi can't move, it's like he is stuck in one place. He holds onto his cane as he watches from afar, his breath hitches in his throat. His son is just a few steps away but it's like something is holding Levi back as just stands there, looking at him. Regret starts to creep in again, he was 16, and Levi has missed so much of his life, he missed his first steps, his first words, his first day of school. Leo, that was his name, Armin told him when he came to Paradis.
It has changed a lot, there are a lot of familiar places but yet they seem so foreign, he can see his comrades in every corner, hear their laughter. He can see himself in Leo as he trains, very clearly skilled and fast. Levi wanted nothing more than to talk to him, what would he say if he does? He was 41 years old now, will his son hear him out? Does he ever know about him?
There's a loud whistle suggesting that the training is over, Levi's eyes follow Leo as he walks over to the bench and drinks some water. It's like looking in a mirror a few years back, they looked so much alike, it wouldn't take anyone who knew Levi personally to figure out who Leo was. Levi looks away for a moment thinking to himself. If he goes over there and talks to him, he will figure out everything. What happened to you, he would hear his son talk, get to know him if he lets him to.
Instead, Levi turns around, he gulps, trying to surpass the tears in his eyes. Or maybe it's better that his son doesn't get to know him, that you don't see him again. Maybe Levi isn't as strong as he thought he was, he looks back and sees that Leo is talking to his peers, clearly enjoying the company of his friends. That makes Levi smile slightly, he seems like a good guy, he didn't expect otherwise, you raised him. Levi was about to call out but then he sees someone approach Leo again, this time he knows who it is, it was you.
Levi's eyes go wide and he moves a little closer, not enough for you two to see him but enough for him to hear your conversation. "Hey ma." Leo smiles at you as you sit next to him. "Here you go, now remember to return the basket after you're done." Levi watches as Leo takes a look at the basket, his hands going through it. "Ma, I told you not to bake. I can't have too much sweets in my diet." Despite his words, he takes a bite out of a cookie, Levi knows himself how good of a cook you are, he can almost taste the flavor in his mouth.
You were stunning, you matured and Levi couldn't find you more beautiful. He is happy for you, happy that his son has so much respect and love for you. Leo finishes the cookie and then takes the basket from you, his mouth full of food. "Leo, slow down." You scold, putting your hands on your hips. "Sorry ma, missed your cooking." There's something that you feel on your back, like someone is looking at you from afar and what's worse is that it feels like deja vu, like you have felt that type of stare before.
You turn around and Levi is quick to hide behind a wall, he sees that you keep looking for a couple of minutes. "Ma? Is everything okay?" Leo asks his mother, trying to see what she is looking at. "Yes, it's all fine...I just felt someone looking at me is all." You turn back to face your son and Levi finally sums up the courage, he comes around the corner slightly and starts walking towards you until....
"So ma, how is dad doing?" That stops Levi in his tracks, dad? But he...he was- "He is doing good and remember that next time he will be the one visiting so try to act more.... Like a soldier." Leo rolls his eyes at that. "Like hell I will, I am the most skilled one here, it's not like I can't act human just because I have duties to attend." Levi hears the words, unlike him, Leo is putting the people dear to him over duty. You laugh a little and then pinch Leo on the cheek. "Alright now, don't be rude to dad he cares for you."
It was like a dagger to Levi, you did move on, and you did forget him. He turns around not wanting to listen to that conversation anymore, it was killing him inside. His son...doesn't even know about him. If only he knew, if he visited you earlier all those years ago. If only he stayed...while you would've been in the underground, you would've been together and he would have a son that knew him.
-------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @youre-ackermine @the-milk-anon @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @mrsackermannx @sixpennydame @svftackerman @hhighkey @cometlevi @notgoodforlife @levisbrat25 @randomlevithoughts @ackermendick @saenora @loveackermannn @levismylover @laurenzitaa @missyasma @sad-darksoul @thebobaprincess @la-undercover-latina @levilxvr @bpdtistic
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shitouttabuck · 5 months
this could be the year for the real thing
buck/eddie | 1.7k | 7x06 coda(ish)
Eddie can count on one hand the number of times he’s been this horrifically hungover. His pre-teenage-pregnancy body bounced back blessedly quickly from tailgate parties and keg stands and beer pong tournaments, but after that? His cousins threw his bachelor party before he married Shannon, which involved a lot of mixed liquor, and then there were a couple miserable nights out after she left him, and now, last night, him and Buck the sole bachelor party members standing after Chim didn’t show up.
This is his worst hangover, because at least all the other times he wasn’t seized with worry about one of his closest friends and regret that he and Buck hadn’t noticed the empty hotel bed the night before. The nausea from hell doesn’t help, either.
Chim’s safe now, under the careful monitor of Cedars hospital staff and Maddie no more than three feet away from him at all times. The relief is a palpable thing, and Buck offering him a steaming paper cup of green tea soothes the churning in his gut a little bit, too.
He takes a sip and sighs gratefully, slumping against Buck in the hospital waiting room chairs when he takes the seat beside Eddie.
“Still queasy?” Buck asks, voice a rumble.
“Mm,” Eddie says, “back-to-back shots of tequila and sambuca are not it.”
Buck shudders beside him. “Don’t,” he begs, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. “I’m still very much in range of hurling.”
“Have you eaten anything today?” Eddie’d only managed half a banana when he went home to shower and change, but he knows Buck’s been with Maddie most of the day, and when it comes to taking care of other people, he sometimes forgets about himself.
“Had a granola bar,” Buck says, eyes still closed. “Can’t—don’t wanna think about food yet.”
His stomach chooses then to grumble audibly, with traitorously comedic timing, and Eddie snorts. Buck opens one eye to grin at him.
“Don’t listen to her,” he says, patting his belly. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
“She doesn’t, huh? Then I guess she’s not interested in stopping by the juice bar on Sunset on the way home? Some sweet, sweet smoothies, all that fresh fruit and hydration, don’t even have to chew…”
Buck’s stomach rumbles interestedly and they both laugh.
“That sounds—so good, actually,” Buck admits. “We can pick up the peanut butter one for Chris, he’s always hankering—”
He breaks off as Hen appears at the end of the hallway, looking around and hurrying over as soon as she spots them. Eddie doesn’t think anything’s wrong—she’s beaming—but he and Buck sit up quickly in their seats anyway.
“Ugh,” Buck says, and Eddie’s dizziness at the sudden movement wholeheartedly agrees.
“We’re having a motherfucking wedding,” Hen grins, tugging them both to their feet, uncaring of their delicate dispositions. “Right here, right now.”
“Hospital wedding?” Buck asks, eyes wide. “Holy shit, okay, what do we need—who do we call—fuck—”
“Calm down, Buckaroo,” Hen smiles. “Just get friends and family over here, Karen’s gonna pick up Maddie’s dress, I’m gonna call Bobby, and we’re having a wedding.”
Buck’s already pulling up a copy of the guest list on his phone, squinting at it and muttering names under his breath.
“You boys got this?” Hen asks while dialling Bobby.
“Yep,” Eddie gives her a mock salute. “We’ll split the list and make some calls.”
He types out half the names Buck reads off to him in his notes app, and the two of them work through them methodically, calling Chim and Maddie’s nearest and dearest for this impromptu ceremony.
“Chris will kill us if he misses it,” he says suddenly, and Buck looks up at him, mid-text.
“He’s with Isabel, right? Pepa’s place is only a ten minute drive from here.”
Eddie nods. “I don’t have my car, though. You drove me.”
Buck tosses him the Jeep keys. “I’ll finish calling people, you go get them.”
“Cool,” Eddie says, and nearly bodies himself with the instinctive urge to lean over and kiss Buck on the cheek as he stands. It’s surprising, even though it shouldn’t be, because it’s an urge he fought and failed about thirty times last night, Buck’s sweaty skin pressed to his, salty under his mouth every time he dropped an innocuous, friendly kiss to his face with nothing but alcohol in his veins.
It hadn’t seemed out of place then, everything shiny and bright, Buck leaning right back into him.
Now, under the fluorescents of the hospital, organising a makeshift wedding for their family? Eddie doesn’t think it would land quite the same.
“Back in twenty,” he tells Buck instead, and has to physically tear himself away from the smile Buck turns his way, warm and golden under the harsh lights.
Chris and Abuela are delighted to be included, and, true to his word, they’re back at the hospital as the rest of the guests begin arriving, too.
Eddie’s—okay, he’s not going to say he’s not a crier, it’s just that his best friend is Buck, who cries at anything remotely tearjerky, so in comparison, Eddie’s not a crier. Now, though, they’re both very much damp-cheeked, much like everyone else crowded into this hospital room, watching Maddie and Chim exchange rings and vows with little Jee between them.
They’re a family, have been and would still be even if they never got hitched, but the fact that Chim refused to wait another few weeks, another few days, another minute before marrying Maddie? Eddie’s chest aches in the best way, and he slings an arm around Chris, and, before he knows he’s doing it, he looks for Buck.
The ceremony’s over, and Buck’s grinning at his phone, and Eddie pats for his own automatically, anticipating a goofy text.
But Buck’s edging backward, slipping out of the room, still grinning at his phone, and the ache inside Eddie spreads like an inkstain, blotting his insides.
And then Buck reappears with Tommy, which Eddie knew he was going to do, because who else would have Buck smiling at his phone like that, leaving his sister’s wedding even for a minute. Not me, Eddie doesn’t think. He doesn’t.
He’s not ready to make sense of the churning inside him—he doesn’t think he can blame the hangover for this one—when he clocks Tommy’s soot-stained everything and the way Buck’s own smudgy face matches like a puzzle piece.
He sees the way Chim notices, and Hen and Karen, Bobby’s eyes going wide and then soft. He sees the way Margaret Buckley doesn’t even attempt to school her face into anything but distaste and he hates her, but Buck’s not even looking at her. He’s looking at Bobby, and then he’s looking at Chim, and he’s smiling, this wide, guileless spread of happiness across his face.
Eddie’s helpless to smile too, the churning too complicated to parse beyond easy joy at every step of Buck’s sexuality journey, and this second-hand relief he’s not sure he’s got any entitlement to—he doesn’t, does he? Sure, he can be relieved that Buck doesn’t feel like he has to stay closeted, that everyone who matters loves him just the same, but he doesn’t get to feel like any of the relief belongs to him. Not now.
Tommy’s made his way to Chim’s bedside to congratulate them properly, and Buck’s squeezing through the guests to get to the Diazes.
“Hey, bud,” he says to Chris. “Hi, Isabel.”
His face is still a smear of soot, and Chris giggles. “Buck. Your face.”
Buck frowns in confusion and Eddie steps over to him, hand already reaching to wipe the soot off his face, just like he has a hundred times at work. Except Tommy’s already there, licking his thumb and rubbing firmly at Buck’s chin, a gesture so familiar to Eddie that watching it happen separate from him feels like getting punched in the throat.
And beside the joy and the second-hand relief, there’s—this sense of profound loss. This emptiness, a space inside him he didn’t realise Buck had been occupying all this time. And now it’s like Eddie’s entered the room, finally, but the door is swinging shut on the far wall and Buck’s footsteps are echoing softer and softer as he leaves. Eddie’s late, he’s missed something he didn’t know was waiting, much less had a timeline on it.
The room empties out slowly, everyone giving the Buckley-Hans some space to rest, and Buck disappears down the hall hand-in-hand with Tommy.
“Y’all ready to go home?” Eddie asks Abuela and Chris. “We can get take-out.”
“Is Buck coming?” Chris asks.
“Uh, I don’t think so, mijo,” Eddie glances down the hall. “Although—” he pats his pocket, retrieving the Jeep keys, and startles when Buck appears by his shoulder.
“You have my keys,” he informs Eddie, stretching his hand out for them. Eddie drops them in his palm dutifully. “Juice bar? The fancy one on Sunset.”
Chris whoops excitedly, and Eddie smiles, even as his brow furrows.
“You’ve not got a hot date?” he asks Buck quietly as they walk to the exit.
“I drove you,” Buck shrugs.
Eddie rolls his eyes, stopping Buck with a hand at his elbow. “I think we can manage getting a cab.”
“I seem to recall you promising me a ‘sweet, sweet smoothie,’” Buck says, raising an eyebrow at Eddie. “You tryna stiff me, Eds?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Eddie lifts his hands in surrender. “Uh—do you wanna ask Tommy along?”
“Nah,” Buck says easily. “Maybe another time. He’s just gotten off shift. I’m seeing him tomorrow, anyway.”
“Okay,” Eddie nods slowly, ache bittersweet. “Just us, then.”
Buck beams. “Me and my boys,” he crows, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and tugging him forward so he can wrap the other one around Chris. Isabel makes a noise of offense, and Buck hastily amends, “Me and my boys and Abuela. Dream team!”
Christopher groans at the very public embarrassment and Abuela smiles indulgently at Buck and Eddie lets himself get pulled along, safe in this room in his heart that won’t ever be empty, even if Buck’s not filling it in the same capacity as Eddie’s getting ready to allow himself to want.
It doesn’t matter. The door on the far wall’s not quite swung shut after all; it sits ajar, crack of light and Buck’s love spilling through. Maybe one day he’ll come back through it. Maybe one day Eddie’ll follow after him enough to ask.
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mntalbrakdown · 1 year
thinkin' bout you - H. Callahan
mentons of: smut, MDNI, makeouts, cussing, closeted, cheating, thigh riding, oral (r! receiving) exhibitionism, slight nudes sending idk,,,?
synopsis: you were dating a football player, but also sneaking around with Hazel
wc: 3.7k
gif by @taiturner
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friday night lights, a total shit show. the girls on the cheer team didn't know how to follow the choreography of the cheers and they just do whatever they want. almost like everyone else. you on the other hand just gave up and stand there smacking your pom poms together and muttering the chants.
"are you excited about today" Isabel asks you with Josie's arm wrapped around her
"yeah" you say with a weak smile.
your boyfriend, Brody or whatever his name is, you really didnt care about him, was sitting right next to you. he was in football in whatever position, you never kept up with him. you just dated him because Brittany and Isabel wanted you to.
"hey babe want to go to get food before then game" your boyfriend asks twirling a strand of your hair in between his fingers
"i would love to, but um I have plans" you say looking directly at Hazel. she was playing around with the schools pasta, scared of the bad food. she had on her brown sweater with green pants and her red doc martens paired with her silver chain that always made you go feral
in all honesty, you have been secretly hooking up with Hazel, for the past few months. you hated it because you truly did like Hazel. yet you felt that you had to hide that side of yourself. but you decided by the end of this week you would break up with Brody.
when the bell rang signifying lunch was over you got up from the table that contained all your friends or as your boyfriend called them the loser lesbians. you waved at them goodbye and stared long on Hazel. Brody wrapped his arm around your shoulder that was wearing his letterman jacket, with your oversized black pants and a white simple baby tee. as you walked down the halls you met eyes with Hazel, you smiled at her while she rolled her eyes
it was all in slow motion. she looked mad, but she never told you anything or showed any annoyance all week. you were confused, what did you do? you just saw her be happy. now you were worried. who was she walking with? it was a pretty girl who was giggling and all over Hazel, why were you so... so annoyed? you knew you had no place in doing so
"i think im going to walk to class alone" you say looking up to your boyfriend
"what why" he says stopping in the middle of his tracks
"feeling sick, dont want to get you sick when the game is in four hours you say walking away while you put your headphones on. you needed to escape this place and start letting yourself relax
you walked past everyone down the halls, you usually are so chipper and say hi to your mutuals but today you felt like putting on a hoodie and hiding. people could tell something was up, this wasn't like you. even when you get into an argument with Brody you could practically jump off the walls. this time you felt a stream of tears go down your face. you got yourself together from your five-second slump because crying in front of people is so…yuck!
so you walked into Mr. G's class head held high and when you reached your desk next to Hazel you slumped down like usual.
"so how is Brody" Hazel asks nonchalantly to you as everyone waited for the bell to ring
"he's good, were good" you say looking directly at Hazel trying to see if she was playing a game with you
"cool because I might start seeing this girl, she's available and likes me" Hazel could basically hear the breaks and cracks of your teeth by how tense you were
"I'm happy for you haze, hope she treats you right," you say as calmly as possible
"so...you're ok with it" she asks, but lets be honest she cannot take hints nor sarcasm
"yeah" you say nodding and taking out your notebook from your backpack
after class ended and you kept passing looks at Hazel with the ends of your mouth turned downwards.you couldn't actually believe it, but you couldn't hold a grudge. you got up quickly packing all your stuff and getting ready to leave school since that was your last class. you had plans on hanging out with Hazel, but those plans quickly crumbled to the ground
you practically ran out of there not wanting to be held up. Josie and Pj snickering about how you've been acting weirder after lunch. you could hear fast footsteps come closer to you until they finally reached you.
"wait up" they pull your arm to meet your face
"hey!" you exclaim, you just wanted to make it to your car
"what's wrong" Hazel says guiding your face to her, her eyebrows knitting togetehr when she sees you look upset
"nothing it's stupid" Hazel quickly shook her head, how could she be so tender when you're such a brat
"is it about me and her” Hazel asks seeing how your demeanor changed in a heartbeat just thinking about the other girl
“no” you say but she knew you were lying by the way you looked down
“was i just supposed to wait for you to break up with your stupid boyfriend” Hazel slightly raises her voice
“no, but i told you i was going to break up with him by the end of the week” you say pressing your lips together in anger
“than do it, i’ve been all over you for the past few months, and it certainly didnt look like you were, i mean the jacket?” Hazel clenches her jaw trying her best not to get her anger to overflow
“can we please leave” you whisper, you could feel people stare and overhear you in the crowded halls
which Hazel obliges and grabs your hand to lead you to her parked car. she had a Tesla, I mean she was rich what did you expect. she claimed her mom passed it down to her when her mom got a Mercedes as if it’s something everyone does.
she opened the door for you to get in the passenger seat. when you were fully seats and deep breathing to calm yourself down you hear Hazel open the driver door and sit down
“i’m sorry, it’s not fair” you say looking at how Hazels pupils dilated to how soft you became
“it’s ok, i just, want you” Hazel says smiling showing her pearly whites
“ok alpha male” you joke causing the tension to rise and disappear
you caught eyes with Hazel when you finally stopped laughing. and whatever energy you once had converted to lust. you stopped moving and slowly leaned into Hazel to kiss. the kiss was deep and passionate. Hazel slowly pulled your hair to get you to moan so she could slip her tongue. the fight for dominance was strong. so much so that when you pulled away to catch your breath a string of saliva stretched from both of your mouths.
“god i missed this” Hazel said cupping your cheek with her left hand, to be frank it was only a week since your last hookup but time it time and you yearned for her
“i missed you” you say going to quickly kiss hazel as she went over the center console to your seat
she made your seat go all the way back and reclined it so you were laying down as she was in between your legs. she was so eager to take your pants off when you try to push her away
“woah, we’re still at school we can’t do this” you say seeing all the kids walk to their car
“relax my windows are tinted, like illegally, you can’t see in” she says as she shimmied your pants off seeing how you easily relaxed
“Haze” you say as she threw your pants to the back seat
“yeah pretty” she asks looking at you with lustful eyes
“yeah? going to make you scream so loud that your voice goes raspy for a few days” Hazel says quickly kissing the top of your forehead as she goes to kneel back down to your core
“nothing, just missed this” you say as she quickly came up to kiss you
she does back down to your thong covered core that was already soaked. “this for me” she says making you lightly slap her face in embarrassment “it’s hot” she praises
she continued to play and tease you. she slightly moved your panties to the side to just take a quick peak. she than quickly slid the thin cloth down your legs and tucked it in her pants
“Haze you can’t keep those” you say reaching down to try to snatch them back
“i’ll give them back when you break up with him” she says with a bitterful mouth
she than goes to lick a strip of your core. making you arch your back from the seat. than she went in a swing time, sucking for longer and playing with your clit with her tongue.
“Fuck Haze just like that” you squirm in your seat
she continued her attack. kissing and sucking your cunt with her mouth. she was practically making out with it. from time to time she would look up from between your legs and see your scrunched up face and hands pulling her hair.
“god you look beautiful like this” she says moving from your core to the inner thigh and lightly biting it
“haze, god you’re so good” you praise her because of how good she’s making you feel
her calloused hands always feel so nice on you. you love the contrast between your soft skin and her rough. partly because you knew she had ragged skin because of the fight club that made you two meet.
Hazel runs her large hands along your thighs as she pulls away from you to kiss the inside of your thighs leaving love marks to mark you as hers.
“You always look so pretty.” She gives you a lopsided smile, giving you a boost of confidence so you could reach your climax
Hazel's big blue eyes glimmer and sparkle in the dim light, showcasing adoration and lust. She always wonders how you’re so fucking perfect. How she found the most beautiful person to walk this planet. She honestly questions how she even managed to pull you, let alone keep you. aside from having to share with Brody. She takes her bottom lip into her teeth, her eyes wondering over your body.
You both share intense eye contact, Hazel staring at you intently as she feels the need to press a kiss to your soft, full lips. You widely smile at her before leaning in, as she does the same. However, you slightly turn your head to the right forcing her to kiss your cheek instead, which makes you giggle at your childish antics.
You pull back only to see a frustrated Hazel, seeing her eyes darken. She shakes her head as she speaks, “you think you’re so fuckin’ funny, huh?” She questions, first Brody, now this?
You nod your head several times, finding it all amusing before bringing your hand up to her face to push a loose strand of dark brunette hair behind her ear.
She pulls you closer to her, her lips barely brushing against yours before she starts dragging them over your cheek, moving towards your ear.
She presses a soft kiss onto your jaw, slowly lining more closer to your chin before she moves to the other side of your face, taking her sweet time with you.
Hazel then removes her hand, cupping your jaw, moving her lips down to your neck. As she presses butterfly kisses onto your skin. She manages to suck on you harder in certain areas causing delicate moans to slip past your lips.
Hazel loves marking you up, she enjoys the thought of everyone knowing you’re hers and only hers. She thrives on the idea of everyone knowing her lips are the ones running along your skin, claiming you and taking you as hers to keep. But for a while you didn't allow her because of the relationship. Something about her just made you melt and not even care.
You can feel your cunt getting damper with the arousal that drips from your pussy the more Hazl sucks into your skin. You just barely grind your hips into hers which ends up getting you a groan of approval from her.
“You like denying my kisses?” She questions, placing one last kiss on you before pulling back, desire and lust looming in her eyes.
This time, you shake your head, “no, ‘m sorry.” You mumble, letting a soft cry out as Hazel fingers dig into one of your hips, surely leaving bruises in their wake.
The one hand that she is using to cup your jaw pulls your chin down towards her, her lips hovering over yours. “Sorry, hm?” Her soft puffs brush along your top lip as she looks into your eyes, tension consuming the entirety of the car.
She guides your face with her large hand seconds later, pulling you in so her plump lips meet yours. The kiss starts off softer, both of your mouths moving in sync as they perfectly mold together. Hazel's tongue quickly swipes over your bottom lip, asking permission for entrance as she always does.
You immediately grant her access as you open your mouth more, her pink muscle easily slipping through to meet yours. The kiss begins to pick up as your tongues swirl together in harmony, Hazel completely dominating the kiss.
Your hands find their way around to the back of her head, your fingers threading her thick hair through them as you slightly tug on it.
Hazel slightly moans into the kiss as she bucks her hips up into you. Her simple action bumps into your open swollen pussy, which sends a jolt of pleasure through your body.
You pull back to speak, “please.” You mutter, before pushing your lips back against Hazel.
The kiss has now done a complete 180, it slowly dwindling, falling apart as it becomes more messy and sloppy. You find it hard to keep up with the movement the more you grind yourself on Hazel.
“What do you want?” Hazel questions, mumbling into this kiss. As she does so, her hands find the inside of your thighs
You whine in desperation, but also annoyance because you know she already knows what you want. She litters multiple kisses along your cheek and jaw as she waits for you to speak.
“Be a big girl and use your words.” She demands, using her hands to tug at the hem of your shirt, asking if she’s allowed to take it off.
You immediately nod, not wasting any time as you help her pull the thin material off of yourself.
As soon as the shirt falls to the ground beside your pants your nipples harden at the cool air brushing past you, sending shivers down your spine. Hazel's eyes find your bare chest, her eyes raking your entire body up and down. Fuck, how she loves your body and everything about it. the freckles and moles that are now exposed and the soon-to-be bruises sprinkled on like salt and pepper.
A small smirk is brought to her lips as she leans forward a bit, “fuckin’ perfect.” Her pupils seem to be further dilated, her beautiful blue eyes casted over by lust.
Her needy hands grab at your tits before she takes one of your nipples in between her lips. She sucks on you softly, emitting a moan from your mouth as you throw your head back in pleasure. She grazes her teeth against you, pulling at you a bit, letting you go with a ‘pop’ before moving to the other.
Her fingers circle her salvia around your nipple, rolling it in between her fingers as she licks and sucks at the other, her hand gently massaging the tit her mouth is focusing on. The need that Hazel has to make you feel good takes over her entire brain, it’s all she can think about day in and day out. The idea of seeing you a breathless and moaning mess due to the reasons of her hands leaves her enthused, hungry for more.
This time she bites into you a bit harsher before pulling back, “answer me.” Her eyes peering up at you through her long, thick eyelashes.
“I want you” You whisper, your cheeks warm as you feel empowered under her burning gaze.
“Mhm.” You nod eagerly, dragging your fingertips over her shoulders, then next her collarbones.
“I want you to use me, ride my thigh, and cum all over me.” She whispers, kissing the corner of your mouth before she leans back.
You bite into your bottom lip, trying to conceal the smile that threatens to take over your face. You begin to move to be on top of Hazel's clothed thigh, gently rocking your hips on top of her thigh, your clit feeling pressure from Hazel's muscled leg.
She pushes herself further into the chair you both are sitting on, man spreading as she props her elbows up on the sides of the car, watching you intently.
Hazel looks at you as if you’re the best thing to roam these lands, like you were an angel brought down to earth, carved and chiseled from the gods above. She worships the fucking ground you walk on like nobody else. She’s obsessed with you, even more so when she has this pretty little sight in front of her. She's practically drooling over you, and you're still focused on that bonehead who wouldn't even make you moan half the time compared to her.
With her low, hooded eyes staring at you, you feel a bit nervous but you also feel confident and content. You always feel comfortable around Hazel, there’s never a time you haven’t. Not even thinking about the possibility of people seeing you at this instance.
You try to suppress your moans as you slowly pick up your pace, bending over a bit to grab onto Hazel's broad shoulders in order to keep your balance.
Hazel brings one of her hands to your thighs before sliding it closer to your ass. She first gropes at your soft skin, then harshly leaves a slap causing you to yelp out. Feeling the cold metal of her silver-adorned hand.
You both let out a moan, “fuck, angel, you’re soaking.” She states, her eyes watching the way your hot, wet cunt runs so smoothly along her thigh.
“Feels s’good.” You vocalize, your hands moving up to your tits as you play with them in front of her, sensually moving your hips back in forth in a way that makes Hazel go feral.
She shakes her head with a smirk, “my pretty girl putting on a little show for me?” She questions, trying her best to keep her hands to herself, although she’s finding it almost impossible as she continues to yearn for the feeling of your skin under hers.
Hazel's eyes continuously fluctuate in between your own, your tits, and your pussy using her to get off. Her own arousal beginning to dampen her boxers. Just watching you could cause Hazel to completely fall apart.
After a while of her letting you do your thing, allowing yourself to build up an orgasm, that fiery feeling burning deep in the pit of your stomach, just on the brink of falling over, you find yourself losing your pace.
“F-Fuck, Hazel. I’m gonna cum.” You whine, desperately chasing after your orgasm as you use Hazel for your own personal high.
“Yeah, baby? Gonna make a mess all over me?” She tilts her head, running her tongue along her cheek as she watches you begin to experience your orgasm, you simply nodding your head in response. "Fuck I bet Brody doesn't make you scream this loud"
Hazel moves one of her hands, pressing a thumb closer to the top of your clit for more stimulation. You let out a loud moan, searching your brain for words to help you process the pleasure radiating through your body.
“You like that?” She questions, already knowing the answer, cockiness swarming her attitude.
You can only let out a string of whines and whimpers, any words only coming out as a stammer. You slowly fall apart in front of her, your body getting weaker the faster she moves her finger against you.
“Listen to yourself whimper.” Hazel grins, “its fucking pathetic.” The blue eyed girl whispers, although she knows you could do anything to her and she’d melt in your hands.
“P-Please.” You meekly whine, continuing to move your hips back and forth on top of her. slowly leaning your exposed chest to your clothed one.
“C’mon, baby, cum for me.” Her soft voice guides you, finally pushing you over as your orgasm crashes into you.
It takes over every one of your senses and washes over you like a tsunami, crashing into you hard. Your vision turns white as your body spasms on top of Hazel, your cum rolling down her thigh as you make a complete mess on her.
“Fuck, sweet girl.” She groans, finally pulling her hand back as she stares at your arousal coating her thigh.
You let out breath, your body relaxing into hers, a layer of sweat sticking to your skin. You look down yourself, feeling a bit embarrassed as the orgasm fades away.
Hazel can sense that as she lifts your chin, forcing you to look at her, a reassuring look lingering in her eyes. She never wants you to be ashamed, she wants you to feel good. Always.
"that was hot" you say tucking your bottom lip between your top lip. Hazel eagerly grabs your phone to take a picture of the two of you fucked out, your bare shoulders exposed, and your messy tangled hair. quickly sending it to Brody
"Whoops my finger slipped," Hazel says earning a punch and a giggle from you
you quickly get a message from PJ and Josie of a picture of Hazel's car from the outside showing the steamy windows, paired with a message woah hazel gets action?
which made Hazel laugh and take a picture of the car from the inside of you and her kissing accompanied with her action ;p which made the phone actually overheat by the mass amount of messages from both parties. at one point you could hear the screams and jumps from outside the car
Hazel Callahan x reader (pretty sure if i don't add that it won't pop up on the tag :c)
taglist: @shaddyluvs @why-cant-we-all-get-along
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Biggest Fan: Part Three
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: The one in which a fan gets rear ended in a car accident by none other than Christopher Sturniolo during her stay in Los Angeles.
A/N: This is my first series I will be publishing on here! There will most likely be 3 or 4 parts. I hope you like it and I’m really excited to share with you all. :)
Content Warnings: smut, oral receiving/giving, fingering, raw penetration, swearing, throat fucking, bondage (if you are not comfortable with that please don’t read), mentions of a head injuries, mentions of a car accident
word count: 4,423
side note: sorry for the long wait!! it was a crazy day lol but here it is <3
inspired by this song:
You ended up needing three stitches.
Apparently, you had underestimated the cut on your forehead and if it wasn’t for Isabel, you would’ve just left it with the bandage Chris had put on for you. After you left the triplets house, she insisted that you go to an urgent care and get it checked out. You explained the details of the whole night to her, starting from when you left your hotel room to get Wendy’s up until the moment Matt knocked on Chris’ door.
“Holy shit. Our first night in L.A. and you manage to get in a car accident with Chris Sturniolo which ends up in him eating you out? What kind of black magic have you been doing?” Isabel jokes as you look out the car window, avoiding eye contact with her. You were on the way back to your hotel after leaving the urgent care. You groan, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.  “Let’s never talk about this again, please.” You reply.
At the same time, your phone rings, Chris’ name flashing across the screen. Your heart immediately jumps, and you look at Isabel in fear, showing her the name.
“Oh my god. Answer it!” She says, her eyes wide, glancing at you and to the road, trying to focus on driving.
“Fuck no! I cannot talk to him right now… How did he even get my number?” You wonder aloud. The call goes to voicemail and almost immediately after, you receive 2 text messages from him.
Hey. I got your number from Matt. Just wanted to make sure you’re good.
He called the tow place so they could get your tire fixed and take it to your hotel. Lmk when they drop it off.
You read the messages but don’t reply, putting your phone back down and leaning back in your seat. Exhaustion was beginning to set in. You hadn’t slept in almost 24 hours. “Why didn’t you answer?” Isabel asks.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk to him… I just feel utterly mortified from what happened. It was an amazing night, don’t get me wrong. He’s cool as fuck. I guess I’m just being insecure, but I feel embarrassed about it. It’s not like me to do one-night stands. What if he just regrets it?” You tell her, really starting to question everything that happened last night.
 “Y/N. Stop. You seriously need to get out of your head and give yourself some credit. He’s obviously interested in you if he’s calling and texting you. You’re hot okay. Any guy would want you.” She says, making you smile.
“Besides, we came to L.A. for a reason, right? To let loose and have fun. This is best case scenario Y/N, might as well make the most of it.” She adds, turning into the hotel parking lot.
Isabel was one your best friends, one of the reasons being she always gave the best advice and knew what you needed to hear while not sugar coating anything. You had always appreciated her for that. She parks and you both unbuckle your seatbelts, grabbing your things and getting out of the car. “You know what, you’re right. I need to stop overthinking things so much.” You say as you walk into the hotel lobby, getting into the elevator. She smiles at you and gives you a hug. “Exactly.” She replies. You both head to your rooms and once you hit the bed, you knock out, unable to keep your eyes open for one more second.
When you finally wake up, it’s 6 p.m., the sun starting to set outside. You had slept the whole day. You yawn and stretch, getting out of your bed and heading to the shower so you could wake up.
You still have Chris’ clothes on and can smell the scent of his cologne lingering as you take them off. You remember that your wet clothes are still in a pile on his bathroom floor, silently cursing to yourself for forgetting them there. Now you had a reason to see him again.
You decide to go wash his clothes at the hotel laundry mat once you finish in the shower. You still haven’t called or texted him back, a feeling of guilt washing over you. You know that you should, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it yet. What were you so afraid of?
You were afraid of how good it felt being with him. The connection you felt scared you and you hadn’t even gone all the way with him. But you couldn’t get him out of your head. Last night played over and over in your head like a broken record.
The way he made you laugh. The lustful look in his eyes. The feeling of his hands gripping your waist. The way his lips felt on your neck. The feeling of his hair tickling the insides of your thighs as he licked and sucked and fingered you until you were whimpering his name. The way his voice sounded…
“Anything to get you in bed next to me, princess.”
“You look so pretty like this.”
“Cum for me sweetheart.”
His words played repeatedly in your head as you lay in your bed, a movie playing on the tv, but you couldn’t pay attention. All you could think about was him. You burned a hole into your phone as you stared at it.
Stop being a pussy. Just call him. You think, picking up your phone and dialing his number.
Your heart races as it rings, and you almost change your mind and hang up at the last minute when he finally picks up. “Y/N?” He says. “Hey.” You respond, the cheesiest grin appearing on your face the minute you hear him say your name.
“I was starting to think you ghosted me.”
“Well, I actually was until I remembered you still have my clothes and I have yours.”
“Funny joke. I washed your clothes earlier, you can come get them anytime. Unless you want me to bring them to you?”
“Uh… I’ll let you know. Me and my friends planned a hiking trip for tomorrow.”
“…. Okay. No worries. Hey, did you get your car back?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you so much for that, and please tell Nick and Matt thank you for me as well.”
“Of course. How’s the cut?”
“I actually ended up going to urgent care and getting three stitches. But they were pretty small, it was no big deal.”
“Damn. I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew we should’ve called the ambulance.”
“Chris, it’s okay, I promise. How’s the Kia? I was too in shock to even ask last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. The bumper is a little messed up and one of the lights broke but I think your car ended up taking most of the damage… Sorry again.”
“Well at least it’s not worse. You do owe me a frosty though.”
“Hm, I would argue a McFlurry makes up for it way better.”
You and Chris end up talking and laughing almost the whole night about anything and everything. Everything except the things that occurred in his bed. You’re too hesitant to bring it up and he seems to take the hint, not mentioning it either.
The next day, you and your friends take a trip up to Big Bear, hiking for most of the day. You enjoy the views and spending time with them. You still can’t help but realize that you’re not a hundred percent in the moment, counting the minutes until you could get back to the city and talk to Chris again.
Chris’ mind hadn’t stopped racing since the morning you left his house. His heart ached as he watched your friend drive off with you in the passenger seat, feeling like a love drunk fool.
He immediately asked Matt for your number from when you had exchanged information after the accident, a knowing look in his eye when he gave it to him. “Gonna ask her on a date or what?” Matt teased him, which he ignored completely.
“Don’t pretend like I didn’t hear some interesting noises coming from your room last night!” He shouts as Chris runs downstairs to be alone in his room.
His heart sank when you didn’t answer his call and he chalked it up to the fact that you were probably just tired and needed sleep. Which he desperately needed as well but he couldn’t help and wait for you to text or call him back as he made himself busy, cleaning up his room and washing your clothes when he found them still lying on his bathroom floor.
After a couple hours passed though, he lost hope of getting your phone call and finally laid down, deciding he should get some rest. He tossed and turned for a while though, unable to get the memory of last night out of his head.
The look in your eyes when you told him to touch you. The way your lips felt on his, your hands in his hair. The sweet sounds you made as he tasted you. The way you clenched around his fingers as he made you orgasm, the way his name sounded as you screamed it.
Fuck. He was down bad and he knew it.
There was an infectious energy between you two and he craved more of it. He finally fell asleep thinking of you and when he woke up, the sun was setting.
Matt and Nick forced him to come out of his room and eat something. He talked with them for a while, avoiding mentioning you. He took a shower and was about to turn on a TV show to try and get his mind off you when you called. He couldn’t help the goofy smile that plastered his face as he answered, grateful to hear your voice again.
Hours later that night, when you and him had finally hung up, he already knew. It had only been a day, but he just knew he wanted more time with you, to take care of you in all the ways you deserved. When you told him you would be on a hiking trip the next day and wouldn’t have service to text him, he couldn’t ignore the way it made his heart sink.
He was falling for you, head over heels.
As soon as you got back to your hotel, you were exhausted and your feet ached. You took a shower and lay down, sending Chris a quick text message.
Hey :) Just got home, I think my feet might fall off lol. It was great though, I’ll send you pictures in the morning. Sorry I can’t talk tonight but call me when you wake up!
The next few days passed incredibly fast. Chris had to go to Boston unfortunately, but he told you he would be back the day before you left to go back home.
You and your friends spent time at the beach, walked the Hollywood Walk of Fame, danced at the club, and did all the things you had came to do. It truly was the best vacation you had been on.
You and Chris texted nonstop and stayed up talking on the phone when you could. He was one of the sweetest people you had met, and the more you got to know him, the more you wanted nothing but to spend every second with him. How could your feelings grow so strong in such a short time?
The night Chris came back home, you were in your hotel room, most of your belongings packed and ready to go. You were in your nicest set of silk pajamas, brushing your hair for the hundredth time as you waited for him to arrive.
You both agreed that he would come over with the clothes you left at his house, and you could give him his. But you both knew it was more than that. There was unfinished business, and as eager as you were to finish it, you were still a bit nervous.
Chris arrived a few minutes earlier then he said he would, a soft knock sounding at your door that summoned those damn butterflies again.
You took a deep breath, opening the door to reveal him there, cheeky smile as always, both of his arms resting on the door frame above him. He was wearing jeans and one of his fresh love t-shirts. Does this man ever not look good?
“Fancy seeing you here.” He says as you step aside, allowing him to walk in. You laugh, going over to grab his clothes for him.
He sets a bag with yours in it on the table in your room. As you go to hand the clothes to him, he doesn’t take them right away.
You hold it out awkwardly, an expectant look on your face as he raises his eyebrows at you. “Are you not gonna take them?” You ask, lowering your arms down.
“Is that it then?” He responds, giving you a look that has your heart starting to beat faster. “What do you mean?” You say, dragging it out longer. You couldn’t just jump his bones the minute he walked in, could you?
“Don’t play stupid with me, Y/N.” He speaks lowly, making your heart feel like it’s doing flips inside your chest. He pushes the clothes in your arms down to the floor and moves closer to you, now inches from your face.
“Do you know how crazy you drive me? I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left.” He says quietly. You feel his breath across your lips as he moves even closer, smirking at the obvious effect he has on you, as a deep blush fans across your face. He places his hands on either side of your face, his thumbs stroking softly. “You have no idea of all the things I wanna do to you…” he breaths, his lips brushing yours. “Then show me.” You whisper.
He wastes no time placing his lips on yours as you kiss him back, your mouth opening to allow his tongue to tangle with yours as your arms go up to wrap around his neck. He moves his hands down to your hips as they slip under your thin shirt, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin giving you tingles down your spine. He slips his hands to your ass, squeezing tightly, making you moan in his mouth. “Jump.” He instructs and as you do, he picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He walks towards your bed, your lips still joined in a sloppy kiss, setting you down on it and hovering on top of you.  You can’t control the moans that slip from your mouth as he leaves spongy, wet kisses down your neck and chest, removing your shirt and his in the process, and you allow your body to respond to his commands, and to his satisfaction he discovers you don’t have a bra on so he can leave more love bites on your breasts.
He takes his time sucking on them and rolling his tongue slowly over each of your nipples. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling how hard he is, and you can’t help but buck your hips up into his, causing him to moan out, his mouth travelling back up to your neck which seems to be his favorite spot to kiss you.
He notices the hickeys he left on you the first night you spent together and smirks at you as he pulls his head up, whispering in your ear. “Do you like seeing my marks on you? Does it make you wet knowing that you’re all mine baby?” Fuck. This man will be the death of you.
“Yes, Chris.” You breath out, again bucking your hips up onto his rock hard dick currently straining through his jeans. He hums in satisfaction, grabbing your wrists in one hand and holding them above your head. “If you keep doing that, I’m not gonna last.” He warns, his fucked-out expression as he looks at you, making your already wet center soaking.
Of course, this makes you grind on him again, the feeling of it too good to stop. He grips your wrists tighter in his hand, undoing his belt and taking it off his jeans. He then wraps it around your wrists, belting them together tight enough to where you can’t move them but not too tight to where it’s uncomfortable for you.
“Is this okay?” he asks, pausing to look into your eyes, searching for any hesitation. “Yes.” You respond, your heart racing and pussy throbbing so much it almost hurts. “Promise? Just tell me to stop if you need me to.” He says, sliding your silk shorts down your legs, discarding them on the floor.
“Yes, I promise.” You say back, anticipating his next move. He bites his lips, his eyes taking in your naked body, your lace panties the only thing left. “So beautiful, princess. Just for me.” he whispers as if he’s saying it to himself, but you hear him and you think you just might pass out from how sweet it sounds.
He pulls you slightly down the bed, your hips on the edge as he leans down, knees hitting the floor, his head now level between your legs.
His blue eyes burn into yours as he wraps your thighs around his face and wastes no time pulling your panties aside to let his tongue slick through your wet folds, up and down, side to side on your clit and then back down to tease your entrance. You cry out loudly, throwing your head back and squeeze your thighs around his head relentlessly which only makes him hold you in place even tighter, ensuring you’ll have more bruises in the morning.
The position he has you in and the constriction of his belt around your wrists is enough to send you over the edge. The feeling is indescribable, and your whole body is ablaze with euphoria.
It doesn’t take long until you feel yourself close to an orgasm as he moans dirty words against you. “Fuck baby, I missed you. I touched myself so many times remembering how good you taste.” His voice sends deep vibrations through you. “Are you gonna cum for me princess? I want you to cum all over my tongue.”
He then grabs your hips, guiding them to thrust against his face as you ride his tongue. “Oh my God, yes Chris!” You scream, letting him use your body to get off on him.  You cum hard, your body shaking as you continue to moan his name. He helps you ride it out, his hands gently rubbing your legs and thighs and he gets up to take the belt off, rubbing your wrists as well.
He kisses you softly as you catch your breath. You feel fueled by lust, the need to make him moan your name strong when you look him in the eyes, an idea popping into your head. “I want you fuck my throat.” You say, the surprise in his face makes you laugh but you’re serious as you sit up to unbutton his jeans and pull them down his legs.
“Yeah?” He responds, a playful fire in his eyes. “Mhm.” You hum, biting your lip and the innocent look in your eyes almost makes him lose it then and there. He stands up at the edge of the bed and you turn your body the opposite way, laying down flat so now your head hangs off the edge.  
“Tap my thigh if you need me to stop, okay?” He says, his breathing heavy as he pulls his dick out of his boxers and from the view you currently have, it looks huge, veins running along his shaft and precum oozing out of the tip. He brings it to your mouth, and you open to wrap your lips around it, your tongue swirling around him teasingly. “Fuck…” He whimpers lowly, trying to contain himself as he slides it further slowly, your saliva coating him.
 Your cheeks hollow around him and he pauses halfway, letting you adjust to him. He waits a few seconds before going deeper, brushing the back of your throat, making you slightly gag. He moans loudly at the feeling, which makes you hum around him. You are enjoying every minute of this.
He starts to slowly thrust himself down your throat, careful to pause every now and then when he feels you gag. But you quickly get used to it and reach up to grab his hand, motioning for him to continue. He picks up the pace, loud moans now leaving his mouth which only makes you wetter. “Fuuuuckk… Y/N. Feels so good.” He breathes out. He wants to cum down your throat so badly but at this point he needs to feel himself inside you more than he’s ever needed anything.
He pulls out and helps you back into an upright position on the bed, laying you down against the pillows. “Please tell me you’re on the pill.” He says, pulling your panties off and discarding them somewhere along with the pile of clothes forming on the floor. “Yes.” You respond, grateful you were because you wanted nothing more than to feel his bare skin against yours.
He takes your legs, spreading you open for him again and rubs his cock against your entrance teasingly. “Please, Chris. I need you.” You whimper, gripping his arms and wrapping your legs around his lower back. “No need to beg, sweetheart. You got me.” He responds as he pushes himself inside you.
You both moan in ecstasy at the feeling, your eyes rolling back as he continues to sink himself all the way into you. “God, Chris…” You say, a slight burning as you adjust to his size.
He groans loudy, thrusting into you slowly, the sight of your blissful expression and the way your tits bounce with each movement almost sending him over the edge. You meet his hips with yours each time, uncontrollable moans pouring out of you. “I love making you sound like this baby. Tell me only I can make you feel this good, Y/N.” He says, his breath shaky but his grip on your legs strong.
“Yes, Chris. Only you can do this to me. Feels so- ah- so gooood.” You respond, at this point ready to do anything he says. The feeling of him inside you is like no other. He moves harder and faster, hitting your g spot with each thrust.
You clench around him and he feels your wetness drip down his cock. The pleasure you give him is unmatched but the way he feels being close to you like this, your bodies becoming one has him in a state of bliss. He knows you’re close and wraps you tighter around him, his face falling to yours, one hand pressing into the mattress, the other hand pressing down slightly on your abdomen.
You cry out at the sensation, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging his hair.
“Can you cum again for me baby? Please… I wanna fill you up while you scream my name.” He says, his hips slamming into you, pounding you over and over again. “Please baby. Please cum for me.” The needy sound in his voice and the pace of his thrusting brings you to your second orgasm, clenching around his cock and releasing all over him.
Your whimpers are swallowed by him as he kisses you, his orgasm shortly coming after yours, spilling himself inside you. You both gasp for air, completely spent, and he stays there for a few minutes, holding you as you both catch your breath.
Once you both have settled down, he grabs a damp towel and cleans you up. You lay together, Chris rubbing circles on your back as you hold him. “Goodnight, princess.” He whispers and you both drift off to a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you and Chris spend exploring each other’s bodies in every possible way in the time you have left before you have to check out of the hotel.
Under the sheets, he covers every inch of your body in kisses. In the shower, he fucks you up against the glass, pulling your wet hair from behind you. On the couch, you ride him until your legs shake, while he whimpers in your ear.
When it came time for you to leave, you tried not to cry but it was bittersweet. You and Chris had shared something special, and you both agreed there was more between you two then just amazing sex.
He made you promise to call and text him anytime you could, and the good thing was, your hometown was on the East Coast which would make it easier for you guys to meet up when he visited Boston.
And you kept your promises while he kept his, each time you got to see each other was better than the last. You couldn’t get enough of each other, and he made you feel so comfortable in your own skin. You silently thanked the universe for putting the events of that night of the accident into motion because if you hadn’t met Chris, life wouldn’t be the same.
chris & y/n:
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a/n: and there it is!!! my first series completed :) pleaseeee let me know what yall thought! matt series next???
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vinvantae · 5 months
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝
Based off of this ask from @pear-1206
Summary - Dad!Jenson x wife!reader - where you bring your daughters to their first race and Jenson is determined to do his best.
Warnings - none, short and sweet, pure fluff
Word count - 1.2k
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Spa was always one of the best tracks to race at - the atmosphere was unlike any other, and - thankfully - the chance of rain was slim. And this weekend was arguably the most important race weekend of Jenson’s career so far - sure it wasn’t for a championship win, but it was the very first race that his daughters would be attending and he was determined to make them proud.
They knew their daddy was a race car driver, but they’d never seen it themselves, you’d both agreed to wait until they were at least confidently walking before bringing them to a race and now aged 2 and 4, it was time for Isabelle and Ava to come to see him drive.
He wasn’t sure if he was more excited or if they were, both of them practically bouncing off of the walls in excitement when he asked them if they wanted to come watch. He’d been sure to pick up some of the smallest merch he could find - wanting his girls to be in his colours as the 4 of you walked through the paddock together.
Ava clung to his shirt as he carried her on his hip, looking around curiously at all the sights - whilst Isabelle was more than happy enough to explore on her own two feet, asking lots of questions. Jenson couldn’t help but feel pride and joy blooming in his chest as he finally got to spend time with his 3 favourite girls in the world in his favourite place.
“Oh hey! I wasn’t expecting the full button clan this weekend.” Lewis grinned, crouching to give Isabelle a high five before offering one to Ava who giggled shyly - patting her little hand against his. “What do we owe the pleasure?”
“Well, we thought they’re both old enough now and it coincided with a weekend that my gorgeous wife could take some time off work.” Jenson hummed, smiling softly at you. “And imagine being able to say that Spa was their first race, that’s pretty cool.”
Lewis smiled. “Who are you girls rooting for this weekend? Is it me?”
Isabella stuck her nose up a little. “No! Daddy, of course!”
“Duh, that was a silly question wasn’t it?” He chuckled. “See you all later, yeah?”
“Say bye to Lewis, Ava.” He whispered, bouncing the toddler in his arms a little - encouraging the toddler to wave.
“Bye Lew!” She grinned. “Race fast! Not fast as daddy, please.”
Jenson helped the three of you set up in the back of the garage - ear protectors comfortably over each of your ears, Ava now in your arms and Isabelle perched comfortably so she had a good view of the screens. He pressed kisses to each of your foreheads before heading off to get race ready.
He always raced better when you came to see him - 2009 was proof enough of this, you’d met the year prior and suddenly everything seemed to fall into place for him. And whilst another championship may not be within his reach like it had been before, he wouldn’t stop at anything to try and make his babies proud of him this weekend.
So when he put the car in P1 for qualifying, seeing your proud faces at the barrier was proof enough to him that he needed to repeat the performance tomorrow. Your gentle whispers of love for him in your shared bed that evening, telling him just how happy his girls were to see him do well - praising him between kisses.
“I’m gonna win for them tomorrow.” He hummed softly, taking your jaw in his hand as you laid, side by side. “Want our girls to see me win… be proud of me.”
You cooed softly. “Jense, they’d be proud of you no matter what. You’re always going to be the coolest dad in the world to them.”
“I mean… I am the coolest Dad.” He grinned, earning a playful roll of your eyes and a kiss goodnight. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
It wasn’t a particularly sunny day for a race, but it was comfortable and the endless piles of raincoats you had brought with you were now unnecessary. The girls both donned in their Dad’s merch - Isabelle’s blonde hair braided, a little red bow at the end, swaying as she skipped along and Ava’s tucked away beneath a cap, her head once again rested against Jenson’s shoulder as she dozed.
He almost didn’t want to put her down - loving the feeling over her in his arms. “Daddy’s got to get in the car, princess.”
“M’comfy.” She yawned. “But okay… Mummy?”
“Hey, I’ve got you.” You hummed softly, taking her from your husband. “I’ll wake you when the race is about to start okay?”
Jenson smiled fondly - giving his little family one more glance before heading out for the race. Whilst he always felt motivated before any race, there was something about knowing the three of you were watching in the garage that gave him that extra kick up the ass to do his best. He rolled his helmet over in his hands, smiling at the girls names he had printed on the carbon fibre before pulling it over his head and sliding into the car.
You could feel your heart racing in your chest as the race immediately started with a messy incident - Maldonado jumping the start turned into a multi-car incident, but thankfully Jenson managed to keep his nose clean and lead the race the whole way through.
As he climbed out of the car, he didn’t even hesitate to run over to the barriers to sweep the three of you into his arms - his heart racing.
“You did it, Daddy! You won!” Isabelle giggled.
It was Ava’s turn to cheer next, her little fists balled up in Jenson’s race suit. “Yaaaay, Daddy!”
He pulled back just enough to look at the three of you, his eyes crinkled up in a smile through his open visor. Jenson pulled his helmet over his head and gave you a chaste kiss. “I love you girls… so much. Thank you for being here today.”
“Go get your trophy, we’ll be right here.” You hummed softly, somehow effortlessly balancing a daughter on each hip. “Then the celebration dinner is on me.”
“…and dessert?” He smirked, raising a brow - leaning a hand on the barrier - eyes only for you, twinkling with mischief.
But before you could scold him the girls both squealed in excitement. “Daddyyy! We want dessert too!”
“See what you’ve done?” You laughed. “Seriously, get out of here!”
He returned your laugh before heading up to do just that - this trophy was like no either; it wasn’t his first, it wasn’t for a championship win… but as the national anthem played over the crowds, the feeling of being able to look down and see the three of you smiling up at him was like no either. His chest felt warm and fuzzy, he absolutely loved racing and finally getting to share it with his girls was a dream come true.
I love you. He mouthed, relishing the way your smile brightened.
I love you too.
He was brought out of his almost trance-like state as Sebastian sprayed him down with champagne, the German gripping his bicep as he lent into whisper. “Congrats man, can’t imagine the night you’re in for with the way your wife was looking at you.”
Jenson laughed, giving him a playful shove before returning the spray of the sparkling drink.
He took one more glance over the podium at the three of you, grinning as the girls waved up at him once more. Definitely his favourite podium ever.
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pensoterios · 7 months
was thinking about Hazel soooo
enemies to lovers with Hazel Callahan, I guess. 2.7k words :)
Of course, you weren’t really enemies. How could you be? She was so nice, for no reason, always willing to help, which was disgustingly endearing, and she hadn't seemed to realize that you didn't want to be friends. You were a solitary person, an introvert, who rarely ever sought out other people. People often told you that you were intimidating, but you didn’t really understand why. That may have been part of why you hadn’t made many friends.
Of course, Hazel Callahan just could not have this, apparently. You rolled your eyes at the thought as you sat at your desk, paying no attention to Mr G’s very short class. You were very aware of Hazel in the desk behind you, trying to get your attention.
“Hey.” She whispered in your ear for the third time. You ignored her and the chill that ran down your body. When you didn’t respond, she tapped your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and finally turned around. “What?”`
Surprise dawned on her face at your tone, but she smiled and, voice low, asked, “Um, do you wanna join our club for female solidarity? It’s after school’s over, starts at 3:15 in the gym. I-I could email you about it, we’re learning about self-defense.” Your eyes were absolutely not watching her lips as she talked, and you huffed a sigh.
It actually didn’t sound terrible, but if Hazel was gonna be there, you weren’t planning on going. “I’m good.”
You turned back around in your seat before you could see her reaction, effectively ending the conversation.
After class, you overheard Hazel talking to her friends. “She said no, and I think she doesn’t like me. I guess it’s never gonna happen.” You heard Josie tell Hazel that you might warm up to her, and you scoffed to yourself. For once, Hazel was right, it was never going to happen. After what had happened during freshman year, you had ruled out ever being friends with her.
That day, you, a solitary, intimidated freshman, had heard some girls talking loudly about you right next to your locker, calling you a sad loser, and you looked around to see if anyone else had heard. Hazel, a few lockers down, was frowning at you, clearly having heard the girls. You looked away, embarrassed that a cute girl had heard them talking about you like that. The next day, Hazel came up to you and handed you a letter. You were surprised to see that Hazel had written you a note saying that those girls were completely wrong and you actually seemed cool. You began to smile for the first time in a while, but when you looked up, your heart dropped. Hazel was giggling, and it grew into laughter. Of course. It was a joke, there was no way someone like her would have any interest in you. You turned around to slam your locker, walking away with tears in your eyes. You rarely talked to Hazel after that, and anytime you did, you gave her the shortest, most contempt filled answers you could.
You had come a long way since then, joining the cheer team and even having a few girlfriends outside of school, but still remaining mostly solitary.
When the end of the day came, you found yourself lingering at school, wondering if you should go to that club. It had actually sounded interesting, though you didn’t really need self defense lessons as you had been taking them for years. However, female solidarity sounded interesting to you, even if you didn’t want to see Hazel more than you had to. Eventually, you decided to go, and that you would ignore Hazel as much as possible. You walked to the gym with just a few minutes to spare.You hated the way your eyes immediately found Hazel, and you ignored the way her face lit up when you walked in. You leaned against a wall, observing everything but her. The girls were standing in a circle that you decided to join. You were surprised to see Isabel and Brittany there, and as they waved at you, you smiled back. PJ stepped forward to start the session.
“Okay, losers!” Your eyebrows raised at her words. She continued, “today we’re continuing our self defense lessons.” Her eyes zeroed in on you. “Why don’t you go first? Let’s get that out of the way. Go against…” PJ smirked. “Hazel.”
What did she mean ‘go against Hazel’?
Hazel stepped into the circle, and you began to realize what was going on. Hazel only confirmed it when she smiled but put up her hands in fists. A wave of relief washed over you; you were good at this. You waited as Hazel stepped closer, throwing the first punch towards your face. You ducked and threw one back. It caught, landing just below her ribs. She stumbled backwards, the breath knocked out of her. The girls around you cheered. Not one to kick someone when they were down, unlike her, you kept your hands up, waiting for her to recover. She didn’t take long and scrambled towards you. This time you didn’t wait and went for her face. She dodged and threw a punch to your chest before you had retracted your arms. You clutched your chest where she had hit your sternum. It hurt like a bitch and you knew you’d have a bruise. You knew you had to get over it though so you put your hands back up and focused. Hazel stepped towards you and you anticipated her punch, grabbing her arm to use her momentum and knee her stomach. She grabbed onto you as she went down, pulling you down on top of her.
Nope. She was a terrible person and she was not hot. You looked down at her under you, with a weird smile on her face as you drew your hand back to hit her again. You faltered slightly at her expression and she caught your arm before it hit her. Damn it. With your concentration broken, she pushed up and pinned you to the floor, and why did she have to be so pretty? Sweaty and out of breath, she looked downright indecent while sitting on top of you, but you had to focus. You pushed at her shoulders, but she held your arms down. You decided to pull out the dirty tricks, waiting till she was close enough from holding you down to headbutt her as hard as you could, which you thought wasn’t that hard. Unfortunately for Hazel, it was pretty hard. “Fuck!” she yelled, scrambling off you while clutching her head. Everyone around you gasped. Your eyes widened as you witnessed her sit back, eyes squeezed shut and muttering curses under her breath.
Nope. No No. No. Her body absolutely did not feel nice under yours, and you were not enjoying this. Not at all. And still, a little voice in your head went, yes you are. You like it and you like her. Even after what she did.
“Fuck, I- are you okay?”
Her eyes snapped open, finding you immediately. “Um, yeah- ah shit. Yeah I’m fine.” You frowned, “it doesn’t seem like it.” Hazel shook her head.
“I’m fine just a little- ow- just a little dizzy.” This was bad, you thought to yourself. You hadn’t meant to give her a concussion, and you held out two fingers. “Shit, Hazel how many fingers am I holding up?” you asked.
“I don’t know, like, 4?” Yup. Definite concussion. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” you gasped. PJ called from the circle, “is she good?”
You shook your head, finally taking your eyes off Hazel. “She has a concussion. I have to take her to the nurse, or something.” PJ shrugged, “fine, whatever.” You rolled your eyes and turned back to Hazel. “Come on, let’s go.”
Hazel shook her head again. “I’m fine, just- ah- gimme a second.” You sighed. “You have a concussion. You should not be here. You should be somewhere where you can rest your head.” You pulled her up, keeping her steady as she leaned on you. “Alright, alright,” she conceded. “Don’t be mean to me.” You rolled your eyes at her childish remark. “I’m not being mean,” you insisted as you led her out of the gym. “You’re just stubborn, so excuse me if I’m like… concerned for your health.”
Hazel hummed but didn’t say anything as you walked towards the nurse’s office. There was a silence, not uncomfortable, as you walked and eventually reached the nurse’s office. The school nurse had already gone home, but of course, being in self defense classes meant you knew your fair share of first-aid. As Hazel watched, seated in a chair, you went to the freezer, grabbing ice cubes and putting them in a plastic bag. You handed the bag to Hazel. “Put this on your ribs, and lay down on one of the beds.” You gestured to the two medical beds in the office. Hazel listened, surprisingly, and laid down on the closest one. You sat in the chair next to it, watching quietly.
“What about your, um… your chest?” asked Hazel, blushing through talking about your chest.. You had forgotten all about your injuries for a moment, but as soon as Hazel mentioned it, your sternum began to throb. “Yeah. Right.” You nodded and got up again to get more ice, holding it to your chest and sitting heavily in the chair. You could feel Hazel’s eyes on you, watching as you slumped in the chair.
“What?” You turned suddenly, catching her staring. Her cheeks started warming and she looked away. “Nothing, I just- you’re really pretty.”
You rolled your eyes. “I look like shit, Hazel.” Hazel shrugged. “So?” You shook your head. “So. how could I be pretty if I look like shit?”
Hazel frowned. “Well, it’s not like a right-now thing, I mean, you’re always pretty, whether you look like shit or not.”
You looked at her out of the corner of your eye. You’d blame it on the concussion, you decided. She wasn’t thinking properly. “Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.”
Hazel was not having that. “No, actually. Like, you are actually really beautiful.” You hated the way your heart fluttered at the earnesty in her compliment. You knew you were pretty, but it was always nice to hear. Hazel looked away. “Sometimes I just look at you and go: ‘wow, I wish I could tell her how pretty she is every day. Maybe after a kiss on the cheek.’”
She what?
The shock from her comment got to you. “You what? So what was that in freshman year? You don’t get to just say that after what you did.” Hazel frowned again. You didn’t like that face, in fact, you much preferred her smile. “What do you mean?”
“Oh come on, you’re telling me you don’t remember when you wrote that fake note and then laughed in my face about it?”
Her eyebrows pinched further together in obvious confusion. “Fake note? What fake-” Realization dawned on her face, her eyes wide, which quickly turned into hurt. Her voice was quiet. “You thought it was fake?”
You looked at her like she was crazy. “Are you trying to tell me it was real? Hazel, you laughed in my face about it. Why wouldn’t I think that?” Hazel shook her head. “No, no, I didn’t. I just got nervous and when I get nervous I do this like, giggle thing.” Her eyes widen. “Oh my god, that’s why you walked away? You thought I was laughing at you. Holy shit, I feel terrible now. That explains so much- no, I meant every word I wrote on that paper.” Your eyes went wide as hope surged in your chest.
“Hazel, you… you meant it?”
She nodded. “Of course I did, I’d never not mean it. That would be horrible. Do you.. Still hate me?” You grimaced. “I don’t think I ever did.. I was just hurt cause I thought I’d been absolutely rejected by the girl of my dreams.” At her frown, you clarify. “You, Hazel.”
Hazel’s jaw drops, and she sits up, ignoring the way the room spins for a second. “I’m the girl of your dreams? Really?” Her wide eyes draw you in closer, leaning in as your eyes drop to her pretty pink lips. “Yeah, you are. Is this okay?” You ask as you lean even closer.
She nods her head, but before you can even move, the door to the nurse’s office swings open. You both lean back quickly as PJ appears in the door, but too late as her eyes flick from you to Hazel and back. “What are you losers doing in here? Making out?”
Both you and Hazel blush and PJ finally realizes that she’s right. “Oh, you were actually about to make out? Well don’t stop on my account-”
“Shut up, PJ,” you say, rolling your eyes. She rolls her eyes back at you. “Whatever. Club’s over anyway.” She shrugs, but both you and Hazel frown. “PJ, that’s really short. What happened?” Hazel asks. PJ shrugs again. “We had like, two more fights after you guys left, but the mood was totally killed so it got boring. Plus, Brittany had to leave.”
You and Hazel shared a look. You were both friends with PJ, so you both knew she was only in it for Brittany. “Okay, well, I gotta go. Hazel, if you want a ride, me and Josie are leaving, like, now.” Hazel swung her legs off the bed, standing a little shakily.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask, reaching out to steady her as you all walk out of the nurse’s office. She opens her mouth but PJ interrupts. “She’s fine, chill. Come on, let’s go.” You all walk back to the gym to get your stuff, then you part ways.
Hazel smiles sheepishly at you before they leave. “Thanks for taking care of me. See you tomorrow.”
“See you,” you respond, and you can’t help the disappointment in your voice. You wish PJ hadn’t interrupted, seeing as you’d definitely be kissing Hazel right now if she hadn’t, instead of watching her leave. You would see her tomorrow, but who knew if you’d have a moment like that again?
There wasn’t anything you could do about it now, but as you walked to your car, you made a promise to pull Hazel aside after school tomorrow and kiss the life out of her.
That self-promise proved to be challenging, since you had to see her all day before you’d talk to her privately. Sitting in Mr. G’s class was torture since you were hyper aware of Hazel sitting behind you, just out of reach.
Finally when the end of the day arrived and the bell rang, you rushed to your locker to find Hazel. You found her leaning against her own locker, and she looked up when you approached, her face brightening. “Hi,” she breathed out, a smile taking over her face to mirror the one on yours.
Your brain nearly shut off at her smile, but you quickly shook it off. The plan you had formulated in your mind rearranged itself as she leaned against the locker. You came closer and closer, putting a hand on the lockers next to her head to support yourself as you leaned in, your lips inches from hers. “Hi gorgeous. Can I kiss you?” You didn’t care about the other people in the hallway. All that mattered was Hazel’s little nervous swallow and the nod she gave you. Immediately, your lips were on hers, slotting together as you kissed her sweetly. You felt her hand go up and touch your cheek, holding you in place as you continued to kiss her.
When you finally pulled away, you were both slightly out of breath, your lips and cheeks flushed. You smiled at each other.
“It’s fitting,” you say, smiling now. “What is?” she asks.
“We kind of just corrected what happened here last time,” you laughed softly, leaning in for another kiss. Hazel smiled against your lips, kissing you back with passion. She pulled back to speak, her lips brushing against yours. “You want to get out of here?”
You smiled. “Hell yeah.”
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cassiesc0rner · 1 month
Impurities V
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Synopsis: You're the new girl at East Highland High, your only goal is to get through school. Until you come across Nate Jacobs
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Pairing: Nate x fem!reader
Warnings: negative body-image, panic attack, manipulation, lying, jealousy, dark themes, violent behaviour, Nate talks about intimate stuff with Max, Nate is being really mean :/ Imk if I missed something
Song rec: praying - Isabel LaRosa | I wish you roses - Kali Uchis | mentally not here - Elita | Somewhat Damaged - NIN | Animal - Sir Chloe
WC: +9,5k
Other parts: previous part, next part
A/N: I know this one took a little longer than usual, but I fear the next updates will take a little longer too, since I’m a perfectionist and I don’t wanna do anything half assed and quick. This one is also really just angsty. :( but thank you guys in advance for reading, and for being so patient with me! ᥫ᭡
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You were surprised when you got home and found your dad opening the door for you. It wasn't like he never opened the door for you before, but you were used to your mom being the only one who's home.
You didn't bother saying anything as you entered your home. He frowned for a moment when you walked past him, typing on your phone. He was surprised you didn't smile at him and greet him properly.
"Y/n?" he called out. You turned around and looked at him "What?" you asked nonchalantly. He looked at you completely bewildered, before he sighed "Where were you?" he asked with a frown.
Your eyes nearly jumped out of your skull "Excuse me... what did you say?" you asked, taking a few steps closer to him. "Did you just ask me where I was?" You scoffed in disbelief.
Your dad crossed his arms. "Yeah.. what's with the attitude?" he asked. "Oh, sorry, it's just.. you usually never ask me where I've been so..." You explained sarcastically, not sure if your parents were slowly losing their minds.
"I was outside with a friend." you added before taking your shoes off, and walking towards your room.
Your dad looked after you in confusion. He hadn't looked at you properly for the past few weeks, and he felt uneasy, seeing how different you dressed and behaved.
Earlier that day, he approached your mom and asked her, why you two got so quiet all of a sudden, and she told him about her concerns regarding you and Nate. At first, he thought she was just making a fuss over nothing again.
But after seeing you walk past him, looking nothing like his daughter, he became concerned as well. It wasn't just the short skirt and the way-too-tight top that threw him off; it was the fact that you suddenly looked like every highschool guy's fantasy.
If you were to ask a middle schooler what a girl looks like, they'd describe you: No body hair, long lashes, obsessed with pink and skirts.
You weren't like that before. You never wore skirts or bright, soft colours. You always wanted to look cool and dark, not soft and... feminine.
He shook his head in disbelief before he walked into the garden and lit his cigarette, worried about what you might've gotten yourself into.
And worrying about how he could get you out of it.
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The next day you woke up feeling well-rested as your alarm rang at 11 AM. It was Saturday, and you and Nate had this unspoken rule of meeting up every Saturday.
He texted you that he'd pick you up at 1 PM, but he didn't tell you what you would be doing. You got up and chose one of your dresses for the day.
It was a vintage-style, pastel pink A-line dress, with a floral pattern and puffy short sleeves. You found the dress online one day and just had to order it.
You missed it sometimes, going shopping on your own and taking inspiration from your pinterest boards. Choosing your clothes yourself and not wearing what someone else wants you to wear.
You missed your pants, loose graphic tops and your comfortable sneakers. When you wore tighter fitting tops, you constantly felt the need to suck in your stomach, and sit straight to prevent any pesky rolls from appearing.
The worst part was, that you were absolutely sure Nate didn't notice your effort which pressured you even more, because he probably thought you simply looked like this all the time.
Eating with him was also something you couldn't enjoy as much anymore, because you got bloated after your meals sometimes. You trusted Nate with your life, but you just didn't want him to see you in any unflattering way ever.
You also obviously loved Nate, and his compliments, but you were so overwhelmed sometimes, because you were so focused on being perfect for him that you weren't able to pay attention to other things anymore.
You didn't want him to even think about looking at other girls, which he also barely did when you two were out together. But the words of your mother and Maddy made you feel so insecure.
If what they were saying was true, you should be concerned about Nate only liking you because of your style or appearance, but instead, you felt the need to impress him more and more every time, craving his approval.
You pushed the thoughts aside as you grabbed a fresh towel, your underwear, and your dress before you went to the bathroom to take a shower and shave, which was a part of your routine you had to get used to at first.
It wasn't like you never shaved before, but you definitely never took it as serious as now. You loved it when Nate would run his hands over your legs, or arms with this satisfied smile on his face before he would tell you how smooth and soft your skin feels.
After your morning routine, you sighed as you slid into the dress, before you brushed and blow-dried your hair.
When you left the bathroom and walked back towards your room, you were surprised to catch a glimpse of both of your parents in the kitchen. You were starting to get suspicious, since your dad usually would've been at work by now.
You brushed it off and walked into your room to do your make up. You usually didn't wear a lot of make up. You just made sure to accentuate your lashes, put on some tinted lip balm, and some concealer to hide any dark spots. Sometimes, you added a winged eyeliner, nothing too dramatic, which gave your eyes a more doll-like look.
Of course, you were aware of the fact that Nate loved that look on you; in his eyes it suited you perfectly.
Almost like you were his own personal doll.
You also put on a generous amount of your perfume, after noticing how much Nate loved it on you, and decided to stay in your room until he would call you to tell you he's there.
You used the time to think of something you could gift Nate. Sure, you planned the surprise party and you paid for a lot of the things already. But you felt obligated to buy him an extra present, simply because he bought you so many without a special occasion.
Before you could finish that thought however, the doorbell rang. You didn't bother to leave your room since you knew your mom ordered something a few days ago.
Until you heard his deep voice vibrating through the walls.
You quickly got up and nearly ran out of your room. You walked to the main hallway, spotting Nate, talking to your dad, with flowers in his hand. He was earlier than you expected.
You walked up to them until you reached Nate and nearly jumped into his arms. "Hey.." you whispered shyly as you smiled up at him, your eyes so full of love for him that he couldn't help but wonder if all of this was just an act.
If you also looked at Max that way.
"These are for you." he informed you with a small smile, as he handed you the bouquet of red roses. He bought them on his way to your place, mostly for you of course, but also in an attempt to make a good impression on your parents.
"Aw.. they're so beautiful thank you!" You exclaimed as a big smile made its way onto your face. You got on your tiptoes before pressing a kiss on his cheek.
"Is this the 'friend' you went out with yesterday?" your dad asked, causing your eyes to widen before you turned towards your dad "No.. I went to Mia's place yesterday." yeah sure "This.." you trailed off as your hand searched for Nate's "is my boyfriend." you announced.
Your dad nodded "Yeah.. we've talked before, right?" he asked and Nate forced a smile "Yeah..." Your dad chuckled "I would give you the 'don't you dare hurt my daughter' talk, but I'm sure my wife did that already."
Nate nodded slowly "Yeah.. she did." he sighed. "I'll bring her back tomorrow, if that's okay?" He added. Your dad hesitated for a moment before he nodded as well. "Alright, let's go." You said as you smiled up at Nate.
You handed the roses over to your dad "Can you put them in my vase for me?" you asked as you looked at him, and to his dismay, you weren't smiling at him the way you used to when you were younger.
Or the way you just smiled at Nate.
He nodded as he smiled down at you "Sure.. When are you going to be back tomorrow?" he asked as Nate opened the door, ready to leave as fast as possible. "Um.. I don't know?" you shrugged before you simply waved at him, which bothered your dad.
It bothered him because he knew that you didn't need him anymore. When you needed him he was at work, always, no exception. You must've been so lonely without him, just the thought of it made him feel awful.
It wasn't that he simply didn't care enough about you. He did, he just couldn't show it, because that meant he'd be vulnerable in front of his family.
And his dad didn't raise him like that.
As soon as the door closed behind you, your dad sighed in frustration "You know that this is your fault, right?" your mom taunted as she stood behind him.
Your dad turned around as he clenched his jaw "What was I supposed to do? Say 'no, don't ever talk to my daughter again'?" He angrily responded as he walked past her "That's not what I meant." She retorted calmly, as she watched him go into the kitchen.
When he didn't react, she shouted "You could've prevented all of this from happening, if you just would've been a real father."
He stopped in his tracks before he turned around, the flowers still in his hands as he approached your mom with heavy steps, causing her to take a step back in fear "Oh yeah?" he rumbled as he looked down at her "And what about you? Maybe if you did your job right, our daughter wouldn't cling to a guy like him."
She sighed before blinking up at him "What do you mean by that?" Your dad scoffed in disbelief "You know what I'm talking about. You and your fucking anxiety all the time... You raised a loner, and a weak one at that. Of course she's gonna run into the arms of the first person, who is nice to her for longer than just a week." he spat.
"It wasn't exactly easy to raise her alone, you know?" she defended herself "Jesus, you act like I did nothing for this family! Why do you think I'm constantly at work? So that you and her don't have to worry about money." he raised his voice, causing her to flinch.
He sighed as he recalled all the fights the two of them had, and how he would come into your room late at night, to tuck you into bed. That was one of the few interactions the two of you had when you were younger.
And you'd always complain about how your mom wouldn't let you go out with your 'friends', which caused them to think you were weird and a loner. Of course they weren’t real friends, but that alone made it even harder for you, to find actual people who you can trust and build a friendship with.
And whenever he tried to talk to your mom and tell her that she needed to get treatment for her anxiety, they would fight. Sometimes even until he had enough and just left, not coming home until the next day.
"Do me a favor," he said, pushing the roses into her hands, "put them in water and stop talking." he groaned, before leaving her behind to, once again, drive away and calm down.
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Nate decided to take you to a pretty café today and you couldn't help but feel excited. Until you noticed that he was lost in thoughts for most of the car ride. He wasn't that talkative to begin with, but today was just different.
"And he suddenly asks me where I went when I got home yesterday, isn't that strange?" you said, looking at the menu, unsure which cake to choose. He nodded, narrowing his eyes at you without you noticing.
He wanted to ask you the same thing, but he knew you wouldn't tell him the truth "Yeah that's actually strange.. your family's strange in general though." Nate added.
He wondered what had gotten into your dad. At first, he didn't care that Nate wanted you to go to his party and sleep at his place, and then all of a sudden, he asks you where you went yesterday and when you’d be back home tomorrow?
He hoped he didn't have to take care of both of your parents. But he probably had to if your dad started to get in his way too.
But what was even more important right now was what you were doing with Max behind his back. And he was about to find out today, either you’ll tell him, or he will. "Nate?" he blinked before chuckling "Sorry.. I kind of zoned out."
You stroked his hand that was resting on the table, looking at him. "Is everything okay? You seem really distracted today." you frowned.
Nate shook his head dismissively "Yeah sure.. I'm just really stressed out at the moment.." you pouted in return "I'm sorry, is there something I can do? Do you wanna go home?" He shook his head again "No, let's order something and eat first."
You nodded as you continued to look at the list "I don't know which one to choose.." you groaned as your eyes flickered from one cake to another. "C'mon, let me choose for you." Nate offered as he looked at the menu, feeling some sense of control return to him.
"Yeah, please." you sighed. "I wanna get the cheesecake, but the strawberry one also looks really good." you explained. Nate nodded "Take the strawberry one." he demanded calmly.
You nodded before you started a new topic "Oh, by the way, what do you think of my new dress? I bought it recently.." you told him with a shy smile on your tinted lips. Nate furrowed his brows in return, realizing he hadn't complimented you today.
Did you feel neglected? Had this happened before? "Oh, you're right! I meant to ask you about it, since I've never seen you wear that before... You look absolutely gorgeous, as always." He smiled at you "How could I forget..." he mumbled more to himself than to you.
Maybe it did happen before and you felt like he's not paying attention to you anymore. Which definitely wasn't true at all, but you were insecure so what if you let your insecurities get the best of you?
That could be the only reason for you to even consider cheating on him with someone like Max.
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After the short trip to the café nearby, you and Nate went straight home. His patience was running thin and he needed closure. You already noticed his mind was elsewhere, and he already planned on asking you about the situation once you were at his place.
As you entered Nate's home, Marsha greeted and approached you. "Hey, Sweetie." She exclaimed as she hugged you softly. "How did your mom take the news?" she asked.
You sighed "To be honest, not so well.. Haven't spoken to her in days." you admited with a sad smile. "Oh... that's not good. I guess she's not open to meeting up with me then?" She added "I didn't even get to ask her, because we had a pretty big fight." you admitted.
Marsha frowned "I'm sorry, Honey." just as she was about to say something else, Nate interrupted "We'll figure something out, I bet it's gonna be alright." you nodded in response "C'mon let's go upstairs." he added before he took your hand in his. You smiled friendly at Marsha before you followed him.
Once you two entered his room, Nate closed the door behind him, not moving from the spot.
Then you heard the click sound of the lock.
You turned around and looked at him, with this confused look which Nate usually found absolutely endearing. When he simply stared at you, you felt even smaller than you already were in his presence.
You chuckled nervously, unsure of what he was going to do next. Did he plan on having sex with you right away? Why else would he lock the door?
"Are you.. just gonna stand there?" You asked nervously. He chuckled drily before shaking his head "I'm just looking at you for a moment." he reasoned.
You approached him with a shy smile, before wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your head on his chest, releasing a content sigh as you did.
Usually Nate would smile in return or react in literally any way, but right now he decided to wait until you would let go of him. Right now he didn't like the way his your perfume clouded his senses, or the way his your bag sat so nicely on your shoulder.
Once you removed your arms and took a step back to look at him, Nate decided now's the moment. His back leaned against the door as he stared you down. "I need to ask you something." he announced. You frowned, before nodding and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Where were you yesterday?"
Your eyes widened. You didn't expect him to ask you that. You involuntarily swallowed as you playfully furrowed your brows "I was at Mia's, I told you." he chuckled again "I know what you told me." he said as he crossed his arms, an insincere smile on his face that sent a shiver down your spine.
You looked at the ground as you tried to think of something, anything you could say. "Y/n, where were you yesterday?" it was the same question, but his tone was sterner. You didn't dare to look at him, knowing he'd see how nervous you were.
Not like he couldn't tell already just by the way you stared at the ground. "I.. was at M-Mia's-" Nate groaned "No, you weren't." he interrupted "I know for a fact that you weren't." his voice dropped an octave, as he tried his best to control himself.
He took notice of the way your breathing picked up as you still didn't look at him. "Nate... Why are you asking me this?" you asked as you tried to calm down, and buy time to come up with something else you could tell Nate.
"Because you're lying to me, and I wanna know why." He reasoned. You couldn’t tell if he knew you were with Max, or if he talked to Mia and only knew that you weren't with her. All you knew was that he wasn't messing around. "Why do you think I'm lying to you?" you asked as you finally looked up at him.
You've never seen that look on his face before.
This dark, cold look that made your breath hitch in fear. "Do you think I'm stupid?" he suddenly asked, his voice void of any emotion. You quickly shook your head "No, of course not! I just... I don't know where this is coming from suddenly." you admitted.
Nate sighed "Y/n... I'm going to ask you this one last time and you better tell me the truth." he warned, "Where were you yesterday?" Your breathing got quicker again, not allowing you to focus. "I.. I wasn't at Mia's place..." you admited shakily.
Nate nodded "That's right, you weren't." his tone softened just slightly "Now tell me... who were you with yesterday?" You played with your fingers as you felt like your heart would stop any moment from now. "Nate... I-I can't tell you."
Nate clenched his jaw as he inhaled sharply. "I've always been honest with you, is it too much to ask you to do the same?" he asked drily "I don't... ask for much, you know? I'm willing to give you everything I can and all I want in return, is your honesty and most importantly, your loyalty."
You nodded as you tried to calm down again. "I love you, but I can't tell you, you really have to trust me with this." he scoffed "You want me to simply trust you, after you just lied to me?"
You nodded erratically "Are you scared of me?" You shook your head as you blinked rapidly. Of course you weren't scared of Nate, you’re sure he'd never hurt you. But he was so scary in this moment that you didn’t know how to handle it.
"Then why don't you tell me what's going on?" He asked, even more irritated than before. You sighed as you tried to come up with an excuse, so desperate to keep the party a secret for as long as possible. "Okay.. um.." you started as you suddenly got an idea.
"The thing is, I had an appointment yesterday and I didn't want to tell you because.." you trailed off once Nate scoffed "Stop fucking lying, Y/n!" he raised his voice at you, causing you to flinch as he started to lose his patience and his temper.
Nate gripped both of your arms firmly, but not tight enough to hurt you. You flinched once again as you looked up at him. "I know you met up with Max." you shook your head rapidly as you remembered Max's words.
"Please don't let Nate beat my ass if he finds out we went out alone."
Nate laughed in disbelief before his grip tightened on you, causing you to whimper in fear. "I saw you, okay? I saw you get out of his fucking car, so don't fucking lie to me!" he shouted.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. What did he mean by that? Did he see you get out of his car when you two went to the mall, or when he drove you home?
Was he.. waiting in front of your house? No, you were sure he wouldn't do that.
"You saw me get out of his car? Were you following me?" you asked in disbelief.
Nate looked to the side for a moment to regain his composure "I meant, I saw you get into his car. Of course I didn't follow you, you never gave me a reason to." he said in a calmer tone this time "But when you're fucking lying to me, to meet up with another guy, I might have to do it, no?"
You looked to the ground again "Did he touch you?" you shook your head "Did you touch him?" you shook your head again. He wanted to believe you, but your desperate attempts to hide the truth really messed with him.
He swung you around, pushing your back into the wall and knocking your breath away in the process. Your looked at him like a deer in headlights, as you tried to process what was happening. You didn't even notice how quick you were breathing because you were so fixated on Nate.
"You don't get how serious this is, do you?" he gritted his teeth "I told you about Maddy and how she cheated on me and-and you... you meet up with Max, behind my fucking back.. I mean, you know how that looks, right?" he rambled.
You felt your vision starting to blur slightly as you looked up at Nate "N-Nate-" you whimpered, and he scoffed in return "I mean, what is it? Does he treat you better or did you just get bored of me?" He asked furiously.
You breathed even heavier as you tried to keep your tears inside. "I didn't cheat on you!" you raised your voice, but it came out shaky. Nate nodded sarcastically "You think I believe that after you lied to me?"
You sighed "I'm sorry for lying to you, but you can't actually think I-" Nate removed one hand from your arm, before delivering a punching to the wall next to your head, causing you to whimper and close your eyes. "Then just tell me what happened between you two!" he roared.
You shakily exhaled "Nate, please.. You're scaring me." you pleaded desperately, and all he did was clench his jaw "You told me you're not scared of me earlier, was that also a lie?" he retorted.
"I didn't cheat on you, I love you and I would never do something like that to you." you started again "You know... how long it took for me that day, to even be able to... get naked in front of you." you sobbed, feeling embarrassed as your mind went back to that day. "Do you really think, I'd just.. cheat on you with a boy I barely even know?" you sniffled.
Nate chuckled, unable to contain his bitterness "I mean who knows, maybe that was an act as well." He snarled.
Your heart broke into pieces, the weight of his words heavy on you. Not only because he didn't believe you, but because you struggled so much to allow him to get this close to you, to see everything of you and now he seemed to make fun of you.
You tried to break free from his grip as you were about to cry, and didn't want him to see. But Nate was obviously stronger, almost smiling as you thrashed in his grip. "What is it, am I right?" He taunted as his other hand returned to your arm.
You shook your head as your lip trembled, not daring to speak because you knew it would come out in sobs. "C'mon, tell me, are you angry because I'm right?" He asked again.
Nate didn't notice how far he went, not even when he heard your silent cries. To him, it seemed like a confession rather than a denial.
He was sure you were crying because he caught you.
You felt yourself getting more and more lightheaded, mostly because of your irregular breathing which resulted in a lack of oxygen. "I.. never cheated on you!" you raised your voice once again. "I met up with him, yes. But.. that doesn't mean I cheated." you tried to sound as coherent as you could in the current situation.
You gripped his arms as a tear rolled down your cheeks. "Let go of me!" you yelled, as you tried to break free once again. He frowned as he looked down at you, still convinced that you were in the wrong. He leaned in closer, as his eyes bored into yours, before he whispered "What were you doing in his car then?"
Nate was torn between his anger towards you for breaking his trust, and the twisted and dark part of him which reveled in your tears which slowly started to spill, knowing that he caused them.
You sighed before you looked into his dark eyes, your brows furrowed in anger "I planned a surprise with him, for your fucking birthday, okay?" you spat as tears continued to well up in your eyes.
Nate fell silent as his thoughts went back to the messages Max had sent you. It actually made sense, for the first time he actually felt like you told the truth.
His grip on you softened slightly, and you used the chance to remove his hands from your arms before you pushed him away and sank onto the floor.
He looked down at you "... Seriously?" he asked softly. You sobbed as you harshly opened your bag before your shaky hands tried their best to grab and unlock your phone. Tears rolled down your face, as you couldn't contain them anymore.
Once you unlocked it and opened Max's chat, you held it towards Nate "Take it!" you wailed. He slowly took your phone, reading through the chat as he felt his heart sink more and more with each message.
Some even showing how excited you were to ‘finally do something for your boyfriend’, since you felt like you weren't good enough after he always made you gifts and you never gave him anything back.
He could feel your love just through the texts you sent Max, and it made him want to throw the phone away and scream in agony. Not only because he was so wrong, but also because of how awful he treated you, his sweet girl, his everything.
You continued to cry and breathe heavily, as you felt your chest tighten more and more. You never expected Nate to push you, or talk to you like this. He never got this rough with you, not even when you were just friends.
It shattered the image you had of him.
"Fuck..." he breathed out before he closed your phone and rubbed his face in disbelief, looking down at you with regret in his eyes.
He crouched down next to where you cowered, next to his door. You hid your face behind your arms as you continued to cry and hyperventilate. You felt like everything you saw of Nate was an act that he put on, in order to lure you in.
He reached his hand out to stroke your arm. "I'm so sorry... fuck, I don't even know what to-" You slapped his hand away "Don't.. touch... me." you choked out.
Nate was taken aback, not used to you talking to him like that, or slapping his hand away for that matter. Under any other circumstances he would be pissed and try to assert his dominance over you.
Not like he wasn’t pissed already, but more at himself for losing control, and not at you. He was supposed to protect you and make you feel safe with him, not repeat his old mistakes.
Right now he just wanted to scoop you up, and hold you close when he noticed you were sobbing on his floor, completely scared and shaken.
He went too far, way too far.
He had to fix it, and he had to think quickly because everything depended on this moment. If he made one more wrong move, everything could shatter into pieces right now.
Your tears continued to fall, as you slowly tried to get up again. You were torn, because you wanted to leave, be alone and think about what just happened, and at the same time you needed someone who holds you and comforts you, before you actually break down again.
Once you stood on your shaky legs, you reached out, snatching your phone from his grasp. Without another glance his direction you took small steps towards the door, ready to unlock it and leave.
"What are you doing?" Nate panicked as he walked in front of you. You flinched at the sound of his voice, which caused him to frown, once he realized that you were actually scared of him.
But Nate would never let you leave like this.
Not only because he was actually scared to lose you right now, but mostly because he saw how shaky your legs were and how disturbed you looked. He couldn't let you leave alone like this, it was dangerous.
"I'm leaving.." you sniffled as you walked past him. He wanted to hug you and hold you close, but he was so scared to touch you. Almost afraid he'd break you or push you further away from him.
"Y/n, please, let me explain-" he stopped when you looked up at him, your eyes red and glassy, your make-up smudged and your cheeks stained with dark tears, a result of your mascara and eyeliner. You looked broken.
"Do you know... how fucking hard it was for me to trust you?" You asked as new tears were threatening to spill "I.. can't believe you actually considered.. that I put on an act in front of you. After everything I tried, to be.. perfect for you." you added. "I.. thought you were the only person in my life.. who would never hurt me!"
You suddenly broke down in tears, as the wall you so desperately tried to hold crumbled. Nate was taken aback when you raised your voice at him and cursed. He wasn't used to hearing you talk like that, and it made him realize even more how deeply upset you were.
"I know, and I'm so sorry.. I never should've said that, please, just let me hold you." he softly offered "I can tell that you're not okay right now, and I know that it's my fault, but I can assure you it's never gonna happen again."
He wanted to believe what he had just promised you, but he knew that another argument like this was bound to happen sometime. Either because you were too gullible around men, or because he was unable to keep the control he had over you.
Now that he’s seen you actually fight with him, he knew you weren’t going to stay as obedient as you were anymore. You actually talked back, defended yourself and stood your ground against him. Something he hadn’t considered up until this moment.
He took notice of how you gasped for air as you continued to cry. "Please let.. let me take care of you, yeah?" he carefully asked as he took a step closer "I'm not a monster, you don't have to be afraid of me.." he reminded you.
Once he was close enough, he carefully placed a hand on your shoulder in order to test if you'd push him away again. When you shuddered, he took a step closer and wrapped his arms around you, making sure to not hold you too tight, since you already seemed to be suffocating.
He's seen Maddy cry, he's seen Cassie cry, but nothing compared to seeing you cry. He hated himself for making you feel like this, and he hated himself even more for feeling a strange sense of satisfaction at your display of vulnerability earlier.
You just looked so pretty, even when you cried. "Shh.. it's okay, can you breathe with me?" He asked once he noticed you still hadn't calmed down. When you didn't respond and continued to gasp for air, he almost started to panic as well.
Nate couldn't understand how one confrontation was all it took for you to get a panic attack. But he was determined to regain control of you and the situation at hand.
In his eyes he had every right to assume you cheated on him, after you lied about going out with Max and after the messages he saw in the preview. But he also understood that you were upset, because his choice of words might’ve hurt you.
Not to mention, you planned this surprise for him because you loved him, and only him, and all he did was yell at you to tell him the truth, instead of simply trusting you in the first place.
Your heart pounded in your chest, as you tried to focus on anything but the overwhelming panic that consumed you. Your hands trembled uncontrollably, and you felt a wave of nausea hit you like a truck. The room seemed to spin, the walls closing in on you.
"Hey, look at me what's wrong?" he asked as his hands moved back to your shoulders. You looked up at him as you felt like your head was spinning. You weren't sure how to tell him what you needed, but you could see worry written all over his features.
"I.. I need to.. breathe.. fuck..." you croaked, panic visible on your features "I need air.." you added. Nate cursed under his breath as he realized you were actually having a full-blown panic attack. He had to distract you and calm you down, but he didn't know how.
He took a deep breath himself, as he closed his eyes, before opening them again "Y/N, please... breathe with me," he urged, his voice shaky yet soothing. "In through your nose, out through your mouth. Just follow my breath."
But his words barely registered in your mind, your thoughts racing too fast, too loud, to pay attention to anything. The mistrust, the fear of losing him, the shame of your perceived betrayal— it all pressed down on you, it nearly suffocated you.
Nate watched, helpless and horrified, as you cried in front of him. With each passing moment he saw the damage he had caused more and more, and it terrified him. He reached out again, more gently this time as he tried to comfort you.
Nate realized that mere words wouldn't be enough to undo the pain he had caused. He had to show you somehow, that he could be the person you needed. And he needed to gain control over the situation. Nate took another deep breath, trying to steady his own racing heart, and slowly moved closer to you.
He gently rubbed his thumbs over your shoulders, his touch light and hesitant. "Y/n, look at me," he said softly. "Focus on me, okay? Just on me." His voice was low and calming, a stark contrast to his earlier tone.
You hesitated, your vision still blurred with tears, but the sincerity in his voice made you look up. Nate's eyes were filled with regret and concern, completely different to the way he looked at you before.
"That's it," he whispered encouragingly, his thumb continued to brush your shoulder in a soothing rhythm. "Just keep looking at me. We're going to get through this together."
Nate took another deep breath, exaggerating the action to show you what he wanted you to do. "In through your nose, out through your mouth," he repeated, his eyes never leaving yours. "Just like this."
You tried to mimic his breathing, struggling at first but gradually falling into a more regular rhythm. Nate continued to guide you, his voice steady and reassuring. "Yeah just like that. Just keep breathing with me. It'll pass, I promise."
He gently reached for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, in an attempt to ground you. "I'm here," he murmured. "I'm not going anywhere... and I never meant to hurt you."
You sniffled as you nodded rapidly. "We'll talk about it and get through this, right?" he asked, needing your reassurance this time, to which you nodded again. "Everything's gonna be fine again, just breathe." he instructed.
Gradually, the panic began to go away, your breaths coming more evenly. Nate's steady presence, his genuine regret, and his undevided attention helped steady you, pulling you back from the edge.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice still shaky but more coherent. Nate nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. "I'll always be here for you. Always."
Nate knew that this was just the beginning of a long journey to rebuild what he had broken. But for now, he was focused on you, on making sure you were okay, and on showing you that he could be the man you needed right now.
He slowly pulled you into his arms, nearly clinging onto you as he sighed in relief "I love you so much.. don't ever forget that, yeah?" he pressed a tender kiss onto your head "I can't lose you.. That's why I got so angry. I shouldn't have said all those things.." he reasoned.
You nodded slowly as you inhaled his scent, which always made you feel so safe. You inhaled sharply one more time as you closed your eyes, feeling incredibly exhausted and lethargic, after your adrenaline level dropped back to normal.
Nate took notice of your physical state, sensing that you probably want to rest and feel comfortable again. He gently pulled back and cupped your face, his thumb brushing away the lingering tears. "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" he said softly, his voice filled with genuine affection.
You nodded slowly, too drained to argue or protest. Nate slowly removed the bag from your shoulder before placing it down next to the door. Then he led you to the bathroom, his arm wrapped around your waist.
Once inside, he carefully sat you down on the edge of his cabinet. He grabbed a washcloth and dampened it with warm water, then gently began wiping away the remains of your smudged makeup from your face. His touch was surprisingly gentle.
As he worked, he kept murmuring praises. "You're so beautiful... I never want to see you like that again. I'm here for you." His voice was soothing for your nerves, and you were starting to relax as you let him take care of you.
After he had cleaned your face, he slowly stood up from his crouching position before he left the room for a few seconds, and you hated how you already felt lonely.
He came back shortly after with one of his soft, oversized shirts in his hand. "Here, put this on. You'll feel more comfortable," he suggested, handing it to you. You took the shirt with a grateful nod, and slowly started to change, your movements shaky from exhaustion.
Nate averted his eyes respectfully, giving you a moment of privacy. Once you were dressed in his shirt, which smelled faintly of him and brought a sense of comfort, he helped you back to his bed.
You crawled under the covers, feeling the softness envelop you, and Nate slipped in next to you, unsure whether or not you wanted him to pull you close.
When you opened your eyes and looked at him like you were about to cry again, he scooted slightly closer, once you extended your arm and wrapped it around his waist, your body trembling ever so slightly.
He hated himself for feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He should feel awful for making you feel like this in the first place, and deep down he did, but he couldn't help but feel glad that you were clinging onto him.
He was scared he had lost you for a moment, but now he was more than sure that his small outburst pulled you closer to him.
He wrapped his arms around you securely, his warmth and steady heartbeat making you feel safe again. "I'm here, yeah? Just rest now," he whispered, pressing another kiss to your forehead. "I've got you."
You nestled against him, your eyelids growing heavy. The exhaustion began to take over, and you felt yourself drifting off, surrounded by Nate's protective embrace. For the first time since the argument, you felt at peace, knowing he was there with you.
While you started drifting off to sleep however, Nate already contemplated what he'd do about Max. Sure, you two weren't secretly cheating, but he couldn't shake the feeling, that Max was a threat to your relationship nonetheless.
He still had to make sure that Max wouldn't tell you anything about Nate's past, and even if Nate would never admit it, he was insecure, and he was overthinking everything Max did. For example, why would he help you throw Nate a birthday party? They weren't that close, so what if Max was using it as an excuse to get close to you?
Of course you wouldn't notice it, you were too oblivious, even when Nate used to openly flirt with you back when you were just friends. God, he wished he could go through your messages with Max one more time, to search for possible hints that prove Max didn't only have good intentions.
But he obviously couldn't just ask you, he promised something like earlier would never happen again, and despite knowing that it would happen again, sooner or later, he couldn't just ask you about it this soon.
He decided to let you rest for now and take matters into his own hands once the time was right.
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Once you opened your eyes, you noticed the soft light of the setting sun, which illuminated Nate's room. You had no idea how long you were asleep and once you tried to move, but felt the restriction of Nate's arm around you, you remembered what or who caused you to sleep in the first place.
You sighed softly as your mind went back to all the things Nate said. You know that he didn't mean it, and that he was just driven by anger. But the fact that he totally discredited your feelings during all of this, bothered you. And the way he shoved you into his wall, before punching it, scared you as well.
However, you assumed that his fear was mostly induced by the things that happened between him and Maddy.
Not to mention, that his anger wasn’t something he could control. You knew he didn’t do it on purpose, and you weren’t particularly angry at him. You just hoped that he’d work on that in the future, not only for your sake, but for his as well.
Your gaze shifted towards his face, taking in how peaceful he looked right now. You wished he could always be like this.
Once you tried to free yourself from his embrace, he subconsciously tightened his grip on you, causing you to fall flush against his chest. He slowly stirred awake, before opening his eyes and looking at you.
You both didn't know how to react, the tension thick in the air. But once you smiled softly at him, he started to relax, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, before smiling back at you.
"How're you?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. You sighed before sliding out of his grip and sitting up in his bed. "I'm better, my head just hurts a little bit, but that's fine..." you trailed off as you looked to the side.
Once silence set in, he sighed and stroked your thigh gently "I'm sorry about earlier.. I don't know what came over me." he said, his tone soft as he tried to appear as sad and regretful as possible.
"It's just.. Maddy, she ruined my trust and I was so sure you'd never betray me, which you clearly didn't, but when I saw all these signs, I was so sure that you did and I just snapped.." he ranted.
You could see the distress on his face and it made you frown, since you could see the sincerity in his eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that.." you responded.
He was so glad that you didn't push him away, and accepted his apology. But he needed reassurance, any kind of reassurance that you wouldn't leave him. "It's fine.. I just want you to know, that if I ever get angry at you, I don't mean it like that, yeah? I just can't control myself sometimes and.. fuck.." he sighed, before he continued "I'm just so scared to lose you, I don't know how to handle it."
You sighed in response "Nate, you won't lose me just because I'm meeting up with other people, you know?" you carefully explained, to which he nodded.
That wasn't the reassurance he was hoping for though.
He wanted you to tell him you're never going to leave him, that you were his and that you'd stay far away from everyone else guys. "Yeah, sure it's just.. I need you, y/n. I don't think I could live without you." he said in an unusually emotional tone, almost as if he was about to cry, secretly hoping he’d be more successful if he showed you how desperate he truly was.
You stroked caressingly through his hair, in an attempt to calm him down. "Nate, I'm not gonna leave you, okay? I've seen you get angry before, and I know that it's not your fault.." His ears perked up at that. It wasn't his fault? That had to be the first time he heard someone say that.
He looked up at you "What do you mean it's not my fault?" you shrugged "I just don't think you do it on purpose..” When Nate still looked up at you, you elaborated.
“I know you don't really wanna talk about your dad, and that's totally fine, but I know that he causes a lot of your anger. I see how stressed you get because of him and the pressure of being perfect at everything.”
As if on command, his sad expression was replaced with a different one. Almost as if he was in awe, or moved by your words. No one ever seemed to acknowledge the pressure he had to endure, everyone only blamed him for everything he did.
His thoughts were racing, as you once again surprised him with your understanding nature. He didn’t expect that reaction, or to feel so understood and surprisingly warm. He couldn’t help but think about all the ways he could use your sympathy, to keep you close to him.
“You.. really think so?” he asked hopeful, to which you nodded. “Of course, I can’t imagine what that must be like.. I mean my parents are nowhere near perfect either, but they never really pressured me into anything except for getting decent grades.” you chuckled.
“I.. never thought anyone would understand,” he frowned as leaned his head flush against your outer thigh. “everyone always blames me for everything.. But I don’t do it on purpose.” he continued. “I know.. It’s hard to control it.” you cooed as you continued to stroke his hair.
You were speaking from experience, having to fight against your anger as well, whenever your parents got on your nerves. It definitely wasn’t easy, and that’s why you understood where Nate was coming from.
While you continued to comfort Nate, he already calculated his next moves. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help but wonder if this meant he could slip up from time to time, without losing you.
You technically just gave him permission to treat you like this, without being aware of it. And he was so proud, because you truly were perfect and you prove it over and over again.
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After you two spent the weekend, you had to go back to school the following day. You obviously weren't aware of it, but Nate already planned to approach Max during their football training that day.
When Nate entered the locker room, most of his teammates were nearly ready, but Max wasn’t there yet.
Of course he didn’t plan to confront him in front of the other guys, even though he felt the urge to let everyone know, that they should stay the fuck away from you.
Once everyone was done and went ahead, Nate was still getting dressed, taking his time in case Max would still show up. Just then he indeed entered the locker room, his smile slowly fading when he looked around the room and noticed he was alone with none other than Nate.
Nate locked eyes with him, as he wondered what took him so long to get there. Was he meeting up with you again? It shouldn’t matter to him anymore, because now he knew you weren’t cheating on him. But he still didn’t want Max to spend more time with you than necessary.
“Hey..” Max greeted Nate, before hurrying and sitting down on the bench opposite from him. “What’s up..” Nate responded, his gaze basically glued onto him, as he laced up his cleats.
Max placed his bag onto the bench and sat down, starting to get ready as fast as possible. Not only because he arrived later than everyone else did, but also because he wanted to escape Nate.
“So,” Nate began, his voice surprisingly calm, almost friendly, which made Max feel even more uneasy. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with my girl lately, huh?”
Max’s hand froze inside his bag, as he looked towards Nate with the most neutral expression he could muster, but the hint of panic from before didn’t go unnoticed by Nate.
Max already expected Nate to confront him, after receiving your text on sunday, which informed him that he found out about everything. But that didn’t make it any easier for him.
He was also wondering, how he found out in the first place. You were hell-bent on keeping it a secret, so he could only assume that he caught on somehow and forced you to admit it.
He felt so sorry for you.
“Yeah, I guess you could say so..” he chuckled nervously, averting his gaze and rummaging through his bag. “You two get close? Maybe closer than you should?” he asked bitterly.
“Tell me, Max,” he said, standing up and stepping closer to him. “You think she’s pretty?” Max swallowed harshly, struggling to find the right words. He felt like Nate would get mad, no matter what he’d say.
“I mean, you spent enough time with her to notice. Those eyes, that smile… I’m sure anyone would get weak..” he paused, letting his words sink in. “Bet you even wondered what it’s like to be with her, right?”
Max’s discomfort was clearly visible, and Nate enjoyed every second of it, knowing he had the power to cause so much distress with so little effort.
“You know,” Nate added, as he took another step closer to Max, who looked at him with fear in his eyes. “She’s different, fucking perfect even. I know every inch of her, the way she moans when I touch her and the way she tastes, God..” Nate trailed off, enjoying the way Max seemed to squirm under his gaze.
“Listen Nate,” Max started cautiously, trying to keep eye contact but failing against Nate’s intense stare. “I-I don’t know what you think happened, but there’s nothing going on between me and Y/n. We were just-”
Max swallowed harshly, knowing that he was playing a dangerous game with him. He glanced around the locker room, hoping, no, praying that anyone would come in and interrupt their conversation.
“She asked me for help because it was important to her, and I thought you’d want me to support your girlfriend, so I said yes!” He explained himself to Nate “I swear, this was all about your birthday, I never would make any advances. I know she’s yours, man, everyone knows.” he continued.
“Y/n just wanted to make sure you have a great birthday, I really-” he paused, trying to interpret Nate’s reaction but all he got, was that same cold calculating gaze.
“And about what you said earlier,” Max added, “I-I’m not thinking about her like that. I mean, she’s your girlfriend and I respect that.”
Max clenched his fists, not out of aggression, but as a way to steady himself. He knew he stepped into dangerous territory –one wrong word could set Nate off.
When Nate still stared at him, Max sighed “Look, I’m sorry if I overstepped, I just wanted to help her –and you, of course.” he quickly added.
Nate smirked, as he finally averted his gaze. “Let’s say, you were just trying to help. That’s nice of you, really.” he finally responded, easing Max’s mind just slightly. “But you gotta understand, that it’s really suspicious, when my girlfriend meets up with another guy behind my back, no?”
Max quickly nodded in response “Yeah, of course.. that’s totally valid.” Nate nodded as well before continuing “And you also understand, that I don’t like to share my girlfriend with anyone, and that it’s my job as a man, to make sure everyone knows that, right?”
Max nodded as well “No, yeah, absolutely-” Nate chuckled “I mean, I’m not a fucking pussy. I gotta protect what’s mine.” he interrupted, causing Max to nod again.
Nate sighed, almost in relief, as he put on a smile which didn’t quite reach his eyes “Good, I’ll see you outside then.” he patted his shoulder, like the two just had a friendly conversation and as if Nate didn’t just scare the shit out of Max. He just nervously smiled back at him, as Nate left him behind so he could get dressed in peace.
Once he left the locker room, Max sighed before slumping down on the bench again. He hated how helpless Nate made him feel. And he hated it even more, that you had to end up with a prick like him.
He wanted to tell you what happened, finally warn you about him. But it wasn’t only dangerous, it was also too late. He knew that Nate had his way of swaying girls, and the way you talked about him when you two texted, just confirmed that.
He could only hope, that you’d see his evil side one day, and realize what he’s truly like.
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✎ damn, this was intense😓 hope you guys enjoyed it though, and as always let me know what you thought about this part!! ♡
- Cassandra
@lilyrachelcassidy, @endless----love, @sophsss867, @jennnsthings, @digitalpup444, @vividfleur, @tsofo26, @lunalvrsblog, @sunshinedaisy21
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stxrr-strxckk · 2 months
Something I noticed about I Saw the TV Glow that I haven't seen anybody mention yet
I saw this movie in theaters back in early may when it was released (Twice!), and it's been lingering in my head ever since then. Something I noticed on my second watch through: When Owen (and the audience) first see the Pink Opaque, we see Tara and Isabel in this sort of 90s nostalgia light, and I always thought they looked quite similar to Maddy and Owen. For example: Here is Owen and Isabel next to each other for reference.
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While it's not entirely the same (Owen has softer features and is warmer toned, Isabel is more sharp and cool toned), they do look like they'd at least be related, cousins at least?
Same with Maddy and Tara, though not as much. (They looked more similar after Maddy's haircut, but I'm too lazy to change the photo)
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But then, at the end when Owen is rewatching Pink Opaque? It's completely different. That nostalgic effect is gone and all of a sudden Tara is nowhere to be seen (Since Maddy left the world they were trapped in), and Isabel is completely different. Instead of being the confident, strong, WOC we see her as originally, she's just the same boring white protagonist of every little girl's show we grew up on.
And of course Owen is panicking, realizing that he lost his chance: He buried Isabel; she's dead underground, without her heart and instead of being who he truly is where he truly belongs, he's just... Owen. Stuck in suburbia, living the hell of being a queer kid growing up in the suburbs. Except now, he's an adult living a lie, knowing what he could have had is gone and he's stuck.
And another thing: I think the choice of the fun zone being where Owen works is deliberate. Sure, they could have kept him at the theater, but the theater shutting down is not only accurate (sad but true- please support your local movie theaters!) but shows how everyone is moving on from that experience of going to see a movie in person- choosing streaming instead.
And we also notice this change in the Pink Opaque when Owen is watching it streaming. This is a reflection of how media felt more special growing up when it was in a physical form. Cds, vinyl, Dvds, casettes, film reels, even game cartridges, we've always had some physical object that bonds us to the worlds of creativity in which artists express themselves. And whether you've noticed or not, it's a special sort of feeling that just... Dies with streaming. Its like you own a piece of the media. Like saying: "This is mine, it's my personal piece of media that belongs to me and only me." and that's always made it feel special. Sure, there may be multiple copies, but this one belongs just to you. Not to mention the ritual of actually putting in cds, dvds, casettes into a player, or playing vinyl on a record player. There's this action you have to take to consume this media that's familiar and sort of gets you to anticipate what you're about to watch (much like Owen and Maddy's ritual of Maddy taping the show then leaving them around school for Owen to find) whereas now, you're just on a streaming service that lots of people own, and you're just mindlessly scrolling through hundreds of options.
Another thing: What do we see when Owen cuts his chest open in the final few minutes? TV static. Like when a tape finishes and you don't take it out of the player. Now with streaming, you don't get that static. His connection with the Pink Opaque stems from his friendship with Maddy, the nostalgia of his favorite childhood show, and of course: his own queerness.
It's no secret this movie is about growing up queer and feeling like something is wrong. Like some part of you missing, the part that makes you normal. I've seen many reviews on IMDB that clearly missed the point, so I really want to spell it out here: THIS IS A MOVIE ABOUT QUEER PEOPLE FOR QUEER PEOPLE. And I've never seen a movie so perfectly encapsulate that feeling more than this one.
From my experience as a queer POC growing up with little to no representation I know this feeling all too well of seeing someone and realizing: "Wow, that's me." And projecting who I wanted to be onto that person. Then, later revisiting that media to realize that a: you've become them, your true self, or b, in Owen's case: that you've buried that person alive and barely recognize yourself.
It's really such a unique experience that I've never been able to put into words before. These scenes gave me such a visceral feeling and I almost cried in the theater. The scene of Owen in Isabel's dress is just the cherry on top. I myself am lucky enough to not need to transition and growing up I didn't feel as much dysphoria as my other trans friends, but this reminds me of a good friend of mine who used to dress in heels, makeup, skirts, and dresses to try and lessen the dysphoria she felt growing up in the wrong body.
I also love how the movie shows being queer in school.
Like how Maddy asks Owen if he likes girls or boys, and he replies with: "I think I like TV shows."
Avoiding the question because you either don't know the answer, or are so afraid you're gonna get bullied even more for being who you are.
Growing up, there weren't many queer kids in my school. So when we found each other, we stuck together. But for most of school, we were alone. No groups, not many friends, no space at the lunch table for us.
And seeing Owen, I just felt this connection to him almost immediately. Alone, not part of any group, until he finally finds Maddy. They don't have anything in common except the show, which is really the only reason they're friends, but it keeps them together, They're bonded.
For me, I see this as finding another queer kid in a mostly straight school. You may not have much in common, but that identity means you two will stick together, no matter what.
TLDR: I love isttvg, it makes me cry, everyone in gay and fuck imdb.
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Still Into You
pairings: hazel callahan x reader
warnings: obliviousness, literally so oblivious that its frustrating, bad writing
key: *** - time skip, faux - fake
summary: The Fight Club has been trying to get Hazel and Y/N forever, so when Y/N has a concert with her band, the Fight Club tries to bring the two together..
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For as long as the fight club could remember, Hazel and Y/N had been hopelessly in love with each other, but the two were clearly, completely oblivious. Really, it stressed everyone out. No matter what they tried, the two idiots could not get together. They had tried everything. They planted fake love letters, they set up real love letters, they arranged blind dates with each other, they even tried locking them in a room (subtly of course), but nothing seemed to work.
“Nothing is working,” PJ complained to the group. They were having a secret meeting without Hazel and Y/N. “This has gone on for far too long,” PJ said, the group nodding in agreement. “I mean, at least Y/N tries. Hazel’s the problem.”
“No, remember when Hazel got Y/N coffee,” Brittany pointed out.
“She got all of us coffee.”
“Oh,” Brittany said dejectedly.
“Yeah, she was only going to get it for Y/N, but she chickened out last minute,” Josie recalled. The group collectively face palmed. “Ok guys, we have to come up with something.” As the group sat in silence trying to come up with a new plan, a loud gasp came from Stella-Rebecca.
“Oh my gosh I totally forgot, Y/N has a band concert and she invited all of us!” The girls started chattering excited as Stella-Rebecca started passing out the tickets before Annie clapped her hands.
“That’s it,” she exclaimed. The group turned to her in confusion. “This is how we get them together! We get Y/N to sing a song to confess her feelings, and we help Hazel know that she’s singing it for her. It’s perfect!” Unconsciously, the group mentally simultaneously agreed that Annie was the smartest of the group.
“Great idea,” Isabel gushed. “So how are we gonna do this?” The girls huddled around Annie, ready to here the game plan.
“Ok, so here’s what we’re gonna do..”
“Hey are you good over there,” the lead singer asked. Y/N nodded, nervously tapping her guitar. The fight club had told her to sing a love song, and look directly at Hazel to confess. In all honesty, Y/N would do anything just for Hazel to finally realize her feelings. This was the last resort, so she would give it her all.
“Ready guys? We’re on in five,” the drummer notified the group. Nodding, they got in position. Taking a deep breath, Y/N reassured herself that she could do it.
While Y/N was getting ready, the fight club found their seats, putting Hazel directly where Y/N would be able to view her easily and vice versa.
“So Hazel, you ready to see your girlfriend,” Sylvie teased. Blushing, Hazel shook her head in denial.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Hazel said with a faux scowl. I wish, Hazel thought to herself.
“With how she talks about you, I’m honestly surprised,” Annie enticed. Annie was sure that if Hazel had puppy ears, they would be perked right now. Hook, line, and sinker.
“How does she talk about me,” Hazel asked curiously, trying to play it off smoothly. The group subtly gave each other knowing glances before Annie answered the oblivious girl.
“She always says, ‘Hazel’s so pretty’, ‘Hazel’s so organized’, ‘she’s so cool when she fights’. Seems like she really likes you.” Blushing, Hazel looked off into the distance. Maybe Y/N did like her as more than a friend? No, of course not, she think’s of Hazel as ‘just a friend’. a/n: fucking adrien agreste vibes
“I think Y/N told me that she would be singing the last song specifically for you, Hazel,” Isabel said slyly. Head snapping towards Isabel, she bombarded the poor girl with questions.
“Really? For me? You’re not joking?” Isabel blinked before answering.
“Yes, yes, and no,” Isabel smiled. A huge smile settled on Hazel’s face before the light’s dimmed. The group focused their attention to the stage, where their friend stood on stage. As the audience applauded loudly at the band’s entrance, Hazel clapped the loudest.
The band made their way through the songs, until finally they were at the last one.
“Before we finish up with our last song,” Y/N said with a bright smile. “I wanna dedicate this last one to someone I’ve been trying to tell them, but they’re just a little bit oblivious.” With a nervous smile, Y/N stared directly at Hazel, and motioned for the band to start. The main singer took a step back for Y/N to sing. They started playing and Hazel could recognize the song, ‘Still Into You’, by Paramore. Oh my god, Hazel thought. This was their song. The song playing when they met. The song playing when both girls fell for each other. Theirs. As Y/N sang, her gaze never left Hazel’s.
“Even after all this time,” Y/N sang, looking at Hazel. “I’m into you. Baby, not a day goes by, that I’m not into you!” As they finished the song, a huge applause came out, Hazel’s mouth dropped. ‘I love you Haze’, Y/N mouthed. Hazel could feel her heart beating hard in her chest and she finally mouthed the words back.
‘I love you too’.
A/N: @deadgirlwalkingtaylorsversion wrote a post asking about the reader confessing unconsciously during a concert, but I tried putting my own little twist to it (hope that’s ok). I’m taking requests if y’all have any! Hope you all liked it!
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anything4mymoony · 10 months
Missed Ya' :)
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Hazel Callahan x you
takes place in Bottoms film, a short little work
Summary: you and hazel used to to be super close in middle school and liked each other. You had to move away cuz of your family getting a new job. Hazel thought she’d never see you again
~ ~ ~
It was strange to be back. 
Originally, you didn’t plan to attend the fair held every year to kick off the new school year, but Pj practically begged you. She guilt tripped you. And to be fair, an upset Pj would cost you a subtle entrance in school, hoping to blend right away into the school. So, there you were, walking into the fair with Pj and her best friend Josie, talking about how it was their year. As far as you could remember, Josie had always had a crush on Isabel, and you figured that if you ever came back, the two would be smitten for each other. But that wasn’t the case. 
And there you were, watching the two girls check out the cheerleaders, planning their next move when suddenly, someone jumped in front of them, blocking their view. 
“Hey guys,” the girl greeted. 
You squinted, trying to figure out what it was about the girl’s shaggy cut and masculine sense of style was so familiar to you. 
“Hey Hazel,” Pj greeted, not bothering to hide her annoyance. 
You squinted even more, thankful that you were mostly covered by Josie’s tall body. It was hard to recognize Hazel after years of not seeing her. Gradually, her face has begun to fade from memory years after the move, the only thing you had was a fuzzy remembrance of how she looked which was definitely much different from now. 
Her blue eyes sparkled with the reflection of the fair lights, the silver chains winking at her. Hazel’s hair has been grown and styled into a shaggy cut, the layers framing her face. 
“Hazel,” you found yourself saying, walking around Josie with a smile. Something fluttered in your stomach as her eyes landed on you. 
Hazel’s lips slowly spread into a smile as she eyed you up and down. 
“Oh, you remember Hazel right?” Pj turned to you, noticing the pink tint on your face. She raised both of her eyebrows and turned to Josie 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
~ ~ ~
“Hey,” Hazel greeted, jumping up beside you as you both walked to Mr.G’s classroom. 
“Hey,” you replied, just missing how she nervously played with the straps of her backpack. 
“How’ve you been?” She asked. 
“I’ve been good,” you smiled, looking over at her “missed ya,” 
“Oh,” her eyes widened as she looked away, hiding a blush. 
You chuckled, nudging her playfully “what? You didn’t miss me?” 
“No…no no I did! It’s nice having you back.” 
“Yeah, feels good” you paused, waking over to a picture that has Jeff, the star football player on it shirtless with the caption of ‘let’s get horny’
You frowned “although this place was much weirder than I expected” 
Hazel laughed along “yeeeah” 
You laughed along with her, continuing on your way to class. Hazel followed behind you. 
“Um, hey, if you don’t mind me asking,” Hazel paused, becoming more nervous with your eye contact, she looked down “did…did you date anyone at your other school?” 
Your heart fluttered at her question. It seemed that the only reason Hazel could ask was because she was interested. You did your best to smother the growing smile on your face. You forced yourself to be cool.
Hazel could also just be asking because you were gone for so long. She had been doing over the past couple of days, sitting with her at lunch with Pj and Josie, asking her questions of what she had done of the past couple of years. You slowly learned things about her along the way too. Apparently, Hazel now knew Taekwondo and how to build bombs. Where did she learn that? You didn’t want to know.
“No,” you replied, smothering down a smile “why do you want to know?” 
Hazel scrunched up her pretty pink lips, trying to find the right excuse. You let your eyes linger on her lips while she struggled to find the right words, breaking away when her blue eyes found yours. 
“I…uhh” she stared at you, knowing that she was too far in to even lie. “I just… haven’t seen you for a while and I wanted to- fuck it” 
Your eyes widened with surprise as Hazel suddenly cupped your face with her hands and pulled you in for a kiss. You gasped at the feeling of her cool lips against yours, chapstick flavors mixing in that bit of exchanged contact. Hazel moved her lips against your own, determined to feel every centimeter of them. Fireworks exploded in your stomach, as your eyes fluttered shut. You threaded your arms around her neck, pulling your body closer to hers. After a moment, you both pulled away. 
“Missed me that much huh?” You giggled, moving your arms back to your side. Hazel looked away, suddenly shy. 
“Shut up.” 
“So, you gonna take me on a date?” You cheekily smiled at her before tossing your hair over your shoulder and shrugging “since, you know, you missed me so much” 
Hazel rolled her eyes and grabbed your hand, swinging it. You both continued walking, giddy from the kiss. 
“Yeah,” hazel replied after a moment “how does seven work?” 
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stinkysam · 11 months
Levi Ackerman - You, who survived despite the odds.
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Warning : end manga spoilers
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "levi and reader (male) have had feelings for years now but for the fear of one of them dying they never reached anything, not until they ended up living together after all the stuff they went through. reader takes care of levi and is usually very talkative but now he seems more closed off and clearly levi notices this but the reason is that reader is thinking of how to ask him to finally be his boyfriend. ૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა" - @vainillacookie
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You had wanted to ask him out for a while now, but one thing had stopped you.
The fear of having to mourn him.
It was constant, a daily feeling you grew accustomed to over the years you got to know him.
Today though ? It was gone.
Things had changed, the titans were gone and a more peaceful and calmer time had settled itself into your lives.
So one thing rummaged through your mind : how to ask him out ?
You've been thinking about it for days. Keeping quiet to study better when was the best moment to make the move.
You were currently handing out candies to kids in a camp to cheer them up a bit. It was Levi's idea.
You say nothing as you smile at them, your fingers rhythmically tapping on his wheelchair.
"Spit it out." He finally said, looking at the kids running away with their candies.
"W- what ?" You look at him, surprised.
"You're awfully quiet, what is it ?"
"No, nothing. Nothing at all." You say with an awkward smile, trying to play it cool.
He turns his head to look at you then sighs as he looks away again. You glance at him, debating whether to do it now or not. You push his wheelchair again, walking to find another group of kids.
"I was thinking, uh… maybe… we could go to a dinner together ?"
He said nothing for a moment, raising an eyebrow. That's what was going through you mind ?
"Sure." He shrugs.
"No like, as a… date ?" You bite your lips, quickly rectifying yourself.
"Is it still a yes ?" You ask, hopeful, feeling your heart beats louder. You spot another group of children and push him toward them as he's rummaging through the candy box.
"Yes." He simply says, a bit too focused on the candies.
You grin, happy with his answer and you try to remain cool about it. You stop when you arrive in front of the kids and let Levi hand them a big lollipop. You smile a bit too brightly at them but they don't seem to care, too focused on the candies they're getting.
Levi would be lying if he said he wasn't anxious. After all, feelings were never his forte, putting them aside in all those years of fighting titans.
He had a reason to, fearing you would die wasn't an unreasonable thought. He lost so many people dear to him on the way.
So many people he thought wouldn't die. Seeing them, in his head, survive despite the odds like he thought for Hange or Erwin or many more, only for their death to happen and remind him of the harsh reality he's in.
Like he still hasn't learned since his first experience with titans and Furlan's and Isabel's sudden and brutal death. He told himself he had learned. That he knew to expect death for him and for others.
And yet he still imagined so many of them surviving. Being there with him at the end. Only for them to die, leaving him one by one. No matter the age, no matter the determination to live, no matter the background.
He didn't want to have to mourn you too much, even though he knew he would.
Because he knew it would hurt. It always hurts anyway. But he hoped, by not acting on his feelings and acting like he isn't attached, that it would hurt less. He also knew it was stupid and your death would touch him just as much whether you two are a thing or not.
But yet. You survived.
With him.
You were both… alive.
Something he didn't see happen, again.
Like his feelings for you that had blossomed unprompted, never wavering. He never thought he'd get to act on them. Thinking he'd die before it could happen.
And here he was, at the end of it. The end of the titan Era. The end of the constant fear of losing people to titans. It was finally over.
And now it was the start of something else.
With you.
He smiled, his scarred lips curving slightly upward as his fingers grabbed another candy, holding it tightly.
War with titans was over. He could have you now. He could spend his future, because he has one now, with you.
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Diced Pineapples
Jey Uso x Black Reader
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, and anal play.
“The lyrics speak for itself, this is exactly how Jey Uso feels about his girl in the summertime 😋.”
A/N: Everyone is in their Jey feels, so I had to hop on the bandwagon 🤭. He’s just so sexy, but anyways hope you guys love the story 💕!! (Masterlist up tomorrow).
GIF: @jeysuso
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Shorty so fine, pussy so fresh.
Diced pineapples that my baby tastes the best.
I nearly lost my mind, guess it was a test.
Swept her off her feet and went and bought her ass a Lex.
Paid it off cash so I never wrote a check.
Leave my cars at her crib I'm just stuntin' on her ex.
A hot summer day, chilling in the ATL. My handsome baby to my left and a strawberry daiquiri in my right hand.
Even though my babies, the Usos, lost their tag titles earlier in the year. They’re still the greatest tag team ever.
“I needed this sun baby.” You look over to your man admiring his big hazel doe eyes, his stunning dimples, and cheeky smile. “You deserve this sun handsome.”
Blushing like crazy, Jey covers his face. He was never one to take your compliments, always feeling like you were the perfect one in the relationship. Your perfect brown skin and eyes, your curvy body, and gorgeous face. But, you remind him everyday that he’s the most perfect and beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Enough with the compliments, whatchu drinkin’?!” His eyes slightly close due to the beaming sun. “A little strawberry daiquiri. Something to cool me down.” He smiles and lifts off of his chair to place a quick kiss to your lips. “Tastes like strawberries.” “I know.” You languidly lay your tongue out to reach your straw and sip on your drink. His eyes watching you intensely, the sexual tensions already rising…
You rise out of your lounge chair and sway your hips back and forth, as Mr. Main Event watches your ass bounce during every step. You reached the sliding door and enter your shared lavish house.
“Damn… I gotta have that tonight.” Jey clapped and rubbed his hands together.
Pussy's excellent and I know it sound a mess.
I love to make her toes curl as I'm lickin' on her flesh uhh.
Sex all night couple shots of Ciroc.
Crib on the water got LeBron up the block.
Money ain't the thing baby welcome to the Mark.
Diced pineapples talking diamonds by the jar.
A can of Dole diced pineapples exits the fridge and lands on the white marble kitchen counter. You placed your empty glass in the sink and pull out a can opener.
The lid of the can pops and your red stiletto nails clasp onto the juicy, yellow fruit. You moan as you bite into the decadent fruit. The juices fall in betwixt your voluptuous breasts.
Just as you moved to clean the juice from your tits, a hand grabs your wrist firmly.
“Let me get that for you.” Jey turns you to around, so you face him. He dips his head down and slides his tongue across the expanse of your cleavage slowly.
Your head lolled back as you reveled in the feeling of his rigid tongue. Lost in a sensual trance, you were led out of it as Jey’s voice boomed though you.
“Them pineapples taste just like you baby, real sweet… just how I like it.” His lips practically kissing your ear as he whispered into it.
“So, you want a taste or what big boy?!” Your hand wrapped around his chin, admiring his wet pink lips he just licked.
“You already know I do.”
Bitch so bad got me wishing I could sign her.
Uniform Isabel Marant when you on the team.
Double MG them other niggas fell off, baby girl I just wanna see you well off.
Your thighs spread across the counter and your man’s head lodged in between them. Your cunt made lewd noises, as Jey’s tongue glided across your pussy. The pineapples once in the can, jotted atop your sweet cunt.
“Mmmmm, fuckkkk. Lick that pussy daddy, eat it… it’s all yours.” Your voice hoarse as can be, with the way your man was devouring your pussy. His mouth open wide as he smooched your lips. Sliding his tongue crazily back and forth; swirling and curling it around your sensitive clit.
He places large and wet kisses onto your cunt. Strings of your essence pulling from every drag of his lips. Your pussy beating at every kiss, wanting more, but you knew Jey was an impatient man. Closing your thighs shut to stafe off that euphoric feeling, almost reaching your high.
“Hurry up and take your ass to the couch, you got five seconds.” Jumping off the counter and sprinting to the plush white couch in the living room. Knowing how Jey likes you, you begin to arch your back sensually.
You hear Jey let out a “fuckk”, as he admires your pussy spread wide open. He pulls his shorts off and you feel the couch dip behind you.
Feeling frisky, as Jey placed his hands on your hips, you arch your back deeper wanting to feel every stroke he gave you. “You so fucking nasty, you been waiting for this dick.” You looked back at him, ogling his taut brown member standing up at attention. “You gonna fuck me or n—.” Your body flings forward as Jey rams into you. Your hands quickly fall to the throw pillows and you hold onto them with dear life as Jey begins his brutal strokes.
He pounded into your devilishly, destroying your pussy until it reaches its wits end. Your wig twirled into a makeshift ponytail as he hit those long, deep strokes. “OH MY GO—DDD, don’t stop baby, don’t stop.” His sweet ministrations already a lot, but his thumb soon reaches your blushing asshole.
Your back dares to try and release its arch, when Jey pushes it back down. “You wanted to arch your back like crazy, then you gonna take this dick like crazy.” Jey rubs your hole and enters without warning. His finger abuses your hole and his dick stretches your pussy to new heights.
Jey’s grunts turn into softer moans as your pussy squeezes his dick with might and your hole closes around his long finger. “I’m gonna cum.” “Me too baby, wait for me I’m almost there.” You mouth open wide as he mercilessly pounds into your cunt extra hard, not slowing his pace. His finger exits your hole and rubs your sweet clit.
“Let go baby, let go.” Your pussy squelches as you began to squirt all over his thick thighs and all over the couch. Jey’s hips stutter as he releases into your gaping cunt. You both let out a sigh of relief. Jey then flips you onto your back and scoops up his cum flowing out of you.
His two fingers danced underneath the sunlight as he paraded them toward your open lips. You took his cum into your mouth without hesitation. You swallowed his juice and rolled your tongue out to prove you did it.
Smirking with a fond appreciation, Jey’s head lowers once again as he fingers your pussy, so you can push more of your sweet mixed juices out. He dives into your pussy once more and eats the cum that leaves your cunt.
What a nasty man….
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @alyanarossi @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harmshake
*Sorry for releasing so late, I hope it’ll leave you busy with sweet dreams 😭❤️!!
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“can i kiss you?”
“is this your way of asking me out or—”
“think i wanna do a little more than just kiss.”
- Belly Conklin
“think i wanna do a little more than just kiss.”
“is this your way of asking me out or—”
“can i kiss you?”
Pronouns: he/him/his, male
imma be fully honest, i haven't finished season 1 but i know people have many opinions on season 2
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Belly surveyed the other teenagers partying around her, feeling wildly out of her element amongst dancing and drinking strangers. Steven had promised their mother he'd keep an eye on her, but the second he found Shayla amidst the party, he went after her like a puppy and left Belly all alone to search for the Fisher brothers. Her two friends had similarly drifted away as well, one in search of his girlfriend and the other had gone off to chat with some old friends.
Thus, Belly Conklin had been left alone to do as she pleased without three guys hovering over her. Not that she felt like doing much. She watched drinking competitions with a nervous grimace, felt too out of place to dance, and had no one to talk to unless she wanted to bring the boys' attention back to her.
Waddling deeper into the party and whispering soft a 'excuse me' every three seconds, she began having regrets about pestering the boys' into letting her attend. The feeling only intensified upon spotting Conrad sat on one of the couches with an arm hung loosely around Nicole and the smallest of smiles on his face.
Her body went rigid and she took in a sharp inhale, spinning back around to block the sight from her vision. She tried ignoring the way her throat tightened and her veins flooded with jealousy and hurt. Conrad was her best friend. He never even showed any real interest in her. But seeing him cozying up to someone else...
"Isabel!" A voice called her name and she looked up, spotting the familiar teen sat on the opposite side of the room. He grinned at her and Belly surprised herself by immediately walking over to him. (Y/N) straightened up on the couch and set his red solo cup on the nightstand beside him. "Never thought I'd see you at a party."
Relief trickled into her and she smiled at him. The two weren't close by any means but Belly knew him well enough to feel comfortable around him. She only saw him on occasion every summer when his mother would drop by to see Susannah and catch up. Steven had desperately been trying to gain the attention of (Y/N), one of Cousin's notable 'cool kids', but his attempts always proved futile.
"It's not really my vibe, I guess." Belly chuckled breathlessly and brushed her hair back over her ear, glancing back in the direction of Conrad while doing so. Their eyes locked and she snapped her attention back to (Y/N).
"I could introduce you to some of my friends, if you want. It's always easier to know who to hang with." He offered with a shrug and she exhaled heavily, body nearly slumping into the cushion of the couch.
"That'd be... really nice. Thank you, (Y/N)." Belly smiled widely and tucked her legs underneath her, propping one arm up on the thick cushion of the couch. She took another glance back at Conrad and a jolt went up her spine when she noticed him watching them.
And then, an idea struck.
“Can I kiss you?” The words tumbled out of her mouth faster than she processed them and her skin immediately lit ablaze. Part of her couldn't believe she'd even asked. Her experience in the romance department was nonexistent and she'd only ever briefly kissed Cam, yet there she was, asking a far more experienced friend if she could kiss them.
“Is this your way of asking me out or—” His amusement made her skin warm further.
"No! I mean, it's not like I don't think you're hot- I mean, I-I wouldn't say no if you asked me out but I didn't ask to ask you out, if that makes sense? I-" Belly groaned quietly and covered her face, unable to shake off the embarrassment as he snickered quietly under his breath. Taking in a deep breath and moving her hands from her face, she scooted closer to him and dropped her voice to a whisper. "I... I like Conrad. I've liked him for a really long time and... I want to, I don't know, make him jealous, I guess."
"I see." (Y/N) hummed, eyes flickering past her to look at Conrad. He pursed his lips in thought and just when she was about to brush aside everything, he gently grabbed her chin and pulled her in. An electrifying feeling erupted within her when their lips connected, goosebumps rising across her arms and the hairs on the nape of her neck rose.
His fingers fluttered over her jawline until his palm pressed against her cheek, their lips briefly disconnecting and nose brushing against each other before he closed the gap again. While Belly had no clue on what to do with herself, she decided to let her instincts do the acting. Her hands found his shoulders and she leaned forward, pulling back for a moment to settle down on his lap. He chuckled against her lips and tilted his head, arms curling around her waist to keep from from falling backwards.
"What'd you think about that, Isabel?"
“Think I wanna do a little more than just kiss.” She whispered, heat erupting in her belly and a flustered giggle escaping her. His lips curled into a smirk and he gave a curt nod.
"That can be arranged." He murmured and she moved her hands up to cup his face, strands of her long hair brushing against his skin. Before she could lean in again, an angry voice barked out.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Oh, shit. Conrad.
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angelsyd · 11 months
Lurker | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college student!reader x stalker!jungkook, dark, angst, bsf!jungkook x reader, light smut, slight Taehyung x reader,
summary: jungkook has been your best friend since your first year of college. Things begin to turn weird when you start to feel eyes behind your back whenever he's not around.
word count: 3k
warnings: stalking, mature themes, blood, manipulation, cursing, death, knifes, entitlement,
notes: it's here! it's my first time writing something like this, so i hope you guys enjoy <3
You're sitting on your couch attempting to study for an upcoming math exam when you get a call from your best friend, Jeon Jungkook. You both met in your freshman year of college because you happened to sit next to him during class and he joined you for lunch in the dining hall.  Ever since then, you've been inseparable. 
“Hey, are you busy?” Jungkook chirped through the phone. 
“Unfortunately” you huffed. “I have this stupid algebra test next week that I need to study for”
“Just wing it like I always do, it works for me” he chuckled at your misery. 
“Unlike you Jeon, I actually need good grades” you match his playful condescending tone. 
You heard the creak of his bed as he got up. “Well, whatever, I'm coming over,” he announced, then hung up the call.   
Even though you were supposed to be doing your schoolwork, you couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was coming over to see you. You could use some time away from your computer and useless assignments. You lift yourself off the couch into the kitchen to go grab some snacks for when he gets here.
You and Jungkook are lying on the couch with your legs over his lap. You trace your forefinger over the outline of his tattoos while you watch the second season of The Summer I Turned Pretty. 
“Seriously, who the fuck names their kid Belly?”
You smack him over the head with a pillow. “It's short for Isabel!” 
“Then just call her that!” he laughed. 
You guys begin to settle down and continue watching when your phone buzzes from your back pocket. You reach down and open a text from Tae, the guy you met on campus a couple weeks ago. He was a really attractive guy, almost majestic looking, with curled brown locks that contrasted Jungkook's sleek raven mane. 
Tae messaged you asking if you were free this Friday because he wanted to take you to a new kbbq restaurant down the street. As you start typing a reply, you see Jungkook take notice and lean towards the screen.
He reads the message and quirks up a questioning eyebrow. “Who's that?” 
You can sense a strong worry sensation coming off from him. He's always been pretty protective of you and around guys who show interest. But you think it's due to him seeing you as the little sister he's never had. And it warmed your heart to think that he felt that way.
“Oh him? We met weeks ago and we started talking pretty soon after that” You smiled thinking about it. 
“Cool” Jungkook replied dryly. He turned back toward the tv with a blank expression plastered on his face. 
You wanted to console and reassure him that Taehyung was a really sweet guy who treats you like a princess, even though we're not even officially dating yet. But you decide otherwise and continue watching Belly fuck up for the millionth time. 
Midnight comes and it's time for Jungkook to return home. His mood seemed to get progressively better as the night went on and he started talking to you like normal again.
“I wish I could spend the night, but I got class in the morning” He frowns standing in the doorway.
“Don't worry about it Jeon, get some sleep” you say, patting his cheek in a caring jest.
You both bid your goodnights and you began cleaning up the mess of blankets and cushions on the couch. You pick up all the stray popcorn that landed on the couch during your fits of laughter and tickle fights initiated by Jungkook. You made your way over to the kitchen sink to wash the dishes, attempting to scrub the butter off the clear bowl. 
The quietness of your apartment made the sound seem ten times louder. You turn around from the sink and peer around the room. You didn't see anything out of the ordinary so you return to cleaning, wiping down the countertops. 
clink clink
You turned your head sharply towards the noise again. It was coming from the screen door. You silently cursed yourself for deciding to live on the first floor. As you continued staring at the door, for some unknown reason you felt a big wave of fear come over your body, as if you were being watched. 
You didn't know why you felt this way, It could just be a street cat looking for food. You didn't see a cat anywhere. Before you could hear another strange noise, you bolt for your bedroom and lock the door behind you. You stood there against the door, your chest heaving.
You pull out your phone and start frantically texting Jungkook.
‘Are you still here? There's someone at my door and I'm freaking out’
‘hello? please answer’
Delivered. It's been an hour of you confined in the closet of your room and he still hasn't replied to your message. He couldn't have walked home and fell asleep that fast. You haven't heard any other weird sounds since earlier, so you decided to stop being a baby and emerge from the closet. 
It was already extremely late so you took a shower and then lay on your bed after you made sure the windows were locked. 
The next morning, you're walking home from your last class of the day on a Facetime call with Jungkook. He always makes sure to keep an eye on you whenever you're walking alone. 
“Hey did you get my text last night?” you questioned him. You saw that he read your text when you woke up but he never replied, he just brushed over it and sent his usual good morning text.
“Oh” He hesitated a little bit “I meant to ask you about it but I forgot”
“You could've just been hearing things you know, you were just tired,” Jungkook added.
You sighed into the phone thinking about the events last night. Maybe he was right, you might have just been tired and imagined a bump in the dark to be a bigger deal than it really was. A small part of you still felt afraid of someone trying to break in at night. It's especially scary considering you live alone.
“You're probably right” you bit your lip in thought “do you think you could stay with me tonight? Just to be safe?” 
“Ye-yeah of course” You could practically see his eyes light up through the phone. You hung up the call as soon as you reached your apartment. 
Later that night, you and Jungkook are sitting at the kitchen counter working on homework. He's hyper-focused on his computer screen, trying to finish his assignment before the midnight deadline. 
You take advantage of the fact that he's not paying attention to admire him. His sleeves are rolled up, exposing the muscle tone of his forearms. A round pair of glasses sat on the tip of his nose, making his usual strong appearance seem more soft. 
He was a very good-looking man, the kind of bad boy type that everyone is drawn to at least once in their life. Everyone else you knew anticipated you two would eventually end up together. You couldn't deny ever having slight feelings for the boy, it has crossed your mind a few times.
“Finally“ Jungkook taps the enter key loudly and slides his hands down his face.
You laughed at his gesture and closed both of your computers, sliding them further down the counter.  He sat back relaxing his body in the chair. 
“Can I use your bathroom? I've been holding it in this whole time” He asks with some humor in the last sentence. 
“You know you don't need to ask” You giggle at his question. 
“Hey I'm being polite” He lifts his arms up in defense and walks out of the kitchen, making his way to the washroom.  
You pull out your phone and text Tae. He confirms that he’ll be at your place by six tomorrow afternoon to pick you up. You squirm around in excitement. It was nice to be able to go out with someone after what felt like decades of being single. 
Your fingers type away in a playful conversation with your upcoming date. The thin hairs on the nape of your neck begin to stick up. A sensation you remember all too well. 
 You held a tight grip around the phone. As if it were the stuffed animal you held as a child, protecting you from the dark. You didn't want to turn around and face who, or what could be behind you. 
As you frantically peer around the room, you notice that the hanging mirror in the living room is visible from where you're sitting. You squint in its direction to get a better look at the door less than a foot away from your back. 
For a second you see nothing but darkness. Then a hasty hand places itself against the glass, slowly sliding down. Your whole body shivers with fear at the sight. You let out a horrified scream and ran out of your seat and into the living room. 
You whip your head back towards the screen door, but the person was gone. You stood there breathing heavily, your hair was sticking to your cheekbones from the cold sweat. Once you stood long enough to ensure they weren't coming back, you rushed towards the bathroom door. 
Before you made it, Jungkook was already halfway down the hall. 
“We need to call the police!!” you grab both his arms in a death grip “It happened again!” 
“What do you mean? What happened?” he asked with the most puzzled look on his face. You paused at his reaction. How did he not hear?
“Jungkook, the weird noises? They're back, i-i saw hand and everything” You try to remind him. You searched his eyes trying to look for some fear or an ounce of belief in you. He placed both of his palms cupping your cheeks. His touch felt cold, it made you flinch a little. 
“y/n listen, I didn't see or hear anything” he spoke. “I think you're just imagining things” He was speaking to you as if you were a child. You knew what you saw, but his calm demeanor threatened to make you second guess. 
“Come here let me prove it to you” He led you by your hand through the kitchen and up to the window. He unlocked the door and slid it open. You stood there biting your lower lip nervously. He walked out and looked around. ‘Nothing’ he mouthed to you. 
He gestured for you to follow him outside. You hesitated at first, but then you decided not to make a fool of yourself anymore and stepped out. 
“That wasn't so bad huh?” Jungkook smiled lovingly at you. You tried to match his smile, but you were still a bit nervous on the inside. 
“Wait look” he points ahead in the dark. You turn your head quickly, searching for a figure in the darkness. You felt a pair of strong hands slither their way up your back and to your shoulders.
“BOO” Jungkook yelled in your ear. You scream and stumble onto the floor, hurting your ass. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you yell at him. He’s bent over laughing uncontrollably, tears in his eyes. After a minute he walks over to you and offers his hand. You take it and he pulls you up to him. 
“I'm sorry I had to” he chuckles with a little guilt mixed in. You huff and walk back into the apartment, leaving him behind. 
The dress you wore hugged your body beautifully, the satin fabric wrapped around your curves in a sexy but classy way. You didn't want to reveal too much so soon. You thought you looked gorgeous, and you assumed Tae did too by the way he kept glancing at you in the passenger seat. 
When you arrived, he got out of his seat and opened your door like a gentleman. You could tell he was trying to make a good impression. You both walked side by side into the restaurant. it was a lot fancier than you imagined, you were glad because you looked extremely polished up. 
The waiter sat you guys at a small table in the corner. Tae ordered a round of drinks for both of you, and you appreciated the dominant move. 
“I'm glad you came” Tae smiled at you “you look amazing.” His comment made you blush and look down. You returned the compliment and you two made small talk for the next hour. 
You felt your phone buzz next to you. You didn't want to be rude so you looked up at Tae, he nodded in approval and took a sip of his drink. It was a message from Jungkook. You texted him your location earlier to be safe, ‘just in case your date was a cold-blooded murder’ as he put it. So he was probably just checking up on you.
He asked if you were leaving soon and you replied that you were leaving soon and that Tae is staying over at your place for a while. Jungkook read the message quickly but he didn't respond. A little later, Tae paid the bill and drove you back to your place. 
Both of you were sprawled out on the couch in a heated makeout session. You didn't know what started it, maybe it was the three margaritas, or maybe it was the low-lidded look on his face. But right now you didn't care about that. 
Tae's hands glided over your body, leaving nothing untouched. You sucked in a sharp breath every time he inched closer to your heat, you were desperate for him to touch you there but he only teased you. He smirked at your breathless whimpers and kept kissing you.
“We should move to the bed” You whispered in his ear. He nodded and lifted you up by your thighs, you let out a surprised squeal that only seemed to turn him on more. He placed you gently on the bed and started lifting up your dress.
You help him and lift it up slowly, teasing him like he did to you. You throw the dress across the room leaving you in your matching set. Maybe you lied about not wanting to reveal much, you didn't wear your best lingerie for nothing. 
Tae climbed onto the bed, he placed kisses trailing from your covered heat to your breast until he was hovering straight over you. He placed wet kisses on your neck and collarbone. You peered around the room, your vision blurring in pleasure. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a shadow in the window. You shut your eyes, trying to get back into what's happening with the man above you. You couldn't help but look again, and what you saw made you jump. 
A man with a hammer smashed into the window, glass shards flying everywhere. You scream at the site, crawling backward on the bed. Tae gasped sharply and looked around the room frantically for a weapon. He settled for the lamp on your nightstand and stood up. 
The man swiftly jumped through the window, landing on the glass. The moonlight shined on his face, revealing his identity. 
Your breath hitched. Tears streamed down your eyes. You screamed his name but he didn't acknowledge you, he was looking at Tae.
In one swift motion, Jungkook lunges at him. They both fell to the floor in a mess of throwing fists. The awful sounds of hands meeting bone fill your ears. You quickly come to your senses and search for your phone in the bedsheets. 
You press the emergency service button and wait with shaky palms for someone to pick up. You didn't see Jungkook make his way over and snatch the phone, throwing it across the room. 
He yanked you by the hair, dragging you to the floor. The pain in your scalp inhibited you from hearing what he was saying, all you heard was a loud scream. He dropped you and held the back of his leg. Blood was gushing all over the floor. 
You turned and saw Tae on the floor, glass shard in hand. His face was swollen and red from Jungkook's punches earlier. You wanted to reach out and comfort him, but you thought better than it.
Jungkook turned towards the man on the ground, eyes beaming with anger. He searches the ground and picks up the hammer, bludgeoning Tae with it. 
“STOP!” You scream. You choked on your sobs, barely able to breathe. 
You pull your knees to your chest and cover your eyes with your arms, trying to drown out Tae’s pleas for mercy. You sat in that position for what felt like an eternity until the noises stopped.  A moment later you felt familiar arms wrap around your body. 
“Shhh it's okay” He whispered in your ear “I'm here with you.” 
The calmness of his voice disturbed you. How could he do this? The man you knew for the past year is no longer here, instead, it was a monster. A cold-blooded killer. 
He lifted your chin to face him. You felt warm liquid smear from his fingers and onto your skin, it sent shivers down your spine. Jungkook gazed at you with the loving look from before. He leaned down and placed a firm kiss on your lips. 
“I've always loved you, since the beginning” He spoke against your lips “I'm the one who deserves you."
You hesitated a moment before playing along. 
“I love you too, Jungkook”  
You reached behind and grabbed a large glass shard. When you secure the weapon firmly in your palm, you lift it up in a swift motion and spear Jungkook in the chest. 
He gasps and claws at the piece stuck in his torso. You shove him flat to the ground and rush towards Tae's body. 
You hold his limp figure in your arms, more tears streaming down your cheeks. You thought back to all the weird events from before. It was him this whole time. The shadows in the dark, the feeling of being watched. It was all Jungkook. 
You held Tae tighter, whispering apologies he'll never hear. You stayed like that until the sound of police sirens filled your ears. 
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purplecatghostposts · 25 days
Miraculous Ladybug characters and what character in Mario Kart 8 I think they choose as well as if they’re good at the game, based on the vibes I get from them!
Marinette: Used to play Peach but now is purely loyal to Toadette and Toadette ONLY! Canonically great at video games, so Mario Kart is naturally included.
Adrien: CAT PEACH. If anyone else chooses Cat Peach, he immediately gives them a DEVASTATED look and they swap immediately. Very good at the game, he has three stars on every cup!
Alya: Daisy. She will FIGHT anyone else trying to pick Daisy. Nobody is taking Daisy from her. She’s pretty decent at the game but is mostly just here to have fun and maybe kick some ass.
Nino: Strikes me as either a Yoshi guy or Shy Guy guy, though he’s chill if other people wanna pick them. Also decent but has a grudge against certain NPC opponents.
Chloé: Pink. Gold. Peach. Threatens to sue if anyone else takes her. She’s actually pretty good at the game and tends to be VERY agro. No mercy, she needs to WIN.
Kagami: Has swapped between a lot of different people but settled on Link. Incredibly intense in-game. She’s willing to battle to the death.
Félix: Isabelle from Animal Crossing. Do not let it fool you. He wants to WIN and he will red shell you at the worst time to do it.
Luka: Claims he’ll ‘Choose anybody’ but he’ll go for Rosalina if given the choice. He’s just trying to have fun and is 90% of the reason why controllers are not thrown at the TV. Juleka claims he’s “Going easy” on everyone so less feelings will be hurt. (She’s right, he loses on purpose a lot.)
Juleka: Dry Bones or Dry Bowser, she thinks they’re both cool. Doesn’t usually get top 5 if everyone is playing but consistently gets 6-7th! Hitting people with red and blue shells is kinda cathartic for her.
Rose: Sometimes picks one of the baby versions of the characters, but other times chooses one of Bowser’s kids, like Wendy or Roy. The former is for when she’s playing to have fun, the latter is for when she’s gunning for top 3.
Zoé: Pretended to be bad at the game until she realized she didn’t need to spare anyone’s feelings. Very good at the game, knows a lot of the techniques to give herself mini boosts. She LOVES Boswer Jr., especially after becoming Kitty Noire.
Sabrina: Genuinely one of the best players… When she’s not playing with Chloé. Otherwise she’s always letting her win, aiding her the best she can, and pretty much always gets whatever rank is directly behind hers. Claims her favorite character is Baby Peach (it’s actually King Boo).
Kim: DONKEY KONG. Also occasionally Wario. He’s actually kinda terrible at the game but he tends to spams items and makes that everyone else’s problem.
Max: Chooses one of the Inkling Kids (he strikes me as someone who also probably loves Splatoon). He’s good at the game but with how many other people are also good at the game, sometimes he gets overshined. He’s better at fighting games.
Alix: Waluigi 100%. She thinks he’s hilarious and while she doesn’t actually care, she WILL bring up ‘Waluigi should’ve been in Smash Ultimate’ At some point, because she thinks it’s funny. Not great at the game, is here purely to spam items and fuck over as many people as possible.
Myléne: Terrible at the game but plays to have fun! Likes to play Boswer because Ivan has cosplayed as him before.
Ivan: Also terrible at the game but likes losing alongside Myléne. Likes to play as Luigi, though occasionally chooses Dry Boswer if no one else has.
Nathaniel: Rarely plays but will choose Rosalina or Lemmy if he does. Likes to play against other casual people but usually dips if too many competitive people are playing at once.
Marc: Surprisingly really good though isn’t always good about asking if he can have a turn or not. Loves to pick the animal crossing villagers if they haven’t been chosen.
Lila: Claims she’s won a championship before. Is actually terrible at the game with the worst luck and very rarely plays. The first time she was gonna play with the class, she selected Cat Peach. Everyone stared at her as Adrien gave her the most devastated look. She panicked and faked an injury to stop playing altogether.
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