#and is the time lord equivelant of some old lady walking around her house endlessly straightening all her knick knacks
redrobin-detective · 2 years
What do you like to imagine each incarnation of the doctor did with the time they should have been sleeping? :p
One: Putters about the TARDIS, trying to get it to work. He fiddles and lightly curses at the machine that trips him up just after he's made his 7th cuppa of the night.
Two: Dances and dallies, he plays his recorder and also putters but in a more fun and fanciful kind of way. Says he'll go to bed but really reads on his bed, lying on his stomach kicking his legs in the air.
Three: Does experiments, the later in the night and the less people around to tell him no, the more manic and unhinged they become. Also goes on midnight drives with Bessie to look at the stars.
Four: Also reads but he sits in an armchair with an outrageously sized glass of alcohol. Goes on weird little trips, the grocery store at 3am is a special place to him. He likes talking to, and confusing the exhausted check out boy.
Five: I can see him knitting, the man is very stressed and needs a relaxing sort of hobby. Tegan wants to know why all these mittens are showing up in her wardrobe. Goes on walks on strange planets.
Six: It's in his name, this man is a Baker. Like Three, his recipes get more strange and unhinged the later the night gets. Sometimes he wakes up his companions to ask them to try his treats. He'll try to exercise, sometimes, but usually end up back in the kitchen.
Seven: The weirdo who will play a chess match against himself and say "Oh? You're playing that gambit? Interesting". Reads but while wandering around the TARDIS and making sure everything is secure
Eight: He will also go for walks on strange planets but in a banging outfit with a long coat. Putters but in an anxious way, absolutely pokes his head in on his sleeping companions. He never can quite settle enough to sleep.
War: Not much time for sleeping or pretending to sleep in the Time War. He's almost always on the move so he usually passes out when he has snatches of free time. When he's avoiding it, he flies up the stars, sits with his legs hanging out and stares out at space.
Nine: Putters at first in a sad, listless way but later with determination. Really devotes himself to fixing up the TARDIS and getting her in tip top shape. Really gets into it and completely loses track of time. Sometimes he watches telly, loves sitcoms.
Ten: This man will Risky Business style dance around his TARDIS with abandon. Putters jauntily, makes cups of tea and forgets about them. Fusses with the TARDIS but usually ends up making things worse.
Eleven: This man solo adventures like it's nobody's business. He also messes with the TARDIS but in a way that's less intended to really fix or break anything and more just, something to do with his hands to avoid thinking.
Twelve: Canonically wanders aimlessly around the halls talking to a perceived audience like he's a professor in a lecture hall. Also walks while reading bc he can't sit still. Plays his guitar with delightful abandon. Scribbles weird notes on his chalkboard.
Thirteen: Putters about, definitely hums jaunty little tunes under her breath as she wanders. Fiddles with the TARDIS but mostly for show, to look cool to whoever may walk by. Stands over the console and just, tries to keep it together.
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