#and is rumoured to be somehow connected to the illuminati
katya-goncharov · 2 years
actually criminal that spn had episodes set in scotland but they never went to rosslyn chapel. it would have been the perfect setting for a secret men of letters hideout or something. i mean rosslyn chapel was literally in the da vinci code! easily trashy enough for supernatural
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taeguboi · 7 years
badboy!BTS Headcanons
Request:  ‘idk what this thought is but i think you might be able to do somethin with it and i thought of you when you reblogged some stuff tonight: what would bts be like if they weren't in bts and were bad boys? i was just thinking about what they might have done but then i also thought about how good jin would look in a leather jacket and fucking up people's heads like he's a bastard but he's handsomr so it's okay kekeke’
Notes at the end
Rap Monster: bad boy for justice
An afterschool bad boy
keeps to himself at school / work
but as soon as he leaves that building, it’s different:
fag in mouth, shirt loosened up for comfort
and he’s eyeing up any attractive girl that passes by
A gentleman to the ladies
Will drop kick the jerks that break their hearts
Has a surprisingly high set of morals
it just gets overlooked because of his bad boy aura and here’s why
Had his fair share of arrests
but to be fair to him, it’s mostly for a good cause
like he was the one that got provoked in a fight
or that thing he stole was actually something he was getting back for someone 
Basically won’t hate you if you’re cool with him though
“Hey, if anyone’s troubling you, don’t hesitate to call me, yeah?”
Brings back a lot of girls to his shared house
everyone thinks he’s a player
“ey up ‘Joon; who’s she this week?”
but it just genuinely doesn’t work out each time
they get put off by his tendency to fight 
Until he meets this one girl
she’s feisty and is just as verbal as he is passionate for justice / karma
They’re couple goals
and he proposes to her in a bar
but it’s their bar, it’s where they met and send like half their time together, so it’s romantic
She loves everything about him and rightly so
his passion, even if it may appear as unnecessary anger
his hard working demeanour despite his ‘common’ background
Yeah, he’s a bad boy, possibly only by appearance,
but he’s gonna build himself a good life
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Jin: the classic rocker
Let’s begin with that leather jacket
It’s genuine vintage leather 
he lets girls wear it in the cold on a night out 
and it’s like so heavy but cosy?
been to all the concerts
You invite him out to see some unknown local band for their first gig 
but somehow he’s already seen them and knows their full set
but he’s also seen the legends in arenas
Can’t forget the festivals
can’t forget the free love and ‘happiness’
Owns all the pubs and clubs by social status
enters the room and it goes silent for a moment
who will say ‘hi’ to him first?
It’s tricky because he’s so fucking magnificent and overpowering
So how did he get to this status?
He knows how to talk
no one makes a fool of him
will put up with 0% of anyone’s shit
gives no fucks when it comes to conversation
Will fuck with your head if you cross him
knows how to wrap people around his little finger
and then can drop them just like that
Sometimes he’ll be extremely witty
but nowadays he can say the pettiest thing and it has the same effect
Pretty much everyone is in his debt somehow
“You need [x thing] doing? Yeah, I know a guy that can sort you out”
So social
but doesn’t even own a phone
he just goes out every night
Has his local bar
his regular clubs
in which he pulls every night 
[in each club]
Very sensual
You’re one lucky girl if:
he takes you outside of the club to just talk to you
“You’ve been having a pretty good time in there, huh?”
“I bet you could have an even better time out here with me”
Will fuck anywhere, no matter who might see
and he’s never been arrested for it 
because he has his way with words
he can even bribe the police, and nothing
Becomes a bit of a biker
almost forms / joins a gang
but is way too independent to stick to it
Kind of a loner bad boy
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Suga: underground rapper
Underground rapper with all the swagger
He does it all
at least the occasional sesh
Will fuck many people, boys and girls
and he can do it every night because groupies
but is secretly a sucker for pretty boys
But he knows his bad boy nature can get him what he wants
Bar fights
Gets hecklers at his gigs but he puts them in their place
will jump off the stage to fight you
His regular venue only own 2 beer glasses now 
Could have the most supportive audience but will drive away into the night raising a middle finger
Can rock out any look
still looks hardcore that one time he performs in a dress
Barely dies his hair
Tries blonde once but does back to black 
because the roots come through in like 2 weeks
and then he refers to that fortnight as ‘that time I almost sold out’
Acts as if he’s the most tortured soul 
so you think you have some sort of connection
but fucks you and leaves you lmao
Has a ped
rides around randomly at night
drops off wherever he thinks he’ll get a good story from
write bad ass raps about his experiences
Gets wound up in quite some violent situations
it’s concerning how often he’s been at knifepoint
jumps on random cars
or hot wires then to dump in a lake
because why not
Agust D might never become a national household name
but it’s certainly a name known by everyone in town
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J-Hope: wandering skater boy
Sporty bad boy
Footie with his lads
Skateboarding home
flying across busy roads
almost knocking over pedestrians
He’s been stopped by the police for it
but they escort him home and are shook
because his mum is a bad ass, probably worse
Doesn’t smoke 
but beer is life
Drunken antics every night
Will do whatever to win a girl over
*leaves her name in massive letters outside her bedroom window*
“Holy shit Hoseok, how did you...”
*police siren*
*gets arrested for pulling down letters of shop signs*
Goes to shops and purchases wrappers 
because he’s already eating the food before he’s payed
Graffiti artist
lives for that adrenaline rush
can outrun the cops every single time
because he can jump over everything, get through everything, etc
and can run for hours
Bit of a wanderer
by day, he’s out with his lads
by night, he roams free
He doesn’t need wingmen or clubs to pull
no; he has what it takes 
to just approach that lonely girl sat on a bench contemplating life
and no matter how many times his parents insist he bring no one home
there’s always a way to sneak into his room
Sometimes he just roams for days
doesn’t tell anyone
comes back in 3 days with some badass tattoo and some mystery souvenirs
[souvenirs that he smokes in a day lmao]
[low key stoner hahahaha] 
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Jimin: ladies man aka the biggest flirt
His shirt is on/off like 50/50
Tastefully placed tattoos 
that don’t hide too much of his body
simple writing down either side of his abs
[think 2014 mama awards I think]
and a tattoo on his butt that was done for the lols
but it’s a story, like
“I have the illuminati on my butt”
Tongue piercings
which you get to see when he’s flirting
he’ll stick it out sometimes when begin suggestive
House parties always
Like does he even have parents around?
Works every day so he can pay for both bills and booze
He does up cars or something
You can show up and he’s not even at his own house yet 100 other people are
But when he is there to host his own house party, well...
all the bedrooms are occupied 
and it’s because he’s got a girl waiting for him in each room
what an exciting game, to see how many he can fuck 
before one of them finds out they aren’t the only one
holy shit Jimin there’s 5 bedrooms here how do you even--
that was the sound of a girl’s discovery
he’s used to it though
I think his face has built up a tolerance for the slaps because they happen that often
so he’ll basically grab whoever’s booty he wants
Those beautiful plump lips 
they weren’t just made for kissing and eating out though
they were designed for cigarettes
the way the smoke puffs out of his mouth is beautiful
low key erotic somehow?
Oh and the lip biting he does
paired with some smooth flirting
You’ll hear all the rumours about bad boy Jimin
and how you shouldn’t go near him
but you can’t help but give in to him and your curiosity
Honestly, it’s worth it; boy fucks damn well
Girls girls girls
He was that lad in school that the teachers hated 
for distracting the female students and making them swoon
Has always been shameless
Like in younger school years it was winking
and outrageous confidence
but then in later high school years
you find him touching you under the table
but was still a prat
always in the head master’s office
or isolation
or suspended
But he still managed to stay in the same school
even after hitting on a teacher
Turns up to prom in his usual leather jacket and jeans
actually, he just turns up anywhere however and whenever he pleases
You just have to let it happen
he never causes any real harm
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V: the punk activist
Gorgeous long hair 
He’s had it in some bold colours
Fiery red becomes like his identity
the condition of his hair suggests a feminine nature but oh...
He’s anything but that!
His voice is extra gruff and deep
and he knows he can use it to his advantage
to get girls
and to threaten people
99% of the time gets what he wants
Spends a lot of money on piercings
he has all the ear piercings you can think of
snake bites lip piercings
an eyebrow piercing
he has other piercings that he don’t always make use of
and *ahem* some more intimate piercings
Has been known to turn you on 
just by telling you about his ‘down there’ piercing
“wanna see?”
fuck me yes I do
and money on tattoos
almost everywhere
tattoos across his torso,
bad ass tattoo sleeves,
his back and up to his neck: still tattoos
and some of girl’s names to win them over
He doesn’t care how she doesn’t mean that much to him
as long as she’ll make a good story
Gets arrested at least once a month
Has some cheesy and heart-felt lines though beneath all that anger
Fucks so many girls but then realizes
he’s hella gay
“Damn, that’s a pretty boy”
but somehow he makes it romantic with another person
like he just parks he car in the middle of nowhere so you can enjoy the moonlight with him
So yeah, he’s poetic it turns out, but
Quite angry
like a Punk Oscar Wilde almost?
Can get political, very opinionated
Passionate for whatever cause he’s taken up this week
Graffiti to make statements
Forms a punk band to make statements
Smashes windows to make statements
but although he can get violent
he knows what he’s talking about and has solid views
Starts movements
Gets called a faggot once with his kinda serious boyfriend
suddenly he’s a huge activist in the lgbt community
Will get full on sexual in the middle of a shop 
to prove a point to a stranger who scoffs at him kissing a dude
*grabs his partner’s dick and makes out with him*
it shuts them right up as he starts jacking off the other guy 
right there and then
they’re chuckling into each other’s mouths
and oh, he ain’t afraid to finish the job
even if the stranger has long gone
He likes to make headlines in the local paper
no matter how odd or cringy it can get
his purpose is to have a voice
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Jungkook: restless muscle pig
Almost bipolar with his personality
New girl in town? There’s a Jungkook for that
Does extra jobs for extra cash
Some jobs are legit overtime work...
...some not so legit
But it gets him by so he can be a new person for each individual
Never fails to hit the gym daily
He’s never not in a vest since he reached his late teens
starts pointless fights
because of this pent up anger 
and need for attention on his efforts on his body
but then gets a serious caution from the cops 
that if it happens again, he could be looking at more than over night behind bars
so he takes up mma fighting or something
suddenly it’s a semi-professional career
girls love him 
but he doesn’t care
He’s still only down for nothing more than sex when it suits him
Loves his hard reputation
It gives him a personality to go by
No one really knows his past
but I think this lack of emotion is something to do with his childhood
as is the anger and need to work out
it was probably just something to do
Eventually decides to take some exams and get the qualifications he didn’t bother with as a kid
acts like he owns the college
and actually, he kinda does because of the arrogant mindset
like because he thinks ‘I’m the best’, it is so
the guys don’t fuck with him
he winks at all the girls 
and kinda misbehaves with them
“Hey [girl], if I get this piece of paper in the bin in one shot all the way from over here, you can give me your number”
*actually gets the shot and is secretly shook but acts like it was nothing*
Turns out he’s hella intelligent 
and understands every little thing instantly
but that doesn’t stop him leaving college 
to return to his normal life each evening
or sitting in the back of classes with his feet on the table 
and food on his desk
So he’s still a little untamed and out of control
He still causes the odd street fight
almost loses his licence to fight in a ring
and he still trashes places
and he still has no definite personality
But then this one girl at his college
she puts him in his fucking place
He gets paired with her for a project and he’s like
“So, I talk, you type?”
and she is like 
“Hell no”
Oh look, he realizes he’s whipped for a girl 
because she ain’t afraid to backchat him
Muscle pig but with some weaknesses
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Not sure if this has turned out too similar to my Fuckboi!BTS Headcanons but fuck it, there we go! I went by anon’s little thing about Jin as a basis for his hc and they’re not entirely based on what I think the boys would actually be like without BTS... Also for some reason, I feel different sexualities from them with these personalities so please don’t be offended... 
...and I’m not even sure they were all entirely bad boy things [esp the gifs they’re just all so soft hahaha] but it’s getting late and this took way longer to think about than expected [oml punk activist Tae with all the tatts and piercings is making my heart flutter so much even though it’s my own creation?]
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