#and in the aroace category..... idk. seeing post after post of people going
bengallemon · 1 month
"we need more complex queer characters" you guys can't even handle yourselves
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hello charlotte - lgbtq+ headcanons (and also canon lgbtq+ characters)
#all art in this post is by etherane :) (note: literally every other headcanon is valid these are just mine <3) Charlotte Wiltshire
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So, this is pretty widely accepted throughout the fandom - but I have to say she just seems transfem to me. There are even some possible hints that she might be transfem, and knowing etherane, I really wouldn’t be surprised.
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First possible hint is young Charlotte. Not being feminine as a kid and then being very feminine later on obviously doesn’t mean you’re trans, I just thought it was something worth noting. In hc2, I believe there is a scene where Aiden encourages Charlotte to try being feminine, and you can see that she’s much more outwardly happy and expressive presenting as more feminine. Second possible hint is Seth. It was mentioned that male puppeteers are usually not assigned to female puppeteers, which could be a possible hint that she wasn’t biologically female.
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Third possible hint was Charlotte’s haircut. Of course, any person would be upset if some people at school cut their hair, but some specific lines mentioned not wanting to let anyone see her and that a stranger stared back at her in the mirror - though that could have just been anxiety. All in all, none of these three things are for certain indicators that Charlotte is transfem, it’s just nice to have a little headcanon. And to be honest, the little hints aren’t even the main reason I think she’s trans, she just - Idk it just makes sense that she’d be trans and I just vibe with it. 
I think this one is also pretty agreed on, but she just gives panromantic vibes. I also get like, demiromantic vibes? And asexual vibes. I don’t have explanations for any of these, these headcanons just vibe with me. Felix Honikker
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Next up, my fave, Felix. So my biggest headcanon is that he’s asexual because - well, ew, people, gross. And he just seems omniromantic to me. Again, can’t explain, the headcanon just vibes. And he just - Idk I feel like he’s transmasc and neutrios. Someone also mentioned that he seemed genderfluid and that headcanon is extremely valid. And someone mentioned him being aroace which, is also very extremely valid. Bennett
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AAH. MY BABY BOY. THAT SMILE. SO MUCH SEROTONIN. I’M CRYING. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. AAAAAAH.  Okay, so he also gives me trans vibes (transmasc vibes). Charlotte, Felix, and Bennett just - radiate trans to me and I vibe so fucking hard with that.  Also. Bennett is a disaster bi. He. Just. Radiates. Disaster bi. He also seems just...like he experiences sexual attraction but he doesn’t really want to do. Things. I believe the word for that is akoisexual? (Or lithsexual?) Correct me if I’m wrong. Idk.  (Okay I had to stop making this post because I was trying to find the word for it and I just - I just found a post that was really invalidating to ace/spec people and I just. I’m sad now. After this I’m going to reblog all the acespec/arospec positivity posts I can get my hands on.) Florence
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Florence also radiates disaster bi. That’s. That’s pretty much it for her, that’s my only headcanon about her orientation/identity. However. I do have many OTHER headcanons but they would not be relevant to this post, so.
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Seth is pansexual, demisexual, and pangender in my mind because. Again. I have no reason. Just v i b e s
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Hm...he seems like the kind of person who wouldn’t really care about labels and just let people call it whatever they wanted to as far as orientation. (Sorry that some of these are so short-)
Henry Huxley
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Huxley is definitely polyamorous, ace and gay. No, I will not explain my reasoning. Because I have none.
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Q84 is definitely aroace. And I highly doubt she gives a fuck about gender and I doubt she’d put a label on her gender.
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I think we can all agree that DelChar is a disaster lesbian. At the very least, she canonically wlw, so that’s always nice to see. I also think she’s transfem because this is an alternate version of Scarlotte Charlotte I believe, so I just feel like she’d be trans as well.
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She’s also a disaster lesbian. 
Scarlett Eyler
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Scarlett, like flo and ben radiates bi. I’m thinking she’s either aromantic bisexual or biromantic asexual but I’m leaning more towards aro/bi.
Anri Warhol
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Anri is canonically bi. I appreciate that, a lot. 
Vincent Wordsworth
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He seems like either he’s gay or he’s queer as far as orientation, and either way, definitely asexual. And he’s nonbinary as well.
Charles Eyler
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What’s that? A canon genderfluid character? AND a canon asexual character? Yep, Charles is canon genderfluid and ace and I just freak out every time I think about it because there’s so little rep for those two things that whenever I see it, I just get really happy. As far as romantic orientation I feel like polyromantic.
Vincent Fennell
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I’d probably put him about the same as his counterpart in hc3. I just included him specifically because. He’s so fucking pretty. And I wanted to show a picture of him.
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I know C is technically Charles in a Vincent vessel, but shhh, I see him as his own kind of character. Like Charles, he’s genderfluid and asexual - and I could see him as being demiromantic and panromantic.
Umbrella Man
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I just. I just feel like he’s homosexual/aromantic. I just. Do. And I can’t imagine he’s cis, but I don’t think he really has a label for his gender, idk.
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Frei is canon agender! Or at the very least, he described himself as genderless. I feel like he would be asexual and omniromantic, kinda like my headcanon for Felix.
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I know that Freya and Frei are both the Oracle, but each form the Oracle takes just seems like a seperate form to me. I can’t put Freya, Frei, and that other Oracle that was in Scarlett’s head into the same category. Freya is also probably agender but takes a feminine form and identifies with being female while also being genderless. I feel like she’d identify as a lesbian? And also be like, ace? Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense jafioejrpaewrojofjo.
Scarlett’s Oracle 
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They’re definitely agender and aroace.
Right, I almost forgot OSIRIS
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Osiris seems aroace.
Okay, that’s uh. that’s pretty much it oof. Sorry if this post doesn’t make a lot of sense I just wanted to ramble. And all other headcanons are valid <3 
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hi! for that arospec week ask stuff; I'm curious about 1, 2, 8 , 9, 13, 17, and 18. reminder that you absolutely rock btw!
HELLO!! thank you for the ask!! <3 i hope you’re aware that i absolutely adore you and that you are fantastic!
1 - i consider myself to be pretty solidly aroace (aromantic and asexual)!
2 - i tried out the label quoiromantic for quite a while, but honestly it just... didn’t fit. i’m a person that likes labels and the vibes of “idk what the difference between romantic and platonic attraction are” didn’t really... fit, after a while, for me, personally!!
8 - oh BOY oh BOY!!! aro headcanons!! one aro headcanon i’ve seen quite a bit that i think is so cool is the headcanon that Dipper and Wendy from Gravity Falls are both aromantic! yes, i am very much aware that Dipper has a crush on Wendy and that Wendy dated people, but crushes are... weird, aroallo people exist and are, of course, amazing, experimenting and having one’s identity wibble and wobble around is also 100% a thing, and also also, let me have this please i love this hc so much.
9 - honestly it depends on the day. sometimes, i’m romance-favorable and read a bunch of cute romantic fics on ao3, and other days i filter out every category other than “gen” and i also filter out any and all ships that i can. generally, though, i’m more romance-indifferent than anything!!
13 - i’m just gonna drop the link to this lovely article once again! (i have been Searching for one of the posts i mentioned to a wonderful anon asker and i was not successful lol, rip)
17 - honestly, it just... it just gets exhausting seeing this idea pushed and pushed and pushed, that you need romance to be happy, that friendships are just a stepping stone towards a romance, that ultimately, romantic love is going to conquer all, that eventually, people just have to get a partner. amatanormativity is so pervasive in society that a few off-handed comments can make me feel weird about myself and my identity for a while, that’s not fun.
18 - :D figuring out that i’m aromantic was a trip and a half, but it cleared up so many things for me. crushes, for one! knowing and understanding that crushes are real but knowing that i don’t have to actually get one is a relief, having a crush sounds exhausting i don’t want one lol.
the community is also just... so, so wonderful. i posted a lil’ thing about aroallo people and it has 23 notes???? like! !!!!! that is The Most notes a thing of mine has ever gotten and the responses were all so nice. it’s also just really nice being able to even have a community, to see so many people commiserating about amatanormativity and having mutual, “Wait, This Is REAL?” moments i adore every aro person on this hellsite that makes content and shares it with the world.
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mcrmadness · 4 years
I still can't stop wondering why people don't like my comics so here we go again...
Do kids nowadays even read comics anymore? I mean that comics have always been a big part of my life, so much so that I wanted to be a comic book artist when I was younger. I drew my first own comics when I was about 9-10 years old (I haven't thrown any of those away ever).
My favorite of them all has always been Garfield and I've been a fan since I was a little kid. I also read Donald Duck a lot, actually I've wanted to buy the Finnish versions of Dona Rosa stories (they've been made into comic book albums) for some time now but I always forget about them.
Apart from those, I also "read" lots of Asterix as a kid - and watched the cartoons. Before I learnt to read, I used to just browse the pictures and from Asterix I have a few memories: often my dad would read the comics out loud to me and my siblings. I also had a big Asterix&Obelix cardboard poster on my door and I remember that it took me ages to realize that Asterix is not a child but just a small man. I just one day looked at it and was so disappointed when I realized him having moustache. I don't know how I suceeded at not seeing the mustache as a kid but I just remember being so disappointed that he was an ADULT. I wasn't too into the comics in the beginning but eventually was old enough to focus on them anyway.
I also owned one Rantanplan comi (I still have it) when I was a kid but I never really understood it. I think I was a teenager when I borrowed Lucky Luke comics from someone and understood the idea of them. Then I got a whole bunch of Lucky Luke and Rantanplan comics and now those are some of my favorites, especially the stories with Daltons and/or Rantanplan. Last summer I also found some Iznogoud comics from a market place, I had never read the comics (apparently there isn't even that many of them) but I used to watch the cartoon from tv so that's where I knew the characters.
So all this has affected my comic style and humour in comics a lot. I've always been into hilarious and funny comics, especially comic strips. I own some Batman comics etc. but those are always so difficult to get into. Mainly because I always have trouble telling characters apart from each other, but I like some of the stories a lot (e.g. The Killing Joke is damn good!) and I've been a Batman fan since I was 8 years old (thanks to the 60s Batman live-action series, I still love that one) altho I was maybe 17 or something when I bought my actual Batman comic book, just to give it a try. It has some original stories in it and it's one of my faves but because it's so old and only in black&white, I have so many problems keeping up with the stories as I never know who is who, unless it's clearly looking like one of the villains or (anti)heroes.
And now I started thinking about comics and how people do comics and I haven't really seen comics, that would kinda follow this old-school humorous style, anywhere anymore. Newspapers have tons of comics strips still today but most things that people upload to the internet are either longer comics or about mental health and such stuff, aka less funny overall. Or if not less funny, then just not in that certain category of comics that I so love and follow myself too.
I just wish I could come up with something original* myself too. I have maybe one original but it only works in English and I haven't posted it anywhere because I feel that it'd just go way over people's heads because it's again of that old-school comic humour and playing with puns. I might try posting it here eventually but idk, Tumblr is the worst what comes to comics. I have posted a few original comics here before already but hardly anyone seemed to notice them.
*By original I mean something else than fanart. I used to have OC's before but let's just say one of them worked when it was still the late 2000s but today it would not work at all; and the other one presented my old self and when I few years ago visited some old plans I had made about him, I wrote some long rant into the notebooks about why he is NOT what I originally had thought of him. But at least it helped me to see how strongly the heteronormativity was planted into my head too because all of my old comics were always about a guy falling for a girl. And after my own identity crises and such, I no longer wanted to have ANYTHING to do with such cheesy and annoying plots. I’m aroace myself but at the same time I cannot come up with an interesting aroace character because they should have something else to them and I can’t come up with anything interesting to draw about, so I have to stick to my fanart comics and self-comics, that don’t really interest anyone.
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