#and in a few months I'm done with that for good
s-awturn · 8 hours
Other Plans || F1 Grid
cw: babies being cute, still a little anguish, overcoming, deliverance (hehehehe) and I don't know what else to say. Spanish, French, and some poorly translated Dutch, blame Google.
starring: LH44, CS55, CL16, LN4, OP81, MV1,
a/n: I rarely get requests for part 2, so don't judge me if I'm excited here. I loved writing the first part and I hope to make the second part just as good.
f i r s t p a r t
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You never regretted leaving.
As you might have guessed, Lewis never called or cared and even though you knew he wouldn't call, it didn't hurt any less. You had hopes that he would care, that he would come around, but he never took a step towards you and you wouldn't make the first move. You and the baby — a healthy, restless girl —didn’t need him.
The first few months were not easy, by God, dealing with all the changes of pregnancy, the demands of work, as well as cleaning and organizing your home was the hardest thing in the world.
But it was all worth it when you held your little girl in your arms for the first time. Bree was beautiful and had powerful lungs, because she cried so loudly when you laughed with happiness at having her. Not even the fact that she had the same eyes as Lewis shook his happiness. She was yours, and nothing in the world would change that.
You, your mother and Bree were walking down one of the streets of London looking for Christmas decorations, Bree was on your lap, looking at everything curiously, you hadn't taken her to London yet, both because you wanted her to get used to the climate and the quiet life in Naples and because of fear, you still didn't feel ready to face Lewis, because you knew he was always in England, mainly in the capital.
“Mamma, look!” she pointed to the store across the street, with the Christmas decorations you were looking for. You gave a proud smile and kissed her cheek.
“Good job, little bee, let’s go get our colorful balls from Santa Claus” you crossed the street and due to carelessness, you ended up tripping over someone. “Oops, sorry, I didn’t y-...” you started to say, however your voice trailed off as you recognized fucking Lewis Hamilton.
“Y/N?” His eyes, identical to Bree’s, widened as he recognized you and the baby in your arms. You straightened up, hugging Bree against you.
“Lewis, how are you?” you said cordially, but there was no sympathy in your voice.
“Mhmm, Well, I'm fine... And you?”
“Wonderfully,” you remained impassive. “Well, Merry Christmas, Lewis,” you said, walking past him until your name was called by the pilot.
“I thought you would give me news...” he hesitated for a few seconds “news about her” Lewis’ eyes fell on Bree, who was looking at him with the same curiosity.
“And why should I, Lewis? You said you didn’t want to have a baby, that it would hinder your career.” You hit a nerve with Lewis, because since your departure, he couldn't help but wonder if he had done the right thing. “I had no obligation and have no obligation to give you news about my daughter.”
He came closer and you kept Bree away from him, you accepted and healed from the pain Lewis caused you, but you wouldn't allow him to do the same to your sweet little girl. Bree didn't deserve to be hurt by Lewis's selfishness.
“She’s mine too, Y/N, you can’t stop me from seeing her” he said and you finally lost your patience, so you asked your mother to take Bree to the store, you would meet them in a few minutes.
“Don’t use that horrible argument with me, Lewis Hamilton!” you pointed your finger in his face. “You made it clear that you didn’t want her! You never called to find out about her, not for me or my mother, so don’t come with ‘she’s mine too’ because I won’t fall for that! You didn't even think twice before saying you didn't want her! And now you want to demand your rights? What the fuck rights do you think you have?”
He took a step back, Lewis didn't expect you to have such an intense outburst of anger.
“Y/N, I-I wanted to turn things around, go after you,” he bit his lip, thinking about how to continue, “but I was embarrassed... But now I'm willing-...”
“But I’m not willing, Bree doesn’t need you, I don’t.” you said emphatically “My daughter doesn’t need you, your regret or anything that comes from you!”
He tried to articulate some sentence, but no sound came out of his mouth.
“Oh, that is if you have any shame, of course. But don’t worry, when Bree grows up, I’ll tell her about you and she’ll decide whether she wants you in her life or not.” You assured “Until then, continue being the ghost you have been for these two years”
And without giving him a chance to respond, you follow your mother and Bree into the store, trying to ignore the panic that was ravaging your entire body, you felt like you were about to faint. But hearing Bree's spontaneous, sweet laugh was like feeling a cool breeze on a hot day; you didn't know how, but you were sure that Lewis would stay away.
And you didn't lie, Bree didn't need him, and neither did you. Your job was more than enough to maintain and take care of all of Bree's needs, you didn't lie when you said he wasn't needed, in nothing.
Finally you could sleep peacefully knowing that Lewis was what he wanted to be in your lives, a shadow.
On the sidewalk, Lewis saw you enter the store and through the window, he could see you and Bree together, it was clear how much the little girl was loved and well cared for. Lewis tried to imagine what the two years he had lost of his life, of the life of the daughter whose name he didn't even know, had been like. He thought of all the little moments he had missed.
There were few things Lewis truly regretted in his life, and letting you go and not being able to see Bree grow up was, without a doubt, the biggest regret he carried.
Sometimes you wondered how you had the courage to consider the idea of giving your twins up for adoption. You weren't lying when you said that the twins were the best part of your life. At five years old, the identical twins made your days in the French capital — the city you moved to after breaking up with Carlos — much happier and more joyful.
You didn't even care if the two of them were little carbon copies of the Carlos; Santiago, the older twin, seemed to have inherited much of Carlos' personality, he was a little reserved and even shy and loved board games, preferred books to any electronic game and loved football, while Martín had a lot of you in him, expansive and restless, your youngest son loves logic games like Rubik's cube and puzzles and was completely addicted to any kind of racing.
And they were little fanatical Atlético de Madrid fans, which you found sweet irony.
And it was this love for the Spanish club that convinced you to take them to Spain, so that the two could watch the Madrid Derby at the Cívitas Metropolitano, Atlético's official stadium in the city of Madrid. Thanks to your work as a digital influencer, you could give your twins the experience of watching the game directly from the stadium's box.
“C'est le meilleur cadeau d'anniversaire au monde! Merci maman!” (This is the best birthday present in the world! Thanks mommy!) Martín said, hugging you before running to the fence and seeing the field, where the players were warming up.
“Tu es la meilleure au monde, maman” (You are the best in the world, mommy) Santiago said before joining his brother at the railing. You sat down next to Andie.
“I didn’t think you were serious when you said you were going to bring them to Madrid just to watch the game,” her best friend said, also keeping her eyes on the twins.
“It’s their birthday and I had to come to Madrid anyway for work, so I thought I could combine business with pleasure... And I don’t plan on stopping my boys from having good experiences because of Carlos.”
In five years, you never received a text or call from Carlos to see how the twins were doing, or to see how you were handling things. Since their birth, it had been you, the twins, and Andie —she moved to Paris as well. You weren't lying, the first few months were horrible, you truly believed that you wouldn't be a good mother or be able to take care of two babies at the same time.
But Andie was an angel to you and your boys, helping you through the best and worst times. So much so that before long, Carlos was just an old and unwanted memory in your life.
When the game went into halftime, you and Andie took the boys to the snack bar in the box to get something to eat. You hadn't noticed that you were being watched since you entered the diner, Carlos had seen you, Andie and the boys entering. The pilot didn't expect to find you there, especially with two boys who looked like they were five years old.
Without thinking twice, he approached, keeping his eyes on the boys who wore Atlético shirts and their names on the back.
Santiago and Martín.
“Y/N?” he said fearfully, catching her attention. Carlos saw surprise flash in her eyes, but as quickly as it appeared, it was replaced by icy indifference. "How long"
“That’s right, it’s been a long time.” You placed your hands on the boys’ shoulders, aware that they were both shocked.
“C'est Carlos Sainz” Martín spoke softly to Santiago with wide eyes, not that Carlos was his favorite pilot, but the boy didn't expect you to know the pilot.
“These are Martín and Santiago, my sons.” You said, introducing the boys, watching the astonishment appear on Sainz’s face.
“What’s up guys? Enjoying the game?” he said, after a few seconds of shock. You knew what was going on in his head, Carlos was doing the math.
“We don’t talk to Real Madrid fans,” Santiago said with indifference and pulled Martín away from Carlos. You were so surprised that you laughed out loud, watching Carlos’ discomfort grow even more.
“I’m going after the brats and… And I think you guys need to talk,” Andie said, following the twins back to the to their seats.
You turned completely to Carlos, for a long time you missed him, especially when you wanted him to see the boys' first steps or when they spoke for the first time. You wanted him to see how special and good your children were, but he never cared.
It took a while, but eventually it stopped hurting.
Since then, all you felt was pity, because Martín and Santiago were absurdly adorable, loving and incredible children, anyone who could have them in their lives was lucky as hell.
“I didn't think I would go through with the pregnancy" he said and you sighed.
“And I wasn’t going to, but everything changed when I held them in my arms for the first time... I knew I could never leave them” you said and a smile appeared on your face.
“My parents would love to meet you... I would like to-” He starts to say but you interrupt him, already tired of that conversation.
“You wouldn’t like anything, Carlos, you have nothing to offer my boys but abandonment and cowardice,” you replied harshly.
He swallowed hard, Carlos looked embarrassed and regretful, but you didn't care, just like he didn't care about leaving you alone in that hospital.
“Y/N please understand, I wasn’t ready and-”
“I wasn’t either, Carlos,” you interrupted him, having no patience for his excuses. “I was simply thrown alone, in the middle of the hurricane, so if that’s your excuse, improve it.”
Your gaze towards him was hard, there really was nothing that could justify abandoning him.
“If it weren’t for Andie, I don’t even know where I would be right now! Maybe they’d both be in an orphanage or something, living on the streets.” Your voice was forceful, punishing, and accurate. “I almost, almost acted like a coward with them too, but I remembered that they had already lost their father, they couldn't be without their mother too.”
Carlos hunched over slightly, like you had just hit him in the face and damn, he wished you had.
“I will tell them about you, everything they want to know and if they want to look for you, I will not stop them, but until then, do not think that your presence near them will be welcome”
And you went back to where Andie and the boys were, you were surprised to notice that Martín hadn't taken his eyes off you for a moment. Your protective little boy...
You swallowed a painful sigh and stopped the tears from welling up in your eyes.
“Est-ce qu'il t'a fait du mal, maman?” (Did he hurt you, mommy?) He asked as soon as you sat down, you gave a calm smile and denied.
“It’s okay, honey, don’t worry.” you assured, sliding your fingers through his hair, Martín kept his eyes on you. “Are you enjoying the game?”
“Damn!” he said excitedly and you narrowed your eyes.
“What language is that, young man?” you asked, and he smiled as if he had been caught red-handed.
“It was an accident, mommy... Don't be mad, please,” he asked, making the same lost puppy face that Carlos had. My God, you thought it was impossible for them to look so much alike, but the twins were in fact carbon copies of Carlos.
“Go watch the game, I’m watching you” he nodded and ran to Santiago’s side, you sighed and saw Andie sit next to you. “I thought it would be worse”
“Me too... But you did well, to be honest, I thought you were going to throw the chair at him” Andie confessed and you laughed.
“Almost... I'll tell them the truth when we get back to Paris... And I'll let them decide whether they want to approach him or not.” you said, trying to keep your nervousness from setting in ahead of schedule. You would deal with the consequences when they came, that moment was just about the boys, would not spoil it with anxious thoughts and nervousness.
On the other side of the box, Carlos couldn't pay attention to the game, his mind was divided between the game and you and the twins. Carlos thought about how selfish he had been, he thought about how he would like to go back in time and change everything, to be able to live every little moment with you and the boys.
Carlos would like to be less stupid, but there was no way anymore.
After almost seven years, you were back in France, your parents were asking — or demanding, depending on your point of view — that you and Vivienne spend Mother's Day in the south of France. It was the first time since Vivienne was born that you had returned to Europe and although you loved the feeling of being home again, you couldn't help but be apprehensive, after all you didn't know if you were prepared for the possibility of meeting Charles. But you didn't let those thoughts ruin Vivienne's experience, the girl looked like she was going to explode at any moment with so much happiness.
The two of you took the train from Paris to Bordeaux, and Vivienne couldn't tear herself away from the window, enchanted by the romantic landscape of the French countryside, she commented on every little thing, unable to contain the excitement that made her shine.
“Let’s go to the dining car, amour, You need to eat.” You called her, trying to attract the girl’s attention, who seemed much more interested in the castle that disappeared through the train window.
“Will there be croissants, maman?” Vivienne finally turned away from the window.
“Of course, amour. Let’s go before they eat it all, shall we?” you led her out into the hallway, Vivienne chattered on and on, listing the things she had liked the most so far, that's why she still made a point of greeting the other passengers.
“It’s more beautiful here than Montreal, Mom...”
“Would you like to live here?”
She stopped in the hallway for a few seconds before turning to you, the indecision was clear on her little face “I don’t think so, I would miss home... And my friends, but we can come on vacation?”
“We can come to France whenever possible, amour.” you assured her.
The dining car was half full, but that wasn't what caught his attention, but rather coming across such familiar crystal-clear eyes. You knew the chances of meeting Charles in France were 50-50, but you didn't expect it to happen so quickly; suddenly you remembered why you spent so long away from your homeland. You saw Charles' smile disappear and his gaze fall on the girl in front of him, who, although she didn't look exactly like him, carried many of Leclerc's features in her own features.
“Let's sit at the table by the window, okay maman?” Vivienne asked, skipping over to the empty table, she didn’t even look to the side as she passed Charles.
"Of course, papillon, (butterfly) we can sit wherever you want.” You said, thankful that your voice came out steady, without showing the mess that was inside you.
You made Vivienne sit with her back to Charles, listening to the girl talk excitedly about the fields full of vineyards and the lavender plantations. Vivienne knew from the age of five because it was just you and her, you didn't want to wait too long to tell her the truth behind why just you were the one who went to the Father's Day presentations at her school. You remembered the pain tearing through your chest as you comforted your little girl who went to sleep crying for weeks on end, or all the times she asked why her father didn't like her. You wouldn't let anything bring that pain to Vivienne again, even if you had to throw Charles Leclerc out the train window.
“You’re not the waiter.” Vivienne’s inquisitive voice snapped you out of your reverie and you looked up to find Charles standing next to your table. Panic spread through you like wildfire. Vivienne knew that the man standing next to the table was her father, you didn't do much to hide it. “If you’re not the waiter, why did you come?”
“You have your mother’s sharp tongue,” he said, and you noticed the shadow of a smile on his face. “I’m Charles—”
“Leclerc, I know, I watch TV” she said, crossing her fingers on the table, you blinked a little dazed and took control of the situation, Vivienne didn't need to face a situation like that, not with you around to protect her, as you had been doing since her birth.
“What do you want, Charles?” you questioned seriously, the seven years away from him made you create a strong shield against the pilot's charm. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked at you, there was no anger or contempt in his gaze, it had taken you the same seven years to understand that it had all been a huge failure in communication, however, that did not allow this to cause any more harm to Vivienne.
“I...” he stuttered, his gaze going from you to Vivienne without stopping “I came to greet you and...” he left the sentence hanging in the air, waiting for you or your daughter to reveal her name.
“You don’t need to know my name,” Vivienne said and your eyes widened.
You saw Charles' mouth open in pure astonishment, if you weren't expecting an answer like that, imagine him.
“What do you want, Charles? I don’t remember inviting you to join us,” you teased, enjoying his discomfort. You could forgive what had happened years ago, after all it wasn't anyone's fault he didn't want kids, but you fucking couldn't forget how it destroyed Vivienne for weeks. “Your girlfriend is waiting for you, and you are disturbing us.”
“Y/N I wanted to say that I'm sorry that all of this happened and...” his voice becomes a weak and distant thread, you just shake your head and raise your hand.
“There is nothing to be forgiven, Charles. That's in the past, there's no reason to bring it up again," you said sincerely, letting out a tired sigh. You wanted it to end soon, you wanted to get to Bordeaux soon. “Forget about it, leave everything in the past and go back to your girlfriend, we've been fine the last seven years without you, the next seven will be even easier, don't waste time worrying about us, we don't need you.”
He hadn't meant to be cruel or rude, but he wouldn't allow a sliver of it to reach Vivienne. Charles just nodded and walked away, you looked at Vivienne, who had tears in her eyes.
“Ma princesse,” you grabbed her hand, watching the little girl swallow her tears and give a weak smile.
“It’s okay, mom, I have you, it’s okay,” she said and went back to looking at the landscape through the window. You noticed that Charles had left. “I don’t need a father who didn’t want me”
You left the chair you were in and went to hug Vivienne, letting the girl feel how much she was loved, how much she didn't need Charles “I'm so proud of you, darling, so proud”
Outside, Charles was hyperventilating, he hadn't expected it to end like this, nor had he expected it to feel like a punch to his stomach. Suddenly, he questioned whether the choices he had made over the past seven years were good. But it didn't matter anymore, he had lost you and any chance of having... Having a family he never wanted.
It was already too late.
Jordan looked at the cupcake with bright eyes, you wanted to cry when you saw the smile on your little boy's face. It was late afternoon and you wanted Jordan to be able to celebrate his first birthday on the beach, creating sand castles and playing with water.
“Happy birthday, my baby, I wish you to be blessed with happiness and love throughout your life.” you whispered, helping him blow out the candle. Jordan chuckled, grabbing the icing, smearing the blue sweetness all over his face. You let Jordan play in the sand and thought about everything that led them to that little beach in Spain.
After breaking up with Lando and receiving a court order that he didn't want to be related to you or the baby, you didn't know what to do with your life, I had a college degree, good internship experiences, but no one would hire a pregnant woman. With limited options and no support network, you've relied on the most unstable form of work: the internet. Your life wasn't the most glamorous or adventurous in the world, but people enjoyed watching you. You didn't care about fame or being known in places, you just wanted to make sure you could take care of the baby, make sure he always had a roof over his head and food on the table. No matter what shit you would do to make sure Jordan lacked for nothing.
Anything but crawling after Lando, begging for help or whatever the hell he could give.
You let Jordan play until he got tired, and only when the boy was almost asleep in the sand, you picked him up and decided to go back to the hotel. You balanced Jordan on your lap as you searched for your room key when you heard your name being called. You didn't expect to find Lando Norris in the lobby of the hotel you were staying at.
Not even by a miracle.
“What do you want here, Norris?” you asked, but you didn’t give him time to answer, you just continued on your way to the elevator. You heard him follow you and kept Jordan out of his sight.
“I want to talk to you,” he said tentatively. You stood in the opposite corner of the elevator, as far away from Lando as possible. “Is it his birthday?”
“And why does that matter to you, Norris? You’re nothing to him,” you said dryly, giving him a hard look.
He didn't even know what to answer, you couldn't understand what he was doing there, not after a year and seven months, not after that damn letter. What did he want there? Guarantee you wouldn't ask him for money? Ridiculous.
“If you want to know if I need your money, don’t worry, we don’t need anything from you”
Lando exhaled, you wouldn't give him a step, leaving him frustrated.
“I didn’t come for this... I know you’re... You’re dealing with everything well, I wanted...”
“What do you want, Norris? To see if I'm trying to scam someone to support my son? Being a gold digger?”
“Y/N I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, been...”
“What do you regret? Saying that I got pregnant so you could support me? That I wanted to pull the pregnancy scam on you? Or have you come to give me another court notice to deny your parentage with Jordan? If that's the case, don't worry, if it's up to me, your name will never be on Jordan's birth certificate.”
If shame had a portrait, it would be Lando's face.
“Please understand my side...”
“Your side, Norris? I was pregnant and you sent me away!!” you growled, trying not to wake Jordan in your arms. “I didn’t want money, I wanted support! I wanted you!”
You scoffed at the tears in his eyes, none of them made up for the times you cried alone, scared of the uncertain future you could have. If he thought you would be moved by his crying, he couldn't be more wrong. The elevator doors opened and you walked out, not caring about him following you.
“I’m sorry, I was scared!”
“I was too!” you lost your patience and heard Jordan’s whimpers. “Were you scared? Don’t be a hypocrite, Lando.”
“Let me... Let me apologize, let me take care of you two.”
“You can swallow your apologies, they’re worth nothing to me or Jordan, and as for your care…” you laughed “I won’t tell you what to do with it out of respect for my son.”
And with that, you slammed the door in his face. Hoping that Lando would go back to the same place he had come from.
Just as nothing hurt you more than Max's distrust, Annelise's birth healed you in immeasurable ways. The little girl became the little Sun in your world, illuminating corners you thought you would no longer visit after the breakup with Max.
When you left his house in Monaco, you spent a few days on standby, thinking about what to do, you had no one else to support you. You didn't know how, but before you knew it, you were standing on Sophie's doorstep in Belgium, you didn't expect to have the support of your ex-mother-in-law, but Sophie welcomed you with open arms, outraged by Max's attitude.
Sophie welcomed you as if you were her own daughter, helped you choose an apartment in Brussels — even though she wanted you to stay with her for as long as it took, she helped you in the first few months after Annelise was born.
Now, two years later, Annelise was spending so much time at her grandmother's house that Sophie had set up a room for her.
“Sophie, for God’s sake, don’t spoil Anne like that,” you scolded her, seeing the woman click her tongue and shrug, you knew your sermons would do no good, Sophie would continue buying gifts for Annelise.
“Nah, it’s nothing big and you know I’m not stopping any time soon,” she admitted, bouncing the little girl on her lap, Annelise was very entertained by the new teddy bear Sophie had brought. “How was the job interview? Did you get the job?”
You had applied for a job at the health center near your home, the hours were great, the pay was worth it, you just needed to find someone to look after Sophie.
“I was selected, but I need to find a good nanny to take care of Anne...”
“Y/N don’t be silly, you know I will take care of Anne with the greatest pleasure, I love taking care of her.”
“Sophie, I don’t want to give you any trouble...” you started to try to argue.
“Mom! I’m home... Y/N?” you saw Max standing in the middle of the room, staring at you in surprise, then looking at Annelise on Sophie’s lap.
“Max, you didn’t tell me you were coming, come in, I made your favorite cake, go get it from the kitchen, dear” Sophie said, she knew you weren’t ready to talk to Max yet, but the Dutchman had different plans.
You held your arms out to Annelise, who didn't think twice before jumping into your lap, you did your best to avoid Max's gaze.
“We’re going, Sophie... I’ll let you know when we get home,” you said in a whisper and crossed the room towards the exit, but Max grabbed your bicep, stopping you from leaving.
“We need to talk, Y/N... Just five minutes, please,” he said quietly, as soothingly as he could.
“We have nothing to talk about, Max.”
“Please, just five minutes,” he begged, giving Annelise a quick glance in his lap.
“Five minutes, no more.” You said, releasing your arm from his grip. “Sophie, can you take Anne please?”
“Of course, it’s no sacrifice for me, is it, mon bebé?”
Finally you and Max were alone, you were uncomfortable to the point that your skin felt itchy.
“I didn’t expect to see you here… I thought you would stay in Monaco”
“I had nothing to keep me in Monaco, I saw no reason to stay there, and Sophie welcomed me as if I were her daughter,” you said, putting your hands in your coat pockets. “Get to the point, Max, I have to go...”
He licked his lips nervously. “I wanted to talk about our daughter.”
“No, no, calm down, you don’t have a daughter, at least not with me, Annelise is my daughter and mine alone, your participation in her conception was purely accidental.” You said it without any emotion.
“I know I said stupid things that night, Y/N, but I want to make up for every single one of them, with you and with the girl” he said and you scoffed.
“Oh really? And what makes you think you have any right to her?”
“Y/N I’m her father” he said patiently, as he always was with you, until that night at least.
“Unless you request a DNA test, there is nothing to prove your paternity over Annelise,” you determined, taking a step towards him, “and don’t think I’m an idiot, Max, you always knew I was in Brussels with your mother, Sophie told you that the same day I arrived, because I highly doubt she didn't give you the biggest lecture of your life that night.”
He looked away, proving his point “and yet you never cared, you didn’t come to her birthday, or call when she had pneumonia, you didn’t even know her name until today, So please don't lie to me saying that you regret it or that you want to be a part of her life.”
You pressed your fingers to your temples, already feeling the pains of the inevitable migraine.
“Annelise will eventually find out about you, but until then, don't go near her, I won't allow you to be cruel to my daughter the way you were to me.” That was your final sentence before you went to get Annelise with Sophie. You didn't want to have to share oxygen with him any more than necessary. Max belonged to a past you didn't want to revisit.
He stood still in place, watching you leave with the girl, without giving you another look.
“There are stupid people, and then there’s you, Max,” Sophie said, approaching her son. “I find it absurd how you inherited Jos’s worst traits...”
He couldn't help but agree, Max was fucking dumb.
taglist: @spngi, @monacosprince, @camelliaflow3r, @simbaaas-stuff, @bsammy, @sabrinaselina55, @irenkaproszepana , @avni-sarai, @itsapurrfectstorm, @janeh22, @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs, @llvstrous099, @gotthemilk-69, @ladscarlett, @daemyratwst, @anewpersonthatexists, @loohs-world, @sarcastic-nerd
Some who requested to be tagged on the taglist unfortunately could not be located, if I forgot someone, please complain on ask, thank you, management.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO S-AWTURN™ 🪐. I do not allow copying or republication. Any unauthorized publication will be reported.
226 notes · View notes
brucewaynehater101 · 3 days
I’d love to see more of the Emotional Marks AU. I want to see the reveal and the Bats having the realization that just because they’re doing better /now/, it doesn’t fix the damage they did before. And that they can’t force things to heal. Healing takes time.
Post being mentioned is here
What I'm curious about is if it's a human only thing or if others (like Kyrptonians, Martians, Atlanteans, etc.) also get marks.
Anyways, here's some more stuff I thought of. As always, take as little or as much as you'd like of it ^^
Tim never takes off the object hiding his marks, even for himself. It's part habit and part desperation to never see how much his loved ones have actually hurt him.
He's unique in that he isn't sure where most of his marks come from. People usually see the marks within 24 hours of their appearance. Tim has gone years between seeing his own marked skin.
As I've stated before, the object works like glamor. Therefore, those with enough magic power would be able to see past it. This is part of why Tim wanted pants for the Robin uniform (any magicians working with Robin would see the moment they saw any of Tim's bare skin). Tim is very lucky the marks on his face only appeared a bit before he became Red Robin (and part of his reason for the cowl).
Marks typically stay away from the face. They only appear there if symbolically significant or if the marks are running out of space elsewhere on the body. Bart and Kon dying really did a number on Tim even though it wasn't their fault.
YJ and Dick have helped soothe some of the marks left behind by the Drakes (and Bruce too if you want good dad Bruce). Quite a bit have even fully disappeared due to them.
Tim still collected them like Halloween candy, though.
Major marks and their placement [though feel free to offer different ideas]:
Bruce calling Tim "Jason" - x on the back of neck
16th birthday - Major gash on right temple hidden by hair
Janet dying - splintering cracks along hand (bigger version of the one Janet fakes)
Jack coma then death - line in left calf then up to mid back of thigh
Bart dying - right side from under armpit to end of ribs gash
Kon dying - giant oval over sternum
Jason's TT attack - left foot/ankle cracks
Damian's attacks - stomach area
Losing Robin - largest slash diagonal across back (left shoulder to right hip)
There's more marks, but the ones on his face are caused by people not believing in him [this is not a "they should have" argument. It would have hurt regardless of what they should have done]
Hmm... So, the reveal? I'm thinking a magician. This would be after Tim switches back to just a mask and no cowl. His face marks would be on display for magicians but no one else. He, wrongly, assumed he'd be fine.
He's playing nice with the Bats at this point, even if he doesn't fully trust them. He loves them and wants to keep the peace. He'd never voluntarily show them his marks or tell them about it.
The Bats are being nicer under the idea that their assumptions about markless were incorrect. It weirds Tim out and usually has him ghosting them for a few days if they try to initiate feeling conversations with him. He kind of wishes they would just go back to normal.
It's a few months of this behavior before some magician makes a remark about Tim's facial marks. Something along the lines of, "You okay, Red? You're aware of how dangerous it is for marks to progress as far as the face, right?"
Cause what happens when there's no more room for marks? Drastic decrease in physical health. Could lead to death.
The Bats overhear and promptly freak the fuck out again.
Tim, who has been dealing with their bullshit for the last few months and doesn't want to deal with the confrontation, disappears. He's waiting for them to process their shit before returning [he loves them but does not want to be caught in that fucking whirlwind. Bats notoriously do not handle emotions well]
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Making Love Casualties
COD Men Headcanons
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Finally being able to make love after a few months of him being gone on deployment
He has you on your stomach, hand full of your hair
But he pulls your head and he leans forward only for the back of your head to collide with his nose
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” He stops and holds his nose back from bleeding
“Shit, König.” Y/n had gotten off the bed and heads to the bathroom and go grab a rag, she brings it under his nose trying to contain the blood from spilling out of his nose
“I didn’t mean to pull you that hard, or lean forward,” he says
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Having him under you as you finally get to ride him for the first time in a while
The TV playing in the background, and the TV playing in the…background.
“Huh?” You jump and look down at Ghost.
“You okay? You stopped.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m…I’m fine,” her eyes say otherwise, they were looking at the TV and what was on the TV Impractical Jokers
“Love? We can stop to watch this if you want?”
“What? No, Simon it’s okay, I’ll turn it off.” She grabs the remote but doesn’t turn it off, instead Ghost pulled her off him and they both just ended up watching the rest of this one Impractical Jokers episode
(That was inspired by Tara Yummy stopping her make out session just to watch Impractical Jokers)
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You seemed bored
Were you not feeling it anymore?
“Hm?” You questioned looking up at him.
“Should we stop? Are you feeling it anymore?”
“…I…I wasn’t going to say anything but…yeah, I’m not in the mood anymore. I don’t know what happened. I was all for it and now, I’m not…I’m sorry John.”
“It’s okay, love, we can stop and we can do this another time. We won’t continue.”
Unfortunately there are those days were you’re just not feeling it anymore. Price doesn’t get mad he completely understands and doesn’t push you
If you’re done, you’re done
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Soap was getting into role play
His idea was to do Mafia and Civilian and you were the civilian
You very much questioned this, mainly why now? And why this out of everything else?
Soap had you on your back legs to your chest, a knife in his hand, licking the blade like a fucking psycho
And out of fear.
“RED!!” You yell. Soap stops and drops the knife to the ground.
“I can’t, that fucking scares me, Soap you can get carried away and you didn’t seem like you were playing.”
“I’m sorry, Bonnie, you wanna stop or try something else?”
“Something else, nothing with weapons please.”
“Okay, okay.”
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Alejandro came back into the bedroom after setting the kids down for the third time tonight.
He just wants to make love to his wife one last time before he has to leave for deployment
Y/n laid on her side, leg up over Alejandro's shoulder as he is pounding into her, her head goes back landing on her pillow
"God, you look so good like this," Alejandro coos into her ear.
"F-Faster," she begs, he smirks and does what she asks, this night is pleasing his wife before he leaves.
"SANTI!" Y/n shot up and pushes Alejandro off the bed, he takes the duvet with him to the ground and lands on the hard wood floor with a groan.
"Ow," he mumbles.
"Santi, what's wrong?" Y/n asks, holding the think bedsheet to her chest.
"I heard yelling," he sounded upset, thank god the room was dark but the only light shined into the room was the light from the hallway Santiago must've turned on.
"Oh baby," Y/n grabbed a t-shirt and boxers off the floor and quickly rushed to her son, picking him up and taking him back to his bedroom to comfort him.
Alejandro laid on the floor for a little bit before grabbing sweatpants and heading to his sons room to try and beat around the bush on what was going on
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Gaz hated this, seeing you wearing such a pretty dress
You two were getting ready to head to the annual ball, you looked so gorgeous and Gaz couldn't look away from you
"Gaz?" You say looking at him.
"Huh? What I'm not paying attention," he was honest.
"Are you ready?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Gaz says as they went to his car and drove to the ball or the place were the ball was being held at
Gaz stops the car and parks, Y/n was ready to get out but Gaz leaned over and locked the door.
"Stay here for a little bit," he says.
"But should we go inside? I see Price," she says, pointing her thumb to Price walking inside
"No, just for a little bit," he says, leaning forward and kissing Y/n's lips.
The car rocked back and forth, Y/n on her stomach ass up and Gaz was hitting her from behind, moans filled the car along with the sound of skin slapping against each other, Y/n felt herself tighten around Gaz
He moans and felt himself twitch inside of Y/n as they both came their was a knock on the back window, Y/n jumps and Gaz kept cool
"Fuck...I think we're been caught," he says.
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Alex loves his garden don't get me wrong, but he doesn't love it more than you
You came to help Alex in his garden, pulling weeds and picking veggies and fruits that were ready to be picked
Alex looks over at Y/n and sees dirt on her knees, sweat dripping from her forehead, and arms
"Alex, are these ready?" She asks, looking over at him.
"Yeah, yeah, baby," he says, her floppy hat covered her eyes and he could just barely see her soft smile. This was their personal time together besides their bedroom, but helping each other with their own hobbies, Alex's garden and Y/n's art projects.
"Baby, can...you come here really quick?" Alex says.
"Sure," she gets up and sits next to him, his hands immediately go to her waist and pulls her to his lap
"Alex?" He doesn't say anything but instead kiss her neck, she let's out a soft moan. "Alex, n-not here."
"Why not? It's our property," he says with a smirk on his face.
Alex has Y/n on her back, her small tank top pushed up to her chest exposing her bare breasts, her shorts and panties were somewhere in the garden as Alex was no pants and his dark gray t-shirt was covered in sweat
"Fuck me, baby, you feel so tight," he moans.
She moans and turns her head to hide her face from Alex, she opens her eyes to see her elderly neighbors come out of their home. She panics and starts hitting Alex's shoulders.
"Alex, Alex, Alex, stop, stop," she repeats.
"What? Why?" He turns and sees his neighbors. "Oh? Hi, neighbors," Alex says.
"Alex," Y/n groans.
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drunkonh20 · 3 days
Winning Hearts in the Ring.
A/N: yours truly is back, i'm working and my shifts are pure shit, but imma make up for it folks.
modern day AU boxer Sevika, because we all want to see that, and thanks for my special anon for this request i hope i did you justice.
"C'mon Y/N it's gonna be fun, you promised you would come with me!!" Your friend whined as she takes your arm and shakes you gently. It is begining of autumn and your collage started which means s lot of studying because you are a third year of medical school and your intership starts as well, both for you and your friend actually. You two first met at the first day of classes, funny thing is you two are from the same town but never actually spoke until you two started collage. You first spoke only because you bumped into eachother while looking for your classroom. You remember it like it was yesterday.
"Y/N if you don't hurry up and find this damn classroom Mrs. Jackmann is gonna kill you." You thought to yourself as you were running up and down the hallways. Rushing and carrying your books at the same time because you, sadly, slept in this morning and forgot to pack your backpack. As you were right behing the corner you bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" You look up and see a blonde girl with such a soft face. "It's fine don't worry, I should be careful, it's just that if i don't find this class Mrs. Jacks-" "Mrs. Jackmann will kill me." You and the blond girl look at each other and started laughing. It was like fate, the universe wanted you two to become friends. "I'm Sonya, pleased to meet you fellow nurse." She puts her hand infront of you and you glady accept the greeting. "And I'm Y/N fellow colleague." You smile warmly at her. At that moment you knew you found your best friend and your soul sister.
"Pleeaseee I am begging you, I will go on my knees if I have to."
Sonya said as she was slowly getting on her knees beside you. "You can be a pain in my ass Sonya." You laugh as you typed into your laptop. You promised to go with her on a boxing match that is gonna be in a few days in the city. Sonya actually started training boxing and she wants to go to see the real deal for whats up for her. "Tell me when is this again?" You asked sipping on your coffee.
"It's on saturday at 8 pm, and don't you dare start the 'I have work to do' because we both know that you do not work on weekends because the doctors at the hospital love you and because of that they gave you every weekend off. Please Y/N I already got us tickets like a month ago." Sonya said with a straight face. When she wants something, she will go anything to get it, including you going with her. You stop typing for a moment, pretending to think about the situation. A small laugh escaped your lips and Sonya grabbed a pillow and smacked you with it.
"I KNEW YOU WOULD GO YOU LIL BRAT!" She laughed out loud, boy do you love to see her happy. After finishing your work you two hoppend onto a couch and watched your favorite show to end the night.
Fast forward to saturday.
"Y/N are you done in the shower??" You hear Sonya. "I'll be out in a minute!!" You said as you were done washing yourself. You went out of the bathroom smelling like a whole bath and body works. "For who are we smelling that good hmmm~?" Sonya teased and you just laugh it off, it's not like you would find a hot guy there right? You two girls got ready and went out of the apartment that you shared. It was a cozy little thing, made for two of you. It was a chilly night but you two thought it was a great idea to wear s dress, because why not eh. As the two of you got into Sonya's car you blasted your favorite songs and sang along as you were driving to the arena. While sitting in the passenger seat you look out the window and a jumbo poster catches your eye. It was a poster of the two boxers promoting todays match. At the same time by chance your music was cut by short commercal break.
"Tonight, the ring will burn as two elite boxers face off in a battle for supremacy! Join us for an electrifying night filled with intensity, skill, and heart. When: Tonight at 8:00 PM. Where: Eclipse Arena. Don’t miss your chance to witness history in the making! Hope you grabbed your tickets on time to be part of the action! Who will emerge victorious? Be there to find out!"
"OMG Y/N I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE ARE GONNA SEE IT LIVE!!! You will be amazed by this whole evening. Did I ever tell you that my favorite boxer Sevika is up in tonight finale??? Did I??" Sonya said happily and you just couldn't help but to smile because she was acting like a little child who saw a big rainbow lollipop at the store. "No you never actually told me who is your favorite boxer, but I will see her today." Just as you finished saying that you two pulled over at the parking lot of the Eclipse arena. And let me tell you, it was almost full to the brim, you were lucky to find a spot empty. You two got out and rushed to the main enterence of the big building. There was a lot of security, like a lot, with police also if someone decited to be dumb and start a mess. The line into the arena was huge, but thank God you were rushing so you weren't at the back.
"Tickets please." A strong, buff guy asked you two in a deep voice. Sonya gladly showed them in his face and the guy let's you in.
Entering a boxing arena to watch a match is an experience on a whole snother level. As you approach the venue, the anticipation builds. The sounds of chatter fill the air, mixing with the faint echo of gloves hitting pads in the background. Upon entering, you’re greeted by the vibrant atmosphere—bright lights that shine on the ring, filled with sponsors' logos. The scent of popcorn and hot dogs goes through the crowd. You and your friend navigate through the sea of fans, while others are animatedly discussing previous matches between the two finalists. Finally finding your seats, some smart assholes almost took your seats bit thank god Sonya basically has the additude to deal with people like them, you settle in as the energy pulsates around you. The crowd’s roar grows louder, especially as the fighters are about to be introduced. You truly never experienced something like this. It was exciting and adrenaline was rushing thought you like some kind of a drug. You see the host going into the right with a microphone in his hand. That's it, the two finalists are finally coming onto the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event of the evening! Get ready for an electrifying showdown as we present the finalists of this year’s championship! In the red corner, hailing from the heart of the city, known for her relentless drive and knockout power, give it up for the ferocious fighter, Sevika!"
Sonya basically goes wild, as she sees her idol with her own two eyes. You calm her down as much as possible so she doesn't faint from excitment. You look up the ring to see the host with the two boxers. He takes a minute so the crowd goes silent to introduce the second finalist.
"And in the blue corner, representing the pride of her hometown with an unmatched skill set, put your hands together for the formidable contender, Violet known as Vi! Tonight, they will battle it out for glory, honor, and the championship title! Let’s get ready to rumble!”
People being to scream as the match begins, the tension is electric. Every punch, dodge, and cheer from the audience intensifies the experience. You and your friend exchange reactions, riding the highs and lows of each round, caught up in the drama unfolding before you. The experience is more than just the match; it's the shared excitement between you and Sonya, and the unforgettable moments that make it truly memorable.
"GO SEVIKA KICK HER, YES, NO, YES SEVIKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????" Sonya got out of her seat to exam the situarion further. It looked like Sevika was loosing, but it was only the first round.
You just sat there in ave. You've never seen such a woman in your life. What captured your eyes was her left arm. It was a bionic arm. You thought what happend to her. "Hey Sonya, what happend to her arm?" You got closer to your friend as you asked the question. "She had an accident a few years ago, from what I read, her team wanted the best for her and they got a new technology for her arm. Sevika's bionic arm is a highly advanced prosthetic designed to mimic natural arm movements and enhance functionality, allowing her to perform tasks with precision and strength." She said never tsking her eyes off the ring. You just nodded as you continued to watch the match. After the first round it got even more intense. It was two for two now. The last match decited who is the new champion. Before the third and final round the host said that there will be a thirdy minute break.
"NO WHY, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT LONG." Sonya fake cried and laughed at the same time. You got out of your chair to grab some fresh air, sadly to you, you didn't know some boy was behing you, following you outside. You stood outside drinking your soda while listening to chatter around you, people commenting on the match.
"Heeeey there beautiful hehe." You turned around and saw a somewhat drunk guy covered with grease from hot dogs aeound his mouth. Ew, you though to yourself ignoring him. He slid his arm aound your waist, but there was someone else watching the situation from afar. "Why don't you wanna talk eh, the cat got your tongue or am did I take your breath away?" The creep smrked and you just wanted to punch him right there and then. Looking around for a security guy or police but there were none on sight. Great, how can you camly get out of this situation? "Look man I'm not interested just leave me alone please?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh now you can talk, why don't we go to my place after hmm little kitten?" You almost puked. Finally turning around to face him you were about to start explainging some stuff about manners when a figure got behind him.
"Didn't she say she is not interested?" Ylu looked up behind the dude and saw her. Sevika. You looked at her in awe. You examed her face closely. Sevika has an expressive face, marked by sharp features and intense gray eyes that show both determination and a hint of softness, but at this moment her eyes screamed bloody murder. "Get back inside or else I'm gonna carry you inside piece by piece." She stared down at him, right after the guy ran inside for his life. Sevika looks at you, you can se some bruises and some bloody marks on her face. She looks at youand smiles a bit. A small 'thank you' escapes your lips looking down to hide your blushing face. "Anytime beautiful." She smirks taking a cigarette out of her pocket. You look up to her side and see one bad cut on her face. "You know that cut will be needing a least four to five stiches."
"Oh yeah, are you a doctor?" She takes a puff.
"Well actually, I am.. almost." You smile st her. She looks at you and takes your face into the palm of her hand. "Well then, you will be the one who will stich me up darling." She said taking another puff. Never in your damn life have you felt like this, never has someone made you feel this kind of way when meeting them for the first time. You stutter finding words to say something, she looks at you again. "Gotta get back inside, hope to see you still there to watch me win beautiful." She winked and went back inside the venue. You couldn't believe what just happend. Sevika, THE Sevika saved your butt snd flirted with you tonight.
'Sonya will never believe what just happend.' You thought as you went after Sevika inside. You got back into your seat and saw Sonya talking to a boy prolly not even noticing that you were gone for the whole thirdy minutes.
As you sat down the bell rang. The finale match has begun. You saw Sevika getting up from her corner. She was looking for someone. When she finally saw you she just winked at you and you couldn't help but to blush again. Sonya looked st you. "Girl, what was that??? Did Sevika just winked at you?" "Sonya, I will explain it later just watch the match okay." You said never taking your eyes off of Sevika, praying to god she will win. "O you have some explaing to do at home young lady."
As the final round approaches, the atmosphere is electric, the crowd roaring with anticipation. Both Sevika and Vi are visibly exhausted, sweat glistening on their brows. The bell rings, and they charge toward each other, trading jabs and hooks, each punch a testament to their grit. Sevika started showing signs of fatigue, begins to retreat, but Violet aka Vi senses an opportunity. With precision, she unleash a series of powerful combinations, landing clean shots that echo through the arena. The crowd erupts with each strike, urging Sevika on. In this moment both you and Sonya started biting your nails from anixety In the last minute, Sevika digs deep, channeling their remaining strength. She respond with a surprising counter, landing a solid right hook that staggers Violet. Time slows as the two boxers exchange blows, each seeking to gain the upper hand. As the final seconds tick away, the fighters lean into their last efforts. With just seconds left, Sevika delivers a devastating uppercut, sending her opponent to the canvas. The referee counts, and the crowd holds its breath. At eight, Vi struggles to rise, but they can’t beat the count. The bell rings, and the referee waves it off. Sevika raises her arms in victory, is declared the winner, her corner erupting in celebration while Violet, though battered, nods in respect. The match ends, marking another chapter in their fierce rivalry. The host enters the ring for the last time.
"We are thrilled to announce that Sevika has emerged as the champion of the boxing championship! Her dedication, skill, and determination have truly set her apart. Congratulations to Sevika for this incredible achievement!"
Both you and Sonya screamed. You could see Sevika looking at you, breathing heavily and she just smirked. You look at her and smile while doing the thumbs up. She laughed at you, couldn't help it.
After a while the crowd gets outside and so do you and Sonya. While walking to your car and chatting about the match you see someone ahead of you. It was Sevika, leaning over to the side of your car.
"I was hoping I can get your number beautiful." You see Sevika leaning onto your car. She handled you a pen and paper. You glady accept it and write it with a little heart next to it. You gave the items back and look at her. "Someone will need to stich you up hm?" You teased and she smirks, while Sonya almost had a full on stroke in the background. "O young lady you have a lot of explainging to do. Btw hi Sevika, I'm Sonya, big fan." She waved her hand to her. Sevika laughs along side of you at this whole situation. As you both settled into the car, the tension of the moment shifted into something lighter. Sevika chuckled, glancing over at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what's your plan after the stitches?" she teased, raising an eyebrow. You smirked, feeling the chemistry crackle between you. "Maybe take you out for a drink, if you're up for it." Sevika's smile widened. "Count me in. Just don’t be surprised if I end up stitching you up instead." Sonya, still recovering from her shock, shook her head in disbelief. “This is going to be a story for the ages.”
As you drove off, the laughter and teasing continued, the night ahead full of possibilities, leaving you both eager for what was to come.
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yanderepuck · 2 days
Kinktober Day 4
AND WE'RE BACK FOR A FOURTH TIME. It's that lovely time of the year where I write mediocre smut with no plot for a whole month. So sit your ass down and take a few minutes to read some smut.
As always, kinktober is held by our local Napoleon simp, @xxsycamore
If you'd like to read the last three years, go here
Remember to reblog and tell me what you think
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Orgasm Control | Bondage
"Th-Theo please," you pant.
"Why should I?" he grabs hair from the back of your head and yanks your head back. His lips get close to your neck and for a moment you think he's going to bite you
"I'm in a bad mood. Why should you feel pleasure?"
You are sitting on his lap, naked, while he sits there fully clothed after coming back from work.
Your fingers dig into his thighs, moaning. You try to rock your hips to rub yourself against him but he quickly stops you.
"Theo.." you moan more and still try to fight against his hand. He does in fact let you go, but only to slap your ass
Your body jolts, not expecting it.
"Keep acting like an untrained pup and I'll make sure you don't cum for a month."
His fingers then come around to your front, grazing against your folds for you to get a taste of what you could have.
Your legs shake while your voice whimpers. It's already been a week of just teasing. You can take it much more.
"I-I'll be good. I promise. Please please please fuck me."
You're so desperate. You're already soaked. You'd try to hump him more but if you get his pants dirty he'll deny you even more.
His fingers press against you enough where you think he's finally going to finger you, but he doesn't.
"Get on your knees. If you can get me to cum I'll consider letting you."
You quickly get off of him, getting on your knees between his legs. He spreads his legs open more and undies his pants as you move closer to him.
Only within moments of getting his cock out is it in your mouth. He let out a groan of pleasure and watches you.
You're so eager. Already trying to get his full length into your mouth. What doesn't fit you wrap your hand around. You got his cock fully wet before you started bobbing your head.
Both of his hands grab your hair. You're expecting him to yank it, but he pulls it back and out of the way. He smooths out your hair, trying to get it all. He didn't have a ribbon or so he holds it there for you.
It makes it easier on you, but mainly he wanted the best view of your lips around his cock.
You moan a little as if to thank him. Then you look up at him, like you're looking for approval.
"You just started. I have nothing to praise you for."
You moan again and take nearly his whole cock out of your mouth and just suck the tip. He's about to complain but you have both hands on his shaft pumping him into you.
As he moans you swirl your tongue around the tip before swallowing him more.
"You can do better, hondje."
He pushes your head closer to him, making you take more.
You yelled a little, but with your mouth full it was muffled.
"You've done it plenty of times before. Or do you really not want me to fuck you?"
You look up at him like you're glaring. Obviously you want him, and clearly you're working your way up. He's so impatient when he's in a bad mood. But he can't be that much in a bad mood.
When he's truly in a bad mood he just throws you on the bed and fucks his frustration out. Oh the amount of times you've been left unable to walk once he's done with you. The amount of hickies and bruises left on you. You would rather have that right now.
Despite your attempt at a protest you push yourself closer and closer. Easing his cock down your throat. Sucking him off has gotten rid of any gag reflex you have. He's trained you more than you think.
Theo moans, tilting his head back. "I knew you could do it. Good girl. Now stay like that and keep him warm."
You try to whine. Your throat tightens and releases around him. Your fingers dig into his tights trying to force yourself to stay like that.
He twitches, making it harder. You feel your eyes watering.
"Aaand," he drags it out, smirking down at you. "Release."
The moment he says it, you pull back trying to breathe but he stops you from taking his whole cock out of your mouth. You're left with just the tip, panting.
Theo really did manage to train you with dog commands.
"Good girl, but you still haven't reached your goal. I'll give you until dinner."
You whine and immediately start sucking him again.
"Ungh. If you don't get me to cum I'll be really irritated."
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difeisheng · 10 hours
九龍城寨之圍城 | Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In (2024)
I rewatched this movie today, a month and a half after seeing it in theatres, and it was just as good as the first time if not better. Given that, I now have many thoughts on it so I'm subjecting y'all to listening to why you should watch it:
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Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In (九龍城寨之圍城 or gau2 lung4 sing4 zaai6 zi1 wai4 sing4) is a martial arts action/crime film directed by Soi Cheang. It is an adaptation of the manhua City of Darkness by Andy Seto, and its source novel of the same name by Yuyi. The film's cast has established Hong Kong names folded in with newer-generation actors, starring Raymond Lam, Louis Koo, Sammo Hung, Richie Jen, Terrance Lau, Philip Ng, German Cheung, and Tony Wu (Aaron Kwok gets a cameo role, too).
At a broad glance, the movie follows several major triads in 1980s Hong Kong and their power struggle to control the Kowloon Walled City (a densely populated urban enclave, which for decades evaded direct governance by either the British colonial or Chinese powers in the area). We're introduced to the KWC and the triads' major players through the eyes of Chan Lok-Kwun (Raymond Lam), a man fleeing Vietnam and attempting to make a life for himself in HK. He winds up seeking refuge in the KWC, and comes to call both the city and the people he meets in it a home worth defending.
The narrative itself is not the most complex, but if you enjoy '80s Hong Kong films in these genres, it's solid fare and a harkening back to that decade. All the major themes like brotherhood (and brotherhood vs blood), vengeance, and struggle with conflicting loyalties are there, alongside an internal search for identity and belonging within Hong Kong. But the highlight in it is that the plot connects feast after feast of utterly stunning fight choreography, made all the more impressive by the fact that, according to Louis Koo, quite a few major cast members had never filmed this kind of action before. All their training was done just for TotW, and oh, does it pay off. I can't make good gifs, so you'll have to watch and see for yourself. It's not action for action's sake, either; listening to the head stunt choreographer discuss how different characters' fighting styles were crafted shows off how fight scenes aren't breaks in the story, they tell the story, and deepen our understanding of the characters.
The setting of the Kowloon Walled City truly makes the action in TotW stand out. It's a unique space to stage all these major fights, as the KWC's buildings at the time were packed together close enough to resemble a singular block from the outside. Once inside, it's a stacked, dark maze of uneven paths, stairs, and rickety roofs, with electrical and television cabling snaking over/around/through everything. Fight scenes in these streets feel thrillingly claustrophobic, with lots of acrobatics and near-dodges as characters navigate these tight alleys of the KWC. Each impact as a character goes flying into a wall, or is launched down a flight of stairs or onto a roof, is wonderfully visceral to watch.
All credit and hopefully awards are due to the production and set design teams for their work, in crafting this environment for the story and its fights. The visual/spatial representation of the KWC is the film's other glorious highlight, alongside the choreography. Whole streets of the KWC were recreated for this, filled with every mundane, period-accurate detail from the lives of ordinary people who would have lived there. It's impossible to catch all the intricacies put into making the KWC come to life again onscreen, just from watching the film. Shots like the credits sequence offer close-ups of harder-to-see details, and videos like a tour of the KWC set by Terrance Lau, acting as his character Shin, show off things from the drinks in the fridge at the corner store to the scribbled writing on the walls by the public taps. This film was designed with a drive to faithfully represent what the Kowloon Walled City had been like, how it looked when it was lived in, and they achieved it to an incredible degree.
That dedication extends to more than just the sets, though. The emotional core of TotW revolves around the KWC's inhabitants, and how they were the ones who made the city what it was, a home for about 35,000 people at a time. The film doesn't treat the KWC as just an eye-catching location to stage some fights; its characters might be fictional and overloaded with jianghu powers, but it goes out of its way to show how ordinary people might have lived, worked, and socialized within the historic city. It shows off why, despite its (not unwarranted) dark reputation, so many chose to live in a place that was once the densest urban center on the planet.
And this brings us to the acting, because the cast all do a very good job bringing their characters to life as the heart of the KWC. Louis Koo is fucking fantastic and arguably the scene stealer of the film as Cyclone, the triad leader in current charge of the KWC. He's grumpy, magnetic, and dangerous when he must be, but he also cares so very, very deeply about the inhabitants within his jurisdiction. Terrance Lau's Shin acts as his charismatic and capable right hand man, as well as protégé to Cyclone, befriending Chan Lok-Kwun and helping him become accustomed to life in the KWC. These two, along with the snarky Twelfth Master (Tony Wu) and the masked + imposing AV (German Cheung) become a quartet with great chemistry and friendship, the next generation to watch over and protect the Kowloon Walled City. Outside the KWC cast, antagonist figures like Sammo Hung, Philip Ng, and Richie Jen's characters are intimidating and compelling as threats to the city, and the lives people have etched out within its walls.
All of these things put together, and Twilight of the Warriors is a deeply fun, enjoyable, and rewatchable film (so good, in fact, that Hong Kong has submitted it as its nomination for the 2025 Oscars). The movie doesn't lose its emotional throughline in the promise of an action-packed ride it fully delivers on, and it uses its narrative, setting, and choreography to pay tribute to an earlier era of Hong Kong, as well as highlight + humanize a piece of the region's history that might not be quite as well known to some.
(The Kowloon Walled City was demolished and its inhabitants relocated in 1993. The area where it once stood is now a park, with some historic buildings preserved. If you're curious about people in the KWC before demolition, City Of Darkness: Life In Kowloon Walled City (1993) by Greg Girard and Ian Lambot is a collection of photographs and first-hand recountings from residents, recording their lives and stories. I'm in the midst of reading it right now.)
If anything I've said has piqued your interest whatsoever, I say to give Twilight of the Warriors a try, if you have a free two hours to spare. Something in it will be worth it for you. And if I've failed to convince you with any of this, or you need one more push, here's the trailer for the film:
And if I did manage to actually get anyone to seek out this movie, please tell me! I'd love to know your thoughts.
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skufdaddyswansea · 3 days
I’m genuinely curious what you would do if you were in Curly’s shoes for the week leading up to the accident. This isn’t a malicious question, I’m just obsessing over his inaction because genuinely considering the circumstances, what could Curly have done to prevent the tragedy? They’re a few months in of a year long expedition— too late to turn back, too early to try and make it to the finish line— and your estranged best friend has done something unforgivable. There’s no temp jail on the ship either. You’re all being fired after this. There’s no way for Anya to get any sort of pregnancy care or an abortion procedure on the ship, and she may well give birth during the trip. It’s like… genuinely, what do you do?
It's hard to say when you're on the outside looking in. When you're looking at someone else failing to do something, and knowing the consequences, it's easy to say "Well, I would have done this differently." But obviously I'm not actually under the same pressure, with a clock ticking over my head or anything, yknow? So all I can say is what I hope I would do.
Ideally, I'd like to think I'd strip Jimmy of his rank. No access to the cockpit, to be accompanied at all times (or at least as much is reasonable. But then I don't know how successfully you can rope Swansea and Daisuke into going along with that.) I can't say how that would turn out for the long term, 8 months is a long time. Especially with everything else going on. So plenty of time for someone to slip up somewhere.
I'd also tell Anya she was welcome to sleep in medical room since it can lock. If I'm being honest she might even be able to convince me to give her the gun under the right circumstances, but I don't really think that's a good thing, that could just as easily become a disaster.
As for the pregnancy that's... much more difficult. There really isn't anything Curly could have realistically done about that by the time he found out. Especially because Anya herself is the nurse. Swansea could potentially have the experience to give her support there but tbh I get the feeling he wasn't particularly involved in that process with his kids either. (...Does Curly have kids?? This is making me realize we don't really know what his family life is like. I get the feeling he's a bachelor though, it probably would have come up if he had a family to worry about. Anyway.) I guess the only thing to do would be to make sure to actually check in on her and give what ever support is possible.
And again, who knows if any of that would have worked out for the better, or if I'd be able to stick to it. No matter what you do it's going to be a bad time.
I guess in the truly ideal situation he'd have spotted the red flags in Jimmy's behaviour and done something about it long before it reached that point, but there's no way he could have known how bad things were going to get that far in advance.
So I get what you mean, I don't envy his position at all lol. Thinking about this did make me realize that I think the way I've been framing my Curly analysis has been a little overly judgemental. I just kind of assumed most people went into the game with the idea that Curly was totally innocent like I did, and then over-corrected to make a point. I still stand by my overall interpretation, but I probably should have been a little more balanced. After all, one of Mouthwashing's strengths is being able to put you in the shoes of someone who does awful things, and showing that they're still just a human with flaws, while not glossing over the ramifications of their actions.
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fairy-verse · 2 days
i'm kind of curious now, what would happen if say- lumin were to somehow meet the past version of his mother? not nightlight exactly, but the version of nightmare fresh from the.. situation. maybe minutes, days or months after what happened - how would lumin react to seeing/meeting a version of his mother where the wound is still fresh, bleeding and festering?
(could not send in ask without saying how much i love this darling au btw<33 you've both done such an amazing job on every single aspect, and it really does feel like finding a random diamond when browsing the on-sale veggies section of the dollar store /positive)
Thank you <3
Grief was not yet something the young fairy of autumn and spring had encountered, but as he watched the visage created by the spray of a turquoise waterfall, he could, for lack of a better word, sense what the meaning of grief could mean. Hazy images of his mother played before him like a dancing aurora borealis upon the skies, yet this was not of great beauty but instead of horrors even Lumin could not fully comprehend.
His mother sat on the ground, silvery tears trickling from her left eye. The right one wept an iridescent river as the cracks bled uncontrollably, still fresh from the assault. Her bones, her ecto… all were bruised and riddled with fresh marks of cruel hands.
The scene changed, and now Nightmare was huddled within the first chamber of his growing underground nest. He appeared frightened, breath ragged and short, and he clutched at his head as his wings quivered and morphed between shapes of beauty and terror. Shapes of gold, ice, and flowers approached, wishing to comfort their autumn firstborn, but Nightmare lashed out and bid them “Go away!”
Lumin blinked, and the scene changed again. Now his mother sat upon a throne of root and crystal, a familiar room clearly visible, and though Nightmare appeared indifferent he seemed all together pitiful and lonesome upon his throne. A hand rested upon his belly, and he spoke a few words Lumin could not hear, yet he understood them, nonetheless.
It wasn’t often Lumin wept. He’d done so a few times as a young faerling, and even then, it had only been because of brief moments of fear and uncertainty. But now… Now he silently wept as he approached his mother upon her mighty throne. She quickly straightened at the sight of him, alarmed and concerned by his tears. No words left him as he crawled upon her lap and settled against her like he’d done so many times when he was small.
He was still small compared to her.
She held him, arms warm and secure around him, her voice deep and comforting. She ceased her questioning and instead only held him, allowing him the moment to weep as his thoughts flowed like a river on fire. He felt no anger upon what he’d seen, neither any fear, but only a sorrow so great it weighed at his soul and made him feel weak and tired. And with his head upon his mother’s breast, he watched as her wings enveloped him, the beautiful colours hidden beneath a blanket of black free for only him to see.
Naught was to be done with the past, it wasn’t something to dwell on lest he wished to lose himself to agony, but still, he wished he could ease its consequences. Perhaps his presence was good enough, perhaps he only needed to be with his mother to ease her mind and soul, but staying with her he could not do; not forever. However, for now, he would soothe his aching need for travel and instead lose himself a brief moment in time to be with his mother, and as her gentle hand came to tenderly wipe at his cheeks, he smiled, ever so little.
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yuurivoice · 2 days
hai there!! how are you doing today? :3
Exhausted, but about to be productive. Gotta film a few Vtuber things, get some writing done, and build a little table at the office. I need to do some posting on socials for the Alphonse plushie. Busy afternoon coming up.
Aside from that, I'm good. I've started doing my 3 weekly gym sessions without my trainer and I think I enjoy the experience a lot better when I can just vibe out listening to music so that's fun.
Got some blood test results and things are looking good there.
I've been cooking a lot more lately, and really enjoy grilled chicken thighs with salt/pepper/garlic + chipotle + garlic butter seasonings. Juicy af and gets a good crisp on it. That's nice.
Uhhhhhhh...how else am I doing?
Very thrilled about the Alphonse plushie so far, we crushed our early launch numbers from Charlie and I feel good about how the longevity will work out. We'll be running a BitterSweet marathon stream on the channel over the weekend and I hope that'll help raise awareness for the plushie as well! (This is what I'm recording some stuff for)
Gonna do some fiddling with a type of video sometimes soon, which is essentially a Talking Head video but it's either the MeTuber, Alphonse, etc telling a story or discussing something related to the channel. FAQs, the literal YuuriVoice backstory, that sort of thing. Types of stuff that won't be BANGERS, but will be really cool to have on the channel in general over time.
I got a goddamn ethernet cable plugged into the PC so we shouldn't have anyyyyy stream issues again. Ever. Not even once. That's good.
I do have some bangers lined up for spooky season, though it wasn't quite what I had wanted it to be when I was brainstorming half a year ago. That's life.
Gonna fuck around and record the BitterSweet Director's cut lines...again. Looking forward to that.
Extremely excited about Dragon Age at the end of the month, though I won't really get to play much of it because I'll be going to a Ren Faire that weekend! But the following week? I'll be locked the fuck in.
Back in relation to YuuriVoice things, I've started taking a serious look at Wiki solutions for the fandom, and think I've settled on one that I'm excited about firing up. I will be doing my best to get that up and running BEFORE Echoes of Evalas. The tool I have in mind is way more impactful than a simple Fandom Wiki, and should involve no annoy ads, a great browsing experience and....uh, info. Lots of info, I guess. This spawned from the need to have a visible timeline for the fandom to visualize when and where things were happening, and I went down a rabbit hole.
Also, maps...I need to...find a map maker...
I can't think of anything else I've really got going on right now. The big focus now is consistency. I need to keep this up through the rest of the year and end it strong, so we go into 2025 rocking and rolling.
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w2soneshots · 3 days
Could I do a Chrismd request? Maybe where they meet either jogging one day or their indoor climbing club and they eventually get together.
Thanks :)
Coffee? -Chrismd
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: none.
summary: you and Chris pass each other every week on your runs, one day he decides to finally ask you out.
notes: hello lovely💞 This is my first ChrisMD fic, wooo! I hope you enjoy and thank you for being patient with me, I’m trying desperately to find the motivation to write!!🏃‍♀️‍➡️✨
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I woke up early this morning for my usual Saturday morning run in London. It was not particularly warm but thankfully there wasn't any rain or wind and once I get my body moving I always warm up anyway so I picked out an outfit accordingly.
I shivered slightly as I stepped out of the glass doors of my apartment building before plugging in my earphones and getting started. I always love starting my Saturday's this way since it helps to clear my head, plus I usually see the cute boy that lives in the apartment building two streets away from mine.
I know that because I've seen him leave multiple times in the last few months. I've been tempted to ask for his number but I always chicken out. Though every once and awhile I catch him looking my way when we pass by each other.
After a good fifteen minutes of running/jogging around London I see him coming towards me. My heart rate spikes. I put on a friendly smile and he returned it. I was slightly disappointed that he was still yet to say anything so I decided to take matters into my own hands, hopefully he doesn't have a girlfriend.
I stopped and turned around. He's already walking towards me. "Oh my god. Oh my god." I thought, mind racing. I quickly remove my earphones. "Hi, uhm... I'm Chris," he says. "y/n," I replied.
It was silent for a moment before he spoke up. "I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to get a coffee after your run, if you're free?" I nodded softly. "I'd like that. Meet you outside waterlow park in an hour?" "Yeah, great. See you then... y/n." He waved softly before turning around and jogging off. I let out a light, content sigh. Finally.
I swiftly finished my run and headed back to my apartment to clean up. I took a quick shower, did my hair then put on a casual outfit. By the time I was done it was almost time for us to meet.
I'd chosen the park that was located between our apartments so it was only a short walk. As I approached I saw that Chris was already stood waiting, which I was glad about.
"Hey," he said, with a cute smile spread across his lips. "Hi, where did you wanna go?" I asked. "Is he a starbucks or a cosy little café kinda guy?" I wondered. "I always go to this café ten minutes from here," he said. That answered my question. "Great, lead the way."
We made small talk as we walked. He asked how long I'd been running for and we briefly discussed the fact we'd seen each other so many times but never shared more than a friendly smile.
When we reached the café, which was tucked right on the corner of the street, we headed inside and both ordered a coffee. I was surprised I hadn't ever realised it was there but I was glad he'd shown me it since it was actually really cute.
We sat down opposite each other on one of the small tables at the front of the shop next to the window. "So... favourite colour?" He asked jokingly. I breathed out a chuckle. "I hate that question." I was hoping I wouldn't have to hear it for a while, since I was really starting to like Chris.
It took just a few weeks before we were quite comfortable with each other. We would regularly do our runs together since they fell around the same time but tonight I'm going round to his apartment for the first time to order a take out and watch a movie.
I put on some comfortable clothes, threw my hair up, grabbed a bottle of wine that I'd bought especially and walked the five minutes to his place.
I rang the doorbell and he answered soon after. I smiled softly at him as he welcomed me inside. "Wow, this is really nice," I complemented as I stepped in. His apartment was clean and quite cosy, kind of like the coffee shop.
We both sat down after he grabbed some glasses and poured us both some wine. I got comfy as he scrolled through netflix. This was exactly the kind of dates I enjoyed.
About an hour and a half into the movie (which ended up being Harry Potter) and after the takeaway had arrived and been eaten we sat close to each other, thighs touching and his arm around my shoulder. I could barely focus.
Though nothing else happened until it was time for me to leave, as it was now late and pitch black outside. I stood by the door, ready to go when Chris stopped me.
"Uh- before you go..." he began. I was hoping that he was doing what I thought he was doing. He leaned closer, his hand moving down to my hoodie covered waist. It was silent for a few moments longer before I closed the gap, connecting our lips for the first time.
When we both pulled away we shared a content smile. "Thank you for tonight, I'll see you soon?" I broke the silence. "Yeah, yeah. I'll text you." I nodded softly then waved slightly as I walked out of the door.
I was very excited to see him again and had a really good feeling about where this was going.
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Can I request a rejanis fic based off of,
"And you're just a control freak!"
maybe some angst? ;))
|| Regina George x Janis Imi'ike
|| Warnings; toxic relationship, arguments, swearing, shoving, break up, short drabble
|| Summary; Regina and Janis have been arguing none stop for weeks, today it stopped for the last time.
Requests open!
Started; october 2nd
Finished; october 5th
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Regina and Janis have been together for a little over a few months, much to everyone's surprise. It started off smooth with only a few fights here and there but lately things have really been getting out of hand. It's rare to see them not arguing. It's almost a miracle they're still together.
Today was no different than yesterday. Another argument broke out while the girls were at home. It started over something so small, so pointless that neither of them even remember why they were arguing in the first place; but neither wanted to give up and call truths. Even if internally, somewhere deep down they did.
The shouting match continued its back and fourth, getting more intense and more personal by the second. It's been a good hot minute, but neither girls would soften the glares in their eyes.
"And you're just a control freak!" Janis screamed, Regina scoffed. Arms folded across her chest as she raised an eyebrow in an almost threatening way.
"Me? The control freak? Oh fuck off, Janis. You're just as controlling!" The blonde pointed her finger at the girl across from her and gave her a shove to distance them." Every little thing has to work out for you or you'll throw a fit! Honestly that's probably what fucking started this!"
Janis looked offended and a little hurt that Regina actually shoved her, the shove wasn't enough to knock her down. Just mess with her emotionally," So I'm the problem? Why can't you just take accountability!"
"Oh, here we go again! You're always so defensive! I'm always the 'one at fault', but newsflash! You can be wrong too, dipshit! Stop blaming everything on me and maybe take your own advice! Take accountability!" Regina shot back, there was a brief silence as Janis just stared at her.
"Wow. Regina. You know what, I'm done. Maybe we should just break up at this point cause what are we even doing?" Janis folded her arms, watching Regina with a hint of sadness behind the anger in her eyes.
Regina's arms unfolded, not wanting to be making the same pose as Janis. She placed her hands on her hips instead," yeah. Maybe we should. If people ask, I broke up with you. Get out of my house."
"Typical control freak." Janis muttered just loud enough for Regina to hear and stormed out of the house, gladly leaving.
Though as both girls felt the distance between them grow, they couldn't help but feel their hearts tighten with regret and guilt. They missed the other, but both were too prideful to admit it.
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threshie · 4 months
Bye-Bye Bras
It took decades, but I have finally officially decided to ditch bras for good. It sounds like a little thing, but it's SO freeing to be this comfortable while out and about, instead of shoving myself into the sensory discomfort that is a bra every time I step out of the house. I think it took discovering the autism to give myself permission to just not care if somebody may see the outline of nipples.
I don't really have anywhere else to ramble about this to the world, so my Tumblr gets to hear about it instead, LOL. I would literally make myself put a bra on if I set foot out of the house, even just to check the mail, and realized it had become part of masking. So far the only people who have seemed to care are a bunch of little old ladies giving me side-eye while grocery shopping, and I'm gonna prioritize my day to day comfort, not their two minutes of perceiving me ever.
Anyway, wheee, I've given myself permission to go braless and kicked the idea that that is inappropriate to the curb. I'm so comfy in my clothes while outside now that it feels like I'm still in my pajamas. Cripes.
I tried wearing double layers at first with a tank top as an undershirt. Overheated really bad, though. Then I got the guts to go out in only the tank top, and you know, the world did not end. Just this morning I realized, hey, my entire wardrobe is allowed to be worn braless, actually! I suppose the next big step will be shopping for clothes sans bra and buying things that look nice on me without a bra there at all, then not caring if I show up in photos with no bra, etc, etc.
I think I've got more sensory issues than I previously thought. When I tried to force myself to get back to wearing a bra daily, I just couldn't stand it. So this sounds silly, and like a small thing, but it's a big deal for me to allow myself to be this comfortable and be seen without the stupid bra, which I literally only wore as part of masking.
I'm lucky to have a small chest and find bra-free so comfy. I don't need support, and I don't need nipple covering, so I don't need the bra at all. Whoohoo!
I've been struggling with this for years, by the way. I tried wearing only yoga bras (made me sweat.) I tried sports bras (gave me killer neck and shoulder pain.) I tried stick-on nipple covers (looked worse under the shirt than the shape of my actual nipples.) Finally, I realized that I didn't want or need any of that stuff, I was just trying to accommodate my desire to not wear a bra at all in a way that was acceptable to others. And wearing no bra IS acceptable, actually. ♥
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retrogradedreaming · 4 months
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Forgot to post this here, but this is my entry for @/veed_arts 10k DTIYS on IG!
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marley-manson · 2 months
cry for judas | the mountain goats
a bj hunnicutt character study vid
youtube link
Some things you do just to see How bad they'll make you feel Sometimes you try to freeze time 'Til the slots are a blur of spinning wheels
But I am just a broken machine And I do things that I don't really mean
Long black night, morning frost I'm still here, but all is lost
Speed up to the precipice And then slam on the brakes Some people crash two or three times And then learn from their mistakes
But we are the ones who don't slow down at all And there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
Long black night, morning frost I'm still here, but all is lost
Feel the storm every night, hope it passes by Hallucinate a shady grove where Judas went to die
Unfurl the black velvet altar cloth Draw a white chalk Baphomet Mistreat your altar boys long enough And this is what you get
Sad and angry, can't learn how to behave Still won't know how in the darkness of the grave
Long black night, morning frost I'm still here, but all is lost
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snowfallenapocalypse · 4 months
Howdy Slay the Princess friends! I wanted to show off my Voices designs, they’re still very likely to change cause I’m still not quite happy with all of them, but I hope you enjoy them! :3c
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Explanations and a few extras below the cut! :) (This ended up being a kinda long post so be warned!)
For the most part I try to use the same body shape for all of them, with the only differences being their accessories and some beak variation. None of them have wings either- I don't like drawing them that much so they're reserved for TLQ
Alright here we go- explanation time!
Hero - Knight's helmet based on the default warrior class helmet from Miitopia, no clue if the feather, ponytail, thing... is his actual feathers or part of the hat and I probably never will. I love how he looks even if the helmet sucks to draw
Broken - Shackle and chain around his neck, not much to say about this guy, I was a bit worried it was too similar to the Prisoner's shtick at first but it's grown on me
Contrarian - Jester's cap, the most common defining accessory I saw for him in fanart and thought it fit. Probably gonna change him cause the current iteration doesn't feel quite right. (Either hat redesign or something new)
Opportunist - A tie and ripped dress shirt, I wanted a smarmy business-ey feel for him but didn't think a nice shirt would fit in with the aesthetic of the game, so I gave him a ripped one (he probably found it on the ground somewhere)
Paranoid - Perfume pendant, I adore this concept but have had a hard time conveying it properly. The pendant is filled with smelling salts in case he needs to wake someone up. I want to keep this concept so much but I know it has to go through a few more designs cause I don't really know what it's supposed to look like. Planning on adding another necklace and maybe a clock?
Smitten - A shawl with heart shaped embroidery and a flower broach, I... Don't know how to feel with this one? It doesn't quite fit Smitten's exuberance but I don't know what I would give him instead. Will probably change later if I do come up with something better
Hunted - Hooded cloak, for camouflage :0 (it's a very short cloak though basically only covers his shoulders.) I drew him twice so you could see both versions, realistically he'd always have the hood up but I find it hard to draw and doesn't look as good so I don't bother, (it probably looks weird because the hooded version is missing the feather tufts, I added a quick sketch of the hood with them below)
Cold - A hole in his chest (shamelessly based on Mad Rat Dead,) Cold didn't seem like the type to have any worldly possessions so this was the most literal way I could convey his 'heartless' personality, it is kinda bending my rule of giving all these guys unique accessories but it fits him quite well so I don't mind
Skeptic - Detective hat, this is another one that I think looks a bit weird due to the lack of tufts (version with them below) and I don't know how well this fits his personality, but Skeptic is probably the voice I'm least familiar with so I'm kinda just ignoring redesigning him until I get a better grip on his character (I also don't really know how to draw this hat- I tried my best lol)
Cheated - Cut off tuft and scars, I had a really hard time coming up with this one and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. It's another one that bends my rule of having accessories but I couldn't think of anything to put on him that fit the vibe of 'Being salty from repeatedly losing to someone using hacks in a game.' (Yes, that's how I summarize Cheated's personality lol)
Stubborn - ...Isn't here, Oops? Yeah, you probably noticed but I don't actually have a design for him yet. I might give him a cape? idk. He's another voice I don't really have a good grasp on, I have to play through his chapters again :')
Anyways! I had put my sort of 'design rules' for these guys in an older version of this post but I ended up not vibing with it so I edited it out- I like the post a lot better without all the excess stuff
And finally as the send-off to the post (and a thanks for reading all) here's the extra bits! My one Long Quiet full body, the Hunted and Skeptic sketch with their tufts, and a bonus Opportunist cause I realized you can't really tell what the shirt looks like lol
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kirisclangen · 5 months
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She/her, 65 moons, cis molly
#Zelda (cat)#<- so it doesn't go in the fandom tags of the game lmao#Loner#honeyclan#<- the save file she's from. I'm gonna say she lives nearest to them#warrior cats oc#warriors oc#kiri’s clangen#clangen#She also doesn't have the chest spot on her sprite but I thought she looked better with it so. Y'know#I made her fur so massive but I need it to be known that the rest of her is massive as well. She's jut very large#also I HAVE RETURNED TO THIS BLOG!!! Can't say how regular activity here will be but I'm queueing this on thursday to go up on friday#and I've got three more finished cats to go up the three days after that. We'll see how many more I draw before the queue runs out#I'm doing hermit-a-day-may over on my main blog and I'm coming up on the end of the schoolyear so I may be mostly swamped until summerish#but I'd like to pick back up with posting these during the summer. I have some ideas for a comic that I'd like to do but I haven't written-#-it out yet becuase I want to get these designs done first and I think I'm about halfway through all the cats I have? across 5 different-#-clans two of which are very large so. Mass extinction events will be on once I start playing moons again!!#anyways sorry for rambling but I'm very proud of my next few designs. I think I've found a good method for doing them quickly. It involves-#-using actual reference images for the poses lmao#EDIT I lied I'm not even close to halfway#I've got 66 out of 181 done meaning I have 115 left#jesus fucking christ ITS FINE it's fine it's just a lot. not a problem though#I can pick up the pace after this next month or two#it's chill
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