#and im working on comic for one just need more time so its actually presentable
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regular-gnome · 1 day ago
What's Anatomist up to lately? (I miss my bae)
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They are mainly working, occasionally getting annoyed at how evolution makes things more difficult for them to work on
it's reference to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The fun thing about it is that it's the nerve that innervates the muscles in the larynx, but it detours around the aorta on its way from the brain to the voice box. This is especially noticeable in larger animals where the heart and the voice box are far apart. For example, in giraffes, the structures are only a few centimeters apart, but the nerve can get 5 meters long because it travels all the way down to the chest and then loops back up. This is a result of how structures evolved from fish (with no necks) to large animals (with large necks). Evolution can't just "unplug" the nerve and optimize it, so next best thing is to gradually adjust over time
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animation of the process | bit more info about it
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polyamorousmood · 6 months ago
Hello! Im poly but not as much in touch with the community so I thought id ask someone more experienced in a way instead of overthinking for weeks lol hope thats no issue since its not rlly a irl thing
Im making a comedy comic and I want there to be a joke where the main cast travels alot and anytime they say "we'll need help In x location" one of the poly characters keeps on saying "don't worry guys I have a girlfriend in there, she'll help us" and through the comic he has like 20+ girlfriends in all these diffrent locations, while its suppoust to be a lil joke i want to make sure it's not going into harmful territory so I thought id ask someone more in the community since while i am poly i also do recognize that im not above making stupid mistakes like that
Ah the overthinking and comedy are a duo i fear ToT
I personally fucking love that.
I can't promise no one else could conjure something to make it ✨️Problematique✨️ in their head, of course, but I think it's funny and cute for a comedy comic! I'd say go for it! Couple considerations below the cut that come to mind if you're trying to make "good poly rep", but these aren't hard and fast rules
Okay first thing for "good poly rep" is when we see the girlfriends, I'd show them being cutesy together😍!! They should be excited to see each other! Depending on the woman, maybe have pet names, inside jokes, etc. You don't have to belabor the point by stopping the action for eight pages every time we meet a girlfriend. I can think of several pithy ways that work well for a comedy comic (every time we meet a girlfriend, a shot of him exclaiming increasingly bizarre pet names and running into each other's arms, for example).
Secondly. I think it's fine if you leave the bit as it is, but if I were reading as a poly person, I'd be hoping for some other little indication all these girlfriends actually still matter to the character when they dont matter to the plot. Even just another throw away gag. He's going out Christmas shopping and comes home with an actual pack mule full of presents because he has so many partners to buy for (or vice versa, he has dozens of presents under his Christmas tree that are all covered in hearts and signed by different names. Or both). Or something like that. Maybe we see his phone calendar and it just COVERED in "phone call with Emily" "video chat Monique." He ends upbin the hospital and there's a line out the door for his visitors. Whatever. Even if it was a single-frame thing, I'd LOSE MY MIND. Totally optional, but it's something I would squee about 😁
Basically, it boils down to, make all these girlfriends... girlfriends. Otherwise it feels not super distinct from womanizing.
Hope that helps!! Good luck!! I'd LOVE to see this comic, please shoot me a link!
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eggscargot · 3 months ago
Hello! Sorry if you already made a post explaining his backstory, but based off your last art was Gull not always deaf? How did he lose his hearing? Also how long have he and Stan known each other I’m craving lore 👀
EHEHEHEHE i have not! (though i did talk about the whole thing in stream once oops- if you were there for that, please don't spoil for everyone else!) im trying my best to sorta slowly reveal his lore in comics and drawings so unfortunately you all have had to deal with the slowburn alongside me- But I can answer this- Gull was not always deaf! He has spent the last several decades deaf, having lost his hearing sometime in his 30s-ish (I really need to sit down and figure out the timeline here, but GF's timeline is already so wonky i haven't really worried too much about it ha!) He met Stan in his late 20s-early 30s, spent time with each other for a good chunk of time before losing contact for for a decade or so. They reunite again by pure luck during GF present time (When they're 50-60)! There's some little tidbit's I've sprinkled in his ref sheets I'm gonna point out, but I'll put them under the cut in case anyone would like to piece it together themselves! Thank you so much for your interest it really does mean a lot that someone out there cares about this dork as much as I do <3
I'll link his ref sheets!
OKAY SO his ref sheets allude to him having had been in "the accident" on the note about his scars. It was during then that he was majorly injured and lost his hearing! There's also a little cheeky note there as well, something about totally not being a getaway driver- he's a vehicle enthusiast haha Specifically, a helicopter is drawn besides it, and a boat in the BG- Less direct, but I've intentionally made every single one of his outfits have some kind of medical ID on him. Gull seems to be very intent on making sure anyone knows who he is in the event that he can't be identified. As if a visual identification is just not enough. Why wouldn't anyone be able to identify him by knowing him? This also is a habit Gull has acquired before reuniting with Stanley. Gull is also listed as a globetrotter. He loves to hike and travel! More so, he is uncomfortable being in one place for a long period of time. I will make this clear though, it is not because he's in any major kind of trouble during preset day! He is able to travel freely. c: In my last drawing, I've also mentioned that Stan and Gull are on a stakeout. I'm not actually sure if this is the correct term, this is not a like police stakeout. More like a gathering of intel! I also very much intend their relationship so far to be dancing along the edges of something more. Something is holding Gull back- Stanley is just a little dense HA Lastly, I THINK I've done this, but the way Stan and Gull address each other is important. Lee is not Stan's full name, and Gull is certainly not generally used as a birthname. c: Hope you got a kick outta this! I'm sure I've said too much haha I'm just excited to share.
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littledeadpotato · 3 months ago
Blue period 11
I didn't think I'd be reviewing manga, and I probably won't, but this one I have to do.
(If the art doesn't have credits underneath, its by the author; Tsubasa Yamaguchi)
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In case you don't know, Blue period (1) is a manga by Tsubasa Yamaguchi about Yatora Yaguchi, a highschool student, who gets inspired and finds passion for art. He wants to get into one of the best art schools in Japan, since it's one of the few school (if not the only one) that's not private.
In volume 11 tho, We're at a part where Yaguchi is in uni but needs money, so he gets a job at a community art class with kids.
(I rate comics/graphic novels/manga a bit differently. Enjoyability > actual quality. Shitty way to rate ik but who cares🤷‍♀️)
Rating: 5/5⭐
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(For the God of me i cannot find who made this art, but there's a chance it's Official since I can't find any post that's not reposted and its also used for fake merch. If you know who the artist is, please let me know so I can Credit them)
Spoilers ahead!!!
What makes this volume so special? Well it's not in a school setting. The whole art uni thing is very stressful to both the reader and the characters. Since it's spring(?) break, Yaguchi doesn't have to do any art. But this is still a manga about art. But this one focuses more on one's relationship with their art and others' art. And any artist has experience with that. Alot of people hate their art, and honestly I do too.
Since I like parting things, the book has 2 parts, each is focused on one kid in the art class.
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Shoya is bored in the class. He has trouble finishing his assignments, he's mean towards his classmates (and Yaguchi) and violent. Yaguchi tries his best to make Shoya interested but it just doesn't work. One day Shoya's mother comes to pick Shoya up from the class, when she sees Shoya's painting, she says:
,,What's so great about this painting? It doesn't look like he did that good of a job to me..."
Which is, you know, Something to say to a 5 year old. Shoya is understandibly not happy about that. But one day, Yaguchi finds him playing some games while walking home. And Yaguchi finds out Shoya is really good at drawing mechs. He talks to the teacher, and Shoya can draw whatever he wants to in class! Yayyy. He also makes this football game for their exhibition. Shoya's thing is that he doesn't enjoy art because he knows what he likes. No one enjoys drawing everything.
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Sae has alot of passion for art. But she has alot of other classes. Even though Sae has barely any time to play with her friends, she still paints at home. And I mean this girl loooves painting. Well until her dad points at another painting (which as far as i know, wasn't even made by a child) and says:
,,Oh, that kid's painting is really good! How about trying to do something like that?"
We're back to this point, where the kids' confidence and how they think about themselves and their art is very much connected to how other people see it.
She starts comparing herself to the other kids. Hashida (who also works there now lol) also notices her painting has changed. When he says he likes her painting, she says:
,,Thank you, Hashida-sensei! But it's not good at all. Im worse than Shikahara-san. Ahhh. Why am I so bad...? I want to get better. I've been practicing so much, too..."
AND I HAVE NEVER RELATED TO A 5 YEAR OLD MORE. Like this young girl is already at this part of making art. Me and my art teacher actually talked about this, and she said this change from having fun with art to being critical of it happens around/after the age of 10.
The kids will have an exhibition! And one day in class, they present their art to the class. When they're presenting, Shoya compliments her painting. And I'll just write down the whole presentation.
,,My painting... is bad because the subjects are small. The colours are dull, too. And the bear looks messed up. It's creepy, crappy and just awful. Why is it... that I can only make something like this? Shoya-kun went out of his way to say something nice about my work... but... he can do that because he's better than me. How nice! How nice that everyone's great at art. [...] I dont wanna do this anymore! [...] My colours are messier than Miku-chan's! I can't draw mechs like Shoya-kun! I can't make cute paintings like Yuichi-kun! I cant paint like Shikahara-san! How nice that everyone's great at art!"
And after that I took a 20sec break ;P!
As far as i know, there are 2 ways people can react to making art around others. You either envy their work and take it as a learning experience to appreciate their art. But I, someone who's about to do entrance exams into art school, cant afford to do that. Or you can just fall apart under the pressure of "everyone is better than me". And it's easy to do that when you have a goal and everyone could be your enemy. You cant appreciate their art and love art together. Because they're better than you and you have to get better. Art isn't about how much you study. Art is about how passionate you are. How much you want to make art. If you hate everything you make, is there a reason to keep doing art? For some yes. For some no.
Sae quit the art class.
Before she does, Hashida asks her to do a collab. They just paint random things. React to the other's painting. Hashida says this (I'm sorry for so many quotes but they really stuck with me srryyy):
,,I'm actually bad at making art. I love art. I love people who make art and i make art myself, but the more I get to know other people who make art... the more is makes me think I can't go as far as them. I respect people who can keep their brush moving with tears in their eyes. I think you're truly amazing for jumping into painting like you did. Even when you feel miserable or think you have no reason to praise your own work."
Which again. SAME. Back to parents, when Sae shows the painting to her dad, he tears it in the half to give half to Hashida. They stick it back together. But you know...
If I read this volume without the other 10, I'd probably think it was just kids and being whinny about art. But when you read through so much of the stuff these people go through just to make art. And how they struggle. When out of nowhere, its like 'I fucking hate this'. This book just keeps you think 'Why? Why? Why? Why do they do that? Why dont they just quit?'. And your relationship with your art and art overall is important. It's not like you can look past the fact that you fucking hate what you just did and hate that you're only capable of such a bad thing. Art you create is often hard to love, especially when its competitive.
But art is still art. And it's such a pity that people who would love art and creating it crumble under the pressure of others.
Be gentle and loving to yourself and your art.
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Art by: https://x.com/pplaksana
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grecoromanyaoi · 7 months ago
ok decided to post this publicly. the current name is 'when in rome' but im not sure i like it. it will ideally b a sitcom/comedy but unfortunately i keep putting in terrible and horrendous things into the plot that make it kinda hard to b a strictly comedy. like theyre a rich family in 1st century bc rome (60 bc to b exact). theyre imperialists. they have slaves. im trying to b as respectful as i can + trying to b comical so more under the cut. the characters r v basic for now.
so basically its abt the avianii, a rich patrician family. the parents are lucius avianus honorinus (sr) and cantilia. they have 5 children- lucius (jr), tiberius, aviana the elder, gaius and aviana the younger.
Lucius Avianus Honorinus (jr) is one of the main characters. he is kind of a loser.  He hates doing what he’s told. He hates not fitting in, but he also hates everything fitting in requires, because it's just not him. He’s neurotic, obsessed with getting positive reassurance. He can’t find it in society or his family, so he looks for it in sexual partners. He wants to be loved, to be desired, to be appreciated in any way. He’s desperate for it. Wants to please his parents and society but knows he never truly will. He wants to be a poet. His poetry is not great. hes got a working class greek immigrant bf and theyre being weird and gay abt it. he doesnt identify as nonbinary bc that label or idea didnt rly exist yet, but if he were alive today hed probably identify as nonbinary.
Lysandros (said bf) is realistic, sometimes borderline pessimistic. Grounded in reality. He’s sarcastic (deadpan snarker). He’s hilarious. He is a stonemason? smith? goldsmith? baker? builder? He’s good at his job, whatever it is. His wife, Laodike, and mother are back in Boeotia, and he sends them money. He doesn’t particularly like his wife, and she doesn’t like him either. They have a kid, Aristokles, who Lysandros figures isn’t his.
Aviana (the elder) is also a main character. she is a bit odd. Kind of a goofball. She says whatever she thinks all the time, never once stopping to think whether it’s appropriate or what the consequences will be. An autism diagnosis will do her a great good. She’s far from stupid, but people often think she is because they don’t understand the way she thinks. Often oblivious to situations around her, but sometimes understands/figures out more than she lets on. she dreams of a great love, but gets married to a man who turns out to b rly shitty and abusive, so she cheats on him w Adiantunnos, her gaulish (gaelic? idk. from gaul) bf who actually respects her (who is the only good parisian perhaps to this day).
Tiberius Avianus Honorinus is way too into the military and makes it his entire personality bona dea Tiberius shut uppppp nobody wants to hear abt ur siege in germania for the umpteenth time. He definitely takes after his father (i need to continue this im lazy)
Gaius Avianus Honorinus doesn’t talk at all. He is a high support autistic, and very likely has some sort of an intellectual disability as well. He likes listening to music, but only to very specific music. He only likes women’s singing, not men’s singing. his siblings (aside from Tiberius) love him very much, but Diotima (enslaved character) is the only one who understands him and knows how to care for him.
Aviana (the younger) is like 9 so i havent really thought about her yet.
Cantilia is a bit of a bully. She wants all her children to present as perfect, and for them to look like the perfect family. The fact that she rarely cares about her children’s feelings, wants or needs, and even Gaius’ mere existence makes it impossible for her to present them as the perfect family. Often jealous and especially mean to young women in her husband’s vicinity, especially to Boudilatis (enslaved character), because he pays them more attention than he does her.
Lucius Avianus Honorinus (father) is high key a terrible person. He definitely has autism but he displays it in ways that pass it off as his “man traits”, for example how he talks about politics and the military almost nonstop. He doesn’t understand his wife nor his children and doesn’t care to. Can be very cruel to his wife and children, and even worse to the slaves. He wants his children to be perfect, and for his sons, when he says ‘perfect’ he means ‘just like him’. He is only proud of Tiberius because he follows in his footsteps and succeeds at a military career. He is very disappointed in Lucius, but claims that “at least he’s not Gaius”. Highly misogynistic and homophobic, and quite a womanizer.
im trying to avoid anything controversial n racist so im keeping all the enslaved characters "white" (not how they saw race but whatever), mostly greek and gaulish, which were v common. Diotima will probably b a main character. she is the oldest one, and practically raised the children. she doesnt give a fuck anymore. she literally says to lucius one time 'theres nothing ur parents can do to me that they havent already done' (after he said they would get mad at her). her father was a prominent scholar in Greece, and he named her after a character in plato's symposium. he and his family were enslaved after he tried to lead a rebellion against the romans. she is extremely intelligent and has a vast range of knowledge about philosophy, literature, history, etc. its just that nobody knows this bc they didnt care to ask.
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dennydreadful · 4 months ago
HI THANKS FOR ANSWERING MY UNHINGED ASK THIS WILL BE VERY LONG BUT I READ THE COMIC IN ONE SITTING. im now going back and forth between imagining what kind of deeply toxic pseudo-vigilante shenanigans bunny (and caleb by association) get into post epilogue and thinking up scenarios where before shit got really real they both get soooooo much good therapy and heal together and end up toxicly codependent and kinda bad for each other still but in a way that doesn’t involve murder. like one of those aita posts where the general consensus is the couple should stay together bc even tho they’re both just exacerbating each others Issues at least nobody else is getting hurt. also i think dave and juicybaby hook up at some point.
have you ever seen that post that’s like “media in which it’s so very obvious all the problems could’ve been avoided if this guy got some therapy and a consensual bdsm relationship but that is very much Not What Happens in the story”? bc i feel like that applies to caleb. rip caleb you would’ve loved being a more well adjusted girl’s puppy and being led around the mall on a leash until security kicked you out. maybe next time king.
none of this to say i didn’t enjoy the comic as presented immensely btw. despite my ramblings here i think the comic ended in the most satisfying (for the audience at least) way possible. we love to see a dogboy beg for his own demise <3 we love to see a pretty girl go from justified anger to righteous rage <3 we love when characters have a deeply unhealthily fucked up perception of love and care and mental stability <3
like imo psychological horror is at its best when you take relatively normal people facing relatively mundane horrors then letting the aftermath of those horrors warp them beyond repair. in a good psych horror (at least when it’s like ii is and based on deeply human characters dealing with stuff in the most unhelpful way they can) you should be able to understand why and how things turned out like they did. you can think of a million ways it could’ve turned out differently if only the characters had seen the end coming, but the end they met was inevitable bc they *can’t* see it coming. the red flags aren’t obvious bc they increase so gradually. the bones of the building were there from the very beginning, but how were the characters supposed to know whether it’d be a home or a slaughterhouse? there were no plans, just bricks to lay and a storm coming. and that’s exactly how i felt finishing ii.
anyways. a caleb shaker charm would be so awesome i would love to go darla from finding nemo on his ass. thanks for the incredible comic my brain chemistry is different now and i’m kissing u on both cheeks in thanks MWAH MWAH
Cut because this post ended up really long, but here's Dave and Juicy:
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idyllic island is a big old vent comic in a lot of ways. i drew on a lot of my own emotions and experiences to make it. i was in a very dark place for a very long time. i could have very easily gone down an even worse path, and very easily have been taken advantage of in a very dangerous way. but "guy goes to therapy and learns how to stop climbing into a wood chipper" is not a terribly interesting story imo, even if it's obviously the better outcome in real life. much more interesting to read about characters hurtling headlong towards certain doom lol
that said i always enjoy a good tragedy that leaves me feeling like "it didn't need to be like this..." (even though I know it was always the only way it was ever going to be) and imagining a happy world where everything worked out as best it could, so it's really cool to hear about someone doing that something I made!
before you read the next part just know that i LOVE hearing people's headcanons so feel free to disregard anything/everything i say here. death of the author and all that lol
imo he would have needed to never meet bunny for him to actually heal, and for her to not charge ahead on her path of destruction. even if he had gone to therapy and straightened himself up, bunny is so toxic she would have found exactly the right way to break him again (and honestly she would enjoy the added challenge). and couple's therapy would be SO BAD for him because she'd learn how manipulate and gaslight him even harder.
honestly I can't see a future for bunny where she DOESNT commit murder. she's a scorpion. it's simply her nature. it's not her fault we live in a society. perhaps she could have become a doctor and euthanized her patients discretely. i think she'd enjoy forensic science as well, but that would literally make her girl Dexter lol. maybe she could work for a three letter agency.
but yeah I absolutely agree that caleb would have LOVED to be in a 24/7 lifestyle BDSM relationship with a girl that did not want to grind him down to dust and scatter him on the wind. being a kinky freak with a loving partner would have fixed him 100%
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spagheddiesquash · 8 months ago
so as some of u know im making a comic. with some ocs in it. ive mentioned it several times before. this post is where i will finally tell some details regarding it.
so basically its about a time traveler who winds up in the year 2012, and his time machine breaks, so now he’s stuck there until he can fix it or find a new one.
these r the two main guys:
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(NOTE: there is a math error on venn’s height. hes actually around 190 cm. when i was figuring it out i accidentally calculated for 5 feet 3 inches instead of 6 feet 3 inches)
(another note: a lot of metric will be used bc its a scifi comic and science uses metric a lot)
anyway so yeah. venn is the time traveler guy i mentioned earlier. josh happens to be walking by as venn’s time machine breaks, offers for him to stay at his place for the time being, and so. thats how the story is kinda set into motion.
ok so, in this comic’s universe there are two main organizations for time travel. the ICTTA (International Committee for Time Travel Affairs) and the ITB (International Time Board). the ICTTA (also referred to as simply the Committee) make all of the different rules and regulations regarding time travel. now, the Committee’s members consist of specialists in time law. These people don’t do any of the actual time travel, they just know the laws regarding it. To make decisions a bit more fair, any time something is being voted on, they also get votes from the ITB, who are made up of actual time travelers.
some more on the ITB: in order to join, you need to have been a registered time traveler for at least two years. also, venn is on the board as well!!! usually you have more influence if you’ve been a member for a long while and have contributed a lot. There is also the High Board, which have the final say in decisions of the the ITB. They’re a small part of the Board, made up of like 5-ish people typically, and in order to become a part of the High Board, you need to be invited, and if you ARE invited, its like. a HUGE deal. like Pinnacle of your Whole Entire Career kind of moment that most time travelers aspire to experience.
some more on becoming a time traveler: so in order to procure a time machine and use it, you meed to be a licensed time traveler. how do you become licensed? by going to school for it!!! 6 long years of mostly physics and history, as well as some general time travel ettiquete. usually straight after high school. once you finish that, you are officially a time traveler. you have the job for life and technically speaking, you work under the ICTTA. the way its a job is basically you go on missions and you get paid each month. there are some benefits, like how youre given free housing and can get discounts on stuff.
some notes on time machines: in this universe, they arent the big elaborate ones you step into. rather, theyre handheld devices that are usually the size of either a nintendo wii or an ipad mini, depending on how recent the model is. the Committee provide their own time machines for free (which is what a lot of younger time travelers opt for), but if youd like your own from some other place, they typically cost a lot of money. there are some older models that can come secondhand for a bit cheaper, though. venn uses one of those.
the “future” isnt really the future. it’s the widely accepted Universal Present Year, or UPY. when time travel was first invented, a present time had to be established in order to mark what counts as either the Past, Present or Future. There is also a UPD/T which is the same thing but more precise, down to the date and time.
in the UPY of 2148, (venn’s year of origin) everyone is under 24-hour surveillance everywhere. you may think that time travelers can get out of this, however, measures have been taken specifically to prevent this from happening. see, once you become a time traveler, you get assigned someone to basically follow you around wherever you go and make sure you dont do anything illegal. these people are typically nicknamed “watchovers,” and they are known to be very annoying, pushy, nagging people.
24 hour clocks are used in time travel because its a lot more convenient.
things that the ICTTA makes rulings on: general things regarding the act of time travel, splits in timelines and timeline taxonomy (theres a list of events the Committee deem “chronologically significant” which get their own letter or number in a timeline’s classification if they are diverted from. an example would be stuff like historic court rulings or famous political assassinations), whether or not to go back in time and erase an event and its collective memory by the public (i.e. the invention of the flying car), etc etc.
the identity of the person who invented time travel is confidential, so as to prevent something like assassination.
it is a city called Rose City. its somewhat based on new york, mainly because new york is the city i know the most about, but i digress. anyway, both venn and josh are from this city, just born in different years. josh was born in 1989 (so if he was real he would be 35 currently) and venn was born in 2114 (which, if he were also real, would make him exactly -90). below is some visual stuff.
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very big things to remember when time traveling:
blend in as much as possible, try not to change the timeline (incurs a fine, the severity of which depends on the severity of the alteration)
dont tell anyone you are a time traveler
dont bring anything back with you without express permission
if you are going to the future, TELL NO ONE WHAT YOU SAW. if you are going to the past, do not tell them of the future.
leave no evidence of assassination. (sometimes time travelers get hired to kill people from the past for specific reasons. it’s kind of rare, but when it happens it can only happen if it is voted on by the High Board.)
THERE IS PROBABLY MORE IM FORGETTING LORE WISE ABOUT ALL OF THIS BUT YEAH. MAKING ALL OF THIS INTO A COMIC, HOWEVER IM CURRENTLY DRAFTING IT. couldnt wait to explain my ocs to u guys so i figured id just make an infodump post abt them….
IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS SEND ME AN ASK!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT MY OCS. who knows. maybe ur question might remind me of some lore i forgot to mention??? it can also be about little things tho like “what are their favorite foods” or “what are their birthdays” or something. you can also ask abt all the rest of the lore tho!!! will probably reblog with some more soon.
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bunbunbillion · 2 years ago
not sure if i already did this before here, but consider this a formal introduction to the transfer of my twitter media thread to tumblr. and im starting it with a really special one!!!
Tonight............. i finished Super Lesbian Animal RPG by Bobby Schroeder (@ponett / @slarpg) with my friends. I shared the experience with two who had played the game already, and another who was as blind as me.
i will say without going into at all, but if you are a gay furry (especially trans) and love stuff like sonic, or MLP:FiM, or just gay fantasy in general, go play this game. It's REALLY GOOD! going in blind was a treat. That being said, here's my thots.................. theres a LOT!!!!!
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i didn't actually find out about SLARPG until i began reading the sonic archie comics a year or so back. i needed a reading order and by GOD did I find one. not to start this post about slarpg with a ramble about sonic archie, but it was genuinely such a great read, and all the stuff on Thanks, Ken Penders ( @thankskenpenders ), made it all the more enjoyable! that ASIDE it's also how i saw the author of the blog, who i realized i was following already for awhile, was making her own game! and one so shamelessly gay and furry as well! i was INSTANTLY interested...
after the game came out, it took me awhile to get around to it. it wasn't until someone very close to me got really into it that i decided i'd commit the time. it took 20 hours of gay activity, but i started it having silly fun voice acting a bunch of animals with my friends, and ended with tears in my eyes and love in my heart.
the game is written in a way that just gels perfectly with me. everything is both very casual feeling, but also genuine. it's never really ashamed of what it is, and that's all i can ask for from a game with a name like Super Lesbian Animal RPG.
The characters are easily the highlight of the game, never once feeling like simple cutouts or stereotypes. Everyone is just a delight to read. My favorites were easily Melody, Allison, and the man himself Javis. Being a gay ADHD filled bunny with a love for hitting things with sticks and hammers, Allison especially spoke to me.
The world of SLARPG is only seen through a small vertical slice, with the vastness left to your mind, which works very well in its favor. Slowly as you explore the areas your presented, you learn more and more about the world just through your own intuition. Discover the races that live on the planet, where the characters all came from to get here, the power structures put into place, how magic has effected such a modernized world. It makes you want to learn so much more, really. I found myself really interested in the vague lore we get of the supposed Gods that make up the powers of the world, which I hope can be further expanded on one day.
As a Video Game(tm), id say it does exactly what it sets out to do. I'm an RPG Girl, i love Figuring Shit Out in them. I play them headfirst and love to make strategies for silly bosses especially. SLARPG is a RPGM VX Ace game that doesn't exactly do anything CRAZY, as much as it does use its platform incredibly well. It is a SOLID RPG, it sets out to have a concise and simple battle system, with a lot of fun tools to play with. Even if I recognize all the scripts being used, how they get used always felt great. There were very few slipups in the way the game was put together when i played too, which as an RPGM dev, is always impressive to see. I think my only point of contention while playing was the random encounters getting a bit monotonous near the final stretch of the game, and the bosses being a bit too easy for my liking, but otherwise, mwah great rpg!!
one of the BIGGEST highlights, outside of the writing, is the amazing art, and i really mean it!! EVERY character has an amazingly cute character portrait, and every single sprite is so full of life! the backgrounds/tilesets tend to take the cake though, some of the best I've seen in a game like this personally. The dungeons are incredibly visually striking, and every single character design sticks in my head as memorable. MAJOR props to Javis and all his boys too. god bless those freaks.
and finally, i can talk about the writing in specific. it is... special. and i mean that in the best way i can. the story is pretty simple. Melody Amaranth and her girlfriend Allison Goleta join their friends guild to go on adventures, and are granted magic by their mage using a forbidden ritual. From there, hijinks ensue, involving a sociopathic VHS headed cipher-like individual, the worlds most jerkish butch, and a proclaimed Goddess of Magic coming for YOU!!! Despite all that though, the story to me felt focused much more on the relationship between the protagonists. Especially Melody and Allison.
I'm not sure how much I could go into specifics from memory alone, but it is... really good, what they do with the two main girls. Exploring the ways relationships blossom and mend. It's never all drama, nor is it all flowers. It's very real feeling. I connected to it a lot, in ways I never thought I could. Recently, I've been re-exploring my sexuality, what I want in romance, if I can even FEEL romance. This game helped a lot. It helped me be a lot more honest about my feelings, and let myself open up a lot more.
It wasn't just Melody and Allison either, there's multiple other great relationships in the games story. They're ALL adorable, and ALL amazingly written. We see a perfect mix of childhood love, new love, and trained love, each one shown with both strain, and triumph. As a girl who longingly read countless yuri manga and scoured plenty of garbage yuri anime as a kid desperately looking for something I could see myself in... and then this game comes along not only with that amazing representation, but two of the main characters are like VOCALLY transgender!! they don't play around SHTI!! This game is like a cup of cold, refreshing, root beer. god BLESS!!!!!
im about done rambling now though. if you got this far reading and still havent played slarp, WHATRE U WAITING FOR!!! GO KISS SOME GIRLS!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!
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serafrepier · 2 years ago
First and formost i would like to say that i love the wayhaven games. However after playing three diffrent routes i would like to make my opinion known about 2hat comes next. The following sceens are pure fan fiction and i expect none of it to actually happen but i have hope.
I want the mole in the agency to be an actual mole supernatural and i want them to be unapologelically evil. Like comically so. Like he is so evil no one belives it. Mostly because he is really good at his job and everything he does can be easily explained away so everyone just thinks he is weird. For the sake of the story we are going to have Adam, Nat, Ferah, and Mason. The MC is also a girl.
The sceen starts in book 4 with the MC and co walking through a facility and just happen to pass the mole. Upon seeing the mole the MC stops and just stares at them for a moment. Before calling out to them because they just seem evil.
MC: Your the mole arn't you?
Mole: (sounding super evil) I am a mole yes.
MC: No i mean you are the mole who is leaking info about the agency to our enemies.
Nat: MC! I thought better of you! Just because he is a mole peron does not mean he is a mole.
MC: im sorry but just look at him. He looks comically evil. Like the only way he could look any more evil besides a neon sign pointing at him saying "I'm evil". Would be if he had a handlebar mustach and was twirling it.
Ferah: i mean he does look like a bad guy from cartoons. Talks like them too.
Mole: (sounds proud) Thank you!
Adam: Apperances dont mean anything when your actions speak much more loudly.
MC: Yes, actions. From the way he dresses, talked, stands, HELL even the stale lighting of the facility makes him look evil!
Rebecca: MC... This gentalmen has been a great help with the agency for many years. He has done an admiral job in many fields from reconicance, record keeping, supply transport, and many things in between. You should show more respect to this dutiful agent. Even if his mannerisms seem a bit strange.
Mole: (still sounds evil) You should listen you your mother MC. With my constant assistance everything going on in the agency is going swimmingly. (Evil laugh)
Mason: Let it go MC. We all have beter things to do. Besides if he was the mole that would be stupid. I mean who would trust someone who looks and acts so blatently evil to actually be that open about betraying everyone around them without getting caught?
Ferah: And besides a mole as a mole? A bit on the nose isnt it?
MC: but? (Sighs and points to the mole) Im not forgetting this.
Mole: (smug smile)
Sceen close
Its at this point that the player needs to choose if they let it go or plan to look into the mole more. This choice will be important but wont be touched upon in the same book. In fact it should be left alone until late book 5 or early book 6 when the chamber asks the MC to look into the mole because things are just getting out of hand. Like wayhaven is almost a supernatual capital at this point with 5 or 6 major problems croping up bringing more and more supernaturals to the town to live. Many major operations againt the ageny's enemies like the trappers or the rouges have gone horribly wrong almost like they knew the agency was comming. And several of the great units such as unit Alpha or Victor are just gone or crippled. This is where that choice matters. If you let it go then when the MC investigate the MC will have an aha moment and yell "I called it!". However if you didn't let it go then when the chamber asks the MC to look into it the MC would look at them, tell them to wait, leave, come back like 20 minutes later with a usb, and start giving a powerpoint presentation called "I WAS RIGHT!!!" that is because if you didn't let it go the MC spent a lot of their free time looking for evedince againt this mole. And it works. This next sceen will be taking place in the timeline where the player let it go.
A later sceen will open with with everyone in unit bravo except Rebecca being captured in an anti supernatural cage or something. And the mole having capured them giving a villain monolouge
Mole: (super cocky evil voice)My tresonus plans have layed undiscoved for centuries! (Monologues)
Ferah: How could this have happened?
MC: Because he is evil!
Nat/Ferah: But how did you know that?
MC:....... (says nothing but gives a look that says "Are you F ing kidding me?!")
Mole: (still talking)
Adam: Evil or not we need a plan to get out of here.
Mason: How? all our powers can do jack all while we are in this stupid cage.
Mole: (still gloating)
MC: By buying time for my mother or other agents to get here and help.
Nat: How do you suppose we do that?
MC: (stares at the mole still talking about his plans and actions up to this point) By convincing him to go into more details about what he is saying.
Adam: Do you really think it will work?
Mole: (still talking)
MC: (nods) Just follow my lead. (Caughs loudly) excuse me but can you please go back to when you were talking about WW2? I want more detail of how you helped the rouges in WW2? I'm curious to know how they were connected to the germans?
Mole: (sounds more excitedly evil) Oh that? Thats simple! For you see!.....(goes of on a tangent)
Mason: ...Holy shit that worked.
Ferah: Hopefully Agent Rebecca can save us before he runs out of things to say.
And sceen
This is where your relationship with Rebecca really matters. If your relation is below 30% then she wont save you. She would be sad and doing something else not knowing you are in danger. If its between 30% and 70% she would be gathering forces and or planning to save you solo depending on how good or bad things are. At 71% or higher she is already drop kicking the mole moments after the plan is made while other agents are rushing in to get you out of the trap.
Now once again I would like to say that I expect none of this to happen especially since it seems wayhaven is getting a bit more serious with each book but if even one of these things does happen then I will be happy because that would be hilarious.
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nopesterlogs · 2 years ago
Okay, time to enter the kitchen
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I just noticed john is wearing his normal glasses under the fake ones, that can't be comfortable. he really does suffer for his art.
I appreciate the detail in the harlequins arm falling off. not everyone would go to the effort.
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why does this have a heartbeat is this whole story gonna end with meeting Dagoth Ur in a volcano
Faceless dad here has baked and decorated an entire cake in like 15 minutes since getting home
> [S] STRIFE! Is john gonna attach his dad with a hammer
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dads taking this quite well
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or not
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okay this was pretty funny. dude could of dropped them any time
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yknow for a guy whos backed at least 3 cakes today dads kitchen is really clean. Is he single
John why take his PDA.
Is this how Captchalogue upgrades are normally done? cause that... is inconvienient.
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Quest Success. Another Birthday present?
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is homestuck so long because its just john messing up the inventory system?
oh hey, number 4!
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and... they're gone. they seem nice
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TG has absolutely no chill
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I can imagine were only starting to see the depths of meta this comic will go honestly
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version 0.0.1? im surprised there is even a server yet to play
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considering the fact they are the basic way people seem to interact with the world, you'd think it would be like basic knowledge taught in school.
... does john go to school?
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how does this world work
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hes gonna launch the razor into the fucking computer at this point
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close enough
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Poor dad. wait how did the glass fall on the inside?
ooh a present from TG. I literally have no idea what to expect
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John really needs to be stopped.
okay finally the present
Something suspiciously dirty and smelly.
But no, it is not merely LIKE that bunny. According to this NOTE OF AUTHENTICITY, it is the VERY SAME BUNNY.
I have no idea how much movie memorabilia goes for but i can't imagine its cheap. TG Must be pretty well off.
Looks like Sburb is ready and TT is messaging.
Its got a client and a host so 2P? guess thats TT?
yeah TT is connecting
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a, This music is banging
b, very sims, I think i saw "Sewing Mirrors" If I could pause I'd be inclined to read all of them, I wonder if theres anything important in there. is there a list somewhere? otherwise it seems pretty "recalculating Splines"
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very sims Select revise and deploy feel like they are kinda self explanatory. but is it for the real world? theres what looks like an item registry? Grist Cache sounds like currency maybe?
last two I dunno but the last one has a punch capcha card?
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oh theirs johns FIFO card sweet.
also what the fuck. although considering that other hand is this just a normal thing that's possible in universe?
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ummmm what is the range on this thing
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mildly convenient
Dads going out for MORE supplies?? why didnt he just get enough the first time??
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okay I guess there is a range
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the menace deserves to be prodded buy a terrifying game cursor
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I like how he responds to the reference
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So this game can just rewrite reality? just create matter out of thin air?
Seeing as John already lives a pretty Video gamey life is Sburb more like a mod that allows the host (or client actually which one is John) to effect the base code?
Seems like existence is based on a coded frame work. "It was all a video game" seems a bit too cliché but maybe something like that is happening?
man it even effects the outside too
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oh boy nebulous machinery
Cruxtruder - Extrudes something? a Crux presumably
Totem Lathe - Used to carve some kind of totem probably? that seems too simple though
Alchemiter - the Punch card thing had something to do with Alchemy too. Changes things with punch cards?
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your-sweet-cookies · 2 years ago
Roleplaying rules
The rules for roleplaying with my Muse are very simple:
✨This is a mature 18+ RP blog as the stories can go into all levels of details. I don't shy from anything as long as you don't ask me to write gross topics.
✨Choose whichever style of roleplaying you want: it can be novella type writing, dialogue based writing (in which our Muses interact through message threads or asks), private messages roleplay (in which we dm each other in case you are shy or want the story to stay private).
✨The type of relationships that our Muses can pursue can be anything from friends, enemies, frenemies, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic relationship, familial bond (for example if you want our Muses to be siblings or cousins in a group RP), etc.
✨I'm usually the type to like cute, wholesome stories with fluff and adorable interactions (my strong games are writing romance and comedy), but I won't say no to angst, drama or action either, only thing is that I am not that skilled with writing fights.^^' Oh, and smut is perfectly fine with me too, only thing is that I might not know all kinks out there, but I can adapt fairly easy if you tell me what you'd like my Muse to do.
✨Multiship blog, as well as multiverse. Each ship and interaction has its own separate verse, unless stated otherwise. While the blog doesn't pertain to any specific fandom, I am open to RP with cannon characters from any fandom (preferably ones that I have actually knowledge on too, like the source material), given that I am not picky by any means as long as it's not a problematic show/book/comic, so I can easily adapt something for my Muse(s) to fit in your character's universe.
✨No bullying and no hate topics! Everyone should be nice to everyone and I'm trying to create a friendly environment, so I won't partake in topics involving harassing or slandering other RP accounts. As for the RP stories, we can pursue heavier topics, but please don't turn those into the main focus of the plot.
✨I like the idea of separate universes for each roleplay so in case more people want to pursue my Muse romantically, they shouldn't get jealous/feel as if their Muse is cheated on with another person's Muse since the stories won't intersect (my Muses will always be loyal and devoted to their s/o in each universe). We can do group RPs too, but for the instances in which there are more universes intersecting, we need to decide this before hand to establish the relationship statuses between the Muses involved.
✨We can interact between muns too, I am always open to making new friends so don't hold back from sending me a message if you want.^^
✨Just like most of my Muses, I am a university student too, so my schedule is pretty hectic, but I will always make sure to reply in due time to our threads! If it takes me longer to reply, it might just mean I am busy with working on homework or projects, or that I am stuck at my lectures or seminars (during the week). In no shape or form would I ignore you.❤ If a thread goes unanswered for a longer period of time, you can always bring it up to me via IM. Just please don't pester me daily with questions like "when are you going to reply?", cause that'll kill my mood.
✨I am an artist, so from time to time I'll update this blog with original artwork for my Muses and other Muses too. The art present on this blog is original artwork drawn by me, so if you want to repost it, please ask for permission beforehand and always credit me in your post. Other than that, reblogs are okay in my book for anything that's on here.
Well, I guess that's all. If need be, the rules shall be updated with a simple edit.
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fstarnd1sco · 5 months ago
quoting myself on this one:
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and also, now kind of adding in a bigger format, only because he's being compared to damian here and it gives me a good example.
how does fandom react to damian being mischaracterized? let's take a very recent issue as an example, batman 146:
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damian being the only one who doesn't realise that the failsafe robot is not actually Bruce's mind, which was absolutely out of character for him, but did make sense in-story. The writers needed a character to believe the lie, they needed conflict in order to squeeze in a betrayal and make it over all dramatic. It was a good enough story, with a good enough balance, and Damian's mischaracterization was the price to pay for this. Of course, fandom hated this, hated this story and hated this wrong portrayal of Damian.
We could go on with other characters, like Dick or Barbara in the tom taylor run. It wasn't a horrible comic, it had some interesting plotlines, new and sometimes fun, but to make new things you have to change up the characters a little, to see them with some perspective. Everyone hated this run. There wasn't really any word about Jason's mischaracterization in Red hood The hill (maybe because none read it, or maybe because it aligned with fandom's views of Jason better than it did with canon) but we can remember THE incident from batman 148, resorting to newer comics again:
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this is not Jason, that is not what Jason would do. It works, for the story, they needed Jason to do this, so he did. And we didn't like it, because that's not him.
now, circling back to Tim and this recent "damian vs tim: who's the REAL robin?" shit that DC's got going on right now. Is Tim in character in this issue? do we believe that rebooted Tim would say the things he says? or is this for conflict?
the obvious answer is conflict, of course. There's a lot to play with, now that two characters share the same title and carry it out in such different ways, I'm surprised that the writers hadn't made anything on this topic yet (because I've actually written my own fics about this, i think its a very interesting dynamic). We dont choose the direction the writers take, but we choose how we react.
i think its very clear that tim is mischaracterized in this issue, so now i want to talk about the robin issue. Why should Tim not give up the robin mantle? Or, more so, why did none write him out of it yet? Why did he go back?
well, the answer is as plain as that. Tim Drake is Robin. He was written to be robin, the sole purpose of Tim Drake, as a character, was to be Robin. Damian Wayne is the son of the Bat. Damian Wayne was Robin and will be Batman, and Damian Wayne gave a whole new meaning to what Robin meant.
while Tim's Robin is the light to Batman's darkness, Damian's Robin is the darkness that made Batman fall into the light. Bruce had to be Damian's light, and it was such a beautiful thing, that dynamic gave a 180° spin to Batman and Robin and it was refreshing, at the time, and it is what defines Bruce's and Damian's relationship to its core. But, then again, why does Damian get to have reason to be the way he is and Tim doesn't? Why do we defend Damian's Robin and not Tim's, who's got a longer history and follows better the meaning of what Robin is about?
im saying all of this to prove my point, to really present why i think that, no, tim should not get a new title. No, he should not grow out of Robin.
Tim was never written to grow up.
Dick, Jason, even Damian and Steph, they have their own spins to it. Dick grew up to be his own hero when the story needed it, Jason died when the story needed it, Damian will grow up (wonder woman 2023-) but Tim just wasn't written to grow up. Tim doesn't work outside of Robin. The writers know this, everyone knows this.
Tim won't grow up, or at least, he won't grow up in character. Because he wasn't written to do so.
That's why we got the failsafe arc, so focused on Tim (while Batman & Robin, that came out at the same time, focused on Damian's and Bruce's relationship) and why is so important for Tim to be robin.
so, how do the writers fix this? how can they give a new meaning to a character that's been growing roots in the same place for thirty years? how can they gift individuality to a character that's spent twenty years being a plot device, a tool that writers used to move the plot forwards? (examples of this, if they are needed, are A lonely place of dying 1990, Infinite Crisis #6, Batman: Face the Face 2006... all stories about Batman reacting to Tim)
well they can't. Tim Drake can't move forwards. Or at least, neither me or the writers can think of a way to move him out of where he's been for 30 years. So, what does Tim do now?
the only real solution, the only way to move him, is to pull him off the board. One last plot point he pushes, one last time he's used as a tool to move the Batman story forwards, as he was written and created to do. Something new, something fun and entertaining, how would Bruce react? How would Damian? Jason, who's already died? How would it move things around?
its the only real solution I see, but that doesn't necessarily make it right
So no, "this grown ass man" doesn't need a new title, he can't get a new title, and if this god forsaken so called fanbase picked up a comic once in a while, maybe we would agree.
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Omg Tim you are so cringe please grow up. DC give this grown ass man his own title
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tovirus · 7 months ago
A STUDY OF ... the dayspring. the present is the future is nowhere. never-ending war. finding purpose amidst the fire. once a weapon, always a weapon. doing what has to be done when nobody else will. escaping fate. born from false realities.
nathan CABLE summers from MARVEL COMICS.
time-slid by nami.
this blog follows from @vitrumbra
hi! my name is nami, i use it/its pronouns, and i'm an animator(i have a degree lmfao).
I can be busy and have spans where i am not the most active and other times where i'm posting every few minutes...but no matter what i hope y'all enjoy your time here, I'm excited to write this terrible science guy with all of you :)
Don't be a dick. This is probably my number one thing, this is for tumblr, it's writing, it's for fun. So lets have fun.
Selective. Mutuals Only. For the sake of my comfort, this blog is selective and mutuals only, meaning if I don't follow you, please don't try to thread with me or reblog my posts. I'm okay with sending questions or anons, but actual threads is a nono.
Mun =/= Muse. I AM NOT CABLE. Please don't equate his morals and actions to my own.
I will not hold back my muse. I let the muse go in the directions the muse wants. The second I feel forced or the muse feels forced to do something that's out of character or unrealistic for the character, it causes inspiration to dwindle.
Triggers. I tag just about everything, and if i don't take it, I put 'ask to tag. I myself have no triggers, but if i don't tag something please let me know and I will tag it.
Discord/IMs. Discord is open for mutuals!! I am practically always on discord, I do the occasional discord drop, but all you have to do is ask and I'll give it to you.
Other Blogs. I have........a lot of other blogs. This blog is also a side blog. A side blog to VITRUMBA!
Activity. Holy heck is my activity going to fluctuate. This blog is likely going to be LOW ACTIVITY for that reason. If you want to see me somewhere I'm more active...again go to vitrumbra, I'm pretty much always writing on there. I also do discord, which I'm likely to respond usually immediately.
Length. I have a habit of writing a lot. Like a lot-- You don't need to match my length, I just ask you give me enough to work with...that being said if you reply to like 5 paragraphs with a single sentence, I probably won't continue the thread lol.
I think that's it? I'll add more if necessary :)
0 notes
moonlightandromache · 1 year ago
I don't know how I didn't mention the Old Guard comics tbcfh, especially since I think I only watched the movie because of you. I completely understand not liking the art style (I didn't either) but they are honestly really good- (personally, I didn't like the movie at first (I hate movies in general and I think that's why) but then I read the comics and I was like "this is great actually this is perfect." And now I like the movie).
Image also did The Walking Dead Comics, I haven't read them and I don't watch the show but just generally that's a big name for them.
The Paper Girls comics are also very good, the show doesn't really follow them? Which isn't surprising but don't be surprised. (like the scene with Mac and her brother in the car from the show? I would die for that scene, but it doesn't exist in any way shape or form in the comics)
And Saga is definitely a different Genre, It's one of the most popular like ever (to the point my shitty bookstore sells the individual issues when they come out, which it never does, and even the workers were like "we sell these?") But that's more of a general "this is a good comic" rec then a "I think you specifically would enjoy this" rec so I understand.
And I also completely understand falling out of love with comics a little. Hopefully these help. I also constantly am like "maybe I don't like comics anymore. Maybe I'm done." And then I go feral for black canary and I'm like "...nevermind."
nonny! so sorry i meant to respond to this yesterday and then ended up crashing when i got home from work and have been busy w work again today.
(decided to put the rest under the cut bc i got a bit rambly as i tend to do lmao)
its not so much "falling out of love" with comics as it is "getting distracted by life/other things" i think i enjoy media like one might enjoy some really cool rocks and make a rock collection, i can sometimes forget some of my cool rocks in my collection when presented with a New Shiny Cool rock (is this a good metaphor? idk)
also omg i was the reason u watched the old guard? im so honored 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 ngl i do wish i could read the comics just for more content & also because they do genuinely seem GOOD i just. cant get past the art for some reason i cannot explain it i just. dont vibe with it. (maybe i could give tales through time a try bc im pretty sure that had a different art style??)
i did not entirely realize there were walking dead comics, but then again i barely got thru like 1 episode of walking dead when i tried, i remember noping out of trying the show after a graphic horse death?? i think? it's definitely not my speed, ngl i think zombie media kinda freaks me out a bit in general, though its more i think bc of my fear of being Chased/Hunted ? who knows lmao maybe its not that deep
also!! during my lunch break today i read the first comic in the new bop run and i am SO intrigued by it. as soon as sin was mentioned i was FULLY invested. i am SO curious why the amazons have her i need to know more! i know some hardcore comic fans can be touchy about bop lineup not including some of the core members but i think its always fun to mix it up a little plus this particular run doesnt seem to be erasing or dismissing dinah & babs' relationship which to me is the main thing (love dinahbabs, platonically & romantically) plus i just starting reading the 2000 batgirl run with cassandra cain so its fun seeing her in it, harley's always a hoot and i love her and dinah's general dynamic throughout comics (was it in the injustice world where that panel comes from of dinah & harley talking about motherhood??) and while im not super familar with big barda and i have never heard of zealot before im excited to learn more about them! also i loved the dinahollie interaction at the beginning <33 (i am a dinah multishipper first and foremost btw) and im fascinated by this particular bit with dinah's list of, badass heroes she knows but ruled out of recruiting for whatever reasons
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the first side is Barbara, Vixen, Grace Choi, Huntress, Shiva, Selina, Talia, Cheshire. shiva through cheshire being extra scribbled out is so funny to me. other side is a little harder for me to figure out, theres Onyx(i think, had to google if there was even a dc character named onyx, which turns out there is!), almost positive the next one is Katana, and then possibly Manhunter? (kate spencer), Zatanna (which man. that would of been SO cool. i love zatanna. and black canary & zatanna bloodspell was SO good love their dynamic), the next one i got nothing for, all thats visible is "Black" with the other word hidden by dinah's hand, there are a lot of potentials though it kinda maybe looks like the second word starts with an A so after a brief google search maybe black alice??? is she even in the current dc universe? and then finally there's Fire/Ice, which, love that they are a unit not to be separated! i dont know a Whole lot about that duo but from what i do know i think they should be in lesbians with each other. i cannot wait for the next addition, thank you again for putting me on this run!
i think after i finish the 2000 batgirl run i will give injustice a try, and ive also discovered some other bop runs / one offs that im not entirely sure if i've read before that i may have to try out at some point bc i love women. im also sooo tempted to bring my physical comic collection back from my parents house when i go there this weekend and lowkey tempted to reread bombshells ajdslkjga. theres so many comics i would like to read why must there be adult responsibilities such as work.
anyways hope you're having a good day/past few days!! it was a delight seeing another message from you in my inbox!! 💖💖
0 notes
crplpunkklavier · 3 years ago
do you have any advice for writing klavier? your characterization of him is so strong and interesting and I have an idea for a fic I want to write but I can't quite figure out his like.. voice? if that makes sense?
putting everything under a cut because i wrote like 1.6k LOL
thank you, first of all!! im happy you like the way i write him :] and i had some trouble getting into his voice at first too! i think its because hes Not Like Other Prosecutors, within the feeling of the games, since he is immediately in your corner with no downsides and almost consistently nice to you.
one important thing about his characterization/voice i think is that "almost," though. approximately once per trial, klavier says something balls to the wall insane, rude, and tactless.
transcript from turnabout corner:
Klavier: ...How ironic that you would kill the one man capable of helping you. You're almost as careless as he was! ...Ah ha ha ha. Wocky: …… Apollo: …… Klavier: Well, now that the place is hopping… Let's get this gig started!
turnabout serenade:
Ema: You... You jerk! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!? Trucy: Yeah! Apologize! Klavier: Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
turnabout succession:
Brushel: Actually, I did notice something when I visited the studio. I'd heard of poison that "takes its sweet time", see! Klavier: ...But not what I've been saying for the last few minutes, apparently.
those are just some favorites off the top of my head. my point is that it's important to not get caught up in the nice guy thing klavier has going on. i actually think he veers more toward "kind but not nice"! he absolutely is a good guy, he's there with you to find the truth and he will weather any storm his fucked up social circle brings him if that means finding the right killer, but he is also very frequently kind of a bitch.
his speaking voice specifically gave me grief at first. writing miles and phoenix into scenes together is easier, because phoenix talks like a normal guy who was born in the 90s, while miles is a lot more posh (although miles is also plenty rude, but that's a rant for another time). klavier is a prosecutor, famous, and evidently rich, but he doesn't necessarily sound like that. a lot of his Cool Rock Star Lingo however sounds stilted, too. he's kind of suspended between two worlds and doesn't seem to neatly fit into either of them. i don't think that's a problem that needs solving when writing him though! i think in essence klavier attempts to bring the cool, chill vibe of rock'n'roll into the seriousness of law to loosen things up, and he also brings the pedantic perfectionism of law into music to shape it to his will.
the german gimmick is part of that too, for me. this isn't supported by canon since we never see him off work there, but i just like to headcanon that his go-to german phrases (ie herr/fräulein, achtung, etc) are very much part of a deliberately constructed persona. if he isnt on a stage (and a courtroom counts as one) he has no need for those, so i leave them out. since i personally still write him as a native german speaker, occasionally he'll still slip into real german or struggle with translations for things, but all those little pleasantries he throws around for show fall away when it's just him alone.
back to his character, i know we all lament how little screentime he got and how the writers seem to have forgotten about him. and so maybe this was entirely by accident, but just from the way he is presented in aa4, i think klavier presents a very rich character with a lot of seeming contradictions, which of course just serves to make him more complex. here's some facts i just think say a lot about him.
his shoes look like biker boots, so he's wearing proper footwear to ride his literal harley davidson, but he is also wearing the suit he wears to court.
the glimpse we catch of his music sounds like classic hard rock to me, with his and daryan's looks supporting a glam rock edge to it. he says he likes poetry, which makes sense given the fact that he writes lyrics (this is also something the brothers have in common, so it's likely that they grew up with it).
when romein letouse's body goes missing and they have to go look for it, klavier says that he is having fun.
lamiroir's music is nothing like his own, yet klavier clearly appreciates her to the point where he felt it was an honor to perform with her.
when his trial against phoenix comes closer and closer to the point of no return, klavier repeatedly tries to give him an out. i guess this could be construed instead as him baiting phoenix into presenting the diary page, but i dont really know about that. klavier was cheeky with him and kept talking about the old versus the young, but that still implies a knowledge of just who phoenix wright is, who he was up against, and what phoenix stood for. klavier, assuming that phoenix knew that the evidence was forged, told him that he does not have to present it, that now is the time to give up and back out, and then he would have let him get away with it. it's only when the page was actually in the open that he fully succumbed to the belief that phoenix wright was crooked beyond repair, and that he had to be removed from the courts.
he personally comes to the wright anything agency the morning after the turnabout serenade concert, to give apollo the news that machi requests him as his counsel. why did he do this?? phoenix could have been there. klavier didn't have to deliver this message himself. he apologizes for how that evening went, while also fearlessly standing in the lion's den of the guy whose life he (ARGUABLY.) ruined
i think one of the most important things for writing klavier is that whatever facet of his life youre writing, he is feeling everything very deeply. he fits right into the artist trope for that. only his art goes further than music, and extends into law.
whatever klavier gavin does, he wants to do it perfectly, and he makes it his very personal responsibility if that doesn't work out. he took it upon himself to register daryan as a witness before apollo could request it. when apollo starts accusing kristoph in succession, he says he wants concrete proof, or he is "off this case." why would he stay on the case with concrete proof? that's his brother. he doesn't have to prosecute his brother. if being "off the case" is an option, then he can and should walk, but he doesn't. klavier sticks things out until the very, very bitter end, because he feels that no one else can, and that makes it his responsibility. and he does not run away from responsibility.
and he's genuine. that's one point i feel like people tend to forget when writing him. the whole rock star thing and the shiny smile can lead you into thinking that everything he does is an act, but i don't think it is. klavier cares very deeply and he shows you this openly. he doesn't fully break down while he's at work, but that only means that he is an adult with a good grasp on his self-control.
which brings me to one more point, and that is the fact that he was a professional at age 17. and not just in law, but also in music. i'm sure we've all heard music industry horror stories, now imagine you're 17 years old and deep in there through over-night fame. klavier was then already a lawyer, already had his band together, stood tall with his degree and his creativity and knew exactly where he wanted to go. but he was fucking seventeen. somewhere out there, klavier grew up really, really fast.
he evidently knows a lot about music, he is fully in charge of that concert, he writes his own songs, he potentially even mixes it himself instead of having staff to do that. he is an extremely good investigator and prosecutor, figuring out cases before anyone else does and then playing his cards so meticulously correct that he essentially puts work into his own loss. once he realizes that apollo's clients are innocent, klavier has to figure out moves to convince the entire court that he's wrong, all while keeping up appearances, and he manages.
klavier is extremely good at everything he does, because he has to be. because he was seventeen.
and after all that.... bro....... i think it's important to let him be happy.
i put him through a lot in exorcism. canon already puts him through a lot, and then i put him through more. i think he's complex and tragic, but he can't be only that. he plays air guitar in court! there's a still of his concert in canon where he passionately dips his microphone stand like they're dancing. he loves what he does!!! hes having fun!
he clearly has hobbies and interests and it's important to give them space between all the angst. doesn't he even say something about it being time to bury the teenage angst in the past? i think klavier actively wants to be good. he's had a turbulent life with fabulous ups and devastating downs, but he deliberately wants to come out okay.
and i think he puts in the work. because it's what he does.
so you're writing a young adult who has been a young adult for a little too long, who faces hardships with grim determination because he knows that he's strong enough to come out on top, and who makes morbid jokes and laughs about them while everybody else stares on in horror. hope this.... helps :')
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sly-merlin · 4 years ago
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre : (fluff)  angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : cursing, mention of drugs, character death.
words : ~4k
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“ curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
K.M 13
TAGLIST : @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct ​​ @hyuckiesgf ​​ @theworld-accordingtocasey ​​@simplybree
@yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator   @minejungwoo @leesalts @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl–ankhaeji @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @bralessmermaid @minhoseyeliner @tyongpoetry @swimmingkpopblog @jkjkseo @orphicmoon @floralescapes
A/N : this chapter marks the celebration of this blog surpassing 600 followers! thank you so much for all the support! also for minor readers, the sfw versions of nsfw chapters are given at the end of the masterlist so check those properly before reading.
y/n! Are you sleeping?”
Registering his words, you replied in a groggy voice,“What the fuck do you want?”
“Your phone. I left mine in the medical room. I need to call Mark right now.” with some authority, he spoke.
Whining loudly, you fell back on the bed. It was only due but flailing your arms and legs like a kid in a toy store, you let out a screech full of annoyance, cursing your fate.
Were you really going to babysit him now?
"Have you suddenly lost your hearing? Stop with this sick attitude and open the door."
A puff of air left your nose, your chest moved rhythmically with your stomach and you relaxed your arms beneath your head, eyes fixed at the fan above and ears ringing with his voice. He kept calling you and after a number of shouts, you started humming to distract yourself, afraid that you'd end up helping him otherwise. That was something, naturally, you were not interested in. Last time he had ignored your voice and now nature had presented you with an opportunity to return the favour. Just with a bit less flavour.
"Are you dead?"
"Hmmm. To you, yes I am." Mumbling, you yawned and pushed yourself up to reach your side table and fishing out your earphones from the bottom drawer, you untangled them and fixed them comfortably in your ear, hiding yourself underneath the sheets.
Sonata no.14 instantly transported you away from the noise and the stress that was your unwanted husband, yuta. The smile playing on your lips widened as you realised that you were his only mode of communication at the moment.
But You were going for a nap. Until then, he could wait. And thrash. And cry. Or die.
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Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you rotated the handle of the door to walk outside but your little trip was interrupted when your body collided straight into a wall. No. The obstruction was too soft for a wall.
Opening your eyes properly, you saw yuta standing stiff. Surprised at the sudden appearance, you immediately stumbled back and in hurry, hit your spine on the wooden door. The glare of his eyes, that always spoke more than you could comprehend, coupled with a clenched jaw, was not a very pleasant sight for sure yet you found it harder to dart your own eyes away from him.
"Your phone" he seethed, breathing deeply.
"Huh?" You croaked out.
He raised his brow and in an instant, the previous scenario played like a short movie in your head. Snapping your head down, you regarded his leg with pity. He obviously noticed it immediately but seemed to ignore it and refrained from saying anything. Good for you, you thought.
"Are you deaf?"
Your furrowed brows met his eyes and with a roll of his own, he picked up his finger to force his demand but you managed to walk back inside your room before he could've done that.
Your back faced him as you contemplated your options while slowly stretching your arm to reach for your phone on the other side of the bed.
should you even be giving him your phone?
You had more trust in Taeyong than the man you shared a roof with so there was no way you were doing that.
Unbeknownst to you, yuta was watching your movements intently and the way you bobbed your head, he knew you were scheming something so he decided to be polite for a moment. Only until you were needed. Or your phone was needed.
Once the phone was in your hand, another thought crossed your mind.
"Wait. Where is the house phone?" Crossing your arms, you asked him slyly, already knowing the answer
"You fucking never got it installed. It's still in its stupid package" he seemed rather impatient.
"And you could've called reception through the door telecom. He would have phoned Mark for you. These rich apartments certainly have more hospitality tha-
He inhaled and exhaled and you just watched until he opened his eyes again, hand reaching out to you.
"Chill. I've every right to be sceptic especially when you are the one asking for it."
Finding Mark's number on your phone, you called him.
Yuta's hand threaded through his rough hair as he noticed what you were trying to do.
"Hey mark!" Your chirpy voice resounded in the room and yuta was sure this was some different spirit speaking. You sounded too bubbly for the way you were investigating him just a second ago.
"Yes yes. His phone exactly.i don't trust him enough to hand over my phone so that's why I'm calling you myself. Just hurry up if you can or you might have to clean up a dead body in the next few hours."
With that you cut the phone. Without meeting yuta's gaze and resting your hand on the handle, you mumbled,
"He'll be here in an hour."
You were about to close the door when he stopped it with the palm of his hand, alerting you with the force.
"Tell him to get some food too."
And limping, he retired back, to the couches.
Sighing, you messaged mark. Had it been for something else, you'd have ignored but your own stomach had signalled you that it needed some good food so you chose not to fight against your own body.
Now, only the taste of the food could decide how many days you were going to tolerate that barbaric human.
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"Are you still going to that stupid internship?" Johnny hesitantly murmured from your desk chair while taking big bites from the plate.
"It's not stupid please! I’m just waiting for them to actually pay attention to my awesome capabilities so they can transfer me to the main branch. This is not bad either but”, you stopped to lick your forefinger and tasting the sauce, continued, “but I really wanna go into the criminal unit. That’s where the actual fun is. As long as i’m being paid decently, i’ll suffer with the stupid research work here.”
“With the tongue as sharp as yours, I think you should be getting ready for a demotion instead” he laughed, showing you his fake bunny teeth in the most annoying and childish way.
“Ha ha ha ha. Some well wisher you are! Thank you so much for looking out for me but I'll be fine. Who knows the gatekeeper’s pay package is more than me. So it’d be a win-win in that case too I guess?” when you did a drum roll with your chopsticks to stress upon your point, he laughed harder.
"So being broke is the new black?" Rolling his eyes, he dragged out, "I swear you kids don't know how this world works."
"And you, grandpa of the century, knows?"
"I'm aware of what I need for my survival and from what I've learnt, you can either take risks or look for job security. In your case, " he fake coughed, "where the proportions of risk taking have already exceeded the acceptable limit, a job security is the best and safest option to choose."
"And that would justify my greed and desire to work for the biggest company of this city."
"Kun. The security you need and the independence you seek would be given by kun. Chois are hmm how to say? Cheap? Yeh cheap. They have no work ethics. "
"Have you worked with them, johnny?"
"No. I'm ju-
"Then was your ex a choi?" You saw his eyes comically and cutely widening at your remark.
"No. My ex wasn't a choi and that's not what I'm saying and you know that."
"Oh. So your ex wasn't a choi. Then a lee? Kim? Im? Oh my god! Look at your cheeks seo!" You dragged out. He shook his head as you kept wiggling your brows at him.
"She was a kim but that doesn't mean I would hate all kims dude. That's baseless and stop ignoring the topic. I want you to apply in Kuns. It's the best option. Do it as soon as you-
"Yeah yeah we'll see about that. First take that bitch back. I can't even nap in his presence. "
"Umm. Yeah. You gotta tolerate him. And besides he's injured. Injured yuta is like a gun without a bullet. He's gonna shout for a day or two and then peace out. He'll be sleeping and reading in his room and you won't even know if he's alive or not."
"Now that's bullshit. What is he going to do here anyway? I hope he can hop himself on one leg because even if the sun rises from the north, I am not going to do a single task for him. He can die hungry , for all I care.”
“Do you think you can endure him for some tasty dinners?”
Clicking your tongue, you quipped, “Do you really think you can buy me with a few homemade meals?”
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Day 1
Yes. you were sold. The moment the tasty noodles had melted in your mouth, you knew you had no dignity. And you were indeed ashamed of yourself.
Earlier, Renjun had called you to inform you that he had delivered the food and medicines for yuta and had left your dinner box but he had failed to mention the special and endearing note that was pasted on the glass box. In the curvy letters, it read bitchy piglet and you swore the only person you’d be killing before yuta would be jaehyun. But you were going to use jaehyun to build up your tolerance instead.
When you went out to clean your dishes, he was playing some game on his phone, excitement evident from the way he was laughing every other second. Maybe if he remained occupied, he would not be so insufferable.
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Day 3
"Oyii! Oyii!"
No. You were wrong. He was very very much insufferable.
At midnight, his voice echoed, disturbing your sleep. You cursed at the cool atmosphere that had prevented you from using the air con which otherwise would have blocked his annoying screeches. But it seemed like bad luck wanted to change its name to y/n instead. With your name being called like a broken record, it was a fight between you and him that you were not going to lose. Shuffling to your side, you covered your ears with the other pillow and tried to drown out the annoyingly demanding and hoarse voice. There was no way you were giving him the satisfaction of having any power over you. He could cry for all he liked!
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“What the fuck do you want at this hour?”
Attempting a glare at him through sleepy lids, you spewed with irritation. Unlike you, he was very much awake, breathing with the sole purpose of making you question your whole existence.
“Pillow” scratching his non-existent beard, he mumbled.
Your nostrils flared and jaw clenched at such inconvenient command.
“You summoned me for a pillow? A pillow that can normally be found on a person’s bed? Can you please rectify your demand or did I just simply hear something wrong?”
The opened curtains and the moonlight that drenched the room was the only source that illuminated his face for you and even with drooping eyes, you could see how serious he was and yet you couldn't hold your tongue back because he simply deserved every shit you bestowed him with.
“Turn the lights on and count the pillows on my bed! And when you are done, get me some pillows from your room.” he simply stated.
“Why should i give you my pillow? I need them!”
“Because I don't use a pillow and I need it asap!”
“Then why do you suddenly need one? To disturb my sleep? Oh that makes sense.” and suddenly, your eyes had synced with your body to side with your fight mode.
“I need them for elevating my leg. The bandage is too tight and it’s not comfortable.”
“Then why don't you walk out of the room and get some cushions for yourself!” you raised your volume.
“Because my leg is in pain and i’m unable to get up? What makes you think I'm dying to see your ugly face at this time of the night. I dont wanna have nightmares of you as well but i can't help it ok!”
“you should have kept them near you. And who are you calling ugly hmm? You poop fac-
“Okay scream for all you want! But get me a pillow when your battery dies down!”
“What the fuck d- are you covering your ears? Wow ways to be generous!”
Stomping your foot, you left the room to get the hardest cushion on the couch.
“Here! Next time call Mark if you want anything. Don’t raise your voice ever again to call me because unlike you, i have work in the morning and hence I need some sleep..”
Just when you were about to leave after shoving the cushion in his hand, he spoke up again,
“This is damn hard! I asked for your pillow specifically and not th- AHH!”
A scream left him as you harshly removed the support , leaving his leg to painfully meet the mattress.
“How about you fix your attitude before fixing your leg?” suggesting, you dropped the cushion on the floor and left.
He didn't call you after that. Nor that you cared. However, the sleep in your eyes somehow vanished. Dancing on your sides didn’t help. Neither did drinking a glass of water. So, with a groan, you listened to your conscience and picked up your extra pillow that was sadly too perfect for your enemy.
Padding to his room, you tried your best to scrutinise and hearing his heavy snores, you placed the pillow right under his thigh and the cushion under his calf. Scoffing at his sleeping figure, you internally groaned to remind yourself that you hadn't done it for him. It was just a debt. For the blanket he had once covered you with. Nothing more and nothing less.
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Day 5
You just wanted him out of your hair. He was just being a load on your head. At first, only the work was kicking your ass, then jungwoo was kicking you like a punching bag for an hour straight and adding to your distress was yuta.
"I'm not your maid! Stop piling up the dishes for me. I've had enough mercy on you. From today onwards, get a cleaner for yourself or buy disposable cutlery. I'm not going to clean after you!"
With a roll of his eyes, he had ignored you.
And so did you. Pasting a warning note on the sink tap, you had left for the library with a dying hope that maybe the kitchen would be spotless on your arrival or you'd be dialing some numbers in the evening.
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For someone who despised the solemn atmosphere of libraries, you had successfully spent 11 hours in the said hellish room. It was 11 p.m and you wanted to sleep, more than anything but here you were, waiting for yugyeom so he'd just pick you up for a good drinking session that you were dying to have.
Fortunately, you weren't the only one who had missed living these past days. Everyone, for different reasons, was suffering so you felt a little less bad for yourself even though you knew your troubles were far more grave than their academic burdens.
"Wake up shorts" someone whispered in your ear. Squirming on your seat, you whipped your head in your sleepy state and found jungkook caressing your head, goofily smiling at you.
"I thought you wanted to hang out till the next morning" air quoting the last words, he picked up your bag.
"Yeah. Let's go. I'm all ready for a night full of vodkas." You yawned out.
"Definitely. No. You are going home. We can have a small get together me and yuggy are done with our final project." He dragged you out into the parking lot.
" I feel like it's been years since we got drunk together. You are never here anymore!" You whined at him, complaining your heart out.
"I will be. Soon. Then we can celebrate your little choi job as well."
"Oh please. Don't even mention it. If I had penny for every time they rolled their eyes at me, I'd be richer than your parents kook." You huffed out and as his gentle laugh surrounded you, you closed your eyes resting your back against the seat, expecting to be up by the time he'd park.
But the next day, you woke up tangled in the sheets of your bed, unaware of the events of the previous night.
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When you had warned yuta about the dirty dishes, you hadn't expected him to fill the corners of the kitchen with disposable containers. It looked like you had missed a whole drama while sleeping in the library. The kitchen was shining except for the new utensils. But as long as you were not babysitting him, you were fine with anything. You didn't want to jinx your relief, however, you were glad you would be able to get some work done. finally.
You had spoken too early for your own good. Just when you sat down to write your paper, passionate and enthusiastic howls of that man pierced through your earphones and once again, you opened the window and hopped outside, in the balcony, ready to drown him out. Sipping on your lemonade, you gaped at the scenery the not so distant traffic provided you with and somehow, your thoughts wandered to the only person these horns reminded you of. Johnny.
What are you doing? Your fingers hovered over the text but once again, you deleted the message, declaring it to be too childish for someone as mature as him. Maybe you were just being silly. Maybe you were not. But who was going to put a stamp on your maybe?
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Tears pricked your eyes as the harsh words of your senior thundered in the room. He kept shouting and you had no option than to consume each and every word he directed at you. Even if you were being insulted in front of your twenty other co-workers, staying quiet was the best option, you ascertained. so along with your saliva, you gulped your explanations down your throat.
Howsoever unconscious, you were still in the wrong. There was no excuse as to why you had mailed the wrong bills, apart from the headache that was caused by the person possibly lying on the sofa and watching t.v back home. No matter how much you tried to run away from his existence, he had somehow managed to let himself inside your head.
Glaring at the kid who asked for his turn on the park swing, you pushed yourself a little higher, letting the wind greet your stinging eyes as it hit your face in waves. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you chose to ignore jungwoo for a day as it was the time, you decided, to let all the lessons that the past few months had taught you sink into your mind, to bleed into your soul so you won’t ever be able to deviate from them. Ever.
Only if that was so easy. You knew blaming others for your problems was no solution but trivialising them by not paying heed wasn't a smart move either.
When you reached home, your frustrations had died down. So when yuta simpered and pointed towards your empty container, telling you how he had already finished your supposed dinner, you simply rolled your eyes at him, robbing him of whatever he wanted to achieve by riling you up. Heating up the water, you were about to open the noodles packet when yeong called you.
You stared at the shattered phone screen in disbelief as the endless tears ran down your cheeks. As you verbalised the words to yourself again, your body met the floor with a thud.
Jungkook. Drugs. No more.
Three words had silenced the screeches in your head and your mind busied itself in rejecting what you had heard for it had to be a lie. But what how were you going to ignore the heart wrenching screams that yeong had let out. How were you going to dismiss the truth.
How were you all going to accept it?
next update: Some day between 5-7 June.
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