#and im tempted to just get something with straps instead so i can like.... Walk
leossmoonn · 4 years
pairing - silas x forbes,fem!reader
type - fluffy smut, angst
note / request - “can i request a silas fic where the reader is Caroline's lil sis and Silas likes to annoy her, and he likes her a lot. Then Care and Damon are always into protective sibling modes where silas is around y/n. So one day they catch y/n making out w him, and then theres a lot of banter again” this was really fun to write! im not gonna rewrite background info lol so make sure to read the request. also the timeline of events is a little fuzzy so i apologise if i make a mistake. enjoy :)
summary - damon and caroline find you making out with the enemy, who just happens to be silas 
warnings / includes - language, sibling fighting, steamy make out, sexual tension heheh, you’re in your senior year of high school, suggestive
*gif isn't mine*
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“Hello, doll face,” Silas greeted behind you.
You jumped at his voice, but quickly settled down. “Hey, Silas,” you said dully.
“Why the long face, princess?” Silas asked. 
“Because you’re here,” you said. “Oh, that’s so mean. You’ve hurt my feelings,” Silas pouted. 
“Well, I’m not supposed to be talking to you anyways,” you stated matter-of-factly. 
“Ugh, you are such a goody two shoes. It’s cute, but annoying. Why not break the rules? I know you want to,” Silas said, leaning over the top of the couch, his face going right next to your’s.
You inhaled deeply, your heart pounding against your chest. You were attracted to him, no doubt about that, but if you even considered shaking his hand, Caroline and Damon would kill you. And you definitely didn’t want that.
“I can read your mind, Y/n. I know you want to kiss me, so go ahead,” he whispered. 
You didn’t turn your head, but your eyes wandered to the left. You got a good view of his lips, which made butterflies flutter in your stomach. It was so tempting to close the gap between you two, but you knew better than that. You turned your head the other way, standing up from the couch. You packed up your school work, deciding to leave the Salvatore house and go to your own. 
You were at the Salvatore house because Damon had offered to help you with your history homework. You took the offer and you two had been studying for a few hours. He had left you for 30 minutes to go and get you two lunch. In those 30 minutes, Silas had wandered into the house, looking for you. 
You pulled out your phone, texting Damon to go to your house instead of back to his. 
“Where are ya going?” Silas asked. 
“Home,” you mumbled, keeping your head down and walking to the front door. 
Silas stood in front of the door, making you look up at him with an annoyed frown. 
“Please let me go,” you said. 
“No, I’d rather see you beg,” Silas smirked. You rolled your eyes. “Please. Damon is waiting for me at my house with food.”
“Oh! Well, why don’t I just go with you, then? I’d love to see Damon.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you chuckled. “Why not? I can just pretend to be his brother! I’ve fooled lots of people already,” Silas smiled. 
“I think Damon will notice. Especially if I’m there,” you said.  “I’ll just sneak in then,” Silas suggested. 
“No, Silas! I just want to go home alone. Leave me alone,” you said sternly, looking him straight in the eyes. You went to push him out of the way, but his hands grabbed ahold of your wrists. His strong grip made goosebumps rush up your forearms.
Silas couldn’t help but smirk. You rarely ever had outbursts. He thought it was incredibly sexy and cute when you put your foot down. Especially when it pertained to him. 
“You are so adorable when you’re mad. You're so small, too. I can’t help but not take you seriously,” Silas chuckled. 
Your eyes went wide and you opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You masked your embarrassment by groaning and running your fingers through your hair in frustration. “Just let me go! Please. I’m hungry and tired and really need to study for my test.”
“What is your test over, anyways? History? Cause if so, I could help you out. I bet I know more than Damon,” Silas said. 
“No thanks, bro, she’s all taken care of,” Damon said from behind Silas. 
“You tattled that I was here! So naughty of you,” Silas glared at you playfully. 
“Step out of the way, Silas. Otherwise I will snap your neck,” Damon sneered. 
Silas sighed. “Fine! I’m only obeying because I want to kiss you before I die.”
“Fat chance of that. C’mon, Y/n. I got you a burger and those onion rings you like,” Damon said.
“Thanks, Damon,” you smiled gratefully at him. 
“See you later, doll face!” Silas called out as you walked to your car. 
“I’m sorry about him. I should make you the owner of the house,” Damon said. 
You shrugged, “It’s alright. He would never actually hurt me.”
“Well, we don’t know that,” Damon said. 
“Yes, we do. Sure, he might threaten to kill me sometimes, but his liking for me trumps any chance of him killing me. I don’t fear him, he’s just extremely annoying,” you said, getting in your car.
“Agreed,” Damon said. 
You two drove to your house, eating lunch and studying for a few more hours. Caroline and Elena then came home, talking to you and Damon about a party at the Grill. 
“Can I come?” You asked. 
“Um, yeah, sure,” Caroline nodded. 
You smiled excitedly. You barley went to any of these parties. You usually were at home studying or hiding away in your house because Caroline and Damon were always worried for you, but Caroline figured that since she and Damon and everyone else would be there, they would be able to protect you. 
So you took a quick shower and got ready for the night. You put on ripped jeans and a black, spaghetti-strapped top with a jean jacket. You put on heeled boots and put on some silver jewellery, as well as lined your eyes with eyeliner and painted your lips red with lipstick.
“Oh, you look so cute!” Elena exclaimed as you walked out of your room. 
“Thanks, Elena,” you smiled at her. 
“No, go change,” Caroline said. “Why?” You frowned. 
“Because Silas could be there and that outfit would tempt him even more,” Damon explained. 
You rolled your eyes. “So when Klaus was here, Caroline could wear anything, but I guess since I’m younger and a human, I can’t? That’s so unfair.”
“She’s right, guys. I hate Silas as much as you two, but let her dress how she wants. We’ll be there to protect her. Plus, if Silas thinks she’s hot, then good for her. She is,” Elena agreed with you. 
You smiled at her. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” she smiled. 
“Ugh, fine! But no drinking, okay?” Caroline said. 
“Ay, ay captain,” you said. You four went out to Elena’s SUV, driving to the Grill. 
Loud music blasted into your ears as soon as you stepped inside. You smiled as you saw everything dancing and having the time of their life. 
“Shots?” Caroline suggested. 
“Hell yeah!” Elena squealed. 
“Iced tea for you, Y/n?” Caroline asked. “Yes, please,” you nodded. 
“Alright, you guys go to the pool table. I’ll be back,” Caroline said. 
“Where is Stefan?” You asked, looking around the bar and walking to the pool table that was conveniently empty. 
“Right here!” 
You turned around, smiling once you saw Stefan in a grey shirt, jeans, and his leather jacket. You went to hug him, but Damon stopped you. 
“Ah, ah, ah. How do we know it isn’t Silas?” Damon asked. 
Stefan rolled his eyes. He pulled out a blood bag from his pocket, taking it and drinking it quickly. 
“Alright, alright, we know it’s you. Cool it on the blood, brother. Don’t want to go into a bloodlust,” Damon said, taking the empty bag and throwing it in the trash. 
“Well, I don’t really know how else to prove I’m not Silas,” Stefan sighed. “Can I get that hug now?”
You smiled and nodded, wrapping your arms around him. 
Between everyone else, Damon and Stefan were your best friends. They were like the brothers you’ve never had, protecting you and teasing you whenever they felt like it was necessary. You hadn’t seen Stefan in a while since he was found in the safe, but you were glad to see he was okay. 
“Glad to see you’re okay, Stef,” you said, pulling back. 
“And I’m glad to see you haven’t fallen victim to my doppelgänger,” Stefan smiled. 
Caroline came back with shots, pleasantly surprised to see Stefan. 
“Stefan! You’re here! Oh, my God the whole gang is here!” She squealed, putting down the shots and engulfing Stefan is a big hug. 
“I’m excited to be here, too. This is the first time I’ve really gone out for fun. I hope nothing goes wrong,” Stefan joked. 
“Well, if any of you spot Silas, make sure to not let him get close to Y/n. We don’t know what he could do to her,” Caroline said.
You rolled your eyes at her concern, but didn’t say anything. You knew it would end up with you two arguing and that was the last thing anything wanted. Forbes were very controlling and heated when they got angry.
You took your tea and sipped on it as Damon downed the first shot. 
“Wait, are we playing in teams?” You asked. 
“Yeah, which one do you wanna be one? Damon and I’s?” Stefan asked. 
“Definitely yours,” you said. “Oh, what! You know I win all the time,” Damon said. 
“Yeah, but when you lose you get so mad. It’s hilarious,” you giggled.
“True, it is cute,” Elena smirked. 
Damon rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You two are so annoying.”
You smiled and played with your friends for a little while. It came to a time where everyone was too tipsy to where they could barely walk, so you were in charge of getting the drinks. Damon and Caroline, despite being pretty much drunk, stayed close behind you. 
“Hey, Matt,” you smiled at the boy working behind the bar. “Hey, Y/n! Let me guess, more shots and another iced tea?” He asked. 
“You guessed right,” you chuckled. 
“So, how is school?” He asked. 
“Pretty good. History is kicking my ass, per usual. It’s weird because I’m surrounded by history buffs,” you said. 
“Well, I know you have Damon helping you, but Stefan is a lot better at tutoring, in my opinion. I know he’s been having a rough time, though,” Matt said. 
“He has, which is why I should be your tutor,” Silas smirked next to you. 
You jumped slightly, surprised to see him there. You looked at him, seeing him wearing a dark navy shirt and jeans. Your eyes stared at his biceps and his strong, broad shoulders. Once you noticed him smirking at you, you looked back to the drinks Matt was filling. 
“Now I get the silent treatment? C’mon, not fair,” Silas whined.
“You shouldn’t be here, man,” Matt said. 
“Yeah, and what are you gonna do about, it huh?” Silas taunted, looking at Matt with narrow, menacing eyes. 
Matt rolled his eyes, putting the tequila shots and your drink on a tray and handing them to you. 
“Thanks, Matt,” you smiled.
You took the tray, ready to turn around and walk away from Silas. He put his arm up, planning to grab your arm to stop you, but Caroline and Damon used their vamp speed to push him back. 
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Caroline sneered. Veins were circulating under her eyes and she bared her fangs. 
Silas smirked, not at all fazed. “Oh, please, I could kill both of you so fast, you couldn’t have chance to say bye to Y/n. Now, let me go, Damon.”
Damon’s grip on Silas’s arms tightened. “Not a chance. We’re going outside and I’m gonna make sure you are far away from here.”
Damon then took Silas to the exit, Silas looking back at you and giving you a wink. Caroline groaned in disgust and took the tray away from you. 
“You okay?” She asked. 
“I’m fine, Care! He wasn’t going to hurt me,” you glared at her. 
“You don’t know that! Why are you defending him? Doesn't he annoy you?” Caroline asked. 
“Yeah, he does,” you said, your voice trailing off at the end, alluding to something else.
Caroline stared at you intensely, gasping once she put the pieces together. “You… You like him? Ugh, why! He’s a monster.”
“I don’t like him! God, why is that always your first assumption?” You asked.
“Because you obviously are having physical reactions to him. We all see the way you look down in shyness when he flirts with you, and we can hear your heart racing. We just hoped you wouldn’t give in,” Caroline sighed. 
“I’m not! I don’t like him in any way, okay? Just because I defend someone doesn’t mean I automatically like them!”
“That’s what you always say! You need to get rid of those feelings, Y/n. He’s not a good person.”
You closed your eyes in frustration, sighing roughly. “I’m going to the bathroom to cool down. When I come out, you better not say anything else about me liking Silas.”
You spun on your heels, storming off to the bathroom. You washed your hands, putting them to your forehead to cool yourself down. 
“Feelings for Silas, please,” you scoffed to yourself. 
“She’s right. I know it, you know it. Everyone does.”
You looked in the mirror, jumping once you saw Silas behind you. You turned around quickly. 
“H-How did you get in here?” You asked.
“I knocked Damon out,” he shrugged. 
“What?! Is he okay?” You asked. “Yes, he’s fine. I know that you would hate me if I killed one of your friends,” he said.
You sighed, “I have to go. They’re waiting for me.” You went to the door, but Silas once again blocked the entrance. 
“You gotta be quicker, Y/n. Someday you might find yourself in real trouble,” Silas smiled down at you. 
“You are real trouble,” you retorted.
“Oh, we both know that’s not true. If I was then you’d be screaming for your life. But you’re just standing there, looking so incredibly kissable,” Silas said, shamelessly looking at your lips. 
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire, and you looked down to hide your face. “No, I just don’t want to make a scene,” you mumbled. 
Silas put his hand on your chin, making your eyes meet his. “While that is true, you also having feelings for me.”
You stepped away from him, his hand falling to his side. “I don’t. You’re evil and cheated on your girlfriend. No girl wants to be with a guy like that.”
“Elena practically cheated on Stefan emotionally, you’re still friends with her,” Silas stated. 
You furrowed your brows, not sure what to say back. He was correct, but you knew that wasn’t the point. You needed to get out of there otherwise Caroline and Damon would freak out. 
Silas walked towards you slowly, like you were his prey that he was stalking. You turned around, not wanting to look at him. Silas grinned, seeing as his plan would work out even better now that you were facing the mirrors. 
He put his hand on your bare arm, dragging his fingertips up your skin. 
“I’m so glad you took off the leather jacket. Your outfit looks so much better without it,” he murmured. 
You immediately froze. Your eyes were glued to the two of you in the mirror. You watched as his hand went up to your shoulders, pressing down lightly on your muscles. 
“Shouldn’t you be running, Y/n?” Silas asked, moving. your hair out of the way so he could get a better view of your neck. 
You knew you should, but his touch felt so good. It weirdly calmed your nerves down, but also made you flustered as hell. You would be lying if you said you didn’t want to stay in this bathroom and let him take you. Silas smiled at your thoughts, lowering his lips down to your shoulder. 
“I can totally take you right here if you want,” he whispered, his lips making contact with your skin. 
You inhaled sharply, finding yourself stumbling back into his chest. His other arm went around your waist, holding you close to him.
“Your skin is so soft, doll face,” he said while kissing up your neck. 
You watched him in the mirror, your stomach doing flips. Your legs felt weak and heat gathered in between your thighs. You had honestly wanted to kiss him this whole time. You decided a few more minutes in the bathroom couldn’t hurt. 
So you turned around, crashing your lips onto his. Silas smiled as you kissed him, his hands trailing down to your legs. He lifted you up with ease, taking you to the sink and placing you on the counter. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your hands running themselves through his hair. 
“Silas,” you breathed out as you felt his hands on your thighs, going higher and higher. 
“You like that, princess?” He hummed, his fingers going higher until they reached your clothed entrance. He pulled away, grinning and looking you in the eyes. 
“Uh-huh,” you hummed, pulling his face close to yours roughly.
Your lips collided again, your heart and brain exploding. Kissing him felt like heaven.
Silas mirrored your neediness and put his hands on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You pressed your chest up to him more, your hands going down from his head to the bottom of his shirt. You lifted it up, Silas pulling away so you could pull it off of him. You sat back and admired his abs and muscles, excitement growing in between your thighs. 
You dove down to his neck, kissing and sucking lightly. Your hands explored his chest, tracing along his prominate abs. Silas breathed heavily into your ear, groaning as you found his sweet spot. 
“Oh, Y/n,” he panted. 
You smirked against his skin. Before you could put your hands on his belt, the bathroom door burst open. You saw Caroline and Damon standing, eyes huge and mouths agape. 
“What the hell!” Caroline shrieked. 
Your eyes widened and you pushed Silas away from you, getting off the counter. 
“Really, Y/n? You pick him to make out with in the bathroom?” Damon groaned. 
“It is just happened,” you shrugged sheepishly. 
“Yeah, she’s a really good kisser,” Silas smirked. “I never would have expected it since she’s shy and all, but man, she is wil-”
“You shut the hell up. And you,” Caroline pointed to you. “Are going home. now.”
“He wasn’t hurting me, Care,” you said. 
Caroline looked at you two incredulously. “You’re making her say this! You pressured her, didn’t you!” She pointed to Silas. 
“He’s not! I was the one who kissed him first,” you admitted. “Yeah, but I helped a little,” Silas smirked. 
Caroline made her vampire face and lunged at Silas, to which Damon pulled her back. 
“Alright, blondie, why don’t you take Y/n home and I’ll deal with Silas, okay?” Damon said. 
Caroline huffed and nodded, grabbing you by the arm roughly. 
“We’ll continue another time, doll face!” Silas exclaimed. 
“No, you will not,” Damon glared.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Power Trip (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Power Trip Rating: Explicit  Length: 3300 Warnings: Smut (slight femdom, vibrator, cock tease, cock warming, hand job, using a vibrator on a cock, girl on top, these bbs being softies for each other) Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set after “Inspiration” in 1995.Thanks to those who inspired this! Unbeta’d because we ride like thieves. Also I couldn’t find any good Pedro gifs that would load :( Summary: After a long week at work, Reader unwinds. 
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes​ @thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​ @gooddaykate​ @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​ @lokiaddicted​ @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale​  @roxypeanut​ @snivellusim​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04​ @mrsparknuts​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @exrebelshocktrooper​ @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids @space-floozy​ @cable-kenobi​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @frietiemeloen​ @arrowswithwifi​ @random066 @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato​ @coredrive​ @pascalesque @theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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Work was rarely stressful since moving to Miami. Sure, there were definitely days that had you choosing whiskey over a bottle of beer, but for the most part — it was a stress-free environment, compared to working for the DEA. 
You missed being home with Javier and Josie, but you loved working somewhere you were actually respected. Where you had control. Where you had a say.
But you fucking hated training weeks. You were up with the sun and usually home well after it had set. For five days in a row. Five thirteen-hour days in a row should’ve been made illegal. 
Javier pressed a kiss to the spot where your ear met your jaw. “You’re a million miles away, baby.”
You blinked, turning to look at him then. “Sorry.” You rubbed at your bare arms as you glanced around the Murphy’s backyard. “I think I worked sixty-five hours this week.”
He chuckled, lazily curling his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah, you did. Is your brain still at work?”
“Sadly,” You admitted as you dragged your teeth over your bottom lip. “We should probably go while Josie’s down for her nap.”
Javier gave her shoulder three short squeezes before he rose up, “I’ll go tell Steve we’re gonna head out.”
Connie was pulling a weekend shift at the hospital, but Steve has graciously offered to watch Josie for the weekend. You had a feeling Javier had something to do with that. 
You pressed the heels of your palms against your eyes, before dragging them down your face as you got out of your seat. You grabbed your beer bottle and Javi’s empty bottle and followed him into the house. 
“Leaving already?” Steve questioned as he looked towards you with a wry grin. “I can’t blame you. They’re working you to death.”
You shrugged a shoulder, “I’ve got a couple days off this week. I’ll rebound.” You looked towards Javier then, an adoring smile spreading over your lips before you looked back at Steve. “Thank you for watching Josie got us.”
“I’m happy to help,” Steve rubbed at the back of his neck, before gesturing around the house. “Gotta keep myself occupied while Connie’s got a double.”
“Thanks again,” Javier clapped him on the shoulder. “Call if you have any trouble.”
“Will do.” He gave a mock salute. “See you both tomorrow.”
You dragged your fingers through your hair, shaking your hair loose, walking alongside Javier as you headed for the car. “I feel bad about leaving early, but I’m not feeling particularly social.”
Javier reached over and rubbed the small of your back, “It’s been a long week.”
You nodded, “I don’t know what I need.” You admitted, rubbing your lips together thoughtfully. “But I would like to take advantage of our childless night.”
“Yeah?” Javier looked surprised by that. “Stress relief?” He walked around the car and opened the passenger door for you. 
“Stress relief.” You stopped in front of him, turning to meet his gaze. “It’s been a week.”
“I did try.” He reminded you with a smirk. “But someone fell asleep.”
You felt your cheeks warm, “I appreciated the effort. Falling asleep does reflect the quality of your work.” By the time you had gotten home Wednesday night, Javier had already gotten Josie fed, bathed, and put to bed. 
You scarfed down leftovers, hopped in the shower to save time in the morning, and had attempted to take advantage of a somewhat early night with him. Instead, you’d fallen asleep mere minutes after he’d settled between your thighs.
“I’m not gonna hold it against you, baby.” Javier assured you with a chuckle, leaning in to press his forehead against yours, brushing his knuckles down your cheek. “What do you have in mind?”
You tilted your head and kissed him, “I’ve spent all week in control and I think I’d like that to carry over.”
Javier smirked, his hand dropping to your hip and giving it a squeeze. “Here I thought you’d want to be out of control.”
You shook your head, stealing another kiss. “Tempting.” You brushed your nose against his before ducking into the car. He shut the door closed for you before walking around to the driver’s seat. “You know how much I enjoy taking what I want from you.”
“And I love giving it.” Javier reached over and gave your thigh a squeeze. 
“How’s your shoulder?”
His brows rose upwards as he started the car, “Not bad.” He admitted, rolling both of them to test that statement. “You planning on tying me up?”
“Maybe.” You rested your elbow on the center console, angling yourself towards him as you watched him. “Did you like it when I used my vibe on you?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “I did.” Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. “It was different.”
“Might be fun.” You reached over and rested your hand on his leg. “Keep your eyes on the road.”
“I’m not doing anything you don’t do to me when I’m driving.” You pointed out, keeping your hand right there. Your fingers were curled towards his inner thigh, mere inches from the slight bulge of his cock. 
“You’re a menace.” Javier shot you a look as he stopped at a light.
“I’m just resting my hand on your thigh,” You said sweetly. “Can I not touch you now?”
He swallowed thickly, “You know what you’re doing.”
“I’ll remember this next time you’ve got your hand on my thigh.” You gave his leg a squeeze before releasing your hold on him with a dramatic sigh. “Now I might not be as kind as I had planned to be.”
Javier snorted, “I’m sensing a power trip.”
You grinned, “Your favorite kind of trip.”
He rarely admitted it aloud, but he loved when you took charge, nearly as much as you enjoyed him overpowering you. You were certain you knew exactly what he got up to in Colombia and you were fairly certain you were the only who had gotten Javier to relinquish control. 
And it looked good on him. 
 “You’re certain you can handle both arms being tied up?” You questioned as you looped the soft fabric of your scarf around his left wrist, drawing it up above his head. “I don’t mind leaving your right free.”
“Both.” Javier assured you, using his still free hand to grab at your hip. You were still fully dressed, but he’d already lost his shirt and jeans on the way to the bedroom. “I’ll use my word if I need to.”
You nodded, “I’m using a loose knot.” You explained as you drew his hand away from your hip and bound it to his headboard beside the other arm. “You can pull free if you really need to.”
“I’m not going to.”
“This isn’t just about me,” You reminded him. 
“Baby, I’m here for the show.” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth as he shifted beneath you. 
You cupped both of his cheeks as you leaned down to kiss him. “I promise you’ll have a good time.” You told him, brushing your thumb over his bottom lip. 
“I already am.” Javier assured you.
You kissed him once more on the lips, before trailing your mouth down the column of his throat. You scraped your teeth over the curve of his collarbone before you slid down the length of his body. 
Your hands touched everywhere they could reach. Dragging over his waist and ribs, sliding back up over his soft stomach. “You’re almost as tense as I am.” You remarked, nipping at the soft flesh there beside his navel. 
“I can assure that one part of my anatomy is very stiff.” Javier quipped with a strained chuckle.
“I noticed.” You smirked up at him, with the way you were laying you could feel his cock pressing against your stomach. 
You left another gentle bite against his stomach, before you moved back up the bed to hover over him. “You look good like this.” You told him, running a hand up the length of his forearm to where his wrists were bound. 
Javier ran his tongue over the edge of his teeth as he looked up at you. “Not as good as you look when I’ve got you tied up.” He shot back, rocking his hips beneath you as you strapped him. 
“The night’s still young.” You told him, before you moved to get off of him. You sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning over to pull out the box you kept in the drawer. “Though, when I’m done with you…”
He snorted, “Do your worst, baby.”
You brandished the hot pink vibrator, “Still up from me using this?” 
“Yeah.” He nodded, his eyes lingering on your face as he turned to watch you. 
You knelt on the bed beside him, reaching out to rest your hand over the prominent bulge of his cock. “I love how worked up you get for me.” You told him, sliding your fingers down to tease his balls through the fabric of his boxers. 
“Did you take care of yourself this week, Javi?” You questioned, squeezing ever so gently before releasing your hold on him. 
He huffed quietly, “Yeah.”
You smirked, “I’m jealous that I didn’t get to watch.” You laid down on the bed beside him, shifting downwards so your head was parallel with his cock. 
“I can assure you it wasn’t anything to write home about.” He drew in a ragged breath, “Happy to give you an encore presentation.”
“You’re ridiculous,” You rolled your eyes as you picked up the vibrator and switched it in the lowest setting. 
Javier’s stomach clenched as you brought the toy down against his cock through his boxers. He squirmed beneath your attention and you couldn’t tell if he was trying to get closer to the sensation or pull away 
You used your forearm to keep him pressed against the bed as you increased the speed to two. “You like that?”
You dragged the toy over the length of him, watching as his pre-come darkened his boxers at the head of his cock. “I can tell.” You pulled the toy away, keeping your arm draped across his stomach. 
“Baby, holy shit.” 
You smirked, leaning over to press your lips to his covered cock, letting your warm breath play through the fabric before you returned the toy to his length.
Javier groaned, a throaty desperate sound escaping him as he bucked beneath you. You switched the toy up another setting, running towards the head of his cock, keeping it there for two beats before you pulled away entirely.
“What the—“ He rocked his hips upwards. “Fuck.”
You sat the still vibrating toy aside on the bed as you moved to peel his boxers down his hips part way. His cock sprang free, heavy and hard as it leaked with arousal. 
“Wouldn’t it be a shame if I didn’t let you come?” You questioned, cupping his balls in your palm as you looked up at him innocently. You curled your fingers around his cock, leaning up to sweep your tongue over the head. 
“You’re not that cruel.”
“I might be.” Your eyes flashed to his face as you brought the toy back to his cock, dragging it over the length of his cock, before switching it to a lower setting. 
Javier keened. He bucked beneath you and struggled with the scarf wrapped around his wrists. He looked just this side of crazed and desperate. 
“You’re going to fucking kill me.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” You questioned as you moved to straddle his legs, leaning down so you could take the head of his cock into your mouth. You swore you could feel the way that he throbbed as you slid your tongue over the sensitive bottom of his length. 
Javier started to say something, but he didn’t get a chance to say anything once you placed the toy against the base of his cock, letting the vibrations work through him as you took his Vick in until it hit the back of his throat. 
You retreated, just as you thought he was a second away from coming. His back bowed up off the bed, his rutting upwards. He swore— in both English and Spanish as you sat back and watched. 
“You look so fucking hot right now, babe.” You told him, reaching down and running your hand over his lower belly. He was flushed and wild-eyed, lips parted and brow glistening with sweat. 
You couldn’t help yourself. You leaned forward to kiss him, trapping his cock in between your bodies. He hissed and you couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure. “Javi, are you okay?” You questioned, stroking your fingers through his hair gently.
“I need to come. Fuck.” He grunted out, his dark gaze fixing on yours. “Baby, don’t be mean.”
You ran your finger down his nose and kissed him, “I can stop if you’d prefer.” You said coyly. “I do need sleep.” You teased him. 
You frowned, “Do you want me to stop?”
“No.” Javier assured you. “Did I use my safe word?”
You shook your head, before sitting back up, keeping yourself straddling his lower thighs. “Say the word and I stop.”
“I’m good.” He promised you, twisting his arms in the binding to give you a thumbs up. 
You snatched up the toy, switching it to the highest setting. Javier’s eyes snapped open as he stared down at you, which only urged you on.
You pressed the toy against his cock, right beneath the head of his cock before sliding it down the length of him and turning it off entirely.
Javier groaned loudly, fingers clenching into fists at the headboard. 
“You good?”
He grunted in response.
You moved to get off of him, peeling off your tank top before shimmying out of your denim shorts. “I had considered not letting you come at all.” You told him as you laid back down on the bed beside him, running your hand over his stomach as you tilted your head to look up at him. “But I’m not mean.” 
You shifted further up the bed until you were settled with your cheek pressed against his shoulder. “And I want to feel you come in me.” 
Javier groaned, “If I had known we could’ve been doing this after hard workweeks in Colombia…”
You snorted, cupping his jaw and turning his head so you could kiss him. “You knew exactly what I was capable of.” You reminded him with a grin. “I love you.”
His expression softened, a warm smile playing over his lips. “I love you too.” He strained against the scarf so he could catch your lips. “I’d love you even more if you were riding me right now.”
“So demanding for a man tied up,” You teased, running your tongue over his bottom lip before you pulled back. You’d needed this. The power, yes, but also the lighthearted freedom that came from exploring with Javier like this. 
You leaned up on your knees, making a show of hooking your fingers into the waistband of your entirely unsexy pair of cotton underwear. But Javier didn’t care. 
“Like what you see?” You questioned as you shifted to slide them off your legs entirely as you maneuvered yourself to straddle him once more. 
“I see a lot I like.” Javier retorted, his gaze raking over you, adding to the fire burning between your thighs. Just from teasing him with the toy, you were slick with desire — ready for him. 
With the toy and teasing Javi now forgotten, you curled your fingers around the base of his cock to keep him steady as you lowered yourself onto him. 
Javier cried out your name as he bucked his hips upwards, driving the full length of his cock into you as you sank down onto him. You stilled atop hunched inhaling and exhaling slowly as you kept him buried within you.
“Baby, what are you.”
“Shh.” You told him, pressing a finger to his lips to silence him. Javier’s tongue darted out to sweep over your finger and you let him take your fingers into his mouth. His teeth scraped lightly over your skin, but his tongue was quick to soothe it. 
“Do you like that?” You questioned, rolling your hips, keeping him inside of your cunt as your ground yourself against him. 
“Fuck, yes.” He answered, his stomach muscles trembling with the effort he was exhausting to remain still beneath you.
You pointedly rolled your hips and clenched around him when he didn’t respond. 
“Can you behave?” You questioned and he nodded. “Slide your hands out of the scarf and fucking touch me already.”
Javier chuckled, the sound a low rumble in his chest as he twisted free of your bindings easily. His hands moved to your ribs, holding you there before he trailed his hands down to your sides and grabbed at your hips. 
He let you guide the movements, watched you with pure adoration as you moved atop him. He relinquished so much to you — freely and willingly. 
So much of this had been there that first night. The passion, the desire, and the love. 
You sank forward, continuing to roll your hips, grinding onto his cock as you sought out his mouth once more. You ran your fingers through his hair, cupping his jaw as you kissed him. 
“Baby,” He started to warn you, but he wasn’t quite quick enough. Your name fell from his lips as his expression was transformed by his release. You’d teased him long enough. 
His cock pulsed as he spilled within you. Javier slid one hand up your back, grabbing at your hair as he looked up at you. “Fuck. Baby, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” You brushed your nose against his as you fumbled for the abandoned vibrator. You grabbed ahold of it, prying his hand off your hip and pressing the toy to his palm. 
Slowly you sat back up, keeping the softening length of his cock within you as you circled your hips. You combed your fingers through your hair, tossing it back over your shoulders as you fixed him with a look.
Javier didn’t tease you the way you had teased him. He switched the vibrator onto four and pressed the tip of the hot pink toy against your clit.
You squirmed on his lap, your inner walls fluttering around his cock. The direct vibrations were enough to set you off. You arched your back, rutting against him as you came apart for him, milking every last drop of his own release from him. 
Javier ran his hand up the center of your stomach, his fingers playing over your breast bone as they moved higher and curled around the back of your neck. He kept his hand there as he slowly sat up, his other hand holding your hips to his as he drew his knees up behind you. 
“Keep your eyes on me.” Javier commanded softly, as he brought the toy back to your clit. 
“Javi.” You breathed out as he pressed it against that throbbing little bud of pleasure and sent you careening over the edge anew. You weren’t even certain if it was a new orgasm or if he’d managed to prolong the first with an intense effect. 
You grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away. He got the message, shutting it off and tossing it aside. 
“You’re fucking incredible, baby,” Javier praised as he peppered kisses down your throat. “I’m so fucking lucky.”
You curled your arms beneath his, your hands pressed flat against his back as you sank forward against him. “So am I.” You murmured, more than ready to bask in the afterglow of the cure to a long week. 
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spookgeist · 6 years
Oh my gosh I can’t believe im actually posting this, I’m such a chicken with showing people writings, but feel free to read this tome I have written of Circe x Deimos’ first interaction as Guardians. 
There was a mystery below.
Not in the usual, large glowing drooling pile of dead things sort of way, but in the ‘what is this strange lump of cloth that wasn’t there yesterday’ kind of way.
Deimos squinted down at a pile of cloth that seemed to be capped in a fresh Guardian’s helm. Of course the day he forgot his binoculars was the one day something interesting would happen.
Typical, he thought to himself.
“You’re making that face again.” His small ghost, Phobos, whirred over his shoulder from their spot atop the vast metal complex in Old Russia they had claimed as their own. She was staring at him. “It’s not a good look.”
He screwed up his face in offense.
“What face?” He scoffed and looked away. “This is just my face. Don’t be mean because you’re jealous you don’t have one.”
“You should have brought your binoculars if you were so intent on taking that darn helmet of yours off. You’re squinting, keep doing that and you’re going to end up with wrinkles like Zavala.”
“Well, half the tower wants to get into his armor, so honestly it could be worse.” Deimos smirked at her, pushing away a stray hair that had fallen out of its rightful place. “Besides those helmets mess my hair up.”  
Deimos took her in his hands and moved her in front of his face, so she could see what he was seeing.
“How about you help me instead of picking on me, eh?” He said close to her small form, close enough he could feel a slight buzz in his teeth. “I don’t cause you too much trouble usually, right?”
“Are you serious---?” She screeched.
“Now, my dear,” He continued, ignoring her protests, “Do you happen to know what the hell that is?”
A group of Eliksni sat a few meters away on their pikes, binoculars up to their eyes, chittering away to one another. The scrappers seemed to be just as interested in the strange shape in the distance as he was.
“Oh look, they remembered their binoculars.” She whirred.
Deimos glared at the back of her shiny little body.
“I’m not entirely sure what it is, to be honest.” She examined the form sulking under the archaic Golden Age plane. “My best guess would be a body, I’m sure even you and your little Awoken eyes can see the shiny bit is a helmet.” Deimos rolled his eyes in response. 
“Yeah, definitely a body,” She continued, “Probably a dead one. It wasn’t there when we were here yesterday, I can tell you that much.”
“Hm.” Deimos sniffed unimpressed into the air, enjoying boldly sitting in the open without a helmet. He produced a fruit from his backpack and shined it on his robe. “You’re probably right.”
He had seen more and more of this lately, young Guardians rezzed for the first time only to be put down immediately. It made his stomach turn if he thought too much about it.
The crunch of teeth into a crisp apple seemed to echo off the complex, startling a few birds off the heaps of planes from the golden age. The Eliksni looked around for the source of the sound for a moment, but eventually turned their attention back to their potential prize.
The fruit was good, Deimos was pleased to discover. The air was crisp with Autumn that morning when he had set out for the day and his favorite fruit seller, an old Awoken named Yazil had tempted him.
‘Take one, Guardian, take one for your journey. Freshest in the city.’ He had said, his calloused hand had stretched towards Deimos. His bright fish’s eyes gleaming from under long white hair. He always smiled at Deimos, an attempt at being friendly, but his smile was like a viper’s. He reminded Deimos of the Reef, of home.
The tall Eliksni Captain down below barked something to his underlings, but they were too far for Deimos to hear. He watched with curiosity as they remounted their pikes, the Captain’s furs bristled in the cold. Soon they would be tipped with ice as the harsh Russian winter set in.
His eyes swung back to the body and to his immense displeasure it quivered in response to the whine of the approaching pikes.
“Oh hell…” Deimos groaned.
“Hey, ya know…” Phobos fidgeted nervously. “I’m getting the feeling that body wasn’t quite as dead as I was thinking before….”
“Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too...,” He sighed, taking the last bite of his apple before pulling his helmet on. “Try to patch me through to them.”
As he waited for Phobos to establish a connection he paced, secretly hoping they were both wrong and the helmet’s occupant was indeed void of life (and Light) but he knew better. He couldn't speak for himself, but Phobos was rarely wrong.
A click came from the other end of the com and with that he knew his hopes of a quiet afternoon treasure hunting was not to be had.
Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Phobos had retreated to her hiding spot in his backpack and he knew by the way she burrowed further in that she was thinking the same thing.
“Guardian, can you hear me?” he sighed more than said.
There was no verbal response but he figured it was safe to assume they heard him. He watched as the Guardian flinched, clearly surprised to hear a stranger's voice in its ear.
A young one. He thought to himself, glancing heavenward and silently praying for the patience he knew this would take.
“Listen, a band of particularly scrappy looking Eliksni on pikes is headed your way, you might want to get up and fight or get out of their way.”
They didn't move.
“Guardian?” He peered down below at the scene unfolding. “You listening?”
The pikes slowed and two Vandals from the front of the pack hopped off to inspect their prey. The first one moved forward fearlessly, poking the Guardian with the blunt end of a shock sword, his companion stood a step back holding his rifle at the ready. Still, the pile did not react.
“You know,” Deimos continued, tossing and catching his apple core as he walked across the roof, lessening the distance between himself and the group. “I think they're just as curious about whether or not you’re actually alive in there as I am.”
The second Vandal moved forward confidently now, pushing up the strange heavy cloak the stranger wore with the barrel of his gun to reveal legs, the end of which were wrapped in strange makeshift boots. These garnered raised brows and a smirk from Deimos.  
“What the hell are you wearing?” He snickered. “What happened to your armor?”
“Be nice…” Phobos warned.
At his Captain's orders the first Vandal slid his short sword into a sheath strapped to his leg and knelt to see what could be salvaged from the body. His head tilted to one side and then the other, like a cat’s as he decided where to begin.
He knew better, but Deimos couldn't help but like them. If nothing else, he understood the desperation that drove them to keep scavenging just to survive.
“Listen, if you're going to sit there and get robbed that's your business, but you need help you gotta say something.”
“Deimos,” Phobos scolded her Warlock. “Go help the poor thing or I will.”
“I'd like to see that.” Inside his helmet a smirk pulled up at the corner of his lips.
He was nearly directly in front of the others now. At this distance he could see the partially exposed gloved hand twitch towards the hand cannon strapped to its leg, seconds before it was pulled out of the holster by the curious Vandal.
“Oh for the love of---”
“Help me, please.” A small voice finally crakled over the com.
About damn time.
Deimos pitched the apple core into the air, dinging it off the Captain's pike, catching the attention of the entire crew of Eliksni. He took a step off the building, and dropped down towards them. They squinted into the sun as he floated calmly down like an angelic messenger from the heavens. A purposely mistossed grenade startled all but the Vandals back to their vehicles, and he heard the hum of the pikes restarting.
They recognized him from his bond and his robes and the panic in the group was palpable. A bittersweet pang struck him as he realized his old reputation had stuck.
The Captain gave a signal and they moved out leaving the two Vandals scrambling for their pikes until Deimos landed between them. He grabbed one by the front of his cape and pitched him towards his pike.
“Go.” Deimos growled, the Eliksni word sounding strange on his Reefborn tongue.
The second Vandal skittered past him, his pike screaming as he followed the others. Deimos' shot after them a few times, careful to aim enough away from them to not land his shots. He knew they’d tell stories of how close to death they had come, not realizing how far from it they really were.
He holstered his gun and turned towards the Guardian.
“I’m a friend, I’m not here to----”
He stopped short, finding himself inches from an unfamiliar Ghost, the Guardian retreating silently into the hull of a rusted out plane. The Ghost puffed himself up, glowing red and sparking.
“Stay away from her.” a surprisingly deep male voice came from the small metal creature. “I'm warning you.”
Deimos' clicked his tongue in response and swatted him away gently, following after the Ghost’s charge.
‘Her’ he had said.
“What, not even a thank you?” Broken bits of Golden Age metal crunched under his feet. “They would have roasted you alive and had you for dinner, you know. They’re not too picky these days.”
She scrambled away from him further into the hull.
“Oy, quit with that!”
“Watch your tone, your voice is too mean. You’re going to scare the poor thing.” Phobos’ voice came gently inside his helmet.
At the back of the plane he caught the stranger by the wrist and pulled her towards a patch of light in the dim space. She was nearly his height, and for a moment he wondered if he hadn’t found himself another Eliksni, but her cloak shifted and he saw a decidedly human shaped torso under her mismatched armor. At first glance she didn't seem to be too damaged. But still she sunk to the ground, shaking beneath his hand.
He sighed, Phobos had been right and it made him sick. He had made enough people afraid of him in his younger years to last him a few lifetimes and then some.
I gotta stop doing this. He bit his lip and took a deep breath before crouching beside her, wincing as she flinched away from him.
“Hey, listen,” Deimos kept his voice as gentle as it’s low tone would allow.
He removed his own helmet and became suddenly aware of the angry whirr of the stranger’s Ghost beside him. He fought the urge to glare over in his direction, keeping his attention on the woman.
“You don't need to be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you.”
She stopped leaning quite so far from him, seeming to respond to his words, or perhaps the face of an Awoken and not some strange creature like the ones she had just encountered.  Deimos reached over and removed her cloak, checking more thouroughly for wounds, she had a few, but nothing too serious.
“A Titan?” She didn’t respond, but it was clear from her armor, bizarre as it was, what she was.
“Let me see you,” He released his grip on her arm and reached for her helmet, but again she flinched away from him.
He hesitated before trying again, casting a glance at Phobos who seemed to have coerced the other Ghost to follow her to the other end of the plane’s hull,  and was now locked in an inaudible discussion with him.
“It's ok,” He reassured her, reached again---slowly this time---for the release on the back of her helmet. “I just want to make sure you're alright. Can I?”
Slowly she nodded and he flicked the release, pulling her helmet off, thick twisted vines of dusty green hair falling around her shoulders. For a moment he couldn’t speak, struck with an emotion that sucked the wind from his lungs.
Her olive skin was bruised on one cheek, her grey eyes ringed in red, from tears or not enough sleep he was not sure. Her lip was busted open, a fresh bloom of vermillion had appeared likely from it splitting back open when she had called out to him for help.
“I’m Deimos.” He said after a long outstretched period of silence. Glittering eyes locked on his own.
“Deee-mos.” She repeated, a thick accent reforming his name in her mouth. He liked it.
Something about it reminded him of dew drops and the smell of fresh flowers buds and the feeling of skin on skin in a cool moonlight night. A strange, unwelcomed sensation rushed into him, forming a lump in his throat.
What the hell is this? He wondered to himself.
It felt different than when he had remembered his sister. He saw her, straight backed and proud from across the Reef. Her golden eyes locked on his own and instantly she had run to him. Long limbs were flung around him as they collided. She had been a stranger to him only moments before, but as he held her angular form tightly, a familiarity he could not shake began to seep into his bones.
“My other half.” She had sobbed into his shoulder. “Finally, I have you back.”
Tears had flowed from his own eyes as he felt the words she had spoken. It was as if one thing had been cleaved in half had begun to knit itself back together. He remembered her hand in his when they were small, the shark’s grin she had when they were up to trouble, all sharp teeth and bright ideas. He remembered her lying by his side in green fields telling him woes of relationships gone wrong, and conversely the joys of the good ones. He remembered her, he remembered nearly everything.
But this, this was something different. It was there in front of him, he could see it in the distance, but like a falling star, he could not catch it.
“Your name?”
She watched him hesitantly, her eyes clouded and stormy with worry for the briefest of moments. Perhaps, he thought, it was the fear of the finalement of a connection. She could walk away now and they would never see each other again, nothing but her Ghost binding her to this world. He knew that feeling, it was the feeling of calling out to the storm, the lightning flickering over your skin, uncertain if was bringing or taking life.
“Circe.” She whispered at last and the storm within him brewed.
“Circe?” He tested, her name on his tongue felt familiar, the taste of it like the summer rain.
“It's a good name.” He managed awkwardly after a moment, tearing his eyes from hers.  “It suits you.”  
This one's gonna be trouble for me.
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percyinpanties · 7 years
25 Solgrace and 109 Solackson! THANK YOU! :D
okay first of all: this is an absolute and utter mess. it took a turn at some point i didn’t bargain for and im not sure its for the better lol.
second of all, I am so tempted to give the idea those prompts gave me what they deserve by actually writing a decent longer fic of a few chapters at least but… im not sure thats going to happen. i have a lot of feelings about the au i had in my head while writing this and I... want... to ... so badly....
Solgrace  - longdistance relationship kept alive through disgustingly cute snapchats au
Solackson – fell in love while backpacking acrossEurope together
Will had never seen a real castle before. Hiking upthe hill, spying the pale towers and high walls through the trees, Will findsit hard to breathe as awe fills him. As far as castles went it wasn’t that big,or that old, but before coming to Europe Will had considered a hundred years tobe an unimaginably long time, so this definitely didn’t fail to impress him.
He adjusts the straps of his backpack to stop themfrom digging into his shoulders and continues on his path. It’s still early,but Will doesn’t want to waste any time that he could spend exploring thisbeautiful place instead. The sun is just starting to filter through the clouds,bathing the view in a fairy tale light.
The road is empty, maybe because of the early hour orWill choosing to walk the path most people just take by car. It’s peaceful andWill could lose himself in it – almost does, when suddenly the noise of a bikeapproaching rips him out of his thoughts.
He half turns where he stands, unable to help hiscuriosity. The bike is coming racing up the hill, with a lot more ease thanWill’s slow hike, but instead of zinging by, the stranger stops his bike rightnext to where Will has stopped in his step.
 The motor shuts off, the quiet returning as Willwatches silently while the stranger removes their helmet – revealing a mop ofmussed black hair and a pair of bright green eyes. He’s gorgeous, Will catches himself thinking and only just stops himselffrom staring with his mouth half open.
 “You going up to the castle?” The guy asks him,English with a distinctive New York accent even though they are standing on aroad in France.
 Will blinks slowly, just processing for a second, butthen he nods slowly. The stranger grins at that, and Will ignores the way thatsight makes him feel. It’s bad news, in more ways than one.
 “Me too. You want a ride?” The offer is casual, nonchalant,and the smile on the stranger’s face is genuine enough that Will wants tobelieve he’d have offered this to anyone found hiking up the same trail. “Thename’s Percy, by the way.”
Somewhere along the way, Will actually picks up some French.It’s not a lot, and he keeps getting it mixed up with the Spanish he’d learnedin high school, but it comes in helpful more often than not. The people seem toappreciate Will trying more than anything – and if whispering some words toJason on the phone makes the other all flustered, that’s just a bonus.
 Will is in the empty hostel kitchen – up early to beable to chat to Jason before he goes to bed – taking a snap of himself with bedhair and sleepy eyes, dressed in only one of Jason’s jersey’s and a pair ofboxers. He knows exactly how much Jason loves seeing Will wear his clothes,especially when they’re apart, and there’s little else he can do to feelconnected when they’re on different sides of the world.
 It’s only when Will lowers the phone to type out amessage that he sees Percy in the background of the photo, walking by andsticking his tongue out – even more sparsely dressed than Will. It shouldn’tsend a rush through Will’s body, but he can’t help it either way. For a second,Will considers retaking the photo, then shakes his head and sends it as it is.
There is nothing to hide there, and Will doesn’t likethe implication that comes with keeping Percy and Jason oblivious to each other’sexistence.
 It’s not even a minute before he gets a snap return,although the photo is dark, Jason already curled up in their bed at home withglasses perched on the bridge of his nose.
 “Is that the guy you’re pretending not to moon over?”reads the caption and Will blushes darkly before quickly swiping the photo awayand with it all evidence of Jason catching on to Will’s unsubtle crush.
 After France, they cross through Belgium into theNetherlands. Will isn’t sure when or how they’d decided to travel together fromthere on out, but Will doesn’t find it in himself to protest or complain. He enjoysPercy’s company too much to walk away from it when there’s no need to – andthings have become a lot easier than they were when he was still all byhimself.
It’s still a while before he’s flying back home – backto Jason – but Will can squash any pesky feelings and attachments down untilthen. It’s not like Percy has shown any interest anyway and Will tells himselfthat it’s not just because he knows Will is already taken.
 When they decided to stay in Amsterdam for remainderof the month, in a tiny rented apartment in De Pijp that a friend of Percy’s gotthem into, Will hadn’t realised just how much harder ignoring his affectionwould become.
It was one thing to be out and exploring with Percy,to see the cities and cites and landscapes they travelled through, and to crashinto a shitty hostel bed at the end of the day amongst six or more other travellers.It was something entirely different to be living together in a place that wasessentially their own for the time being, with no one to disrupt and distractfrom whatever was or wasn’t going on between the two. The way things are going,Will isn’t sure he’ll make it to the end of the month.
Will looks up from the window he’d been standing by,brooding. Percy is close, one hand half reached out to Will’s arm buthesitating to touch without permission.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and now Percy’s concern showsclear on his face.
Will opens, then closes his mouth. He isn’t sure howto even begin answering this if he doesn’t want to lie, and most of the time,Percy can tell if he isn’t honest to begin with.
“Just thinking.” Will says, trying to avoid thequestion. It’s not quite like he can tell Percy that it’s killing him how muchhe wants to kiss his dumb face, or that despite Jason’s permission(encouragement even) Will can’t bring himself to because there is no way thatwouldn’t end in heart break.
 Will wouldn’t be flying home until Christmas, and heknows that Percy has no plans to return any earlier than that. Even before Willhad left North America, long before Percy stumbled into Will’s life, Jason andhe had decided to open up their relationship for whatever more they might find along the way. The problem now isn’t that Willcannot or should not give whatever he was feeling for Percy a try – the problemis that he isn’t sure that after once he’d had a taste of it, he’d ever be ableto let it go again.
Percy hands comes to rest on Will’s arm after all, andafter a second, pulls him close against his side. All Will can do is clench hisfists at his side so he doesn’t just melt into the embrace.
“Homesick?” Percy asks, and while that isn’t far off,it’s the entirely wrong conclusion.
“I guess so.” Will replies even so. He does missJason, and their friends, but that’s not what gnawing at him at the moment.
“You’ve always got me here.” Percy says gently andwhen Will looks up at him, there is a small, almost shy smile on Percy’s face. “Forwhat it’s worth.”
Will doesn’t answer, just studies Percy’s face foranother moment before finally giving in and allowing himself to lean into thehug.
“It’s worth more than you think.” He whispers, voicesmall. Will isn’t sure he even wants Percy to hear, and if Percy has, he doesn’tsay anything in response.
“New York isn’t that far.” Jason tries. His voicesounds distorted over the phone, but Will has gotten used to that by now.
He’s sitting on the balcony, looking down at theslowly emptying street of Amsterdam. It’s a warm evening, one of the last fewbefore fall will properly set in. Percy is out – Will isn’t entirely surewhere, but he’s grateful for the privacy of this conversation.
“It’s on the other side of the country, Jason.” Hereplies and even to his own ears, Will sounds like a kicked puppy. “And evenso, who says he’d even want to see me again once this is all over?”
This isn’t the first time the thought has crossed Will’smind, and it’s the one that’s holding him back the most. Even if Percy wouldwant him now, for the convenience or thrill of it, there is no guarantee he’llhave any interest in Will once they are both going back to their lives. Willcan’t get into this just for his heart to be broken.
“Why wouldn’t he?” Jason says, always the voice ofreason. “Baby, anyone would be lucky to have caught your attention like that.And you’ve stuck together this far, why should that change?”
Will huffs. Jason doesn’t get it, not quite, and Willisn’t sure he could explain it properly even if he tried.
“It’s convenient now, there is no one else.” Willsays. He doesn’t hear the apartment door unlock, despite the exit to thebalcony wide open behind him.
“We’re friends because it makes sense for now. Theclosest we’ve got to home over here and it’s easier than traveling alone. If youreally think that’s going to last further than that, you’re even more naïve thanI thought.” He doesn’t mean the words to come out as spiteful as they do, buthe is scared of getting hurt, and he’s scared of admitting how much it alreadymakes him ache to know he is right.
Jason sighs exasperated. Sometimes Will wonders wherehe takes the patience from to put up with Will’s whining.
“That’s not true.” He says simply. “Give him morecredit than that, give your friendship more credit than that.”
Will scoffs. He’s bitter now, and there’s no stoppingthe words coming out of his mouth no matter how much he loathes them: “Thiswill be over the second I step onto the plane to come back to you. It meansnothing, not in the big picture.”
“Will, I know you don’t mean that –” Jason starts, butWill doesn’t hear him – only the soft creak of the balcony door, then the stepsas they hurry away. Will only catches a glimpse of Percy’s hurt expression, butit’s enough to shatter his own heart into a thousand pieces.
“Percy, wait!” He calls, already scrambling to hisfeet, cursing himself and all this, hanging up on Jason without another – he canexplain later, this is more important. Out of context, his words will havesounded even worse than Will meant them to be.
The front door slams shut before Will even getsinside, and he rushes to find his shoes and grab a jacket (it’s one of Percy’s,but Will doesn’t notice now) to follow. He calls out again into the hallway,hearing Percy’s feet running down the stairs, and they don’t stop at the soundof Will’s voice.
He almost falls over himself trying to get down thestairs as far as possible, and when he finally stumbles out onto the street,Percy is already halfway down the block.
“Please!” Will shouts, and he doesn’t care that he’smaking a scene, making the few people still around stop and stare at the sourceof the noise. “Percy, come on!”
Will catches up with Percy at the end of the road,facing one of the canals running through the city. He must have slowed down, orelse Will never would have been able to outrun him, and that’s all Will needsfor now.
 “I’m sorry, Percy, I’m so sorry.” Will pants as soonas he is close enough, out of breath from the race down the street. “It’s notlike it sounded, I promise.”
Percy doesn’t reply right away, but he turns around toface Will, arms hugged around his middle and eyes brimming with not yet shedtears. It’s like a stab to Will’s chest, knowing he is the reason for them.When he opens his mouth to speak, to explain, Percy shakes his head slowly.
“Nothing.” Is all Percy says at first, and the word chillsWill to the core. “That’s all, hm? Just…nothing.”
Will wants to cry. He should have seen this coming,but of course he didn’t. Shaking his head slowly first, then feverishly, Willtries to reach out to Percy only to have him step out of reach.
“No, no you got it all wrong.” He pleads and his ownvoice sounds more pained than he has any right being now. It’s not Percy whohas hurt him like Will had feared all along – he is the bad guy now. “It isn’tnothing it’s – ”
Percy doesn’t let Will finish. He barks a laugh,bitter and hurt and Will feels a tear spill down his cheek after all.
“Don’t” Percy says and his voice is as cold as ice. “Idon’t want you to tell me any lies, I’ve heard enough. I’m convenient andnothing more – should have known better than to make myself believe this meanssomething to you.”
He tries to turn away, leave Will with nothing butthis dismissal but Will can’t bring himself to let Percy go, not like this. Hereaches out, ignoring the way it hurts when Percy flinches away from his touch –but it makes the other stop long enough for Will to speak again.
“This, no, you- you mean so much to me.” He tries, but his voice breaks. This was not howWill had seen his confession going down, not that he had believed it to happenat all. “So much that is scares the shit out of me. I want this to be nothingbecause I can’t stand the alternative, that there’s something there that I canhave for a month only to lose it when you go back to your life and forget allabout the stupid boy you picked up on the side of some road.”
Will’s crying now, in the middle of the street,feeling like the single most horrible person on earth.
“Jason kept saying that I’m being stupid, but I couldn’trisk it and ruin all the good memories just because I couldn’t be content withwhat you gave already. I wanted it to be nothing because if it was something,then it was something I would lose.”
Will finally stops and Percy – Percy just stares athim. There is a wet track down his cheek where a tear has gotten away, but therest of his face is a stony mask. Will is sure he has ruined it for good now,that maybe having Percy believe Will didn’t care about their friendship wouldhave been better than letting him know how much deeper his feelings truly run.
Percy doesn’t say a single word, but he steps closer,into Will’s reach, then into his space. It seems surreal, like Will is watchingit happen from the outside rather than living in this moment. Hands cup hischeek, green eyes lock onto his own. Will thinks his heart has stopped, but hedoesn’t care, not now.
“And people tell me I’m oblivious.” Percy says quietlyand Will doesn’t catch onto what he’s trying to say until there is a pair oflips against his own.
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