#and im so scared she said like Everything was wrong with it
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victarin · 25 days ago
my stupid ass is like "i need to go to law school" and then when i have to do anything prelaw related i freak out die freak out die scared scared scared
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imtryingbuck · 2 months ago
My Saviour
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Buckys just received some news from the love of his life.
Word count: 6,269
Warnings: angst. fluff. suicidal thoughts. Bucky’s past mentioned. insecurities. scars mentioned. Bucky being madly in love. reader being an angel. past cheating and domestic abuse. pregnancy (it’s me im sorry) me not knowing anything about courts/sentencing.
Translation: ты мой спаситель - you’re my saviour (if wrong take it up with google translation)
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Bucky wished Steve was still around so he could talk to him about things. He wish that his best friend was still there to see the progress he was slowly making. Wished to know if his best friend was proud of him.
But most importantly he wished Steve chose to stay with him and Sam so he could have met the person who brought him back to life, who brought his long existence actual meaning other than jumping from fight to fight. He knew Steve would have loved her and probably would have thanked her for everything.
But sadly Steve went to live a different life without him so he had to deal with Sam all alone.
For a year after Steve left Bucky struggled to go out, he struggled to find his path in a world that he wasn’t suppose to be apart of. He should have died that day when he fell from the train.
His therapist tried to get him to go out into the world and meet people, Bucky would say ‘next time’ until Dr Raynor eventually gave up on trying.
For a whole year Bucky moved with the motion, just existing, alive and breathing but just barely holding on to that invisible thread.
That was until six years ago. Six years ago everything changed.
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** six years ago **
“Buck please-“
“Don’t call me that! How many times do I have to tell you”
“Oh I’m sorry Sir Bucky! But like I said please just come with me? It would do you some good to get out of your apartment, wait Bucky are you even listening to me?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m listening. I do get out-“
“To see your therapist and that’s it”
“I’m still going out aren’t I?” Bucky responds snappily, rolling his eyes as Sam groans through the speaker.
“Please Bucky, it’s just coffee!”
“God sake, okay. I’ll be there. Bye” He really didn’t want to go out and get a coffee with Sam but he ended agreeing knowing that he would not have stopped, probably even going as far as coming to his apartment just to drag him out of there. Since Steve left, poor Bucky had been left all alone on with Sam, okay it wasn’t as bad as he made it out to be but still he had been left with a man that annoyed him more than anything.
Groaning inwardly he slides his phone into his jeans front pocket before shoving his gloved hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, as he walked down the street he kept his head down so he didn’t make eye contact with anyone walking by. It was safer that way. For him and those around him.
“James Barnes” he spoke roughly to the receptionist who made a habit of always pushing her chest out so he could get an eye full of her cleavage.
“Take a seat” she responds batting her eyelashes with her chest pushed out. He thought after the tenth time of him rolling his eyes at her not so subtle attempt at flirting she would get the hint.
He was not interested.
“S-sorry is this seat taken?” A soft timid voice from a woman pulled Bucky out of his staring competition he was having with the fake plant by the water dispenser.
“Is-is anyone sitting here?”
“No. No you can sit”
“T-thank you” Bucky smiled and nodded softly instantly curious as to why she was also seeing a therapist. Bucky found himself getting lost in the smell of her perfume, the sweet smell creeping up his nostrils and into his senses. His eyes focused on the slow motion of her leg closest to his bouncing in time with the ticking of the clock.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“A-are you um are you J-James Barnes?”
Great just great. She knows who he is and from the way she stutters his name she clearly knows what he’s done and is scared of him. “Yes that’s me” he finally answers.
“Y-your names b-been called sir” she points over to where the receptionist is and sees her waiting for him to follow her down the hallway to Dr Raynors office.
Oh. Oh okay he got it wrong. “Oh, thank you”
“Y-your welcome sir”
Bucky offers her a small smile that she responds with the same and follows Lila down the corridor. He has no idea that the small smile he gave her meant a great deal to her. Nor does he know that she talks about him to her therapist that was two doors down from his.
Neither one realises that one small smile would make such a massive impact on their lives.
Over the course of four months, twice a week Bucky would see the woman whose name he had yet to know, every time they sat patiently in the waiting room they would find themselves sitting next to each other. Always quietly asking if the seat next to them was taken. Even if there were other available seats.
Dr Raynor had quite enjoyed hearing about the woman who seemed to have taken residence in Bucky’s mind. And Dr Harlow was proud of hearing that her patient was seeing someone new. She laughed when her patient blushed and began stumbling over her words that she was not seeing this man in that sense.
Bucky walked in to the waiting room expecting to find the woman whose presence he had become content being around only to frown at seeing the two seats that became unofficially theirs empty. The whole time he waited for her but she never showed. His name was called, as he followed Lila he kept turning his head back to the double doors in hopes that he would catch a glimpse of her. Walking into the room he frowned at seeing Dr Raynor and another woman sitting down. This was new.
“James, this is Dr Harlow.”
“Hello James”
“What’s wrong? I didn’t do-“
“No, no James it’s… well you know the woman you’ve been telling me about?” Raynor cuts him off and waits for him to nod “well Dr Harlow is her therapist, Y/n was rushed in to the hospital early hours this morning-“
“Y/n? That’s her name? Wait… what happened to her? Is she okay? Where is-“
“James, she’s okay. We can’t disclose anything about what happened but-well you see Y/n has been talking about you in her sessions, nothing bad don’t worry, and you’ve been talking about her so we agreed that we should let you know”
Bucky sat there staring at his doctor as his mind raced with questions. She was in the hospital? Her name suited her perfectly. Why was she in the hospital? Who hurt her? She talked about him? ‘Nothing bad’ the good doctor stressed. Is she okay? “James?”
“Yeah erm, are you sure she’s okay?”
“Yes. We, well we talked to each other” Raynor points at between herself and Dr Harlow “and we think it would be a great opportunity for you to talk to her, maybe offer her some support-“
“Why me? Aren’t you two the therapists?”
“Yes we are but James I don’t think you realise how much those smiles and a few quiet words mean to Y/n. Nor she with you, now in my opinion I think it would be nice if the pair of you had someone to lean on when you don’t have a session.”
Thinking it over for a few minutes he nodded and agreed. Dr Harlow said Y/n had mentioned that she felt safe with him which made his heart race faster than usual at hearing that a complete stranger felt safe around him when he was so use to it being different. No one felt safe around him, hell he didn’t even feel safe with himself but yet she did. Not even ten seconds after the door closed behind Dr Harlow did Bucky start questioning his doctor about what had happened or where she was so he could go and see her, he just wanted to make sure she was fine but Raynor held strong and didn’t back down from the harsh glare he was sending towards her. She never did though to be honest.
Ten minutes later Dr Raynor thought it was best to cut their session short, though promised him that she would make out that they did the full hour.
Two weeks. Two whole weeks it had been since he was told that she was in the hospital and he hadn’t seen her. That day he thought it wouldn’t be any different to the other days where he expected to see her, until he turned his back on Lila who thankfully now took the hint that he wasn’t interested in her. His eyes squinted at seeing someone sitting in their seats.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked quietly, hoping that the woman in front of him would raise her head and smile as she said ‘no you can sit’. And when she did. Well… let’s just say that what he wanted to do to whoever had caused such pain and suffering to his Y/n he wouldn’t have pinned it on the Winter Soldier. No because Bucky Barnes would have happily admitted to shedding blood that wasn’t his own. Happily and proudly.
“N-no you can sit” she responds with that smile he sees when he closes his eyes at night.
“Doll-“ Lila cuts him off by calling his name signalling that it was his time, he nods at her then faces Y/n. “After your session I’m going to be waiting right here okay, and I want to take you for a coffee.”
“O-okay” Y/n says with a shy smile. Bucky smiles back before going up to Lila, eyebrows burrowing when she doesn’t lead him down the corridor. And that’s when it finally hits him. He had never seen her doing that to any of the other patients.
He tells Dr Raynor that Y/n was back, told her the bruises that littered her beautiful face, told her what he had said to her and her response. “Go easy on her James, don’t try and rush her into telling you all of her secrets okay” but in the same breath suggests a nice place for him to take her.
Forty five minutes after his appointment had ended he was now sat a cross the table from Y/n with a black coffee in front of him and a hot chocolate in front of her.
“You know what I’m going to ask you don’t you?” He says with a gentle smile, she nods. “Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fi-fine now sir”
“Bucky, call me Bucky. How long was you in the hospital for?”
“A few d-days, Dr Harlow told me that she told you what happened”
“Not exactly they just said that you was in the hospital, wanted me to know since you talk about me all the time” winking at her when she blushed.
“I-I d-don’t”
“All the time they said, said that your obsessed with me”
“Well y-you talk a-about me too!”
“Me? Never!” Bucky was ninety nine point nine percent sure that he had died right there and then and went to heaven when she laughed. He was sure of it. Her laugh could only described as angelic. God he wanted to hear it again and again until he dying breath.
“I-it was my ex” she whispered. She wasn’t stupid she knew what he wanted to ask.
“Where is he now?”
“Jail still, h-have to go court in-in two weeks. My lawyer said h-he’ll be going to prison for a long time, he broke the protection order an-and well this” she said gesturing to her face.
“You had a protection order against him?”
“Yes, throughout our relationship he was abusive the o-only way I managed to get out was because he had been cheating on me with a friend of mine, he left me a-and I was so happy because it meant that I didn’t have to suffer no more but the friend didn’t want him anymore because the fun of sneaking around had gone”. Taking a deep breath before sipping on her hot chocolate she continued. “He broke into my apartment and attacked me because I said no to taking him back, police was called by my neighbour and I got the restraining order against him because I could do that then, he went to prison and h-he got out three weeks ago, he broke into my apartment again and did this b-but the police arrived quickly as I already rang them”
“Doll… I’m so sorry”
“It’s okay. I’m okay now”
“It’s not okay Y/n”
“It is what it is, he’ll be going to prison for a long time and I’ll be able to live my life again.” She smiled.
“W-when is it that you have to go to court?”
“In two weeks, why?”
“Can I come with you? To offer my support” With her lack of response he knew he overstepped. Of course she isn’t going to want the former Winter Soldier to come with her to face another monster in her life. He’s about to apologise until she smiles once more and nods.
“I would really like that. Thank you Bucky” Bucky smiled and nodded.
Their second cup of hot drinks had slowly grown cold as the conversation flowed effortlessly between the pair. Bucky loved the way she no longer stuttered or stumbled over her words the longer they spoke. She was about to say something when a bang from the window startled the pair of them.
“Great.” He muttered.
“D-do you know him?”
“Who the crazy guy with his face squashed up against the window? Unfortunately” Y/n giggled at his words then looked at the man who did in fact have his face squashed up against the window, his eyes moving back and forth between herself and Bucky. Waving shyly at the man who waved excitedly back Bucky rolled his eyes. “You do realise you’ve just basically invited him in, don’t you? Oh see now he’s entering.”
“Stop being mean”
“Didn’t expect to see you here Barnes. Hi I’m Sam, Bucky’s best friend in the whole world”
“Hi Sam, I’m Y/n” she shakes his hand and smiles at Bucky who sits there rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time.
“Scoot over then Bucky. So how did you two meet?”
Bucky looked at Y/n to see if she was comfortable with letting him know, she just smiled. “We met in therapy”
“Oh, are you a therapist?”
“No, no I’m a patient”
“Does it help?”
“What? I’m just asking”
Giggling at the two men “it’s fine Bucky, it has been helping. My therapist is really nice and understanding”
“That’s great. So did you two meet from group therapy or?”
“No we actually sat next to each other in the waiting room”
“Aw that’s so cute!” Sam winks at her whilst Bucky grumbled under his breath.
Sam ends up convincing Bucky and Y/n in getting something to eat not that he puts up to much of a fight as both of them were hungry themselves. Once again conversation flows effortlessly, even Bucky joined in with the laughter.
After food was eaten and an argument between the three about who was going to pay - Y/n winning when the two men were still arguing over the bill - they walked her all the way to her apartment. Bucky’s heart clenched painfully seeing her front door with dried blood on it. Sam noticed too and smiled sadly at his friend.
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Two whole weeks passed, in those two weeks Sam kept “bumping” into the pair, the three of them would walk around talking about their lives, both of the men noticing that she was very vague about her life but neither one pushed her into saying more.
Today was the day where Y/n was going to court, as she stood outside she checked her watch worrying that Bucky wasn’t going to show up, not like he needed to he didn’t owe her anything anyway. She turned around to head up the many steps when her names called, turning she sees Bucky running over towards her. Sam following closely behind.
“Hey, hi, sorry we’re late I tried to shake this one off but he’s persist-“
“No it’s okay, I-I really appreciate the pair of you coming today. It means so much”
“You’re welcome sunshine, you’ve got our support” Sam smiles wrapping his arms around her squeezing slightly.
“Y/n? We need to go in” her lawyer says from the large brown double doors.
Sam nods to the pair and heads up the steps, Bucky smiled “me and Sam are here for you, it’s going to be okay”
“I’m scared about seeing him again b-but I-I can do it” Bucky’s hand reached out to hers that shook.
“I’ve got you, I promise”
“T-th-thank you Bucky”
Hand in hand they head up to where Sam was waiting patiently and followed the lawyers lead into the courtroom. Bucky’s knee wouldn’t stop bouncing from anger as Y/n bravely stood in the witness stand and gave her statement, hearing all the things that the bastard did to her made him want to attack him. Sam knew what was going through his friends head, honestly? He wasn’t going to be far behind him.
Three hours later her ex received a ten year sentence. Bucky watched as her body relaxes by hearing the judges words. He and Sam smiles at her when she turns around, her eyes moving along the rows to find where they sat, smiling as soon as she lands on them.
After leaving the courthouse Bucky took her hand in his again and the three of them went to the restaurant that Sam had suggested, in a way to celebrate Y/n’s new found freedom. Neither one of the men mentioned about what they heard or the photos they saw in the courtroom, other than telling her that they were proud of her bravery.
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Six months had passed before any of them had realised, both of the therapists were proud of seeing completely different people sitting in front of them in their sessions. Bucky opened up more and so did Y/n, not only to their therapists but to each other.
The knock on the door pulled Bucky away from his bickering with Sam as his friend argued that pineapple on pizza was nice. “I’ll ask Y/n and see what she says! Hey doll”
“Hey, sorry I’m late”
“You’re not, don’t worry. Hey does pineapple belong on pizza?” He asked taking her coat and hanging it up on the hook.
“I’ve tried it and I like it” she waves to Sam.
“See! Sam I told you it was nice”
“But you said-“
“Shut up. Sam said that it was wrong but I said it was nice”
“No yo-“
“So how was your day?” Sam looked at Y/n mouthing ‘he’s lying’ making her giggle, she goes on to tell them all about her day which had Bucky hanging on to every word she spoke.
Halfway through the film Sam had picked Y/n went to the bathroom, Bucky eyed Sam curiously as the latter was sitting there grinning at him. “What?”
“Whens the wedding?”
“What wedding?”
“Yours and Y/ns”
“We’re not getting married? Why are you smiling like that?”
“If you say so, hey when are you going to tell her you love her?”
Choking on his beer Bucky shook his head “I don’t love her Sam”
“Okay, how about you telling her that you’re in love with her?”
“Sam shut up.”
“Nope. So when are you going to tell her?”
“I’m not going too alright. It’s just-it doesn’t matter alright just drop it”
“Drop what?” Y/n asked walking back into the living room.
“Pineapple being on pizza” Bucky says quickly his eyes going wide looking at Sam.
Laughing she shakes her head sitting back down next to Bucky “we’re not having this argument anymore boys”
“Try telling him that Y/n/n” now it’s Bucky’s turn to have a grin on his lips as Sam’s eyes squint at the pair.
“Sunshine has Bucky told you yet?”
“Told me what?”
“That he loves y-“
“You… love yogurts?” She asked him with her eyebrow raised, Sam struggles to contain his laughter seeing Bucky become a stuttering mess.
“Yes… I love yogurts, problem?”
“Nope no problem here” If Y/n wasn’t snuggling into his left side Bucky would have throttled Sam.
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The knock on her door startled her from the tv screen in front of her - it didn’t help that she was watching a horror and that a jump scare was about to happen when the knock came.
“Bucky? Hey, are you okay?”
“I-I was just in the neigh-neighbourhood a-and I thought that I’d st-stop by”
“Yeah come in, James is everything alright?”
“Yeah, w-why?”
“It’s just that you’re stuttering… and I’m just worried that’s all”
“S-someone said something about me, it-it wasn’t good” he admitted twisting the bottle cap from the water bottle she had gave him.
“What did they say?”
“It doesn’t matter, I-I just wanted to see you-you know because I was in the neighbourhood”
The truth was he wasn’t, he had finally listened to Dr Raynors advice and go out. His plan was to go down the corner store to get some essentials in. Get in, get out that was easy and simple. He could do it. Until he heard two men who were talking clearly and loudly about him their conversation attracting the attention of others passing by them. And that’s when he realised his second mistake that day, the first mistake being to agree to go out, the second being that he forgot his gloves. The comments were harsh and unkind.
His first response was to put his head down shoving his hands into his pockets and walk all the way to Y/n’s apartment. Even if it was a forty minute walk.
Bucky needed to see her, he didn’t care if they sat in silence just as long as he was with her, he didn’t care if she forced him to watch that terrible tv show.
“Come on let’s watch something and have cuddles”
He was safe with her. Calmer. Happier. More comfortable and relaxed.
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“Have you asked her?”
“No Samuel I haven’t”
“Because I haven’t seen her today”
“Because she had her session with Dr Harlow”
“Sam, I’m going to punch you in the face”
Bucky rolled his eyes and put the phone call down. He couldn’t bear to hear why one more time. He was too busy going over what he was going to ask Y/n, so many things could go wrong she could say no, it would be weird as they’ve only known each other for a year now. She’s going to say no. Of course she is. He can’t ask, he just ca-
“Buck? Open up my arms hurt”
Buck. Buck, the name Sam was not happy about hearing slipping out of her mouth. He had tried years to call him that but always got shot down. It wasn’t fair.
“Buck? Shit are you not in?”
“No! No I’m in doll, hi, hello, hi”
“Hi, hello, hi to you too” Bucky laughs taking the bags off her arms carefully, then takes them into the kitchen. A month ago Y/n moved in to his apartment with him after the landlord put up the rent making her struggle to keep paying the higher rent, Bucky caught her looking for a new place to live when he suggested her living with him, she first denied but Bucky swore and promised that he was more than happy to let her stay with him, she ended up agreeing, Bucky could have cried with happiness all night but managed to contain himself.
“Did you get everything?”
“Nope, forgot absolutely everything you asked for” sticking her tongue out at him, he laughed.
God he loves her weirdness.
“So I- god sake Sam, hold on pretty girl. What now Sam? No I haven’t. Because she’s just walked in. You’re so needy do you know that? Okay I’ll ask now. Yes I’ll do it whilst you’re on the phone. Y/n, do you want to come to Louisiana with Sam and I?”
“Yeah, we’re going for a week to see his sister and nephews and we want you to come too”
“Will his sister mind me being there?”
“No. So?”
“Are you guys really sure?”
“O-okay, that would be nice”
His smile doesn’t just take up his face but Sam’s as well “good, good. Did you hear Sam? Okay see you later” chucking his phone on to the counter he turns back to Y/n. “We leave tomorrow”
“Tomorrow? Oh god okay, I’ll go and pack now”
Two days later they arrive in Louisiana after both men took it in turns to drive, it was long and tiring for them but Y/n loved it. She had never been out of New York before so she was taking in the sights. When Bucky wasn’t driving he would watch her from his seat, seeing her face lit up made his heart tingle.
“Are you sure she won’t mind me being here?”
“I promise, she’s excited to meet you” Sam reassures her as he pulls up the gravelled driveway.
Greeting his sister and nephews, Bucky doing the same Sarah turned her attention to Y/n instantly engulfing her in a warm embrace. “It’s so nice to finally meet you”
“You too” she smiled softly.
Later that night after putting their things away they all sat outside watching as the sun started to set, Sam was manning the grill and Bucky were chasing the two boys around making them squeal with laughter and excitement. Sarah and Y/n were talking when Sarah asked the woman sitting in front of her something that made her choke and splutter on her drink.
“W-we aren’t to-together”
“Are you sure? The way he looks at you makes me think differently”
“No, no we’re just friends. Plus he wouldn’t like me so”
“Do you like him?”
“I-yes. But I would rather have him as my friend than not have him in my life”
“Tell him how you feel”
“No I can’t do that!”
“You can”
“No I can’t”
“Can’t what?” Bucky’s voice comes from behind her. Sarah has to stifle her laughter as Y/ns eyes went as wide as saucers.
“I-erm nothing.”
“Okay? Hey there’s a crab down on the beach that the boys have found, want to come and see it?”
“O-okay” Bucky smiles and holds out his hand for her to take, helping her stand he keeps his hand in hers as they walk towards the two boys.
“Is she in love with him?”
“I think so, hopefully they’ll admit their feelings because they’re so cute together” Sarah says with her eyes trained on the two fading figures, Sam smirks before flipping the burgers.
Later that night Y/n got startled when she went into the bathroom seeing Bucky standing motionless in front of the mirror. “Shit! Bucky you scared- hey are you okay?”
“I-I’m fi-I’m not okay Y/n/n” Y/n moved so quickly wrapping her arms around him, both falling on the ground.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” the sobs wracked through his body making her body shake. She kept repeating those words like a mantra.
“M-my hair”
“Your hair? What about it?”
“I-I want it gone, please, please help me g-get rid of it”
Her heart broke at hearing him sounding so small, in the whole year of knowing him he had always sounded so strong, and confident. Also she loved his hair and they both knew it, on nights where they cuddled up together on the couch watching movies her fingers would always end up playing with the soft strands of hair.
“A-are you sure?” feeling him nodding against her chest “okay, let me find some scissors and a clipper and I’ll do it for you okay?” Trying to stand was difficult especially since having a super soldier clinging to her. “Buck, I need to stand”
Finding the scissors was easy, it was just finding the clippers she had a difficult time coming up on. Cheering silently in triumph when she discovered them in the fourth draw. “Should we go outside so we don’t wake everyone up?”
“O-okay. Leave the light on Cass is scared of the dark, Sarah leaves the bathroom light on for him” Bucky whispered wrapping both of his hands around her free one.
Outside with only the porch light illuminating them, Y/n started cutting his hair the shorter it got the more Bucky started to relax. When it came to trimming his hair Bucky’s left arm reached around to tug on her waist, bringing her around to stand in between his legs, he smiled shyly up at her. Without thinking she leaned down as she placed her lips to his forehead. His arms snaked around the back of her legs squeezing lightly.
“I-it’s done, maybe Sam can fix it up later if it’s bad?”
“I bet y-you did a good job”
“Would you be mad if I said you had a massive bald spot right on the top of your head?”
He laughed and shook his head “no I won’t be mad”
“It’s a good job that there isn’t one isn’t there?”
“Y/n, thank you, i-it means a lot to me. Thank you”
“You don’t need to thank me. D-do you want to talk about what happened?”
“It was a nightmare. Just about my past” leading her over to the hammock on that swayed ever so lightly from the night breeze. “T-they did bad things to me, made me do worse”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it” she says squeezing his hand.
“They made me kill people, even when I completed the mission to their satisfaction they would still punish me and I never knew why. The chair was the worst, I-I did what I was told to do and I was still punished.”
Looking at the water he breathed deeply, he was about to tell her something to no one else knew, not even his therapist. “I-I’ve wanted to end my life since coming back from Wakanda b-b-but not since I met you I swear!”
“Oh Buck”
“It was easier to end it you know? But I couldn’t do it, I needed to try and make up for all the damage I caused.”
“Bucky it was-“
“It was though, wasn’t it? It was me the whole time”
“It wasn’t. Bucky you wasn’t in control of your own mind, your a good man, an incredible man - don’t scoff at me mister - you are, if you don’t believe me think about Sarah, even though I don’t know her all that well she seems to have a good sense of judgement, do you really think that she would let you be around her babies if she thought you was a bad person?”
Thinking her words over he had to agree with her words about Sarah even Sam wouldn’t let him anywhere near his sister and his nephews. Hell Tony wouldn’t have allowed him near his wife or daughter if they believed he was the monster that he still believed he was. “Y-you’re right”
Now it was her turn to think over the words from Sarah earlier that night. It was most likely going to blow up in her face and she was going to lose him as a friend forever but maybe just maybe Sarah could be right. “I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you if you were a bad person Buck”
The silence that followed was killing her. She should have just kept her mouth shut.
He however couldn’t believe his ears. Surely she was playing a trick on him. There was no way this perfect angel as he always described her would ever feel the same way as him. Surely.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I-I’ll go n-“
He cuts her off by pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was soft, timid at first before they both gained their confidence their tongues dancing a slow dance together. Pulling away reluctantly Bucky leans his forehead against hers, both smiling widely at each other.
“I’m in love with you too” he whispered.
Nothing else was said. Nothing else was needed to be said.
Sam walks on to the porch with his hot cup of coffee that morning, his feet faltering when he sees Bucky and Y/n curled up together on the hammock fast asleep. Pulling his phone out he took a photo of the pair before running back into the house showing Sarah the photo.
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As soon as they were back in New York Bucky asked Y/n out on a date, then another and another until he asked her to be his girlfriend. And soon enough she had moved into his room with him.
The first time she saw him topless was when he came out of the bathroom wearing grey joggers, he thought she was still in the living room. He heard the quiet gasp, he looked up to see her standing there and his stomach dropped.
“Your body… did the gods sculpt you? I-is that, two, four, six yep that’s an eight pack, how do you get an eight pack?”
Hearing her words he blushed with a little chuckle. “T-the scars-“
“Don’t lie to me”
“I would never lie to you Buck, everything about you is beautiful”
That night they made love for the first time, each of them taking their time in admiring the scars that littered their bodies. The second she pressed her lips delicately against the rough, raised patch where skin meets metal he honestly thought his heart was going to stop beating.
“ты мой спаситель, did you know that?” he whispered one night placing kisses on her bare shoulder.
“What does that mean?”
“ты мой спаситель?”
“It means… your smelly”
“No it doesn’t” she laughs.
“No your right, it means you’re my saviour”
“You are Y/n/n, you’ve saved me you’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been before a-and I know I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you”
“I’ll be with you until you want me to leave”
“So never” he laughed, pulling her body even closer to his. “I love you Y/n/n”
“I love you too Buck”
Bucky wished Steve was still around so he could talk to him about things. He wish that his best friend was still there so he could tell the blond about how nervous he was. He imagined Steve’s reaction as he fixed his tie for the ninth time within five minutes.
A year had passed, on their year anniversary Bucky got down on one knee and proposed, three months later he was standing in the spare bedroom of Sarah’s house in his suit as Sarah helped Y/n with her dress.
He really wished Steve was there to see him marrying his love.
A month before marrying both Sam and Bucky retired, both men tired of the bloodshed and nightmares. Sam told Bucky that he was going to move down to Louisiana, he even brought up a business proposal, Bucky had to admit it did sound tempting he promised Sam that he would run it by Y/n.
“Sam’s moving closer to Sarah, you know now that we’ve retired.”
“Oh, right”
“He erm he brought up a proposal to go into business together-“
“Did you say yes? Please tell me you said yes!”
“Why? Do you want to move to Louisiana?”
“Yes! I mean I knew Sam was going to move back there so I may or may not have been looking at houses down there…”
Sam cheered loudly down the phone when Bucky rang him to tell him that they were coming too.
“You ready Bucky?” Sam asked popping his head around the door.
“Yeah, yeah I’m ready”
Bucky faltered walking out of the house only expecting to see AJ, Cass and Roy - the man who was going to be marrying them - but yet all the people Y/n and himself had befriended over the two years they had been going to Louisiana, had showed up to watch them become one.
Being announced as husband and wife had their hearts doing a double take. They were married and neither one could believe it. And neither one could wipe the smile off their faces.
“ты мой спаситель… wait did I pronounce any of that right?” She panicked as they slow danced to the live music from a local band.
“Di-did you learn that just for me?”
“Yes” she giggled “so did I say it correctly?”
“Yes you did мой спаситель”
The celebration went on well into the night.
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** present time **
“Did you just hear what I said?” Y/n looks up at him lightly nibbling on her bottom lip looking nervously.
Of course he had heard the words that came out of her mouth but those exact words made him think about how they met, and how far they both had come from being complete strangers who met in the waiting room of their therapist building to now being a happily married couple whose love continued to grow as the days passed.
“I did, but tell me again, please”
Oh how he can’t wait to tell his best friend Sam the news he had just received.
Taking his hands in hers she placed them on her still flat stomach and smiled.
“You’re going to be a dad.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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sturniolosymphony · 2 months ago
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Chris Sturniolo x gf!reader
Playing a prank on his brothers with you
Warnings: mention of domestic violence, “pushes” her one time, name calling like “slut”, crying and comfort.
This is shorter than I wanted it to be sorry guys
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Y/n and Chris are sitting in his room, he was laying on her chest, her brushing her fingers through his hair, separating some knots. Chris lets out a sigh and she asks him, “what’s wrong baby?” And he mumbles into her chest “Matt and nick have been so mean all week. They won’t stop making fun of me for everything I do.” Y/n rubs his back and says “I’m sorry Chris,” thinking how she could help him she says “why don’t we play a little prank on them to get back at them?” And Chris perks up saying “yea? What kind of prank?”
The couple are now sitting up looking on TikTok for pranks that they could do when they stop on a video that says “play this prank on your family and see how they react!” The prank was the boyfriend being super mean to the girlfriend and she had a fake bruised eye. Y/n looks up at Chris and says “what about this one? I think it’s good enough to really get them.” And Chris nods before saying “yea I like it, but that bruise is fake right? I don’t actually want to hit you…” and y/n laughs before kissing his cheek saying “yes Chris it’s just makeup.”
Y/n had done the fake bruise and asked Chris if it looks real and he said “yea that looks so real they might think I actually hit you until you take it off.” So that’s how she knew it was good enough. They decide that y/n would post her latest photo shoot she did, in a slightly revealing dress, on instagram. That’s what Chris would be “mad” about. Chris then says, “wait so I have to like, be mean and call you names and stuff?” Y/n says “yea but it’s okay it’s for the prank.” Chris pulls he towards him and wraps his arms around her hugging her before saying “you know I don’t mean anything im going to say right baby?” And y/n hugs him back, wrapping her arms around his neck saying “I know sweetheart it’s okay.” Chris and y/n share a sweet kiss before they start to get ready for the prank.
Y/n peeks into the living room and sees Matt and Chris on the couch before turning to Chris whispering “they are on the couch, I’ll go get some water and you come up and start yelling at me about the post.” Chris nods and waits at his room.
Y/n goes and gets water, nick looks up at her wanting to talk to his best friend when he sees the bruise on her face and he hits Matt lightly on the arm before pointing to her. Matt turns to him with a concerned face before they immediately get up to ask y/n what happened. They go over to her and nick says “omg what happened? Why do you have a black eye?!?” And y/n looks to the ground, playing her part before saying “nothing I just um.. fell earlier.” Matt looks at nick, not buying the excuse and before they can say anything else Chris comes upstairs with a mad face on.
Chris starts to yell, “Y/N WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THAT POST YOU FUCKING SLUT!” going over to her. Y/n looks scared when she turns to Chris and says “what do you mean?.. I just thought I looked good..” and Chris says “WELL YOU DIDN’T ALL THAT POST DID WAS MAKE PEOPLE THINK IM DATING A WHORE.” Nick and Matt immediately have shocked faces before Nick says “Chris calm the fuck down! She does look good in the photos and she can post whatever she wants!” And Matt says “dude don’t call her that what the fuck!”
Chris turns to them and says “shut the fuck up! Stay out of my business.” Before stepping to close to y/n and saying “you delete that shit right now! God you’re so ugly why did I ever choose to date you!”
He pushes her lightly but y/n stumbled back so it would seem like he pushed her harder. Nick and Matt walk over and say “Chris stop what the fuck are you doing!”Chris ignores them and says “and that black eye I gave you looks fucking ugly. Cover it up, NOW.” Matt pushes Chris back and steps in front of y/n and Nick starts yelling “Chris I’m going to beat your ass! Are you fucking kidding me you put your hands on her?!?” Y/n starts to cry, playing her part when Matt turns to her and pulls her into a hug saying “Jesus, are you okay sweetheart? How long has he been hitting you?”
Chris and nick continue to argue and y/n just shakes her head and hides it in Matts chest. Chris pushes by nick to get to me and he says “now your hugging my brother? God you’re such a slut!” Raising his hand like he was going to hit you when Matt grabs it and pushes him harder yelling “don’t you fucking touch her! Mom raised you better than this Chris what the fuck! You never hit a woman!”
Nick comes over and says “cmon let’s go to my room okay? We’ll get you away from him honey.” While Matt keeps pushing and yelling at Chris. As soon as Matt starts to take it too far, about to start punching Chris, Chris gives y/n a look and she just starts laughing, so does Chris. Matt and Nick immediately look confused and say “why are you guys laughing? What’s going on?” Y/n says “get pranked!” Before walking over to Chris and leaning into him. Chris hugs y/n back and kisses her forehead before saying “god I hated doing that. You know I didn’t mean anything I said right?” Y/n says “I know it’s okay Chris.” Matt and Nick immediately say “what the fuck!” “I was so worried and freaked out!” Chris and y/n just laugh. Then Matt says “wait then why do you have a black eye?” Y/n grabs a paper towel and wipes it off. Nick and Matt say “that looked so real!” Y/n wipes off the fake tears she forced herself to cry before throwing the paper towel away.
Nick says “don’t ever do that again I was so worried and mad at Chris omg.” And Matt adds on by saying “yea I was actually about to beat the shit out of you Chris.” Chris looks at Matt and says “yea I know, right when you started punching I had to give y/n a look so we could tell you guys it was a prank.”
A little while later y/n and the boys end up on the couch watching a movie, y/n and Chris cuddling together, her on his chest. It’s safe to say that Chris was apologizing for pushing her and calling her those names for the rest of the month. Even though he practically taped her and she knew he didn’t mean what he said, Chris still felt bad. It’s just who he is, and y/n loves him for it.
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This fic won on the poll so I hope you guys like it! 🤍 (Matt x gf! Reader doing tiktoks coming soon.)
Kisses, sturniolosymphony
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kxtsukixoxo · 30 days ago
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pro!hero dynamight is known for his explosive nature, fans second guessing if they should really approach the hothead. is it really surprising when you aren’t scared of him?
Katsuki rolled in bed that night, why was he so attached to you? he had so many questions flooding his head. why did he feel the need to spend every second of his day with you.
he hated how much he loved looking at you stare into your notebook, muttering about how his suit works.
he hated the fact he enjoyed your company 
he hated how happy he felt whenever his phone rang, he hated how much he hoped it was you. he hated the fact that no matter how much he said he hated how close you were to him, he actually loved it. 
what was so special about you? 
why did he let his guard down and let you in? 
you of all people. 
maybe it’s because you weren’t scared of him, you didn’t fear his quirk. yeah, you were a geek about his hero work, but you didn’t make him feel like a ticking time bomb, unable to interact with everyone else due to his constant outbursts. he felt like himself with you.
after minutes of tossing and turning, he picked up his phone. clicking at the keyboard hesitantly, he didn’t want to scare you off, it didn’t seem possible but he had to be cautious. overthinking every message he typed out and deleted after careful consideration.
[kats 💣] coffee tomorrow?
After a thousands of messages, back and forth with Katsuki. he finally had time to get coffee with you and catch up, making sure it was done in a secluded place. not because he was ashamed but rather he’d like to keep you safe and away from the media. it was rather hard trying to match his schedule with yours, he was endlessly busy, with barely any time to hang out. you appreciated the fact he’d take time out of his day to reply to you, you had little time for your personal needs as well, but more than he did. working in a nursing home meant whenever your patient was asleep; which was most of the time, meant you could finally take a break. 
“what?” Katsuki chuckled as you took a sip of your bubble tea while you two strolled around the familiar park. 
“what do you mean what?! tell me about your recent fights!! i wanna know everything!” 
he grinned as he watched you whip out your notebook and pen, ears ready for whatever he threw at you. 
“nerd.” he muttered as you finished rambling about your notes. the unexpected ring from your phone bringing you back to reality, Katsuki watched your face drop as you read the text. 
“what’s wrong?” he grew concerned, it had to be something serious if you dropped your playful demeanour. 
“spit it out” 
you looked down at the ground, is this how he finds out? you’d wished you could tell him under better circumstance. 
“the babysitter i hired…she needs to leave” 
Katsuki trailed off, piecing two and two together. 
you cleared your throat, he looked at you questionably, why did you hide this from him? were you scared he’d stop talking to you? he didn’t understand. 
“i’ll come with you.” 
“i appreciate the thought, but it’s okay kats, im fine!” you looked at him cheerfully. he’d love to meet the kid, definitely on better circumstances. but you needed help right now, he wanted to respect your boundaries but he felt an itch to help you. he held himself down, worried he might spook you if he was too straightforward
“thank you for the coffee!” you kissed him on his cheek, running towards your car. your inner self kicking gleefully, while he stood there stunned, with a subtle grin on his face, he could get used to this.
he wanted you, kid or no kid.
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@rinkomei  @qyuin @kalulakunundrum
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ellieslob · 10 months ago
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★ellie got sick
+idea: ellie gets emotional when you take care of her
ways to help palestine !!!
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you knew, deep down, under all the toughness and her act of being completely independent, and solitaire, ellie yearned for touch, but not just anybody's touch, your touch.
the first week after you guys got together you were both hesitant to touch each other, to be near one another, too nervous and definitely too worried of messing up, ruining everything and ending up alone again, so for the first weeks, you guys practically were just friends that called each other “babe” and “honey”.
that was until ellie got sick, it was nothing to really worry about, nothing but a cold, “it didn't matter” as she said, but at the same time, she had spent all of her weekend inside her bed, texting you about how her tummy hurt, her head hurt, her pinky toe hurt, your girlfriend switched from being the strongest and toughest woman you ever met to such being a pretty cry baby. you two were on your nightly call, when she heard the ring bell “oh no, wait babe, god, how do i get up” you heard her covers moving as she growled and whined.
“don't worry honey, i'll get the door” she looked at her phone confused, you hung up and left her even more confused, were you high? or…
the knocking stopped an the door opened showing that it was you at her room, with a soft smile and a little basket in your hands “hi baby. okay, okay, so i brought you a soft blanket, some chocolate, and yes, the milky one, not dark. i bought soda but i bringed tea, because you need to stay hydrated” your hands pushed her back to the bed, tugging her with the little blanket, and then checking her temperature by softly pressing your foreheads “oh and i made you chicken soup, i know you don't loove vegetables, but baby you-
you stopped yourself completely, her face was now drowning in tears, her face all covered in blush and her hands were grabbing her new soft blanket with a very tight grip “ellie, w-what's wrong?”
she got up from the bed, still her movements were slow and silly, but she managed to get to you, your worried look, the little basket, the homemade tea and soup, the little and soft voice you used just to talk to her. she knew it.
she almost tackled you into a hug, starting to cry even harder, her deep voice turning into whines, her sobs were loud and strong that they moved her hole body, she was clinging onto your shirt, hiding her face in your chest, you didn't know what to do, you had yourgirlfriend weeping desperately in your arms and she didn't answer your questions or stop shivering. you caressed her cheek, trying to wipe her tears a little “ellie?”
“thank you, i… i was so exhausted, i am really, but even with all my whining and complaining, god it must have been so boring to hear me complain about everything but still you.. you”
“i love you ellie, i love your face, your little freckles, your voice, your bad jokes, your complains, i love them because i love you, way too much, i’d say, you should be scared, like seriously, you should call the police” you started attacking her with little kisses all around her face.
“stop” she laughed like a kid, making you chuckle a little, her tears finally stopped, leaving her eyes shiny and loving “and you say my jokes are bad” she holds your waist, pulling you closer to her.
“well i guess that's why we are together honey, you'll have to endure”
“i love you”
“i love you more” and as cheesy as it sounded, your voice, your words and your kisses were all that ellie needed to get better.
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🫐nat: im back😭 im so sorry for all the time that has passed, this is not my best work but i wanted to make a little something to officially come back, love yaaall so so much
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mofongomuncher · 2 months ago
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𝘼 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧
POV: Telling Ekko you’re pregnant
Im gonna be posting a bunch of lil Ekko oneshots on Wattpad, I feel like this man doesn’t get enough stories and it irkssss me sm. So if you’d like to read more the link is at the end!!
I'm not all that good at writing, I’m also doing this for fun so please go easy on me. I'm hoping to get better as I keep writing. But I still hope you guys enjoy it!! :3
The Firelight base, hidden among the green thick fogs of Zaun, was Ekko's haven. A quiet—peaceful place from the chaos of the Undercity.
His little room at the top of his tree was where he could think, when the weight of leadership felt too heavy—he could sit, take a moment for himself for a little bit.
His room was filled with unfinished projects, blueprints and tools scattered all across his workbench, The lanterns and candles cast a soft, wam glow over the space, giving it a calming, almost ethereal atmosphere.
But tonight...tonight felt different.
Tonight, there was something heavy in the air.
Y/N sat on the edge of his bed, She had something she needed to say. Something that had been on her mind for days now. But the thought of how Ekko would react to it made her heart race like hell.
Ekko was seated at his workbench, tinkering with a device, his brows furrowed in concentration. When Y/N finally spoke, her voice barely rose above a whisper, it stopped him cold.
"Ekko," she began, and when he turned, the look on his face shifted. His precious brown eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, she saw his guard come down, just a fraction.
He stood, his usual cool confidence flickering for just an instant. "What's up doll? You've been acting different... is something wrong?"
Y/N hesitated.
Fuck This wasn't easy.
How do you tell someone you love so much that their life is about to change forever?
But she couldn't keep it to herself anymore.
"Ekko...I'm pregnant."
Ekko froze. His expression was unreadable for a second before his eyes narrowed, brows drawing together. His mind that was always fast, was now working overtime, processing what the hell she just said.
For a second, the silence felt like a punch to the gut, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on both of them.
"You're... pregnant?" He repeated, his voice low, almost to himself, like he wasn't sure whether to believe it or not. He just stood there, trying to find something to say but was unable to form the words just yet.
Y/N nodded, swallowing hard.
"I found out a little while ago. I just didn't know how to tell you. Hell, I didn't even know how to process it myself."
Ekko rubbed his forehead, He was silent for a moment longer before he spoke, his voice rougher than usual, but it was tinged with concern. "I... I'm not sure what to do with this Y/N...Fuck...I didn't even expect to see this coming.."
Y/N's heart clenched at the uncertainty in his voice. She had been afraid of this, of him not knowing how to react.
she took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "I didn't expect this either. I'm scared too Ekko. But I don't—I can't to do this alone. I need you."
Ekko didn't move right away, his gaze still locked on her. His hands fidgeted with a loose gear on the workbench, his mind was clearly in a battle between his responsibilities and the unexpected future baby unfolding in front of him.
"Damn..." he muttered, shaking his head, his usual confident demeanor cracked for a moment.
"...I—I don't even know what kind of father I'd be. I barely have time to think straight with everything that's going on lately." His voice softened, but it was raw, honest—Ekko was always the kind of person who wasn't afraid to show what he was feeling around me, even if it made him vulnerable.
"But I'm not gonna back down from it..."                   "Not from you."
Y/N felt the tension in her chest start to melt away as he spoke.
She stepped closer, her eyes softening, the relief obvious in her expression.
Ekko's eyes softened as he took a step closer, his hand gently cupping her face. "Whatever happens next, we'll figure it out..Like we always do." His smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
He leaned in a little closer, their foreheads brushing together. He seemed to take a moment to just soak it all in, before speaking again, softer this time.
"I love you Y/N."
Y/N's smile softened, feeling her heart swell. But before she could say anything, Ekko's voice had that hint of excitement. "And I'm gonna love our baby too. I'll teach 'em alll the important stuff."
He leaned back a bit, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Can you imagine? A little mini us running around just causing all the trouble, and I'm the one trying to keep it all together while you just—well, you'll be egging 'em on won't you?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a playful grin. "Oh absolutely! That little ball of happiness is gonna have all of your genius and a whole lot of my sass... We'll have a little firecracker on our hands."
Ekko's grin grew, the playful energy between them settling into something warm and steady. "They'll be perfect." He stepped in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, then slowly brushing his lips against hers in a gentle, lingering kiss.
When they pulled away, he smiled, his hand gently resting on her cheek. "And if they're half as amazing as you, we'll be just fine."
Y/N's heart fluttered, her smile growing as she met his eyes. "I love you Ekko."
"I love you too Y/N"
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kkoga · 22 days ago
A/N : your wish is my command....
RAINY NIGHTS, sophia laforteza x fem!reader
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Warning ! Hurt no comfort, toxic relationship, mentions of sensitive topics, not proofread
Disclaimer ! Everything written here is pure fiction. Every person is not a real portrayal of themselves.
Now playing ! Cologne by beabadobee
WC — I dont knkw bruh i wrote this and its 3 fucking am im not mentally sane lawl phones also 7 percent.
Synopsis ! After Sophia Laforteza fucks up multiple times, Y/n decides she's had enough. Time and time the girl had waited, but much to her dismay, all Sophia had done, was disappoint her.
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Y/n shamefully exits the restaurant, feeling dozens of eyes on her. The girl had been waiting for her girlfriend, Sophia Laforteza, to show up to a date they've been planning for weeks now.
The first hour wasn't so bad. Maybe she had gotten stuck in traffic, or maybe she would be just a little late. The second hour was worse. At that point, waiters and waitresses had started asking her where her partner was. And what Y/n hated the most, was the fact that she had no answer to their questions.
Now here she was, after the fourth hour of waiting. It was currently 12 am, and much to the girl's luck, it had just started raining.
The girl could only sigh.
"What a great marvellous day! Not only does Sophia leave me waiting for our date, it starts raining right after I get kicked out! Absolutely hilarious!" Y/n mumbes to herself, tears beginning to well up.
"Maybe she just forgot. I mean, she's busy afterall..." The girl tried her best to convince herself that this was going to be a one time thing.
She was wrong.
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Y/n bites her inner lip. It has been 2 hours since their designated sleepover. It's been weeks since Sophia had gone over to her house. So they'd been planning for a movie night. And tonight was that night. So why exactly has Sophia been ignoring her calls?
Y/n presses the call button once more, but to no avail, she was met with Sophia's voice mail for the nth time.
The popcorn was starting to get cold, and the ice cream was starting to melt. Y/n sighs. It's been two hours. Maybe she got caught up in an emergency schedule?
"Couldn't she just have told me...?" Y/n shakenly whispers to herself. This was the fourth time Sophia had stood her up this month alone.
Y/n begrudgingly placed the ice cream back in the fridge and seals the popcorn in a random container. The sound of rain keeping her grounded.
"It's okay. This will be the last time this happens."
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Finally. Sophia had finally shown up to a hang out. Y/n had been waiting for the past month. The girl had greatly missed her girlfriend, and she hoped Sophia felt the same.
"Sophie! Hi!" Y/n ran up to Sophia, and hugged her as tight as she could. Afraid to let go, scared she might lose the one person able to cheer her up with a simple smile.
"Y/n! Baby! Hi, i missed you so much." Sophia hugged the girl back, and for a moment, Y/n thought,
"Finally. We're back to normal. Oh god, how I've missed my girl."
Y/n couldn't help the small but sweet smile that had formed.
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It had been an hour since their hang out started, and apparently, Sophia had to go. Y/n felt sad, but knew it was her job, her dream. And Y/n would never get in the way of that.
As Sophia entered her car, Y/n bid goodbye to her girlfriend.
"Bye Sophie, miss you, and i love you." Y/n leans down for a cheek kiss, almost missing the unreadable expression Sophia had on her face.
"Yeah, bye." And with that, Sophia drives off to god knows where.
"No i love you too...? No... maybe she just forgot. It's fine." And suddenly, rain had started pouring. Y/n quickly ran for cover, but couldn't avoid looking like a somewhat wet puppy.
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It was infact, not fine. It had been three months since that little mini date, and Sophia hadn't said the words "I love you". Atleast not without Y/n basically telling her to.
What went wrong? What did Y/n ever do? Did she offend Sophia? Did she do anything to form this... this gap between them?
Y/n felt so lost. So... confused. She was so sure she hadn't done anything. At least not anything she could remember. Well, she was going to find out tonight.
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The door opens widely, in a swift manner. And in comes Sophia, sick and worried.
"Y/N, BABY, ARE YOU OKAY?? I came as soon as i got the text, I—" The panicked Sophia came in, expecting to see an injured or sick Y/n. But all she had found was Y/n sitting on the chair of one of her counters, with a stoic look on her face.
Sophia's breathe was heavy, like she had ran to get to Y/n's apartment.
"Why are you completely fine? You texted me it was an emergency Y/n, I was busy—!"
"Well, you always are, aren't you?" Y/n looks up to Sophia's eyes, and frustration begins to fill the Filipina.
"Excuse me? You know I'm constantly busy. For fucks sake, I'm an idol! You can't—"
"I know. I know what I signed up for, Laforteza. I know I'd never get in the way of your dreams. You would never even let me." Y/n gets off the stool, and faces her girlfriend.
"So what's your point! What, you call me here because you missed me? I was in a fucking meeting Y/n. With one of HYBE's officials!! Do you know how fucking important that is?" Sophia scratches her head in disbelief, her anger bubbling up faster than it ever has. Y/n sighs defeatedly.
"More important than me?"
Silence filled the apartment. What felt like hours were only a few measly seconds.
"The silence was more than enough, Laforteza. I'm tired. I am so fucking tired of you leaving me hanging. At first, it was a date here, a date there, but nowadays, it's like everything we plan just ends up with me waiting."
"But I'm trying Y/n! I'm trying my best for you, for my members, for my fucking dream. Why can't you just understand that?"
"Then answer this, Laforteza. When was the last time you had told me the words "I love you"? When was the last time you had willingly told me those three words."
Sophia tried to recollect, the Filipina had really tried her best. But the realization had hit her hard.
"Fucking THINK Laforteza. Give me a goddamned answer. When was the last time you had given me a sincere, loving, "I love you"?... ANSWER ME!"
"I... I can't remember...." Sophia had started tearing up. Why couldn't she fucking remember the last time she had said I love you to her own fucking girlfriend?
Y/n let out a laugh. But it wasn't the usual light and hearty laugh Sophia had always heard. This laugh sounded painful. It was like all of Y/n's vocal chords had suddenly forgotten what a laugh had sounded like.
After a few seconds, Y/n's laughing had turned into sobs.
"Do you know how many times I've had to shamefully walk out of a restaurant, or get kicked out? Sophia, everyone looked at me. Their eyes were so full of pity. The waiters and waitresses constantly checked up on me like I was some poor child, left behind by her mother. Countless times, Sophia. I endured it all, thinking it would be the last time."
Y/n's voice had started cracking, and the girl had made a face Sophia had never seen before. One filled with so much sadness, so much sorrow.
"But time and time again, you proved me wrong. Every date you stood up, every "I love you" left unanswered, destroyed me, Sophia."
"Baby... baby I'm so sorry, please—" Sophia tries to move closer to Y/n, but the girl pulls away.
"Don't. Don't ever call me baby ever again. You don't get the fucking right, Sophia."
"I'm so disappointed in you Sophia. I never thought you'd ever treat me this way. Your career may have excused a missing date or two. But seven in a row? Sophia, we've gone on three total dates for the past four month's. And we had planned seventeen. Seven fucking teen Sophia. You stood me up fourteen times, and that's only for the past four months."
"I.. please I'm so—"
"So let's end this."
This felt so surreal. Y/n had just asked her if they could end it. Sophia had felt her whole world crumble. She caused this? Has she really broken down the one person who had supported her through everything?
"No.. no, no we aren't. Please, just give me a chance to—"
"No, Laforteza. Get out. We're over."
Sophia laughs, hoping this was some sort of wicked sick dream.
"We aren't over Y/n. Please, I just—"
"We've been over for the past seven months, Laforteza. What we've had for those last few months was just me trying to keep us both on the same page. But a relationship requires two people. We can't keep going if your heart isn't in it, Laforteza."
Sophia couldn't help it. Her tears had burst out like there was no tomorrow. The girl hadn't cried like this for a long, long time.
"But.. but I need you Y/n, please..." At this point, the Filipina had gotten on her knees.
"No, you don't. Hell, you don't even want me. You just think you do. So please, get up and leave, before I say things I don't think I can take back."
"I can't just leave!"
"Yes you can. Leave. For the both of us, Sophie." The mention of her nickname was driving Sophia crazy.
"But I fucking love you Y/n!" .
Y/n looks at Sophia with a tired face.
"Do you really?"
Sophia looks at Y/n. A look of desperation displayed on her pretty face. Y/n hates how she's never going to see that face ever again. Hates how she's never going to kiss that pretty face to sleep ever again. Hates how those soft and comforting arms will never comfort her ever again. Hates how she will never wake up next to the love of her life ever again. Hates how Sophia will never be hers ever again. But she was okay with that. She knew it had to end one way or another. It was better this way.
And so, after more back and forth conversations, Sophia reluctantly leaves. Sophia closes the door, and Y/n locks it right after.
Y/n will never open up her heart for Sophia ever again. And the latter knows that. They were over. They were really over. Neither could believe it. The two fall to their knees, on opposite sides of the door. The sound of heavy rain masking the others cries.
Guess rainy nights were never their thing.
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poisonedprose · 1 year ago
₊˚✧ she said fuck me like im famous — in which ellie 'teaches' you how to play the guitar.
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rockstar!ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings: 0.6.k words, smutty, is this highly inaccurate? probs. do i care? no. pet names (baby, babe, filthy girl), hand kink, teasing, reader wears a skirt, temperature play?, fingering, finger sucking
masterlists - new account @pearlcigs
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The hum of Ellie's fingers plucking at the strings of her beloved guitar filled the room. She was sat on the bed, various bracelets cluttering her wrist. Your eyes were locked on her hands, watching intently, focused on her veins rather than her skills. Her shirt was unbuttoned, lazily array on her shoulders, the grey of her sports bra matching the boxers peaking through the top of her pants. She looked so good and had no idea what she was doing to you. "Come sit on my lap." Or maybe she did?
"Hm?" You responded, watching as she moved the electric guitar away from her lap to make room for you to sit. "Gonna teach you how to play." She smiles devilishly. You obey her wishes, skittishly walking towards her and sitting on her lap. Truly, you had no desire to learn how to play, more than okay with watching her experienced hands do all the work. She placed the guitar on your lap, chin resting on your shoulder.
Ellie grabbed your hands, putting them in the correct positions. She guided your fingers, her touch doing everything right to your body. Yeah, she definitely knew what she was doing to you. She strummed your fingers over the strings, the vibration on your thighs faint but you were already worked up. "Ellie." You uttered, a smirk on her face as she kissed your shoulder. "Yes, baby? Somethin' wrong?" She asked in a cocky tone.
Everything about her turned you on. "Do you need help?" Ellie's tone was confident, she was getting exactly what she wanted and you both knew it. "Saw you staring at my hands." She admits, kissing from your shoulder to your neck. "They excite you or something?" She continues with her painful teasing, stroking the strings once again to let the vibration flow your your thighs. "Ellie." You whimpered, composure quickly disintegrating.
"Bet you wish I was playing with you and not the guitar, hm?" One of Ellie's hands slide down to your thigh, squeezing tightly, veins becoming more prominent. "Yes." You admitted, breathlessly. "Yeah? Like seeing my fingers? Was doin' it on purpose." She admits, she was absolutely bold. Unafraid of the empty threats you might try to scare her with from her antics.
She moves the guitar off your lap, moving it to the side for later. Cold finger tips tickling up your thigh to you panty covered cunt. "Soaking through your pants, babe." She chuckles applying just the tiniest bit of pressure to watch you squirm. "El..." You whine, hips arching off her lap slightly. "Gonna fuck you like a rockstar and then write a song about it. Everyone's gonna know what a freak you are." Her free hand fingers her way to your lips, intruding through them. You don't even wait for her command to suck on her nimble fingers.
"The lyrics'll be about how much you love my fingers. How much you love them in your mouth... in your pussy.." She teases but she was far from finished, pushing your skirt up and pushing your panties to the side. The coldness from her hands make your warm cunt flutter from the temperature difference. "Maybe I'll put your desperate moans in the background vocals? Hm? How does that sound?" She slowly strokes your clit.
You moan, proving her point that the noises she drew from you were desperate. She slides a finger into your weeping cunt, pushing her fingers further into your mouth. The thrusts both hands at the same time, finger your cunt and mouth at the same time. "Yeah, baby. Take my fingers, filthy girl."
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requested / inspired by @thatgiraffefromtlou rockstar ellie makes me lose it this took forever because i couldn't figure out how to execute it - i was also debating vibrator synced to the guitar with bluetooth so lmk if i should write that
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whateverloomis · 6 months ago
if u want, u should do a stu x reader where they are bsfs when the murders start and he's all "oh I'll protect u im so buff," but yk the whole time he's the one tormenting and killing people. the freak def loves to scare her by sneaking in and jumping her bones, ghostface costume and all
I focused on the scaring reader and tormenting for this one, plus added Billy into the mix here because I can't resist putting him in the picture, but this is Stu focused as requested. I hope I delivered anon, enjoy! <33
Warnings: Suggestions of sexual activities, chasing, mocking, tension (fear and doubt,) angst-ish, betrayal, threats, unedited
Reader: AFAB reader (She/Her)
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You were running up the stairs of your two story house. The masked figure was right on your tail with a knife in hand.
You don't know how the ghost face killer got in your house to scare the hell out of you, but it was happening. You felt like you were at the edge of death in your own home. Again.
You entered your room seeking safety, but he was quicker and pushed you against the wall, knife against your throat. As you took a few deep breaths to calm down, you shook your head and glared at him.
"Stu, this shit isn't funny anymore!" You yelled and took the mask off his face but were met with someone else.
Billy Loomis.
He was smirking at you, seeming satisfied with the change of Stu's usual prank.
You managed to push him away enough to set yourself free from his grasp.
"What the fuck is going on!?" You yelled and suddenly heard laughter coming from your closet. Walking past Billy, you opened the doors to reveal Stu. He stepped out and stuck his tongue out in mock.
"That was so good! You should've seen the look on your face!" - "That's enough! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Both of you!" You screamed and the boys stood silent for a few seconds before Stu broke the tension.
"Hey, I'm just kidding around YN," he said and walked towards you.
You walked past him and sat on the edge of your bed; "I need you to be honest with me, Stu..."
They both looked at you quietly, waiting for your question
"These... "Pranks" are way too realistic... Too accurate to the descriptions of the victims. Stu... You've made me doubt..."
"Hold on, you told me this is the first time you were doing this prank," Billy told Stu, anger evident in his tone of voice.
"I... Well, technically yes, with you!" He explained and Billy pushed him against the wall, knife against his throat.
"You're telling me you've been fucking around, scaring YN and practically exposing us?! You're a fucking idiot, you know that?!" Billy whisper screamed at the tall boy and all he could do was laugh nervously and keep saying that he was only joking, not exposing anything.
You couldn't make out what Billy was saying to Stu, the boy strategically talking loud enough for Stu to hear.
Everything was too suspicious and felt way too real to be a prank at that point.
"You... You're the killer... Killers..." You said, head low and thoughtful.
Billy looked over his shoulder and you could see the rage on his face; "What?" he whispered.
You swallowed thickly and inhaled, nervousness taking over you. Stu wasn't a trustworthy person anymore so you were lost. You didn't know what to do.
Stu pushed past Billy and laughed nervously; "Psh c'mon, no we're not. It's just a prank YN, we're fucked up like that!" he exclaimed and you stood up, walking back towards the bedroom door.
"Don't... I'm calling the police-" - "Mm, that wont be necessary." Billy said, rushing behind you and locking the door. You were scared out of your mind. Were they going to kill you? Stu out of the both of them? Your best friend. The one you thought you could trust with your life.
"Please... Stu. I thought I could trust you," you said, feeling betrayed.
"We were never going to do anything to you babe, but now," he paused and walked towards you enough to sandwich you between him and Billy who instantly held you in place by wrapping one of his strong arms around your torso; "...now that you know, you have to die," your best friend finished his sentence and for some reason you felt defeated.
"Stu please... Don't... I'll do anything," you talked softly, looking up at him. Begging with your stare.
You felt Billy tense at your words and squeeze you slightly. He got excited with your words.
Stu chuckled and smiled manically at you; "That's never the correct answer baby. You know what always happens when the pretty girl says she'll do anything."
And that you knew. Of course you did. Stu's suggestive words made Billy chuckle behind you. He clearly wanted the same thing your best friend was implying.
If you weren't in this situation you would give into them without question but here you were, with seemingly no other option because death sure isn't one. It never was...
...and it won't be.
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sluttysturn · 7 months ago
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pairing ˖ ݁𖥔 dom!chris x virgin!reader
in which you are embarrassed about being a virgin, so your best friend, chris sturniolo, takes that problem away.
TW: smut, unprotected p n v (birth control), oral (received by reader), virginity loss, use of pet names
notes: (y/f/n = your friends name) (color of who’s speaking: y/f/n | y/n | chris | nick | matt)
credits: this story is inspired by @evie-sturns i read hers and wanted to make my own!! please check her out she has AMAZING work!!
a/n: first story!! lemme know what i can do to improve and PLEASE leave requests!! love you!!
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me and triplets have been best friends for over 10 years. but me and chris, we just clicked more.
we tell each other EVERYTHING. the only thing we don’t really talk about is our sex life. i don’t find that a bad thing because i am currently 21 years old and still a virgin.
i’ve always been insecure about it, but i just have never seemed to find a good enough guy.
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me, chris, nick, matt, and y/f/n were sitting in the triplets living room. madi was talking to me about some guy she fucked recently.
“and y/n you know how they make that weird sound when they finish?” y/f/n said ranting on and on.
i responded with a quick “mhm”
i hated talking about it. no one really knows i’m a virgin, but i’ve never talked about fucking a specific guy, so i’m sure they had there suspicions.
she was about to say something else when i got up and walked down the stairs to the front door slamming it behind me.
me and the triplets lived right next door so i walked over to my house.
“go check on her chris” nick says sternly and concerned.
chris got off the couch and walked out the door a little after putting his shoes on and grabbing his phone.
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chris arrived at my house that i shared with y/f/n. he pulled out the key i gave him along with matt and nick.
he unlocked the door and heard small sobs coming from my room. he immediately ran to my door and knocked lightly.
“y/n.. can i come in?”
chris opened the door and walked in. he expression drop immediately when he sees my tear stained face.
“oh y/n.. what’s wrong sweetheart.”
“i can’t tell you.. you’re gonna laugh at me.”
“i would never.. talk to me”
i hesitated before saying it.
“i’m a virgin.” i blurted out.
chris furrowed his brows in confusion. he looked… shocked.
“wha- you’re a- how?!”
“what do you mean how i’ve never fucked anyone!”
“i know what virgin means but like- you’re gorgeous, how does anyone want to fuck.. you?”
“i mean- i’ve been asked but, i’m just- scared.”
“of what?” chris asked genuinely confused.
“i’m just scared ill suck at it, im scared it’ll hurt, and im scared whoever i actually fuck won’t go easy on me..”
he looked at me with a sorry expression. he didn’t know what to say to that but then he said something that really caught me off guard.
“i can fuck you..?” he says quietly, “just to teach you and so you will have experience.. you know?”
i was taken aback by his words. it’s not that i didn’t want to fuck him, but i didn’t want it to make everything awkward for us.
“chris.. i don’t know. what it make things- awkward.”
“don’t worry about that. think of it as a learning experience.”
i laughed lightly at his words.
“what if i suck at it?”
“you’ll be fine.. don’t worry. just let me make you feel good..”
he leans in but before kissing me he says something.
“do i have your full consent..?”
(never do ANYTHING with ANYONE unless you and they both have FULL consent!)
he finally closed the gap between us. it started off gentle, but quickly turned into an aggressive kiss. our lips moved in perfect harmony and rhythm. it was like our lips were made for each other.
he pulls my shirt over my head and slides him hand up my back to unclasp my bra.
he looks down at my tits and his mouth falls open.
“fuck, y/n. you’re gorgeous.”
he kisses me again and i smile into the kiss causing him to do the same.
he pulls his shirt off and i look down smirking.
“eyes up here, gorgeous.”
i look up at him with the same smirk on my face. he pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing my neck. i let out a soft moan as he reaches my sweet spot.
he eventually wraps his lips around my right nipple and sucks on it lightly, causing me to moan with pleasure.
with him mouth still around my nipple, he pulls off my shorts. i lift my hips up to make it easier on him.
he moves his mouth off my right nipple and moves onto the left one. i gasp at his sudden movement.
he takes off my panties and moves his month off of me.
“alright i’m gonna stretch you out a little so it won’t be as hard to take me” he says smirking
“you’re so cocky, you know that?”
“i’m just spitting facts..”
he lays me down against my bed and spreads my legs.
“once again.. you’re gorgeous.”
he kissing both of my folds causing me to shutter at his contact.
“you ready?”
he puts two fingers in my pussy and start doing a ‘come here’ movement.
i moan pretty loudly at this.
“oh fuck.. c-chris..”
chris loved hearing me moan and before he knew it, he was hard. like really hard.
after about 45 seconds of his fingers hitting me in my sweet spot, i can feel a knot forming in lower stomach.
“shit ch-chris.. im gonna c-cum.”
i was a moaning mess. he pulled his fingers out.
“save it for me baby.”
baby. i felt butterflies fly around my stomach.
chris took of his boxers and i could see the bulge in his boxers. i could already tell he was big. he then took of his boxer and his member bounced out. like i said, i knew he was big, but i didn’t know he was that big.
“holy shit chris. that’s not gonna fit in me.”
“you’re really boosting my ego, y/n.”
“shut up.”
he aligns his body with mine.
(we’re in missionary!)
“im gonna go slow, ok..?”
he spits on his hand and slowly start pumping his hand up and down. soon after he pushes his tip in.
a small whimper escapes his mouth along with mine.
“you good..?”
“ok im gonna keep going, ok? let me know if it hurt or if you need a break.”
i nod my head as he’s pushes more of himself in me. a soft moan escapes my lips.
soon after he’s fully in. he lets me adjust to his size.
“im gonna start ok?”
he starts pumping in and out slowly causing me to moan pretty loud. he is also moaning too.
“fuck, y/n. you’re so tight..”
he starts pumping faster.
“f-fuck ch-chris.. i’m- not gonna l-last long..”
i say shutting my eyes tight and digging my nails into his shoulder blades.
i feel the familiar knot starting to form. i knew i wasn’t gonna last much longer.
chris could feel my walls close around him and he knew that i was gonna finish along with him.
“me too, baby. me to.”
i was moaning pretty loud at this point. i would be surprised if nick, matt, and y/f/n could hear us.
“you re-ready..?”
and with that, with both finished together. i felt his hot liquid fill me up. our moans were a perfect harmony. i could feel his dick twitch inside of me.
“shit y/n..”
we were both panting and he laid on top of me, his dick still in me.
eventually he pulled out.
“so. how was it.”
“re-really good. thank you.”
he said kissing me one more time.
“let’s get you cleaned up.”
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a/n: if you liked this, please follow me/ like/ reblog!! give me some requests!! love youuu!
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sushis-wild-imagination · 11 months ago
Seventeen when they realise they’re in love with you
Seventeen Masterlist
Im open to fic requests!
Genre: Fluff!
→ Choi Seungcheol
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“She doesn’t bite, I promise” Cheol reassures.
Cheol brings his dog over to meet you. You were terrified of dogs, but you tried for him.
Cheol somehow got you to touch kkumas head and also feed her some chopped carrots. Kkuma really liked you and wanted to play with you. She kept jumping to your lap, but you tried your best not to make sudden movements or shriek and scare the poor dog.
You thought dogs were cute, but only from afar.
You trying to overcome this fear and interact with someone so precious to him, really made him seoon over you. He definitely fell for you that day.
→Yoon Jeonghan
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He had called you over while he babysat one of his nieces. You’ve always liked kids so it was no big deal. But the only big deal was meeting his family. You’ve been together now for a month and meeting family was a huge deal.
His niece at first felt a little awkward and standoffish but soon warmed up to you when you presented her with some candy you picked up for her.
Jeonghan loved the fact that you got along with his family. He also starting feeling love for you that day that only deepened there after.
→ Hong Jisoo
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“Tell me what you want from me Joshua?” You yell at him, tears pooling your eyes.
What did he want? He wasn’t ready to be in a relationship, but seeing you talk to that guy from uni also did something to him. Lately he felt as if he was running away from something, he finally figured out what it was. As you stood there, tears falling out of your eyes. He loved you, it hit him like a bag of bricks when he saw you threaten leaving the apartment without resolving whatever this was. He was scared to admit to himself, but now he had to say it out loud. For him to hear, for you, to hear.
He knew if he let you walk out that door, you’ll be gone forever.
“I’m in love with you”
→ Moon Jun hui
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Jun had the worst day at work today, everything that could go wrong, went wrong: the paper machine had no paper, his sandwich for lunch became soggy, it started to rain when he went out to get some lunch instead, his important presentation fell through. Nothing was right.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, as you both take a walk. Seeing him stressed, you suggested a walk outside to get some fresh air.
He doesn’t respond to the question, so you just take his hand in both of yours, softly caressing it with your thumb as you both walk, you hoped that was enough.
He turned to look at you and your eyes met. Jun always thought it was superficial when people said ‘all my worries fade away when I’m with you’ but he finally understood exactly what that was like. All his cynicism disappeared because it worked. One look at you and he was smiling.
Regardless of what happens in the day, you were someone that melt his problems. He realised this is what love is.
→Kwon Soonyoung
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“I’m going to make this work” you say frustrated, almost pulling your hair out.
Soonyoung was in your studio helping you figure out some beats for your new song and it was going to hell. Every tune you came up with sounded so eeriely similar to something you’ve already heard before. You’d rather jump off a cliff than accidentally put yourself through accusations of plagiarism.
Another groan while you play around with the keys. This went on all night where to a point soonyoung fell asleep on the couch behind you but you were still making the song.
“I did it!”
This woke him up and you looked so happy and accomplished that you had finally cracked it. You let him have a listen to see if it sounds familiar somehow, but it didn’t.
Soonyoung had heard many friends say that people look the most attractive when they’re working and they were right.
Your happiness was contagious and he was absolutely adoring you.
He fell in love with your happiness immediately.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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Like every time, this time too, wonwoo left for home after spending the whole weekend at yours. He lived two towns away so it was an hour of a drive to see each other. You made it all worth it.
This time, while leaving it didn’t feel like usual. His chest felt a lot heavier when he thought about not seeing you for another week.
This time, his throat closed up every time he wanted to say goodbye. Perhaps he had finally gotten used to saying goodbye until a new feeling came in and knocked the air out of his lungs and glued his feet to your apartment.
“I think I love you”
→ Lee Jihoon
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You were snoring in the living room on your architecture table as he helped you into bed.
You’ve been working on this project for days, staying up all night. Jihoon is someone that works really hard and also holds a lot of respect for people who are passionate about their contribution to the world. He looks up to people who are diligent and dedicated.
That night, he had a lot of respect for you but also a lot of adoration. He was falling in love with your sincerity, slowly and surely.
→Seo Myungho
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“I hope we get to see sea turtles later” you say to Hao.
Hao has always been attracted to empathy. When he suggested that you should go on a date to the beach with a clean up drive, he didnt expect you to say yes as fast as you did.
He has always found this empathy in you for nature, and preserving nature, very attractive. The fact that this was your common ground only deepened your relationship further.
He was head over heels for you when you agreed to pick garbage with him at the beach.
→Kim Mingyu
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Kim Mingyu took you to the arcade for your 6th date, yes, you were counting, because he felt like a dream, you really saw this going somewhere.
The arcade was one of the cutest date things to do on paper, but you never got to actually experience it. You ended up trying all the machines there were. But the dance machine is something you were waiting for.
You had your concentration face on and you were really to destroy this machine. Mingyu was always carefree and very giggly type. His giggles made you giggle too.
You ended up challenging him to a dance off and went at it for a good 3 minutes. But all you could see was Mingyu half way through stopping and chuckling at your face. You raise an eyebrow.
“You’re so easy to love”
→Lee Seokmin
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Dokyeom falls in love with the littlest of things, they then add on to become a huge pile of love and an overwhelming sense of adoration and affection.
You and him were walking in the city on a road that goes uphill. You had spotted an old lady with her hands full of 2 huge bags, barely able to climb uphill. You immediately rush to her and offer help. Dokyeom was puzzled to see you run, until he realised what you were doing. He had a big smile plastered on his face while he comes over to help as well.
Dokyeom enjoyed helping people, he drew joy from it and so did you. This instance was another drop in the ocean for him to fall more and more in love with you.
→Boo Seungkwan
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Boo Seungkwan was an athlete by heart. He absolutely loves breaking a sweat playing all the sport he can.
Him and you started dating a couple of weeks ago and promised each other you’d have a go at his favourite sport badminton, which he boasted he was good at. You were an average badminton player, you enjoyed squash more.
The match started off slow, you were both testing waters. The match slowly gog to a point where it was just sounds of the racket hitting the shuttle, no giggles, no teasing. Neither of you like to lose.
You finally hit a smash that he could not reach. He was awestruck. Usually, he hates losing, but this time, he lost focus, all his focus was on how amazing the match was and how amazing you were.
Now if thats you or your badminton playing skills that he fell in love with is something you are yet to figure out.
→Choi Vernon
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Usually Vernon is quite non chalant,doing his own thing, minding his own business. You and him have been speaking to each other for a month now.
And everything feels different to him. Every time Vernon sees something very interesting immediately thinks of you and to bring you to show it to you, all his thoughts about the future have you in it. He’s thinking about you all the time.
He was walking by a bakery and he thought about who this one time you told him you hated the smell of bread.
His brain was a 90% you and thats when it clicked. He was in love.
→Lee Chan
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Your boyfriend had called you saying he didn’t feel very well and cancelled your date. You ended up going to his apartment instead.
You tended to him, he was running a fever and even made him some soup to feel better and stayed with him if he needs anything. As a boy, he had moved away from home early and never really had someone that cared for him like this.
This was the first time in years he felt cared for and he was so grateful to you, that feeling of gratefulness soon turned into feelings of love before the fever broke.
Tried a different style, hope y’all like it!j I’m open to fic requests!
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elliespillowprincess · 11 months ago
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a/n: just wanted to let u guys know this fic is inspired by casual by chappel roan!! i think i did see someone else do this so if it seems like im copying i promise im not!! and comment below who made this idea originally!!
c/w: smut!, ellie’s a little toxic, not rlly a happy ending, super short
why you should not support neil druckmann.
listen to casual while u read!!
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“cmon baby, give it to me, that’s it. that’s my girl.” ellie’s hands are pumping inside you at an animalistic pace whilst she kisses you deeply. you’re in your room, music playing from your phone nearby. ellie had come by to eat takeout and watch a movie with you, and it always ended the same way: her deep in your cunt, guiding you through your orgasm, peppering you with praise and kisses, just to get up and leave right after.
you look over to the vase of flowers she got you the other day after your date at the aquarium. you didn’t really know what you were, just that you were something. in group settings she’d act like you didn’t exist, but would text you after to come over.
“please, y/n, come undone on me fuckkkkk.”
“you’re mine, got it? all fuckin mine.”
after she’d make you finish, she’d just get up and get dressed like nothing happened, like she wasn’t just praising you, getting you off, all for your benefit. if you beg her stay, she’d wait until you fell asleep to sneak out of your house, never being there to hold you through the night.
she acted like the two of you were nothing when you’re with your shared friend group, the two of you not even exchanging glances.
this is how it’s been, she’d treat you like a princess in private, and run away as soon as you finished. you wanted to keep your mouth shut, wanted to act like this didn’t bother you, be the cool girl that holds her tongue and gives her space.
but you weren’t.
because this wasn’t casual, you knew it wasn’t, you knew she knew it wasn’t.
but ellie was scared. she was scared of you, of the two of you actually being something. she liked the easiness, she wasn’t tied down to a relationship, she didn’t have any obligations, it was casual, easy.
she’s knuckle deep in you, praising you as you come undone on her fingers. you try to bring her to your face and kiss her, but she pulls away. “ellie, what- what is this?” you blurt. the sentence lingered in the air like a cloud of smoke, she felt as if she inhaled it and let the truth out everything would go wrong. she stared blankly at you, unsure of what to say back. she gets up, grabbing her things. you can tell she wants to say something but her lips are sealed as though superglue was spread across her lips. “ellie..?” as she’s reaching for the door and beginning to step out, she turns around for a moment.
“it’s casual, right?” she says before closing the door behind her. you were left speechless, naked in your bed and feeling dirty. you text your friends, telling them what just happened.
quinn: dude i’m sorry but you’re a loser
ava: why are you still hanging around her?
you silence your phone, not wanting to hear what they said, even if it was the truth.
you knew it was impossible to be casual with ellie. i mean, your favorite bra was in her dresser. the night she took you to a drive in movie and ice cream after, was the first time you went to her house. the two of you stayed up for hours, her making you finish multiple times. you stayed on the phone with joel for hours when she disappeared for a week, talking him down. how could this possibly be casual?
you let a few days go by, not texting ellie at all. it was giving you anger issues, like she was using you. maybe ellie was right, maybe it was just casual fun.
you open your phone, scrolling to find her contact that previously had hearts around her name, but was replaced by just her name after what she said.
y/n: baby will u get me off again?
els: i’m omw
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sweetluna20 · 4 months ago
me and you
hopkins paige x hopkins reader 
angsty… kinda
you and paige have been childhood friends both growing up in minnesota. you guys were basically inseparable, where ever you go, paige goes and vice versa. when paige went on fiba u17 she would call you and text you all the time. it got so bad to the point you had to tell her friends caitlin and hailey to take her phone away. sometimes you would have to temporarily block her during her training so she would focus. to you paige was your whole world, her dreams, accomplishments, her everything was your world. and of course the same with paige. 
when it was time for you both to commit to college you of course applied for all your dream schools uconn (for paige), columbia, northwestern and of course Yale. yale has been your dream school since you were little and paige’s dream school was the university of connecticut. When paige committed to uconn it’s wasn’t a surprise everyone knew that’s where she would end up, and she was expecting you to join her. when you told her that you were going to yale instead, she understood, upset but she understood, she couldn’t be mad that was your dream.
each night of that summer she laid in her bed wondering about the two of you. 
wondering if you guys would remain as close, it’s always been you and paige. the thought of anyone replacing her scared her. she wonderd if you would date anyone. the thought of you dating someone that wasn’t her, quite broke her filled with jealousy and heartache, she called you in a hurry.
“hey you there” she said out of breath like she has been crying for hours and just woken up from the worst nightmare imaginable.
“yea im here, what’s wrong paige?” you asked confused, half asleep yet calm knowing you need to be grounded for paige.
“could you come over right now… i really really need you” her voice breaking with each word.
“yea im headed over there right now, do you want anything?” you said comforting and soothing but deep down you were confused as hell. she has never been this emotional over a dream before (or what you thought was a dream)
“no i just need you” 
“okay i’m on my way” and with that you hung up 
with the spare key paige’s mom gave you, you entered in, not wanting to wake anyone let alone paige if she fell asleep again. you knew how much stress took over her so you knew how important it was that she gets sleep. 
you opened the door making zero noise. you see paige’s bright blue eye, you can tell she’s been crying.
right when you hugged her she started sobbing again 
“hey, hey, it’s okay i’m here, what’s wrong paigey?” 
paigey has been a nickname you gave her back when you guys first met.
“i don’t want to leave, i don’t want you to leave” she cried out 
“please please don’t leave me, don’t forget about me. it’s always been me and you, please don’t replace me” crying out even harder, squeezing you even tighter as if you were going to fade away if she let go even a slight bit.
“hey it’s always going to me and you, that’s never going to change”
“but you’re going to yale, you’re going to leave me, find someone new to replace me and forget about me”  she says hyperventilating due to her crying.
you slightly wiggled out of her embrace, just enough to cup her face “paige, breathe, i’m not going to replace you, and i’m definitely not going to forget about you.”
you lift her chin so she would look at you
and finally, she looks you in the eye. her blue eyes dilated.
before you could say anything 
she kissed you.
and you kiss back.
this is bad… i came up with a new story in the middle of this and completely forgot my ending so this is the ending now 😭
★taglist★: @patscorner, @heart4caitlin, @thaatdigitaldiary, @st4rrzynight, @mrsarnold
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nayedoll · 5 months ago
hiii i saw you wanted some requests soo how about some angst where reader and joost are getting kinda heated one night but the reader is not really in the mood but thinks she should just get over herself for joost’s sake but joost ofc notices she’s not alright and stops right away and asks what’s wrong and the reader just explains it and joost is like :(( and she kinda realises she was scared of saying no and his heart breaks and he assures her she can always say no to him etc etc just angst with comfort and fluff if you’re comfy? xx
Console me
joost klein x reader
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word count: 1.7k
a/n: this is from like july lol and i dont rlly like it but i wanted to feed yall with something bc im busy, so enjoy ☁️☁️☁️
The bitter taste of your coffee sits on your tongue as you take a sip out of your mug, your tired eyes looking around the dimly lit kitchen. The window is a little open, just enough so that you’re able to listen to the light rain outside. You take a deep breath, finally feeling at ease after hours and hours of working, desperately trying to take advantage of your free time to complete the overwhelming amount of workload you’ve had lately. It took a lot of coffees and crying but eventually you got there— only now you’re left exhausted, unreleased stress wandering in your mind.
Your boyfriend being gone the whole day certainly didn’t help; Joost left early in the morning, said he and Tantu would be working on a few songs. To be fair, he had called you throughout the day but your phone was on silent, tucked away in another room to prevent any distractions— now that you opened your phone again, you feel kind of guilty seeing the three missed calls and unopened messages he sent you.
The house feels so empty without him, so lifeless that it adds to the melancholy of the day. You just want to see him again, hear his voice and hug him; his presence alone is enough to comfort you, make you feel a little better.
Just when you’re thinking about it, the front door opens and closes again, the familiar sound indicating that Joost is finally home.
“Schat?” Joost calls out from the other room.
You get up — in pain — but nonetheless rush to the living room, wearing a smile on your face, trying to appear less miserable than you surely are because burdening Joost with your problems is the last thing you’d want.
Joost is taking his shoes off, looks up at you, smiling as you approach him and pull him into a warm hug,
“Heeyy baby,” You coo, wrapping your arms around his torso.
His clothes are a little wet, the raindrops on his jacket also wetting your sweater as he brings you closer by your waist.
“Hey,” Joost presses a kiss on the top of your head, on your messy hair; it’s just what you need right now, your neediness making you cling onto him for a little longer.
“Looks like someone’s in need for a hug today,” He says softly, bringing a smile to your lips as you whine and pull away. He notices your eyes, droopy with weariness and a little puffy from crying throughout the day. Furrowing his brows, he asks you— “Everything good?”
You lick your lips, avoiding his gaze. “Yeah,” You mumble, almost whispering.
Joost narrows his eyes at you, simpering expression on his face; he’s not exactly assured by your words but doesn’t want to pressure you— your one year anniversary is this month but sometimes he still feels like you haven’t fully opened up to him, like there’s still a wall between you that you refuse to demolish.
“Alright,” He kisses your cheek ever so softly, changing the subject to something else which you’re grateful for.
After what feels like hours, you’re in bed again, under the warm covers but most importantly wrapped in Joost’s arms. His voice is deep, vibrating in your head as you lay on his chest, his fingers gently playing with your hair; you don’t bother to speak much, you wish you could but the exhaustion doesn’t let you— besides you’d much rather listen to Joost’s jokes than be the one to kill the mood by talking about your depressing, boring day.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve barely said a word today,” Joost asks, his thumb grazing your shoulder.
You force a chuckle, “Joost I’m fine,” Slightly sitting up, kissing him in hopes that he’ll stop asking; you feel bad for lying to him, you want to open up but you just can’t— you’ve always had this bad habit of bottling your feelings up, staying quiet, though ever since Joost stumbled into your life, you’ve managed to speak more openly with him about things. But still, you assume silence is better than attempting to explain what’s wrong, burst into tears and therefore ruin his night. “You’ve asked me like a million times,”
Joost kisses back, his hand gently cupping your cheek.“Sorry… I just care about you, y’know?” His voice is soft and raspy as he deepens the kiss, slowly pushing you back into the pillow, his sweet words making you smile.
“I missed you today,” He hovers over you, his lips traveling to your neck, the stimulating feeling of his wet kisses making your breath shiver.
You know where this is going, any other night you’d want it more than anything but right now… it’s too much— you’re tired, worn out and frankly, on the verge of tears. However, it’d be selfish to deny Joost the one thing he wants after a long day; he said he missed you and he’s been so loving since the moment he came home when you’ve only managed to worry him with your behavior.
Joost slowly strips your pajama top off, two strong hands moving up your waist. “Did you miss me too, liefde?” He murmurs against your neck.
“Yes, yes I did,” You breathe out— at least you’re not lying about that.
Joost slides his hand down to your inner thigh, at the hem of your pajama shorts, making your breath hitch as his fingers stroke the sensitive area. He is losing his mind over the sweet sounds you make, he wants nothing more than to make you feel good despite the bad day you’ve had. He noticed your desk earlier, messy with paperwork and empty coffee cups— it made him feel guilty for leaving you alone the whole day with no one to talk to, no one to make you a warm cup of coffee and help you get through the workload more easily.
He breaks the kiss to take his shirt off as you stare up at him with sleepy eyes— all those damn coffees and you’re still feeling exhausted.
The guilt makes its way back to your head. If I turn him down, will he think I don’t love him?— that little voice inside of you is once again telling you to put others’ needs first, to sacrifice your own feelings for the sake of not disappointing the person you love.
You feel pressured, not by Joost but by yourself. All of your unreasonable fears and thoughts are pushing at either side of you so hard that there’s barely any room to relax, practically eating you alive.
Your eyes become teary before you even know it, not having enough time to hide from Joost. He’s about to take his sweatpants off when he glances at you, immediately noticing your glistening eyes and the uneasy expression on your face.
“Hey, what’s wrong,” He sits down closer to you, his palm gently resting against your cheek as he studies your face with worried eyes.
“What? Nothing,” You furrow your brows, forcing a weak smile. “Why’d you stop?” Leaning in to kiss him on his neck, you attempt to lower his sweatpants, continue from where you left off.
“Y/n,” Joost repeats your name, pulling away from you. “Don’t tell me it’s nothing because it’s not,”
You stay silent. Looking down at your fingers as you fidget anxiously with your hands.
Joost sighs, “Please tell me what’s wrong liefde, you’re worrying me,”
You’re worrying him. The only thing you wanted was to please him and you did just the opposite.
Your lips quiver and you try to hold back the tears but with the way Joost is looking at you, patiently waiting for a response, you can’t help but start crying as hot tears begin to flow down your face uncontrollably.
“Joost I’m sorry, I can’t-“
He immediately wraps his arms around you, embracing you softly— his palm is running up and down your back as you try to control your shallow breaths, creating a comforting pattern.
“Shhh it’s okay,” His voice so calm and so sweet despite the situation.
You stay like this for a while, thinking about what happened, both interpreting it in different ways— Joost is wondering what had made you cry like this, dreading the possibility that he’s played a part in it; you, on the other hand, can barely control your racing thoughts, the voice in your head convincing you that he’s disappointed, annoyed with you and your dumb problems.
Once your breath is back to normal, he asks you again, “Do you wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
Your head is still buried in his bare chest, slowly rocking back and forth with him, “I don’t want to disappoint you,” You say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Disappoint me..? With what?”
You sigh, “I’m just- I’m not in the mood right now,” You explain, feeling a pang of guilt when you hear your words out loud, rushing to explain yourself because in your mind it sounds mean, it’s unfair to him. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been so stressed toda-“
“Heyyy,” Joost interrupts you, lightly pushing you back so that you’re fully facing him.
Your eyes are a little puffy, face slightly red as a result of your crying. “You look so cute like that,” He taps the tip of your nose, coaxing you to smile as he holds your hand softly in his.
Deep down, he’s hurt— not because you turned him down, never, but because you felt bad for doing so, ignoring your feelings just to please him— and it breaks his heart. Since the beginning, he’s known that opening up doesn’t come easy to you and it’s always saddened him, seeing you struggle all on your own. He wants you to feel comfortable, safe, he loves you.
“Baby, it’s totally fine if you don’t wanna fuck me,”
You laugh at his straightforwardness, always so good at lightening the mood; it’s one of his many qualities that you love.
You avert your eyes from him, that bad feeling still lingering inside of you.
“Sorry,” You whisper, pursing your lips together.
“Stop saying sorry,” His scolding makes you laugh— but he’s right, you should stop apologizing for doing what feels right and embracing your feelings.
You nod, wiping your tears. Leaning forward, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek, then a deeper one to his lips,
“I love you,” You whisper, smiling when he says it back.
His arms envelop you, the sound of his heartbeat so comforting as you wrap an arm around his torso, letting his scent fill your senses.
Soon you begin to drift off to sleep, Joost’s voice becoming more distant while he rants about the new album. Looking down at you, he notices the small huffs that slip from your lips, a smile forming on his lips.
You hear him say your name softly, mumbling something incoherent in response.
“Tell me everything from now on, alright?” He says, caressing your hair, his delicate touch lulling you to sleep all the more.
“Promise,” You whisper, half asleep but still meaning it.
Before you even know it, you’re sleeping in Joost’s arms as he continues combing his fingers through your hair, slowly and carefully.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He basically says to himself, gazing at your pretty face while you sleep.
౨ৎ thank u for reading!
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luvyeni · 2 years ago
Can I request emotional sex with Hyunjin like where he just gets rlly emotional while they’re fucking and y/n is like “let’s take a break tell me what’s wrong?” And then he opens up to her and they keep going and she lets him c*m inside her for the first time.
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pairings. boyfriend!hyunjin x fem!reader
wc. 0.9k
warnings. hyunjin cries, breeding kink, unprotected sex, cockwarming, mentions of pregnancy.
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i hope this is what you wanted , you didn't give a specific plot , so i just went with it !
hyunjin breaks down during sex.
everything was going great , it was yours and hyunjins 5th anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. you guys met through a mutual friend who worked with him during his tour, you were artist , another thing he loved about you. you guys went on a few secret dates , really hitting it off , deciding to make it official after only 3 dates.
hyunjin loved you with all his heart , his group was successful , your paintings selling really well in exhibits, he so desperately wanted to marry you , start a family with you , but he was scared , scared that you didn't want that , and you'd leave him the moment he brought it up.
he didn't mean to get so worked up , thrusting into roughly , your moans filling the room , hands tangled in his hair , his cock dragging against your walls , stretching you out. "f..fuck hyunjin, you feel so good.." his head was dipped in between your neck and and shoulder blade. "you're so tight love." he groaned , leaving little marks on your shoulder. "m'love you so much."
"i..i love you too."
you both said i love you during sex multiple times, but this time it felt different , he began to think about the past five years , how much you two have grown together. the first time he kissed you , the first time he said i love you, the first time you had sex— he loved you so much , he couldn't breath , he wanted to be with you forever , but he was so scared.
"oh sh..shit , hyune i need more." you moaned , wanting him to speed up , but instead you felt wetness , in between your shoulderblades. "h..hyune?" you heard him sniffle. "w..wait , shit hyune stop." you pushed at his hips , signaling him to stop thrusting inside you.
"hyune, look at me." you grabbed his face , making eye contact with him , his eyes were red , tears falling down his face. "let's take a break , come on." you told him to pull out , but he didn't. "l..let's stay like this , please , i..i need to feel you." you nodded. "o..okay , we can stay like this , that's fine , just talk to me baby , im worried." your heart was racing , he never cried during sex before.
he was silent , for a few minutes ,you played with hair , waiting for him to work up the courage and say what he had to say. "i.. i love you so much." he said. "awe , hyune i love you too." you smiled , "no , i love you so much , so much i think it's too much." he said , you were so confused.
"i don't understand?"
he looked up at you , "baby , i love you so much , i think about you all the time , when im not with you , it's like i can't breathe , my heart physically hurts." he said , stopping to collect himself again , tears wielding in his eyes. "it's okay , whenever you're ready." you rubbed his back.
"i..i want to be with forever , and i mean it , i want to marry you , a..and start a family with you , and im scared , im scared you don't want that , that one day you'll leave me." he rambled , his cheeks were tear stained. "i don't want you to leave me." his voice croaked.
"hyune." you grabbed his face once more , "im not gonna leave you , it has never cross my mind." you said. "i want to marry you too , wherever it sooner or later." he felt a weight lifting off his shoulder. "really?" you nodded , your hands making their way to his hips.
"i've dreamed about it , the perfect wedding." your words were low , as you slowly grinded your hips. "p..princess." he moaned softly , his slow thrust matching your pace. "fu..fuck the perfect honeymoon." you tangled your hands in hair once again , hyunjin was imagining it right along with you , his hand coming up to grab your boobs , rubbing your nipples. "hy..hyune , please."
"sh..shit what else baby?" he moaned. "having your babies." you whispered. "oh fuck my babies?" you hummed. "i want to start a family with you." he thought about it , fucking you full of his seed , fucking his cum into your aching pussy , until he knew you would be pregnant.
you'd look so pretty , glowing and round , swollen with his future son or daughter. "fu..fuck princess , i want to fuck my children into you." you moaned at his lewd words. "i want to fill you up with my cum , as many times as it takes to get you pregnant." his hips began to move faster , your back arched off the bed.
the thought of hyunjin cumming inside you , made you even more wet if that was possible. "hy..hyune , i..im gonna cum." he looked at you , love in his eyes , as he reached in between your bodies , rubbing your clit. "m..me too princess , cum for me first love." his kisses to your neck , set your orgasm off. "fuck , hyune i'm cumming! "
he fucked you through your orgasm , chasing his own now. "fu..fuck princess , im gonna cum." his eyes widened when your legs wrapped around his waist , "wait -fuck- princess , im not wearing a condom." he groaned , he always went without a condom because you were on birth control , but he pulled out just in case, he never came inside.
"i don't care , i want you inside." you moaned. "pr..princess , neither one of us are in our right minds right now , i want to , but not tonight." he said , but you were in your right mind , you wanted him. "pl..please , please cum inside me." he couldn't hold it , your begging made him want to cum even more. "fu..fuck baby , im gonna cum- ngh, shit! " he kissed your lips , cumming inside your waiting hole.
"fuck princess , i love you so much." he said breaking away from the kiss. "i love you too hyune." he stayed inside you , his body laying on top of you. "let's stay like this a little longer." he intertwined hands with you , resting his head on your chest.
"just a little longer."
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ladydigianna · 6 months ago
ours || poly! uliana's crew x reader
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|| pairings: uliana x reader, hook x reader, morgie x reader, hades x reader, maleficent x reader, maleficent x hades
|| poly, fluff, jealousy
|| from the author: my favorite characters from rise of red mwa mwa
-fic under the cut-
The corridors of Merlin’s Academy were alive with activity, filled with a mix of students from different backgrounds—royals, villains, and everyone in between. You walked through the halls with a confident stride, a natural result of your royal upbringing. Yet, behind that confidence was a heart that had been captured by a rather unconventional group.
Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent—they were your everything.
Your relationship with them had started slowly, each bond forming in its own time, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Uliana, with her sly smiles and endless charm, was the first to draw you in. Hook followed with his reckless grin and roguish wit. Morgie’s quiet strength, Hades’ surprisingly warm heart, and Maleficent’s fierce protectiveness—all of them had captured your heart in their own unique ways.
And they had captured each other’s too. Love flowed freely between all of you, a beautiful, tangled web of affection that defied the expectations of the world around you.
But today, something felt off.
You were outside by the fountain, chatting with your friends—Bridget, Ella, and Charming—when you noticed Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent watching from a distance. Their expressions were tight, their postures stiff. Something was wrong.
After saying goodbye to your friends, you made your way over to them. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Uliana’s usual smirk was missing as she glanced at the others. Hook was the first to speak, his voice laced with a rare vulnerability. “(Y/N), why are you with us?”
You blinked, confused by the question. “What do you mean?”
Morgie sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against a tree. “You’re a royal, (Y/N). You have everything—the status, the friends, the perfect life. Why would you want to be with a bunch of misfits like us?”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. You looked around at them, seeing the insecurity and doubt in their eyes. Even Maleficent, usually so composed, looked unsure, her gaze fixed on the ground.
Hades was the one who broke the silence. “You could have anyone, (Y/N). Why choose us? We’re not like you. We’re... not enough.”
Your heart ached at the sight of their pain. You stepped forward, reaching for Uliana’s hand first. “You’re all more than enough for me. I don’t care about being a royal or what anyone else thinks. I care about you—all of you.”
You turned to Hook, placing a hand on his cheek. “You make me laugh like no one else can.”
Then to Morgie, brushing your fingers against his. “You’re strong and steady, always there when I need you.”
You faced Hades next, cupping his face in your hands. “You have the kindest heart, even if you try to hide it.”
And finally, to Maleficent, who met your gaze with uncertainty. “You’re fierce and protective, and I love that about you.”
You took a step back so you could see all of them at once. “I love you all for who you are. That’s why I’m with you—because you make me feel like I’m home.”
Uliana was the first to react, pulling you into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry,” she murmured into your hair. “We were just... scared, I guess.”
Hook joined in, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Yeah, we’re idiots.”
Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent followed, surrounding you in a warm, protective circle. “We’re lucky to have you,” Morgie said softly.
“And I’m lucky to have you,” you replied, squeezing them all tightly.
The tension melted away, replaced by the comforting warmth of being with the people you loved most in the world. Whatever doubts they had, you were determined to dispel them, to show them every day just how much they meant to you.
The next day, everything seemed to return to normal, or so you thought. You spent the morning attending classes, and during lunch, you hung out with your friends—Bridget, Ella, and Charming. They were laughing about something when Bridget’s expression grew serious.
“(Y/N), can we talk for a second?” Bridget asked, her tone low.
You nodded, curious but not alarmed. “Sure, what’s up?”
Ella and Charming exchanged glances before Ella spoke. “It’s about Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent. They’ve been... well, they’ve been pulling pranks. Mean ones.”
Your stomach dropped. “What do you mean?”
Charming sighed, running a hand through his hair. “They’ve been targeting other students. Specifically, other royals.”
“They’re trying to prove something,” Bridget added, her voice gentle. “I don’t think it’s malicious, but it’s definitely causing problems.”
You felt a mix of disappointment and frustration. This wasn’t like them—not the people you knew and loved. But you also remembered the conversation you had with them the day before, how they had expressed their insecurities about your relationship. It all made sense now.
“Thanks for telling me,” you said, your voice steady. “I’ll handle it.”
You found them later that afternoon, gathered in their usual spot. They were laughing, clearly pleased with themselves over something. But when they saw you approaching, their smiles faltered.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Uliana asked, noticing the serious expression on your face.
You crossed your arms, not bothering to mask your disappointment. “I know about the pranks.”
Their reactions varied—Uliana looked guilty, Hook tried to play it off with a grin, Morgie and Maleficent avoided your gaze, and Hades sighed deeply.
“Why?” you asked, your voice filled with hurt. “Why would you do something like this?”
“(Y/N), it’s not a big deal,” Hook started, but you cut him off.
“It is a big deal, Hook. You’re hurting people because you’re insecure. You’re trying to prove something that doesn’t need proving.”
Uliana frowned, her guilt turning to defensiveness. “They had it coming. Those royals look down on us. They think we’re nothing but trouble.”
“And you’re proving them right by acting like this!” you shot back. “You’re better than this. All of you are.”
Morgie finally spoke up, his voice subdued. “We just... we didn’t want to lose you. They have so much to offer, and we’re just...”
You softened at his words, your heart aching for them. “I chose you. I choose you every day. But this? This isn’t the way to handle it.”
Hades, who had been silent until now, stepped forward, taking your hand in his. “We’re sorry, (Y/N). We didn’t think it would get this far.”
You squeezed his hand, looking at each of them in turn. “You don’t need to prove anything to me. I love you for who you are, not for what you think you should be. I don’t want to see you hurting others because of your insecurities.”
Maleficent finally spoke, her voice low but sincere. “We won’t do it again. We’ll make it right.”
Uliana nodded, her earlier defensiveness melting away. “We’ll fix this, (Y/N). We promise.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, feeling the tension leave your shoulders. “Thank you. I don’t want to see you guys hurt anyone, but I also don’t want to see you hurting yourselves with this kind of behavior.”
They all moved closer, surrounding you in a group hug that felt as warm and comforting as ever. Uliana pressed a kiss to your temple, Hook wrapped an arm around your waist, Morgie rested his forehead against yours, Hades held you close, and Maleficent gently touched your cheek.
“We love you, (Y/N),” Uliana whispered, and the others murmured their agreement.
“And I love you,” you replied, your voice thick with emotion. “We’re in this together, okay? No more doubts, no more pranks. Just us.”
They nodded, and you knew they meant it. The love you shared was stronger than any insecurities, any doubts. And together, you would face whatever challenges came your way, hand in hand.
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