#and im gonna try to make outfits during the week or next saturday and maybe use miyu T^T
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scionshtola · 5 months ago
started to gpose for glamtober but im tired of gpose 😭
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exhoe-imagines · 5 years ago
*cue nervous laughter cuz i bias all of exo* may I pretty please ask for Minseok/Xiumin? I've been missing him a lot lately
omg you can request all of exo, dw!! i just wasn’t sure which group you wanted, since we write for a lot 😅 but i’ll give you some extra soft minseok content too hehe
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minseok - bro,, the snow boi JUMPED OUT. he wants to be in the snow at every chance, just saying. snowboarding? sign him up. skiing? he’s already on the top of the hill. snow angels? he’s already made 12. however, if you decide to join him, he will put you in 30000 warm layers and scold you for being reckless, before kissing your cold nose :3 in all honesty, he LOVE LOVE LOVES cuddling with you by the fire after being outside… he won’t admit it tho.. sorry.
luhan - now,, i KNOW this is an old joke, however, luhan still uses the deer as his icon so im allowed to capitalize on this. he’s got a pair of reindeer ears he wears everywHERE and there is NOTHING you can do about it. they have little bells on them and sometimes you wake up at 3 am bc he’s shuffling around in bed and they’re jingling and you’re DETERMINED to make him sleep on the couch the next night :))
yifan - ok we all know that ONE friend who eats all the winter snacks they can get their hands on, right? well, that’s yifan. he’s got a cookie plate for himself and he snacks little treats all day every day. maybe he’s got some spiked eggnog, too. just prepare for him to be on a sugar high (and maybe a little tipsy) at all times. also, you WILL have to rub his little tummy after he downs a dozen cookies in a row. oops.
junmyeon - ok baby myeon is THE house decorater. i’m sorry. but please be ready to help out. “honey, can you pass me the hammer?” “junmyeon, do we really need lights above our bed?” “of course.” unlike zitao, he refuses to have silver/minimalist decorations, so prepare for your whole house to become a whole ass cabin. the middle-aged pinterest mom jumped out.
yixing - i feel like he’s the Winter Traveler. “it’s too cold!!” he complains, before dragging you on a pre-planned trip that he tries to make seem impulsive. like, yeah sure, you just HAPPENED to have a hotel in our name, in a warm country, with all accommodations already sorted out. sure. but honestly, you see what he’s got planned, and where you’re going – and you’re not complaining. who would be?
baekhyun - ok,,, baekhyun is the music boy. he’s got the holiday songs playing in SEPTEMBER. he’s got twelve different winter playlists. some are uplifting romances and the others are ballad breakup songs. he’s always dancing or he’s sobbing over this sad song, and when you try to skip it, he throws a tissue at you and screams to not touch his speaker. good luck.
jongdae - “i really think it’s time i get my life together.” new years resolution? screw that. jongdae is starting EARLY. he’s got a new skincare routine. he’s ONLY drinking water. he’s even sleeping earlier!! and then you wake up one night to go to the bathroom and he’s not in bed. you find him in the living room with a glass of wine, surrounded by 7 empty boxes of pocky. “oHPE- IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.”
chanyeol - GINGERBREAD HOUSE KING. ok.. listen.. he’s NOT good at them. AT ALL. the walls fall every second, and the ceiling is definitely caving in. there’s icing in his hair and on his nose, but he’s GRINNING and making tiny gingerbread cookies of both of you. “babe, look what i made!” “c-channie is that a deadpool cookie?!!?!”
kyungsoo - LET ME JUST S A Y. YOU WILL BE EATING GOOD. COOK!KYUNGSOO DID NO T COME TO PLAY. PREPARE FOR GOURMET DISHES ALL SEASON. HE’S TALKING TO HIMSELF LIKE HE’S ON FOOD NETWORK. HE’S GARNISIHING THE PLATES WITH SOME GREENS. also you do actually watch cooking shows, and he wont stfu. “yah, why are they using the ice cream machine with 7 MINUTES LEFT!?”
zitao - god ALMIGHTY if this boy spends a lot during the rest of the year – you better literally put his credit card in the FREEZER when winter/holidays roll around. “zitao is that a new gold and diamond watch?!” “babe it’s ok i got you one too!!” “that is NOT why i’m angry.” also he loves a good white christmas, so enjoy all the silver glittery decorations that will take ages to clean up :))
jongin - ok we all know about spring cleaning, but let jongin introduce you to a new concept – the winter clean. this basically means, he’s suddenly becomes sick of the entire house and decides it needs a revamp!! your eyes will melt out of your head when you see the bills coming in from the mall, and he just whines. “babe, my clothes were OLD. i needed a new Winter Look :).” “jongin you’ve done this TWICE in one WEEK.”
sehun - ok so we know he dresses up as santa for kids but honestly that’s his outfit for all of winter. he’s got santa pjs and a santa hat at the ready at all times. he’s got santa slippers for around the house. santa face masks. santa socks. literally everything. even vivi has a santa suit. if you’re his s/o, prepare to be matching him bc he’s gonna buy u a set of pjs too ;)
- admin ruby
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rockettransman · 5 years ago
Rocketman Watch #4 Thoughts
i have so many MORE thoughts can you believe it wow here we go
(i wrote these as i watched it so they’re in order im p sure)
man, his intro monologue during group therapy is just as gripping as it was when I first watched it. And the transition to the bitch is back is so fuckin good. My palms are sweating.
There’s some commentary about forgiving and loving your inner/past child, but I don’t have the words for it at this moment. In the beginning he’s staring down, confused and scowling at his child self, but at the end, he embraces him in a way his father and loved ones never did.
Was he in therapy/rehab WHILE touring and doing music? Stomping into the room in his regalia would have me believe so. I know group therapy was a medium for storytelling. Was it just signaling the very beginning of his story, because we go through different stages through his actions and clothing changes?
Lmao I imagine it must take some pretty cool parents to allow their, like, six or seven year old child to be in this movie. He said bitch so many times.
Took me a hot second to realize the orchestra he’s conducting is playing Rocket Man. The violins are so pretty. Imagine being picked to be in the orchestra on set and getting smile up at the tiny little kid who played Elton. My heart would absolutely swell seeing a little kid being so fantastic at this really intense job.
Kit Connor did amazing in his role. He’s fifteen and he’s already done so much! Imagine growing up knowing you played Elton John as a kid. Getting to work alongside him and his husband and the dozens of incredible actors. Wowie. I’d never shut up about it.
I LOVE how 12 year old Elton is playing the piano SO HARD and is trying to rock out as hard as he can while playing classical music. The boy wanna ROCK dammit.
WOOOW SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD ELTON IS CUTE AS HEEELLLL. The hair, glasses, and front tooth gap fit Taron so well. Goddamn I hope I look like 17 year old Elton some day.
The choreography for this number is absolutely breathtaking. You have to get that many people all in sync! We followed Elton running through the crowd and AAHHH it was a lot! The athleticism! And they did it in the rain! Wow I’m blow away.
Elton is JAMMIN in the back of the stage. It’s really sweet to see his smile and enthusiasm and his brain thinking and working.
That guy in the back peed a LOT lmao
I was wondering where thank you for all of your loving came in.
Charlie Rowe plays Ray Williams, and he also plays LEO ROTH from Red Band Society!!! The first time I watched the movie, I KNEW him from somewhere, but I couldn’t place it and it was driving me nuts. Man. RBS was a big crutch during the worst lows of my ED. Had no idea he was English.
Love to see how shy Elton was as a teenager. It’s a hot ass mood. Also, those silk scarves? Ascots? idk but they’re a LOOK.
“One frothy coffee, no froth.”
The acquaintances-to-best-friends montage set to Border Song *chefs kiss*
Rock And Roll Madonna Is A Perfect Song Send Tweet
Lmao Elton is NOT phased at all when he gets accused of being gay. He’s just like. “Nah. I’m like. Not.” Not overly defensive and surprised, like I’m sure other people would be lmaooo
“You are a ssSSHHIIIITT HOT piano player—”
So delicate of Bernie the way he politely denied a kiss from him. It wasn’t weird or tense at all. Just a gentle “love you, but not that way. It’s okay” Some people may not be able to handle it that well even today.
Taron’s got nice thighs. That robe & underwear getup is a nice look.
Love love LOVE hearing him experiment with Your Song on the piano to find a melody that worked.
Honestly what the shit do these songs even mean. Bernie sometimes these words don’t make any sense. Don’t worry, they still slap. “See I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue” like what
Doug flirting with Bernie makes me snort every time. “Oh, really? That’s.. cool.”
Taron was right. The overalls do make his ass look massive.
A week ago before this movie I was sick and fuckin TIRED of crocodile rock but now I can’t get enough of it. The movie transformed a lot of old songs I was sick of for me.
Imagine being a kind of shy, nervous kid, terrified to go on stage, but two and a half minutes later the entire venue is LOSING IT because they love the jam YOU WROTE. how cool for Elton.
I want a best friend platonic cheek kiss :(
Hmmmmm I’m wondering if they used the studio recordings that went on the album for the movie or have different movie-specific recordings. Tiny Dancer sounds a teeny bit different in the movie version.
Goddamn I sure hope Taron got to keep that jacket.
“So you liked the song, then?” “Not as much as the singer” *Elton glances away in gay panic*
LMFAO John said some weird colorful words to Elton that barely made sense and he was like OH FUCK GOTTA KISS HIM GOTTA KISS HIM
I’ve talked so much about the sex scene I don’t need to go on about it here. Go search the rocketman tag on my blog for my extensive gay thoughts about it.
Now I know glasses come OFF during sex
oh oh oh I was wondering where Hercules fell in the movie. I love how the songs he’s writing or getting notoriety for is played over the transition scenes.
Elton’s hand on his hip, knowing smirk as John enters the studio. “Hello.”
Bernie is like “HELLO are we RECORDING or are y’all gonna FUCK in the CLOSET?”
*vibrating* Honky Cat Honky Cat Honky Cat Honky Cat
Damn, the flowy white button down with the red pants really is a LOOK
The gestures, staring up at each other, leaning into each other, hands on each other’s chests, damn it makes me feel some typa way. Maybe their love WAS good and fun and exciting while they rode the high of everything before it all went so so bad.
Elton searching John’s gaze while he’s talking and looking like he’s not really paying attention, just looking for a kiss on the couch.. GOD I remember the honeymoon phase of my relationships. So much fun.
His dad going “N-Not really my thing.” That was a metaphor for his SEXUALITY TOO, huh.
Damn. He went to his dad’s to come out to him and he never even got to get to that part. He was just like “....nice shoes....” and even after all this time, didn’t show any interest in his music. If he never was into what he did, how could he even talk about being gay? I’m sure during that scene there were a lot of metaphors to sexuality but I didn’t bother to think much about them.
The eyebrow quirk after his dad says “ah—no. Could you make it out to Arthur?” DAMN Elton was like .. “really. This is what’s happening? Okay. Awesome.”
“What do you have to do to get a fucking drink around here, eh?” *cuts to Elton drinking straight from a bottle*
“Elton—” “Elton!”
John saying “don’t you ever put your hands on me” when he was the one who yanked him from the phone booth AND directly after punching him... woof man. What a shitty dude.
Damn, just noticed John talking very quietly and closely to another man right before he goes on and plays Pinball Wizard. Was this the first sign of him having fun with other men when Elton was indisposed?
Pinball Wizard is absolutely intense and loud and fun, but it DOES carry the tone of “god im SO miserable” under it all. You knew Elton wasn’t having fun.
“It is next week.” Jeezus.
LMAO I just caught the “mom, you’re ON my GOWN” when he reluctantly complies to give the Anderson’s a tour.
Damn, flowy, loose dress shirts with the first few buttons undone is a LOOOOK.
How did they do the overdose scene, you think? Surely the pills Taron took had to be like. Empty. Or placebo affect drugs? Idk. He did take a big drink directly after stuffing his mouth with them. I don’t think he spit them out.
God, there is SOMETHING symbolic about how he meets his child self at the bottom of the pool. Rock bottom? Apologizing? Wishing he could be better? Telling him he’ll never be better?
OH I watched a behind the scenes cut about the pool scene, and none of it was CGI. Taron was weighted under his robe and a SCUBA diver was on standby to provide oxygen. The singing and bubbles coming out of his mouth and stuff underwater was all real.
Dying to know about the choreography around the second chorus, about the undressing and twirling and dressing and injection and handing off of the bat and stuff. That sequence was incredible.
Bennie and the Jets. Damn. It fucks. I listened to it almost the entire time on my run today. (Five miles; I felt like garbage the entire time but it was good anyway.) The scene is wild. He’s in the middle of a drug induced haze orgy. He SHOULD be having the time of his life but he’s so goddamn miserable. (Also, the juxtaposition between Chris Fleming’s Bennie and the Jets is so funny.)
Part of the problem was that John never understood Elton. But, Elton broke it off with John, not the other way around like he said it was. He wasn’t the victim in that regard. John did treat him like shit though.
Victim of Love plays right after that lmao
Renate and he aren’t even close when they do the duet to don’t let the sun go down on me. They’re separated in different rooms, mirroring literally how closed off their relationship was.
The shot with them waking up in different rooms.. damn
His shirt is so LOUD I’m going crazy
Watching Taron down that orange juice made me a little nauseous I gotta say
“Not really I’m gAy”
It’s CRAZY to watch Elton and his mom interact at the dinner scene. He gets accosted and accused of so much by his mom, claiming SHE’S the victim of his actions, making it all about HER and then he turns around and does and says the exact same shit to Bernie.
He yells “Oh, don’t be so dramatic!” at Bernie as he gets into a taxi. THE PROJECTION!! THE DEFLECTION!!!!
I know there’s only so much they can put in two hours, but I wish they showed more of Elton’s eating issues. He had bulimia for sixteen years before he got help. It’s Absolutely the Man With Anorexia in me, but seeing that even men deal with eating disorders quells the lonely aching something in me. I feel that much less alone, you know. Eating disorders aren’t a “woman’s disease.”
How do you think they did his hair? A wig adds more hair, not take it away. He didn’t get his hair cut for it did he?
Seeing Elton’s first love fall apart because John was such a selfish, heartless prick in reality makes me sad.
Elton hugs his inner child when he reconciled with everyone in his past. Goddamn. He found peace and forgiveness for himself, who he was, even after all that time.
When Elton asks him not to go, Bernie refuses, saying this is something he had to do on his own. Healing comes from within alone. No one can help you do it. People can guide you, but you have to work at it. It’s fucking lonely sometimes, but it’s so, so worth it.
I used to loathe I’m Still Standing since i heard it so much at work, but the movie changed my entire perspective on it. I love the slow build up as he exits the rehab center. You don’t get thrown into something so happy and fast paced and fun after a cathartic climax you need to drink in. And the pan to his hat with the rainbow stripe to his smile. I get chills every time. Elton feels so right and secure and happy in himself. At first I thought it was a bit cheesy, but accepting your sexuality, especially after all the hell he went through during his life, grappling with unresolved trauma and fear of abandonment, he absolutely should wear it loud and proud. It’s easy to think times are much easier now being gay, and it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Relative to 1975, it is easier. But it doesn’t mean it’s not such a rough personal thing to work through if you’ve been spit on and resented all your life. Being gay, coming out, and accepting and being comfortable with that fact must’ve been such a HUGE milestone in Elton’s recovery and self-esteem.
Love me again after I’m still standing is perfect. The credits make me tear up every time. Jeez. What a good movie. What a good movie. Hit me up if you wanna talk about Rocketman because I absolutely will with you.
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