#and ill be honest. not to brag or be pretentious but.
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allthepandasintheworld · 3 months ago
just so yall know: the more people change the arcane wiki notes on vander and silco's relationship the more im laughing and shipping them
also, guys. the wiki isn't always correct. what the wiki says doesn't equate what canon says. at the end of the day, fandom wikis are deeply subjective to the people who contribute to them
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years ago
zodiac — leo ( im not well informed abt the moon, sun, rising stuff lol )
initials — kw
deck — aphrodite ( second )
personality — both emotionally and materially, i am a genius. big claims, ik but no ones gonna brag for me so ill simply take it upon myself ;) ive also been told that im very conversational w the way i have friends that r all so different, but im also incredibly literal and pretentious so its a small wonder how i dislike people so silently.
im heavily opinionated and enjoy arguing w someone in a way that makes them wish they kept their mouth shut ;) i love material things such as the value of education or money in abundance, it always made me feel sure of myself.
id like tartaglia from gi pls !!
sorry if it was a mouthful, but this was very fun :)
A/N: Shawty I love your attitude I swear. Also I definitely agree with the last paragraph. Having money is like that sort of reward you get after working hard to get where you are. Nothing wrong with having those values for money. I’m a bit materialistic myself.
"It was worth a try."
"I loved you since we were kids."
"Honest feelings and bad timing makes the most painful combination."
Warning: Arguing, Angst no comfort, I’m so sorryyy
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You both were once genuinely in love. Key word, was. When both of you got into a relationship, it was much different than being friends. When you guys first met, you were just innocent children you saw the world as nothing but cupcakes and rainbows. That was until Tartaglia fell into the Abyss. When he came back, he was different. No matter how many times he tries to act like his old self, there was always that lack of light in his eyes and all his words were all just lies.
Still, you love him and he said yes because he does have some sort of feelings for you. He knew that he’s still fucked up and he knew the dangers of being involved with you but at the same time, he needs you and so he hid everything. He continued to deny his past and every single day, you wake up to a cold bed and a cold house, wondering, worrying where the fuck he is. 
When he’s home, he genuinely tries to make you happy and even when he’s away he would send you expensive gifts. As much as you loved being spoiled by him, what’s the point when he’s not there? 
When he left for a whole week, each night you would stay awake in hopes that you’d be able to catch him when he walks through the door and give him the biggest hug. Unfortunately that never happened. As the days past, the more you lacked sleep and the more you lost hope.
The night he finally came back, he caught you in the living room with you back to him. You heard him though. “What type of job takes you a whole week without coming home and always leaving you all bloody and bruised?”
“It’s just some hustle, Y/N. No need to worry,” He laughs it off and once he makes his way in front of you, it was no longer a surprise that he had cuts and bruises and his past scars. 
“I don’t understand why that side hustle leaves you coming home on the brink of death,” You say, your voice never changing yet your eyes say all the emotions there is. “Are you part of the fatui?”
“Don’t think of me as stupid because I know, Tartaglia.” You know his job is wrong. He may have killed people and that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You have values and despite your love for Childe, you can’t handle the fact that he’s dangerous.
“So what if I am? Are you going to go like everyone else?” 
“Wait no I can be better. I’ll be better for you! I love you Y/N!” He begs but once your mind is set, there’s no turning back.
“It was worth a try but you need to fix your shit up.” It may have come out very harsh but you didn’t go back on your words.
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pretty-chuckalicious · 7 years ago
Okay so nobody asked for this but here are some Losers Club Art School!AU hcs??
By their second year they’ve all moved into apartments together. Richie, Bev&Ben and Mike share a three bedroom, second floor apartment and that’s where they throw all of their get togethers/parties. Stan, Bill and Eddie live on the first floor, which in hindsight was not the best arrangement because they’re the quieter household and they have to listen to all the noise that the group on the second floor is always making. However the whole group is usually all hanging out upstairs anyway and the only time noise is actually a problem is when Bill or Stan or Eddie are trying to get work done.
Richie would be a Film Major, Eddie would be in Art Education, Bev in Fashion, Ben in Architecture, Mike double Majors in Photography and Art History, Bill is in illustration and cross registers at other colleges to get a minor in Fiction Writing, Stan is in Industrial Design.
Richie can be sort of pretentious about his major but he’s actually one of the more likable film kids? Most of the stuff that the film majors produce is super dark or surreal or like lynch/kubrick-esque but Richie tries to put as much comedy into his stuff as possible? And normally this would be a turn off but his craft is so fucking good that his work is really respectable?? He collaborates with animation majors whenever he can and he does his own music for his films.
Eddie is like??? The sweetest art teacher you’ll ever meet? Generally speaking art education majors are some of the sweetest most compassionate people and Eddie just really really wants to help people express themselves through art. He might not be super proud of the actual art he produces, but he’s really not that bad and he’s good at communicating and connecting with the students that he assistant teaches. He helps the other Losers with constructive criticism and teaches them how to give and take critique.
Mike is in his studio 24/7 and honestly the other Losers don’t even know how he manages to function in his double major? He’ll have like three studio reviews and two twenty-page papers due in one week and he’ll get it all done and still manage to work part time and eat and sleep and bathe????
Bill is always writing stories and drawing them out and all the other losers love to read them. Bill and Richie get together and talk about composition and framing and pacing and story telling and their work always improves so much when they give each other feedback??? His and Stan’s and Eddie’s apartment is covered with his artwork and he’s like super humble about it but whenever guests are over Eddie and Stan will always gush and brag about their very talented roommate.
Okay so if Stan was an industrial design major he would design a lot of toys/gadgets/appliances for children with disabilities or mental illnesses. The craftsmanship in everything he does would be impeccable. He would get Eddie to help him with a lot of his primary research because Eddie is assigned to work with children a lot. Eddie even manages to have Stan be allowed to prototype and get feedback from the kids directly.
The Architecture Majors and Industrial Design Majors share a lot of the same space so Stan’s and Ben’s studios would be right next to each other. They’re always sharing tools and materials and they can be found in the computer lab working on rendering projects together for like days at a time??? Ben likes to cook in the spare time that he does have and makes dinner for all of the losers at least once a week and for some of them (cough cough Richie) it’s the only real food they ever get to eat. Also Ben and Mike do a lot of their academic homework together in the library and spend as much time there as possible.
Bev makes a lot of her own clothes and has a lot of friends who are Fibers majors that she colabs with sometimes. When final reviews roll around and she needs a model for her menswear project, Richie is the only one of them who is tall enough and he gladly agrees to model Bev’s clothes for her. Speaking of Bev and Richie they always smoke on the back porch together and crash any parties that they hear about together and basically do any stupid stuff together that none of the other losers would agree to do. Bev is literally in every one of Richie’s film projects. Ben and Bev??? Have the cutest???? Relationship??? Ben makes dinner for Bev whenever he gets home before her. Bev is always decorating their bedroom and bringing home little surprises for Ben. They go grocery shopping together and do laundry together and it’s just so domestic and cute????
SPEAKING OF RELATIONSHIPS??? ART SCHOOL REDDIE??? Richie always films Eddie when he’s not looking and when Richie shows Eddie a project he’s working on he’s always like ‘when did you get that shot of me??? how did you get into my apartment??? you CANNOT just FILM me getting out of the SHOWER AND CaLL iT ArT???’ Eddie and Richie study sessions are like the cutest goddamn thing in the whole world? Richie will come downstairs when he needs some peace and quiet and just chill on Eddie’s bed and play soft music that he will recommend to Eddie and do work in a comfortable focused atmosphere with the other boy. Eddie helps Richie focus and keeps him on track with his assignments and helps him a lot especially with time management. Eddie is always so helpful and supportive and Richie always tells him how great of a teacher he’s going to be? Richie buys Eddie those ‘world’s best teacher’ gifts like magnets and mugs and Eddie pretends to think they’re dumb but he actually loves them so much?? Eddie will let Richie show him all of his’s favorite movies and talk over every minute of it? Richie gets so cute and enthusiastic about film and movies that Eddie doesn’t even care that there’s no way he could possibly follow the plot with how much Richie is talking.
Bill and Stan are like the freaking class couple everybody thinks they’re so cute together and perfect for each other. Neither one of them know much about the other’s major so they don’t colab together as much as they do with the other losers but they still like to listen to the other talk about their work. This is a good thing because they can keep their school/work lives out of their relationship generally and that works really well for them. Most of the time they just sleep in Bill’s room so they just kind of turned Stan’s room into an in-house studio. BILL ILLUSTRATES AND HAND-BINDS A BOOK OF ALL THE BIRDS THAT STAN HAS SEEN????
Honest to fuck I could keep going but this is so goddamn LONG
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Positive Character Traits:
Able Absentminded Accepting Accessible Accommodating Accountable Accurate Active Adaptable Adjustable Admirable Adventuresome Adventurous Affable Affectionate Affirming Aggressive Agile Agreeable Alert Allocentric Alluring Alternative Altruistic Ambitious Amiable Amicable Amusing Analytical Animalloving Anticipative Appreciative Appropriate Archieving Artful Articulate Artistic Ascetic Aspiring Assertive Astute Athletic Attentive Attractive Authentic Authoritarian Aware
Balanced Benevolent Big-thinker Boisterous Bold Bookworm Boyish Brave Breezy Bright Brilliant Broad-minded Busy
Casual Chummy Competitive Cerebral Competitive Complex Confidential Conservative Crisp Cute Calm Capable Captivating Caring Challenging Charismatic Charming Cheerful Clean Clear-headed Clever Colorful Companionably Compassionate Conciliatory Confident Conscientious Considerate Constant Contemplative Cooperative Courageous Courteous Creative Cultured Curious Cunning Candid Careful Clownish Comforting Comical Communicative Companionable Competent Composed Conforming Congenial Consistent Constructive Convincing Cool-headed Cordial Crafty Cautious Certain Childish Clear Clumsy Collaborative Committed Communicating Companionably Computer-Whiz Connected Conscious Contributes Controltaking Convivial Cool Communicator Compassionable
Daring Debonair Decent Decisive Dedicated Deep Dependable Detailed Determined Devoted Dignified Diligent Diplomatic Direct Directed Directive Disciplined Discreet DownToEarth Dramatic Dreamer Driven Droll Dry Dutiful Dynamic
Eager Earnest Easygoing Ebullient Eccentric Ecofriendly Educated Effective Effeminate Efficient Elegant Eloquent Emotional Empathetic Empowered Empowers Encouraging Energetic Enthusiastic Equestrian Esthetic Ethical Excitable Excited Exciting Experimental Expert Exploring Expressive Extraordinary Exuberant
Fair Fair-minded Faithful Familial Family-Oriented Farsighted Fearless Felicific Firm Flexible Flirty Focused Folksy Forceful Forgiving Formal Forthright Forward Frank Free Freewheeling Freedomloving Freethinker Friendly Frugal Fun Funloving Funny
Gallant Geeky Generative Generous Gentle Genuine Glamorous Good Good-humored Good-natured Good-tempered Good-taste Graceful Gracious Grateful Gratitude Gregarious Groovy Guileless
Happy Hardworking Harmonic Headstrong Healer Healthy Heartfelt Hearty Heavysleeper Helpful Heroic High-minded High-spirited Honest Honorable Hopeful Humanitarian Humble Humorous Hypnotic
Idealistic Idiosyncratic Imaginative Immaculate Impartial Impassive Impressive Incisive Incorruptible Independent Individualistic Industrious Ingenious Initiative Innocent Innovative Inoffensive Inquiring Inquisitive Insightful Insouciant Inspirational Integrated Intellectual Intelligent Intentional Interested Interesting Intimate Introvert Intuitive Inventive Invulnerable Irreligious Irresistible
Jolly Joyful Joyous
Keen Kind Kindhearted Kindly Knowledgeable
Lavish Leader Leaderly Leading Leisurely Levelheaded Liberal Lighthearted Likable Listener Lively Logical Lovable Loving Loyal Lucky Lyrical
Magnanimous Magnetic Manly Many-sided Masculine Maternal Meticulous Mature Meditative Mellow Methodical Meticulous Moderate Modern Modest Moral Moralistic Multi-tasker Multi-leveled Musical Mysterious Mystical
Natural-cook Neat Networking Neutral Nice Noble Non-inquisitive Non-materialistic Non-authoritarian Nonchalant Noncommittal Noncompetitive Nurturing
Obedient Objective Observant Old-fashioned Open Openminded Optimism Optimistic Orderly Ordinary Organized Original Outgoing Outspoken Outstanding
Painstaking Passionate Paternalistic Patient Patriotic Peaceful Peacemaking Perceptive Perfectionist Perfectionistic Persistent Personable Persuasive Philosophical Physical Pioneering Placid Planner Planning Playful Pleasant Pleasure-seeking Plucky Poised Polished Polite Popular Positive Powerful Practical Precise Predictable Preoccupied Principled Private Proactive Problem-solver Problem-solving Productive Proficient Profound Progressive Prompt Protean Protective Proud Providential Prudent Psychic Punctual Pure Purist Purposeful
Questioning Quick Quickwitted Quiet Quirky
Rational Realist Realistic Reasonable Refined Reflective Relaxed Reliable Repairer Reserved Resourceful Respectable Respected Respectful Responsible Responsive Restrained Reverential Romantic Rustic
Sage Sane Sarcastic Scholarly Scrupulous Secure Self-confident Self-disciplined Self-assured Self-conscious Self-contented Self-controlled Self-generating Self-reliant Self-sufficient Selfless Sensational Sensible Sensitive Sensual
Sentimental Seraphic Serious Serving Sexy Sharing Sharp Shy Simple Sincere Skeptical Skilled Skillful Smart Smooth Sober Sociable Social Soft Softhearted Solemn Solid Solitary Sophisticated Spirited Spiritual Spontaneous Sporting Sportsmanlike Stable Steadfast Steady Stern Stoic Straightforward Strategic Strict Strong Strong-minded Stubborn Studious Stylish Suave Subjective Subtle Successful Supportive Surprising Sweet Sympathetic Systematic
Tactful Talented Tasteful Teacherly Teaching Thankful Thorough Thoughtful Tidy Tolerant Tough Tractable Trail-blazer Traveler Trendsetter Trustful Trusting Trustworthy Truth-Seeking Truthful
Unaggressive Unassuming Unchanging Uncomplaining Undemanding Understanding Undogmatic Unfathomable Unhurried Uninhibited Unpatriotic Unpredictable Unselfish Unsentimental Unworldly Upright Urbane Useful
Valiant Venturesome Versatile Vibrant Victorious Virtuous Visionary Vivacious
Warm Warmhearted Well-bred Well-read Well-rounded Whimsical Willing Winning Wise Witty Wordy Worldly
Negative Character Traits:
Abrasive Abrupt Abusive Affected Aggressive Agonizing Agreeable Aimless Aloof Amoral Angry Annoying Antisocial Anxious Apathetic Arbitrary Argumentative Arrogant Artificial Asocial Authoritarian
Bashful Belligerent Bewildered Big-headed Bitchy Bizarre Bland Blunt Boastful Boisterous Bold Bone-idle Boring Bossy Bragging Brittle Brutal
Calculating Callous Calm Cantankerous Careless Casual Cautious Changeable Charmless Cheerless Childish Clinging Clingy Closedoff Clownish Clueless Clumsy Coarse Cold Colorless Complacent Complaining Compulsive Conceited Condemnatory Conforming Conformist Confused Conservative Constricting Contemptible Controlling Conventional Cooperative Covetous Cowardly Cowering Crass Crazy Criminal Critical Crude Cruel Cultured Cunning Cynical
Daredevil Daring Daydreamer Decadent Deceitful Deceptive Decisive Definite Deliberate Delicate Demanding Dependent Depressed Desperate Destructive Detached Devious Difficult Diplomatic Direct Disagreeable Disconcerting Discontented Discouraging Discourteous Discreet Discriminating Dishonest Dishonorable Dislikable Disloyal Disobedient Disorderly Disorganized Disputatious Disrespectful Disruptive Dissatisfied Dissonant Distant Distractible Distrustful Disturbed Disturbing Dogmatic Dominant Dominating Domineering Dreamer Dull
Eager Earnest Easily-discouraged Eccentric Educated Effective Efficient Egocentric Egotistical Emotional Encouraging Energetic Enterprising Entertaining Enthusiastic Envious Erratic Escapist Ethical Excitable Excited Experienced Extravagant Extreme Extroverted Exuberant
Faithless False Fanatical Fanciful Fatalistic Fault-finding Fawning Fearful Fearless Fickle Fiery Finicky Fixed Flamboyant Flirtatious Follower Foolhardy Foolish Forceful Forgetful Fragile Frank Fraudulent Frightening Frivolous Frugal Frustrated Fussy
Gloomy Gossipy Graceless Greedy Grim Grouchy Growing Grumpy Gullible
Harsh Hateful Haughty Heartless Hedonistic Helpless Hesitant Hidebound High-handed High-strung Hostile Hot-headed Hot-tempered Humorless Hurtful Hypochondriac
Idealistic Ignorant Ill-mannered Ill-tempered Illogical Imitative Immature Immodest Impatient Impolite Impractical Impressionable Imprudent Impulsive Inaccurate Inattentive Incompetent Inconsiderate Inconsistent Incurious Indecisive Indifferent Indiscreet Indulgent Inefficient Inexperienced Inflexible Influenced Inhibited Insecure Insensitive Insincere Insolent Insulting Intense Interfering Intolerant Introvert Irascible Irrational Irreligious Irresponsible Irritable Irritating
Jealous Judgmental Jumpy
Lazy Liar Lifeless Listless Lonely Loner Lonesome Loud Loud-mouthed
Machiavellian Maladjusted Malicious Mannerless Materialistic Mean Mechanical Meddlesome Mediocre Meek Melancholic Mental Messy Mischievous Miserable Miserly Misguided Mistaken Moneyminded Moody Morbid Muddleheaded
Naive Narcissistic Narrow Narrowminded Nasty Naughty Negative Neglectful Negligent Nervous Neurotic Never-forgets Nihilistic Noisy Non-inquisitive Nonchalant Nonconfident Nosey
Obedient Obliging Obnoxious Obsessive Obstinate Obvious Odd Offensive Offhand Old-fashioned One-dimensional One-sided Opinionated Opportunistic Oppressed Outrageous Over-sensitive Over-trusting Overcautious Overconfident Overcritical Overemotional Oversensitive
Paranoid Parsimonious Passive Patronizing Pedantic Perfectionist Perverse Pessimistic Petty Phony Picky Pleaser Pleasing Plodding Pompous Possessive Power-hungry Predatory Prejudiced Preoccupied Presumptuous Pretentious Prideful Prim Private Procrastinating Profane Proud Provocative Prudent Puritanical Purposeless Pusillanimous Pyromaniac
Quarrelsome Quicktempered Quirky
Radical Rash Reactionary Reactive Rebellious Reckless Reflective Regimental Regretful Repentant Repressed Resentful Reserved Restless Ridiculous Rigid Ritualistic Rude Ruined Ruthless
Sad Sadistic Sanctimonious Sarcastic Satirical Scheming Scolding Scornful Secretive Sedentary Self-centered Self-conceited Self-concerned Self-conscious Self-critical Self-indulgent Self-pitying Self-possessed Self-satisfied Selfish Sensitive Sentimental Shallow Short-tempered Shortsighted Showoff Shrewd Shy Silly Skeptical Sloppy Slow Sly Smallthinker Smug Sneaky Snobbish Softheaded Sordid Spendthrift Spiteful Squeamish Steely Stern Stiff Stingy Strict Strongminded Stubborn Stupid Submissive Superficial Superstitious Suspicious
Tacky Tactless Tasteless Temperamental Tense Thievish Thoughtless Timid Tiresome Touchy Transparent Treacherous Trendy Troubled Troublesome Truculent Two-faced
Unaccommodating Unadventurous Unagreeable Unappealing Unappreciative Inattentive Uncaring Uncharitable Uncivil Uncompromising Uncongenial Unconventional Unconvincing Uncooperative Uncreative Uncritical Unctuous Uncultured Undecided Underhanded Undisciplined Unenterprising Unentertaining Unenthusiastic Unethical Unfair Unforgiving Unfriendly Ungraceful Ungracious Ungrateful Unhappy Unhealthy Unimaginative Unimpressive Unindustrious Uninquisitive Uninspiring Unintellectual Unintelligent Uninteresting Unkind Unkindly Unlovable Unlucky Unmethodical Unobliging Unobservant Unoriginal Unpleasant Unpleasing Unpoised Unpolished Unpopular Unpredictable Unprincipled Unproductive Unpunctual Unrealistic Unreasonable Unreflective Unreliable Unrestrained Unromantic Unruly Unskilled Unsociable Unsocial Unsophisticated Unstable
Vacuous Vague Vain Vengeful Venomous Victimized Vindictive Vulgar Vulnerable
Weak Weakwilled Willful Worrier
Neutral Character Traits:
Absent-minded Accepting Aggressive Agreeable Alert Altruistic Ambitious Amusing Artful Ascetic Authoritarian Authoritative Average
Bashful Belligerent Big-thinker Blunt Boastful Boisterous Bold Boring Bossy Boyish Breezy Businesslike Busy
Calm Candid Careful Careless Casual Cautious Cerebral Changeable Cheerful Childish Chummy Clumsy Cold Competitive Complex Composed Confidential Conforming Conformist Conservative Consistent Contradictory Conventional Convincing Cooperative Crisp Cute
Daring Daydreamer Deceptive Definite Deliberate Demanding Determined Diplomatic Direct Disagreeable Discontented Discourteous Discreet Dominating Dreamy Driving Droll Dry Dull
Earthy Effeminate Emotional Enigmatic Experimental
Familial Folksy Formal Freewheeling Frugal
Glamorous Gloomy Gossipy Guileless
Hesitant High-spirited Hurried Hypnotic
Iconoclastic Idiosyncratic Impassive Impersonal Impressionable Indifferent Individualistic Informal Innocent Intense Introvert Invisible Irreligious Irreverent
Maladjusted Maternal Mathematical Mellow Methodical Meticulous Middleclass Misfit(ted) Moderated Modern Moralistic Mystical
Neutral Non-inquisitive Nonchalant Noncommittal Noncompetitive Nonconforming Normal Nosey
Obedient Obliging Old-fashioned Opinionated Opportunistic Orderly Ordinary Outspoken Overcautious
Passive Paternalistic Perfectionistic Philosophical Physical Placid Poised Political Pompous Predictable Preoccupied Private Progressive Proud Pure
Questioning Quick Quiet
Rebellious Religious Reserved Resigned Restless Restrained Retiring Righteous
Sarcastic Satirical Scientific Self-conscious Self-righteous Sensual Sentimental Serious Sharp-witted Showy Shy Silent Silly Skeptical Smooth Soft Soft-spoken Solemn Solitary Sophisticated Stern Strict Stubborn Stylish Subjective Subtle Superstitious Surprising Systematic
Talkative Theatrical Thrifty Tough
Unaggressive Unambitious Unceremonious Unchanging Undemanding Unemotional Unfathomable Unhurried Uninhibited Unpatriotic Unpredictable Unselfish Unsentimental
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