#and ig it is nepotism in a way (?????) but i know other kids in my degree would have it way easier bc. they literally have fields
minglana · 6 months
i <3 nepotism (my dad knows a dude from his workplace that will help me do a uni project interview i need to do)
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Ur the only rich person ik who isn’t detached from the reality of privelege u have, i just got into ur yt and just wanted to say I like ur honesty, the transparency about ur life (I knew ur a model b/c I saw u in catalogs but i never knew u were homeless b4), and the advice u give ppl about money management
It would be awesome if u created some kind of post with links for educational stuff that could help for money management/increasing income and tips for some jobs and how to be successful on yt too, or if u just dived deeper into those topics here I think it would help a lot of ppl especially with the way the economy is spiraling atm
Rich people who are born into wealth don't understand how fortunate they are because they're detached from reality. Or rather, they live a totally different reality from yours, & often have nepotism play a huge role in their success. I wasn't born into a rich (I hate this word, btw) family. My parents had average jobs & worked hard to provide for myself & my siblings. We were poor. I worked my ass off for years to get to where I am because I saw how my parents struggled to provide for us when I was a kid, they had to sell things we owned when they didn't have enough money for bills or food. & it sucked. I knew at a young age that I didn't want to be in that position, unironically it's why I didn't go to college. I got in, but ultimately I changed my mind cause college is stressful if you're not committed to finishing, which I wasn't, & it creates a huge amount of debt for you as soon as you're considered an adult, I've always kind of seen it as like, a "set up" for failure. On purpose. Specifically American colleges. I know that's weird if you don't get it. I have friends who have dropped out of college & know people with degrees who couldn't even get a job at McDonald's. At the end of the day, even if you go to college & graduate you most likely will still have to qualify for the average job & end up working for someone else. While in thousands of dollars of debt. Let that sink in. That's my point, I sat & thought about it one day & I wasn't okay with the idea of working my entire life for chump change until I'm considered "too old" to work. It's so fucked up how this world uses people & tosses them away. So I ditched the college thing & became an entrepreneur, which thank God I chose to do. I started reading books, taking business courses & studied the industries that I was interested in *hint hint*. I actually do talk a lot about this & give advice on IG/YouTube (GRWM playlist), but if you just want me to post educational stuff here I can, but I need specific context recommendations other than $$$ management. Like, what jobs are you interested in? What are you trying to accomplish through YouTube? Are you trying to advertise on there? Do you have or want to start your own business? Anyway. If you want to be happy, you have to work for you. I've been through so much bullshit throughout my life, I deserve to have an easier & happier rest of my life (& you do, too). That was the first thing I learned. That reminder helped me make a lot of tough decisions.
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samingtonwilson · 4 years
Hi! you’re one of my favorite blogs to follow! You’re writing is amazing and the way you speak about things is inspirational. I’m assuming you’ve heard about Sushant Singh’s death and was wondering how u felt about the whole issue and nepotism in Bollywood? Just want some more insight and opinions. Have a nice day!
thank you so much, that’s so kind of you to say!
yeah, of course i heard about it. i was torn up the whole day after i saw the news. couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop crying because it kills me that someone so full of light was so sad, so miserable. it’s unfair that anyone should feel that way, let alone such a wonderful soul. 
i’m going to be honest and say i don’t like how everyone is twisting his death to suit whatever agenda they’re pushing and have been pushing. i do think nepotism is a big issue in bollywood and needs to be addressed and subsequently rectified as much as it can be, but i don’t think his death needs to turn into a condemnation of people that did not have anything to do with it. there was no note found, there was nothing he has said which indicates the cause of his depression was simply the presence of nepotism in bollywood or professional issues in general. depression is so much more complicated than something you can find such a simplistic root cause for. it’s so reductive to pretend his depression was the result of 1 thing, or directly the result of anything for that matter. depression is complex, people are so complex. you can’t “blame” any one thing or any subsection of people in the industry someone works in. it’s also just beyond me how commenting “tu mar jaati toh zyada acha hota” on alia bhatt’s ig, or the ig of anyone who is a “star kid”, is in any way okay-- it’s not. the solution to the issue (an issue people have convinced themselves is the reason he’s died) is to go to and pay for films starring actors who do not have nepotistic connections. also for studio houses to invest in actors who don’t have nepotistic connections and give them more work as that is likely to be based solely on talent rather than “oh you’re chunky p*ndey’s daughter? you can’t act at all? that’s okay! here’s a film!!”
i recognize his career had hurdles it would not have had if he was “from the industry” rather than an “outsider” (for example, access to the industry and its biggies to begin with, the ability to churn out absolute crap and continue to get work, a “built-in” audience, etc.) but it’s unfair to degrade and reduce everything he must have felt to somethings only having to do with that. we don’t know what he was going through-- no one does. psychology is self-report, anyone only knows as much as you tell them. 
i'm grossed out beyond belief at what k*ngana is turning his death into. her videos are awful. she’s taking what happened to him just to insert and continue to talk about what she has gone through-- i'm not saying she shouldn’t condemn the press for what they’ve put her through, but don’t use his suicide to do that. she’s making the situation about her like a lot of others are (ahem, srk). before his death, she’s apparently been quoted as saying he’s “characterless” because he and his girlfriend of 6 years ended after he obtained success (which... that’s no one’s business but his and hers). she also said such awful things after jiah khan’s suicide (because k*ngana was “dating” the married father of jiah’s ex-boyfriend who was named in jiah’s suicide note as having pushed her to it) and has given her relatives (notably her sister) jobs which are in the industry or industry adjacent while hypocritically condemning nepotism (she also agreed with/defended her sister when she said something about muslims needing to be massacred and she’s notably right-winged so fuck her. also, she seems to only date married men? it takes 2 to tango, but how dare you help someone cheat on their partner) all of that is to say that she’s opportunistically clung to his suicide to level accusations against people she’s always had it out for and to make the situation about her. which it is NOT. it’s so UNFAIR to degrade him like this. 
he was a wonderful person and i'm so sorry and sad that he felt miserable enough to feel suicide was his only option. he deserved better and i'm so sorry he was let down by the world and its circumstances this way. i hope he rests in peace and his memory is not treated as something to weaponize, but something to cherish and learn from.
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