#and if u add book/movie content u get evern more
trekkiehood · 4 days
Okay but thinking about Darry being different and not really a greaser anymore... But the hang out is still the Curtis home. Like yes he's different but at the end of the day the are welcome. They'll always be welcomed. He'll let them come eat his food. They're welcome to come watch TV and whatever else they want. They are welcome.
And the gang feels safe there. Sure it's Pony and Soda's house, but Darry's differentness doesn't bother them. Not in that sense. He's still sort of the gang just les indirectly then he once was.
Also he doesn't actually stop the boys from partaking in Greaser things. Even the rumble, he begs Pony to think about it, but he doesn't tell him no.
Pony gets jumped and asks to go out the very next day with Dally of all people and Darrel doesn't love it, but he lets him go.
Like Darrel almost feels removed by necessity. Sure he "went Soc" and had college scholarships and everything and I'm sure that affected him, made him less Grease more "civilized" but even if he hadn't. When would he have time to do basic Greaser things? He worked full time and we see him folding laundry while the gang is watching TV. He doesn't have the luxury of truly being a member of the gang anymore.
Darry is different because he has to be. Because if he thinks back to his highschool self and all that promise and all that hope and all that free time and all that connection he'll crumble. He has too much to do to even think about it.
He's still a Greaser at heart. He could never be full Soc. Not really. A Soc wouldn't let his house be the hang out place for Greasers. He wouldn't facilitate hang outs and let his brothers hang out with people like Dally. Not if he was even half Soc. And when time comes he fights with the Greasers because there was never a choice.
For Darrel Curtis there was never really a choice. He does what he has to and pretends he doesn't care. Keeps the roof up over all the Greasers even while the walls crumble around him.
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