#and if they dont know then why judge me like do i seem that unreliable
chialattea · 6 months
Lol, my Hawke is also the bottom in her relationship with Bela (it just makes sense to me) and they do commit crimes together but she tends to be more blue/diplomatic. Is yours sarcastic? And what exactly is their dynamic like?
I forgot tumblr asks were a thing,, thank god i started fucking around and clicked the correct button.
Bottom Hawke enjoyers unite!!!! I just think it's especially funny considering theyre quote unquote the leader of the group, so thinking of them as actually losers who are just winging it makes me so happy.
My Hawke is mostly a purple/sarcastic hawke. She's mostly quite laid back and easygoing because she's allergic to taking things seriously and/or confronting her issues, which bites her in the ass as the story progresses. She'd rather die than let people know she has feelings other than funny one-liners. She's loud and rash, but somehow things keep working out for her... Until they dont. They really come crashing down. Behind her chronic class clown facade is someone with a very set personal moral code. She genuinely cares for her friends and has a surprisingly high EQ, which is why the kirkwall gang hasnt devolved into beating each other senseless. At first glance she seems flaky and unreliable, but she's relentless when it comes to that she thinks as her responsibilities: her family, her friends, and for some fucking reason the city of Kirkwall (she really, really wishes she hadnt gotten attached god fucking damnit, its a dumpster but its HER dumpster). Those are the only three subjects you'll see her getting serious about. Other than that she values freedom quite highly and doesn't really care about the big picture or politics. She's more of a small-scale, act local kind of gal.
At first Isabela and her get along like a house on fire; they love partying, they love drinking, Isabela finds Hawke's smartass attitude hilarious and Hawke finds really attractive how Isabela can steal shit without being found out. The problems start when Hawke's sense of responsibility and morals start to show up. It's not like Hawke has any issue with Isabela doing whatever she wants, she's a "live and let live" kind of person, but,,, even if Hawke presents herself as an unrepentant clown, she's anything but. She wants to help to a self-sacrificing degree, refuses to engage with her own needs and has little sense of self-preservation. She's careless yet also keeps prioritizing everyone else before herself, which infuriates Isabela. They begin a situationship which is supposed to be purely physical, but Hawke gets attached yet refuses to admit it, even to herself; Isabela finds Hawke's newfound moral righteousness grating and makes her feel judged for her choices. Basically miscommunications galore. They have a big fight where neither of them actually listen to each other and refuse to be emotionally vulnerable.
And yet both of them come back for the other in their time of need, regardless and even in spite of their positions because no matter what they actively choose to love each other,, does that make sense? After the second act both of them decide their relationship is worth the trouble of,, working through their issues together and trying to better themselves. As everything around Hawke and Kirkwall start crashing down their relationship becomes their solace. It's hard, and they fuck up a lot, but they choose to make it work and actively care for their relationship.
Yeah but anyways, my Hawke is also a bumbling idiot with enough charisma to compensate it. She has fucked before but blushes like a maiden the second she sees Isabela's ankle. She's the "me and the bad bitch i pulled with my whimsical rizz" meme. Isabela is like hawke no and shes like hawke YESSSSS she's a golden retriever. if i had to choose a character she's most similar to it'd be gideon i guess.
TLDR; hawke: "isabela i taped myself to the ceiling but now i cant get down can you handfeed me some hot pockets" isabela: "why do i find this attractive"
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#lbr it kinda hurts when u show someone smth you really enjoyef#and they call it shit without even a good reason#but u arent allowed to tell them that all their recs are shitty#and also they keep misgendering you and keep bashing on gay relationships and people#and like they never seem excited to see u but u love spending time with them and thats why it hurts#when they shoot all your interests dow#idk and i didnt wanna come off as bitter so i just sat there and watched whatever they wanted#and the whoel time i was like this is rubbish#and i couldnt say that bc im polite and i have a conscience#idk i miss havibg friends who understand me#oh hod i dont know what i miss i miss not feeling so alone#but it was such a lovely evening but now im thinking back on it and like... im hurt#like i feel like they think my taste in media is bad by default but theyve never tried anythign ive recommended#so how could they know#and if they dont know then why judge me like do i seem that unreliable#it feels like everyone tells me to watch smth read smth and i do it bc im as faithful as a bloody dog#but when i say hey this is good theyre always like oh it looks shitty or i dont have the time or its all rubbish anyway#and its just#hurtful and its like they dont value me bc i share media as a love language and then they reject it and i just feel so terribe#do i really seem like i have such bad taste in books and movies and shows#really#why does it seem like i always always always listen to others but when i say smth theyre like well fuck that#i even read fics ppl send me but im literally too scared to send any back bc ive been rejected so much and i couldnt bear it#if a comfort fic was a rejection my god i would curl into a ball and die#it just hurts that they took one look at my thing and went its shitty and then switched#i literally asked them to keep an open mind and no one has so far#and i dont wanna be spiteful but im all pricked inside so im not going to watch anything they send me#i cant help it it fucking hurts#i just want someone who listens when i obsess and doesnt make it seem like in shallow for it or dumb#i hate hate that its upset me so much and i swear im never going to share anything i like with him ever again hell just fucking ruin it
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bruh what is going on in sans's head when paps confesses too him that he's been meeting a flower that is positive too him, frequently compliments him and seems to be an admirer.
Like, wtf sans.
Yeah, it hinges on the fact we know who flowey is, a bad guy.
But for you? I doesn't make sense.
All you tell us is positive attributes. Just cause he can make "predictions" ain't make him dangerous. You don't even know the guy.
What an asshole.
Like, "someone must be playing a trick on him, using an echo flower!"
Like, is this anyway creepy? Like, did papyrus tell you things, that flowey said, that was creepy, or red flagish?
Like, wtf man.
You tried to kill a flower cause he told you about his "powers~", but when we, the player tell you, you just.. Give us a key and a wink?
How is that fair?
Why us?
Wtf man? What did flowey do to piss you off? What did a tiny, harmless flower do to make you want us to watch out for it?
FLOWEY even remeber cute or stupid facts about papyrus, and says genuinely nice things about him.
You? Sans? Why does so many people like you? Cause you made them laugh?
I was having fun, and i thought he was cute and stuff. But now? What is wrong with this guy?
Dude, your this "judge" to see if someone is "worthy" or something, but i doubt you actually are. bro you worked with some royal scientist, who had the blue prints to amalagmetes and what ever the hell the core is, and is generally creepy.
You do actually criminal activity, yeah you work a ton, but your extremley unreliable, you drag your brother around and make him clean up after you, and when he finds a freind, AN OKAY FREIND, you tell us to "look out" for them?!
But yeah, you kinda funny, but i actually dont want tko be scammed, and i just made this whole post cause im mad im he attempted to scam me more than once.
He did it so many times, that im starting to grow very uncomfortable around the potato man. He's a little.. Weird.
Atleast i know that the deranged physcopath flower was nice at the beginning and is still caries that niceness with papyrus, as it seems their conversations have been going on for awhile, with no repercussions except for that one time.
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 // larkspur lane/the whisper box
this post is a double whammy cause they have 2 eps happen in the same day if u can believe it (thats how awful judging timelines in this show is!!)
-"hi josh..." LMAOOOOOOO
-BESS just breaking in lmaooo how many god damn times does bess just shit the bed in this show
-LOVE her frowny face at nancys closet ("my expectations are low" lmfaoooo but this would totally be me)
-"bet she meant it metaphorically" okayyy but then why did lucy say that at all? i feel like theres defo more to this story, combined with josh's cagey behavior (part of which is to get nancy to stop looking into shit d/t him and karen but still)
-"they dont accept visitors unless they're family" .....🙂
-ace "youre really good at that" to bess i fuckin love this friendship with all my heart (also love their talk at the claw mirroring nick & nancys talk in the last ep)
-also PINK AND ORANGE BESS ARE U BLIND (also 1) why tf would nancy own this and 2) where would she wear it??)
-okay wtf is vampire dip
-"boss??" see this is what i meant yesterday about nancy ruining everything for nick/george
-god DAMN she sucks at dealing with this news lmaooo that emotional competency babey + love george literally agrees to help bc she feels bad (AND nicks immediate look of "you just reprimanded me for helping her last ep and i know why youre doing this rn" lmaoooo)
-LOVE george noticing nick "shout out to jean valjean" lmaooo once again nancy would never have noticed/commented on something like that
-"get the hell out of here" was this foreshadowing for an epic dad joke for these two eps? "how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it" 😂😂😂😂
-so what i dont get about the whole haunting is the ball + kids' laughter but its all the emphasis on "mr roper" the adult? wtf like what kind of entity is this
-"how did you ever have a solo career??" 😂
-okay amaya's hair is gorgeous here (also "you feel like a snack" ....👀) *ahhh so the reason bess feels so off balance is bc its like a top vs a top scenario
-has anyone who's ever been to prison confirmed this is what it looks like?
-love how ace is the only employee there when they all leave so he had to fucking close the place when he goes
-why does she take the whole file? time constraints? it'd be smarter to take pics + replace it (better sleuthing) but this place is clearly not well run anyway 😂
-so this is a pretty decent cover she invents but theres no way she would get away with it so easily for a real guard
-love how ace recognizes ryan's car (+ is able to find it by driving around)
-"my father wouldnt do anything like that" LMFAOOOOOO SIS WHY ARE U DEFENDING HIM ironically, ace is actually the best person suited to engage w ryan here d/t the car accident + connection with laura being ryans SIL. its a unique set up
-i am fascinated by the concept of priests + holy water being so effective here combined with mcginnis' beliefs and basically nondenominational ghosts/seances etc after that. the show is very clearly big on diversity but definitely steers clear from too much WASP stuff yk? wonder if other stuff from christianity works against the ghosts/demons like taking refuge in a church "holy ground" or using silver etc
-"did this start after the night of sept 10?" *this is where you get the time line for the seance if you didnt know
-this is so fucking funny when u realize that patient sal talks to is actually a ghost so sal really is psycho i guess 😂
-bitchsplain/tall jar of mayonnaise 🙏🏻😌 2gether 4ever
-how did ace get this van? also heart attack when he yells at carson (but then grins at him like a goofball lmaooo)
-"for nancys sake and yours" damn she owes ace big time for all this shit
-"what do we do for 7 minutes?" ...ummm play 7 minutes in heaven lmaooo 👀🥵
-was not expecting ace to look this sexy holding an axe but okay (*ah, its his short sleeve shirt showing his arms. usually hes a sleeves guy)
-"desperate for attention" nancy (from gomber) vs "bc she's starved for attention" patrice --> lucy (and candace also...) we know nancys detective work makes her seem like an attention seeker, but what was lucy doing to make them all think that? she was trying to hide her relationship with ryan, not expose it. unless they just mean the rumors about her?
-so is patrice hiding lucy's "truth" talking about lucy being a whore or lucy being a ghost? what is lucy's secret? did patrice guess she was pregnant or did patrice's somehow garbled mind remember tiffany trying to show patrice the video with lucy on it?
-wonder what captain thom thinks of this stand off w ace lmaooo
-"like you do?" top v top shenanigans
-how awko for carson to talk to karen again like this
-"oh no" ACE 😂
-love how amaya says "be a human" like shes kind of admitting people in rich circles typically arent (^this is an interesting focus in s2 when bess's rich family rejects her, thus making her human again, but nancy embraces her rich fam and experiences subsequent moral struggle which is predicted with the wraith)
-wonder what ryan thinks he could get from the marvins (which he cant get now lmaooo)
-this damn whisper box. so many questions. who named it the whisper box? why are the ropers' old possessions still there? who decided to build a mental hospital on top of it? and patrice! she "hid lucy's secrets" hannah gruen thinks tiffany tried to show patrice video w lucy on it, which patrice then specifically says she hid in the thin mans book. so patrice knows of the thin man? can she see him? does she know he was a ghost/supernatural? she must have a supernatural sense to know about him (unless sal told or some shit) so then when tiffany shows up w/ lucy being supernatural in it patrice hides it to protect her? is this why she is "crazy" kinda like victoria? supernatural elements or ability to sense ghosts makes her unstable? this is why lucy being a ghost/nursery rhyme that she repeats makes patrice worse/"stroke"? how did patrice even get into the whisper box to put the key in the bible and get out without getting trapped? also, her dementia --> lucidity is really fucking off, some people mildly switch like that but usually with dementia they cant even register new shit anymore
-...so did bess take the ride? 👀
-interesting how celia says "your father will be disappointed" but nothing of her own opinion. wonder how much celia truly puts up with to keep everett calm and nonhomicidal
-like george asking nick follow up questions that nancy never really would have asked
-is this bitch just eating a plain pancake with her bare hand?
-"extra case load and excessive volunteering" ugh. nancy's family here are like, gross in how "good" of people they are // unrealistic, trying to paint carson in the best light/ no way ryan could ever compare (but the reality is theyre not that good of people for lying about nancy) **and shes arrogant to think shes better than everyone else ie the only one who truly lives virtuously, thinks she can do no wrong sometimes even tho using sex to cope, breaking and entering, etc is not morally "good" stuff she still thinks she is the only one who doesnt lie and plays fair (like in the pilot she lists everyone else as a suspect but herself- obviously we know she isnt guilty but no one else does. (i mean in theory we really dont, what if nancy was an unreliable narrator and was actually guilty, that would be a hella cool show)its reactions like that where she cant understand why others like the chief suspect her
-ooooh ironic that in the Good Place carson readily agrees to pay her for helping with cases as opposed to s2 in reality
-nick's house has "problems" so why does he need a lawyer? as opposed to an interior designer, plumber, or realtor?
-in the Good Place nick and george realize they are not going to work out after one date. does this failure in the Good Place predict failure in reality, or merely an easier way of figuring out the truth? does this mean that the "opposite" of the Good Place is reality, or only an opinion of what is better? (nancy says "you all like me" as her opinion of them liking her is skewed; does this then only reflect nancys version for what is the "perfect life"?)
-why is bess a hippie??? and love how george curls her hair and wears pink lipstick here
-if this dream is so realistic then why is the one thing it cant conjure smoke? like how random
-love the locket being a key realization bc with things like jewelry you dont notice the weight of them until theyre gone
-"you all like me" in her perfect life nancy means they "like" her objectively/regardless of circumstance even though liking her is still an objective choice (like they "like" her because of other reasons instead of her working at the claw? (like how you make friends with coworkers/people at school every day but after you leave the job/graduate you never speak to them again) and her "thanks for showing up!" as if theyre not doing exactly that in reality 😐like where is she getting this shit? she sort of acknowledges in earlier eps she is hard to like/that she puts mysteries before friends, but also pushing them away to avoid danger like the previous ep "why do u show up" etc
-is it just me or does the inside of nicks "house" look like the drews'?
-nick has a dick scar lmaooooo (or more likely was hit in the balls or smth)
-love how nick + george match their anger in confronting sal 100% on the same level
-so when did ace go back to work after having such a busy day earlier?? lmaooo
-damn father shane is a creep (casting defo hired him for his voice) and how tf did he just poof + escape? and what did he request???
-love bess's white hair bow here 😌+ her jacket, whole outfit on point as usual
-like how bess is right that nancy has to find her way out but thats kind of a nonstarter for a room full of panicked people wanting to help
-in the Good Place theres no bad blood between drews + hudsons bc nancy is really theirs
-"the only one who has the key is you" in the Good Place nancy has the key (smaller picture, to finding out what happened to lucy but bigger picture, post-reveal) but ryan has the clues nancy needs- following the Good Place's mirroring, this just means that in reality ryan will either be completely useless or an active hindrance (but you KNOW this is a dream bc in what universe would ryan remember clues like that 😂)
-so in a perfect universe ryan acknowledges his family's "criminal empire" as opposed to reality where he only makes under cover jabs about disengaging with being an "entitled corrupt legacy criminal" ie finding the bonny scot relics but does nothing about them, etc
-"strippers" 😂
-okay what is nancys obsession w her beanie?? bc her mom made it? "wear beanies do crimes?" idk
-making the call: nancy -unable to make up for lost time/both her mothers had to find out/suffer alone / in the Good Place nancy was able to be with kate while she called, and in reality she had carson; somethig about seeing the mother looking to the daughter for strength in the Good Place instead of the reverse (which is what reality sounded like, kate being strong for nancy through the illness despite the struggle)
-concept: nancy & nick "let's wait out the storm"
-"i believe that you believe it" nick in the Good Place + owen in reality both trust nancy when she says she's seen things (owen's is the teeth) but nick in reality (and not really knowing details) doesnt think much of their "moment" bc it wasnt real (so she had to leave the Good Place to save carson- but if she had known then he wasnt her real dad, would she have stayed to be w nick?)
-stranger - suede james 💙👌🏻
-"really anxious as a kid" v telling bc of her desire to know everything to remain in control of situations like she always does now
-"the medicine or the metaphysics?"/"you cannot beat supernatural with science"
-i love nancy playing with her pinky while saying goodbye 🥺
-"always seek out the truth even if it hurts" this is straight irony bc kate never told nancy anything. like does that include the truth about nancys parentage? they taught her to seek out the truth, but who taught her that the truth is the only thing to live by? ie things dont count anymore like carson and kate straight up raising her is tossed out bc she finds out its not "the truth" like all that work/stress to protect carson + she just drops him? with kate maybe shes just upset thst she spent all that time mourning for someone who lied. and would she do the same to ryan if needed? probably
-bess and ace head tilt 💙
-like how for all the time she spent there nancy only has a subconscious memory of blue curtains
-YESSSSS i LOVEthese beautiful overhead shots of hannah's hands. so out of character for the show lmao but so gorgeous
-i feel like future eps/grand future will be nancy going through the lock boxes to help people who asked hannah for help
-the video is officially dated Aug 22, 2019
-soooooo in the first ep nancy breaks into the hudsons house and finds tiffanys secret drawer w the nail polish and finds the amulet with a note that says "for your protection HG" yet on this video tiffany says she talked to a medium who gave her the amulet sooooo am i just confused? HG is hannah gruen obvi so is the address for the medium what hannah gave her? or was the address on the amulet which nancy dissolved in salt water to see? so how would tiffany know where to go? its chicken and the egg which came first hannah or the medium?
and lastly:
i close these two eps with a thought that everything in this show is sealed in death. all the lies, the imagery, the fake constructs people put up to get by all crumple the second someone dies- all the secrets come clean just like these doors have been unsealed.
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terramythos · 6 years
My reread commentary on October Daye #8, "The Winter Long" or "more shit goes down in this book than the first 7 combined, holy shit".
I apologize to anyone who reads these cause I literally hit the length limit on this post and had to pare it down lmao 
-Good start: Under the Acknowledgements section: "Everything I have done with October's world to this point has been for the sake of getting here". Sooo basically the first 7 books? Setup for this one. We're in for a Ride.
I want to emphasize some of the best meta foreshadowing I've seen:
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FOR REFERENCE, Rosemary and Rue is the title of book 1. It's also the only book whose opening Shakespeare quote (from Hamlet) doesn't really match the title. If you know your Shakespeare, you probably would have caught that and figured out that it was from The Winter's Tale instead. Plenty of conclusions you can draw just from that. Since then the series has been chock full of hidden identities, and this book has two BIG ones coming into play. Foreshadowing was here from the very fucking beginning, and it is some next level shit. Very well done.
-If you skipped book 1 you are SO fucked, btw.
- we're going to great lengths to describe Sylvester's physical appearance. Gee I wonder why. I'm sure it's not relevant
- yes Sylvester has FOX COLORED HAIR and YELLOW EYES and his magic smells like DAFFODILS and DOGWOOD FLOWERS. He is Toby's LEIGE and FATHER FIGURE.
Me on a first read: oh it's just beginning book exposition, they all do this
Me on a second read: god fucking damn it
- toby: I should have known Sylvester would never disappoint me.
Me: oh sweetie. Oh honey.
- "He smelled like smoke and rotten oranges.
This man wasn't Sylvester Torquill."
Anyone who read book 1: OHSHIT.AVI
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Welcome back, Simon! You know, Sylvester's evil twin? You know, the big bad (so far) of the series? The the one responsible for turning Toby into a fish for 14 years?
-Yet he seems kinda... off, huh? Comments about how he didnt know the spell would last 14 years, how he hates to upset October's mom, of all people? Whatever could he mean? :)))
-New toby power: spell reflection? Hell yeah? Also spell BREAKING, but to be fair she did do that one other time. In, you guessed it, book 1.
- "When I tried to picture Sylvester's face, I kept seeing Simon's instead" ow oof
- Simon calling Amandine "Amy", which we've established is an affectionate nickname (it being what, you know, THE LUIDAEG calls her). Why would Simon, of all people, call her that?
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... oh.
-That sure explains a LOT, huh? That sure was set up... this whole time, huh?
-Little "fuck you" lines like "I didn't know Sylvester had a niece" in book 2. Talking about January. Well, uh, he has several actually! You're one of them!
-Explanation for why Sylvester had any inclination to be October's mentor... eventually becoming her liege and father figure... even giving her the Changeling's Choice (something family is supposed to do). It seems mighty convenient that a random noble was involved in the life of a changeling to such an extent. BUT, if he was her uncle, and knew his brother wouldn't step up? Well...
-This isn't even the biggest reveal of the book. Like, we're only a handful of chapters in and this bomb gets dropped.
-Sylvester, every 10 minutes: oh boy I cant wait to see my brother so I can like, completely eviscerate him!
Everyone else: uh,
- Tybalt: and here I thought I was going to have to ask Sylvester for his blessing. Now I technically have to ask SIMON?
Toby: uwotm8
Tybalt: oh god uhh I'm joking yeah uhh I'm just trying to distract you from all this stress :)) yeah (nailed it!)!
-And now we begin the "wow Sylvester is actually not a great person" slide. It's been hinted at that he's pretty unstable and has shitty priorities regarding people he cares about. But Toby glossed over a lot of it because she adored him. Welp.
- It's also an interesting aside that Etienne was kind of a dick to Toby for a reason in the earlier books. He legit thought she had been knighted because she was family, not that she had earned the post. And after the last few books he clearly knows now that that's not the case and they've actually become friends. That's interesting hidden character development.
- ok so The Gang finds out that Simon was telling the truth when he said turning Toby into a fish for 14 years was to save her. Because he had actually been hired to KILL her and didn't want to do it. So it was a loophole-- everyone thought she was dead, and then (as established in book 1) pretty much everyone forgot she existed until the spell broke.
-BUT Simon is bound by a geas (where have we seen that before) and cannot divulge his employer's name. But who had such a grudge against Toby and/or her mom to order a hit on her AND forcibly bind everyone to secrecy?
-who knows? Not toby. So they go to The Luidaeg to maybe get a lead, and she establishes right away that she is ALSO bound under a geas and can't say who did it. So we play some 20 questions, and then...
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-additional: another month name just came into play. August. Toby's half sister, missing for a century. WHAT IS WITH THE MONTH NAMES
- "please don't mistake villainy for evil." That's an.. interesting quote re:Simon.
- Simon's way of protecting toby from the impending threat is "well maybe you turn into a tree for a few centuries but like. You're safe, right? Why are you mad?"
- The Luidaeg: *is straight up dead*
Toby: hey tybalt remember that time in book 2 when I Resurrected the Dead
Tybalt: yeah, it was fucking terrifying and I didnt speak to you for 6 months
Toby: *finger guns* guess whaaaaaat
-The Luidaeg: *says just. A bunch of Lore*
Toby: Luidaeg dont you dare drop that cryptic shit on me then pass out
Luidaeg: nap time
-"If you so much as whisper the first word of a transformation spell, I'll have your larynx in my hand before the second word can form." DAMN, Tybalt.
-Simon: I am VERY sorry for my bullshit earlier. I can't tell you who my employer is, but I CAN give you this BOUQUET of ICE COLD ROSES. Ice cold, like winter. Winter Roses, if you will. Yeah. Uh have a nice life, bye!
Everyone: well this sure is a mystery
-Simon is definitely a morally grey character. Has done really awful shit, is built up as a major villain... but turns out he had relatively little control over his actions. He does the wrong thing a lot but it's usually not for a truly evil end? If the context is to be believed he got stuck in the geas contract with Unnamed Employer to save his daughter, which explains the bad shit he did that we know of. Which then inadvertently kicked off like the whole series. He seems to genuinely care about Toby in a warped way? It would be so easy to write him off as an evil stepdad or whatever and there's plenty of canon to support that stance (she's an illegitimate CHANGELING child) but he seems like he wants to just be her dad. I hope we explore his character more, is what I'm saying.
-And not to keep rambling about it but Toby is an established unreliable narrator and a horrible (initial) judge of character. So it's not like this is an asspull or off base at all.
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Twist of the fucking century here.
-You know... the character who set off the events of the series? The character who was murdered in book 1 and bound October to a geas forcing her to find the culprit or die? Evening fucking Winterrose?
-There were hints, most very subtle unlike the other big twists, but probably the biggest one is SHE NEVER SHOWS UP AS A NIGHT HAUNT. And they're in the story quite a bit, and they ALWAYS feature killed off characters. Except Evening.
-My favorite hints were the ones just piled in book 1. Comments like "no one knows who Evening really is" said with zero self awareness. Because we are actually about to find out who she is... 7 goddamn books later.
-dead meme but "surprise, bitch. Bet you thought you saw the last of me."
-God she's so awful lol
-Toby thinking Quentin died then calling him THE SON SHE NEVER HAD is a BIG OOF right to the HEART. ;-;
-The book also points out that The Luidaeg through the series has ALWAYS referred to Evening in present tense. Even though she "died" in book 1.
-The Luidaeg ALSO never refers to her as Evening. It's always "The Winterrose". You know, a title. Which we have heavily emphasized is something the Firstborn use in place of their true names.
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*jazz hands* Surprise!
-We also (finally) have a canon explanation for the... rather remarkable coincidence that Quentin, the fucking Crown Prince (from TORONTO), is in San Francisco at all. It was always weird he got sent to Shadowed Hills, and it's been commented on multiple times... Evening arranged it, of course! For reasons we don't quite know. But as the Daoine Sidhe Firstborn, her descendants couldn't exactly say no. Even though they didn't know who she really was.
-We really are falling all over Firstborn in this series? It sure is.. an odd coincidence, huh?
We got:
The Luidaeg: Roane/Selkie
Amandine: Dochas Sidhe
Acacia: Blodynbryd
Evening: Daoine Sidhe
Blind Michael: ... uh actually I don't think we ever learn what race he's Firstborn of. All his "children" are kidnapping victims forcibly twisted into monsters. Well, except for Luna, but we only know the Blodynbryd side.
But it's weird that for being so rare that we've run into 5 of them in 8 books. There's gotta be a reason for it.. but what?
-Luna starts the series as Toby's Surrogate Mom and is now just straight up an enemy huh
-I made this observation in my book 1 notes, but I find it very interesting that all of Toby's initial friends and allies... aren't by this point. Whereas her current allies are either former enemies or people she initially disliked or distrusted.
Starter allies: Sylvester? Was lying to her the whole time. Luna? Pretty much tried to sacrifice her (+above). Evening? Uhh this whole damn book. Devin? Tried to kill her for personal gain. Lily/Connor? Both killed off for real.
Current allies: Tybalt? Literal former enemy turned lover. Quentin? Kind of a snotty, vaguely racist kid she whips into shape. The Luidaeg? Extremely powerful witch who Toby assumes is True Neutral and wouldn't hesitate to kill her. May? Literal personal walking death omen.
It's just a cool reversal. There's so much really excellent character development in this series and I love it.
-Simon still is a pretty major bastard but.. less outright mustache twirling evil than we were led to believe up to this book. You learn his Backstory and while it really doesn't justify his actions it does...explain them.
-Blink and you miss it Lore: August is missing because she entered a contract with the Luidaeg. She's holding the candle from book 3 :)))
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I'm starting to realize I stan The Luidaeg so hard I just have to take a picture every time she shows up and does stuff lmfao. (Best character).
-But... nothing like your inconceivably ancient and powerful aunt suddenly owing you a life debt, I guess???
-Toby. You know, just an ordinary weak changeling who has somehow managed to KILL A FIRSTBORN and RAISE THE DEAD. yikes.
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I'm just putting this here cause it's funny as shit. Tybalt really is just... a cat
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This book: I heard you like distressing Luidaeg lore??
Me: oh thanks I don't need to feel things
-God Evening is awful. Like, if you didn't know that already, see above.
-It says something about The Luidaeg that despite all that shit their Firstborn did to her she ends up becoming such good friends with Quentin, a Daoine Sidhe?
-BIG LORE with The Luidaeg talking to Maeve??? And Maeve "responding" kind of? This series damn well better explore what the fuck happened to those three it's been built up all series
-Omg the showdown with Evening and The Luidaeg. And Toby managing to break free and realize she deserves so much more than Evening-- all without magic. And Simon showing up for a last minute redemption trying to hit Evening with elf shot? I mean he gets shot in the process, but...
-We now have like, 3 or 4 characters just... asleep indefinitely thanks to elf shot. that's gonna be a Thing isnt it. Rayseline, Evening, Simon, Arden's brother...
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-This is the last full one I've already read. Most of my reactions in 9-12 are gonna be new. So.
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jeuneoiseau · 6 years
I wish i’d asked the cafe to add extra cream cheese to my everything bagel. I probably dont look like a cream cheese whore but i probably dont look like a lot of things. I’ve had people tell me they’ve been surprised at my depth once i showed them more than my bright sided giggles. This upsets me tremendously. Is this what we’ve really come to? That one sees a smiling mouth on a square screen and think that sums it all up? How very boring. Since i was young, i have searched for the “others,” those who were the same as me, held the same values, felt the same feelings. I’ve held hope for years and years that they were out there somewhere (floating). I flew and spent thousands searching and longing to learn and find and there were moments i felt i’d found- but still, after face-to-face-to-face of conversation, there are people who believe that there are bad people. And i’m disappointed every time- that a baby who was born and grew up nurtured or neglected formed a system of beliefs that caused them to think they know. They don’t know. I don’t know. But i know. I might not be able to always sit with my back straight and my chin up because social anxiety says that the world is looking and laughing, but i know. I may have never been in a committed romantic relationship in all my 25 years of living, but i know. I may still have moments of tantrum in trigger, but i know. I know that people are hardly ever what they seem, that we’ve all been trying our best and striving for the best and that it’s rarely ever what we think it will be. We toss all ideals onto tangible things as if the physical world is all there is and we’re left to wonder why we stammer through our sentences, regurgitating words and ideas that have been set out for our starving bones to see as a feast as our foaming mouths reveal the beast- we force ourselves out late at night when we’ve gone well past our limits, we strip ourselves of what need for what we want, what we know for what we see. It’s a disservice to our living hearts- but who and what is to blame? Pain? The name of fun has become one of dread as it hardly means connection anymore. Has there ever been a more blessed and depressed generation than mine? And i get it, i do. I’m not my mind 10 years ago- judging any passerby who glanced at their phone or swore nearby a 2 year old. My oblivion is well put to sleep at this point, and i’m sure there’s a ways to go. But i will not drag my feet through days disclaiming words, telling that my truths are unreliable. I am listening and i am speaking. I know- I know I do. It’s the getting there in conversation, in interaction, in affection that’s got me tripped and wondering. What are we all doing? Why are we not going there? To the furthest that we can? Do we feel anything true? Do we know the things we do? Is everything a reaction of our nerves rather than a knowing of our realms? We have lived lesser than we have been given permission to. And it makes me sad. I wish i could voice what i want. I wish i had asked for more cream cheese.
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trumpet-jesus · 7 years
Hey, am I the only one who's skill at playing could be one of the bests in the section on a normal or good day, but the second my mood drops, anxiety kicks in, depression kicks in, etc, I easily become worse than some of the rookies? And if you have any tips, can I have some to help deal with this? I'm the 5th chair out of 21 trumpets and it just annoys me how unreliable my skill can be.
I have kind of a similar issue where my skill is unreliable, and its usually out of nervousness of being first chair, solo, ect. I haven't gotten rid of it yet but I am close. What helps me is when I am in the such a mood, i think of my at home practice! I act like I am practicing at home, which helps because i practice like Im performing. It also helps to think that its not the end of the world if you mess up. No-one, and I repeat, **no one is a perfect musician without years and years and years of practice**. You're not a perfect musician by skill alone, its mentally too.My teacher has been telling me lately to be honest with myself, and it helps. If you are in a big position/people look up to you, you have to be honest with yourself that you are going to make mistakes, no matter who else was in that position. Sometimes it feels like to me the person before me had so much more skill and i am small in comparison, and i thought that they rarely mess up. The truth is that they do. My private teacher is one of the best trumpet players ive ever met, and if it wasnt for his love of education, i would not doubt he would be in an amazing band. And you know, when i first started getting lessons i thought he was the perfect player, but he has made me realizes that no matter how good they play performing, or rehersing with a band, they will mess up, and it may just be only practicing, because he does mess up from time to time when showing me how to do more complicated things (like trill patterns, slurs that are past a 12th, ect). So be honest with yourself. Practice like you perform so you can perform like you're practicing, and playing for an audience or a judge is like playing for your neighbors (lets be honest, my neighbors judge me for my playing anyway so why not aknowledge it). And above all: stay calm, and relax. You may have 50 auditions and 10000 performances that you are super worried about but if you practice regularly, there is no need to worry. Practiceing 50 hours the week before an audition gets you nowhere. You either know it or not by then. And to be honest, I am still not honest with myself. I try so hard to make everyone like me in my band and try not to act like i rule the world, that I dont properly aknowledge the extent of my ability.Little weird story but i was at the dentist and you know, i have a dentist that actually cares about what i do with my mouth. She asked me "well are you any good?" And the first thing that ran through my head was "no. There are so many people better than me, the others in my section are better than me and so im not that good." But i answered "I guess" whether or not it was true to my thoughts. I do believe i am a decent trumpet player but i have a hard time believeing I am a good musician, and thats because of me, and also the situations i have been through. The last first chair was an amazing player who was good at nailing super high notes, and also very technical stuff. I know i am not at his level, but there has been a while since my school has seen a really great trumprt player like that, and so my director gave him every opportunity like first chsir in jazz banf for 2 years, 3 years in orchestra pit (which is half professionals and half students, director chosen, no audition). And he just graduated, a year older than me, and now I am a senior with less experience. And so i think my director expects me to be at that level too, but im not. He is reasonably very strict with me, but the kicker: he almost never gives out compliments. He has only given out individual compliments like "wow your a great musician and people want to hear you" only 3 times in 4 years. 2 of them were to people who graduated, and one was to a guitarist who has been playing since he was 5. I dont know where i was going with this story ive gotten lost but ill sum everything up: be honest with yourself (with mistaked and being a good musician), practice like you perform so you can perform like you practice, and relax. Im very glad you asked me thid, and this seems to happen everythime i grt one likr this but i just hit a rut too, questioning my ability, and this helped me***i am so sorry this is so long***
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Why strip searches don’t work
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/why-strip-searches-dont-work/
Why strip searches don’t work
Sniffer dogs are as much part of Sydney life today as overpriced brunches and sudden public transport breakdowns.
We’re not just talking about the entrances to music festivals such as Defqon1 and Psyfari — the government has already pulled the plug on those events.
Take a wander through Sydney’s Central station during peak hour and you may well find yourself stopped by police, taken behind a semipublic barricade and stripsearched — even though, statistically, your pockets will probably yield nothing more illicit than a set of house keys.
In an especially baffling case last year, high school leavers had a dozen officers with sniffer dogs swoop in on their year 12 formal.
A report released last week found the number of strip-searches conducted in NSW has increased almost 20-fold in the past 12 years.
Research suggests the overwhelming majority of drug dog searches are fruitless; more often than not, no drugs are found, yet those stopped are still made to endure procedures such as strip searches and “squat and cough” tests many have described as “traumatic” and “dehumanising”.
Police and the NSW Government maintain, however, that searches are necessary to keep the community safe.
This week, news.com.au spoke to more than a dozen young people who had been stripsearched by police on suspicion of being in possession of illicit drugs.
Most requested anonymity, saying they feared reputational damage despite doing nothing wrong.
Here’s what they had to say.
Lucy Moore knows from experience how traumatic strip-searches can be.
In March, the 19-year-old was stopped by a drug dog at Hidden Festival in Sydney. She said she had just one drink at her hotel before arriving, and had neither consumed nor carried any illegal drugs with her to the event.
A police officer told her she had been detected by a sniffer dog, and she was taken away to be stripsearched in a semi-private space.
“Not only did I see other people being searched, during my search the door was left half open and only blocked by the small female cop. I could easily see outside, which means that attendees and the male cops outside could have easily seen in as well,” Ms Moore said.
“Not only this, a girl in the cubicle next to me was also searched with her door still open with a couple cops entering and leaving at will.”
Ms Moore said she was made to “squat and cough” — a practice that entails bending over and coughing under the eye of officers to see if drugs are concealed in the rectal area.
Experts say the practice is legally questionable due to restrictions on anyone but a medical practitioner conducting a body cavity search.
At the end of her “humiliating and embarrassing” ordeal, Ms Moore said she was interrogated, held for over an hour and ultimately still kicked out of the festival — all despite no drugs being found on her.
Legal experts tell news.com.au there have been several cases in recent years of festival-goers being denied entry into events, even though they were not found to be carrying drugs and paid for valid tickets.
“It makes me feel disgusted, for police to constantly be breaching laws and taking advantage of young people who don’t know better. It’s terrifying,” Ms Moore told news.com.au.
A status she posted about the incident in March went viral, with more than 2000 shares and 12,000 reactions on Facebook.
“I think with the festival culture most teens are around these days, that strip-searches from police are something they deal with constantly, so it’s something that they can all relate with,” she said.
Ms Moore never received an apology from police and her ban from Sydney Olympic Park is still in place.
“I’m hoping we can get reform. Change is obviously needed to keep people’s privacy,” she said.
“Only 30 per cent of people will be charged and almost all of them being for very small amounts of drugs for personal use — leaving those 70 per cent with a humiliating and traumatic experience for absolutely no reason. It has to change.”
It’s not just festivals and dance parties where people are targeted. Police dogs are increasingly frequenting train stations, street corners, small pubs and restaurants.
One Sydneysider, who declined to be named, said he was stripsearched a few years ago at Marrickville Bowling Club, a lawn bowls centre in Sydney’s inner west.
“I was violently grabbed by the arms by the police and marched to the entrance of the club, where people were entering and leaving the party,” he told news.com.au.
“In full view of other patrons, they made me take off my shoes and socks, looked inside my underwear and checked all my pockets and wallet, becoming increasingly aggressive and frustrated as they found nothing.
“There was no apology at the end for the wrongful search; they just seemed to assume that I was guilty but they couldn’t find the evidence. I reported the search but nothing came of the report.
“This abuse of power needs to stop.”
Another Sydneysider, who requested only to be identified as Nate, said he was escorted out of a Sydney music festival by police after he was seen texting a friend.
“I was singled out as I was there by myself waiting for a mate who was coming from the other side of Sydney, so I was texting a lot and walking from stage to stage depending who was playing,” he told news.com.au.
Later, as they were dancing in the middle of the dancefloor, he said police tapped both of them on the shoulder and told them to follow them outside.
“We were both sober as a judge,” he said.
Nate described a setting in which a large group of police officers and security guards made him drop his pants and underwear, and pull up his shirt to be patted down.
“It made me feel very uncomfortable and like a criminal for doing absolutely zero wrong,” he said. “I asked the security why we were targeted. They said that they had seen me walking around texting constantly on my phone and then meeting my mate, they followed us in to where we were dancing.
“Getting pulled out in front of others we knew as well and explaining it to them after was a sh*t feeling.”
Do you think stripsearching is excessive? Comment below
Another young woman gave evidence in July at an inquest into six drug-related festival deaths over the summers of 2017 and 2018.
The woman, whose identity was suppressed, told the NSW Coroners Court heavy security at a music festival she attended made her feel “like a criminal” and that the officer in charge threatened to strip-search her “nice and slow”.
“Everyone was staring at me,” she said. “I have been stripsearched twice and they’ve never found anything on me.”
“She said, ‘If you don’t tell me where the drugs are I’m going to make this nice and slow,’” the woman said of the female police officer who conducted the test. “She made me take my shorts off and my underwear.
“Then she made me squat and cough … and then I had to turn around and squat and cough.”
It is legal for police to request a drug search if they have reasonable suspicion to do so.
But aspects of this process — such as what constitutes “reasonable suspicion” and the validity of the “squat and cough” method — fall into a grey area.
Jahan Kalantar, a lawyer who represents young people convicted after drug dog searches, told news.com.au their experiences are often “traumatic” and “terrifying”.
He said police needed to establish grounds to justify a search.
Drug dogs are an important part of this, but because they’re notoriously unreliable, police use other undisclosed, vague information to select a person. Police might claim that you look nervous, or that your behaviour suggests you’ve taken illicit substances, but there is no official checklist.
The initial search involves removing your accessories and outer layers — backpacks, handbags, coats and hats. At this stage, police can turn out your pockets, pat you down, search your hair and instruct you to open your mouth.
NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge, who runs the anti-drug dog initiative Sniff Off, has long advocated against the practice.
“Often you’re surrounded by six or seven police officers with dogs nearby. It can be very intimidating,” Mr Shoebridge said.
“If nothing is found in that first search, what they should do is apologise and let people go on their way,” he said.
But statistics show this is not the case, with people increasingly being taken away for full strip-searches.
A strip-search, according to experts, involves the removal of clothing but should not extend to making the person expose their breasts or genital areas. They must also be conducted by a member of the same sex.
The “squat and cough” practice is arguably illegal, according to Mr Shoebridge, as it constitutes a “body cavity search” and thus requires a medical practitioner to be present.
Mr Shoebridge said it also breached “the overarching requirement to preserve privacy and dignity”.
“It’s far from uncommon. It’s a regular occurrence,” he added.
Mr Kalantar said the legality of “squat and cough” was murky.
“Police are not trained to the extent of, say, a clinical doctor,” he told news.com.au. “I think it’s certainly a dirty practice.
“I don’t understand how it’s a good usage of police resources.
“If you’re a father or a mother, do you really want police tapping on your children’s genitals? Do you really want a state that says it’s OK for this to occur? I have several clients who have been stripsearched — some of whom are child sex abuse survivors. It’s traumatic for them. It reawakens that torment. (Strip-searches) should only be used on very special occasions.”
Police authorities stand by the prevalence of drug dogs and strip-searches, arguing it’s an effective way to ensure community safety.
News.com.au put a series of questions to NSW Police regarding the number of strip-search operations at Central station, the number of strip-searches conducted in NSW overall, and the cost of running operations involving drug dogs.
A spokesperson for NSW Police said the force detected illicit drugs on 1553 occasions during field strip-searches last year.
“Police officers do not enjoy carrying out strip-searches, but it is a power that has been entrusted to us and searches reveal drugs and weapons,” a spokesperson said.
“People who are trying to hide such items frequently secrete them in private places, and the only way to locate them is by a strip-search, which may involve asking the person to squat.
“Police are trained not to rely solely on a drug-detection dog indication when they exercise their search powers.”
Police said 82 per cent of strip-searches over the past five years resulted in either drugs being found on the person, or the person admitting to recent use or possession.
These statistics are incongruous with separate research conducted by the Redfern Legal Centre, Sniff Off and the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, which all argued the figure of “false positives” was far higher.
Samantha Lee, solicitor and head Redfern Legal Centre’s police accountability practice states:
“This figure is misleading, because admitting to recent use or possession of drugs is not an offence. To be charged with possession of a prohibited drug police must prove a person knowingly had possession of the drug at the time of their interaction with police. Also, the mere possession of a prohibited drug on its own would not meet the legal requirements of ‘serious’ and urgent’ to conduct a strip search.”
Police also said strip-searches were only carried out in a minority of cases, but did not comment on their increase over the past decade.
“Field strip-searches represent fewer than 1 per cent of the total number of all searches in NSW. Only about 20 per cent of strip-searches are initiated following a drug-detection dog indication. The majority of person searches carried out by police are not strip-searches.
“Training for police in how to undertake a person search occurs at the Police Academy and is reinforced in a number of forums throughout an officer’s career.”
The NSW government likewise takes an unapologetically hard-line approach to combating drug use.
Appearing on the ABC Q&A panel last week, Premier Gladys Berejiklian was asked about the rise in strip-searches.
She argued safety should ultimately take first priority, and the presence of police and drug dogs was the best way to ensure that safety.
“We want to make sure people are safe when they attend any event, music festival or otherwise, but also that they’re treated respectfully and appropriately,” the Premier said. “So, we’re always looking at ways in which we can improve the respect that young people feel they’re receiving. But also, the difficult thing that I have as Premier is keeping the community safe. It’s always difficult knowing where to draw the line on what community safety means.
“The bottom line is, and you could call me old-fashioned if you like, but illegal drugs are illegal for a reason.
“Please go and have fun and enjoy yourselves, but don’t risk not coming back to your family and friends, because there’s nothing worse than seeing a young person’s life lost.”
Legal experts say you can’t refuse a search if it’s demanded, but it’s important to stress that you don’t consent to the search.
“The first thing you need to say is that you do not consent. Be polite, be affable, but say you do not consent,” Mr Kalantar said.
By making police note that you don’t consent to a search, the evidence may be put aside if the search is later found to be unlawful, he explained.
That said, you should always comply with police requests, as refusing to be stripsearched would likely land you in hot water.
Mr Kalantar also recommended you ask police if you are free to leave, and stressed that you had the right to request to speak to a lawyer.
He said there were some cases — such as being under 18 or of indigenous background — where you were afforded extra protections.
If a person is found to have drugs on them, the consequences range in severity depending on the quantity and police officer in question.
If the amount is small enough to warrant personal consumption — say, a single joint or a couple of pills — Mr Shoebridge says police can choose to issue a caution or an infringement notice, which doesn’t require court attendance.
But police can also choose to take it further. “Police can, purely at their own discretion, decide to formally charge you and make you go to court,” he said. “This can have devastating consequences.”
That said, even if police didn’t find drugs on you, they have the power to deny you entry into a festival — as was the case with Ms Moore.
“Getting your money back is only half the battle,” said Mr Kalantar, who confirmed several clients of his had had their tickets confiscated in these circumstances. “There’s all these extra costs — hotels, travelling interstate, petrol.
“It’s a ludicrous position that a young person attends a festival but just because an indication is made, they may lose the right to attend that festival.”
Ultimately, Mr Kalantar stressed it was important not to jump to conclusions if you’re issued with a court notice, or assume your life is over.
“I really want young people to understand it’s OK to make mistakes, and there are people who can help them and it’s OK,” he said. “Mistakes like this won’t ruin your life.”
@gavindfernando | [email protected]
Source link Dog Training Information
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110718311 · 6 years
this idea came to me either in the writing class i take at grub st, trident books on newbury st, or on the way to trident books on newbury st. i had been thinking about my inability to read and write this past week (which id like to say more about later). i handed in nothing for workshop this week, and felt bad about it, while at the some time feeling there was nothing i could have done to prevent my handing in nothing. i tried to write creatively. the prompt was to write a story in the form of a letter, a pretty easy jumping off point. after a few days of avoidance, i started: “Dear X,” i wrote. I liked the indeterminate receiver, that it seemed like a redaction, an omission, that only X would know this letter was to them. I also liked it because it reminded me of Fleur Jaeggy’s story “I am the brother of XX,” and the large capital X felt powerful and mysterious. the actual content of the letter/story i had to write wasn’t blatantly bad but i wasnt interested enough to continue with it. it started to be about a man, in my head this man looked a lot like Samuel Becket, and how he was getting along without his wife or whoever took care of him at home, whether she/they had died, left him, or went out for milk i hadnt decided; he was falling all the time, a mention of falling in the shower was where the story started, and often bumping his head. all this falling and bumping was meant to be indicated also in the style of the letter writer, in abrupt and broken sentences. i couldnt stay with this and ended up stopping. a few days later i started writing to another X, this time an actual ex, and i started to write down everything i wanted to apologize for, and this was a waste of time and a study in pitying myself and generally feeling bad, so i stopped that a few hours after it had been started, but damage was done.
this was all in the days leading up to the class. the class is held on the fifth floor of a very old building on boylston street. the first floor of this building im pretty sure used to be a piano showroom. the windows are large but blacked out; theres a sign about steinways having been moved to a different, unnamed location. the entryway, the steps, and the pillars are all marble. there is an old sign that displays the names of the businesses that used to occupy the building: some of the letters have fallen away or dangle by their pegs, so beneath the dusty glass the words look like ancient epigraphs. ive only been able to register this sign board but ive never had the chance to look to long at it. i dont want to be caught staring at it or reading it and be asked what im doing by any of the adult-people who work in the building, so i never linger. though i worry about being “caught,” there is never anyone around; usually when i enter the foyer it is empty and dark. today, i saw that they were renovating the first floor, repainting the walls or something so it was sealed off and large swaths of painter’s canvas were spread over the hardwood floors.
the elevator in the foyer/lobby is old and unreliable and it scares me. today i wasnt able to ride it because whenever i hit the button for the fifth floor, a bell would chime and the doors would shutter in their frame and retreat back. after hitting the door closed button a few times i decided to get out. i always have to duck my head when im getting in or out of elevators. im afraid some large sliding monolith will fall through the crack between the elevator and the floor and kill me. ducking doesnt really do anything. if anything i look like im sticking my head in a guillotine. but it gets me over the threshold.
i take the stairs. there is renovation being done on the third floor as well. the stairwell is dusty and smells like chemicals. i get worried. when i get to the third floor and see the work being done: more painter’s canvas, with fans whirring and windows open letting in fresh, clean air. i dont linger. im able to climb the stairs to the fifth floor and calm myself. i dont mean to make it seem like im a worried or nervous person; i dont think i really am; im just that way a lot.
the point of all this is to talk about the class, which is led by a writer named Kit and attened by nice middle-aged and old people and myself. i wont get into everyone in the room, but just imagine theyre all there. i dont know why i keep going and i dont know why kit keeps teaching. some of the people are quite old and not always fully keyed into whats going on. im hardly one to judge people on their ability to be present, since i was actively somewhere else for the last hour of the class, a movement away from my body provoked by a story by an old english-born, boston-living, irishman named michael about a man who was molested by a priest when he was young, who has had to deal with a lifetime of guilt and anger. michael said he didnt know where this story came from. but i dont think that was true. either way i was remarkably distant afterwards. my thoughts were tangled up in other things, my hands were shaking, my arms and shoulders and neck felt hot and prickly, and my brain was burning.
i think this might have been when this idea came to me. it was more of an image than an idea. i saw large chunks of text on a webpage. and frankly this is all i want out of writing these days. i want large, dense paragraphs of black text. i dont want to care anymore about how good it is. i just want it out of me and down somewhere in black serif font. so this is what im doing.
after class, my body and brain still buzzing, i walked the long blocks of the back bay to trident books where i thought about this more, the text, the large amounts of it. i was hardly able to read any of the books i picked up. my eyes skid over the print and i could only pick up stray words and would have to imagine what the sentence probably was, then i would put the book back. i have this problem with reading, other than the current problem of not reading, that is more like a lexical dysfunction or something that i’d like to say more about later. having these problems with reading and writing and books in general, i decided that though i like these things very much, i am not a writer. i miss so much when i read. and write so slowly and poorly, that i cant vest myself in these as part of myself. im moving these to the outskirts for now, but they are still dear.
all this writing is about the black print. today is about the black print, the text, huge mounds of it.
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I want a Kia soul as my first car. Im trying to get a job and save up to buy it and to be able to pay for my insurance. But is this car 'too much' as a first car for a teenager? Because my grandpa has a 05 Toyota corolla that he said he would give to me. So its really either the car I want or a free car. What would you do or what do you think its the best thing for be to do?
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
""Can I get auto insurance coverage with my sister's auto insurance? (Boston, MA)?""
I will be visiting my sister who lives in Boston, Massachusetts. I will have to drive her car but I do not have my own auto insurance. My sister, of course, have her auto insurance (through Commerce Insurance) which has full coverage. The question is, will I be able to receive coverage (with my sister's insurance) in case I get into an accident?""
Whats a good insurance company?
Hi guys!I just bought my first bike and I'm trying to find out which insurance company is cheap? I bought Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I need full coverage insurance. I just don't know how to get a insurance for my bike please help. Please tell me everything I should know aboout.
Cheapest second hand cars to insure for over 25 year olds uk?
ok so i'm 27 just passed my driving licence money is an issue I need to buy a cheap second hand car any know a website or know which is the cheapest type of cars I can get for cheapest insurance quotes please?
What is an annuity insurance?
What is an annuity insurance?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
What auto insurance should I have for a car that stays in garage?
I live in California, I do have a car that I am not using anymore and it stays in the garage until I decide to sell it. By California law, is there any law that you must have insurance for car? even if it is not being used. if there is a law then what is my best options for auto insurance? Thanks, I appreciate any answer!""
Should I buy Home Owners Insurance or Renters Insurance?
I am buying a home on a land contract. Should I get home owners or renters? Also if I carry the insurance does the owner have to carry a policy too?
Motorbike insurance for a 17 year old?
hey so i was wandering i havent got a full liscence uet but am planning on doing it soon and was just wandering how much insurance would be for a Kawasaki ninja 250R i no there are other factors but just on average for someone of my age or if my dad who has a full bike liscence for a long time was to insure it and have me as named rider?
California motorcycle/moped laws?
Hello, I'm moving to california from florida in a month to start college, and I intend to sell my car here and get a moped or a motorcycle over there instead to save a little money. I don't know the laws on motorcycles there? i know in florida if its less than 50cc you don't need a motorcycle license or insurance. what about california? if you need insurance how much $/year are we talking? I don't know squat about motorcycles and I've never even rode one or understood the whole gears thing. if someone could recommend a few brands or even whether to get a motorcycle or a moped/scooter (is there a diff?) i have a tight budget (1-1.5K) any advice would be awesome!!!! <3""
Which would have cheaper insurance a 06 charger or 06 bmw 330i?
Which would have cheaper insurance a 06 charger or 06 bmw 330i?
What happens if your insurance lapses in florida?
And your license ends up getting suspended for non-payment/failure to have insurance? What is the process to getting it back? How much does it all cost? Will my insurance go up?
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
How are car insurance companies regulated?
Are car insurance companies regulated by any state or federal offices?
Answers to life insurance test?
answers to life insurance & applications test
Does bike insurance go up?
Was just wondering if motorcycle insurance Companies put their prices up In summer/at beginning of summer. I got a quote about a month ago for 400 on a bike, just got another qoute on the same bike for over 1000!! Is this because it's basically summer and more bikers will be out? So they whacked there prices up?""
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17, but plan on registering and getting insurance in my name when I am 18. I'm a female, I live in Georgia and I'm just now getting my license. My car is a 96 Toyota Tercel. A piece of crap that runs, but she's my piece of crap :D help?""
""Need cheap auto insurance, Arizona?""
only drive 2 miles a couple times a week, never had a accident or ticket; 63yrs old,Mesa,AZ""
Whats the cheapest way to haul my truck around.?
jsut got a mud truck with no titlte or insurance obviously so i need to tow the truck to the woods. whats gunna be the cheapest way?
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cheap temp car insurance michigan
""How much would an insurance company give me to repair Keying damage, three hood dents, and 3 areas of chips?""
My car was badly vandalized about a month ago and i made a claim to my insurance company. I originally decided to take my car into one of their many One Stop shops, where i would only have to pay the 250 dollar deductible and have my car completely repaired. Since then i was laid of from work and have been going through alot of money trouble. I have been considering just having an adjuster come out and write a check for the damages and repair only some of the damage at a friends shop. My question is... how much would the adjuster write off for... Deep key scratches down to the metal, a line all around the car. (20 feet) Three dents on the hood (about 6in diameter) three areas that where hit, and began to chip( about 5in in diameter each) It seems desperate. I know, because i am. I would appreciate any answers, please do not judge me and this situation, i'm just curious if it would be a somewhat wise decision. If you have nothing nice to say, please refrain from commenting, im depressed enough as it is. Thanks!""
Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?
Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?
Explain why auto insurance costs are so high for young drivers?
please EXPLAIN in the longest way possible
""Car insurance, help!!?""
Hi I am 17, soon to be 18 in January! i have not took my test yet but it is very soon, if i pass i am looking to get a citroen c1 or peugeot 107, the maximum i am willing to pay on insurance is 2800, maybe 3000. I cant seem to find a quote reasonable anywhere, i dont know if it is something im doing wrong. I will not be getting the car until my 18th birthday so i would be 18 when the policy starts not 17 if that helps. Would anyone be able to help me???? thanks""
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Anyone know how I can go about canceling my Gerber LIfe Insurance?
Hi when my daughter was born I applie for a Life Insurance company called the Gerber Life Insurance policy. I've been paying it for about 2 years now but would like to cancel it. Does anyone else have it, can you please explain the benefits? or how I can go about canceling it and will my money be returned. Thanks!""
Insurance company totalled my car.?
I was recently in a minor accident in which someone backed into me. Their insurance company accepted 100% of the liability. They are telling me that they are deeming it as a total loss. My question is, once they determine the actual cash value of the car, minus the salvage and give me the difference, will my title be a salvaged title? I live in Missouri and drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple of different people have informed me that beings my car is over 7 years old it will NOT have a salvaged title but according to the insurance company it will. Also do I get the actual cash value minus the salvage amount or do I get the repair estimate amount minus the salvage amount? The car is completely drivable and only has a minor crack in the bumper along with a puncture in the a/c condenser which I can have replaced. I want to keep the car.""
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
Should I have my own insurance while using someone else's car?
The other person owns the car and has it insured in his name but is allowing me to use it until I can get another car. Should I or even can I have my own insurance policy on his car? I live in Michigan and my previous car was hit and totaled. Trying to buy/finance another car after only working full time again since Feb. is near impossible.
Fronting car insurance?
I made a separate thread about me being a second driver but owning the vehicle,i wont actually be using the vehicle as much as the main driver,Hence me being the second driver.The answers i got back were You're fronting and its fraud blablabla . Is it fronting if i am a second driver but own the vehicle?Surely if i dont use the vehicle as much as the main driver then reguardless of who owns it thats correct..?""
Car Insurance and clueless teenagers?
Considering the kind of questions we are getting by 16 year olds regarding car insurance we could safely assume that they aren't ready to drive at all! Maybe raise the minimum age to 18? Might even save a few lives!
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2001 Lamborghini Diablo? Haven't found anything online.?
Me and my friend were just online looking up Lamborghini prices and was wondering what the insurace would be. Couldn't find anything online that would give a quote. Anyone know where to go or know this?
What's the cheapest insurance i can get?
I live in NYC, i'll be 18 in feb next year and i want to know how much i would have to pay for it. I can't be under someone else's insurance. I don't even have a car yet but it probably won't be anything over 7000 and probably 1990's or early 2000's. Thanks.""
Rear ended in a three car crash. Who's insurance is liable?
I was rear ended in a 3 car crash, I am the first one. Car 2 hit me first ( I feel 2 impact), then car 3 slightly bump the car 2. My rear bumper ( car 1) damaged and the front of car 2 got heavy damage. the rear bumper of car 2 almost no damage. also, the front of car 3 look like new. Problem is car 2 insurance only agreed to pay 50% because they said after car 2 rear end me , car 3 rear end car 2 that make further damage to my rear bumper. Car 3 insurance will not pay anything because base on the damage they found, car 3 can't make any damage to me. The repair cost is less than 1000 ( my deductable) , I don't want to use my own insurance to repair my car, coz I think my ins co will not fight for my 1000 deductable. What I can do? I am not agreed what the car 2 insurance co said. Should I go to small claim court or.... its only 850 dollars.""
Secondary insurance for a Mustang for a 16 year old male?
My parents are going to get me an 2008 mustang. If the car is under their name and im just the secondary user, like if i drive it once a month, how much am i looking at insurance wise?""
Is progressive auto insurance reliable?
I just bought a 2009 Honda Civic EX. I've checked various quotes online based on my info, and they range near the $2000 (sometimes, just a 6 month policy). I just checked progressive, and it estimated a quote near the $1380 a year, that is $689.90 (6 month policy). It's a BIG difference, that's why I want to know what I'm getting into, any inputs???""
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I'm 17 now, but planning on getting my bike at 18. I'm thinking about getting a Kawaski Ninja 250R or a 500R sports bike.I live in California.""
What a rough estimate of what it would cost me to insure a fifth-wheel?
I'm going to be in it full-time. It's 36 feet, purchase price: $32K (it's a 2001 model). Anyone have *any* idea? How many people insure their fifthwheels? I'm going to have a truck (buying a 2002 that's going to need insurance as well. Argh. Trying to figure out what I can afford, with regard to trailer and truck (and park fees etc...) Thanks so much!""
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
How old to Sell Life and Health Insurance in Kansas?
Today I had an interview for Penn Life Insurance, and Im 17. He told me to join license2go so they could prepare me for my license test, and then to take my test. Well I was wondering if I had to be 18 to sell insurance? how would I approach him on this manner?""
Can I have two cars under two separate car insurance companies read my situation please!?
I have my own insurance on my own car with Farmers Insurance. However, my best friend just bought a new car and her insurance rate sucks. Can I insure my friends car under my name with Gieco and add my friend as a secondary driver and keep my Farmers insurance under my own car? Also, is there any way that Farmers would no if I did this? Do I have to tell anyone I have two insurance companies? Just put insurance, right? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!""
How much did your car AND insurance cost?!?
I need to do an independent survey for my maths GCSE and i need to know how much your car cost and how much it cost to insure it. Need aout 50 answers overall. 30 at least. Please answer, thankyou!""
""How much cheaper would it be to go under my dads insurance for a van, if it was 2000 on my own policy? (Year)?""
My INSURANCE quote is around 2000 Annual for my Ford Transit Van. Im 17 years of age and would really like this to be a tad cheaper for the first year until I get my little own run Business going a bit more. Is there anybody who can give me an estimate on how much Im looking at if I went under my fathers Insurance? Cheers Guys! Jack Osborne. All Answers Appreciated. (Added - I am not able to get a quote from my dads insurance people so we are changing it over. Please do NOT give me nasty answers as these will be classed as immature) If you haven't got anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all.""
Is full comp' car insurance worth having ?
Apart from paying lower premiums and having to pay for repairs to ones own vehicle are there any disadvantages to just having third party fire and theft insurance ? I've had full comp for years, my car (10 years old ) was walloped by an unknown driver reversing in my driveway which caused broken lights and superficial bodywork damage, I've since been told by my insurance company that it's not economically viable to repair it - they would write it off less a 150 excess fee. Apparently, according to my garage this is common practise on any car over five years old. Yet at no time did the insurance company advise me of this so essentially I was paying extra for nothing. So, do you know of any other reason why I should keep the full comp' or just change to third party ?""
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cheap temp car insurance michigan
""Will my insurance rates go up if I got a ticket for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 in Broward County, FL?""
I was just pulled over for driving in the HOV lane on I-95 and got a ticket for $165 (kinda steep in my opinion, but the cop said he wasn't giving me a ticket for speeding). The cop said that I won't get points on my record and I verified that with the Florida Department of Motor Vehicle's web-site. I know I'm guilty so I'll just pay the ticket. Will my insurance rates go up if I do that? Should I plead no contest and go to traffic school? I'd still have to pay for my traffic ticket if I did that, but if going that route would stop my insurance rates from going up then it will financially worth it in the long run.""
How much should I expect insurance company to pay?
i was driving my 95 civic coupe, and was waiting for the green light, so it turned green and i started going, and was rear-ended by a 2008 ford f-150 with a brush guard, his truck wasn't damaged except for a dent on the brush guard. my car had the trunk smashed in a little, and the bumper was smashed in too, but after the crash, i tried to move my car, and it wouldn't go into gear, and there was oil all over the road, so i suspected my manual transmission was damaged as well, my friend confirmed this when he looked under and said the transmission was cracked. we both got whiplash from the accident, and the police officer determined that the guy in the ford was at fault. i have nationwide liability insurance and the other guy had nationwide as well""
Surgery and insurance?
if my surgery is going to cost me $3,500..and i have a $5,000 dollar deductible on my insurance..then i can't use my insurance can i? =(.. pretty much i have to pay for the surgery..BUTTTT if my surgery was let's say about $7,000.. then that means insurance company would pay $5000 and i would pay the rest of $2000 rightttt???? sorry...i'm just trying to understand this and make sure""
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
Who lives in Kentucky and wants to find a car that's cheap but will get him around without breaking down. Know what I mean? He has $2,100 out of college money to help pay until January. Then he gets more o.o So what do you think? What should my friend do?""
If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance?
The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online?
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
Car insurance question?
I live in indiana and my friend lives in texas. He has car loan for a car but is going to let me just take over the payments. The loan will still be in his name but I will be paying for it. Can I get the car insurance under my name??
Do i need insurance to learn a driver to drive?
My friend has got insurance on his car on his provisional do I need insurance to teach him drive it I'm a full licence holder for 4 yaer
Stick with USAA auto insurance? Or shop around?
I always thought they were not just the best, but also the cheapest (if you qualify to insure with them). But I'd like confirmation of this, or other opinions... should I shop around for my auto insurance? Switching to another insurer seems almost unthinkable - I've only ever been with USAA...""
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
Car insurance for first car?
hello! How much did you paid for car insurance at the first time when you get your first car?
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
""Car accident,no insurance?
My Sister got into a car accident . well they hit her in rear side of the car. Tough it wasnt her fault does the other person pay for the damages even though she doesnt have any car insurance? This happend at her school. She was hit by another student that she knows that attends there...no police report was made but she gave us her information. ...So what im asking does it matter if she doesnt have car insurance? can she still have her car fixed?
Lowering insurance premiums in BC?
In BC after I get my class 5 drivers license(no longer an N) Is it likely my monthly insurance cost will go down?
Auto Insurance in Indiana?
I have had Progressive for many years and no claims.We do deserve cheaper rates because of our age and driving record and low mileage. I recieved a much lower quote from Indiana Farmers Mutal Insurance. I have a 2000 Tahoe that is like right off the show room floor and I understand most companies are allowed to relace parts from a junk yard or for much lower than would it would cost unless it is under 2 years old. Has anyone placed a claim with either of these companies and what was your satisfaction? Because of the condition of our Tahoe, which is perfect and just over 30 thousand miles and a limited edition, who has ideas on the best auto insurance out here in Indiana?""
Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle?
Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?
Car Insurance Coverage?
I've a question regarding car insurance coverage. If I scraped my car while parking in a garage will they cover the repairs for it? What portion of the insurance coverage is that? Would it be comprehensive? Thanks.
What if my parents don't have insurance?
Well my i just found out since my dad got fired, we don't have insurance anymore and i can't go to the orthodontist any more either. I'm wondering why couldn't we just buy permanent insurance so we don't have to deal with this in case one of them looses a job. Shouldn't the whole affordable act thing make health insurance cost less? Or has it not I'm only 16 so i have no clue.""
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
1965 Insurance Estimate/quote?
Listen it has crossed my mind, since i live in an area with many, many 1965,66 mustangs (that are half restored, with okay engines) for sale for like 1200$ right, pretty beat up, but motor is fine. and i am 16, and i see these mustangs fly by, unnoticed and un-bought, and i thought i might want one for myself, for personal use. so what would be a average yearly (monthly also if you can) insurance cost, for personal use, say 5000-12000 miles a year, don't give me crap about mpg, or safety, or you won't find one for that price (looking at local paper, 8 listings, lowest one 750$ runs!, highest 1500$ runs!) okay THESE ARE ALL COUPES!!! NOT FATBACKS, (But try and list if you can, sepretly of course) PS: DON'T ANSWER THIS IF YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, PREFERABLE MUSTANG INTHUSIST, OR OWNER PLEASE!!! i am 16, no bad driving record, curently male, white, kentucky citizen, well another question, how much do you think a passenger and drivers side door for a 1965/66 coupe would go for, and what about a seat (passenger/driver) saw one that was close to restored missing a few things. thought i might ask as well. please help!""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 25 year old?
I had mi license for a year now, im driving a 1991 lexus""
Age Of 16 to fill up a car insurance quote?
why car insurance agent put 16 on car insurance quote even you got your license when you were 18...?
Which is cheaper on insurance a 93 civic dx coupe or 95 ford f150 2 wheel?
Please let me know, Which is cheaper on insurance for a new driver, a 1995 ford f150 single cab 2 wheel drive, or a 1993 honda civic dx coupe? please don't tell me to get a quote, I will later. just give me an idea please....thanks guys and gals!!!""
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cheap temp car insurance michigan
Car Insurance rates for a new driver.?
Hello so my question is what kind of apr would a driver around 19 or 20 get for a new car, i am looking at a Toyota Corolla, with no preexisting credit. I understand that I would need a cosigner and that is not an issue. I would just like to see what type of apr I should be expecting so I may save and plan accordingly. Thank You.""
Sue car insurance company?
Hi there. I have a question. I want to SUE my Car insurance company because they refuse to pay for my stolen car which is been more then 6 months and still hasn't been recovered. I was paying full coverage for about 4 months till the moment my Range Rover 1998 was stolen. After filing proper claims i get a letter from my insurance that they denied the claim. The reason why was because i misrepresented myself. and what they meant by that was that when i signed the contract i selected NO in a question ( Has your license ever been suspended or revoked) Now let me explain how this happened. I got the insurance thru my broker. Everything was done by phone. My broker happened to be family of dear friend of mine. At the time i asked for insurance my driver license was suspended already suspended and the reason why was because of child support for which i was going thru courts with my ex. First i decided to insure my car liability and my car was paid in full. On the liability contract it wasn't any question regarding my driver license either was suspended or not. After a week or so i thought to myself that if i get in a accident god forbid and it was my fault i have to may myself for damages and you know for such a car would be very expensive so i asked my broker if i can changed it to full coverage and so they did. on the day i did the change the girl that worked for my broker and assisting me asked me Klodian you are aware your license is suspended. I said yes and i explained the reason y. So she found this insurance company for a low price and she emailed me the contract to sign and fax it to her. now under the questions which i saw of course latter after i was denied claim i saw they were marked all NO and that was done on computer not hand writing. which of course in this case was done by the girl that helped me. Now my broker told me that insurance company should had run your driving record before they issue insurance to you and if they done that they were gone see your driver lisence was suspended. But when my broker asked them why they didnt run it Their answer was that they trusted me based on the contract i signed which to my opinion is BS. Now i want to sue them and all the lawyers they refuse to get my case and my believe is because my car is worth about $4800.00 and they don't see how they can make money out of me and i don't have to pay them up front. Now if i go on small claim max i can go is $3000.00 ????
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
Would I get a good insurance price for a 1.8 liter car?
Me and my dad are talking about my first car and I was looking online and I see one that I liked but it's a 1.8 liter is it a good idea and if it does matter it's a mercedes ce 300 1995 also would it come under classic insurance
Motorcycle Insurance?
I'm 19 yrs. old, and I'm going to be getting a 2008 Harley XL Sportser 883L, I'm going to be getting my license very soon, and I was wondering about insurance rates, anyone have an idea what my rate might be?""
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?
What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
Cheapest auto insurance in CA?
Cheap and best insurance for me.?
I have a 99 dodge intrepid 4-D sedan and I am looking for an auto insurance for it. I have a clean driving history with no tickets since I got my drivers license (1.5 years ago). Please help me find an auto insurance in a way that I dont spend too much and yet covered. Thanks in advance.
Retiring at 62 need health insurance?
I live in Florida, work at Walmart. How can I get health insurance if I retire at age 62?""
How long will it take for your auto insurance cost to go down?
How long will it take for your auto insurance cost to go down?
""For me, the auto insurance company USAgencies is cheaper than Progressive, Geico, All State, State Farm, ...?""
....Direct, The General, and Safe Auto. Does anyone have an auto insurance company not mentioned above that is cheaper than USAgencies? Do not send my links of places that quote different companies. I want to know from your personal experience.""
I need affordable pet insurance for my dog any suggestions. I cant pay more than 20 monthly right now?
I need affordable pet insurance for my dog any suggestions. I cant pay more than 20 monthly right now?
Car Insurance ?
How much do you think it would cost to put my daughter on my AAA (triple A) policy? She's 18 just got a 2001 Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 miles on it. If anyone could help out, thanks!""
Health insurance and pre-existing conditions.?
Hello, question. If I have health insurance now, find out I have a condition, then get a different job and change health insurance, am I in the pre-existing condition status with the new insurance? I'm curious because as of now the only reason I keep my health insurance is just in case as with any insurance and I don't want to have to pick up insurance after finding out something is wrong, as I understand it doesn't work that way, that's the catch. However, what if I find a condition while I have insurance, go off of it between jobs and get insurance back? Does that mess with things? Is there a way around it? Thanks""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
What kind of insurance do i need for a produce business?
me and my family are starting up a produce farm and are woundering what kind of insurance we should look into for this.
""Do you have to insure a car, if you dont drive it?""
I am 17 and currently learning to drive. I have found an ideal car, peugeot 106 quiksilver to precise. and looking at the specs i really do like this particular one that for sale at the car showroom. It will be another 2 months untill i finish all my classes and take the driving practical test. by this time this car may be sold and i might miss it. Due to the high car insurence for young/new driviver myself and me with the provisional liscense, it may be something that i cant afford. So i want to buy the car and park it in my street. so here is the question: Will the veichal need to be insured if i dont drive and just intend to leave it parked at all time on a driveaway/street? and will it be illegal if i do not insure it? P.S. i am intending to to drive the car only after i pass my practical test and also after taking Passplus""
Does anyone know the cost of insurance for an infiniti g37 for a 18 year old boy?
Apparently, the dealer says infiniti g37 aren't technically sports cars so the insurance wouldn't be too high for my son. I'm not to sure though..can anyone clear this matter up?""
I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.
Who offeres the best home insurance?
Who offeres the best home insurance?
I need Auto Insurance?
I'm in a dilemma! I need auto insurance to get my drivers license back but I don't own a car. I need a non-owners policy but I can't get coverage because theirs a car in the household. how can I get a policy?
Can you help me find scooter insurance?
Hello I have a 125cc scooter,i live in the u.k,does someone know where I can get cheap scooter insurance and link me to the site you got it from thanks josh""
Do auto insurance companies have to look at your driving record?
I have never had a vilolation. My husband has. He had one in 2006 for running a red light and one in 2008 for driving too fast for conditions. Well naturally this has given me higher payments. I was with Liberty Mutual and for liability only (my car isn't worth full coverage) I was paying $124 a month. My husbands pay was cut drastically at work so I was shopping around for cheaper insurance. I called Geico and they offered me liability for $55 a month. She came on and asked if I knew he had two tickets and at the time I didn't because I didn't know my husband in 2006. The lady told me my payments were going to be $144 with them and when I told her no she put me on hold. When she returned she offered me the $55. She read back to me everything I am getting which is a lot more than what I was getting from Liberty Mutual for a lot less price. Is it possible they just dissmissed the report to gain us as customers? I was cooking dinner at the time and my kids started playing loud so all I really heard was cha ching lol.
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0 notes
quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
3-3 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: Got to the next one. Funny name.
Q: Hey this is like the game over thing :0
Q: Didn't even start and I lost already
Q: What did I do wrong Gumshoe
Maya shut up
Q: The hell happened
Q: Crap how and why would anybody dress as me
Q: Idea: killer was also phoney me
Q: Wow this place is fancy
Q: The fancy place reset :0
This place is great
Q: Where the HELL did my magic rock go D:<
I don't see it in my inventory!!!
Q: Oh thank you locks for still appearing
I was very worried a bout it not being in my inventory
Q: ...to the park?
Q: Mr what is that red thing on your nose I think you should stop touching it
Q: Doves are usually grey too
Q: Apples are good. Let's talk about that. What is your favorite Apple phoenix? I myself like granny Smith's and pink ladies
Q: Iell I didn't get the old man to talk but it seems the newspaper I got landed Maya a job so
Q: Wow Maya is actually gone. Guess it is time to examine everything again
Q: Well it seems the detention center has reset so that is good
Whatever she isn't here
Office reset
Haha I should really be more upset when Maya leaves
Whatever she is fine
Q: Yay the police station reset!
Whatever godot is fun
Q: Of only somebody pointed out one of the many many differences between me and the phoney that trial
Q: Godot I give you passed on a lot of things and I like you but I really wanna know why you hate me
Q: Alright were going back to fancy restaurant
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this part was great actually
BF: Hahaha
And then Maya was kidnapped by the effeminate restauranteur, the end
Q: oh hey the restaurant reset. Examine everything?
oh no there is a person here
hell other your head looks like it had been hurt :(
goodbye i guess
Maya: So how do i look? Phoenix: ... Phoenix: I think you should quit being a spirit medium. yes
let's just take a break and eat food sounds like a plan
i duno if i even have that much on me
oh crap well i guess i am getting lunch
i don't have 50$ on me Gant can i have 50$ oh ya you're in prison/dead
Q: Maya eat my lunch
dammit maya stop taking my money
Eh maybe some other random person why enjoy it
Q: examine everything
the magmenta!!!
I missed it so much!!!
it's probably poison
Q: gonna take a break for around 40 minuets
Q: that took so much longer and it is partially my fault
Q: Also I did a stupid redraw of one of Zarla's drawings from like 2007 and it looks good but ack i redrew a thing she drew in 2007. Once i feel like it i'll send a picture
i think we may be done in the kietchen. We got some stuff and it may be important so something somewhere may have reset
hey the police department reset!
yesss gumshoe
present him stuff
Gumshoe is this poison
tell meee
wow that's a lot of money
have to go again
Q: finally back and i have muffins to munch on while I play
Q: i remember this music
this is matt's theme whatever
to the other rooms
hey the park reset
there is a motercycle here now
Hey he said crap woo another close to swearing word
why are there so many weird people in this trian
Q: case
whatever the fuck
im also saying that dipshit isn't phoenix write
how did nobody suspect anything about him???
OLD GUY phoeny me left and i am mad i didn't punch him while i could
i think they were dressed alright enough
locks woo
i am so glad i have the magmenta back
Q: examine everything?
at least there aren't as many rooms
Q: got back to game and decided to see if i can break the locks
Q: i wiiiiin
she is using her boobs to her advantage
i forgot her completly now
Q: Phoenix she is giving up her dignity for you thank her don't judge her
Q: time to move
wooo it reset
Q: iii wiiiin
noooo phoenix this guy can't be the killer
it's that moron red skinned phoenix impersonating asshole >:(
Q: i usually give you passed but not now GO AWAY
Q: that red dude might've put the winning tcken in her pocket when he ran off
i hate red guy
save music
aw he called me trusty
BF: Lol Tigre? XD
we didn't learn his name yet
Q: but i am amusing that is his name now
BF: Ooooh sorry
Q: it is fine i don't think it was a big spoiler
BF: Yeah Hahaha, he’s not exactly subtle
he was probably too intimidating but really one person had to right?
BF: Lol think of this whole case as like...one of those old Saturday morning cartoon plots where the good guy gets a really really obvious double
Q: pffft
BF: Like the double has bolts sticking out of their neck and they constantly yell about how evil they are
Q: i can imagine this.
BF: And yet you still have that scene where they are standing side by side and all the good guys are like HOWEVER WILL WE TELL THEM APART
Which one is the real one how can we be suuuure
That’s basically what this case is, haha
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Q: I wonder who in the end will get to use the ticketyQ: maggey didn't do it mr tigre didQ: HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE BLOODSTAIN JUDGE GUY.
I say this like it was obvious and makes sense to anybody in the game stupid spoiler i pretend is a headcanon keeps proving itself to be true
Phoenix: You don't need to be told! Just look at it! SHUT UP PHOENIX >:( THIS GAME WANTS ME TO BELIEVE A STUPID HEADCANON. whatever let's ignore that and get back to figuring out the bloodstain. sry godot
no there is other stuff
Phoenix: Is it possible that somebody could've put the bottle in her pocket? Me: YES Gumshoe: ya! Happens to me all of the time! Me: REALLY
well if i had my phoeny's profile i would but nope sorry godot no evidence yet
Everyone: :talking about old man guy throwing seeds: Godot: Hah! It was nothing. I caught every single one of them with my teeth! impressive. DO YOU HAVE EVIDENCE FOR THIS CLAIM???
Q: i mean empty bags can have meaning why not?Q: well the stuff inside the bag was empty
hey that worked!
nice im cool now
Q: no he didn't put his medication in, red guy didQ: BUT WOO i am winningQ: we all died a little bit inside
maggey he was doing what he was supposed to do and was relying on me to figure out what was wrong with it. he didn't do anything.
Q: old guy tell us your occupationQ: don't lie that she put something in it
also wasn't he looking at a sports paper right he was listening to the radio right
Phoenix: Did she really put that in there?? Phoenix you know not to trust this guy he is wrong she didn't
Phoenix: Congratulations. You have earned the title of Battiest Man To Grace A Courtroom. I love sarcastic phoenix
Phoenix: Anybody could've word that outfit! Even me! Judge: Mr.Wright please spare the court of any further mental anguish from that image hahahahaha
Q: the bow was blue but whatever. also that is still part of the outfit.
the bow was ORANGE
Old guy: This is harassment! I mean what are you doing?
Q: how about the apron? Like the godamn bloodstainQ: doing lots of stuff in game i should document it moreQ: coffee cupQ: it woooorked
now you have to sing. sing for us now.
who cars about your age dammit
respect the coffee kudo
and his ear whatever but i still win
no? okay
Q: but godot finished his coffee! How can we continue now???Q: but he didn't knock over the vase? look at the photo he didn'tQ: your memory is completly unreliable
Q: think i can be done for nowQ: game because working is dumbQ: let's bring up that jerk again why not
Q: Maya: Introduce me next time, Nick! I wanna meet Xin Eohp too!
Q: to the detention center
nvm then
hey gumshoe!
Q: don't be sad gumshoe there are still lots of people that love you and maggey will probably be fine with you againa fter this is overQ: dont lie to me gumshoe i can ee right through it
unless it's in court the locks don't work in court
i win
Q: Maya: I wanna try it!
Phoenix: Then buy a ticket! With your own money! See Phoenix is smart
Q: no im not going tot the park i don't wanna see him right now i wanna talk to gumshoeQ: 2019: The year of gumQ: SEE GODOT KNEW THAT THAT GUY WAS A FAKE AND HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO SEE HIM FOR THAT
Q: nniiiiice we can go visit his work nowQ: what do you mean the color of your coat looks more detective-y
also im still confused about if franz sent back the coat and kept the evidence or if gumshoe just got a new coat.
to blue screens because i don't wanan see red guy
wtf is with her
Q: I would say this isn't 2019 but i have no right to say that yet because i have never lived in 2019Q: at least she is letting me examine evidence
Trigre >:(
future from 2004 or future from 2019
Phoenix: Computers are only as smart as the humans who use and make them are ...you know nothing...
Q: im about done here
to the park
Q: the scooter is backQ: well he isnt here that is fine
oh hey that girl is here
is she threatening to kill him or
Q: great so tiger is also involved in not only impersonating me, but also killing glen, and this guy's money problem
to the office
gumshoe you just left go to your meeting
Q: well im headed to where i was going again
hi girl again
imma go touch the desk
Q: of course it's the same color as my suit he used it to pretend to be meQ: HI TIGRE
Q: well at least i can talk to her now
no maya
Q: if you want coffee just ask godotQ: im to go look in other placesQ: see mr kudo is giving us information it's a ll good
Phoenix: maybe he's trying to avoid us?" It always feels that way when i try to find somebody in this game and they aren't there. None of them have ever been trying to avoid me but i guess if you think that that guy is trying to avoid you he is
hey maggey is back
Q: i have the cd~
Q: took a minute to fix the sound
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why am i How-aceattourney
stupid tumblr
BF: TumbllllllrrrrrQ: oh ya the creepy womanQ: and she wont react to the profile so i guess im gonna leave now
wonder what is going on at this police station
Q: more game.
oh ya i was stuck
go talk to people and investigate things
oh ya i still have gumshoe's lunchbox
Q: i know you're mad at him but pls
:shows paper badge: oh hey is that your badge WOW DOES MY BADGE REALLY LOOK THAT SHITTY
Q: ALSO DON'T BITE MY BADGE >:( AND IF IT LEAVES TEETH MARKS IT IS REAL.Q: dammit no new conversation topics
wonder if something else updated though
niiice the police department! I doubt that anything will be there though
how much does that guy at the desk get paid
oh damn that sounds bad. Wonder if it is from a specific somebody i hate or his girlfriend
Q: it's obvious what lady mayaQ: I was gonna ask what computer virus but asking what one is is dumb
though this did some out in 2004... nah still unacceptable. This is taking place in 2019.
it's 2019 guys get with the times
Q: so much of this game has already happened i feel so uncomfortable now that this is taking place in the future
still bad but
and not only that they're more scary when they are attacking the POLICE
i mean mr.godot is a highly specific example but sure if i was sick and sneezed on him he might get sick too
oh so they are using that specific example to make fun of me again har har so funny guys
he probably had a reason for it but i don't believe it
Q: ya that family sounds dumb we should arrest themQ: i am angry right now
more stupid last names
ya guess who im going to stand up to
Q: oh uhhhh maggey still hates you and we had to eat them. Sorry dude... how about you go do something that will make you happyQ: eh if anything goes wrong and she doesn't eat them we can just threaten her with a gun. Always does the trick for me.Q: when did maggey leave whatQ: well i need to sleep now. Lost again but im lost at a different point
Q: "I'll stop spamming you now"
:opens Ace Attorney:
Just trying to get unstuck i don't think much will happen, only got 30 mins
lets see where am i
don't think i can get any locks but i don't think there is much harm in trying
can't break one lets look for another
Q: im still stuck imma go try againQ: found a thing in my inventory i think this is important
I love my magic rock
:00000 it worked
well ya your dad is the stupid c long name thing so of course that has to do with you
oh hey i broke a lock
from the looks of that cutscene that looks like mr tigre
one more lock
Q: she crying :(Q: ugh no room is updating
i need to get the other locks i bet
Q: i win. That was easier than thoughtQ: why are we discarding so much stuff
:o a room reset
i swear if he tazes me
I'm done with people assaulting me in some way and then taking my evidence
thank you gumshoe
that improved my opinion of him greatly. There was nothing negitive but now there is more love to give
Did phoenix even every tell anybody about that time von karma tazed him and ran off with the letter
alright i need to sleep and there is a savepoint. yay! Also! GUMSHOE SAVED ME!
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at least he is dead and his daughter is better
alright i am sleeping now
Q: I can't sleep sadly
Not because I am too tired but for other reasons. I'll keep playing
MAGGEY do you think I can predict ANYTHING that will happen in a trial at all
I'm only play because of how Gumshoe saved my butt back there
Hey Gumshoe :D I am forever in your debt because of what you did back there
Q: Looks like we found the medicationQ: Oh ya I forgot about GodotQ: (He just called the judge a loser)Q: Oh so that guy will testify. One of the people who almost helped with the repeat of what happened with the letterQ: OH now I know he is covering up the existence of tigerQ: Phoenix your cover up swears suckQ: This game is so obsessed with left and right being contradictionsQ: How dare Godot say I shouldn't existQ: Playing a bunch not saying much though
I am Winning and godot is still making weird metaphors
Q: LOUD RUMBLEQ: I hope I can make tigre suffer
Save point. I think I can sleep now
Q: maya just because tigre is coming to the stand doesn't mean we are gonna win
Q: well usually we have no idea what the trump card is
(fuckin letter)
Q: sense when have I lost a case?
Making matt guilty isn't loosing
making him fuck off was the true prize i won that
back to trial
Judge do not be intimidated. He's like 9 feed below you.
Tigre: WHO DA HELL CALLED ME TO DIS HOLE WAS IT YOU Phoenix: No it was the Judge Judge: :hides:
Godot: :makes Tigre shut up: Phoenix: T... Too cool... hahaha
Tigre: That lowlife ain't no lawyer! He just punches away at stupid details til he wins! i feel called out
okay so question: People hate 2-3 so much and one of the reasons  is Moe's testimony but there are SO MANY THINGS IN THIS 3RD GAME LIKE THAT
Q: not only that but this game is a lot more vague on "hey hey you were supposed to do this you are on the right track"
Godot: I hear it can be pretty hard to set up appointments when you're dead
BF: hahaha I think 3 tends to get forgiven most because the overall plot is VERY well constructed.  Also I think the alleged hate against 2 is overblown.  2-4 is such a beloved case after all
but you'll see what I mean about overall plot in a bit.
4 tries like HELL to do what 3 did, I think, but it gets tripped up a lot along the way.
(and yes 3 is hard. I'd say the only thing it does that's more forgiving that 2 is that IIRC, it doesn't penalize you for screwing up Magatama sessions.)
Last Friday at 11:31 PM
Q: ahhh alright. I'll be waiting for the 3 plot. Also it doesn't get mad at your for screwing up magatama sessions?? I have not noticed such a thing.Q: but he was there because 1 other people say he was and 2 why else would that guy tell him to go thereQ: problem with having so much evidence is that i can't remember what is what and what proves what or that it even existsQ: oh hey these matchesQ: HUH
wooo it worked
oh boy more things that are very close to swearing from him
Q: so many things wrong with this next testamony
Q: heeeey it workedQ: I am winning :DQ: it's the tigre guy obviously >:( He impersinates a lot of people
phoenix hiding under his desk
Q: obviously it was that girl
internet not working dammit
:Shows paper badge: Judge: It is an insult to think anybody could be fooled by that well then maybe you should reevaluate your life choices
where are you man
heeey maaaggggeeyyyyy can you cheer gumshoe up for me he's being sad
he yells
hahahahaha glowey mask thing hahahaha
oh fuck you stop throwing coffee at me
why do you hate me so much i am not a criminal
hey gumshoe i won!!!
maybe maggey can be happy now
0 notes