#and if i dont find it ill DIE. <<has been hit with the adhd
byooregard · 1 year
Hm. people on my dash who are doctor who fans i need to find this one video essay or ill start killing
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kurainburdened · 6 years
POKEMON AU pls.... bc i know ur passionate abt pokemon and honestly Me Too
III LOVE YOU!!! I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING THIS A THING WHERE I ADD IN THE SENDERS MUSE INTO THE HCS BUT MAYA AND YOUR MUSE NEVER INTERACTED WHICH IS A CRIME!!! Dont tell edgeworth or she might get arrested lol. But anway!! I want to do stuff with you!!
Number 1
Mayas first pokemon, funny enough isnt a ghost type, but a normal type. See, in the pokemon verse Mayas background is basically the same. The Fey village is basically unchanged in this worly except for one thing. On a certain part of the mountainside is a forest that travellers tend to get lost in for ages. Many report hallucinations as being the main cause for this so it’s kind of cut off. Maya, being the rebel she is, of course wanders it in hopes of conquering it. Her sister is usually the voice of reason and really it would only take her being like. what if youre lost forever or something to scare her into staying but shes not ther so into the forest she goes! It’s there that she finds a waterfall and goes there to train constantly. She tries and tries to channel spirits and one day, she succeeds! Or so she thinks. The first time she thinks she’s channeled another spirit, she sees herself as the spirit she’s been trying to channel, sees her now-possessed body moving and acting on it’s own. When she runs back to the village to tell her story, she’s told that she couldn’t have channeled a spirit because if she did she would’ve been unconscious. 
Confused Maya goes back and tries again only to get the same result. After a bit of investigating Maya realizes the source of travelers getting lost and the hallucinations is due to a stantler. This Stantler saw Maya, this little girl training so hard that it took pity on her, and wanting to help in the only way it could let her see herself channeling a spirit. At first Maya is crushed and upset at the pokemon for giving her false hope but quickly forgives it and thanks it for wanting to help. The pokemon soon takes on this kind of caring role for Maya, along with also being her only playmate seeing as the other girls in the village are kind of distant with her. Her being the heir to the Master title and Morgan instructing them to listen to her and listen to all her selfish desires, leading to them being resentful of her. Anyway, also to build off of that. Once Mayas sister dies, she asks the Stantler to let her see her Sister again. And thats like a thing she did for awhile before telling it to stop because it became this painful reminder of something she could never do which is channel her sister. Actually fun fact she asked the stantler to show her her mother but was heartbroken when it basically gave her the answer that it couldnt because Maya didn’t have the memory of her mothers face anymore. Anyway. One time when shes particularly heartbroken and hopeless she laments in the forest to herself how shes so useless and cant do anything right. How she hates herself for being this way. Hates herself for not being able to compare to Mia or her mother. At this point she sees the image of her sister saying shes proud of her. Maya is angry at Stantler for showing her such a horrible lie and runs away. Only to later be told by the pokemon that it wasn;t trying to make her see her sister say that, rather it was the only way of communicating that even if no one else appreciated her, it was proud of her. 
That’s right another in depth backstory for another pokemon hopefully not as long lol
The next on the list is a primeape that lives in the forest, training with sawk and throh. It kind of ended up getting abandonned by it’s trainer in a place where this breed of pokemon aren’t really found but it’s found it’s place with the sawk and throh so it doesn’t mind too much. It ended up earning it’s respect with good old fashioned fighting and is kind of in a ‘king of the forest’ position. Scary and intimidating and bent on establishing its dominance to all that challenge it! Anyway, while Maya is exploring the mountainside of her village she finds out about it and it’s plain to see that Primeape has a certain amount of respect among the other fighting types. After having seen a cool tv episode where the hero challenges the strongest of the strong a really young Maya decides to do the same, announcing loudly when the pokemon is alone that she’s here to challenge the pokemon to a duel to the death! She runs up throws her small fist at the might and strong pokemon!
To which, not wanting to hurt this strange small child, primeape falls over dramatically, clutching the side which she hit and lets its tongue flop out all goofy in the hopes of appeasing her. Maya, not really sure what to do, honestly not even having thought this far ahead starts getting worried for the pokemon and starts crying to which it quickly gets up in a panic to reassure her its ok. From there it kind of takes on this older brother position with her. Also playing with her, letting her grab onto it as she swings throughout the trees. 
Goodness this Maya is turning out to be much more of a wild child than her aa counterpart. She’s not exactly strong, but she’s more athletic I’d imagine in this version. More nimble but can definitely have her clumsy moments on occasion. 
putting last three under cut cause THIS IS LONG. IF YOURE ON MOBILE IM SO SORRY
Number three!
Goodness I stuffed way too much into those other HCs but onto Phoenix! Anyway this also remains for the most part unchanged. What you think the pokemon world doesn’t need lawyers? Anyway, quick tanget but trainers arent really…it’s not a sustainable lifestyle, most people do it as a way of coming of age before moving into the respective field they took interest in during their travels. So no, if you have a pokemon au you don’t have to be some professional trainer. Professional battles are like a sport and trainers are athletes. Sure people enjoy it on the side but it’s NOT the norm to make it a living off of it. You have to be smart and strategic in a very complicatedf sport that takes a LOT  of training and it’s not like in the game where if you spam tackle after walking around for 5 seconds you gain XP. its more like you’re a coach training 6 athletes in how to train their bodies in the best way possible while coming up with tons of game plans. 
anyway tangent over. Phoenix is a lawyer and this taking place in the pokemon world only lends itself towards there being much more factors to consider when thinking of how murders occured. Her life with Phoenix for the most part remains unchanged but as a side note Maya encounters a lot of pokemon along the way during her travels with phoenix. She thinks strong heroic looking pokemon are cool so she tends towards pokemon like sawk and throh or conkeldurr. OH AND IVE BEEN SETTING THIS IN SPECIFICALLY UNOVA AND ONLY RESEARCHING THE UNOVA DEX FOR MAYA ND THE POKEMON THAT SURROUND HER. 
I feel like.. Audino might enter theyre little group at one point? Like Stantler comes with her when she leaves the mountain cause Stantler is a worrywart and Maya is a mess and has never been down to the big city, but Primeape is more trusting in Maya and her abilities and knows shes much stronger than a lot of people give her credit for. He doesn’t come down the mountain to be with her until much later just cause he has a pack to guide. Actually the pokemon it leaves in charge is like another pokemon Maya is close with since it was primeapes apprentice and maya and this pokemon were kids together and kind of were the babies of the pack ANYWAY SORRY TANGENT. 
aNYWAY AUDINO. A while back Audino were attempted to be integrated into crime fighting in some way since the way theyre psychic powers work they’d be able to sense overwhelming…i guess malevolence or evil or bad intentions but like. It’s just REALLY unhealthy for them and it really signifigantly lessens their lifespans just cuase all the negativity eats away at them emotionally and one of the pokemon, it’s really old honestly like it was one of the pokemon that originally was part of this attempt to integrate these pokemon with the police force and was luckily enough like it survived long enough for them to end the program and it just…can’t endure being around negativity anymore like it’s really stressful so it enjoys being around Maya just cause she is really kindhearted and senstive and good and the Wright office is filled with kind hearted people so it just takes comfort being there. It doesn’t really leave the office though and while it’s there for everyone it really does belong to Maya for the most part. 
Im kind of just going off on differen points in this one huh. Like the other wre a story here im just like SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS. 
Number 4 (where diana tries to stop being ADHD and hopefully doesnt fail miserably)
Honestly you’d think being part of a back of fighting types would make her more suited towards groups and make her less selfish. Spoiler alert. It didn’t  If you think Maya is good at making people do what she wants now you shouldve seen her when she was a kid. Though it also means shes got a entire pack of fighting types who will die for her and if you make her cry you better be sorry. and if youre not you’re going to be.  
Oh and also dont think that just cause Maya is a forest girl that oh shes strong and knows how to fight cause like. She really doesn’t. Honestly the pokemon around her kind of coddled her and outside of her gaining enough stamina to hold up against running around with her pokemon friends she’s not really….all that much stronger. She doesn’t know how to fight either. She can jsut run really fast and is more likely to attempt more dangerous things that she’s seen other pokemon do cause WHY NOT. She basically just has more dangerous influences lol
Number 5 cause i want to wrap this up a bit
Oh boy now what can i do for a fifth one lets see… see the thing is Maya is basically the same between the two versions of her except for certain like physical differents that I just listed. 
I guess here’s one but she doesn’t….she’s not a good trainer. Like her team, right now, is an old man of an Audino. A Stantler that can only do hallucinations and is kind of bad at fighting and then this powerhouse of a Primeape. 
The Primeape is a GREAT fgighter but tends to keep to the mountains unless it starts missing her and comes downt o visit real quick. Her other two are just…weak. Maya though is really good at thinking on her feet so she can use what her pokemon do have to come up with some great strategies. Thought his doesnt reall come out unless shes backed up against the wall. See the reason why everyone percieves Maya as stupid and useless is because that’s how she percieves herself. Maya for the most part does what she can in what she think she can do but doesn’t really let her true intellect show because shes convinced shes an idiot. She kind of jokes around with bad ideas but she really is quick on her feet and good in a clutch.
So the only time you see her good skills with her pokemon and coming up with inventive ways for these basically powerless pokemon to get her out of tight situations is when literally shes by herself, there’s no one else to rely on and lives are on the line.
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actuallyadhd · 7 years
A personal account of a long overdue ADHD diagnosis
I was diagnosed with ADHD around a year ago on the cusp of turning 22 and it happened, in its own way, accidentally. But my journey to an actual diagnosis, that “Aha!” moment if you will, goes a little like this: 
In high school, I was always the “Gifted Child” who quarter assed or otherwise straight up didn’t do my homework but could somehow (spoiler alert: hyperfocus combined with cramming is how) get in the high 90’s on my tests and exams so I’d sufficiently pass my class. It frustrated my parents and my teachers to no end, and it was the cause of a lot of conflict between me and them. I would lie often, hide things like my report cards and homework results, and make up elaborate excuses to cover my ass. If I was being honest, I would have said “I didn’t do this because it was so mind-numbingly boring and I really, REALLY didn’t feel like it” but what kind of crappy excuse would that have been? I could never quite explain why I felt like this, why I would be doing a boring project and constantly just want to beat my head against a wall because even that would have been more interesting. I was ashamed of it, and felt like I was just stupid and needed to get it together. The problem was that I could never figure out how.
Impulsivity was another thing I struggled with in a big way. Being a girl who hit 6 feet tall when I was 13 meant I could get away with a lot of things I really shouldn’t have, just because I looked older. Having always felt like a bit of a weirdo in highschool. Aside from a handful of good friends my age, I tended to hang out with the 20 somethings I worked with a lot more. I got into a fair share of trouble that way, the details of which could better be chronicled in a book of short stories so I’ll spare you all the length of that. 
A good number of the friends I did have in high school were diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and I dont think its a coincidence. Looking back now I’d refer to the birds of a feather concept and I’ve thought a lot about why it never came up as a potential root cause. I think probably a combination of being a girl and not necessarily struggling with my school material led to that oversight, because ADHD diagnosis in school systems can lean towards being based on acedemic performance alone, though obviously there would be some more nuance there than I’m letting on. 
My diploma exam scores in grade 12 were worth 50% of my mark and they enabled me to get into University and a BFA Film Studies program. As a lover of movies, a degree in watching movies has been amazing, but my old habits from high school didn’t seem to just die off. University was turning out to be challenging. I was doing a lot all at once, joined boards of directors and got involved in activism and while all that was certainly a challenge I was willing to take on I nonetheless experienced a TON of stress. This became a hugely problematic factor for a chronic migraine condition i’ve lived with since I was 2 as stress became more and more of a trigger for my extremely debilitating and photo/sound sensitive migraines. I’ve tried many medications for it, none of which seemed to be worth the horrible side effects. I was able to find a good method of pain management through medical cannabis and CBD in this time though even with that, the cycle became quite vicious in that I would be stressed about schoolwork, the stress would trigger a migraine rendering me unable to do the schoolwork, which would in turn cause more stress about the schoolwork and so on and so forth.
This, clearly, was not super fun and I reached a point in year 4 of my studies where I finally cracked and decided to try and nip it in the bud. I got a referral to a psychiatrist at my schools clinic for anxiety and got put on the waiting list for a few weeks. The night before my first appointment with the psychiatrist I, naturally, was in a 2am youtube rabbit hole and unable to sleep. I was watching videos about bullet journals, having seen one of my friends’ that looked really cool, when I found a video called ‘why a bullet journal is the best planner for the ADHD brain’. As I watched it, it just seemed to hit WAY too close to home I had this long sort of epiphany like “oh my god… these are all the reasons this might work for me.”
I realized something pretty big right then: I didn’t actually know anything about ADHD beyond “cant pay attention”, which felt a bit ridiculous with me coming from a family chalk full of medical doctors and mental illnesses in fairly equal measure. I always grew up with an understanding of approaching mental health from a medical, scientific perspective, so I pulled an all nighter doing research and while I would never self diagnose personally, I realized that ADHD could potentially explain everything. 
When I went to my doctors appointment, I arrived with about 5 pages of notes from my research and completely sleep deprived when I explained that “yes, I booked in for Anxiety but I stayed up all night doing research and I really think ADHD makes more sense for all the reasons I’ve listed in my notes with the proper citations but you’re the one with the medical degree so I’ll defer to you.” She agreed to do an assessment interview with me then and there, and the funniest part of all of it was that 5 minutes in, she gave up making notes on my answers and just started checking off boxes.
I’ve been on medication for almost a year now. While I know that pills dont teach skills and I still have a lot to work on I cant believe what a difference its made for my overall health. Above all though, its just such a relief to finally be able to explain all the things I could have never explained before without being embarrassed. The awareness and understanding of being actually ADHD has been, more than anything, the reason I have been able to “get it together” and find ways to work with my penchant for fleeting distraction rather than against it and for that, I will forever be grateful. 
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ginasthoughtdump · 7 years
Addiction, therapy, future, mental illness, bad social constructing, and the huge danger of boredom
These questions keep coming up in my head and I haven't done a brain dump on these specific thoughts to get them out, so here we go:
1. Are people addicted to drugs because the chemicals have addicting attributes of is it more than that?
2. Are there better alternatives to therapy and why do we think the current models work?
3. Is mental illness genetic or the life experiences you encounter through living?
4. Do we give enough concern to the problem of "boredom" and it's correlation to depression?
5. Are the people designing our new social world really qualified to do so and what adverse effects are the results of these design?
A study that was done in 1978 tested the addiction to morphine in rats that I think is highly relevant today. Now there we plenty of other studies before that showed rats would prefer morphine water over plain water and that it was addicting and blah blah blah. The difference here is Alexander made a rat park, basically Disneyland for rats. When this alternative was introduced the rats, who are social creatures like us, took the regular water over ol' bama water( Alabama has the highest opioid use in the country). The idea being that if you give rats and therefore humans rewarding alternatives, you have less drug use.
(study) https://www.summitbehavioralhealth.com/…/overview-rat-park…/
I was talking with my kid who knows people who have addiction issues as many of us do now considering it will only be a matter of time before we all have a loved one in the same boat. One thing she noticed was that the people she knew that were home-schooled all seemed to jump right into every drug known to man once they got to the real world. She thought it was because they were deprived from the experiences of interaction and then kind of went loose with all the sensory enhancing once they got a chance. This is kind of what is happening in rural areas everywhere. Most addicts when interviewed in these small towns will tell you there is literally nothing to do here besides drugs. Of course there is no real job opportunity, no future of that changing, and it doesn't help that Big Pharma has just been allowed to send pallets of dangerous drugs to cities without any oversight. (Link) https://www.vox.com/…/opioid-epidemic-painkillers-west-virg…
Two things interest me in this information. One is that you could probably see a map of the issues with Opioids and where places have dick all to do, Buckeye ring a bell? Apache Junction isn't known for its parks people.
The other is this conservative idea that the decline of western society is in divorce, the liberal agenda, and not wanting to have this nuclear family model from the 60s. The way they combat this is by homeschooling their kids to hide them from influence and liberal programming. The problem is the result of this is drug addiction is ramping up more kills than Mortal Kombat.
The bible belt is hit very hard by drugs, my kid pointed out some terrible success rates with the rates of the kids she knows that were raised in home school christian settings and their battle with drugs. One example is two brothers both dying from alcohol excess, one a complete shut in with a heroin problem, the other who just slammed a bottle of fireball after heart surgery due to the effects. Overall it was 8 out of 10. The ones that joined the military seemed to avoid the issue the rest were swept away.
So the question is how dangerous is boredom? How dangerous is not having prospects of a future? I think the rat park is an example of idle hands make devil's work. We know that parents that get their kids into extracurricular activities have better outcomes but considering that most poor areas don't have the option of one job, and purchasing soccer outfits for kids, this may be a luxury of the rich. Rehab is a pipe dream for most poor people as well. Job opportunity and college plans is also a luxury of the affluent as much as the model of one parent working per household. So how do you combat and epidemic that poor people cant fix without an economic plan to shift poor and bored to middle class and working? Not by cutting funding but that is another debate. There is a finding that shows poverty is linked to mental health issues as well which makes perfect sense and the ramifications on addiction fall perfectly in line with that sense. (link) https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/10/30/499777541/can-poverty-lead-to-mental-illness
So how do you combat the addiction we now know exists? This idea of habit forming is true and dangerous if you don't respect it but do you heal the mind or do you fix it chemically? Some people have been going to extremes in the psychedelic frontier but I think they're missing something in some areas and completely bullshit in others. Where does the mental illness reside? Some think it is in your DNA. Others believe that is its a genetic trigger, like you are born with the genetic disposition but if certain events happen then the genes change. One example is how you can be predestined to develop breast cancer but it never triggers. Another is a linking between smoking at an early age can cause your child to be overweight. One other study was done on the MAOA, the warrior gene, or psychopath gene to some. The study showed that if certain environmental factors did not happen the gene would not trigger and the person would not be more impulsive of violence. (link) https://www.psychologytoday.com/…/evol…/201410/gene-violence
So how do you go about fixing yourself? Reset the brain with mushrooms? Do some therapy while on ecstasy? Microdosing LSD? Go on a Ayahuasca retreat? Take some electric volts to the brain? How bout regular therapy or counseling? I think you first got to find out one thing. Is your mental disorder something you are born with or something you were wired with through environment?
I tend to think it is the latter and here is my evidence. PTSD is a good example of something that was triggered through an event. Now some could say you were predisposed to be effected more so than someone else but they cant deny when it changed from dormant to affecting the individual. Another is the way they treat Schizophrenic behaviors with electric shock. They could literally wipe your brain of the existence of the disorder if you didnt mind losing your memory. This is a very good documentary on the subject of Bi-Polar but I want to note 2 things here. Most people dont just have one disorder, a ton have PTSD and considering they didnt look like vets I can assume their childhood was one of nightmares. The other is the woman who didnt want to lose her memory for the cure. Memory is paramount in these disorders even if you make a case for genetic predisposition you would also have to admit that environment plays a huge role in all these and in some it is seems like it is 100% that. (link) https://youtu.be/eyiZfzbgaW4
I believe the big reason why therapy works is because you play out the trauma over and over and talk about the terrible things you endured to someone. This could be a friend that doesn't mind hearing the story over and over or a therapist. I think the addition of medication is scary but as a stop gap I can see this as a necessity in a small timeline but there are a ton of adverse effects that are dangerous if going unchecked. Most mass shooters were on some anti depressants or adhd meds. This is why the holistic view garners some respect if used in logical ways and for a short time as well. Case in point is that you cant overdose on marijuana. So holistic does trump pharmaceutical if you cant die from it or the side effects of a pill meant to help you be happy makes you want to harm yourself and others. PTSD effected military folks have been swept under the rug by subscribing them some meds and sending them on their way. This is not being monitored by therapists but by doctors who get kick backs from the industry that benefits solely on people using more and more of their drugs. As you can see, business is good. (pic) https://margaretfarenger.files.wordpress.com/…/rates-of-pre…
This is an example of re-enacting trauma in a light way can repair the mind, this is similar to continuous telling of the story of your trauma. There are more elaborate studies that help people cope by recreating high quality versions of the trauma over and over till the brain can cope: (link) http://www.latimes.com/…/la-ss-morningside-can-paintball-he…
Now I think most people go to far on the merits of psychedelics and definitely on the catch all uses of marijuana. There are cases where it helps and the evidence in seizures is proof in the pudding. The over exaggeration of its effectiveness on cancer when its anti inflammatory effects are equal to you using tumeric or eating blue berries. Now I do think that if you were to take some ecstasy and focus on therapy, either talking about trauma or working out relationship issues, the different perspective and openness could make what would have been a toxic conversation one that is more easy to cope with. They have shown similar success with drugs like Ketamine and huge effects with mushrooms.
Now if you were to take ecstasy and sit there and talk about a bunch of bullshit like music or how could a mouse have a dog for a pet in Disney films, you are not getting shit out of the experience. The same could be applied to doing a bunch of psychedelics and going to burning man, what would you really learn from that? Intentions matter is all im saying. Other drugs like Ayahuasca and mushrooms have a different effect but the results on heroin addicts cannot be ignored. This isnt because you became one with the universe but the effects that brain wiring has on your life. If you were raised in a household where love meant violence and calm could be interrupted by chaos in any moment, you would have some fucked up wiring. It would effect the relationships you choose and the friends you can keep. There are ways to rewire the brain with actions. This is where therapy comes into play again. Someone telling you that what you think is boring is boring because your wiring needs enough positive links to love and relationships before it is wired to normal. The same reason why habits are formed like drinking while gaming, or the need to workout once you missed a day. (link) http://bigthink.com/ex…/how-to-rewire-your-brain-for-success
These drug may have an effect of getting their sooner by escalating the progress and putting you in a frame of mind to take it in more. Now these effects are fleeting but with practice and focus on the therapy and not just watching a shit Dead cover band you may get there without the danger of mood altering drugs that can have terrible reactions.
So what about our current social mediums? Do they actually do what we need them to do? Many people have talked about the dangers of social media and the addiction to likes. Here is a study which ranks them on how bad each one sucks but I have an idea behind why. (link) https://www.forbes.com/…/…/2017/05/31/instagram-depression/…
Here is a study showing the uptick in stress issues as a whole: (link) https://youtu.be/vqevGkjuLW0
Now most of these can be contributed to the asshole in charge, health care(mental as well), and economic concerns. 30% showed concerns about trust in government as well. Overall, people are not mentally better than they were last year and there are plenty of studies that show stressed households or classrooms can have huge effects on learning and stress in general. Stress is deeply tied to your health in a biological way as well so it is cause for concern.
I don't want to get to far down the rabbit hole but I think it is because we have people who have no idea how to talk to people creating social media apps. We have people that have no idea on dating making dating apps. That these applications dont take into account what is best for the user but what is best for making money and in return programming people to behave in a way that makes the developers money and provides mild success in the results desired by the person.
For example, the interfaces are one indicator that no one cares how you think. No one needed a tile interface for Windows 8/10 but here we are. Games are designed for in app purchasing and are curbing gamers to be loot and grind hounds that keeps them playing an unrewarding experience for continued activity and not a desire for rewarding game play. FB does a few things right but there are no ways to actually meet real people compared to AOL chat rooms in the 90s where a ton of people found love. World Of Warcraft does a better job match making friends/lovers than the current offerings and the reason why that is could be attributed to the way the app makes its money. Snapchat rewards users by encouraging them to stay active and post often which in turns means more ad clicks etc. None of these reward the user in the ways they want, you get a few clicks but no fill for the loneliness.
Use FB,IG, SC, Tinder all you want but in the end you will be no better off than when you started since there is nothing gained. I can use it to dump my thoughts into the ether but I dont expect anyone to read it, and no reward will be given for the effort. It has its merits but they are few. FB is great for connecting to the family and friends you already know but rewards you by making meaningless fake friends with no geographical filtering. Friends without the actual benefits of being one. It is devoid of filtering to location, unlike Tinder. Tinder on the other hand is devoid of emotion, information, and compatibility. You are given enough to explain yourself in emoticons and maybe your dick size :) but all you did was find out of someone 5 miles away swiped right, which is usually done be default for people not wasting time. So you match and it is cool you are close but now you have to sift through all the fake matches and see if you are compatible by having shitty after shitty conversation with people too busy maintaining their social media presence to respect your time. Also beware of neckbeards and the crazies. Other sites like OKCupid have personality matching by asking questions, sounds cool until you realize you match with an 80 year old woman or man in Novia Scotia, too bad they didnt have age or location sorting. It is no wonder ghosting exist, that people have moved their respect of the fake meaningless friends that accrue on social media and it has bleed over to someone literally unswiping you in front of your face and not caring about a human they were intimate enough to reply with one sentence over a text.
Twitch(Also any live shows with chat) is an interesting case for me. People watching gamers play is a simplified term for what it really is. The parts, well some, missing in other applications. For example, FB should have geographical filtering so Tinder half asses it. FB should have ways to talk to others and socialize so another app will half ass the lack of it by creating something that almost gives you everything but not quite to keep you along. Twitch fills in the gap of chatrooms no longer existing but also plays to a need of the socially awkward in the guise of gaming. What it really is, is a sense of community without the need for working on your social interaction skills. This is what is lacking in the current apps, this is why men cant put together 3 sentences before they say "I hope you get raped" for being ignored. So they go into a chatroom while someone is gaming who is successful because they talk to the discontent and not because they are good at them. These people are the therapists, a way to belong while remaining awkward. They can have one sided conversations with other regulars but they can still have a connection with the streamer of vlogger who reads their comments and validates them.
You really do have to appreciate the gift of gab, especially when it pays to keep the fans relevant, if you watch the successful ones they are really good at stringing people along and keeping then engaged by responding, the game is secondary: (link) https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Fortnite
It is no wonder an asshole who couldnt keep friends failed at successfully making an application where people have the same effect. They are just not capable of it sometimes, and other times your mental health has nothing to do with profits so it takes a bad seat. Much like our democracy got in the way of paid ads during our presidential campaign, we wonder why we keep getting sicker and never understand that the tools we have at our fingertips have not helped us at all but have made us worse if we put any faith in them. While developers not listening to the users in an Office suite may effect productivity, and a developer not listening to a user on a game may effect entertainment. Social media applications can effect your life, your stress levels, your sleep, your job, your mental health. So we better make damn sure we take that into account when we keep looking to them for happiness when I know they can never bring it.
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falliblefeminist · 7 years
labels, diagnoses, and mental health (just my pointless thoughts)
 skip this ---->Hello no one! i know no one is reading this which is probably the only reason i think i can actually write it, i dont know why i felt the need to write this disclaimer to a total of 0 people. i know this probably isn’t a great way to try and start a blog, but im doing it because i have too many thoughts and im done trying to keep them all inside my head. I went to the Women’s march today in Albany, and it was an emotional rollercoaster and some stuff happened and now i just feel literally empty? I was walking back to my dorm from the library and i just suddenly lost all motivation to actually keep walking. i just fell into the snow and looked up into the sky. i eventually got up and finished my walk because i was too anxious about other people walking by. But for probably the second time in my entire life i genuinely didn’t want to live anymore. I don’t want to die, but i really don’t want to be alive, and i don’t know what to do about that. <----
I’ve always felt this deep need to fit neatly into a category or diagnosis or group or definition. for instance, when i first encountered the lgbtq+ community and started learning about like romantic and sexual attraction, i immediately flipped through the options and tried to find a name for the identity i didn’t even fully have yet as an angsty tween. But i’ve found this to be especially true when it comes to my mental health. I have been trying to self diagnose my emotions since middle school (granted i’m not all that far from middle school). So, I have always been an anxious person and I was “diagnosed” with general anxiety disorder when i was like 10-11 ish (meaning i started taking meds and seeing a therapist but nobody ever sat me down and was like you have a general anxiety disorder ya know?) but ever since then I have definitely sort of hidden behind that and put that up as a reason why im so dysfunctional. But I have also found myself constantly searching for more diagnoses that will validate and explain my ridiculous myriad of emotions (i have so many emotions constantly that one time in eighth grade my teacher told me i was an emotional rollercoaster). 
once my mom and I were laughing and hanging out together and she said something that made me angry so i stormed off (i know i know), but when I came back she made some joke about how I was bipolar because my mood changed so suddenly all the time (a good example of why people shouldn’t use mental health issues as jokes or adjectives) but even though i knew she was kidding it really hit me and i thought that there might have actually been some truth in what she was saying and i started thinking that i might actually be bipolar, it was ridiculously of me but it helps to prove my point. and last year I learned about how differently adhd presented in people with two x chromosomes (like me) from people with two y chromosomes and i decided that i had some of the traits and when i learned that all three of my siblings and my dad have adhd i decided that i definitely had adhd. and every time i felt unmotivated and sad and pointless i would take an online quiz to see if I had depression or if there were any other diagnoses that i could attach my emotions to. 
anyway, i have been trying to find labels for myself for as long as i can remember. I think that labels can be helpful, and especially for mental illnesses a label can help people get treatment. But i also think that my extreme need to have a label has been really detrimental to my figuring out how to deal with my emotions, because i always thoughts that as soon as i found a label it would just get better, but what I actually needed was to learn how to deal with my emotions as they come, and learn how to be healthy instead of ignoring my emotions until i find a diagnosis or label. 
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