#and if i cried more easily (i dont cry a lot) i would be fucking sobbing
hmm. maybe I should stop killing my OCs that I get really attached to?
nahhhhh, it's fine
(it's not)
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goatedgreen · 6 months
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Okay lets analyse this one for realsies. Im gonna go through each character in this tweet and go through reasons why i think they either would or would not be crying first, then im gonna put them in order of who survives the roast sesh.... join me on this wonderous journey.
Let's start with Atsumu.... where to even fucking begin. sorry to the Atsumu haters but i truly believe he would not be crying first. First of all he has known Osamu since he was born and while Osamu is the "nice twin" the bar is truly in hell and that motherfucker is mean to one person and one person only and that person is his twin brother Atsumu. This mfer has been conditioned since birth to roast and be roasted. Not only that but this guy was CANONICALLY hated by everyone in his middle school, and his only reaction to that information was "So?" HE DOES NOT CARREEEE. And, I will say, while the other characters shown here are bitchy, they usually target people in petty ways that make fun of their skills (with the exception of Daisho who would probs call Atsumu a single loser but he'd likely just get annoyed by that not cry) and Atsumu knows that his skills are too good for anything they say to hold weight., He has the ego the size of the fucking gym. he's fine.
TSUKISHIMA on the other hand.... dare i say it not the strongest contender ... I dont think FIRST. but this guy is wayyyy more sensitive to criticism than people generally give him credit for. LIKE YES BEFORE YOU JUMP DOWN MY THROAT, he absolutely has the whole "keep booing me it only makes me stronger" thing going on in the Inarizaki game BUT YOU FORGET SO QUICKLY how absolutely insecure this guy is. until yamaguchi kicked his ass into gear in the training camp, he was of the impression that trying to get better at something he enjoyed was fruitless because there was always going to be someone better than him. Someone insightful like Oikawa or Atsumu would def be able to pick up on that insecurity and target him for it. I think his strongest talent is of course provoking people so much that they cant see how much they're affecting him, so he gets a lot of points for pettiness that would keep him from crying first because theres no way he's gonna LOSEEEE to someone like Daisho or Oikawa. BONUS POINTS on his behalf though is he was the only one on the team at the end of season one who WASNT CRYING about their loss. And i think the only one on karasuno who we havent seen cry (as far as i can remember).
Now listen.... fanon Oikawa is for sure crying first because for some bizzare reason people characterise him as a pushover twink. Canon Oikawa told USHIJIMA to remember his worthless pride so he could crush him in the future. like... he's kind of taking names a little. i'll allow him a small slay for his efforts of being a bitch to Ushijima. Oikawa is SMARTTTT and has a lot of emotional intelligence, so can for sure target people's insecurities with pinpoint accuracy. He doesnt get SUPER easily riled up when he's "in the zone" and only lashes out when he's backed into a corner. he hangs out with what is probably a team of people scientifically designed in a lab to HUMBLE HIM DAILY, so he has built up somewhat immunity to being insulted and targeted for bully behaviour. LOSES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF POINTS for being kind of a sore loser and someone who FOR SURE cries when angry or frustrated.
Daisho.... why is he even here (sorry to those who love him). Listen... this guy is petty, and he lowkey cheats, and he takes immense joy in riling people up for shits and gigs... BUT WHYYY IS HE HERE LMAOOOO. to be honest, i dont think he would cry first purely for the fact that he doesnt know these other guys well enough to really gaf about what theyre saying to him. on the other hand, that makes him kind of an easy target because he's so irrelevant to these other guys lives that they could probably make him feel like shit for that reason only. he gets bonus points for being the only one in a canonical relationship (oikawas girlfriend we never meet that he broke up with doesnt count, in fact it loses him points).
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. the final order i think is, Oikawa goes out crying first, not because he's upset but because he got sooo fucking mad at Atsumu's unbothered behaviour he had to leave and he was angry crying while doing it. Daisho is next because Tsukishima said some shit like "bro who even are you lmaooo irrelevant ass" and he remembered he sucks at volleyball and got upset, he's okay tho bc his gf is there to comfort him. Atsumu cries next but not because of anything Tsukishima says, he just gets so fucking bored of Tsukishima not giving him interesting reactions to his jabs that he starts doing weird shit like standing on his head and he ends up hurting himself and crying because he is a big baby. Tsukishima is the last one standing .
That is of course assuming that Oikawa doesnt kill them all first with his Super Triple Homo Spin Serve that killed all of Karasuno. People forget so quickly that he is the most diabolical anime villain of all time...
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sunny-ssunset · 20 days
Love LOVED your honest dating and the smoking hc, would you be comfortable doing one of those for Craig's gang??
Honest dating headcanons 💯 🔥
Craig's gang
Course i can lmao I was thinking about doing one with craigs gang lol (GENDER NEUTRAL AGED UP)
Idk why but the jimmy one is really sad lmao
•Bro could not care less about you
•He wont care if you break up
•He wont treat you any differently in or after the relationship
•He'd hang out with you once and then you'd start dating with out you knowing
•It just happens one day lmao
•He just tells everyone your together
•He wont do any sort of physical affection
•He might buy you a gift on your birthday
•Tbh i dont picture him being an overly horrible person i just think he is boring as fuck
•Literally doesnt kiss you or hold your hand
•its just being w friends with more labels
•Gets a nosebleed whenever you make eye contact
•SUPER nervous around you
•He cannot even comprehend you liking him let alone being in a relationship with him
•Dating freaks him the fuck out
•After you ask him out (sorry but there is no chance of him doing that)
•And even then theres only a 50 percent chance of him saying yes. Even though he likes you
•Overthinks all the time
•If you leave him on delivered for one second he'll freak out
•He is very anxious with you
•Needs constant reassurance you like him
•He is a bit of a pick me, he sends this emoji 🥺
•He is so clingy
•He'll cry if he sees you talking to anyone but him
•If you ever broke up he would never be able to talk or look at you again
•He asked you out as a dare thinking you would say no and you said yes
•Felt too bad to break up with you
•Has been convincing himself to love you ever since
•He'll try give you the ick or being mean to you to get you to break up with him
•You actually fall more in love with him
•He'll start to fall for you too
•If you laugh at his jokes
•Or make an effort to make him laugh
•But then his dreams get crushed
•Someone told you that he asked you out as a joke
•You genuinely get upset and break up with him
•Leaving him heart broken
•He brings you gifts and he looks at you whenever he makes jokes to see if you laugh
•He hates himself for what he did :(
•Probably the most sane relationship you will have
•He wont admit it
•But he is very very stuck up
•He has a very particular taste, like kyle
•However unlike kyle he is a pretty rizzy rizzler
•He'll take you out on nice dates
•He gets bored pretty easily though
•He'll break up with you in a nice way though
•He'll drop a bunch of flowers or chocolates at your door or locker and write you a note
•Too stuck up to do it in person
•He'll treat you like the relationship never happened when you break up though
•Like everything goes back to normal
•He is a pretty well wanted guy in south park high
•He gets a lot of bitches which is very odd because he is one of those guys that really arent anything special but they pull so much
•These people have fueled his ego so much, he thinks he is Ryan gosling
•He'll come up to you like 'sup then ask you know a date
•You'll start dating
•He can be really sweet but he acts all tough because he is the epitome of toxic masculinity
•He got bullied for being a 'crybaby' so i guess he made himself the opposite to fit in
•He gets pissed off when you say he is being flirty with other people
•He cheats on you one night when he is drunk (suprise suprise)
•He cries telling you it was a mistake
•And you dump him in front of everyone
•And he makes you out to be the problem
•Then the whole school hates you
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because-she-goes · 2 years
i’m here with you
warnings: anxiety/panic, annoying ass drunk men, drinking for a split second, shitty friends, Matty being her comfort person. Enjoy!
author’s note: lots of talk about anxiety, panic attacks and mental health issues if these make you feel unsafe please find something else of mine to read! Anxiety/panic attacks effect everyone differently, this is just based on my own experience with it. reader discretion is advised.
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Nora walked, no stumbled, in the door. Not thinking of her husband sleeping peacefully on the couch, getting too sleepy to stay up waiting for her any longer. Mascara just starting to run down her cheeks. Tears flooding her eyes. Mind in a panic.
Maybe it was the 7th shot of tequila, maybe it was her friends ignoring her all night, maybe it was the creepy guy in the baseball hat staring at her the whole night. Maybe it was the guy laughing at her lame joke too loudly, hoping to make her feel better, but just making her feel small and weak. Either way, she feels…off.
Knots and twists in her stomach becoming more intricate, skin crawling in fear, a cold sweat forming in beads across her hairline.
“Matty! Matty! Matty, where are you?” She calls, now on her heels with knees bent, head in her hands. Totally de-compensating now. He jolts up, a chill shooting up his back. He has rarely heard her say his name like that, hell he hasn’t even seen her this scared in the 3 years of their marriage.
“Baby? Is everything okay? What is happening? Are you hurt?” He scrolls through every worst case scenario in his mind, a frenzy taking over him. He makes his way quickly to her. Seeing her like this in their entryway shatters his heart.
“Matty, I dont know what the fuck is happening. I feel like I can’t breathe. God fuck, I’m scared.” She pants in his direction, now fully sitting on the ground with her hands trying to feel and ground her to anything in reality. And in that moment, they share a look. Her normally warm bright eyes, now a cold almost black and filled to the brim with tears and bloodshot veins creep towards her pupils.
His eyes however are droopy, tired and filled with sadness, fear and empathy. He knows what is going on without her even acknowledging it. She used to have them before they got married, when she would have nightmares about her ex. That fucking prick. She must’ve blocked it out from her memory.
He takes her in his arms and cradles her gently. Slowly rocking her back and forth rhythmically. She is now sobbing, a patch on his shirt damp with her tears.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here, I will always be here.” He attempts, trying to remain the strong one in this scenario. “How about we go upstairs, cuddle on the couch and I’ll make you that honey lemon sleepy tea you love.” He offers weakly, voice breaking as he tries not to cry.
“Okay… just stay with me yeah?” she meekly agrees between cries. He lifts her easily and bridal carries her up stairs to their comfy couch, laying her down gently then kissing her forehead. He sits next to her, pulling the blanket at their feet up and over her shoulders and wraps his arms around her softly.
“Wanna talk or just sit for a bit? I’m fine with whatever, as long as you feel okay.” He asks, but trying not to pry. Her crying now slowed into sniffles. She pushes her body closer to him, face going in the crook of his neck and inhaling the comforting scent of lavender and mint with just the remnants of cigarette smoke. She sighs, finally feeling the stress and anxiety melt away just from being with him.
“I think we can talk more about it tomorrow. Just felt alone and invisible the whole night. Plus this guy-“ He stops her.
“What fucking guy? Where is he?” Matty already planning to absolutely annihilate the man who caused her so much pain. Bat to the knees? No. Screaming? No. Pummeling. Yup, plan made.
“He’s nobody. Don’t worry, just was a drunk asshole.” She states plainly, already seeing the gears turn in Matty’s brain. “I’m fine, honey. I feel better already, I promise. You’re presence alone helps.” She quickly adds, telling the truth.
“Okay, let me go make that tea for you. Wanna put on some Bob Ross? I know that used to help.” He gently suggests, already working his way to the kitchen and pulling out the tea supplies with her favorite mug. A few short minutes later, the anxiety and panic has drifted away. Nora sipping her tea wrapped in the blankets and watching Bob Ross paint a forest. One that reminds her of the pine scented candle Matty lights for her while on tour sometimes as she sits in the quiet green room, watching him perform on the monitor. Her little zen den, he adoringly calls it. The crew kindly sets it up for her at the venues if she is having a hard mental day.
She hears him singing a tune quietly next to her, drifting to sleep. She then recognizes it as the song his Dad used to sing for his mom… “Don’t Worry.”
Finally, at peace. The last thought she has before succumbing to the sandman is how lucky she is to have him. Her comfort person. Her Matty.
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unablethethird · 2 months
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60. how are you?
3- yeah but I think it's more of the thought of them than their actual self 4-Going to university and studying psychology 5-my frens/moots 6-My bad memory is both a blessing and a curse, but with the power of forgetting comes the guilt of not remembering
7-genuinely think it was the worst year of my life lol, i can't imagine going through that again 8-Yeah, i cry easily in general lol 9-Does my sister count 10-Very, mostly because my base facial expression is :| so unless im trying hard to mask, or you know me well, you will not know lol 11- Nope, i forgot to put it on but im wearing my headphones 12-To wake up as a random cis boy 13- a little scared/paranoid, but distracting myself with tumblr
15- No self awareness, bad memory, smart dumbass, irresponsible, cringe, sincere, accomadating, i will yap for 100 years or not at all, no inbetween 16-I mean, hasn't everyone 17-They suck to have but they exist and i think its normal to have one thing ur insecure about [as long as you don't obsess over it] 18-Kind of? Like if i could choose different options. But if i couldnt choose then HELL NO 19-nope 20-
21- 14, 27/11/2009 [dd/mm/yyyy] 23- my friends hating me, forgetting, never being okay 24-166cm
25-My friends, not even joking 26-again, my friends 27- feeling negative feelings, people being assholes for no reason, my memory 28-If you're my friend and your vibe isnt bad 29- The lorax 30-Hazbin/murder drones 31- A) The epidermis can't bleed, it has no blood vessels B) Hitler was high for most of WWII C) Theres proof that hitler might have been a closseted gay [and killed people to hide it] Bonus fact: snakes smell with their tongues 32) Used to be mainly guys but im at a single sex school so its girls now 33) To play anything cool, to say no 34) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 35) Sport 36) A) be a psychologist B) Be a good,happy human C) make my frens happy
37)idk much about acting but that beetlejuice guy is cool as heck 38) Im a basic bitch but john mullaney 39) I love playing all sports, but my favorite is either dodgeball or basketball [this does not mean im good at them though /silly] 40) me and my old family friends would phsycially fight for fun a lot, and so one day as our parents took us to the park, we went on a big hill and we started fighting eachother, and it was a 3 on 1 [well, yeah my sister was there but she didn't fight and all she did was run, so nobody went after her], and i still fucking won, the self esteem boost was crazy
41) *insert joke about me and fictional character* 42) Girl in pieces, i have never not cried when reading it 43) I cant choose 44) i dont talk to people so idk 45)
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49) The arcade, playing pump it up 50) that'd dox em and i dont have pics of my moots 51) Sag 52) im kinda good at reading intentions 53) 1-frens 2-music 3-Fanfiction 4-psychology 5-research 54) if i say it i'll get more anxious lol 55) moots=frens 56) Cheese 57)Foxes!!! Especially red or black ones 58) Their username starts with Z, their pfp shows their oc underwater, and they have a don :3 59) I needed to read a fancomic on undertale but i had to make an account
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kpoplesbianism · 11 months
in my mind the seukiji men are like this:
chan doesnt really get the appeal of clubbing n going out he thinks it's stressful hes not judgy abt it its just not his thing he doesnt like anything beyond a full club and alcohol. he doesnt like weed cause it makes him groggy. but hes also done so mucb speed in his studio to get things done like so much staggering amounts but hes chill abt it. prob tried using TCM to sleep once. it freaked him out. but also has def tripped on prescribed ambien a Coupletimes
rino hates it all so much he judges ppl that use drugs so much he thinks theyre infantile and idiots. he drinks but he holds his alcohol really well. like if he gets invited to do shots he does it with astraight face and deosnt get really hammered but also i would not be surprised if he ever did shrooms or ayahuasca during one of his camping trips like a fucking idiot. but also. both chan and minho know a lot abtdrugs safety. chan very willingly ! gives the infomration and minho kinda judges whoever asks for it. simultaneously tho he's weirdly done everything before and no one can figure out When that heppened timeline wise
changbin def parties like a girls girl he goes to the clubbb he gets all dolled up and drinks his silly little edible glitter drinks and then snorts like a couple tips of cut coke in the bathroom with his friends just for funsiesss hes just having a good time!!! he stumbles home and then kisses ppl and then cries cause hes emotional and then goes around everyone saying he loves them soooomuch. hes a gal
hyunjin is scared of drugs hes okay with going out sometimes but he gets kinda disgusted when ppl start sweating or knocking him around or throwing up. like i dont think he's a drink gay he probably drinks like gin or something hes okay with getting a little drunk but hes also very ew>:[ abt it. when he does get drunk tho. happiest littel guy on earth
felix is a messy gay abt everything. he cant handle bitter so he only orders like 27 bucks bullshit drinks like Rose Water and Hybiscus Liqueur and Gin that are mostly ice and watet and have 10% alcohol content but he drinks like 20 of them + like. absinthe shots or something. and then he's out of his mind for the night and no longer 100% there psychologically and does everything he's offered no discrimination. but he's def a uppers kind of guy he doesnt like slowing down and hallucinations are scary :( what im saying is he's a molly gay. probably did G one time and got sooooooo wrong he went crying to chan the next day. but anyways he's out of control. going out is not a one night thing he Will go on a 4 day straight bender complete with losing his phone getting sidequested and having to walk everywhere with 2 different shoes and apartment hopping between his hook ups and then going to chris to relearn how to be a person. messy little molly twink. he and changbin have a great timetogether
jisung would Love to be a rave club kind of dude but he gets scared so easily and clubs are a social anxiety Triggerhell and he probablly had a bad trip on like lamotrigine or some bullshit. so he's a stay athome and smoke weed kind of guy. regularly got scammed by his dealers or orverchrged so bad until seungmin was like baby this is embarrassing ill do it for you. probably tried a hallucinogenic straind at one point and saw mickey mouse on top of his wardrobe or something so thats out of the question. just a scared anxious little stoner. does buy a lot of weed paraphernalia just cause its fun
seungmin is an easily exciteable drunk. you give him the littlest narcotic and hes giggling his laughing hes immitating a monkey he wants more he want to go somewhere else hes boreddd lets gooo. get him drunk implies putting him on a leash. but hes also susprisingly levelheaded with everything else. probably does some downers sometimes to take the edge off. knows what works for him. i can kind of see him as a stoner too
jeongin is like.the mystery partier. he's like 'hey im going out for a cpouple hours' and then hes back very normal. and then like a week later he's like ' haha yeah i did euphoria a couple days ago' and everyoneslike jeongin you did what. he's just in it for a fun time! he's okay with losing sanity for a couple hours. he thinks it'sfun. doesnt take it seriously (good) but also doesnt take it seriously (BAD!) like mixes eberything willy nilly as it appears in his vicinity then goes to rino like hyung i dotn feelwell and rinos like no shit jeongin youre halfway to a heart attack and a coma right now sit the fuck down. hes just a fun guy tho!
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adveturousend · 2 years
Tonight is your lucky night,ma'am
pairing : Hangman x reader, a*hole bf x reader
Summary: a bad night turns into a lucky one
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"This is not the way it's supposed to be" - these words were ringing inside your head constantly for the last 3 days. 3 days ago you were hapilly getting off your plane to FINALLY meet up with your boyfriend,Roy. Tall,handsome ,charming Roy. Caring, loving, insanely hot Roy. Head over hills , cross my heart and hope to die,love of your life Roy.
3 days ago you wouldn't hesitate for a second to leave your good life in Europe and become domesticated wifey if he'd ask you to. 3 days ago you would move to a cabin in the woods or a freaking cave if he'd asked you to. You would do absolutely and totally everything just to be with him. But this was 3 days ago. 3 damn days change your perspective entirely.Now, all you could think of is how stupid and naive you are. How blind you are. What a damn idiot you are. What a sad and insecure person you've become. Since you saw him on the airport you knew something wasn't right. He kissed you with his eyes open, he didnt even take your luggage on his own will,you literally put it in his hand by yourself. Not really subtle,but ok. When you had sex first time in 6 months ,it was quick and not really passionate. He seemed annoyed all the time . You wanted him to show you some of the beautiful sunny San Diego, but he wasnt willing to. He didn't even took a day off work just to be with you. It all was jus't not right. Alarms were ringing in your head but being a polite,well mannered girl ,you stayed silent. You clearly saw that he was not the same person you thought you knew ,which caught you by surprise. When you met for the first time roughly 8 months ago, he was a perfect match . 10/10. He litterally swoop you out of your feet. Dinner dates , long phone calls, flowers, chocolates ,romantic walks,gazing into your eyes, great sex, fun and outgoing- everything you ever wanted in a man...yeah well,you thought that until 3 fucking days ago.
"Let's go back ,its freezing and it's getting late" -a harsh voice snapped you back to reality and put an end to your intrusive thoughts. Well, just put them on hold ,to be more precise. You looked up to meet Roy's eyes - dark and unfeeling. If you weren't feeling cold before , the look he gave you sent shiver down your spine. Or maybe it was an ocean breeze. Or maybe both. "Let's stay just a couple minutes more?" you asked quietly . " Sky is gorgeous tonight" you added. He just scoffed and said " you can stay here all night if you want to but I am your ride and I am going ,bye" - Roy started walking away from you. You couldn't believe what you heard . And what you saw. Your bf was literally leaving you alone here!! "Hey,Roy! What are you doing??!!" You cried after him ,but he didn't respond,just kept walking. So you stood up and started running after him. Once you got to him you grabed his arm and yelled "Seriously???" You leaving me here alone? What the hell is wrong with you?!!?
His eyes were even more cold than before ,he gritted his teeth and literally hissed " I am sick and tired of entertaining your ass. All you do is holding onto me like you cannot fucking do anything without me! Since you flew in here all I do is babysit you, gimme a break woman!" With every spoken word his voice was raising and made you feel even more small than you already did. You stared at him with wide eyes and all you could say was quiet " but I came here for you... because of you, you wanted me to finally ..." "well maybe you shouldn't come,maybe I shouldn't string you along"- he cut you off. "What?" you almost choked . "What are you.." - you fight with tears that are coming ,damn,these stupid eyes of yours in the wet place ,always crying so easily. "Y/n, I cant pretend anymore. I dont want you,not anymore,6 months apart is a lot and things changed, just leave me alone" - he said and walked away leaving you alone , on the beach ,in the middle of the night, in a foreign country. He broke up with you,just like that. On the beach,in the middle of the night. IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRY. You stood there in shock. Eyes wet ,but your mind and body freezed. You seemed to not really know how to process what have just happenned. It was like a bad dream. So you just stood there, looking into the abbyss of the ocean , feeling cold breeze chilling through your bones.You haven't even registered when you started walking. You walked and walked and walked. Mindlessly. For hours.For eternity,that's what it felt like. You were slowly coming into your senses when you heard noises.Sounded like music,so you turned your head in this direction and saw faint lights in the distance. "People" you thought. "I need people right now". That was your focus right now. To not be alone. To get back safely to your hotel. Broken heart can wait. Well,it will catch up to you if you want it or not. But now, basic instinct was kicking in - just be safe. You wiped your tears, straighten your back and put on a brave face as you walked on to the door of what looked like a bar full of people you so desperately needed right now. A little drink wouldnt kill you too. You went in, awkwardly smiling and met a gaze and a smile from a very pretty lady behind the bar. You went straight to her "hey,what can I get you?" The woman asked "Hi, um whiskey on the rocks please" "I'm on it" she winked at you and started preparing your drink. All of a sudden you felt someone right beside you leaned on the bar. You looked up and saw a very handsome face and a pair of green eyes boring into you. "Penny,sweatheart ,4 more beers please" . Handsome face spoke never breaking the eye contact with you. "Just a sec ,Hangman, ladies first " said the bartender as she put your drink in front of you and smiled warmly at you. You smiled back and thanked her, pick the glass up and gulped it like water. You hissed as the alcohol burned your throat but it felt good in a way.Liberating.
"Whoa,easy ma'am! That kind od drinking gets you in trouble!" Handsome face spoke again ,this time directly to you flashing it's pearly whites in a wide smile. "I'm already in trouble so oh well I guess" you responded. His smile got even more wider and he said in a lower ,more raspy voice "Soo,do you need a rescue?" As he said it,he shifted his arms and for a brief second he touched you. His warm skin brushed against your icy cold one. You didn't know if it was just beacause he was hot,like,literally, and you were chilled to the bone or maybe it was just adrenaline washing down or maybe whiskey was doing it's job but sudden closeness of this random guy in the bar gave you some comfort. Something you needed badly right now. "I do ,actually" you heard your own voice coming out of your mouth and before you could react and take it back ,the Handsome face got a bit closer to you and said "Tonight is your lucky night,ma'am"
To be continued
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kraefishh · 11 months
heavensward spoilers under the cut for those who follow me that havent finished it. as well as me dumping about my wols
Starting off with Aymeric.... I love him. I love him very dearly. I love how the story acknowledges that the wol is apprehensive about accepting drinks from people even if they know it will probably be fine. ALSO EVERYTHING ABOUT TAHT CONVERSATION.... it hit. it did. i love Aymeric.
AND THEN-- I really met Alisaie when doing coils and then met her 30 minutes after finishing it because i did coils back to back with 3.4 and HRHJGMMHHFHM. like I liked her but she really did just skyrocket into my top 5 characters within a few set of quests. AND HOUUAUGUHGHG MAN.
the stuff with Ga Bu..... the poor baby. AND THE STARGAZING SEQUENCE. SOLIDIFIED ALISAIE TOP 5.
ARDBERT IS HIS OWN CAN OF WORMS. HE IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERS EVER. TRULY. PUNCHED ME RIGHT IN THE GUT. ME AND MY WOL BOTH. "we never aspired to be Warriors of Light." THAT WAS A SUCKER PUNCH TO THE FACE. THATS MY WHOLE SHIT. THATS MY WHOLE THING WITH MY WOLS. "We fought and we fought and we fought... until there was no one left to fight. We won ...and now our world is being erased from existence."
^ Quite literally my whole point about what my wols struggle with. They give EVERYTHING to the fight. to the cause. and in the end, it never is enough. It never was enough, for Alidae. she gave up at the end of ARR cause she lost hope that she could do enough. T'lyr was forced to take a break, lest he resign himself to burnout and destruction of self. Sthallona never returned to the fight after the Calamity. she no longer wanted to have to prove herself to the world that she was enough.
and here it is. in the fucking game. in personified form. rar you warned me and i really didn't understand. I Understand Now.
oh also dont get me started on Urianger. I've already resigned that I have to put him on my top ffxiv character list. I was losing my goddamn mind the entire time about his double crossing scheme.
OH SPEAKING OF URIANGER. AND JUST IN GENERAL. THE VOICE ACTING???? THE VOICE ACTING??? tHE VOICE ACTING!!!! The voice acting in this patch was phenominal. I was worried I wasn't going to like Urianger's voice after swearing by Gideon Emery AND THEN WAS PROVEN WRONG WITHIN SECONDS. Ardbert, again, is his own can of worms. Joe Dempsie really put his all into this role and I could not thank him enough. I quite literally almost cried and news flash: I don't cry at things. Very easily.
EEEEHAHAHAHA THEN WE GET TO THE WORD OF THE MOTHER MINFILIA. THAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE RIPPED WHAT LITTLE LEFT OF MY EMOTIONAL STABILITY TO SHREDS. "Minfilia don't you dare I don't have the emotional capacity tonight," I say to my sibling, right as she appears, having not even experienced the cutscene yet. I was right. I did not have the emotional capacity. (Side note: neither did Alidae! guarantee she was holding back tears the entire time.)
Thancred was on the verge of tears too I don't care what you say. That is his sister that he is saying goodbye to for (to his knowledge) probably the last time.
Oh I'm SO MAD that Y'shtola and Krile and Lyse (yes I know about Yda being Lyse such is the curse of being on the internet) and Papalymo weren't there to say goodbye too. like I understand that would have been a lot of voice acting and a lot of models to fit on screen, BUT THEY DESERVED THAT :(((
and I finished the 'An Ending to Mark a New Beginning' quest already in shambles. but I knew there was going to be some kind of teaser cutscene to wrap up the patch. I was Wholly expecting something pertaining to Papalymo or Yda in set up for Stormblood. and well lets just say I was Wrong.
Something you should know about me, I got abnormally attached to two characters. Those who know me personally, it should not be a surprise as to why I got attached to them. And for those who don't its anybody's fucking guess. Those two characters being Cid and Nero respectively.
anyway thank you for your time. TL;DR I am not normal about Ardbert, Alisaie, and Nero. I don't think I will emotionally recover from this patch for a solid week and I am so sorry for those close to me that will have to hear about it (and to those who already have)
I have to work later tonight. I have not slept. <- this was posted at 6am.
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roughentumble · 2 years
just watched the monster (2016), directed and written by bryan bertino, and it was such a waste of fucking time. all the things people mock about A24 films misused and cranked up to the point of parody, melted together with the illogical shitty writing and directing one can expect from the creator of the complete disaster that is "the strangers". an idiot plot full of holes and inconsistencies just to get us from point A to point B because actually writing is really hard, so why bother trying. the monster doesnt act like a logical Thing that Exists, it acts like a plot motivator, constantly walking away from food and prey that's easily accessible because it would be ~~soooo much spooookier ooooo~~ to wait and jump back out again later. (hint: it isnt actually scarier, because the film has no idea how to craft tension on any level).
you cant even claim that the monster acted strangely because it was acting as a metaphor or something else one might predict from an A24 horror film, because it just isnt. it isnt acting as a metaphor for anything, it's just a thing that's out there and acts like the anamatronic in a dark ride, jumping out and going BOO! at scripted points to scare the protagonists, or sometimes lurking behind them pointlessly since they never turn around to see it, just like the pointless lurking in the strangers. it WANTED to be a metaphor, oh sure, it's plain as day that it WANTED to be a metaphor for ~~the monster that is parental abuse and alcoholism ooo~~, but the writing simply isnt good enough to actually Make a metaphor. bertino has no idea how to do it. so it's actions have no logical or metaphorical motivation, making it just a jumpscare puppet.
i dont really give a shit about the trials and tribulations of the abusive mom who never shouldve had custody of her child, and i dont really care when she cries or gets hurt because who the fuck feels anything for a person who smacks their child in the face to get more beer, or screams at her "fuck you, i hate you," because she wanted to be dropped off at her school play? boo hoo, your kid doesnt want you drunk in the crowd while she's trying to perform. good job convincing her you care by driving away and screaming "i hate you, fuck you, get your own fucking ride to the play," like the mature adult you are. you sure showed that 12 year old!
the only satisfaction in the plot was in her worthless, meaningless death because her character wasnt even smart enough to come up with a plan the 12 year old figured out in minutes. the entire movie was her kid being smarter than her, and her disregarding it and putting her child in danger.
the monster design was boring and uninspired, though it had potential i think, and i admire the use of practical effects and costumes. the makeup work for the monster was good, and the team behind it should be commended. also the child actress managed to hold her own despite a script that required a /lot/ of crying and emotions, so good on her. it's too bad ella ballentine's performance is buried under a trashheap of a script
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hoondrip · 3 years
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paring: enhypen x reader
genre: crack, fluff
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Lee heeseung:
doesn’t really believe it at first
“you know you don’t have to lie to get my attention babe”
cries once he sees your fangs
never thought his cute little s/o could be a blood sucking mosquito
just stares into space after he’s done crying
lowkey is scared of you but cuddles with you anyway
after he’s done with his little breakdown he goes back to normal
well atleast that’s what you think
side-eyes you sometimes though
Jake sim:
lowkey is scared of you pt.2
mans is obsessed with you though
treats you the exact same
“I wouldn’t ever leave you baby, whether you’re a vampire or a worm (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃”
does a ton of research on your species
would want you to turn him so you could both live together forever
you don’t want to do it but he keeps reassuring you that everything will be fine
he’s literally looking at you like this 🥺 HOW COULD YOU NOT GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS
soooo you end up doing it and he’s having the time of his life
flexing his fangs and running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off
you start regretting your life decisions right then
Jay park:
mans just doesn’t care
or atleast acts like he doesn’t
treats you the same way he did before
asks you a lot of questions about your capabilities
“thats hot”
is a little weirded out though
buys you a lifetime supply of blood bags
you’re confused on where they came from
but you don’t complain
knows you’d never hurt him
park sunghoon:
already knew tbh 💀
is a vampire himself
now you’re hella confused because....what???
“Oh I thought you already knew LOL”
is completely laid back and chill while you’re sitting there trying to get your brain to function
“when did you become one?”
“a magician never tells his secrets darling 😏”
asks you how you haven’t noticed the signs before
you both just shrug it off from there
would bite you out of nowhere to get your attention
superior vampire couple 😼
kim sunoo:
does not believe it
you show him proof but he still doesn’t believe it
at some point you actually start to convince him
doesn’t want to accept it
thinks you’re too soft and cute to be a vampire
kinda like heeseung
“nope nope nope my baby is not and cannot be a vampire”
accepts it eventually
looks at you with disgust when you drink out of a blood bag
“y/n if you’re going to be a vampire then atleast look cute while doing it”
“how the hell do I look cute while drinking out of a blood bag sunoo? 💀”
“hmph I don’t know, drink out of it with a straw or something 🙄”
yang jungwon:
“wait really?”
kinda fascinated
“can I see your fangs?”
Is in complete and utter awe once you show him
after you answer all of his questions nothing really changes
accepts it easily
still teases tf outta you though
“hey, wonnie can you hand me that book off the shelf”
“and what if I dont?? you gonna “suCk mY bLooDs?!!?)?”
“vAmPirEs dOnt SouNd liKe thAt diMwiT”
nishimura riki
“yeah okay💀”
another one who doesn’t believe it
is laughing his ass off
thinks you’re bluffing with him until you turn into a bat
ends up passing out
now you’re just like el oh el what the fuck 💀
wakes up 20 minutes later giggling
“what are you laughing at”
“jeez y/n i just had the weirdest dream”
“oh really? tell me about it ni-ki”
“you told me you were a vampire and then turned into a bat, I was scared to be honest”
your turn to giggle
you contemplate on turning back into a bat to mess with him but decide against it
so you just end up never telling him
A/n: not proofread, this was fun to write tbh I might do more stuff like this 😩
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Yandere Rei Hurting Reader Pt2
Yes yes. Its out now. I won't delete this one. Enjoy!
Part 1 is here. Part 3 here.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Todoroki Clan:
It had been so awful at first. So hard for everyone to adjust to the new change. Of course, it was especially difficult for you to adapt to the new circumstances.
When you had first woken up after the unfortunate incident, approximately 3 days later, you didn't expect to be home so soon. You expected- you hoped that you would wake up in the hospital and have them call the authorities. Then again, you also didn't expect never being able to use your eyes again.
Shotou was the first one to notice when you had woken up from your coma. He hadn't left your side since the accident. He jumped from his seat beside you and held the glass of water to your lips when you tried to speak. The family came rushing in when he called for them, announcing that you had woken up. You could hear Fuyumi and her crying tears of joy as Natsuo came to check your vitals. You knew your eyes were bandaged, which was expected because of the hot oil that was poured on them, but when you asked Natsuo when they were coming off, he went silent. Your heart sank when he told you what had happened, how your eyes were fucking fried to the point that the arteries supplying them were also destroyed, which meant they couldn't be replaced, ever.
You screamed a lot that day; you would've cried but you didn't have any tear ducts. You didn't let anyone touch you at first, especially Rei. You would scream, throw yourself away from her if you felt her come near you. Eventually, Natsuo put some sort of tranquilliser into your IV, finally calming you down.
Being blind was hard, you knew that. But you didn't know that it would also be this humiliating. After the accident, they had starting infantalizing you even more, doing the most miniscule things for you.
Shotou would be the first person who greeted you in the morning and usually the last person to put you to bed at night. He would carry you around everywhere you go, telling you its simply unsafe for you to walk on your own. Sure you bumped into the furniture a few times and it was a bit hard maintaining your balance, but that didn't mean you needed him to carry you around everywhere. You had asked him to get you a cane, but he only said "why do you need a stick when you have me? Just tell me where you want to go". 
Each morning, Shotou would take you down the stairs to the toilet and more often than not, have Fuyumi come and help you, even for brushing your teeth. Then he would take you to the dining table where everyone is waiting for you. Fuyumi would give your breakfast to Shotou, who would cut it up and feed you. Once you're done eating, you would wait for Shotou to finish his food. During breakfast, everyone would make small talk while you remained quiet. After everyone's finished eating, Fuyumi and Rei would take dishes to sink. You would've helped, but everyone's pretty much forbidden you from entering the kitchen.
Shotou would then carry you either to his room or the living room, where he would turn on the TV and tell you what's happening. But since this always makes you remember how you don't have eyes, he would usually just read you some book. Somehow, they're always about princesses and fairytales. You were getting sick of hearing them.
Fuyumi would later come and fetch you, and take you to your bath. While you would be cleaning yourself, after politely declining help from Fuyumi each time, she would be out preparing your clothes for the day. She would explain to you what you're wearing and how you look, and how she's going to style your hair. As if any of these things mattered to you. But even if they did, its not like you'd have a say in anything.
You still remember the first time you were taking a bath, after finally convincing Fuyumi to let you have the "luxury" to clean yourself up. You finally had some time for yourself, alone and away from the rest of the house. You sank in the warm water in the tub, allowing yourself to relax. The privacy was comforting, but not long lasting, as you felt cold hands touch your shoulders. In an instant, you jumped away screaming. "GET AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!" Rei tried coming closer to you but you kept on screeching at the top of your lungs, alerting the whole house. "FUYUMI! SHOTOU! GET HER AWAY! SHOTOU GET HER AWAY!" At that point you didn't even care if they saw you nude, they just need to save you from her. The siblings rushed to the bathroom and upon seeing your huddled form in the corner and their mother sobbing, Fuyumi hastily covered you with a towel while Shotou took Rei out of there.
Shotou tried to make you understand that Rei was just trying to help you. That she just missed you and wanted to take care of you. He was basically telling you not to be afraid of her, and that your trauma is not valid. You stopped talking to him after that, only spoke when absolutely necessary.  
Natsuo would pick you up after your bath while Fuyumi went to make lunch. He would check your eyes (or lack there of), put on some ointments and replace the bandages with fresh ones. Fuyumi would come with your lunch and after she'd fed you, Natsuo would give you your medicine. They always make you sleepy, so you'd be put down for a nap.
Dabi wasn't always around, but when he was, he was still the asshole he was before. He would move your things to different places, or place stuff in your way so that'd you'd trip (he always caught you before you face planted), all so that you would ask him for help he could get a rise out of you. But you would just sigh and move on.
Enji liked to take you to the garden and read you books and newspapers. It was alright you guess, but you wanted to do something yourself, especially since they still didn't take you out of the house. You had asked him for a Braille, but he only replied "You don't need to stress yourself with that. I'll always be there to read you whatever you want." 
If Enji's running late, then Shotou would take you to the swings in the garden, pushing you as he tells what happened at school or with friends. After dinner, you’d be forced to spend some more time with your siblings, before you’d be tucked into bed.
That has been the routine for the past 6 months since your accident. And the family really felt like everything was returning to normal. It was, for them. This is how they always wanted things to happen: you, locked up in the house while they stripped you of all autonomy and infantalized you to the point where it was harming you, both physically and mentally. Your body was growing weak, your muscles got easily fatigued from their lack of use. And the pills Natsuo gave you didn't really help the case. They made you sleepy, and you think they even caused hallucinations since you felt like someone was in your room or someone was playing with your hair.
Even though you were stuck at home all day, you still never talked to Rei. Well she tried, but you would be the one to always flinch away. She wouldn't address herself when she entered your room, but you would still feel her lurking around the corners. And why should you acknowledge her? Especially after what she's done? 
Enji wasnt ignorant of your condition. He could see how quiet you had gotten, and how scared you were of Rei. He was getting worried for you. What were you thinking about? Enji knew if he didn't talk to you, things will get worse.
You were sitting by the lounge window with Fuyumi who was telling you about her day. Fuyumi greeted him when he came in the room. "Hey, dad!" Enji nodded. "Fuyumi, would you leave us? I'd like to talk to Y/n." Fuyumi nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before she left the room, only Enji noticing how you stiffened at her affection. He sat beside you and cleared his throat. "How are you?" "Fine. You?"you softly asked. "I'm good, too. I wanted to talk to you about something. About...your mom." "My mom's dead." Enji cleared his throat. "I meant Rei." "Oh. What about her?" "Why haven't you been talking to her?" You remained silent. “What happened was an accident-” “It wasnt an accident. An accident is spilling milk. Not pouring hot oil in someone’s eyes.” Enji knew this was coming.“She didn’t do it on purpose-” You cut him off again. “She did! She knew exactly what she was doing.” “Why would she do that?” “I don’t know. She hates me or something.” Enji grabbed your hand gently. “You know that's not true. Rei loves you very much and she cares about you a lot.” You didn't say anything. “Do you remember the day you came to our house?” You nodded. “Yeah. It was a few days after my parents funeral.” “Yes. And do you remember what Rei said to you?” You stiffened before nodding again. “She said that she may not be my real mother, but she’ll love me more than anyone ever has and ever will. Always.” “Yes. And has she not? Has she not loved you more than anyone?” You nodded slowly as Enji continued. “Between you and me, she’s always favoured you among all of your siblings.” You smiled at that. “So, are you willing to give your mother a chance?” You paused for a few minutes. “I- I cant.” Enji sighed. “Look. I know you’re scared. I understand. I know you want to blame Rei for what happened, but believe me when I tell you it wasn't her fault. It was an accident.” You shook your head. “And what if another “accident” like that happens again? And what if I dont survive this time? And what if-” Your voice broke down. Enji pulled you into his lap. “It won't. I promise. And if something like that does occur, I’ll be there to stop it.” Enji pressed a kiss to your hair. “I’ll save you. I promise.”
With Enji's persuasion, you had started mending your relationship with Rei again. Sure, you still flinched when she touched you and you were still hesitant to initiate conversations with her, but none of that bothered Rei. You were trusting her again, and she was more than happy to do more on her part to make you comfortable.
And you won't lie, but life was better with Rei. She knew when Dabi or Shotou were becoming too overbearing, or when Natsuo was fussing over you for no reason. She was there to stop Fuyumi from chatting your ear away, and knew when to stop Enji from feeding you too many sweets.
And Enji could see that Rei was sorry for what she did. He saw how she would often massage ointments on your face, her fingers barely tracing the charred area around your eyes before pulling away quickly. And other times, like today, as he stood by your bedroom door, he saw how gentle she was with you as she tucked you into your bed. He kissed his wife once she had left your room. "How are my girls doing?" Enji asked Rei in a hushed voice, not wanting to wake you up. Rei smiled. "Good." They slowly started walking back to their room. "Shes an angel, Enji. So sweet." Enji hummed in agreement. "Can I tell you something?" Enji stopped and turned to face his wife. He raised an eyebrow. "I'm kind of glad what happened...to her." Rei was smiling. "She's so much better like this. So docile now. I...I don't regret what I did, you know?" Enji's blood ran cold. "Rei... dont tell me- you didn't do that on purpose, did you?" Rei nodded, a bit too eagerly. "I know, I know. It wasn't ethical. And if I could, I would've taken away her pain in a heartbeat. But you must agree that its much better now, right?" Enji couldn't believe what Rei was confessing. "I mean, look at her now. She doesn't even try running away. She knows- she feels safer with us, inside." Rei sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I thought that maybe it wouldn't come to this. I thought that after Touya took care of her parents, she'd be a bit more scared to be outside on her own. That's why we told her they died in a car crash." Rei rested her cheek on his chest. "It scares me what I'm willing to do for her, Enji." Enji knew Dabi had something to do with what happened to your parents, but knowing Rei had a hand in it too, or more precisely, she was the one who told Touya to get rid of them. Enji didn't know what to do with this new side of his wife. But he did know he had to keep her hidden from you, so he ushered his wife to their bedroom, not knowing you had already heard them.
You had realised a couple of things that night. One, Rei and Dabi had murdered your parents. Two, Rei pouring the hot oil in your eyes wasn't some sort of psychotic episode. Three, Enji and the others were going to take Rei's side, no matter what.
A few weeks later, your birthday came around. The siblings had left the house to get some things for your birthday party, leaving you in the care of their parents. Rei was in the kitchen cooking up a whole feast for you, while you sat beside Enji in the lounge as he read the newspaper. Enji had already given you your present. It was giant teddy bear with chocolates from Belgium. They were utterly delicious. When you stood up, he asked you where you were going. You pointed at the box of chocolates in your hand. "I'm going to share them with, mom. Unless, thats not okay?"you asked meekly. Enji still wasn't all that comfortable with letting you and Rei be alone, especially after her confession. But... if he doesn't let you go to her alone, you'll always be afraid of her. And its not like Rei will hurt you again, right? Besides, the kitchen is just down the hallway. He's sure nothing will happen. He nodded. "Okay. Should I walk you there?" "No. Its down the hall. I think I'll be fine on my own." Enji then allowed you to go, telling you to call for him if you need anything.
Rei was chopping up some vegetables when she heard your footsteps. She turned around to find you standing just outside the kitchen. "Hey, angel! What are you doing here?" You remained outside the kitchen as you spoke. "I wanted to share these chocolates dad got for me. W-would you like some?" Oh, you're so kind. Rei quickly wiped her hands on a kitchen towel before walking towards you and leading you to the dining room in front of the kitchen. She helped you sit down before taking a seat next to you. "You want me to have your chocolates? But didn't daddy gift them to you?" You bit your lip as you replied. "Well yes, but I- I wanted to share them with you so that I could- I wanted to thank you for taking care of me. And for loving me. I would've gotten you something else but I'm not allowed to go outside..."you mumbled the last sentence, but that didn't matter as Rei quickly hugged you. "Oh honey! You're so sweet!" Rei took a piece of chocolate from the box that you had extended towards her. "And these chocolates are so delicious! Daddy really loves to spoil you, doesnt he?" Rei pinched your cheek gently. You smiled. "I'm glad you liked them. Especially, after all you've done for me. You deserve them more than I do, honestly." Rei stopped at that. "Honey...what are you talking about?" You smiled. "What? Am I not saying the truth? You deserve these chocolates, and all the sweets and flowers and medals for being the best mother." You popped a chocolate into your mouth before continuing. "After all, the criteria is very high. You need to not only have the intent to kill for your child, but you also have to commit murder. Then kidnap your child and force her to bide to your rules. And if she misbehaves, you must punish her as well, right? Because good behaviour gets chocolate," You popped another chocolate into your mouth. "And bad behaviour gets your eyes fried."
Rei just stared at you in disbelief. H-how did you- you didn't hear them talking last night did you? Or did Dabi tell you? Rei stared at you as you ate another piece of chocolate. "I wonder after you've killed me, will you be given chocolates or flowers?" "D-darling, w-what are you saying? I would never hurt you!" You chuckled darkly. "No no. You've done it before and I know you'll do it again. After all, it scares you what you're willing to do for me." You caressed her cheeks, and when you felt her tears, you wiped them. "I'm not saying you have the intention to kill me. No, you'll just hurt me again, another little accident, but this time I won't survive. I just hope you'll bury me somewhere where there's a lot of fresh air, maybe on a hill with a view?" Rei finally broke down at that, falling to her knees as she clung to your legs. "Please! Y/n please forgive me! Please baby, I- I just wanted the best for you. I don't want you to die, I- I promise I'll never hurt you again! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Please baby, I'll do anything. Just forgive me!" You sighed. "Anything? I don't think you mean that." Rei nodded her vigorously, tears falling everywhere. "I do! I do! Just tell me what to do!" You tapped your chin, pretending to think. "Bring a knife. A sharp one." Rei's eyes widened. "W-What?" "Well...its only right for you to be punished as well. To atone for your sins, right?" "O-okay." Rei went to the kitchen and brought a big knife with her. "Lock the door." She did as you told her. You extended your palm, waiting for her to place the knife. She did. You stood up, right in front of Rei. You told her to stand against a wall, and she followed. You played with the sharp end if the knife. "I want to hurt you. I want to hurt you so bad. I want you to feel the pain, the hell you've put me through." This is it, Rei thought, you're going to kill her. For some reason, she was okay with that. "I want you to know you failed. I want you to know you're a bad mother. A selfish, bad mother." Rei was full on sobbing now. "Look at me. I want you to remember this." And with that you raised the knife before stabbing yourself in the gut, two screams ripping through the manor. Rei shot towards you, her hands trying to pull the knife away. "What did you do?! What did you do?!" Rei was crying. Enji was banging on the locked door for a few seconds before he burned it down and the sight he was met with...was nothing short of a nightmare.
There you layed on the floor, blood sputtering from your mouth, your shirt stained with blood and Rei. Rei, who was hunched over your body, with a bloody knife in her hand, crying out "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!".
Enji rushed towards you, pushing Rei back roughly. You were coughing up blood, your head turned away from him until you felt him touch your face. "D-daddy..."you whimpered out before your breathing came to a stop.
"No. No." Enji quickly gathered your limp body in his arms, running out of the house towards a hospital. He kept on chanting "no", because he didn't want to believe that he failed to protect you.
That he failed to save his daughter, again.
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I had 5 different endings in my mind and Idc if this isn't your preferred ending (the ending I had in my mind was something out of Quentin Tarantino's movie). I'm just glad to be done with it.
Anyways, exams are coming up and I'm not going to be posting a lot.
And ill be taking up your follow up questions/asks for this part! I'll also be answering godfather hawks asks now that this part is out.
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
Hood Bakugo gives me life.
I NEED you to write about the whole UA gang in the hood because this was just *chefs kiss*
Easily in my top 5 fav fics of all time ♥♥♥
Idk what you mean by whole UA gang but here's a lil smth smth
Bakugou in the hood is beautiful. Dating him is like a religious experience tbh. He's definitely the plug/dealer everyone's afraid of. If you owe him money or anything, I pray for you. He does not take shit lightly, you will leave his place with 4 missing toes, and if you don't pay your debt by the end of the week, you won't have any legs 🤷🏾‍♀️. Carries a glock around all the time, but you wouldnt know cause he hides it. Has a temper but it's not as bad as it used to be when he was just starting out. He sits back and watches, the kind of gangsta that doesnt do the whole 'gang signs for everything' type shit, and he's not soft. For you, yeah. For his bros, sometimes, but if he needs to kill a bitch he won't hesitate.
He loves ass. Like if you walk into his crib and you're wearing shorts??
Game over.
He'll push you down onto the plush carpet of his office and make you suck him off while he takes drags of a blunt, offering it to you while you gag around him. If you accept, he'll have you blow rings around his cock while you suck it, then when he's about to cum he'll pull you off and fuck you from the back, grabbing at your ass and cursing into the air.
Gives you a smack on the ass and a bunch of rolled hundreds so you can go shopping. Get as much shit as you want, but at the end of the day you better be in his bed.
Denki's headass is a fake hood nigga . He's probably a super senior (got held back lmfao) cause he kept getting caught either blowing bitches backs out in the stairwell or hot boxing the bathroom. When he was in high school, he was def the type to put a speaker in his backpack and blast NBA youngboy. He throws gang signs in the hallways, not even knowing what some of them really mean.
He's been shot at multiple times.
The only reason he's not always in trouble is cause he and Bakugou grew up together. No one fucks with Bakugou's crew.
He has an unhealthy obsession with tits for sure. He sees you in a tank top or an off the shoulder and hes pulling you to a secluded corner and kissing you breathless, hands tugging and pinching at your chest.
Loves when you ride him cause he can watch your tits bounce.
Even if you dont have big ones, he still loves them, sucking at your nipples and rubbing up and down your stomach.
Leaves lots of marks.
Would die for you. Has threatened to shoot your parents for making you cry, even though all he has is a pocket knife.
Has to beg Bakugou for a glock.
Sero is the plug. Like, Bakugou does some runs for him occasionally but Sero has everything. He's always in this really ratty recliner with a pitbull at his feet, smoking a blunt and playing some dumbass game.
He has so much money constantly, its crazy.
Even tho what he does is against the law in so many ways he's friends with all the neighborhood cops. Mans never gets in trouble LMAO.
He and Bakugou are the ones who run shit.
He loves thighs. Around the house you're only allowed to wear short shorts and thigh thighs. Or, even better, naked with thigh thighs 👀
Sadly, the last option is virtually impossible cause there's always people coming in and out.
But when he isnt working, he loves to lay you down and feast on you, making you play his game or try to finish his blunt without choking or losing.
Goes down on you for hours, won't even fuck you unless you beg for it.
Doesnt give a shit about himself when it comes to you :((
Kirishima isnt a part of the hood LMFAO
Hes like that one friend who everyone loves but doesnt belong there.
Like Jaden, Shawn, Daeshawn, and Mark.
We love Mark.
Kiri was Bakugou's childhood best friend. He and Bakugou went on different paths, and Bakugou is a growing gangsta while Kirishima is manager in training at Game Stop.
He doesn't smoke often but when he does it's really fun.
Gets the gang discounts at the store, even tho they can all afford to buy the entire Gamestop chain.
That's why Sero has every new Play Station, Balugou has every Xbox, Denki has all the Legend of Zelda merch, Mina has a bunch of cute plushies.
He always comes in clutch 😫
He loves everything about you.
Like he cant pick a favorite body part, but loose clothing (sundresses, baggy clothes, his clothes??) Makes him lose his mind.
He will lift up whatever you're wearing finger you till your creaming all over him, then slide home and make your legs shake for days.
Feral Kirishima is not a common thing, hes usually sweet and doting, the ultimate service dom, but wear his shirt with some thigh highs or a garter belt?? Or even his uniform shirt ??
R.I.P that pussy, ayyy
Mina is literally the most fun out of all of them.
She always has some type of substance on her, a little flask, some weed in a cute baggy, some suspicious pills, you name it.
Always dresses in juicy merch.
Shes always wearing those silky sweat outfits with the crop jackets, with a gold chain and some filas.
Nails always done, hair always done.
Ms. Girl can fight, period.
Will and has beat a bitch for you.
Don't get her mad. She angry cries, and will swing on you if needed.
She also loves everything about you, but she be staring at your ass a lot.
Doesnt care what you're wearing, she will smack it.
Shes usually more domineering. Shes definitely a switch, but she takes control in the way that she knows what she wants and she'll guide you through it, even if shes "subbing"
Loves going down on you.
She gets insecure sometimes when you wanna eat her out, but always shakes in pleasure at the end of the night, manicures nails scraping down your back and scalp as she screams your name.
You literally have no idea what she does or where she goes when she disappears randomly, but she always has cash.
No one asks questions tho
Let me know if you want a Dekusquad or individual fic/drabble :)
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lollytea · 2 years
I am begging you to elaborate on Hunter and his opinions on One Piece. Does he read/watch it all in one go? Does he have crazy theories about it? Did it make him cry? Enquiring minds want to know. Also his reaction to Gus' movie.
I know nothing about one piece. It was just the first manga that came to mind on that day cuz somebody had mentioned it to me earlier. So I can't go into specifics BUT
I dont think Hunter does fucking anything casually. He is gonna feel incomplete if its left unfinished so if he's gonna read/watch/commit himself to anything he would tear though it as fast as he possibly can. He's a little bit deranged that way. Staying up to consume it until he crashes and passes out for like two days, then wakes up and goes right back to business. He doesn't know how to fucking relax.
He would absolutely have batshit crazy theories because he is the kind of person who never turns his brain off. He can't just sit back and absorb a thing, he's always thinking just a little too much about everything. He would have one of those little conspiracy boards.
He probably cried yeah. He gets invested.
Hunter is.....scared shitless of Gus's movie. Like I notice that in the show he is a lot more easily frightened than you would expect of him. Constantly jumping and squeaking when startled. I figure it's not even the disturbing stuff in Gus's movie that freaks him out but the jumpscares and the suspenseful music. But he still insists on joining the rest of them on the couch to watch it for the first time after it's finished because he is very proud of Gus for making...this...weird....thing? And he is very brave for watching the whole thing and deserves a round of applause.
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0rchard · 3 years
also making kita\akaashi\suna stuff u with his milk until he's crying<3
You have a very big brain anon 😩 Even if I dont really lewd Suna and Akaashi, I can totally see that happen-
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With Kita you would be in missionary, legs wrapped firmly around his hips, letting him no other choice but to stay inside you, and fuck you, again and again until your so overwhelmed by pleasure, so full of cum that your shaking legs can't hold him anymore. He loves to stuff you full like that, the sounds of his skin slapping against yours, the feeling of his and your cum mixing and tainting your sheets. Yes, at the end he is cumming dry, eye crying for the pain and pleasure of each trust into you, but so are you.
With Akaashi, he prefers when you are sat on his lap. He knows he can't keep a steady rhythm, and find it more reassuring when you are fully in control. Poor baby cries very easily and is already very sensitive so it does not take long for him to be a sobbing mess, crying it's already too much when his 3rd orgasm is coming. But you know better than his mind how much his body can take, and won't stop until your desire is fulfilled. What sent him over the edge, every time, is the feeling of his cum dripping out of your hole, sticking to your thighs, rolling down on his thighs and his balls.
With Suna, cowgirl is his go-to position when you want to milk him dry. Not that he is lazy, or can't keep a good rhythm. Nah, he loves this position because like that he can admire your body as much as he wants. Hands resting on your hips or thighs, probably leaving scratch marks there at the end, he looks at your body, listens to the sound of your moans, to the sound of your skin slapping against his, to the sound of his length sinking inside you. Contrary to the other 2, it takes a lot to overstim Suna until he cries, but it's not an impossible mission. All you need to do is to play with his hardened nipples~
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [final part] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
Let's end this with a bang, shall we? Also, let's not cry too much, okay? [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
4,004 words
warning: SMUT, double vaginal penetration, oral [M], face fucking, slight degradation, passing out, emotions in the end
note:  we're finally done! thanks to everyone who took the time to read my silly story! I truly hope this brought you some type of joy and entertainment! I would appreciate some final feedback now that we are finished. Please dont be shy 🥺❤
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || Masterlist
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I couldn't help the deep sigh that left from behind my lips as strong hands massaged my back, my body relaxing on the comfortable massage bed. A floral, relaxing scent wafted through my nose, further relaxing me.
"Your body is so tense," a soft, feminine voice said and I hummed in response, eyes closing as the person's hands continued to massage me. "Don't worry, I'll have you all better by the end."
I just hummed again, letting my mind wander as the masseuse massaged my muscles. If she noticed the bruises and bite marks left on my skin, she didn't say anything, just massaging them a little more carefully.
The night before... just thinking back to it made me chew on my bottom lip, remembering how both Chuuya and Dazai thoroughly fucked me deep into the night. They basically turned me inside out, pulling orgasm after orgasm from my body, using me in any which way to please them until I was a fucked out, shaking mess, lying on my back staring blankly at the ceiling.
I can hear their laughter still in my head, the dirty words they whispered still fresh in my mind. Can still feel their rough fingers digging into my flesh, in my mouth, inside me, pulling me into new heights over and over again until I was basically brain dead.
Last night was the first night in days that I had actually gotten some sleep, having woken up refreshed, yet still sore just this morning. It took a bit to get up and walk around, searching for clothes only to remember that I didn't even pack a bag when Chuuya brought me to the penthouse.
"You won't need it," Chuuya told me, sitting at the bar and sipping some tea. He only wore his pants, his shirtless form making me flustered a bit.
"I can't walk around naked, you know. What if I need to leave the penthouse?" I huffed, earning a laugh from Dazai, who was still cuddled up in the blankets.
"You're not leaving, bella~"
I scoffed. "Shouldn't you be at work?"
"I took vacation time."
Dazai just grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. I can just hear Kunikida bursting a blood vessel at this very moment. I shook my head, feeling Chuuya come up and hug me from behind, kissing on my neck softly.
"You won't be leaving," he confirmed Dazai's statement and I shivered slightly. "The masseuse will be here in an hour, so eat breakfast. I felt just how tight and tense your body was last night."
"We need you to be nice and pliable~" Dazai sang and I scoffed, my face heating up.
"Horn dogs..." I grumbled, Chuuya letting me go. After a much needed shower and breakfast, there was a knock on the door and now here I was, the very skilled masseuse kneading out every tight knot in my body.
"Thank you," Chuuya told the masseuse after finishing the session with me. He handed her a fat wad of cash and as she headed out the penthouse, more than pleased with the large tip.
"... and you really think you don't scream 'sugar daddy'?" I asked him, earning a huff and a glare from the red head. Dazai snickered, arm wrapping around my loose body. He led me over to the bar to join Chuuya and I sat on the stool. There was a bit of a silence and I took a look at the two of them before I set my hands on the bar.
"Okay," I started. "Let's talk."
"Ohhh, exciting," Dazai hummed, grabbing the whiskey and pouring himself a glass. "Now that things have finally settled down, I guess it's finally time to have this conversation."
Chuuya was confused. "What conversation?"
"What else? This," I gestured between the three of us. "Us."
"... aren't we just what, fuck buddies? Hell, we were only supposed to have a one night stand!"
"Yet, here we are, Chuuya."
"That's what happens when you have good pussy," Dazai remarked and I gasped, completely scandalized as my face heated up.
"What, it's true!"
"Ugh, even if we are just fuck buddies, we have to set boundaries! Expectations!" I exclaimed. "We haven't used condoms, we know Dazai is a little thot-" 
"Don't laugh, Chuuya, you are way too pretty to not be gettin' some."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, you're the only one I've been sleeping with," Dazai admitted and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't know if I believe you."
"But it's true! Whose bed have I been in the most recently?"
"I... well, you have a point."
"And you're the first I've had in a while," Chuuya admitted himself. "I had a lot of things going on."
I nodded my head in understanding, fiddling with my thumbs a bit. "Well... I just want us to be safe. And well, you know, happy so... I don't mind... keeping things how they are now. You know, casual..." I was getting a bit flustered.
"I don't have a problem with it," Dazai said with a shrug.
"Of course you don't," Chuuya huffed. "But fine. It'll be better if feelings don't get involved anyway."
"Oh, most definitely," I agreed with a nod of my head. "And if anyone wants out, then that's okay."
"Oh bella, I don't think that's happening anytime soon," Dazai hummed, finishing his whiskey. He set the glass down, capturing my gaze with his heated eyes and I gasped softly. I then felt my hair being pushed to the side and I bit my lip as Chuuya pressed up against me, kissing on my neck.
"Wait-" I gasped, watching as Dazai stood up from his stool, already pulling off his shirt. "We need to-"
"Talking is over," Chuuya whispered, easily pulling me off the stool. We followed Dazai back towards the bed, it was made with fresh, clean sheets. My mind immediately wandered back to the night before and a chill went down my spine.
It didn't take long for things to get heated, me now sandwiched between them standing at the foot of the bed. My hands were in Chuuya's hair as we kissed, his hands going to undo the robe I was in. The soft material fell to the ground and from behind, Dazai cupped my breasts in his hands, leaving hot, open mouth kisses on my neck.
Dazai's fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, while Chuuya pushed his hand between my legs, fingers finding my clit. I gasped when he started to rub circles on it, his free arm wrapping around my waist to keep me still.
"You're so wet already," Chuuya whispered against my lips and I whined softly.
"Are you surprised?" Dazai asked, his voice dark yet teasing. "Our dirty little girl is always ready for us to just... take her. Is that right?"
He had asked me and I whimpered softly, nodding my head as I bit my lip to keep me from moaning loudly as Chuuya pushed two fingers inside my wet pussy. Dazai tutted, Chuuya snickering a bit as Dazai grabbed me by my hair, yanking my head back. I cried out, Dazai hissing in my ear.
"I thought we taught you yesterday. Use your fucking words."
"Yes!" I cried out, Chuuya slowly fucking his fingers into me, making it harder for me to talk. I knew I had to answer, but the way that his fingers curled into me made it oh so difficult. No fair. "Yes... 'm so wet for you... I always want you..."
"And why is that?" Chuuya asked, curling his fingers again, Dazai reaching around to rub on my clit as he mouthed along my neck.
"Cause!" I squealed. "I'm- I'm a whore... your whore... your subordinate..."
The men cursed and I found myself thrown onto the bed, only getting a quick second to gather my thoughts before they were on me, Dazai now kissing me deeply while Chuuya kissed along on my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure, squeezing my thighs together, only for both men to reach and spread my legs open.
"Don't fucking hide your pussy from me," Chuuya growled and I whimpered and nodded, crying out when Dazai pushed two of his long fingers into me.
It wasn't long until I found myself on my hands and knees, Chuuya fucking me from behind while Dazai held a tight grip on my head, fucking my mouth. My moans were muffled, the two men moaning, hissing and cursing from their own pleasure.
"I don't know which I like better, your pussy or this hot fucking mouth," Dazai hissed down at me, thrusting his cock deep into my throat then going still, almost making me gag as he made my mouth cockwarm him. "That's right, savor it..."
"Definitely love this pussy, so fucking tight..." Chuuya grunted, hands digging into my hips as he continued to fuck me, the feeling of my walls convulsing around him bringing him near his orgasm. "Fuck, dollface... it's like you were made for us, made for me." He moved his hand around to start rubbing at my clit, my moans and screams muffled by Dazai's cock.
Tears were already running down my face, the vibration from my moans making Dazai tilt his head back as he groaned deeply. Chuuya only had to fuck into me a bit longer before my orgasm rushed through me, my eyes rolling back and my toes curling as I tightened impossibly hard around him. Dazai quickly pushed my head away from him, and I knew it was because I was so close to unconsciously biting him.
"Fuck!" Chuuya quickly pulled out, beginning to stroke his cock himself, when I suddenly shouted.
"Inside! Please!"
Not even thinking about it, Chuuya plunged right back inside of me, pressing me down onto the bed with his hands on my back. His thrusts were almost wild, rough with reckless abandon and I sobbed, clawing into the bed sheets until I found what felt like someone's thigh, clinging onto it.
Feeling Chuuya cum deep inside of me triggered yet another orgasm for me and my mouth was wide open in a silent scream. I barely registered Dazai's hand cupping my jaw, his other stroking his cock until he came right into my gaping mouth.
"Oh fuck, bella... c'mon, swallow it all..." Dazai cooed, closing my mouth for me, wiping my tears away as I did as he told me. I opened my mouth to show him and he smiled slightly. "That's a good girl..."
"Fuck... that was intense..." Chuuya breathed out, lying on his back as I slowly sat up on the bed, catching my breath. My body shook, my mind still hazing as I looked over the two of them. At the sight of blood on Dazai's thigh, my jaw dropped.
"Oh no, I'm sorry..." I whispered, seeing just how hard I dug my nails into his skin.
Dazai just chuckled, waving his hand dismissively as he made himself comfortable against the headboard. "Don't worry about it, bella."
"If you're that worried, then come make it up to me. Come sit on this cock."
A chill goes down my spine, but I was already moving to crawl over to him, straddling him and sinking down right on his cock. I gasped sharply, still feeling a bit sensitive but I took it like a champ, trembling on Dazai's lap. Immediately I start to slowly ride him, hands on his shoulders. My head tilted back, eyes closed as I moaned softly.
Dazai just gazed at me, a fond look on his face. The look went away as he looked over at Chuuya, his lips curling up just a bit. "Hey Chuuya..."
"Ugh, what, you bastard?" Chuuya grunted, lifting his head up to look over at us. He watched as Dazai stopped me, squeezing on my ass before he spread my cheeks apart, exposing more of how my pussy swallowed his cock. "Why don't you join us?"
I immediately tense up in his lap, Chuuya's jaw dropping just a bit at the suggestion. He listened to Dazai coo in my ear, hands now rubbing on my back.
"Wouldn't you like two cocks stuffing that pussy, bella?" he hummed, squeezing on my ass again. "Mm, even Chuuya likes that idea, he's hard again."
Chuuya blushed. "Well, who wouldn't be after hearing that?" he scoffed, noticing me looking over my shoulder to look at him, and his cock.
I bit my lip, my mind running at forty thousand miles an hour. The thought of both Dazai and Chuuya stuffing my pussy full of their cock honestly made my heart race, my body shaking as I got so aroused. There was no other answer to be said, and I slowly nodded my head.
A tut. "Words, bella."
"Yes... Yes please. I want you both to fuck me at the same time... I want you to ruin me..."
"Fuck," Chuuya cursed. "You're gonna be the fucking death of me, I hope you know that, dollface."
Dazai laughed, watching Chuuya rummage in the bedside drawer and producing a bottle of lubricant. "Our Chuuya, always so prepared!"
"Oh, shut up, bastard!" Chuuya shouted, climbing back onto my bed and positioning himself behind me. I tensed up again and he huffed, gently kissing on my neck. "You need to relax, dollface. We'll take care of you."
"Hmm," Dazai hummed in agreement, giving me a sweet kiss as Chuuya started to coat his cock with the lubricant. "Relax, it will feel good."
I nodded again, kissing Dazai as a way to distract myself as Chuuya started to rub some extra lube on my pussy. Dazai deepened the kiss, making me moan lightly as I felt Chuuya finally press the head of his cock against my entrance. I took a deep breath, Dazai kissing down on my neck as Chuuya slowly pushed inside of me.
"Fuck..." Chuuya gasped out breathlessly, shuddering deeply as he continued to push in slowly. My head was tilted back, a far away look in my eyes as my mouth hung open. It was like nothing I've ever felt before, so full, so fucking tight and intense. Chuuya pressed his forehead against my shoulder, breathing heavily as he finally bottomed out.
Dazai was just as affected, his eyes glazed over, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he breathed heavily. "Shit... I could die like this," he whispered. "H-how are you, bella..."
"I..." I stumbled, whimpering when Chuuya shifted just a bit, all three of us hissing as he did so. "Fuck, it feels so good..."
Chuuya was the first to move, slowly pulling himself out before pushing back in. My walls around him, his cock rubbing against Dazai's, it was all too much and Chuuya found him struggling to keep himself in check.
Dazai slowly started to thrust on his own, our breaths coming out strained and haggard as they started to figure out a rhythm to keep. Soon, our moans and grunts sounded about the room, my whines and high pitched squeals ripping from my mouth while they both fucked me so deep, their mouths on any part of my body they can reach.
The headboard thudded against the wall with each thrust, sweat dripping down our bodies. No surprise that tears start to flow down my face, their hands squeezing my body. A hand grabs my face and Chuuya turns my head to kiss me deeply, our tongues swirling around each other as another tongue laps at my nipples.
"Fuck, bella, do you know how fucking beautiful you are," Dazai gasped out against my chest. I only whined, their thrusts becoming a bit more rough, the sounds of skin slapping against skin getting louder, as well as our moans and cries.
"Please... please, it feels so good!" I cried out, tossing my head against Chuuya's head, my hands gripping Dazai's shoulders tightly. "I feel so full..."
"Full of our cocks, huh?" Chuuya groaned. "Fucking you so good... you look so fucking pretty right now, so fucking dirty..."
"Like the whore you are," Dazai continued, smirking.
"Y-your whore..." I mumbled, biting on my lip. "Oh... God... I'm gonna come..."
That only seemed to spur them on, as their thrusts became rougher, their breaths labored as they squeezed my body tight as they fucked me nice and deep. My eyes screwed shut, another cry leaving my lips as the dam finally broke, orgasm tearing through me as my whole body just went rigid, walls convulsing and tightening around them as my vision went white. I just barely registered them cumming inside me when suddenly, my vision went dark.
I was on my back when I suddenly came to and I stared up at the ceiling in confusion, trying to remember what the fuck happened.
"Hey, are you okay?" A gentle finger along my cheek made me jolt and I looked over to find Chuuya lying beside me on the bed, worried look on his face. "You passed out on us."
I was stunned. "I did? For how long?"
"Just a few minutes," Dazai answered, still naked as he walked over to the bed, handing me a bottle of water before climbing into the bed on the other side of me. "Drink that. We're gonna order room service soon."
"I..." I was still stunned, even as I downed half of the bottle of water. "That has never happened before..."
"It was just a bit too intense," Chuuya said, still keeping a gentle hand on me. "Scared the crap out of us."
I frowned. "Sorry..."
Chuuya chuckled softly, kissing my cheek. "Don't be. Somehow, I feel quite smug about this."
I snorted, Dazai just laughing as he shot Chuuya a look.
"Better to make them pass out than to put them to sleep?" he taunted and Chuuya immediately reacted, vein popping on his forehead.
"I have never put anyone to sleep! At least not in the bad way!"
"Yeah, Chuuya is no way boring in bed," you interjected and Dazai whined.
"Bella, I was just having fun!"
I stuck out my tongue at him, Chuuya grumbling in annoyance. He glared at Dazai, scoffing again before he reached over to the nightstand for the room service menu. Chuuya soon made the order for us, and we still lazed around in the bed, honestly not willing to move.
Then a thought came into my head and I groaned. "Fuck. We still have five more days." I slapped my forehead, making the two men burst out laughing.
"Don't think you passing out will stop our plans, dollface," Chuuya teased, kissing my neck and I shied away from him, only to find myself in Dazai's arms as he kissed all over my face.
"This is just a much needed break," he hummed happily, making me roll my eyes. Even if I didn't admit it, I was looking forward to what was next for us, and my poor body.
"Does this place have a hot tub?" I asked and Chuuya nodded.
"They do. And they are private." The implications in his tone made my face get hot and I coughed. They laughed and I just couldn't believe how high of a sex drive they had. Even so, I had no room to talk, considering I was probably no better. And that was okay.
"Can we break for the rest of today?" I then asked them and they shrugged.
"All you have to do is ask," Dazai replied, sending a teasing grin Chuuya's way. "Besides, now I can finally hang with my best bud."
"Oh cut the crap, Dazai," Chuuya growled in response. "As if I'll be friends with a bastard like you."
"Yeah... being friends with someone with horrible shoe taste totally isn't cool. Especially if he wears a stupid hat."
"My hat is not stupid!"
The two continued to argue, their clear dislike for each other making me sigh. I just ignored them, pulling on my robe and getting ready to receive the room service for when it arrives.
Could I survive five more days of...this?
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"I'm gonna miss you so much," I whispered as I hugged my best friend tightly, feeling my eyes start to sting. The loud, busy bustle of the airport continued around us, folks from all walks of life coming and going. I pulled back from the hug, giving Keiko a wide, watery smile.
She wiped my tears away, her own tears threatening to fall. "Don't cry, honey. I'll be back before you know it."
As Keiko told me before, she was going away on an extended trip, and will be gone for six months, even longer. She needed to get out of Japan and go to a place where she could heal and find herself again, and Japan was not the place for that.
Just the thought of not having my best friend with me brought fresh tears to my eyes and I hugged her again. Keiko hugged me back just as tightly, the dam finally breaking and tears falling down her beautiful face.
"Thank you so much. For everything," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You saved my life. I will forever be indebted to you."
"No, Keiko," I pulled back again, shaking my head. "You are not. You will not be tied down to someone again, not even me."
Keiko frowned. "But-"
"Just get better," I told her firmly. "Heal. Become a better Keiko. Come back bigger and better than ever. That is how you can repay me." I smiled at her, reaching up to wipe her tears away. Her big eyes shone with tears and emotions, her lips quivering as she cupped my face.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," she said softly. "I love you."
I laughed softly, putting my hand over hers. "I love you too, Keiko. I am just a phone call away and I'll be here whenever you need me."
Keiko smiled wide, still cupping my face and I was surprised when she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss right on my lips. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as Keiko pulled away, giggling behind her hand.
"What was-"
"I'll be back in a blink of an eye," Keiko said, picking up her carry on bag. "And we're gonna have sooooo much catching up to do, so you better be ready! And please, don't get pregnant."
I gaped at her and Keiko laughed loudly. It made my heart race, that small glimpse of the old Keiko making me even more emotional. She waved at me one last time before turning and walking towards security. I watched as she went through, holding back my tears until she finally disappeared.
I took a deep breath, wiping the tears off my face before I turned to finally make my way out of the airport. I had come alone, just wanting to have this moment alone with Keiko. I didn't like the thought of being alone, but I knew that Keiko needed this more than anything, and I was proud of her for making such a huge decision. Besides, we could always facetime, so it's not like I'll be truly alone.
Getting into the taxi I had flagged down, I reached into my purse to grab my phone, gaping when my one messaging app showed over 100+ notifications. Opening it, I snorted a laugh when I realized it was because of Dazai and Chuuya fighting in the group chat I forced them to join. I sent in a short message before putting my phone away, shaking my head.
Yeah, with those two, I truly wouldn't be alone. I did worry for my sanity though, but that was something I worried about before I even moved to Japan. I took a glance into the rearview mirror of the taxi, not surprised to see in my reflection angry tears going down my face, even though my face was completely dry.
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->The End
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
V3 boys accidentally knocking up their s/o in the killing game
desc; how the v3 boys would act if they found they knocked you up during the killing game.
warnings; fem!reader, pregnant!reader, sexual comments, cussing, mentions of sex, mild mild spoilers??
just a small note; I haven't finished the 3rd game yet so I have no idea what happens thus, I apologize if it isn’t too accurate or if there are gaps in my story! Also, i don’t know if reader stays in the killing game long enough to birth a child, so like, i just made it like she did?? 
to be honest, I think he would find out before you did.
he is extremely observant so he would notice the symptoms right away
He would notice how you got fatigued easily, how you seemed to get nauseated
first, he would ask you if you were late
then, if you said yes, he would tell you straight up.
“S/o, you’re pregnant.” “I- I’m what!?” 
he would definitely get worried for you and his baby, 
a child born into a killing game is not ideal after all.
would be with you at all times, too scared to let you out his sight
he doesn’t want you or his baby to get hurt or killed by another student
yes, he believes in everyone but he can never be too careful.
he’s constantly pestering you and asking if you’re alright
you have 0 time to yourself, because he’s always with you
would probably hold hands through the bathroom door if you were using the toilet
he would try and prepare everything for when you go into labor
he wanted to make sure that both you and the baby are safe before and after labor
he takes care of you very well, always getting what you need or want
overall, i think he’d be a very responsible dad when the baby is born, probably the best dad out of everyone.
At first kokichi thought you were joking,
“Nishishi! Nice prank, s/o! You almost got me!”
But when you look at him with a serious expression, he goes-
“Wait shit, did we not use protection?” 
He’s not sure how to feel about it, so he just puts a fake face on.
He acts super excited and unworried but on the inside he’s not sure what to do.
he would constantly over think and become unsure of himself, the question repeating over and over in his head; Would he be a good dad?
Though he’s concerned for you and the baby, he’s actually kinda happy
he’s excited for all the pranks he and the baby can do against everyone in the killing game.
He has a new pranking partner!
yes, his pranking partner is less than a month old, but still! the baby is going to be a pranking master!
if you had strange cravings, he would try them with you
wanting to, “experience being pregnant with his tongue(kinky?)”
the horny bastard would probably still wanna smash, but definitely more gently than usual, he didn’t want to stab the baby with his dick
I think he’d talk to your baby via belly a lot
he would tell your baby stupid jokes that were kinda inappropriate but still hilarious
“Hmm, it must be nice being inside S/o. I would know, I was too.” 
“KOKICHI-” “NISHISHI!” *fucking books it*
i think he’d be a pretty irresponsible dad, but he’d definitely fight for his new family(with pranks)
random headcanon, but i think kokichi would wrap your baby in one of his checkered scarves when it comes out like- ahHHHHHHHHHH
he would also swaddle da baby with his scarf fvhajfgkgavkgbuyg
When he found out, he was pretty shocked at first
But after the shock, he was insanely happy that he managed to create a human with you.
he adored the fact that his child would be able to make history and continue to live on even after he dies.
He loves humanity, so he’d love the human baby he made with you even more
during your 9 months of pregnancy, he would praise you and your ‘glowing body’ daily
constantly saying stuff like, “Your body is a temple and you are a Goddess.” and “The life growing inside you simply amazing and I am proud to share this experience with an entity such as you.”
You know, that cheesy ooey gooey romantic shit
“S/o, I want to crawl into your body so I can experience being born aga-” “That’s enough of that.”
It's cute and all, but it sometimes gets embarrassing when he is basically worshipping you in public(especially like that).
i think he would tell the baby, folk tales and myths while it was still in your belly
he wanted to raise the baby to be just as curious as he is.
though, behind all these adorable things, kiyo is worried.
don't get me wrong, he does enjoy the other students’ thoughts and strange minds, but he doesn’t trust them for a second.
he would never willingly leave you with another student.
he gets a teensy bit controlling; always asking you to stay in his lab or dorm.
but he won’t get unreasonably angry if you go anywhere else, he just encourages staying in places with less people
if you do need to go somewhere else with other people, he would just follow you
in the end, I think kiyo would be a dad that never neglects his kid(can’t relate-).
he would always be there for them.
K1-B0 doesn’t have the facilities to knock anyone up.
like kokichi asked, do robots even have a penis???? 
how the hell did you two fuck in the first place!????!
but if somehow, miu gives him a penis and actual sperm??? I guess it could work?? i don't know how it works man- I've never fucked a robot
I think he’d be happy and proud that he managed to impregnate you
“See!? I can do human things too!” “...Impregnating a human, K1B0? Seriously? Too fucking far.”
okay, I can’t take this one seriously T_T
um, if you and K1B0 had a baby, would it be half robot??
through your belly, the baby would make robot noises to communicate and K1B0 would understand which is cool
when the baby was born, he gets very protective; he doesn't want his baby to face the same discrimination and bullying he did
he wouldn’t be afraid that the others would hurt the baby, because he helped build in lazer eyes for his baby.
oh but he definitely would not let his baby go near Miu at all
he would prevent that from happening as much as possible
he’s afraid she’ll do something weird to the baby and add new gadgets,
sure its cool and all for him, but the baby is so young!
Kaito would be fucking psyched when you told him, stars in his eyes and everything
“I-I’m gonna be a dad!? whOOOOOOOOOOO!!” He picked you up and hugged you tight, but not too tight; he didn't want to hurt the baby.
But then realization hits him like a truck when he realizes, that the baby was going to be born into a killing game.
He would have a nervous breakdown and cry for about, ehhh a day or so
but once he gets it all out, he focuses on the positives
if it was possible, he loves you even more than he did before!
now that you have a mini you growing inside you(inception!?), its like, double the love :0
he’s giddy everytime he sees you with your baby bump, not being able to resist hugging you every time he sees you.
he loves you so much, it's hard to put in words 
he cries when he can feel the baby kick, kissing your belly uwu
when you’re around people he can’t trust in the killing game, he gets very very protective
he would watch their every move, moving to shield you when they move their hands.
but around the people he trusts like shuichi and maki, he’d let his guard down and relax
he would stress out if you were in any discomfort, always making sure you were okay
if your legs or back were sore, he would be there in an instant to massage your joints until his hands fell off
he puts you before himself, sometimes forgetting to take care of his basic needs like, eating or sleeping
you’d have to remind him a lot
I think something cute that he would do while you two slept is holding you or your belly protectively while he dozed off
overall, a goofy dad that makes stupid dad jokes.
would have a lot of proud dad moments
he seems like the type who would embarrass his child a lot lmao
uh, gonta is father?
would definitely be shocked and stressed out when you told him
his protective mom dad instinct would intensify and he would constantly be carrying you
1. because he didn’t want your legs to get tired
2. he’s practicing for when he picks up his baby
3. if he carries you like this, no one can reach and/or hurt you
4. because he can
5. and because a gentleman would do that
he doesn't really know what to do when you’re having pregnancy symptoms, like vomiting, nausea, etc.
he’s not great at that part, but he knows how to protect you from danger and he knows how to make sure you’re comfortable
he treats you like a queen(as all women should be treated!)
he isn’t really worried when you’re around other students, but he still picks you up just in case
i think he’d act super sweet, like his sweetness would intensify to 100
he would try cooking a meal for you or giving you breakfast in bed, but it always tastes like boiled eggs in the end?
like no matter what it is, it always tastes like boiled eggs
pasta? boiled eggs
maki rolls(haha)? boiled eggs
sandwich? boiled eggs
“...Mmm! Gonta this is, uh, not at all tasting like boiled eggs!” You tried to say enthusiastically, Gonta nodded with a soft smile, “Gonta glad you like it!”
eventually you caved in and told him(after a few months... you didn't want to hurt the baby—gonta—, okay?)
he’d have to ask kirumi to do all the cooking while he just handed her ingredients
he feels weird when he thinks about the fact that his baby is growing inside you
all he can think about is larva
but he thinks its cool that his creation is going to grow inside you and become another human
so he just rolls with it
(i apologize in advance if this isn’t too accurate)
i feel like i can imagine this:
Rantaro was sitting on the benches outside, drinking his bottled tea. His eyes darted towards your approaching figure. He stored his leftover tea in his cheeks as he gave you a wave, putting his bottle down. “Rantaro, i’m pregnant.” His eyes widened as the tea came spewing out, luckily he turned his head away so you were out of the splash-zone. He dropped his bottle before standing up and immediately hugging you. “I love you so much, we can do this. I love you.” He repeated as he moved his hand up your head, tangling his fingers in your locks.
he would be pester you if you looked like you were in pain or struggling with something, thinking you were going into labor
*breathing pattern changes* “Holy shit! Are you going into labor?? Fuck, okay um, uH hospital?? UH contRACTIOns HOw LoNg?-” “I JUST BREATHED DIFFERENTLY.”
p a n i c
he doesn’t know how the whole pregnancy thing works, he’s only a teen after all
but no matter what, he supports you in any way he can
i think if anyone made a bad comment about your baby or you, he would probably scare the shit out of them with his scary expression
intimidation x100
i headcanon him to be a cuddly dad
he would hold you a lot, he likes feeling all three of you together
small scenario from when the baby was born;
As your baby’s cries filled the room, you sighed as you got up from the bed. Rantaro, however, abruptly stopped your movement, “Don’t worry, I got ‘em.” He rubbed his eyes, kissing your forehead as he gently pushed you back down onto the bed and walked towards the crib.
You watched with droopy eyes as Rantaro gently shushed the baby by bouncing them in his arms. Rantaro made his way back to bed and slipped in beside you, the now quiet baby still in his arms. “Mmm Rantaro no, we’re gonna crush the baby.”
You softly groaned in protest. Rantaro pouted at you, silently pleading with you with his puppy-dog eyes. You let out a huff of defeat before nodding, eyes half-closed. The last thing you saw before dozing off was Rantaro smiling goofily at the baby. You slowly fell asleep, Imprinting a gentle smile on your face as you slept. 
sorry for steering the other way for rantaro’s, its 6am ;-; what is sleep anyway? phew, thank you for requesting this! i enjoyed writing it, it was fun :D
- mod chia
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