#and idk wha t else mom said
kawaiijohn · 1 year
Danny tries to pawn the Ghost King position off on his classmates.
Idk what I was doing, and then suddenly it turned into wes/danny I'm so fucking sorry?
T rating I embarrassed myself fucking writing this bc it came out of nowhere girl (gn) HELP
"Hey Dash how about instead of you focusing on your homework you just start beating me up, just like old times! I sure miss being slammed into a locker."
Dash looks at Fenton, confused before scoffing.
"Even though I normally love wailing on you, Fenturd, coach needs me on my best behavior. State's next week and I'm one loser swirlie away from being suspended."
"I won't scream or anything, I promise! Whaddya say? You get to beat the snot out of me and I won't even complain! I'll even thank you for it." Danny responds, looking around nervously. "But I'm in a bit of a rush, so can you make it quick and do it, say, before six tonight?"
Danny gives the other boy the saddest, most punchable puppy dog eyes he possibly can.
Dash rolls his eyes seeing Fenton ham it up. The loser only does this for his birthday, so it's really weird having him request it four months in advance. Dash decides to ignore the request, only gently pushing the dweeb out of his way. "Beat it, Fentertainment Tonite- I know you don't have a life, but I do."
Danny curses as Dash disappears down the halls.
"I know you want to punch me. You wanna do it so bad." Danny eggs on another of the jocks- Travis, he thinks. "Remember that time I said you punch like my Grandma?"
His grandma taught both his mom and aunt how to fight, but Travis doesn't need to know that.
"Beat it, jackwipe!" Travis shoves Danny out of the way and continues down the hall.
"The one time I need to be shoved into a locker or punched, none of the jocks want to even look at me." Danny bemoans.
He's already struck out with Dash and Kwan- both of which need to stay as non violent as possible with administration lurking around this close to their big game. Paulina pretended he didn't exist, and Star laughed in his face. Something about 'she already kicked his ass months ago'. Which was true, but he was certain he's done something since then worth beating him up for.
"I can't ask Sam or Tuck, it's gotta be someone I hate." Danny pauses with a shudder. "But definitely not Vlad- he already has an ego the size of the Milky Way..."
Danny hears the bell ring and wipes his sweaty palms on his pants.
He has until six tonight to get his ass beat. He can do that, right?
Danny is downright panicked now.
Detention really put a damper on his plans. Being stuck in a sweltering classroom with Lancer and Wes only made him more nervous. It really didn't help that Lancer needed helping hands for some after school thing.
Danny only has one option, and he's glad it's one of his 'enemies'.
"Heyyyyyy Wes, what's happening tonight?" Danny slings his arm around the tall boy's shoulder, pulling him down to pipsqueak height. "Wasn't that round of detention just fun?"
Wes nearly growls and shoves Danny off of him. "Fenton! You're the reason I was even there in the first place! If it wasn't for you and your stupid ghost bullshit I would have gotten to class on time!"
"Yeah?" Danny asks, being as annoyingly positive as he possibly can. "Well it's good that there was two of us, or else Lancer wouldn't have let either of us out until well after six!"
Danny looks at the clock nervously- five fifty.
He has ten minutes.
"I don't find moving entire stacks of chairs halfway across the school fun, or even a fair punishment for being late twice in a week. So what if the crafting club has their expo tonight? They should be the ones moving furniture." Wes tries to overtake Danny in the hall but he can't outwalk the other boy.
"But we got to spend all day with each other! Isn't that just swell?" Danny pukes in his mouth a little. He's got a goalpost to reach in less than ten minutes, and my the Ancients he's gonna do it.
"Spending time with a chronic liar and freak of nature isn't really what I consider fun, Fenton."
"Yeah, but we really bonded, don't you think? Had some quality one-on-one without you being a creep outside my house."
Wes's face reddens. "HEY! That was one time, and I don't want to have the cops chase me again. Or your parents, who are worse somehow."
"See, we're bonding here!" Danny jogs alongside Wes, making sure to keep pace at just the right level of obnoxious. But we should really bond sometime in the next... eight minutes."
"God there it is again! What? Do you have important Phantom shit to do at six or something?" Wes rubs his temples. "You're being freakier than normal today and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it."
"There's nothing to get to the bottom of, I just have something to do later. Not Phantom or ghost related- something completely normal and human, yep."
"God you piss me the fuck off, Fenton." Wes crosses his arms and blocks the doorway out of the school. "And one of these days, I'm gonna get you to confess, and then it'll be all over."
"Yeah, that's nice and all, but like, wouldn't it just be so satisfying to, I dunno, take out all that pent up frustration on me?" Danny grins devilishly at the other boy. "Come on, I have such a punchable face! Aaaaand since you say I'm a ghost or whatever it won't actually hurt me, right?"
Danny gets right up into Wes's personal space and looks up at him with a shit-eating grin.
"Back off, Fenton." Wes backs himself against the lockers. He looks anywhere but Danny's face. "Personal space is a concept even stupid ghosts understand."
"Yeah, but if I'm a stupid ghost doesn't that make you wanna prove it? Can't you prove it by beating me up? You have a camera..." Danny reaches for the camera slung around Wes's shoulder and points it at his own face. "It'd be soooo easy."
Wes's face is currently doing its best impression of a tomato as he continues to ignore Danny.
"Please? I'm gonna start begging you to beat my ass soon if you don't acknowledge me, Wes."
"Back. Off. Fenton." Wes stares Danny right in the face. "Last chance."
Danny does the opposite and yanks Wes to stare him in the eyes. "You wanna punch me so bad it makes you look stupid, Weston." Danny chuckles and makes his eyes flash green. "Your face is sooooo red with rage- you wanna kick my ass, admit it!"
Danny barely gets a warning before Wes lunges and tackles him to the ground with a kiss.
Both boys gasp in surprise and Wes backs himself against the lockers with a loud bang.
They sit in silence, staring at each other in disbelief before Danny laughs.
"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Sh-shut up! It's not my fault you're kind of..."
"Wait, have you been staring at me this whole time because you're crushing on me?" Danny laughs in disbelief as Wes turns even brighter red. "Is that how you 'accidentally' discovered my secret?"
"No!" Wes sputters out. "I don't sta-"
"Stalk me, yeah. Dude you follow me around with a camera to try and expose me. What sort of fruitloop shit are you pulling??"
"Well, if you weren't lying about being a human, then I wouldn't need to-"
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Danny doesn't know how to feel about it, really. Wes is kind of cute, and he's unhinged just like the rest of his friends. But he's also obsessed with exposing him, and kind of stalks him (to no success).
He spends a few moments before he glances at the clock again.
Two minutes left.
He can use this to his advantage, even if it's dirty and underhanded.
"Hey Wes. You really fucking suck at kissing." He eggs the other boy on. "Like, zero technique, all desperation!"
"Shut up!"
Wes starts crying a little. Danny only feels a little bad, but he really needs this to happen.
"What, even I've kissed people before and I'm a loser! Plus I bet you can't even man up and fight me like I want- you're such a little cuck boy, Weston! Always relying on other people to do the dirty work of beating my ass so you can gather your evidence like a little bitch in the dark."
"I said shut up!" Wes's face is bright red again- an angry embarrassment with tears streaming down his face.
But he still has to keep going, even if it feels gross to do this to someone who he kind of likes.
"Make me, Wesley." He spits.
It's a dirty brawl but it ends with a very red-faced Wes pinning a bruised and elated Danny to the ground. The latter feels awful about playing dirty with Wes's feelings, but it seems the other boy really needed to take out his rage on him.
"Sooooo, you admit you have complete victory in this fight, right Wes?" Danny smiles up from underneath the other boy.
Wes sputters, his face still bright red and tears running down his cheeks. "You're such a fucking little shit, Fenton."
"Thanks, I try!. But I need you to accept that I'm saying you have total victory in this fight."
Wes sighs and lets go of Danny's wrists and sits back against the lockers. "Yeah, sure. I beat your ass fair and square. Also do you know how weird it is to see you healing this fast? I swear I gave you a black eye."
"You did. I'm just a fast healer." Danny sits up and looks around. He feels... guilty. At least for only finding one person to do this to.
The clock strikes six.
"Also, I'm sorry I lied- you're not a bad kisser. I just needed you to beat my ass. Also sorry about what's about to happen." Danny rubs the back of his neck.
"Sorry about wha-" Wes is interrupted by a portal opening beside the two of them.
"Sorry for being impolite, we should assume." An Observant materializes out of the void beside him. "It's not polite for the crown prince to wait until the last minute to find a replacement, but since you have... bested Prince Phantom in combat, albeit not formal combat, the rules are the rules."
Wes glares at Danny who is doing his best trying to disappear without going ghost.
"Prince Phantom??" Wes spits at the other boy.
"Yep! Former Prince Phantom." Danny smirks. "And again, sorry, but they only gave me today until six to find a replacement. The whole King schtick isn't really my jam."
Wes stares at the other boy as more Observants spill from the hole in reality and bow to him.
"Hey! I'm not gonna bail on you or anything. You still need an advisor- I just really don't wanna deal with the formality shit. Hope you understand!"
Danny gives Wes a peace sign as he's escorted through the portal, pissed off, confused, and shell-shocked.
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Suga x Reader
This is pretty cute. I like it. Suga is one of my favourites, but not my absolute favourite, idk if I could pinpoint one. Anyway there are more coming, I just have to finish and edit. So without further ado, here you go....
Also if you want to be on a taglist let me know!
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You waited patiently outside the door for Suga to answer. You felt like he was taking his own sweet time to mess with me. Hearing shuffles on the other side of the door you smiled.
“Finally. I thought you got lost in your own house.” You teased once the door opened.
“Ha ha.”
“Oooh, with sarcasm like that you sound like Tsukishima.” You muttered sliding into my slippers.
“Knock it off.” He said pinching my side. You jerked away with a laugh. “See that’s what you get.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You said stopping in the doorway of his room, “Ko, I’m flattered. All this for me?” You said, placing your hand over your heart, staring at the aray of snacks, pillows, and blankets spread on his bed.
“No, it’s all for me. You can sit on the floor.” He was snickering.
“Cute Koushi. Cute.” You said ignoring his protests as you climbed onto my side of the bed. He grumbled as he climbed in behind you. “What are we watching tonight?”
“It's a surprise.” He said pressing play on his laptop. You sighed and turned your attention to the screen. You made it about an hour into the movie before losing interest. Your attention was turned to Suga’s phone when it kept vibrating.
“Anything interesting?” You asked looking at him.
“Hmm? Oh uh no.” His phone vibrated again, seeming to contradict his statement. “Well, it’s just the other third years.”
“Oh, then why are you blushing? What’s the conversation about?”
“They’re just teasing me.” He mumbled.
“Why? Did you do something embarrassing?”
“What! No. yout’s that-” He sighed pausing briefly, “-there’s this girl I like. They’re teasing me and telling me to confess.” You felt your gut twist unpleasantly at the thought of this girl. You pulled your phone out, and scrolled through.
“So tell me about her. Maybe you can help.” You said nonchalantly.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why? We’re friends right?”
“Well yeah.”
“Then why not tell me?”
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Is it because I know them? Are they in our year?”
“Yes and yes.”
“Ko, just tell me.” Your stomach was twisting and the knife was being driven in further each time he spoke. ‘We’re best friends, we tell each other everything, well at least I thought we did. This is just hurting me more and more.’ You thought.
“Well, she’s pretty. She’s so smart, and funny. She gets my sense of humour. And she’s so generous and selfless.” He rambled.
‘She’s everything I'm not. Of course he likes her, why wouldn’t he. I bet it’s Kiyoko. They’ve been spending more and more time together recently.’
“She sounds great.” You said with fake enthusiasm, sending a text to your friend.
“She is. It makes it difficult to think about anything other than her. I like her so-” He stopped at the sound of your phone ringing.
“Sorry.” You said sliding off the bed and stepping into the hallway. It was your friend.
“Yeah I'm fine. Well- I’ll explain later. Needed an excuse to leave. Okay bye. Talk later.” You said hanging up trying not to cry. You walked back into the room and stood awkwardly by his side of the bed. “Hey, I’m really sorry about this, but that was my mom. She asked me to come home. I’m sorry to cut this short.”
“It's fine. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” He said standing and walking you out.
“Yeah of course.” You said, throwing on your shoes and waving goodbye. You couldn’t stop thinking about Suga and this girl. You know it’s not his fault, but you still couldn’t help but be mad.
“Hey.” You said once my friend picked up. “I'm on my way home. Nothing bad happened. We were talking, and he was telling about this girl he likes. She’s nothing like me. I’m upset. Angry. I had to get out of there.” You paused, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m pretty sure it's Kiyoko. They’ve been getting closer lately, and I wouldn’t be surprised. It just hurts you know. Maybe we should stop being friends, it would hurt less than seeing him with someone else.” You rambled as you walked home.
The following day you did everything you could to avoid Suga. You’re mad, you didn’t want to see him. You’re also trying to slowly distance yourself from him. Being in separate classes helps, so the only time you had to really avoid him was during lunch and were successful for the next week. One day you almost caved and ate lunch with him, but he was eating with Kiyoko. You felt my stomach churn and no longer had an appetite. You stood there for a minute, tears springing to your eyes.
“Is everything okay?” Daichi asked, coming up behind you.
“Yeah, why?”
“You seem off this past week, and you look like you’re going to cry. Suga also said he’s hardly seen you this past week.” Daichi noted.
“No, I’m fine. I just didn’t want to come between him and his girlfriend.” You said bitterly without thinking.
“His girlfriend?”
“Nevermind. I’ll see you later.”
“Y/N!” Suga called when he saw you talking to Daichi. You ignored him and ran, missing the way he looked dejected. You avoided him even more after that, and when the following movie night rolled around, you decided to skip. You gave no explanation, and he never asked. ‘Must have a date tonight.’ you thought to yourself. You were laying in bed scrolling through your phone, when there was a knock on the door.
“Uh, come in.” You said not looking up, expecting my mom or sibling to walk in.
“It’s movie night. Did you forget?” Your head snapped up at the sound of Suga’s voice.
“No. I just didn’t think we were having it.”
“Why wouldn’t we? We always do.” Suga said.
“I figured you were busy.” You replied not looking away from your phone.
“Figured I was busy, or didn’t want to see me?” He asked knowingly.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Not my problem.” You said looking at him.
“What’s going on? You’ve been avoiding me since you abruptly left last week. I know that wasn’t your mom. And Daichi said he saw you almost crying the other day.” He gave you a pointed look.
“Nothing, I just figured you wouldn’t have time for me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I figured with your new girlfriend, you’d be too busy.”
“Girlfriend?” He blanched.
“Don’t play dumb. I saw you with Kiyoko, multiple times. Plus she matches your crush description to a T.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” He defended.
“Fine, but she matches your crush description.” You argued back. He sighed.
“It’s not her.”
“Really?” You asked looking at him.
“You’re so dumb.” He sighed.
“What! Excuse-” he cut you off.
“You. You match my crush's description.”
“Wha- no I don’t.”
“Yes you do.”
“No Kou, I’m literally none of those things. Particularly pretty. Don’t play with me right now.” You said tears welling in your eyes at the joke he was playing.
“Negativity begone!” He yelled and karate chopped you in the stomach.
“OW! What was that for?”
“For not believing me. I'm not lying. I'm not joking. They were teasing me because it was practically a date, and I couldn’t find the courage to confess.”
“Ko,” you said, reaching out for him. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to your feet. “I like you too.”
“Good, because this would be awkward.”
“What, awkw-” You were cut off by him leaning down and pressing a quick chaste kiss to your lips. He laughed when you chased his lips as he pulled away.
“Come on. Let’s have our movie date night.” He said pulling you to the bed and cuddling you.
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Ok but I have been thinking about this “Astor takes Zelda when she’s young” AU all night like:
So Zelda’s mom dies and Astor gets his astrolabe from Asivus after he fucks with the guardians and [REDACTED] and Astor has his little Calamity agenda all within a shorter amount of time than the span of time in HKU. This is so that Zelda doesn’t have too much knowledge about her role as Hylia’s vessel yet so that when Astor takes her she’s like “dope” and doesn’t really know exactly how important she is. I mean as soon as your mom dies and your dad turns into a dick, the first magic dadstor to come into your radius going like “let’s go vibe somewhere else” I think anyone would accept that.
So the princess is whisked away and the kingdom goes into pure shit and chaos, and Rhoam is left no choice as to basic double, no, triple down on Sheikah tech and the divine beasts, all while sending out searches for the princess—which never come into fruition.
Meanwhile, Zelda grows up with the Yiga Clan as an assassin shes got a sickle and short hair because yeah!! Zavis is still a spy but instead of joining the Yiga Clan to be more useful to Zelda, he joined the Yiga Clan to find her and when he did, since his dad and Zelda are all basically on the same side he doesn’t have really any loyalty to the crown anymore
Now just in case, Astor pretty much lies to Zelda about her past as she grew up, just so that there isn’t a chance she gets dragged back into castle life or anything. “Oh yeah, you were just some little noble girl who’s dad was a dick, and I was friends with your mom before she died so I decided to take you in” and it lines you just enough with what few memories Zelda has of her childhood that she believes it. And ironically, with her loyalty to Astor and the Yiga Clan, she grows to despise royals and laughs at the stories of the missing princess like “ha, what a nerd. Hyrule really is doomed since she dipped from her destiny, what a loser.”
Does Siv team up with Astor earlier since he doesn’t have Zelda to give him hope that he can overcome the Calamity? Maybe. Idk.
So anyways, Zeldas going out doing Yiga things and she meets a knight with a pretty cool looking sword, and she’s like “Oooo imma steal that” and then she tries but she failed because this kid is REALLY skilled. He beats her, but doesn’t kill her when he realizes “You’re just a kid?” Then, they hear someone coming, like a captain or something, and he tosses her a few rupees like “get out of here and go home, the others won’t hesitate to kill a Yiga like you—girl or not”
Now Zelda goes home but she’s PISSED. Not only did she get her ass beat despite being the most badass Yiga she knows, the kid has the audacity to toss her RUPEES as if she was just some common poor thief. What an asshole! But also, she’s super ingrained by him because pretty much her whole life she’s believed the knights and those with the royals are a bunch of ruthless assholes who do nothing but blindly adhere to their commands and rules. So the fuck is with this kid??
She doesn’t tell anyone about this encounter (mostly because she doesn’t want to be yelled at, nor admitting the embarrassing detail of being beaten) but she does tell Zavis about it. And he’s like “pfft. He’s just a kid, btt it give him a few years and he’ll grow up like everyone other asshole out there, trust me”
Then later on, Zelda sneaks out looking for this kid again. And she does, and they kinda cross blades, but mostly she just complains to him about how annoying he is, and she tosses the rupees he gave him back like “I don’t need your pity money!” And they banter for a bit more and eventually she’s like “what’s your name, huh?” And the knight is like “....you don’t know who I am?”
“Oh let me guess, you’re one of the hundreds of people named Link, is that it?”
“Something like that.”
“Well Link, I’m Mallory, and I’m going to kill you now!”
Suddenly Link’s stomach grumbles and he sheathes his sword “Dinner break!”
“WHA—?? Keep fighting me you idiot!”
“Nah...I’m super hungry.”
“What?!?! What’s wrong with you??? I’ll kill you!”
“No you won’t.”
“I will!”
“You’re already breaking a sweat and I’ve been holding back this whole time. Plus, if you wanted to kill me why did you just give me back my rupees when I had my back turned instead of stabbing me? Either you like talking to me, or you suck at your job. Anyways, cucco nugget?”
So they’re kinda friends now.
So time passes and they’re still secret friends, and they like being friends because they “keep it real” as the kids say. Link never admits to her that he’s the hero, but vents about his knight life and his dad who never seems to be happy for him despite his accomplishments. And Zelda vents about her life in the Yiga Clan, and despite being the best, Astor never seems to want her involved in the more important missions and never tells her jackshit”
“Well I guess that’s good for me. Would hate to have the Yiga’s best asset being used.”
“Hey this is serious!! I need to help in the destruction of the royal family with the Calamity!”
“Do you really believe that? That we’re all already doomed?”
“Well yeah. I mean, even if the hero’s around, the princess is dead, so you all don’t stand a chance. But don’t worry, when the Calamity comes I’ll give you a heads up and you can go chill in Faron or something”
Then, things be picking up with Astor and the gang, and he’s finally found an opportunity to kill the hero. And Zelda remembers hearing from Link that he sometimes hangs out with the Champions and the hero for protection, and she’s like, “can I come?” because she wants to be useful, but also to make sure Link doesn’t die or anything. Yet per usual, Astor’s like “No. Just stay here.”
Now Zelda gets super pissed and him and they have a fight, mostly circulating around the fact that Zelda’s been nothing but loyal to the Yiga Clan and yet she nevers gets to actually feel useful and it also put on the sidelines whenever anything actually impactful happens. “Hell, even ZAVIS does more than I do! What’s your problem?! Can’t you have confidence in my for once??”
And Astor in Astor fashion ends the argument super harshly like, “You won’t be ready for anything, ever. You’re still incredibly naive and foolish, so if you want to help, then you can help everyone by staying here, and safe, and away from everyone. THAT is the only thing of use you can do, so do it.” And then they go off to kill the hero and Zelda runs off to her room al frusterated and shit. 
But you know, you often meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. And this Astor’s little plan to keep Zelda away from Calamity related business so that she can never discover her powers or who she is...is gonna backfire, splendidly.
So Zelda sneaks out anyway, with the idea in her head that if she kills the hero before Astor even gets there he’ll have no CHOICE but to recognize how competent and useful she is and he’ll eat his words!
But then she gets there, and she sees the Champions, and Link, and she goes to confront Link with sickle in hand like, “I don’t need you! Just tell me where the hero is, and I’ll spare the rest of you!” And the Champions are like “wtf” and Link is like, “Just leave. You don’t know what you’re doing.” 
“I know exactly what I’m doing! Just tell me where the hero is and no one else has to get hurt.”
And Daruk’s like. “Uhh...but he is the hero?” And everyone glares at Daruk, and Zelda goes into shock, like w h a t. Aw shit..so that fancy sword was the master sword...and he’s so good at fighting because he’s the bloody hERO FUCK, IT’S SO OBVIOUS NOW FUCK.
And I feel like as Zelda is contemplating her life choices in the moment. Revali would attack first because he’s like that. So he shoots her in the shoulder, or something, and she releases Link, and then something something her mask falls of and Urbosa recognizes her because of course she does. And Urbosa’s like “Zelda?!??!?” And Zelda’s like, “Who the fuck are you? Who’s Zelda? I’m Mallory.” 
And by that point, Astor is there and he’s like “wtf is going on here.” And he sees Zelda, and he’s like “Mallory get over here right now.” And she hesitates for a moment because she’s right between him and Link.
“Move aside, now. Quickly. We’ll discuss your insolence when we get back home.”
And she’s like “...No.”
“Excuse me?”
“T-There’s no need for this. The princess is dead, right? S-So what’s even the point?”
“We have to ensure victory for Lord Ganon. We’re just making sure there’s no chance of anything happening. There’s no need to defend them, they’re all doomed, they’re all the same. If the hero doesn’t die by my hand, he’ll die by the Calamity’s. So move.”
“You don’t know that!”
And Astor raises and eyebrow because this is basically the first time Zelda has questioned this, ever. “What did you say?”
“I...I said you don’t know everything! You could be wrong!”
And he gives a sad smile and shakes his head. “I know more than you know.”
“I’ll tell you when we’re done here, promise.” And then he does his little malice teleport thing and he’s about to kill Link with a big ol’ malice attack, and Zelda does that reaching out thing like “No!” 
And the BOOM. Her powers awaken, and EVERYONES like “oh shIT.” And Link’s the first one to be like, “You’re the princess???” And Astor’s like “hmmmmmmmm....fuck.” And Urbosa’s like, “Ok, I’m gonna stab Astor now.” and then she does! good for her. 
And then Zelda is freaking out like what the fuck just happened who huh where what huh and then theres conflict because she doesn’t want Link to die but also his team just sorta stabbed her father figure and then its chaos or something and uhhhhhhhhh yeah that’s all I got I have no idea how this would end. 
I feel Zelda wouldn’t go back to the Yiga Hideout after that, in fact I think she might run off with Siv because he’s like “hey, hey, hey. maybe gimme some of that light juice and get the calamity out of my head?” And of course Zavis would go whereever Zelda went (maybe?) She definitly wouldn’t go with the Champions yet, but they’re out looking for her. And also Astor would be looking for her with the Yiga Clan but mostly he’s like “fuck my life.” because literally everything he had been working towards and planning for over a decade has been ruined in like, an hour.
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milfgritty · 5 years
i’ll be good pt. nine | j. hughes & t. zegras
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❀ ⇢ requested: yes | no ❀ ⇢ word count: 2.6K ❀ ⇢ a/n: i can’t believe the end of this series is finally here. this has been my longest series to date and to actually finish it is just insane. i might end up posting a bonus part/epilogue but idk yet. anyway, i just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed i’ll be good and i couldn’t be more amazed by the positive feedback it’s gotten. i hope this ending doesn’t disappoint!
having a crush on one person was confusing enough. now throw in one of their teammates and you weren’t sure where that left you anymore.
⇢ posted: 05.11.19 . | . masterlist prev. | next.
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“We’re going out for a bit, want to come?”
Rolling over, you shifted the covers down far enough to look at your mom. You pondered the decision for a few seconds, staring at her head peeking in through the cracked door.
“I think I’m gonna stay here,” you told her, words muffled.
She hesitated in the doorway before sighing. “We’ll bring back food,” she smiled sadly, retreating and closing the door behind her.
Letting out a sigh, you burrowed back into the blankets. You were grateful that she was being so understanding, but that didn’t stop you from wishing it wasn’t necessary in the first place.
Closing your eyes, you fought back a fresh wave of tears at the thought. How long was it going to hurt like this? Why weren’t you enough for him?
You groaned loudly, cutting off your train of thought. Distantly, you registered the sound of the front door being closed signaling that you were alone. Shifting again, you stared up at your ceiling blankly. You could probably go back to sleep for another few hours—it was the weekend so you didn’t have to worry—
Your phone buzzed on your nightstand. Head falling to the side to stare at it, you debated if you even wanted to see who texted you. Why bother, you know? Like, did you really want to talk to anyone right now?
Not particularly, but curiosity won out as you stretched your arm to grab the offending object. Settling onto your side, you winced at who it was that sent it. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed that he was the one you called and cried on the phone to—
Wait­—no. That’s exactly what it was.
Yea, he comforted you and said that it was fine but what else was he supposed to say? Blowing out a harsh breath, you decided to get it over with.
‘where are you? we need to talk’
Heart seizing up at the phrasing, you slowly typed out a reply.
‘at home in bed. family’s out rn. why do we have to talk??’
God, you hope this wasn’t him telling you that you couldn’t be friends anymore or some shit like that. One guy dumping you was enough heartbreak; you didn’t need another one adding to it.
‘nothing bad dw is it cool if i come over?’
You tried to ignore the way your heart sped up. Sending back a reply telling him that it was okay, you found the energy to get out of bed for the first time all day. Managing the bare minimum of your usual morning routine was nothing short of an accomplishment, no matter how sad the fact was.
It was only the thought of not wanting Jack to see you as a complete mess that got you going, but still. Progress.
After unlocking the door and sending Jack a text letting him know to just walk in—because what can go wrong there, right?—you made your way back upstairs.
Flopping down onto your bed, you sullenly scrolled through a few different apps to calm your nerves. Seriously, who tells a girl who literally just got broken up with that they need to talk? What do they need to talk about? In person?
The entire thing wasn’t giving you the best of feelings, but whatever. Might as well get some more bad news when you’re already down.
Right as you were finally calming down, Jack sent you a text saying that he was only a few minutes away.
Great, this was going to go great. Totally fine.
Oh god, was he gonna make a move? It hadn’t occurred to you but if he did—
No. No, he wouldn’t. That would be a whole new level of shitty. And even if he did, you weren’t going to just jump into things with him. That’d be so bad. No, new rule. Teammates are off limits.
Actually, hockey players in general. Who needs them? And dating? Not you, that’s for sure.
So lost in your thoughts, you nearly had a heart attack when the door downstairs opened.
“Y/N?” Jack’s voice yelled.
Cursing under your breath, you forced to calm down. “Bedroom,” you called back, pulling your legs up to sit cross-legged.
Fingers fidgeting, your breathing sped up before you worked on calming down again. You listened as Jack made his way upstairs—why did it sound like two pairs of—?
“Hey,” Jack appeared in your doorway, offering you a nervous smile.
You returned the greeting, tilting your head. “So what exactly did we need to talk about in person?”
“Uh, yea. You see, it isn’t just us that need to talk,” he trailed off, watching you with wide apologetic eyes.
Not understanding, you were about to ask when he stepped into the room. The words died in your throat when another figure stepped into sight.
“What the hell,” you sputtered, a whirlwind of emotions exploding inside of you at the sight of your bo—ex-boyfriend.
At least they both had the decency to look shamefaced, you mused to yourself as you sprung up off your bed.
“What the hell,” you repeated, unsure on who to round on.
“I told you this was a bad idea.”
You spun toward Trevor at the sound of his voice, ignoring how despondent it was and how your heart felt like it was breaking all over again. But then his words registered and you were marching at Jack.
“Wha—you brought him here?” you demanded, betrayal clear as day in your voice.
He backed away, hands in the air until he hit your dresser. “We need to talk about everything,” he tried, eyes wide in fear.
Pushing down the hurt, you shook your head bitterly.
“What’s there to talk about? He–“ you gestured at Trevor who had taken an awkward stance “–broke up with me. There’s nothing to talk about. And since there’s nothing to talk about, I want both of you out.”
“Y/N, stop,” Jack pleaded, grabbing ahold of your hands. “You and I both know there’s a lot we need to talk about—shit we should’ve just talked about a while ago.”
“We all fucked up,” Trevor cut in before you could respond. Going quiet, you refused to look at him and swallowed roughly. “And everything got out hand. I found out about you and Jack almost kissing and instead of just talking to you, I thought it would be better for all of us if I broke up with you—don’t look at me like that, I know it wasn’t the best idea now.”
A snort left you against your will, a small smile gracing your features before you caught yourself. “Yea, it was a pretty shit idea, man. You should’ve seen that,” Jack interjected quickly, shrugging innocently at Trevor’s glare but flashing you a smile when he heard your quiet laugh.
“I never claimed I had good ideas, okay?” Trevor attempted—maybe?—to defend himself.
“Can say that again,” you muttered under your breath, sniggering with Jack who heard your comment.
“Rude.” Trevor pointed at you in offense. Brought back to reality, you plopped yourself down on your bed.
“We really do need to talk about everything, don’t we?” you sighed, looking up at them. They nodded in agreement, turning to find chairs to sit down in.
Jack managed to lay claim to your desk chair. Trevor, given the option of the other side of your bed and your sad old beanbag, found himself practically on the floor.
“Be serious, man,” Jack mock scolded Trevor as the latter squirmed in the near flat beanbag. A laugh left you as Trevor flipped him off, and then yet another when you had to look all the way down to see him.
“Dicks,” Trevor mumbled, ignoring both of you as he finished settling into his bag.
“Now that that’s out of the way, where do we even start?” you voiced the unsaid question.
The boys exchanged glances and hesitated. “I don’t know,” Jack said quietly, slumping down.
“Great,” you nodded sarcastically, earning yourself a glare and laugh. The three of you sobered quickly after, realizing that none of you actually knew where to begin.
“I’m just gonna start by saying that before I even asked Y/N out, I seriously had no idea you liked her,” Trevor spoke to Jack before turning to face you. “I did know, though, that you liked him. Which—admittedly—wasn’t great, but still.”
Shaking your head, you tried to wrap your head around that. “That makes no sense. Why ask someone out if you know they like someone else? That’s like setting yourself up for failure.”
Trevor shrugged in response, reasoning, “Spencer is a good hype man.”
Closing your mouth, you nodded. He had a point.
“My thing is,” Jack leaned forward, peering up at you, “why did you agree to go out with Trevor if you liked me?”
Clearing your throat, you resisted the urge to blush. “Right before that, I heard you and the guys talking about some hot girl that gave you her number. After so long of you not making a move, that was just the last straw I guess. I was leaving, thinking about how it was time to move on and then Trevor asked me out and—well.” Ending your words with a shrug, you winced at how bad it sounded when put like that.
“You only went out from me to move on from Jack?” Trevor asked, hurt creeping into his voice. Jack leaned back into his chair, falling silent.
Meeting Trevor’s eyes, you shook your head rapidly. “No! It played a part, yea, but I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t think I could actually like you. You looked all cute and flustered when you asked me and I just—it dawned on me that if I wasn’t hung up on Jack, I probably would’ve liked you for a while at that point.”
Talking about it like this was more than a little embarrassing, especially since you could feel Jack’s gaze on the side of your face.
“And if you’ve liked me for so long, why were you talking about how you were going to call that ‘hot chick’?” you turned it back on Jack, the question having bugged you since you found out Jack liked you.
Eyes going wide, Jack sputtered. “I said I was kidding! That she wasn’t my type, because you’re my type—not the you’re my type part obviously but—didn’t I say that right after the guys calmed down?” He directed the last question at Trevor, putting him on the spot this time.
Trevor went quiet for a second before answering. “I think? I can’t remember, right around then Spencer came in to tell me Y/N was leaving.”
“Spencer was the one who told you I was leaving—?”
“Wait, how did you know I’ve liked you for ‘so long’? I never told you that I actually liked you,” Jack questioned, talking over you.
“I think almost kissing someone is a pretty clear sign you like them, Jack,” Trevor told him condescendingly. Jack rolled his eyes at him, kicking him lightly, before looking back at you.
Avoiding his gaze, you found a sudden interest in your shirt. “I might have overheard the two of you fighting that night you spilled your drink on me,” you mumbled, pursing your lips.
“You did?”
“Oh god,” Jack groaned, covering his face with his hands as Trevor choked.
“Yea.” You drug the word out, grimacing. “Not your best moment, either of you.”
“Is that why you avoided us the first time?” Trevor asked, his head angled to the side. You nodded, confirming his suspicion.
Jack’s sudden laughter startled you. “This is why we communicate, kids,” he said between gasps for air. A snort left you and soon enough you were all laughing at how bad the three of you really are at handling shit.
After your amusement died down, Trevor brought up a valid point.
“What are we doing now?” he asked, glancing up between the two of you. “I mean, we know where we went wrong and all of that, but where does that leave us?”
The question everything came back to, it seemed.
“I still don’t know,” you admitted, darting your tongue out to wet your lips.
Quiet dawned over you again, contemplative and unsure. All of you lost in thought about what happens next.
“You know what? I don’t care what happens as long as I get to be around you,” Jack shrugged. At your curious gaze, he elaborated.
“It’s been too long of constant drama. I just miss being able to talk to you and be your friend.”
“Lame,” Trevor didn’t even bother to hide his whisper. Jack rolled his eyes, flipping him off. You rolled your eyes at the both of them. You missed their antics and agreed with him, saying as much.
“I think we should start over,” you told them, bouncing your leg.
Their heads snapped toward you, forgetting about their bickering. “What do you mean?” Trevor asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Jack mirrored his expression, staring intently at you.
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word it. After a second, you started, “Obviously, even from the beginning, this wasn’t the healthiest relationship if that’s what you want to call it. There was always something holding someone back or coming in the way of things. I think we should just forget everything. Let everything be in the past and start anew. As friends or some sort of weird in between—I don’t care. I’ve just missed both of you a lot and don’t want to lose either of you over something so stupid.”
You couldn’t get through it while looking at them. Your gaze had shifted down to your fidgeting hands at some point. After you finished, they stayed quiet taking in your words.
“I’m okay with that,” Jack said finally, causing your head to snap up. He met your eyes with a soft grin, reassuring your nerves. Your gaze slipped down to a still silent Trevor, anxiously awaiting his response.
He looked up after a few seconds to see the two of you staring at him. “Oh! Yea, I’m cool with that. As long as we’re good and not ignoring each other anymore, I’m fine.”
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head. Relief washed over you, resulting in a goofy smile taking residence on your face. “Great,” you told them.
“See, this all worked out because I cornered you in your bedroom,” Jack told Trevor, standing up and making his way to your bed.
“Wait—you what?” you asked, vaguely noticing Trevor having difficulty getting up and out of the beanbag. He kicked at Jack, waving his hands in the air.
“Yea well this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t kissed my girlfriend,” Trevor shot back at him as he pulled him up.
You stared up at them, trying to get an answer from one of them. Jack pushed you over, sliding down on your left while Trevor took a spot on your right.
“You cornered him—?”
“Get over it already, that was so last week,” Jack ignored you, tugging you down beside him. Trevor snagged one of your hands, lacing your fingers together. Your heart soared at the familiar gesture and you let yourself be maneuvered.
The bed barely big enough for all three of you, you tried again.
“What’s up with you and cornering people in their rooms?”
The boys bursting into laughter at your genuine confusion on each side of you, you found yourself smiling widely.
This is good, you thought to yourself.
Everything is good.
244 notes · View notes
ua-himiko · 5 years
@ua-touya 12:42 PM
damn, you hero school brats really are sure of yourself, huh?
ua-himiko 12:44 PM
you have no right to try and look down on us when you cant even take five minutes out of your busy schedule to help someone who is supposed to be your FRIEND
ua-touya 12:45 PM
listen, if i could have helped you, i wouldve, alright?
ua-himiko 12:45 PM
ua-touya 12:46 PM
yeah, whatever.
@ua-todoroki 4:14 PM
ua-himiko 4:15 PM
ua-todoroki 4:15 PM
Who are you.
@ua-chargebolt  4:15 PM
What just... happened?
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
lol ypu
ua-todoroki 4:16 PM
Great answer.
@ua-stopwatch 4:16 PM
lots of things happened, kaminari
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
ew ur back
my names miko who r u
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
Todoroki Shouto.
ua-himiko 4:17 PM
real funny haha joke but like actually tho..
ua-chargebolt  4:17 PM
Well. I figured that, ,Damien... I mean.... new people now? What's goin on?
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
That's who I am.
ua-stopwatch 4:18 PM
she waltzed in the chat and started degrading people last night.
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
ua-himiko 4:18 PM
lol bro... i get it ur edgey lulz but lykeeee im not falling for that i wasnt born yesterday
ua-todoroki 4:18 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
Who... are you?
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
:/ i just said my name was miko... do i need 2 go full name or what
ua-todoroki 4:19 PM
[pic of his ID]
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
please. If you don't mind.
ua-chargebolt  4:19 PM
lol, Miko, sounds like the main character for some anime-
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
uh real cool prop i guess I LUV ANIME xD
ua-todoroki 4:20 PM
ua-himiko 4:20 PM
its a cute nickname tho rite???? lololol but yea its short for toga himiko yeah
ok i showed u mine now show me urs edgey weirdo cuz im not fallin for this troll attempt rite here
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
Why's that name ring a bell...
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
it does. Doesn't it.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
What's the big deal tho, he already said his name...
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
eh i was on the news once it aint no thang we dont talk about that lol
ua-todoroki 4:21 PM
I already told you.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
Miko, what's your quirk if you don't mind my asking
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
I'm Kaminari Denki btw but like
what's the hangup about Shouteroki's name?
ua-himiko 4:22 PM
:/... its called TRANSFORM idk why that matters tho
ua-chargebolt  4:22 PM
are you a transformer
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
cuz like??????????? todoroki shoutos been dead for like half a decade or whatever so pretending 2 be some famous dead kid is fuckin weird and dumb like... hello
ua-touya 4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
eveyrone knows that its not new info
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
he's not-
ua-touya 4:23 PM
what do you mean he died? how?
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
..y'know what...she might be one of the alternates
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
lol what kinda AU is this
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
What the fuck.
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
like it was a while ago but like everyone knows about this so wtf :////
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
You uh... a zomble there Todo?
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
Miko, I can assure you, that this todoroki isn't dead
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
Physically anyway
ua-todoroki 4:24 PM
What the fuck.
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
like I said. Maybe an alternate?
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
alternate of what
p-mina 4:24 PM
oooh!!!! Like me!!!!
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
it was like a biiiiiiiig case his mom like went crazy and off'd him like bruh
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
the what
ua-touya 4:25 PM
she what??
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
?????? hello
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
the multiverse theory.
p-mina 4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
or rather, the string theory
ua-todoroki 4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
fuckin google it oh my god cmon its like
h/o i'll just get an article this is so dumb
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
YOU google it...
ua-touya 4:26 PM
there's not going to be an article, batsy
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
dont rush me omg im working on it...
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:26 PM
in our string of the multiverse, todoroki isn't dead.
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
u keep sayin multiverse like i kno wtf that is i dont even watch scifi im not a nerd
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
There's like multiples of... us
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
nothing is coming up ugh fuck u google
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
because in this universe, he's alive.
ua-todoroki 4:27 PM
[Todoroki is offline]
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
I mean, have you noticed anything else strange to you lately, Miko?
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
ur fuckin with me lol 'this universe'
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
no I'm not. I don't "fuck" with people.
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
not rly????????? kind of been busy havin the worst day evar actually
@ua-syren 4:28 PM
[iris is online]
is she gone yet?
ua-chargebolt  4:29 PM
ua-syren 4:29 PM
that other toga.
I blocked her so I can't tell
ua-himiko 4:30 PM
who what? oh fuck i cant see whats getting sent thats lame
tell whoever she better not be talkin SHIT
ua-chargebolt  4:30 PM
Chillllllll, Mi-channnnn~
ua-syren 4:31 PM
..you're friends with her now aren't you
ua-stopwatch 4:31 PM
it seems so, cohen
ua-touya 4:31 PM
jeez.. you kids really know how to attract drama, huh?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
michan ^w^
ua-syren 4:31 PM
and who're you?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
fuckin shut up bitch go away
ua-touya 4:31 PM
ua-syren 4:32 PM
yes you.
ua-touya 4:32 PM
what's it matter to ya, kiddo?
ua-himiko 4:32 PM
lulz i like how poseroki stopped talking once i outed him on his sherade lol
knew he was full of shit
ua-touya 4:33 PM
i doubt he was faking
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
i wasnt askin U bitch
ua-chargebolt 4:33 PM
Who are you, tho?
@ua-kuroiro 4:33 PM
He's not faking, we go to school together
ua-syren 4:33 PM
don't call me that.
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
anyway real talk thats an important part of hero history you guys should reeeeeally know that if you're trying to be heroes....
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
I just saw him this morning
@ua-redriot 4:34 PM
hes a pretty cool guy!! Pretty sure hes still alive!
@ua-sakku 4:34 PM
Oh...is the new person a senpai?
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
He hangs out with monoma.
ua-syren 4:34 PM
ua-himiko 4:34 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:34 PM
He's definitely alive. Lil dead on the inside maybe but like.... maybe we all are at this stage so, valid
ua-touya 4:34 PM
seriously, why are you kids so curious about me anyways?
ua-syren 4:35 PM
because we don't know you.
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Oh wait two people.
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
hes a loser forget him
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
he shouldnt even be here anyway go get some actual friends hoe
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Woah, Miko is cool.
ua-touya 4:35 PM
im not surprised you dont know me...
ua-chargebolt 4:35 PM
Why're you so mad at him? What he do?
ua-kuroiro 4:35 PM
His friend isnt here right now.
ua-syren 4:36 PM
of course we don't know you. Are you going to tell us or no?
ua-kuroiro 4:36 PM
Well, one of them
ua-touya 4:36 PM
touya todoroki.
ua-himiko 4:36 PM
i licherally called him ALL NITE cuz i was like stranded in the middle of the road and he completely ghosted me out of NOWHERE like a bitch and then denied it all morning and tried to act like we werent friends so i GUESS we're not FRIENDS ANYMORE
ua-syren 4:36 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:36 PM
Touya what now?
I'm so confuuuuuuused right noowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
[Todoroki is online]
ua-himiko 4:37 PM
which is why its a LITTLE FUNNY that ur sititng here defending ppl licherally trying to rp as your brooooooooooooooooooooo when im licherally rite here like honestly if hes just paying u guys to mess with me its a low fxckin blow
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
You're not Touya.
ua-chargebolt 4:37 PM
Who TF is Touy--
Oh hey Shouteroki.... you OK?
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
I don't know.
ua-himiko 4:38 PM
real talk im about to f x c k i n scream if you all dont stop MESSING with me GOD
ua-syren 4:38 PM
...I'm gonna believe Todo for now..
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
making me feel like im goin fucking crazy its rly not funny i hate this
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
Touya's been gone for years. Idk. There's rumors he killed himself.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-syren 4:39 PM
ua-touya 4:39 PM
ah, i was wondering about that...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
Michannnnn.... seriously, it seems liek you're from another universe...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
What's going on.
ua-kuroiro 4:39 PM
This shit's a lot, I'm gonna go spend time with my lizard.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
but that makes no sense...
ua-syren 4:39 PM
the multiverse is back at it
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
You'renot crazy but damn this is
ua-kuroiro 4:40 PM
[Kuroiro is offline]
ua-stopwatch 4:40 PM
as Cohen said. Multiverse.
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
We've met alternates before....
@ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
whats going on
ua-redriot 4:41 PM
so you're both from a different universal ?
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Like there's a version of me without a quirk and is in college...
ua-stopwatch 4:41 PM
ry. Have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:41 PM
this is unbelievable...
ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
yeah of course
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Which means you're a version of someone we have here.... ig
ua-redriot 4:42 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:42 PM
basically. It's not exactly a theory anymore.
It's fact. And our portion seems to be like the..middle ground of them all
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:42 PM
ua-touya 4:42 PM
well, the version of me from here is dead, obviously
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
I was reading back, somthing about Todoroki-Sensei?
ua-himiko 4:43 PM
so ur gonna seriously act like this is a real thing, touya???
ua-stopwatch 4:43 PM
these new people are not from out universe. They're from another part of the multiverse respectively.
ua-ryuu 4:43 PM
Huh. Cool. If they weren't so mean I might talk to them more. @ua-himiko  see I can @ bitches
ua-touya 4:44 PM
it's not the worst thing to believe, i guess
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
fuckin congrats dipshit
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
I guess that makes Michan outta this world? 😜 👉👉
@p-ashido 4:44 PM
you're like me!!!!! That's so cool!!!!
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
this is so stupid...
ua-redriot 4:44 PM
this is so COOL
p-mina 4:44 PM
Do you wanna be friends? O:
ua-touya 4:44 PM
sounds like one of shimura's video games, but really it's not that hard to see...
ua-stopwatch 4:45 PM
...this chat is causing a major headache...
ua-himiko 4:45 PM
ten's video games are fucking stupid tho
no i dont wanna be friends with ANY of you cuz you're all dumb weirdos who wanna lie to me about dumb shit
ua-chargebolt 4:45 PM
Who's... Shimura....
ua-touya 4:46 PM
tenko shimura, he's a pro hero i work with
p-mina 4:46 PM
Whats your world like??? Mine is violent!!
ua-touya 4:46 PM
or... worked with
ua-stopwatch 4:46 PM
ua-himiko 4:46 PM
its the same world as everybody's, stfu...
ua-chargebolt 4:47 PM
Well... I've been given to understand that some universes are more violent than others... that's what Miku said...
ua-stopwatch 4:47 PM
sorry for being hostile towards you and Miko. It wasnt "cool" of me 
I'd love to hear more about your respective universes though
p-mina 4:47 PM
That was so mean :( It's okay though!
ua-himiko 4:47 PM
i don't have a respective universe. oh my god.
ua-touya 4:47 PM
obviously you do, considering i supposedly killed myself here and shouto's dead where you're from
ua-himiko 4:48 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:48 PM
I mean, we all have superpowers, is multiverse so hard to believe?
Maybe multiverse is osmeone's quirk idk
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
never heard of a quirk like that...
ua-stopwatch 4:49 PM
that's an interesting theory
p-mina 4:49 PM
that'd be scary!
ua-touya 4:49 PM
there's a lot of quirks we've never heard of before, that's the whole problem with em
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
ua-todoroki 4:52 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:53 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:53 PM
Are you OK, Todo?
ua-todoroki 4:53 PM
I hate this.
ua-himiko 4:54 PM
=_= don't exactly love it either
ua-todoroki 4:54 PM
It's insane.
There's so many...
ua-himiko 4:55 PM
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Why couldn't you have gone anywhere else.
ua-syren 4:55 PM
hey...it'll be okay
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Yeah, I'm sure a bunch of weird people from alternate universes running around will be okay.
ua-syren 4:56 PM
eventually it will..
ua-todoroki 4:56 PM
ua-himiko 4:56 PM
is2g i'm gonna start stabbing people if i hear the phrase 'alternate universe' again
ua-todoroki 4:57 PM
I'm gonna start stabbing myself if one more person has to make me say it.
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
do it then edgey bitch
ua-syren 4:57 PM
that joke is not allowed
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
Miko. Be nice.
ua-chargebolt 4:57 PM
Why does anyone have to stab things....
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
don't tell me what to do
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
ua-todoroki 4:58 PM
ua-touya 4:59 PM
it could be worse or whatever
ua-ryuu 4:59 PM
Well, this went off the rails real fast
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
ua-syren 4:59 PM
it's not the first time
ua-stopwatch 4:59 PM
... yeah..
You're not wrong ry
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
Message me if you want.
[Todoroki has left the chat]
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Superpowers (joel pimentel au)
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pairing: oc x joel 
rating: t (maybe some juicy stuff later idk) 
summary: an accident that may have been more than just an accident brings two people even closer than before. 
part one
Ever since that night of the accident I’ve felt weird… weird on a molecular level. I could feel the cells that make up by DNA being reborn with every second that passes.
I gasp, inhaling deeply as if I’ve been denied oxygen for my entire life. “Where am I?” I ask, squinting my eyes at the bright lights. Noticing a bunch of people standing over me, panic sets in.
I claw at the material that covers my body. “Where am I?” I repeat. “You’re in the hospital. You were in an accident, but you are safe now. Your body is healing at an amazing rate. I’ve never seen this happen before.”
Pieces of the scene come back to me. I was in the car with my family driving to the supermarket. We were singing along to the radio when the highway suddenly cracked open. Cars crashed into one another, some fell into the crack, while others were being lifted into the sky-
That’s not possible. “T-the beam in the sky” I say. A doctor sighs, “this must be the trauma speaking. You were in a regular car accident Meredith.”
“My family” I say. “They’re in the waiting room. They’re fine.”
The door to my bedroom opens. “Sweetie it’s time to go to school. I can drive you” my mother says. I immediately shake my head, “that’s okay. I’ll walk.”
Her face becomes full of worry. I smile reassuringly at her in hopes of easing her emotions. “You’ll get there one day, right?” she asks. I nod, “right. Just not today.”
The walk to school is about fifteen minutes. By the time I reach my locker my chest heaves up and down as I try to catch my breath. “Walked again?”
I look to my right at my best friend, Lia, “like I do everyday.” She nods while beginning to open her locker.
My hand reaches for the notebook I use during lab but recoils once it comes into contact with the metal spiral rings.
There was a jolt of electricity that burned a whole straight through the book. I stare in disbelief with wide eyes. “You okay?” Lia asks peeking her head into my locker. “Fine!” I exclaim, slamming it shut.
“Let’s go” I mumble. She squeals when I grab her hand and pull her towards the classroom. A pair of eyes on me demands my attention. I search the hallway until I meet his eyes.
All the commotion around us begins to slow down. Everything becomes so still as if time really did stop. I look behind me and Lia is frozen. Her hair, flowing behind her, is stuck in place from when I pulled her.
I quickly look back at him and notice his movement. Everyone else is frozen except for us. My eyes close and reopen, “warn me next time you want to rush to class.”
“Huh?” I turn my head. “I said warn me next time you want to rush to class. Are you sure you’re okay?” Lia asks.
“I’m okay.”
“I’m so not okay” I say to myself in the mirror. This could be some weird dream that I’m stuck in. All I need to do is wake up.
“I don’t have time for this” I sigh. I check my phone and realize I’ve been in the bathroom for ten minutes. Whether this is a dream or not I don’t want to get detention.
I grab the hall pass and take a step for the door. My body heats up, my hands tingle, and my legs rush forward. In a split second I’ve reached the door.
“Okay who slipped something in my breakfast?”
The door opens, making things very awkward as a girl I’ve never seen before stares at me with the most confused expression on her face.
“Um I’m practicing for my drama class, bye” I blurt before pushing past her.
I try my best to keep my feet planted to ground despite my head feeling like its in the clouds. The clicking sound of a classroom door opening and a, “hey” halts my movement.
It’s him.
“Hi Joel” I reply. “Are you going to be at club later?” he asks. I bite my lip in thought, “I don’t know. I’m not feeling well.”
“Oh, feel better” he mumbles then walks off. To make the day weirder, I notice a yellow streak behind him as he walks towards the bathroom.
“I’m feeling much better” I say to the group. “Thank you for sharing” our leader, Susan, responds. I nod and smile shyly at the rest.
I ended up going to club today because I started to feel less… odd after eating lunch.
“Now in two days it’ll be the anniversary of the accident so I want to know how you’re all feeling about that” Susan says.
As the words left her mouth I could feel everyone in the room tense up. I hadn’t even realized it will be five months since the accident. That explains a lot.
“Um” Joel clears his throat, “I’m nervous but I’m planning on driving to school that day.”
A few people gasps. “That’s wonderful! I’m proud of you” Susan replies.
His tan cheeks grow a tint of pink, “thanks.”
“Anyone else care to share?”
We all remain silent and stiff. She sighs, “alright if no one feels comfortable enough then we can be dismissed for the day.”
I quickly gather my belongings and wait for Joel outside of the school building. “Wait up” I yell after noticing he walked right past me.
He trips over his own feet at my voice. “Sorry” I mumble once I caught up to him. He smiles in response.
“You’re really driving to school on Friday?” I ask. He nods, “I’m going to try.”
“If you want I can um- I can go with you” I say. His eyes widen, “you would?”
I nod. “Okay I’ll pick you up then. Still live next to the laundromat?”
I nod again.
Three knocks on the door.
knock, knock, knock
She’ll walk in and offer to drive me to school. “Morning sweetie. I’m leaving for work now. Want me to drop you off at school?” my mom asks.
I would usually shake my head and say I’ll walk, but not today.
“That’s okay mom. Joel is picking me up in a few minutes.”
“You’ll get ther- wait excuse me?” she asks, flustered. “Joel” I say, grabbing my book bag off the floor, “is going to pick me up,” I swing one strap onto my arm.
“And you’re driving there?’ she asks. I nod, “he wanted to try since today is ….”
She cuts me off with a wave of her hand, “I know. No need to mention it. I’m glad you two are going to try. Be safe and call me when you get to school.” She kisses me on the cheek and leaves.
“We’re safe” I say. Joel hums, “we’re safe.”
He told me he tried driving to my house by himself but he couldn’t. He walked here and had his older brother who works nearby drop off the car.
We both stare out the windshield in silence. “I don’t mind walking” I break the silence.
“No!” he exclaims, “no” he repeats in a quieter tone. “We can do this. I can do this.”
His shaky hands reach for the keys. A second later the engine roars.
“Here we go” he mutters. His foot presses down on the gas pedal surging us forward.
My hand reaches for his chest, grabbing a fistful of his shirt.
“Do you want to take the streets or the highway?” he asks. “If we want to face our fears all in one day then the highway.”
The car continues down the road, makes a left turn, and a right turn onto the highway.
Everything goes smoothly for the next five minutes.
“This isn’t too bad” he says still gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles are white.
“This feels like a good time for something to go wrong” I say.
The words barely finish leaving my mouth when the car slows down. “W-what are you doing?” I ask.
“I’m not doing anything” he replies. The car comes to a complete stop. I look out the window in fear of a car being closely behind us. All the other cars on the highway come to a halt.
“Joel, how are we doing this again?” I ask hinting at the time in the hallway. “Look Mere” he says, poking my arm. I look down and gasp at the sight. Purple streaks of what looks like lightning bolts flow from my body.
My eyes meet his and I gasp once again. “Your eyes!”
He looks in the rear mirror and sees his own eyes flickering with small yellow lightning bolts.
He stops speaking when he feels the car being lifted off the ground. The same beam I saw during the accident is back. “Do you recognize it? Are we being abducted by aliens?” I ask beginning to have a panic attack.
“I-I don’t know! Hey calm down, we’re fine. We’re together. We’re safe” he says, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“We’re safe” I repeat.
Everything goes black.
A sharp pain in my head wakes me. I groan as my eyes adjust to the purple aura around me. “Joel!” I yell, looking around.
My eyes begin to adjust to the beautiful scenery around me. The sky is a lavender color, the tall trees have leaves of all colors of the rainbow, the buildings are very advanced looking with architecture I’ve never seen, and the stream is full on neon colored fish leaving bright streaks behind them in the water.
“Mere?” I hear Joel call.
“Oh good you’re both up” a light voice says. I am transported to a room high up in the sky. I look down at the scenery that was once so close.
“What is this? Where am I?” I ask. “Turn around and see dear.”
I hesitantly turn around and sigh of relief when I see human looking creature, maybe a few years older than me, rather than scary beings.
Joel grabs my hand, “are you okay?” I look to my right at him and nod, “you?” He nods.
“Now you’re probably wondering who I am” the person says. “Yes. Also, where are we?” I ask.
“I am Alkaya, which means summer in old english, so feel free to call me that” she replies. She walks down the steps to be eye level with us.
“You are on earth. The year 3050” she continues. “You’re saying we’re in the future right now?” Joel asks.
Summer nods, “the year 3050.”
“Can you tell us why? What’s going on? I’m just so… confused?” I say.
“On this day 5 months ago, a dangerous criminal escaped from his confinement. He had powerful technology which he used to travel back to your time so he could be free. When he reached your time, he caused a serious accident that you two are aware of. My team and I followed him once we were alerted, but he had already caused chaos by beaming some people to random time periods and damaging your highways. I had to do something quickly so I looked in the database of influential people from your time period and chose you two. I saved your families in the accident and injected you with the serum.”
My eyebrows scrunch up, “what serum? And what do you mean you were there? I didn’t see you.”
She laughs, “of course you didn’t. I was so quick you didn’t see me. The serum…”
She picks up a black box from the floor, “the serum that gave me my powers. It’s from a flower not known to your time. A few years ago humans discovered a bunch of new flowers and plants that helped us advance. This serum is guarded by my family, who is apart of the high council, so only we get to control what to do with it.”
The black box opens revealing a topaz colored glowing liquid.
Joel holds his finger up to interject, “you said influential people. What do you mean by that? What does any of this have to do with us?”
“The database is a more advanced version of textbooks essentially. You two do great things in the future that I do not want to spoil. I knew you were kind and smart people so I chose to inject you with the serum so you could help my team and I save your world and ensure our future.”
if I thought my head was spinning before, I was wrong. My thoughts are moving at a million miles per hour.
“I know this a lot to take in, but we found an update on Ekan’s whereabouts recently. You two need to start training” she says.
“So the lightning bolts and the speed that’s apart of our powers?” I ask.
She nods, “you are a hub of electricity. You can do many things and manipulate your cells. Our top trainer will teach you some neat tricks to help us defeat Ekan.”
“We need to go home” Joel says. “We’ll go back to the day of the accident first, then I can drop you two off from the moment where you left. It’ll be like you were never gone” Summer says.
“Do we have a choice in this?” I ask. She nods, “of course you do. However, if you want to save the ones you love and make sure I have a future then you will help me.”
Joel and I make eye contact, “we’ll help.”
Joel and I have been walking silently following the stream down its path.
He clears his throat, “this is crazy huh?” “Crazy doesn’t even begin to describe this.”
“So super speed” he continues. I stop walking and lock eyes with him. My cheeks heat up at the memory, “I was rushing to get back to class from the bathroom. Right before I saw you actually and it just happened.”
“I thought I was going insane because of the accident, but I- I burned a whole through three pairs of jeans” he replies.
We both laugh. We laugh and laugh until it feels like our bodies are going to combust.
The hectic day finally catches up to us as we lose ourselves in laughter.
Strange looks from those passing eventually helps us calm down. “We’re in the future Joel” I say. A smirk spreads across his face, “we are.”
I reach for his hand and interlock mine with his. A jolt of electricity rises up my arm straight to my heart. Although I’m not too sure if my heart skipping a beat has much to do with that or more so, him.
“Let’s go explore” he says. He stands looking beautiful as ever with the lavender sky and the neon streaks from the stream illuminating his skin. He looks ethereal.
“Let’s go explore” I say.
a/n: I know this was long should I make it into a series?? please leave comments or send me messages if you’re liking my work 
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