#and i've seen them in concert THREE TIMES????
honeyhotteoks · 1 year
Genuine question, what made you an atiny?
so this is a little bit of a long story, and it's all wrapped up in how i found kpop, because prior to the fall of 2021.... i didn't like kpop at all. it was mostly not knowing it and assuming i wouldn't like it, but i had pretty much no exposure.
i met up with a friend from school that i hadn't see in years, and she asked me if i would give her an hour of my time to see if i liked some of the music. i did, and then that turned into hanging at her house and getting a 12 hour kpop music video knowledge download.
she's not super into ateez, but she did show me them briefly. specifically she showed me their kq fellaz dance videos and their kingdom performance of the real. i remembered *really* liking them, but not remembering their name in the information overload, so much so that i asked her about them later by saying "who were the ones who were like professional dancers you know the ones" 💀
fast forward a couple of months, i'm casually listening to kpop but still not really into any groups or anything. kpop in general had just become another spotify genre, but genuinely.... i kept thinking about the kq fellaz dance video but didn't know how to find it again without typing "kpop dancers" into youtube and you can imagine how well that went.
i did start to know ateez's music though, and was drawn to it in the playlists i had. one night i was paying a friend through venmo, and saw in my venmo feed two random people i used to work with (like YEARS ago) paying each other, and their venmo description was "ateez tickets 💸" - i immediately googled and saw that they were playing in newark a few days later and then jokingly i messaged the girl who got me into kpop about it. she bought tickets in the nosebleeds, and suddenly we had a fun kpop concert to go to. i didn't know what to expect AT ALL, and i watched relay dances trying to remember their names so i could keep up at the show.
i essentially went into that concert fully blind, with the exception of knowing some songs and finally, FINALLY remembering their names. i walked out of that venue three hours later a full blown atiny. i started writing aurora a few weeks later and haven't looked back since.
to be honest.... i'm really, really glad that my introduction to them even in 2021 was still their kq fellaz performances. for me, it says a lot about ateez that those videos caught my attention so hard even when pre-kpop chai really couldn't care at all about kpop or boy bands etc. etc.
as an aside.... as far as biases go..... in the beginning i was so fixated on san when watching the music videos and relays.... but i distinctly remember hearing yunho do his little spiderman bit at the concert and it just made me laugh. i kept looking at him throughout the show, and then a couple weeks later on valentine's day they posted their little atiny chocolate bar photos and i realized i was only looking for his.
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born-to-lose · 10 months
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Was finally back at the bar last Saturday after three weeks of being sick
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fancy-feast-official · 10 months
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wow who would have guessed that
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libraford · 2 months
The word 'rural' is in the public consciousness again and every time people start going in about the 'rural values' 'rural way of life' I remember just how subjective that word is.
I have a friend that lives in LA. He considers Columbus, OH to be 'rural.' A population of over 900k. Thriving arts community, tons of culture festivals, every kind of restaurant you can think of, one of the most annoying college campuses ever, several smaller colleges, lots of queer spaces, comic book conventions, huge concerts... rural.
The town I live in considers itself 'rural.' 38k population. Arts festival every year, a small pride celebration, monthly gallery hop, big Halloween festival. Five ice cream shops, three coffee shops, a couple fancy bars, so many grocery stores. Huge library, conservation and sustainability advocates, queer spaces, a hospital, one private college. Rural.
The town we nearly annexed, but lost the deal considers us 'urban' compared to them. Less than 5k. They have a limited hospital, often send their surgeries here. Downtown has hardware store, bars, craft supply store, a couple grocery stores, pizza places. There's some farmland, but much of the square acreage is golf. Mega churches. The houses here are 500k. Most people drive ATVs. They have a handful of festivals in the summer.
A town I would often get sent to to cover their high school sports- a little over 2k. There's a Subway, a Domino's, Family Dollar. Some bars, some corner stores. Some local crafts. All the students grow up knowing each other, most of them stay there. But they have craft fairs and art galleries, still.
Less rural still than the town I go through to get there, population of around 600. Houses, farmland, post office, general store.
Who would still look down upon the town of about 400 that I would go to sometimes- post office. Gas station. Bar. The school is the only big thing there.
And yet still, I have seen towns with population in the double digits that have a church and a post office.
Even just looking at the numbers doesn't lend accuracy to what 'rural' actually looks like. Because this is what it looks like in ohio, but it's different in West Virginia- where your closest neighbor might be a mile down a hill. Or in Montana, where your town might be planned very tightly and your neighbors are very close, but the nearest grocery store is an hour and a half away. These are places I've been, friends that I've talked to. I've never been to Missouri or Alabama or Louisiana- I'm sure they have a unique experience of being 'rural.'
So my point is that when people talk about 'the rural experience' or 'rural values,' they are talking about millions of people across the entire country who all have lived unique lives- and who may not even agree on what 'rural' is.
Think about who is talking, and who is being talked over, and who isn't even being asked to join the conversation.
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Good Vibrations Two
This AU got a lot more attention than I expected actually hfjdks I'm so glad everyone likes it!
Anyway, here's part two! We get some concert, some peeks at how Robin helps Steve navigate social situations, and a little Eddie having an itsy-bitsy crisis over Steve's fashion choices.
Have fun! And, as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't (especially for this one since I wrote most of it on my phone actually lmao)
Steve stares at the shirts laid out on his bed, arms crossed over his chest. Choosing jeans had been easy, but choosing a shirt is giving him trouble. What do you wear to a metal show at the local dive bar for a small-town band in which the lead singer is a long-time and way-out-of-your-league crush that you've been holding a candle for since the first time you saw him laugh on top of a cafeteria table?
You definitely don't show up in a plain black shirt, that's for sure.
The lights in the hall outside Steve's room flicker, switching off and on three times. Steve just barely notices, which means he doesn't get his pants scared off when Robin appears in the doorway, grinning at him while pocketing the key to the front door he'd given her months ago into a messenger bag. "Hey, dingus," she says, striding into the room and flopping onto the bed.
Steve rolls his eyes, yanking the shirts out from under her and laying them once more over Robin's stomach and legs. "What shirt should I wear?" he asks.
It takes a few seconds for Steve to look from the shirts to Robin, and she patiently waits until he's staring at her to say, "Just pick one. Nobody's gonna care what you're wearing."
"I care," Steve says, frowning as he looks back at the shirts. For the aforementioned crush reason, Steve cares very much about the shirt he wears. "What says 'Hi, we've never talked before but your music is the only thing I can hear and I think your hair is in desperate need of quality shampoo and also I've been halfway in love with you since, like, sophomore year'?"
Robin considers the question for a long moment before picking up a red sweater. "This one says 'I'm horny'," she offers.
Steve blinks, staring at the sweater for a few beats before laughing. "But I'm not," he says.
Despite looking at Robin, she happens to angle her head toward the sweater, and her response is lost on Steve. He frowns, waits until her jaw has stopped moving, and says, "I didn't get that."
After Robin first learned about Steve's deafness, he'd been overly anxious about asking her to repeat things. Somehow, it was worse to constantly ask when the person knew he couldn't hear well, if at all. But Robin had never shown annoyance; she'd just adjust her posture, make sure Steve could see her lips, and repeat her words. She does all of this now, and Steve gets to read her joking response, "Yeah, but you will be."
And, yeah, she has him there. Steve huffs and collapses onto the bed beside her, sacrificing the shirts. "I'll need a jacket," he says, turning his head to look at Robin so he can read her response.
Instead of words, though, he sees her face light up, and she jumps off the bed. Steve sits up, watching as she digs in her messenger bag before pulling out a t-shirt. "Remember when I stayed over a few weeks ago? And you let me borrow a shirt? You should wear it!"
Thankfully, Robin waits until she's done talking to throw the shirt in Steve's face. Honestly, he only understood a few words ("remember," "borrow," and "wear") but he's gathered enough context clues to get the gist of things.
He spreads the shirt out, humming at the Iron Maiden design. It's not one he wears often; for the most part, it's a shirt he wears on lazy days at home because of how soft it is. But as he's studying the design, Steve is suddenly hit with a stroke of pure genius.
He quickly changes into the shirt and then grabs a varsity jacket (not his letterman, but one he'd seen at the mall and bought on a whim because it used a nice shade of yellow) off his desk, tugging it on over the shirt but leaving it unbuttoned. After a few more seconds of digging around, he finds sneakers under the bed and tugs them on.
"Okay," he says, turning so Robin can see the outfit from every angle. He comes to a stop when he's facing her once more, hands buried in his jacket pockets, and asks, "What do you think? How's it look?"
"I think you'll give Eddie a crisis," Robin replies, wrinkling her nose at the varsity jacket. "Not, like, a bad one. But he'll probably ask where you got the shirt from."
Steve grins, thinking that sounds about perfect, and turns to study himself in the mirror. It's a surprisingly solid blend of metal and jock, and it makes him feel oddly confident, the same way he felt the first time he did his hair just right and everyone complimented it.
"Perfect," he decides. "Let's go."
The ride to the Hideout isn't exactly quiet, but it's not like Steve can talk and drive at the same time. So it's filled with music blasted as high as it can go on his car stereo, causing the whole vehicle to vibrate with each beat. When he finally turns the car off after parking, Robin grimaces as she rubs her ears.
She waits for Steve to be in front of her before saying, "We're putting the windows down next time."
"Oh. Sorry," Steve says, rubbing the back of his neck a little awkwardly as Robin dismissively waves off his apology.
"No, it's fine, I'm just saying. Now, let's get inside before they start."
With that, she loops her arm through Steve's and drags him into the Hideout. They're hit with a wave of cigarette smoke, spilled beer, and sweat as they walk through the door, the combined smells making Steve dizzy. He frowns, leaning closer to Robin as she squeezes his arm. He feels her thumb tap him twice, their code for asking if the other is okay.
"I'm fine," he mumbles, nodding to a table in the corner. "Let's go sit. I just need to get used to...everything."
The lights are weird, too. Despite the place being dim, the few lights that are on are flickering, and Steve is having trouble processing all the new information his (working) senses are taking in.
Thankfully, Robin pulls him over to the table he pointed to, a small circle near a stage of dubious sturdiness. It looks like it can barely hold the instruments, much less those plus the people who will play them. There's an amp on the side of the stage near the table, which means they'll have the perfect spot to feel the music's vibrations. Steve slides into one of the chairs there and closes his eyes, resting his arms on a table that is surprisingly not sticky.
He feels Robin move the other chair next to him, slide in, and start pulling things out of her bag. When Steve opens his eyes again, there's a notebook between them and a variety of pens in all different colors spread out across the open pages. Robin has already picked up a red pen and is writing with it as Steve chooses a purple one.
When Robin is done writing, she taps the page so Steve can read, "Want something to drink?"
"I'm not sure we can trust the glasses here," he writes back.
"The fact you're calling them "glasses" tells me everything. Just sit tight."
With that, Robin drops her pen, winks at Steve, and heads over to the bar where a woman is wiping the counter. Steve watches her for a few seconds before looking around at the other people in the place. Most of them are sitting in groups, talking amongst themselves. Most of them also have mustaches or beards, making it downright impossible for Steve to read their lips.
Instead, Steve just gets a dull kind of rush in his ears, an ever-present background noise he can't escape. Soon enough, maybe because he's thinking about it too much, a high-pitched ringing starts up in his right ear, growing and growing in pitch until it's all he can focus on. Steve grimaces and looks down at the notebook, trying to keep his shoulders relaxed so he doesn't look as tense as he feels. The ringing persists, and he rubs his ear like that's going to help.
His ear is still ringing, though it has started to diminish, when a water bottle is placed in front of him. Steve jerks, forcing himself to calm down as Robin slides into her seat again with a mug of beer that's more foam than anything else. "They're about to start," she says, waiting until Steve has nodded once to show understanding before taking a sip.
Steve looks up at the stage and wonders how he missed Eddie and his friends arriving. As his friends are setting up behind him, Eddie is resting one hand on the neck of his guitar and using the other to hold the mic close to his mouth. Steve can't read his lips, but Eddie's grin is a little contagious as he says something to a guy by the bar. The guy must say something back, because Eddie bursts out laughing, his head thrown back to show off a neck Steve wants to bite.
A tap on his arm brings his attention away, and he looks at the notebook to see Robin has scrawled out a transcript:
"Eddie: Thanks for coming out tonight, everyone
Guy: Fuck off, Munson
Eddie: Love you, too, Jeremy"
Steve snorts, looking up to see Robin's equally amused smile as she continues to write on another page. When he glances at the stage, Steve sees Eddie still talking into the mic, his eyes roaming over the audience until they reach Steve and Robin. Eddie seems to grip the mic tighter, and he holds Steve's eyes for a few seconds, giving just enough time for Steve to wave awkwardly before Eddie looks away. But his smile seems a little bigger than before, and Steve is happy to let himself think he caused it.
When he looks down again, Robin has finished writing, and she nudges the notebook closer to him. Eddie must talk fast, because her writing is almost indistinguishable from chicken scratch in dirt that a cat got dragged through. Thankfully, Steve is an expert at this point.
"Eddie: Anyway, you know the drill. We'll start with some Metallica, treat you to Iron Maiden, throw in a dash of Black Sabbath, and then grace you with a Corroded Coffin original. If you don't like it, not my problem."
Steve feels the beginning of the set as he finishes reading. He sits a little straighter, planting his feet firmly on the floor and placing his palms on the table with his fingers spread. Robin is still writing next to him, most likely transcribing the bits and pieces of conversation she can hear for Steve to read later and laugh at. She doesn't try to get his attention while she does, already knowing it won't be worth it after Steve has shifted into Music Mode.
In the same way that people can tell what song is playing based simply on the first note, Steve can sometimes tell based on the strength and length of the first vibration. In the same way people know the lyrics of songs after listening to them enough times, Steve knows the vibration patterns like the back of his hand. In the same way people who hear their favorite songs played live can tell when a note is wrong or a lyric is sung too fast, Steve can tell when the drummer or bassist makes tiny mistakes that wouldn't be caught otherwise.
And Steve loves it. He loves how his entire body thrums with each vibration that travels from the amp. He loves how he can close his eyes and picture a story based on the music, one that probably doesn't match the lyrics but tends to replace them in his heart. He loves that this is something he can still share with his friends, even if most of them don't realize how different his experience with music is.
So, for all the little bumps and dips that occur in the vibrations as Corroded Coffin plays, for all the tiny slips that certainly go unnoticed by anyone else, and for all the fact that Steve doesn't get to hear Eddie's voice, he can confidently say he loves the show. He's never heard the songs played like this before, and it helps diminish the gut-deep desperation for new music.
And then Corroded Coffin starts a new song. It's one Steve doesn't recognize, one with vibrations that are completely foreign to him, and he jerks his head up to watch Eddie play his guitar in an opening solo. It thrums across the floor, climbing up his legs and spreading in waves from his palms on the table. Steve feels goosebumps chase after it, a new wave washing over him when the guitar solo ends with a particularly strong vibration that's immediately followed by the drums and bass.
Eddie throws himself into the music, moving and twisting and strutting around the stage like he's playing to Madison Square Garden. Steve can't look away, the lyrics incomprehensible but replaced by the jerk of Eddie's hips and the tilt of his head and the little half-spin he does on his heel.
It ends too quickly with one final, reverberating strum that lingers in Steve's bones, burrowing into his marrows as Eddie pushes his hair back and grins into the mic. He says something breathlessly, his shoulders rising and falling rapidly as he tries to catch his breath, and Steve knows he's gone.
He's hopeless.
He's desperate.
He needs more Corroded Coffin, more Eddie, in whatever form he can get.
For the first time, Corroded Coffin gets genuine applause after playing. Usually, the patrons of the Hideout will politely clap (if they even notice the set is over) for about two seconds. Tonight, however, Eddie and his friends are graced with excited clapping, a few shouts, and one very strong whistle from a small table to the left of the stage. And it spreads because even rough biker dudes can fall to peer pressure when it's that enthusiastic.
So, yeah, genuine applause all because of Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley who, Eddie thinks, is surprising company for the former King of Hawkins High. No matter how unexpected, he should still thank them and ask what they thought of the set now that it's over. He carefully sets his guitar on a stand and glances over his shoulder, catching Jeff's gaze and flashing a grin. "I'll be right back," he says before jumping off the stage and heading over to Steve and Robin's table.
As he gets closer, he notices the notebook and pens spread out, colorful writing filling the pages and Steve grinning with amusement as he reads it. Robin is watching him like she's waiting for him to understand an inside joke already so they can laugh about it together. If Eddie didn't already know Robin was like him (band camp, summer after his junior year, during an unfortunate game of Seven Minutes in Heaven where they awkwardly stood in a closet together before Robin commented on his black bandana), he'd wonder if something was going on between them.
"How'd you like the set?" Eddie asks when he reaches the table, suddenly nervous enough to tug on a lock of his hair and pull it in front of his mouth.
Robin looks up, but Steve doesn't. He's still reading the notebook, snorting at whatever is written there like he didn't hear Eddie. It's not until Robin elbows him that he raises his head, eyes widening when he sees Eddie. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" Steve asks, his gaze dropping to Eddie's mouth (Eddie definitely isn't imagining that) and faltering some.
"I asked if you liked the set," Eddie says, frowning slightly as Robin grabs a pen and scribbles something on the notebook. It's too small for him to read, but he doesn't miss how Steve glances down for less than a second before his eyes light up with realization.
"Oh!" he says, looking back at Eddie and flashing a charming grin. "It was great. You guys are so loud, and I've never f-uh, heard anything like your original song before."
Eddie catches the way Steve fumbles, faltering like he wanted to say one word but forced himself to say another. Something is tugging at the back of Eddie's mind, but he can't quite grab onto it just yet. For now, he leans forward, placing both hands on the table so he can be closer to Steve. "You listen to metal often, Harrington?" he asks.
Steve stares at his mouth for a few seconds before nodding, and Eddie feels the thrill of learning something completely unexpected. "I like Black Sabbath best, but Judas Priest and Guns N' Roses are close seconds," Steve says.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, "What do you like most about it?" He wants to know. Does Steve Harrington (King Steve, Steve "The Hair" Harrington, Steve fucking Harrington) like metal for the same reasons he does? Does he like the stories and the passion and the heavy theatricality of it all?
Steve seems to hesitate, possibly thinking about how to answer, before finally saying, "I like how it's music I can feel. When I listen to metal, it digs into my bones. Other music doesn't."
Somehow, Eddie's grin gets impossibly wider, and his cheeks are hurting from the sheer force of it. He's about to say more when Robin glances at the clock and swears under her breath. "Shit, I promised Mom I'd be home ten minutes ago," she says, grabbing the pens and recklessly throwing them into her bag.
It's the movement that seems to catch Steve's attention, and he looks down at Robin's hands before looking up at the clock. "Oh, fuck, your curfew," he says, looking at Robin like she hadn't just said the same thing two seconds ago.
"Yeah, no shit, dingus," Robin says, pausing long enough to speak while looking straight at Steve before throwing the notebook into her bag, too. She jumps to her feet and hauls Steve out of the chair, making his varsity jacket fall open to reveal an Iron Maiden shirt.
And Eddie thinks his heart just about stops. He doesn't know why, but seeing Steve in a metal band shirt under an undeniably jock jacket makes him feel....something. This is, like, sacrilege, right? How dare Steve Harrington allow Metal and Jock to meet? Doesn't he know the two styles clash? Or, well, they're supposed to clash, but Steve somehow wears them well, and Eddie thinks he's upset and annoyed by the fact.
Before Eddie can analyze that feeling, Steve says, "Sorry to run, Eddie. You played really well. Let me know when the next show is."
There's a lot to unpack there, too. Steve Harrington wants to come to another Corroded Coffin gig. Steve Harrington is sorry he has to cut the conversation short. Steve Harrington thinks his band played really well. Before Eddie can say anything in response, Robin is dragging Steve away, throwing a goodbye over her shoulder.
Eddie doesn't want Steve to go without something, though, some kind of departing word, so he shouts, "See ya later, big boy!"
Steve doesn't look back, but Robin nearly trips over the doorway. She then pauses long enough to say something to Steve, watching with sheer delight as he splutters and glances at Eddie before dragging her through the door. Eddie couldn't stop the grin if he tried, and he didn't try.
Later, when Eddie is sprawled on the floor of his room, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about Steve's stupid combination of Metal and Jock, he'll be struck by a sudden, consuming thought. What if Steve was wearing just the Iron Maiden shirt? What if he wore just the jacket?
Eddie swallows around the sudden lump in his throat, his mouth going dry as he scrambles to his feet and gets ready to take a very, very cold shower.
Tag List (the tag list is completely filled up! There definitely wasn't enough room for everyone who requested a tag orz
Please follow the tag "good vibrations Steddie" or put on notifications for my blog to see when new parts are posted :D)
@hallucinatedjosten, @queenie-ofthe-void, @r0binscript, @jewellthebooknerd, @paintgonewrong, @vacantwatchers, @newagemyth, @gutterflower77, @just-a-tiny-void, @littlebluejane
@whenindoubtb72, @different-tale-student, @sharingisntkaren, @current-steddie-brainrot, @willim-billiam-byerson, @nuggies4life
@lostgurl-12, @anomalygal, @synonym-for-strange, @sani-86, @missmagillicuddy, @ilikechocolatemilkh, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @harringrieve, @awesomeimportantfan, @fredtheemoplant, @warlordess, @therealscarletpumpernickel, @gsvshsjsbs, @mightbeasleep, @mollymawkwrites
@lil-gremlin-things, @honorarybrit81, @sonny-ray-of-goth, @potent-idiocy, @fandomcartographer, @heartsong18, @lingeringmirth, @ko0kyco0kies, @ccomandercody, @spiderman-stilinski, @l0st-strawberry, @xxsky-shockxx, @stilesstickitinme, @boxsam, @thepansexualsnake, @37-screamingfrogs, @yourmom-isgay, @brainsteddielyrotted, @plasticcrotches, @hannahhook7744
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actual-greenninja · 4 months
The Hashira And how I think they will act as parents (PT 1?)
Rengoku/ Giyuu/ Sanemi/ x GN Reader (modern au)
Synopsis: Basically what the title says, this is just a little brain rot, may or may not be trash. Just me talking about how I think they would be as parents, how many kids they would want, etc
Authors note: This was kinda hard because I've never written nor read any works of Giyuu so he might not be written too well :')
Rengoku🔥 (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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🧡 I see him wanting many children, not too many of course but quite a few! Maybe two like him and his brother, Senjuro. Or maybe even three or four, five if you will let him!
🧡 He wants to be a better father to his children than what his dad turned out to be after his mom passed away. Has nearly sworn off drinking when his first child was born because he didn't want to risk anything , poor thing :(
🧡 However you guys plan on having children doesn't really matter,he doesn't care of they aren't biologically his or not, he will love them!!
🧡 I see him having more sons than daughters, he wants to raise them up right to become good, decent men! And if he has a daughter he will teach his son's to protect her, even though he knows she will be more than capable to take care of herself. If they want to be demon slayers that's even better!
🧡 He tries his absolute best not to be too loud when he is holding his first baby, you have never seen him whisper the way he did when he held his first born.
🧡 Loves hearing his children play! And if he isn't busy he will join in and play along! Usually their games consist of Rengoku chasing them. Maybe he is a demon and they are demon slayers trying to fight him off, it's an adorable sight!
🧡 If he sees you playing with his children he will just sit back and watch for a little. Seeing his love playing with his children brings him so much warmth in his heart
🧡 You could say it sets his heart ablaze (insert laugh track)
🧡 He has a little bit of trouble saying no to his little kiddos. But he knows where to draw the line (some what atleast)
🧡Will randomly send you pictures of him and the kids (he does it shirtless when they're babies. Says they need skin to skin contact). Usually consists of both of them smiling, or watching TV or reading a book or Rengoku nibbling their cheeks.
🧡" Sweetheart! Look at our little sun flower! He's so focussed on the story book you got! And look! Whenever we get to the page talking about parents, he starts to laugh! *Chuckle* it seems he loves his parent as much as I do. Like father like son— huh?"
🧡 It's canon that Rengoku is half deaf and that is why he speaks so loudly, so I imagine his kids definitely gained a habit of yelling naturally when talking like their dad.
🧡Prefers to be called 'Papa' by his kids. I'm not sure why I just see it.
🧡His genes are strong. STRONG. All your kids (if biological) look exactly like him. Hair, eyes, smile and all. He finds it hilarious and will always mock you about it.
🧡Is there to EVERY game or concert, and if the school needs a chaperone he's your guy! Mom's love him, teachers love him, kids love him, even dad's love him. Who wouldn't?
🧡 As much as I praise him, like everyone he isn't perfect. Like I said, he has trouble saying no. But I also imagine that as much as he tries not to be like his dad, is how much he wants you to be like his mom, because he remembers her as such an amazing mother. So there is a bit of comparing but don't worry, he loves you for you!
🧡 Another thing about him being half deaf: hes off like a light when he's asleep. Baby is crying? Sucks to suck because 60 percent of the time he will sleep through it. But when he hears he will be the first one to check on your little one.
🧡Rengoku definitely will feel very hurt the first time his kid gets embarrassed of him. Like when they go through that "YOURE EMBARRASSING ME DAD!!" phase. Like, he will get so insecure and will feel like they don't love him anymore
🧡 "Sweetheart, do I talk too loud when I'm around their friends? Or do I make weird jokes? I thought saying "rizz" was cool??" Is what he will ask In the dead of night, and you will have to comfort him
🧡I imagine that Rengoku would love taking you and his kids camping and will make it a yearly tradition, even though it ends up a catastrophe every year.
🧡Over all a 9/10, amazing dad, had his flaws but honestly who doesn't?
Giyuu 🌊 (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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🫐 He is okay with any amount of children you're comfortable with. He'd preferably want not too many, but also more than one, so two is a good number
🫐 Poor thing, the first time you told him you were pregnant he was completely emotionless for like two minutes, just staring at the ground. You were so scared but before you could speak he took your hand tightly and started sobbing. He was so happy he was gonna be the father of your baby :(
🫐 And if you told him you wanted to adopt he'd agree, showing support when you made the decision. But the moment he sees the child you're gonna adopt he feels tears stream down his face.
🫐 When he holds your baby for the first time, no matter how many babies you have he will never be use to holding them for the first time. He will be so gentle, whispering to them. He looks a little awkward but it's okay he's trying.
🫐 Faints the first time he sees a diaper. Why does it look like that? Why does it smell like that?! How do you put it on?! He was the youngest so he had no clue how to do this, but he'd learn for you and your baby.
🫐 "Darling! Darling! Please take the baby now!! He— he needs to be changed please!"
🫐"Giyuu I am at work what do you want me to do?!" -you guys when being new parents probably
🫐He's a very quick learner though so you won't have to worry. Soon he's working with the baby without breaking a sweat! You could even say he's a natural
🫐 He still can't handle things like puke and poops though. That's for sure, unfortunately.
🫐 When your kid is older he will definitely be at all the games, shows, recitals, whatever. But he isn't gonna be cheering loudly, he honestly justs blends into the crowd. But the moment your bundle of joy gets of stage he is congratulating them profusely.
🫐 Takes so many pictures of you and your baby. Has so many pictures, and sends it to all of his friend's (so like 3 people)
🫐 Doesn't embarrass your kids often, hes too rserved. But if a child even talks wrong to his baby, he will not hesitate to go up to them and give them a stern talking to, which may be a little embarrassing.
🫐If your kid likes to sing— He WILL sing along and take videos. But God forbid you take a video of him singing, he will chase you for your phone. He's a terrible singer, but he will do anything for your baby.
🫐 Will respect his kids boundaries. If they don't wanna hug in public, sure..he was the same at some point. He will feel a little hurt and go to you for reassuring, but he knows it's just a teenage thing.
🫐 Once tried to sound cool Infront of his kids friends but ended up looking kinda lame. TERRIBLE DAD JOKES AHEAD!!
🫐Tried making a dad joke with his kids friends, all of them stayed silent, so did he. The table was silent until one of them decided to change the subject. Giyuu has never known peace since.
🫐 Is a very light sleeper, some say he doesn't sleep so if his baby cries, he is the first to go and check on them.
🫐 He makes sure not to sound to negative about himself around his kids. He doesn't want them to end up with a mindset like his.
🫐 Do kids love him? Do parents love him? Do teachers love him? Nyeeehhhh. Quite frankly they forget he exists. He doesn't stand out, but atleast that means he doesn't do anything wrong.
🫐he has some flaws in his parenting unfortunately. You'd expect him to be stern, responsible parent but honestly he will let his kids get away with anything to 'help his chances of them liking him'.
🫐 Also something that isn't entirely his fault is that he is unintentionally emotionally distant as his kids get older. Like, he won't know how to comfort that well. But he will try his best. Nothing but the best for his kids.
🫐 Overall 8.5/10. Great dad, not extraordinary but still pretty amazing
Sanemi 🍃(⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ
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🌱 The moment you announce that you're pregnant he is crying and becoming a little frantic. The most stressed out of the three despite his usual nonchalant demeanour.
🌱 He is making sure that you are taken care of, making sure everything is ready for the pregnancy months before
🌱If you guys are adopting he is alot less frantic but still very on edge. Making sure the bedroom is ready. Making sure everything is baby proofed.
🌱 But the moment the baby enters your lives it's like all that stress melts away in the blink of an eye. When he takes the baby into his arms and holds it against his open chest he is whispering sweet nothings into the kids ear.
🌱 Like Giyuu, he can't handle poop or vomit. Especially vomit. The first time your baby threw up on him was on his chest, and unfortunately since he keeps his chest own it slid down to his stomach
🌱 He shrieked. Genuinely shrieked.
🌱 "HOLY SHI— SHHHH....." he is trying his best not to swear Infront of your kid. He doesn't want to be remembered by your baby as an angry man.he can't. He refuses to let that happen.
🌱 You know he is stressed. Very very stressed. He doesn't want to be like his dad, his abusive father that he could only remember beating him and his siblings. He wants to be better, he needs to be better. But this worry leads to him having many sleepless nights where you would comfort him, telling him that he will never be his father.
🌱 When your kid gets older he will definitely take part in any little games they want to play. And he gets a kick out of it when he's the villain, because trust me when I say he is a phenomenal villain for his kids
🌱 Speaking of "kids", he wants more than one, definitely. Atleast three, but if that's too much for you he won't mind at all! He is a Girl Dad™ , nothing will convince me otherwise.
🌱 If he has a kid that looks exactly like him then he will be very careful. His baby is the most pretty, handsome thing in the whole universe, so how can he nitpick his appearance when he knows he has the eyes, nose and hair of his baby?
🌱 Lets his kid trace his scars, wether it be with their fingers or with markers. It gives him a sense of purpose.
🌱 Will he be a chaperone? Hell no. He hates any kid that isn't his. Will he host birthday parties? Hell yes, if it's his kids. But don't expect him to make small talk with parents.
🌱 If his kid shows romantic interest in Giyuus child he will actually combust. He doesn't want to be overbearing but if Giyuus 'spawn' goes near his angel he wil be throwing hands (with Giyuu).
🌱 Speaking of which, when your kid has a crush he will try not to be mad and sad at the same time
🌱 "Oh? Someone has caught the eye of daddy's angel? Well that's... Nice. Who is this kid? Is he nice? What's his name? What does he say? Do you know his parents? You know daddy will always love you the most"
🌱 Gets (very) defensive of his kids. If he's at a parent teacher meeting and the teacher dares to say something like "your child is too (this)" or your child is too (that)" he will get very upset. But he knows when he's child is truly the problem and will sternly check them.
🌱 Takes pictures of your kid doing the dumbest things in the dumbest angles. Have you seen that one pic of a guy standing on a babies shoulders captioned "on baby"? That is what hed send.
🌱 "Hey, babe. Look at our little mochi. Our baby is just the cutest thing alive😊❤️" and it's a picture of your baby from that one angle from the top of its head making it look dumb.
🌱 I imagine Sanemi has a sweet tooth, meaning he has a stash of sweets somewhere and of course he will share with his babies! But only one or two, anymore and he'll start to get a bit cranky.
🌱 He gives his kids punishments like the naughty corner 😭 and will make them stay there for 10 minutes before taking them to their room and calmly telling them where they went wrong.
🌱goes it his kids games/events and cheers LOUDLY. Almost rivals Rengoku. He is yelling, cheering, even swearing but each time it gets to that level he is kicked out.
🌱 Sanemi has quite a few flaws to his parenting. He has a bit of a temper, and although he keeps it in check it's hard to do so when he just came back from work. He will apologize many many times if he gets too upset
🌱 overall 8.5/ 10. He's a good parent, and he tries his best
Thanks for reading. Reblogs are appreciated. MIGHT make a part two with Tengen, Iguro and Gyomei
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idyllicidols · 1 year
Cheat Day.
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Another request. I forgot if the person wanted to stay anonymous so I'll leave them out to be safe. Something different with it being third person, but it felt needed with the content.
TW: gangbang
Wonyoung was always expected to be perfect. Her days were filled with endless rehearsals, rigorous diets, and sleepless nights. She yearned for a life of freedom, where she could make mistakes and be herself. Her long awaited day off was under commencement–and mistakes were definitely going to be made.
Three of her most dedicated fans, handpicked by the dollesque idol herself, received a private DM from an unknown account with a time and address. They were apprehensive about the message, but the never before seen photos piqued their curiosity.
The room was dimly lit, the only sound being the soft hum of the city outside. Wonyoung, clad in a silk robe, stood before them, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She took mental notes on each one as they introduced themselves.
"Donghyun." She recognized him as a man who had been to nearly every concert and fan meet–his loud screams often heard over all the other fan chants. The messy haired boyish man looked like he just got off work. A disheveled suit with his tie loosely knit. Now that he was in such a private setting, he looked at her with an innocent admiration.
"Minsoo." The hottest of the bunch. His right arm covered in tattoos, his hair perfectly sculpted, but not greasy. He gazed upon her as if he already knew what she had planned. If the other two failed, she could depend on him for a good time.
"Junho." A recognized community member. Almost her whole fandom and group members knew of him. Her most dedicated fan. At every event, making sure to capture her in the perfect light. His fancams were the most popular, some even doing better than official recordings. A casual friendship had grown, and this was her way of showing her appreciation.
Her voice was steady and confident as she spoke, "Tonight, I'm not an idol. I'm not a performer. I'm yours, to do with as you please."
Junho and Donghyun exchanged astonished glances, their minds racing with the implications of her statement. They couldn't believe the woman they had idolized for so long would offer herself so freely. But Minsoo smirked expectedly.
Junho spoke up, "Wonyoung, we can't take advantage of you like this. You're an idol, and we're just fans."
Wonyoung's expression turned determined. "You can't deny me this. I've been living this life..always holding back, always being the perfect idol. Tonight, I want to be something else."
Donghyun joined in, "But you could ruin your reputation."
Wonyoung's voice hardened, "I don't care about my reputation. I want this. I want to be used, to be fucked."
She looked to Minsoo, her eyes pleading. She was right, she knew she could depend on him to get things rolling.
"If you're sure, Wonyoung, we can't deny you anything."
With a sultry smile, Wonyoung nodded, "I'm sure."
Minsoo undressed her slowly, untying the knot to her robe. She let it fall off her shoulders, the light from the window acted as a spotlight to her perfectly slender naked body. She was a tiny, delicate thing, but one with fire burning within her. The other two watched in awe as his hands roamed her body while his tongue explored her mouth.
He easily lifted her up and tossed her on the bed, his kisses trailed down from one pair of lips to her other. His hands were rough, their movements urgent and demanding.
"You cucks going to just watch or join in?" Minsoo aggressively berated the other two men into action.
Donghyun was the next to act, seizing this rare opportunity, kissing and touching wherever he pleased. Wonyoung moaned in pleasure as the two men grasped at her body. But she couldn't help but feel bad for Junho.
"Join us sweetie…" She called out to him. "... You can record this too if you like, just make sure you keep it to yourself…" flashing a sly smile.
That was all it took. Junho set up his camera, then joined in on the fun. He knew he would never get a chance like this again, and wasn't going to miss out.
Without another word, the three men moved in unison, Minsoo between her legs, Donghyun and Junho each taking one of her breasts in their hands and began to fondle them gently. Their thumbs brushed over her already sensitive nipples, sending shivers down her spine.
"Oh, god," she gasped, her head falling back as she felt a sudden rush of pleasure wash over her.
"Is that good, baby?" Junho asked, his voice filled with concern and desire.
She nodded, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "Yes, it's so good."
As the men continued to pleasure her breasts, their hands moved in a rhythmic pattern that had her on the edge of ecstasy. Minsoo was gifted at his craft, his tongue danced against her wet folds.
"Oh, God," she cried out, her body trembling with pleasure.
His tongue moved in slow, deliberate circles, the pressure building with each pass. Wonyoung's breath caught in her throat as she felt the pleasure growing, spreading throughout her body until she was sure she couldn't take any more.
And then, suddenly, the pressure was gone, and she was left feeling empty and wanting.
"Please," she begged, her voice pleading. "I need more."
Minsoo smirked, knowing he had Wonyoung right where he wanted. He spread her legs wider, revealing her sensitive, throbbing clit to his waiting mouth.
"Oh, fuck," she gasped, her hands clawed at the sheets as pleasure washed over her once more.
Minsoo began to suck on her clit, his tongue moving in rhythmic, deliberate motions that had her body convulsing in pleasure. Then the final nail in the coffin, his middle and ring fingers dug into her wet quivering pussy. Squelching sounds echoed out with his fingertips constantly brushing her g-spot.
"You're gonna make me cum!" she screamed out, her voice strained and desperate.
Her body tensed; involuntarily trying to fight off the pressure that was overwhelming her system. But the other two held her down as they continued to explore her body. The pressure built in her stomach had nowhere else to go, a stream of sticky clear fluid shot out of her, her strongest orgasm in months taking over.
"Oh, god," she gasped, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own pleasure. "It feels so good."
An orgasm that intense should've left her helpless, but this was her only night of escape. Her animalistic desires insatiable, she rose from the sheets, her thin body covered in sweat.
"I'm gonna ride your fucking cock."
Wonyoung demanded as she pushed Junho on his back. He watched as the idol he's fantasized about so many times slowly lowered her mess of pussy onto his cock. It was better than he could ever dream, so tight and so warm, he never could have imagined how good she felt.
"You're so tight." Junho cried out.
He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. But it got even better, she planted her feet and started bouncing up and down. Her sopping wet pussy glided easily-massaging his shaft with her moist caverns. She screamed in ecstasy, the first real cock inside of her in months felt better than any toy–it was a living thing, with its heat radiating inside of her.
It was hard to know who was having a better time - Wonyoung finally letting loose or Junho feeling the tight walls of his dream girl squeezing his cock. She was lost in ecstasy, the feelings of hands on her body almost forgettable.
Minsoo was there to give her a stark reminder. Wonyoung gasped when a strong force pushed her forward, making her turn around in surprise. Then she felt something hard pressed against her asshole, the tight ring on her virgin hole clenched in resistance.
"What are you – AH!" Wonyoung cried out before she could finish her question. A predictable result. There were three men and she had an accompanying hole for each. But what she didn't expect was for it to happen right off the bat. No preparation; no fingers or toys - just Minsoo's hard, massive cock breaking past her defenses in one fell swoop. Drool started leaking from her mouth, the intense feeling of getting fucked from both ends beyond her wildest dreams. Cries of pain filled the room, Wonyoung stretched out further than she ever thought possible. You would think she begged for them to stop, that the pain was too much to bear...
"Fuck me harder!" She screamed out, the pain of being fully engulfed by cock reminding her that she was alive–washing away months of the stressful idol life.
It was a sight to behold, Minsoo aggressively fucked the blabbering idol. His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place as he drove into her with relentless force. It was a stark contrast to Junho, feebly thrusting upwards trying to keep pace. Wonyoung moaned, her head flailing as she felt her insides being stretched and filled. But soon they got in sync, fucking and stretching out Wonyoung's body at perfect intervals.
"Is this what you want, you filthy whore?" Minsoo growled in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.
"Yes," she gasped, "Fuck me."
"Hey Donghyun, why don't you keep her quiet before the neighbors complain."
Donghyun was like a perfect little pet, listening to everything anyone told him. As he stood up and pressed his cock against her lips there was no hesitation. Wonyoung opened up her lips and sucked like it was a popsicle. Now she was truly filled, a cock in each orifice, her body being used for greedy desires. It was only right, she worked so hard to stay fit, it would be a shame to keep it hidden away and locked up.
Donghyun was perfectly content standing there while she sucked and licked. Wonyoung however was not, grabbing the back of his thighs and taking him deep in her throat–a jolt of pleasure blasting through him every time she let a muffled moan vibrate against his cock. Actions spoke louder than words, her desires clearly obvious. His hands tangled in her long hair, thrusting his hips, fucking her face with the intensity she craved.
As the men continued their relentless onslaught, Wonyoung felt her body being torn apart, her mind filled with pleasure and pain. She could feel the cocks pounding into her, stretching her, filling her completely. Her moans and cries filled the room, echoing off the walls as the men continued to use her.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum!"
Wonyoung was in no place to protest, a cock in her throat keeping her from replying. Nor did she want to, wanting nothing more than the feeling of hot cum filling her up.
"That's it," Minsoo grunted, "Take it all."
Minsoo was the first to concede–a thick stream of hot cum painting her insides. He slid out from behind her, her gaping ass leaking down to the sheets. He grabbed Donghyun, pulling him away. Wounyoung heaved in relief, finally able to breathe without a cock pounding her throat.
"Clean up my mess." Minsoo demanded. Wounyoung's relief was short-lived–opening up her mouth, happily sucking the cock that just took her anal virginity. Donghyun stared at her asshole with intrigue, kneeling down behind her. She smiled in response, feeling him pressed against her puckered hole. While her mouth was amazing, Donghyun longed to fuck something much tighter, and there was nothing tighter than Wounyoung's ass.
Junho had surprising stamina, his fingers biting into her sensitive flesh as he pinched and twisted her nipples. Wonyoung writhed above him, her body on fire with pain and pleasure. She could feel her own orgasm building, the pressure in her pussy and ass growing unbearable.
"I'm going to cum," she gasped, "Oh, God, I'm going to...ahhh!"
Her body trembled as the orgasm ripped through her, her muscles contracting as she was filled to the brim. That set off a chain sequence–her contracting body milking every shaft inside of her. Luckily for her, all the fans were just as insatiable as she was–knowing this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
She was tossed around like a ragdoll, her tiny body fucked in every position possible, her tight holes nothing but a dumping ground for cum. They were like a well oiled machine, switching positions and holes, making sure that she always experienced something new. The only time one of her holes wasn't being fucked was when they needed to recover. Donghyun and Junho grew bolder as the night went on, fucking her with a ferocity that almost matched Minsoo.
The men continued their assault, their grunts and groans filling the air as they emptied themselves into her. Wonyoung's cries echoed in the room, a plethora of hands and tongues covering every inch of skin–three cocks stuffed in her holes, giving her everything she could ever ask for. She was reduced to nothing more than a living, breathing, screaming orgasm.
The sun was starting to rise, and the men pulled out, their spent cocks dripping with cum. They stepped back, leaving Wonyoung sprawled on the bed, her body covered in sweat, her mouth, pussy, and asshole leaking with cum.
Donghyun was the first to leave, he had to return to work within the hour. Junho turned sheepishly shy, embarrassed at how he lost control fucking his bias, collecting his camera. She smiled at him knowing he would forever cherish that footage. Donghyun and Junho bowed when they left. Forever grateful for this experience their faces flushed with pleasure, their hearts filled with gratitude. They had experienced something that most could only dream of.
Minsoo stuck behind, his fingers buried inside Wonyoung until she forced him to leave. She thanked him for starting things right, pulling him in for one final kiss before he left.
Wonyoung laid there, panting and trembling, her body sore and aching. Forget dance practice, she would be lucky if she was even able to walk. But as she stared up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but smile - she had found a release she had been longing for, a release that would fuel her performances, her passion, and her life. She couldn't wait for her next day off.
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vhagarlovebot · 10 months
SOCIAL MEDIA!AU summary: in wich aemond is not afraid to make his move. very, very publicly, making the whole internet go insane. pairings: actor!aemond x singer!reader content warnings: faceclaim is sabrina carpenter but you can imagine reader as you'd like, some cursing, taylor swift/travis kelce inspired plot, use of y/n because it is necessary!! if you don’t like it, sorry. note: omg i can't believe i'm doing this, hope you enjoy this piece little piece as much as i enjoyed making it! as i say; being delulu is the solulu. and here i am feeding into all out delusions. comments & reblogs are greatly appreciated! love you, mwah. 💋
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TWITTER ‣ AUG 12, 2023.
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INSTAGRAM ‣ AUG 12, 2023.
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INSTAGRAM ‣ AUG 13, 2023.
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Liked by taylorswift, aemondtargaryen, gracieabrams and 1,221,948 others
yourusername oldtown i couldn’t love you more. had the best first night with you and we still have three more to go! thanks so much to everyone there, i couldn't do this whout you. see you tonight for round 2? 🤍
view all 9,328 comments
user1 i can't believe i couldn't be there
zendaya had the best night with u!
yourusername thank u sm for coming, love you. 💗
user3 i don't now if i wanna be her or if i wanna be with her
user5 I THOUGHT IT WAS A MISTAKE AT FIRST user6 I mean he was at Oldtown night1 so... user7 HE WENT TO HER CONCERT? user8 BESTIE HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE PICS?
troyesivan see you 2night oldtown. ✌️
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TWITTER ‣ AUG 25-26, 2023.
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INSTAGRAM ‣ SEPT 21, 2023.
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Liked by jace_velaryon, therhaenatarg and 891,648 others
fairyhelaena friends and family for the weekend @ highgarden. 💚🌺🪴🍃🕊️
view all 4,778 comments
lucerys03 looking 💯 as always.
baelatarg stop lying to yourself
user10 is that @yourusername in the second slide???
user11 yes!! she's in the fourth one too
yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
user12 it's impossible that she doesn't know about what aemond said, right? user13 knowing how jace is i'm sure she already knows. they probably were giving her a hard time lol
user14 Y/N hanging out with aemond's family but not him would never not make me laugh
user15 he's out there telling the world he likes her and she still hasn't say anything user16 and she doesn't have to. leave the poor girl alone user17 i mean she spent the whole weekend with aemond's sister and nephews, maybe he was there too user18 sorry to disappoint you but he's in king's landing user19 bro must be fuming, everyone in his family meeting his girl except for him
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Liked by oliviarodrigo, nicholasgalitzine, aemondtargaryen and 955,899 others
yourusername took a couple of days off to hang out with some friends. see you in a bit for the second and final leg of the cruel summer tour! 💌
view all 11,565 comments
user20 she's glowing
user21 wait- i feel like i've seen that guy before
user22 that's because he's aemond's nephew and also an actor
fairyhelaena my pretty 🌟
user23 THAT'S LUKE VELARYON???????
user24 HE IS !!!!! user25 yes he is, she was with aemond's family during the weekend
user26 idk why but i have the feeling that aemond saw these pics and ran to call luke
user27 and was probably screaming at him for an hour lol user28 another reason for aemond to hate him user29 he doesn't hate him, he's family user28 you can hate family user30 stfu it is well known that they have had their differences but they're in good terms now user31 besides who are we to talk about it? that's private. there are comments under aemond's posts of them joking with each other lol user30 idk why she's talking shit.
user33 what world are we living in
iMESSAGE ‣ SEPT 31, 2023.
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TWITTER ‣ OCT 10, 2023.
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TWITTER ‣ OCT 28, 2023.
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TWITTER ‣ DEC 04, 2023.
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let me give you a kiss if you make it here! and let me know if you'd like a part 2 of this little smau. as i said comments & reblog are greatly appreciated!
858 notes · View notes
heli-writes · 6 months
Heartbreak and other nuisances
Pairing: Pro-hero!Deku x female!reader
Summary: Love is never easy, especially when you're the number one hero of Japan. After getting dumped by his childhood love, Deku just can't seem to get it right, much to his mother's disappointment. When he meets y/n, he is convinced it will just be a one-night stand. Or being fuck buddies. His broken heart stands in his way. And you've got your own demons to fight.
Disclaimer: nsfw, smut, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, angst, heartbreak, bisexuality
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Minors do not interact.
Note: It's very long. This might become a series later but for now can be read as a one-shot.
Part 1, Part 2
Deku watches the skyline of Musutafu and tries to ignore the ringing of his phone. His patrolling shift ended a few hours ago But he can't bring himself to go home to his empty apartment.
His phone keeps disrupting the silent piece of the rooftop he is sitting on. He sighs and rubs his temple. It's probably his mother or one of his friends bugging him to go out with them.
Digging through the pockets of his hero suit, he eventually finds the ringing device. Two missed calls from his mom, three text messages from Kirishima and Denki and an email from his PR manager. He decides to check his voicemail first.
"Hey it's mum again, you haven't picked up the phone after my last few calls. So I tried again. I was just wondering if you'd like to come over on Saturday for a nice dinner with me and Toshinori. You don't have to of course but I'd be looking forward to seeing you again. Anyways, just give me a call when you have time to check your messages.", his mother's voice comes out of the phone.
He sighs and types in a quick reply.
> Hey, mom! Got your message. Sorry for not calling you back, work's a lot at the moment. Thanks for the invite, but I won't be able to make it.
His mother answers immediately.
>> Are you sure? You really should take a break from time to time. We're worried about you.
Izuku stares at the screen and pulls at his lip in thought. Just when he's about to give his mother a cheap excuse, another message pops up.
>> Yo, are you in on Saturday or not?
He opens the chat and reads that Kirishima and Denki invited him to a concert on Saturday. Then, he opens the chat with his mom again.
> Don't worry about me, mom. Actually, I can't come on Saturday because I am going to a concert with Kirishima and Denki.
>> A concert? Honey, that's nice. Have fun then!
Izuku sighs in relief. Another worried talk with his family was avoided. He's sure that he cannot stand another "A hero must have a balanced life"-talk by Yagi.
He quickly responds to Kirishima's message before putting the phone away and starting his way home.
The jeans feel uncomfortable, Izuku decides. All in all, his hero costume is a lot more comfortable than his normal clothes these days. He wears it like a second skin. Sometimes he forgets to put it off when he comes home.
His phone vibrates.
>> We're downstairs. You comin'?
He quickly puts his phone into his back pocket and grabs his key and wallet.
"I swear to god, that were the finest pair of boobs, I've ever seen!", Denki ends his dramatic story of a girl he slept with last weekend.
"It's probably the only pair of boobs you've ever seen.", Kirishima comments jokingly.
Denki immediately starts to go on a rent about all the boobs he's ever seen but Kirishima ignores him and turns to Izuku.
"So, how are you, Izuku? Haven't heard from you for a while. Didn't think you'd actually come out with us tonight.", he asks him.
Izuku shrugs.
"Same old, same old.", he answers vaguely. "Is Kachaan joining us?", he quickly tries to change the topic.
"Nah, he's busy with his girlfriend. Dude's probably spending all day and night in bed fucking.", Denki says.
Izuku feels his stomach drop. Of course, he knows about Kachaan's girlfriend. They're together for little over half a year now and the press writes about them every other day. However, he kind of hoped that Katsuki would grow tired of her eventually. After all, the only person he had ever been with for longer than six months was Izuku.
Kirishima rolls his eyes. "Denki, is sex the only thing you ever think about?", he asks annoyed. Denki gives him a smug expression. "I'm young, single, and hot. Of course, it is.", he answers.
"Talking about sex, Izuku when was the last time you got some?", Denki asks his friend nonchalantly.
Izuku furrows his brows. He actually has to think about this. He had sex after Kachaan but all these hookups were meaningless so eventually he gave them up.
"Actually, I don't know.", he replies truthfully.
Kirishima pats his back. "You don't have to tell us, buddy. But remember, we're not the press. You don't have to save face around us.", he tells Izuku.
Denkis starts laughing. "Dude, I think he's being honest. Damn, then you really need to get some tonight! But don't worry, I got ya. There are plenty of hot chicks at the club I am taking you to!", he exclaims, "Let's go!"
Turns out, the club is some kind of old, rundown pub at the end of town. Part of Izuku is glad Denki took them to a place like this. It's less likely to be found by paparazzi around here. Then again, it probably also wouldn't be good to be found by the press in a place like this.
Both Denki and Kirishima don't seem to care about that when they enter the place. There's a small stage at the end of the wide room. The banner over the stage indicates that some kind of rock band will be playing soon.
The trio makes their way to the bar first. After they've gotten their drinks, they find a corner to stand in and watch the crowd. It doesn't take Denki long to choose a chick for the night and he takes off to try his luck.
"So, how are you doing? I mean really? Don't give me a half-assed answer this time.", Kirishima asks.
Izuku takes a long drag from his beer. "Been telling you, I'm fine. Work's a lot but not surprising with our profession and status.", he mumbles just loud enough for Kirishima to hear.
Kirishima gives him a worried side glance. "You know that you don't have to carry this weight alone, do you?", he points out.
"Yeah, I know."
Izuku stares into his glass. He's not sure how or if he should make his friends understand that it's not work that lies heavy on his mind.
The truth is that the grand hero Deku is lonely. Simple as that.
He thought he found somebody special in Kacchan only to find out that it was nothing special to the explosion hero. Just something to pass the time until he found someone more fitting, someone more socially acceptable.
Izuku takes another drag from his glass when the lights suddenly dimmed. "I think the show is about to start.", Kirishima points out. "Wanna get closer to the stage?", he asks and Izuku just nods in response.
The two of them walk deeper into the small crowd that is forming. Somewhere in between the people, Izuku sees Denki's blonde hair light up.
A punk rock band enters the stage. "You know them?", Izuku asks his friend. Kirishima nods excitedly. "Yeah, they're pretty underground though. They're really cool. Katsuki introduced them to me!", he tells the green-haired men.
Blaring music starts and Izuku immediately knows that this is not his kind of music. He likes rock music but more classic hard rock like AC/DC. He can see though how this is right up Katsuki's alleyway.
Memories of loud punk music blaring out of speakers in Katsuki's bedroom flash before his eyes. He remembers the layers of sweat on his skin and the taste of Katsuki on his lips.
Suddenly, he feels nauseous.
"Hey, I'm getting another drink!", he yells over to Kirishima who already headbangs to the music.
Izuku makes his way over to the bar pushing through the masses of bodies. He starts to feel really uncomfortable. It's too loud, too hot, too stuffy.
When he reaches the bar, it takes a while to place his order. When he gets his drink, he stays at the bar. He's not too keen on throwing himself onto the dance floor again.
People squeeze past him left and right to get to the bar and get drinks. Uncomfortably, he tries to shift out of their way. Suddenly he bumps into someone with his back and cold liquid drenches his shirt.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry!", a female voice says behind him.
He turns around and then there's you.
You wear a short cocktail dress that compliments your cleavage. Your (y/h/c) hair is styled perfectly. Only your makeup looks a bit cakey, probably due to the high humidity in the pub you're standing in but Izuku doesn't even notice it.
"Don't worry, it's fine.", he mumbles and tries to turn away. He really doesn't want to get recognized. Especially not over a spilled drink.
"Are you sure?", you ask unsure but before you can say anything more, the man in front of you disappears into the crowd.
You watch him disappear in the direction of the toilets. You turn towards the bartender. "Excuse me, can I order what he had?", you yell over the music.
Izuku grips the sides of the sink. He splashes water into his face and looks at his drenched shirt. Luckily, it can be mistaken for sweat.
He would like to hole up in one of these toilet cabins. He really doesn't want to get back out there. Everybody out there seems to have a great time and he feels lost in the crowd.
Kirishima is probably already looking for him. The red-haired man already suspects that Izuku is not doing too well. He takes another deep breath before pushing himself off the sink and turning towards the door.
"Hey!", a voice says right next to him when he's out of the door. It's you again. You're holding two glasses of rum coke.
"For you. As a sorry for spilling my drink on you earlier.", you tell him and offer him one of the drinks.
Great, he thinks, a groupie trying to get my attention.
"Thanks", he tells her and takes one of the glasses. She gives him a curt nod.
"See you around", you tell him and turn around to leave.
Izuku stares after you. Did you not recognize him or are you not interested in him? Why does he feel slightly insulted?
"Hey, man, there you are. We were already wondering if you picked up a chick and left us behind!", Kirishima jokes and pats his shoulder.
"Izuku, are you coming over this weekend? We'd really like to see you again.", his mother says over the phone.
"You know, mom, I'm really busy. I don't know if I can make it.", he tells her trying to avoid the inevitable.
"Then we come over and I cook you a nice meal. I still have the spare key to your apartment.", his mother proposes gleefully.
Izuku rubs his temple. He really doesn't want his mother and Yagi to sniff around in his apartment. There's still a box of Kacchan's stuff under his bed.
"Alright, mom, I'm coming over for dinner, okay?", he gives in.
"Yes, honey, that's great. We're looking forward to seeing you.", his mother tells him contentedly.
After hanging up, Izuku rubs the sides of his head and sighs deeply. He is not looking forward to this.
"Izuku, we're so glad that you could make it!", his mother chirps and immediately hugs him upon opening the door. Yagi pats him on the back.
They go easy on him during dinner. Asking polite questions about work and his friends. His mother pries a little bit too much on what Uraraka is doing lately for Izuku's taste.
After dinner, over a cup of tea, is when the real deal starts. Izuku notices his mother and Yagi changing a meaningful glance, probably a code that now it's time to torture him.
"So... honey, how's life besides work? Anything new?", his mother asks carefully.
Izuku avoids eye contact. "Not really, I guess.", he shrugs.
"I hope you don't work too long hours, my boy.", Yagi says.
Izuku shrugs again. "Well, you know what the job is like.", he tells the older man.
"Of course, of course... it just seems as if you are really pushing yourself lately.", Yagi replies.
"We're just a bit worried about you. We never see you anymore, you barely seem to go out with your friends anymore.", his mother adds.
"I went out with Kirishima and Denki last week.", Izuku tries to defend himself half-heartedly.
"And we were really happy to hear that. It's just that you seem to go out less and less.", his mother points out.
"That's not true.", Izuku starts to get irritated, "Actually I am going out again tonight."
"Oh really, with whom?", his mother shoots back. She sees right through him.
"With Denki.", Izuku says without batting an eye. Denki is probably out tonight anyway.
"That's wonderful, Izuku! How about we drive you? Then you can have a drink or two. You came here by car, didn't you?", his mother smiles. Izuku thinks it's a bit fake. It's probably because she knows he is lying to her.
"That'd be great.", he lies, "Let me check where I am supposed to meet Denki."
He pulls out his phone.
> Hey, are you out tonight? Mind if I join?
Denki answers within seconds.
>> Hell, yeah! I'm already out, just come around!
Denki writes and sends his location.
Yagi ends up driving him. Izuku feels like a teenager who is driven to a party by one of his parents.
"You know, your mother is just worried about you.", Yagi says into the silence of the car.
"I know but she really shouldn't. I'm fine.", he tells him.
"It's just that she sees the children of her friends and worries you might not have the same opportunities.", Yagi carefully says.
"What do you mean?", Izuku asks irritatedly.
"Well you know, they get married, have children. Mitsuki's been telling how Katsuki brings over his girlfriend. They plan to move in together.", Yagi explains.
Izuku's stomach plummets. They plan to move in together? There goes any hope of reconciliation.
When Izuku doesn't answer, Yagi mistakes his silence for shame.
"You know, there's nothing wrong with being single while you're young. I mean, I've been single for most of my career, but I've got to be honest with you. I regret not having children on my own and while I am very happy with your mother, I wished I had someone to share my pain and happiness when I was younger.", Yagi explains.
Izuku isn't sure what to say. I'd like a partner but he doesn't want me? I can't move on? Even if I could, I probably have no game?
"We both just wish you'd meet someone special.", Yagi finishes as he pulls up to the bar where Izuku meets Denki.
"Well, one does not really have control over that.", Izuku says flatly and gets out of the car.
"Izukuuu!! Over here!!", Denki's shrill voice rings through the entire bar. His arms are wrapped around a woman on each of his sides. The girls giggle.
Izuku would like to walk out backward again but there us no turning back now.
"Hey", he greets his blonde friend.
"My man! Was surprised to hear from you!", Denki greets him.
"Anybody else joining tonight?", Izuku asks and Denki shakes his head.
Great, now he can spend the rest of the night watching Deki flirt with random girls.
One of the girls by Denki's side gives Izuku coy eyes. "So, are you Deku? Denki's been telling us about you.", she asks him.
Izuku shoots his friend an angry glare and Denki shrugs apologetically.
"I don't know what he's been telling you, but I can assure you very little that he says is actually true.", Izuku replies dryly.
Before the girl can ask any more questions, Izuku excuses himself to order a drink at the bar.
"A scotch, please.", he tells the bartender without paying too much attention to the other guests.
"Oh, look who we've got here. Are you stalking me, mister?", a voice says next to him.
There you are, again. Your hair hangs loosely over your shoulder and you pop a few peanuts into your mouth.
"Oh, it's you.", Izuku simply says.
"Charming.", you commented dryly.
You look him up and down.
"Why are you dressed like that?", you ask him.
Irritatedly, Izuku turns fully towards you.
"What do you mean?", he says offendedly.
"You look like you were invited to dinner by your girlfriend's parents for the first time", you say pointing at his white button-down shirt.
"I don't have a girlfriend.", he informs you.
You give him a toothy grin. "Good. You're cute.", you tell him.
Izuku shifts uncomfortably. He hates it when women look at him like that. Like he's meat.
"Sorry, I don't do casual dating.", he replies.
"Too bad", you shrug, "What are you doing then?".
"None of your business", he says coldly.
You pursue your lips. "Damn, who hurt you?", you joke.
Izuku doesn't like how you seem to see things no one else does.
"I just have different priorities.", he says.
You take a sip from your drink. "I bet.", you reply.
Finally, the bartender comes back with his drink.
Without another word, he turns to leave.
"See you around, I guess.", he hears you mumble behind him.
He's not sure why he was so rude to you. You didn't do anything wrong. You shot your shoot and took the rejection in good sport. He didn't need to be so mean.
He's not even sure why he rejected you. You look gorgeous just like last time. Your outfit compliments your natural curves and your makeup really made your eye color pop. Usually, you're totally his type. He's just really not in the mood tonight.
He spends the night brooding next to Kaminari. The girls by his side catch on his bad mood and don't bother him all evening.
He tries to be more outgoing. Meet friends, do stuff on the weekend. Things to send to his mother to prove he's out there, living his best life.
He's not.
Tonight, he is going out for dinner with Uraraka and Iida. He initiated the meet-up so he really has to go through with it tonight.
He arrives too early and has to wait for the two for a while. The dinner itself was quite pleasant. Iida is too polite to pry too much about his private life and well-being. And Uraraka is busy updating her two friends about her life. Apparently, she met someone through a friend and they are getting quite serious. His mom is going to hate hearing that.
After dinner, the three of them bid goodbye with the promise to meet up more often. Izuku knows that he probably won't be able to fulfill that promise.
He aimlessly wanders the streets. He doesn't want to go home yet. It's a real paradox. When he's home, he doesn't want to go out. And if he's out, he doesn't want to return to his empty apartment.
He's feeling nostalgic tonight so he decides to go to a place that Kacchan showed him when they were still a thing. Or whatever the hell they were.
It's a bar that has seen better days. It's usually quite empty besides some regulars who are twice as old as Izuku. The perfect place if you want to avoid noisy fans and the press.
Izuku slides into the bench that Kacchan and he always sat at. After he has ordered, he takes a look around. It seems as if time stopped in this place. Ironic, he thinks, it seems as if time has stopped for me as well.
Deep in thought, he doesn't notice how the door opens again.
"Daisuke, Hikaru, you here again? Don't you guys have wives at home?", a female voice says loudly.
When he looks up, he immediately wants to hide beneath the table. It's you. Again. Do you have a tracker on him or what? Why do you seem to appear everywhere he is?
Luckily, you're not looking in his direction. Instead, you talk to the middle-aged men on the other side of the room.
"And what about you, missy? What's a pretty young thing like you doing here every other night?", one of the men says. He sounds amused.
You shrug. "Well, what are you doing here? Drinking of course!", you tell them with a grin.
The other man shakes his head disapprovingly.
"You should at least drink with people your age, not old fucks like us!", he tells you.
You stretch your arms widely. "Well, you see any people my age? You old fucks keep invading this place!", you shoot back.
"Well, what about that guy?", the man answers and points directly at Izuku.
He wants to die. Great, here he hoped he could slip out again without you noticing him. He really doesn't want to talk to you. You turn around to him and your eyes light up.
"Hey, I know you! You're the stalker!", you grin.
Izuku looks offended. "I was here first!", he defends himself.
You give the waiter a sign and slide onto the bench in front of him. Great, just what he needed.
"Really? You're alone this time?", you ask him.
He curses you for being so perceptive.
He shrugs. "Maybe some people join me later.", he tells you.
The waiter walks over to the table and sets down a drink in front of you. It looks strong.
You look him straight into his eyes and say: "Liar".
Embarrassment shoots down his back. You take a sip from your drink and laugh.
"I know what lonely drinking looks like. Why do you think I am here?", you tell him.
"I don't know. You're certainly not dressed for a place like this.", he replies.
It's true. You don't look like you belong in a shabby bar like this. You're wearing a bright blue, floor-length ballgown.
You shrug. "What's it to you?", you bite back.
Oh. Izuku's eyebrows raise. He must've hit a sore spot there. Unfortunately for you, he's feeling bitchy tonight.
"Well, you look like one of those bridesmaids that are put into a terrible dress by a bridezilla.", he tells you.
Actually, it's not true. The dress looks gorgeous on you. It fits your skin color and hair updo perfectly. A sour expression appears on your face.
"I wasn't a bridesmaid. I chose the dress for myself.", you tell him.
"Ah, so you were at a wedding!", he says triumphantly. Apparently, he can read you as well as you can him.
You shrug.
"So what's with the lonely drinking then? Why pay for alcohol here when you could've just got drunk for free?", he asks.
"Staying too long at your ex's wedding is bad taste.", you tell him.
"Ah", he says and raises his glass taking a sip, "That's the reason for your lonely drinking? Still stuck on that ex?"
"Ha!", you exclaim. "Yeah, hell no. I'm glad to be rid of him. He's his wife's problem now. Thank god."
Izuku watches you closely. You stir in your drink and keep your eyes fixed on your nails. By the tone of your voice, he doesn't think you're lying. You sound bitter, though.
"Then what?", he asks.
"How old are you?", you reply.
"Twenty-eight. Don't change the topic.", he scolds you.
You shoot him a mean glance.
"I'm not changing the topic.", you tell him.
When he gives you a questioning look, you sit up straight and put your hands on the table.
"Alright, you're twenty-eight, uh...?", you start.
"Izuku", he tells you.
"You're twenty-eight, Izuku. How many of your friends and acquaintances are getting married, moving in with someone, maybe even having kids?", you ask.
"Quite a few.", he admits.
"Alright. Considering you're here, on a weekday, drinking alone, I'm guessing you're not even close to any of those things. How does it feel when someone brings that up?", you explain.
"Not good.", he replies dryly. What is it with you and catching onto things?
You throw your hands up in the air.
"Exactly! And what's the ultimate reminder of that than being invited to your ex's wedding?", you exclaim.
"So... I'm guessing you're far away from those things too?", he asks unsurely.
You give him a deadpan look. "The lonely drinking should've given it away.", you tell him.
You sigh exaggeratedly and lean back. Then, you empty your drink in one go. Izuku watches you slightly perplexed. When you slam down your glass, you give the waiter another sign.
"You know what the stupidest part of this is?", you ask him and he shakes his head.
"I don't even want those things. I'm sure I'm not even made for these things and still, somehow, it makes you feel bad, you know?", you ramble.
Izuku stays silent and takes another sip from his glass. He really doesn't know what he's doing here. Why is he talking to a stranger about things like this?
"You could ask me now what it is that I want.", you say.
Izuku rolls his eyes. "What is it that you want?", he asks.
"Good sex. That's really all I'm asking for but men these days don't deliver.", you reply exasperatedly.
Izuku almost has to laugh.
"Maybe you're just not meeting the right men then.", he tells you.
"Well, I'm meeting men like you.", you point out. There's something cat-ish about you when you say it.
"Maybe tonight is your lucky night then.", he says suddenly feeling cocky.
This was definitely not how this evening was supposed to go. He was not supposed to end up at that bar and he definitely wasn't supposed to take you home.
But here you are, on his bed, and him over you.
He already lost his shirt and you run your hands up and down his torso. His mouth is on yours, teeth and tongue clashing against each other.
He can already feel his dick getting hard.
He grabs your waist and pulls you on top of him. Without hesitation, you pull your shirt over your head and he's quick to open your bra. Quickly, you toss it to the side.
Izuku sits up a bit so that both of his hands are free to explore your boobs. Carefully, he kneads them with both hands. He kisses the side of your neck. He plants open-mouthed kisses along your neck, over your collarbone all the way down to one of your nipples. You throw your head back and sigh contently.
He runs the tip of his tongue over the hardened bud. He takes the nipple into his mouth gently sucking on it. All the while massaging it with his tongue.
You let out a moan and grind down on his hardened cock. His dick sits right at your slit. You keep grinding down on him, desperate for friction as he continues to tease your other nipple. You can feel how your panties get damp with each second.
You grab the sides of his head, forcing him to detach from your breast. You lean forward and kiss him again. Izuku runs his hands down your back and grabs your ass cheeks. Then, he helps you grind down on him. You break the kiss to let out a groan.
"Fuck, Izuku! You need to take off these pants!", you tell him.
He gives you a grin. "Same", he tells you.
Quickly, you get off of him and take off your pants and panties. When he's done taking off his pants, you both lie side by side. He pulls you close, your naked body pressing against his, and he claims your lips again.
You let your hands wander down his body. With your index finger you draw lines down his hip and thighs, avoiding his dick completely.
Izuku breaks the kiss and groans. "Don't tease!", he tells you and you laugh.
"So greedy", you nudge him but then give into his request.
Gently you wrap your hand around his hardened member. Izuku lets out a suppressed groan. You start in a slow space pumping his dick up and down. You spread the precum on it to make it feel even smoother.
Izuku plants a kiss on your shoulder and lets a hand wander between your legs. Slowly, he lets two fingers slide in between your warm folds.
"Fuck, you're so wet.", he groans. You shift a bit to give him better access, already panting.
Izuku draws lazy circles on your clit and you can feel more wetness slipping out your hole.
"Mhm, yes, Izuku that feels good.", you moan while still fisting his cock.
Izuku leans his forehead against yours. He dips his fingers a bit deeper, gathering some wetness and spreading it around your pussy.
Then, gently one of his fingers enters you and you can't help but let out a loud moan.
"That feels good, yes?", he mumbles and you nood.
Slowly he pumps his finger in and out of you.
"Shit", you curse. You long lost the ability to focus on pleasing Izuku.
He curls his finger inside you and you jerk.
"Can you take another, baby?", he says huskily and you nod.
He pulls out his finger and pushes two fingers in.
"Fuck!", you exclaim.
You lie back opening your legs wide for him. Izuku slides his fingers in and out you, occasionally curling them inside which almost sends you into a frenzy. He leans down and starts massaging your nipple with his tongue again.
Just when you feel a knot forming in your stomach, he pulls out. You whine in protest but he silences you with a kiss.
"You ready?", he asks you and you nod breathlessly.
He grabs a condom from the nightstand and quickly pushes the latex over his dick. Then, he takes one of your legs and places it over his shoulder. He sits up on his knees and grabs the hollow of your other knee pulling your legs further apart.
"Shit, your pussy looks so ready for me.", he tells you
"Who's the tease now?", you pant.
Izuku gives you a small grin. "Don't worry, I've got you.", he says.
He leads his dick to your entrance and your heart beats in anticipation. Slowly, he pushes his cock into your pussy. You both groan simultaneously in pleasure. He enters you in one swift movement. When his dick is nestled deeply inside you, he takes a deep breath.
"You okay?", he asks you and you give him a curt nod.
You jerk your hips because you're desperate for more friction. You feel so full but it's not enough. You need him to fuck you, to pound you.
"Shit, relax.", he groans when he feels your pussy clench around him.
"I've told you, I've got you. I'm gonna fuck you real good, baby", he groans into the skin of your leg.
Then, he starts rocking in and out of you. He starts with a steady pace.
"Fuck, yes, Izuku! Please, a bit harder!", you beg him.
He gives you a cheeky grin. "Harder? You can get harder.", he tells you.
He starts pounding into you in a heavy pace and you arch your back. Fuck, your pussy feels so good. His dick rubs you in all the right places.
Izuku's dick twitches at the sight of you. Your fucked expression, your jiggling breasts and god, how good looks his dick going in and out of you.
Suddenly, he lifts your other leg and lifts himself a bit higher allowing his dick to sink even deeper into your cunt.
"Shit, yes!", you yell out. Izuku keeps fucking you like this and his balls slap harshly against your ass cheeks.
Now, you can feel the knot in your stomach again.
"Keep going, Izuku, I'm getting there.", you tell him.
Izuku pants heavily above you and sweat drops down his chest. You think he's looking incredibly sexy right now. Also, you can't help but look down where is dick and your cunt are conjoined. The sight of his dick sliding in and out of you makes your stomach coil.
"Fuck, y/n, you feel so good. You make my dick feel like it's about to explode.", he tells you.
You clench your pussy and Izuku moans in delight. He grips your hips tighter and keeps fucking you now chasing his own height. His cock is hitting that sweet spot all the way back inside of you. You can feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. You let out a breathless moan and your eyes roll back into your head.
Izuku keeps the pace hard and steady, exactly the way you need to get over the edge. When your orgasm hits you, it feels like electric shocks going down your back, your pussy clenches and then your body suddenly goes limp.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck.", Izuku groans taking up speed when he sees you orgasm on his cock. He fucks you through it and his own orgasm explodes right at the feeling of your clenching pussy. He fucks himself through his own high and then collapses on top of you.
It takes a moment for both of you to regain some thinking capacities. When his consciousness returns to him, Izuku slips out of you. You're lying next to each other, both facing the ceiling catching your breath.
„And? Did I deliver?“, Izuku pants.
He can't see it but you give him a side-eye. The questions weirds you out. Does he really need to get praised? Does he need to get approval so badly? Well, it supposedly makes sense. A pro-hero depends on the praise and approval of other people. You think it's a little bit pathetic. If he hadn't fucked you already, it'd be a major turn-off.
In all honesty, though, he did deliver. It was more than just good. He clearly proved he's got the stamina of a pro-hero. However, you don't stroke men's egos. Most men have a big enough ego as it is, so why inflate it further? Plus, this guy has girls fawning at his feet and you refuse to steep down on a groupie level. No, thank you.
For a moment you think about being mean and saying something like it was „alright“ or „okay“ but you take pity on the man. He made you cum, so you shouldn't be mean. Also, you wouldn't say no to him doing it to you again. So, be nice and keep the option open.
„I'm not sure what you expect me to say.“, you tell him truthfully and Izuku looks a bit embarassed.
„I'm not gonna sing your praise, but I tell you it was good. Definitely would do it again, but I've got an 8am appointment tomorrow.“, you say a bit softer.
Izuku props himself up on his arm as he watches you look for your clothes and dress yourself. Obviously, he knew this was nothing serious but he lowkey hoped you stayed the night. He knows Katsuki's girlfriend was a one-night stand at first who then turned into something more. Maybe part of him hoped something like that would happen to him too. Or maybe he just doesn't want to be alone tonight.
When you're dressed, you turn to him.
„Alright, I better get going.“, you tell him and Izuku only nods at you.
He doesn't really know what to say. Actually, he probably just sucks at one-night stands. It's probably why none of them ever turned out to be something more for him.
„So... see you around?“, you drawl when he doesn't answer you.
Quickly, Izuku puts on one of his well-practiced smiles and nods more enthusiastically.
„Yeah, see you around. I had a good time.“, he tells you and you look relieved. At least he isn't making it more uncomfortable than these things usually are.
You give him a quick wave and turn around to leave. Izuku holds his breath until he hears his front door fall shut. With a groan, he drops back onto his pillow facefirst.
Why does he keep doing this? He should know better. He's not made for these types of flings. He doesn't even want them. Izuku is a through-and-through relationship type of guy and yet he always ends up alone at the end of the night.
Maybe he can't hold someone's attention for more than a night or maybe Kacchan just ruined him for everybody else.
You fix the position of your panties as you wait for the elevator to reach the ground level. You quickly look in the mirror. Your hair and makeup look awful. Suddenly, you're very glad you're not staying the night. Nothing would be more shameful than to walk home like this in the morning.
You rub your temple. Your plan was to take somebody home from the wedding. So that your ex would see. Maybe that was already a stupid idea. Why would he care if his ex takes somebody home on his wedding day? It's the luckiest day in his life and there's a reason why it wasn't you standing next to him in a white dress.
Actually, it's probably for the best you didn't take someone home from the wedding. Maybe he would've laughed about it and said it fits the pattern. Y/n, the mess, never taking anything seriously, always out there for a good time but not a long time. At least like this, you left with your grace intact. Also, it helps a little bit that you looked absolute bomb in this dress.
You sigh deeply. And yet, he would've been right. After all, you had nothing better to do than go find yourself a hook-up at a random bar right afterward. Poor Izuku, he made it clear last time that he wasn't interested in something like this. And yet, he ended up in your spider's web. You wonder what changed his mind. Maybe it was the dress.
When the elevator reaches the ground, you quickly exit it and walk through the lobby in an equally quick step. There's no need for anybody to see you like this. You're almost out of the door when the post boxes next to the entry catch your eye. You stop for a moment.
No, y/n, this is a stupid idea, you tell yourself. He won't text anyway. What was that about not stepping down onto a groupie level? Then again, it was a pretty good orgasm. Hell, one of the best ones you had in quite a while.
Maybe you're still horny or drunk from earlier, clouding your better judgement, but before you can stop yourself, you pushed your business card through the slit of Izuku's post box.
[Please comment if you'd like to be tagged in possible future parts]
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chrisbesitos · 9 days
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ballerina & dealer headcannons. 🌟
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ꒰͡⠀🩰 𝅄 💸⠀͡꒱
dealer.ᐟchris who:
met you at a party, you were wearing your ballet costumes, he finds himself obsessed with the bow in your hair. he also couldn't take his eyes off you, staring your tights in your pink pantyhose and your waist enhanced in the collant. it was the first time he put his eyes on you and by the moment he knew he wants you.
"you know you look like a doll wearing that bow?"
"do you think i look like a doll?"
"yeah, the prettiest one i've ever seen."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
takes you to your ballet classes, when he doesn't have to do deals, he waits until the class ends. he always says you're the best dancer, even if you tell him you're not doing well, he'll say no one is better than you.
"you looked so good, doll. i love watching you dance."
"nah, i wasn't that good today. i missed a few steps, i was a pretty mess."
"you're always good, don't say this. you're the best one, my favorite dancer."
"do you know other dancers, chris?"
"no, that's why you're my favorite. you're better than everyone else in that class."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
always massage your feet after a hard day, he knows sometimes you're not easy with yourself and training too much until your feet hurt. he doesn't like when you do this, but he knows your problems with perfectionism.
"you can't do this with yourself, doll. you're hurting yourself."
"i was practicing, chris. it's normal."
"no, it's not. you can't work hard until you feel pain, it's not healthy."
"i was trying to get better, sorry."
"don't apologize, 'kay? your mind tricks you sometimes and when this happens, i will be right here to help you. jus' no more hurting yourself like that."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
takes you with him for his deals. he let you pick the songs, even if he doesn't like some of them too much, he just wants to see you happy.
dealer.ᐟchris who:
he lets you smoke with him, but never more than a joint. if you're on a hard day, needing to relax a bit, he'll roll a joint just for you. it's not a problem for him, since he knows you smoke when you stress and he just wants to help you to relax.
dealer.ᐟchris who:
will be fucking mad if one of his costumers looks at you. no one can is allowed look at you the way he looks. he'll immediately delete the costumer contact, because no guy looks at his girl.
"he'd better find another guy to sell for him."
"what do you mean with this, baby?"
"i mean that i'm not gonna sell anything to a fucking guy who looks at my girl."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
buys you bows, cardigans and dresses. actually he'll buy whatever you want. if you say you want something, he'll buy the day next.
"why are you crying, doll?'
"i lost my favorite cardigan." "where are you going, baby?"
"to the car, let's buy a new one." "you're happy now? don't wanna see you crying."
"yes, but you really need to buy me three cardigans? i just need one."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
hates to see you cry, but if you cry, he'll hold you until you feel better. he doesn't care if you get his shirt wet or if he had to cancel his deals, nothing is more important than his girl.
"shhhh, jus' let it out." "i'm right here, i'm not gonna leave you, doll."
"i'm sorry, i didn't want you to cry like this in front of you."
"don't feel sorry, i'm here to this, 'kay? i'll never leave you."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
tells everyone you're his girlfriend, even though he hasn't asked you yet, because he doesn't know how to do it.
"so, you're dating her?"
"yeah, she's my girl."
"are you telling everyone i'm your girlfriend, chris?"
"you're not?"
"have you asked me, silly?"
dealer.ᐟchris who:
says he loves you when he's high as fuck, because he's scare to tell you when he's sober. even though she loves him back, you wants to hear from his mouth while he's sober.
"i love you, doll."
"you're fucking high, baby."
"but i still love you."
"tell me when you're sober."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
go to all of your concerts. he'll buy you a bouquet and gifts, because he's so proud of you. only you matters to him on the stage, he only pays attention on you.
"oh, is this for me? you don't have to buy it, baby."
"of course i have it, everything for my girl." "no, no, no, don't cry, baby. you deserve it."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
helps you to practice, even though he has no idea how to dance ballet. he just wants to help you.
"are you paying attention, chris?"
"yeah, keep going, doll."
"you have to look at me, not only my ass."
"sorry, ma. you have a nice ass." "sorry, i'll stop looking at you pretty ass."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
never leave your side at parties, because he doesn't want other guys looking at you and because he knows sometimes you feel too shy to talk with someone. he wants you to feel comfortable and if feeling off, he'll bring you back home.
dealer.ᐟchris who:
throws all your plushies on the floor when he's sleeping at your house, because he wants you to cuddle with him and not with your plushies.
"oh no, baby, c'mon."
"you're sleeping with me or with them? c'mon, doll, you're not gonna miss this fucking hello kitty when you with me."
"don't say shit about my hello kitty."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
fuck you in the car after your ballet class, because he's so hard after watching you dance in your tight ballet costumes that he couldn't handle it until got home. he'll fuck you in the backseat.
dealer.ᐟchris who:
makes you remember who you belong after you dance with a male partner. he knows you're just dancing, but it's too much for him. he can't watch another guy touching your body, only he can.
"did he touch you like i do, doll?" "who's better, huh?"
"you. always you, baby." "no one is better than you."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
praises you when you're giving him pleasure. you're driving him insane when you sucking him off or riding him.
"oh jeez! just like that." "you're doing so well to me, doll."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
have to take a break from his deals to take care of you, because every time he lets you smoke in the car, you feel horny. he'll drive you back home and fuck you until you can handle it anymore.
"you're so needy, aren't you? "my pretty doll, always horny when you're high."
dealer.ᐟchris who:
gentle with you when you have your first time together. he'll show you how much he loves you and wants to give you all the pleasure you deserve.
dealer.ᐟchris who:
takes care of you when you're done. he'll clean you, run a bath, order food. everything for his girl and he'll not let you move one muscle, you just rest. he'll give you kisses and massages, then sleep holding you tight.
"you good, doll? did i make you feel good?"
"you're so good for me, baby."
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hope you like it, i decided to start the series w the headcannons, so you can know them. <3
tags ; @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy @ivysturnss @brianna-grace12 @blahbel668 @gabri3la-sturns @strnlxlqve @stvrnzcherries @unknvhx @pvssychicken @all4l0vee
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badaslovie · 10 months
jealous kisses
pairing: bada x reader
summary: bada and tatter were seen holding hands at a concert and you can't help but feel jealous.
warnings: 🤏🏼 suggestive
wc: ~ 1.5k
a/n: sooo i've never written before and honestly it's not the best, please spare me. also absolutely no hate to tatter i love her 🫶🏼
your head found a place in Bada’s lap as you both lounge around on lusher’s couch; her fingers tracing their way up from your cheeks to play with strands of your hair. you lean into her touch, reveling in her affection. it’s rare these days –with all the filming– for you both to have a moment to breathe and just enjoy the day. bada took this opportunity to have a movie night with you and the rest of team bebe, as a sort of team bonding moment, and lusher was nice enough to offer her apartment as the meeting place.
“what time did you tell them to come?” you look up from your phone to face lusher, who’s sitting on the couch diagonal to you.
“minah texted in the group chat that they were heading up so they should be-” your attention turns to the door at the ring of the bell. “-here.”
you sit up straight –cuddling into bada’s side as she wraps an arm over your shoulder– to make room for the others as lusher makes her way to open the door for the rest. they each pile in taking off their shoes and coats, greeting you three with hi’s and hugs.
“i brought snacks! everyone’s favorites!” cheche waves around the snack-filled bags in her hand.
everyone settles into their respective spots on the couches and excitedly dig into their snacks while searching on their phones for movies that the team could agree on.
“oh my god unnie did you see the picture the fans took of us? at the concert last night.” tatter hands bada her phone, you peek over to see a picture of bada guiding tatter to their seats by her hand. you knew bada and tatter were just good friends, but that didn’t stop your stomach from churning.
“this is so funny people are theorizing that we could be in a relationship, but little do they know…” tatter giggles, hinting at the lack of awareness the public had of your relationship with bada. you two are private about your relationship, to keep your peace away from prying eyes and also because you are on competing crews for swf2. you’re starting to regret that decision.
the others also giggle at the predicament, each saying a variation of how the public would be surprised to know the truth, unaware of your tense body sitting quietly next to bada.
“hey, are you alright love? you seem tense.” bada asks, giving your shoulders a light squeeze.
“uh yeah. i’m just gonna use the bathroom really quick.” you pat her leg and stand up. your head was spinning with so many thoughts that you didn't notice the others quieting down as they watched you beeline down the hall.
you lock the door to the bathroom and turn to face the mirror above the sink. your reflection looked like a blur; your mind racing with the event that just occurred, to all the comments swf2 contestants would make and all the times they were being touchy with bada. but bada would always set boundaries, some distance when anyone would get closer than what she knows you’re comfortable with. and usually you didn’t mind her holding hands as a platonic gesture, you did with your crew and friends too, but the comments just ate at your insecurities. your relationship might not be public, but you weren’t sparing with your affections, so why weren’t comments made about you two?
you turn on the faucet and attempt to wash away the lingering worries. you unlock the door to head out after drying your face, only to be stopped in your tracks by the sight of bada with her arms crossed, leaning against the wall. her brows were furrowed and her gaze was on the floor before she realized that you had opened the door. her eyes full of concern soften as they meet yours.
“you got up so abruptly and looked pale. are you sure you’re okay?” she steps forward to examine you closer, her eyes searching your face for any sign of illness.
you nod your head. “yeah i’m fine, i just needed a moment.”
“if this is about the picture, you know tatter and i are just friends right? you’re the one i want, no one else.” she reaches up to tuck a loose hair behind your ear and slides her hand down to rest by the base of your neck.
“i know… i just needed a moment to pull myself together.” you sheepishly look away, avoiding her eyes. 
"hmm i see..." she hums, stepping forward again and backing you into the wall as she places an arm above your head. 
“is someone jealous?” she brings her head down trying to meet your eyes and you catch a glimpse of her knowing grin. 
“you’re so cute when you’re jealous,” she coos, nudging your chin up with her finger to get you to meet her eyes. “you get all pouty and embarrassed.” her eyes trail down to your lips and like a pair of magnets, her lips slowly find their way to yours. her slow gentle kiss, the warmth of her touch, lulls you for just a moment.
when she pulls away, your eyes make contact for a moment before you avert back it to the wall.
“why are you still avoiding my eyes?”
“i can’t look at you right now.” you mumble.
she lets out a chuckle. “and why is that?”
“because…?” she raises her brows expectantly.
“because! If I look at your pretty face right now, it’s just gonna remind me how every other girl thinks you’re pretty too and i can't stand it!” you huff out.
she bursts out laughing, throwing her head back.
“it’s not funny.” you whine, shoving her shoulder.
“maybe just a little.” she says, which makes you pout more –drawing her eyes back down to your lips. she brings a hand up to cup your jaw, pulling your face close enough that you feel her breath on your lips.
“i might hug other people, might even hold their hand… but my lips belong on yours.” her eyes still intensely staring at your lips, her tongue instinctively pokes out to wet her lips as she grazes your bottom lip with her thumb, pushing down on it a little.
“i only kiss you” she pulls you in to connect your lips, a little harder than the last. the kiss grew a little rougher, sloppier before she pulls back. “like this.” bada leans her forehead against yours, trying to catch her breath. you could see a string of your mixed saliva connecting your lips. from the way bada smirks, you can tell she noticed too.
“i only touch you like this.” her hands slide down your body slowly, making sure to take her time. she grazes over your clothed chest, down to pull you at your waist making you arch your body into hers, chests flushing together.
she looks down at where your bodies touched, biting back a smile, before reconnecting your lips. you can tell she was getting needy by how eager her kisses were. her tongue brushes over your bottom lip asking for access, which you give, letting her tongue explore yours. you wrap your arms around her neck, wanting her closer, needing to feel more of her. you feel her fingers dip under the seam of your shirt, grazing lightly over your skin. as though a light graze was not enough for her, she brings her warm hands up your shirt to feel more of you. she stops just above your rib cage, thumbs almost dipping underneath your bra.
“fuck baby, i love how you feel.” she pants out. her touch and words spread warmth throughout your body and your hands instinctively find their way to the back of her neck, giving the hairs a slight tug. she moans into your lips. the sounds of sloppy kisses and her quiet moans echoing through the halls send heat between your legs. as if she can sense it, bada pushes a leg in between yours barely grazing where you need her most. you tug at her hair a little harder for being a tease.
“ah, impatient are we?” she groans, loving the slight pain that shoots down her neck.
“YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE MAKING BABIES IN MY BATHROOM!” the sound of lusher’s voice booming from the living room breaks you two apart.
“THAT’S NOT EVEN BIOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE.” bada yells back, rolling her eyes.
“we’ll continue this later.” she smiles, giving you a quick peck.
“so did y’all pick a movie?” bada asks nonchalantly as you both sit back down on the couch.
“yeah, but uh… unnie you smudged your lipstick a little.” kyma pointed at the side of her lips.
bada eyes widen as her hand quickly shoots up to wipe at her lips. the other girls laughed at bada incriminating herself.
“idiot you didn’t wear any lipstick today.” you swatted her hand.
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penkura · 5 months
knowing [4/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: Timeskip time! I do really gloss over Fishman Island yes, I just had to lol. Slightly shorter too, but longer chapters are coming up!
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3]
Arriving back in Sabaody caused you to take a deep breath while you watched the various people from the shoreline. Finally, you were going to see your crew again, and though you had been so welcomed by the kunoichi village and were grateful to them, you couldn't wait to see your found family again.
You couldn't wait to see Sanji again.
Promising to keep in touch with your temporary home, you left the kunoichi who had brought you back to Sabaody and started making your way towards Shakky's bar, watching the vivre card in your hand to keep you from getting lost.
Every now and then though, you'd catch sight of blond hair and have to do a double take, making sure you weren't completely passing by Sanji, only to be fully disappointed when you saw it wasn't him. You'd even see people with orange and blue hair, wondering if it was Nami or Franky, once again disappointed to see it wasn't either of them.
You were, however, beyond excited once you finally saw one of your crewmates, shouting to them and running to hug them.
You threw your arms around her while Robin laughed and greeted you. You were the first person she'd seen as well, having the same problem where she saw people that looked like your other crewmates but weren't them.
“I wonder who else might be here.” You thought aloud while walking with Robin to Shakky's bar, anxious to see the rest of your crew.
“Well, Brook is definitely here. He's hosting a concert.”
“Oooh yeah! I've got one of his TDs, it's not bad,” you grinned a bit at the thought, “think he'd sign it for me?”
“I'm sure he'd be delighted to.”
You both laughed a bit, before you saw another head of blond hair, stopping and turning quickly to see if it was him. When you saw it wasn't, your shoulders slumped and Robin gave you a smile.
“Looking for someone?”
You were quite obvious about it, even you knew that.
So you turned back around, smiled, and linked your arm with Robin's before continuing onward.
“Just the love of my life.”
You and Robin laughed, despite you're being serious, talking about your two years apart on your way to Shakky's. You'd see Sanji soon, whether once you got back to Sunny or while you were on Sabaody.
You'd see him soon.
"What, the moss head was the first one here?!"
Shakky laughed and nodded at Sanji's surprise. "Franky arrived ten days ago, but left to go check your ship."
Duval bragged about how he and his crew protected Sunny, while Rayleigh reassured Sanji his coating job was perfect, the Sunny was fine, and you'd all be able to leave for Fishman Island as soon as you were ready. Ignoring Duval, Sanji was more than glad to hear Nami had made it to Sabaody and had gone shopping a few days ago, then Usopp arrived three days prior, and Chopper did so as well, while Brook had a concert that day. The only ones left had been himself, Luffy, Robin, and of course, you.
Hearing you hadn't arrived yet slightly concerned Sanji, he'd expected you to arrive much sooner, maybe even before Zoro, but definitely before you all were mentally scheduled to meet up. He knew you'd be fine, he trusted you and knew how strong you were, but still Sanji was worried your ride to Sabaody may have been late. Luffy would never leave without everyone there, but it sure would be easier if you had a way to communicate that you were near.
"Have you…heard from [Y/N]...maybe?"
Smiling slightly, Shakky shook her head no and watched as Sanji slumped down a bit hearing that. "Sadly no, I haven't heard from your girlfriend."
"W-What. How–"
"You aren't exactly subtle with that lovesick look on your face, young man."
She laughed a bit at him, watching as Sanji stood up from the bar and excused himself, saying he was going to search for ingredients to stock up the Sunny's fridge for when you all left. The whole time his face was bright red and Shakky knew she had guessed right. You and Sanji were practically hanging off each other the whole time you were in Sabaody two years ago, she just knew you were together from the little bit of time you'd been around.
"What a lovestruck cutie."
"Was that…Sanji?"
Smiling at your antics, Robin let you hide behind her and look around for your lover, although she wasn't entirely sure why you were hiding. She knew the two of you were together and in love, maybe you were just nervous about not seeing him in two years. You had ended up cutting your hair while you were training, deciding it would be better for fighting. You had changed your outfit to a well fitted tank top and loose, knee length shorts with your basic ninja sandals (like from Naruto ok). You were sure Sanji would love your new look, but it made you nervous to think about seeing him again.
Hopefully the two years apart hadn't made him rethink your relationship or anything.
"Rayleigh, Shakky!"
"Aah, Robin and [Y/N], you're both here!"
Robin nodded while you stepped out from behind her and waved.
"You both just missed Sanji."
"Oh, how unfortunate." Looking over at you, Robin gave you a knowing smile and you did the same, your nerves calming down just a bit. You may have missed out on seeing him just then, but maybe it was for the better. You two would see each other again soon enough, more than likely unable to stay away from each other or keep your hands to yourselves (not in a sexual way you pervs) for a while once you did see each other.
You and Robin stayed for a bit to catch up with Rayleigh and Shakky, thanking Duval and his crew for their help in protecting Sunny as well as they could, before the two of you decided to separate for a bit. Robin would head right for Sunny, but you wanted to do some shopping for some clothes and to maybe find Sanji. When you were in Sabaody last, you'd barely had a chance go look at the vendor stalls before the events with Camie and the Celestial Dragons, and then being sent off like the rest of your crew of course, you didn't have much of a chance to shop around and find anything you wanted.
You ended up buying a mini transponder snail and a few clothing items, deciding you should start heading towards Sunny when you saw a vendor selling kunai and shuriken, and you were instantly drawn in. You were running low on funds, but desperately wanted some new knives to use for any upcoming fights. You were so engrossed in looking and working out the math in your head on how many you could afford, that you nearly jumped three feet when someone wrapped an arm around you and told the vendor to let you get whatever you wanted.
If you hadn't recognized the voice, though slightly deeper than you remembered, and the smell of tobacco mixed with a familiar cologne, you would have whipped around and punched the guy in the face before placing a knife at his neck. Instead you turned around so quickly, coming face to face with the one person you'd been so anxious yet excited to see again.
"Hey there, beautiful." Sanji gave you a smile and brushed a bit of your hair out of your face, noticing you were tearing up. "I've been looking for you!"
"Sanji!!" You threw your arms around his neck, letting him lift you up and spin you around while you cried out of happiness.  "I-It's you! You're r-really here!!"
"Of course I am! Couldn't leave you with that moss head to get lost or anything!"
Once he set you back down, you got to take a good look at Sanji and see how he'd changed over the last two years as well. He'd swapped his bangs from the left to the right, he'd grown out his goatee more, and even had a mustache now. Even if he still looked exactly the same as two years ago, you'd still think he was handsome and be in love with him.
Of course, Sanji still thought you were beautiful, he'd even say drop dead gorgeous now. He didn't have the chance to tell you so before you kissed him and hugged him again.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, love," Sanji hugged you close, thankful that his two years of hell and running on the Kamabakka Queendom were finally over, and that he was back with you in his arms, "you have no idea how much."
After all of you were finally together again, you and Nami had spent so much time hugging and giggling over the boys being themselves, once you began your course down to Fishman Island, all you really wanted was to stay near Sanji. Knowing you were going to the land of mermaids, it worried you a little that Sanji might start rethinking your relationship, considering you were apart for two years.
You couldn’t have imagined that your crew would be separated once again, so quickly due to the volatile nature of the ocean depths. Waking up in Camie’s place a short while later, you were glad to see Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji were all with you, being escorted elsewhere by your friend, until you met more mermaids who were close with Camie.
Sanji tried, he really did, to not let it get to him, especially with you around, to not fall over himself around the mermaids, unfortunately, despite it all, he still ended up nearly bleeding out from all the other pretty girls around. You chose to stay with him and Chopper after he’d been given a blood transfusion to keep him from dying, and once he woke up, Sanji was almost on the floor in front of you apologizing.
“I’m so sorry, my love! I’m such a fool of a man!”
“Uh, Sanji—”
“Please forgive me!! I love you more than anything!!”
Before he’s able to say much else, you take his face in your hands and shut him up with a kiss, allowing you both to get your thoughts straight before you say anything in response to his groveling. Honestly though, he should know you better by now.
“I’m not happy about the situation—”
“I’m so sor—”
“But, I’m not going to be mad at you anymore. You’ve apologized enough and I believe you’re really sorry,” you give Sanji a smile, before rubbing your nose against his and making his face turn bright red at the affection, “I’m sure you went through a lot while we were apart, so I’ll give you a pass this time.”
“Mon amour, you’re the only one I love that much.”
“Yeah, I know, so if you do that again, I’ll have to clean my kunai.”
You laughed a bit at Sanji’s reaction, which made him relax and smile in return, before he kissed you again.
“I swear, you’re the only one for me.”
“And the same for me, cutie.”
After you’ve all helped to put a stop to Hordy Jones and Luffy prevented the ship Noah from destroying Fishman Island, you’re glad for a reprieve that turns into a party with food and drinks. Every member of your crew, all the Fishmen that can fit in the palace, had a blast and the party continued on for so long that you and Sanji had to step away for a few minutes alone.
Somehow, luckily, you found an empty closet that you could sneak into, finally getting some time alone after everything that happened. You started out just talking and holding each other, before Sanji started kissing you all over your face and making you giggle, every now and then quieting yourself if you heard footsteps. You were still trying to keep your relationship a secret, so Sanji understood you silencing your giggles for a moment wasn’t because of him, it was to keep someone from opening the door.
“Hey,” Sanji kissed your cheek again, smiling at your giggle while you gave him a questioning look, “What if…what if we told everyone?”
“About us. I mean, its been a while and part of the crew knows already.”
“Only if you want to!” He kissed you again to make sure you knew he wasn’t going to force you to tell everyone if you weren’t ready. “We can wait until you want to, I just—”
“Sanji,” you have to take his face in your hands to make him stop before he rambles too much, forcing him to look at you as you smile at him, “I think it’s fine if we tell everyone. We’re both in this for the long haul, I don’t think they have to worry about us making things weird by breaking up or anything.”
“You’re sure?”
“Mm-hm!” You nod and give him another kiss, causing Sanji to hug you tightly. He really was a little worried you’d reject the idea, but if you tell everyone, it’ll make it easier. You won’t have to sneak around and keep everything to yourselves.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too, Sanji!” You giggle when he starts to kiss you face again. Sanji really is the sweetest man you’ve ever met, you feel so lucky to have him as your boyfriend, maybe future husband and father to your children one day, if he wants that with you too.
Unfortunately you’re interrupted when someone opens the closet door, and the sigh is familiar enough that you feel your face heating up.
“Can you two stop being gross for one day?”
“Zoro!” You shouted while Sanji pulled away from you to give a glare to your swordsman. “What are you doing?!”
“I was looking for the bathroom!”
“This obviously isn’t it!!”
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Stones T-Shirt
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Summary: Commenting on Harry's Rolling Stones shirt at a party leads to going to a concert with him.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1200
A/N: A silly little blurb written in 2017. Originally an oc, edited to be a reader fic.
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You'd commented on his Stones t-shirt at a party.
"Have you ever seen them?" he asked you an hour later when you were in the kitchen making a drink.
"Who?" you made a face, completely forgetting about your previous encounter.
Harry laughed, pointing at his shirt. "The Rolling Stones."
"Oh. No," you shook your head. "Never got to."
"Mmm, you should. Everyone needs to see them at least once."
"Well...next time I have an extra hundred or so burning a hole in my pocket, I'll buy a ticket."
"Hey Y/N, are you making me one of those?" your best friend Sheila asked as she entered in the kitchen.
"What am I, designated bartender?" you scoffed.
"Of course! Now hook me up!"
You shook your head as you began to mix her drink, just like you both knew you would. As you poured the liquor into the glass, Harry leaned against the counter.
"They're coming to town next week," he commented. "We should go."
You gave him the eye while you squeezed a slice of lime into Sheila's drink. For a second you thought you'd misheard him.
"We should?"
"Yeah," he smirked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You bit your lip as you handed Sheila her glass. "I'll think about it."
Sipping through her straw, Sheila nodded her head at you. You knew what she was trying to say, but you didn't care.
"Hmm," Harry sounded. "Well, while you think about it...maybe you can make me one of those?"
You glared at him, his cocky expression quickly making your defenses crumble. You chuckled and grabbed a fresh glass. "Sure."
Just then three more people walked in, catching you making Harry's cocktail.
"Yeah, I'll take one too, Y/N!" exclaimed Jordan.
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
"What the hell, who made me bartender?" you argued.
"Harry," Sheila winked.
"But you asked for a drink first," you pointed at her.
"So. He followed you in here first."
You looked at Harry whose mouth grew into a smile. You laughed as you handed him his glass and began making three more. By the time you passed them out to your customers, your own cocktail was watered down. Frowning, you took a sip anyway.
"So did you think about it?" asked Harry, placing his empty glass on the counter.
"The Stones concert."
"Oh. Um..."
As if it were a sign, "Start Me Up" began to play from the speakers in the next room. Harry and you both froze.
"Looks like they're playing our song," he chuckled.
"Oh for fucks sake, go out with him!" shouted Sheila.
You shook your head as the color rose to your cheeks. "Alright."
"You won't regret it," beamed Harry. "Everyone needs to see the Stones."
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You both stood outside the outdoor venue watching the sun set. You could hear the drum beat of the opening band playing inside as the excitement began to fill your veins.
"So when should we go in?" you asked Harry.
"After sundown," he replied. "That's the best time. Not as many people trying to get in."
You nodded, a little disappointed you'd be missing the opening act, but then again you had no clue who they were anyway. Finally, when the sun had disappeared behind the horizon, Harry grabbed your hand.
"C'mon," he whispered. "This way."
You smiled and followed him up a ramp. You zig zagged through a maze of several barriers until you reached a fence.
"What are we doing?" you glared at him, confused.
"Waiting for the all clear," Harry muttered.
He squeezed your hand and looked at you timidly. "I don't actually have tickets," he admitted.
"What? We're...we're sneaking in?"
Releasing your hand from his, you felt your stomach plummet to your knees. "Have you lost your fucking mind?!" you shouted.
"No, I won't shh! I'm out of here!"
"Y/N! Wait!" he grabbed your hand again just as you rounded the corner. "Please."
"You're insane," you grumbled.
"Trust me. We can do this. I've done it before."
"Oh, that makes me feel so much better!" you threw up your hand.
Taking your other hand, Harry looked you in the eye. "Please."
With a defeated sigh, you followed him back to the fence. You watched as Harry carefully climbed over it, landing softly on the grass.
"C'mon," he beckoned.
With hesitation and a sour feeling in your gut, you reached up and grabbed the metal fence, sticking your shoe inside a hole to pull yourself up. When you reached the top, however, you got scared.
"I can't," you shook your head.
"Sure you can," said Harry, his arms out. "I'm right here. I'll catch you so you won't hit the ground."
"It's not that...I don't..."
"Swing your leg over."
Swallowing hard, you did as he said and you were able to climb post of the way down until he caught you in his arms.
"See?" he breathed in your ear. "We're okay."
Once again, you smiled at his use of the word "we".
"This way."
Your hand in his, you ran to another nearby barricade that wasn't as difficult to climb over. And that was when you saw the stage.
"Oh wow," you mouthed.
"Great innit?" Harry smiled.
You weren't close, in fact you were in the very back of the venue, behind the crowd that sat on the lawn. But somehow the thrill of it all made it worth it. Suddenly the lights went out and the audience went wild.
"Let's go over here," Harry gestured to the right and you weaved through several people until you stopped at an empty space between them.
You watched Mick Jagger strut across the stage in all his glory. Your stomach did a few flips until you found yourself cheering with the rest of the crowd. By the third or fourth song, you and Harry were dancing.
"This is so awesome!" you screamed at him as he grinned from ear to ear.
"Glad you came with me?" he leaned against you as the band went into "Angie".
"Glad? I could kiss you right now!"
You realized what you'd said the moment the last word dropped from your lips. Harry's smile faltered only slightly as his eyes shifted between your eyes and your mouth. Then tilting his head, he kissed you.
You weren't sure if it was the adrenaline still zipping through you from before, or just the mere sensation of his lips on yours, but that kiss was electric. You wound your arms around Harry's neck as he pulled you closer, your kiss deepening. You heard Mick asking "where will it lead us from here," and you found yourself wondering the same thing.
By the time the concert was over, you were wiping your cheeks of tears of joy.
"You okay?" Harry asked as he took your hand and you walked out of the venue with everybody else.
"Yeah," you nodded. "Yeah, more than okay. Thanks for that."
"Like I said, everyone should see them at least once."
"That's not what I mean."
Harry stopped and turned to look at you with question in his eyes.
"Thank you..." you said, "for the best night of my life."
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Get the Angles Right!
chapter 3.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
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"Well, good morning, Johnnie." You locked your apartment door. "How was the meeting?"
"long and really fucking boring, obviously." he smiled at you. "How'd you sleep?"
you pressed the button on the elevator. "I couldn't. my mind was flooded with ideas for you. it was crazy. I filled up a third of my notebook."
"I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing." Johnnie laughed.
"I think it's good. who need sleep, anyway?" You smirked, shooting him a wink before stepping out of the elevator. "The first place I wanna show you is right up the street."
"Okay," he hummed as he walked next to you. "Despite all of the nasty shit, New York is really pretty."
"Yeah," you agreed. "I like the aesthetic of it all. it makes me feel more professional, like I'm in a movie. it's good motivation, sometimes."
"I'll have to come back and visit again."
in all honesty, you had forgotten he didn't live here in the first place. your heart ached. you looked away from him as you recollected yourself. "Yeah, you should." You shot him a fake smile and turned your head back towards the path.
you paused before speaking again. "My dream is to open my own store, some day." You looked at the vacant building across the street. "I mean, I'd make less singled out designs. some shit that anyone can walk in and buy, you know?"
he followed your gaze to the building across the street. "What would you name it?"
"probably something a lot cooler than L/n Designs, but you know. I may be creative with fabrics, but not with names." You sighed and laughed at yourself. "Maybe my boring name is why my clothes don't catch people's attention."
he shrugged. "I mean, I don't know jack shit about fashion or the fashion industry, but I'm sure it just takes time like everything else."
"You're right. It does." You took a step closer to him. "You're pretty fashionable for someone who apparently knows nothing about it."
"I kind of just throw together whatever is in my closet." he laughed. "I've been dressing like this since middle school, y/n."
"Me too! I mean, whenever I go out I'm dressed up but 90% of the clothes I wear are pajamas." You pointed towards the shop coming up. "This is it."
"Wait, what even is it? you never told me where we're going." Johnnie squinted in an attempt to read the sign.
"Wow, you put a lot of trust into me. it's a record store. not one of those big corporate shits that only sell today's top pop record vinyls, but you'll see." You cut yourself off, not wanting to spoil it.
he opened the door for you. you thanked him and walked in. "The quote unquote emo section is my favorite. whenever I actually want to buy a record, I always find one of my favorite albums. I'm not sure if everything in this section is actually emo, but, yeah."
you flicked through the selection, finding the 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge' album that comes with a red record.
"Oh, shit." Johnnie mumbled as you pulled it out of the selection.
"i know! I'd blast this shit whenever I was younger. to be fair, I still do." you laughed. "I'll have to come back and snag this one in my free time. I don't want to carry it around all day."
Johnnie began looking through the next part of that section. "damn, I really fucking underestimated this place." he pulled out the album 'Pretty. Odd.' by Panic! at the Disco. it was just a normal, black record.
"I love panic! I've never seen pretty odd here before." he handed it to you, and you flipped it towards the back.
he looked at you with a soft smile. he admired your excited facial expression. "yeah, me too." he said softly.
you looked back at him. the eye contact lasted what felt like hours, and it was electric. you shook your head softly. "Uh, yeah. they also have shit like vintage concert posters and tee shirts. of course, they're all expensive as fuck so I've never gone out of my way to get them. they're cool to look at, though."
Johnnie followed you to the back of the store. his eyes were wide as he looked over the countless posters that were hanging on the wall, each one overlapping another. "how does someone even get all of this shit?"
"I don't know, donations or people sell them, I guess." you shrugged.
the twi of you walked around towards the alternative pop section. you and Johnnie reached at the same time. your hand fell on top of his. you hesitated before pulling it away. "God, how many times are we going to do that?" You joked.
he shrugged, his face red. "it's whatever, I don't really mind."
you tried to hide your smile. "Me, either." You flipped through the first few. "Look, melanie martinez. do you know her?" You asked, handing him the 'Cry Baby' album with a baby pink and blue record.
"I've heard of her, yeah. I've never really listened to her, though." he looked at the back. "these song names are sick as fuck, though."
"you should check her out," you mention, putting the record back in its place.
you two left the store. "There's this small cafe across the street. if you're interested, we can stop and get coffee or something. it's on me this time, by the way."
"Yeah, let's go." he smiled
you pressed the button for the crosswalk. the light changed, signaling you to go. you began to step forward before Johnnie grabbed your arm and pulled you back. you watched in shock as a car whipped past you.
"fuck, don't scare me like that, y/n. i can't have you getting hit by a car right in fucking front of me." his hand stayed rested on your arm.
you turned around to look at him. "im sorry. maybe I should pay more attention." You laughed nervously.
"Don't worry about it, just glad you're okay." his hand slid down your arm and gripped your hand. he shook it gently before dropping it.
you carefully crossed the street with Johnnie glued to your side.
whenever you reached the cafe, he held the door open for you. "Thank you. apparently, this place is family owned and shit. it's really good, I go here all the time. I usually get a mocha frappuccino and a croissant. what do you want?"
he walked up to stand beside you and scanned over the menu. "Hot chocolate?"
you hummed, "I've never had it here before. Do you want a croissant, too?"
he nodded. "Yeah, sure."
you instructed him to go pick a seat, and you would order. he walked off, and you walked up to the counter.
"Hi! what can I get started for you?" The woman had a cheerful smile. she was older, probably in her late 50s.
"Can I get two croissants, a hot chocolate, and a mocha frap? both medium, please." You smiled back as you pulled out your card.
"Yes, ma'am. your total is on the screen, swipe whenever you're ready."
you paid the bill. she took your name for the order, and you went back to sit with Johnnie.
"everyone seems really fucking nice here." he mentioned. he looked away from the window to make eye contact with you.
you shrugged. "more or less. it depends where you go. that's why I have my signature spots." You smiled and sat at the seat across from him. "Is everyone a dick in LA or something?"
he shrugged. "People don't really interact with each other, to be honest. but not everyone is like that. it just feels like it's rare to find someone who is actually nice."
"Maybe you're just looking at it the wrong way. everyone is nice in their own way of showing it, or at least that's what my mother used to tell me." you explained. "I always try to see the good in people."
his bright blue eyes were excentuated by the sun. "that's actually a really fucking good way to look at it. damn, I never thought about that."
you shrugged. the woman called your name, and you went to go grab your order. it was on a small tray, which made it easier to carry everything.
you passed Johnnie his hot chocolate and croissant, then took your own. he took a sip of his hot chocolate. the taste made him raise his eyebrows. "this is actually really good. wanna try?"
"yeah, wanna try mine?"
you traded drink and took a sip of eachothers. the hot chocolate was really good.
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khaylin27 · 1 month
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
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pairing: lewis hamilton x popstar! reader
series: the tortured poets department
synopsis: popstar y/n l/n performs for the first time after her and lewis hamilton split due to 'differences'
warnings: not proofread 🙃 but none
author's note: IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN A WHILE 😭 I've been dealing with my physical and mental health the past couple of months that I haven't been motivated to write. I've also been busy with college because I'm almost done. Hope y'all enjoy this!
I can read your mind
"She's having the time of her life"
There in her glittering prime
The lights refract sequined stars off her silhouette every night
I can show you lies (one, two, three, four)
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yn_nation The lights refract sequined stars off her silhouette every night #WarsawYNTheErasTour 🩷✨See you in less than a fortnight! 🤍 #LondonYNTheErasTour
user2 you know who also is from London 👀
user3 you think lewis would still go to her show even though they broke up? user4 we can only hope 😭🙏
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle it
They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did
Lights, camera, and smile, even when you wanna die
He said he'd love me all his life
It was the first of many nights performing in London. London meant so much to you. You and Lewis fell in love and made a whole life here. You really thought he was the one after six years of being together. It wasn't until Lewis decided to break up explaining that there were 'differences' in your relationship.
"I can't do this guys." You were having a breakdown in your changing room before the show. Oscar's wife and Alexandra were in the room trying to calm you down before the show.
Alexandra soothes you while you cry and Oscar's wife had enough of it. It was probably due to the pregnancy hormones. "I love you Y/N but I know you're a real tough kid, you can handle it."
You wipe your tears and look up at her, "When I went through everything with Carlos you told me 'babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it' and that's what I did. I never got to thank you back then but I do now." Oscar's wife smiles thinking about the time Y/N encouraged her to go watch Lando race after the whole failed wedding with Carlos. If Oscar's wife didn't listen to Y/N back then she wouldn't have met Oscar and become his wife.
"Now I'm going to do the same for you. You can handle this Y/N, I've seen you through worse." Throughout your music career, many people have tried to ruin your reputation. "I know Lewis said he'd love you all his life but that's over now. Of course, it's a lot to go through but there are millions of people out there that love you."
Your conversation was interrupted by Charles and Oscar. They could see you three were going through an emotional situation. "Uhm the lady with the headset is yelling at us to tell you it's almost show time," Oscar says as quickly as possible then closes the door.
The three of you laugh at the awkward Australian, "That's my husband." Oscar's wife says with a smile.
"You can do this Y/N," Alexandra smiles as well.
As you three stand up, you give a hug to the both of them. "Thank you guys for being here. I don't know what I would do without you." You smile and pull away. "It's time to get on stage."
"We believe in you Y/N," Alexandra says before you leave to stand on the elevating platform.
You take deep breaths before the platform elevates to the main stage. As it's elevating you tell yourself, "Lights, camera, and smile. Even if you wanna die."
But that life was too short
Breaking down, I hit the floor
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More"
It was that segment of the concert where you would perform surprise songs to the audience.
"For one of my surprise songs tonight, I just wanted to share the story behind what I'm about to play next." You say starting to play the piano.
"London is a city I'll always love. I met the love of my life or so I thought." You were trying to hold back tears from the crowd. "That life was too short though." You smile through the tears. "I hope you like this song."
"But do you remember? Remember when I pulled up and said 'Get in the car' and then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?" You remember the times you would wait outside of Mercedes headquarters in your car to ask Lewis to spend time with you. But he didn't want to. You would cancel plans frequently just in case Lewis called. "Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all. 'Meet me behind the mall."
"So much for summer love and saying 'us.' Cause you weren't mine to lose." You were breaking down in tears singing this song. Remembering all the pieces of your relationship with Lewis shattered because there were 'differences' in your relationship.
As you continue playing the chords to August while crying, the crowd is chanting "More!"
I was grinnin' like I'm winnin'
I was hittin' my marks
'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
You looked up and grinned at the crowd. You realized that even though you lost the love of your life, it didn't matter anymore. Tons of people loved you for who you are. You were winning in life no matter what.
"It's new, the shape of your body. It's blue, the feeling I've got and it's ooh, whoa, oh. It's a Cruel Summer." The crowd goes wild at the mashup with August and Cruel Summer.
While you were hittin' all the marks to the song you realize that you could do it with a broken heart.
I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day
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yn_nation #LondonYNTheErasTour I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day! 🩶 Y/N is back for five more dazzling #YNTheErasTour nights! 🤩
user2 it's amazing how y/n can put on a show every night while dealing with a breakup
user3 god chooses his strongest soldiers for battle 🫡
user4 did y'all see that the whole f1 grid + wags were at the show tonight? also, did you see LEWIS HAMILTON there too?
user6 WHAT!? user7 I wonder how that's going to turn out.
I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague
It was the F1 summer break and you decided to invite the whole grid to your last show in London. You were still close to the drivers and their wags to this day so they all said yes. What you didn't expect was your ex-boyfriend being here.
Everyone came to your room to greet you before the show started. It was almost time to start the concert but you were hoping Lewis would come by to say hi to you. You were still obsessed with him. Like Gwen Stefani said 'I'm just a girl."
"Did he come in here?" George's fiancé asks you. She knew the answer when you didn't respond.
"He's avoiding you like the plague." George scoffs and his fiancé turns around to side eye him for that comment.
You laugh at the couple for being themselves. "I really needed this laugh." You say as you get up from your chair. "I'm ready now."
Before you leave the room, you give George and his fiancé a hug. "Thanks for being here. I love and appreciate you two."
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art
"Hasn't it been an amazing week London!?" You smile as the crowd cheers for you. "It was for you guys but it was a rollercoaster of emotions for me." You laugh at your little joke. "You guys have probably seen me cry a lot the past couple of days, but I am so productive!" The crowd laughs and cheers. "It's an art!"
You start playing the piano, "I just want to say a special thank you to this city. It's a city I love so much. It has a lot of good and bad memories but you guys overrule those bad memories."
As the crowd cheers you start to explain your surprise song, "To conclude the last night of the London Eras Tour, I want to play a song or two for you guys. It might be sad at first like how I was at the beginning of the week but it gets light-hearted at the end."
You start playing the melody to So Long, London, and the whole crowd cheers. "I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist. I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift. Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away."
"My spine split from carrying us up the hill. Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill. I stopped trying to make him laugh. Stopped trying to drill the safe." You watch the crowd and the grid sing along.
"Thinkin', how much sad did you think I had. Did you think I had in me? Oh, the tragedy." You look at the VIP tent and see Lewis. "So Long, London. You'll find someone."
The melody on the piano transitions to London Boy and the crowd goes wild. "Who enjoys walking Camden Market in the afternoon. You'll love her American smile. Like a child when your eyes meet, darling, I fancied you."
"Take her back to Highgate, she'll meet all of your best mates. So I guess all the rumors are true. You know I loved a London boy. But I'll say so long to you." As the melody fades out, the crowds cheer. You smile back at them and then look back at Lewis.
Saying so long to Lewis is hard but having the support of friends and fans made you realize that they were all you needed.
You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart
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yn_nation SO LONG, LONDON #LondonYNTheErasTour it's been an amazing week here in London. Thank you so much London fans for the good memories 🥹🤍✨
user1 you know you're good when you can PERFORM FOR A WHOLE WEEK IN FRONT OF A CROWD with a broken heart 😭
user2 the so long, london x london boy mashup 😭💔 it was basically a goodbye letter to lewis
user3 lewis was there too 🥲
tagged: @omgsuperstarg @splaterparty0-0 @2pagenumb @c-losur3
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veronicaphoenix · 5 months
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Series: Into the Abyss of Bad Habits | masterpost. Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader x Oliver Sykes
Heart Like Ours. Additional multipart. Chapter 1: The Snakes | Words: 3k Summary: Reader suffers a breakdown due to her mother’s disapproval of her relationship with the boys, but neither Oliver nor Noah are there to comfort her.
Tags and TW: established polyamorous relationship, angst, anxiety, reader’s mother does not approve of her daughter’s relationship with oli and noah, psychological abuse, mentions of alcohol, implied sexual scenarios that are not described, only mentioned. Author's note: I've changed the narrator to 3rd person. Chapter not beta read.
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She burst into tears as soon as she closed the door, shutting out the world behind her. 
 The weight of her mother’s words had choked her during the drive home, but she had refused to let the tears fall until she reached the safety of her home. 
         A home that these days felt empty and devoid of the male voices that brought her so much happiness. 
         Noah and Oliver had been away from home for nearly a month and the three hadn’t seen each other except through cell phone and computer screens since they both left on their respective tours. 
         Bad Omens’ European tour kept Noah continents away, with four agonizing days left until his return. 
         Oliver was on the other side of the country, bound for a whirlwind of gigs before flying off to festival in Mexico. 
         Had circumstances been different, she would have accompanied them. She would have gotten on the plane with Noah to be with him for a week in Europe, they would have taken the opportunity to do some sightseeing in the few hours Noah had free between concerts, they would have made love in a hotel room overlooking one of those rivers that cross several European cities or even the sea, and they would have gorged themselves on all kinds of typical foods from the countries they were in. Then, from there, she would have flown immediately to the city where Oliver was and repeated the same thing with him. She would have followed him from one concert to the next, sending him flying kisses from the side of the stage as he performed and showering him with her love and affection when they were back at the hotel.  
         But today, precisely today, she was alone. They boys were miles away from her, and despite longing for their presence more intensely than ever, she made a conscious decision not to call them, refusing to burden them with her tears and pleas to return. She recognized her own maturity, knowing that calling them and crying about needing their kisses and arms around her, would only undermine her strength and autonomy.  
         So, she cried, her back pressed against the door of their home. 
         Noah’s running sneakers, neatly aligned on the shoe rack, seemed to stare back at her, reminding her that the last time he’d worn them had been nearly a month ago, when he had kissed her goodbye with the passion of a soldier going out to war when he was actually just going for an hour run. Nearby, one of Oliver’s sweatshirts hung on a hook on the wall beside her own jacket, their proximity only serving to amplify the ache of his absence. Though their clothing brushed against each other, the physical touch she craved with him remained out of reach.
         “You’re a whore, what else do you want me to think when you come in here and tell me you’re thinking of marrying two men?” Her mother’s words echoed relentlessly in her mind. “It’s not even legal, because that’s a barbarity! You’re letting yourself be groped like a bitch in heat and now you come up with this? That you want to get married?”
         She gulped, a lump forming in her throat. She had sensed that the conversation with her mother wouldn’t go well, but she hadn’t thought it would go so badly, that she would say those things to her. 
         She fought the urge to retaliate with equal fervor.
         “I love them,” she explained. “And despite what you think, they love me. I know polygamous marriage isn’t legal. We don’t care. We just want to have a celebration with our closest family and friends.”
         “For God’s sake, daughter. Everyone’s going to see what a whore you’ve become, don’t you think? I’ve tried to stay out of this very... sinful relationship you’ve been having with those two, believing that at some point you would realize what you were doing. But instead, you come to my house and tell me you want to get married. You’re not well, honey. And I don’t think your brother is quite in his right mind either if he’s okay with this.”
         Fifteen minutes after arriving home, she kicked off her shoes, shrugged off her jacket, and let her purse fall to the floor by the door. She walked with weak steps to the downstairs guest bathroom. She didn’t recognize herself in the mirror. She wore hardly any makeup, but her mascara had run, her eyes were red and sunken, her cheeks swollen, and every inch of her face betrayed the sadness engulfing her.
         Every time she recalled her mother’s expressions while saying all those horrible things, she was overcome by sobs she couldn’t contain. She leaned on the edge of the sink for a while until she managed to compose herself a little. She could keep crying as much as she wanted, but that wouldn’t change anything. Her mother wouldn’t come to her senses, and Oliver and Noah wouldn’t walk through the door to hold her in their arms.
         Just then, as she eyed the double-band silver ring on her fourth finger and as if they could feel her pain, her iPhone chimed with the sound of an incoming notification. She ignored it. A few minutes later, it chimed again. Almost cursing under her breath, she went to fetch her phone and pulled it out of her purse. A trembling breath caught her when she saw that the notifications were respective to a message from Oliver and another from Noah in the iMessage group they shared, the same one they had created about three years ago when they decided to sleep together for the first time, in the midst of a tour in the UK.
         She hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to open the conversation, her thumb hovering over the message notification. She would have preferred not to reply, knowing that both of them had some uncanny ability to sense her mood through her words, even if she had written a lie.  
         With a resigned sigh, she tapped open the conversation.
         Oliver: Just tried the best vegan tacos! Wish you were here to try them. Haven’t heard from you guys in the last four hours and I can’t stop thinking about you. Has the princess eaten dinner yet? Pretty boy, did you sleep well? Are you awake?
         Noah: Awake and hungry. Send a couple of those tacos to Stockholm. I’ll pay you back with a good blowjob when I get back.
         As their messages danced across the screen, she found herself smiling, the weight on her shoulders momentarily lifted. 
         But as quickly as the laughter came, so too did the tears, a relentless tide that threatened to engulf her once more. 
         She typed with shaky fingers.
         Her: I’m going to fix myself something to eat and watch a movie. Wish you were here. Miss you both. x
         She pressed the send button and after waiting a few seconds to see if either of them was still online, she decided to lock the screen. 
         She closed her eyes, drew a deep breath, and walked back to the bathroom.
         After washing away the remnants of tears clinging to her skin and tying her hair up in a messy bun, she ignored any reason she had to go upstairs to the master bedroom. She didn’t want to go in there because, in her state, she knew what would happen. So instead, she looked for something to occupy herself with in the kitchen. 
         The prospect of idling away in the kitchen wasn’t very exciting, but it offered a temporary respite. She pushed aside the temptation to grab a cold beer from the fridge because it wouldn’t take her any time to open it and drink it. At least, making coffee would keep her occupied for a few more minutes.
         She was about to pour the coffee into a mug when the doorbell rang.
         She wasn’t expecting anyone, much less at this hour. It was Friday, and it was almost dark outside.
         She didn’t expect to find her brother standing in the doorway, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his shoulders slightly hunched against the cold breeze that had just picked up.
         It only took him a few seconds to look at her to know that she was a mess. He clicked his tongue and hugged her right there, in the entryway of the house. She held her breath, letting her brother envelop her in his arms for a while until he finally let go and encouraged her to go inside and close the door, which she appreciated because she was about to burst into tears.
         “Mom called me,” he announced. 
         That’s why he’s here, she thought. 
         “She told me you went to see her and tell her about the wedding... She didn’t hold back, and she called me some ugly names, too,” he shrugged his shoulders, as if unaffected. “But I was worried about you.”
         He extended an arm to touch her cheek affectionately.
         “Yeah,” she replied with a hint of detachment. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate him coming to her house to make sure she was okay or to keep her company; she simply didn’t want to think about her mother any longer, not today. Perhaps not for the rest of the week and the foreseeable future.
         “Have you talked to them?” Jack inquired, looking around the kitchen as his sister made her way back to the counter where an empty black mug waited for her.
         At the question, she sighed, filling the coffee mug to the brim. She knew sleep would elude her that night anyway, so no problem in having coffee at those late hours.
         “I sent them a message a while ago.”        
         “A message?” Jack quirked his head inquisitively and raised an eyebrow. Sensing her reluctance to elaborate, Jack rested his hands on the kitchen island and leaned closer to his sister, standing on the other side.
         “Baby sis, you have to tell them what happened. I get that they’re miles away and you won’t be able to see them for a few days, but they deserve to know what’s up and how you’re holding up. If you don’t, they’ll figure it out anyway. Those two have a radar or sixth sense for this stuff when it comes to you,” he said, almost earning a smile from her at the comment. Sometimes their wavelengths aligned perfectly. and to think that Noah and Oliver were such attentive partners made her stomach flutter, even after all these years. “And if you keep ignoring their calls, you know they’ll end up calling me, and I will tell them.”
         “Jack...” she began, tired.
         “I’m serious. I don’t want you stuck here alone in this massive house feeling like crap.”
         “Fine,” she conceded, still clutching her coffee mug but not yet taking a sip. “I’ll call them.”
         It wasnt true, but she needed to lie to get Jack off her back. Oliver would be back home in a few days. She would tell him then. But until that day, she had to prove to herself that she could handle whatever came her way without relying on anyone else, without needing not only one, but two shoulders to lean on. 
         “Want some coffee?” she asked, lifting her mug to shift the conversation.
         “No, thanks,” Jack declined. “Actually, speaking of coffee, there’s another reason I”m here.”
         She furrowed her brows, taking a sip. 
         “Oh? What’s up?”
         “Sylvie has stopped drinking coffee,” he announced, prompting his sister to raise an eyebrow. “Well, the caffeinated kind, anyway.” A grin spread across Jack’s face, and his sister’s eyes began to widen. “She’s pregnant.”
         “Oh, Jack! That’s great!” She nearly dropped her coffee in excitement. She swiftly moved around the island to hug her brother. 
         “I know. I’m going to be a father. Crazy, huh?”
         “How’s Sylvie? How far along are you, guys? I’m going to be an aunt!”
         “She’s good, been a bit nauseous for a few days, but nothing unexpected. Both her and the baby are fine. We had our second routine check-up yesterday, and well, Sylvie wanted to tell you three when you were all together, but after talking to mom today, I thought maybe I could lift your spirits a bit with the news. I don’t mean to overshadow your strife with this, I hope you know that.”
         “Jack, for fuck’s sake. Don’t be silly. This is the best news I’ve had all month. I can come over to your place tomorrow to see Sylvie.”
         “Sure. She’ll be thrilled. She was really looking forward to telling you. But please, do me a favor and call the guys, okay?”
         He wasn’t going to let that slip onto the back burner. She had tried, at least, but her brother was as attentive and supportive as theyb come, and she couldn’t fault him for it. If anything, she should be grateful. 
         “Yeah, yeah,” she replied. “Can I tell them about the baby? Oli’s going to be ecstatic. He loves babies. Noah, though, he’s still a bit weird around them.”
         Jack laughed, nodding. “Absolutely, go ahead and let them know after you talk to them about today,” he said while he kept his gaze firm and expectant on her. “We’ll get together once they’re back to celebrate.” 
         Jack stayed with her for about half an hour, talking about Sylvie’s pregnancy, discussing their future, and sharing tidbits he knew would keep his sister’s mind occupied. 
         But of course, as soon as Jack left, she found herself once again enveloped in the silence of a house that felt too big for herself whenever she was alone.
         With an empty stomach, she finally found herself compelled to go upstairs and enter the master bedroom, where she was welcomed by that unusual order and tranquility that she had begun to detest as the days Noah and Oliver spent away from home grew longer. She appreciated order and cleanliness, but on days like this, she hated crossing the threshold and not finding Noah’s dirty socks scattered here and there or Oliver’s jeans piling up on the armchair in a corner by the windows, the water bottles they always left on the nightstands, Noah’s vitamin gummies, or the books they would sometimes start reading while she finished showering after late work shifts. 
         After changing into comfortable clothes and deliberating for a while, she eventually crawled under the sheets, turning off the lights, and turning on that TV that Oliver had insisted on installing in the room against her and Noah’s wishes. The device had been there for over a year, and yet, she could count on one hand the times the three of them had bothered to watch a movie while in bed. 
         She resumed the series she had started watching alone after the guys left, but found herself struggling to concentrate on the storyline. Her feet felt cold beneath the duvet, and she couldn’t shake the sensation of feeling small in the vast expanse of the bed, with no one beside her. a little girl in the middle of a bed so big with no one beside her.
         She ceased her nail-biting to retrieve her phone from the bedside table, cluttered with Oliver’s stuff, and checked her messages. There was a missing call from Oliver that she missed to attend while in the bathroom, along with a string of messages from both him and Noah. After her previous message, Oliver had sent a couple of selfies, earning a compliment from Noah, which was rare. Despite being together for three years, Noah still seemed somewhat reserved when it came to complimenting his boyfriend—now fiancé. On the other hand, had shared a series of photos of the city where he was with the band.
         She replied with comments about the architectural beauty of the buildings and remarks about the nice weather. She made an effort to write something funny about Oliver’s selfies. Then, she informed them she was in bed, mentioning how cold it felt without them, before bidding them goodnight.  
         Just as she felt herself drifting off to sleep, memories of her mother’s harsh words flooded her mind, shattering any hope of rest and bringing forth fresh tears. Struggling to suppress both the tears and the haunting memories, she shifted in bed, confronted once again by the empty spot Noah should have occupied. 
         Her thoughts transported her back to the last night they had spent together, to the tender way she had traced the lines of the snake tattoo adorning his neck, followed by her affectionate kisses and nibbles before she straddled him, his erection seeking the familiar warmth between her legs that he called home.
         The memory only served to exacerbate her unease and sadness, intensifying the ache of his absence. 
         Sitting up in bed, she cast aside the sheets as a sudden surge of heat enveloped her. She despised how her sobs reverberated off the bedroom walls, amplifying everything she felt. 
         She stared ahead into the darkness for a few seconds until her vision adjusted to the dim visibility of the house shrouded in the night, and when she began to make out the silhouette of the furniture, the corner of the huge rug at the foot of the bed, she saw herself there on her knees, with Oliver standing in front of her but with his back turned to her. He was shirtless, and she was pulling down his jeans and underwear to reveal the snake etched across his lower back and buttocks.
         As she exposed it, a smile played on her lips before she began to trace it with her tongue, slowly. Oliver practically growled into Noah’s mouth, who was in front of him, also shirtless, and holding him close with a hand behind his head, pulling on his hair. 
         With a sob louder and more despairing than before, she rose from the bed, almost angry with the two men for not being there even though it wasn’t their fault. 
         She felt pathetic. 
         Making her way barefoot to the closet, she retrieved one of Oliver’s shirts, then one of Noah’s, and hurried downstairs, nearly tripping over her own feet.  
         Around three in the morning, exhaustion eventually overtook her. She fell asleep on the couch, curled into a corner, the shirts pressed tightly against her chest, each preserving the distinct masculine scent of its owner. She had cried until there were no tears left to shed. 
Taglist: @girlfromrussia-universe | @oro-e-diamanti | @lma1986 | @missduffsblog | @bngurngheart | @winterwinchester | @jilliemiw86 | @sorrowsofsilence | @th4t-em0-k1d | @to-be-written | @nonamessblog | @somebodyels3 | @starsomens | @ditto66 | @dominuslunae | @cookiesupplier | @midnight-eternals | @pennysky | @iknownothingpeople | @cncohshit | @ladyveronikawrites | @blackveilomens | @robabankfuckmickeymouse |@kageyasma | @concretedaddy2018 | @silentglassbreak | @thescarlettvvitch | @sammyjoeee | @pathion | @shilohrosechicken | @skulliecadaver-blog | @anameunmusical | @lobolocaamo |
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