#and i was looking at the plate of salad and fruit with awe
prismelit · 7 days
mediterranean salad with fish and roasted potatoes for dinner. some new things i tried and was very happy about: put dijon mustard on the fish and leave baking tray in the oven as it is pre-heating. try any herbs and mixed spices you like on the potatoes - oh and before roasting in the oven, boil them a bit, GAME CHANGER. and add red chilli flakes on the salad, add parsley if you like, or even mint leaves. so good, so good.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Summer days (Hyrule)
Pairing: Hyrule x reader
Rating: G
Summary: You take Hyrule on a date, and it turns into a pre-proposal
Warning: None
Other: Let me know if I missed anything
You smile as you lead Hyrule through the thicket of trees, your hand in his as the sun warms the earth around you. A large basket in your other hand.
Hyrule giggles as the leaves blow in the soft summer breeze, his eyes trained on you. He looks so smitten even you can see it.
You stop inside the small field surrounded by the trees, wild flowers scattered about.
You set down your basket, the bottled lemonade clinking gently.
You turn back to Hyrule, his gaze transfixed on you.
You laugh, "What is it?"
"You look-" Hyrule pauses, searching for the write word, "Etherial."
"I do?"
Hyrule nods quickly, his mind more than made up on this. The way the light halos from behind you- stunning.
You smile, "Thanks, Rulie. You're very sweet."
Hyrule just smiles, all slow and pleased.
"Help me set this up?" You ask, moving to kneel by the basket.
Inside is a blanket, two bottles of lemonade, two sandwiches, and a large bowl of fruit salad.
Hyrule moves towards you, taking the blanket and spreading it on the ground.
You sit on the blanket and pull out the food, drinks, and dishes.
As you and Hyrule set the spread out, you both giggle as you bump hands. There's nothing quite like the early stages of a relatively, all nervous and giddy.
Though you also know that relationships of many years can be just as wonderful if Time and Malon are anything to go by. And you certainly hope you and Hyrule end up that way.
Once the food has been plated, you settle beside Hyrule, leaning on his gently.
"What were your forests like?" You ask, turning your head to look at him.
"Hm, dense. Very dense- pretty though."
"Did you have clearings like this?"
"Some, usually there was a great fairy around them."
"That sounds really pretty."
"It was... But I really like this clearing too."
"I was really excited to find it."
"I bet. It's stunning. Nothing compared to you but still."
You lean over and kiss his cheek, pulling a giggle from him.
He turns to you with a smile like the sun and freckles scattered like leave in the wind. His eyes almost shine with joy as he stares at you.
"I adore you." Hyrule says, "You're the light of my life."
"Oh-" you flush, not used to such things.
"And one day I will ask you to marry me, when this is all over and we are hopefully still together. "
"I'll say yes." You tell him, reaches out for his face with one hand. "When you ask, I'll say yes."
"Thank the goddess." He breathes out, leaning into your touch.
You smile as you let your hand fall away. Something warm settling in your chest.
"We should have flower crowns at our wedding." He says after a beat, "You'd look beautiful with violets."
You just giggle, "Really?"
"Yeah. Hey- do you want a flower chain?"
"You can make those?"
"Yeah, my sister taught me!"
"I'd love that."
And as the sun sets that evening, you sit holding his hand and leaning against his shoulder with a flower chain around your head.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
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trapped souls | morpheus x f!reader
[summary: Dream isn’t the only being trapped by roderick burgess]
[warning: bullying : angst : blood : violence : fluff ending ]
the fairy made her way downstairs to bring the guards their lunch. making her way downstairs to the basement. she held the silver tray in her hands two plates held sandwiches and some crisps. and some fruit and of course water.
arriving at the gate, “here’s your lunches.” she said, and one of the guards opened the door taking the tray. she walked towards the desk and sat it on the desk.
“y/n, why is there pickles on my sandwich?” one of the guards asked, inspecting his sandwich.
biting her lip and looking down, “I-I’m sorry, I-I forgot.” she said, looking down. he groaned in annoyance, “it’s bloody enough if got to stay up watching this bloke. now I got to deal with you forgetting to not put pickles on my sandwich.” he says angrily, and she just looks down rubbing her arm.
keeping her eyes on the ground. while occasionally glancing at the glass sphere a couple of feet away. “it’s quite simple y/n don’t put pickles on his sandwich,” the other added in, and then inspected his own.
“I-I can make you anoth-” she began but was interrupted.
“don’t even bother you’ll probably the bread.” he joked, laughing and she looked down embarrassed at herself for being so stupid.
“it’ll just be a salad then,” she mumbled under her breath. the guards just glared at the poor fairy, she felt another gaze on her one of that the man trapped inside the glass sphere. he seemed to glare at the guards with disdain. for being so rude to the fairy.
“I-is there anything else?” she asked, looking down. “yes,” one of the guards said causing her to look up.
“go wash yourself you smell like absolute horse shit.” one of them said, and she looked down making her way up the stairs. not before locking eyes with the man inside the glass sphere.
she wiped the dirt off her face with a damp cloth. she looked at herself in the mirror tears brimmed her eyes. as she wished that she was back home with her family. and not trapped and bounded to this place.
she hated roderick burgess he’s the reasons she’s trapped. her life here was miserable being bullied and belittled by the staff, except Alex, and Paul. she dreamed of one day finally returning home to her family to see her mother and father once again.
she continued the day doing chores around the house. making sure everything was clean. she’d catch the occasional glimpse of a raven with black and white fur. she secretly opened one of the windows to get a better look, at the beautiful bird.
“you’re beautiful.” she says, looking at the bird in awe. “you must be his raven,” she says, looking at the bird who stared at her for a bit slowly getting closer to the fairy.
“Jessamy,” she smiled, gently petting the raven. who hummed feeling her gently fingers caressing her fur.
“you’re his loyal raven.” she says, smiling as she continued to pet the raven. “I don’t have any friends maybe you could be mine?” She asked curiously tilting her head to the side.
“everyday it’s the same, I just wish to go home.” she says, as tears brimmed her eyes once more. imagining the meadow the flowerbeds.
“that’s my dream to return home to my parents.” she says, looking at Jessamy who looked at the fairy with sympathy.
“but I’m bound to this house roderick burgess practically owns me. I’m trapped. like your master.” she says, leaning against the windowsill. “I can still hear the music I’d wake up to every morning.” she says, as she looked out the window longingly.
“the smell of freshly backed apple dumplings,” she whispered, sniffling.
that day she decided to help jessamy, to free her master. after starting a fire in Roderick’s office. causing the guards to make their way upstairs to put it out. they swiftly made their way downstairs to the basement.
morpheus looked up noticing the fairy from before, now with Jessamy in her arms. who begins flying towards him to try and break the glass pecking at it.
“we’re going to get you outta here.” she says, grabbing a fire pick and making her way towards th glass sphere.
morpheus didn’t even know who she was, and was already putting her life on the line to break him out.
“my name is y/n,” she says, looking at him. smiling softly, he looked at her taking in all her features.
that seemed to entranced him immediately. he also noticed the countless scars and bruises on her body as well.
she banged on the glass with the fire pick with all her might. over and over and over, until getting a crack on the seemingly impenetrable glass. a smile grew across her cheek as well his.
as they lock eyes for a moment. blood splatters on the glass causing them both to jump, Jessamy. lying on the ground dead.
“no,” she mouthed, turning back to see Alex holding a shot gun. “Idiot! You could’ve shot the glass.” Roderick shouted, looking at Alex ripping the shot gun out of his hands.
Roderick taking notice of [y/n] storms towards her. still holding the fire pick in her hands was about to hit roderick. he smacked her to the ground causing her to fall onto her stomach, and before she could react.
she screamed in pain as her wings were ripped from her back. her throat was raw her breathing labored. and vision blurred. all morpheus could do was stare at her as she laid on the ground. beside his dead raven.
seeing the savagery of his captor only angered, morpheus. [y/n] watched tearfully as roderick destroyed her wings. she cried for having lost Jessamy, failing to help dream escape, and losing her wings. she’d never be able to fly again. even after Roderick’s death, she still along with Morpheus weren’t set free.
Alex knew that if he let her go she’d try to release, Morpheus. she thought she could at least trust Alex but after that day. she never spoke to him again. after losing her wings she didn’t speak much.
she didn’t even feel as if she were a fairy anymore. she missed her wings so much and still felt the phantom pain where they used to be. she was miserable.
ninety six years later.
[y/n] sat on her bed unable to sleep due to the phantom pain. laying on her stomach her head turned facing the corner of her room.
“y/n,” a voice said, causing her to sit up seeing the tall figure standing in her room.
“y-your free!” she said, looking up at him and he walked towards her, “I’m sorry for Jessamy it’s all my fault.” she says, looking down and he shook his head.
bringing his fingers to her chin causing her to look at him, “no, it isn’t your fault.” he whispered.
“you tried to help me escape and in doing so lost your wings.” he said, and she looked down.
“you’ve suffered enough.” he says, and scoops her up into his arms. her face heats up, “Where are you taking me?” she asked, looking down at him.
“Home,” He says. She gasps tears brimming her eyes sniffling. “Thank you,” she whispers, planting a kiss on his cheek.
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Matching my Sunflower's eating pace!
Hobie set up his Smartphone up being at his Sunflower's apartment, they were having lunch. The punker sat on the table while his boyfriend came to set a home cooked meal rice and beans, Puerto Rican tostones, and fresh braised Oxtails. Of course a side of salad just for their daily greens.
The punker's phone went live on their Spdr So-City app. He saw his beautiful partner putting down some ice cold Fruit punch, "Okay, lunch is ready."
"Awe, thanks luv." Hobie saw his plate being more filled than his Suflower's plate. Miles tends to eat smaller portions when he's not skipping meals. "I am starving."
"Me too!" His Sunflower sat next to him, being happy his boyfriend is ready to eat.
Little did he know, Hobie is waiting for him to eat so he can copy him. The Live went on with their friends commenting.
Lupe: Yum! Oxtails!
Gwen: This is gonna be funny!
Pavtri: Oh! Mukbangs?
Miles being unaware started to prepare himself to eat, first he took a sip of his fruit punch. Hobie copies, then sat down just waiting. The Black Latino took out his Smartphones, "Hmmm, what should I watch?" He scrolls through his streaming services to see what show to watch or go on Youtube to find a video to watch.
Hobie just sitting there being hungry, his leg shook being impatient with this.
Gwen: Hahahaha, Miles is a slow eater when he let him eat!😂
Pavtri: For real! Hobie looks like he's starving himself 😆
Miles went on Youtube to find anything to watch, "Oh, MattPat had posted new lore on Fnaf, bae!" He click the video, then got his plate set up with his fork and spoon.
"Oh lovely..." Hobie was being a bit grumpy since he's waiting to eat, he follows his partner's moment.
"Oh shit, I forgot napkins!" His boyfriend got up to get napkins, which left Hobie waiting. When Miles came back, he had to repay the video then goes, "Ohh, I saw this one. Hmm, maybe I can watch a CoryxKenshin? Nah, he hasn't post anything in a while..."
Pav: 5 years later -in SpongeBob's narrator's voice-
Gwen: He's so hungry! Hurry up Miles!
Jess: Was Miles always dis slow? He's like Gerald!
Hobie just staring at his food being dramatic. "What's wrong, bae? You're not touching your food?" His Sunflower noticed him.
"Oh, just waiting."
"Oh? But you normally eat first, bae. Are you getting sick?" Miles went over to touch his boyfriend's forehead to feel his temperature. "Hmm, you seem fine."
"Luv, I'm fine. Um... you're not eating." Hobie casually move the subject to his Sunflower.
"Oh, I'm looking for a video. I'll watch JazzyGun's latest video, she always have something new." He went on his youtube's sub section to pick his favorite game streamer, once he click the video. He pick up a small spoonful of rice before, he was about to put it in his mouth noticing it's cold.
Hobie quickly shove the spoonful of rice in his mouth, then spits it out when he glances at his Sunflower putting his rice back in the plate. "Oh no, it gotten cold. I'ma go warm it up." His Sunflower got up holding his plate, he rushes over to heat up his meal in a microwave for two minutes.
The punker just sat in his spot having to scratch his head and stare at his boyfriend like are-you-serious?
Gwen: Hahaha, he likes his food hot
Pav: Make sense. When your Spider-man you always eat cold, or shove down your snack to go to the next mission.
Peter: Yup!
Jess: I love my food hot, especially when I have free time.
MJ: Food is best when it's hot and ready! I always told Peter to never eat anything cold, it doesn't taste as good.
Miles came back with his plate steaming, "Oh, bae. your food got cold?"
Hobie looks at his plate, "Um, yeah."
"You want me to heat it up for you." His hand reaches for the plate, but Hobie shook his head.
"No, luv. It's fine-" His boyfriend stubbornly took his plate, "No, it's good cold! It's okay, I'll heat it up for you." He took his partner's plate to warm it up in the microwave.
Hobie sat there looking at his smartphone as he mouthed, "I am starving!" He never thought his Sunflower was this slow to eat, his stomachs painfully growling for food, rubbing it to ease it.
Lupe: Hahaha, he's HUN-GRAY!
Jess: Miles is exactly like Gerald. My lil man takes forever to eat, he needs everything in order before munching and he got this from his daddy. Miles might take another ten minutes to eat 😂
Pav: I wonder where Miles get it from? I never seen his parents eat soo 🤔
Gwen: I wonder too!
Peter: RIP on Hobie's stomach, he's never eating 😭
Miles came back with Hobie's plate being steaming hot, then saw his boyfriend being quiet. "What's wrong?" He pouted.
"Nuthin'. Um.. you're not eating?" Hobie watching his Sunflower sitting back on his spot.
"I will! What about you?" Miles snuggles against him before going back to his Smartphone to rewind the video he let it play.
Hobie's dramatically growl being loud and proud which causes his boyfriend to jump, "Bae? Why you're not eating? You're hungry!"
"No-no, it's fine." The punker shrug it off.
Miles arched his eyebrow, "Your being weird." Then he went back to his video, before he giggles at the streamer being scared through the game play. Then he took his spoon which Hobie finally follows, then dig into his rice and bean into his mouth and chews slowly.
Pav: Ohh not, Miles takes small bites 😆
Gwen: Jebus! 😩 I dont get y Hobie is doin this challenge
Peter: The lil bit of rice on the spoon 😭
Peni: He eats so slow!
Hobie chews the same pace as his boyfriend noticing he's a fast chewer, and waiting for another spoonful. Then, Miles dig into his salad taking one thick lettuce into his mouth and chews. Hobie copies as he tries to play off that he's okay with this, his eyes on them oxtails and waiting for it. He knows his friends are making fun of him being so stressed out about eating this slow.
His Sunflower stares at the phone screen without taking another bite, he took a sip of his fruit punch. Then, took one oxtail to eat and slurp the bone, Hobie follows but saw the way Miles still took his sweet time getting all the meat off the bone. Hobie had to double look to find his boyfriend slurping the bone a bit too much.
Gwen: 😂 he's thinking about someone, huh?
Pav: 😂😂😂😂😂
Peni: Opp, who is it! 🤭
"Luv. Luv. Sunflower," Hobie had to stop his boyfriend from slurping the bone.
"Hm?" Big doe eyes staring at him so innocently.
The Punker commented, "Yuh slurpin' a bit too much there."
"I like the juice." Miles commented before going back.
Hobie quickly had to stop him again, "Luv, uhh, it's a bit too erotic."
"You know, it's like your thinking about someone..."
Miles' stares at him then a smirk appeared on his face, "And? What if I am?" He went back to slurping his bone, making his punker look dumbfounded.
"Stop playing around, Hobie. I wanna eat. You should eat too! Your not eating," His Sunflower hums, "Your food is gonna get cold."
"No, wait, luv. You are-" Hobie saw his Sunflower giggle, "Duh, it's you but seriously, I'm just eating. Take a joke, bae!" He set the bone of oxtail aside then grab another one. "Mm, these came out good, huh?"
"Yeah, very juicy." Hobie nodded before he took another one eating slow.
Miles watching his partner slowly eating, "Bae, you don't like it?"
"What? No, I do. It's just-" His Sunflower pouting, "You never eat this slow, what's wrong? By now, you'll be on your second plate!"
"It's just I'm not that hungry." Hobie tries to play it off, then his stomach growling out loud being so dramatic.
Miles frowns, "You hate it, don't you!" He looks so upset, now.
"No! Nono, luv!" Hobie reassured him by holding his boyfriend in his arms, letting him sit on his lap, "It's freakin' delicious! Lovely, fantastic! I'm just doing the prank." He pointed at his phone.
Miles gasps then laughs at the Punker's phone being on live, "BAE! You had me worry!" He kisses his Hobie's cheek a couple of times, "You know, I eat slow why you put yourself through that? No wonder you're being cranky!"
Hobie chuckles having to kiss his Sunflower and snuggle him, "Luv, everyone expected me to do this prank! Ugh, now that's over I can eat!" He went over to his plate having two big spoonfuls of rice and beans then went to bite on an oxtails already munching and swallowing. Miles went to take his punker phone to zoom in on his boyfriend's mouth shoving food and giggling at the comments.
Lupe: Thank gawd, my boi is eating!
Gwen: Finally!
Pav: He's never doing this, again! 😂
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gusherguy · 1 year
Sweet as honey as she is, Honey doesn't often visit cafes. A bit too social for her tastes. In front of others, Honey is shy and meek—she speaks in whispers and moves like she's just barely clinging to reality, ready to cry at the slightest provocation. Ater overindulging on too much cake and milk, she simply has to get sick. She's prone to vomit on the best of days, but this particular bout of queasiness feels unusually harsh.
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I notice how ill Honey looks already and smile. I want her queasy. She is so cute when she's sick. Even though she has demolished a whole cake, five cupcakes, a fruit salad and two cups of decadent pudding, I'm sure she can fit more in there. i pass her a milkshake and command "Drink as much as you can of this."
Honey takes the milkshake and drinks it right there on the spot. She's never refused a command in all her life. What's more, she can't help but blush as she does so because, well, it's me giving out the command. As Honey sips and savors, her pale cheeks flush red all the while. She is absolutely adorable.
The milkshake is added to the sick weight in Honey's stomach. I reach over and rub her bloated belly gently. "Look at you, you ate so much. You must feel so sick huh?"
Honey gives a muffled grunt in the middle of another sip and nods. "I-I just feel awful..." she whines. She feels heavier than usual, but she doesn't seem to mind. The sight of her belly bulging so round and full is making my heart race. "Aw, Honey." I kiss her and taste sweet saliva. "Are you really gonna get sick in public?"
"I....i might. I feel—urp!" Honey begins to retch, but she chokes down the bile, which leaves her looking slightly green. She moans and leans against me, heat radiating off her skin. Where better to get sick than right here, in a cozy little cafe with its warm, comfortable atmosphere... and with me, at her side? Even though she'd never say it out loud, she's more than comfortable getting sick in public. She knows it's part of who she is.
"Oh? What do you feel?" I prod her. "If you can't even speak, maybe you should finish your plate. You want to be a good girl and not waste, right?" I held out another spoonful of cake to her mouth. Honey is so beautiful like this, just seconds from spewing, so full and round and cute.
"Mm-mmhh!" Honey grumbles, and her eyes water as she attempts to chew and swallow as much as she can. A trickle of drool spills down the corner of her mouth as she does her best to hold it all down. What a good girl! Her round belly and flushed face are absolutely adorable. "My tummy's r-really feeling like it's had enough."
"You had enough, Honey?" I kissed the drool off her face and chuckle quietly. "How full is your tummy? It sure looks ready to burst, huh?"
"Mm-hmm.." Honey sniffles, her round belly writhing and gurgling beneath my touch. "Y-yeah...I feel like i'm gonna explode...." The heat radiating from her bloated body is almost too much and her skin has a sheen of sweat upon it—yet she still looks eager for more food. There's nothing more beautiful and sexy, in fact, than watching Honey eat... her eyes widening and brightening to the mere sight of food, her mouth opening so wide as she accepts and chomps and gulps down each bite. The very definition of an adorable glutton.
Honey is so cute and beautiful I can barely contain myself. And she seems barely able to contain her stomach contents. I see her swallow a big gulp of milk and then almost burp it right back up seconds later. "Honey baby, you're gonna make a big mess in public again, aren't you?" I croon into her ear.
A tiny, high-pitched "Mhm!" is all Honey can manage in response. She's never been so sick, so full and uncomfortable before—yet so happy! What could possibly be better than spending a day gorging herself until it all blows back up, right in my loving arms? "Urrrpllhh! Ugh...." The world certainly seems to agree. A whole café has fallen silent, and every pair of eyes is fixed on her as Honey's eyes widen and she lets out a monstrous belch. Her stomach rumbles even louder, a gurgle of warning.
I move the plates aside so that Honey can spew onto the table. "Poor baby, look at that stomach. You look almost pregnant." I press just a little on her tummy and enjoy the feeling of it clench and gurgle under my touch. "You're so beautifully full, Honey. You did such a good job."
With a soft whine, Honey burps and barfs onto the table, the acidic smell filling the air as a stream of ice cream and half-digested bites of cake follow suit. And this is just the first retch for the poor little stuffed cutie—she'll surely let many more follow! But no matter how sick she gets, she'll only grow cuter and more desirable. Honey's round, bloated tummy is a feast for the eyes, and she knows it—what's life without a little suffering, after all?
"Ohh, good job baby. Get it up." I stroke her cheek and wipe the drool off her lips. Her vomit smells sweet, like the sweets she ate. the warm pile slowly dripping off the table arouses me. "Honey, turn and face me when you puke, alright?" I order her.
Honey does as she's told, and before she can let out another retch, she turns herself to face me. Her bloated belly presses out against her shirt and strains at the buttons of her dress. She looks more than eager to make a mess for me, and she gives my words her full attention as she raises her eyebrows in a hopeful gaze. "Yes, sir." It almost pains her to say it, but her master calls the shots.
I chuckle approvingly when she says yes sir. Honey knows that I'm her loving master, here to take care of her. I unbutton my pants to let my hard-on free. Under the table, nobody can see, but its an exciting feeling. "Mmmn. Good job, baby. Again." I tell her, moaning quietly.
"Y-you're enjoying this, aren't you, sir?" Honey blushes furiously despite her illness at the realization that her master is so aroused by her pain and suffering. There is a gleam of excitement in her eyes, however, and while she feels so ill that her brain almost feels fuzzy, she's happy nonetheless—oh, just to see him enjoying himself so!
I lean in and kiss her vomit covered lips. "I enjoy everything about you, Honey. You're beautiful inside and out. and right now, I want your insides out." I pressed on her stomach, pulling her in close as if to hug her. but in reality I am squeezing to get up more of her stomach contents.
That did the trick. A massive belch issues forth from Honey's lips and her legs buck as she vomits all over the table once more. This time, however, it's not just cake: this particular torrent of food is followed by a stream of partially digested milk, and when she's done, a good half of the table is covered in a slimy, acidic substance. The stench hangs in the air and turns the stomach of even the sturdiest onlookers. Honey's eyes brim with tears, but she's more proud than ever: what a mess!
I moan deeply at the sensation of warm chunks plopping onto my crotch. I shiver and kiss Honey again. "Good job. You're so beautiful baby. it all just comes out of you like a river. a river of cake." I poke her belly button, eliciting a gurgle from her intestines. "Still sick, love? Get it all up for me."
And now that she's started flowing, it seems as if Honey can't stop. The food simply won't quit! She got on her knees on the seat and leans over my crotch as she burps, hiccups and burps again. She lets herself spew all over me, the table, herself, again and then again, each successive belch and each successive wave of vomit feeling hotter and stickier than the last. It's a wonderful thing to behold: her body is doing its part, expelling and disgorging, and now all she has to do is let the flow follow its course. It's beautiful and sexy watching her get sick like this; she really is the most beautiful of little gluttons, isn't she?
I shiver with arousal. i can't help it; Honey is so sick and sexy. I can't resist leaning in as i see her jerk in a heave, and catch a spew of semi digested cake in my own mouth. It's warm and sweet and slimy and its wonderful to see how Honey reacts to my worship of her.
The sight of her master savoring her vomit is—well, in a word, exciting! It thrills Honey to see me taking such pleasure in her pain and suffering. How could it not? What could make a girl happier than to see her master enjoying such a wonderful spectacle, the result of her diligent labor? She's done good, hasn't she?
I swallowed her vomit and smiled. It turned my stomach in a way that made me start to edge. I moaned and pulled Honey close. "Baby, I need to come - give me one more spew Honey, one more-"
Another series of intense, violent retches follows on cue. This final spurt of vomit is by far the greatest, for it contains everything Honey has eaten thus far, from the milk to the cakes to the ice cream to the heavy, chocolatey pudding, all in one. Even the table cannot contain its length and power, and quite a few gawkers are even made to gag from the smell that wafts into the air. This, then, marks the end of Honey's sick day—but not the end of her misery, for her belly is bound to ache for days now.
I jerk and gasp as I come in my pants. Honey's display is more beautiful and sexy than anything i've seen yet. "Oh god…baby, you're wonderful …i'm so lucky to have you." I wiped her mouth and stroked her hair.
And once the retching stops and her stomach's final volley of bile is ejected, Honey's face lights up once more. She smiles broadly and beams an expression of pure ecstasy. She did good! She made daddy happy! What other girl could hope to produce such a marvelous display of sickness and pain? Certainly not another girl in the entire world! How could any other woman compete with her as a glutton for food or a glutton for suffering? She is simply the best, and she looks up at her master with big, sparkling eyes that say as much.
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optimismxmagicism · 9 months
Ewan in Fodlan!
Personal Info:
Gender: Male (transmasc) Birthday: 22nd day of the Harpstring Moon (May 22nd) Age: 14 Height: 145cm Weight: 38 KG Crest/Holy Blood: N/A Class: Blue Lions Affiliation: Gerik’s Mercenaries, Caer Pelyn
Personal History:
Magvel 791 - Was born to a wealthy merchant couple in Jehanna To protect him, Tethys took him from their home and fled. Grew up on the streets of Jehanna’s capital with his sister, Tethys.
Magvel 799 - Was found and recruited by Gerik’s Mercenaries
Magvel 800 - Started tutelage under Saleh in Caer Pelyn
Magvel 803 - Participated in the war of stones, joining Princess Eirika in her battle against the Demon King.
Magvel 805 - Received a letter of acceptance and traveled to Fodlan, joining the officer’s academy as a student of the Blue Lion house.
Interests: Studying Magic, harmless pranks, Likes: Learning, Magic experiments, brain teasers, sharing sweets with his loved ones, eating sweets, playing pranks on friends, Dancing. Dislikes: Poverty, the dark, being alone for too long, being made fun of for his height, spiders, going to bed hungry, lecherous men. Status: Student to the Great Sage Saleh and junior member of Gerik’s Mercenaries
Close Allies: in TOA: Erk, L’arachel Outside: Tethys, Saleh, Gerik, Marisa
Dining Hall Preferences
Likes: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Onion Gratin Soup, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich
Dislikes: Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Cheesy Verona Stew, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Gautier Cheese Gratin.
Dining Hall Quotes
Favorite Dish
“Wow! This is seriously tasty! Do ya think they used magic to make it?”
Least favorite dish
“Uh…. I’m not hungry right now. ..what? No dessert?! Aw… okay..”
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Honeyed-Fruit Blend
Favored Topics
A place you'd like to visit / Books you've read recently / Children at the market / Cooking mishaps / I’m counting on you / Our first meeting / Past Laughs / Reliable allies / Someone you look up to / Tell me about yourself / Thanks for everything / The library’s collection / The view from the bridge / Working together / You seem well / You’re doing great work / Favorite sweets / Shareable snacks / Books you’ve reach recently / Heart-racing memories / Hopes for your future / Dreamy Knights
Tea Time Quotes
“Thanks for the invite! I always enjoy drinking tea with a friend!”
Favorite Tea
“Ohhh, this is my favorite! Sis sometimes bought it for me as a treat!”
5 star tea
“Gosh, are you sure you wanna spend such a fancy tea on me? Well hey, thank you!”
Being Observed
“Aw, do I have something on my face again? I can wipe it off myself, I’m not a child!” "What is it? Am I just so adorable you can't look away?" "I can see the clarity in your eyes! ..That's what teacher sometimes says, hehe." "You can poke my cheek- it's soft, I promise!"
Introducing Own Topic
“I was studying before you called me here, so getting the chance to relax is so nice!” “Have you ever tried tea made from mountain herbs? It’s surprisingly sweet!” "This school is so fancy.. Kid me would've never imagined attending such a place!" "I wonder how my big sis is doing. I should send her a letter again sometime..." "You're not my first teacher, did you know that? I'm studying magic under someone else too!" "I wonder who got the idea to put leaves in hot water.. I wonder if other plants would work too..." "Hey so, I've been thinking about designing Pegasus-pulled carriages! What do you think? Doesn't that sound fun?" "The air here is so nice. So much better than dry desert air, yuck!" "There's so many pretty people here- but none are as pretty as my big sis!"
“Hm?” “Oh!” “Yeah!”
“Ahh.. I feel so refreshed already! Thanks so much for the tea, Professor!”
Misc. Dialogue
Gift Guide
Favorite Gifts: Armored Bear Stuffy, Board Game, Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads Disliked Gifts: Blue Cheese, Smoked Meat, Training Weight
Gift Quotes
Disliked gift
“Uhh.. Oh, here’s a magic trick! One, two, three.. and poof! It’s gone!“
Liked gift
“Oh, wowzers! Thank you!”
Favorite gift
“Whoa, is it really okay for me to have this?! I'll have so much fun with it, thanks!”
Lost Items
Doodled Tome - A beginner spell tome full of juvenile doodles, much to the original owner’s chagrin. It probably belongs to a scatterbrained mage. Location found: dormitories
Dancer’s Bracelet - An ornate bracelet usually worn by dancers outside of Fodlan. It’s held on a string, as if to be worn as a necklace. It probably belongs to someone close to a dancer who’s too small to wear it properly. Location found: library
Ribbon Staff - A healing staff decorated with flashy red ribbons, perfect for use on stage. Probably belongs to a mage that likes to show off a little. Location found: Classrooms
Lost Item Quotes
“Ooh, I was wondering where I dropped that! Thanks so much for finding it!”
Not owner
“No, that doesn’t look familiar to me. Should I use magic to figure out who's the owner?”
Battle Quotes
Mock Battle Retreat
“Owie! Aw.. I guess I still have a lot to learn after all..”
First Kill
“I.. I took on magic to protect my friends, but this is… so much blood…”
Monastery Lines
Choir Practice
“La La laaaaa~ Ehehe, surprised? I used to sing all the time with my sister!”
“Hey, do you think this would go well with what we’re making? …no? Aw, okay.”
“Huh?! What went wrong here?! Aw, boo..”
Console: “Thank you.. I-I’ll do better next time, promise!” Critique: “Yikes, that’s harsh! I was trying my best!”
“Heehee, that was no problem at all!”
“Did you see that?! Are you proud of me, Teacher?”
Praise: “Aw, shucks, I’m blushing.. keep it coming though!”
Stable Duty
“Aww, you're such a cutie, aren't you? Want a sugar cube- OW! Don't bite my hand!”
Weeding / Clearing Rubble
“Ow, my back is starting to hurt.. why don’t we take a break soon?”
Sky Watch
“W-Whoa, we’re so high up! Don’t drop me, okay Pegafriend?”
Certification Exams
“Aw, what the heck? I totally thought I nailed that one!”
“Woohoo! Do I look more like a great sage yet? Huh? Do I?”
Lecture Questions
“Hey teacher, I have a question!”
“Hey so, I sometimes hear people say magic is lame and that makes me so mad! Yet when I confront them they just laugh me off and call me a pipsqueak.. how should I get rid of them?”
OK: “Just ignore them, they aren’t worth your time.” Bad: “Have you thought about bulking up a little?” Good: “Give them a demonstration! Show em who’s boss!”
Bad Answer
“Uh.. if you say so!”
Good Answer
“Yeah, I totally thought so too!”
Update Goals
“I wanna be a great sage like my teacher back home as soon as I can, which means achieving total mastery over anima magic! To that end, please help me train my reason skills!”
“I fight to keep everyone safe, but sometimes injury is unavoidable right? If I can heal everyone I can be even more helpful! So please, help me train in Faith!”
“I’m not one for swordfighting, but my sister and everyone else in the mercenary company knows how to use them! So maybe a little practice would be good, what do you think?”
Level Up
0 to 2 stats up
“Maybe I should just take it easy for a little bit…”
3 to 4 stats up
“Hey, not bad, not bad at all!”
5 stats up
“With magic like this, I’ll protect everyone!”
6 stats up
“Wahoo! I’ll catch up soon Teacher! You’ll be so proud of me!”
Upon reaching level 99
“Whoa… I’m already so strong, yet I don’t have a wizard beard… phew.”
Budding Talent
“Heehee, I’m just a treasure trove of surprises, huh?”
New Skill
“Ooh, I wonder what I can do with this!”
“Hehe, what do you think of this snazzy new look? Am I tough? Or adorable?”
Battle Quotes
When selected
Full/High HP
“Ooh, I’ll help!”
Medium HP
“Still got energy to spare!”
Low HP
“I’m.. a little worn out.”
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
“That’s all?” “Whoops!”
Critical Attack
“I’ll protect us all!” “Woo, watch me go!” “This show’s over!” “Magicaboom!” “Like a great sage would!”
“Let’s do this everyone!”
Gambit Boost
“You can count on me!”
Defeated Enemy
“Oh! I won!” “How do ya like them apples?!” “My magic’s the best!” “Are you proud of me, teacher?”
Ally Defeats Enemy
“Wow, you were so strong!” “Heehee, don’t hog all the spotlight!” “Hey, could you teach me how to do that?”
Ally Heals/Rallies
“Feeling SO much better!” “Yay, thank you!” “Just what I needed!”
Death/Retreat Quote
“Ow ow ow OW! That was too much! Sorry guys, Time to exit… stage left..”
"Why can’t I.. move? I don’t.. Sis.. Teacher.. I’m so sorry, I completely… messed up…”
5 notes · View notes
Thranduil and Josie Pt. 119- Sealed With A Kiss
Summary: Catherine's jealousies grow. The feast begins. Josie loses her cool. She and Legolas make up. A wild afterparty takes place. A familiar face offers a toast. Josie is overwhelmed. A long kept damaging secret surfaces. Some magic is felt. Thranduil is free. Gollum feels betrayed. Legolas confesses and acts. He receives a shocking visitor.
*Warnings* Angst, alcohol use, language, infidelity mentions
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Catherine had observed Stephane's interaction with you on the patio and it was more than clear to her that he was falling for you...and that, she simply could not allow. She had then snuck off to Narcisse's master chambers that he had offered to you and began looking through your things, for she knew nothing about you, only that you were the widow of the notorious Elvenking....and as far as she was concerned, there was only room for one Queen in Lord Narcisse's life and it wouldn't be you.
She went to the vanity, fondling all of your jewelry, make up and perfume, wondering where you had gotten all of it, for what she knew, you had came there with nothing but the clothes on your back and a baby in your belly. It infuriated her because she just knew Narcisse had been the giver of these expensive things.
Then, something caught her eye on the desk. Your mother's black spell book that Lestat had retrieved for you. The same one caroline had tried burning. Catherine went and sat down, cautiously opening it because she could feel the evil within it.
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After briefly viewing the contents, she felt this to be of great use to her and went to leave with it, until something else caught her eye sticking out from under your pillow. As she looked it over, she realized it was a letter you wrote to your King as his name was inscribed on the back with a a lipstick kiss over it. She desperately wanted to read it to learn more but knew she could not because you had placed a wax seal on it, so she put it back and left.
There was so much food, you didn't know where to start. Every corner of the hall had tables filled with it from edge to edge. A dessert table, a wine, cheese and crackers table, a breads, salads and fruits table and then a very large one in the center that had all the main courses and sides. Then there was the dining table in the center of the hall that must have been a mile long.
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You gathered items onto your plate that you could actually recognize and then sat down beside Lola and Leean. Haldir sat on your other side and Legolas sat beside Lola, speaking to her throughout the meal and said nothing to you. It hurt you deeply but you understood why he was upset with you, for you had hurt him too by choosing to go to Lorien with Haldir instead of back to Mirkwood with him and thanks to Narcisse's big mouth, Legolas found out that way before you had a chance to tell him yourself.
Narcisse sat at the other end of the elongated table with Catherine at his side, who you could feel burning a hole right through you with her eyes. She certainly wasn't what you imagined Stephane's type to be, but then again, what did you really even know about him.
You briefly spoke with Haldir throughout dinner and merely picked at your food, staring at your plate. Your mind kept drifting to Thranduil and how he should be sitting at your side back in his halls for such a grand feast....and your dad should be there too. Something felt terribly wrong about Julian's disappearance, but there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it.....and Garrett...you were missing the idiotic jerk something awful, wishing you and Leean could just fly away with him and never look back on this life of pain. All of the chatter in the room echoed in your ears as tears began to sting your eyes.
Everyone was on the dessert course and Leean was fussing. You were so over this gathering already.
"I am going to take her back to my room and feed her, then tuck her in. Lola, are you ready?"
She didn't hear you as she was busy giggling over Legolas's lame jokes. You could tell she fancied him considering her cheeks were as red as the wine on the table.
"Lola??!" you snapped. "I am ready to go....if you could find the time to tear yourself off of the King."
You couldn't believe you just called him that...but, that was what he was now. Legolas was stunned by not only your addressing of him, but your rudeness as well....and so was Haldir.
"Oh, yes. Apologies my lad...I mean Josie." Lola squeaked.
"Jo...you are coming back for the after party I hope?" Haldir asked.
You glanced at Legolas with slitted eyes, wanting to say no and just run away forever.
"If I can settle this nauseated feeling in my stomach." you snarked and then left.
After putting Leean to bed, you apologized to Lola and then decided to go back to the party as you were just too wound up to rest. You had to make things right with Legolas or you would never sleep this night....and you just didn't want to be alone anymore. You had gotten used to having Legolas stay with you and now you were regretting your decision to have him leave.
You searched the dining hall for him but most of the people had gone outside to take advantage of the un peculiar warm weather. There were multiple boats about on the smooth and peaceful bay for a ride under the stars and tents near the shore filled with food and drinks....and even fireworks lighting up the night sky as people danced and partied about. To your amazement, they were your favorite color...purple.
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As you walked around hunting for your lost elves, you saw Catherine conversing with another woman. She certainly noticed you as well and stared you down as she drank from her silver chalice. It was obvious she was speaking about you as both women gazed upon you indiscreetly.
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You didn't even know her and already wanted to smack her smug face, especially after what she did to Narcisse and his horse.
Finally, you saw Haldir and Legolas, beer tins in hand, standing by the water watching the illuminated art in the sky. You poured yourself a glass of wine and went over to them, standing right beside Legolas without saying a word as you also watched the sparkling display. You then glanced at Haldir who picked up on the fact that you wanted to be alone with Legolas.
"I am going to go join the party in the cellar. I will see you both inside later."
Haldir lightly bowed to you with a smile and left.
Legolas knocked back his ale and sat his cup on the ground, then looked at you.
"Would you care to dance with me my lady?"
You drank down your wine and dropped your cup, then threw your arms around him, leaving him shocked with his hands hovering in the air behind you. Slowly, he wrapped them around you and squeezed you tight.
"Leggy, I am so sorry. I cannot take it when you are upset with me, I just can't. I was going to tell you, I swear but I only had just decided it moments prior to arriving in the hall...all because Narcisse is the one who asked me to leave." you explained as you whimpered and sniffled into his neck.
He brought his face to yours immediately.
"He asked you to leave? Why would he do that?"
"Her..." you snarled and gaped over in Catherine's direction. "Apparently, Stephane feels she could be a threat to me over her jealousies. He told me she killed his horse because she was told about him kissing me. Did you know he was involved with her?"
"I am aware of who she is but did not realize they were involved. My father and I dealt with him strictly on business as you know, but I am sure he was aware of it.....why was Narcisse putting his mouth upon you anyways?" Legolas asked with a bitter tone and a look that could kill.
"I do not know. He just did it....and I...smacked him for it too."
Legolas chuckled. "I wish I could have witnessed that, although I would rather not ever see his or anyone's lips upon yours."
His tone was envious and his dilated eyes told you that he wanted to be the one kissing you as he gazed down into yours....and for a moment, you thought he was going to do just that, but then he stopped himself.
"I am sorry also, for reacting the way I did. I realize now that it is what Narcisse wanted and I also realize that Catherine may have valid reasons to be jealous. I have noticed it too...the way he looks upon you."
"I have an idea. How about we do not speak about Lord Narcisse tonight and go join Haldir...and have a little fun for once? I truly need it...."
Legolas smiled and picked up yours and his cups. "Only if we can finish this dance later?"
You smiled back. "Deal."
You and Legolas arrived in the never ending cellar and it was packed full of party goers, many whom were from the city and didn't have much. That was one good thing about Narcisse. He actually did have a heart somewhere under that macho attitude and chest.
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"Jo! Lego!! Over here!" Haldir shouted through all the chaos.
You and Legolas made your way through the crowd as he held you close against him to protect you from the rude drunken men that he immediately noticed ogling you.
You sat down at the table with Haldir and Aragorn. Where the hell had he been, you wondered. The last time you saw him was right before your water broke. You sure wished Arwen had been with him as you missed her and her loveliness.
Legolas got you and himself a beer and then sat down beside you. There wasn't a lick of wine at this party. Straight up beer by the kegs. This would be a first time for you in tasting the Dorwinion wicked ale. Once you took a sip, you then understood all the rave about it. It was absolutely delicious.
Legolas introduced you to Gimli the dwarf, who you learned had been with Aragorn in Dorwinion city since they returned with Legolas after they found the prince on his way there just moments after Garrett rescued him from the black sea.
"Oh my, I have heard stories of King Thranduil's Queen and they do not disappoint. What a beautiful young lass. It is nice to meet you my lady."
Aragorn must have told him about you. You could only imagine what he said considering all the past times spent with Aragorn were all chaotic, from witches, dark elves and a dragon just to name a few.
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You smiled politely at the drunken dwarf who had beer foam in his long beard and shaggy hair.
All was going good as you all drank and laughed, talking about normal things. It was quite refreshing to let loose for awhile...and even more refreshing to see Legolas smiling for he too had been through so much.
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"SO who's ready for some fun." Gimli cheered. "Last one standing wins!"
"I am." Legolas quickly replied and stood up as someone handed him a beer.
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"Legolas?" you asked as you peered up at him.
"It's a drinking game." he explained as he glanced down at you.
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"I realize that, but...are you sure you want to do that?"
"I am more than sure my lady. Remember, we came in to have some fun for once?"
"If getting sauced is fun, then by all means, go for it." you chuckled sarcastically as you worried for him.
"My tolerance is quite high. I am an elf remember?"
That made you worry even more as you rolled your eyes at him.
Beer after beer Legolas drank in competition with Gimli who was clearly already inebriated and would lose rather quickly at that pace.
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The table filled quickly with empty mugs and you soon saw the dopey dwarf was beginning to lean backwards. You swiftly got up as he hit the ground flat on his back. The look on Legolas's face was priceless as you burst out into laughter as did Haldir and Aragorn.
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Legolas then looked over at you with a pleased smirk.
"Game over."
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The night went on with loud music and laughter as people danced and stumbled about throughout the overcrowded area. You were beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic and overheated.
A bell then rang as Aragorn got up.
"I would like for all of us to take a moment of silence to honor a great King who has fallen. A King many of you know through his dealings here with his beloved vintage and then others of us here know on a personal level. The King of Mirkwood, Thranduil."
Your heart skipped a beat and almost stopped as you were not expecting this, nor was Legolas who was now standing right against you. His fingers slowly intertwined in yours as you both continued to listen.
"Those I speak of would be his son, Prince Legolas Greenleaf, who will now take his father's reign as King...and Thranduil's beautiful Queen Josephine whom he adored more than life itself...and the miraculous birth of his daughter Leeanduil. A great tragedy and loss had been suffered and will be felt for all of eternity by those who loved him. Legolas, my friend, I know you will continue to make your father proud and I know he will always be watching over you, Josephine and his daughter....and I swear to you both, those responsible will pay dearly for what they have cost you. Raise your glasses in a toast to the Elvenking....to King Thranduil!"
Every single person in the room stood attentively and cheered , then tipped their cups.
"To King Thranduil!!!!" All roared.
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As happy as this made you, it also hit you hard that he was really gone. Something your mind had always known but your heart had refused to believe....until now. You choked back the tears and slowly walked away.
"Josie, wait..." Legolas called and began to go after you until his arm was seized by Haldir.
"Can you ever just let her be alone when she wants to be? You follow her like a dog. Let her breathe."
"Remove your hand from my arm before I remove your hand from your arm." Legolas sneered through his teeth.
"She did not ask for you to go with her. Give her some space for once. You are always right on top of her...just as I saw the other night."
"Are you really doing this right now? Is that what this is all about? Because you saw me in bed with her trying to keep her warm from almost freezing to death? What place do you even have to speak your opinions of my father's wife??"
"I suppose about as much right as you do yes? She is your father's wife and you say that as if it actually means something to you, which we both know better than that Legolas. You have been doting on her way before he even died."
Legolas chuckled and stepped into Haldir's face.
"And you did not? Shall we speak about all of your indiscretions regarding my father's wife while you hypocritically condemn mine?"
"I am not his son nor was I married while doing so."
"But Josie was and Tauriel has nothing to do with this. Any feelings I developed for Josie were after my wife's unfaithful bout with my father and her lies about it when I found out the entire truth. None of this matters anymore so I suggest you keep it that way for Josie's sake. There is no reason she needs to know this. It will only hurt her."
"I would never intentionally hurt her....and we both know Legolas, that your feelings went further back than that....and now, you are just pissed off that she chose to go to Lorien with me."
"Only because she cannot handle the memories right now that my father's halls hold, otherwise she would have chosen Mirkwood. Whatever it was you had with her, that ship sailed ages ago. You're never going to be with her Haldir."
"And you are?" he chuckled. "All she sees in you in Thranduil."
Legolas and Haldir were so deep into their usual bickering that they didn't realize you had not left. You had been standing close by listening to it all. You then snuck out in tears after what you had just heard.
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You walked out into the yard, heading towards the bay as you cried so hard. It just couldn't be true, that more than a kiss was shared between Tauriel and Thranduil. Is this what Legolas tried to tell you on the boat when he was angry... when he said there was something you did not know about your King?
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"Thranduil..." you squeaked out loud. "I'm so lost and confused. You...you would never have done that to me...it cannot be true. I know you had a bad habit of keeping secrets to protect me, but not something like that. Ok, who am I kidding, of course you would...God I just wish you were here to defend yourself because I don't know what to believe now."
Suddenly, this overwhelming feeling came over you, stopping you dead in your tracks. A warm glowing light briefly grazed over your skin that felt like Thranduil's special touch, wiping your tears with the back of his fingers or maybe even a soft kiss on your cheek.
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"Thranduil??" Raven whispered as she peeked inside his open door. She found him in deep thought and holding what appeared to be a letter to his lips with his eyes closed and compressed.
"Please feel me my love." he mumbled against the paper and kissed it.
"Uh.. not to interrupt your lovey moment but there's no time for this shit right now. You'll have plenty of time to make up with my sister but not if you keep fucking around and Jareth wakes up!" Raven barked in panic.
Thranduil snapped his head to her with an ominous glare and stormed past her, shoving the last letter he wrote you in his pocket and leaving the rest behind.
"W....ww...wait! Where are you going??"
"To get that violin, my swords and my gear. Take me to them now! Gollum, stay here and distract Jareth if he awakens."
"We cannot fight the goblin king! and we has a deal to gets the violins and heals us!"
"And you did not bring it to me. That was your task and you failed."
"Here. If he wakes up, just beat him in the head with this."
Raven handed him a large rock and smirked.
Gollum became extremely angry. "Noooooooooo!! It is not fair! We hads a deal with the King!! We are going to gets the violins, not you!!!!"
He threw the rock at Raven, striking her on the knee.
"OWW! You little fucker! I am the one who freed Thranduil. You did nothing but cower behind a tree like you're doing now! You wouldn't even take the ring off of Jareth's finger you little maggot!" She raged as she hobbled over to him with threatening orange eyes.
This time, Gollum wasn't afraid, but filled with pure indignation.
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Ravens jaw dropped as she gasped in shock, then shoved him on his back. Gollum cowered and screamed at her.
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"I'll set you on fire right now if you don't do as the King told you." Raven retorted and then turned to find Thranduil gone.
"Shit...Thranduil!!" she yelled and ran off after him.
"Josie!" Legolas called as he came jogging up to you. "Are you alright my lady?"
You barely heard him as you kept looking all around, trying to make sense out of what you just felt.
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"I...I...think....Legolas, I think Thranduil just touched me...I...I felt him...I still feel him. I have been asking him so much lately to communicate with me if he was able to...and...I think he just did! From the other side....like he did in the mirror at Lestat's."
You then turned to Legolas in desperation.
"Legolas...is it true? Did my husband sleep with Tauriel?"
"What? Josie, you must be..."
"Don't! Legolas...I heard your conversation with Haldir. I had stayed because I heard you both shouting. Now tell me the truth. Is that what you were going to tell me on the boat when we were fighting?"
Legolas became very solemn as he now had no choice but to tell you the truth.
"I haven't the heart to tell you." he regretfully said and lowered his eyes.
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You began to shake as you gazed at him, your eyes clouding over with tears.
"I think you just did." you whimpered. "How...how can that be true? I..I saw them kissing in Rivendell, but Thranduil had pushed her away before he even saw me...they both swore to me that nothing else happened."
"Has my father ever been truthful? I had told you once before that I believed Tauriel fancied him before he ever met you. That is why I would never give her the time of day, and then there was the dwarf, Kili. I was never enough for her...she wasn't even my soulmate."
"Legolas...I..I am so sorry for all that she has done to you...but please...I need to know everything."
"For me, the grief is too near and it will only cause you unnecessary pain. I never should have said anything on the boat. It almost slipped out in a bout of anger and I swore I would never tell you after that."
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"Jesus, Legolas...How long have you known this and how?? I deserved to know, I still do! And it sounds to me like Haldir knows too....and here I am, always the last to know when it comes to Thranduil's misdeeds. I know he was grieving when we all thought you had died in Mordor, and his grief caused him to blame me, but to sleep with your wife...to cheat on me?? It...it cannot be true Leggy."
"That is partly my fault as well then. I faked my death to hurt him for all of his past indiscretions and for the way he was treating you. If I had not done that, I do not believe he ever would have touched her, for he never had before, nor had any desire to do so."
"Legolas...if he did what you are saying, that is NOT your fault. No one made him do it, or Tauriel for that matter. My god...I called her my best friend....and I had forgiven her for the kiss. And you...at our vow renewals, you told me you were trying to work things out with her. But then, soon after you told me you were divorcing because you couldn't get past it.... Did you know then??"
"I was trying to forgive her as well, yes....until we had a huge argument the night of your vows and she blurted the truth out."
"What??" you whispered in utter disbelief. "How do you know she wasn't lying just to hurt you???"
"I was inclined to think the same thing...until I confronted my father. He did not deny it. Josie...I am so sorry. I did not want you to know any of this. You have been in enough pain."
Your hands were cupped over your mouth as your eyes stared wide. You then pulled them down and, closed your eyes as you flatly whispered.
"When....when did this happen and where?"
"It happened when they returned from Mordor. Tauriel, she blamed you as well for my death, and my father had become highly intoxicated due to his grief. I think you can figure the rest out. I would rather not speak of the details that Tauriel intentionally rubbed into my wounds like salt."
"My god, how did I not see?? I..I feel so foolish......he...he was so upset at our vow renewals and he said it was all because of what Kate did to him, which I knew was true but....he went through with his vows anyways, knowing what he had done?.....so....that's the real reason you left her for good after our vows...the first time you and she split...she...she tried to tell me it was because she believed you had feelings for me...but...but it was because we caught her kissing Thranduil...right?"
"It...it was both. I...I have had them for a long time...but kept them hidden from everyone, especially my father and you. Why do you think I revealed that I was alive to you first in Rivendell? Tauriel, she figured it out because of that. When her and I ended things the first time, shortly after that she told my father. If you recall, after you found out you were pregnant days later, I had brought Haldir and the fountain water back from Lorien to find out if you carried Garrett's child. My father was furious with me since you had made Haldir leave his halls for interfering at your vow renewal, but Haldir was the only one who knew about vampire children. When my father held his sword to my throat in the cellar that night, all of his animosity about my feelings for you lied under that blade more so than anything else. I cannot apologize enough. I never wanted to feel this way and I have tried so hard to make it go away, but I cannot....and I...do not know what to do about it....All of this, what my father and wife did, and how I have come to feel...it is all my fault."
You went up to the ailing prince and placed your hand on his face, staring him straight in his sorrowful eyes.
"None of this is your fault. How could it be? You were doing just as you said, trying to spare me more pain."
"It is because....I have allowed myself to fall in love with you."
You gasped and froze, seeing your reflection in his largely dilated eyes as they locked into yours.
"Say no more..." he whispered.
He slowly lowered his head and placed his lips gently over yours, then softly released them, bringing his hands to each side of your face.
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"I love you Josie." he softly confessed and then kissed you again. This time, both of your lips parted and pressed firmly into each other's, yours lightly trembling. His breath was sweet and cool like mint and the way his lips caressed yours was so loving and tender, making you whimper as your heart pounded frantically. His tongue lightly glided over yours as a deep sensual sigh escaped his throat, in which you then pulled away, throwing your hand over your mouth, gazing at him with panicked eyes.
"Legolas...no...I...can't...this is...too much." you said, vigorously shaking your head.
You ran off crying back to your room and this time Legolas didn't chase after you, but let you be alone to absorb what just happened, as he himself needed to do the same and he did not want to push you. He could not believe what he had just done for he never thought he would have the courage.....and he prayed he didn't just make the biggest mistake of his life.
As he went to return to the cellar for more drinks, he felt eyes upon him and spun around with his knife drawn.
"You." Legolas muttered in astonishment.
"Hello King Legolas. It's been a long time."
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tillythesilly · 11 months
Part 2 of Picnic Day!
“Yoohoo! I’m here everyone!” Sally Starlet called out. Though known for being the most rambunctious resident of the neighborhood, she was a talented showgirl who had a flair for drama. “My sincerest apologies for my tardiness.” Sally bowed. “I was doing a bit of reorganizing on my stage. The life of a performer is a busy one indeed..” 
“Oh hi Sally! What did you bring for our picnic?” asked Julie. “Why, myself of course! What’s a grand picnic without some grand entertainment?” Sally replied, posing with a flourish. 
While Itsy offered Sally a cup of tea, Barnaby perked his ears at the sound of footsteps coming closer. “Hey, Howdy and Vanilla are coming!” 
“Howdy-do neighbors!” the neighborhood shop owner, Howdy Pillar exclaimed, raising two of his arms to wave at everyone, the other two holding a tray of pink drinks in his hands. 
Next to him was Vanilla Coco, the neighborhood’s baker. She was dragging a small red wagon behind her, and it was packed with food. “Good morning everyone. We’re not late, are we?” 
“Well g’mornin’ to you Howdy! Ms. Vanilla!” Eddie greeted with enthusiasm, walking up to the pair. “Phooey! That spread could make a honeybee jealous! Let me get some’a those off your hands.” He offered, motioning to the containers of food inside Vanilla’s wagon. 
“You certainly brought an awful lot of food Vanilla…” observed Frank, who was watching Eddie help Vanilla move the food from her wagon to the picnic blanket. “I-is that a bad thing? I mean, I was worried that everyone would be hungry, and I was thinking about everyone’s account for taste.. I guess I may have made more food than intended..” she replied worriedly. 
“It’s no problem at all, I assure you.” Frank waved his hand dismissively. “Besides, the majority here hasn’t even brought anything edible.” 
“Oh.. well, that is very reassuring.” Vanilla smiled. “I brought sandwiches for everyone; one plate for everyone’s favorites, and another one of my own making. I also made vegetable salad, potato salad, my famous vanilla-chocolate cookies, and even cut up some fruits.” 
Everyone looked at the food in awe and with stars in their eyes. “Well ain’t that a smorgasbord! And I’ve got some drinks to pair with it. Strawberry soda pops for everyone!” Howdy announced, placing his tray of drinks on the picnic blanket. 
“O-oh my! That is quite generous of you Vanilla.” remarked Poppy, setting down a pie on the blanket. “I made a lovely apple pie for us to share.”
“Apple?” Wally asked, looking skeptically at the pie. “It doesn’t look like an apple..” 
“We talked about this lil’ buddy.” Barnaby grinned, patting Wally on the back gently. “ It’s in there, ya just can’t see it.” 
“I brought an apple though,” replied Wally, holding a shiny, red apple fondly in his hands. He then placed it carefully on the blanket, as if he were holding glass. 
“What did you bring Mr. Frankly?” Charlie questioned softly, looking at what Frank had brought for the picnic. “Oh this?” he replied proudly, motioning to a large green gelatin on a fancy plate. “Why, it’s a fruit gelatin of course. I made sure to use the freshest ones from my garden.” Frank said this with pride, looking over at the interested Charlie. “And what did you bring Charlie?” 
“A-ah, I erm..” she started, fidgeting nervously. “..just some craft things. Paper for origami and for drawing on.” 
“Ooh, origami huh? Say Charlie, would’ya like me to teach you how’ta make an origami fox?” Eddie asked excitedly. Arts and crafts were his specialty after all. “Drawing’s the most! I’d love to draw too,” added Wally. 
“Hey, nobody’s gonna ask me what I brought?” Barnaby mused, holding his paws to his heart. “You’d forget a tiny pooch like me? How cruel!” 
“Barnaby, you’re three times my size!” Frank retorted back. 
“Well,” Vanilla cleared her throat. “What did you bring Barnaby?” 
“My special joke book of course!” he announced, holding up a small booklet in his large paws. “Ya can’t have a friendly neighborhood gathering without some laughs to go with it.” 
“Ugh, enough dawdling!” Sally groaned dramatically. “Let’s get the festivities started!” 
“Sally’s right! I wanna eat all the yummy food everyone brought!” cheered Julie, the other neighbors letting out shouts and cheers of agreement as they started their picnic. 
Everyone had a grand time. The food was scrumptious, and the company even moreso. 
Barnaby told tons of jokes, which got a ton of laughs from most of the neighbors. 
“Heh hey! Did’ja see the movie about the hotdog at the picnic? I heard it was a real ‘Oscar Wiener’!” he chortled as Itsy and Howdy doubled over in laughter. 
Meanwhile, Frank preferred the soothing company of Poppy and Vanilla. The three of them sat on one side of the picnic blanket with tea and cookies. “These cookies are absolutely delicious Vanilla!” Frank remarked with a smile. “I can never quite figure out how you manage to get them to taste this good without the flavors mixing.” 
“It’s simple really, though I’m worried that once I start talking I won’t stop,” the baker girl chuckled softly. 
“It’s not a problem at all dearie. We’re all ears.. Not that I had any ears to begin with, but you get the idea,” reassured Poppy, taking a sip from her teacup. 
Julie and Sally played various games, wherein they competed against each other. In all good fun, of course. So far, they tied in hopscotch, managed to jump rope the same amount of times and reached the same height when playing with the pogo stick. 
“Is that all you got Juliet?” Sally taunted with a haughty laugh. “I expected a bit more of a challenge coming from the neighborhood’s avid game player.” 
“Ooh, I’ll show you! Whoever gets the most hula-hoops on them without making them fall wins!” Julie challenged back with a determined grin, picking up two hula-hoops and swinging them on her arms. 
“Alright then. But prepare to be defeated by the stupendous Sally Starlet!” Sally flared back, taking three hula-hoops and swinging them on her waist. 
In the meantime, sprawled out on the grass, Eddie, Wally and Charlie were in their own world, creating origami and drawing together. 
“Then ya pull it out and smush the sides a bit aaandd… there ya have it! A fox!” Eddie demonstrated, holding up his finished origami fox to Charlie.
“Pull it out.. Smush the sides…” she repeated quietly to herself. “A fox!” Charlie smiled, holding up her own origami fox. 
Wally looked up from his drawing with a smile. “That looks great,” he started, looking up at his house. “Look Home. Charlie and Eddie made paper foxes.” In response, Home opened and closed his door, as if complimenting their craftsmanship. 
The day was ending all too soon. As the sun set behind the multicolored trees, everyone began to pack up and leave, saying their ‘goodbyes’ and ‘see you around’s. One by one and two by two, they left for their respective homes, the thoughts of the fun filled picnic engraved in their minds. 
Wally waved a slow yet pleased farewell to all his neighborly friends, Home creaking the windows open and shut, his own way of waving goodbye. 
“That was a lot of fun, wasn’t it Home?” Wally asked drowsily to his living house, who responded with squeaks and bangs from his door and door hinges. “I’m glad you had fun.” Wally smiled, patting the exterior walls of Home before turning to face the now quiet neighborhood. 
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I hope you guys like it! My friend and I had such a blast doing this together!
Here are the doodles for this portion!
Vanilla Coco is my original character! Hopefully I'll be able to post about her more. (Doodles done by @ DullDoll on TikTok!)
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And mine too!
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Buncha fun! My apologies for its length once again! 6 pages on Google Docs... oh well!
Have a wonderful whatever time it is there! Peace out!
Part 1 here!
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Could we please get headcanons of Floyd, Vil, Jamil, and Riddle making breakfast in bed or some kind of meal to surprise their S/O when they wake up? Thank you so much 🙏 if you decide to write this Raven!
Whoops, writing two food-related headcanon requests in a row o3o) ~🎵 Guess I must be hungry, or maybe it’s the Master Chef—
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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The meal in bed was meant to be a surprise, but... you immediately take notice of the loud racket from downstairs—that, and the blanket of smoke that’s hanging in the air. You rush to the kitchen in a frenzy, fire extinguisher in hand, only to find a massive mess in the room, and Floyd standing in the middle of it all.
It’s not that Floyd is bad at cooking, he’s just terrible at following recipes and keeping his workspace clean! Floyd foregoes the recipe and just follows his instincts and does what “feels” correct! ... Of course, sometimes that means making a whole hot mess in the process, but the results usually look and taste alright!
Though he’s a bit unkempt and covered in stray splatters of fruit pulp, he’s got a lovely meal plated out for you. There’s a little salad, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (well, guess that explains the pulp), eggs (done just the way you like them), and a nice big bowl of poke (sliced raw fish on a bed of rice, dressed with sauce).
As soon as he spots you, Floyd thrusts the finished food into your hands, declaring with a chirp that he wanted to give you a “taste of home” and that he worked reaaaaally hard on it, so you’d better eat up! He even brags about squeezing the orange juice for you with his bare hands! (... so that’s why they’re so sticky.)
“Aw, man! I was planning on serving it to ya in bed. You’re not exactly in bed anymore, are you?” And it’s not a surprise anymore, either.” Floyd sighs, his mood having taken a hit. “Mmmm~ but I guess it’s alright, cuz I still got to see your cute bedhead and smile!”
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If Vil’s going to make something for you to eat, you can bet that it will both delicious and nutritious. The first meal of the day is the most important, so it’s even more important that you start it off right—that’s Vil’s philosophy!
He’s a busy man, so that carries over into what he prepares. It’s a collection of small, fast grab-and-go type items for someone with a lot in their schedule. You’ll find a cup of skim milk, a yogurt bowl sprinkled with fruit and granola, and a toasted everything bagel with your favorite toppings and spreads (but no mayonnaise, which Vil considers “the devil’s condiment”).
Presented altogether, and with a small bunch of vibrant (but poisonous) flowers, the breakfast looks like a health and wellness ad or editorial. It’s vital to Vil that the food looks as good as it tastes without compromising nutrition. More than anything, Vil wishes for you to be in good health and good spirits!
He attempts (repeat: attempts) to pick up some complex knife work from Epel. The reason? Vil wants to attempt to carve an apple in a heart to crown off the entire meal. After much practice, he manages to produce a somewhat lopsided and lumpy heart at the cost of a small injury.
“Hmm? Oh, don’t you worry about a little nick like this,” he tells you when you point out his bandaged finger. “As if something this insignificant could hold me back. It will heal with some time—but it is not every day when I can see you this content. Well worth the trouble, my dear.”
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For someone as skilled as Jamil, presenting a meal in bed is nothing. He could cook blindfolded if he had to (but he’ll refrain, as he doesn’t want to ruin your kitchen), so be prepared for a feast!
Jamil decides to make you a breakfast with the flavors of the Scalding Sands in mind. He loves nothing more than sharing his culture with you—and so, he sets to filling a platter with as much as he can. Sliced cheeses, jams, pita bread, a variety of spices, and wraps and sandwiches stuffed with tender and delicately stewed meats and vegetables.
You smell the food before you see it. As Jamil steadily approaches your bedroom, you’re greeted by the wonderfully fragrant aroma of spices. While you ogle at the veritable spread, Jamil pours you tea—brewed with sugar and served in a tall glass, flavored with cardamom and a dash of milk.
He sits by your bedside, demonstrating how food is eaten in his home country—with the right hand, scooping the food up with only the fingers. No utensils are necessary; you’re free to lick your digits clean.
“I’m pleased that I was able to share a piece of myself with you,” Jamil murmurs, a corner of his mouth tugged upward as he watches you carefully eat. “Just as you’ve expanded my worldview, I hope that I was able to expand yours. Having a meal can be like seeing a whole new world—and I hope to be with you every step of the way.”
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Riddle’s been practicing for this moment (with help from Trey)! Not only that, but he can put what he learned during Master Chef to some good use—after all, applying what one learns in the classroom to the real world... that’s the mark of a true man!
He likes to cook by the book, so he’ll constantly be referencing his bookmarked recipe to make sure he’s got the exact measurements and steps down! Riddle also likes to clean as he works to minimize the mess and to keep things tidy. You won’t even know he was there by the time he’s finished cooking.
Riddle makes fluffy pancakes with powdered sugar, sliced strawberries, and hand-whipped cream (he insisted on hand whipping to add a personal touch to it, even when bits of cream get on his face and his arms tire out during the intense whisking). To drink, he brews fresh tea. He takes care to prepare your favorite kind, adding exactly the amount of milk, creamer, and/or sugar that you like (or none at all, if that’s what you prefer).
He finishes off his breakfast trey with a freshly picked rose—as red as his hair—in a crystal stem vase. Riddle’s breakfast is picture perfect (literally, it matches the picture in the book), just as intended. Nothing less than the best for his beloved!
He rouses you from your slumber with a gentle knock on the door and a firm call. “Breakfast is served,” Riddle announces, parading into your room as though he is a court official. He gently sets the trey in your lap and bows, ever the gentleman. “For you, the ‘Queen’ of ‘my Heart’.”
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leossmoonn · 4 years
One Day at A Time
pairing - lip gallagher x fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
note / request - “Hi, I love your Shameless imagines! And I was wondering if you could write something for Lip Gallagher x Reader having a baby and struggling with their new life ❤️” alright so i named the baby fred bc thats lip’s baby’s name already lol also you and lip live in the house that lip wanted to buy for tammy. enjoy!
summary - you and lip struggle to raise a baby and survive 
warning / includes - language, fighting, alcohol, smoking, but fluffy ending
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Lip!” You shouted. 
Your boyfriend ran into the room frantically. “What’s wrong?” 
“I need you to get me more baby wipes. Freddy took a big shit,” you instructed. 
Lip nodded, going to the table where you kept the baby wipes. He gave you the whole packet only for you to yell at him.
“Hand me them! I have to hold Freddy down so we doesn’t roll off,” you said.
“Sorry, Jesus,” Lip muttered, handing you baby wipes each time you put your hand out. 
You successfully cleaned your baby’s bottom and but on a new, fresh diaper. You picked Freddy and went downstairs with him. You set Freddy down in his high-chair, going over to the cabinet to get Freddy’s baby food. 
“Are you um, are you going into work today?” Lip asked.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I am,” Lip said. 
You frowned, turning around and putting a hand on your hip. “You can’t. Someone has to watch Freddy.”
“Debbie can watch Freddy,” Lip said. 
You scoffed, “She's never here. And before you say V and Kev, they’ve already helped us enough the past few months. They’re busy with their own kids.”
“Well, I need to go into work. We need the money,” Lip said. 
“Yeah, and I need to go to work or I’m gonna get fired!” You exclaimed. You began feeding Freddy, your mood lightening a little once you saw the little guy’s face. 
“What about working tomorrow? I thought that was our schedule,” Lip asked. 
“It was, but one, I’m well overdue on maternity leave and two, my boss doesn’t care about my personal life. She doesn’t care that we are struggling to raise a child,” you explained. 
Lip opened his mouth to suggest something, but nothing came out. He looked at you helplessly. 
“Here, why don’t you work for a few hours and I’ll watch Freddy in the morning, then you come back home at lunch and I’ll go and work for the afternoon,” you said. 
Lip nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
“Alright, good,” you said. You turned your attention back to the baby, feeding him the rest of his breakfast. Meanwhile, Lip went to shower and get ready to go to work. He came downstairs, coming over to bid you and Freddy goodbye. 
“I’ll see you later. I love you,” Lip said, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
Even though you were mad at him earlier, you melted into his arms immediately. You hugged him back tightly, burying your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Hm, I love you, too,” you said, breathing in his scent. 
Lip couldn’t help but smile at your actions. He pulled away after a few moments, walking over to Freddy. 
“I love you, too, buddy,” Lip cooed, kissing Freddy on the cheek, making the baby giggle. 
You smiled at the scene, enjoying seeing Lip interact with Freddy. 
“Bye,” Lip called out before leaving. 
“Bye!” You exclaimed, watching him leave. 
You let out a long sigh, leaning back against the fridge. You looked at Freddy, who was clapping his hands on his high-chair table. You laughed a little.
“You’re so silly,” you said, going over to him and picking him up. 
“Do you want to go to the store with me?” You talked to Freddy, bouncing him up and down while walking across the room. 
Freddy make a little squeak and you smiled. “Yeah, I know you want go to the store with me. I’m gonna shower and get ready, you stay in the crib, okay? I’ll be out in 10 minutes,” you said, going up to the nursery and setting Freddy down  gently. 
You went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth. You went back in your room and got dressed into a pair of mom jeans, a dark-purple, buttoned-up shirt and put a grey sweater over it, taking the collar of your shirt and folding it on the collar of your sweater. You then returned to Freddy’s room. You saw him on his back, sucking in his thumb. You smiled and picked him up, quietly going down the stairs. You set him in his high-chair again, getting your coat, purse, and your shoes. You also got Freddy’s little coat and hat to keep him warm in the cold winter of Chicago. 
You went out to your car, buckling Freddy into his carseat. You then went to the supermarket, putting Freddy in the front of the cart. You picked out fruit, vegetables, and salad mix. You got 2 gallons of milk, new coffee creamer, and cereal. You bought a few warm-up dinner packs and hamburger meat, going to the freezer isle and getting ice cream. You then went to the snack isle. 
“What should we get, Freddy?” You asked, looking at the pop tarts. 
Freddy pointed to the birthday cake-flavoured pop tarts. 
“Good choice, baby,” you smiled, grabbing the pop tarts. You then grabbed a few packs of chips and gum, going over to check out.
“Cute baby,” the girl at the register said. 
You looked up from putting the groceries on the table. You looked at her name tag and smiled. 
“Thank you, Stacy,” you said. “How old is he?” Stacy asked. 
“Almost 2 months,” you said. 
“Awe, so cute. I just found out I’m pregnant,” Stacy said. 
“Oh, really. Congrats,” you smiled. “Yeah, my boyfriend and I are happy,” Stacy smiled, putting her hand on her stomach. 
She rang your groceries up. “It’ll be $103.98.”
You nodded and took your card out and a few coupons you and Lip had collected in the past month. 
“Alright, with these coupons, your total is $80.56,” Stacey said.
“Great,” you smiled. You paid with your card, gathering the grocery bags. 
“Have a good day!” Stacy smiled. 
“Thank you, you too. Congrats again with the baby,” you gave her a kind smile. 
She thanked you as you walked out. You loaded the groceries into the car and put Freddy back in his carseat. You then drove back home, putting away the groceries while Freddy watched you in his high-chair. 
“Are you tired, baby? I’m tired,” you yawned. Freddy yawned right after you, making you chuckle. 
“Why don’t you take a nap and let Mommy clean the house, okay? It’s a fucking mess,” you muttered the curse words, looking around the house. Clothes and toys were everywhere. Plates were stacked in the sink and on the coffee table. The house needed to be vacuumed and wiped down very badly
You put Freddy down in his crib, turning on the baby monitor. You changed into a tank top and shorts and put your hair in a ponytail, going back downstairs to clean. 
You started with the dishes, washing and drying them off, putting them back in their cupboards. You then wiped down the kitchen counter, stove top, kitchen table, and coffee table. Next you decided to clean up all of the baby stuff that was on the floor. You put Freddy’s toys in the play bins you and Lip had bought and put Freddy’s clothes in the washing machine. You then vacuumed the living room carpet and swept the kitchen tiles, making yourself another cup of coffee. You were done in an hour and a half, taking a look at your work, smiling in satisfaction. Your house hadn’t been this clean since you and Lip had bought it. 
It was lunch time and you knew Lip would be coming home soon. You decided to make you and him lunch. You made chilli and salad, knowing that it would last you two for a few days. You changed back into your work uniform before grabbing yourself a bowl and sitting down, eating your lunch quickly before you had to go to work. 
15 minutes later, Lip had walked through the door. You got up to greet him. 
“Hey, babe. This smells good, what did you make?” Lip asked.  “Chilli and salad for lunch. You can have some,” you said. 
“Ah, nice,” Lip said. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, going over to the kitchen.  You frowned. He usually wasn’t this detached.
“How was work?” You asked. 
“Good,” Lip said, grabbing himself a bowl of chilli. “How was your day?”
“Good,” you said. “ I um… I cleaned the house and got groceries.”
“Oh, nice,” Lip said, sitting down. 
"Are you okay?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” Lip said. 
“Um, okay,” you said. “Well, Freddy is upstairs taking a nap. He’s been asleep for about two hours, so he will probably wake up soon. The baby monitor is here. When he wakes up can you give him a bath? He’s a little stinky.”
“Sure,” Lip nodded. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out why he was acting so off. 
“I gotta go to work. I'll see you later, okay?” You said. 
“Okay. Have fun,” Lip said.
You slammed the front door shut and walked to your car, letting out a long sigh. You wanted to ask why Lip was acting so distant, but you knew you had to go to work. You worked as a waitress at a local diner. You had been working there for the past 3 years. You hoped to be moving jobs to what you really wanted to do, which was cosmetics, but having a baby set you back a little. You were so thankful for Freddy, though, you didn’t regret having him one bit. It just sucked a lot. But you were good at your job. you were friendly to customers and co-workers, got the most tips, and never played around. You were your boss’s best waitress, despite you always having to change your shifts. 
You worked from 1 pm to 9, going back home tired, but happy you at least got a shift in. You drove home, looking forward to seeing Lip and Freddy, but once you got in the door, your excitement immediately diminished. 
Freddy was in his play pen and the person who was watching him wasn’t Lip. It was Carl. 
“Um, hey, Carl,” you frowned, setting your coat in the closet. 
Carl turned to you, a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, Y/n. How’re you?”
“Good, thanks. Where is Lip?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips. 
“He went out,” Carl answered. 
“To where?” You asked, your temper rising. “Um…. to the Alibi,” Carl said nervously. 
Your eyes blew wide. “What?! He went to the Alibi and left you to take care of our baby? No offense, Carl.”
“None taken,” Carl shrugged. 
“I…” you started to say. You put your fingers on your temples, rubbing in circles to try and ease the headache you were beginning to have. You were able to calm down a little. 
“Thank you for taking care of Freddy,” you said to Carl. 
“No problem. I love the little guy,” Carl smiled. 
You smiled back, grabbing your purse. “Here, let me pay you for watching him.”
“I would usually say yes to money, but I’ll say no this time. I like spending time with Freddy, he's my nephew, I like watching him,” Carl shrugged.
“Are you sure?” You asked, holding a 20 dollar bill. 
“Yeah, I am,” Carl smiled kindly. 
“Alright. Thank you. I’m going to find Lip. Do you mind staying until I come back?” You asked. 
“Nope. Can I have some of the chilli?” Carl asked. 
“Yeah, of course. Do you know how to change diapers and feed Freddy?” You asked. 
“Yeah, of course. I took care of Liam and Franny for Debbie sometimes,” Carl said. 
“Right, of course,” you chuckled. “Thanks, again. I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” Carl waved. 
You didn’t bother grabbing your coat, rushing out of the house to find Lip. You drove to the Alibi, parking haphazardly. You went in, anger surging through you as you saw Lip smoking and drinking his liver and lungs out. He was talking with Kermit and Tommy. 
“Lip!” You screamed, the whole room turning going quiet. 
“Oh, hey, Y/n!” Kev smiled. 
“Hey, Kev. Can I see Lip for a second?” You asked, clenching your jaw. 
Lip looked at you, his eyes dropping. “Hey, baby.” He walked up to you, a stoned smile on his face. 
You grabbed his hand, yanking him out to the alley behind the Alibi. 
“What's up?” Lip asked.
“You! That’s what’s up!” You exclaimed. 
“What do you mean?” Lip asked. 
“You fucking left Freddy alone!” You shouted. “I left him with Carl. He’s fine,” Lip shrugged. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t call me to say you were going to leave Freddy!” 
Lip glared at you. “I don’t need to call you. He’s my son.”
“He’s my son, too! I’m his mother. I need to know who he is with! What if Carl brought over Kelly and they started having sex on the couch where Freddy could see, huh? I don’t fucking want that!” 
Lip chuckled. “They wouldn’t do that. Carl and Kelly are broken up or whatever.”
You groaned. “That’s not the point! I’m tired and super stressed out. You could have let me know!” 
“I’m tired and stressed out, too!” Lip exclaimed.
“Oh, yeah, I bet you are. Getting fucking drunk and stoned,” you laughed sourly. 
“I’m not drunk, I had 2 sips of beer, and I worked!” Lip exclaimed. 
“Yeah? Well I worked, too! I worked until 9 at night. I should be home by then! And I was the one who cleaned the house and did the dishes and got the groceries, which by the way, you are fucking welcome!” You shouted. 
“I never asked you to do that,” Lip said. 
“i know, but I did it because we needed it. All I wanted was a thank you!” “Well I was tired and hungry when I got home,” Lip shrugged. 
You glared at him, tears clouding your vision. “You’re so full of shit, Lip. So full of fucking shit!” You screamed, pushing him back. He stumbled backwards and hit the brick wall gently. 
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” Lip yelled. 
“Don’t do that! You don’t have the right to question me!” You screamed back. 
Lip opened his mouth to yell back, but Veronica and Kevin came out. 
“Hey, you two stop it!” Veronica yelled. 
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Kevin asked. 
“She is yelling at me!” Lip pointed to you. 
“Yeah, cause you’re a fucking asshole!” You screamed, your voice hoarse and tears running down your face. 
“Oh, no,” Veronica muttered. She went over to you, wrapping her arms around you gently. “Let’s go inside and get you some tea, okay?”
You started to sob, leaning in to Veronica. Lip looked at you, his heart breaking at the sight of you so upset.  
“Kev, you take Lip home and get him cleaned up, okay? Make sure Freddy is fed and changed and put to bed, too,” Veronica instructed. 
Kevin nodded, putting his arm around Lip and went to Lip’s car. Veronica walked you inside, taking you to the back of the bar. She got you a beer and a hot cup of tea, placing them in front of you. 
“T-Thanks,” you sniffled. 
“Talk to me, baby,” Veronica said, sitting down next to you. 
“Lip left Freddy home alone with Carl. I’ve been so busy and tired today. I cleaned the whole house, got the groceries. I worked for fucking 8 hours. I just wanted a little ‘thank you’ from Lip. That’s all I wanted,” you cried. “God, I’m such a fucking crybaby.”
Veronica put her hand on your arm comfortingly. “No, honey, you’re not. I understand, don’t worry, and Lip should, too. Maybe you should calm down a little and then go back home and talk to him. Really talk, no shouting and pushing.”
You took a big sip of your beer and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
Veronica smiled. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No, I’m fine,” you said. 
“You sure? We have some chocolate chip cookies,” Veronica smiled. 
“Hm, okay. I'll have a few,” you smiled. 
“Great!” Veronica squealed. She went away for a few moments, coming back with a container full of cookies. 
You sat and talked with Veronica for two hours. You soon were about to pass out and decided to drive you and Veronica home since Kevin had taken their car. 
“Thanks for the fun night, V,” you smiled at Veronica as you dropped her back to her house. 
“No problem! Drive home safe! Call if you need anything,” Veronica said. 
“Will do,” you said and drove back home, which was thankfully only 5 minutes away. 
You got home, going in and seeing the living room empty. You took off your shoes, groaning in relief as your heels had been aching the whole day. You trudged up the stairs and into your bedroom. You heard the shower going but didn’t bother to go and see Lip. 
You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You put your hair in a messy bun, flinging yourself on your bed. 
Lip came into the room with Freddy a few moments later. You noticed his presence.
“What?” You snapped. 
“I just… do you want Freddy and I to lay down with you?” Lip asked. 
You looked to them, seeing Freddy smiling at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure.”
You scooted over, Lip setting Freddy down next to you and climbing into bed with you. You gave Freddy a big kiss. 
“Hi, baby. I’ve missed you,” you cooed. 
Freddy chortled, clapping his hands. You giggled with the baby, ignoring Lip until he spoke. 
“So uh… how was your day?” Lip asked nervously. 
“Fine. How was yours?” You asked, not looking at him. 
“Mine was uh… good,” Lip said. 
“Good,” you said shortly. 
There was an awkward silence between you two before Lip spoke again. 
“I wanted to apologise for my actions today,” Lip started to say. 
This was the first time you felt like looking at him. You stared in his blue eyes, waiting for his apology. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring the work you did around the house and I’m sorry for not letting you know I was having Carl take care of Freddy. And I’m sorry for going to the Alibi and getting stoned. I really appreciate you cleaning the house. It really needed to be cleaned and to keep it clean, I promise to try and not leave dishes out and pick up Freddy’s toys,” Lip said. 
You smiled at his apology, scooting up on the bed so you could put your forehead on his without crushing Freddy. 
“Thank you. And the house being messy isn’t totally your fault. I need to learn to clean up after myself more, too,” you said. 
Lip chuckled, “That’s something we can both work on then.”
“Totally,” you smiled. 
“I’m also sorry for yelling at you at the Alibi. I’ve just been so stressed with work and Freddy. I’ve never had to take care of a baby that was my own before. I’ve always had help from Fiona and Ian,” Lip said. 
You put your hand on his cheek. “I know, baby. This is all new for me, too. And I’m sorry for yelling at you, too, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s alright. I kinda did,” Lip chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile “Well anyways, we’ll get through this together, okay? I love you. So, so, so much. And I love Freddy, probably a little too much,” you joked. “Let’s just take this one day at a time okay?”
Lip nodded and pressed his lips against yours softly. You kissed him back before pulling away, making sure Freddy was okay. 
Lip smiled. “I love you, too, you know.”
You looked back up to Lip with a big smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Not Part of the Deal
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Living with Childe is starting to feel a little too comfortable. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Physical Intimacy, Alcohol, Intoxication, Undefined Relationship.
{ Notes } This took a long time, I'm having a hard time writing. I can't decide what I want to write but I didn't want to leave this unwritten for too long. Hopefully, I'll be able to wrap this series up nicely soon. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 1,846
The bed was empty when you woke up to the sound of laughter, which was reasonable considering it was Childe’s laughter coming from the kitchen. You sat up, noting that this was the second time your sleep was disturbed by the Harbinger being loud in the kitchen. Groggily, you rolled out of his bed to figure out the source of his amusement.
When you entered the kitchen, bright blue eyes shining with laughter met your gaze. They were so beautiful, framed by long lashes and accompanied by a goofy smile that could probably light up all of Teyvat for weeks. Were those dimples?
“I thought you didn’t want me ‘cooking enough to feed a small army’, why so much food?” Childe asked through his laughter, seeming much more amused by this than he reasonably should be. Not that this stopped you from laughing along with him.
“Well, I didn’t know what you might like to make, so I decided to err on the side of caution,” you replied somewhat bashfully. It was the truth, minus the fact that most of it was fueled by panic.
“I guess that means I should make a lot of dishes for dinner!”
This turned into quite the ordeal, with several different things being prepared simultaneously, Childe needed to split his focus and time things correctly. You couldn’t even help with much of the preparation, too focused on clearing counter space of his used cookware and cleaning dishes so you wouldn’t be left with a mountain of them afterward, it was especially useful that you cleaned dishes he would later need to reuse for a different component of the meal he had planned.
“Childe, this all looks really good but I think this is enough food to feed all of Liyue.”
“I don’t mind sharing.”
Scoffing at his reply, you could only shake your head. You assumed Childe would pass the leftovers off to his subordinates in Liyue so you didn’t mind too much, so long as the food didn’t go to waste and you didn’t have to do the distribution. Not many of the Fatui in Liyue were very fond of you, considering your history of fights with them. Maybe that’s why the guard didn’t like you.
Redirecting your attention to the food laid out on the table, you were impressed by the array of dishes. There was a cold, primarily vegetable soup that had caught your interest when Childe began preparing it. There was also some sort of potato salad with plenty of mayo, something similar to dumplings with meat filling, and fruit cooked in a syrup. Several other dishes filled the table and you felt bad not sampling at least a little bit of everything, so you kept your portions small.
Throughout dinner, you listened to the Harbinger tell you about the times he made these dishes with his family or sometimes a little bit about the history of a dish. While you didn’t say much, it was pleasant to have his chatter fill the air. He continued to talk about his family back in Snezhnaya and the long days spent fishing even after the both of you had finished eating and were clearing the table.
“I need to start exercising again, I don’t want to get out of shape,” Childe lamented once you had finished with the cleaning. You had both settled on the couch, sitting on opposite ends facing each other.
“Have you forgotten about your broken ribs already?” you ask, a bit of incredulity dripping into your tone.
“No, but it won’t hurt that bad. I can handle it.”
You really couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not with that statement, his tone was serious but he couldn’t be that careless. Surely he understood the strain would impede recovery, perhaps even make things worse.
“No, you can’t. You’d just mess up your recovery trying. Not to mention we have a deal,” you try to reason, wondering briefly if that kind of thing even worked on him. You knew Childe wasn’t one to break his promises but he also cared greatly about his strength.
“I will exercise restfully,” he said decisively, though his playful undertone made it apparent he was joking.
“You’re impossible.”
“And yet you adore me.”
Scoffing at his response, you meet his gaze. He wore a cheeky grin, eagerly awaiting your response in hopes of being able to further tease you. You know if you hesitate for too long he will also tease you about that, so your options were limited.
“You sound awfully confident in that,” you reply coolly. It was not an ideal response, but it was the best you could think of in the moment.
“Because it’s true, you didn’t even deny it,” the Harbinger gloats, seeming very satisfied with himself.
“Maybe,” you reply vaguely, rolling the thought around in your head. What were your feelings for him, exactly? It was clear you weren’t just friends, but it seemed like a lot to say you were in love with him and it didn’t seem to be enough to say you just liked him. You felt confused about him.
For the rest of the night, you thought about the same question, but even by the time you were falling asleep, you couldn’t bring yourself to give a solid answer. It left you feeling restless for the next few days, though things remained the same with Childe. To pass the time you took the dog Harbinger on regular walks through Liyue. Sometimes the two of you would stop at the various vendor’s stalls in the markets and others you would walk closer to the harbor.
Even with your uncertainty about him, Childe was as easy to get along with as ever. He joked and made you laugh, cooked most of your shared meals thankfully not making quite as much food, and explored Liyue with you. Sometimes you visited the restaurants and Zhongli would join the two of you, making a habit of keeping the two of you for hours with his stories before dumping the bill on the Snezhnayan.
Though fewer than normal, you still took up commissions around Liyue, leaving Childe unattended for some time. You couldn’t be certain, but you were pretty sure he still behaved in the time you were gone. It seemed he most often did some work for the Fatui in the time you were gone, you often came back to him reading over a report or writing something he would later handoff to the guard outside his door.
All in all, living with him was becoming fairly comfortable.
“Oh fuck we’ve been eating all this Snezhnayan food and stuff and I forgot to show you our most famous commodity,” Childe exclaimed one night as he was cleaning up in the kitchen after dinner. You looked over from drying a plate to see him pull two small glasses and a bottle of clear liquid from the cupboards. You knew enough to recognize it.
“Yeah, have you had it before? This is a bottle of the fancy stuff,” he hummed, already pouring some into the glasses, one with a noticeably smaller amount.
“I haven’t, I don’t drink much,” you admitted, taking the glass from him when he offered it to you.
“Oh, perfect,” he said with a grin that made you think it would not be perfect for you. That didn’t stop you from drinking the small amount in your glass after watching him knock back his.
The taste was awful, but the burn down your throat and how warm it made you feel was rather pleasant. Childe had been watching you, eager to gauge your reaction. He would be disappointed by the fact you didn’t cringe at the taste but also pleased you didn’t seem to dislike it.
“It’s not bad,” you said after a moment, which Childe responded to by pouring a more generous amount into your glass. They were small glasses, so it still didn’t amount to very much.
“I think you’re fully prepared for a visit to Snezhnaya now,” he laughed, also pouring more of the Fire-Water into his glass. Being awfully classy not drinking straight from the bottle.
“Is that your way of telling me you want me to visit you when you’re back in Snezhnaya?” you cooed teasingly, emptying your glass before setting it on the counter. It was already starting to feel a little hazy. That did not stop your companion from continuing to drink.
“Maybe. Maybe I would like to take you back with me,” he returned with a cheeky grin, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his side, not letting you go once you were there. Not that you particularly minded being held snugly against his side. “What do you say? You might even like the cold.”
Heart fluttering at his words, you wondered if he meant them. Of course, he had said it in response to your teasing, but maybe he did want you around. Did you want to stay with him, by his side when he returns to Snezhnaya? Perhaps even going with him when the Fatui send him to different nations?
“I don’t know, I think you’d need to convince me it’s worth going with you,” you mused, giving him a playful smirk.
“Is being with me not enough for you?” he pouts, setting his glass down before using his grip on your waist to turn you around so your back bumps against the counter. His hands rested against the surface on either side of you caging you in as he gazed down at you with an expression that made your heart stutter.
The Harbinger observed your expression for a few beats before leaning down to press his lips to yours. He was much rougher than he’d been in the past, more eager, but you mimicked his pace and intensity nonetheless. Perhaps it was the alcohol you could still taste on his tongue that caused the change.
When you wrapped your arms around his neck, he lifted you up and seated you on the counter. He pulled away from the kiss to brush his lips against your cheek before moving to your neck. The kisses he left there started out delicate but when his teeth grazed against your skin you couldn’t help but close your eyes and sigh pleasantly.
When his hands hooked under your thighs to lift you up, your eyes flew open and a surprised squeak left you. On instinct your legs wrapped around him to prevent you from falling.
“Childe?” you asked when he began walking with you in his hold. It became apparent that the Harbinger was carrying you in the direction of his bedroom, causing your heart to speed up. It seemed like things were moving too fast.
“Alcohol makes me sleepy sometimes.” Oh.
You were promptly dropped on the bed, still feeling a little shocked. He leaned down to press another kiss to your lips, smiling at your expression. That night was the second time you found yourself falling asleep in Childe’s arms.
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punkrockmads · 3 years
Found Family
Abby x F! Reader Mini Series
Song used: The Mother by Brandi Carlile
*...*= Evangeline's Age
Chapter Ten; The Mothers
"Abby." I hear someone mumble. I groan, hiding my face in my pillow. "Abby." The voice calls again. As soon as I realize it's Y/N, I look up, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
"Yeah?" I yawn, seeing her holding Evangeline. Evangeline clings to her finger, resting peacefully in her arms.
"Watch." Y/N says. She sits beside me on the bed, a mischievous smile on her face. She takes her finger out of Evangeline's hand and Evangeline immediately starts crying. Y/N lets Evangeline take her finger again and she calms down instantly. I chuckle, watching as Y/N takes her finger away and gives it back once more. "She likes my fingers just as much as her Momma." Y/N snorts.
"Jesus christ." I scoff, laughing. "That's awful."
"You love me." Y/N grins. I sit up, shuffling over to sit behind her. I pull her body against mine, my legs resting on either side of her as I wrap my arms around her torso.
"I do." I mumble, kissing her neck. She sighs as my lips brush against that one special spot. "How long has it been since we-"
"Too long." Y/N cuts me off with a chuckle. "I'm touch-starved."
"Aww, my poor baby." I hum, kissing behind her ear. "I bet you're missing my fingers just as much as I miss yours, huh?" Y/N tenses, nudging me away with her elbow. "You miss the way I make you moan?"
"Little ears listening, Momma." Y/N warns with a smile. I feel a very familiar warmth in my gut at the sound of her calling me 'Momma'. I'll have to tuck that away for the next time we get the chance to pleasure each other. "Finally, she's asleep." Y/N sighs, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Can you take her so I can make lunch please?"
"Yeah, of course!" I nod, taking Evangeline in my arms. As soon as Y/N pulls her finger out of Evangeline's grasp, I quickly replace it with mine, feeling Evangeline latch on. Her tiny fist can just barely fit around my finger. I feel so much pride as I look at her. She looks so much like Y/N. I didn't think I'd ever feel a love like this, but... thanks to Y/N and Evangeline, Lev and I have an even bigger family, one full of love. "My little Evie." I whisper, kissing my baby's forehead. She scrunches up her nose and sticks her tongue out before relaxing again, sleeping peacefully in my arms. She's so little. So so tiny. "Wait..." I pause. "Lunch? How long did I sleep?"
"It's noon, honey." Y/N chuckles, kissing my cheek as she gets up. I follow her out of the room.
"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask, wondering how much she had to do on her own while I was asleep.
"You were exhausted." Y/N says. She stops in front of me once we get downstairs. "It's okay. I wanted you to sleep in for once." She smiles.
"Thank you, sweet girl." I sigh, kissing the top of her head.
"You can thank me by changing Evie's diaper." Y/N says with a laugh.
"Fiiiine." I groan. "You're lucky I love you."
"I am very lucky." Y/N says, walking into the kitchen. "And I love you too!" She calls as I walk into the living room. I look around for Evangeline's little backpack. Kayla found a really cute Hello Kitty kids' backpack and Y/N stuffed it with things like diapers, bottles, pacifiers, anything Evangeline might need that we can grab quickly.
"Hey, babe!" I wipe a bit of drool off of Evangeline's lip with my pinky as she stares up at me with big sparkly eyes. "Where's Evie's backpack?"
"Um..." Y/N pauses, the sound of clinking plates coming from the kitchen. "It's by the TV stand!" I spot it almost immediately, picking it up and carrying it and Evangeline over to the couch.
"Got it!" I let her know. I lay a baby blanket on the couch, setting Evangeline down carefully. She begins to whimper. "Shh. It's okay, honey." Evangeline starts sniffling, I can tell she's about to cry. "Oh, I know, baby. You just wanna be held, huh?" Evangeline kicks her feet, starting to get fussy. "Momma's gonna hold you in just a bit, baby." After five minutes of trying to wrestle a diaper onto my squirming bean child, I finally get her changed. As I go to set Evangeline's bag back by the TV stand, I trip on the foot of the coffee table, landing on the floor with a loud thud and prompting Evangeline to start wailing at the scary sound. I hear glass shatter as Y/N runs into the living room.
"Abby?!" She looks panicked, quickly picking up Evangeline and kneeling by my side as I sit up. "Holy shit, are you okay?" Evangeline continues to cry in Y/N's arms.
"Yeah." I groan. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped." Y/N puts a hand on my shoulder, rocking Evangeline.
"Jesus." Y/N sighs, hiding an amused grin. Despite her efforts, she can't hold back a laugh. I smile, starting to laugh with her. "I dropped a fucking plate." We laugh harder at our clumsiness. "Oh, my little Evie." Y/N kisses her cheek, trying to get her to stop crying. She just cries louder, starting to make a little pouty face.
"I think it's this goober's lunch time, too." I chuckle. Y/N nods, fixing Evangeline's flower patterned jumper. "Want me to bring you something to eat?"
"Please." Y/N nods, already unclipping her bra underneath her shirt. "Everything's already made. And can you-" She pauses as I help her take her left arm out of her sleeve, maneuvering Evangeline so she can eat. "That. Thank you." She chuckles.
"Hey." I mumble, making her look up at me. "You're incredible." I smile. Y/N rolls her eyes, grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me into a kiss. I can't help but let out a low growl from deep in my throat, making her smile into the kiss, her teeth meeting mine. She pulls away, leaving me breathless as she stares at me with a knowing smile. The things she does to me. "Oh." I grab the pillow from the wooden chair in the corner, leaning it against the arm of the couch. "Here. This should be more comfy for you." I say, helping her reposition herself so her legs lay flat across the couch and her back rests against the pillow.
"God, I love you." Y/N sighs as I kiss the side of her neck. Her stomach grumbles, making me smile against her skin.
"Your affection will have to wait." I chuckle, putting a hand on Evangeline's back. "Mommy's gotta eat too." I tell her. Y/N hums, no doubt thinking the same thing I did earlier. I squeeze Y/N's shoulder before heading into the kitchen to finish preparing lunch. As I scoop fruit salad into bowls, I hear Y/N start singing to Evangeline. I pause, letting myself listen to my wife's beautiful voice.
'Welcome to the end of being
Alone inside your mind
You're tethered to another
And you're worried all the time
You always knew the melody
But you never heard it rhyme
She's fair and she is quiet, Lord
She doesn't look like me'
I smile a bit at the irony of that line. Evangeline looks so much like Y/N already.
'She made me love the morning
She's a holiday at sea
The New York streets are as busy
As they always used to be
But I am the mother of Evangeline'
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nebulousfishgills · 4 years
A Day for Just Us
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Request by: @nyx-aira : When I saw you wrote for Agatha I had to request something so could you write an Agatha x reader where they just take a day for themselves, go on a walk, have a movie night. Basically just you and Agatha having a good time. Cuddles, kisses and fluff please.
Yes, I write for Agatha now. Let me simp in peace, internet.
You want Agatha, then Agatha you shall have!!💜
Also, since you and Agatha are in Westview, you both have your pseudonyms, hers being Agnes, and yours indicated by the (f/n) tag, standing for "fake name." (y/n), of course, stands for your real name.
Warnings: Fluff
Life in Westview, New Jersey was largely calm. The people went about their days, enjoyed each other's company, and were just generally happy... Even after Wanda enveloped the whole town into her Hex. The people were happy, but were they really happy?
Well, you knew you were happy, at least. Being Wanda and Vision's neighbor to the right (your right, not theirs) made things... Interesting, to say the least. But it made things fun also. The boys were just the icing on the cake. Always asking their mom to go over to yours and Agatha's house. During a day when Wanda was feeling the 90s vibe, all four of you played tag in the yard for hours.
You and Agatha were immune to Wanda's chaos magic, but it was just so much fun to play along.
One particular day, Wanda and Vision wanted to take the boys out for some family activities. You noticed them leaving on bicycles when you were out in the front yard tending to Agatha's beloved azaleas. You gave them a pleasant wave before taking off your gardening gloves. Agatha came out of the house with a tray holding a pitcher of lemonade and two glasses.
"Azaleas look great, buttercup." She said happily as she passed you a glass.
"I have to say, while it's weird waking up in different decades based on Wanda's mood, it's nice that we never have to mow the lawn." You laughed, gesturing to the fresh cut grass with your lemonade.
"Yeah, exactly. Hey, since Wanda's gonna be out for the day, what say you to a nice day on the town? A whole day just for us? We're probably not gonna be on her broadcast for a bit." Agatha suggested with a smirk. She poked her finger into her drink so the mint leaves she had put in got trapped underneath the ice in the glass.
"Aw, sweetheart, that sound great. I'll just get cleaned up while you get the bikes from the garage." You said.
"Alright, just don't take too long." Agatha grinned as she booped your nose. She went for the garage while you went back inside your house. You tossed your gloves onto the table and grabbed a pair of sunglasses.
Emerging back outside into the bright sunlight, Agatha waved you over to the garage with both of your bikes in her hands, hers a light lavender color with a basket and yours a (f/c) one that had a matching basket. You both smiled at each other before kicking up your kickstands and pedaling down the street.
The town was a bustle of life as people enjoyed the day's pleasures. Children ran after the ice cream truck and played on the playground while the adults watched or had lovely outdoor picnics.
"What's on the marquee today?" You asked as you and Agatha passed by the movie theater.
"Looks like Jaws and Star Wars. Wanda's good, I'll give her credit for that, but she still meshes together her dates within the decades like a fruit salad in a whirlwind." Agatha said back as you rode by. You laughed as you both trailed down the path into the park. Opting to leave your bikes on the bike rack, you decided to take a lovely stroll down the paths talking about whatever came to mind.
"Howdy, neighbors!" A voice that matched Vision's called over. Looking in the direction of the voice, you saw Wanda with Vision and the boys having a picnic like several other families.
"Fancy meeting you here." Agatha said cheerily, the two of you walking over arm in arm.
"Enjoying a day on the town?" Wanda asked, picking up a strawberry from the bowl on her blanket.
"The weather's just too perfect to be inside all day. Seems like you all are having fun, too." You replied.
"Just a wonderful time. Your azaleas are looking beautiful as well, (f/n)."
"Well, they're really Agnes' azaleas, but I do have a green thumb for these things. Once they're fully grown, we'll put some in a vase for you."
"That's so sweet of you." Wanda beamed.
"Care to join us? There's plenty of food." Vision offered, holding up the paper plate holding the sandwich he hadn't taken any bites of to you both.
"Thanks, but we wouldn't want to spoil your family fun. Maybe next time, though." Agatha shrugged.
"Hm, well, alright." Wanda said.
"Aww, please, Agnes?" Billy asked, finally speaking up.
"Another time, kiddos. Tell ya what, we'll pull out the chalk in our garage and you can come over to draw on the sidewalk tomorrow. Maybe play a few rounds of hopscotch." Agatha said, putting her free arm on her hip and bending down slightly with a cheeky smile.
"Can we, Mom, can we?" Tommy asked excitedly.
"Yeah, can we?" Billy echoed.
"Oh, alright." Wanda laughed. The boys cheered excitedly.
"I've gotta warn you kids, I'm a champion hopscotch player, so bring your A-Game." Agatha bragged. Wanda chuckled as the boys nodded.
"Well, we'll see you then!" You said, waving.
"Bye!" The whole family chorused.
Continuing on your stroll, eventually you and Agatha made it back to your bikes. Taking another loop around the town, you did all the cliche things people did like share a milkshake at the diner (flicking whipped cream on each others' noses, of course) and buying some grains at the supermarket to feed the ducks at the local pond. You also bought some seed packets to hopefully add some roses and (favorite flowers) to your garden.
The day seemed to blow by and soon orange hues filled the sky as the sun started to set. Riding back to your house, you stored your bikes back in the garage and went back inside just as the stars started to poke out. You thought about stargazing on your roof with Agatha, but the shingles on your roof in the 70s setting made your back hurt. Instead, you both washed up and slid into your pyjamas. Extending the pullout sofa, you and Agatha curled up under a few blankets facing the television. You chose to open your selection of VCR tapes (sometimes they were DVDs, sometimes they didn't exist at all) and put "The Wizard of Oz" in.
Agatha said she disliked the movie for its depiction of witches, but you knew she secretly loved it.
"Hey, Agatha?" You asked midway through the movie.
"Yes, dearheart?" She asked in response.
"I wish every day could be like this."
"Me, too, angel. But, who knows, we could wake up tomorrow and it'll be 1955." Agatha laughed before kissing your cheek.
"Yes, but I mean in general. Wanda changes Westview all the time and this town has never been happier. I wish it could be like this forever." You clarified.
"Well, with any luck, it can be. But even if not, we've got each other, and every place is home when we have each other."
"Aww, you always know what to say." You curled closer to Agatha as she kissed the top of your head tenderly.
"You're too precious, dear." She replied.
Hope you enjoyed this, nyx-aira!
As always, requests are open, so send them in!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Christmas Specials: Angel
CW: Implied past parental death, referenced past torture/noncon, memory loss and grief
"It, it should be an, um, a, a-a an angel," Chris says, gazing up at the star on top of the tree. It gleams a warm yellow to match the special lights that wind through the branches, the soft smell of pine and wood. The ornaments weigh it down, a multitude of old childhood things Nat brought with her twenty years ago, plus new ornaments added over time by every rescue who has lived here through Christmas and even a few who didn’t. 
Chris picked his out at Hallmark with Nat last week. He chose a little cardinal on a snowy tree branch with a scarf and earmuffs on. He doesn’t know why. But he runs one finger over the top of its little head in thought. 
Nat, crouching down by the bright red, gigantic rubbermaid with Christmas Ornaments + whatever else written on the lid in big black sharpie letters, looks up. “What?”
Chris keeps petting the little porcelain cardinal with one finger, staring up at the star. “Why isn't it, um, an, an angel, Nat?”
"Not sure exactly. I've always done a star," Nat replies, carefully choosing a small ornament shaped like a horse in mid-gallop, covered in elaborately carved and painted Western tack. She slips the little hook into the small metal ring on the horse’s back and hangs it in an empty spot on the tree, smiling.
She looks over to see an expression of something like upset on Chris's face, his eyebrows furrowed, bouncing uncertainly on his toes. "It, it should be an angel," He repeats, insistent. “It, it should be. Um, an… an angel. A star isn’t-... isn’t, isn’t right. It should be, be, be-be-be… should be-, an, an angel.”
His voice drops a little, and he picks at the hem of his oversized t-shirt with one hand, rocking a little until Nat puts a hand to his shoulder and he stops. 
"Chris, is this bothering you? That it’s a star?” Nat and Jake meet eyes where he's hanging garland along the mantle, knowing later Nat will go all-in on her Midwestern roots and pull out the Christmas-themed baskets to decorate it.
“It’s not right,” Chris says, even more firmly this time. He shakes his head, rocking again, forward and back. “It’s, it’s always supposed to be, to be angels.” He makes a soft sound of frustration, hands moving up to his hair, twisting into the copper, yanking hard. “Supposed, supposed to be-”
Nat takes his hands in hers and gently lowers them again, pressing his palms into his stomach. “Tap, Chris. Don’t pull your hair out, please. Let’s do the ones that don’t hurt, okay?”
He doesn’t answer her, but he starts up the familiar movements of his fingers, finger-twist-tap-tap-tap, and he doesn’t go for his hair again. “Angels,” He mumbles. “Should be a, um, angel on the, the, the tree. Didn’t have a tree the, the last time, we were-... gonna go, go get the tree after Thanksgiving, it, um, it was-...” 
The room is perfectly still as he falls silent, rocking harder. 
 "Did you-...” Nat is quiet for a moment, deciding where to take this line of questioning, what is the safest way to ask. “Are you… used to angels, Chris? Did you have an angel tree-topper as a kid?”
He’s still a kid.
He’s still so young. 
Chris isn’t looking at her, still rocking a little, looking up at the star, gnawing on a chapped spot of skin on his lower lip that he’s already managed to make bleed this week. He pinches his finger and thumb around a few pine needles, releasing their scent even more strongly into the air. "She, she always did angels,” He whispers.
Then he winces, cries out in pain, and the moment's gone, along with the memory. They hold him through the headache until it passes, through his tears, but he’s never able to explain.
Within a half an hour he’s forgotten he ever mentioned angels at all, forgotten anything but the awful spike of pain the headache brings on the heels of any thought or memory they aren’t allowed to have.
She refuses to be frustrated - this is a common part of memory recovery in rescues, how things seem to come and go, slipslide through their minds. It’ll come back, sooner or later. She has to believe that - and that even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter, they still deserve the new memories to be their own.
Every time he walks past the tree, though - as Nat’s presents for her rescues start to build up, and she takes each of them out to find gifts to give Jake and their fellow rescues, too - his eyes don’t linger on the somewhat haphazardly wrapped boxes. 
They go to the star.
She gives Jake a few twenties from her wallet and tells him to go shopping. He sheepishly pulls out the small red box he’d already bought, five steps ahead of her when it comes to Chris as usual.
They wrap the box together. 
On Christmas Eve, Nat insists on cooking, while Antoni hovers nervously around her and offers, time and time again, to do whatever he can to help. She refuses, but lets him set the table before having Jake take him outside to sit down with a drink and watch the Christmas lights. It seems to calm the part of Antoni that needs always to be serving, the part they are trying so hard to get him to drop. 
Chris wanders through the dining room on his way, getting himself some lemonade in the kitchen and giving her a hug. Krista is moving into her own place in the next month or so and she heads out onto the porch, too, making the most of her last few days in the house. Even Leila, quiet watchful thoughtful Leila, finds her way out there, too.
Which leaves Nat in the kitchen putting together everything she remembers from her own childhood. 
It’s a feast.
Beef tips out of the oven with gravy and thick, chewy noodles, little sausages in a crockpot with grape jelly and barbecue sauce, corn casserole more like savory pudding than anything else, scalloped potatoes that have as much cheese as they do actual potatoes, a salad to pretend anyone’s getting nutritional value out of this, queso dip that comes cheap out of a glass jar with tortilla chips, chopped fruit tossed with sugar… this one day each year, Nat lets herself indulge in what she grew up with, what she misses about home. 
Once it’s all ready, she calls them back in. She watches Chris’s eyes widen as he enters first, seeing how she’s pulled out the extra eaves to extend the table, the sheer weight of the food that has taken her three full days of work to put together, the seasonal plastic tablecloth and placemats under every single plate. 
“Chris, you’ll sit right here,” She says warmly, putting her hand against the back of one of the chairs. 
He moves immediately - then hesitates, going still, glancing over his shoulder back at Jake, who smiles back, reassuring. When his eyes go back to his seat, Nat watches him tapping on himself, soothing his sudden jangling nerves. Not grabbing at his hair or scratching himself. Good sign. “Nat, what’s-... what’s, what’s that?”
She moves away to give him space. “What’s what, honey?”
“The, um, the… the the, the box. On my plate. What, what is it for?” He’s trusting, her youngest rescue, like all of them and yet even more than most. He wasn’t meant to have thoughts or skills outside the horrors that he was held for, didn’t develop himself enough to run, he hadn’t gotten a sense that his world wasn’t right enough to develop his own sense of self. That started here, in this house, under Nat’s protection. 
She doesn’t take this responsibility, to help him mold himself into someone he will want to be, lightly. 
He’s trusting, but in this moment, he’s unsure. She wonders how many times he has been given gifts that hurt, that were designed to hurt.
“One last thing for the tree. Open up and find out.”
“But, but Christmas is, is um, is, is tomorrow.”
“Oh, honey.” He loves when she calls him that, every endearment - except sweetheart and darling, and those she has gathered were weapons, once, used against him - and he flushes, looking down and smiling a little, red hair drifting over his eyes. “I never take my tree down before New Year’s. One year I got it late and we kept that sucker up until Valentine’s Day. Go ahead and open the box.”
His fingers are so long and delicate, as he carefully works up the tape that keeps one end of the box closed. Slipping it open comes easily enough, working the styrofoam packing on the inside out is a little more difficult. The squeak of styrofoam against cardboard makes him grit his teeth and Nat herself winces.
But then it’s out, and he lays the square of crumbling white styrofoam down on the paper, carefully lifting the top half away to reveal what it was protecting inside. 
His eyes widen, and he reaches out, touching a rough-edged tinsel halo wrapped around a wire, running one finger down from the top of a porcelain forehead to the tip of a gently wrought nose, the cupid’s-bow lips, rounded hair. He looks up at Nat as his fingers find the stiff, scratchy fabric of the figurine’s cream-and-gold robes. “An, angel? Nat?”
“For the tree, Chris. You said you wanted an angel.” Nat moves back to lay a hand in the center of his back, and he leans to the side, his head tucking into the crook of her neck like always. “Jake and I figured opening one present on Christmas Eve wouldn’t be so bad. D’you want to put it up?”
“Yes,” He says, in a low soft voice. “She, um, she, she… she she… she always had angels, on the, um, the tree.”
“Chris, can I ask?” She rests her chin atop his head, his fine soft hair tickling her skin. “Who is she? Who are you talking about?”
He shakes his head a little, like shaking water out of his ears. “I, I don’t know.” It’s a confession, admission of guilt, more than an answer. “I don’t, don’t, don’t know who. But… but I know she had, had an angel, she said she bought it when, um, when when I was a, a, a a a a baby…”
Mother, then, most likely. She and Jake make eye contact, and he nods, stepping out of the room to go write it down. Every single memory, no matter how slight, could help them put enough together to find whoever might be looking for him out there. And it gives Dr. Berger a place to start delicately working out what is hidden under all the scar tissue in their minds. 
“She threw it, it, it away,” Chris mutters, eyes closed. “With, with everything else.”
“Your mom did?”
“No. Some... someone else.”
“Well, let’s get the angel up there, then,” Nat says gently, as Chris slides his arms around her waist. His voice is going ragged, and she needs to pull him back from the edge before he tips over into the light. “Then all you hungry people can eat.”
“Aren’t you, you hungry? You’ve been cooking all, all, all, all all day.”
“All days. But no, I’ve tasted a little of everything already. Come on, then-”
The door blows open in a bluster of wind and Kauri steps in, cheeks red from the hint of chill in the air, blue eyes warm and sparkling. He looks better today than he did last week - Nat wonders, briefly, if he’s been staying with someone, instead of trying to sleep in park bathrooms or the cold. “Am I late for dinner?”
“Not at all, Kauri. Will Keira be joining us?”
Keira does not consume, comes a muffled voice from inside Kauri’s backpack. He grins and drops it in the entryway, unzipping to take the Roomba out and set it on the coffee table where visual sensors can take in the tree. 
He glances back at the rest of them, and asks brightly, “What’s for dinner? Smells… huh.” He pauses, looks at the table. A strange look passes over his face, like a man seeing someone he knows but can’t quite place. “It smells really good in here.”
“I should hope so. Can you help Chris switch the star on the tree out for this? It’s brand new.” She picks the angel up out of the styrofoam and Chris grabs it from her, moving into the living room with it held in his hands like something infinitely precious and breakable.
Something so easily lost.
“Cool, an angel.” Kauri cocks his head to the side. “Why’d you get that?”
“Because,” Chris says, with earnest sincerity, and a little sadness. “It’s always, um, supposed to, to, to be an angel. It was always a, an angel before.”
Kauri - and Jake, who reappears shortly after to give his many inches of height to assist them - helps Chris get the angel light up on the tree, warm glow emanating from its robes, and Chris declares it better, now. 
He murmurs to himself, “She’d, she’d like it better with an angel.”
No one asks him what he said, or to elaborate.
By the time he’s on his second helping of dinner, he’s forgotten that the thought ever passed his mind.
But Nat hasn’t.
Tagging: @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @endless-whump, @whumpfigure, @slaintetowhump, @astrobly  @newandfiguringitout  , @doveotions  , @pretty-face-breaker, @boxboysandotherwhump  , @oops-its-whump  @moose-teeth  , @cubeswhump  , @cupcakes-and-pain  @whump-tr0pes  @whumpiary  @orchidscript, @itallcomesdowntopain
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jessbakescakes · 4 years
@twwobsessed​ asked for either 89. I noticed or 90. you can tell me anything from this post..
I accidentally deleted the ask, sorry! 
This one spans across the series... it also got way longer than I anticipated. Oops?
“Want some chips?”
Donna looks to her left to find Josh holding out a bag of barbecue potato chips he insisted on getting from the store across the street before they loaded up the bus to South Carolina. “Thanks,” she says, taking a couple from the bag. 
“Take as many as you want. It’ll probably be a little bit before we can stop to get something to eat, and we didn’t get a chance to eat lunch.” He places the bag between them, but doesn’t so much as reach for the chips again.
“Pizza’s here!” CJ announces, dropping several pizza boxes on the table in the center of the room. 
Josh tosses his pen on his notepad. “What did you get? I’ll grab it for you.”
Donna looks up from her note cards. “Oh, no, I didn’t get anything.”
“What? Why?”
She thinks back to the intern who came around asking for everyone’s orders about an hour ago, and the excuse she gave him. The Massachusetts Democratic Party catered a lunch with a sandwich spread; she told the intern that she was still full from lunch, but Josh would see right through that. He sat right next to her while she ate half a turkey sub and a just-this-side-of-stale oatmeal raisin cookie before they were ready to head to their next meeting. 
The truth, of course, is that she’s made a pretty big dent in her already modest savings account since rejoining the campaign. Her parents, in an attempt to impart some financial wisdom upon her during her teen years, had declared that half of each paycheck from whatever after school or summer job she held at the time was to be deposited into a savings account. She managed to make it all this time without having to dip into it; selling her car and sleeping on the floor had made it easier to stretch her limited budget. But it won’t last forever.
Before she can answer, CJ interrupts, calling out everyone’s orders. “Looks like we have some breadsticks on top, here, and some wings… here’s a cheese pizza for Kevin McCallister over there,” CJ says, motioning toward Josh as she opens the box, places it beside the stack, then closes the lid. 
“Hey now, Donna and I are splitting this pizza, I wanted to make her feel at home,” Josh retorts, grabbing a plate and handing it to Donna before pulling two slices of pizza out of the box CJ just abandoned. 
Donna turns to Josh. “I’m fine, Josh, really.”
“Donna,” he says, grabbing her hand and pulling her up from her seat.
“I don’t want to eat your food.” Josh gives her a pointed look, and she lets out a sigh. “How much do I owe you?”
Josh laughs. “What’s mine is yours, Donnatella.” He places his hand at the small of her back and ushers her toward the pizza box. “Eat.”
They manage to find a 24 hour diner in Little Rock two weeks before the convention. When their server approaches, everyone’s either staring blankly at their menus or engaged in subdued conversation. They were already tired, but they were pulling hours even longer than normal due to what should have been a minor PR snafu turned media beast that just wouldn’t die. 
Josh had gotten Leo to agree to bring Donna on as a salaried member of the campaign once the Governor was no longer the presumptive nominee, but the official nominee; all Donna needed to do was make her last few dollars stretch as far as possible for just a little longer. Her stomach growls loudly as the server moves next to Josh.
“I’ll have the chicken and waffles,” Josh starts, handing the server his menu and sliding Donna’s toward him. “She’ll have an omelette with spinach and feta.”
By the time she opens her mouth to protest, the server’s gone and Josh is listening intently to whatever it is Sam is saying to his left.
“I’m just saying,” Josh starts, putting his half-eaten box of Chinese food on the table in the Mural Room, “if Thompson thinks Braun and Miller will pull out, we need to plan for that now.”
“You really think they’ll do that?” Toby asks. 
Josh nudges the container toward Donna. “I do. At least, that’s what Braun was hinting at earlier. I don’t know what the hell that guy’s up to; he’s harder to read than any woman I’ve ever dated.”
Donna reaches for the food and peeks inside, noticing that it’s honey garlic chicken - her favorite.
“I think you’re not giving theoretical physics enough of a chance,” Josh insists. “I think you have some weird, unfair bias against it.”
Donna holds out her hand and takes the wrapper to Josh’s chicken sandwich. “Well, considering physics was the only class I ever came close to failing, I think my biases are perfectly fair.”
Josh laughs. “Donna Moss almost failed a class?”
“I stayed every day after school for a month and pulled it up to an A minus. But for a little while there I was in the mid-C range.”
“Painfully average,” Josh teases. 
“Shut up and eat your salad,” Donna sighs.
“I’m full, you can have it.”
Donna rolls her eyes. “Josh, you ordered this salad. You said you wanted this salad, and I didn’t question you…”
“You’re about to go back to work, and I know you won’t have time to stop and grab something for another… seven, eight hours? Eat the damn salad.”
The Hawk and Dove is nearly empty; it’s just CJ, Sam, Donna, Charlie, and Josh in the late hours of the snowy evening. 
“Toby was mentioning that earlier,” CJ says. “I don’t buy it.”
Donna pulls Josh’s untouched tray of cheese fries toward her and begins to eat, expecting a grumble or a whine from him. It never comes.
She’s not invited to this particular State Dinner. She could have gone home an hour ago, but she decided to take advantage of the rare opportunity to catch up on some filing while Josh wasn’t around. 
Donna works through the last stack of files and returns to her desk to find two plates full of hors d'oeuvres.
Donna opens her eyes and stretches as much as the hospital bed will allow. Josh hears her stir and stands up from his chair. “Hey,” he says. “How are you feeling?”
“Been better,” she says, her voice a little hoarse. 
“They brought you some breakfast. Looks like you’ve got some fruit and eggs. They’re probably a little cold by now, though. You hungry?”
“A little, yeah.” 
Josh extends his hand and offers her a small package of mini muffins. “Don’t ask me how this works, but apparently there’s a vending machine down the hall that has some American snacks in it. I thought these would be chocolate chip, but… they’re blueberry.” 
She takes the package and notices that the word blueberry is written in bold, blue font across the front, directly underneath the logo. He hasn’t eaten any of them.
“If anyone asks, the Congressman won’t be commenting on the situation with Senator Stephens,” Lou says. “Donna, do your best to make sure they don’t ask.”
Donna nods. She walks back to her seat to find a small bag of chocolate covered pretzels sitting in the chair. She looks across the room at Josh, staring at an electoral map, eating a bag of the same pretzels. He turns to grab a marker and makes eye contact with her from across the room.
Donna’s stomach nearly ties itself in knots when he gives her a small smile before returning to the board.
Josh takes his seat next to Donna, leaning in for a kiss. “Hi.”
“Hey,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Everything okay?”
He nods. “Yeah. I was just getting the ‘don’t you dare hurt her’ talk from the President.”
“Which one?” Donna asks, taking a sip of champagne.
“Either. Both. They both like you better than me, anyway, does it really matter?” 
Donna laughs. “No, I guess it doesn’t.”
Josh looks down at his empty plate, then at Donna. “You ate my slice of cake?” He’s saying it in a tone of incredulity, but he’s grinning.
She shrugs. “You left it; I assumed you didn’t want it.”
“Donna,” Josh whines. “I was going to eat that.”
“There’s still plenty left,” Donna reassures him. “Don’t worry. You can get another slice.”
“Why, so you can eat that one, too?” Josh sighs. “At what point did you start stealing my food, anyway?”
Donna moves her arm to rest on Josh’s chair. “Probably around the time I noticed that even though I was on salary, you still continued to feed me. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that, by the way.”
Josh turns to face her. “Wait, you knew?”
“Of course I knew, Josh,” Donna says. “It was your way of taking care of me. It’s really thoughtful, actually. One of the many reasons I fell in love with you.” 
She looks at him for a moment, studying the smirk on his face. She’s still in awe that she gets to call this man her husband - this incredibly caring, ridiculously sweet, wonderful man married her. 
“I’m going to start putting my name on my leftovers,” Josh declares
“I’ll just eat them anyway,” Donna says, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah. You will.”
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Wouldn’t It Be Nice
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Hello all!
It is an honor to say that I am participating in my very first Fic Challenge! @helladirections​ put together this AMAZING Summer Feeling Challenge with a list of a bunch of summer prompts for writers to chose from. For this fic, I chose the BBQ and Fireworks as my prompt.
So without further ado, I present a very fluffy college!Harry.
Warnings: Fluffy-fluff, mild drug and alcohol use.
Please keep an eye out for the other writers and fics involved in the Summer Feeling Challenge and spread some love and peace to those amazing writers as well.  
Harry had always looked forward to the summer; time off from school, getting back to work in the bakery and bugging Barbara. The thing he looks forward to the most is his time with his family at the lake house, and going to the lake house meant spending the summer with you.
Harry had a school boy crush on you since your family bought the lake house down the road. He was in awe of how fearless you were. You were always the first to grab at any creepy-crawly or amphibian, the first to dive into the lake, and the one to suggest scary stories in the middle of the night at the gazebo by the lake.
As time progressed, Harry’s crush turned into something more. He remembers the first summer of puberty when you filled in your bathing suit a little too well and how he is positive he was sporting a semi the whole summer. Damn hormones.
But now, on his drive to the lake house, he smiles thinking of how he will be reunited with his summertime buddies and the girl he can never get off his mind. He turns up the music, hearing “Summer of ‘69” to put him in the perfect mood for another great summer.
Harry drives past your house, seeing your car already parked there. He is half tempted to stop at your place first but realizes that you're probably down by the lake already. His mom is out front of their house talking to your mom when Harry pulls up, both women promptly giving him a hug when he steps out.
“God Harry, you got so big and handsome! And your hair!” Your mom praised Harry as he tried to detangle his hair from the wind of having the windows down, giving her a shy smile an a ‘thank you’.
“Y/N is down by the lake with Sarah and Mitch darling, she has been asking about you.” Anne gave him a wink and a tap on the bum, knowing his feelings for you, your mom giggled at Harry’s blush. As Harry was walking away, he could hear your mom mumble, “Always thought those two would be perfect together.” Harry’s shy smile turned beaming as he walked his bag to his room.
Harry walked out the back of the lake house and began his walk to the dock. He could hear The Beach Boys playing, becoming clearer the closer he got to the lake. He could see Sarah laying out next to Mitch, who was sitting in a chair with his guitar in his lap, lazily strumming along to “Good Vibrations”. He couldn’t see you until you breached the water, hiking yourself up onto the dock.
“Harry!” You quickly stood up and ran before you tumbled into his arms, still dripping from your swim and not grabbing a towel. He embraced you, giving you a tight squeeze, soaking his shirt. You giggled as he picked you up so that your feet were a few inches off the ground.
Sarah and Mitch quickly got up to give Harry a warm and welcoming embrace before all walking to where your towels were all laid out so you can all sit and talk. Everyone was talking about their year since they last saw each other. Well, accept Mitch and Sarah since they have been dating since last summer.
It was getting warm, so Harry took off his now dry shirt. You gasped when he did, seeing his skin exposed littered with new black ink. He had a few accumulating over the summers but there were so many new ones for your eyes to explore.
You propped yourself on your knees looking at all the ink in their details, Harry shivered as your fingers grazed his skin. He could see Sarah and Mitch begin to smirk and giggle just past your head but he quickly returned his gaze to you; skin glowing in the sun, hair frizzing from its air drying. You were more beautiful every summer. You smiled up at him as you talked about the new markings before the smell of the grill indicated it was time to head back to help set up for the barbeque.
The barbeque was being held at Harry’s house, his step-dad, Robin, wearing the fitting apron that says “Grill Master”. Your dad was helping Robin with grabbing the meat from the kitchen that he had helped prep to bring it out to the porch where the grill and it’s master were perched.
Anne had put on an Eagles playlist that was coming through an outdoor speaker, Robin and your dad singing into their tongs and spatulas. Anne was putting together a summer sangria on the porch when all of you came running up the back steps from the lake.
Mitch’s and Sarah’s parents started bringing out different dishes with salads and fruits, your mom following with plates and silverware. Harry promptly took the cutlery and plates from your mom and began to set the table, you were quick to help Harry, bumping his hip with yours. Mitch and Sarah were helping with chairs.
“One of These Nights” began to play through the speaker and you grabbed Harry’s hand to begin dancing and singing along, Sarah did the same with Mitch, your dad with Robin.
Anne was emitting bubbly laughs as she and your mom passed out a glass of sangria to everyone. Once Robin sang that his masterpieces were complete, everyone sat at the table.
Harry sat across from you, smirking at you throughout your meal, giggling when you had barbeque sauce on your cheeks. You quickly wiped it off and nudged his shin with your foot.
Conversation was light throughout the meal, everyone’s parents asking all the kids how school is, what their future plans are, how much longer until they graduate. Harry kept his eyes on you as you were telling Mitch’s dad your favorite classes and how you are starting to look at graduate programs.
The night had come to an end when the sun had set, all the families exchanging ‘good nights’ and hugs. You were the last one that Harry had embraced. You turned your head to his ear to whisper, “gazebo at midnight”, before pulling away and kissing his cheek. You ran off quickly to catch up with your parents as well as Sarah and her family, grabbing Sarah’s hand before turning to look back at Harry. You gave him a final smile and wave before turning back to talk with Sarah.
Harry should have known that it wouldn’t be just the two of you at the gazebo, it was tradition after all.
Sarah and Mitch were sitting on the banister as you were spreading out the blanket for you all to sit on. Mitch was packing a bowl while Sarah was sipping on the bottle of liquor she stole from her parents cabinet. You were all of age at this point but it was a sentimental gesture from all the years prior.
Harry gave a weak smile and a wave as he approached. You had brightened when he stepped foot in the gazebo, skipping to him to grab his hand to pull him to the blanket. Your eyes were glowing in the twinkling lights hung along the top of the shelter.
Sarah handed you the bottle as Mitch took his first hit, promptly handing it to Harry. As Harry was inhaling, you had grabbed the bag that you brought with snacks and your phone, putting on some music and opening up the bag of Doritos.
You popped a chip in your mouth as Harry passed the bowl to you. “So, do you have a boyfriend from school?” You smiled at him before taking a hit and holding your breath, shaking your head no as you exhaled.
“No, but I had a girlfriend last semester. Found out she was screwing our whole friend group so I ended that quickly.”
Harry choked on the liquor he just tipped back, coughing with a, “Sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged it off before asking Harry, “And you? Any boyfriend or girlfriend?” smirking as he blushed. This group of friends were the only people you all could truly be open to, both you and Harry had come out as bisexual last summer.
“No, no one for me.” He began to dig into the snacks as the booze and weed got passed around.
“That’s a shame, you're a catch.” Everyone looked straight at you with wide eyes. Sarah giggling out from either the liquor, the weed, or the fact that she knew you had a massive crush on Harry.
Harry was stunned by your comment, giving a shy ‘thank you’ as you passed the bowl back around to him. Sarah continued her giggles, falling into Mitch who was kissing the top of her head.
The night progressed with the passing of substances between the four of you and ended with all your heads in the middle of the blanket telling stories from college. You began to yawn, getting a shiver from the wind. Harry pulled off his green flannel and handed it to you for you to keep yourself warm.
After putting your arms in the sleeves, you rolled over to rest your head on Harry’s chest, falling asleep to the now talkative Mitch telling horror stories from his pizza delivery job. Harry wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you close to him.
The next morning, you all wake up to the sun rising, the lake reflecting the pink and orange sky. Harry woke up before you so he was able to take in your sleeping beauty. He moved the hair away from your face, flinching when Sarah talked.
“She really likes you, ya know? All she talks about is you whenever we are on the phone. Counted down the days until summer vacation.”
Harry began to smile looking back down at you, tickling your cheek with the tips of fingers causing you to rouse. You blink at him slowly and mumble a ‘morning’ before cuddling back into him.
After all fully waking up, you made your way to Sarah’s place where her parents were setting up a breakfast buffet on the porch. You promptly grab a plate and a mug of coffee before settling next to Harry and eating your breakfast, softly smiling as you both munched away.
You had spent all day on the boat with your parents, warming your skin in the sun and reading your book of the moment. You had watched Harry swimming and splashing around by the dock with Mitch.
“Are you excited for the fireworks sweetie?” Your mom had asked you as she added some more lotion to your shoulders so you don’t burn.
“There are fireworks tonight?”
“Mhm. The owners of the lake are putting on a show for the anniversary of when they opened it up.”
“I wonder if Harry knows. He hates fireworks.”
You dad looked over at you as he started the engine of the boat to head back to the dock, “What better way to spend your night than distracting Harry during fireworks.”
“Dad!” You were all laughing at what your dad was insinuating, approaching the dock to moor the boat. You hopped off to tie up the boat as Harry was swimming up to the dock boosting himself out of the water and grabbed his towel.
“Have a nice swim?” You stood up straight to see Harry was close behind.
“I did. Did you have a nice boat ride?” He was towel drying his hair before he started to wipe down his body.
“I did. Hey, do you want to hang out at the gazebo with me tonight? Just us?”
Harry stopped drying his legs and looked up at you with a slight shock. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be cool.”
You smiled with a nod, “Good, we can meet up after dinner.” You walked over to give Harry a kiss on his cheek before grabbing your stuff from the boat and running inside.
Harry was already at your meeting spot, sitting on the banister and looking out to the lake. He had his go to flannel on and a beanie covering his unruly curls.
You walked up behind him and gently tapped his shoulder that cause him to turn to you.
“Hey. Have you been here long?”
“Uh, no. Only a few probably. Did you have a good day?”
“I did, thank you. Did you?”
Right when Harry was about to respond, you hear the tell tale sign of a whistle followed by a loud pop that was the start of the firework show. Harry jumped mumbling a ‘fuck me’ as you rested your hands to cover his ears.
Harry looked up at you, blues, reds, and greens painting your skin from the sky. You looked down at Harry mouthing a ‘sorry’ and he quickly rested his hands on yours that were still covering his ears. He moved his hands down your forearms before gripping your waist, pulling you closer.
You were now settled standing between his knees, his fingers wiggling nervously on your hips. You continued to look down at him, gently brushing at his hair that your fingers can reach.
Harry couldn’t take it anymore, loudly asking, “Can I kiss you?” since his perception of sound was off due to you covering his ears. You let out light laugh, nodding as you lean down to slot your lips against his.
Harry hummed into the kiss, pulling you closer by your hips, moving his lips to have more of you. He pulled away to tell you louder than he anticipated that, “I have been waiting so long to do that!”
You let out another laugh, kissing the side of his mouth, pulling away to tell him ‘me too’ before kissing him again.
That night, Harry was no longer afraid of fireworks because whenever he kissed you, all he could see and feel were the bright bursts of colors against your lips.
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