#and i was like 'oh thats just how enemies to lovers goes' and he was like 'UR FUCKED UP!!' LMAOOOO
inkedmyths · 2 months
Something rlly funny about my coworker calling me fucked up for my thoughts on a fictional relationship like lmao buddy u have no idea
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cowboydisaster · 10 months
reader dying in Simon's arms... med evac being too late... Simon in denial?
i like to cause pain 🫡
nonny... you are a little torturer, but I'm here for it. I actually wrote this a bit ago, but tweaked it b/c it was very similar to this prompt. Anyhow, enjoy you little angst-lover!
Fine Line
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader word count: 1.7k a/n: reader goes by callsign: Red. Also, this is like-- super angsty. I'm SORRY. I'll make it up to you later I promise. xx warnings: death, reader death, blood, gore? i think thats the word im looking for, denial, trauma, hurt/no comfort. masterlist
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It doesn’t look good.
You hold your palm over your torso, pulling it away to look down at the ruby colored liquid that is coating your hands. It’s sort of beautiful, you think, oddly. Like rose petal after rose petal spilling out from your wounds, coating your being in its own life sustaining substance. It hurts, an unrelenting burn radiating throughout your body, causing you to tremor uncontrollably. You’ve seen death plenty. You’ve been the hand of it, and now you’re the victim. Funny how things come full circle like that. 
Bodies lie around the room you occupy, already having suffered the same fate that you’re about to. You’d succeeded in clearing the room. Ah, but the closet. You’d missed it. A simple mistake, and it would cost you your life. You managed to take out the enemy, but not before he pressed his damning shotgun against your stomach, not before he’d pulled the trigger. 
Your breathing is shallow, the puffs of air are visible in the cool air, and they shrink smaller as an overwhelming cold begins to creep around your lungs. Ice wraps around your frame like an old friend, like a lover. 
“Red, how copy?” 
You glance down at your radio, a bittersweet smile gracing your lips at the familiar voice. Simon. Oh, how you love him. 
“Fuck, sergeant. How copy? I heard shots.” Simon says again, this time harsher. You’ll miss his voice, his touch, his eyes. You hope that in some way, after you’re gone, he’ll be with you.
His voice soothes you, your heart skipping a beat even as it slowly gives up, unable to carry the burden of keeping you alive for much longer. Blood trickles down your body like vines, wrapping around your arms and holding you heavy to the ground. You hope they’ll plant roses on your grave. 
 Slippery fingers press down on the comms button, trembling and soaked with crimson. 
“I’m here, Ghost… I’m here.” You say into your comms. Your voice is barely a whisper, nothing more than a wisp. You used to be so bubbly, the loudest in the room. Your voice is foreign in your ears as the soft, comforting hands of death steal your air away from you, unwilling to compromise. Not this time. 
“I'm coming, Red. Fuck, I’m on my way, love. I’ll be right there. Just hang on.” Simon pleads. You can hear his heavy breathing through the comms, swallowed by the panic in his voice. He sounds scared, terrified. It contrasts how you feel. Death has never been peaceful. Not when you watched teammates die on the field, not even when you killed. But this, being on the fine line of life and death? It’s peaceful. Death is quiet, it’s numb. Living. That’s the hard part. Fighting. Surviving. 
Your eyes flicker to the door as Simon kicks it clean in. Your love enters the room quickly. You hate seeing him so worried, you’d take it away if you could. You’d carry the burden to ease the weight on his shoulders. 
“Red!” Simon yells, running towards you and sliding to his knees on the ground beside you. His eyes scan over your wound, refusing to acknowledge the warm, red liquid that pools around you. He’s had a lot of blood on his hands, but never yours. Never. 
Big hands push against your torso, attempting to stop the inevitable seeping of blood from your broken and battered body. It’s no use. Your time is up. The blood that Simon so desperately tries to stop from flowing has already been used to sign your life away. 
“Price. I need a medevac, now!” Simon screams into his radio, the desperation is thick in his voice. His hands on your body hurt you, pushing against wounds that you know will never be sealed again. You groan uncomfortably as he attempts to force the life back into you. 
“You’ll be just fine, baby. Just fine. Hang on for me, yeah? I’ll get you out of here.” Simon rambles. 
“Simon, stop.” You whisper, hand weakly covering his. He shakes his head, unbelieving that this is happening. It can’t be. He’s lost everything. He can’t lose you too. Anything, anyone but you. He’s not strong enough. His skeleton gloves are painted red, like the rose petals, the blood, seeping from your mouth and your body. He pushes harder, noises of anguish escaping from his throat. A tear slips down your cheek, the liquid mixing in with the blood. 
“Simon, stop.” You plead. He shakes his head. 
“I won’t let you die out here.” He says, frantic, hands putting pressure on your wounds. 
“It’s too late and you know it. Please. It hurts, Simon.” You whisper, head lolling back against the wall, “Just hold me… please.”
Simon hesitates. Everything in his being is screaming at him to fix you, to make a futile attempt to heal your wounds. But how can he deny you? He doesn’t move, but your hand squeezes his and he gives in to the weak gesture. His back slumps against the wall beside you, and he scoops you into his warm arms.
You were wrong. Death isn’t peace, his arms are. You smile weakly, curling into his chest as the life seeps out from your very pores. 
“I can’t lose you, Red. Not you. Medevac’s almost here. You’ve got to hang on for just a bit, yeah?” Simon says, eyes darting around the room before they land on you again. There’s so much blood, too much blood. It covers you and him. He knows that no matter how hard he scrubs, it won’t ever come out. It’s etched into his very being, stained forever.
He’ll have to burn his clothes.
For his sake, you nod, though you know it’s a lie. 
“They’ll get here in time. They will.” Simon nods to himself, attempting to convince himself that you’ll be okay. 
He rocks you lightly, tears slipping down his cheeks and wetting his balaclava. His brown eyes are stained red from tears. The pain in your torso begins to dissipate, a searing burn turning to a dull ache. An overwhelming numbness begins to spread from the tips of your fingertips, spreading through you like clover. It covers you, a peaceful escape from the constant pain. You realize that time is slipping through your fingers, and no matter how much you try, it will continue to fall. 
“I love you, Simon.” You whisper, voice barely a puff of air. You need him to hear it, just one last time. You don’t ever want him to forget. Simon shakes his head. 
“You’re gonna be okay. Don’t– don’t say that. You’ll be just fine, love. You can tell me how much you love me when you’re safe at the base.” He stumbles over his words, begging to wake up from this nightmare and be in bed next to you. 
“Say it back or you’ll regret it.” You whisper, knowing he’ll beat himself up for the rest of his life if he doesn’t repeat those familiar words to you just one last time.
“I’ll tell you when we get home. You’re not going to die out here.” His resolve is strong. Denial. A cold, bloody hand comes up to rest on his cheek, leaving a bloody handprint as you cup his masked face. 
“I want to–” You gasp for breath, a wheeze that Simon won’t ever unhear for the rest of his life– “I want to hear it one last time.” You smile weakly, eyes locked onto his large brown irises. They are brimming with tears that you’ve never seen fall from his eyes. 
“I love you.” He whispers, shakily. “Love you so much, my Red.”
“Thank you, Simon.” You whisper, “For everything.” 
Your eyes are tired, and they slip shut to unburden themselves from staying open. Simon rocks you as his warm tears drip down onto your hair. A kiss is pressed to your hair, your forehead, your cheek. A sound of anguish, of raw pain shreds through the room. You can’t bring yourself to react.
It’s like falling asleep, lulled into a blissful slumber by the man you love. It’s peaceful. Simon’s warmth fades away from you, replaced by a cold that wraps around your heart and your lungs. The icy compression squeezes the last ounce of life from your being, and the rose petals stop falling. 
Captain Price rushes into the room, Gaz and Soap on his six. His feet stop once he lays eyes on the scene in front of him. Ghost rocks you gently, eyes frantic, full of a pain and fear that Price has never seen in the stone-cold man’s eyes. 
“Where’s the heli? You’ve got to help her!” Simon yells angrily at the three men. Soap backs up slightly, a few tears brimming in his eyes. 
“Price!” Simon screams, his voice raw. He doesn't understand why no one is reacting, why no one is helping. He stands up from the floor, cradling you in his arms tightly. Your head is lulled back unnaturally, your hair cascading towards the floor.
"Simon…" Price whispers, taking a few steps towards you both. 
"You've got to help her! Fucking hell, Price! Please!" Simon roars. His arms are trembling. His eyes are stained red with tears. 
"Simon… she isn't breathing." Price whispers, his own tears coming to the surface as he looks over your lifeless body. You're unmoving, forever still and cold in Simon's arms. 
“She’s alive–” Simon shakes his head, refusing to face the truth, “She’s alive, we just have to get her into the heli!”
“Simon…” Price whispers again, “She’s already gone.”
“You have to help her, Price. Fucking hell, please– Soap, Gaz, anybody please. Fuck!”
Death had already passed through, carried you away as red dripped down from the very being of your soul. 
You're grateful to not be able to hear Simon's screams.
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idolomantises · 1 year
talking abt that one thing in velma thats on my mind a lot for the past few days (that turned into a big incoherent rambling about gay rep in media)
i'm seeing jokes about how the queer representation in mystery inc being so much better than the queer representation in velma and honestly it makes me want to go on a whole tangent about my thoughts on queer representation nowadays vs the more subtle examples decades prior.
There's this weird debate that goes on online about what is "good" queer representation, and one of the most notable and honestly annoying examples is that queer representation has to be so subtle that you could easily miss it/ignore it. i've always hated that take because its a claim mostly said by straight people who are uncomfortable with seeing characters who are openly queer and/or state their identity, but they present it as some sort of push for subtle and nuanced writing. personally i do prefer it when a character just, identifies as how they are without explaining their identity, but that doesn't mean flat out explaining your orientation is inherently bad representation. its why i will always defend the very clunky and awkward high guardian spice scene. it is absolutely poorly directed and written, but that doesn't make it "bad representation". however, I do consider the character who explains that he's trans bad representation because he is flat, uninteresting and very clearly a creator self insert. he doesn't feel like a well rounded character who's also a trans man, but just an incredibly sanitized example of trans representation.
i have many, many issues with helluva boss/hazbin hotel and i do genuinely find some depictions of queer characters just flat out offensive (you can argue with me about how angel dust being written like your average 90s gay stereotype is woke actually because he has trauma, i dont care), but i do admire and appreciate that the series doesn't want to sanitize its queer characters, even if its done poorly. though i could go into a whole rant about how i find it very telling that female characters that are queer are far less sexualized or allowed to be problematic compared to their queer male counterparts.
anyways back to velma. that show does something that i've always found pretty irritating in queer representation which is just this weird lack of faith in its audience. characters can't have a slow burn anymore. internalized thoughts, anger, frustration, longing. you have to immediately know that two characters are gay for each other, even if they're lifelong enemies. its like when modern horror movies open with the gore because they're scared people are going to be bored or leave early. there's no subtlety or chemistry between daphne and velma, they're just lovers because idk, its two girls who hate each other and who doesn't love that.
then i think about how mystery inc handled velma and her sexuality, how she was allowed to be well rounded and nuanced before you slowly realize that "oh, she doesn't like boys". i know her whole thing with shaggy is controversial among fans but i always loved how she does do something pretty unlikable but not immoral. yeah, it is shitty to force shaggy to choose between her and his dog, but i can understand her line of thinking and empathize with her. and i do like how they become friends in the end despite their awkward break up. It's always fun rewatching it and realizing that their incredibly awkward and cringe relationship was meant to be awkward and cringe. it was supposed to be weird and difficult to watch, because those two weren't meant to date each other. you could see how hard velma was trying to make the relationship work despite the fact that you never get the vibe that either character was full invested in it, unlike daphne and fred's relationship.
then you had velma and her relationship with marcie, which started off as sort of a catty rivalry (not full on attempted murder, i mean holy shit hbo velma) that slowly grows to where you're completely convinced that these two did gradually like each other. and i do really enjoy stuff like that, more subtle writing like that. which doesn't just apply to queer rep btw, my favorite ships are relationships that feel understated, something you have to really dig for and pay attention to. its why i consider bubbline the best f/f representation in cartoon. because its subtle, but not too subtle where it feels out of no where when they kiss, and nuanced in ways that enhances the relationship AND characters.
there's a good amount of relationships i see in cartoons where the creator, who is usually queer themselves, often wants to depict queer relationships, but is weirdly adverse to depicting the uglier aspects of that character, and refuses to add subtlety to it. steven universe is a show i've always felt conflicted on its handling of queer representation because on the one hand i appreciate writing lesbians that are messy, traumatized and make constant mistakes. but on the other hand, the show goes out of its way to ignore these issues and/or make excuses for it, making the decision to make these characters messy and complicated genuinely baffling (this is also one of the big issues i have with catradora and stolitz).
it makes me think back to my own work too. i really enjoy making fluffy, easily digestible gay content for my followers and myself because it puts me in a good headspace. But even now and then i like exploring those little nuances too, because i don't really enjoy stories with little conflict. Because of that acknowledgement of how satisfying it is to write fluffy, queer rep, you end up putting yourself in other creator's shoes. you're so used to media that either dehumanizes gay people or tells people that they don't exist that you push yourself to make the most in your face queer rep you can but its at the cost of an interesting and subtle characters. characters that don't really have arcs or places to learn and grow.
With bugtopia i made a joke about how i want some of my queer rep to feel like you're being queerbaited. It's not literal, obviously, but mixed in with characters who are already married and in same gender relationships, i really want to write dynamics that feel subtle enough for a bit of a slow burn. even if you know they're going to end up together, to at least value the characters on their own before centering them on their relationships. queerbaiting is something that deserves all the criticism it can get, but it is embarrassing when queerbaiting feels genuinely more interesting than actual queer rep because queerbaiting has that factor of "maybe they won't get together" that adds that bit of intrigue, vs so many shows that repeatedly hammer in your head "don't worry guys, they're gonna be lesbian lovers".
mystery inc (and many other shows) being forced to keep a relationship obvious while subtle to get through censorship really forced creators to be creative with their storytelling and not center characters around their relationship and identity. but nowadays i think shows like to take the easy way out. for me, i always thought the most impactful example of queer representation in steven universe is "Rose's Scabbard". I genuinely don't enjoy that episode because it's a good example of the show thinking that trauma is an excuse for shitty behavior, but i cant deny that an entire episode of pearl breaking down and finally accepting that she wasn't the center of rose's world. it's the crew being forced to be creative and push through censors to telling a compelling story about a traumatized lesbian slowly realizing that she basically deluded herself into thinking she was someone's savior.
I think it's silly to try to place good queer representation in one box. like subtle queer rep is good, but also queer rep where a character flat out states that their gay. where I think it falls apart is when it either reinforces stereotypes without properly deconstructing or expanding on them, makes the characters so overly kind and non-controversial that the relationship is just boring, or try to make your messy and complicated characters but the narrative refuses to hold them accountable or at least acknowledge that they're doing something wrong. and to clarify on that last part, i'm not asking for some hays code nonsense where every bad person goes to prison and/or promises to stop being a bad person again. i mean the narrative doesnt just fucking sugarcoat their behavior. i don't want to see helluva boss ignore the fact that stolas made blitzo call him out for only using him for sex and then pathetically rush to justify their relationship by giving them a bizarrely sanitized and sweet backstory. and i don't want to see catra literally end the fucking universe and only do something good because she's straight up out of options and the show just decides that that was her redemption and she doesn't need to do anything to atone for what she did (including repeatedly abusing and verbally berating adora).
anyways velma has none of those interesting qualities and i'm pretty sure daphne and velma kissed because the creator is a weird pervert who thinks two girls kissing is hot.
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mooncheese3 · 1 year
yueliujiu anon here saying if ur too shy to answer my last ask -- it's ok! but also, if you have any more yueliujiu thoughts pls feel free to dump!! id love to hear them 🥺🥺🥺
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ANYWHO HDNFN yeaa :DDD u are the anon in mermaid qijiu reblog :DDDD genuinely cant stop thinking about them now also im totally gonna join yqy weekend now that i have been made awareRAWGRH SPREADING THE YLJ AGENDA
thoughts on how lqg is so used to having a big family and how hes never worried about losing their support vs qijiu whose longest familial bond has only ever been each other and how they always worry about losing that so they try their damnest to tie themselves together (and this doesnt always translate well)
idk what theyll do about that i just know that hurts and it hurts good
but also small-town!sv au wherein yqy is the mayor, lqg is a newly transferred cop, and sqq is the local librarian & part-time language tutor (also a retired criminal investigator)
basically 'beyond evil' vibes where lqg is investigating a case gone cold, aka the qiu massacre thing. SO LIKE. hes following a lead everyone else deemed outlandish, but the thing is his instincts have never failed him before, and those instincts are telling him hes on the right path
it just so happens that path leads right to a little town up in the mountains, whose mayor is a charismatic man named yqy. yqy is kind, thoughtful, and just. he smooths problems out quickly and can manage many things at once. right beside yqy is sqq, the only flaw lqg can find in yqy
sqq is an acidic man. the mayors wrapped around the guy's finger and the mayor himself doesnt care; he knows too much, is what lqg thinks. lqg notices sqq's aversion to fire, notices how his stare lingers on flames that burn too close. he notices how sqq easily lockpicks the libarary's door when the rust in the lock finally overpowers the key, how sqq seems to be hated by all yet is frequently hired by the parents who gossip about him. lmy tells him over the phone that if sqq really were the suspect, hed have been around 16 when the qiu massacre happened—isnt that too much?
despite agreeing with his sister, he cant shake the feeling that a teenage sqq would be capable of it
additionally to sqq he feels that qht deserves to at least find peace in finally "figuring out" why her family died in such a horrible way and getting justice. she was innocent after all. so if that means he needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life he'll let lqg do his job and finally close the qiu case
yqy is less than pleased btw. he tries to take suspicions off of sqq but it just makes it worse)
idk how the plot goes i just need some enemies/you-can-tell-theres-tension-between-them-but-they-never-argue to lovers action
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codajaiden · 2 months
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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literallyrousseau · 2 months
(would take wayy too long to comment thread this, so;)
The entire Rot & Ruin series by Jonathan Maberry: a post apocalyptic zombie series that follows a teenage boy and his buds as they learn the horrid reality of the world they live in (horror/sci-fi)
The Simon Snow trilogy by Rainbow Rowell; orphaned kid goes to magic school bc he's supposedly a chosen one, aka gay mages & vamp/human subplot romance, enemies to lovers (urban fantasy)
The Boneless Mercies by April G. Tucholke; an unfinished series abt a group of female mercenaries in the death trade who travel to kill whoever they are assigned, gone off path to fight a beast in hopes they'll earn enough that they won't have to be mercies anymore. (Fantasy/action)
Midnight Strikes by Zeba Shahnaz; girl stuck in a time loop, whole lotta violence and decent world building, barely there subplot romance (fantasy)
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew J. White; another post apocalyptic, but this time with religious imagery, whole bunch of body horror and a subplot gay romance, trans main character (horror/fantasy)
How to Bite Your Neighbor & Win a Wager by D.N Bryn; a deal between a dude desperately trying to figure out what the hell happened to his mother and a vampire who's starving. Gayness and angst ensue aka the inherent homoeroticism of letting ur vamp bro feed off you (fantasy)
Ethan & Jag Destroy the World by Maz Maddox; monsterfucking w a splash of saving the world that you broke by accidentally binding a demon to u bc you wanted a fake bf to piss off your ex. Gay. So gay. (Fantasy)
Angels Before Man by Rafael Nicolás; a retelling of Lucifer's fall from heaven but make it angsty gay shit. Oh, and a terrifying amount of gore and violence at the end. It actually made me super uneasy, something not many things I've read have done. (Dark fantasy)
Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon; if you really like world building, high fantasy. DRAGONS so many dif pov's and lovable characters. Takes a bit to get into it, then it's addicting (high fantasy)
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall; fake dating, good character development, dudes bein gay . Pretty sure there's a second one? Haven't read it yet tho (romance)
These are just a few of my favs, I've got a bunch in my mini library.
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I've prolly got more if you're lookin for something different
the synopsis and everything⁉️🔥 dude this convinced me to buy a kindle just to read foreign books without paying for the [very expensive] freightage
Aside from the ones with heavy gore and body horror [my bad bro, weak-ass stomach😔], I gotta read them all
Thank you for the recommendations man🫶🏻🫶🏻 fr thank you🫂
And you got a whole mini library⁉️⁉️ Man thats so cool, genuinely
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winterchimez · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
hi anon-ie!! yayyyy ok this is so fun imma just *rubs hands* cook up some scenarios 😋 (tagging the ones i talk to on a daily basis!! 💗)
@sungbeam acedemic rivals - theres something about you just being rivals with changmin and it gets on your nerve whenever he outperforms you but then all that bickering slowly turn into romance and thats something i will be watching from afar with my popcorn.
@from-izzy strangers to lovers - you and hyunjae (as much as i wanna mention the other guy but i won't bcs im trying to be nice 🥰) would meet as strangers on your first day of uni orientation, seemingly also ends up as deskmate in class and boom hes the goofy funny guy, always trying to get you involve in activities when you're just shy and reluctant and then the both of you start falling for each other
@daisyvisions best friends to lovers - we all know how much you love this, esp with hyunjae when yall be doing things that are pretty much obvious that's more than just friends 😏 so by the time yall end up together its more of a meh we've already done this before but then it gets awkward cs you're both now labelled as bf/gf
@aimeecarreros / @momhwa-agenda enemies to lovers - bcs of what you told me yesterday....but juyeon who's always teasing and bullying you...but then it's bcs he actually likes you sm but bcs of his ego he refuses to believe nor accept reality...but then it eventually hits him and hes confronted by you with a revenge dress and he goes oh. 😌
@snowflakewhispers mutual pining - realistically you and jacob would be having feelings for each other but then you both have your doubts (even though you don't look like it when you have beef with me everyday 🙄 HOWEVER it'll be cute but then the rest of us at the side will be all frustrated (aka me, daisy, elena) be like HE ALSO LIKES YOU BACK WTF but you're just "IDK MAN I DONT THINK HE WOULD"
@kimsohn unrequited love (but with a happy ending) - sunwoo's been head over heels over you since day one but you're always just ignoring his advnaces be like "this dude is hella weird", this goes on until one day you eventually see the other side of him, he makes you blush and he gets a high and giddy be like "okay confirmed maya likes me now i've won in life"
@justalildumpling rich kid au - ok i know it sounds cliché but hear me out!! na jaemin aka the rich boy from uni and he gets all the girls and naturally you fall for him too cs hell hes a fine-looking man but then maybe one day you are forced to live with him and thats when you see his true colours which makes you go ew, but then bcs of your personality you'll be like "i will change this man" (which you do) and he realises that you're not like the other girls out there
@ethereal-engene coffeshop au - you just give me calm sunshine vibes so!! you and woozi in the coffee shop, woozi as the barista (WHEW WITH A WHITE SHIRT- 😮‍💨) either you both work tgt as coworkers and eventually become a couple, or you would often visit the store not just for the good coffee but also for the good looking barista 👀
@drunkdrazed childhood friends to lovers - you're literally the sweetest human being so it would only be appropriate for this trope!! either with ten / jacob, you would fit so well 🥺 love the way how yall know literally anything abt each other and when yall reach uni / work and thats when you both realised that you're falling for one another instead 🫶
@h0mebody-heaven soulmate au - you're so funny and another ball of energy!! i can't imagine a better soulmate for hendery than you! lmao i can imagine all the chaos, the jokes that you both are gonna pull, probably asks you to film plenty of questionable tiktoks but then you oblige bcs YOLO 🤭
@strayed-quokka established relationship - do i need to say more, husband sangyeon and you're the housewife. you can replay that scenario in your mind.
@sanaxo-o arranged marriage - chanhee the rich son of dior's ceo ✨ but imagined getting pampered by him??? what a life it'll be 😮‍💨
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asexual-spongebob · 2 months
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Above & Beyond Rewrite/ Reimagining. (Because I am silly.)
So um. I got an idea to make a A&B rewrite/ reimagining because, while I love it very much, I feel like there’s some things about it that could be better. So, I decided to take it into my own paws.
Note: This is just based off my personal interpretation of these characters. You do not have to like them nor agree with them, but please don’t throw a hissy fit because my characterization/interpretation doesn’t line up with yours.
What would it entail?:
It is a targeted at an older audience, like the older kids or teens who grew up with the show.
Barnacles is still a main character. He goes on missions more.
Dashi still has a lot of focus though.
It would talk about both marine and land creatures.
It has the classic and iconic Creature Report.
The Octo Agents are still thing, same with Octo-Watches. Bianca is a Octo Agent, and Orson and Ursa are Junior Octo Agents.
There’s shellso, twashi and pearlanca here. (I’m sorry.) with a side of queer platonic Minkling. And also Kwazini.
For Kwazii and Paani, I’m thinking that their dynamic is more like enemies to lovers, (instead rivals to lovers, which is how i see them in show) like they really dislike each other, but as time goes on, they begin to they that they’re more similar then they think.
Like, they both had pretty fucked up childhood’s for example. And I want to especially nail in the fact that Paani’s childhood was really fucked up and thats the reason why he thinks that so many things are normal, when in actuality, they aren’t. I also want explore things like internalized queerphobia and internalized ableism, especially with Paani.
Paani is still mysterious here, but to an even broader degree. However as time goes on, the audience finds out more things about them, like his childhood, and how the way they were raised negatively affected them. (Ex: The reason she had internalized queerphobia for the longest time is because of how her father said queerphobic things, (ex: claiming that queer people were “confused”). However, a few years before Paani became a Octonaut, she started to realize that a lot of the things she was taught as a child were incorrect. He realized that he was queer, that he was demisexual and demiromantic, that he was genderfluid and transfem. And got diagnosed with ADHD. At first, he was very ashamed of it, but he learned to accept himself, and that, they had nothing to be ashamed of.
Oh and did I mention? Paani becomes a full on Octonaut, and has their own pod here. It’s a very nice little room, with light green walls, fake plants and fairy lights, band posters and other things they like on the walls, a little a shelf with her knick knacks and her dvd and cd collection.
10. Paani is alt here, however he typically wears his work uniform when on missions, but at home, you’ll often find him wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a bright green and black checkered belt, heavy, thick eyeliner and Invader Zim merchandise.
11. Kwazii and Paani begin to realize that they’re more similar then they think after they get stranded on a an Island. At first, Paani is pissed at Kwazii, the two insult each other before they realize that they don’t really have a choice but to work together, not matter how much they don’t want to. Kwazii almost gets eaten by a shark, Paani saves him. Kwazii questions why Paani saved them, and Paani replies with “Because that’s what Octonauts do.” They start to bond and learn more about each other and realize that, they’re actually pretty similar.
(Inspired by the Jimmy Neutron episode, “Stranded”. )
12. After Kwazii and Paani get found after being stranded, they start being nicer to each other. And Kwazii starts to catch feelings and freaks out. he’s like “WHY DO I LOVE THIS BITCH WTF?!” Oh and Paani realizes that they also like Kwazii. The two bottle up how they feel until one day Paani can not take it anymore, and tells Kwazii how he feels. Kwazii says that he feels the same way. And then they have a lovey dovey kiss scene and Peso and Shellington nearly faint out of shock.
13. Barnacles is glad that everything regarding Kwazii and Paani worked out just fine.
14. The childhood’s of the other Octonauts are going to be explored here as well, the audience doesn’t know much regarding their childhood’s either, so they’ll learn more about them as well. Featuring by personal interpretations.
I’ll probably be making backstory posts for everyone, as soon as I finish coming up with them.
I’ll probably think of more later regarding the other octo agents and og Octonauts, I want to explore them as characters as well.
here’s this little ref I made for Paani, I kept his design mostly the same, but added some bangs and made his coat longer.
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musubiki · 10 months
taffy: my wife is mad at me. i hope i die.
seriously though, that comic really made me sad. i want coffy to have the fluff too. i would also love to hear your coffy hcs too because i'm so in love with them too (please).
THATS LITERALLY HIM AFTER EVERY FIGHT!!!!!!! and coco has to go and be like "I still love you just let me be mad. we're not breaking up"
and dw they will!!!!! eventually!!! but for a long time its a lot of *gestures to coffy* ....this. just by the nature of enemies to friends to lovers....wereas limochi have known each other for so long....good to have different flavors of romance stories...
anyway heres some headcanons (canons??) including some times they run into each other during pre-timeskip before taffy is a guild member (long post about their interactions/history):
every morning, coco goes for a run. its part of that little bucket list her parents made her, to "live a healthy lifestyle." this is also the origins of her magic item quick shoes power!!! much like how limes baseball hobby turned into the thunderbat, cocos running hobby turned into her magic item (she named "the talaria") (this is relevant i promise)
anyway, she runs around the area where she lives which happens to be near the docks. taffy works at the docks (weird that one of the main villians of the pre-timeskip works a normal 9-5 but he gotta feed himself somehow. mochi never knows this because she never goes to this area (too close to the water for her taste. only ever to visit coco occasionally, and even then she doesnt venture down to the docks)
this results in coco just. running into taffy. at the small-business grocery store a block away from where she lives. shes just running one morning like "La di da, taking a jog~ its been a few weeks since that weird guy kidnapped me and tried to kill mochi, at least i never have to see him again-" and then hes there buying fucking apple juice at the checkout counter
when they see each other, taffys whole body is a mixture of panic and ... something??? he thinks. why is my heart beating so fast, he thinks. the old lady behind the counter is like "Oh taffy is this a friend of yours?" (she has no idea) and coco and taffy just looking at each other in tense silence ready to throw down at any second
"I thought you were dead!" "Just let me buy my apple juice in peace, I have to clock in soon." "Clock IN- WHAT???!!!"
that little small business grocery store becomes neutral ground. apparently taffy is a regular enough that the owner (the old lady) knows him, and has no idea hes a water magic bad guy, and they both agree starting a magic fight with a bunch of innocent people around who have nothing to do with it benefits no one
"Aren't you like...evil? I thought you'd be into the whole killing innocents thing." "...what?"
this is a good place to actually get taffy to talk. during these encounters this is where coco gets to actually ask him what his deal is and try and talk sense into him, none of which works
cocos social resiliance is insane, eventually gets to the point where theyre there at the same time, and she doesnt have enough money to buy eggs so she turns around and looks at him and says, in all seriousness, "I need five dollars." and taffy, after a long period of silence and a face that says "????????????" just. places a 5 dollar bill in her hand. why am i doing this, he thinks. why is SHE doing this?
coco never tells mochi she runs into taffy like this. the reason is that in the few conversations shes has with mochi about taffy, mochi seems incredibly stubborn on the idea of trying to help him. shes under the mindset of "Hes trying to kill me, and i intend to protect myself from him, and thats it." and to be fair, she has every right to think that
but coco, who has had at least some interaction with him, thinks hes not necessarily 100% evil and some part of her wants to help him. (he did save her after all, even though hes the one that kidnapped her in the first place, and apparently hes not evil enough to just wreak havoc anywhere he goes)
Im not totally sure why coco is so willing to help him. maybe she feels bad for him, or some part of her thinks helping him will make her a better person, like the kind of person her parents wanted her to be. maybe its because when she was all alone and at her worst point, she had people who believed in her and helped her and wouldnt give up on her and she wants to be that kind of person for this man, who has no one.
he isnt reliably at the docks working. sometimes she cant find him, shes not sure where he goes.
the second time they encounter taffy is when coco gets the talaria. in a fight where mochi actually gets downed by the water magic for the first time, and lime almost gets fucking GOT by taffy, mochi uses whatever magic she has left to infuse magic into cocos shoes and leaves it to her. this is the first time coco absolutely kicks his ass, 1) because its his first time fighting her and 2) he has a VERY hard time bringing himself to hurt her.
after this fight, he realizes he has a serious problem
he actually kidnaps coco a second time afterwards (LMFAO)!! shes like "SERIOUSLY?!?!?" and he goes "Maybe next time don't be so easy to kidnap." this attempt at getting mochi also fails
they run into each other occasionally between main confrontations. taffy doesnt attack directly one after the other, theres usually a good amount of time that lapses between encounters for him to regain his strength and strategize.
another time they run into each other is at this little food festival at the docks. coco goes because hey free food!! and taffy goes because "Oh my god...free food." when they run into each other taffy is like "........since we're both here.........do you wanna maybe.....walk around....together...." and she goes "Are you for real" (she does it anyway because he offers to pay for any games she wants to play. when she asks why hes trying to do this, maybe get her to lower her guard so he can kidnap her again?? and he gets really quiet before responding. "I dunno. It's lonely to walk around by myself." and she stares at him for a bit and says "Yeah I guess so.")
anyway this is a really soft night for them. at the end coco asks "So heading home, huh? What does home look like for you?" and he doesnt respond. its only at this point she learns he doesnt actually have a place to stay. he just wanders around to find the nearest warm place to sleep, sometimes breaking into cars or under overpasses or something.
so she offers like "Hey...I have a couch. Wanna sleep there tonight?" and his fucking weak ass says "...yes."
anyway he gets a taste of the warmth of normal life here (he is insanely awkward when he stays with her. she gotta be like "Dude please chill out you are making me anxious"). his heart is racing the whole damn time and gets nervous anytime he looks at her. why is she nice to me? what does she have to gain? he thinks. this must be some kind of weird strategy to get me to lower my guard. why am i falling for it? and then she hands him a bowl of popcorn and turns on a soap opera and hes even more confused.
he wishes would never have to leave but by the next morning, hes gone without a note or anything. she doesnt see him for a while after this.
at one point, coco also gets kidnapped by the coattails. she goes "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?" banging on the rails of her cell, and they go "What? You're easy to kidnap." (cocos running joke is that any kidapping/hostage situation, she is always the one to get stolen lol)
THIS is the time that TAFFY GOES TO GET HER!!!!! at the same time mochi goes to get her. and it turns into "Okay truce until coco is safe then we can kill each other." and taffy begrudgingly goes "....fine."
at the end of this quest mochi actually does get knocked out. either in combat or by using up all her magic, and taffy HAS the opportunity to kill her. right there in front of him. coco doesn't have the talaria, and mochis out cold. but he doesn't because coco is there pleading and crying for him to not hurt her.
after THIS he realizes okay, this problem is more serious than i thought.
amanita also takes note that because of coco, taffy is no longer useful in the fight against the cat witch, and after this point is where she starts getting involved directly.
anyway ill stop there cuz its already a long post but here are the taffy/coco pre-timeskip interactions!!!
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hermanunworthy · 7 months
welp. todays the day. pray for me guys this could easily be the most upsetting episode of dndads for me. im dreading this so bad
- i feel sick i havent been able to move on from the intro
- im gonna be so honest i was expecting a "sike" or something at the end so u can imagine my relief when the little clicks started playing
- okay. okay. time to listen to ur fun facts u sick fucks
- anthony stfu i dont want to hear ur voice (hes literally the dm)
- will. what evil fact do u have for us today.
- scary plays the piano omg!!!
- "im really nervous about what anthonys gonna do this episode" U AND ME BOTH MATT
- it has taken me an hour just to get through the intro + facts.
- "but at what cost?" AT WHAT COST IS RIGHT BETH.
- "wheres hermie?" IM DONE
- anthony rushing them away. i cannot. i cannot
- "well fix it" im done
- "this marriage has one less spouse but heavens got one more little angel" MATTHEW ARNOLD CAN U NOT.
- im sitting here in shock through all of this
- "just be happy ur not in hell" shut up anthony too soon
- thank god normal didnt take damage again
- lincoln cool scar era okay
- theyre back home.
- "VOTE WILLY"?????
- "u guys ready to see him?" NO. NO IM NOT
- ty for protecting dood scary :[
- "the only thing keeping u together is the absolute ignorance u have of the fact that maybe the only person who ever showed u any real affection in the last couple years of ur life is dead" anthony burch im hunting u down.
- is the dude w the white beard that "new fan fave npc" will was talking about lol
- BARRY?????
- HOLY FUCK......
- anthony burch. i hate u
- okay scam apologizing does feel good
- "u feel like home for some reason" WAILS
- ty henry for giving normal what he needed im gonna sob my eyes out
- "i liked u too" sighs.
- "hermie u definitely were one of us" SOBS
- "i did notice u. thanks for everything" AAUAGAUHH
- "lark shakes ur hand, sparrow goes in for a hug" ough.
- "help me normal, only u can save me normal" WTF??? WTF????
- guys i made it through. [confetti falls on me]
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panjakes · 11 months
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parings: Tiger Hybird!Jay x Fox Hybrid fem black reader
Genre: Fluff; Crack; enemies to lovers au; slow burn
Chwarnings: Cursing
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"can we talk?" Jay asks making Yn frown
"About?" She asks
"earlier...privatly?" He aska again looking at Maddie
Before yn could respond Maddie was already walking back into her parents shop
"What's too talk about? I voiced my concerns and got cussed out" Yn says folding her arms
"Well your concerns shouldnt be about me. Mind your business when it comes to me" Jay snaps making yn nod
"Your right, They shouldnt concern me when your running away from your home and coming to sleep on my couch but whatever. I'll be seeing you" She says turning around to go back into the shop but jay stops her
"I'm sorry. I dont mean to snap im just not use to people being curious or even worried about me" he says making yn roll her eyes
"If you didnt know The goverment gives money monthly to those who adopt hybrids. I was adopted and Im basiclly my parents cash cow" Jay admits
"What about your sister?" Yn ask
"Cindy is actually their kid. We arent biological siblings" Jay says, ears dropping in sadness
"I'm sorry to hear that" Yn says making jay nod
"Your not, but yes. Thats why I snapped on you earlier. I don’t like really like talking about my family." Jay says
Yn sighs before walking down the steps to give jay a hug which shocked honestly the both of them. Jay's arms stayed by his side very awkwardly not knowing if he should hug back or not
"I am sorry to hear that, everyone deserves a loving family" Yn says making jay nod. The girl pulls back from the hug nodding
"I'll meet you in the library tomorrow after school. Dont be late" Yn says turning away to go inside. Jay stood in front of the shop in utter shock.
He knew he and yn couldnt stand each other but that little heart to heart felt genuine. Not only did it feel genuine he now felt weird, and he looked at yn a little diffrently.
"Did you just hug jay?" Maddie asks
"He needed one" Yn says
"Did he?" Maddie asks sounding bitter
"Yes...He did, whats your problem?" She asks
"Oh nothing...it's just you were complaining about how you hated him and now your hugging him?" She asks with a frown
"Mads...are you okay? Your the one who told me to forgive him" Yn says tilting her head and ears in confusion
"I did but this is getting weird" She says scoffing
"Weird? Madelyn whats really the issue here?" Yn asks
"Theres no issue. I'll see you at school tomorrow" The Koala says brushing past yn
Yn stood in the middle of the flower shop genuine concered and confused
"Yn- where's maddie?" Her mom says
"I uh- she left" Yn says
"Oh I thought you were gonna spend the night over there" Her mom says spraying a couple of flowers with water from a spray bottle
"Yeah...Me too" Yn mumbles before walking to the back
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"So, where'd you go?" Cindy asks looking up from her plate of food
"To a friends house" jay says not even touching
"cut the shit Jay You have no freinds" she says rolling her eyes
“Why do you care so much?” Jay asks
“Because your my brother and I care about you” she says making him rolls his eyes
“I’m not your brother cindey and you couldn’t give less than a shit about me” jay mumbles pushing the plate of food to the middle of the table
“Where’s this coming from?” She asks with a pout
Jay says nothing as he gets up from the table and goes to his room. Cindy quickly follows behind wanting to know what’s with his attitude
“Seriously what’s your problem?” She asks
“My problem is I’m sick of this. I’m sick of acting like I belong here when I know for a fact that I don’t!” Jay says
“B-but you do. You do belong here” Cindy says
“Stop it Cindy. I don’t. You don’t even belong here. They don’t care about us!” Jay says
“That’s not true! They love us” she says
“They love you! Your their kid! They’re literally never here! They’re not even here now!!” Jay says
“S-so what’re going to do?” She asks
“I don’t know, but I won’t stay here. I can’t” jay says stuffing clothes into a separate bag from his school bag
“Where are you going to go? Back to that fox girls house?” She asks making jay pause
“How’d you know I was at Yn’s house?” He asks
“I seen you two walking together” she says
“No. I’m not going to her house” jay says walking pass her
“Your just gonna leave me here?! Alone!?” Cindy asks
“As if you aren’t use to being alone” jay mumbles before leaving the cat girl shocked with her jaw on the floor
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The next day…at school Yn couldn’t help but notice that jay couldn’t focus.
“Mr.Park! Can you please focus?!” The teacher says shaking jay from his thoughts
“Uh yeah, sorry” jay says
“Doesn’t matter, the bells about to ring start packing up” the teacher says making the class pack up their things
Yn stares at jay noticing hie out of it he was. She doesn’t say anything. She just packs her things and makes her way to the library where she said she’d meet him at.
5 minutes go by and jay still wasn’t there so decided she’d start on her homework from history.
Another 5 minutes go by and jay still wasn’t in the library. Yn sighs and decided she’d give Jay until she runs to the vending machine to get to the library.
Coming back from from the vending machine he still wasn’t there. She sighs and starts packing her things but stops when she hears the door open and it walks jay on his phone
“Your 15 minutes later” Yn says sighing
“Yeah I know” he says waving her off taking a seat across from her
“Okay…what do you wanna do first?” She asks
“Uhh English ” he says pulling out his history book
“Uh jay?” Yn says
“What Yn?”
“That’s your history book” she says making him look away from his phone.
“Oh shit, sorry” he says pulling out the right book
“Maybe you should put your phone down, we have a test on the canterbury tales and you don’t seem focus” Yn says
“Your right, I’m sorry let’s do this” jay says putting his phone down
Soon they were studying but it didn’t last long because 6 minutes in, jay was looking back down at his phone
“So who is lady macbeth and what is her role in the story?” Yn asks
“She’s the maid…or some shit” jay mumbles making Yn sigh
“Yeah…the maid. So who’s banquo” Yn asks
“He’s the…” jay trials off
Yn sighs rolling her eyes. Jay wasnt focus at all.
“I-I’ll be back” jay says throwing his phone on the table and rushing out the library. Yn groans grabbing at her fro. She was growing frustrated with jay. Taking the pink scrunchie off her wrist putting her fro into a puff ball
After two minutes jay still wasn’t back but his phone was ringing nonstop. Usually she wouldn’t even look at anyone’s phone but hers but the device had him distracted and she wanted to know why.
Was it his sister? His friends? Wait he didn’t have any friends. Was it his parents? Was it a girl? Why’d she care?
She peaks over at the screen and it seem to be an on going conversation or maybe even an argument with his parents. She didn’t see all the messages but she definitely seen the words ‘brat’ and ‘ungrateful’
She makes an O shape with her mouth. He really didn’t have a good relationship with his parents. She felt bad. He still wasn’t back so she decided to go see if he was okay
She peeks out the door to see jay leaning against a wall with his face in his hands
“Jay? You okay?” Yn asks going over to him
He doesn’t say anything but he made a noise which sounded like a sob?
“Jay? What’s wrong?” Yn asks grabbing at his wrist only for him to push her back
“Got damn leave me the fuck alone yn!” He says scaring her. Her red and black ears drop down in sadness and confusion
“I-I seen your phone, I just want to know if your okay?” She says making jay groan and wipe his face
“Your such a nosey bitch! Just leave me the hell alone” jay says shocking Yn.
He takes a look at her shock face and immediately regrets everything
“Yn- I didn’t mean it im sorry” he says reaching out for her. She shakes her head slapping his hands away
“I may have been wrong for looking at your phone but it was all out of concern for you. You didn’t have to push me or call me a bitch” Yn says, brown skin feeling really hot from how angry she was
“Yn I’m sorry” jay says
“Fuck you jay, find yourself a new tutor” Yn says walking away leaving the tiger hybrid feeling very regretful and really bad about his actions.
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Chapter 7 will be on @brownsugarbaybee’s blog so follow her to be kept in the Loop!
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
sunghoon watching y/n's stories... quite frequently too is gonna be the reason for his downfall you say? now that put a vision in my brain that either will be right or completely wrong but only time can tell 🤗🤗
Fuma in chap 12 I'm giggling oml I love that man he's so ugh. and y/n wanting to go out casually with him???? Oh i can't wait for the jealous sunghoon. like jealously in enemies to lovers goes so hard and so good and frouwhfbjuebntfiuPOUHBTJEB4QFUAion
also riki being worried for his sister 🥺🥺🥺 like oh that made my heart melt like he loves her sm and just wants what is best for her. I also loveeee how supportive the rest of the boys (minus a certain someone) were of him and his worries but also tried to like make him see how it could be better for her (I feel like nothing I said here made sense but we free ball).
last thing... sunghoon was too quiet this chapter. like even if he was doing it for riki's sake it still made me raise an eyebrow but yeah!!
bye zadie loved the new chap <333
omg pls dont hesitate to share said vision 🤭
jealous!hoon is about to happen and i dont think any of us are READY 🤕 but we take what we can get our hands on bc never back down never what?? never give up 🤥
riki is literally one of my top 3 faves in this smau rn bc i know i barely ever talk about him but he's so precious to me in CH but also irl ofc and thats why im so emo about him in this fic like thats my baby i love him so so so much 🥺🤍
thank you for your sweet words baby, dw his silence does have a reason 🤥
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scaralvr · 2 years
myst.. why am i like this
again, idol!scara but x cafe owner!reader +the ending for anyone to make one up for ! i probably just hit another writers block !
alright so... cafes, a staple in each busy running city. especially for one of the most celebrity filled cities. for your cafes fame, you absolutely dont get enough of the credit you deserve for running it five out of seven days a week - 13 hours till eleven pm. you dread how popular it is, from annoying and bitchy nobody's demanding free service to screech-like noises from everyone in your narrow cafe because an idol entered in. you hate it. with every inch of your body you hate the reputation of idols. it bothers you, so, so much.
why do they have to be so... noisy? can i not tell them their music sounds ass? can they get out now??
you think, sourly eating your egg tarts. one person though, scaramouche, outshines your hate for any other idol. the terrible fans, the shitshow of their public nature and their attitude. good fucking lord, you hate them, and now you hate him.
night goes through your windows, reminding anyone who looks out that they should be going by time. today's run of the store was dull, not too much happening. just how you prefer it. as you attempt to head up stairs where your home and workplace is seperated, you hear a knock. the store's clearly closed; who could be alone in the streets looking for a cafe now?
cafes closed, sorry d-
please. just let me stay for awhile and i'll be on my way. please, seriously.
no way. no, no, no. you can't be fucking serious?
fine. come upstairs, you can sleep on my extra bed.
no? it's not fine?? why would i want the person i hate here??
i'll bring you some tea and snacks. stay here, alright? you look terrible.
god. thank you, so much.
bringing your specialty tea and snacks to scaramouche... was interesting. enjoying them with him though? heavenly. and you feel like putting yourself in hell.
days after the strange occurrence, you two exchange numbers. your hatred for him has lessened but small of it remains - your not letting your ego be swayed so easily.
drinking soda on your couch has never felt any better! relaxing on one of your breaks, your phone rings.
! text from: kuni ☆
oh? i wonder what he's been up to these past few mon-
kuni ☆; heya [y/n]! look, while i want to say this to you in person - i'd like to ask you out. we barely know each other and i have a nightmare for a schedule, yes, but please consider it? - kunikuzushi
inspired by my sister who gatekeeped me from kpop for three years 🥰 (thats why scara is an idol here too 💀) -still with you anon
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sorikkung · 2 years
for the wip game, 'im god i do what i want' sounds so intriguing i need to know more 🤣
oh my god LOL you picked the what goes on in neverland masterdoc which i included as a wip even tho the first few chaps r posted and i haven't started chapter 4 yet cause it's still technically a wip. it's just the most chaotic bulletpoints you've ever seen bc i just write ideas how they come to me, which includes meme format. here are some highlights
i opened an empty doc at 2am one day deciding i wanted to try writing again so i could write something so incredibly self indulgent and be the change i wanted to see in the world. this is what i first wrote
he/they fuckboy!reader whos not in a frat he’s in an alt punk band and yes he has trauma but thats not the reason hes a fuckboy he just likes to fuck and being sexy
pierced, tatted, (he fucked around and bought a tattoo gun, he and kevin like tatting ppl) six pack abs, this mf gonna be more of a wet dream than the actual idols in question
sorry chanlix
his friends consist of like his 5 or so bandmates and thats it. they the type of homies who make out w each other just cause
and then here you have me realising in real time that i can write literally whatever the fuck i want with no justification needed
i wont make it an enemies to lovers au just quite, but they just like being Competitive
wait. why Cant i make it an enemies to lovers au
i know i have too many but im god i do what i want
ok so theyre competing in some battle of the bands type shit
chris and his boys r usually a good sport but they just have a problem w the mc’s punk band bc they dont even want the prize of being signed to a record label? they wanna stay underground but theyre hellbent on winning anyway just for the glory? like ayo fuck off we need this?
but they see mc perform and OOOO THEY WANNA FUCK HIM SO BADDDD
because what is enemies to lovers for if not the SEXUAL TENSIONNNN
plus mc despite not particularly liking skz is like okkkk but they’re hot so? i wanna fuck em anyway? he just lives for the face they make when theyre mad like the hot tongue in cheek thing? mc just sees that and goes ok imma be a shit for the rest of my goddamn life just so i can keep seeing that sexy ass face of urs amen
meanwhile skz r like god what a cocky asshole but also that was hot. we all unanimously agree that was hot? cool not just me. what the fuck do we do about that.
mc and chris have an unspoken competition on who can wear less and less clothes onstage without being disqualified from the rounds
then i have these very brief character blurbs and here's a highlight from felix's
still has lingering feelings for eric which is probably why he doesnt acknowledge his PHAT crush on chris. open your fucking eyes gay boy
and honestly minbin's entire blurbs are highlights within themselves
changbin: dating minho bc minbin is such an underrated pair. works at his local gym bc he was there so often they just offered him the job. actually liked trr’s music before the competition but doesnt admit it until the collab round bc oh no we’re meant to be Enemies yeah i hate those copiers boo >:(( *whispers* (minho theyre so sexy i dont know what to do w myself)
minho: u cant fuck them
changbin: oh ofc i wasnt gon-
minho: without me
changbin: 😳😳😳
minho: does not give a Singular Fuck about the competition, hes just here for a good time and enjoys fighting w trr almost as much as mc does. hes a scorpio ok he just likes being petty and having an excuse to ruin someones life for funsies bc come on. its So fun. like he does want to get signed under a record label but its not life or death bc hes happy w where they are since theyre already popular enough n he gets enough money from his cat video youtube. im transing ur gender gayboy
and ill wrap out with some assorted lines completely out of context:
[hyunjin] has an onlyfans bc he knows hes the prettyboy twink of everyones mfuckin DREAMS and decided he deserves to be paid for it.
mc, instantly: hey wooyoung, eric, can we plagiarize this
(later in the chapter outline it was repeated as "mc: i vote plagiarism")
basically mc goes “arent you tired of being nice? dont you just want to go a p e s h i t” n skz took that PERSONALLY
“sup bitches bros and nonbinary hoes,"
(we cant dance? that’s not what your ROCK HARD COCK said at the prism during your lap dance!)
and lastly these two that copy paste weirdly so have screenshots instead (first screenshot has spoilers for chapter 3 in case you plan on reading it and haven't yet)
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anyway i got way too carried away here but i think im hilarious and you enabled me so now you suffer the consequences enjoy <3
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emetkoto · 2 years
Hey Mimi… how did emetkoto meet/what were they like? I still haven’t finished post-shb so I don’t know a WHOLE lot about the lore pre all the worlds splitting but I’m curious about their early dynamic whether that’s during shb or back in the #old days
oh boy since you havent finished shb post patches and i assume endwalker i shall refrain from talking about A Certain Thing but I can still answer this just fine without it so <3
k'oto met emet-selch the same way every wol does during shb, thats one part of their story that stays the same lol, k'oto defeats titania and returns t othe crystarium and there he is to introduce himself and be a bastard as he is like to do! there was always a weir dtension between them, they were sorta drawn to each other for azem reasons and other reasons i cant talk about without spoiling endwalker but yeah even though they were kind of gently antagonizing each other they couldn't help but try and hear each other out..any dialogue option where the scions ask wol what they think about emet selch and the stuff hes saying k'oto is always "i believe him and/or trust him for some reason" even before they were like. full on in love <3 K'oto tried really hard to ignore that he was like gently crushing on him but emet-selch was always subtly flirting with him and making it really hard to like even before their first night together emet was always doing that thing where he touches k'oto in little subtle ways to get a reaction out of him and looking at and speaking to him in a very Certain Way that was impossible for k'oto to ignore and thats why it just kept building and building until that night emet saved y'shtola and k'oto just couldnt take it anymore and called himto his room <3 tldr enemies to hate fucking to lovers extremely quickly bc theyre soulmates :)
i honestly dont think too much about apollo bc i consider him and k'oto different characters…like yeah whatever theyre technically the same guy the only difference being sundering but WHATEVER….he and hades' story is pretty borning compared to emetkoto, they were just kinda childhood friends who met while attending whatever school ancient children went to who met when apollo decided he wanted to befriend the weird grumpy loner and started forcing himself into his life until it worked and htey became inseprable lol! somewhere along the line they met hythlodaeus and he joined hte group but it was always kinda hades/apollo and then also hyth. they werent a throuple really, hyth was a casual but otherwise uninvolved third who was happy watching his friends be in love :) apollo and hades were married after graduating and were soul bonded and all that until the final days when apollo peaced out for whatever reason idk (again i have trouble attaching to characters who have been dead and gone long before the story even starts so his story is prety ????) and they kinda broke up pretty dramatically!
(with the mic so close to my mouth it might as well be in it) but none of that matters bc emet-selch loves k'oto as he is right now this moment azem and everything aside and in bad end he goes out of his way to make sure k'oto doesnt return to being apollo when hes fully rejoined bc he wants K'OTO
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Hello friend! :D
May I request dorm leaders plus Cater, Floyd and Jamil (though those last three are optional if you don’t want) with a reader to whom they say something they didn’t think much about and reader takes it as an insult and becomes very competitive and aggressive with the character and they have an enemies to lovers arc?
Saaaaaaalutations, dear friend!! :D
This is a very fun prompt!! I have a character limit, however! I will be doing this ask with all the characters, but I'll have to do Cater, Floyd and Jamil in a separate post, if you don't mind! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Pt. 2: Cater, Floyd & Jamil!
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- haha oh no
- i like to imagine he probably compares you to ace and deuce
- or perhaps you got a bad grade on your test, he'd insult you for that (might be by accident ehheehd)
- he doesn't realize that this pisses you off probably
- when you start getting competitive, he starts getting competitive
- will use your grades against you im sorry
- riddle will feel bad after a while, though
- but he'll contemplate apologizing- he wants you to apologize first but he realizes you're a bit... Stubborn, and he is the one that insulted you
- riddle also starts to realize that he might have... Feelings, for you.
- so that gives him even more of a reason to apologize
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- this man does not hold back omg
- hell he might even insult you for ur reaction
- probably says "could you be any louder." When ur just talking normally 😡‼️
- he does realize this pisses u off, and he doesnt care 🤩🤩🤩
- now he pisses you off daily 🥰
- i like to think that he thinks ur cute when ur angry, and thats why he does it
- he like,, he
- he insults u
- then goes "haha ur cute i like u"
- if u question him abt that he'll go "ur stupid stfu"
- you have a mean lion on ur hands hunny 🥰
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- yet again, this one was difficult for me
- however, i feel as though azul would comment on the fact ur human and stuff
- "You humans are quite confusing, how anyone can understand you is impressive. Its highly annoying not understanding what you're on about most of the time, especially with that tone of yours~ fufufufu"
- octopus man grr bark bark 😡‼️
- he probably doesnt mean it tho... Completely.
- a rivals to lovers arc with him sounds so... Interesting to me hehe
- azul comments on small things, but might a accidentally take a jab at your insecurities without realizing
- however if he does realize he accidentally took a jab at your insecurities, he feels so bad??
- but bc u guys are being all aggressive and competitive he puts it aside
- grr bark
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- i imagine kalim accidentally says something thats mean but i assure you he didnt mean it in that way!
- i cant imagine getting mad at him :(
- thinking about a lovers to enemies arc with him,,, i can only imagine you saying ur his rival/enemy now and him going "okay!!! 😇👍✨💖"
- doesnt even realize ur angry at him ;;
- if he does realize, he apologizes so sincerely?! Then asks if u wanna watch finding nemo with him
- im so sorry rhis is short i cant think of much for him
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- i imagine the reason this whole arc begun would be because vil would comment on ur appearance
- like, on perhaps your skin- or how you should brush your hair?
- dunno if that makes sense hehe
- i would think hes doing it in a concerned kind of way? but he makes it sound condescending ;;
- but ofc u take it as an insult
- when you start acting competitive, he plays along- and he gets quite aggressive too- however, id say in a passive aggressive way
- he insults your style (even if he secretly likes it)
- however, things start to take a turn
- vil realizes that you- you finally brushed ur hair!!
- jk lmao
- however, he does realize that you're quite.. attractive? cute, even.
- he pushes these feelings aside bc yk hes supposed to not like you 😡‼️
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- probably insults the anime you like BWHSHHSHSH
- or the fact that you play games like the twst version of stardew valley BSHSHSJS
- but then he would realize
- and PANIC
- either that, or insult you for not being interested in anime
- hell he might even make fun of u for listening to dubbed anime 😡 /lh
- ofc, this pisses u off 😩
- " idia i will destroy u on splatoon grrr bark bark" "no u wont im gonna use a chargr"
- i feel like hes already had feelings for u b4 this
- so in his head hes like
- "omg wait are we having an enemies to lovers arc?! This happens in one of my favorite animes-"
- but he doesnt want you to dislike him tho 😰‼️
- so he thinks of ways to apologize
- in the end he asks ortho for help
- please accept his apology he did not mean to make fun of you for liking that one anime pleASE-
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- he'd be like azul, but a bit different
- malleus would not insult you on purpose
- he comments on the way you talk, like if you have an accent, or you talk fast, slow, loud or quietly
- "Fufufu, child of man, could you speak up for me? I'm afraid i cannot hear you- you're gonna have to talk more clearly~"
- probably also accidentally insults you for being shorter than him (despite the fact that literally nearly everyone around him is shorter than him?? Hello??)
- when you start getting aggressive and competitive, he'll get confused
- then, he realizes the fact that he might've hurt you with his teasing
- malles regrets it :(( he basically just lost his bff ;;
- he plans an apology - it's sincere and sweet - and he's also realized his feelings for u 😳
- please except his apology he will cry if u dont 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
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Im sorry this is so bad- im not experienced when it comes to enemies to lovers bahshshxhd (and i wrote this at 2 AM)
And also its delayed because I've been in a very depressed an unmotivated state but im doing better now! If you've sent in a request, don't worry because i am working on my requests- i just need to get the second part to this done
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