#and i was able to catch her and listen and be brave and say things she didnt want to hear but needed to hear
caressthosecheekbones · 7 months
i am healing and slowly becoming the person i always meant to be
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blingblong55 · 9 months
My kind of love -Keegan P. Russ
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Based on a request:
Just a thought : Keegan strikes me as the guy who would hold wife! reader close to him when they sleep in their bed. Or he'd carry her when he finds her asleep on the couch. ---- F!Reader, fluff/romance, established!relationship, boyfriend!keegan, cuddling ----
A/N: thanking Bon Iver and Niall Horan for this fluff🙏
It's four in the morning, Keegan comes home after nearly ten months of deployment, his duffle bag placed on the floor. Steps soft to not wake you up, after all, he is meant to surprise you with his early arrival. As he was about to go and check on the dog, who slept by the sofa, he noticed a blanket, your blanket. He approaches you, his gaze softens the second he watches his beautiful sleeping. You look so peaceful, so calm and in this moment when things for months went so wrong, this view is all he can adore.
"My love, I'm home," Keegan whispers, in his arms, he carries you to bed. They say people have a certain amount of luck and you are proof of that. Maybe out there in the cruel world, he doesn't have much luck but in this place, a warm, cosy and safe place he calls home, he knows luck is there. No one can say they are lucky because they don't have you and he does. A million men can say your name, a million more can watch you but just one gets to come home to you. One man in a sea of billions gets to kiss you, to listen to your ramble about crazy theories, to listen to you hum a tune and to love you and be loved back.
That man is him and in this precise moment, he knows why he proudly waited day and night to hide that ring in his pocket. If he wasn't a romantic, he would propose to you right here right now but he wants that moment to be magical because his precious girl deserves it. "Keegan, it's you," your voice so soft. Fuck, why must you make his heart melt like this? Why must you- damn you! Why do you love him? Why do you see what others don't and why must you make him blush just from the sound of your voice? Couldn't you be any less cruel to his weakened heart? Oh but he loves it, he loves that voice, that touch and stare, he loves the kisses and the 'Did your job go well? Are you hurt? Did you miss me?' he loves it all.
"Of course, it's me, darling," he sets you down on the bed and covers you with the sheets. "I'll be back," his lips touched your soft skin before leaving to take a short shower. You lay in bed, not being able to sleep without him anymore, you wait for him. Once he snuggles to you, you can feel his fresh skin, how his embrace wraps you with love and with care. "Did everything go to plan?" you ask as you nuzzle your face on his chest, a low chuckle escapes his lips as he brushes your hair. "It did, which is surprising," he kisses the top of your head and drapes his leg over yours.
In a warm bed, you and he lie, legs intertwined like they are the perfect match. Your back to his chest, soft breathing filling the room. As you close your eyes, he finds himself admiring your beauty from his angle. His arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close for the rest of the night as the other arm caresses your head. His fingers brush through the hair, and slowly, they make their way to your forehead, where he slowly catches himself falling asleep.
Until morning and maybe even after being awake, he keeps you in his hold and under those warm bed sheets. "I love you to the moon and back- no, let's keep going beyond the moon," he whispers as he keeps holding you close. If only he dared to propose already and make you his missus. But only the brave wait for the exact right moment.
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
First Bath togeather (Zosan X reader)
Zoro x Sanji X reader, polly relationship, established relationship, SFW and Reader is GN. Honestly started crying while writing this thats why it took me a whole days to make it.
Warning: past domestic abuse, descriptive scars, fluff, making out, Nudity but its sfw, a bit of Body worship
Plot: Inspired by Night routine. After being togeather for a long time the boys have never taken a bath or a shower with you. You work up the courage to join them but try to hid the scars of your past.
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It's late at night when Zoro and Sanji walk into your shared room seeing you on the bed still in your day wear reading a book. "Hay love, were going to get a bath, want to join us?" Sanji asks while Zoro grabs the towels and cloths. You look up from your book the offer so tempting, about to respond yes you remember your back, the only part of your body you hate. "Sorry boys i'll take one later" you say seeing Sanji's face fall into a sad frown but he doesn't push it, both are really respectful towards you. No means No, thats been clear from day one. "Well, we'll see you later than" Zoro says placing a kiss on your forehead before leaving the room. Sanji does the same lingering a bit longer, a way of showing that he isn't upset with you even though he's sad about you not joining them.
You were just about to go back to reading but as the boys leave Robin enters saying hi to the boys as they leave. Normally she wouldn't enter without knocking but she had her serious face on, one you didn't see often and it scared you a little. "Urm... Hi Robin" you manage to get out as he sits at the end of the large bed "I though you said you were gonna join them this time?" A smile finally appearing on the woman's face making you relax a little. She's the only one you've told about your past and your scars, she's a great listener and advice giver. "I know. I just.... dont want them to see" placing the book on the night stand you sit on the edge of the bed next to her looking down at your feet. She places a hand on your back over one of your many scars under your shirt rubbing it lightly "They love you very much. these scars aren't going to change that" Robin's voice is sweet sounding almost like sprinkled sugar. Your eyes meet with hers, somehow you regain your courage and nod at her grabbing your towel and pj's.
You get changed out of your day cloths in the changing room next to the bathroom, accidentally catching a peek at your back in the long mirror, the sight catches you off guard. You always try to avoid the sight of your back but you never forgot what it looked like. Long, think, jagged, raised scars stretch across your back crisscrossing in some areas. The memory's with it cause you more pain than anything, memories you try so hard to forget and yet they linger. Your mother hated you always calling you "That Demon child", she didn't always hate you but something in her snapped one day, it started with hurtful words then being deprived of essential things and lastly when she was really mad at you ,getting her whip out and hitting you over and over again. Ignoring your screams for her to stop and the apologies you'd spurt out but not really knowing what to be sorry about. she made sure to only hurt your back,No one but her would be able to see it so she would't get in trouble by other family or friends. You believed all the things she said about you, you hated very part of yourself and thought that it was normal for her to hurt you. It was only when she kicked you out the house at age 10 that you started to learn what life was really like. The trauma stayed with you but you found self worth, you weren't weak or useless, you were strong, brave, kind and found love.
You wrapped a towel around you heading to the bathroom, hearing the sound of running water and laughter from the two boys. Your body stopped you just before entering the room, second thoughts flew through your mind all you could think of was what they would say. Zoro the worrier, the man who deliberately took a slash to chest as not to scar his back "scars on the back are a swords mans shame" You weren't a swords man but that didn't stop you form thinking that he would think less of you. Sanji the cook with amazing hands always admired your skin. He'd constantly complement it, the softness of your hands, cheek or legs. He says he loves every inch of you but would be really love the jagged rough scars on your back. You were about to turn tail and run when you heard a voice from the bathroom.
"Oi, who's their? Stop being a Perv and show yourself" Zoro's voice came from the bathroom, you can hear the tension in his voice. You take a breath and step out holding the long towel wrapped around you in a strong grip. "Y/N" Sanji yells from his place in the bath outstretching his arms to you "You can be a pervert all you want my Love" You laugh at the comment, the feeling of dread being push away. "Finally decided to join us?" Zoro asks beckoning for you to come over with one finger. They both looked so handsome in the steaming water. Zoro's back against the large bath looking back at you, his arms stretched out and a small towel on his head, his smile almost cocky as he flexes his index finger into his hand. Sanji kneeling in the bath the water just covering his waist, his thin yet chiseled chest on displace. his hair was wet, it sticking to his face shaping it perfectly, they took your breath away.
"My love. i know were both amazing to look at but id rather you admire us up close" Sanji's voice snapped you out of it a dark red blush forming on your face. Both boys had a large smile on their faces liking the way you looked at them "Sorry" you stiffen a little walking closer to the bath. Zoro held his hands up for you to take helping you step into the bath. The water warm and soothing to the touch, your feet where just in when Sanji took your hips it made you flinch and both boys noticed, a short of shocked look formed on their faces. "Im sorry my love did i do something wrong?" he asks taking his hands off your hips. You didn't mean to flinch, they were always so kind to you, never crossing any boundaries you set, their touch was something you love, never mean or hateful just full of love. You placed your hand on Sanji's shoulder reassuring him "No not at all... im just a little... nervous is all. Could you both not look please" The cook seems to relax at your words doing as he's told and turning his back to you, as much as he wants to look to see all of you he knows its best not to. he wants you to trust him knowing at some point he will see you just only when your ready. Zoro has no problem turning his back to you, he's confused as to why your so against them seeing you though, your always so confident in your self and take great care of your body so why hide it form them.
You take your towel off and place it on the side sitting down in the water, the warmth feels so nice on your skin washing away all of the days stress. You slide further down into the bath till the water is up to your collar bones, you would go lower but you'd be in a very uncomfortable position "Ok" you say after composing yourself. Zoro turns and moves over next to you placing his arm around you kissing your cheek, you lean in feeling more relaxed now the worst part is over. Sanji joins sitting next to you and lays his head on your exposed shoulder "there's no need to be nervous. We're not gonna do anything" Zoro states wondering if thats whats causing you to worry. you smile up at him and nod "I know. you both are really sweet" your hands reach out of the water to place a hand each on their cheeks rubbing your wet thumb over their cheek. Sanji takes your hand and kisses your palm humming slightly at your touch "So soft" he whispers into you hand, it sends shivers down your spine, he touches you with such gentle hands it makes you swoon over him.
After a little while of relaxing with them and feeling more comfortable Zoro grabs the soap and starts washing his arms while sanji takes his body wash and offers it to you. "Thank you" you wash your arms and face, lifting your legs out the water to wash them only for Zoro to take your leg in his hands "let me" he sates taking the soap and running it over your wet leg and foot. your transfixed by this you heart almost pounding out your chest. "Want me to get your back?" Sanji says placing a hand under the water and onto your lower back touching on of your many scars. You jolt away almost kicking Zoro in the face in the process "NO" The sudden change in you shocked the boys. if you weren't comfortable with something you would just tell them so but you've never yelled or acted out almost hitting them. Unfortunately your fight or flight response kicks in and this time your body chose flight. You stand up quickly about to grab your towel and run when Sanji's hands grab your arms and pull you into him. The two of you standing in the bath as he held you close to his chest one hand around your waist and the other on the back of your head. "Shhhhhh, its ok." he soothes you lightly stroking your hair. he felt the scars, he knew thats what you didn't want them to see and even though he didn't even get a look at them he knew he would never hate them.
Zoro rose form where he was rubbing water and soap off his face glad that you misses his face with your kick. "Its hideous... please... don't hate me" your voice shaky, uneven breaths and a pounding heart threatening to tare you apart. A hand slides up your back Zoro taking in your scars, he's seen these types of scars before anger builds up in his body wanting to know who did this to you and where they are now but it was Sanji who brought him back running his hand up your back to meet the sword mans. They looked at each other realizing what was important now was you, not who did this. You flinch when a pair of lips place a kiss on one of of your scars, the worst one in between your shoulder blades travailing from one to the other in a diagonal motion. Taking your face out of sanji's chest you look behind you to see Zoro, his hands travailing up and down your waist while laying kisses across every scar you have. The tears in your eyes now falling down your cheeks "Why?" you let out not understanding some one showing such kindness to a horrible sight. Sanji takes his hand off your back and places it under your chin making you face him "Its a part of you. How can we not love it" your hand moved up to cover your mouth trying to stop the sobs from coming out but failing miserably.
Relief washed over your body, they didn't hate you, they didn't think your were ugly or weak, they didn't think less of you and it filled your heart with such happiness. Zoro finished kissing every scar making his way up your spine to the back of your neck "Your amazing baby" his words full of love "He's right you are amazing" Sanji followed up his hand reaching behind your back to run his fingers down your spin. "No more tears baby." Zoro says rubbing away the tears that rolled down your cheek, "Im sorry" You bit your lower lip composing yourself managing to stop the tears. "sit down love" Sanji helps sit you down in the water leaning your back against the bath again, a question still ran through your head though, looking at the two boys as they sit next to you, one on either side. "I dont get it. Why dont you hate them?" you asked wanting an answer. "Why would we hate them? We all have some kind of scar" Zoro notes pointing to his eye then chest. "I know that but scars on the back are a shame" you look up at Zoro, he couldn't believe you remembered that form all those years ago before he can respond you turn to face Sanji "Their rough not soft like the rest of my skin that you praise." Sanji looks down slightly and takes your hand not knowing what to say. he knows complementing your scars isn't a good thing right now. He tries to think of a way to convince you that their not ugly.
A silence fills the room, you thought maybe you shouldn't have said anything until Zoro moved closer pressing his lips onto yours, it was sudden and rough but you loved it leaning in as he places a hand against your neck deepening the kiss by pushing his tongue into your mouth, a soft moan left his mouth before pulling away "You are no shame. Your strong and no old scars are gonna take that away form you." he states before looking up at Sanji who had a loving smile on his face "isn't that right, Sanji" he asks giving the cook a small smile. Sanji move you so your back is pressed up against his chest and wrapping his arms around you hugging your torso. Zoro moving closer almost over you your noses almost touching as he looks into you eyes "He's right Mi amor. Your ours and we will never let anyone touch you like that again, although im sure you can kick their ass better than we can" you can feel the smirk on his lips against your neck. You are loved, all of you is loved, your strong, brave and kind. They only helped reassure you of that fact, you were a god/goddess in their eyes and you saw them the same way.
hope you enjoyed. I loved writing this and like i said before yes i cried. writing down words that i wish were said to me made me more passionate about this. I hope you all know that no matter what you look like your all beautiful and strong. Thank you for all the love so far.
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(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!Reader
• Genre: Idk actually 🫡
• Warnings: violence
Off Limits
Everybody that is more than a week at The Beach knows Niragi. It could be his loud and dramatic attitude or the big gun he carries around all the time. Fact is: he’s known. And therefore you’re known too.
He did make it obvious pretty quickly that it’s better to not even think about you if they value their lives at least a little bit.
But of course there always has to be some sort of idiot who just won’t listen to all the warnings he’ll get.
It’s a rather calm day at The Beach today. No games, no fear of dying, just accepting and making the best of the day.
You sit at the bar, sipping your second raspberry bacardi for tonight and enjoying the feeling of the bass hammering through the floor and your body.
„Hello there“, you hear a deep voice greeting you. Turning your head to your right you look into the face of some stranger. A girl stands behind him, pleading him to just go.
Well, this will be real fun.
„All alone baby?“, he asks, prepping his elbow on the bar.
„Please, just let us leave already!“, the girl almost cries. „You don’t want this.“ But he just ignores her. „I heard you’re supposed to be 'off limits'.“ You can’t stop the grin creeping on your face as he leans closer.
„I’m waiting for someone. He should be here any minute.“, you answer amused. „Well, but he’s not here now. Finders keepers.“
The people near you start whispering to each other and the girl again tries to make him leave, this time tugging on his swimming trucks.
„Wow, those afraid looks really give me the feeling I’m playing with fire. Truth be told, you’re so hot I had the feeling all along.“
„You are playing with fire! And you’re about to get badly burned when he comes back!“, the girl continues her useless efforts.
„Oh please“, the guy says amused as he pushed her away. „I’m down for a good fist fight.“
„You’re new, right?“, you ask him, acting flirty and drawing his attention back to you. „You know the faces around here?“ With a giggle you answer: „No, just had a feeling.“
„Well, your intentions are right. I came two days ago. If I’d knew what beautiful women were waiting for me I would have come here way sooner.“ It’s hard to not let your giggling turn into laughing, so you take another sip from your bacardi, hoping it’ll help to keep your volume down. „This annoying girl there tried to warn me all day since I saw you, but believe me babygirl, there’s nothing that could scare me away from you.“
„Oh, is that so?“ The room goes silent as his voice echoes trough the air. The guy turns around, getting a little bit pale around the nose as he spots Niragi with his riffle aimed at him, but he catches himself pretty quickly again and stands up as Niragi walks up to him.
„You think your gun scares me?“, he asks, acting all tough. „Yeah“, Niragi answers bluntly. „Usually this is the point where your small brain tells you to go.“
The guy puffs out his chest, trying to make himself look taller. „Well, I see trough your bluff. You think because you’re a militant and carrying a huge gun around you’re better than me. But let me tell you one thing“ he gets closer to Niragi, causing the rest to start whispering. „You’re a coward. As if you have the balls to pull the tri-“ Before he’s able to finish his sentence, a shot echoes trough the room, followed by the high pitched scream of the, now not so brave, guy. He falls to the ground, pressing his hands in his thigh.
Immediately everyone backs away when Niragi steps over him, trying to keep as much distant to the raven haired guy as possible. Only you stay where you were, keep sipping your sweet beverage.
„Y-You’re insane!“ The screaming is so distorted from the pain he feels that it almost sounds creepy.
Niragi bends down, looks him in the eyes and flexes with his tongue piercing, a sinister smile decorating his face. „You have no idea.“, he whispers, before another shot rings in your ears, ending the pathetic being of the guy.
Slowly Niragi stands back up, snapping the glass out of your hands to drink the rest. He then throws an arm around your waist and pushes you off the bar stool so you stand beside him. „Anyone else wanting to say something to her?“, he asks loud, pointing his gun on everyone in sight.
„Thats what I thought.“ With that he grabs your wrist and starts dragging you with him.
„Fucking around now, are we?“, he asks while dragging you to his room. „No“, you answer with a grin on your lips. „But I like it when you deal with them.“
You know how fucked up it is, but it always warms your heart to see him so obsessive over you that he is ready to kill anyone who just lays an eye on you.
I have an huge blockage right now and it frustrates me. This Oneshot kinda frustrates me too.
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elorawrites · 2 years
the artist's muse [ ellie williams ]
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pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: you considered yourself an artist, and with ellie as your muse, you made sure she never forgot how beautiful she was.
warnings: none. just the reader trying to teach ellie how to love herself by making her the muse of all of her artwork pieces.. not proofread.
author's note: i got extremely carried away by this.. and i wasn't sure where exactly i was going with it.. so if it sucks, please just be kind! it's my first piece of writing. it's also the result of writing at 3am while listening to house song by searows on repeat LOL
wc: 1.6k
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ellie williams never thought of herself as beautiful.
there were many traits the auburn-haired girl could slap onto herself that she deemed more fitting: resilient, stubborn, brave, or funny (courtesy to her infamous joke books she simply thought were hilarious).
there was no doubt in her mind that she could make just about any word work in her favor, however, beautiful was never one of those words in her mind.
that was until she met you.
you, who almost never made her forget how beautiful she was.
your first encounter with each other was months ago, however, the pair of you remember it like it was yesterday.
you can recall the night fondly, a smile twitching at your lips as your mind wandered to the memory.
it was during one of the colder months of the year. the snow had started to stick to the streets in jackson, people were quick to pull their thicker coats out in preparation for the colder breeze and spend more time in the dining hall – which seemed to be the most heated building in the community.
there you sat at one of the tables, food long since forgotten as all of your focus was perfecting the sketch you had been working on for the last half hour; and you swear it was one of your best pieces yet.
it was a portrait of a girl, her face riddled with freckles that you always thought resembled the stars; a small smile adorning her lips.
that was your first portrait of ellie, and by no means was it the last.
you had exchanged glances with the other girl throughout the whole evening, always managing to catch ellie looking your way when you went to refresh your memory of her features for your art – not that you could ever forget features as beautiful as hers, anyway.
the two of you would quickly look away from each other, in your best attempts to make it seem like neither of you were staring for your own reasons; quiet giggles and stifled smiles claiming your faces afterwards when you would glance again, thinking the other wasn't looking.
that first encounter with ellie was one of your favorites. after making your final touches to your sketch, you had pushed yourself up from your seat and made your way to her, a red hue to your cheeks that you did your best to ignore, appearing as you slipped her the ripped page in silence.
to say you were nervous about showing her was an understatement. i mean, what if she thought you were weird? having no other interaction with other outside of a few lingering glances and friendly smiles. the last thing you wanted to do was ruin your chances with her before you even got to know her.
however, that was far from the case.
it felt as though ellie's breath had been ripped from her lungs, in the best way possible. she stared down at the small piece of paper like it held the answers to all the questions in life.
it was the most beautiful she had ever looked, ellie thought.
she never thought someone could look at her in the way the sketch had portrayed, let alone someone like you.
ellie had always thought you were the most beautiful person she had ever seen, by far, and to know that you held the same admiration for her and be able to show it.. well, it made ellie feel things she wasn't sure she felt before, but welcomed nonetheless.
the silent connection the two of you shared from that point on only grew, and as the snow that once settled on jackson's grounds slowly diminished, so did the space that you and ellie kept between you both in the dining hall as your friendship solidified.
over time, you began to realize ellie didn't share the same view you had of her, and it baffled you.
how could someone as beautiful as her, not realize it at all? not realize that her face alone could steal multiple hearts, just as it did yours?
you made a vow to yourself to make sure ellie never thought of herself as anything less than beautiful for as long as you were by her side.
she became your muse, and you based your artwork around her happily. you were never more inspired when it came to the auburn-haired girl.
it was something to get used to, but eventually ellie grew to like how you always studied her features before your hand hurriedly scribbled at your page, as if you would forget what she had looked like if you waited any longer.
there were points in time during the friendship ellie shared with you when she truly couldn't grasp the idea of you being able to see as much beauty in her as you claimed.
even after the things she has done. the amount of people that she's harmed.
ellie would never forget the night she had brought this to your attention, and neither would you.
the two of you were in ellie's makeshift bedroom, in the garage out back. there was a comforting silence that blanketed you, something that both you and ellie appreciated every once in a while. the only sound to be heard was the soft pencil strokes coming from you, your pencil in hand as you were sketched out another portrait of ellie – something you loved to do when you were together.
ellie loved watching you, though. she loved seeing the proud look in your face when you turned the page to show her your finished product.
today wasn't one of those days. you caught onto that pretty quickly when the enthusiasm in ellie's voice was slim to none, and when the bashful smile she usually had didn't reach her eyes.
"how can you continue to see me this way?" ellie's voice was quiet as the question left her lips, voice wavering as she held the freshly sketched portrait you had shown her.
"as something so.. beautiful? like the things i've done don't matter to you?"
ellie's voice shook again, but with frustration. the girl wasn't sure if this hostility she held was really towards you or towards herself, for not being able to accept someone might actually see past what she's done, to see who she was.
and you knew this, so when you found ellie to be worked up by the thought of someone loving her enough to see through her violent past and into the beauty she still held, you could only let out a lighthearted sigh as you dropped the pencil that was still in grips.
"oh, ellie.." you spoke to her in a voice so gentle, ellie had no choice but to pull her eyes from the sketchbook to your own eyes that held an emotion the auburn-haired girl still wasn't sure she wanted to fully understand.
you had always thought ellie's eyes were something beyond breathtaking, and despite the circumstances, even more so when they had that glossy film of tears over them.
you were careful as your hands reached for her face, making themselves at home on her freckled cheeks as your gaze looked over the face you grew to know like the back of your hand, one you grew to love.
at the feeling of your skin on hers, ellie let out a shaky breath she wasn't aware she was holding. her green eyes fluttering shut, taking a moment to lean into your touch.
it was just like that for a few moments. your thumbs gently brushing over the skin of her cheeks as you cradled her face with the other girl keening for your touch.
when she revealed her eyes to you again, you couldn't help the smile that pulled at the corner of your lips, because even the simplest of things ellie williams did had you feeling as though your heart was about to skid to a stop.
with her attention still on you, you gently tightened the grip on ellie's face to ensure she wouldn't pull away before barely uttering the following words out to her.
"you have, and forever always will be, the most beautiful girl i have ever seen.. and no amount of anger, or result of grief, can change that."
ellie wasn't sure if it was the way you looked at her, your eyes boring into her own with the kind of look you'd give someone if they hand-painted the stars–
which to you, she might as well have.
–or if it was the amount of emotion you held in your voice, which unlike hers, was steady; no sign of uncertainty as you made sure to speak to ellie with a clear, but gentle tone.
ellie knew that emotion well, and as much as she wanted to pretend it was a stranger, she knew it was nothing more than an old friend.
so as ellie pulled your hands away from her face, grasping onto them firmly in her lap, she leaned in and carefully closed the gap between the two of you, her pillow soft lips pressing into yours with a sort of hesitance– as if you'd pull away.
but it was then when ellie knew exactly what the emotion was when she felt your soft sigh against her lips, followed by the ghost of your smile and the pressure of your lips reciprocating her kiss.
it was love.
something that ellie was sure she wasn't deserving of, but was willing to try and understand otherwise.
she would learn to accept your love for her, as well as her place as your muse, because to ellie, your love would paint a whole new meaning for her.
you would be the artist that helps create that new beginning.
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topguncortez · 2 years
40. “I know it hurts, but you’ll get through this.” I need this ❤️
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader prompts list! warnings: parental death, grieving, crying, depression, unedited as fuck
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It felt like the world had caved in on you. The moment that you got the phone call, it felt like you had been stabbed right in the chest. No one could ever prepare you for the death of a loved one, certainly not the death of your mother.
There was always that voice in the back of your head that would so rudely remind you that one day you would see a world without your mother in it. You didn't think that day would come so soon. There was still so much that you didn't know. So much that you still needed to learn. So much that she was yet to teach you.
Bradley had been home when you got the call. He heard your loud cry from the other room and came running in, just in time to catch you from crumbling to the floor. You couldn't speak, so overcome with grief and shock, the only thing you could do was cry and hang on to Bradley like he was a life raft in the middle of the ocean. He didn't say anything as he held you, rubbing your back and rocking you slowly. He didn't need you to say anything, he'd know that cry of grief from a million miles away.
But when you muttered out the words: "my mom is gone." His heart broke in his chest.
He had become your salvation over the next couple days. He made sure you ate, made sure you drank, and always made sure that the tissue box was full. He never pushed you out of your comfort zone, knowing the grieving process all too well. You had become sort of like a robot, going through the motions of the day on auto pilot. When you went home to be with your father and siblings, Bradley went with. He hadn't seen you cry since the day you found out.
You weren't sure if you had anymore tears to cry after the first day. Everything just felt too raw to be able to produce tears. There was too much work to be done, and you couldn't spend it on tears. No one really tells you how to plan a funeral, until you have to do it. Your dad was hardly any help at all, buried in grief as well. You put on a brave face as you sat in the front row of the church and listened to the eulogy being read about your mother.
Bradley held your hand tightly as you watched her casket being lowered to the ground, and then stood behind you as you sprinkled a clump of dirt over the pine wood box. When all was said and done, you stood still, looking at hole in the ground your mother now laid in.
"Our last phone call. . ." Your voice wavered as you spoke, "We got into an argument," You sobbed out and Bradley put his arms around you, pulling you into his chest, "I don't even know what it was about b-but I hung up and didn't ev-even say 'I love you'."
"Shh," Bradley soothed you, running his hand up and down your back, his other hand came to cradle the back of your head, "She knows you loved her. She knows and she'll always know."
"I'm a horrible daughter," You sobbed and Bradley shook his head. He pulled back from the hug a bit, to look you in the eye, his hands cradling your face.
"You are not a horrible daughter," Bradley said, wiping a tear away with his thumb, "On my mom's last good day, we got into a fight too. I was mad because she didn't want me to go out with some girl I was with at the time, and I yelled at her and told her I'm an adult and I can do what I want. I felt horrible about it for years, but I know she forgave me because that's the type of person she was. Your mom forgives you, sweetheart. I know it hurts, but you’ll get through this. It get's better."
You nodded and Bradley pressed his lips to your forehead, before bringing you in for another tight hug.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
hey, thank you for taking the time to put together that post about childhood emotional neglect. I have a hard time wrapping my head around CEN as something to be pathologized because from where I stand it seems so universal--not sure if I knew a single person growing up whose emotional needs were consistently met by their parents, including people whose families i would've cut off my pinky finger to join. is there any chance you'd be willing to give me some examples of what a parent-child dynamic *without* CEN looks like?
Oh god
Okay, I'm going to give this a fair try, long post ahead. Skip to end for the TL;dr and my suggestion
This is a true story.
When I was five, I started having anxiety and panic attacks. Severe ones. They mostly presented in my ability to breathe sort of... Hiccupping. I would suddenly become INCREDIBLY aware of my breathing, and it physically felt slower, harder. Trying to talk to my mom never resulted in anything happening or changing, and I had already learned to not talk to my dad.
Combined with clear anxious tendencies, Tourette's, and a budding, severe case of OCD, this culminated in the conclusion that at any moment, ever, I could stop breathing. I took to sitting in front of fans, so that air could be forced in my face, I developed tics of sounds in my throat to make sure I was still breathing. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't function, I was scared to leave the house.
My grandmother was babysitting one night and I had the worst attack yet. Six year old me crumbled into my grandmother's lap, telling her what I was experiencing and how scared I was, and like no one was listening to me. I needed to go to the hospital, I demanded.
From here on out, this is not a true story.
My grandmother held me tightly, appalled that my mother hadn't gotten me any kind of help yet. She whispered soothing reassurances into my hair as she rocked me, calling my mom home from bingo.
At the very least, a quick trip to the ER (free) could ease my fears that I stopped breathing every ten minutes, and for the next half hour, she showed me ways to keep my mind busy while we waited and the next two times an attack hit she held my hand and said just breathe through it. See? You're still breathing.
By the time my mom was home, I was calmer, I told them I was okay and could be brave, and I slept like the dead that night. I knew I could always trust my grandmother.
That would have been my ideal situation. If I ever have children, this is how I want to be able to treat them.
With respect, and as if what they say matters and is real. I want them to feel heard and appreciated.
Now, here's the catch.
No one is perfect.
Maintaining those levels of attention, on top of working and other children and whatever else might be going on in your life, can be extremely difficult. Generational neglect and abuse mean that most parents don't even realize what's messed up and what's not.
My ideal situation won't be everyone else's.
Eventually, I will hurt someone, unintentionally. I will be low on spoons, or don't know them well enough to react appropriately to something. Maybe they don't want or need "coddling", and my method will be harmful.
In a way, it's reasonable to expect that emotional neglect is simply a fact of life, and different people will handle the effects differently.
When emotional neglect occurs repeatedly over a long period of time, it begins to have an effect on attachment and child development. The things you're excited about are so consistently brushed off that you start to believe the insidious thoughts in your head as you try to rationalize why they don't seem to care.
Your parents tell you so many times that you're overreacting that you begin to believe it and start keeping things to yourself.
Instead of looking at examples, answer these questions about situations in your past:
1) Would I have done something differently if the roles were reversed?
2) Were my emotional needs met?
3) Did I feel heard? Understood? Believed?
4) Were they interested, and being an active listener?
5) Did I leave the conversation feeling safe, and as if continuing to talk to this person was safe? Did I leave knowing I could approach this person again?
6) Does this one person repeatedly make you feel negatively about yourself or your interests? Is it a trend with them in particular?
Emotional neglect comes in ten thousand flavours-- most unintentional, most one-offs. Many of these situations will be handled by YOU just fine. Some will have more of an effect than others.
But when you're young and it's repeated, you learn bad habits and start to have bad thoughts about yourself.
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pssyinboots · 1 year
Hate To Be You
Oh look i can actually make multiple parts of things!!!
again i listened to the entire Lexie Jayde album, along with Olivia Rodrigo (this took forever to write)
but the main song this is based off is i’d Hate to be you by Lexie Jayde
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Strutting into family video you walk straight up to Steve who’s busy rewinding video tapes. Or well was before you walked. “Hey sweetheart, what are you doing in here?”. Leaning over the counter you pull Steve in by his work vest to give him a peck on the lips. Before he could respond Robin cuts in with her fake gagging “Ew. Gag me with a spoon. Do you guys really have to be all cutesy here. In public?”. Steve just glares at her while you hide your face giggling into his chest. “Really Robin.”, she just shrugs at him and returns to restocking. Turning his attention back to you, Steve leaves a kiss on your forehead. He began to ask if you wanted to hangout to tonight before being interrupted by the bell above the door. Signaling someone entered the store.
Eddie knew that it was risky entering Family Video,he knew that you told Steve and Robin what happened and they now despised him rightfully so. But Dustin was bugging him about some new horror movie that he “just had to see”. Instantly He regretted his decision immediately when he sees you cuddled up in Steve’s chest. Eddie was going to turn around and make a break for it, but before he could all eyes were on him.
You whip around to see who just entered the store when you see him. Eddie Munson, the man who you thought was going to be the love of your life before he threw it all away. You wanted to roll your eyes, to scream at him, to combust into flames. Instead you just smiled and waved, “Hey Eddie. What’s up?”. He just stood there with his mouth hung open. He didn’t expect to see you.He knew you were friends with both Steve and Robin,but he just hopped that he wouldn’t see you here. He certainly didn’t expect to see you with you and another guy. Especially when that guy was Steve.
You could feel the anger radiating off of Steve. He was the first person you went to after everything happen with Eddie, he was the only person to see you cry about everything that happened. To everyone else you put up a brave front, but Steve was the only person you could let your guard down with. Since the breakup you’ve basically spent every night with Steve. At first it just started as rebound sex. What he’s hot, plus it doesn’t hurt that Eddie has always been envious of him. plus he has a big dick. After a week you realized you might actually have feelings for him. You guys weren’t official official, it had only been two weeks after all. But Steve really helped you feel better, he was always patient and kind towards you. Not being able to take the tension any longer. Robin just had to say something,“Eddie are you ok?? If you keep your mouth open any longer you’re going to start catching flys”. Quickly Eddie closes his mouth and starts looking anywhere that wasn’t in your and Steve’s direction. “Uh- yeah…um Dustin said something about The Vindicator. How I really needed to watch it….” Quirking his eyebrow Steve just points over to the middle of the store, “Aisle 4.”. Nodding Eddie turns and walks over, tripping over his feet on the way. Wanting to not laugh you cover your mouth, but you couldn’t help letting out a small chuckle.
Turning back around you return your attention back on Steve, smiling up at him. “So what were you going to say?”. You could tell that he was trying to read you, see if you were ok or not after seeing Eddie for the first time. “Steve I promise i’m fine,it’s ok.”. You knew there was no point lying to him he could read you like a book,yet you still attempted to anyways. Steve grabs your hand giving it a squeeze and leans down so only you could hear him, “It’s ok. You don’t have to pretend like he doesn’t affect you. Im here for you. Plus i can always kick his ass if you want me too.” You just laugh at that, maybe a bit too loud catching both Robins, and Eddie’s attention, though his was already on you. Faking being upset, Steve takes a step back and puts his hand over his heart, “You wound me you know that.” Trying to stop yourself from laughing you lean up on your tip toes and give him a kiss,“I’m sorry Stevie it’s just you don’t really have the best record when it comes to fighting.”
Eddie swears he’s going to be sick. How could you move on from him that quickly? Sure he’s fucked people since you’ve broken up, but it was just to try and keep his mind off of you. Which didn’t work he couldn’t stop picturing you, he’s even said your name a few times every time. He was honestly starting to get angry. He knew it wasn’t fair considering what he did to you. It just felt like you were rubbing Steve in his face, you were. Going up to the counter he fakes a cough to get both your and Steve’s attention and places the tape on the counter. Scanning the Tape, Steve hands it back to him,”That’s gonna be three dollars.”. Eddie hands Steve the money, keeping his eyes glued on you. He just couldn’t help it. He hasn’t seen you in weeks and here you were looking like a walking wet dream kissing up on Steve fucking Harrington. “Hey can we talk outside for a second.”, startled your head shoots up to look at him. He looks desperate, like he would do anything for a second of your time. You were about to reply before Steve beats you to it, “She’s good man.”, Eddie just glares at Steve, “I wasn’t talking to you.”. Jesus Christ, men and their testosterone. “Ok, ok can we please save the dick swinging contest for another day? Steve i promise it’ll be just a minute. I’m fine I promise.” Reluctantly Steve nods his head giving his sign of approval. You start Walking outside Eddie trailing after you. walk him like a dog bitch.
Leaning against the back of Eddie’s van you signal him to speak. Eddie shoves his hands in his pockets staring down at his feet, “I missed you”, scoffing you just cross your arms. “Is that all?”, finally Eddie looks up at you with a secret plea in his eyes. “Please don’t be like this. Baby ple…”,you couldn’t believe him. How dare he try to call you that after everything. “Dont you dare call me that. You lost that privilege when you cheated on me.”. Eddie just hung his head in shame, he thought it would be easier than this. He really was a idiot. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know there is nothing i can do to fix this. Im still in love with you can we just- please.”, he was on his knees at this point. Eddie Munson Was on his knees begging for you in a parking lot. You would be lying if you said you weren’t relishing in this. “Really? Are you really doing this. You broke my heart Eddie. You broke my fucking heart. You absolutely destroyed me, i’ve always told you that cheating was the worst thing you could ever do. And guess what you did Munson?”. You couldn’t help but laugh. This entire situation was fucking hysterical. You couldn’t do this, talking to him was a mistake. Turning back around you start walking back to the store. “I was drunk! You know if I was sober i would of never done that to you.” You were shaking with anger at this point, fuck trying to be nice, fuck trying to keep the tears inside. You couldn’t do this anymore. Whipping back around angry tears are freely rolling down your cheeks. Each one feeling like a bullet into Eddie’s heart. “IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER, IT DOESNT EDDIE!!! I DONT CARE IF YOU WERE DRUNK, I DONT CARE IF YOU THOUGHT IT WAS ME, OR IF IT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE IN YOUR LIFE!!! YOU STILL CHEATED!!!”, tears were falling from both your and Eddie’s eyes at this point. Robin and Steve could hear the entire encounter, Robin Physically had to stop Steve from interrupting. “No matter the cause, or the excuse it was still cheating. I cant stand here and say i don’t have feelings for you Eddie, But those feelings are covered with resentment and the idea of your lips on someone else.” Turning around you walk the final steps to the door, but you just couldn’t resist one final blow. “You know what Eddie, I would honestly hate to be you right now. You lost the best thing that will ever happen to you for nothing. There’s no one who will fill my place in your life. Even if you get married you will still be thinking about me, hoping it was me. And you deserve that.”
There was that stupid fucking bell again. Signaling the start of your future and Eddie’s end.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
In The Cold November Rain Part 11 *18+MDNI*
Eddie Munson/FemReader Steve Harrington/FemReader
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TW: Story runs congruent to events in the show. If you know what happens in season 4, then you'll know how this will end.*Be warned.* 18+ Angst, High School Fuckery, Drinking, Drugs, Sad Smut. NSFW
Can you have two great loves in a lifetime? 
You've had the ideal childhood in Hawkins with your best friend & protector Steve Harrington. When it's ripped away, can you pick up the pieces? Eddie Munson may be able to help. 
A story about the pain of growing up, unrequited love, and loss. 
Thanks To the siren of sex @loveshotzz and her Daddy Eddie.
Inspired by @loveshotzz & notes by @eddieandbird 
Part 11/13 Masterlist AO3
It poured rain all day Wednesday. It seemed fitting, given your dismal mood. Boxes packed full of your things were stacked around your room, where you sit cross-legged on your bed with your back against the wall. Listening to rain hit the roof. Watching the drops run down the glass of your window and just beyond the tree branches shaking side to side protesting the storm. Full of hope and at peace with your decision to stay in Hawkins, you meet with an advisor at Ivy Tech that morning. Given the late date, you'd have to wait until second semester to enroll, but if you took classes through the summer, you could catch up. By afternoon, that hope was crushed when admissions at Purdue informed you that withdrawing a week before class would mean your parents would lose the tuition money they had worked so hard to save. Could you disappoint them and put off a future you had been planning for as long as you could remember for more time with a boy? A boy that made no sense for you. A boy that hadn't asked you to be his. A boy that meant everything. You will be leaving at the end of the week.
The night before you left for college, you sat together, talking on Eddie's sofa. Both of you put on a brave face for the other, but you were clearly wrecked, knowing this was goodbye. 
"I'll call you whenever I can." You try reassuring him. 
"Long distance is expensive, Princess. Don't waste your money on me."
"It wouldn't be a waste, Eddie."
"I would drive out to see you, but the van would never make it," he says miserably.
"Maybe you can borrow the beetle. It will just be parked most of the time."
"Come on, I can picture your dad's face when I knock on the door asking for the keys. Thanks for the loaner, Dude. I'm off to fuck your daughter." His tone lightens the dark mood. "Have you ever told them about me?" He asks, getting serious. You sit with your knees pushed up to your chest, you're arms wrapped around them. Trying to protect yourself from what's coming. 
"I would have if I had known you wanted me to." You reach out your hand to tangle your fingers with his. 
"It's fine. It's not like I was your boyfriend." He swallows and looks away.
"Eddie," you say, squeezing his hand. You're grateful he cuts you off because you don't know what you would have said after that.
"Come on, Princess. Let's go make each other feel good for a while." He pulls you up and tugs you down the hall toward his room.
"You cleaned," you're a little shocked. In all time you've known him, you haven't seen his room so tidy. His bed is made, and a basket of laundry is folded at the foot. Your eyes move over the surfaces of his furniture. There is still a lot of clutter, but it's more orderly than usual. When you see a little candle on his nightstand, your throat tightens.
"Yeah, well, I probably should have done it before our first time, but better late than never." He scoots around you to close the shades and light the candle. This is so much harder than you imagined; your chest is cracking open. You undress each other slowly, kissing and hands running over smooth skin, trying to commit every taste and touch to memory. He sits on the side of the bed, pulling you by your waist until he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head against your middle. His light stubble scratches against the soft skin of your belly. 
"How am I supposed to let you go? I know I was always your second choice, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Tears burn behind your eyes as you push him back on the bed, kissing him frantically. If you start crying, you know you won't be able to stop, so you push it all down. "I only thought of you from the first time we kissed. You were my choice. The only one I wanted. Do you understand?"
He responded by kissing you deeper, holding you closer. Reaching behind yourself to position him at your entrance. As you sink down, taking him deep, he holds his hands up so you can intertwine your finger and use his arms for balance. He hits that special spot inside you but feels so far away. You fall to his chest, burying your face in his neck. 
"I don't love you." 
He flips you over, managing to stay inside you. He cages you in, and you push the hair back from his face. 
"I don't love you too."
The light from the candle reflects in his glossy eyes. Seeing him break is killing you. A hot wave of tears fills your eyes and runs down your cheeks. The pain is too much to swallow any longer. He clenches his jaw, trying not to slip into the sadness you can see in his eyes. He is trying to work himself up, trying to be angry. Anything to dull what he's feeling. His hips rock into you deeper, harder. The bed is scooting across the floor with his thrusts. You'll take anything he gives you. His cock throbs, you can tell he's close, and you're right there with him. The coil that had been tightening springs in your belly, and you pulse around him. Denying himself, he pulls out of you and moves down your body until his head is in between your legs and sucking your clit into his mouth. 
"What are you doing?"
"It can't be over that quick. I'll make this last forever if I can."
He licks and sucks and slides two fingers inside. He pumps them in and out. His rings fit themselves through your opening. His spit mixes with the moisture dripping down you. He uses another of those talented fingers to spread it on your ass, pushing gently into the tight hole. He lightly bites your clit, and you detonate. 
He flips you onto your stomach. Your muscles are still clenching on nothing when he lifts your hips and slams his cock inside you. "See, Sweetheart, you're pussy wants more. You're sucking me right in." He sets a brutal pace, driving into you almost violently. His fingers bruise your hips while his cum heavy balls slap against you. He reaches around to rub at your slick clit, and you beg.
"I can't, Eddie. I just want you to cum. Please, I can't."
Knowing your body better than yourself, he doesn't relent. "Yes, you fucking can, Princess." And he's right seconds later, you come with your cheek against the cool sheets, the mattress muffling your scream, inner muscles milking him. He slows and pulls out hissing. He rolls onto his back, breathing hard. His erection bobs towards his stomach, red and glistening with your cum. The cold air on your wet, over-sensitive pussy is enough to keep your body quaking. Carefully stretching your legs behind you, your hips drop to the mattress. He props himself up on his elbow, and his other hand pushes your shoulder, encouraging you to roll onto your back. The calloused fingers of his hand knead your breast, rolling and pinching your nipple while leaning over and sucking the other into his mouth. His teeth graze you before he increases the suction, leaving a mouth-shaped bruise behind. "I want you to see me all over your skin." A needy plea is his answer as your hands hold his head to your chest, pulling gently at his hair, running your nails over his scalp. He moves across your chest, marking you, claiming you. Impossibly, your arousal builds again, and more slick moisture coats your thighs. When he stops, he looks at you with soft eyes that reveal the emotions he is trying to hide. His full lips press against yours so sweetly and tenderly while smoothing a hand down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his hips as he slips inside you, rocking gently and so slowly. He gazes into your eyes, and he does make it feel like it's lasting forever. 
"It's so good," you say to him, dipping your tongue in his mouth.
"It always is with you." 
He drives you higher, and you tip over the edge together. You sleep wrapped around him, bodies tangled together. He wakes you with his mouth in the middle of the night, delivering orgasms that fleetingly chase away your goodbye. He's determined to leave your body aching, scared he'll slip from your memory when you walk out the door.
The sun creeps around the edges of the shades casting a golden glow over Eddie's sleeping body. The shadows change while you dress quickly and press a lipstick kiss on his mirror, adding a few x's and o's underneath. Picking up the flannel button-up Eddie wore last night, you press your nose into the collar making sure it smells like him before slipping your arms into sleeves. There will never be a possession you value more than that shirt. It keeps you company when you're lonely or sad or just missing him. Over the years, it becomes threadbare, and the buttons fall off, but on dark days it's what you reach for. The front door of the trailer squeaks softly as you ease it closed. Driving away, your red-rimmed eyes are trained on the rearview, watching the trailer get smaller before you turn the corner and it disappears completely, leaving him behind.
Part 12
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Tag List @boomhauer @onlyangel-444 @breehumbles @myobmaya @arsenicred @kiki17483 @stolen-in-moonlight @sometimesamysometimesjo @ladybug0095 @sammararaven @tlclick73 @totally-bogus-timelady @katelyndestini95 @munsonswhore86 @kelsietilley-blog
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daegall · 2 years
hyuck as your secret highschool admirer. imagine him leaving soft confessions notes in your locker, withoit revealing his actual identity. once, your friend finds a ticket where he asked you to meet him after classes but they lost it on their way to show it to you, so you never found out about the ticket. uNTIL HE WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO COME TO YOU AND TELL YOU THAT HE WAITED FOR YOU. And you're like 'what' aND HE TELLS YOU THAT HE PUT IT INSIDE YOUR LOCKER AND ALL AND THEN YOU LOVE HIM AND BAM KISS AND NEW COUPLE.
we need more of this!!!!!!!!!!!
hyuck as one of yoru friends, too scared ot tell you his feelings but is also eager to tell you his feelings, what better way to do it than in the form of an anonymous admirer?
you met in chemistry, where you became lab partners for a project, and you two had a kind of bond right of the bat, one that Donghyuck wouldn't be able to find anywhere else.
You're shocked when you open your locker, only to fine a yellow post it note with encouraging words and a strangely familiar hand writing, and you definitely can't help the smile that creeps on your face at the words. You know this secret admirer as a bear, as that's always what they seem to draw to sign off, along with a heart or star.
At first it starts off with morning 'good luck with classes!' notes and 'I'll be rooting for you!', but when he realizes you leave a note back for him saying how grateful you are, and how much it helps you through your day, his heart flips and he has the urge to do more!!!!!
In which he does, he gets you occasional snacks or a paper bouquet of flowers, and longer notes, telling you about his day or very encouraging words when you seem off.
after weeks of back and forth notes and flirting, Donghyuck decides to finally tell you, scribbling messily on a notes to come meet him out in the field, under the bleachers.
One day, you have Yoo Jimin put back your notebook in your locker after she borrowed it for some notes, but the moment the locker door swings open, the post it falls out, and she reads it, panicking. Oh god, she invaded your space. Should she tell you? What should she do?
In the end, she messages you a quick 'Call me!!!!!' with extra exclamation marks and emojis to express the urgency of the news, but a moment later she gets her phone confiscated for using her phone without permission from a teacher (which is a dumb rule.)
Donghyuck panics when you don't meet him under the bleachers at your assigned time, wondering if you didn't like him back, or you felt too scared. Despite that, he still stays, hoping you'd come.
A few hours after that, as you're looking for Jimin, you bump into Donghyuck, quite literally, but he catches you before you could tumble down.
"Hyuck," You breathe out, "I'm so sorry,"
"No, no, it's alright. I understand why you wouldn't want to meet up."
You're confused at his words, worried at his upset tone and the frown on his lips. "Hey, what's wrong?"
and then he rants out the truth, how he's the secret bear admirer of yours, how much he's liked you, and how he understands why you wouldn't like him back.
The thing is though, you're completely in love with him too.
You've always hoped it was Donghyuck, his familiar messy handwriting sending your heart into a frenzy just wondering if it was him.
Before he can go on, you lean down to press your lips against his cheek, before bumping a small kiss by his chin, and you laugh. "Lee Donghyuck you listen to me! I like you! I like you so much, it's actually so crazy,"
And then you two are def the best couple on campus no lie.
soft hours : open
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asmrbrainrot · 5 months
The Gator Boys & The Moon Witch Ch4~
Slivers of the misty moonlight slipped in through the cabin window, scattering glowing fractals of light across the kitchen. Tonight had been…wild, to say the least. It was touch and go for awhile, but Timmy did surprisingly well under the pressure, and the two even managed to get Bodie (The man’s name, as she had figured out) back to his own bed where he was now sound asleep.
The younger gator on the other hand, did no such thing. Since Bodie had been stable, Timothy busied himself with any task he could find, no matter how trivial. Only now, had he found himself with literally nothing more to do than sit and wait. Esther placed her broom basket, (containing one sleeping Bella) in the corner of the room, glancing over at Timmy. The boy sat on a worn down old sofa, dark bags circling his sleep deprived eyes. The boy looked… well just terrible to be quite honest. But aside from the physical exhaustion it seemed that being left alone with nothing but his thoughts was eating at him.
Esther took the liberty of sitting down next to the fatigued youngster. “You were really brave, y'know.” She commented, “even if your plan wasn’t exactly-” she trailed off as stifled hiccups escaped the young man. He had been bottling up for what felt like forever, and now he had nothing to distract him. He drew his hands up to his face in a vain attempt to dam the river of emotion. A gentle touch guided them away. Timothy gazed up at the woman, watery, amber pools of remorse met deep, mahogany eyes. “Is my- is he?” He faltered, “is he gonna be okay?” The woman paused, studying the boy’s downcast expression. “He ain’t out of the woods yet, but the worst has passed.” She reassured, “We caught it in the nick of time too.” The halfblood seemed to calm somewhat at the women’s words. “He’s lucky to have you ya’know.” She commented, giving the boy a nudge with her shoulder. Despite her efforts this only seemed to worsen Timmy’s mood. His leathery tale wrapped around his legs, (which where now in the fetal position.) “No, um he-he’s really not.” He hiccuped, finally succumbing to the flood of emotion that he had been holding back for some time now.
Quiet, shivering sobs escaped the halfblood, as he cupped his face, ashamed. Esther placed a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder as he wept. Careful not to overwhelm him, she let the gator cry it out. Cry away all that poison that had been hurting him, all the guilt weighing him down. After what felt like hours Timothy was finally able to catch his breath. “I’m so sorry sweet pea,” she cooed, “I can only imagine you’ve got about a dozen bees in your bonnet right now…but you’ve got to understand this isn’t your fault-” “But it is!” The boy shot back, swatting the woman’s hand away, “He’s got shot because of me! Because I was being stupid! If I had just been more careful then maybe…” Timothy withdrew a little, Bodie would have tanned his hyde for snapping so rudely at anyone, let alone someone who had been so kind. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to- you've been so kind! And I just…” he faltered, observing Esther’s expression, “You didn’t deserve that, I’m sorry.”
The woman watched Timmy’s expression fall once more. “I was out fishin on the far side a’the swamp… didn’t tell Bodie where I was going, an when he came lookin for me, we were ambushed…'' he explained tearfully. Esther listened, she understood the feeling. “Exactly, ambushed.” She reaffirmed, “Listen we’re both plum wore out. Why don’t you get some sleep and we can sort this out in the morning?” “But what about-” “Dont worry I’ll watch over him.” Esther interjected. The boy nodded, still unconvinced but to tired to protest. Curling up on the couch the young man quickly nodded off. Esther withdrew a soft cotton blanket from her bag, placing it over the sleeping halfblood. “One more thing…” she mumbled. Squatting down to the broom basket, the witch gingerly scooped up the sleeping Bella, before placing her at Timmy’s side. The sleepy pup looked up at her mom, glassy black eyes protesting the move. “I’m sorry baby.” She whispered, “but he needs you right now.” The little fluff ball gave a begrudging huff before settling down at the boys side. Although neither Esther nor Timmy took notice of it, a small smile crossed the boy's face as he snuggled just a bit closer to Bella.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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Gift Mode | Keeping Quiet | Little Ones | Wandering Part 3 (Jellywalker AU)
One of you anons was pretty enthusiastic to request more of this AU. I did finish these sooner then I expected, so forgive me if there’s more goofs then usual in this 4 prompt post!
Gift Mode
Seeing you being gifted various amounts of trinkets and items by your horde members didn’t go undocumented by Wasabi Cookie. It would range from standard jellies to the rare rainbow jelly that they could find, this was another odd behavior indicated and displayed only in this horde, but considering this was your horde, she shouldn’t be surprised that the walker gang is displaying all manners of odd behaviors.
Of course, one way or another, the surviving gang finds out that the walkers coddle you for the time the infected isn’t attacking things. Cherry Cookie had half a mind to just head on over and blow them up, but Brave and the others settled her down. Fairy Cookie is just annoyed, if the walkers grow too close to you, then the chances of you willingly wishing to return back to normal grow dim. They had to change the tide by providing their own gifts to you too!
Ninja Cookie agrees on this aspect, he doesn’t wish for you to be uncomfortable and afraid for when they bring this proposition to you. Being forceful about it will mean you’re less likely to trust them, not to mention the obvious giant mass of walkers that will tear them to shreds if they step over the line. Wasabi can conclude that if the group is able to gain a more positive opinion from you, it should a breeze to offer the cure to you later
The gift-giving would begin when a horde member would bring you what they found up ahead, it was a bowl of jellies with a tag that says the name of who’ve brought it. The infected group are not familiar with this gesture, so they didn’t think much of it, or at all. You, still having the recollection of your memories, appreciated the gesture.
The more sensitive gift giving walker cookies like Blackberry or Cotton Candy probably will catch on to these gifts being delivered from outside forces from the way you smile and enjoy the gifts. This will increase their own gift giving efforts as the other members of the swarm follow after with their own attempts at giving gifts. This does lead to some in-fighting again over who can get the best type of gift for you.
But the main enemy of the gift giving were the culprits of these random gifts they keep finding in their path. They couldn’t even throw them away or ditch them as they didn’t wish to deny their horde heart of any possible sustenance, so they begrudgingly hand them to you.
The survivors are glad to see their efforts are working, but they can spot the swarm’s agitation at outside forces trying to get to their heart. They need to stay out of sight when giving more gifts in the future, something tells them the horde will not show mercy if they spot them….
Keeping Quiet
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Even with your mind muddied by the infection, you can still have feelings of irritation, towards your own horde in particular. This usually happens if they fail to listen to what you had to say and act belligerently, leaving you angrily grumbling to yourself, it may leave the jellied cookies around you to awkwardly grumble and display a feeling of being apologetic to you.
Yes, they were trying to protect you, but if the surviving cookies meant no ill will, they are to be left alone. After a major incident involving the horde being triggered by an unintentional provocation by a group of survivors, you lead away from the group at the front, separating from them..and taking the lead.
Blackberry Walker and Firewalker tried to follow after you closely, but you made it clear that you wish to be away from the horde for a while. They were hurt, but they understood.
Other jellied cookies would try their luck in trying to earn your favor, but they were met with the same silence every time. It really sinks in to them that they’ve done messed up this time. With the near hivemind levels of the horde, they all come to the conclusion to try their best to win back your favor in a different way.
And that would be passing by groups of surviving cookies and NOT fly into a protective aggression against them. It was hard to wrangle the boss walkers into compliance without your help, but it was done. If they can show that they have the willpower to leave innocent survivors be, then you’ll have to accept them back!
The biggest test came when a young surviving cookie accidentally struck their bouncy ball at you, sending you back a little. A feeling of terror washed over you as you expected the swarm to immediately attack this cookie, but seconds came and went, and the horde was still behind you. Shaking in rage, but only just glaring at the cookie to get on out of there.
The cookie grabs their ball and runs off out of view, you felt the tension finally leave you as you turn to your horde, looking to you with anticipation, a gap in the group made for you to walk right into. You couldn’t have rejoined the mob quicker enough.
Little Ones
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I had no idea that around the time I started writing, OliveNARA would make a Jellywalker crisis series. Y’all should check it out.
Unfortunately, the virus didn’t spare anyone, and that includes the younger cookies.
Younger cookies within the horde were protected by fellow members of the swarm, if it wasn’t Y/N Cookie, meaning harm to the little ones will earn you the fury of the infected. Any one of them that’s injured is quickly healed up by the infected healers in the group and you would hand them gifts as well to really bring them down to normal.
The younger cookies aren’t as aggressive as the others and tend to stay away from the fighting at the back of the horde, they’ll be moved back there by other walkers if a fight does pick up. They’re still treated with caution as they will attack if given no other choice. You wanted to stand at the frontline when it comes to protecting the little ones, but the swarm is insistent on keeping you at the middle while the strongest the horde has is at the front instead!
You’d spend time with Onion Walker alongside Blackberry Walker similarly to how you would back in the living days. You would be one of the few cookies that would stop her crying, Blackberry being the other.
The Chess Choco Walkers’ chess playing remain after the virus has struck them and would like to play with you every now and then. The infection does throw strategy out the window, but it makes the two cookies happy enough!
Walnut Walker still retains her detective skills as you would often join along with her to whatever random clue hunt her infected mind can bring up. She once found an old bowler hat that she gave you, an approving grumble leaving you as she liked how the hat fits you!
You and the other horde members treated the younger walkers with the care they needed. It seemed the infection left out the caring part of their minds if they could display this level of passiveness and even a sense of protectiveness for the little cookies.
Wandering Part 3
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The group was relieved to see you brought back to normal, your eyes retained their shape again and the jelly is all gone from your body. The surviving cookies weee glad to see the cure had worked and it was great news to Wasabi, now she just needed to deliver this news to Aloe!
However, those plans may be wrenched a little when Moonlight Walker started to reactively twitch and recoil as she could feel the connection between her and Y/N Cookie severed as she convulsed..before letting out a shriek that sounded throughout the forest.
The horde was immediately called in and some were visibly caught by surprised to see Y/N Cookie not resembling then anymore and the connection in the head is broken, leaving them unable to directly pinpoint your feelings, location, etc. They can still recognize in the end and so did they for the Brave gang, but the Brave gang only infuriated the infected.
Moonwalker was thankfully able to snap out of her depressed stupor and making snarling and grumbling sounds to the infected gang, likely explaining the situation. They had to hold back a bunch of hate for the Brave gang for tainting your precious head with suggestions of this cure! It was for your sake however, so they held back on ripping them apart for now..
It was rather odd to merge back into your horde with your infection no longer persisting. You didn’t mind the continued gifts and offerings of food, but you were more watchful to see if they’re safe to eat, the cure would’ve been for nothing if you had gotten reinfected a little later. While the walkers were bummed out that you didn’t actively seek to reconnect your mind with theirs, they decided to just keep holding onto you. They didn’t trust those living cookies at all despite Brave making the proposition to create more of the cure for all of them.
You’d cross that bridge when you got to it, but for now, you had to knowingly manage your infected party who still treated you with the same level of care as previously. Perhaps waiting for more of the cure wouldn’t be so bad…
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Heroes AU: Cute Ship Stuff
Here’s some HC’s about the lovely ships in this AU! I plan to do a future post with more backstory oriented stuff, but IDK when. Credit as always to the wonderful lovelies, @artzychic27 and @imsparky2002!
OH!!! Guess who came up with Mor’du’s new name! In this AU, he will be called ‘Yamikuma’ to fit with Brave being Kagami’s story. LMK your thoughts!
*Marinette loves to take Adrien out on little adventures on weekends, to let him experience things he’s never done before. No matter what it is, Adrien is always excited, because it’s new and he’s doing it with her.
*Adrien tells Marinette about the lights that appear in the sky every year on his birthday, and she vows to take him to see them one day. For now, they love to stargaze in the school courtyard.
*Once Kagami joins the relationship, they all love to go out for rides on Longg. It helps that all three of them can fit on his back!
*Nino frequently drops by Alya’s work in the mornings and afternoons, just to keep her company and help her clean up from the morning and afternoon rushes.
*Alya is teaching Nino to do a lot of things without using magic, like cooking and cleaning and fixing things. He appreciates and enjoys it a lot more than he thought he would for the accomplished feeling it gives him.
*Nathaniel has a gorgeous singing voice, and he’ll sing a song Marc loved from childhood, ‘Vuelie’ to calm him down when his control over his powers starts to slip.
*Marc loves to make ice statues based off Nathaniel’s drawings or just of Nathaniel himself, and Nath can’t help but squeal when he watches him work.
*Marc starts keeping a small pillow in his backpack for when Nathaniel falls asleep in random places around the school.
*Ondine is still rather clumsy on her new legs, so on particularly long and/or difficult walks, Kim will pick her up and carry her, so she doesn’t get tired or hurt.
*The students have a running betting pool over how many times Kim will catch Ondine falling or tripping from something in day. The highest record is eleven. He doesn’t mind it though, because he likes being able to hold her.
*He gets her into working out after she decides to join the school’s swim team. When she was able to deadlift 120 pounds on her first try, his heart nearly exploded and he almost asked her to marry him on the spot.
*Mylene loves to make flower crowns for Ivan and he’s more than happy to wear them, no matter what anyone says!
*Ivan introduces Mylene to all his gargoyle friends at the school, and she finds them to be lovely company. They love her too, she brings them snacks!
*Juleka loves to listen to Rose reading fairytales. They can spend hours in the library with Rose just reading all her favorite stories to Juleka, who never gets tired of hearing them.
*Rose absolutely adores dancing, so she will often pull Juleka out to twirl around with her when one of the various musicians at the school is playing in the courtyard.
*Mireille will often shift to her lion form and lay across Aurore’s lap while she’s working so the fairy can run her fingers through her mane and fur, which both of them find very calming.
*The first time Simon tried to take Denise flying with him, it did NOT go well as their muscle mass ended up being a BIT too much for him to handle. (They ARE nine feet tall, after all…) After that, he goes to Lacey for pixie dust or borrows Alix’s carpet for them whenever they feel like a romantic fly.
*Simon will play music on his pipe-flute for Denise to calm them down when they’re especially upset about being treated as a ‘villain’. He’s…not very good, and it mostly works because it makes them laugh.
*Cosette loves to teach Zoe the dance moves from their music videos and to hear her singing along to their tunes. It’s considering asking her to record a few tracks with the band, she knows the fans would LOVE Zoe’s beautiful voice as much as they do.
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popchoc · 1 year
Hey there, I really loved your Helm and Yasuda date prompt! Could you please do another one, maybe with 🏥🤫🌧? Thank you
Mika & Taryn, 🏥 🌧 🤫
"Why?" Taryn asks herself for the thousandth time, "Why did I ever say yes? Why on earth did I ever agree to a date that has no future in it?"
Yet just like the question, the answer keeps being the same: because she'd really, really wanted to.
Because she'd been thinking about this girl ever since she'd met her, and had been falling for her the more she got to know her in those months after. She just hadn't been sure if the feeling was mutual, or at least not sure - and with that not brave - enough.
Thank heavens Mika is nothing like her! Not when it comes to courage. Cause there she suddenly was. Showing up at the bar to tell her that she likes her, that she's actually into her, and to ask her on a date, a real one. Taryn could not have been more happy, despite their terrible timing.
Despite the fact that she'd just learned that she was going to be Mika's boss.
She'd been thrilled, and thus she'd ignored that little twitch of doubt and agreed.
She'd agreed, and soon after they'd went on a perfect date. They'd shared time, laughter (who knew a canceled wedding could be that much fun?) and some sweet kisses together, before heading to work, where Mika's day had turned insane and Taryn got to be there for her in the hours after, when Mika told her every detail about almost losing Dr. Altman as well as their patient while being with them in that OR. Taryn had listened attentively until far after midnight, when Mika's voice had finally started to drift off, telling her she was this close to falling asleep, despite still being on the phone.
But unlike Mika, she hadn't been able to sleep, and it wasn't just because her first day as chief resident was about to begin.
It was because her first day as Mika's boss was about to begin, and because she knew, deep down inside, that whatever they were about to start together needed to be ended.
As in, right now.
Still questioning herself, while pacing back and forth, Taryn keeps her eye on the ER's back door, then sprints towards it as soon as she catches Mika walk in - completely drenched from the heavy rain outside.
"Come," she just says, taking Mika by the elbow before she can even say hi, "We need to talk."
It isn't until they're halfway the corridor that she halts and turns towards her (by now) intern again. Without a word, Mika stares back at her in anticipation, somewhat confused, but mostly soaked - and with that kind of miserable, yet also both super cute and weirdly hot.
The image alone leaves Taryn speechless for a moment. All she can do is look at this girl in front of her. At the raindrops that are sticking to her lashes, and that single one that rolls from her temple to her chin. At the damp, clingy hairs that are stuck to her skin. At her mouth that's fallen open as she's panting for air after her run though the rain, and then the hallway.
"What is it?" Mika asks at last.
Taryn sighs, then shakes her head, trying to get herself together. To force herself to do the right thing. Her eyes find Mika's again, which doesn't help. Which makes her forget everything she'd plan to say.
When she stays quiet, Mika takes a small step closer.
It's in that moment that Taryn gives up. That she can actually feel her hand move towards the door handle of the supply room right next to her, while the other one makes its way up to the lapel of Mika's sodden coat.
Fuck it.
As she pulls Mika along with her, she deeply inhales, then finally finds her voice again.
"No one can know."
The door closes behind them. Today's not the day.
Mix & Match Writing Prompts
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heathfall · 11 months
HalfClan, Moons 7-12
Interesting things happening this moon(s)!
Moon 7: Frogpaw is now Frogears in honor of their spirit. They're still strange, but thanks to Nectarfoot, she's now also smart!
Speaking of Nectarfoot, she retires alongside Frogears' warriorhood. Being able to see Frogears through to warriorhood has done her good, and now she's calmed down and ready to settle down for her retirement.
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(We'll see Frogears shortly. Don't worry.)
Also, Cricketstar catches yellowcough and loses a life. The dialogue said "several" lives but she was only down to eight, so.
Moon 8: Not much happens. Roachheart continues to be a bit of a prickly guy, complaining about people behind their back. Nectarfoot seems to be settling well into the elder's den, bickering with Alderfur.
Patrol time! We sent out Frogears, Marigoldfrost, Roachheart, and Cricketstar. They found a mysterious rabbit, shaking and moving rather un-rabbit like. After careful consideration, they hunted it and ate it as normal. Things seemed to be okay, but the thought lingers in all of their minds.
Moon 9: Cricketstar encouraged a fight between Clanmates, causing Frogears to gain a scar, and Alderfur was maimed by Cricketstar for questioning her leadership.
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(Our brave new warrior, and literal old lady. I can't tell where Alderfur's scar is, but it's there. I guess the struggle of trying to keep a new Clan together is getting to Cricketstar?)
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Her text says she's feeling sore. I bet she is, considering she's beating up her Clan.
Moon 10: Cricketstar's reign of terror continues. She injures Marigoldfrost (the other new warrior) and then retires Roachheart, who on the bright side is now wearing a very pretty lavender flower, given to him by Frogears.
Mousedapple tries, unsuccessfully, to convince Frogears to run away from the Clan together. He's the deputy, by the way.
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Cricketstar catches yellowcough again, and this time loses three more lives (down to five). I wonder if StarClan is trying to get rid of her? She keeps feeling a sense of dread.
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(Roachheart is now living a great life in the elder's den. We now have three elders and five warriors, counting the deputy).
Patrol time! Brackentail takes Jasperstream, Turtlerun, and Mousedapple out on an herb collecting mission. They have a great time talking to a StarClan cat who comes down to join them.
Moon 11: Roachheart goes for a wander and is returned to the Clan.
Frogears and Cricketstar cross paths again. Frogears lies to Cricketstar, and finds the way Cricketstar acts increasingly uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Marigoldfrost imagines what having kits with Frogears would look like! How nice.
Moon 12: Not much happens this moon either. Jasperstream, Mousedapple, Frogears, and Marigoldfrost all go on a patrol, and hear an odd rustling from the border. Thankfully, it happens to be a mouse, and Frogears returns to camp with a big mouse hanging from her jaws.
Scene (Moon 10):
"What is the meaning of this treachery?" Frogears heard a yowl from the clearing. They crept out silently, spotting Marigoldfrost bristling at Cricketstar.
"I said, I will not lead a patrol into QuietClan territory," Marigoldfrost said, quietly. "They're far bigger than us. Things have been peaceful so far, but they won't stay that way if we try and invade our neighbors."
"I am your leader," Cricketstar said in a dangerous voice. She was far too thin for how early into leaf-bare it was, the yellowcough she had caught still ravaging her body. "You listen to me."
"I will not do it," Marigoldfrost replied. "Mousedapple will-"
"Mousedapple is not the leader. You will do wise to remember that, and remember your place."
"I will not." Cricketstar leapt at Marigoldfrost, screaming. Frogears could only watch as her leader bowled over her friend, flattening her against the cold ground. Despite her illness, she was strong, and had several years more practice than Marigoldfrost did. Marigoldfrost tried to shove her leader off, but to no avail.
"Cricketstar!" a voice that sounded like that of a lion roared. In a flash, a grey cat came sprinting into the clearing, breaking the two apart. Brackentail. "What in StarClan's name are you doing?"
"Punishing a traitor," snarled Cricketstar.
"Giving everyone yellowcough, more like. Go back to your den. You'll be a far kinder leader when you're well rested." Marigoldfrost still laid on the ground, and Frogears feared for a moment Cricketstar had killed her. At a nudge from Brackentail, though, she uneasily stood, blood dripping from her face.
"I'm sorry, dear," Brackentail said. "I'll get you cleaned up in just a moment." Brackentail left for her den. Frogears found that she could move at last, and crept over to Marigoldfrost. Her wounds looked deep, but Frogears had confidence in Brackentail.
"Why did she do that, Frogears?" Marigoldfrost asked softly, fear sparking in the eye that wasn't swelling closed. "Did I deserve that?"
"No. No," Frogears said. "No more than I did, or Alderfur did. There's something wrong with Cricketstar, Jasperstream is sure of it. If only Mousedapple could-"
"Mousedapple can't do anything," said Marigoldfrost bitterly, hunching back over. "I heard him talking about running away with you. What good is a deputy that runs away when things get hard?"
"I-" said Frogears. "I don't know." She shuffled closer to Marigoldfrost. "But I won't go with him. I'll stay here with you, no matter how hard it gets."
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winter-tospring · 2 years
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"gays don't even think about wedding cakes, they just think about surviving" being here able to do this is special enough, but extras bring even more warmth and heart to the day. I didn't know what to want to celebrate. but we got a surprise wedding cake that apparently took hours to make, with ingredients previously unknown. and it was such a unique cake experience to eat it. we cut it together, hand in hand on knife, like we were told to do, and a tiny triangle was dislodged from the whole - mostly icing, which prompted a "your life will be sweet" interpretative comment.
the woman who read us our lines to repeat said she was excited to be here, and she wore black, like us. I cried right when it started like I knew I would, because holding hands and looking into your favorite person's eyes as they affirm their love and commitment to you in front of someone else just was bound to do that. It's the words you hear in movies all your life and then you're given them and you're giving them back, and it's surreal and yet I was so firmly planted in the moment, that's when it hit, so real, after all those steps and those years. the lady said you can kiss now and we hugged, and that's the kind of thing that makes us perfect.
we wore masks, so we chuckled, and she makes decisions faster than me in public, she's so easy going even though she says it's a shield to make strangers like her and treat her well, which I don't know how to do until I trip and have to catch myself with a smile and a joke and then anxiety dissipates because they've seen me now, I'm just a little clumsy human like them. I don't remember what she said exactly, but we smiled behind the masks, I could see it in her eyes and hear it, and we hugged tight under the white flowers arch. my love. it's always perfect when it's her. and it's gonna be her forever.
I could feel it when we got back, the gates of a new life opening. it feels like anything is possible. the home we want to build, just for us, lush and safe and exactly how we decide it. we danced without having it planned, which is how all best things happen. wedding songs playlists have a lot of sad songs, how is that? do people just listen to the melody and not the words? I had sweet home Alabama stuck in my head all day, and Lover was played, and random songs, and then backstreet boys for 10 minutes.
she said we walked hand in hand into HomeGoods. I didn't even notice. I find her so naturally, I wouldn't understand if a brick hit me cause we're both girls and a guy has a problem with it. I would forget some people think there's something wrong with this. it's only love, the realest love.
we found gifts, and we felt so married, to me; together, looking for something specific, partners in all things, in a public place, strolling and loving the time unfolding slowly cause we're together, and I want to know what she's stopped to look at, what she's thinking about.
my wife. my wifeeeee. My WIFE, my wiiife!! she smiles so bright I'm starting a reminder to take pictures of her. we giggle and say "my wife" to each other a lot, and then make incomprehensible noises of disbelief and joy.
we met on here, so I feel like it's a good idea to post about this, because it's thanks to here that I know her. talk to the people you admire in secret, so you can admire them to their face. I seem to be brave about this only when it seems to intensely matter, and I seem to be right about it mattering.
december 19, 2022 🖤
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