#and i wanted soundwave to get some revenge because a mech can only have so much patience
ivycorp · 1 year
Megatron and his servo
The door slid shut behind Megatron, his quarters quiet and empty as always (but they weren't like that not long ago, he remembered with a twist of the mouth); his frame was hot and charged up despite the time it took to:
Return to Nemesis,
Get told off by Soundwave (it was an interesting thing, to be told of with no words),
Subsequently to be told off by Knock Out that he needed to leave the injured hand to heal or it would require an entire replacement next time.
He was so dazed by the fight earlier, he just nodded and went out into the corridor from the medbay, on automatic letting his legs carry him back to berth. The vehicons he passed in the way scrambled to not cross paths with him, but the warlord didn't really care about them.
No, he had more pressing matters on his mind. 
Taking a look at his freshly repaired arm, he noted with humor that at least it was not the servo he needed tonight anyways. 
With a practiced ease that spoke of the pathetic disposition he was finding himself way too often these days, the silver mech locked the door, put the music on loud and shut off his own audio input. In case of emergency, Soundwave would shoot him a direct comm anyways.
The music was not for his benefit, after all.
As the silence filled his mind, Megatron allowed himself a shudder as his extensive (not extensive enough, whispered his greedy spark) collection of material on Orion-Optimus started taking its place, feeding his newly rediscovered needs like a mech starved.
'My, pet, you are positively begging to be touched, aren't you?' Optimus's voice seemed to drown him, as the silver frame settled itself down on the floor, knees spread, servos held behind his back in a looser grip than he usually preferred, but the medic's warning was enough to keep him from pushing it.
He sighed softly, chasing the memories of the way Orion would look at him, teasing him with the softest strokes, as the latest battle took hold and reminded just how much he enjoyed the digits on his throat.
It was enough to cause his charge to grow at once, as he desperately held the self-imposed position; he was even facing the chair the blue and red mech took as his during the stay at Nemesis, from the first time they fell into the familiar dynamic.
Megatron both rejoiced and cursed that moment, as it had changed something between them irrevocably- he had no clue precisely why, but the recent losses they were suffering were telling enough.
They have gotten under each other's plating and Megatron was obviously losing control. He expected Soundwave to lose patience with his behavior any day now.
He grimaced, as he felt his frame shiver at the notion of losing control, of letting Orion take care of him, to make him break apart and be rebuilt over and over again in the most agonizingly pleasurable way there could be.
He could feel his valve clench as lubricant started falling on the floor through the seams, but he kept the cover in place.
There were rules to be followed, even when he was alone.
'Beautiful, my sweet, so obedient for me, thank you for waiting for the commands,' cooed the imaginary Prime, as Megatron could feel himself tremble at the praise; discovering that he liked it made Orion smile so nicely, as he explained one day that it also was something he loved to indulge in.
"What a complementary pair we make, Megatron," the mech said once over Energon, and the silver tyrant couldn't help but agree.
Yet now, ex-vents coming out loud, Megatron could only think about the voice in his helm, which chuckled and finally prompted him to move, but still kept the panels closed.
'I want you to take your time and show me where you would like to be touched,' caused the silver servos to move from behind to the front, as Megatron started to stroke his frame, before he arrived at the throat, neck cables just inches away from his wandering digits.
It was the spot Optimus bit him earlier that day.
Touching on the tingling part of his throat, he suddenly wanted to know if the bite was still visible - Knock Out took a look but did not repair it, so most likely it was not threatening and would be taken care of by his own self repair.
He pressed, hissing, as the motion flared with numb pain, which made his spark throb.
He needed to see it badly.
His imagination fed him another memory, the impression of Orion smiling, walking over to the berth and motioning for Megatron to join him, as it offered an undisturbed view of the mirror in the private washracks.
The silver mech knew better than to rise up, instead crawling hastily and setting himself down, pedes spread so his reflection would show the entirety of the heaving frame between them, servos flat on the floor.
'I can see just how desperate you are - if you keep it up I might even let you overload today, despite your prior behavior,' teased the Prime’s voice, as he fought hard to keep his panels closed and optics down; he did not miss the echo of shame that ran through him on the battlefield about not yielding when Optimus threatened to feel disappointed by him.
He did not want to disappoint Orion. He was good and will keep on being good if it meant he could stay in this dazed state longer.
'Now, pet, I want you to open your panels,' instructed him the warm voice he could listen to forever, as his panels slid open and lubricant gushed out of his needy valve, spike pressurized and aching to be touched.
'Look at yourself as you get your valve prepared for me - tell me when you get close to overloading,' ordered the specter of his memories, as Megatron turned his gaze and locked sights with the reflection and allowed his optics to take in the mark on his neck cables as one of his servos went up and wrapped itself right below it.
His other servo was already in motion, working the sensitive mesh open, rocking onto the digits; he did not think it would take long for him to reach the edge, but when he tightened the hold on his neck and brushed his digit against the anterior node, he was hit with a jolt of pleasure that got him immediately there, and he gasped out:
"I am close, so close, please," came the begging, so much faster than expected. He faintly blamed the forward actions of the Prime for driving him insane with the damned bite, but that thought left quickly as he continued the ministrations on his leaking valve. 
He knew at this point he could probably take some of the largest toys hiding in the closet, but it was too far from him now - and, more importantly, there was no command that specified that anything but his digits were allowed this time.
'That was quick, even for you - but then, I knew the bite would do the trick… or was it the talk about a collar, perhaps?' came the question, as Megatron's servo stuttered in its rhythm, nearly bringing him over the edge.
He wished to reply, but all that left his mouth was just a low keen, words escaping his frayed focus and leaving him bare to the wants of his greedy frame. At this point he would agree to whatever the other would demand, if only he would be granted release.
Yet, as Megatron looked towards the mirror, he could not stop feeling a rush of humiliation at the sight; spike neglected, valve leaking so much lubricant it made a considerable pool on the floor, neck cables held tightly and squeezed to the point of pain whenever he would feel himself get dangerously close, until the charge would die down again just enough to escape the temptation.
And he would start again, because he was not told to stop.
The digits were avoiding his node now, as he knew just a brush would make him overload hard. 
He would not do this without permission. 
There were rules to be followed.
The rules were important. 
He could hold it off for longer.
A hum sounded in his audials, as a curt 'optics up front' made him realize he was looking anywhere but the reflection as he was wrestling with the need to obey and the whispers of his frame.
He burned, and the assault on his valve did not stop as he turned to pleading for permission to overload; seeing the desperation in the mirror only made him glitch up.
Such a wanton display…
'Now, pet, we both know who you need to ask if you want to overload,' reminded him the voice, as he briefly wondered if maybe he could break the invisible hold Orion had on him; it's not like he would know what Megatron was doing right now, and what he wouldn't know wouldn't hurt him.
The warlord shook his helm, disappointed at even entertaining this idea.
He would not fail.
As he opened his comm list, he made sure to pick the adequate encrypted frequency - Optimus told him he would not revoke the access again unless he abused his openness, with a threat of terminating their games once and for all.
He could feel the heady state overtake him, as he dialed for Prime to pick up - the Autobot leader usually did not leave him hanging, and more often than not, his release would come very soon after they connected on the line.
The call dropped. 
He sobbed, as he tried again and again, to no avail. With the last dregs of thought, he realized the Nemesis was jamming communications both ways.
It must be his way of punishing him for today's loss. Apparently, the TIC's patience has finally ran out.
The elation he felt at the idea of finally being allowed to overload got replaced by the icy chill of shame that made him feel like he was torn apart at the seams; the wetness of his valve felt wrong, but he still could not stop moving his digits.
He wondered briefly if he was too far gone to ever come back to his life before the Optimus-As-Orion incident.
A sympathetic whisper of 'poor thing, you know what is left to do, come on, maybe next time you will get to overload,' made him openly weep, as he withdrew his digits and pushed himself up, shakily going under the solvent in the washracks, set to the coldest setting. 
As the steam lifted from his burning frame, he rested his helm against the wall, charge gradually dropping to the buzz he started associating with just being awake.
Megatron nearly stepped back into the lubricant on the floor, as he felt at once nauseous at the sight and the throb his tired valve gave at the reminder of what he just did. Grabbing a rag, he began to clear it away, noticing to his dismay that the charge was building up again, fuelled by his own sense of humiliation.
It would seem he will need to stay under the cold solvent for a much longer time than expected…
Fowler frowned at his phone, as he fiddled a bit and checked if maybe his WiFi had disconnected.
No, full bars.
Frustrated, he turned to address Ratchet working on the side, grumbling to himself.
"Are we being jammed? Or jamming the Nemesis?" Fowler asked, trying to discern the possible reason why the vehicon group chat stopped updating mid-rant. 
The medic looked at him puzzled.
"No, I don't think so," he replied, going back to doing the inventory, while in the background Optimus stilled his console repair. He looked pensive, but something must have clicked as he relaxed and chuckled to himself, getting back to work.
The Prime even began humming a soft melody as he was mending the pieces he tore off himself because of…
The agent's eyes opened wide when the dots connected:
The group chat has just remarked on loud music picking up.
The incident earlier that day on the battlefield.
Optimus's air of satisfaction as he mended the mangled parts of the console.
Fowler rolled his eyes hard, and asked himself for the fifteenth time that week as to why he even felt surprised anymore.
Another one prompted by this post of @paraxodicalundressing as a direct follow up to this (mentioning here the time on Nemesis)
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fang-wolfsbane · 3 years
Transformers Generation One: A Seeker's Triangle: Chapter 00: Prologue
“Blade… it’s time to wake up.”
“Blade, wake up.”
“Starlit, wake up!”
She jolted.
Restarting her optic sensors, Starlit Meadow took a couple of nano clicks to refocus the reddened optics hidden by her crimson coloured visor. Standing before her was her commanding officer, Lieutenant Skywarp, second to commander Starscream. The femme groaned to herself, feeling the side of her helm. Damn, her processor hurt.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been recharging here the whole day,” Skywarp grunted, the light reflecting off his purple arm guards.
“Hng, only for a cycle… or two,” Starlit admitted, wincing as she pushed herself off the oil barrels she’d somehow landed against. How she got there was a question on its own. Skywarp’s own crimson optics arched as if to ask he unspoken question, but she merely shook her helm. “Guess I was more tired than I originally thought… sorry.”
“Is that all you have to say for yourself?”
“Well, yeah. There’s nothing I can do about it now. What’s done is done, right?” she countered back with an arched optic ridge of her own. She had never been one to let authority determine how and what she spoke about. That was something Megatron, the leader of the rebel resistance, now dubbed the Decepticons, had taught her ever since she first joined their side in the ever raging war. How she had gotten to that decision was still a blur, something that she kept to herself. There was no way that she was going to let some medic poke around inside her CPU for what she herself couldn’t remember. The mere thought of those sterile tools waiting on their pristine silver trays was enough to send her tanks churning.
A sigh rumbled through Skywarp’s vents, his optics dimming temporarily. She was well aware that she wasn’t making his job any easier, and frankly, she couldn’t give a slag.
“What’s done is done,” her superior agreed, turning on his stabiliser, waving a servo for her to follow. “Just… try not to make it a habit, alright?” he said, transforming into his alternative mode, a ‘triangular square’ as she liked to call it, something neither he nor his brothers appreciated.
How the ruler of the Decepticons had managed to produce so many offspring, especially all seekers, she didn’t know, but then again, it hadn’t been Megatron that had been forced to carry them for cycles. She let out a sigh of her own. It must be nice to merely slip in and out and not have to deal with the possible consequences directly.
She wondered if Megatron had ever mated to the femme that carried his miniature army of sons. If he did, no bot knew, least of all her. She doubted the transformed superior in front of her felt like explaining his parents’ relationship to anyone, much less a mere soldier in their army, so she kept her thoughts to herself.
The femme must’ve been beautiful at the very least if all – well, most – of her sons looked far handsomer than their father. Who knew, maybe Megatron had been handsome at some point in his life cycle.
“Yes sir,” Starlit replied with the usual lack of concern. A warm heat radiated from the Cybertronian jet rumbled towards her, promising some form of reprimand when they returned to base.
She flashed him her usual cocky grin, one that had gotten a dental knocked free at one point when she had dared to talk back to him in front of one of his other subordinates. She had taken the fist to the face with dignity, or at least as much dignity as a bot could take a direct punch before lashing back and nearly tearing the plating off the bot that had assaulted her as a form of discipline.
She had thanked Ravage afterwards for letting her scan his form for the sole purpose of getting her revenge on the black and purple seeker. Soundwave on the other servo, hadn’t been impressed with her asking his cyber-cat for his assistance in that manner, but had given her no lecture for it. In fact, he had been the one to patch her up after Skywarp had beaten her within an inch of her spark fading for daring to fight back.
Soundwave had claimed his reasoning for saving her had merely been for her reproductive system. Femmes, especially on the Decepticons’ side, were like a rare commodity, so much so that they were seen as a dying species on their own. That didn’t stop them from fighting alongside their mech counterparts though. She’d heard tales of the Autobot femmes that had won quite a number of battles well enough on their own.
No bot had tried taking advantage of her because of her different biology, a fact she was relieved about, more than she wanted to admit. Megatron himself had reassured her that she wouldn’t be forced to mate, or even engage in ‘relief activities’ as some put it against her will. She was a soldier in the Decepticon army, first and foremost. Her personal needs and the needs of her fellow soldiers came second. That didn’t mean that some of the mechs didn’t try their luck at times, some even still sporting the scars to prove it, but she supposed constantly being at Skywarp’s side had some part to play in it.
After all, no bot tried to take on the second son of the gladiator of Kaon, and his wing-leader’s lieutenant on without expecting some form of punishment in return. How she had landed up working under Skywarp had been a mystery in itself. She was originally assigned to Starscream, only to be tossed to his younger brother without so much as a second glance. In a way she had been both relieved and irritated by this but had merely kept quiet about it. It had been no oil off her back.
“Let’s just go,” Skywarp sighed and took off into the starless night sky. Without another word, she transformed into the same alternative mode, one of the few she had scanned when she first discovered her ability to switch between multiple alternative forms without ever losing the data of one. At times she wished she could simply stick to one, if only to avoid the head scientist, Shockwave, and his morbid curiosity with her ability.
A shudder went through her frame as she followed Skywarp, hoping to Primus himself that she hadn’t been for a visit with Shockwave before she onlined out there in that alley.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Dec 24 Dancitron Movie Night - Gotham s2 e4-6
Primus showed up and made things snow. There was general consternation. Primus assured them that the snow wasn’t acidic.
Prowl only vaguely liked that the new police chief in the show was fighting corruption, but he was doing it so badly and introducing so many new bad aspects to the police that he couldn’t really support them.
Soundwave finally let Prowl help clean after the show.
Today NoodlesAtNight 7:31 pm ((A note - I don't know how many will be around tonight, we'll see what's what by 8)) SCProwl 7:31 pm ((k SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:32 pm ((tbh I'm not sure how long I'll be around either)) ((it's kinda up in the air rn- the Family Obligations might call me away) NoodlesAtNight 7:32 pm ((perfectly understandable)) NoodlesAtNight 7:34 pm *For the moment, Soundwave will be poking around arranging things. He's got the usual array of snacks and drinks out, and is draped across his couch. That's right, he's doing all of this by feeler.* SCProwl 7:43 pm *arrives early for a change* NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm [[Nothing to do at the police station?]] Angorumoa 7:44 pm [*bleps at the group then goes to let the doggo out*] NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm ((blep! hi doggo)) SCProwl 7:45 pm I was able to finish my datawork a little earlier. We've finally gotten our system up and running. Angorumoa 7:46 pm [Oh geeze. SNOW OUTSIDE. Okay I may need to shovel it off the porch before I figure out who joins. A good two inches have built up. Maybe three.] Boomtank 7:46 pm ((HAH SCProwl 7:46 pm ((nice NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm ((snooooow i'm so jealous. good luck))
*Soundwave tilts his helm.* [[Bevel making herself useful, is she?]] Angorumoa 7:47 pm [And YOU, aubade, wee need to see Bumblebee some monday] Boomtank 7:47 pm ((Like when I'm not recovering from mushing my car? Angorumoa 7:47 pm [Yes. THE ONE TIME YOU DON'T HAVE CAFFINE] Boomtank 7:47 pm ((yeah, that was....embarrassing Boomtank 7:48 pm ((hopefully it's still in theaters by the time I get my car fixed verdigrisprowl 7:48 pm *arrives* SCProwl 7:48 pm Well, she's prone to listening to music in at least one audial but she organizes data more efficiently than any police filing clerk I've ever seen. verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm *efficient data organization?* Who are we talking about? Boomtank 7:49 pm -And Blaster is just...going to drop into a seat- SCProwl 7:49 pm Bevel. NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm [[You say that as though you disapprove.]] *He, obviously, does not.*
[[Ah. And your alternate has arrived.]] *Pings Prowl hello and nods to Blaster. Good evening, there.* verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm Ah. Really? Huh. Boomtank 7:50 pm -tired wave back. Hello.- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:50 pm *the dragon shows up- her cast is /finally/ off, praise the goddess! she's brought snacks for Soundwave, and she can put them where they belong!* Hello, Soundwave, everyone! NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm [[Greetings, dragon. Ah - no medical equipment? Healed at last?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:52 pm All bones are back to where they belong! *the dragon extends her wing out fully to show off* I should try and be careful with it, but I'm cleared to fly short distances and everything! verdigrisprowl 7:52 pm *... where were the bones last time* NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm *Soundwave dutifully admires the healed wing while fetching a hot drink for Blaster with a feeler. Poor mech always looks like he's about to perish on the spot.* Boomtank 7:53 pm -he's dealing with stubborn neutrals that think they know more than they actually do- NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm *That's a good question. Somewhere else in the wing he supposes.* verdigrisprowl 7:54 pm *ain't that just how neutrals are.* Angorumoa 7:55 pm [doggo in and snow shovelled] NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm ((yay! wb)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:56 pm *they were broken in half, so trying to escape out the membrane. aka, not where they needed to be.* Boomtank 7:56 pm -Yep. If it would not be bad form, he'd call them out on it- Angorumoa 7:56 pm [Half tempted to go HEY LET IT SNOW ON CYBERTRON] Boomtank 7:56 pm -well, more than he already did today- ((SNOW)) verdigrisprowl 7:56 pm ((that'd be awful for the natural landscape)) Angorumoa 7:57 pm [shhhh it'd be fine SCProwl 7:57 pm *nods to alternate and finds her seat while she thinks how to word a reply to Soundwave's comment* I don't disapprove. It doesn't distract her from what she's doing and I also perform a number of tasks simultaneously. Mine just don't tend to result in outbursts of singing. NoodlesAtNight 7:57 pm ((soundwave will huddled indoors under 20 tarps and hiss at the windows)) Boomtank 7:58 pm -still going to take the drink and give Soundwave a tired smile- Thanks. Angorumoa 7:58 pm [He'll have to wear an ugly sweater] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:58 pm ((the dragon will show up with her rebreather and roll around outside the windows)) verdigrisprowl 7:58 pm ((oh no)) ((poor soundwave)) ((i guess)) ((he'll just)) Angorumoa 7:58 pm [Prowl gets one too] verdigrisprowl 7:58 pm ((have to cuddle with prowl)) ((for warmth)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:58 pm ((ohohohoho)) Angorumoa 7:58 pm [Everyone gets ugly sweaters NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm ((oh no how terrible. how will he ever stop laughing at the ugly sweater)) SCProwl 7:59 pm ((Prowl wouldn't mind a very mild acidic snowfall as she'd totally collect some to add to her acid collection Boomtank 7:59 pm ((Primus, don't do that. Angorumoa 7:59 pm [ouo [*going to do it* NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm ((prowl just gobbling snow "thanks for the weaponry refill god" )) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:59 pm ((...oh, right. cybertronian precipitation is acidic)) Boomtank 7:59 pm ((do not SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((the dragon maybe... should not roll in that.)) Angorumoa 8:00 pm [*GUNNA DO IT* SCProwl 8:00 pm ((yeah that'd be bad Boomtank 8:00 pm ((and yes, unless we want dragon soup SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((no dragon soop for you)) Boomtank 8:00 pm ((BAD PRIMUS NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm ((OKAY there is actually enough of a crowd tonight for us to progress thru s2 so i don't need to switch to an xmas cartoon. thankfully, because i have already watched so many aha)) Angorumoa 8:00 pm [christmassss] Boomtank 8:01 pm ((oh right, feck, that's tomorrow Angorumoa 8:01 pm *Totally debatable snow outside and ugly sweaters for everyone. Totally debatable whether reality or not.* SCProwl 8:01 pm ((tho explaining it ic would be funny "uh, it's the only signal I could get from earth aside from some very annoying speech by a very orange man Boomtank 8:01 pm ((HAH ((yes SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:02 pm ((boo, no orange man)) ((he's bad)) Boomtank 8:02 pm (('humans can come in that color?' NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm ((we won't have the orange man here tonight. or any night. all right, warnings: GOTHAM S2 4-6 // Violence, blood, death, police militarization (trust me, it won't work out), poor depictions of mental illnesses, foul language. Alfred being a dick to Selina, Nice Guy Nygma, Butch's brainwashing, 'family' abuse, a loose eye, severed limbs, charred humans, prison comments I thhhink are in bad taste.)) ((but also more tabitha so like it evens out.)) verdigrisprowl 8:03 pm ((i choose to believe that all transformers continuities take place in universes where someone mildly more tolerable was elected SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:03 pm ((it's what we deserve)) Boomtank 8:03 pm ((yes Angorumoa 8:03 pm [I know noooothing about Gotham, so ey, all the confusion on my end. Also it may or may not be snowing outside with suddenly ugly sweaters on robots] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:03 pm ((does the dragon get a sweater)) Angorumoa 8:03 pm [of course] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:04 pm ((fuck yeah)) Boomtank 8:04 pm ((GDI PRIMUS Angorumoa 8:04 pm [with proper wing openings] SCProwl 8:04 pm ((TF timelines are the good timeline? verdigrisprowl 8:04 pm ((well, depending on the timeline, the decepticons MIGHT kill billions of people, so, yknow)) ((*weighing scales gesture*)) SCProwl 8:04 pm ((fair point SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm ((yeah but megatron does a hit and run on the orange man and kills him instantly so)) ((also soundwave steals all of jeff bezos' assets)) NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm ((basically what you need to know is: bruce is a baby, he's trying to find out who killed his parents, penguin's a boss, and a new arrival in town is trying to get revenge for his family's erasure in history by installing himself in a position of power. nygma's slowly sliding into riddler land and there's something shady going down at wayne enterprises. there you go!)) SCProwl 8:05 pm ((that's why Soundwave's so rich Angorumoa 8:06 pm [Stuff! I may debatable mute and watch my= dog wtf are you doing out there] SCProwl 8:06 pm Oh, we're watching this again? Boomtank 8:06 pm ((ooooi NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm ((soundwave just sells his rations of rare metals he doesn't like and makes his money that way)) [[Yes. The story continues.]] SCProwl 8:07 pm May I have a visual? Angorumoa 8:07 pm *distant nooting outside* verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm *pings video* NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Of course. One mom-- those blasted flobsters are back.]] verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm Got it. NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Ravage! Ravage, if you please.]] =On it.=- SCProwl 8:07 pm *accepts with a grateful ping* NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Ah, thank you.]] verdigrisprowl 8:08 pm *... leans on soundwave* Boomtank 8:08 pm -tucking legs under him at nooting- NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm *Lean! Good. Comfortable.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm *the dragon clambers up onto the arm of the couch to hang out with Soundwave, if that's okay. she'd hunt flobsters, but...* SCProwl 8:08 pm I suppose that's one way to get attention. NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm *She is absolutely welcome up there.* [[Do not worry. We will not allow any flobsters inside. Nobody will be electrocuted tonight.]] verdigrisprowl 8:08 pm *...... caaaaasually laces hands around Soundwave's arm.* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm *Caaaaaasually settles a hand on those hands. Ahh.* Angorumoa 8:09 pm *Ravage can get a nice lobster snack outdoors. And possibly get a ride on back inside cause Primus just strolls in like a god does.* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm [[He hopes someone doesn't have to pay for that chair.]] Boomtank 8:09 pm I'd appreciate them remaining outside verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm Taxpayers. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm If they sneak in, I'll fight them. *flobsters would probably be quite a fight for a fox-sized dragon.* NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm *Ravage will 100% ride on Primus. He likes to feel tall.* [[Oh, he likes this one.]] SCProwl 8:10 pm Agreed. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm *Ravage is supremely valid* verdigrisprowl 8:12 pm ... I'm... skeptical of the long-term efficacy of this approach. Angorumoa 8:13 pm *Ravage can chill out up on his shoulders then. And get a scritch if he's feeling it while Primus may need to duck to actually get inside. For reasons he's a tad taller than usual. And just way late on, like, /everything/ else.* NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm ((frick is it skipping/blanking)) verdigrisprowl 8:13 pm It's the correct thing to do but I don't think that's the correct way to achieve it. verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((it's fine here)) NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm [[What are the flaws in his approach?]] *Curious.* verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm And I'm a /little/ bit skeptical of anyone who talks about bringing back respect for law and order. NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[Elaborate?]] *That is not something he expected a cop to say. He'd like to know why - not that he disagrees.* verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm For one thing, he only fired a small fraction of the corrupt cops. The rest are now on their toes and ready to team up against someone who threatens their way of life. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[Covering for one another, or harming him? Both?]] verdigrisprowl 8:18 pm Both. Boomtank 8:18 pm -just going to curl up in the seat now, listening more to the room than the show- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:18 pm And once again, Penguin showing off his weakness comes to bite him. NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm [[He really should have sent her somewhere safe.]] verdigrisprowl 8:19 pm And in my experience, when I've met enforcers who talk about making the civilians respect them, they're USUALLY not talking about becoming more respectable. Oh look, he's already talking about murdering suspects. What a surprise. SCProwl 8:19 pm I changed my mind. NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm [[And he no longer likes this human.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:19 pm I'm not sure if safe is "far away" or "at his side at all times," really. Neither one seems to appeal. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:20 pm *bares fangs* Bite his throat out. NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm [[Far away. She can't be hurt if no one can locate her.]] [[For Primus' sake. War does not make a fantastic police officer.]] Angorumoa 8:21 pm *Primus put a warm blanket around Blaster's shoulders. Give him something to hold onto while he listened to the few mechs, and one dragon, gathered on the eve.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm War makes horrors and nightmares. NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm [[...He apologizes for cursing.]] *To Primus.* [[Agreed, dragon.]] verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm His hard stance against corruption is the only thing going for him. Boomtank 8:22 pm -ooooh, blanket, don't mind as he hides in it now- Thanks SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:22 pm *the dragon looks over, sees Primus, and just about jumps out of her fur* ... verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm Wh—? *glances for who Soundwave's apologizing to.* Oh. Hi. verdigrisprowl 8:23 pm So. All angry, half of them out for revenge. Angorumoa 8:23 pm *Casual shrug to Soundwave. By far not the worse he's heard. Gives Blaster a little rub on the helm then looks over at the others.* Amusing that only now you realize I'm here. SCProwl 8:23 pm They should be addressing the rampant poverty in this city, not preparing a military squad to murder criminals. verdigrisprowl 8:24 pm You don't— Newbs don't join strike forces! NoodlesAtNight 8:24 pm [[He dreams himself a warlord. Hmph.]]
[[And he knew you were here. Ravage informed him. Thank you for your presence.]] SCProwl 8:24 pm Your officers. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:24 pm *the dragon sniffs the air curiously. smells like Primus.* ...Hi. verdigrisprowl 8:24 pm "What do we have to l—"?! You have LIVES to lose! Theirs AND those of the people they're going to be pointing guns at! Angorumoa 8:25 pm Hello. You know it is snowing? NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[It -- /what?/ ]] SCProwl 8:25 pm It's--what? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm *that gets the dragon's interest* Snow?! SCProwl 8:25 pm No! Boomtank 8:25 pm -hums and settles- You tend to do that thing where you....what SCProwl 8:25 pm Do not go outside. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm Is it acid snow? Can I play in it? NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm *Twists to look through the doors.* [[...He'll pencil in a repaint.]] Angorumoa 8:25 pm No. Yes. NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[No! Do not play in it!]] verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm *glances at the door before remembering his alternate and turning back to the screen.* Boomtank 8:26 pm Primus. Primus why? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm *wait. Primus said yes. Soundwave said no. confusion.* NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Already inching closer to Prowl.*
[[He's going to have to replace the doors again too.]] *Long-suffering vent. Oh well. At least Buzzsaw makes good use of the glass scraps.* Angorumoa 8:27 pm *Shrugs.* I had a bit... excess power that needed an outlet. It is only limited to about... thirty feet in a circle outside. Boomtank 8:27 pm Primus that was a bad idea. verdigrisprowl 8:27 pm Did it have to be a circle that's populated? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm ...Docent! Don't hit a hatchling! verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm She murdered someone. NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Who was going to have them murdered first.]] SCProwl 8:28 pm *Prowl's vents stutter at the mention of Primus* Angorumoa 8:29 pm No one was around other than a flobster that Ravage ate. Not going to do any harm to the area. verdigrisprowl 8:29 pm ... She /murdered/ someone. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:29 pm So he's going to sock a hatchling in the face? That doesn't teach her anything but not to trust him. verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm I don't think a punch is too harsh for a murderer. Angorumoa 8:30 pm [we lost a noodle] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm ((oh shit soundwave's gone)) ((ANARCHY)) ((set the chat on fire)) NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm ((trying to make my screen stop dying sorry)) Boomtank 8:30 pm Primus, what about this area? We're kinda in it? Aren't we? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm ((valid)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:31 pm *guh. the riddling human disappoints her.* verdigrisprowl 8:31 pm And why spend that energy on snow instead of... making more energon? Angorumoa 8:31 pm I said thirty /feet/, not miles. It isn't a massive area. The dragon go roll around in the snow if she wishes to. Not going to cause harm to her nor the landscape. NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm [[...If it isn't acidic, then very well.]] verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm That's gonna rust. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm *excuse the dragon as she /zooms/ out the door. SNOW TIME.* NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm [[We will scrub it in the morning. The dragon has been injured for weeks. He would see her enjoy herself.]] Angorumoa 8:33 pm You know energon in most cases is my /blood/? And no it wont. It is on a self recycling loop. Not actually touching the ground. verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm You know that energon is ALL our blood? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm ((i'm gonna restart computer, brb - scp has remote)) SCProwl 8:34 pm I'm going outside. If you don't mind, I'll keep the video connection, Captain? verdigrisprowl 8:34 pm Go ahead. It won't be disorienting? Boomtank 8:35 pm -finishes drink and kinda hides under the blanket now- SCProwl 8:35 pm Better than-- *remembers the last time she didn't fall into everyone's deluded belief that this person is Primus* --i'll be fine. I need air. verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm Very well. Angorumoa 8:35 pm *Chin stroke.* I do, Prowl. I also remember the time I was shedding energon as a naga... Those were very early and interesting days when the Grays were more active. SCProwl 8:36 pm *stands up and leaves* Angorumoa 8:36 pm [Those were very weird but fun days. M!A everywhere.] verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm A "naga"? SCProwl 8:38 pm *ducks out into the snow and immediately starts scanning what's already fallen for acidity* Angorumoa 8:38 pm A naga is a hybrid of a snake and a human, somewhat. From the chest up is the humanoid and the bottom is a long snake of varying description. [Unrelated: STUPIDCRICKETSINMYEARS] SCProwl 8:38 pm ((Zsasz~~~ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm *the dragon is rolling around and kicking snow into the air* Angorumoa 8:38 pm [Tinnitus I think is goddamn horrible] verdigrisprowl 8:39 pm Sorry, snake and a "human"? You mean, from the chest up, it looks like, uh...... /us/? Boomtank 8:39 pm Grayfaces got to you too? Angorumoa 8:40 pm *The snow outside was just that, snow. 'Fluffy' frozen water that melted when it warmed. It melted faster while the dragon rolled about in it.*
Ah, yes. Sorry. It was one of the many hybrid designs that were going around. Less popular than the mer. verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm Well, there's one new rookie down. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *gives him a quick funny look for comparing the anatomy to aliens instead of, like, themselves; but then back to the movie.* SCProwl 8:41 pm *low acidity, then. so her paint won't get ruined then, that's fine. uses her hand to guide her to a good place to lean against the wall* You're missing the show. Angorumoa 8:42 pm *Shrug. They shared the bipedal shape with humans and certain other species that were like that. It was a common design that was semi-efficient. Having free front forelimbs was a very good thing for a species.* NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm *Soundwave startles back to awareness. Had to reassure the minicon complex that the snow was expected and not dangerous.* Boomtank 8:42 pm -don't mind as he gets up to trot outside to see the snow, blanket trailing behind him- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm *the dragon mrrps, looking over at Not-VerdigrisProwl Prowl* It's nice to see snow here. There's plenty of it at home, but... verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm She shouldn't be there. He's a mass of stitched-together red flags. NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm [[No, she shouldn't. She should have left when she got up.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm *Somewhat worried now.* SCProwl 8:45 pm Is it acidic on your planet as well? *tenses slightly at Blaster walking back out, recognizing him by the sounds he's making* It's low-acidity, Blaster. Angorumoa 8:45 pm *Might end up transforming the snow into a proper resource at the end of the night since he had been putting his energy into it. It wouldn't just be a 'pretty' waste.* Boomtank 8:45 pm Oh. Nice. Hi. Sorry if I startled you. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:46 pm It's not as acidic as normal Cybertronian rain. It's more or less the typical pH of pure water. verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm ... He could at least tell Gym why he's doing it. Maybe not who's got the hostage, but. SCProwl 8:46 pm It's fine. Water can be quite acidic to some species actually. NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm *Notices most everyone has gone outside.*
*.........Settles up right proper against Prowl. Maybe a tiny shoulder nip. Not like anyone but Primus is watching anyway* verdigrisprowl 8:48 pm *if he weren't on camera duty, he'd return it as a kiss.* NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm *The thought is appreciated*
[[...He can understand the Penguin's rage, in a way. He does not have a mother, but - well. He has others.]] Boomtank 8:49 pm -flops more than sits on ground- I mean, the dragon isn't in pain, so... Angorumoa 8:49 pm *Even then is only half paying attention. Prowl and Soundwave were cute. A good pair they made for helping each other and more. Don't mind his grin. Thinking to himself while keeping track of the outside conversation.* NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[And Theo plays a dangerous game. Penguin /did/ erase all the competition in a year.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:50 pm Right, it can be. I forget, sometimes. verdigrisprowl 8:51 pm *taps Soundwave's arm* Just so you're forewarned, if someone ever takes you hostage, I'm continuing with business as usual and taking it on faith that you can extract yourself. SCProwl 8:51 pm What's your planet like? It's organic, yes? SCProwl 8:52 pm *would appreciate alternate not kissing Soundwave if she knew about it* NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *Glances over.* [[He accepts this warning and the inherent compliment. Though he does hope that you will mind any messages he sends if - for some rare reason - he cannot get out on his own.]] *Pause.* [[Would you like him to react similarly, or...?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm Yes, it is. It's rather different, really. It was very weird to see stars for the first time- I come from a pocket dimension, as they're called, so there's been only the one solar system for my entire life. It's a cold planet, so more snow than rain. But we make it work. We got to the moon! And built a space elevator and satellites to facilitate transit. SCProwl 8:55 pm A pocket dimension. Your universe has a reachable stopping point? Is that how you were able to access other universes? verdigrisprowl 8:55 pm Depends on what I have to do to get you out. I'm not interested in being blackmailed. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[Why would he blackmail you?]] verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm No, whoever has you hostage. Presumably, if you're being kept hostage and I'm being told and you can't get out, it's because they're trying to use you to get something out of me. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm Ah... I mean, technically, it might? I haven't found it yet. What happened was that an alternate of the Soundwave hosting us was accidentally sent to my dimension- which was a very cruel thing to do, because there were defense systems emplaced that could well have killed him, and there's no energon there. SCProwl 8:56 pm *huffs in annoyance at Galavan's acting* Boomtank 8:57 pm -curious blink at the other Prowl- Something happen? NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm [[Ah. Well, you needn't kill anyone. Should it come to that, his deployers would take care of that part.]] [[Preferably his captor.]] *Huff.* SCProwl 8:57 pm Galavan asked for Gordon to support his campaign for mayor. verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm Preferably. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:58 pm Galvan is going to reap what he sows. Boomtank 8:58 pm ....huh? Oh, the show. Yeah, that's kinda ranging in on stupid Angorumoa 8:59 pm *Small grin.* Guess I should stay hands off if something serious were to happen to either of you? Let you work out your own fates. *Shh. Small butting in.* NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm *Glance over.* [[Well. He wouldn't say no to divine interference. He'd be a fool if he did.]] verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm Oh, well, if you're offering. Angorumoa 9:00 pm *Laughs.* SCProwl 9:00 pm It's interesting that so many of the universes that have found their way to others has been by accident or space bridge malfunctions. NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm [[What can he say? We are on the pragmatic side.]] SCProwl 9:01 pm Blaster, how did you find your way into another universe the first time? NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[Hm. Frenzy would like that one.]] Boomtank 9:02 pm ...stupidity. SCProwl 9:02 pm Intentional stupidity or accidental? verdigrisprowl 9:02 pm Mm. They kicked her friend. Serena's gonna kill them. Boomtank 9:02 pm Accidental Angorumoa 9:03 pm Even with the excuse of 'divine intervention,' not many would believe it. *Chuckles.* Casually nudging things to go the right way rather than just uplifting from danger. NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm [[The napalm one, mind. Not the kicker.]]
[[And he would not complain if she did.]] Boomtank 9:04 pm I stumbled through a rift, and luckily found my way home...and then....had help developing a way to do so safely NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm [[Many things are drastically changed by a casual nudge. He would not -- where does he find a warehouse like /that/?]] verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm Believe, shmelieve. Anyone who wants to improve the odds is welcome to. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:04 pm Ah, I said accidentally. He was intended to be bridged to a dead universe. My universe isn't dead. verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm ((this looks like it could be a location in borderlands.)) SCProwl 9:04 pm *Prowl knows where one used to be* NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm ((i had so hoped you would think so too)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:04 pm It was an attempted murder, I should have said. NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm *Minor startle* verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm ((friendly home depot style supermarket with friendly speaker announcements full of weapons and explosives)) *snorts at the explosion.* NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *Lips draw back.* [[What are they /eating./ ]] verdigrisprowl 9:06 pm They called it fun dew. Angorumoa 9:06 pm *Grins then shakes his helm.* I am a god of favoritism, but such happens. Can't be there every moment for everyone. *Troublesome. Very much so. Anyway!
Rolls his shoulders.* Hmm. NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm [[It doesn't look fun. It looks... melted.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm [[Which is why he so appreciates all the moments you have been. Thank you.]] NoodlesAtNight quietly hugs brigit)) 9:08 pm verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm Some melted things are good. Have you tried warm gallium? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:08 pm ((d'aw)) Angorumoa 9:09 pm *Dips his helm.* Things that feel so small, but had such a big impact to where we are now. Such as you being my temporary vassal of transference. SCProwl 9:09 pm I've never been told how Soundwave and Ratchet stumbled onto another universe. It happened while they were on Earth during the war. verdigrisprowl 9:10 pm Being what a what now? NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm [[Not in a long time. Is it that good? The gallium.]]
*Soundwave looks over to Primus.* [[Whenever it is needed, sir. He will not mind.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:10 pm But they all got out okay, yes? The one I met... It would have been very bad if he hadn't been able to get help. Even though he only had the one deployer, his fuel supplies started low. I'm glad I could help him build the bridge, but I wish I knew what happened to him. He scrambled everything after he left, and I've never found him. NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm *And because Soundwave can hear things through the bugs outside:* @SCP: [[Shockwave's fault. Another space bridge incident.]] SCProwl 9:11 pm *eugh eye* verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm I like it. Better in mixes, but I'll take it by itself in shots too. Angorumoa 9:12 pm Preferably I won't need to call on you for something so extreme again. SCProwl 9:12 pm *not even surprised Soundwave can hear the conversation outside* @SW: [[Of course it was.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *Considers this.* [[He thinks there is some behind the bar. He will try it tonight after the others have left?]]
[[And preferably not - he'd like to think he does a better job of protecting you than that - but should it be necessary.]] [[Hm. At least she still cares about her own health. That will help her survive their mistreatement until she can get assistance.]] Angorumoa 9:14 pm And I may of used the wrong word, but, it was close. *Looks at Prowl beside Soundwave.* It isn't exactly a story many know of. It is... quite old. A reason Soundwave has, well... *Glances at the slender mech. Prowl does know about the shard?* NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[...Though not as much as if she stopped burning things.]] *Soundwave nods. Yes he does.* verdigrisprowl 9:15 pm *without looking, reaches over to point toward Soundwave's chest questioningly.* NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm ((i love edwige's hair)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:16 pm ((it's so floofy)) Angorumoa 9:18 pm *Nods.* The short of the story, since there is no one beyond us listening, is that I owe Soundwave much. He acted as the conduit, close enough, for me to temporarily reside in all my essence and power into a globe of Cybertron. I was... nearly dead at that time. As you can see, I am very much alive with my power contained in a proper body.
*Chuckles.* Why I do believe Soundwave thought he was a /thief/ for a long while because a piece was left behind. Angorumoa 9:19 pm [story years old that my lazy ass never completed but is canon fhskdjf] verdigrisprowl 9:19 pm He certainly told ME he was a thief. SCProwl 9:19 pm The multiverse does have its benefits. Boomtank 9:20 pm -snorts- Benefits. Right. Angorumoa 9:20 pm *Looks at Soundwave in amusement.* Better to be thought of as a thief, hrm~? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:20 pm I like being able to see stars. They were terrifying at first... But I like them, now. verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm I'm beginning to get the impression he blames himself for a great many sins he never committed. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm *Vents. They're ganging up on him now.* SCProwl 9:21 pm When Bevel returned to Cybertron she brought everything she learned about other universes. Millions of different universes. Finding the Soundwave you helped would not be an easy task. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[He has committed enough of them.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:22 pm Goddess, no, I know that. And I'm not sure he intended to be found. If that's the case, I never will. verdigrisprowl 9:23 pm *clutches a little tighter to Soundwave* Angorumoa 9:23 pm *Walks over and around. Grinning, he leaned carefully on the back of it. Leans his helm down to give Soundwave a gentle connection. You know he teases out of love.* verdigrisprowl 9:23 pm *it's hard enough when Butch is on the screen when they AREN'T actively forcing him to do things he doesn't want to.* *or talking about his conditioning.* NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm *Holds tight. It's all right. You're here and nobody will touch you.* @P: [[Ravage tells him things will get better soon.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Soundwave lifts a feeler to gently pat Primus on the helm. He knows. If he didn't know, he would have a very different reaction.* [[Don't stand there, put him out.]] verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm @S «Appreciated.» SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:26 pm ((dying on fire does not a great cop make)) Angorumoa 9:26 pm *Hums. The air around them warming gently in an appreciative, safe, air.* Boomtank 9:27 pm ((ah fuck SCProwl 9:28 pm *yeah, that'll end well for Gordon* verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm I feel like there are probably less unpleasant ways to prove that the knife is sharp. NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm [[Slice a paper. A cloth. Anything else.]] SCProwl 9:30 pm *shifts slightly to run one pede through the snow building up round her* Boomtank 9:30 pm -should maybe head inside? Or not? Hmn...- verdigrisprowl 9:32 pm ... Is... *squints at the back* Is he just. Strangling back there. SCProwl 9:32 pm *not the worst idea for a removed limb* NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm [[He is.]] [[Or trying not to.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[That's an innovative way to go about it. Ratbat never mentioned it.]] verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm I also feel like there are easier ways to get councilmen's support that don't leave them able to say later on when they're feeling slightly safer that they were put on a stool with a noose. Gym's completely out of line. He SHOULD be reported and his strike team is right to call him out and report him. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm [[Oh, there are. A potential slip, he hopes.]]
[[And he hopes they do report him.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm *Bristle. He's pretty sure he knows what this is supposed to be. Does not approve.* [[Do not bother waiting. Burn the lot.]] verdigrisprowl 9:37 pm Don't burn the lot. There are imprisoned slaves inside the lot. NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Burn the lot after freeing them.]] verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm Maybe they shouldn't be showing their faces. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Stop showing off and aim it lower-- oh, for Primus' sake. Wasted opportunity.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm ((capn barnes is so mad he broke netflix)) Boomtank 9:39 pm ((yup SCProwl 9:39 pm *well at least she can agree with Barnes about some things* verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm All right, the captain gets a point. Gym definitely deserves that note in his file. NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[IT IS NOT WAR.]] verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm And immediately loses it for calling this a war. verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm There ARE gray areas. That doesn't make it acceptable to wander into the shadows just because you're mad and feel like taking it out on someone's chassis. NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm *Hmm. A good move. Soundwave huffs at Bruce's tactic. He used to like that one himself.* Angorumoa 9:41 pm [*dying* mind if I drop an image here I think all of you could appreciate? or would it mess up the log, puff?] Boomtank 9:41 pm ..... -okay, inside he goes- verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm ((wouldn't mess up my log, just put the link in parentheses so that it actually saves.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm ((i'm interested in seeing)) [[Welcome back, Blaster. Enjoy the horrible, cold, wet, sticking snow?]] verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm ((parentheses or whatever else)) Angorumoa 9:42 pm [lesse if it works] [ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/413443912884158464/526939670857252874/fa8.png?width=417&height=468 ] NoodlesAtNight snorts)) 9:42 pm Boomtank 9:43 pm ((hehe verdigrisprowl 9:43 pm ((yeup)) Boomtank 9:43 pm -shakes out blanket- Kinda? It was new, so there's that SCProwl 9:43 pm *admirable defense tactics from the newbuild* NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[You've never encountered it before?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm *the dragon is going to roll in this snow for as long as it lasts* NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm *He can see Harvey doesn't like the Strike Force either. Sensible human.* [[/Run./]] SCProwl 9:44 pm *will remain out here until the being claiming to be Primus leaves or the show is over, whichever happens first* verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm *at least they obey the rules.* NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm [[Oh, what a move - impressive, that.]] Boomtank 9:45 pm Not really...I've never been to Earth long enough. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Perhaps you should go sneak about a while. He is told this is a good time of year for horrific mounds of snow in different parts of the planet.]] SCProwl 9:45 pm *almost sorry to hear Blaster go back inside, but it's fine* NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[It will also be a good time in another six months, but we are not six months from now.]] Angorumoa 9:46 pm *The snow will last until the movie night ends. Then it'll be turned into something else. Maybe mercury or another liquid for energy. Except if Prowl wants to take some. It'll keep snowing in a jar. /not-magic/* Boomtank 9:46 pm I'd...rather not. Boomtank 9:47 pm Snow is...new, yes, but I'd rather not deal with it again SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:47 pm ((okay, I've got to sneak off. dragon is having snow party time. night all!)) Angorumoa 9:48 pm [night, have a good christmas!] NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm ((fun fact: the character bridgit is, is traditionally a guy in the comics. recently they took her from the show and put her in as them. *wiggles* )) SCProwl 9:48 pm *she might take a small sample, it's rare the precipitation on Cybertron has so little acidity* Boomtank 9:48 pm ((g'night! NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm ((night dragon!!)) [[Pity he didn't blow his hand off.]] SCProwl 9:48 pm ((Bridgit <3 verdigrisprowl 9:49 pm (("put her in as them"? what, like, changed the original dude's pronouns to they/them, or took out the dude and put in the girl instead, or?)) NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm ((like she made her own appearance as that particular villain - there have been multiple with the name and she's the latest)) [[Not undeserved.]] verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm ((ah)) Boomtank 9:51 pm ............... -hiding in the blanket- NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm *Carefully pulls it up higher over Blaster's head.* Angorumoa 9:51 pm [GOOD GOING] Boomtank 9:52 pm -muffled 'Thank you' from under it- Angorumoa 9:52 pm [*coughcough* speaking of bbq, boom, you did eat today right? NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm ((oh my god)) verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm ((hey cro did YOU eat today)) NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm ((i did! twice)) verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm ((good)) Boomtank 9:53 pm ((leftovers ((but yes I had at least one meal Angorumoa 9:53 pm [we're 50/50 or 30/70 adults capable verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm *squeezes a little tighter. are they going to help him? undo the brainwashing?* Boomtank 9:53 pm ((yup! NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm *Pets the hand and nods.* verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm *is fine with him getting attacked strangled as long as it's going to set him free.* NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm [[Fool. If he doesn't keep it, you will be out a valuable source of information. Learn to bend when it is important.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm [[Besides - imagine all she knows about the other jobs they pulled. She could give closure to many cases and identify many who hired them.]] Angorumoa 9:56 pm [Aaaaaaaaaaah! I don't visit my email or facebook vert often, but my friend, my "twin" as we joked in school, just got engaged.] NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm ((congrats to them!!)) verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm ... That's a hell of a thing to say to an orphan. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm [[Yes. Rather insensitive.]] verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm ((look at bruce.)) ((he's six.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[...He wouldn't.]] verdigrisprowl 9:59 pm ... He might. Boomtank 10:00 pm -still hiding, and not thinking of changing it any time soon- SCProwl 10:00 pm *this is going to end badly and Prowl isn't looking forward to it* NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[Oh, good, she went back.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm [[She does their jobs for them and they arrest her. Hmph.]] verdigrisprowl 10:02 pm She HAS committed several murders at this point. NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm [[The world is better off for her having done so.]] *Pause.* [[...But he realizes that is illegal. Still. She did not deserve that.]] Boomtank 10:03 pm -very glad he's hiding, he heard that- verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm Mm? The world has several more murders in it. It's good that they were stopped. But. Boomtank 10:06 pm That's not going to help.... NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[There, you see. You've lost her.]] verdigrisprowl 10:07 pm To be fair, she... pretty unambiguously set herself on fire. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[There were other ways to go to her.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm [[And she roasted the vehicle. The rest was an a-- oh no.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm *...Personally, he would be thankful to someone who saved him from a partner like that. But he can see how someone else would be disturbed by it.* verdigrisprowl 10:10 pm He's got a hand around her neck. I'd say he's exactly the man she thinks he is. NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm *Shakes his head. Poor Kristen.* verdigrisprowl 10:11 pm Do CPR, you idiot. NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[Will that help her? He thought it was for humans who had drowned.]] verdigrisprowl 10:11 pm You had her neck for, what, about ten seconds? It takes about, oh, thirty to actually kill one. It's not too late for CPR. It gets air moving again when the air's stopped. Works for drowning, strangulation, suffocation... NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Then he has killed her twice. She deserved better.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[...Hm.]] Boomtank 10:14 pm -is it over?- NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm *It is indeed over. Soundwave gently taps Blaster on the arm through the blanket.* Boomtank 10:15 pm -peers out at Soundwave-....I really don't like fire... NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[Oh? He did not know that. Would you prefer to be informed of large fires in the future?]] Boomtank 10:15 pm If that's not too much trouble... NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[It is not.]] SCProwl 10:16 pm *ah it's over. pings Soundwave, Blaster, and her alternate goodnight and ends the video feed* Boomtank 10:16 pm Then, yes please. verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm *returns ping* Angorumoa 10:16 pm [*made self sad*] [*but happy for them* SCProwl 10:16 pm ((ngl but she sounds like she wants to fuck the grinch verdigrisprowl 10:17 pm ((she does)) Boomtank 10:17 pm -returns the ping- NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm *Bobs head at SCProwl. Goodnight. Do not fall into any drifts on the way out.* Boomtank 10:17 pm ((juuuuust a lil verdigrisprowl 10:17 pm ((you're a mean one mr grinch as sung by that one lady in the jim carrey version)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm *ah, his eyes are his own again* SCProwl 10:18 pm ((accurate, puff NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm ((why are you sad??? @primus-mun)) Angorumoa 10:18 pm [Cause I decided to stay on Facebook to remove some people, mostly ponies, and saw my old boyfriend.] Boomtank 10:19 pm ((ouch NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm ((oof)) SCProwl 10:19 pm *definitely won't, though her tires do skid a little before she gets them fully beneath her and takes off back to Praxus* Angorumoa 10:19 pm [Yeah, I'm the one who broke it off too btw. So long ago... And seems he is now happily married. With by seeming to check on other things, appeas to have a babbeh Boomtank 10:19 pm ((holy shit Angorumoa 10:20 pm [I knew him, like, so flipping long ago. He looks exactly the same.] NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Soundwave closes his optics and lets himself float off to the music. The dancing is nice, but he wants to picture something other than fleshlings dancing to that.* verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm *checks to ensure that no one is looking specifically in his direction at this exact moment in time.* Boomtank 10:21 pm -still, he got a blanket out of this, so he's good- verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm *coast clear for .5 seconds? smooch.* Angorumoa 10:21 pm [I'm happy for him to be a happy. He's a great guy. I just couldn't move onto things he wanted, so... whee I'm gunna faceplant on discord now] NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm *Startle! ... Quick smooch back. Maybe a little biolight pulse.*
((i'm so sorry. i hope this sadness passes for you and that your year to come brings you things you want)) Angorumoa 10:22 pm *You know he's right there?* verdigrisprowl 10:23 pm *yeah but he wasn't looking AT them at that precise moment in time.* Angorumoa 10:23 pm [Sad pang, but as I said, I'm happy that he's happy with a wifu.] Boomtank 10:23 pm -going to dump the blanket over Primus' helm- NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm *Please. Prowl accused you of being his dom once. That overrides any possible awkwardness over a small smooch.* verdigrisprowl 10:23 pm *it was a /metaphor/* *and a /good/ metaphor* Angorumoa 10:23 pm *Internal cackle. Has a blanket now. How dare.* Boomtank 10:25 pm -and then just...kinda drape on him.- Home now? NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm @P: [[Been sitting on that?]] verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm @S «Since you bit my shoulder.» Angorumoa 10:25 pm Yeah, you have to get back home safely, Blaster. NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm *Turn to stare.* [[Your patience is legendary.]]
*Glance to the others.* [[He can arrange a bridge, if safety is a concern.]] Boomtank 10:26 pm Hey. I'm not that bad.... verdigrisprowl 10:26 pm @S «It wasn't that long.» Angorumoa 10:26 pm *Chuckle.* Boomtank 10:27 pm It malfunctioned /once/ NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm @P: [[You say that, and yet he remembers you staring at the ceiling like it had done something terrible to you and waiting to run upstairs with him the night he needed to speak to Primus. Tonight, he had no idea.]] Boomtank 10:28 pm ...okay, so that time nearly got me killed, but it was only once. verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *AHEM* @S «... That delay was unanticipated.» Angorumoa 10:28 pm These are things you don't want your guard to know, Blaster. Boomtank 10:28 pm ................... Boomtank 10:29 pm please don't tell him Angorumoa 10:29 pm [nazis in the nutcracker] NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm *Softy huffing.* ((wha?)) Angorumoa 10:29 pm [XD the nostalgiacritic reviewed a nutcracker, the most hated version with nazis in it Boomtank 10:30 pm ((ooooh Angorumoa 10:30 pm Go home in the safe bridge, Blaster. I'll avoid telling Har what you said. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm ((well i won't have that shown here and i don't care to think about such things tonight)) verdigrisprowl 10:30 pm ((agreed)) Angorumoa 10:30 pm [that whole movie was a big NOPEWTF] Boomtank 10:31 pm Fine, fine, I'm going. Angorumoa 10:31 pm [on good news, it is STILL SNOWING] Boomtank 10:31 pm ((FUCK NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm ((god, good luck)) Boomtank 10:31 pm ((gonna need it Angorumoa 10:31 pm [put a noodle in a parka and THROW to enjoy the snow for a few seconds] NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm ((last one and then public stream closes off)) NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm @P: [[And what would you do if he found an excuse to delay tonight? Out of curiosity.]] verdigrisprowl 10:32 pm @S «I got my kiss in.» Boomtank 10:32 pm ((g'night and thanks for the stream! NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm ((night! and thank you for comin)) NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm @P: [[And that is all you want? Well. If you insist, but he confesses he /is/ disappointed.]] verdigrisprowl 10:34 pm @S «It's all I was waiting on. Anything else is a pleasant bonus.» NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm @P: [[Ah. Fortunately for you, he is feeling generous.]] *Gonna take one of those hands around his arm, lift it up, and nibble the knuckles. What can he say? He's been in a biting mood since he thought about it earlier.* [[Do you know, it is rather convenient staying with this half mask. He thinks he'll keep it that way.]] verdigrisprowl 10:36 pm @S «Do I still get your optics to myself?» NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm @P: [[Without question.]]
*Soundwave stretches.* [[But for the moment he should clean up.]] verdigrisprowl 10:37 pm Can I help? NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm *.......Considers this. Prowl asks so often. And he's pretty sure he can trust Prowl's definition of clean more than the twins'.*
*Oh, why not.*
[[Yes, thank you. He would like that.]] verdigrisprowl 10:39 pm *a milestone! he gets to help clean.* Angorumoa 10:39 pm *Aren't they cute. Don't mind him, he was still there grinning like a bit of a youthful mech, as he pulls back. Dislodges the Ravage who may or may not of been there still.
There is thirty feet of constant snow he must see to and remove outside. Shift it into... something. Maybe a few barrels of mercury or another metal. Soundwave can figure out what it can be used for once Primus has cleaned up his own mess.* NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm *Ravage was blissfully napping, as it happens. Emphasis on was, as he is now jolting awake with a confused /brrrm?/ and vacating Primus' shoulder. Some mattresses, honestly.* NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm *Primus wouldn't happen to consider making it gallium, would he? Just a thought.* verdigrisprowl 10:41 pm *Too Much Gallium* NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm *Rubbish. You're going to live at least another few million years. That's plenty spoiling time.* Angorumoa 10:42 pm *Sorry, Ravage. Out of apology, he'll turn a bit of the snow into a toy flobster he can destroy to his spark's content. That or torment the other minis with it. Good?
Gallium? Can do.* NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm *Mmm, destruction. He'll take it.* Angorumoa 10:44 pm *A pounce-sized flobster toy that'll take time to completely wreck gets tossed in a minute after Primus went outside. It'll last a day or a week depending on Ravage's time spent.
The rest will end up in barrels outside the door. The twins can bring them on in later.* NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm *Soundwave wobbles some gratitude in Primus' direction. One way or another, they'll make good use of that.*
*For now, he'll keep picking up furniture and moving it back where it goes.*
[[Hm. Perhaps he should enlist your help after business hours as well.]] *Humor ping.* verdigrisprowl 10:47 pm Do I get to stay over those nights if I do? *humor ping* NoodlesAtNight 10:47 pm *Stops mid-lift to look over at Prowl.* [[...Would you want to stay over those nights?]] Angorumoa 10:47 pm [nini you two, have a good christmas and/or general holiday-ness <3] verdigrisprowl 10:48 pm ((gnight)) NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm ((goodnight! have a good day tomorrow and a good new year <3 <3 )) verdigrisprowl 10:50 pm *the snacks that he's seen being put up before, he's putting back where they belong; the rest he doesn't he's organizing neatly on the counter. But he pauses to consider Soundwave's question.* ... I don't dislike the schedule we already have. I—also don't dislike the idea of spending more time over, but—I am—concerned, about the possibility of spending too much time together. And either getting on each other's nerves or sacrificing other relationships. NoodlesAtNight 10:57 pm *Soundwave sets the item where it goes at last and eyes the puddles from the snow tracked in earlier. He'll fetch a mop. It's tiny - meant for one of the deployers to use - but he can hold it in the tendrils and he doesn't feel like going upstairs for the bigger one.*
[[He doesn't dislike the schedule or the idea either, if that is any comfort. And you do not get on his nerves.]] *Mop, mop, mop. Can't have rust inside the club.* [[But he does not wish to get on yours, or to cause you to sacrifice your other relationships either. That is why he asked whether or not you were serious about it.]] *Wrings mop into an empty cube. It's going to get washed and recycled anyway, so.* [[He will not take offense if you say no. Concerns must be controlled and balanced; he understands that.]] verdigrisprowl 11:00 pm And you don't get on mine. Nor do I predict with certainty that you would—but I don't know if that would change if we doubled the amount of social time we spent together. Anyway, it's not a "no"— a list of concerns IS my answer. NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm ((rabbit what are you DOING tonight)) verdigrisprowl 11:03 pm ((gee prowl, why does rabbit let you have TWO soundwaves?)) NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm ((LMAO)) NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm [[He can assure you he would always keep at least two - perhaps three - nights to himself. He does require down time, and the deployers need time and attention of their own. One of the most understanding and cooperative mechs you may be when it comes to them, but he does not think you would care for getting caught up in their habit of piling on him to sleep.]] *More soft laughter.* NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm [[Although Zori would probably manage to nap in your thigh compartment rather comfortably. He did say it was cozy.]] verdigrisprowl 11:09 pm ... Well, they ARE about a tenth the size of the Constructicons... *humor ping* verdigrisprowl 11:10 pm I'm glad my thigh compartment meets his approval, at any rate. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm *Pings back.* [[Very well. He'll tell Buzzsaw to come roost on your shoulder at once.]] verdigrisprowl 11:11 pm *huff* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm [[Not that you would be expected to spend all of the other nights here, of course. You have things to do with your time as well. He is simply saying that you aren't going to need to worry about being asked to stay every night, if that is any comfort of any kind.]] verdigrisprowl 11:14 pm I didn't expect you would, but I appreciate hearing it. NoodlesAtNight 11:14 pm *Nods.* NoodlesAtNight 11:18 pm *...He doesn't know what else to say so he'll just put the mop and cube away and park himself at the bar for a standing shot of something warm (but not boozy, naturally)*
[[Well. He has run that into the ground. Had you anything else on your mind?]] verdigrisprowl 11:19 pm No, you didn't. *he gets another smooch.* ... Would YOU like me to stay over more nights? verdigrisprowl 11:21 pm *... was the smooch too much. he's overthinking it now. don't mind him silently fretting over here.* NoodlesAtNight 11:25 pm *Soundwave's engines tell Prowl exactly how pleased he is with that there smooch. It's not too much at all.*
[[...He wouldn't mind one more, at least. These movie nights make a fine tradition, and one he is not inclined to change, but he--]] *How to phrase without being selfish? Is that a thing? Isn't everything to do with this sort of thing selfish by nature?* [[He also likes the idea of your being here for the night without first having to sit in and wait on a noisy crowd. It is more... hm. He does not want to say "personal." More focused?]] verdigrisprowl 11:26 pm Private? NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm [[Ah. Thank you. Yes.]] verdigrisprowl 11:27 pm ... Hm. ... We could try it out and see if we like it? NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm [[If that is all right with you, he would like that, yes.]] verdigrisprowl 11:31 pm All right. Then, let's try it. NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm *Tiny bow.* [[Thank you. He appreciates your willingness to test it.]] verdigrisprowl 11:33 pm What nights work for you? NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm [[The only one he has trouble clearing or scheduling around is Saturday.]] *Shakes the glass in Prowl's direction and sends a humor ping.* [[Do not tell his enemies.]]
[[Besides, that would just be another day for you to wait on his being done with a crowd, and it is even noisier than than these nights.]] verdigrisprowl 11:36 pm I take it you don't actually want me to help clean, then. *humor ping* How about the middle of the week? There tends to be less crime and I have less late nights. NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm [[You can if you like, but we clean Sunday mornings.]] *Toothy smile.* [[Very bright for night time.]]
[[Ah, that will do. ... Why is there less crime?]] [[Have the criminals begun getting organized? He hasn't seen any signs of it--]] verdigrisprowl 11:38 pm People have more free time to get into trouble on weekends. verdigrisprowl 11:39 pm You don't have drunken dance club brawls on the nights dance clubs aren't open. NoodlesAtNight 11:39 pm *Plants Rumble and Frenzy's photos on his visor.* [[You'd think that, wouldn't you.]] verdigrisprowl 11:40 pm Okay, maybe YOU do. General "you." The average public "you." NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm [[An acceptable point. He understands. The middle of the week is fine, thank you.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[And he will try to keep the local off-season drunken dance club brawls to a minimum.]] verdigrisprowl 11:44 pm It wouldn't be any wilder than my place, I'm sure. NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm [[Primus forbid. To the Pit with the furniture; he wouldn't have any /walls/ left.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:46 pm [[But all of that will be another night. For now, there is a chain upstairs with your designation on it.]] *Drops the tiny glass in the sink with the cube.* [[Literally, in fact. He borrowed Buzzsaw's engraving pen. It amused him.]] verdigrisprowl 11:46 pm *REV* NoodlesAtNight 11:47 pm *Silent but obvious laughing.* [[Had he known that would be your reaction, he'd have tried it sooner. Well, then - would you like to be led to it, or will you be directing yourself?]] verdigrisprowl 11:49 pm ... Had I known that would be my reaction, I'd have suggested it sooner. *you learn something new every day.* I, uh... think I like the sound of being led. NoodlesAtNight 11:54 pm [[Good. He liked the sound of leading you.]]
*Soundwave is just gonna let a feeler slither out to wrap around Prowl's upper arms and chest. This mech is his now, thank you.*
[[Tight enough?]] verdigrisprowl 11:55 pm *REVVVV.* ... Yes. NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm *Oh, this is going to be a /treat./*
[[Excellent. Step quickly and keep up. He won't be giving any excess slack.]] *Just enough space that neither of them smack into or kick the other while going upstairs. And now, time to head off with his dear amica trailing behind him.* verdigrisprowl 11:59 pm Yes, SIR. *and he shall obediently—and quickly—follow behind.*
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transformerimagines · 7 years
Weak or Strong (Tfp Predaking x Reader)
Requested by http://rockstarlandis.tumblr.com/ . I hope this is something that you like and i hope i did your idea justice.
As you exited the Ground Bridge Soundwave had prepared for you, lugging a Cybertronian fossil behind you, you were greeted with the sight of Megatron and the newest Mech to join the Decepticon force, Predaking. They watched you as you hauled what appeared to be a rib piece through the portal and slung it at the feet of your boss.
“Excellent, Y/N. I trust there were no complications.” Megatron praised you as Shockwave came to stand above you, inspecting the fossil for any damage that might render it useless. You smiled up to the Gladiator as you moved some strands of hair from your face, not realising that your recent battle scars were displayed until Predaking’s optics stayed trained to your hand.
“Nothing that I couldn’t handle.” Your voice was strong and sure but the Predacon could see past your false hoods. Frankly his gaze was unnerving but you knew if he saw one injury he would surely be looking for more. You hated looking weak in front of the Cons anyway but looking weak in front of Predaking was something you never wanted to endure. After all the word King was in his title and he was stronger and more intimidating than his Decepticon counter parts.
“Very well, you are dismissed for the day.” Megatron dismissed you with a wave of his large servo and you wasted no time in running to your human sized bedroom and retrieving a haphazard first aid kit which is what you had been using since you joined the cons. You refused to visit Knockout with your injuries, as that would only show weakness and in this world of titans and beasts, there was no room for weakness.
Once your kit bag was slung over your shoulder, you silently walked the halls of the Nemesis until you come to the flight deck. Opening the door to the outside sent a wave of cool relaxing air into your face, it almost made you forget about your split knuckles and bruising. Almost. You took your seat at the edge of the flight deck, in the shadows enough to not be spotted but able to see what was going on. You removed the bag from your shoulder and began removing the equipment within which included medical alcohol, cotton, a needle, plasters and some cream for aching joints and muscle damage. Staring down at your knuckles allowed a memory of how they got like that to float into your mind.
You had retrieved the fossil and was exiting the museum when you were cornered by the Autobot scouts so immediately you began to attack. You possessed body modification which heightened your strength and speed however you were still not as powerful as the Autobots and your soft flesh was prone to tearing on the harsh metal of their frames. You had gotten a few good punches in though, they mainly aimed towards your stomach whereas you managed to rupture a wire in Arcee’s helm making energon leak out of her mouth. They gave in when you held Arcee at gun point, deciding it was best to let you win this one. You had finished the fight with both sets of knuckles cracked and peeling, a few ribs badly bruised and a dislocated finger.
“Today has been just great.” You spoke sarcastically as you grabbed your dislocated finger and popped it into place with a small hiss. After that you unscrewed the medical alcohol and carefully held it over one of your hands before pouring a bit on, that hurt quite a bit more than your finger did which is why you swore out loud.
“Is it common for Humans to use the name of their deities when they curse?” Predaking had been watching you after he silently entered the flight deck, he hadn’t meant to speak at all but he was curious. The shock of hearing Predaking made you drop the bottle of alcohol which smashed upon impact of the metal ship.
“Thanks, what am I going to do now?” You asked the Predacon as you glared at him, gesturing to the glass you were sitting next to.
“My apologies, I was just ensuring that you were well,” Predaking began as he looked at you again with a critical eye, he wasn’t just looking at you, it was as if he was seeing right through to your soul. “Are you well, Y/N?”
“I’m perfectly fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You weren’t paying attention to him, instead you were scooping up your supplies into your bag so you could get out of this situation as soon as possible.
“Your behaviour is growing increasingly worrying,” Predaking began to explain as he walked towards you. “You aren’t eating like you usually would or recharging as normal. I found you asleep at a bizarre hour the other day in the training arena, I can only guess that you had worked your body into stasis.” At the last statement, you turned towards the large Cybertronian with a raised eyebrow.
“You were the one that put me to bed?” You were shocked to hear that it was Predaking to help you, you had thought it would have been on Megatron’s orders because you were disrupting training.
“Yes, the mass displacement was quite difficult to be honest-.”
“Predaking!” You shouted to stop him rambling. The Predacon looked down at you with his intake still slightly finished as if he hadn’t stopped speaking. “I don’t need you to take care of me, okay?” You smiled in a sickly-sweet manner before turning towards the door and walking towards it. Predaking didn’t seem satisfied by your reply though, so with a grimace on his face he easily plucked you from the ground and held you between his thumb and index digits.
“That may be so but I am not allowing you to leave until you explain to me why you are not looking after yourself properly.” He was adamant he was going to get some answers from you, whether you liked it or not.
“King, just please let me go.” You pleaded first, trying to guilt him into letting you flee to the safety of your bedroom.
“Please cooperate, I am only doing this because I care about your well-being.” Predaking tried to soothe your frantic kicking and hitting by talking calmly but it had almost the opposite effect when you continued your outburst.
“Why do you care!” You screamed out pathetically, eyes tearing up not just because of this but because of the stress your body had been going through the past couple of days. “You are a King amongst mortals, a strong and kind being who can eradicate his enemies as you please. I am weak and human, nothing but a stain under you pede, today I couldn’t even defeat the weakest Autobot. No matter how much I train, no matter how much I try, I am still weak.” You told him your woes before you could stop yourself. They came out like the water escaping a burst damn, quick and unforgiving.
“You think you are weak?” Predaking asked, seeming to not understand what you had told him. One of his eyebrow ridges were raised in questioning.
“I know I am weak.” You scoffed in response, tears escaping your eyes. Before you could wipe them away, Predaking raised one digit so it softly rested against your cheek as he wiped away your tears.
“My Dear Y/N,” He began with a soft smile as he lifted you closer to his faceplate. “You are one of the strongest aboard this ship.”
“Oh yeah? How?” You replied in sullen disbelief.
“Before the others knew I was sentient, you stood up to Starscream for his maltreatment of me,” As he spoke you recalled the day you had kicked the legs from under the Seeker before hitting him across the faceplate because of the constant prods he would give Predaking. “And when my Kin were destroyed, the others did not come to aid in my revenge, only you. I remember the fear in the Autobots optics as they saw you at my side, ready to fight with me.”
“It was the right thing to do.” You mumbled out.
“It was a strong thing that only a strong woman would be able to do.” He got you there, the stream of tears that fell from your eyes were unable to be held back. Once again, Predaking placed his digit there to catch your tears but you wouldn’t let him. Instead you held his digit to you, not wanting to let it go. This was the most weakness you had shown to him, it was unusual for you to do this so you needed as much comfort as possible. You felt yourself grow tired, a yawn escaping your mouth as you wrapped yourself around Predaking’s servo. “How long has it been since your last recharge?”
“About 36 hours.” You replied sleepily, your eyes already drifting closed as you felt yourself being lifted until you found yourself lying on a warm almost soft surface. You would later find out that you slept in the crook of Predaking’s neck for 10 hours straight.
“Don’t worry Sweetspark, just rest.” With those soothing words, you closed your eyes firmly and drifted to sleep.
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zenxenophilia · 7 years
Movie Night Headcanons with the TFP Cons
Megatron:  It would probably take a good deal of convincing on your end to get him to sit down and watch something with you.  He’s a busy guy after all.  He’s got an entire planet to conquer.  But, should you ask him nicely enough he will begrudgingly agree to take in an Earth film with you.  The two of you watch an old, award-winning classic together like Patton, or Ben-Hur.  Megatron ends up being pleasantly surprised with the movie selections.  He hates to admit humans are good at anything besides slave labor, but even still he can’t help but admire the grand scale and sheer spectacle of those old Hollywood films.  (Just don’t ever let him watch anything below at 90% Rotten Tomatoes rating.  He’ll probably end up trying to destroy the film studio.)
Starscream:  He’s a bit skeptical of the idea at first (humans just sit and watch these “films” for a couple of hours without doing anything else?  What’s the point?)  He’ll pretend to be really snide and condescending about agreeing to the idea, but secretly he’s a bit intrigued (he’s heard all about movies from Knock Out, and he can’t help but feel a bit curious)  With a knowing smirk, you pop in The Count of Monte Cristo.  “It’s about a super smart and handsome guy that gets wrongfully imprisoned by his totally jealous, less cool buddies and plans elaborate revenge schemes for each of them.”  Starscream sits glued to the screen the entire time with a gleam in his optics. You smile happily and watch his wings flutter whenever one of Dantes’ conspirators meets their timely end.
Soundwave:  He’s totally down for the idea!  In fact, he’s got a whole database worth of films he specifically picked out just for you for just such an occasion.  As soon as he gets off work, the two of you sneak away to his hab suit and settle in for a total binge sesh.  Watching movies with Soundwave is fun, because you can make all the silly comments and jokes you want, and he’ll never complain or tell you to be quiet.  In fact, he’ll often join in as only he can do, replaying a particularly humorous or otherwise noteworthy clip over his visor. You might need to gently remind him that organics do occasionally need to sleep, however (No Soundwave.  You cannot watch all 8 Harry Potter films at 3 in the morning.  They need to sleep!)
Knock Out:  Of course he’s down for the idea!  He loves Earth movies!  He does you one better by taking you out to one of his favorite drive-ins, instead of being stuck in the Nemesis all day.  The two of you get a really good seat up front, since he doesn’t have to worry about sneaking around the back without a human.  Since drive-in theatres have a tendency to play a wide variety of films, Knock Out’s learned to enjoy all different kinds of genres, with horror and racing movies being his favorite.  He asks you all kinds of questions about movies and the movie industry in general, which you’re always happy to answer.  Occasionally, he’ll get very annoyed if a movie sounds too cliché, or the characters aren’t fully fleshed out.  “Come on!  I could do a better job than that!  And I’m not even a human!”  The two of you secretly collaborate on a mind-blowing, Oscar-bait screenplay in your spare time.
Breakdown:  Movie night? Sure!  Anything to get away from commander screechypants for a bit.  He’d be happy to take you to a drive in, but if you’d prefer a night in instead, he’ll help you build a massive pillow fort in his hab suite for you two to hang out in.  He even brought you some of your favorite snacks for you to enjoy while you watch (Thanks, BD!)  He likes a lot of big budget action films with lots of explosions, but also has kind of a soft spot for romantic comedies (the good ones though, like When Harry Met Sally.  He’s not going to watch some 28 Dresses Later scrap or whatever.)  If you two decide to watch a horror film, he’ll let you curl up against him if you get scared.  He gets scared too, but he won’t admit it.  Knock Out thinks you’re both dorks, but will totally come chill in your fort with you if you ask.
Dreadwing:  He thinks the idea is silly at first.  Aren’t there more practical hobbies you could be occupying your time with?  Still, if anyone can convince the big surly banana to sit down for a movie marathon, it’s you.  You appeal to his sense of honor and warrior spirit with films like Gladiator, The Patriot, and Braveheart.  He finds it easy to identify with the strong, dependable protagonists in those movies, and ends up actually enjoying himself a great deal.  If you mention that any of the main characters remind you of him, he’ll flush and cough awkwardly at the unexpected (but greatly appreciated) compliment.  
Airachnid:  At first she’s a bit confused as to the concept of movie nights, but when you explain it to her a bit more she becomes rather excited.  She’s heard so much about your Earth movies and is eager to see some for herself.  You meet up later that night after having selected a number of your favorite movies for you both to watch, only to find out that Airachnid has a selection of her own. She did some research while you where away.  “Why didn’t you ever tell me that humans could be so wonderfully disturbing, my dear?” She pops in one gory, erotic, hard-core torture porn flick after another, totally not even paying attention as to whether you’re actually enjoying yourself or not.  If you find that you’ve had just about as much squick as you can take, you can sneak off to Knock Out and Breakdown’s suite.  They’ll build a pillow fort with you and let you watch all the fluffy Disney movies you want.
Shockwave:  The only way you’re going to get this mech to watch a movie with you is if it’s educational in some way.  If you convince him that learning about humans and Earth in general is beneficial to his research, he’ll watch a documentary series with you like Planet Earth or something about WW2.  Be careful what you let him watch however.  He gets extremely annoyed at the concept of mockumentaries.  Don’t ever let him watch something about cryptids, or anything vaguely supernatural.  “Why would they produce a film in an educational format, when it has absolutely no scientific evidence to back it up?”  “I dunno?  Because it’s fun?”  “It’s not logical.”  “It’s… not really supposed to be, Shockwave…”
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eyrmia · 7 years
TFP Shattered Glass bios incoming!
Though Team Prime is small, consisting of (at most) only eight bots (but highly trained, mind you), they have managed to ally themselves with the American government against the Decepticons.
Agent Fowler is the Autobots’ liason to the government. He’s not very fond of them, but he does it because it’s his job. He has his suspicions, though, that Optimus may not be everything he says he is.
General Bryce is Fowler’s boss, and doesn’t appreciate the agent’s suspicions.
Silas/CYLAS is one of MECH’s top operatives. MECH is a somewhat anarchic organization that seeks to overthrow the government. The discovery of the alien secret has only spurred MECH on. They are enemies of both Autobots and Decepticons. At first, Megatron thought they could be an ally, as they attacked the Autobots, but then they nearly killed Breakdown.
Jack Darby is Arcee’s partner. He’s the only one of the kids who’s ever tried to leave. If Miko hadn’t convinced him to change his mind, he’d be dead right now. Sometimes he wonders about the ‘Bots, but Arcee saved his life from a Decepticon. She can’t be evil…right?
June Darby is Jack’s mom and is extremely protective. It gets on Arcee’s nerves. She seems to have connected to Ratchet, though. Ever since they’ve started talking, Optimus had noticed changes in his medic’s behavior. It troubles him.
Miko Nakadai is Bulkhead’s partner. The big lug treats her better than the other ‘Bots treat their companions, and she kind of likes him. Wheeljack creeps her out though. She gets the feeling he wants to dissect her…or blow her up. If the Autobots are bad, well…she refuses to see it. She’s finally found someone willing to be her friend, despite her oddities. Why would she give that up?
Rafael Esquivel is Bumblebee’s partner. He’s the only one who can understand the ‘Bots beeps, so they immediately bonded. His friend always pays attention to him, shielding him from the evils of the Decepticons and treating him like a true friend whereas everyone else just ignores him, so he ignores Jack when he tries to tell him his crazy theories.
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots. Ever since stealing the Matrix of Leadership from Cybertron’s core, he’s been nearly unstoppable. He’s a master manipulator, having learned the art from Megatron himself, then mutated and perfected it. His actions have shown that there is no line he will not cross to get what he wants.
Ultra Magnus is Prime’s ruthless second-in-command. He’s powerful and cunning, and willing to do his boss’s dirty work. His loyalty to the Prime is undying, second only to his loyalty to the Elite Guard code. Before he reunited with Team Prime, he spent his days terrorizing the remaining inhabitants of Cybertron.
Ratchet is Team Prime’s CMO. Ever since the good doctor’s discovery of synth-en, he’s been hyping himself up on it, becoming a bigger issue for the Decepticons. However, he has also shown reluctance to heed his Prime’s every order, and the Decepticons suspect that he may be a potential ally. Is it possible the doc still adheres to medical morals, or does he have ambitions of his own?
Arcee may be more unstable than Ratchet. She takes special pleasure in slicing up her victims, but her mental issues may be caused by her losses. Her ex-partners, Cliffjumper and Tailgate, were brutally killed by two Decepticon soldiers. Now, she seeks her revenge on Starscream and Airachnid, going to any length to have her peace.
Bumblebee learned much of what he knows from Arcee, including his relentlessness. He seeks revenge against the Decepticon leader, Megatron, for his voicebox. It was ripped from his throat during a battle on Cybertron, and he has never forgiven Megatron, nor Ratchet, for his inability to repair his damaged organ.
Bulkhead is the Autobots’ muscle. He and his buddy, Wheeljack, make a nearly unstoppable duo. He may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but he brings enough to the fight to stop Breakdown in his tracks, and maybe even Megatron.
Wheeljack may be a lone wolf, but he’s not one to back down from a fight. Some call him a coward for using grenades and other contraptions, but he’s just smart. He doesn’t get along with the rest of Team Prime, but when he does find himself operating with them, he wreaks havoc.
Smokescreen is Team Prime’s newest recruit. He seems to be obsessed with Optimus, to the point of it being kind of creepy. The rest of the Autobots don’t exactly like him (especially Arcee and Ratchet), but he doesn’t care. He may have tried to steal the Matrix once, when Prime was incapacitated, but no one can prove it.
Cliffjumper was Arcee’s partner, before his death at Starscream’s hands (literally). After, he was twisted into a zombie by Megatron and forced to attack Arcee.
The Decepticons certainly have the larger army, but they are at a disadvantage. Nearly everywhere on Earth is unsafe for them, with human governments hounding after them 24/7. They may not be incredibly fond of organics, but they will fight for a second chance for all beings.
Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. He’s perfect by no means––he had the Matrix of Leadership stolen from his hands, fell victim to Unicron’s mind manipulation, overcame an addiction to dark energon, and now has to fight a war on a planet allied with the wrong side. But he’s kept his chin up through thick and thin, and his soldiers have always been there with him. He will not succumb to Prime’s darkness. He will fight against it, and bring Cybertron back to life.
Starscream is Megatron’s second-in-command. Sometimes his intentions have been questioned, but he is loyal to his friend and leader. He’s had his crises, but he always comes back. He took command of the Decepticons during Megatron’s absence, and suffered the wrath of his leader’s dark energon-addled mind.
Soundwave is the Decepticons’ communications officer and Megatron’s third-in-command. He may also be Megatron’s oldest friend. He hasn’t spoken since the day the war broke out, maybe longer, but he doesn’t need words. He was also friends with Ratchet, and believes the doctor may be persuaded to change sides.
Shockwave isn’t truly trusted by many. An empurata and shadowplay victim, the only reason he sides with the Decepticons is because it is the more logical choice. He has a strange fascination with Ultra Magnus, an obsession that likely stems from his days on Cybertron post-Exodus when his forces clashed with Magnus’s Wreckers in a deadly struggle.
Dreadwing is one of Megatron’s most loyal soldiers. He may be a tad too enthusiastic, but his spark is in the right place. Unfortunately, this has gotten him into trouble on several occasions, when his impulsiveness got him into a spat with Wheeljack or another Wrecker, or even Optimus Prime himself.
Airachnid was formerly Megatron’s second-in-command, taking Starscream’s place while he was gone. After his return, she left the Decepticons, believing it was better for her to strike out on her own. No one knows where she is now, but Megatron hopes the Autobots didn’t get their hands on her…especially Arcee.
Breakdown was the Decepticons’ counter to Bulkhead, up until his mysterious death at the hands of MECH. The big lug had a problem letting go of old friends, but he was a loyal soldier (even if he lacked in the intelligence area). He had a fondness for the drones that the other Decepticons didn’t share.
Knock Out is the Decepticon CMO. While he’s not the most skilled or most experienced ‘Con medic (or ‘Con in general), he puts his spark into everything he does. He can be a bit snappy at times (and vain, but for good reason), but deep down, he cares. The loss of Breakdown changed him, though, and he’s been quieter ever since.
Predaking is an experiment created by Shockwave. At first he swore loyalty to Megatron, but as his intelligence began to increase, so did his potential for mutiny. Then the Wreckers killed his still-growing brethren. Some believe the only reason he is still loyal to Megatron is because that is how he will enact his revenge against the Autobots. Megatron tries to discourage him from his dark path, but it doesn’t appear to be working.
If I were to ever write a fic about this…well, it wouldn’t be all sunshine and rainbows. I would want to portray the Autobots and Decepticons as human (as “human” as giant robotic aliens can be, anyway), with more issues than just the war. I don’t want anyone to be perfect or evil. That’s why I can see Megatron as a struggling drug addict, Starscream as a forgiving abuse victim, Bumblebee as a war-damaged child, Ratchet as a field medic with moral issues. I just hope I’d be able to do them justice.
None of these ideas are fleshed out or anything. If I ever wrote this don’t be surprised if things changed. Sorry if there are plot holes, bad ideas, etc.
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@hugsforvillains​ @ghoul-ification​ @bigbrotherprussia Ahhh alright since you guys said you’d be willing to read it here it is Though I’m still super nervous about posting this because I’ve never posted my writing anywhere before ;;
(Under a cut because it’s pretty long)
How do I description
Verse: TFP Pairing(s): Past!Megatron/Starscream, implied onesided Shockwave/Megatron, and very slight Shockwave/Starscream... but not really
Real quick description to explain the fic sorta
Set right after the TFP finale but before Predacons Rising
I just have a lot of feelings about the way Starscream reacted over Megatron’s death still and I just wanted to write something sorta sad for him and Shockwave I tried to keep them in character as best as I could but I probably slipped up purely for the sake of emotional fluff (also please forgive my inability to end fics properly)
“This isn’t fair…”
Shockwave looked up from what he was doing for a moment, surprised by the sudden voice that had broken the long standing silence between the two mechs alone in the lab.
“...What is not fair Starscream?” he asked after a short moment of silence.
“It’s just that.. I spent so long hating him… So fragging long. Not a single cycle went by when I did not wish to terminate that wretched scrap heap we called our leader..” Starscream paused, letting out a deep sigh, his wings drooping a little in a rather defeated manner. “And.. I finally come to terms with everything.. With my loyalty to the decepticons and my place amongst our ranks.. I finally am at peace with it all for once in my life and… and suddenly I am forced to watch as the mech who commanded us, the mech that I once hated with every fiber of my being, is impaled upon his own blade and sent tumbling down into the icy void of space…”
Shockwave could detect a slight shakiness to the mech’s voice. Finally he turned to look at him fully, silently watching the seeker have what appeared to be the beginnings of some kind of meltdown in front of him.
“So why? Why is it that when I finally manage to scrounge up even an iota of actually… actually feeling something for that bucket of bolts after all this time, why is it that I have to lose him??”  Starscream asked fiercely, his wings suddenly flaring outwards in a show of anger.
“I mean.. I.. I could not even do anything to stop it! Or Primus even avenge his death!!” Starscream ran a servo shakily over his faceplate, almost sounding hysterical by that point, but stopped his rant suddenly to turn and glare at Shockwave. “And you held me back.. You with your ‘logic'..” he hissed angrily, with a fire in his optics that seemed to be doing everything possible to mask the tremendous amount of pain that lay beneath. “Well perhaps I did not care if I met my own demise Shockwave!” he yelled suddenly, his voice breaking very slightly as he snarled at the purple tank. “Maybe if you had not held me back I could have got revenge on those miserable Autobots for terminating our master!”
“Do not be foolish.” Shockwave snapped back at him, though still maintaining his calm, monotone demeanour. “You would have perished were it not for my intervention in the matter. You know this.” Shockwave stated plainly, shaking his helm slightly at the seekers irrational words.. “You are not thinking clearly Starscream. Grief.. Can cloud one’s processor. It will pass.”
“It will pass?” Starscream almost sounded offended at the apparent lack of sympathy he was receiving from the mech.
“When Shockwave?? Please do tell me when you suppose will this stabbing ache in my spark leave my frame.” he hissed, his voice dripping with sarcasm yet still finding a way to sound hurt without actually intending to. “I’ve got news for you Shockwave, my pain will not simply abandon me because you command it to do so.” He pointed a sharp claw at the other, prodding his chestplate to emphasize his words. “We do not all have the luxury of having about as much emotional depth as a protoform like some mechs do.” he remarked, rolling his optics dramatically. “In fact Shockwave, the pain that I feel is deeper than you could ever hope to comprehend!”
Shockwave swatted the hand away, just barely holding back a snappy remark, and with a deep intake he instead favored a simple, but no less sarcastic response. “..and why do you say that Starscream? Please, enlighten me.”
“B-because you were never as close with our master as I was!” Starscream stammered, his voice wavering somewhat while his servos returned to his sides, balling into fists angrily.
“No one was!!  You could not possibly understand how I felt about him!”
Something about that statement sent a spike of anger through the cycloptic mech. Shockwave grabbed at a slender, silver arm suddenly, yanking the seeker to eye level and unintentionally raising his voice to shout something very impulsive in response that was he would definitely regret moments later. “Stop. Do not act as if you were the only one who loved him Starscream!”
Starscream stood silent for a moment, taken aback by the sudden insinuation. Not just that he himself loved Megatron, but the implication that Shockwave did too.
“I did not… I.. Thats r..ridiculous.” Starscream muttered shakily, glancing away out of pure denial. He didn't ever want to admit to anyone, especially not himself, the way he truly felt about his leader. There had been a time long before all of this when he had felt true admiration the mech, but unfortunately he had hated him for so much longer than that, that it was always so strange to ever think that he really did love him. But... he did, no matter how hard he ever tried to deny it. Never in a million cycles could he have imagined himself falling so deeply for his master again after everything that they had been through, but here he was. Though honestly these feelings seemed so meaningless now.. Just a painful reminder that he was here, left alone and forced to press on without him.
Shockwave's own admission had finally fully processed a few moments later.
“Wait, you.. You..?” He couldn’t quite bring himself to finish the question. He had no idea the scientist was even capable of feeling any actual emotion, and the thought that he actually loved the decepticon warlord as well… was one Starscream was not quite sure how to feel about.
“Yes… I did.” Shockwave admitted slowly. “But I have long since moved on from such feelings,” He said flatly, though honestly he truly was not as moved on as he claimed to be, and deep down Megatron’s death was really taking a toll on his spark. “However, it will do neither of us any good to let our grief overcome us.. We must press forward... For Lord Megatron.”
“....” Tears that he had not wanted to appear suddenly welled up in the seeker’s optics no matter how fiercely he tried to keep them at bay.
“I know that this is... Difficult. But we will overcome this loss.. in time.” Shockwave said simply. After all, grief was not the ‘logical’ response right now, no matter how much both of them were hurting, and if for once Starscream could not be the resilient one then Shockwave would have to step up to keep them going.
The seeker’s wings dropped again, the heartbroken mech let his gaze fall to the floor to avoid looking the other decepticon in the eye.
“I.. It is not that simple...” Starscream’s voice was almost a whimper, the former fire his words usually held was practically undetectable now.
Shockwave sighed, looking at the mech in a tired sort of way. “...Why Starscream?” He asked again, sounding almost defeated when he spoke, just wanting to know what continued to hold the seeker back.
“I…” Starscream bit his lip, a hand suddenly moving to clutch at his chestplate, right over the place where his spark chamber resided. He could say nothing more but when he looked back up at Shockwave, the pained look in his optics was more than enough for the scientist to guess.
“..You.. You spark bonded... Didn't you..” Shockwave suddenly realized aloud, releasing his grip on Starscream’s other arm in surprise. It suddenly made so much more sense now. Of course that's why the seeker was so badly affected by all of this. That’s why he was acting so irrational and distraught.. Losing a sparkmate felt like part of one’s own spark get ripped out, meaning Starscream had actually felt the warlord die.. Shockwave could understand how hard that must be to endure.
Starscream’s whole frame was shaking slightly. He felt like his legs were going to give out. His spark felt so heavy and all he wanted to do was collapse on the ground and scream sobs and curses to the forces which took his leader away from him. Primus he really did want to stay strong but for the life of him he just couldn't manage it right now. He nodded weakly, not even able to make eye contact with the mono-optic mech.
“I’m.. I’m sorry Starscream.” Shockwave may have had certain feelings for their master as well, but understood how deep a spark bond went and knew how much Starscream was hurting right now.
“D..do not give me your pity Shockwave.” Starscream said with some difficulty. A few heavy tears rolled down his faceplates despite his best efforts. He hated that he was breaking down like this in front of a mech who he truly did hate. Or at least.. He thought he hated him. Right now his opinion was wavering. A lapse of judgement in his emotional state perhaps? Or maybe not.. Whatever it was Starscream would most likely be sure to deny later, he had an image to keep up after all.
Maybe it would just be different if he was telling all of this to Knockout or Soundwave. After all the medic often had to endure Starscream’s rantings about his troubles and Soundwave, being a mech of few words was a rather good listener even if he didn't entirely want to be. This however, was Shockwave. Of all mechs to be stuck lamenting his sorrows to of course it had to be the one mech who was arguably the most unfeeling of the entire decepticon army.
Hesitantly Shockwave stepped closer. He slowly reached out to him, just barely touching his shoulder in a vaguely comforting manner. He was never a mech who valued emotions, he did not think them necessary or logical. However, he did have feelings for his master no matter how deeply he buried them, and knowing that he and Starscream shared these feelings made him feel an odd sort of sympathy for the seeker that he never would have felt otherwise. They were both hurting, though moreso on the jet’s part than his own, which Shockwave could understand of course, but that didn’t lessen his own pain any. So if anything being there for the mech could potentially benefit the both of them. It was a logical course of action, Shockwave reasoned.
Starscream flinched slightly at the touch, but realized what the mech was attempting to do. “Don't..” he muttered weakly in protest, turning his helm away from him. He didn't want to give in to this, to admitting how badly he wanted comfort right now, even if it was from him. He just wanted to pretend like he didn't care about any of this. If he could just be angry at it all then maybe it would be better than this.. Right now just about anything would be better than the crushing weight bearing ceaselessly down on his spark.
“Starscream. I understand if you do not wish for attention right now.. Believe me I truly do understand. But right now the two of us are all that we have.. If that truly means we must be there for eachother..  then so be it.”
“....” That was enough to finally break the poor seeker down. With a pathetic little whimper he collapsed against the purple mech weakly, throwing his arms around his neck as he buried his face against his shoulder. He wanted to sob or scream or just.. something, some kind of reaction, but he couldn't. Instead all he could do was to cling to him pathetically as he tried and failed to regain some semblance of composure. Tears continued to slide down his faceplates and his whole frame was still shaking as he leaned heavily against Shockwave. Right now he just felt so lost. So... Empty.
“We’re all that's left of the Decepticons…” he managed to mutter weakly. Starscream’s voice sounded so quiet when it reached Shockwave's audials, so utterly defeated. Their army was scattered, their leader had fallen, it was hard not to feel that all was lost.
Shockwave had not been expecting the sudden embrace but nevertheless allowed the seeker to hold on to him. He wrapped his cannon arm around the slender frame to support the mech somewhat, unintentionally hugging him closer to his own frame in the process.
“Not for long.” he told him calmly. “The predacon clones are already progressing, they will most likely be developed in a matter of solar cycles. We will try to track Soundwave down wherever he has gone too as well..”
He suddenly made an oddly affectionate gesture of running his servo soothingly along one of the seeker’s wings, which was strangely effective in calming the other down a bit.
“This.. is not the end Starscream.”
“I know that…” Starscream muttered against Shockwave’s shoulder plating, trying to retain at least some of his normal snarkiness even now in the midst of his complete break down.
“...And Shockwave?” Starscream spoke after another long moment.
“Yes?” the scientist answered, idly tracing a seam in the metal of the wing beneath his servo.
“After all of this.. Don't you dare leave me..” Starscream muttered with a surprising amount of intensity lacing his words.
The seeker had lost so many of the constants in his life in such a short span of time, losing Megatron, Soundwave.. Primus even Knockout had left the decepticons. Starscream never did do well on his own. His brief time spent in exile from the decepticons had certainly taught him that, at the very least it definitely was not an environment in which he could thrive. Honestly, it was possible that that whole experience was what had reinstilled his loyalty to the decepticons in the first place, among other things.
Now of all times Starscream knew that he simply could not bear to feel any more abandoned than he already felt in the midst of all this loss… and even if he did hate Shockwave, this was all he had left.
Shockwave knew all this quite well, and so allowed the seeker’s demand to pass. When he spoke next, he spoke with an almost gentle assurance in his promise.
“I will not leave you Starscream. You have my word..”
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bulkheadthewrecker · 5 years
Oh hah hahh hah hah! Your luck may have kept you alive but you never bested him in any fight! No wrecker did don’t you ever forget that!
if we had been together nothing would have been any different! Breakdown had the advantage of a true partner not some halfwit knock off of a human! And I pitty it for joining the soiled ranks of such a miserable Lott of degenerates!  
And at least he stuck with his own kind! It goes without saying but I’ll say it anway.
He was smarter then you in every way. he not only knew combat but was an effective medical professional who knew how to follow my orders. And might I add he played a convincing Ally or did you forget?
Your idiocy is remarkable to me… The fact you can stand there and actually call your human a true partner when she endangered you and all of your team at every turn with her insanity is quite impressively irresponsible.
And Bulkhead, for the record you never knew him… He never degrade himself by saying he was actually proud of the wreckers! You meant nothing to him you were just another job! In fact he laughed at you! We both pittied you! So hung up in revenge and calling yourself his rival. How presumptuous can you get!
How you were incapable of moving on from something that happened millennia ago! Newsflash Bulkhead it’s a war we all do terrible things to each other! And now Breakdown is gone because of that same war so hah hah guess you won by a flimsy technicality! Good job! Would you like a gold star?
And might I add, while we are on the subject of war crimes… I seem to remember the wreckers were QUITE the prime example of moral standing we’re they not? By the way you speak so proudly of them must have been real winners RIiiiGHT??? HAH!
In fact your little gang contributed quite handsomely to destroy lives at the cost for the “supposed greater good” then any self proclamaed Decepticon! Oh sorry… am I going to far? this must be uncomfortable for you to hear…
Must have been why it was so EASY for breakdown to infiltrate the Lott of you. You made the most ruthless feel right at home truly~ and ohhh my was Breakdown Ruthlessly effecient at his job. Tho I don’t need to tell you that.
Breakdown did the universe in general a favor when he neutralized the Lott of you half cocked morons! For Primus sake one of your mottos was that explosives solved every problem! Just ask Wheeljack your friend!
Oh I mean if he’s still around… If you can even call him friend, half the time?  Who can blame you finding a human to replace him. I mean… I heard he would run off and sulk somewhere quite routinely because he couldn’t handle a little authority… If you ask me Miko is more mature! Hahahah and thats saying something! What about the wreckers infamous loyalty?
The only reason HE survived my late dear assistants culling was because he wasn’t around for the other “brothers” backs when they needed him hah! But by all means keep up the illusion he actually cared about any of you, ever! haha it wasn’t a Betrayal dear Bulkhead it was just another mission, that’s all it ever was. He just liked the rush and the firefights not any of you.
Oh yes he told me all about the lott of you tho! Most were so far off the deep end they didn’t even know how to properly work as a team they rather throw back high grade then come up with a proper strategy, and when they did it normally ended in extensive casualty! Boy I would have hated to be your lotta medic! Haha What a JOKE!
Sure, Bulkhead you are right … You are the Better Wrecker! Pha haha!  whatever that truly stands for!
That’s why it was so easy for Breakdown to clean house of most of you when he was undercover honestly. You on the other hand just got DUMB LUCKY like you always seem to do. Not because of some misguided believe that Breakdown ever thought of you as a friend and decided to spare you.
You were nothing more then just another daily task to him! you never meant anything.
He just humored you because I thought it was funny and all he ever wanted to do was make me happy! And he did. I enjoyed watching you all burn!
It’s only a pitty he didn’t actually finish the JOB!
What… and audial full. Literally. Some love loss for real. He didn’t know much in the affairs of the Decepticons but he knew that Breakdown and Knock Out were more than he was with Jackie. Jackie represented the old him, and Miko represented the bad side of wreckers which Jackie instilled when he joined. But team Prime was about healing and Optimus was not above putting his people in their place. He had his own way of doing it, one that the Decepticons might have viewed as weak.
“You Decepticons sure love calling it luck when you get your afts beat by us ‘bots. It’s not all luck.” The red and blue duo might have seen an unfair amount of luck on Bulkhead’s behalf, but Bulk also added his skill set to complete a team that needed him on it. It was a small team that defeated a large army.
“Miko is a free spirit who knew there was excitement and adventure out in the world, she made sure to find it. She’s also a kid, Knock Out. One who hasn’t spent millions of years at war, I wouldn’t expect her to know all the ins and outs of it. She started to learn where she stood as time went on too. We all learn.”
“And I remembered Breakdown fighting beside me after I saved his aft, but he was simpleminded to just follow orders like a drone and fight someone who just saved his life. It was rude of him and stupid of Starscream. The idiot can’t even lead the Decepticons. Maybe he should have kept better tabs on all of those beneath him and Breakdown wouldn’t have been MECH bait.”
“And again, Miko has proven herself. Yes, she’s got us in danger, but she’s also made up for that. Slagging Hardshell, beating Starscream, getting Soundwave stuck in the shadowzone. She’s proven herself.”
“You’re right that I never knew Breakdown, surely not in the way you did. But he was my enemy. And you seem to forget that I left the wreckers to join team Prime. I knew I could be better than I was. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t like the wreckers. We had a duty in the war. Black ops, we did the stuff no one dared to do. Things that we knew we wouldn’t come back from, but we went anyway. Things that needed to be done. That’s what the wreckers were for. I am so glad for Breakdown,” he says sarcastically, “that he was able to see me as a job and nothing more. That whole desensitizing thing is what made you ‘cons loose the war. Sometimes revenge is what keeps our spirits up while fighting you wrong doers. Arcee has suffered a lot, I have suffered a lot, we’ve all lost people—don’t tell me you aren’t still fueled by some kind of revenge otherwise you wouldn’t have run your mouth as long as you have. You’re aiming that anger at me and I’m not even the one that offlined your beloved mecha. And it’s so good of you to mention the wreckers of committing war crimes when they were just a small fraction of the Autobots, whereas the Decepticons were full of all kinds of war crimes and cowardice.”
“The wreckers didn’t win the war either, I know that. But what’s this about winners? I seem to remember a certain turn coat who wanted to, what was it? ‘join the winning team’? All that sacrifice for nothing, really. You’re one of the biggest jokes of the Decepticons.”
As for the sport car’s roundabout way of saying how much the wreckers sucked and how bad they were compared to the Decepticons, he didn’t feel he needed to add to it. The wreckers were disbanded. Breakdown might have killed a lot of his teammates, but it wasn’t as if the wreckers didn’t put a dent in their enemy as well. Not all of their missions ended in failure, obviously. Bulkhead had made it until the end, as did Wheeljack, unlike some stunted Decepticon wrecker. It wasn’t even an Autobot that killed him, that at least he knew. It must have been an inside job, or MECH, or some human. Breakdown was a fool that got himself killed. Knock Out was a bad mech for not being there for his partner, maybe he should say that. … he’ll wait.
“You got him in dangerous situations just for a laugh? That’s very caring of you. Now who is burning and who is creating a new future for us to live in, huh? And by the way, Wheeljack is here to help rebuild, since you seemed so worried about his current status. He’s doing well. So is Miko. Really though, a large pity he didn’t finish the job. Because you know if Megatron got his way he was going to slaughter everyone who disagreed with him. And do you think that would have ended with the Autobots? Absolutely not. Someone as soft as Breakdown would have been the first to go.”
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