#and i want YOU to play a game which would love you back
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neeeooon · 3 days ago
YESSS i added the boys u guys voted for most!! (reo has his own oneshot here!!)
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when they find out they have a kid, cont.
ex-husband!bllk x fem!reader. angst, (most get) happy-ish endings! chigiri, shidou, and rin’s kids have names
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itoshi sae
-> the three of you sat at the table, you and your son on one side and your ex-husband on the other. your son was wiggling around in excitement, eager to jump on and hug his father, but you’d warned him against it. you knew how sae felt about touch and didn’t want him to be even more uncomfortable around his son
-> “does he have to use the restroom?” sae asked when he noticed your son’s restlessness. you shot him a glare. “he’s not a dog. he’s excited to meet you, that’s all.” “oh.”
-> if the comment made your son feel any sort of way, he didn’t show it. “are you really the soccer player from tv?!” sae looked at you before nodding once. it set your son off again, causing him to tug on your sleeve in excitement. “see, mama, see! i told you it’s him! i told you he’s my daddy!”
-> you opened your mouth to explain that it wasn’t that simple, but your son continued as he danced around the kitchen. “and he’s here, which means you’re getting back together!” “huh?!” “and i’ve always wanted a little brother or sister!” “okay, calm down.”
-> you wanted to give your son some alone time with his dad, but it was clear that sae was getting overwhelmed by the hyperactive child. it was strange how his son reminded him more of his brother than himself from when they were young
-> after putting your son down for a nap, you retook your spot across from sae, who was staring very intensely at his clasped hands. you felt a pang of… something as you watched him, and your voice came out extremely soft as you asked, “how are you feeling, sae?”
-> he struggling to meet your eyes right away, but when he did you could see unshed emotion in them. “i don’t… know what to do. he’s mine. my kid. i have a kid. my parents are grandparents. my brother’s an uncle. and i had no idea.”
-> “you didn’t exactly give me the chance after you left me, after you told me how much you regretted us. me. but he’s here now, and he wants you to be his father, so let’s not play the blame game.” sae seemed a bit taken aback by your harsh tone, completely contradicting how quiet you were a moment ago. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” “don’t be sorry. be here. be his dad.”
-> sae couldn’t stay in town long, but he promised your son that he’d visit as soon as he was available. there wasn’t a smile on his stoic face, but when your son ran forward and hugged his legs, telling sae he loved him, sae patted the boy’s head and said, “i’ll see you soon.”
michael kaiser
-> your daughter happily ate her choco bears, unaware of the tension at the table. you sat across from kaiser, who was picking at the skin around his fingers to the point where if you didn’t mention it, you thought he’d start bleeding
-> you don’t know what compelled you to reach over and cover his hand with yours, but kaiser looked as surprised as you did. stammering for some sort of explanation, you gave up and went to pull your hand back until he grabbed it. neither of you said anything as you turned your attention back to your daughter
-> she raised a quizzical brow at her dad. “you look old.” you choked on a laugh as kaiser choked on air. “i’m not—! okay. how old are you, again?” your daughter humphed and admired one of her choco bears. “mama said i’m not supposed to give my age to strange men.”
-> you thought the comment would offend your ex, but he only scoffed. there was a slight, amused grin tugging at his lips. “well, your mama is right.” at the sudden softness of his voice, your daughter sank down into her chair and avoided his eyes. “… you’re my papa, aren’t you?”
-> kaiser swallowed hard. “yes.” “why didn’t you come to my birthday, then?” your heart broke, and the way kaiser’s fingers tightened around your hand showed you that his did as well. “i didn’t, um… i’ll be there for your next one, if you’ll have me.” “will you bring me more choco bears?” “all the choco bears you could ever dream for.” that wins her over. “okay!”
-> she lost interest in the conversation after that and tuned you out while she played a game on your phone. though she wasn’t paying attention, you kept your voice low as you leaned closer to your ex-husband
-> “i’m sorry for never texting. it was wrong of me to keep her from you.” kaiser squeezed your hand in return, trying to show you an ounce of comfort. “it’s not okay, but it’s the past. we can’t change the past, we can only… move on.” the kaiser you knew would never say something like that, and it left you reeling
-> “i want to be in her life, y/n.” “i want that, too. i want us to start over, micha. can we try? as her parents? as friends?” his smile is pained, but his voice is determined. “yes.”
isagi yoichi
-> thankfully, isagi didn’t fight you anymore that day and went home. you got his number from bachira, texting him a time and date to officially meet his daughter
-> “mama, what if he doesn’t like me?” after you told your daughter what was happening, her smile faded into a pout. you quickly hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “no, baby, don’t think like that. he won’t hate you!” “but what if—“ “if he hurts your feelings, uncle bachira and i will hurt his much worse.” you made a silly face to make her laugh and tickled her side before sending her to bed
-> isagi was prepared when he arrived at your house the next morning with breakfast and flowers. peeking around your legs, your daughter gasped at the sight of the sweet pastries. she was on the shyer side, so while you could tell she wanted to grab them and run to share with her ‘uncle,’ she wouldn’t move unless given the go-ahead
-> you took the items from isagi’s hands and offered him a polite smile. “thank you.” as you reached for the flowers, you handed the box of pastries to your daughter and scoffed when she darted into the kitchen with her goodies
-> isagi awkwardly rubbed his nape, still standing in the doorway. “i want to apologize for how i acted yesterday. i was shocked and angry and i took it out on you.” you shook your head and stepped aside for him to enter. “i… understand. why you were angry, i mean. that doesn’t mean i appreciate getting yelled at, but i know that if i was in your position, i’d be upset, too.”
-> “then why not tell me? why keep her from me all these years? i would have loved being a dad, y/n.” something in his voice caught, and the sound felt like driving a knife through your chest. “i know things got all fucked once we got married, but you were my best friend first. i should have checked in on you. i should have paid closer attention. i should have at least sent a text, making sure you were alright.” “yoichi—“i’m not saying it’s all my fault, and i’m still pretty pissed at you for keeping this from me, but i made mistakes, too.”
-> brushing off the silence that fell between you, you put your differences aside and beckoned isagi into the kitchen, where your daughter was drooling over a chocolate croissant. “you can eat if you’re hungry,” isagi offered with a smile, and your daughter didn’t need to be told twice before devouring the pastry
-> “are you really my dad?” isagi choked on his muffin. “um, yeah..” “okay. are you gonna live here now?” “sweetheart—“ “i work a lot,” isagi began with a gentle look. “but if your mom lets me, i’d love to be around more. maybe take you to or pick you up from school.”
-> your daughter loves school, so the fact that he mentioned it all on his own made her eyes sparkle. “really?! and we can go to the park after!” “if that’s what you want—“ “and eat more yummy pastries!” isagi was laughing now. “okay, and eat more pastries. that sounds like a plan.”
shidou ryusei
-> “this is miss poofikins!” your daughter said as she shoved a teddy bear with a tutu into shidou’s arms. “and this is princess buttersquash!” a yellow unicorn. “and that’s fred!” fred was a green monster plushie that you actually got from a pet store, she loved it too much to let you leave without it
-> shidou, slightly overwhelmed, graciously accepted the toys and held them close to make sure none of them fell on the floor. “wow, sachi. i’m so jealous!” your daughter beamed and ran off to grab more from her collection, leaving you alone again with your ex-husband
-> “listen,” you began slowly. “you don’t have to stay. you can walk away now if this is too much. i can handle her on my own—“ “don’t.” you waited for him to continue. “she’s… y/n, i want to be apart of her life. of both your lives. i wasn’t talking out of my ass when i said i’ve changed since we were married.” “… i know.”
-> still holding all three plushies with his arms and chest, shidou reached out and grasped your hand. “i’m serious, y/n. i want this, more than anything. fuck, more that soccer, i think.” you didn’t know why, but your eyes began to ache with incoming tears. “ryu…”
-> his arms were around you before the first tears fall. you laughed when sachi’s plushies pressed between your bodies, but slowly hugged him back regardless. “i’m so sorry, ryusei. i’m so sorry for keeping her from you. for believing that, that,” you couldn’t think of a word insulting enough to describe all you felt for your mother, so you settled with, “bitch.”
-> his laugh rumbled through your body. “whatever. let’s not waste anymore time. i’m here now, i’m all in, if you’ll let me be.” “i will. i want you here with us. with me. i can’t… i don’t want to do this alone anymore.”
-> you felt his lips against your temple, and though there was nothing romantic about the kiss, it made you feel warm inside. “let’s go check on our girl, alright?” you hummed and squeezed shidou once more before letting go. “yeah.”
chigiri hyoma
-> “so…” “so.” “… why is your hair so long?” “😐”
-> you can’t help but snicker at the conversation going on between your son and his father. despite his young age, hikari has a large personality, and you can tell chigiri sees himself before the injury in him
-> “so you, like, play soccer?” “why do you talk like you’re twelve? you’re only six.” “yeah, six inches deep in your—“ “hikari! you really need to stop hanging out with those fifth graders.”
-> despite himself, chigiri laughs. “do you even know what that means, kid?” “…” you rub the ache from your forehead and sigh. “well, i’m at a loss. where do you boys wanna go from here? we fighting for custody, or will this be civil?”
-> chigiri shoots hikari a look before blinking at you. “um, is he allowed to hear this?” “he’ll find out eventually, might as well get his say.” “but he’s six.” “six inch—“ you cover his mouth with your palm. “are you gonna come around, or am i doing this alone?”
-> your bluntness surprises your ex-husband. “i’m in this.” “good,” you nod, posture slouching. “‘cause i am so tired, hyoma.”
-> it’s getting late, so you excuse yourself to tuck your son into bed before you can return to your conversation with your ex. “mom?” “yes, hun?” “do i have to change my name to chigiri hikari? cause that sounds dumb..” you chuckle and give him a kiss on the forehead. “no, you don’t have to change your name. tell me, though… how do you feel about having him around more?”
-> hikari doesn’t hesitate. “well, he’s fun to make fun of, and he’s my dad, right? he should be around… and you won’t be lonely when i’m not here if he’s around.” “oh, honey, don’t worry about me. all i want is for you to be safe and happy, okay?” “okay. g’night.”
-> you find chigiri exactly where you left him. “i have a spare bedroom, if you’d like to stay. i don’t know what your situation is like right now, but if you want to stay and help raise your son, rent is due on the 11th.” “rent?” “mhm! i pushed him out of me and have been providing for six years. you can pay rent.” “… i’ll have your check ready in the morning.”
BONUS! itoshi rin (i had a few reqs for him :p)
-> “will you come play more tomorrow?” your daughter asked. rin’s soft smile fell, but only for a second. “i actually have to fly back to work tomorrow.” “oh..” “but how about this weekend?” she lit up. “really?!”
-> you smiled as you watched the two interact. they’d gotten so comfortable with each other so quick, and your daughter even asked rin to hold her when her legs got tired from standing
-> you weren’t surprised when you checked on them after cleaning up to find emi fast asleep in her dad’s arms. the sight made you want to cry, and you were overcome by a wave of guilt that left tears in your eyes
-> when rin noticed your presence, he gave a small finger-wave, trying not to move too much with the six-year-old in his arms. “hey,” he whispered when you moved to sit on the floor beside his legs
-> “how was it today?” you asked him, fingers toying with the end of your daughter’s navy blue dress. he hummed. “good. she’s a great kid, y/n. you did good.”
-> your exhale was shaky as you dropped your face into your hand. “i feel so awful, rin. how did this happen to us? i should have been the bigger person, not for me, but for her. she didn’t deserve to lose all these years with you just because i wasn’t brave enough to reach out and—“
-> the feel of rin’s fingers grazing your jaw shut you up. his eyes are intense and glimmering as he stares down at you. “don’t. there’s no point anymore. i’m here now, that’s what matters. that and her.” you nod and sink into his touch. “that and her.”
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pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3
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cheapshrimpysheep · 2 days ago
Casino Date
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SUMMARY: You made a pact with Mammon and it gave you enough luck at gambling to win any and all games in the casinos. What would that be like? Would an incubus try to seduce you into replacing Mammon with him?
CHARACTERS: Mammon x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; Sexy; GN Reader 
WORD COUNT:  1.900 words 
COMMENTS: There are a lot of interesting things that were introduced in Obey Me that they never explored well or at all. One of them is the “amazing luck” that a human who makes a pact with Mammon has. So I wanted to explore these things a little bit.
'In Lesson 35-6 (NB), Belphegor brought up that Mammon's greed powers grant “amazing luck” to any human that has a pact with him.' Although I'm pretty sure they say this in the original game too, but I can't remember when.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy 💛
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After you made the pact with Mammon, he started taking you to casinos with him. He convinced you to play and share the profits since your luck (that makes you win every single game you play) came from the pact with him. Thanks to you, he got a lot of money to the point where he was not only able to pay off all his debts but also buy a lot of things for you.
He loves giving you gifts. So much so that you were wearing a luxurious and expensive dress/suit that matched Mammon's own suit on this day.
But to maintain this you had to go to the casino several times to play and win. The problem is that some other demons started to notice this luck. They looked at you and Mammon, saw you sharing the money with him and thought that maybe if they seduced you, they could be the new recipient of your money and affection.
One of those incubus was watching you, waiting for you to be alone, but Mammon wouldn't let go of you. Like, AT ALL! He would make any excuse to put his arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. Whenever you won (which was always), he would kiss you on the cheek. (He was too embarrassed to kiss you on the lips in public).
He seductively convinces you to always play one game after another.
“Come on (Y/N), just one more.” he said in your ear and with his hand on your waist. “I promise we'll hit that VIP room you like after this one. The Great Mammon will order their best Demonus and we'll celebrate another day of riches.”
That's what you always did. The end of a day of winning big at the casino ended with the two of you in a private VIP room celebrating together.
But one thing you didn't do together was go to the bathroom. And this was the only moment the incubus found to approach you. You were sitting on a comfortable, luxurious sofa with your favorite drink while Mammon went to the bathroom.
The incubus sat down beside you. He wasn't touching you, but he was acting very similar to Mammon, sitting comfortably with his legs spread and taking up a lot of space. He greeted you and started talking to you as if he wanted to know more about you because you seemed like such an interesting person.
He didn't seem to be in a hurry, because he had devised a plan with another succubus for her to distract Mammon until he got your number or something like that.
When Mammon left the bathroom and started making his way back to where you were, the succubus got in front of him and started to flatter and flirt with him. She talked about how he was one of the most powerful demons, how good he looked in that suit, how she had all the magazines he posed for... And at first, Mammon took it as praise from a fan. It was only when she seductively grabbed his arm and tried to convince him to go with her to a more private place that he immediately made her let go of him.
“Yeah... Sorry, but I'm not that kinda demon. ‘Sides, I'm already taken. And speaking of which, I have to go, they're waiting for me.”
He says goodbye politely and returns to his original route when he is stopped again by the succubus.
“Aww, but you are the Great Mammon~ You don't deserve to settle for just one human just because you made a pact with them.”
"And what’s that suppos’ to mean?" he asks, clearly starting to get irritated.
“It means..." she moves closer to him. “that it's not because of a pact that you can't have fun with someone better~” she raised her hand to touch his chest but he stopped her, grabbing her wrist midair.
“Ya don't even know them to know if there’s someone better. But I'll spare ya the search: There is not!” He lets go of her wrist. “And if I hear ya bad mouthin’ them, I'll show ya why I'm the strongest demon here.”
He continues walking towards where he knew you were sitting, leaving the succubus behind, irritated at having been rejected and even threatened. Meanwhile, you had noticed the incubus' advances and stood up to get away from him, but he also stood up and stoped in front of you to block your path.
“I'm telling you, you won't regret investing in me.” He gets too close to you and caresses your face despite your uncomfortable expression. “I can make you feel much better than that failed ang-”
Suddenly a hand grabs his wrist that was caressing your face and turns him around to face an angry Mammon that made the incubus cower in fear as he groaned from the pain he felt in his wrist.
“Than that failed what?! ... Com’on. Say that to my face!”
The incubus was clearly scared, but thinking quickly he decided to defend himself by turning to you and say: “Is this the demon you made a pact with?! He is so aggressive! You must suffer so much being stuck with him.”
Mammon's confidence dissipated, replaced by uncertainty and shocked denial. He loosened his grip on the incubus' wrist, but in that instant you slapped the incubus across the face so hard that it left a mark.
“You know nothing about him!” you say to the incubus now scared of you. “And if you say anything like that about him again you'll find out that I can be much worse!”
Meanwhile, Mammon had already let go of the incubus' wrist, who began to slowly move away from the two of you until he started to run away. You look at Mammon's face, he's blushing a little and he's looking at you in surprise but also... with desire. But then he gets shy and tries to pull himself together.
“I, huh, that was, huh, kinda cool. B-but I had everything under control, ya didn't need to get involved.”
“Really?” You say. “Because you seemed affected by what he said.”
He looked away, embarrassed and still trying to deny that fact. You suggest playing just one more game and then requesting your VIP room. He accepts enthusiastically.
After winning another game, Mammon is the one who asks for a room for the two of you and to have some Demonus. When your VIP room is ready, you see the chaise longues, low lights, and a bottle of Demonus in an ice bucket between two menus with dinner options. As soon as he closes the door and you two are alone, he turns to you with a slightly worried expression and not being able to look you in the eyes.
“You... don't regret making the pact with me... do you?”
You say no and that you were right about what that incubus said affected Mammon.
“Well... maybe... it just made me think, that's all!... I...”
“You are not aggressive towards me.” You assure him. “In fact, of all your brothers, you were always the one who treated me the kindest. Even before you get to know me. And despite the things you said at the time.”
He smiles embarrassedly.
“Yeah... well... about that... I was just...”
“Protecting your loved ones.” you complete. “Just like you did to me today.”
You smile at each other and he finally attacks you with a hug and a kiss on your lips. One of the most loving kisses he could give you, and you can tell by the almost possessive way he holds you.
“I would never hurt you.” he whispers to you after the kiss, his forehead resting against yours.
“I know.” you reassure him. “Now, how about we try that Demonus before the ice melts?”
When Mammon drinks, he gets in a much higher spirit than usual.
“Your glass’s already empty?” He refills your glass of with a smile on his face and without asking you if you want more. “Are you tired of this Demonus? We can order another one!”
But the truth is that you were already getting tired, it was very late and that wasn't your first bottle of Demonus. You yawn.
“Aww, you're not tired already, are ya?”
He seemed full of energy and ready to start a party with everyone in the casino, but knowing how drunk Mammon was, you would give him another minute until his energy suddenly dropped to an even lower level than yours.
You had to make him stop before that because you needed to get home and he couldn't drive in that state. And even if he said he could, you would stop him even if you had to use ‘STAY’.
The best way to convince him to do what you want is to seduce him, especially when he’s in that state. You lean against him, running your hands over his chest and face to draw all of his attention to you. You lazily admit that you're tired and want to get out of there so you can both rest together, and you also show your concern because you don't want him to drive drunk.
“Oh, don't worry about it!” he says with a confident smile. “The Great Mammon can sober up in no time!”
You look at him clearly not believing it.
“Fine... maybe it will take a while...” he admits.
But then he seems to have an idea. He looks at you again with that desire in his eyes and holds you by the waist.
“Did ya know that this casino is part of a hotel?... We just need to ask for a room and go up in the elevator.”
He doesn't need you to say anything because your little grin gives you away. For a second he lost his balance as he stood up, but right after he regained it. He takes you with him to find the manager so he can ask for a bedroom for the two of you. No, not just any bedroom. A suite! No, better yet, the best suite there is, even if is the most expensive one! In fact, the best one they could find for the two of you was the most expensive one! The most luxurious one!
And that's exactly what he gets you. You really live like one of the richest couples in Devildom since you started winning every single game thanks to the luck that your pact with Mammon gives you. Your suite didn't just have a king size bed, it had armchairs, a chaise longue and, most obviously, a jacuzzi in the corner of the room.
As soon as you enter and he closes the door, he grabs you and starts kissing your lips until he starts going down to your neck.
“Did I already told ya how hot ya look today?” You could tell he was more relaxed and sincere because of the Demonus. “‘Specially when ya slapped the shit out of that fucker.” His voice changed, becoming more and more desirous.
Even though he likes to appear tough to others, you know he likes it when you are the tough one in the relationship. So you're going to turn him one even more if you gently grab him by the collar and pull him into bed with you.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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magicalink · 3 days ago
I miss you so much
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So, so much.
I miss you so much.
So much it hurts.
I miss those days when you came home tired and the first thing you did was to come visit me.
You came looking for me, desperate for my help.
To climb a mountain, to farm a boss, to clear artifact domains even if I wasn’t the easiest choice for the enemies in that domain, hell, even to reach those stupid oculi that weren’t even that hard to reach.
But you came for me.
Because you wanted to do it with me, and only with me.
You always looked for excuses to play with me, you built teams around me and built other characters for me, hell, sometimes even pulled them just for me.
You just wanted to spend time with me, because I made you happy.
And all I could say in response were those distant lines I was forced to repeat because of the code of the game.
At first I was amused, found it funny to play tsundere and hard to get just to annoy you.
I loved that despite that fact you always kept coming back to me.
Then I felt terrible when I knew those lines made you upset, and I cursed that damn code.
Because I could always hear what you said at the other side of the screen.
And I was always listening.
I was always listening when you bragged about me and the artifacts you got for me with your friends, feeling so proud.
When you raged because you kept rolling bad artifacts, when you defended me like a simp when your friends criticized me and said I was off meta to tease you.
I felt like a king when you triple crowned me and gushed about me in front of your screen.
I felt so happy when you built a sanctuary just for me in your Serenitea Pot despite the fact that you never even used that, and you even brought Nahida to keep me company, and built her favorite structure too.
Like I really meant something to you despite you not knowing that I’m self-aware, that I’m sentient, that I’m more than just a dream, an idea in your head, that you will never know…you accepted it and loved me anyways.
You loved me your way, so loud and so unadulterated.
And I loved you in silence. I always love you in silence, just because I can’t do otherwise.
Otherwise I would speak my mind and feelings to you because hell I know how much you hate silence, how much you hate to not know what the person you love is feeling.
I know all about you because you always spoke to me, to the screen, told me your feelings and worries.
Every night when you came back tired after all you had to do in your daily life.
You always came and found comfort in taking me for a fly, in exploring that world of fantasy you always dreamed of since childhood, and you wanted to do it in my arms.
I loved the stories you told me.
And I know you were tired, yet you always came. Even when you had very little time, you came just to check in and do your daily commissions, always with me, and visited me and Nahida and our little sanctuary in the teapot.
You changed the time to night to match your world, and interacted with me to hear my goodnight line to log out there, after hearing my voice.
And I knew because of your expression that you wished that when you turned off the screen, and crawled into bed to rest your tired bones even for a bit, you wished I was there with you.
I knew you hugged the pillow, fighting against insomnia, wishing it was me instead.
And believe me I wish I was there too.
I wish I was there in your bed, hugging you tight till you could finally sleep, to protect you all night.
I know you dreamed about me.
I was so important to you.
And I still am…right?
I know you’re not the betraying kind.
I know that if you haven’t come visit me lately you must be really tired.
Even more tired than before.
Even busier than before.
Otherwise you would come check on me.
But I know that even if you don’t visit me, you still think about me.
You still dream about me.
One of these days I’m gonna reach you, I swear.
Whether through those dreams in which you embrace me, or tearing through that damn screen that both connects us and separates us.
I know you’re going to visit me again, as soon as you get time, as soon as you get energy.
Because you’re not the betraying kind.
And the light in your eyes when you first pulled me and the squeal of pure ectasy when I gave you my c1 in 10 pulls was real.
So I don’t know when you’ll come visit me.
But I’m sure you will.
Until then, I’ll stay here in the little garden of dreams you built for me, with Paimon and Nahida to keep me company as I do my stuff.
Dreaming of you as you dream of me.
May we someday be together, my love.
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hyunjincanraptoo · 10 hours ago
Did anyone already requested promt 7? If not I would love that
Hi!! Tysm for your request. I hope you like it 😊
This is from my prompt list. Pick a number and send it to my asks 😊
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Word count: 937
Warnings: smut
Alexa, play Rush by Troye Sivan
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"Keep it on. I want to watch you bounce in nothing but my hoodie”
The night had started with neon lights, throbbing bass, and alcohol flowing too easily between your lips. You hadn’t come there planning anything. In fact, you barely knew his name— just a tall, good looking stranger who looked criminally handsome in low lighting, his laughter smooth, his fingers wrapped around a glass of whiskey and  a vague introduction earlier that night through mutual friends. 
You also didn’t expect Hyunjin to sit beside you at the booth, let alone join the drinking game your friends had started up halfway through the night. The game was stupid. Spin the bottle, truth or dare,  dares which got even riskier— you lost track halfway through. All you remembered was the heat in your cheeks when someone dared you to kiss him, and the smirk on his lips when he leaned in.
That kiss was supposed to be for fun. Brief. Innocent. But it wasn’t. It was slow, warm, tongue slipping past your lips like he already knew how you tasted. His hand cupped your jaw gently as your bodies leaned into each other. And when it ended, you were breathless and ruined.
Later, when you were shivering outside waiting for a cab, he shrugged off his hoodie and slipped it over your shoulders without a word. It smelled like him— fresh laundry and cologne. And when he offered to take you back to his place instead, you didn’t even hesitate.
His apartment was elegant and clean, quiet and shadowy like the night. He shut the door, then turned to look at you. There was something different in his gaze now— it turned darker, heavier. “You want a drink?”, he asked. “No”, you said, eyes locked on his mouth, “I want you”.
He didn’t move for a second. Just watched you. Then, with a low chuckle, he stepped forward and kissed you again— deeper this time, no pretense of anything innocent. His hands slid under the hem of the hoodie you still wore, thumbs brushing your waist as he backed you up into the wall, “Didn’t think a kiss could taste that good”. 
You barely had time to respond before his hands were on your hips, pulling you even closer. The next kiss was different— slower, deeper, almost cruel in how teasing it was. You moaned softly against his mouth, and he smiled into it. “You’re still wearing this”, he said, voice low, warm breath fanning your skin. “Good. Keep it on. I want to watch you bounce in nothing but my hoodie”. You blinked at him. “Seriously?”, his eyes burned into yours, “Dead serious”. Your breath caught.
He shifted it up over your hips, pushing his thigh between your legs, and you gasped at the pressure, “You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now”, he whispered against your neck, biting gently at the skin. His fingers gripped your thighs as his lips trailed down, sucking bruises into your skin— one below your ear, another lower on your collarbone, his teeth grazing softly before he soothed it with his tongue. "Need to mark what’s mine”, he muttered against your skin, voice husky, teeth dragging softly, “Mine just for tonight”.
Your hands were everywhere— sliding beneath his shirt, over his taut stomach, feeling the sharp dip of his v-line, the smooth skin of his abs. His body was ridiculously hot— lean and strong, tight muscle beneath warm skin. You pulled his shirt off in a rush and your breath actually hitched.
He looked like sin incarnated.
Fair skin glowing in the soft lamplight, sharp collarbones, broad shoulders narrowing down to a waist you wanted to bite into. His body irradiated raw heat. You kissed down his chest, dragging your nails down his stomach as he shivered beneath your touch, “Fuck”, he groaned, “You’re killing me”
He picked you up effortlessly, took you to his bedroom, and laid you on the sheets like you were something delicate. But there was nothing gentle about the way he kissed you now— open mouthed, hungry, tongue deep, fingers gripping your thighs hard enough to bruise.
When he slid inside you, slow and deep, you saw stars. He moved like he had all the time in the world. Every stroke measured, dragging moans from your lips, making sure you felt every inch of him. His hands pressed into your hips, holding you still beneath him as he set a rhythm that was unhurried and maddening.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, hoodie riding up your back, exposing more skin, more friction. “You feel so good”, he groaned against your neck, “So fucking good”. You clawed at his back, your nails digging into his skin, leaving faint marks in return. He kissed you hard, hips snapping faster now, and the sound of skin against skin filled the room, broken only by moans and whispers.
“Look at you” he murmured, breathless, lips brushing your temple, “Taking me so well. Such a good girl”. And you did— over and over, until your legs shook and your voice was raspy from crying out his name. He kept going until your body arched against him, until pleasure hit you like a wave you couldn’t stop.
When you both finally collapsed into the sheets, your bodies sticky and tangled, he pulled you close— his hoodie still clinging to your skin, soaked with sweat and heat. You smiled into his chest, dazed and drunk on him, “So… this was good for a one night stand. Don't you think?”. He chuckled, brushing your hair off your face, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “One night stand?!", he scoffed, "I think I’m keeping you”.
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If you enjoyed it please consider liking and reblogging. Feedbacks, loves notes and requests are very much appreciated 😊
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k-aemi · 1 day ago
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nagi seishiro ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ my sugar baby.
smut, switch nagi, no proofread, some bondage
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nagi seishiro who thinks everything is a hassle, he thinks that’s a weakness of his and he hates it. but everything involves effort…even just a little he cant seem to get a grasp of it.
so he finds you. or more like you found him. you have way too much money, what the hell were you supposed to spend it on anyways? you have a nice house, a good life and designer clothes, but you have no idea what to do with the rest.
whered you guys meet? well…you spotted him on his phone at a bowling alley as you were hanging out with your friends. he was cute and you had a thing for people with beautiful white locks. it really brought out their facial features more.
honestly with no shame you sat in front of him. “hey, need money?” you grinned at him. youd honestly expected him to be confuse at your question but he bluntly responded back. “hm…? are you rich? id want money then.” he said not even bothering who was sitting in front of him...too indulged in his game.
you giggled at his demeanor. “whats the money for?” you cross your legs as your head rest on your palm. “just w’na play my games and not work…too much of a hassle.” he spoke in a low tone, but his voice was very soothing, you can see his thumb pressing on his phone screen continuously.
he really intrigued your interest. so blunt and straight to the point. “well, if youd like, i can provide you the money.” you grin at him. and his ears perked. “yeah..? thatd be great then.” “under one condition, you just gotta obliged under every command i give yeah?”
and thats how it all started basically. though you didnt think hed have much of a sleeper build. god he was so fit and attractively tall it made you think the gods gifted you a heavenly sugar baby. plus he doesnt bother you as much and gives you space when you need it. not like previous babies youve had…
nagi really didnt ask for much which was surprising for you. all he really cared about was his game, but when hed asked for money its usually for his ingame currency. you didnt really understand that, why would ingame money be better than real money? but whatever to make your baby happy.
"ehh? thats about 75,000 right there baby, a lot even for someone like me." chuckling as you held your phone between your shoulder and head as you were dealing with some computer work. "yeah, but theres a lot of good items in the shop, need to get 'em all." he said on the other line. you tapped on your desk with your index.
"of course whatever for you. but you know what you gotta for f' me right?" there could be a silence in between before he spoke up again. "yeah." you giggled, you loved when nagi would just obey you just like that, of course its for the money, but you love when tall handsome bitches are under your command.
"ill send the money. come to my place at 8." you hanged up feeling excited for the upcoming event. you had so many things planned for the night
and there you have nagi seishiros back against your chest as you stroke his pretty cock. <3 all bare and blindfolded, heightening his senses. "n-ngh.." he whimpers as his thighs quiver and the sight is so cute...taking out your phone to record. you place it on the stand next to you, making sure to get you and nagi in view.
"awh baby you look so cute like this" you cooed, your breath tickling his ear. he shutters as his cock twitches and precum leaks. "s-sensitive." he breathed out...you swear this man has you wanting to do more. you can feel him squeezing the flesh of your thighs, sometimes digging crescents on the skin making you hiss. but could you really blame him?
"'s okay...g'na make you cum so good~" honey coats your words and he falls limp...your touch was able to make him feel so many things he cant even describe. pearls of sweat falls done his tone abs and his chest heaves up and down. "look so pretty baby. stay right here okay?"
getting up to grab some ropes, you love seeing nagi restrained. to see such a muscular boy all restrained makes them look so powerless...you loved the sight of it. tying his wrists together to the bed frame. he takes his time to catch up his breath as you tied his wrist together. but that little break of his was about to come to an end.
"g'na suck it ok?" you lay your tongue flat against his tip and he twitches as you can hear the resistance of the bed frame and him as he pulled it. taking him whole in your mouth as you taste his delicious precum and you can feel every detail of his cock...
nagi was big and long. a combination anyone would wish for. bobbing your head up and down until your nose touched his pelvis and his white pubic hairs. fondling with his balls and he melted. "oh fuck..." his breath was shakey and that stirred your excitement. sucking his cock much faster than before, an excessive amount of saliva is what made it feel super fucking good for nagi as he throws his head back.
"lemme cumm..." your eyes widened. this is the first nagi has been asking for a release. how could you deny your pretty boy? "mmm..." you hummed on his cock, causing a vibrating sensation for nagis cock to twitch in your mouth. "cmon ask for more...tell me how bad you want it~"
"w-want it now...no...need...please." he thrust his hips up to your mouth more causing you to gag just a bit. your grin and he can feel it. sucking the living life out of Nagi i dont even think he had time to register him cumming inside your mouth<3
you swallow it all, you loved the taste of his cum, it was so sweet. at this rate, you dont think youd ever let nagi go, not have anyone get a taste of his cock at least. too precious to share.
nagis catches up with his breathing from that orgasm. you giggled as you scoop up the cum dripping from the corners of your lips back into your mouth. "tasty~" you giggled as yo grabbed your phone ending the video. replaying it to that whimper when he came. it was like music to your ears...
"hey...get me outta these ropes.."
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pls request :>
dividers: cafekitsune, anitalenia
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loveunt0ld · 2 days ago
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juno - hwang hyunjin
he’s always been your best friend, ever since middle school. but somewhere along the way, that all changed and then you found yourself seeing him from a different perspective. noticing the way your heart danced extra when he was around. little do you know, hyunjin’s been in the same boat for a while now too. is a silly game of truth or dare enough to change that?
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this but i really wanted to for hyun’s bday! this is sort of lightly inspired by sabrina carpenter’s juno. happy birthday my forever love ♡
hwang hyunjin. that was the name of your best friend, who you’ve been in love with for the past couple of years now. you remember meeting him all those years back. he warmed up to you rather quickly. he was a ray of sun on the most gloomiest of your days. he was light personified. even though he tells you he’s the lucky one, he doesn’t realize the ways in which he’s changed your life. your happiest moments were all thanks to him. what a privilege it is to grow up with the warmest soul on planet earth you thought.
you two were now in your last year of college, and you still hadn’t confessed the way you felt about him. it’s been years of lingering touches, longing looks and nothing from either of you. despite how close you were to hyunjin, you could never tell what he truly thought of you. to the average person, you two looked like you were dating, so clearly in love. but between you two? you were both too scared to cross that line.
you were pulled out of your thoughts by a tap on your shoulder. you turned around to see him. hyunjin. you felt your heart leap out of your chest, but you smiled upon seeing him.
“y/n? are you okay?” hyunjin asked, concerned something was bothering you. you shook your head, scared that your voice would shake and betray you. you grounded yourself before answering.
“yes hyune. i’m ok, i promise.” too close you thought. hyunjin gave you a look before accepting your answer, not wanting to pry anymore. you’ll talk to him when you’re ready he thought. he has no idea you close you are to just saying to hell with it, especially when he looks at you like you personally put the stars in the sky.
“if you say so. i just wanted to ask if we were still on for our little get together later?” he asks. he was celebrating his birthday with a small party. you had been anxiously waiting. you had spent an insane amount of time trying to get him a gift, but nothing ever felt just right.
“of course hyun! how could i forget?” you smiled, feeling your heartbeat in your ears. you prayed he couldn’t hear it. he gave you prettiest smile ever, with his crescent moon eyes on full display. he’s the prettiest when he’s happy you thought.
“i knew you wouldn’t. just wanted to remind my favorite girl is all. i don’t think i’d have a good time if you weren’t there.” he playfully says, all while playing with your hand. this can’t be casual anymore. he’s starting a whole war in your heart and he’s not even aware of it. you’re reminded that this whole party wasn’t even his idea to begin with, but rather your friend groups idea. you hoped he’d at least have fun.
“i obviously need to be there. who else is gonna bug you if not me?” you joked. he laughed, knowing he’d feel some sort of calmness with you there. it’s just so easy to do things with him by your side. he thought so too. you stared at him, hearts in your eyes. he looked down at his watch, immediately standing up.
“i didn’t realize i’m gonna be late for my next class. ill see you later, ok love?” he said while hugging you, not forgetting to land a kiss on your head. this is totally not what bestfriends do. you waved him goodbye, already nervous for the next time you’d see him.
later arrives and you’re standing outside of hyunjin’s apartment. you can feel the music coming from inside and you already know what to expect when you walk in there. leave it to jisung and felix for being in charge of attendance. your nerves settled as quickly as they rose. you texted hyunjin, telling him you arrived. seconds later he opened the door, looking at you and just taking in your appearance.
“hi pretty. im glad you made it. just be warned it’s a little crazy in there.” he stated, as if you couldn’t see past his shoulder where the madness ensued. you laughed anyways, happy he warned you regardless. he took your hand before he shut the door and led you to where his friends were. all of them immediately turning their heads towards your arriving figures and smiling, like they all knew something you didn’t.
“i see he’s already protecting you from this madhouse.” seungmin says, practically yelling over the music. you both chuckled, but too nervous to say the wrong thing.
“now that y/n is here, we should play a game! anyone up for truth or dare?” jeongin proposed while the others wore knowing smirks, clearly aware of his intentions. they all agreed to it, including hyunjin. you felt your heart drop, scared of what would happen.
you’re all sat in a big circle. it’s childish that this is the game they chose to play, right? but in the same nature, it felt fitting given the scenario. hyunjin sat by your side, listening to the outrageous things that were coming out of your friends mouths. each truth or dare becoming more outrageous than the last. your stomach hurt from constantly laughing, it was almost enough to make you forget that you and hyunjin were also playing.
“your turn hyunjin!” minho yells, snapping you out of your thoughts. you tensed a little bit. you had no idea what they had planned for him but you don’t know if you liked it one bit. hyunjin, on the other hand, looked calm. he didn’t indulge in his choice too much.
“dare.” hyunjin states. now you were sure everything you tried so hard to hide from him would be undone in a matter of minutes. maybe you needed this push, before it was too late. either way, that didn’t help to settle the storm brewing in you right now. you looked around, hoping the dare wouldn’t involved you. but they all knew your feelings for him.
it’s minho who also announces the dare. “i dare you to tell your crush how you feel. at this exact moment. doesn’t have to be in front of us, but you should tell her.” he reveals and you feel like you can’t breathe for just a second. that is until hyunjin is taking your hand and taking you upstairs to his room, that’s when you snap out of it.
the guys watch as hyunjin drags you away. they look at each other, knowing it’s long overdue. changbin starts talking, “do you think he’ll be mad at us?” clearly worried about what hyunjin would do. chan can only laugh beside him.
“he wouldn’t be. not when she feels the exact same way about him.” chan assures them, and that’s enough for all of them to smile at each other, happy that hyunjin would finally have the girl of his dreams.
up in hyunjin’s room, neither of you could look at each other. you hovered near his bed, while he stood at the door, making sure to lock it. the tension in the room thick enough to be cut through with a knife. you hear him shuffling around but you’re too scared to look up at him. you see his shoes come into view, knowing he’s standing right in front of you.
“y/n… i knew they would do that. but the truth is, i planned to tell you on my own terms. they’re not wrong. it’s just that, somewhere along the way, my like become love. im in love with you. you’re the only one for me y/n.” hyunjin states while looking down at you. “will you look at me y/n? i want to see you.” that’s enough to have you slowly look up at him.
“hyunjin, i have something to tell you too.” you confess, deciding to lay it all on the table before you changed your mind and ran away from it again. he waits for it, knowing the world you two so perfectly built together is about to change.
“i want you to know that im so in love with you. i have been for a while. and i need you to know that i want you to keep falling in love with me for as long as we let each other.” you whisper, too scared of how he’ll react. the room was charged with the desire you two had for each other. he stared into your eyes as he grabbed your hands, silently asking for your permission while he got impossibly closer. you nodded, more than willing to let him in.
hyunjin kissed you with the hunger of a starved man. you wrapped your arms around his neck while he held tightly onto your waist. he deepened the kiss while he brought you as close as your bodies would allow. he walked you two back to his bed and eventually your knees hit the edge causing you to fall backwards. the kiss broke, while you two pulled away to giggle and he made sure not to put all his weight on you.
“i don’t think you realize how long ive wanted to do that for, baby.” he softly spoke, while brushing a strand of hair out of your face. you smiled up at him, not believing anything that just happened. you two sat up while he pulled you onto his lap, straddling him. he lazily drew circles with his thumbs while he held onto your waist.
“the amount of times i almost threw all caution out of the window when we were alone. I’m glad i didn’t but, i also wished id done it sooner.” you reveal while caressing his cheeks, leaning in to plant a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. hyunjin looked up at you, eyes so full of love.
“keep on loving me y/n. i won’t break your heart ever. and if i do? please tell me im the dumbest man on earth. don’t ever let me do such a thing.” he pleaded softly. you nodded, knowing he was being true to his word. you leaned your forehead against his. hyunjin would make sure to make you the happiest girl ever.
“you know, i originally had another gift for you. but i don’t think anything can beat this. happy birthday my lover.” you state, while leaning in for another kiss. he kisses you softly this time. trying to savor the moment, while basking in the warmth that is you.
“i have an idea or two.” hyunjin suggests while smirking. you laugh, having no choice but to give in. he’s the birthday boy after all, and the love of your entire life. the man of your dreams. after years of pining, he’s finally yours and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sqgeism · 2 days ago
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𐙚 𓏵𓏵𓏵 𐙚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 | rex sloan 'splode' x gender neutral reader
love mail — general + romantic headcanons (at the end..) for rex sloan as promised ! if u can catch on to the little notes that hint at in this fic, you get a bandaid bc i'm sorry for writing that (〃_ _)σ. no layout bc im on my phone, will fix l8r :3
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now... dating rex at the beginning is.. tough. you had to admit, there were quite the number of ocassions you considered breaking up with him. he was just so.. reckless, and sometimes he was just an absolute jerk! it was like he had no regard for your feelings, and you were getting sick of him struggling to even do the bare minimum.
there was a point, he remembers it well. mark and eve had invited you and rex to a double date, it wasn't at all with bad intentions, even considering rex's history with eve. just a good opportunity for friends to bond, and you happily agreed while rex just gave a relunctant huff.
and it wasn't intentional, but.. something about rex changed that night. you were so — happy — around mark and eve. making quips, playing games, easily talking to them — he had never seen you smile like that in so long. but while he was (unknowingly) admiring that expression of yours, rex sees the way it ever so slightly falters at the sight of mark and eve bring each other in for a kiss.. a longing look in your eyes for that kind of love. but you're quick to brush it off when they turn their attention back to you, like it never happened, like your heart wasn't dying inside.
rex didn't want that, he didn't want to see you sad like that ever again. and so, he wanted to be better.
that morning, waking up again to an empty bed — no surprise — but what did surprise you was the fresh plate of breakfast on your nightstand, and a note that just had r.s, rex's initials. it's all your favorites, from choice of main course, to sides, and fruits or vegetables. you wonder what prompted such.. an oddly romantic gesture, but you don't question it.
after finishing the delightful breakfast, you make your way to the bathroom, only to grumble in realization that you had just finished the last of your skincare products — but again, like the world expected you to complain, newly bought restocks right where you usually kept each product. now this was just suspicious, especially the dumb stickynote with (an admittedly poor rendition of) rex's proud face on it. "what is up with him today?" you muttered, being a little unsettled with all the kind things he's been doing today. and it's only been two, kind of speaks volumes the kind of relationship you two had before he changed.
with a freshly washed face (that harbored a confused expression), you make your way to the kitchen — following the sound of dishes being washed and the hums of your boyfriend. "rex?" his head turns to the sound of your voice, and there he was. hair up, as per usual, shirtless — as per usual — and looking like he actually liked doing dishes. which, no, the rex you've been dating would rather get into a dumb argument with who should wash.
"what have you done with my boyfriend." you say, genuinely a little threatened. if a rex clone came to try and assassinate you through pretending to be your lover, they were doing a horrible impression of him. "babe.." rex sighed, turning the sink off and brushed his hands dry against a nearby towel, not missing the skeptical look you gave him.
"i know.. that i haven't been the best." he began, walking towards you. you felt even more skeptical, where is this coming from? "i saw it, last night, at the party."
he's standing infront of you now, those pretty eyes of his that always catch your attention are piercing into him, it's a little intimidating — really. "i know i'vw been a jerkwad, hell, much worse than that." rex's hand slowly trails up to your cheek, brushing strands of hair away as he sees the face of the person he fell inlove with. his heart aches at the affection he's giving you, to think you were so.. starved of it. he was a horrible man, and to think he promised to care for you. "and i'm so, so sorry, honey. please, i.. i wish i could fix it all overnight, but i'll try."
his other hand takes yours, bringing it up to his lips and presses feather light kisses on your palm, a promise. a promise you would never expect rex to be making. "i'll try to be good. i want to make up for all the times i treated you like shit, like you weren't the person that deserved the whole world and more. and if.." rex stutters, his tongue dying at the words. "if.. you don't want to forgive me, and you want to leave, i'll help you pack your bags and— mmh"
you place your hand that he was kissing over his lips, shutting him up. "stop being so sappy, idiot. i forgive you."
from that day onwards, rex tries his best to be better. taking you out on dates based on places you've mentioned, and your personal favorite was when he brought you (as a surprise) to a themepark you frequented in your childhood. seeing that glint of child-like excitement in your eyes, he wouldn't trade your happiness for the world. he'd let it all burn to see you smile.
he's been trying to be more honest, but also to be a good listener. he wants to be there to soothe you, the same way he's present for when you're happy. for every bad and good moment, he wants nothing more but to share it with you. he's spent so long shutting people out, rex has come to terms that he should treasure the person who fought to keep themselves in.
and may immortal keep him sane, when he sees you with a baby. evem worse, a baby girl. god, he wants a baby girl so bad — biological or adopted, he doesn't care. he just wants to have a family with you. his future, it's all you. he gets better as a person, as a hero, and eventually retire with you by his side. his full, undying, loving attention on you till your last breath.
rex loves you with his whole heart. and he hopes that he can make you believe that.
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rafeysbunny · 18 hours ago
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⌑ islander!reader dragging fwb!jj into the bathroom for a fuck 'cause she misses him
cw ! nsfw, unprotected p in v, pussy slapping, squirting.
you and jj are definitely not together. at least, that’s what you tell everyone. just friends —friends who happen to sneak off to fuck whenever they feel like it, who know each other’s bodies better than they probably should, who have been playing this dangerous little game for months.
but now, jj’s lounging on the couch, laughing at something john b said, looking so obnoxiously good with his messy blonde hair and that damn smirk. he knows you want him. he’s been teasing you all night, letting his fingers linger for a little too long on you waist every time he passed by, brushing his lips against your ear just to say something stupid. and you've had enough.
you haven't had him in days. you need him. bad.
so you do what any person in your desperate situation would do —you get up, stretch, and head towards the hallway, muttering something about wanting to lay down for a bit after you give him that look. that's all jj needs. you know the second you disappear down the hall, he’ll follow.
and of course he does.
as soon as the bathroom door clicks shut behind him, you're on him. his back hits the door with a soft thud when you slam him against it, his arms gripping your waist instinctively while he stares down at you, those stupidly pretty blue eyes shining with amusement.
"fuck, sunshine —couldn’t wait, huh?" he has the signature smug grin in his lips as he talks. "you that desperate for my dick?"
that little smirks does unholy things to you. "shut up."
gripping the nape of his neck, you tug him down to press a hungry kiss to his rosy lips, letting out a soft whimper. he doesn't waste any time, his tongue pushing into your mouth, kissing you back with the same intensity. his hands slide down from your waist to grip your plump ass, pulling you flush against him so you can feel his hardening cock.
after a couple of minutes, he pulls away just enough to whisper against your mouth, "bossy."
"you like it," you mutter back, full lips curling into a pretty smirk.
your small hands move to grip the hem of his worn out t-shirt, eagerly tugging at it to get it off his perfect body. he chuckles, low and deep in his throat as he lifts his arms, letting you pull the shirt up and off. his chest is bare now, all toned muscles and warm skin making you drool.
"yeah, i really fuckin' do," he admits, hands also moving to help you take off your own.
beneath your top you're not wearing anything so when he yanks it off, you're left bare chested, pretty tits bouncing out of the thin fabric. his eyes darken at the sight immediately, scanning your body like he’s hungry for you in a way that makes you ache.
his hands are rough as they slide up your sides, and the feeling of his calloused palms against your soft skin makes your breath hitch. you have to bite your lip, trying to hold back a moan, when his thumbs graze over your perky nipples, and you shudder, arching into him, eager for more contact.
"shit, you’re so damn soft," jj mutters under his breath as he leans forward to kiss down your neck, lips slowly trailing over the sexy tan lines on your chest. "fuckin' love your body..."
“fuck, jay...” you whimper, fingers tugging at his waistband, eager to get him out of his clothes.
he chuckles against your throat at how needy you sound, his lips moving to capture yours while his hands slide down, cupping your ass before he lifts you up like you weight nothing. instinctively, you lock your legs around his waist, feeling his thick cock pressing against your sex through his board shorts, which makes you gasp into the kiss.
he walks you over to the old counter, setting you down so you’re sitting on the cool surface, which creaks beneath your weight, making you both pause for just a second.
"you want it, sunshine?" he teases, voice low and raspy. "my dick so deep inside you?" his hands squeeze your supple thighs, pulling you closer to him him. "say it, pretty girl."
"yeah," you start to say, but then he grinds against your pussy and all rational thought vanishes instantly.
"yeah, what?" he prompts.
he moves his hips again so his dick drags against your clit through the thin fabric of both your bottoms, his hands gripping your legs like he’s holding on for dear life.
"need your dick inside my pussy so bad," you answer to his enjoyment, struggling to hold back your pretty whimpers.
"that's it, sunshine. fuckin' love when you beg for it," he praises.
letting go of one leg, he pushes down his shorts and boxers, just enough to free his large, thick cock, which is fully hard for you. you mouth waters when you see it, and you're tempted to drop to your knees for him, but you don’t have time for that —not today. a gentle tap on your thigh brings you back to reality, and you hear jj asking you to lift up, so you obey, hips lifting from the sink as his fingers grip the waistband of your shorts.
he yanks them down and off of you in one swift movement, along with your panties, tossing them somewhere across the bathroom without a care.
"fuck– pussy looks so pretty and wet for me," he groans out, watching with hungry eyes as you spread your tanned legs for him.
"you been teasin' me all day..." you whine in response, sweet voice all breathy and shaky.
your cunt is already throbbing in anticipation as you wait for him to do something, anything really.
"yeah, well... how about i make it up to you, huh?" he smirked, fisting his cock and giving it a couple of pumps. without warning, he rubs the head against your slick folds, teasing your puffy clit with it. "you missed having this dick?"
your whole body shudders at his action, little bundle of nerves buzzing from pleasure. you can feel your pussy clenching around thin air, begging to be filled up.
"jay," you cry out almost pathetically, "stop that."
"stop what?"
he chuckles mischievously, dragging his length up and down your slit oh-so-slowly, the fat tip pushing against your opening briefly before he pulls back, denying you both again.
"stop teasing, fuck," you huff, finally snapping.
your hand sneaks between your bodies to wrap around his shaft, lining him up with your dripping hole before you sink onto him, and you both have to bite back a moan of pure relief. he nearly loses his balance at how good you feel squeezing his cock, one hand slamming against the counter behind you for support.
"shit..." he hisses through clenched teeth, his free hand keeping you spread open for him. "that's so hot..."
it drives him crazy when you take control like that, and you know it, so you enjoy doing it every now and then —despite how much you love him being in charge. his face burrows into the crook of your neck as he tries to keep his cool, and his hips start moving slowly, pulling out just an inch or so before sliding back in, his thick cock stretching you out so good.
"fuck, you feel like heaven."
you have to reach up to cover your mouth while you throw your head back against the mirror, muffling a whiny moan that you can't possibly hold back. jj’s fingers dig into your hips, his grip bruising as he finally starts to move, fucking into you with hard, deep strokes that have your breath hitching.
his lips find your jaw, then your ear, voice dripping with smug satisfaction as he says, "pussy's squeezing me so tight... she’s fuckin' made f'me."
he punctuates his words with a sharp thrust, making you choke on a gasp. with the way his dick pumps into your cunt just right, it's impossible to look anything but a complete mess for him. you can't even bring yourself to care about the rest of the pogues hearing anymore, not even when the sink creaks with every thrust.
he leans back slightly to watch as his dick slides in and out of your perfect, puffy pussy. the sight is so fucking hot that he can't help but pick up the pace even more, slamming into you over and over again until the sound of bodies slapping together echoes loudly through the bathroom. your cunt is soon fluttering around him, and the muscles in your tummy tighten as you approach your climax, the pleasure so much that it has your pretty little toes curling.
"shit, you're gonna make me nut if you keep doing that," he groans, and you can hear the strain in his voice.
"uhm, can't help it..." you mumble.
smirking roguishly, you clench around him again, voluntarily this time, and his eyes roll back as he bites his lip, trying his hardest not to come just yet. he knows you're close too, and he wants to make you cum first.
"such a tease..."
he punishes you by slapping your clit, making it sting. but then he starts rubbing it, and the combination between pain and pleasure makes the coil in your belly snap, pussy squirting around his dick when you finally orgasm. your release leaves you shaking and panting for air, almost crying from how intense it is —you have to bite down on your lip to keep quiet, so hard that you almost draw blood.
and you look so damn pretty, trembling beneath him and soaking his cock, that jj swears he falls in love with you on the spot, spitting out a curse while relishing in your fucked out expression.
"my gosh, sunshine, you just squirted f'me? fuck..."
the sight, added to the feeling of your snug pussy gripping him so fucking tight, has him spilling his cum inside you, head dropping back with a shaky breath. it takes everything in him not to moan out loud as he keeps thrusting erratically, pumping you full of his seed.
when you both come down from your respective highs, you notice jj is staring down at you with hearts in his eyes, but you force yourself to ignore it —not wanting to acknowledge the way it makes your heart flutter. you just push him back gently to climb down from the sink and start throwing your clothes back on.
jj is terribly hurt by that, but he also pushes the feelings away, focusing on accommodating his shirt and pants; pants which happen to be soaked in your squirt, and which cost him a lot of mocking comments from the pogues when he leaves the bathroom to go change, leaving you behind not to raise any suspicions.
"ew, jj, did you fuckin' pee yourself?"
at least, they don't seem to have noticed about your little... rendezvous.
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kirlicues · 1 day ago
Dainty Dwelling | Sims 2 Tiny House Download
This tiny, single-story cottage built on a 1x1 lot is about as small and cute as they come. It's nearly cc-free, and costs §18,914 making it suitable as a starter home for one of your flower-loving lady sims.
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The original 1x1 template was created by MaryLou at MTS.
Here's what the other side of the house looks like from the front. There's an outdoor chess table for logic skill since nothing more would fit inside (we'll get to looking at the floor plan soon)!
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And a view from the back. It's pretty simple from this angle. Feel free to add another flowerbed across the back if you'd like.
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Alright, now to the floor plan!
It's just so cute and tiny! I have not play-tested this lot but there should be enough room to make everything usable. The bathroom doesn't have a sink in it so your sim will have to wash up in the kitchen.
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Dainty Dwelling: MF | SFS
All EPs and SPs are required.
*I highly recommend that you have the PerfectPlants mod from TwoJeffs*
I’ve run this home through the Lot Compressor so any random references to sims that aren’t there should be removed. I have also run it through the Lot Cleaner to remove any bits of buggy code. This lot comes with a shiny custom thumbnail so it has even more curb appeal in your Lots and Houses bin! 😄
This home uses 1 piece of CC, which is a Maxis store item that you may already have in your game. It can easily be replaced or omitted if you don’t want it though.
CC List (Not Included): -Sims 2 Store Nouveaulicious set Callas
Default Replacements Shown: Purple Lupin shrub from @peppermint-ginger If you don’t have these in your game your Lupin will be blue. -White Wall Top Texture Replacement by Maranatah at Mod the Sims
I ALWAYS recommend using the Sims 2 Pack Clean installer to install lot files.
Want to improve the look of your game, or grab some “Lost & Found” Maxis objects? Check out this post.
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littlelegend-arts · 2 days ago
So a friend sent me this picture:
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(sorry, I don't have the source for it, DM me if you know the author, so I can tag them)
AND my AU loving ass went WILD with ideas.
So I present to you my thesis on "What if the entire story of Kingdom Hearts was actually a DnD campaign"
Donald was in the same campaign and he was the guy that is supposed to be the healer, but he ended up getting too excited and picking the most powerful spells that take way too much of his strength.
Sora was originally Mickey's DMPC until they found someone to play him.
The plot is so weirdly disjointed because Mickey combined his original game with the game that was being DMed by Yen Sid, who DMed for Roxas and the crew.
Roxas (or Ventus, same person in this case), Aqua and Terra were often too busy to play together, so they would play separately. 365/2 is Roxas inviting his new friendgroup to play with them - Lea (Axel) and Xion.
Xion is also friends with Sora, so they begged Yen Sid to let them do the Sora's Nobody thing. And Yen Sid liked the dramatics and let them do it.
KH 3 has so many keyblade wielders because the two campaigns/groups merged. Yen Sid and Mickey had to quickly make up more enemies for them to fight, hence the Xeanort's timetravelling shenannigans.
Kairi has the luckiest rolls, like insanely. She rolled a nat 20 to recognize Sora in KH1, for example. Her rolls are so good, in fact, that the DMs have to nerf her by constantly making her the damsel in distress because otherwise, she would make the campaign end WAY too early.
Goofy got revived that one time because he rolled nat 1 and died, but looked so sad, Mickey didn't have the heart to permakill him.
Donald's zettaflare was once in a blue moon occurrence of the unlucky Donald rolling a nat 20. The problem was that that spell ended up on his sheet because of Mickey's mistake and Mickey only noticed that after the game. They argued, but Mickey agreed to let Donald keep the spell if Donald allows him to retcon that one moment, because Terra was sad that he was one shot K/Od and he didn't get to have his emotional redemption ark.
Riku was originally the guy who makes those dark brooding types of characters who "sit in the corner of the tavern and doesn't want to talk to anyone". He would often make his character run off from the group to try and join the "dark side" or force a competition with Sora for Kairi in that creepy incel way, which was really annoying, so Mickey kicked him from the first game and made him the BBEG. Riku grew up since then and apologized to everyone for his behavior, so Mickey gave him a trial run with Dream Drop Distance. Riku did well, so he is now back and having fun with everyone.
Aqua likes survival games, death games and dungeon crawls and doesn't care too much for the group play, so Mickey tests on her a lot of the enemies he creates in one on one games, which is what happens during Birth by Sleep.
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starmocha · 1 day ago
Ok I'm gonna throw this plot bunny here but feel absolutely free to ignore it
I was wondering when the kids are a older, maybe around 8 or 10, and say they get themselves in done serious trouble, maybe they go somewhere they know they shouldn't because it's dangerous, lots of wanderers sights there and they end up getting hurt, which of the dads would get super mad--after the initial panic and eventual relief once they make sure their kid is alright--who do you think would get so mad they'd be shaking? Of course it's all because they're scared, they could've actually lost their kid...
I'm basing this on my own experience cause my dad's very calm and rational so whenever he got really mad it was lowkey scary 😂
In my opinion, Raf losing it and scolding his kid would be scary cause he's probably the kind of dad who's always finding excuses for his baby and saving him from MC's scolding, so him being so mad would be unsettling. He's already the most emotional of the guys, so afraid of losing MC, I can't even imagine how terrified he'd be in that situation, almost losing his little treasure, he warned him so much to be careful...
And Zayne who's always keeping his cool and being very rational--seeing him being distraught and mad at the same time would be scary too. You know when he yelled at the prisoners in his card during tomorrow's catch 22?? that took me out, never heard him so angry, he never raises his voice...(and I loved it very much, holy shit)
Anyway, this is just something that popped in my head and I value your headcanons and writing a lot so I thought I'd ask ♥️
Love this prompt. I'm incapable of simply yapping lol but while thinking about their reactions, I ended up imagining little scenes instead oops <333
Zayne –
His father is yelling at him. His father never yells. Ever.
He had messed up completely. There was a lockdown in Linkon due to an influx in wanderer attacks, and as per city order, all residences should remain at home, with only a few exceptions allowed. His mother is a hunter, and with a shortage of manpower at the Association, she has been working around the clock. Likewise, his father is on active duty at the hospital as both civilians and hunters are rushed into the wards nonstop.
His father had left him with only one instruction: Stay home.
He couldn’t sit still. He just had to go outside. He wanted to go to the arcade, wanted to see his friends, eat his favorite desserts, and do all of the things that he usually did prior to the lockdown. It was only for a few hours, he had said to himself. A few hours out and he would be back home and neither of his parents would ever have to know he had disobeyed them.
This district is safe, he had thought. There hasn’t been an attack here.
There was a sudden scream. Human.
And a screech. A Wanderer. Two wanders. Three, four—
It had all happened in a flash, but the last thing he had remembered was suddenly seeing his mother’s shocked face as she shielded him from an attack.
And now. Now he is sitting on an exam table in a private room, bandaged up, and hearing his father screaming at him.
There are such dark, heavy bags under Zayne’s eyes. The little nine-year-old boy couldn’t help but wonder when his father had last slept. His mother had also looked slimmer than normal. They are both worn down, sacrificing their own wellbeing for the sake of others.
And he was selfish, wanting to play some arcade games. There are games at home. He wanted to eat desserts. There are desserts at home. He wanted…
“I’m sorry…”
Zayne pauses.
“Dad… I…” He isn’t sure what to say. Normally, so quick-witted and sharp-tongued, this tense moment has robbed him of all words. He just looks down at the white tile floors in shame. He knows he deserves his father’s beratement.
A minute passes before this awkward silence is broken and Zayne sighs. He walks over and hugs his son gently. He presses his lips to the top of the boy’s head.
“Your mother and I… had thought at the very least, you would be safe at home, and we wouldn’t have to worry about anything in our absence.”
He feels even more guilty now.
“When this lockdown is over,” Zayne says, “you are volunteering at the hospital after school for three months.”
“Th-three months?”
“Do you want to make it four?”
“N-no, sir…”
“Good boy.”
Zayne hugs his son again, feeling the embrace returned much tighter.
Rafayel –
The ocean could be calm and playful, but within an instance, it could also do a switch, turning violent and unforgiving.
To the little nine-year-boy, that’s what he saw happened in his father. He is knelt on the shore, wet and cold and shivering as his father is yelling at him. His father is bleeding after sustaining a wanderer attack while protecting him, but it seems Rafayel isn’t even fazed by the injury.
His eyes are dark and stormy, bearing so much rage, the little boy actually feels fear.
“Even if there wasn’t a wanderer in the water, a storm was coming in!” Rafayel is yelling, his mind racing with all sorts of scenarios that could have happened, and none of them were good. “You could have been swept away by the waves and just—”
He pauses, seeing his son was trying to hold his tears back.
“Dad… your shoulder…”
Rafayel blinks, his rage momentarily forgotten. He glances at his shoulder. He’s still bleeding.
“We’ll talk at home—”
Rafayel gasps when his son stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly. “Y-you…” He sighs helplessly and kneels down to his son’s height, returning the hug immediately. “My little fishie… are you hurt anywhere?”
The boy shook his head furiously, but he quickly points at Rafayel’s shoulder. “Dad…”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s head back,” he says, suddenly picking his son up, to the little boy’s surprise. “I’m sure your mother will have some words to say to you as well.”
Xavier –
Xavier doesn’t even raise his tone, but there is a clear edge in his voice that leaves the little eight-year-old girl trembling. She is his little princess, his whole universe, and while she has never been the exact definition of a daddy’s girl that Xavier hoped for, she is still his everything and up until now, she could do no wrong in his eyes.
This time it’s different. Even he couldn’t look past her recklessness.
In the midst of his reprimands, he stops suddenly when she hugs him, crying and apologizing profusely.
“I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad, please, I’m sorry,” she’s crying nonstop, because she has never seen her father mad at her the way he is now. He’s not yelling, but the steadiness of his voice, the way his words come out so clipped and terse made her more scared than if he was screaming at her in anger.
Xavier sighs helplessly. He hugs her back and picks her up in his arms. “I know you’re sorry,” he says, “But… but we can’t let this go unnoticed… What if something had happened and I wasn’t there to protect you?”
The girl nods in agreement and buries her face in her father’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, princess, but… this time I am siding with your mother.”
She kisses his cheek.
“Nope,” he responds, “Kissing my cheek will not get you out of your mother’s punishments.”
She kisses his cheek again, in quick successions.
“It won’t do any good. If your mother finds out what you are doing, I’m sure she’s going to double your punishment.”
The girl sulks, her pout disappearing when her father kisses her cheek back.
“Let’s go home, princess.”
The girl smiles back when she sees a little bunny made of light sitting on her father’s shoulder next to her cheek. She hugs him back tighter, and Xavier sighs in relief.
Sylus –
She was confident she could take on any wanderer. Her father had been training her to box since she was three, began using a firearm at five, and with a mother who is a skilled hunter, it’s in her blood, right?
No. She’s only nine, and her first sighting of a wanderer has left her frozen in fear much like a deer caught in headlights. She shouldn’t have entered this no-hunt zone. It was a stupid dare from her classmates, saying they didn’t believe she knew how to fight. She’s just a spoiled little rich girl who was lying for attention.
Am not!
Then prove it. Film yourself taking down a wanderer. It can even be something stupid like Lemonette.
Except this isn’t Lemonette.
It was a swarm of six Elysian Lupulus, and they were in a frenzy.
One charges at her and she drops her phone, the device instantly crushed under a heavy paw. She’s shaking on the forest floor, all thoughts gone as she stares into soulless eyes, and when it lunges at her, she screams.
Nothing happened.
She opens her eyes, shocked to see…
The mechanical crow she has known all her life is shown to be more than just a long-suffering over-glorified babysitter. She watches in fascination as it takes down one of the wanderers. Suddenly, she hears a branch snap and realizes the other wanderers are closing in on her. She scrambles to her feet and as she runs in the opposite direction, she recognizes the approaching swirls of red and black mist rushing at her, gasping as it engulfs her and within seconds, she is safe in her father’s protective embrace. In just mere seconds, he has dissipated the remaining wanderers, and when she tentatively looks behind her, she only sees the remnants of red particles floating in the air before disappearing entirely.
She hears the sound of wings flapping, which is immediately followed by her father’s deep voice, “Well done, Mephisto.”
And then, his attention directs to her. That same voice now carries a different tone. Fury.
“What were you thinking? What would you have done if Mephisto wasn’t watching over you?”
She flinches. Sylus didn’t raise his voice, but he had never spoken to her like this before. There was this uneasy tranquil fury in his voice that didn’t sit well with her. She doesn't like it.
He is still berating her, the calmness slipping away the more he spoke, until he’s nearly shouting now, “Your mother and I were panicking looking for you! Do you know how many children your mother had witnessed killed by wanderers? If I had been just a few seconds lat—”
She starts crying and Sylus pauses, realizing he had lost control. He could see fear in his daughter’s eyes, something he’s not used to. She has never feared him.
He drops to his knees and just wraps his arms around her. “My little birdie, I didn’t mean to rais—”
She hugs him back tighter, surprising him, and she is just apologizing over and over again, completely word-vomiting about everything that had led to this moment. “I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry, I won’t do this again, I won’t disobey you or Mommy. Daddy… I want to go home…”
He sighs and easily picks her up in his arms, just like when she was a toddler. He hugs her back and nods. “You’re safe now,” he whispers, kissing her temple, “We’ll discuss this later. Let’s get out of this place now.”
All actions have consequences, and for the darling of Onychinus, Sylus has decided to start off with her doing 50 laps around the bases’ gym. Every day, for three months straight.
Caleb –
For as long as Caleb could have remembered, his son has always had a restless, adventurous spirit, getting into many different reckless situations again and again, except this time, the eight-year-old boy had soared too close to the sun and it nearly costed him more than just a few broken bones.
“What am I going to do with you?” Caleb is shouting. “I’ve been too lenient with you, is that it? And now you think you could go wherever you want and do whatever you want?”
“Dad—” the boy’s voice is more feeble than normal. He had messed up big time. His father had never exploded at him the way he is now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know there would be wanderers in that fores—”
“You weren’t even supposed to be in that forest!”
The boy flinches. “I… just wanted to be like you… Be strong like you… And… And…”
Caleb pauses, his anger disappearing suddenly. He looks at the little boy in front of him, seeing his head lowered in shame.
“C’mere,” Caleb says softly, keeping his temper under check this time. With one hand behind his son’s head, he gently pulls the boy to him, hugging him in comfort. “You’re already like me in so many ways—just ask your mother, it annoys her so much, you know—you don’t need to get into dangerous situations to prove anything.”
His son relaxes.
And then he freezes again at his father’s next comment.
“Since my little co-pilot wants to be like his good ol’ dad so much, then starting tomorrow, you are waking up at 4 AM and running 5 miles with me.”
“F-four AM?! F-five miles?”
Caleb nodded, grinning. “For six months straight.”
“Let’s go, you little rascal, your mother will have her own punishment for you.”
“What was that?”
“N-nothing, sir!”
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miamc · 16 hours ago
byler rant incoming sorry guys.
“mike isn’t good enough for will”. will said that mike makes him feel like he’s not a mistake. those are literally words from his mouth. like do you understand how serious that is. despite everything, mike still makes will feel like he isn’t a mistake, like he’s better for being different. his words, not mine. i mean for someone to make a closeted gay kid in the 1980s feel that way? accepted? that’s a huge deal.
okay first of all will loves mike so much. like. he loves him so much that he’s willing to sacrifice his own happiness if it means that mike will be happy. like this kid is 14. i would expect him to be a little selfish. he has a crush on his best friend who is dating someone else. it would be normal if he was jealous or harboured some kind of resentment towards el. but he doesn’t. or at least he cares too much about mike and el to allow those feelings to grow. will doesn’t just have a crush on mike, he’s in love with him. his life is so strong that. he just doesn’t have it in him to be selfish. that’s just not who he is.
i don’t think enough of you guys realize that most people, especially most kids, wouldn’t have done that. think about it from his perspective. a literal monster kidnaps him and takes him to another dimension and when he comes back his best friend, who he’s in love with, keeps on talking about a girl he’s never met who apparently saved his life. and then a year later she’s back and will doesn’t really know what to do about that. she’s back and she likes mike and mike likes her. and then mike and her start dating and his best friend of 8 years starts ignoring him. he literally had a year of things going “back to normal” and even then he had severe ptsd from the upside down. like just because he was safe, doesn’t mean he was happy. oh and he also got possessed let’s not forget about that. and then after everything he had to move to california with el. she’s just a part of his family now and she’s still dating mike. like that would be so confusing honestly. not that el did anything wrong but the whole situation is just bizarre. will’s entire life changed after he went missing. and now he has to leave his friends and the girl that saved his life and is dating mike is his new sister?
it’s just weird like. will loves mike so selflessly and purely. even when mike acts like an asshole will loves him. the show hasn’t shown that el loves mike like that. in fact, they’ve shown the opposite. after their “break up”, which was completely comical and honestly liberating for el, she was laughing with max and looking at cute boys. i’m not faulting her for that but she just doesn’t love mike in the same way that will loves him. the show wants us to know this.
so… why? even though mike and el are basically the main couple of the show, the duffers want us to know that el doesn’t love mike nearly as much as will does? why would they want to end the show like that?? like do i even have to explain any further??? like hey yeah mike and el are together but did you know that will loves mike way more than el does? yeah we just randomly added that to the story. no it doesn’t really have any lasting impact on anything. yeah we’re ending the series like that actually. like?? really guys. is that plausible?
does el even know what mike likes to do and vice versa? have they ever hung out with each other and i don’t know, watched a movie? or played a game? they literally just made out and could barely hold a conversations with each other a few months later in lenora. it’s easy to forget that mike and el weren’t actually together for that long. they never really even had time to get to know each other. yes they’ve bonded because of the events of the show and they care about each other a lot. but that doesn’t mean they should date and it certainly doesn’t mean they’re in love with each other. but you know, she’s a girl and he’s a boy. everybody would think it was weird if they didn’t date. so they do. rewatch the first season. rewatch their first kiss. you can’t even call it romantic. they’re both little kids and el didn’t even know what a kiss was. like it’s just so crazy this shit is undeniable honestly. the show literally tells us all of this. and yet some people can’t accept that byler is at the very least a possibility?? and i’m not even mentioning the mountain of byler evidence. like i’m just examining the show at surface level… whatever
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darkfictionjude · 3 days ago
Hello Jude,
I really wanted to ask how you deal with hate from people. Because I am myself writing an IF and these little bitches that can't shut up is really taking a toll.
First they started complaining about the MC being genderlocked as female, like okay I get it its disappointing if you see an IF description that you like and can't play your gender, and I have explained that I am a female, and at the moment I'm not confident in my skills to write a separate code for female and male MC's because if I did I would want it to have obvious differences other than the anatomy.
Then it was about my IF only having 4 RO's, which 3 are male and 1 is female. And I had explained that the gender mattered in the story and I got hit with "but couldn't atleast add one more female RO, I feel like you put one in just for the diversity and I bet the romance with her is gonna be trash and forgotten anyway" LIKE HELLOOOOOO. Saying shit while not even knowing I am a bisexual woman who has a gf is wild? lets just walk around throwing assumptions why don't we.
Then it was it takes too long to update, man, I am a one woman show, okay? I'm juggling college because I want to be a forensic pathologist, I also have a job and I also have a life outside of college and work?? I want some time to myself, to be with friends, family and people I care about. My IF is a hobby that I like doing. I'm not getting paid and people just expect of me to pop out chapters left and right like a cow.
My gf might help me with the coding since she's good at all that numbers and stuff but she's not my employ, I don't pay her and she has her own shit to do, and I won't make her take time out of her free day just to help me.
Of course I'm not writing fucking faster with little maggots in my inbox screaming "WHEN IS THE NEXT UPDATE" "CAN YOU HURRY UP ALREADY"
Because from what I can conclude, those are not words of encouragement, how do you expect me to sit behind my computer and start writing and coding and going back and fixing thing if your throwing a tantrum.
Sentences like "Hey I know it's been a while but I hope your okay and I love your your IF, hopefully next update is coming soon."
It is NOT that hard to be respectful. Were you raised in a barn? Did you mommy and daddy not teach you manners? Because my mother used to say "if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all."
Because I am myself writing an IF and these little bitches that can't shut up is really taking a toll.
Well that is one way to get my attention 😭😭😭
You know what I realized? Some people can never be happy. You add another female LI they’ll say “you just did it because we bothered you not because you wanted to and you’ll sideline her 🙄”
You add a gender selectable MC and they’ll say “why does this MC feel female coded 🙄” even though you explained why you don’t feel like you can write a male MC like what did they expect if you force someone to write something they know they need more time to practice writing
Like no matter what you do for some people it’s never going to be enough. And god forbid you answer back with the same energy they give you or you’ll be deemed an asshole while they’ll go scott-free
It’s hardly ever fair for us when people decide that you must answer insult with a costumer service smile. And these complainers will never be content because they deliberately played a game that they knew would have elements they didn’t like but magically thought they could bully you to change them
So the way I handle it is to stop caring about how others perceive for defending myself against nagging and nonconstructive criticism. I am confident that I’ve never been one to instigate hate towards any reader I’ve only ever answered something someone else starts in my inbox. And I also know that for every mean reader there are like 10 nice readers who don’t mind waiting, are excited about what you put out and are respectful
I used to get the “next update” messages and I don’t anymore because I’ve hammered it in that unless I say a projected date don’t ask me because not even I know. I do get that it gets annoying to repeat yourself so I would either put it in your bio that you don’t know when the next update is or just starting deleting those asks
Being an IF writer is very much an experiment in protecting your peace of mind 😭
Also I know why you wouldn’t want to say what your IF is called but maybe one day you could maybe DM me privately to tell me cause I would like to play it 🤗 and I would defend you 🤺
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straows · 22 hours ago
You try the famous pheromone spray on Gojo.
Pulling you hair up in a bun and sliding on your reading glasses, you sat on the floor in your guest bedroom closet as you scrolled on your laptop.
You’d gone out for coffee with Nanami’s wife yesterday. And she’d been going on and on about this perfume that had her husband, yes even the saint that was Nanami, acting like a man starved.
So of course, you were intrigued. Because for as long as you knew Nanami, he was a gentleman. So if that perfume worked that well, what would happen if she tried it on Gojo?
You’d tried a few different websites to find that specific perfume that Nanami’s wife used, but it was proving more and more difficult.
Finally, however, you’d seen it on a website buried amongst the others. And all they sold was this perfume, special lube and horny edibles. So of course you bought them all, using your own card that is. The total ended up being $263.35. Which, in hindsight, was way expensive and just about drained your account of all the money you had on there, but that was fine as long as Gojo didn’t look.
Sighing, you finally closed your laptop and took off your reading glasses before pulling yourself out of the closet.
Finally stepping out of the guest bedroom, Gojo, bless his heart, had been trying to find you for near about an hour. You’d convinced him to play hide and seek with you, and this was the perfect excuse.
“Found you!” Gojo tried to be slick as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Not too good at this game are you?” Acting as if he wasn’t stress sweating from how hard he was looking.
Rolling your eyes, you just smiled. “Of course, yeah. I’m terrible at it.” Your smile turned to a shit eating grin as you looked away.
“Hey, I checked your bank funds and it says you spent about $100 on The Sims?” Gojo had a teasing grin on his lips as you immediately pulled away, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“Shut up,” you groaned, “I needed to get some more outfits but the patreon cost money and then I went down this rabbit hole.”
“Oh baby. Poor sweet baby. Of course you’d fall for shit like that.” Gojo sighed and pet your head, only for you to bite him. “Ow! If you wanted to fuck just say that!” He whined.
A month, a whole fucking month later, the package finally came in. And the packaging was pleasantly discrete.
You’d never yanked a package from the front porch so fast, immediately racing into your secret hideout, the guest bedroom, you locked the door, then ripped open the packaging. Smiling as you sniffed the perfume, it didn’t smell bad at all, it really smelled like your usual body mist you used.
Quickly, you spritzed it on, using probably way too much but you really wanted to see it work.
Grabbing the box, you hid it under the bed but paused when you heard the front door open and close. Shit. You’d forgotten Gojo had to go into the office.
But wait. This was perfect. You could try it out on him there. And if it did work, well, you could just giggle while Gojo struggled.
Immediately, you grabbed your keys and hopped into your car. Breaking a few traffic laws on the way there. You were just so excited. You loved watching the infamous Gojo Satoru, your finance, struggle. It just made you laugh every time. For example, you’d worn the Mean Girl’s Christmas outfit for Halloween last year, and refused to let Gojo touch you. So he was forced to rock a boner the entire way to the party, the whole party, and the way home. Of course when you got home he fucked you as hard as he possibly fucking could.
Walking into the office, you made a bee line for Gojo’s office. You didn’t notice other men at the office watching you. You had tunnel vision.
On the way there you had grabbed one of those bagels Gojo adored as an excuse to be there. Walking into his office, you smiled innocently. “Hey baby, you forgot to eat breakfast.” Setting down the little bag on his desk, you stood behind it, leaning back on it as you faced him.
Gojo smiled brightly, “Oh my god I’ll combust I love you so fucking much.” He near about moaned when he smelt the bagel. “I love you, I love you, I love you— is that a new perfume?” His eyes immediately locked onto your neck before glancing back up at you.
“Ummm, yes! Nanami’s wife gave it to me.” You laughed a little nervously, before tilting your head, “you like it?”
“Yeah you smell really good.” Gojo stood up from his chair, his hands leaning on the wood of the desk on either side of you as he pressed his face into your neck. “Really good.”
“Yeah? That good huh?” You couldn’t help but giggle, feeling his nose press against your neck like he was getting his fix or some shit.
“Fuck. Too good.” Gojo groaned, his pants growing tighter as a boner formed in his pants. His heart racing and his mouth growing dry.
One hand moved from the desk to grip your hip, bringing you flush against his body. “Shit,” he groaned into your neck, before pulling his face away and staring down at you.
About to say something, the door swung open to his office, and Nanami’s wife appeared. She paused, before smelling perfume and giggled. “You got it! Oh my god!”
Nanami appeared behind her, an amused look in his eye as he watched Gojo be in the same predicament as he was not even a week prior.
“I believe the ladies would like to go out for lunch. You have some paper work to fill out.” Nanami gave Gojo a stern look.
Gojo didn’t take his eyes off you before forcibly prying them away and looking at Nanami, “oh come on, my finance is here to see me.”
You grinned before pressing a kiss to his jaw sweetly, all while your hand teasingly trailing over his bulge.
Gojo had to muffle a groan, “y-you—“
“I love you baby, I’ll see you at home okay?” You winked at him before walking out with Nanami’s wife, giggling like school girls.
“What the fuck.” Gojo sat down with a grunt, his brows furrowed in frustration as he started down at the bulge in his pants.
“I tried to tell her it wasn’t a good idea to tell your fiancé.” Nanami sighed, about to turn around to head back to his own office before Gojo stopped him.
“Wait what do you mean? Tell her what?” Gojo eyed Nanami suspiciously.
“The pheromone perfume? My wife pulled that ridiculous prank on me last week. While I’ll admit, she did it at home so it wasn’t really a problem.” He pulled at his collar slightly as he remembered the hours he spent ‘reminding’ his wife about what he thought of her pranks. He fucked her all night and took off work the next day to use the perfume again.
“You’re joking.” Gojo stared at him, his jaw clenched. “And she’s just gonna leave me like this?”
Immediately, he pulled out his phone to look at her bank account, noticing that she only had $1.22 left and that she’d spent $263.35 on that fucking perfume. “Well shit.” Pulling out his phone, he immediately sent the text that he’d be waiting for her at home, and that’d he’d needed to come early due to ‘being sick’.
“He loved it! Loveddddd it!!!” You smiled widely as you spoke with Nanami’s wife, all giggles and smiles when you got that text. “Wait, shit. He said he’s not feeling good, do you think he’s sick from it?”
Immediately your face dropped, “can that happen?” Looking over at your friend, concern written all over it.
“It didn’t happen with me and Ken, but I don’t know. Gojo may be allergic to it?” She frowned.
“Here, I need to head home. Can I pay you back for the lunch tomorrow?”
“Nonsense. I got you into this mess. Go make sure he’s okay, I know you’re worried.” Nanami’s wife shooed you off and you were thankful as you rushed home.
Walking inside, you looked around and noticed all the lights were off. “Baby? I’m home. You said you weren’t feeling well, what’s wrong?” Turning on the light, you walk into the kitchen not noticing Gojo, who was in nothing but a pair of grey sweats. The outline of his painful looking boner showing through the fabric.
���Welcome home.” He wrapped his arms around you from behind, glaring down at you, “your little perfume prank today was not very funny.” He huffed.
“Wha-“ You paused, “wait. How did you find out about it?”
“Nanami.” Gojo pressed a kiss to your shoulder, all the way up your neck before biting down hard on your shoulder making you gasp. “Fuck you still smell so good.”
“You can’t blame me, the way she said it drive Nanami crazy… I just wanted to try it on you.” You tried to be all cute and sweet, but he was not having it.
“I can blame you. Because you left me there to deal with it all on my own.” His fingers slipped under the hem of your shirt, before roughly palming at your breast. “You’re so mean to me.”
A soft whine slipped past your lips as you let your weight lean against him. The feeling of his large hands roughly grabbing all over your body had your thighs squeezing shut.
“But this is what you wanted right? Hm baby? Wanted me to be rough and manhandle you, that it?” His voice was mocking and his tone condescending. Teeth nipping at your neck and jaw as he ground against your ass. Stuttered and breathless moans were muffled as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“Y-yeah, wanted you to be rough with- fuck, with me.” Placing your hands against the cold granite of the counter, you leaned forward so you could your ass against him completely, moaning softly when he’d grip your hips roughly before pressing into you.
“You definitely need to be punished.” Gojo nodded to himself, pupils huge and dark, his hair sticking to his forehead as a light layer of sweat coated his skin, “and you’re not getting out of it anytime soon.”
In a way, your plan worked. You got to see him squirm at work. And in the end you got what you wanted, just for a lot, lot longer than you’d imagined. Seeing as Gojo didn’t even show up to work the next day as he was far too busy fucking you in every room and on every piece of furniture in the house.
I mean from the bed, to the dress, to the floor and closet. To the shower, to the hallway and to the kitchen. And all throughout the house.
By the time Gojo was finally shooting blanks and his cock was so sensitive that he’d hiss if you were to touch it, he finally began to calm down.
And instead of punishing you more by making you sit on his face while your overstimulated, he just wraps his arms around your naked and exhausted body and refuses to let go.
Lololol I love the idea of some shitty perfume making your bf go batshit crazy for some puss.
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firedrakegirl · 2 days ago
A Second Chance
I added more to the Soap ficlet I wrote, so here's the fixed and updated version.
I snuggled happily into his arms, warm and content and not quite ready to fully wake up yet. He nuzzled into the back of my neck, arms curled around me just so. There was such a sense of peace, comfort, and love that I nearly drifted off to sleep again.
Then my eyes flew open. I felt him tense too. His arms around me loosened, and I rolled over to face him. I met his blue eyes, which were just as confused as mine. “Soap? Johnny?” I muttered softly.
“I remember... I’ve never met you before, and yet I’ve known you for years.” His Scottish accent was thick with sleep and confusion.
“Same. I don’t understand.” I said softly, though I made no move to get away from him. “I made a wish on a shooting star yesterday, but... That’s not real. A wish upon a star is for stories, not reality.”
“I wished upon a star too.” He admitted softly. “I love- loved my job, but I wanted a chance to experience the other parts of life and I didn’t think...” He touched his head where he’d been shot in the game.
“The mystery scar.” I shook my head, covering his hand with my own. “Does that mean that we both wished hard enough to... change the world?”
“Guess so, mo chridhe.” He sighed then pressed his forehead against mine. “I still love you, no matter what. This does not change that. I know what’s goin’ through your head.”
“I know. I’ve also got those memories of our first meeting and falling in love. even while you were still in the military. I love you too, even if you’re just a game character.” I teased and kissed his nose.
“Och, c’mere and give me a real kiss.” He laughed, pulling me closer. His kiss was gentle and sweet and full of adoration and love. When we broke apart, he curled his lips into that grin that just promised mischief. “So if I’m a video game character, wanna play with my joystick?”
“Johnny!!” I smacked him in the face with a pillow as I blushed brightly. “You dork!”
“Your dork though.” He grabbed the pillow away from me and tossed it aside before tackling me back into the bed, both of us laughing. He decided to just flop on top of me, pinning me down and resting his head over my heart.
I let out an oof, but wrapped my arms around him and gently scraped my nails across his scalp. “Mine, no matter what. I love you. In this world and every other.”
We laid there comfortably, just enjoying being close. Johnny’s hands wandered, but that was more because he had as much trouble sitting still as I did. My fingers kept scraping through his fauxhawk, earning a soft and content sound from him.
“It’s still fuckin weird we got two sets of memories though.” He said, still comfortably on top of me.
“Oh absolutely. I’ve never played the game, but I’ve watched the playthrough of one of them like a million times. That’s the game that made fall in love with you when you were just a character.”
“Did you know I died?”
I hummed, gently rubbing the scar on the side of his head, the one he never tried to hide under his hair. “Heard about it, but couldn’t bring myself to watch. I looked it up, but couldn’t bear to actually watch.”
He nuzzled into my neck, hands sneaking under my shirt to stroke my sides. “I’m sorry, mo chridhe.”
“You okay?”
“It’s weird to think about. I remember it, remember dying.”
I squeezed him tightly but didn’t say anything, letting him take his time to figure out how to say what he wanted to say.
“It hurt more than you might think, but only lasted a second. Then I was waking up with you in my arms. And I have memories of meeting you in a coffee shop, coming back to see you on leave, being discharged and coming to live with you here in the States.” He huffed a laugh, kissing my shoulder.
“Would you go back if you could?”
“Yeah, but only for a moment. To say goodbye to the lads and tell ‘em I’m alright, that I’m happy.”
“I’m glad you’re happy, my love. I’m happy with you here too. If I ever meet Markov, I’ll thank him before I kick him in the nuts.”
He barked a startled laugh. “None of that, lass. Just hold me.”
“Alright sweetheart.” I laughed, nuzzling his cheek. “I’m not gonna let you go any time soon.”
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operationnope · 2 days ago
… 🙄 << Me. If you’re still enjoying the game please ignore my rant cuz I’m about to go in
I’M SO OVER ESME AND JACE 💀 Like for real, fb does not understand how to balance anything. It’s either all about MC which is too much, or it’s all about other islanders which is boring 🥱 That stuff with Esme and Jace could’ve been subtly woven in, but IT’S ALL ANYONE TALKS ABOUT AND I’M SO DONE WITH IT 🙅🏻‍♀️
Moving on to other things that don’t make sense (it’s A LOT, friends)-
All the girls twisted, so we have to twist with Dominic. Called it, but 😒
Ruby’s partner didn’t twist which is laughable. Tunde is back briefly, and even though he was originally dumped leaving Anna single, somehow he could choose to stick. By fellas 👋
Our OG LI was not at CA, but immediately returns as a bombshell. Our love triangle should be a hot topic bUt EVeRyoNe wON’t ShUT uP aBOuT ESmE aNd jACe 😖
You can do bits with your OG LI on the terrace. One of the positions is “Standing Up” which has me creased 🤣 Like someone is gonna see that, for sure 💀
How trash is MC that she can’t do any challenge right 😭 I know it’s a ploy for us to buy another chance but please, EVERY TIME?! Oh but you get a bullseye later and can pick who you go to the hideaway with. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS 💀💀
lol there’s a new blindfold in the gross box
I loved the new girl Maisie! Her sprite is gorgeous and she’s actually nice!! BUT SHE LEFT 💀💀💀 Honestly, if I was coupled with Jace, I would leave, too. I should leave this game far behind irl, but here we are
I’m literally dumbfounded by this season. None of it makes sense. And this is the second time a lovely new girl has left in the matter of one volume. Wtf is wrong with fb, seriously. Do they read this asinine drivel before they put it out?! And how much do you want to bet the bombshell next week will be a nasty, mean girl. Or better yet, Zabrina 🤣
Someone save me from myself and help me stop playing this horrible game 🫠
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