#and i thought about cheating like i did for the oscar and john one bc their friendship is so good too
roykent6 · 5 years
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@starkillerjones asked:
Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal
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thelevelsman · 6 years
some (slightly edited) notes from my tfp rewatch (first time watching since it aired)
basically took my liveblogging and expanded upon parts that don’t make sense unless you’re me
‪‪Umbrella sword‬...wasn’t there something about gatiss scoffing at the idea that mycroft’s umbrella was actually a weapon? 
only thing i can find is an unsourced quote from gatiss: “I think it’s his comfort blanket. He may even sleep with it. The umbrella comes from a wonderful old shop in New Oxford St. They still advertise ‘dagger canes’ and ‘sword sticks’ but, to their great regret, are no longer allowed to stock them!” sooo....was this him hinting that it actually was a weapon? either way, it’s ridiculous and OOC 
‪i had it in my head that this first scene was a nightmare, like I remembered it that way - i was convinced i was gonna see mycroft waking up from a bad dream but it turned out that it was...real? that sherlock rigged his house/security to do that? i just...why would they make it seem so nightmarish
When John says “‪221B Baker Street” it feels so weird...J and S always been so recalcitrant about their own fame, to have John talk about their home in that way, almost like an advertisement, feels so strange and OOC
‪“This is family” “That’s why he stays!!!” and John smiles?! Last time I watched T6T I came up with a half-baked theory that John was always cheating on Mary with Sherlock and we just didn’t get to see the beginning of it, and that season 5 will be going back in time and filling in the gaps. Need to make a different post expanding on this but this particular line in TFP does support my theory.
‪‪The way Mycroft explains everything about Eurus is contrary to the way every episode has played out so far - he gives them all the answers right away. Such a red flag for me
Why did Mycroft not get injured in the explosion - I mean, it’s weird that none of them got injured, but we specifically see one of his men saying that he got injured, so...why? 
John answering Mycroft’s earlier question about who originally said “the truth is rarely pure and never simple” - JOHN knew that Oscar Wilde said that, and when he reveals this, Sherlock is shown smiling...WTF! 
‪”Frankly, this is embarrassing.” “Oh. Doing a cavity search?” like...literally why/what the fuck...why does he say this....with this face....
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Ok so when John is watching Sister Edgelord’s video as what I presume is an introduction to her personality, she says the bit about good not being really good and evil not being really evil but the next sentence is this: “Bottoms aren’t really pretty and you are a prisoner of your own meat.” 
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If this is all actually in John’s mind...interesting. It goes along with the theory that Culverton is John’s nightmare version of himself - a sexual predator type who is enslaved by his own sick desires.
‪Sherlock literally saying WHAT DO YOU MEAN, REWRITTEN‬ khdskfjh
‪John looking Sherlock DEAD in the eye when he says “I was” in response to “are you married” is like...sexy lmao ‬
‪I can’t believe how much like an escape room this stupid episode is‬
‪What if the episode is both J&S’s nightmares combined? The coffin is John’s coffin, and in John’s nightmare Sherlock doesn’t know that John loves him - Sherlock assumes the coffin is Molly’s, he gets the “who loves you?” question completely wrong. ALSO SLDJKSJSJSD WAIT five years ago, was that before Reichenbach? bc it’s explicitly stated in the show that Moriarty DIDN’T think of Molly, he didn’t endanger her bc he thought Sherlock didn’t care abt her. How does it make sense, if this is reality, that Eurus/Moriarty put Molly in harms’ way or knew that she would be of value to Sherlock? Ok anyway that was a separate point but my original point was that it’s both of their nightmares combined somehow and in the same scene we switch to Sherlock’s nightmare of being forced to tell a woman that he loves her in front of the man he actually loves. FUCK SAAAAKE!‬
‪I’M LITERALLY GOING TO FUCKING THROW UP I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS.................everything he says regarding the purchaser of the coffin was abt John...also John is the one to challenge the “its for a woman” deduction, like, SHERL, why are u assuming its a woman just bc of height...
‪Sherlock says “I’m remembering the governor” before he goes to kill himself, I have no idea what that means but I feel like it has to be important‬
‪“You were upset, so you told yourself a better story”‬ BIG FUCKING SEASON FOUR MOOD
‪headcanon the cipher riddle is about John (I am lost without your love, save my soul seek my room ksjskjdjskdjdjfjdjdkkdjdjdjdjdjdkkdk)‬
‪How did he escape the well if his feet were chained, how did the police get there, why would Scotland Yard come if Mycroft’s people were already on it, how did they get off the island and to the Holmes’s childhood home, not to mention the mother fucking grenade lmao...so much suspension of disbelief is required for this episode to make physical, geographical sense, it is so SO far removed from the realities and physical constraints of space and time. I’m almost positive it’s a nightmare of some sort‬
‪The flat is destroyed in the beginning of the episode, signifying that the rest of the story is fake?‬
‪Maybe...ok if we are in John’s mind, it would make sense that Sherlock saves him from a completely impossible trap that also involved his brother and sister - John has always been scared of Sherlock’s origin/trauma but he believes so strongly that Sherlock is his savior (I was so alone and I owe you so much)‬
‪Are pirates and/or Victor Trevor queer coded? I don’t know I’m just wondering. Either way VT looks exactly like baby John lmaaaaooooooo so subtle
‪Eurus’s explanation about deep water is just a cover for the casuals, like it’s the show trying to tie it all together from Sherlock’s perspective when they’re concealing that we’re really just in John’s mind‬
‪John says “You gave her what she was looking for. Context.” does this support my “they’ve been together for a while now” theory? ITS A MAD WIDDLE!‬
‪Who the fuck is Uncle Rudi, did he put Eurus away? Why does it matter?‬
‪“If I’m gone, I know what you could become.” WHAT THE FUCK!‬ WHY THE FUCK! WOULD SHE SAY THIS!
“‪there’s always one last hope‬”
‪When they’re rebuilding the flat does it signal that now the show can get back on track?‬
‪The ep ending without a cliffhanger is like...almost a cliffhanger in itself...it’s a super meta cliffhanger bc it’s out of pattern so it signals that something is wrong....THE FUCKING LEVELS MAN‬
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